#god i am close to committing matricide
talietikasero · 1 year
positive relations with your parents? never heard of it. can't relate.
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 9 months
I made my Apollo & Cassandra post a while back so now it's time for Orestes :)
just. ahhhh. how do i begin.
at the beginning i guess.
Orestes is a young child when he's smuggled out of Argos. By his sister to keep him safe when their father is murdered by their mother. He's a young boy exiled from his home because of the actions of a vengeful queen.
Years later, he receives a mission from Apollo - kill his mother to avenge his father. And he does just that.
Apollo was a young god, not even born yet, when he was exiled from the very earth by a vengeful queen. His mother fought and ran to find a place to deliver him and his own sister to safety. In his mother's honor, he goes out of his way to kill those who dare to harm her - Python and Tityus, to name a few.
The parallels get me okay? Even if it's not a deadringer, they are sill there.
Apollo defends his mother while Orestes kills his.
Orestes was ordered to kill his mother while Apollo murdered others for Leto on his own accord.
And what REALLY gets me is their different motivations in this situation - Orestes believes he's avenging his father, the man he never quite knew. Apollo meanwhile wouldn't loose sleep over Agamemnon's death.
Apollo wasn't aiming to avenge Agamemnon. He was avenging Cassandra.
But he couldn't tell Orestes that, now could he? After all, what was a mere slave girl from Troy to Orestes? Especially since he didn't know her at all.
Avenging Cassandra wouldn't be enough to convince Orestes to commit matricide. So Apollo uses Agamemnon's death as incentive for Orestes.
And it works. Apollo's goals are met - Clytemnestra and Aegisthus are killed, and Cassandra's soul can rest easy now in Elysium.
He could cut his losses and leave Orestes to the Furies. He no longer has anything to do with this.
But Apollo stays with Orestes. He helps him rest in Delphi before getting him a headstart to Athens. He defends him in court from the Furies, in front of the jury of Athenians and Athena herself. He puts himself firmly on Orestes's side and uses whatever means necessary to get him off the hook.
And if that means manipulating the city of Athens via their sexist ideologies? It's free real estate. When you're in court, you use whatever you can to help your client.
And Apollo wins. Orestes is free to go, and the curse of the House of Atreus is gone for good.
just. vibrating from this. the similarities between Apollo & Orestes in their youth that diverges in stark ways. How Apollo could have dropped Orestes the moment his own goal was finished, but chose not too - he chose to take it a step farther and get rid of that curse for good. So Orestes and his family could live in peace.
When I first heard about the Oresteia, and what Apollo says to free Orestes, I had a hard time reconciling it. Apollo just didn't give off those sexist vibes to me (as a matter of facts, very few gods do - after all, they appear how they want when they want. gender is meaningless to gods.).
But I did some digging. Some thinking. And really, Apollo is quite in-character during the trial - he's in Lawyer Mode. He manipulates the system to his advantage as well as the Athenian citizens with their misogynistic beliefs.
Because think about it. Apollo uses the argument, in brief terms, that a mother has no claim on the child because they are only for making babies. This gets half of the Athenian jury to immediately side with Orestes.
Is this a bullshit argument? Absolutely. But sometimes a bullshit argument gets your client out of trouble and that's the job of a lawyer - to help their client.
For a closing statement, I also want to say that I don't think Apollo himself believes that sexist opinion. After all, Leto was the one running around the world to find a safe place to deliver him and Artemis - Zeus did very little to help.
It was his mom who did all the work, and Apollo is very clearly a mama's boy.
Plus, 99.9% of the people Apollo hangs out with are women. Leto, Artemis, the Muses, Athena, Hecate, Aphrodite, ect ect
There's no way he actually buys that argument. He just used it to gaslight the very-sexist Athenians into voting in Orestes's favor because godsdammit that curse needs to go!
thank you for coming to my TEDTalk. I have feelings. goodnight now. happy new year. i shall post a snippet of a storyboard idea for my mythology series tomorrow that features apollo & orestes because I HAVE FEELINGS.
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faeseekerandy · 1 year
The Furies Master OC Index
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Created This to keep track of all my OC and published volumes
Vol 1 | Vol 2 | Vol 3 | vol 4 | Vol 5 | Vol 6 | Vol 7 | Vol 8
The Furies is an ever expanding series, with no true end in sight. I started this series while in High School. At first, the series only had Kida. In the end, we decided to add the character Gilgamesh, and then history was made. In this series, my brother helped me quite a bit. I drew the linearts, and I pitched some of the raw dialogue. When the drawings where finished, they where scanned and made into perfect line arts in the photoshop. With that concluded, he puts the shading and the dialogue boxes. It is a bit of a bother to always try to do dialogues boxes on the manga. I feel that it distracts from the overall composition. The first version of The Furies manga was like a complete mess. We had to go back to square one, and start all over. Even when the new Volume 1 was completed, we had to go back and add more pages. Mainly, I added the origin story of both Gilgamesh and this Kida. I also added how Gilgamesh ran into Brahma, or Krishna. When I got to University, I took a bunch of religious classes. Of all the Gods I studied, I developed an affinity for Krishna. He just seemed like a fun, yogurt loving type of God. Since I also like Yogurt, I ended up putting him on the Manga as a supporting character. Krishna has played a supportive role in a lot of Hindu legends. So, the role fits him like a shoe. Aside from Kida, there are 3 other furies as well. They start by being a bother to Gil, and eventually the manga focuses on Kida more. The manga has a huge cast that rivals that of One Piece. I try not to have too many folks on the same page, at the same time. Still, I acknowledge that they exist from time to time. For those that do not know, The Furies are a revenge type of Goddesses. They are known as the Kindly Ones. The represent the past order. They are what life was all about, before the Jury system was implemented in Greece. In their titular story, Orestes committed matricide. Gil killed his father, and did not get punished because he was royalty. It is for this reason that the Furies started bothering Gilgamesh. When I say Gilgamesh, you must take his name with a grain of salt. It is like being named Jesus or something. This Gilgamesh happens to have a friend named Enkiku, which is very close to the name Enkidu. From a normal type of setting, Gilgamesh and Kida get into some crazy adventures in their fight against the Abandons. The human leader of the Abandons is a man named, Gates. He steals the suns from Solar Systems. This makes him a step more evil than Galactus. I can empathize with Galactus. When I get hungry, I feel like I could eat a whole planet. Have you ever been that hungry? I certainly have. Anyhow, the core of the show is the relationship between Gilgamesh and Kida, as it grows as the manga progresses. Before you think this is a sappy romance manga, let me assure it is not. I don’t even think I remember drawing them kissing. The show is an action, comedy. As the manga progresses, I lean more towards comedy, but I am not afraid to throw a bit of action in the mix just for giggles. I also do musical numbers. Every so often, I do little song parodies, or reference songs that nobody seems to remember. I am just trying to keep it fresh as all. If you are not having fun drawing the manga, then how can you expect for the reader to have fun while reading it? Aside from the music, I have like a bunch of paintings and art references. You need to be an art historian to catch all the references I make. I should have marked them when I was making the manga. I eventually forgot most of the names of the works I referenced. Paintings are just easy for arranging scenes in the manga. For now, there is about 11 volumes of the manga. Depending on when you are reading this, there might be more out there. It takes time to publish. I hope you have as much reading the Furies as I had drawing it.
Gil - Bio
Kida - Bio
Enkiku -Bio
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godlyborn · 4 years
what’s your plan? | jordan & victoria.
date: july 18, 2020, a few hours after talking with cyrus characters: jordan abe & victoria brant summary: victoria tells jordan that she’s leaving to go find hecate. jordan thinks it’s a bad idea, victoria doesn’t listen.
Victoria was in the Hecate cabin library, choosing some books to take with her while on the trip with Cyrus. She knew that if she was going to see Hecate, possibly, she needed to study somethings. She looked over when she heard someone walk in, only to find Jordan strolling in. "Hey," she said to him. "Are you going to use any of these?" She pointed to the little stack she had already made. "Is it cool if I take them?"
Jordan hadn't been expecting to see anyone when he walked into the cabin, but he also wasn't surprised, with how many of the old residents would also come and go, taking books on the subjects that they needed. "Hey." Jordan had mostly been interested in the darker selection, focused on necromancy, death, spirits and summoning, so when he ran his eyes over the titles of the books, he shook his head slowly, then smirked. "Trying to turn someone into a frog?"
“No, trying to turn someone back into a human,” Vic joked back. “Do we have a book just specifically on breaking curses anywhere?” She looked over the books.
Jordan gave her a strange smile and hummed. "There was one with an entire section on it, but not the whole book." He ran his finger along the covers on one bookshelf. "I think you might have it there, but I believe there's another one..." He disappeared behind one shelf and reappeared a few moments later, holding a book with a dark green cover. "This one. It always ends up in a weird section of the library. Jumps around. Maybe that's its curse." He smirked. "What do you need these for?"
Victoria looked at the book, flipping through the pages when she took it from him. "I think I tried this one already," she replied. "We only have two?" she replied. She sighed, that meant that she would really have to go. "I have to do something for a friend." She sighed slightly, and looked at him. "Which also means I have to leave camp, but if I tell you, you have to keep it a secret about where I'm going, because people aren't going to like it."
"Just the two," Jordan confirmed as he nodded. His expression grew more serious, and he frowned at her, leaning against the table where her books were stacked. "I don't really tell people shit. Where are you going?"
Victoria let out a soft sigh. “I’m going to try and find our dear mother, father, parent,” she replied. It had been years since she’s seen Hecate, the last time Hecate was trying to recruit her just before the war broke out. She leaned against the bookcase. “Cyrus and I. Hecate’s the one who cast the curse, and I guess I’m gonna have to actually ask her how to break it. You know, without me dying, or something.”
Jordan pressed his lips together in a thin line. He hadn't be present for the torment that their shared parent had brought upon camp, but Jordan had heard enough about it from Victoria to know that a curse was hardly unprecedented from Hecate. Reversing one cause by the goddess of magic however... Jordan wasn't sure if that was possible, and if it was, he was pretty sure it was a terrible idea. "Why are you guys cursed? What happened?"
"It's a long story, but I'm not the one cursed," Victoria replied. She crossed her arms, moving her hair from her face, her fingertips resting on the ends of the hair, twirling it around her fingers. "I just, I uh have to find her, find where they have some weird God jail they told us she was in. Beg her? I don't know. She's got to have some care in her arm for her own blood? Right? I don't know, it's worth a shot."
"Do you have any idea as to how to find her? Where that god jail is, if it even is a place rather than a concept?" Jordan wasn't exactly sure why, but the idea of Victoria facing Hecate was off putting and upsetting to him. "What's your plan?"
"Plan? Uh, we were just gonna wing it," Victoria replied. "I"m sure we can get some God to tell us, maybe Hermes." Victoria shrugged. "What proper way do I have to go about seeing a God that killed a bunch of people and destroyed camp?"June 21, 2020
Jordan shrugged. "I dunno, have you tried reaching out to talk to her? I guess Hermes is a good idea, he definitely knows where everyone is. How are you gonna find him?"
"How am I supposed to reach her. If she's in this so-called God Jail or whatever, I don't think we can even have contact with her." Victoria shrugged again, she didn't exactly have the best plan, yet again that's how her and Cyrus worked. "That I also don't know."
“I dunno, look up a spell for it?” Jordan frowned and scuffed his shoe on the ground. He raised his eyebrows a bit. “Looks like you don’t really have this all figured out.”
"I don't know if we can even use spells for that. I mean it's God level shit, I can sometimes not even do demigod level shit," Victoria replied. "I don't know, Cyrus and I work well on impulse."
Jordan pursed his lips. "Do you? Or do you guys get by on impulse?" He frowned and crossed his arms. "I think you should do more research before going out and doing god-level shit. Gather intel, that kinda thing, talk to Hermes and then do more research before just... going to her."
Victoria raised her eyebrows at Jordan when he crossed his arms. “Well,” she confirmed. She then shrugged again, only slightly this time. “She holds grudges, I don’t think research is going to stop her doing whatever she wants. Cyrus is desperate to fix it, and well, I’ll do anything for him, he’s my best friend.”
Jordan just frowned more, obviously upset. “Okay, I’m just saying that this isn’t something to take lightly. What did he do to get himself cursed anyway?”
"Who said he was the one cursed?" Victoria replied.
Jordan raised his eyebrows. "You just said that you'd do anything for him. Are you the one who's cursed?"
"It's a long story," she told him, not wanting to go into too much, for the sake of Cyrus. "Just," she put her hands on his shoulders. "I'll be okay, alright? Just don't do anything stupid while I'm gone, okay? I don't want to come home to a beat up brother or something."
“So you’re not.” Jordan frowned again and looked away from Victoria. He almost pulled away from her grasp, and opened his mouth to correct her, but then closed it again, figuring it was a detail that didn’t matter. “Ugh, shut up.” He looked back at her. “As if I’m the one doing something stupid. Is this a quest? Everyone keeps coming back from those half dead. Or dead,” he added. He paused for a moment, then pulled her into a quick hug, his heart rattling in his chest as he thought the worst. “If you need help,” he said as he pulled away, looking at the books again. “Call me. Send me coordinates or a location or... something. I can try to help.”
Victoria smiled slightly when Jordan didn’t correct her, and smiled a little bigger when he hugged her. “Oh, so he does have a heart,” she teased. “It’s not a quest, it’s more of a last resort at this point. I’ll be fine Jordan. If things don’t work out, I’ll get out of there.”
Jordan rolled his eyes and sighed instead of commenting. She was probably using humor to push away hard feelings. Family resemblance, he thought to himself, though he pushed the thought away as soon as it came. “You’d better,” he mumbled. “I know you’re not that stupid. You’re at least half as stupid as most of the people sent on quests.”
“Wow thanks,” Victoria replied. She then wrapped her arms around him in a hug again. “Thank you,” she said sincerely this time.
Jordan sighed and hugged her back after a moment, then pulled away again. "Just..." He looked down, ringing his hands together. "I dunno, stay safe, be prepared, don't eat yellow snow and all that."
Victoria ruffled Jordan's hair. "I promise I will, and I won't eat yellow snow."
Jordan swatted at Victoria's hand and smoothed out his hair. "Cool." He set his jaw and pursed his lips. "When are you leaving?"
"Within the next day or two," Victoria replied.
Jordan’s lips tugged slightly downwards and he nodded. “Alright, well... everything I said, yeah.” He rocked back and forth on his feet before stepping forward and wrapping his arms around her in another quick hug. “Please don’t make me commit matricide in an act of revenge.”
"I won't, I promise," Victoria answered, hugging Jordan back.
Jordan sighed and pulled away again. “Cool, yeah.” He rubbed his brow and then stepped back. “Guess I’ll... see you when you get back.” He picked up a book he was originally looking for and looked away before teleporting out of the cabin.
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