#god i love mesmers long range greatsword
sakutair · 1 year
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yeah baby buncha doodles ft a whole lot of ocs
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rsmrymnt-tea · 3 years
To be clear any ideas that I send to you that you like are 1000% free for you to do whatever you want with!! Especially when they're about Dola!!!! They're gifts for you okay?
Hehehe Satan and Solomon coming to workout with Beel and Dola so they can see her in action!! They're only doing enough to not get kicked out by Beel as they watch her do pushups n shit!! She was already hot but now she's strong?? She can absolutely kick your ass?? SATAN TAKING DOLA TO A SWORD FIGHTING CLASS I WANT TO SEE DOLA WITH A SWORD OMG
Solomon totally gets to see her being physically fit and strong when they do missions for the Sorcerer's Society too 👀
Okokok I didn't even consider how do you deal with the guilt of knowing another you died because you didn't?? And I guess that's true for all MCs but having the body stick around just makes it that much more obvious.... At least Dola has all the time in the world to heal from it.
Also I was wondering: when exactly do Dolasach and Satan get together? I guess things get a lot messier if he was actually with the Dola that died, but I don't know if you've talked about when in her timeline they get together so,,
Ooooo wait wait if you're gonna make a lesson 70 equivalent in s2, and Dola and Satan are in the human realm just hanging out n all that..... It's kinda a practice run for when he moves in with her in the human realm later on. Imagining them getting caught up in the domestics of it all n Lucifer having to come to the human world to get them back. And when they do come back to the HoL they spend a lot of time yearning for their peace and quiet back in the human realm I'm akfjsksk
- 🐝
:0!!!!!!!!!!!! Really??? Okay omfg omg thank you so much!! I am… gonna so sit in the corner and think A Lot about so many of the ideas you’ve shared and given me (both for regular OM dola and TSL!Dola >.<)
Ahsjshsa Dola being all ‘?????’ when she realizes they’re there… And that they’re there to watch her exercise??? She’d be so flustered she can’t concentrate and Beel would have to make them leave lmaooo And sword fighting!! Oh my god nonnie do you know how much I’ve debated whether Dola would fall in love with sword fighting during that time in S2 where she and Lucifer rehearse a sword fighting scene for the school play??!??! There’s this profession in Guild Wars 2 called the mesmer that uses a greatsword as a long range weapon (+ another profession called the revenant that uses hammers as long range weapon too) and it’s made me realize years ago I could do whatever I want with any weapon; Dola could get into swordfighting and figure out how to channel her magic through swords, not just for melee but for distance combat as well. Also just… magic swords?? magic swords for Dola???? (I have also considered: a staff [current weapon], a scythe, magic daggers, and a scepter.)
Also love thinking about Dola sparring with Solomon and some of the brothers as she learns both magical and non-magical combat and it’s so shdkjhdc I love the mental image of them being shocked and proud that their once fragile human is slowly turning to someone who can actually stand against them in a fight??? The day she actually manages to land a scratch on Lucifer probably sends everyone into a frenzy lmaoo
And yeah… I feel like the guilt would definitely do a lot to her but I’m not entirely sure what. She herself died once and watched another version of herself die for good, and that version of herself that died likely had no idea what was coming. Part of me thinks that it would give Dola extra incentive to keep Belphie at an arm’s length? Idk I gotta smooth stuff out re:that
Also omg yeah I guess I never actually said when they get together, even in that headcanon post Gray asked for… I’ve always thought they they’d get together around the tail end of the exchange program? Maybe like 9-10 months in when she’s recovered some from the Incident (which apparently happened like 2-3 months into the year?? That’s the usual timeframe of S1 that I see people give which is crazy). Though it does seem a bit fast but I feel like that’s my demi ass whispering into my ear
Oh oh!! You know how it’s implied that Hotel Corvo is in the same city where MC lives??? Thinking about Dola taking the chance to take Satan to her actual home so they can hide there instead of a hotel where the brothers know they’re at. And then the both of them just refuse to tell any of the others where exactly they are and only give them the assurance they’re safe—and unfortunately for them, they only know her old address which she’s just moved out of by S2. Barbatos probably has to locate them and send Lucifer up through a portal because the two end up perfectly fine and happy just being by themselves. Dola’s thrilled to be in her own space once again (esp since she didn’t really have enough time to really settle in before Solomon brought her back to the Devildom + holy shit the amount of work she/MC gets forced to do for Diavolo/RAD is insane so the break is much needed) and Satan’s having a great time going full malewife and living the domestic fantasy with her while having Much Needed Conversations at night >.< Maybe their time together and the reassurances she’s given him make the confrontation between him and Lucifer more substantial and productive when he finally shows up? Plus having someone so clearly on his side would help him too imo (and if things escalate, she’s not above using the pacts to make sure her home doesn’t end up in ruin >.>)
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