#god bless this quiz creator
aezyrraeshh · 1 year
i was tagged by @risingsh0t to take this quiz for some of my ocs; thank you so much! tagging @aartyom @nuclearstorms @nokstella @faarkas @reaperkiller @girlbosselrond @swordcoasts @arklay @calenhads @shadowglens @florbelles @devilbrakers @steelport @indorilnerevarine @honeysofte @benningsthing & whoever else wants to do this!
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; carnal and holy sinning (this is a love letter to myself)
you are the world's leading cross bearer of the most guilty conscience. you feel everything you touch turns to gold but in the way that it becomes molten and rich; and what i mean is that when you allow yourself impulse (which is not often) it leads to disaster. when you want someone it feels like sorrow, and you love the world like tacky honey, and you'll wish it could all feel less heavy. you look at yourself in the mirror and yearn to stake the heart and ascend with peace. someday, you'll rot into the earth, and the dirt will cave with you like a sigh of relief.
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; god-hungry scientist and their abominable child
you stitched something together inside of yourself and gave it life with light from the sky and now it won't die it and you can't kill it because part of you loves it and you're not quite right in the head or the person you used to be but at the end of the day it's simply a beast of sadness. you crave the mercy you didn't get from your creators and so i'm telling you please forgive yourself. please hold the monster by the hand.
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; moon curse of the werewolf
you have found yourself hungered or sickened or ambitious to the point of emotional carnage. you are fine, until you're not, and then you could rip someone in your way apart with your bared teeth by complete accident, and later claw at yourself in fits of pain trying to apologize. do you look at the moon that blessed you in her name, at her marred beauty and baneful eyes, and wish she could just crush that loving-hateful heart of yours before it crushes itself? every bite you take out of flesh is a response to the threads of silver bullets in you that haven't healed. the duality is that the human inside is howling too, gnashing, and without the wolf pelt, everyone can ignore it and turn away. at some point, you got tired of the moon being your only witness. now the wolf is there to make sure others know that you are hurt, and deserving of humanity, of attention to wounds. because that wolf loves you; all of you; and knows when you are hurt better than yourself.
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izicodes · 10 months
Azure Studies
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Wednesday 23rd August 2023
I made a Google Forms mini quiz for myself to study module 1 part one that’s “Define Cloud Computing” and I understand 90% of the content I am so happy!
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I found some very long videos on Azure Fundamentals exam preparation on YouTube and I’m so thankful for them, may God bless all the creators cause I am using all of these to help me study right now: ♡ 3 videos on Youtube ♡ The official Microsoft study materials ♡ Quizlet to memorise everything
I am finally getting the hang of things! (●♡∀♡)
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Tagged by @shegetsburned  @unbindingkerberos to to do this quiz!
sun and moon
for some you shine just right, and for others you are too much or too little. people either hate seeing you rise over the horizon or pray and send blessing to you like a favorite god. you are timeless and there are not many like you, you who can embody both a burning star and a cratered rock. what i'm trying to say is that your duality compliments itself very well, but not everyone will understand why they can't get what they want from you. it doesn't matter. burn strong when you feel the need, and be gentle in the nights it's called for.
dangerous parasocial celebrity fascination
how does somebody embody this as one person? simple. you are online way too much. you don't have to bare your secrets to the world, you are not our doll to prompt or play with, you belong to yourself. having an obsession with presentation was probably fun at first, but now it's a set of rules and you only have so many strikes until you're out. and to that i say whatever dude. just be. allow the side of you that is not a cardboard glamour exist as they are without pursuit of difference. you are allowed to exist plainly.
god-hungry scientist and their abominable child
you stitched something together inside of yourself and gave it life with light from the sky and now it won't die it and you can't kill it because part of you loves it and you're not quite right in the head or the person you used to be but at the end of the day it's simply a beast of sadness. you crave the mercy you didn't get from your creators and so i'm telling you please forgive yourself. please hold the monster by the hand.
wizened mentor and intrepid teenager
you may have been called an old soul as a kid, and now you're doing everything you can to benjamin button that back. in your head of heads you can hear yourself giving advice, but the heart of hearts says no, i will not miss out on myself ever again. i can do this. and it really is about finding that balance before you end up buying too many goddamned hatsune miku figurines trying to endorse that inner child. but please do buy at least two. i know you deserve it.
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acefaun · 1 year
I'm here after seeing you sad over your quiz results and I came to say😤❤️💖:
You're talented, really welcoming, kind and so cultured with multiple interests that make you happy! So you're not "unclear", you're dear to us and we all adore you and look up to you! I bet anything you want, you'd be the most liked character. The character were everyone puts them in the "This... Is a work of art." tiktok sound.
So keep your head high and walk forward as if you're the ruler of this land, or you simply don't care who the ruler is!!!
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I DUNNO 😭 Y'ALL SO NICE TO ME ALL THE TIME. 9 times out of 10 I will cry when someone likes my stuff. It's just that I was sad before I took the quiz because of a mean Christian woman and so I was like "Let's cheer up by taking a fun quiz!" Only for the quiz to stab me in the back with grey phrases that people may or may not like me. It didn't hold back. As if I wasn't confused enough and full of self-doubt. 💀 It's not the ides of march anymore, it didn't have to come at me like this.
But bro, even gods cry. 😩 I just had to get that through my head first. I went through this whole narrative in the shower as if I were having a god-to-god talk with the creator of the universe.
"Why would a god make such cruel people in their world?"
"Character development for the main characters."
And that answer made so much sense. Because when I put it in my perspective, I literally did the SAME thing to my characters.
Why did I create homophobic and racist characters to hurt the main characters' feelings? TO MAKE THEM GROW AND BLOSSOM INTO THE GODS THAT THEY ARE!!
Me: Wanting to make a eutopia world where there's no troubles and everyone gets along because everyone understands a little thing called sympathy
Also me: ANGST
So yeah, I don't care who rules this world, I'm the god of my own. 😙 I like you guys. We're gonna take over the universe together some day.
And that's why I'm here. And so, YES, I SAY! I, your benevolent queer faun god, as I've just been royally dubbed, shall bless you with plentiful love in return! 💖💓💙🧡💓💝💘🖤💖💛💙❤️💚🤍💕🖤💘💛💜💜💗💝🖤💚💘🧡💓💛💔💜💞💙💖🤍💞🖤🧡❣️💓💕💞💛💓💞💝💕🖤💝🖤💙💝🧡💘💓💜💘🖤💙❣️🧡🖤💖💚💞💙💓💘🧡💖
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madamemerola · 4 years
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When a review is so good, you just have to post it for all to see. Reposted with @withregram @thejokeadedoyin Last week, I had a one-on-one session with @madamemerola the B.A.N.G creator herself.😉 _________ We talked on the phone for an hour and I must say it marked a turning point in my life. We discussed about my personal brand, the business of me and it took a different turn. ____________ I saw this "personal brand" thing from a different perspective through her lens. We toured the Bible, using Jesus as an example, we talked about colours and brand archetypes- my goodness, the accuracy in her brand archetypes quiz is mind blowing...by the way, do you even know what that means?😉 Oya run to her page@madamemerola. But we didn't stop there. ___________ So we continued, we dug deeper and that was where she helped me discover purpose and how to align that with my brand. Surprised huh? Yeah, I was too as I was just expecting questions and answers but it was way different from that. _______________ At a point she started saying some things that had close resemblance to what I was passing through at the moment and there was my eureka moment! I got what I wanted, the missing piece in my brand identity. At first, I thought she was using "ju-ju" 😂😂😂😂...my African mind Sha😂😂😂😂 but she wasn't, she's just that good at what she does, she knows what suits her clients, never prescribing the same medicine for different problems. ________________ I give it to you ma'am, you are phenomenal@madamemerola , I love the whole session from the beginning till the end that I didn't want it to stop. Thank you for taking your time to analyse my brand and helping me find a solid ground to grow. God bless you. ________________ So, if you are reading this and you want to start out something phenomenal, worthy of recognition, outstanding and epic, I humbly suggest you talk to her first 😉@madamemerola as she is one of the few coaches who know their onions😘😘🤓. ____________ Yass, I @thejokeadedoyin said so!😉 Tainks...in @bimboademoye 's voice😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 XoXo from #review #customerfeedback #ilovemyclients #madamemerola #bangcreator (at Abuja, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDjg6M8FEYR/?igshid=12gj3bv3lgkhu
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Taskmaster: the Cult British Comedy Show Coming to Save America
Gloom has several remedies. Jogging, alcohol and the excessive consumption of Kit-Kats each have their merits. There’s a fast-acting fix though that, unlike the other three, is highly unlikely to end in vomiting. Its name is Taskmaster and it is the UK’s happy place. 
Since 2015, Taskmaster has aired nine series and one special in the UK, growing from a cult delight on digital channel Dave to a Bafta-nominated, millions-attracting hit about to make its debut this autumn on major broadcaster Channel 4. 
But all that’s just numbers. In real life, Taskmaster has done much, much more. Ask anyone who loves it and they’ll tell you. This unimprovably silly show in which comedians complete a series of absurd tasks, and then get together to watch the results, be judged, and laugh at themselves, is a holiday from strife. It’s an open window on a suffocating day, and a blessed reminder that whatever else may be going on in the world, people are funny and inventive and magnificently willing to do stupid things to make each other laugh. As the Cheers theme song says, sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name. Sometimes though, you want to go where Bob Mortimer is demonstrating his patented sausage and pork pie presentation unit and a woman from Bridget Jones’ Diary is inserting slices of cake into a scared man’s armpit. 
When a Taskmaster line-up is announced (there are five new comedians each series, giving the show a 50-strong back catalogue of established and rising names in UK comedy), the response isn’t just positive, it’s thank-God-can-we-have-it-now-please grateful. That’s because fans know a new series means a precious 10 hours off. Off work and off worry and off having to think about anything other than whether a man is going to successfully hit a Babybel across a football field with a snooker cue. (He isn’t.) A new series of Taskmaster is respite. It means being among friends and being kept company by inane joy. Great if you’re bored, a lifeline if you’re grieving, struggling to find common ground with your kids, or just struggling full stop.
Comedian and writer Greg Davies plays the titular Taskmaster, a sort of fee-fi-fo-fum giant whose relentless demands for contestants to fill an egg-cup with tears or paint a picture of a horse while riding a horse give the show its premise. Davies judges the comedians’ performances, awarding points that go into a league table and determine the overall winner. His sidekick is series creator Alex Horne, the task umpire who accompanies contestants through their wildly inventive/pitiful endeavours. 
In the US, The CW is starting with series eight and nine, on the understanding that if the American viewing public take to the show, they’ll also buy in the previous series. ‘If they do air the rest,’ Greg Davies tells Den of Geek, ‘Alex and I will be getting younger as it progresses, giving it a sort of Benjamin Button-type twist.’ 
‘The props will be getting cheaper and the Taskmaster house will get stripped down,’ says Horne. The house is the backdrop to most of the tasks and the site of the famous-among-fans shed and caravan. ‘Guess how much the caravan cost,’ Horne challenges Den of Geek. £500? ‘£200. It’s fully plumbed.’
Read more
New Taskmaster Now Filming: How Covid-19 Will Change Series 10
By Louisa Mellor
Taskmaster: the top 11 tasks so far
By Louisa Mellor
There was, briefly, a 2017 American remake on Comedy Central but it failed in one key area: time. Cut in half to just 30 minutes an episode, there were fewer tasks and crucially, much less space given to the comedians reacting to their own and others’ performances. A major joy of Taskmaster is the interaction between the five contestants. The comedians are asked not to discuss the tasks – most of which they complete solo – until the studio record, making it the first time they find out how well (or otherwise) they’ve done. The laughs almost all come from the clash between expectation and reality, from the camaraderie and competitive rivalry. 
‘Something that I think American viewers should know is how much people want to win the show,’ says Davies. One early task was to buy the Taskmaster a gift for £20. ‘I had some great things bought for me. Someone bought me a title, so I’m a lord now, and someone genuinely had their foot tattooed with my name. That people would actually have their body tattooed for life in order to get points on this show… It seems on the surface to be a frivolous gameshow but it’s life and death for these people.’ 
The series eight contestants US viewers are going to meet first up are a strong mix of personalities. There’s actor-writer Joe Thomas, a former co-star of Davies in British comedy series The Inbetweeners. ‘He’s quite well-known because The Inbetweeners was an enormous hit in this country,’ says Greg. There’s Paul Sinha from UK gameshow The Chase,‘a former GP, a gay, Asian quiz champion who we’ve since discovered has got Parkinson’s Disease, so he’s got a lot going on,’ says Horne when asked to describe the line-up. ‘He’s very nice and funny,’ says Davies. ‘But very bad at the tasks,’ adds Horne, ‘possibly our worst contestant.’ There’s Car Share’s Sian Gibson, ‘a very good actress and writer and nice person from Wales,’ says Horne. There’s comedian Iain Stirling, the voice of huge UK reality show Love Island, described by Davies and Horne as ‘Scottish, nice, funny and like a puppy.’ Finally there’s stand-up Lou Sanders, ‘a scatty British comedian on the rise,’ says Horne. ‘She’s quite a unique voice,’ adds Davies. ‘She believes in angels.’ 
Davies calls Taskmaster a joy to be part of and hopes it’s also joyful to watch. ‘Even though I’m horrible to a lot of people on the face of things, it’s meant to be an inclusive show where people can forget about the more troubling things and just be silly with us for a while. I hope that some of that joy makes it over the pond.’
Some of that joy made the journey earlier this year. During UK lockdown, the Taskmaster team introduced Hometasking, which expanded the task-setting premise to the general public. For weeks while UK schools were closed and businesses had put their staff on furlough, the team set tasks online, giving people fun activities to occupy them in a a worrying time. They received record entries from around the world – over a third from North America. If you had 17 minutes downtime, you could do worse than watch this final results video to see just what it meant to those who took part. 
The effort devoted to tomfoolery is perhaps what’s most cheering about Taskmaster. Over its many series, teams of people have devised literally hundreds of challenges the sole goal of which is silliness. They’ve debated the comedic merits of throwing a potato into a golf hole and making a Swedish person blush. They’ve considered the practical implications of one comedian wheeling another around inside a bin or driving a golf buggy blindfolded. The risk assessments must be as thick as telephone directories. And they’ve gone to these lengths purely in the interest of good cheer. 
Horne hopes that Taskmaster will be embraced in America the way it has been in the UK. ‘It’s a cult-y show here, but a family cult-y show. It’s not too niche, but the people who like it really like it. If that could happen in America, people to really get into it when they discover it, rather than it being a mild curiosity, that’s what I’d love.’
Is Horne worried that the peculiarly British quirks of some tasks might not translate to the US? ‘I’m starting to,’ he tells Den of Geek. Will Americans embrace, or be confounded by, Taskmaster’s distinctive Britishisms? Surely the former, but just in case, here’s a bit of context for our American friends on a few UK-specific task items.
Greg and Alex, over to you.
Taskmaster explains: Marmite
Series 5, Episode 4 Task: Make the best Marmite
Greg Davies: Marmite is a yeast-based spread that you might put on toast. It’s been around since the 1940s, certainly since the war, maybe even before. And for many decades, Marmite has prided itself on its advertising campaign which consistently has been ‘Marmite: You’ll either love it or hate it’ but it’s not true. It’s a lie, at least a 45-year-old lie, because I for one am indifferent to Marmite. I certainly don’t mind it being put on my toast but I wouldn’t ever ask for it. So, the truth of the advertising campaign should be ‘Marmite: You’ll love it or you’ll hate it, and some of you will be absolutely ambivalent to it.’
Taskmaster explains: Christmas Crackers
Series 7, Episode 7: Make the best Christmas cracker
Greg Davies: I can honestly say in all my years on this planet, I have not once enjoyed pulling a Christmas cracker. I think America is leading the way and it’s something we should get rid of. Pulling an explosive tube of cardboard to reveal an awful gift is something this country can do without.
Alex Horne: They are a poor tradition. I have never enjoyed a Christmas cracker. As a dad, we’re just giving children choking hazards at Christmas. They get so excited about the thought of pulling them and then it always ruins the day.
Greg Davies: My mum was a skinflint at Christmas so a typical cracker gift would be a small tape measure.
Alex Horne: A little pack of cards was always a highlight.
Greg Davies: That’s high-end. 
Taskmaster explains: Egg Cups
Series 1, Episode 4: Fill an egg cup with tears
Alex Horne: Really? Americans don’t use egg cups? How do they keep their eggs upright? You’d have to chase it around the plate.
Greg Davies: But that means they can’t have soft-boiled eggs? What do they do, hold it in their hands? What do they hold an egg in?! That makes no sense at all. It’s a staple of British crockery!
Alex Horne: An egg cup must be a really peculiarly British thing. We use it as a measuring device because it’s a satisfying item. It’s probably 20 ml or fluid ounces. There must be something they use. It’s probably a shot glass isn’t it? That’s an equivalent.
Greg Davies: A shot glass! Which I do use as an egg cup actually.
Alex Horne: I go the other way around. 
Taskmaster explains: Traffic wardens
Series 7, Episode 5: Cheer up this former traffic warden
Alex Horne: They enforce parking restrictions and I guess they’re a sort of jobsworth position, someone who thinks they’ve got a lot of power but doesn’t, and is a constant irritant to the motorist.
Greg Davies: But a saviour for the children.
Alex Horne: Do you mean lollipop ladies?
Greg Davies: I do mean lollipop ladies. I try to be kind to traffic wardens even when I’ve been ticketed because I just think it must be an awful job having that many confrontations a day so I try not to get cross.
Alex Horne: And lollipop ladies?
Greg Davies: I’m furious with them.
Alex Horne: You’d be a lovely lollipop lady, Greg.
Greg Davies: Well I’m sure that’s where I’m headed.
Taskmaster explains: Squirty Cream
Series 6, Episode 4: Make the best art using the entire contents of this can of squirty cream
Alex Horne: Squirty cream is a staple of every British fridge. You spray it straight into your mouth. It’s made of, I think, plastic and no dairy products, and we’re not allowed to show people spraying it directly into their mouth on British TV anymore because of health and safety.
Greg Davies: I’ve got three tins of it in my fridge and every day over lockdown I treated myself to a squirt. Whenever I needed a lift.
Taskmaster explains: aubergines
Series 9, Episode 1: Hide three aubergines from Alex in this room
Greg Davies: There’s a name for it over there. It’s a purple vegetable and I for one would move for us to just get rid of those off the face of the earth. What do they call it over there?
Alex Horne: I’m enjoying this, seeing him scrabble around.
Greg Davies: What does it begin with, the American one?
Alex Horne: It rhymes with your name.
Greg Davies: Greg?
Alex Horne: Yeah. Well, not the whole thing. If your name was Greg Slant, it would rhyme with that.
Greg Davies: My name isn’t Greg Slant though.
There you go, America, hopefully that should now all be crystal clear. Tune in to Taskmaster series 8 in the US at 8pm ET/PT on The CW from Sunday the 2nd of August. Seriously, do, it’s good for what ails you.
The post Taskmaster: the Cult British Comedy Show Coming to Save America appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3gh2CFK
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Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” and the Scientific Revolution essay
move Topic:\n\nA unique view on bloody shame Shelleys Frankenstein as the product of the scientific transition.\n\nEssay Questions:\n\nWhat influence did the Scientific Revolution have on bloody shame Shelleys book Frankenstein? How does the purpose of Viktor Frankenstein resemble the reputes of information? What is the main message Frankenstein brings to the endorser?\n\nThesis Statement:\n\n unrivalled of the brightest examples is the period of Enlightenment or the Scientific Revolution. bloody shame Shelleys Frankenstein is a product of this transmutation. It is a result of the revolution that changed the commonplace perception of the benignants and the possibilities of a charitable being being.\n\n \nMary Shelleys Frankenstein and the Scientific Revolution quiz\n\n \n\nIntroduction. Science has always play an outstandingly important eccentric in every grammatical construction of piece feel. Literature is non an exception. This regularity especially concerns the periods of revolution in the scientific humanity. This blasts rightfully had the strongest influence on literary productions trends of corresponding prison term frames. cardinal of the brightest examples is the period of Enlightenment or the Scientific Revolution. Mary Shelleys Frankenstein is a product of this revolution. It is a result of the revolution that changed the standardised perception of the world and the possibilities of a human being.\n\nThe seventeenth and the ordinal centuries brought a lot of changes into the luggage of knowledge of European mountain. It was the time when the world started to be considered to perish worry a appliance and scientific discipline finally launch a shape in different separate scientific trends. It was an epistemological transformation that changed everything well-nigh people. These global changes influenced the writings heritage greatly. Worshiping machines destroyed the remainder of the value of people and their feelings i n literature. This action caused a lot of protests and rejection with the authors respecting secular humanism and separately person as an individual. Mary Shelley is wizard of those authors and her pass water Frankenstein is a loud screeching against putting knowledge on top of the human set. She warns people of becoming obsessed with accomplishment and of immobilizeting to the highest degree the beauty, love and goodistic value, which were ignored sustain then. Frankenstein is a book not about a struggle against a creature but a tragedy of a scientist, personifying science itself, who reached the goal of his work and life and realized that breathless repulsive force and disgust filled his emotional state. Victor Frankenstein creates a human being and behindnot take the responsibleness for what he has d one and only(a). Being so much intelligent in science and ambitions made him for remove about his responsibility for the creature. The values of the Enlightenment w elcome the scientific experiments and their results, not caring whether the intromission will find a place in the world around it. The ethical cheek of the creation of a human being is forgotten. The life a human being becomes energy in comparison to the potential scientific discovery tip from a scientific come up to a complete moral regress.\n\nWhat the story criticizes the most is the stochastic variable between the value of human life and the value of a scientific discovery. Everything that science cares for is the metaphysical, or, in its highest sense, the physical secrets of the world. The secrets of the human soul disappear tail the sounds of the machines. It becomes the time of the kingdom of empiric investigation. Shelly criticizes the thought that science makes the God out of a man. Viktor Frankenstein brings a life to the world fitting to satisfy his ambitions, respectable to prove that he clear do it. His words reveal the nonentity that Mary Shelley sees in him: new species would bless me as its creator and source; umteen happy and excellent records would owe their being to me.The question that Mary Shelley worries the most about is how out-of-the-way(prenominal) a scientist should pursue his thirst for knowledge, how far should he trail his experiments and whether they are worth of the potential outcome and damage they can bring. The Scientific Revolution did not care about this issues, it just went on and on like an avalanche that no one can stop and prevent. The clash of science and human values in the book emphasizes the subject matter of ethics and morality in the life of each scientist. The novel highly criticizes the possible outcomes of the loose scientific progress and is a call of duty of each scientist to think carefully in the beginning creating something and to analyze if the world and he himself truly need this creation.\n\nConclusion. The literature work Frankenstein can be considered to be on of the outmatch re flections of the world perception back in the period of the Scientific Revolution. Thought the novel was write in 1817-its conflict is unruffled vital in the present-day(a) world. Being irresponsible for what one creates may cause a lot of sufferings and such criterions, as the ethical side of the wile should never be neglected. No one could express Mary Shelleys attitude to the scientific issue better than her thoughts revealed with the words of Viktor Frankenstein: Learn from me, if not by my precepts, at to the lowest degree by my example, how dangerous is the attainment of knowledge, and how much happier that man is who believes his inhering town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow.\n\n If you want to get a full essay, hostel it on our website: Custom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisions. Essays of any complexity! Courseworks, term pa pers, research papers. 100% confidential!Homework live help. Custom Essay Order is available 24/7!
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