#i could rant abt these for such a long time they are so accurate
aezyrraeshh · 2 years
i was tagged by @risingsh0t to take this quiz for some of my ocs; thank you so much! tagging @aartyom @nuclearstorms @nokstella @faarkas @reaperkiller @girlbosselrond @swordcoasts @arklay @calenhads @shadowglens @florbelles @devilbrakers @steelport @indorilnerevarine @honeysofte @benningsthing & whoever else wants to do this!
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; carnal and holy sinning (this is a love letter to myself)
you are the world's leading cross bearer of the most guilty conscience. you feel everything you touch turns to gold but in the way that it becomes molten and rich; and what i mean is that when you allow yourself impulse (which is not often) it leads to disaster. when you want someone it feels like sorrow, and you love the world like tacky honey, and you'll wish it could all feel less heavy. you look at yourself in the mirror and yearn to stake the heart and ascend with peace. someday, you'll rot into the earth, and the dirt will cave with you like a sigh of relief.
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; god-hungry scientist and their abominable child
you stitched something together inside of yourself and gave it life with light from the sky and now it won't die it and you can't kill it because part of you loves it and you're not quite right in the head or the person you used to be but at the end of the day it's simply a beast of sadness. you crave the mercy you didn't get from your creators and so i'm telling you please forgive yourself. please hold the monster by the hand.
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; moon curse of the werewolf
you have found yourself hungered or sickened or ambitious to the point of emotional carnage. you are fine, until you're not, and then you could rip someone in your way apart with your bared teeth by complete accident, and later claw at yourself in fits of pain trying to apologize. do you look at the moon that blessed you in her name, at her marred beauty and baneful eyes, and wish she could just crush that loving-hateful heart of yours before it crushes itself? every bite you take out of flesh is a response to the threads of silver bullets in you that haven't healed. the duality is that the human inside is howling too, gnashing, and without the wolf pelt, everyone can ignore it and turn away. at some point, you got tired of the moon being your only witness. now the wolf is there to make sure others know that you are hurt, and deserving of humanity, of attention to wounds. because that wolf loves you; all of you; and knows when you are hurt better than yourself.
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ink-the-artist · 6 months
forgive me if you've been asked this before or if its annoying, but how did you learn to use colored pencils like that? your art is so special to me.
ty :) I took an art class for a few years where our teacher had us buy prismacolor pencils as one of the art supplies and had us use them kinda like paints, pressing down hard right away and blending the colors together. its not how youre supposed to use them she was just trying to teach us to use color and ig this was more to the point. I picked them up again years after i stopped going to that class just bc they were there and i wanted to play around w them a bit and ended up actually enjoying it when doing it on my own terms lol
#it was a weird class#it was just this russian lady doing private lessons in her house that my mom learned about somehow#I did NOT like those classes all we did was still life and they were hours long which is esp rough when im in high school and busy#and she wanted us to stand while working the whole time bc tradition i guess?#she did allow me to work sitting but thought i was lazy for it. idk dude i dont want to exhaust myself fast for no reason#standing is a lot more tiring than walking#i def did still benefit from those classes just from learning to accurately draw from life#did not like the teacher tho#on one hand shed paid for the art supplies for kids whos families were too poor to (and these are nice expensive supplies)#which is very nice#but on the other she was very homophobic and open about it#like when they legalized gay marriage she went on a rant about how horrible it is that they can adopt kids now#and also kind of racist#she was telling me how she got blocked from a facebook group bc she made a post asking if she could speak to a white person#and she didnt realize she was posting that publicly she thought it was a private message to the group owner#im honestly still not sure i heard/understood her correctly bc it was so bizzare and the only time i ever remember her being racist#she talked abt it like she genuienly was unaware it was racist#she described it as a misunderstanding bc she accidentally posted it publicly instead of privately#like it wouldnt have been racist to ask that at all#also one time she talked about how she saw demons in her home once#also she doesnt vaccinate her kids bc of microchips#she was like a walking russian stereotype lol#anyway heres some ink the artist lore
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cursedzucchini · 2 years
You know what? Fuck it
DC x DP prompt #3
I think at least lmao.
Anyway! Jason starts making videos on YouTube for one reason or another (is really stressed, no one listens to his rants Abt books who cares). His content is mostly bad books he read or really really really long rants Abt pride and prejudice. Like 3 hours on one tiny detail he noticed on his 214th read through.
He's kinda popular, mostly bc his terrible books videos. He talks Abt the ones that made him the most mad, which coincidentally are mostly romance and supernatural. Like he's one of the well known figures in the supernatural romance critique group (whcih is pretty small, but well). (Also he doesn't show his face on camera, bc secret identity and stuff, it's just his voice over a video of something mundane, like the sky or a room in which is a fly or something)
And now this can go two ways, that i can think of (w dead on main in mind at least)
1) one day Jason finds a book which is supernatural romance and is actually good. It has a kidna cliche system for the supernatural stuff, but with a refreshing twist. The characters have depts and flaws, yet are still very likable. The plot is actually interesting and overall the story's theme is death, not belonging anywhere and overall stuff that is very close to Jason's heart. The story doesn't shy away from violence and it is suprisingly accurate.
(I'm.gonna reblog this w pretty long idea of what this book could be Abt, bc i don't wanna annoy ppl lol)
Anyway Jason kinda falls in love w it, and it becomes famous for being the first novel Jason rated positively or something.
Meanwhile Danny, who was told by jazz writing is good way to get his feeling out, and just wanted to make a quick buck, is really fucking confused how tf did his book become so popular and who tf is this nerd who rates books for a living.
(basically big fan Jason and suspicious/awkward Danny lmao)
2) there is a famous series on Jason profile. It's the worst fucking series he ever read and it's just fucking awful. All the characters are fucking terrible, always going on and on about one thing, the romance sucks in a way that isnt even funny. Jason would love to believe some wrote this as a joke, if it wasn't for the absolute cringefest this was, and it wasn't a whole ass series!! Like who writes 12 books for a joke?
Danny ducking Fenton that's who. Dude was so ducking annoyed at his rogues, he threatened them w writing a terrible romance novels abt them. The ghosts, knowing his terrible grade in literature backed off for a moment, before someone crossed the line. And write Danny did. It was the worst thing he had ever written, the love interest was perfect caricature yet still faithfully go the original. And Danny, because fuck them he lost sommuch sleep over that one prank, decided to publish it. (The book was pretty thin so it didn't take that much time writing it). Unfortunately it became immensely popular in the infinite realm. So the ghosts started crossing lines on purpose. Before Danny figured it out, he had already published his fifth book and was writing another three. After some bargaining, getting a book written Abt them as a piece of shit love interest became a reward.
And while yeah, he had to say his writing was terrible and the books sucked, some small part of him was kinda proud y'know? Like a mother of her twelve ugly as fuck toddlers.
So when he saw some nerd on the internet not only shit talk his book, but also get money of it?
Danny decided to haunt him (just like his books did him, now that everyone knew Abt them thanks to this guy)
(enemies (sorta it's not that serious tho) to lovers ala terrible writer Danny who hates his books and kinda famous YouTuber hasn't who also hates Danny's books)
Fuck this is way too long wtf. Anyway imma reblog this w 1) book idea. Might add whatever i think the twelve books could be Abt. Pls if u want to add anything to this pls do!!
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liauditore · 1 year
For the violance(? I can not spell for the life of me) ask game! 23 or 25!!(rant if you must :3)
i will rant for any reason on any topic it is my specialty and my toxic trait ✨✨
ask game!
(under the cut cus this got kinda long lol)
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
uhhhh none really? I don't really react viscerally to ships I think. When I see ship art I kinda just go "oh, cool art" regardless of whether I "see" the ship or not yanno? So I don't really Dislike any ships in the first place.
I guess if you stretch it FH kinda?? I've always not been able to understand fluffy FH stuff since I watched 3L first before Empires but then I realised I have a lot of fun thinking abt/drawing/writing toxic!FH so uh I like them now in a messed up way I suppose lol
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
I guess just anything in the "people need to draw more x or write y more like that" genre is a bit tiring. I can't help but feel like alot of those takes come from ppl who.. don't really make fan content themselves?
Like, keeping in mind we have very limited time and energy to create fan content outside of our jobs and school and whatnot, it's pretty understandable why alot of us just stick to drawing our faves. Also the nature of mcyt fanart means depicting someone accurately means seeing their videos or at least them in other ppls videos first and that's even more time sink etc, etc
Also also fanart/fic is limiting. I would love to draw one (1) picture that sums up every facet of someone's personality but I physically cannot do that. If I'm zeroing in on one pathetic jimmy moment that doesn't mean he's just a wet paper bag permanently (no one's complained abt my jimmy this is just an example).
It just seems.. a teeny bit entitled to me demanding more of what you want to see out of people who are just making stuff for themselves and feel brave enough to share it (I could go on abt the nature of fanart/fic here but that's a whole nother train of thought lmao)
Fr if everyone else is stupid and doing it wrong why aren't You opening up google docs or krita and doing it yourself. None of us are studios with manpower we're just guys with drawing tablets sometimes.
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pinkcannibal · 1 year
soo not to get nsfw on the main… But with that being said… i‘ve just reread the latest chapter of it’s quicker and easier for the fourth time (somebody sedate me) and i just have some food for thought that is stuck to my mind‘s interior. SEE WHAT YOUVE DONE!! this fic is permanently tattooed onto my brain!!
like ok so i just think with all of marilyn’s prowess with potions and elixirs, she would surely have the knowledge to come up with some kind of,,, concoction that would allow her to gain a certain appendage (if u know what i’m talking about ;)). The next step then of course is fulfilling her and reader‘s fantasies of feeling her "come inside you and paint your walls with everything she is" with said appendage of marilyn’s. and woah what a line. whattt a line. a line that i personally feel should be interpreted as a prophecy of sorts that needs to be fulfilled immediately mhm mhm !
ok sorry but my point is it’s established marilyn has a breeding kink and yep, that definitely tracks. and reader has a 'consuming any part of marilyn she can like a pathetic eager puppy' kink, be it her blood, spit (👀 pls) or cum. i just think yknow if marilyn has the tools she is well within her right to use them to get herself her own cock and fuck her controversially younger girlfriend with it!!😌 when life gives you lemons, you use them to brew a cock-growing elixir for you and your gf to have fun with… i think that’s how the saying goes <3
anyways sorry for the long ask oops i didn’t mean for it to be this long. last sidepart and this is purely amused delusion but i find it so funny to imagine marilyn building this whole thing up and it happens and she and reader are very turned on and excited… only for marilyn to come in like 30 seconds. bc this is a whole new sensation for her obviously!!!! and even when she’s usually fucking reader without her cock, marilyn’s mostly the one giving and she’s not used to much direct stimulation without having reader come first!!! so then marilyn’s feeling mortified and reader is simultaneously understanding, horny, flattered and proud that she could make her lose control like that.
soo yeah that’s my food for thought on that ONE line from your fic that wouldn’t leave my head. a feast for thought would be more accurate. to make it explicit, i’d love to see something like this happen in the fic with marilyn and reader, or even a one-shot (or both!). that being said i get that it’s not for everyone so if ur not down then ofc don’t feel obliged to write anything ur not comfortable with <3 i was just kinda obsessing over the idea since reading chapter 18 and wanted to articulate my feral thoughts somewhere :p
rant ended for now, congratulations on exceeding 100K words!! that’s a super impressive feat for any author, never mind the fact that you didn’t think the fic would surpass 20K!! we’re super proud of you and blessed to have you as the author of this fic <33 take care and hope to read more soon!!!
okay the way this ask has NOT left my brain since reading it jesus christ!!!! HI??? ur so valid for this actually (also the fact that youve read the chap four times already is so sweet ty!!!! :') dont be sorry for being nsfw on main this sideblog is literally. MADE for that and for people to ask me things like this skdksd
okay. so i HAVE talked abt this on discord before w my beloved '<3' from ao3 and its so funny bc like. when we talk abt marilyn coming its always said with the knowledge that like 'oh of course she can come inside of reader using the strap/her cock. this is both physically possible and normal :)' skdksd so like the fact that youve sent this message is personal TO ME bc even tho i havent made it a thing in my fic yet i DO want to add a scene with either a cum filled strap on or, like you said, bc marilyn's so talented with elixir's/potions im SURE there is a concoction she can create that either a) allows her to feel her cum filled strap as if it was her own appendage AND acts like it or b) have her own cock. im more inclined with option A as it feels more realistic in my fic and would flow better i think within the confides of how ive written this story, and the fact that ive set up already that marilyn is really talented in potion making/plants and organic material. it would have to be slight magic using i guess?? (also realistic is a dumb word to use ik ksdkd like this is the world where vampires werewolves and gorgons exist. yet i just feel like strap would work better instead of her acquiring an actual cock)
btw ur 'when life gives you lemons,' comment made me lose it thank u so much for that. but yes! trust me when i say marilyn is constantlyyyy thinking abt possible ways she can make this a reality, it literally is a cause of frustration for marilyn that she cant give her girl what she wants and fill her up w her cum </3 its why she says it as a form of praise/degradation during 18 and 19 eg: "i wish i could cum in you" and "make you mine" bc like these freaks are so in love that the idea of breeding reader is succchhh a fulfilling fantasy, and visa versa. for reader its like 'i literally want all of you. ALL of you' like marilyn knows and LOVES how much reader is eager to please to take anything of marilyn's like you said, esp blood cum and spit (this idea is romantic to me. no further questions sdkskd) so yes tldr this IS an idea i really, really want to explore bc i can do so much with the idea of consuming your milf lover so much that you beg for their cum inside you/down your throat at all times <333
oh ur so real for marilyn not lasting comment. thats so 😵‍💫definitely the first time they try it marilyn's just so overwhelmed by feeling how warm and wet reader is (its a completely different sensation than feeling w her fingers/tongue) and how much reader is begging for it she just. comes immediately. does not know how to act and keeps filling reader up as much as she can (this does in fact send reader into suchhh a dumbed down headspace feeling it; like u have NO idea how much this is affecting her skdksd) but to me after the first time marilyn is just so focused on making reader the one who comes first every time, bc marilyn gets off on reader getting off and loves being the one to always give <33
i think im more inclined to add it into the fic! but thats not to say im ruling it out of requests/one shots. ur so okay omg ksdk the fact that u were obsessing over this makes me feel validated that me and '<3' arent the only ones who talk abt this concept like. all the time skdkd and wait AHHHHH GOD thank you so much!!!!🥰 thats genuinely so sweet and so uplifting for you to say, i hope you take care too and have an amazing day anon!! :')
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mins-fins · 4 months
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SYNOPSIS: where crown prince zhong chenle, forced into a marriage with a woman he doesn't like and riddled with complicated feelings, finds solace in the palace's very own medic, you.
PAIRING: zhong chenle x male!reader
GENRE: royalty au, not really modern but not really medieval time period either, childhood friends to lovers, fluff, angst, kinda humorous, prince!chenle x medic!reader, kinda forbidden relationship, ambiguous/open ending
WARNINGS: might not be accurate to medieval times, death, blood & gore, forced marriage, mentions of disease, unhealthy ways of grieving, a lot of mentions of violence
WORD COUNT: 2k (preview) | est. 21–22k (full fic)
NOTES: well! hi friends!! hi chenle stans!! hi jj!! as you can see, this is very.. questionable? surprising? one of the best isa works to every exist ever 😊???? this started off as a silly little thing that was supposed to be like 16k words at MOST and now im at 20k…..🙁 smoothie era came around and chenle began heavily heavily bias wrecking me and now i'm here, save me please 🙏 this is one of my fav opening scenes of any of my fics ever, i 💗 chenle, and thank you to user junjiie to listening to my many rants abt this fic and staring at the spoilers!! full thing will be out sometime next week, idk when tho so dont @ me if it doesn't come out at midnight on monday
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CHENLE REMEMBERS IT LIKE IT WAS YESTERDAY. his little feet sneakily took him away from the huge meeting room full of intimidating adults talking about gibberish, and slowly, they lead him to a much more enjoyable place. at the time, seven year old chenle couldn't figure out why his parents needed such a big meeting room, or why all of these important people came to the castle every few months, to him, those strangers were nothing but tryhards, greedy men and women who were never pleased no matter how much they were offered.
seven year old chenle could never truly figure out why his parents insisted on having him sit around with these other important adults, listening to them talk about the economy, kingdom relations, marriage, all this stuff that isn't interesting to seven year old boys.
the young prince found his feet leading him to a place of familiar comfort, the palace's own rose garden. he could never truly explain why the air surrounding the abundance of roses ever became of comfort to him, because roses are anything but comfortable to hold, but whenever he felt like father and mothers fights were getting too aggressive, he could just come here and everything would be okay.
the gardener, a woman by the name of mrs. qian, was always sweet to chenle, much sweeter than his father usually was. her son, qian kun, is basically chenle's older brother, the older boy often comes around whenever his mothers in work, and he tells chenle stories of what goes on at the village schools, the newest gossip and adventures he's gone on with his friends.
chenle often finds himself interested in the life of a commoner, they're all just so intriguing.. he can't believe the stories most of the time, but he is homeschooled, and has been holed up in this castle for as long as he can remember, so how he can prove or debunk any of these things? he just thinks that non-royals are some of the most entertaining people he knows, they're all so hilarious.
as soon as the seven year old chenle stepped into the rose garden, a feeling of relief seeps into his body. he takes in a deep breath, and finally allowed for his shoulders to slump, much too tired of having to keep his back straight all this time.
he lets himself relax into the atmosphere, finally away from the suffocated room full of adults seemingly speaking a language he could not understand. if that's what kings and queens have to do, chenle thinks he'd rather not take the throne.
the seven year old prince allowed for his eyes to scan the garden, it's empty. well that makes sense, mrs. qian isn't in today and neither is her son, they went on a holiday. he sighs to himself, he misses kun's company, but alas, no one is around.
chenle makes his way around to a specific rose bush, it has the most roses out of the bunch. seven year old chenle used to think the rose bushes were magic, the roses always grew so quickly, one day there'd be none and the next there'd be hundreds, it was purely shocking to the young prince.
chenle, as always, began tracing the shape of the roses with his finger. he finds them pretty, as he does all flowers. it might sound like he's being basic, but roses are probably his favorite of the bunch. they're just so beautiful, and most importantly— they're sharp.
but the seven year old chenle is startled out of his rose admiring due to a shout.
"hey! don't touch those!"
the young prince furrowed his eyebrows at the words, what's wrong with touching the roses? it's not like there are garden rules or anything. when chenle turned to the source of the shout, that's when he sees the person.
you, it was you. adorable seven year old you who ran up to him as quickly as you could, you stopped as soon as you made it his way, panting like you had just run a marathon. "don't touch the roses".
the young chenle blinked, puzzled. "why can't i touch them? i'm the prince you can't tell me what to do—"
"they're sharp! you're gonna hurt yourself see?" you pointed at chenle's hand, and he looked down, eyes widening as he came across the sight. his finger was bleeding, oh that's bad. "roses have thorns, you have to be careful".
chenle had no idea who you were then, but all he knew was that you were worried. your eyes were watering, as if you were going to burst into tears at any moment, and you took a deep breath as you slowly began freaking out over the small cut on the prince's index finger. "oh uh— i didn't even notice".
"it's okay really, god i have a bandaid don't i? hold on.." you mumbled, worried as ever as you began rummaging through your pockets, trying to find a bandaid to patch up the prince with.
"it's fine it's just a small cut i.." chenle paused in between his words, clearing his throat. "who are you?"
right, you were still a stranger, chenle had no idea who you were then, for all he could know, you had broken into the palace or something. you finally stopped looking through your pocket, your face went a bright red as you faced the prince again. "um my name is y/n, i'm the—"
"y/n honey? where did you run off to?"
now chenle recognized that voice, that was the voice of the palace's sweet medic. mrs. l/n had a voice that was like honey, she was easily one of chenle's favorite staff members, not only because she would always be there to wipe his tears when he scraped his knee, but she always offered him delicious candy. "oh! there you are!"
"good afternoon mrs. l/n" chenle politely greeted, and you let out a small sigh of relief at the sight of your mother, though that look of worry was still prominent in your eyes.
"chenle, how are you doing?" she reached over to ruffle the young prince's hair, which he accepted happily, giggling at the gesture. "i'm doing good, ma'am".
"he has a cut on his finger" you muttered to her, and a small 'ah' leaves her lips as she finally realized what was going on. "i wanted to help him but i didn't have any bandaids" you seemed disappointed in yourself, as your gaze immediately lowered to the floor.
"oh sweetie, it's okay" your mother shook your shoulder, reassuring you. "just remember to call me before running off".
"i'll remember, sorry".
the young prince blinked at the sight before him, though he continued to smile at the sight of your mother. "sorry for yelling at you, your highness" you muttered in your low voice, and all chenle did was shake his head, waving you off.
"it's alright you were just trying to help" chenle replied, he finds seven year old you to be the epitome of adorable, just the cutest person in the world.
"let's get you that bandaid yeah?"
chenle nodded, you nodded, and the two of you proceeded to follow your mother out of the garden and to her office.
when chenle thinks back to this moment, the moment he first met you, he likes to compare it to an explosive, just waiting to be lit, just waiting to be set off and destroy everything. when he thinks back to the first moment he met you, chenle can't help but reminisce about it.
after your mother helped him with his cut, the two of you.. talked. you talked about things all seven year old boys talk about, and it was one of the highlights of chenle's day, though he kept trying to make you drop the formalities and call him by his first name, you vehemently disagreed.
the two of you became friends (and just chenle calling the two of you "friends" was enough to almost send seven year old you into cardiac arrest), a royal and a commoner, but chenle never saw it that way, chenle has never seen it that way. a friend is a friend, regardless of status or their economic situation. yes chenle is at a great advantage, being the prince of the kingdom you lived in, but he never held it over you, he isn't like that.
you were— are a special friend to chenle. sometimes, it feels like the two of you have known each other your whole lives. you mean much more to him than he actually lets slip, but he'll never let that be known, even under kun's watchful eye and jisung's insistence on knowing if you two really are just "friends".
chenle spends a lot of time thinking about the day you two first met, it's like a looping episode of a show in his head.
"chenle? did you even hear me?"
no response.
a grunt of frustration is sounded in the room, but the prince doesn't react, much too busy zoned out as a specific memory replays in his head for the seventh time that hour.
"chenle! pay attention!"
the slam of a hand against the table, paired with the loud shout is enough to snap the now twenty one year old crown prince out of his little dazed memory recalling session. chenle startles, but he quickly lets his face relax, sighing as he rejoins the conversation he'd previously zoned out on. "what?"
chenle's mother pinches the bridge of her nose, an exasperated sigh escaping her lips. "marriage, chenle, that's what were talking about".
oh god, chenle resists the urge to groan. he isn't exactly on board with this whole marriage thing, but then again, he has no other choice, his father is gone and he's next in line for the throne, this is how it goes for each royal family, he should just suck it up and deal with it head on. "yeah yeah, sorry, i didn't sleep much last night".
it's not exactly a lie, these days usually have chenle plagued with some sort of sleeplessness, but that isn't the main reason he was zoned out, obviously. "alright.. anyway, i talked with the zhu's, we agreed that you and their daughter, yinuo, are to marry".
chenle recognizes the family name, unfortunately, he doesn't exactly recognize their daughter. "you're marrying me off to a stranger? what about the girls i actually know, suyin? jia? mingxia? they're actually my friends, i'd be much more comfortable with them than a princess i've never met".
"marriage doesn't work like that, chenle" the words are enough to make chenle grit his teeth, he bites his tongue, though. "all you have to do is merely get along with her enough that it looks like you're in love at the wedding, rule the kingdom, and have children".
chenle raises an eyebrow, rocking back and forth in his chair. "that sounds a tad bit dystopian, mother".
the older woman does nothing but narrow her eyes at chenle, a look he's become used to receiving from her at this point. "it's just how everything goes, le, i don't know what to tell you".
chenle bites his inner cheek, looking everywhere else in the room. he always knew marriage was a custom, if not out of true love, it would be out of convenience. chenle had been given so much time to go find a woman to fall in love with, but he didn't find it that easy, maybe he just has too many requirements when it comes to love. he doesn't exactly support the whole thing about creating new heirs, but he was born into this family for this reason, what is the point of being a king if not sacrificing his freedom for the happiness of others?
chenle has always know that he wouldn't exactly enjoy this part of his life, and his father just had to go early, he is very much upset, but he doesn't disclose those feelings to anyone. after his long minutes of silence, chenle stands up from the table, again facing his mother. "yes yes i get it, mother" he mutters, making his way over to his mother and pressing a kiss to her cheek, realizing that she was trembling in anxiousness. "don't worry about me, i'll be fine".
but would he really? chenle can't exactly determine that.
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saint-miroir · 2 years
Abt 2000s 2010s shoujo mangakas..
Are they still active in Japan? Or the lack of info about their new works on mainstream intl..is them retiring?
Or those 90s 00s shoujo artist just changed artstyle?
Or maybe my info is warped bcoz there are just a handful shoujo anime now. Compares to pre2012s
Hi, thank you for your question!
I’d say it does depend on the mangaka. Wataru Yoshizumi has a series that started in 2019 and appears to be ongoing. I know that Mia Ikumi tragically passed away from a Subarachnoid hemorrhage this year, but did the artwork for the Tokyo Mew Mew Re-turn manga in 2020 not long before her passing. However, even she hadn’t put out any works for many years until then. Pink Hanamori also has an ongoing Mermaid Melody sequel in Nakayoshi, but this seems to be the most recent thing she’s done since 2008. Mihona Fujii resumed the GALS! manga in 2019 after it seemingly ended in 2002. Arina Tanemura is also still active. Nakahara An of Kirarin Revolution fame finished her latest series in 2020. Nami Akimoto released quite a few works as recently as 2021, though they seem to mostly be single-volume releases. These are just a few examples, but in my experience, some of the most prolific mangaka from around that time are still active, but they usually come out with a new series every few years and tend to maybe have one ongoing manga currently running in a magazine (Tanemura and Yoshizumi). Others may not release anything for years, but may end up releasing a reboot/revival for one of their most famous and nostalgic works (such as in the case of Ikumi and Hanamori). One manga artist that comes to mind who seems to keep releasing very consistently over the years since around the mid 2000s is Ema Toyama. Her works have seemed oddly inescapable within the past 10 or so years. I do occasionally find mangaka for some series that are outright no longer active, though I’m struggling to think of any off the top of my head at the moment.
There could be various reasons for why mangaka take long breaks in between series or just outright quit after some time. As everyone knows, being a mangaka is extremely demanding and stressful work. Miho Obana, for instance, released her last work in 2010 and has a past history of tendonitis which she has gone on hiatus for before. It’s not unusual for the work to lead to health problems due to the extremely strict deadlines and heavy amounts of stress. There could also be other personal issues in their life that need tending to.
Another thing that could be affecting your perception could also be the number of series released where you live. Arina Tanemura still seems to be popular enough in the west (or at least well known enough), but I swear a lot of the popular shoujo mangaka from the 90s and early 2000s seldom get works released here anymore (at least where I live, in the United States. I’m not sure if its different where you live). I was actually relatively surprised (but pleasantly so) to see that Marmalade boy was getting an English re-release by Seven Seas. There’s seemingly such a limited number of shoujo series that get released outside of Japan and I feel that what is readily available where we live might not accurately reflect the reality of who is and is not still active. When you haven’t seen a work released from one of your favorite mangaka from that time period in a long time, it can make you wonder what they’re currently doing, and if they’re even still making manga at all. You also make an interesting point about how there are even fewer shoujo anime adaptations than there once were, but I feel that we’re starting to see a small change in that, and I hope that it continues. I could get into another rant about why we’re seeing such a lack in shoujo adaptations today, but I’ll refrain from doing so.
I’ll admit I’m certainly no authority on the matter and I worry my answer won’t be very helpful. There are certainly people who could give a much more informed, in-depth answer, but I hope I could at least provide some insight, if any at all.
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getofy · 3 years
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millennia | k.tsukishima
—a/n: bro i found this random tsukki word dump i wrote in one go earlier this month after my friend ranted to me abt how me n him are soulmates and i decided to post it bc it’s cute >_<. enjoy!! sorry if the pacing is odd. i did not proofread this and only read through it like once lol. it’s not the best, but it’s smth!
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pairing: tsukishima x gn!reader | pronouns: none used | cw: i say ‘h3ll’ twice; no spoilers | genre: fluff (blurb format) | wc: 629
synopsis: the love tsukki has for you is—as much as he hates to admit it—infinite.
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—Tsukishima Kei loves you.
And it infuriates him.
He’s got no idea what in the hell is wrong with him. He didn’t used to think about you this way. Sure, you were always attractive, but one day, you became more than that. You became an object of desire. You became something he wanted—more than anything else in the entire world.
It took him a while—and several conversations with Yamaguchi— to accept, but now he understands that: he loves you. From the vibrancies of your luscious (h/c) hair to the bird-like screeches of your laugh, he loves you. All of you: your mind, body, and soul. The thoughts he has about you feel like they’re straight out of cheesy rom-com movie, not his brain. Every previously unbearable trait about your person is something that he now finds mind-numbingly adorable, and it’s all thanks to an incredible(-ly irritating) thing called love.
He finds you adorable. So much so that it hurts. You’ve got Tsukishima completely vexed and incredibly annoyed. How dare you consume his thoughts like this? Have you no shame? No mercy? How could a person as unremarkable (remarkable), mediocre (incredible), and annoying (no, that one’s accurate) as yourself have such an impact on him?
And since when did you become someone he’d break his unspoken moral code for?
He’s never been someone who’d call somebody else ‘adorable’—save for the moments when he’d say the word condescendingly at some insufferable prick who decided to tick him off that day—but then, there was you.
And, oh, how you’ve ruined him. His usual cold exterior ever-compromised by the atrocities loving you has made him feel, and he hates you for it. As far as he’s concerned, you’re the wicked witch of the west. An enemy, attempting to break down the barricades of his ‘unfeeling’ heart (and doing a marvelous job, at that).
Tsukishima never thought he’d be the kind of person who’d be absolutely smitten by another, and yet, here he is, enthralled by your very being.
Ever since you came waltzing into his life, he hasn’t been himself. He’s been kinder, friendlier even (which terrifies his teammates, by the way). His personality becoming more on par with a love-struck puppy waiting for its owner to come and dote on it as the days go by than his typical one. You’ve changed him, and everybody knows it.
“Everybody knowing it” is not an exaggeration, by the way. It’s the cold, hard truth. Of course, it’s hard to not take notice of the love the middle blocker has for you when it’s so evident in everything that he does.
When he lays his head down on his pillow, and his mind wanders to scenarios in which you are his, and he is yours, it is evident that he loves you.
When he yells at Yamaguchi for pointing you out in a crowd, a faint blush painting his cheeks, and a pout taking over his face, it is evident that he loves you.
When he loans you a pencil in class and goosebumps start form on his arms from brushing his hand against yours, it is evident that he loves you.
He’s convinced that it’ll be like this ‘til the end of time.
He’ll love you for as long as the sun will set and the moon will rise—and maybe a little longer after that,
Hell, the sun could explode and the feeling in his heart would—probably—still not subdue (he says ‘probably’ because he can’t really guarantee that there’ll be any feeling in his heart after the sun explodes since the world’s probably ended).
A millennia could pass and he’d still love you.
He’ll love you always, and he’ll love you forever.
And maybe, just maybe, Tsukishima’s okay with that.
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*do not repost my work without proper credit and my explicit permission
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grey4737251 · 3 years
c!Wilbur analysis/rant :))
It’s easy to write c!wilbur off as power-hungry and manipulative, but it’s all a matter of perspective.
(For simplicity’s sake, when I say “Wilbur” just assume I’m talking abt the character unless I say otherwise) (also, this is my perception of the character and may not be entirely accurate) (also this is really long I’m sorry)
So honestly I’m fairly sure the paranoia started at the very first war of L’manburg. Even prior to that, Wilbur was clearly stressed about conflict (mostly due to Tommy’s recklessness) and even just presidency in general. But especially when the conflicts built into a war, Wilbur had a large fear of appearing vulnerable (to his people and to Dream). He was afraid of being perceived as weak and being taken advantage of as a result. (keep in mind they also experienced a brutal betrayal amidst all of this, so naturally he’s afraid that his control is slipping). But basically his goal was to provide L’manburg with a respectable leader to make sure Dream doesn’t see their weakness as an opening.
So when it came to the election, I’d say he rigged it out of desperation more than anything. The desperation to maintain control over the decisions L’manburg makes because he’s afraid of leaving it up to anyone else (naturally). This meant that when Schlatt was suddenly the one in control, he was immediately terrified that he could no longer influence anything important such as the tides of war. And literally not even ten minutes later, it got worse. Suddenly, he had no power at all, as he was now driven out of the only place he had ever felt safe.
During exile, one of his biggest nightmares came true. He was vulnerable. Exposed. Physically and mentally. And at this point, it was obvious that his paranoia spiked. At this point, the pressure of trying to be a hero had weighed on him so much that he was practically forced into the role of the villain.
This fear continues through the entire Pogtopia era, as he’s still got himself convinced that he has no power over anything (hence his lack of action during the execution at the Manburg festival). Getting the tnt from Dream was, once again, a desperate action. By allowing Dream to use/treat him as a vassal, he really just wants a reason to be important again. To be useful, like he no longer can in (L’)Manburg. Keep in mind there was also the additional pressure of leading a rebellion, and balancing that with trying to provide for Dream.
When he destroyed L’manburg, it was more out of frustration and exhaustion rather than hatred. He said “if I can’t have this no one can, Phil”, implying that he’s tired of everything being taken from him. He also says that “there was a special place”, which probably means that he’s afraid of L’manburg affecting people the way it affected him.
He also could have done it out of the overwhelming need to feel important. By making such an impact on the server, he can maintain what little remnants of power he has left. Due to exhaustion, he wanted to die, but at the very least he wanted his story to live on, and at this point he’d do anything to make it happen (once again, desperation). His death wasn’t one of escape, it was one of release. He didn’t do it to run away from consequences, though he was obviously oblivious to what he’d have to go through in limbo. You can also tell because as he’s stood at the button, when Phil arrives, there’s clear stress in his voice, not at being caught, but at the fact that for the 8/9th time, he can’t help himself like he so desperately wants to do. However, when that stress dies down and he realises that he can still do it, there’s nothing but pure relief and resolution in his voice. He’s glad that, for the first time in his life, he finally has a symphony that he can finish.
Then limbo happens, and bam, Revivebur. Now he hasn’t been around nearly as long, so there’s not much to say, but anyway. About the manipulation thing, again, it’s all about control. His fear of not having and power over anything obviously carried over into the afterlife. It’s really just the whole concept (which could be considered as a sentence mechanism) of gaining control over others before they can control you. Of course this doesn’t entirely justify outright manipulating people, but it gives you a better idea of why he might be doing it rather than “he’s evil and wants nothing but power over everyone”. You can also tell by how much he enjoys his conflict with Quackity that he’s just excited to finally feel in control of conflict again for the first time in (most likely) years.
Or cc!Wilbur really just want to be a cool villain, who knows.
That concludes my rant that I’ve recited to myself more times than I can count. My fingers hurt. Thank you :)
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yami-writes · 4 years
could you please write a headcanon for kiri, bakugou & hawks (or anyone you like) where y/n's older brother visits them & he has like a mickey milkovich personality from shameless & just straight roasts everyone, espacially his siblings boyfriend, which makes them think he hates them but then they got to spend some alone time and he tells them why he acts like that and that he doesn't hate them & they end up being good friends? 😌
(🏷️) paring(s): kirishima x reader, bakugo x reader, hawks x reader (⚠️) warning(s): swearing, and crimes being committed (💌) note from Yami: ngl i had to search for what his personality was like so this might not be very accurate but i tried, tysm for the request! i enjoyed writing this alot :) (💡) rules/guide
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the two of you were chilling in your dorm room 
when you get a text from your brother saying he needs something from you
kirishima had never met your brother up until that point but your excitement hyped him up
about 10 minutes later aizawa called you down
and there he was
the look on kirishima’s face omgg
hes been wanting to your family for a while
but this is not what he expected...
“is this spiky-haired guy really your boyfriend?”
kirishima didnt like the way he emphasized “really”
“my name is Kirishima!”
your brother just waved him off and started talking to you
and eijirou’s just standing there like
he tries to just ignore it but it definitely put him off
you ended up needing to back to your dorm to get your brother’s charger you had borrowed
which left Kirishima and your brother alone...
“OI, spiky hair. are you really the guy y/n’s be fawning over for so long?”
poor bby kirishima kinda jus, nods
like- he’s legitimately scared hes abt to get beat tf up 😭😭
“tch. lame.”
hes starting to question if your actually related to him
how could the kind, loving, y/n he know be related to-- him
he was starting to think your brother hated him~
“oi, spiky hair. is that a Crimson Riot shirt?”
it was, in fact a Crimson Riot shirt kirishima was wearing
“y-yea. he’s my favorite hero!”
“hm... then i think you might like this. catch.”
he threw kirishima a Crimson Riot keychain, something you wanted to get him for his birthday
bby’s eyes widen at the surprise gift
“i already have my own, that’s an extra one i had.”
“oh... do you like Crimson Riot too?”
long story short, when you came back the two of them were fangirling over Crimson Riot
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it was winter break
and yall were chilling in your room
your brother had presumably just come home and was now leaning on your doorframe
“oi, y/n. have you seen my portable charger?”
im aware i used charger for kirishima’s leave my alone im not creative-
“oh, i forgot where i left it, lemme go look for it”
which then left bakugo and your brother alone
they both stayed silent 
but the more time that went by, the more annoyed Pomeranian boi became
“OI! are you not gonna say anything to me!? y/n was so excited for me to meet you yet you cant even be bothered to talk!?”
“its not like your talking either.”
“you heard me.”
katsuki had to stop himself from blowing anything up
“y/n’s been waiting for you to meet me, huh? better not disappoint”
he starts waling over to katsuki and he’s ready to throw hands
“b/l/n. your bakugo katsuki, right?”
“yea. and what do you want?”
“we could.. be friends,, or whatever.”
bakugo’s just sitting there not wanting to interact with him anymore
but the thought of you being happy stopped him from doing anything he might regret.
“...fine. we can,,, be.. friends.”
“cool. by the way, i like your shirt. y/n has one like it.”
“no they dont, they just always steal mine”
when you came back katsuki was ranting about you always stealing his clothes
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the two of you were on patrol
when you saw your brother on the other side of the road
“oh, keigo! come look! my brother’s over there!”
your tugging on his hand gesturing over at him
and, you know hawks. he cant say no to you
plus he’s been wanting to meet your family for a while
he flies you to the other side of the road and your already waving at him
hawks’ automatically got bad vibes from your brother
he just didnt like him as soon as he came in proximity of him
which isent fair but okay ma’am...
anyways you and him talk while hawks just kinda.. listens
he dosent seem to be doing anything wrong so he lets his guard down
*ring ring*
“oh, thats my phone. your guys talk for a bit i need to take this.”
you turned a corner, leaving keigo and your brother alone
“Hawks, the number 2 hero, correct?”
“yup! thats me...”
they’re both staying silent and it gets awkward real fast-
hawks it just kinda wondering if he should just leave because your brother seems to not like em very much
“y/n loves you a lot, you know. hell- they wanna marry you.”
“you heard me. and since y/n likes you,,, i guess i do too~ or whatever.”
any bad vibes hawks got before are out the window 
‘wait,, marry???’
when you came back they were talking about the type of wedding you wanted to have with hawks
along with how cute your children would be
that night was quite the interesting one
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ok long rant abt attraction incoming bc i am Slightly confused
i know everyone is different but how often do people usually get crushes ? is there some sort of average ? and what abt vague romantic feelings that dont really develop into actual crushes ? do those happen a lot more often ?
like i know that sexual attraction is smthg that happens fairly regularly for allos (???) but what abt romantic attraction ? sometimes i wonder if maybe im a bit grayro but the only reference point i have is my best friend who seems to feel romantic attraction more than i do but idk ??
and then theres that whole thing of "looking for someone" or "dating around" or whatever they call it. how tf do ppl do that. is that based on sexual attraction ? like "oh youre hot maybe ill develop feelings too lets give it a shot", or do ppl actually just,,, meet someone at a bar and think "yup ! im feeling a connection !" and what abt blind dates ???
idk i dont get it. i dont think i could do that, i have to wait till i get a crush / catch feelings first, but then again, actions dont equal attraction right ? like just bc someone doesnt have casual flings doesnt mean theyre demiace, so itd probably work the same for romantic attraction ? not dating like that doesnt mean im aro
but then again, how often does romantic attrcation happen anyways ?
Bestie bestie bestie calm down okay i’ll try and explain this as best as I can
Anyways since i seem to be the local alloro everyone’s coming to with attraction confusion I’ll try my best to explain why my fellow allos seem to act so confusingly sjdjfjfjg
I started developing crushes on people vaguely around 5th grade. They were generally pretty vague and faded within a few weeks/months, then I didn’t experience romantic attraction again until pretty much high school—I’ve had like, two genuine crushes on people, a few vague things on random people or fictional characters, celebrities, etc. I’ve found that as I grow older romantic attraction becomes more intense.
This is nowhere near an accurate statistic, but judging from both my experiences and other alloro friends, I’d say experiencing the average for romantic attraction (at least for those my age, high school ish) would be around 3 to 7 times a year?
Like I’ve had two genuine (gone on for months, could not stop thinking about them) crushes this year, and like four or five vagueuish crushes on just random people or fictional characters etc. My alloro friends generally have the same amount with a few more vagueish or fictional crushes.
So yeah I’d say that seems to be the norm around the alloros I know?
Yeah vageuish feelings are more common than genuine romantic crushes and shit, they happen a lot more often and generally fade after a few weeks/months and aren’t that intense tbh
Idk shit about sexual attraction but yeah it apparently happens pretty regularly for allosexuals
Oh yeah that looking for someone or dating around is often not based on actual romantic feelings and shit. It happens for many reasons, like either amatonormativity convincing people they need partners, sexual attraction, just hoping to hook up, but yeah it’s not really based on romantic attraction since it Very Rarely happens that instantaneously.
Yeah it is based on sexual attraction a lot of the time!
Yeah that does happen sjdjfjf. I don’t know how to explain it it’s like you meet someone and you’re immediately like hi hello i didn’t know you five minutes ago will u marry me tho. Like that “feeling a connection” does happen, though it’s kinda rare and not very frequent. Sometimes you just platonically get along with somebody as well and you’re like “might turn romantic let’s give it a shot!”
Blind dates I don’t know since I don’t really care for them, a lot of people are just like “why not I have nothing better to do” or “hopefully I’ll find someone I like!”
Tbh I couldn’t do that either mate, like it seems weird af to like Actively Look For Dates. Like if I meet someone cool or an instantaneous connection then yeah might ask em out but like looking for dates?? Yeah no thanks my man
Yeah actions =/= attraction! It does work the same for romantic attraction!
Read this, this, and look through my #aromantic questioning tag! And here’s a list of arospec identities!
Try following aro blogs and read aro stories, talk to aros and learn about their experiences, see if you relate!! And remember the entire queer community is here for you and we support you kay?
Tbh my advice is try on the label!! Say “Im aro” and see how it feels!!
Hope I could help you out, lmk if you have any more questions, and have a great day/night :D
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garbagepile · 3 years
Okay kinda quick rant thingy?? Idk how to call it's just me complaining about something noone is bothered by??
Also trigger warning aphmau ig?? I've seen others do that in the tags and since this post is long adding it in the tags wouldn't be useful ig? So just in case??? And trigger warning for the mention of white washing.
Okay so I do not wanna whitewash characters as that's obviously bad. So what I do most of the time is copy the colours from screenshots when drawing. Now normally there is only a small if not any difference if you just look at the colour in the image abt with a white background. Except with aphmau, like you can say this just means that they have a darker skintone but you have to realise that when you copy the skintone you probably should just go the extra mile and cope all the colours. And they're all really greyish darkish out of the image?? Like this is ofcourse cause of the dark surroundings but still?? Like I could also just search for their skins but I don't know if those are actually accurate and all??
Yea I'm not too bothered by it actually I just wanted to complain, it's pretty useful for shading as you now easily can add highlights. Just annoying when you do a lazy piece and wanna not shade.
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polskasroka · 3 years
I'm not going to anon but I am going to ask - do you think it was inevitable for Dutch to turn out like he did in the end? Or was it just Micah's influence? Or both? Like he must have genuinely cared at some point right?
Ah yes, I love you all shameless people who don't ask on anon 💖💖💫
Oh boy, now there must be some consideration done here.
In my opinion, it didn't have to end like it did. It could've been prevented had tragedies not happened one after another. Of course, Micah had a lot of impact on what was happening around Dutch but it wasn't only because of him.
I think the constant running away and being chased by the lawmen, Pinkertons etc. also had a big influence because for how long can one act like it's okay and they won't catch us? There must've been some fear, even hidden and locked deep inside of him, that one day found its outlet and started to break the man. He might've been afraid that he'd lose the position he had, bc bruh, he was the leader of a goddamn powerful gang after all!
I have no idea if he had a narcissistic personality disorder (or a different one) because it's impossible to tell for sure (I love this game for its ambiguity omg) and I'm not a professional but if he did, then I wouldn't be surprised.
I know that on one hand he would take all of those stray kids under his wing, you know, Arthur, a feral raccoon with rabies aka John Marston, and so on, which would indicate that he did care. But on the other, he might've been doing it all only for his gain. We'll probably never know the answer to that and it's probably for the best.
I choose to believe that he DID care at some point, that he wasn't faking it all. But there's always that something telling me that he's never been pure.
Anyways, after all this thinking I've done now, maybe the disasters weren't as preventable as I'd like them to be? Maybe there must've been a breaking point and, in fact, there was. A popular opinion but I find it very accurate - it was a game over for Dutch's sanity when Hosea was killed.
I have no idea why Dutch wouldn't listen to Arthur after that'd happened. Maybe because his goddamn son was doubting him in those trying times? Because he would betray him and/or hide the truth from him? (call breaking John out of jail as you wish) Maybe he knew that Arthur was simply right and couldn't bear the fact that someone was actually a better man than he was?
So many questions, so few answers. I could go on with this but it's already longer than you probably wanted it to be. Sorry XD
Ok one more thing. In those times when everyone seemed to turn away from Dutch, Micah remained by his side no matter what he did. Of course, he took advantage of lost and insane Dutch for his own benefits, just like the slimy rat he was. And this only led to even bigger catastrophies.
So much ranting damn, I hope I didn't bore you too much. Actually, it's been the first time I was asked to rant abt this game, so thank you very very much
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alltheselights · 3 years
(1/3) hi, I saw the ask abt the photoshoot and I literally agree with everything u said like they fucking try to push the smoking thing too hard im sure he doesn't smoke that much cause people who met him say he smells like baby powder and vanilla (aww) they try so hard to push the BriT LaD image so much on him like obviously he's brit but not THAT im sure cause we've known him for abt 10 yrs so we all know what his cloth preferences our and how his nature is like I remember he had the most
(2/3) flamboyant and most colourful clothing style from fucking 2011 even more than the other boys, like we say harry is trendy but I remember every bandmate said L like buys clothes everywhere he goes and has the most clothes and he wears so damn expensive clothes and they r all in trend , I hate when people put him down to the trackies im not hating on harry its just dont unsee the other things just to give into stereotypes , other topic I'd like to discuss is Being fem but I'd cause lot of
(3/3) of fight but I'd say L is just as fem as H his gestures,style,(for those who believe in stereotypes) lot more thing I remember a vid of X factor 18 where he was oblivious to the camera so was sitting cross legged but as soon as he noticed it he opened his legs I swear it broke my heart so much I despise simon for this shit he forced L to be , L explicitly said ' of playing someone I was supposed to be' but no we will close r ears and eyes I hope his new era is full of
hi the L photoshoot and image anon (cont): full of him being himself & hopefully ending of bg at least & great label which provides lots of promo and recognition he deserves (Louis is damn intelligent &I trust him so Im sure he must have chosen a great label and everything for the new era) but the most at least let him be himself (intervies,outfits,rock songs,everything)the diva+honey+baby he is & not the BrIT laD pls Im sorry this became long rant but ur thought were same so I told u ,thank u
I definitely think that Louis is not the same person he was when he was 19, and probably a lot of the things he wore then, he genuinely doesn’t enjoy now. That a part of growing up and is normal. But I also agree that a lot of his personality has been suppressed for years due to media training and the different images that they’ve decided to push for him, first while he was in the band and now again with his solo career. I think he’s just a much more complex person than they ever portray and that’s super frustrating because those genuine glimpses of who he is mean so much more and i think would win over way more people.
And I do feel like the fandom ignores a lot of Louis’ complexities just because they’re not used as part of his image the way they are for Harry. Louis is feminine and flamboyant and sweet and loving and kind, but you often see him being portrayed by the fandom as super masculine and rude and always the protector, never the protected or the vulnerable (which is even more bizarre considering some of the songs on his album). The style thing is also frustrating. If you heard him talk in interviews or saw his photoshoots, you’d think he has no style whatsoever, but we know from what other people have said about his shopping habits and from the fact that all the boys envied his style back in the day and from the way he dresses in his downtime that he does care about fashion and actually has amazing style. His stylist on the other hand....
You also see him being set as a counter to Harry ALL the time, which is so frustrating because it’s just not accurate. While Harry is also a complex person with a masculine and a feminine side and with a wide variety of characteristics, you often see Harry’s femininity as part of his public image and his flamboyance is part of his stage persona. Louis’ tends to be what comes out when his guard down or when he thinks nobody is paying attention. We may not see it as often, but it’s very genuine, and I wish it was appreciated more because I think it continues to be an important part of who he is.
I often wish we could just see Louis without the weight of the last ten years on him because I do wonder who he would be and how he would dress and how he would talk and what he would look like. We’ll never know how much of who he is today is the product of what’s been pushed on him and how much of it is just his natural progression as a person growing up.
And Louis doesn’t have to wear stripes and red pants and suspenders to be sweet or flamboyant or lovely or anything else I believe him to be, he doesn’t have to be the same person he was when he was 19, he can still embrace his Britishness and enjoy Oasis and banter with people and speak his mind and prefer dressing in black and red and all of those things, but I do think it’s clear that his image is very one-dimensional and not completely authentic. Those other aspects of who he is that we see small glimpses of here and there - how sweet and caring he is, the fact that he’s shy, his flamboyance, his vulnerability, the fact that he’s the one everyone says they go to when they need to talk about their feelings, his incredible style and taste in clothes that you mentioned - all of those more gentle and genuine characteristics demonstrate how complex and amazing of a person he is, and I think the world would embrace Louis the way so many of us do if they saw more of that.
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guiltywisdom · 3 years
I been thinking abt it for. Some reason. And i was wondering,, you said to seperate Jesus' heart is to divide the natures of Him (is that a good summary?) But as ive studied the bible, it seems the authors are really comfortable talking about aspects of God in personified terms (lady wisdom, for example). I havent studied the theology behind the sacred heart but on the surface it seems like its trying to do a similar thing. Where would you say it differs? - c
So I suppose what I’ve said before (yes that is a pretty accurate summary) is my reaction to what I see as those who do not seem to affirm dyophysitism and the hypostatic union (or at the very least skirting the boarder). Of course a lot of Western Catholics will say that they do fully affirm dyophysitism and the hypostatic union, believing that devoting oneself to Christ’s heart is not separating His natures but that’s the nuances of Christology and we can argue about it forever (and we have been!).
"He is God from the essence of the Father, begotten before time; and he is human from the essence of his mother, born in time; completely God, completely human, with a rational soul and human flesh; equal to the Father as regards divinity, less than the Father as regards humanity. Although he is God and human, yet Christ is not two, but one. He is one, however, not by his divinity being turned into flesh, but by God's taking humanity to himself. He is one, certainly not by the blending of his essence, but by the unity of his person. For just as one human is both rational soul and flesh, so too the one Christ is both God and human." (Athanasian Creed - which is Orthodox as long as you leave out the filioque)
I’m not sure what you mean by the “authors are really comfortable talking about aspects of God in personified terms (lady wisdom, for example)”? 
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Christology is the part of theology that is concerned with the nature and work of Jesus. Christology was extremely important to the early church fathers and most of the early councils were mostly about the nature of Christ. Our church fathers spent a very long time hammering it all out so I feel like this is one of those areas we have settled just to be turned aside thanks to a twelfth century invention. I am against the “Sacred Heart” because I think it separates the natures of Christ. If his body was born of a woman with human flesh, his heart was human flesh; to worship specifically his heart is to separate the human from the divine. Western Catholics will say themselves that the Sacred Heart represents the “sacred humanity” of Christ but Christ is a whole being and cannot be broken down into parts. He is fully human and fully divine yet Christ is not two, but one. 
You could perhaps understand it like this. You have fallen in love. You love that person. Are you in love with their hair? Are you devoted to their hair? Do you pin pictures of them on your wall which show only their hair? At that point do you love the person or their hair? Roman Catholics do pin pictures of only Christ’s heart to their walls. They have literally separated Christ from his heart and thus his divine and human natures. 
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I have a Roman Catholic friend and we are never going to agree on some things, he still doesn’t get why I object to the filioque so it’s unlikely I’ll change any minds with this little rant haha but I hope I addressed enough of your questions?
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hajimeow-archived · 3 years
Yo Hajime talk abt ur kin mems
since there were no specifications on which ones i am going to start from the beginning and go where my brain takes me from there. they're all gonna be for hajime bc i physically cannot think about my other memories anymore jsyk
also! this ended up being so long i had to put a cut. i will not be apologizing because i feel no remorse.
so first the basic stuff, i remember having a med skin tone and a FUCK ton of freckles like those motherfuckers were everywhere i had skin. also i was 5'7 i think?? or 5'6. i still can't remember exactly but it's something like that. i was also alloaro, some form of mlm, unfortunately cis, and autistic and probably had some other stuff like adhd or depression or whatever but i forgot. also i was kinda muscle-y but also chubby at the same time. and i had light green eyes. basically i was fanon hajime JSJSKDJDKS
and i was going over the wiki recently and my personality was EXACTLY how they described it like i'm genuinely surprised they got it so accurate
i don't remember much pre-game and post game, most of my memories are in game but i do remember pre game chiaki really well, honestly i rly miss her :( she would always reassure me that i didn't need a talent and i never even cared when she beat me in games cus just simply playing them with her was so fun .,.,,;:,,...,,!:&:&:jsjdjskskck</3
anyways. in game. ok. i'm gonna skip over memories where i just know feelings and not specific things like strong feelings or ppl saying stuff or else this would be so long. also obvious sdr2 spoilers
so i remember the party & blackout in the beginning of the game pretty clearly. i was mostly just standing alone in the corner and watching everyone have fun, but it was really freeing to see the others able to enjoy themselves in such pressing circumstances. then the blackout-- it was kinda like all that happiness going away and the dread and denial immediately setting in .
anyways i remember like panicking and wanting to cry when i lifted the table cloth cus i really liked twogami. i'm p sure i did end up crying cus i really liked them for their realism and leadership skills, and the realization that one of us killed them and that the killing game was actually real etc etc
anyway i don't remember much from the investigation or trial besides being really freaked out when nagito basically admitted to being the killer n stuff, and pretty much all the body discoveries after that (besides ch 5) we're just like "ah shit here we go again" but i do remember mikans trial really freaking me out when she just straight up shifted completely, and i also remember being really proud of fuyuhiko for putting his walls down a bit and deciding to help everyone out while the despair disease was going around
anyway enough of the boring stuff, i spent basically all my free time with komaeda, chiaki and mikan (in order of frequency) and with mikan i mostly listened to her talk about medical stuff and i comforted her when she needed to vent, but i didn't hang out with her much because the constant apologizing n stuff started to bother me since i really liked seeing her happy. chiaki i would mostly play games with and we wouldn't talk much, but she gave me a really strong sense of familiarity like when we played games together it gave me a shit ton of deja vu
AND i've already talked a lot about komaeda but idc i'm doing it again. so we started talking cus of him waking me up on the beach obvs and i was pretty attached right off the bat, but i stopped talking to him for awhile because the way he acted in the first trial REALLY scared me so i just got a pit in my stomach even being around him
but he was the one who started approaching me first, i'm guessing since he couldn't rly sense anything was wrong he just kinda picked things up where they left off and started talking w me at breakfast n stuff and it was pretty weird at first, but i wanted to give him a chance and didn't wanna be rude so i accepted offers to hang out in his cottage n stuff
i remember he has surgery scars tho and i'm rly mad ppl don't draw him with any!! i think he had about 5 and i don't remember all of them but i know one was a skin graft on his leg and the one on his side/stomach that i touched wassssss for appendix removal maybe???? mmmm i'm not too sure about that one tho
also !!!! his death. hoooooly shit. ok so yunno the despair that junko always talks about ?????? yeah <3!! i remember like once i saw his body and took the reality in i just. straight up could NOT stand i like fell to my knees and jsut . cried. like i had no thoughts my head was so full that it was empty i just kinda sat there and silent cried while chiaki stood next to me it was so awful dude
later while investigating n stuff i felt really bad ab how i treated him and thought about him, and i thought a lot about our last interaction. it was the first time i had ever approached him myself cus usually he'd come to me. i was gonna hang out with chiaki but i wanted to check up on him first, so i did and he told me to go hang out with the others and i just. knew something terrible was about to happen.
OH AND THE FUNHOUSE OMG ok i literally. i usually didn't mind being around komaeda like he was chill most of the time when he wasn't ranting about hope but when he was acting like such a bitch in the funhouse i wanted to punch his stupid twink ass so bad like...... what BUSINESS does this dude have being such an asshole. he doesn't even know what face wash is. what the fuck. which is another fun fact! komaeda did shower every so often which is why he didn't smell that bad but his skin was always so dry cus he didn't know how to actually wash right and do proper skincare so he just washed his face w soap and left it like that
also he didn't need to cut his nails cus they were so brittle they would just break off on their own <3 plus he had a nail biting habit so they just never grew ever
OH AND THIS IS THE SADDEST THING i remember feeling so bad for this man bc i would like put my hand on his shoulder and he would lean into it. i mean i'd tap his shoulder for a SECOND and girl when i let go hed be lowkey so sad i could just sense it like??????dude he needed a hug SSO BAD like when i hugged him in my cuddling memory he was like holding on for dear life but also was like "u dOnT hAvE tO tOuCh TrAsH LiKe mE hAjImE" like dude it was the saddest shit. i want to hug him forever. like what the fuck what the fuck!!!!!!!!!
also a thing hed do when he started ranting ab hope n shit like he would just go on and on and yunno that one sprite where he's hugging himself yeah he literally did that shit. also sometimes hed just stare dead at me and start backing me into a corner ((ish-- we were usually sitting somewhere but he mostly just got super close to me) and it was the scariest shit i. bro if i saw him like that on the streets i'd return him to the mental hospital like i can remember it somewhat vividly and that shit was TERRIFYING i mean obvs after i shoved him away and told him to cool it he'd apologize and go back to the way he was but jeez dude ....
also a little fun fact the only reason i really kept hanging out with him (i had a few ofc but this was the most prominent) is cus he was hot in my stupid monkey brain. yes that's it. like that's literally pretty much it. i hate admitting it but this post is SO fucking long i doubt anyone's gonna read it anyway so i'm admitting it now lol
anyway i hope u enjoyed :) i'm glad u asked btw! i'm sure you regret it though!
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