#i guess?? i mean there are furries in here too
sakutair · 1 year
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yeah baby buncha doodles ft a whole lot of ocs
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ivoryrisuet · 2 years
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ok so i was really overstimulated yesterday and couldn’t do shit and sketching this whole situation was the only thing that could ease my condition.
i don’t thik of it as a whole au but they’re kinda cute :’)
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lass-us-slay · 3 months
So I read a prompt about how Wonder Woman found Danny in a trash can (don’t remember which one) and I was bored.
So I took that lil info and made it into an AU.
So basically, Danny get yeeted into this unknown universe and has no where to live. And no where to live means no money. No money means no food. No food means Danny can’t keep his human half sustained.
So what does he do?
Decides to not change into a human and live in a trash can.
Yes you heard that right, live in a trash can.
Because he’s a ghost, he doesn’t have to worry about the germs and stuff. But that doesn’t mean he lives in just any trash can! He lives in a clean one ☝️
AND he also decorated it with his name so other people know it’s his!
And so Danny has been here for a while now and realizes
Holy shit there’s hero’s here- you know what, why doesn’t he have hero’s back home?!
And being minorly annoyed jealous (but he’s never admitting that)he thought:
Well since there’s hero’s here already, guess I’m not needed.
Good. I’m tired af
And so Danny caries on his life, being content with his trash can and scaring whoever comes into his alley. It’s fun. Sure he sometimes needs to ugh overshadow people to feed his human side, but other than that.
It’s going great.
But Danny doesn’t realize that with Amity gone (or smth, you choose) which was his haunt, he slowly makes the trash can into his new haunt.
And slowly but surely, Danny’s beloved haunt trash can starts to become other worldly kinda.
Yk because of the ectoplasm.
So now Danny’s lovely trash can haunt has more space inside and- Hey Danny can actually sleep in it better!! And he got some company too!
In the form of blob ghosts.
Two actually.
They keep his trash can clean and help purifying some corrupted ectoplasm that he finds. Because for some reason this universe’s ectoplasm seems half way artificial and tastes a bit weird. Which is where the blob ghosts help out in.
Everything was great.
Danny was loving the trash can life style.
He has two blob ghosts friends. Which he named Sam and Tucker, and yea they couldn’t talk but that was fine.
He wasn’t lonely, he wasn’t. He had two very much talking friends like Sam and Tucker.
However one day two weirdly dressed people- oh they were hero’s.
Well anyway they found him, one woman stripper and one furry guy.
But it was on accident! He was just peaking out of his beloved haunt trash can, and they spotted him.
He stared, they stared back.
Then the woman stripper asked him questions, even when he said:
“Don’t mind me, have a nice day!”
But they just kept bother him and giving him weird looks and glances.
Which- rude.
Didn’t they see his mark on his haunt trash can? Obviously it means it’s his home, so they shouldn’t be bothering him still. He’s safe as can be.
It’s not like he’s looking at them in suspicion and weirdness, I mean look at them! What kinda cheep knock off vampire fury mix and American stripper style clothing are those!
They should mind their own business!
Just a silly lil drawing of this lmao, don’t mind me.
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My take on stalker!Tim:
Robin!Jason gets distracted during a patrol and doesn’t meet up with Batman, who panics is mildly concerned. Jason doesn’t want to reveal the real reason he got distracted (could be something he was working on for Bruce or just him being a cute baby nerd) so he makes something up the spot. A kid! He saw a kid. It was definitely child shaped. And. Uh. Photography! That’s right, he saw a kid taking photos and made sure he got home safe.
Batman: Photography?
Robin!Jason: Yeah, uh, nighttime photography.
Batman: At midnight?
Robin: I mean, it’s not a school night.
Batman: What were they taking pictures of?
Robin, panicking and going to the first thing he can think of ch just so happens to be last Sunday when Dick called Bruce an emotionally repressed furry: Uh, wildlife?
Bruce is skeptical but honestly he’s seen weirder things even tonight so as long as the kid got home safe…
Jason proceeds to use this same excuse a few more times.
Batman: Don’t tell me, it was the kid again.
Robin!Jason: You just missed him.
Batman, who isn’t feeling strong parental feelings at all: Hrn.
Okay so then fast forward a few years. Jason is on his little murder training gap year and Tim has shown up to the manor trying to fix the disaster that is currently Bruce Batman Wayne. Dick, trying to bond with the kid now that it’s apparent he’s not going anywhere, asks what Tim’s interests are.
Tim: Well, I like photography, and…
Dick, putting two and two together and getting forty-seven: Ohmygosh you’re the kid.
Tim: The what now?
Dick: The kid with the wildlife photography.
Tim, thinking about that one competition he entered a year ago: Uh, I guess?
Dick thinks that’s how Tim figured out all their identities. He thinks he has it all figured out. He does not. Bruce now thinks he has it figured out too. He does not. Tim is unaware there was something to be figured out. Jason is off learning the finer points of poisoning or something idk.
So skip forward some more and Jason is back, minus some murder attempts or whatever because this is crack, and Dick is now trying to get his two brothers comfortable with each other. It is not working. Finally, Dick remembers they’ve definitely met before.
Dick: So, do you remember meeting Tim before?
Jason, whose memory resembles Swiss cheese but is fairly certain he never met Tim before now: Uh…
Dick: He’s the kid! The one with the wildlife photography!
Jason, suddenly remembering the excuse he used several times as Robin: The what now?
Tim, knowing full well that Jason was very dead at the time he submitted anything in a wildlife category: The what now?
Jason pulls Tim into a hall closet to interrogate him about this.
Tim: There’s like five rooms right here that no one has stepped in in a month. Why are we in a closet?
Jason: What, exactly, did Dick mean by you were the one with the wildlife photography, because I’m pretty sure that was just an excuse I made up but now I don’t know.
They figure it out. They also agree to just let that belief be. Jason doesn’t want to admit he made that all up. Tim doesn’t want to admit he thought Dick had gone to his art competition thing before they even officially met. Tim also doesn’t want to explain how he actually figured out their identities because this sounds way cooler. So they decide to just roll with it.
Damian shows up and tries to hunt down Tim’s early photos of Batman. Tim and Jason get really into making it look like he just keeps missing it. Barbara knew about all of this the entire time but no one asked her so she didn’t bother to fill them in.
Everyone else that joins the family after that point and hears the story of Jason and Tim supposedly meeting while Jason was Robin has the exact same response: “Oh, ‘cause Batman’s a furry. Right.”
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dunmeshistash · 3 months
Idk if I say this right did the manga style changed over time from first chapter were tiny details on it, to the end it is more detailed? Bc it got me gasping of the improvement of author's art style
Yep, Dungeon Meshi was published over 9 years and Kui's style got more detailed as it went on. If you look at her older manga before dunmeshi you can see she had a very "inky" and minimal style. Here's some pages from Seven Little Sons of the Dragon from 2011~2012 (Taking the chance to do kui propaganda)
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I'd say that's impressive work even back then and I think it's cool how expressive it gets and how much she puts across with just clean linework
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Here's Dungeon Meshi from 2014 when it began (2~3 years after this)
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It's still BEAUTIFUL art but her simplistic character drawings are still there from her older work, I think she's going for more detail and less minimalism when she starts dungeon meshi tho, I guess she still had to find her footing in the new style?
I think chapter 1 Senshi is the biggest offender in that transition from very simplistic characters to very detailed characters (think of a furry transitioning to drawing more humans, her monsters and animals were always very detailed but her humans were mostly that face Laios makes)
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Them in the first cover
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Them in chapter 35
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You can tell she really found the consistency on how to draw them and upped the detail on her character work, I do think she improved! (you'd hope so after 9 years) but I like to give credit to her earlier work too, she was working upon a solid base to get where she is.
I also wanted to say simple doesn't mean worse, it all depends on what you're trying to achieve, I think Kui had a vision for dunmeshi that demanded more detail so she got out of her comfort zone? That's all assumptions tho, either way she's an amazing artist and has been for a long time.
Anyway this is the Ryoko Kui art analysis nobody asked for by an artist that draws like once a year.
Edit: sorry fixed the date it was supposed to be 2014 not 2013
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monstersflashlight · 3 months
Commission for @b-side-vinyl
A/N: Thank you so much for the commission! This was very interesting to write, a very fun concept. For everyone else, this is filthy, 5k of pure filth. Enjoy!
Request: Essentially I’d like the plot to be with a trans masc human character sort of stuck in these monster infested woods. To get out of it, he travels this path and sleeps with a few (1-3 varieties) monsters and essentially gets bred by them (no actual pregnancy just fucked real good. You can do eggs if you want). I’d like for there to be some knotting if possible, if not that’s fine. The main thing I want to happen is this dude getting fisted by the pale man from pans labyrinth. Literally just do what you want with the rest. If there are more creatures that is. And I’d like for the character to be enjoying himself with this, I don’t want any serious dub con.
Quest to ecstasy
Monsters (werewolf, gator-monster, pale man) x transmasc!reader || dom/sub (light), oral sex, knotting, breeding, oviposition, fisting, dirty talk (kinda)
When the fortune teller said you had to complete a quest if you wanted to be fully yourself, you didn’t believe them. But after what felt like an eternity in search of something missing, something inside of you that didn’t feel quite right… You started to comprehend it wasn’t just a riddle.
You really needed to complete some kind of quest for you to feel completely settled into your body.
That’s how you found yourself back into the forest. Back into that deep, dark place where the witch lived. You had packed for a few days, not knowing what exactly you were signing yourself to, but ready to find whatever it was out there for you.
What awaited for you wasn’t the witch, though. When you set a foot inside the tree line, a weird orange creature appeared from thin air. Their looks were so weird you screamed, falling back and tripping. You ended up with your ass on the ground and a single tear running down your cheek. The creature looked at you with their head tilted, clearly confused.
“You came to my realm in search of something… Why?” The creature in front of you was looking more and more weird which each second, and it was messing with your brain. They awoke the uncanny valley inside of your brain and made you shiver.
“I- I want to complete the quest.”
“You do? Interesting.” With each movement it made you cringe a bit more, trying to disappear to not be scrutinized by them. “I wasn’t expecting you until a couple more years… Guess you are an early case. Okay human…”
You hesitated before asking: “Will you… Will you tell me what I have to do? What I’m looking for?” They approached you, and you stepped back, scared that they were going to attack you or something.
“Fear not, human. I will not hurt you. You just need to pay close attention to your quest.” You nodded, the fear not really leaving your body, too tense to even talk. They approached you and touched your forehead. A warm feeling filled your body as they said: “You need to reach deep within you, deep within the woods, only then you’ll find the answer to your need.”
“Can you be more precise?” You were confused, that didn’t mean absolutely nothing to you. You needed answers, not more riddles.
“No. You’ll find out on your own. Good luck.” And they disappeared. They disappeared and left you there, confused and with a dark forest before you.
Before you could hesitate and back down, you stepped into the forest.
You walked for what felt like hours, until you could barely see anything and your feet hurt. You sat on a rock, gulping down some water and panting, your body sore.
A voice behind you made you jump. “What do we have here? A handsome human…” You looked at him and stared. He was furry. Tall and muscular and… like a werewolf. There was a fucking werewolf in front of you, and he was so hot you felt like melting right there. “Are you lost?” He asked. You shook your head, unable to talk. “What are you looking for then, boy?”
You breathed hard, trying to get your rabbit-fast heart under control. He made you nervous and excited all at once, something inside of you jumping in joy. “I- I’m here to complete a quest,” you muttered. You weren’t expecting to find anyone so early, but you knew without a doubt that he was the one you were looking for. The first part of your quest.
He grunted in acknowledgment and asked: “What kind of quest?” He sat down in front of you.
You looked at him, eye to eye now that he was on the ground. “I have no idea. They- the creature didn’t tell me.” You felt stupid, but he was so hot your brain couldn’t process long sentences anymore.
He smelled the air, ignoring your words and instead saying: “You smell delicious, like a fresh pie.” He approached you on hands and knees until he was right before you, his snout close to your legs. “What is that smell… Is that your desire human, do you desire me?” He parted your legs without preamble and smelled your already dripping cunt under your pants. Fuck, why was that so hot?
“I- I- Maybe…” You told him, it sounded more like a question that an affirmation and he chuckled. You were confused by this development. You didn’t know what to tell him, you only knew you felt your cunt dripping and desire pooling lower. You wanted to grab his head and make him do it again, but embarrassment stopped you.
He looked up at you, his eyes so big and with a hint of danger behind them… That made you whimper. “Maybe?” He asked again, smelling the air once again and grunting in pleasure.
You took a deep breath and nodded. “Yeah. Yes. I do,” you confessed. Your face was burning, but your desire was burning higher than the embarrassment. The heat inside of you was almost unbearable, you needed something. You needed him to do something to you. And if he didn’t… You didn’t know what would happen, but you knew it wouldn’t be good.
“Do you want us to fuck?” He asked, looking at you almost hopeful.
“I- I don’t know.” You did know, but the embarrassment and self-consciousness got the best of you once again. You cursed yourself in your brain over and over.
He looked at you disapprovingly. “You need to say what you want, boy. I don’t read minds… But I can smell your desire, you are ready like a ripe fruit. You want this, don’t you?” His words made you hotter, juices soaking your undergarments. Fuck, you didn’t remember being this ready like… ever.
“Ye- yes.” That answer left you without thinking about it, but it felt like something inside of you released. Something left your body and ascended, and you felt lighter.
He looked up at your face again, something hot and dark dancing behind his eyes. “Tell me what do you want me to do to you, then. Be specific.” You breathed hard, your heart accelerating once again.
You tried to filter your thoughts, too fast and too messy to get anything across. But then you just knew what you wanted, something inside of you telling exactly what you had to say, “I- I want you to eat me out. I want you to make me come with your mouth.” You felt your body burning as he started lowering your pants, exposing your undergarments to his prying eyes. He licked his lips when he saw the wet patch there.
“Yes… Good boy.” You felt your face flush at his words. He took your undergarments off, too, slowly lowering them until they were neatly stacked over your pants.
He planted his hands on your inner thighs, breathing hard against your center, but not touching you just yet. “What else?” He urged, his hands tightening. You were sure that was going to leave bruises. Fuck, that thought was so hot.
You kept going, your words getting stuck in your throat, but you pushed through. “I- I want your mouth over my hole. Over my holes…” You never had asked anybody to rim you before, and now it just… felt right. “I want you to eat all of me, to take me over the edge over and over.” You told him. With each word, your body felt lighter and your cunt wetter. His tongue traced patterns over your your hip and making you shiver.
“Keep going…” His mouth was dangerously close to where you needed him most, but he didn’t touch you.
Then you breathed out, “I want your tongue inside me, I want your claws holding my hips down so you can stop my frantic motions.” That confession was a bit too much for your frantic brain, but you got it out without an itch, a special part inside of you telling you it was okay. He would understand, he would deliver. “And then I want you to fuck me, to breed me.”
He smirked up at you, his fangs glistening. The image was enough to make you whimper. “Yes, yes. I can do that.” And then he launched.
The first contact of his tongue against your cunt made you shiver. His claws were right over your hips, holding your body down as he made out with your hole until you were dripping. But he didn’t stop there, he kept going down, licking over your asshole and making your eyes roll back into your head. You had never felt such a good tongue, such a good mouth. Every experience you had before him paled in comparison to his abandon.
He ate you out, sucking, licking, going up and down… His tongue and lips seemed to be everywhere at once, and you were struggling under him, trying to get him closer, trying to make him move. Your hands found his head and you pulled at his hair, making him grunt and attack your pussy with fervor. You did it again and he growled, so you did it again. It became a game, you pulled at his hair and he sucked on your most sensitive parts. It was the best oral you’d ever gotten, and he was enjoying himself even more than you if the sounds he was making were any indication.
“Such good holes, so beautiful, so soft and wet for me.” His words against your skin felt like thunder before a storm, and when he drove right in, your body exploded. You came around his mouth and soaked most of his face, he complimented you over and over as you came down. He looked at you with the biggest smirk on his face as you recovered. “You want more?”
You were about to say you couldn’t when he stood up and drove his dick right into you. His dick was so big, but you were so wet from his previous assault to your hole. He fucked you hard and fast, with abandon. You came once, twice, three more times.
“Are you ready to take my knot?” You nodded, lost in pleasure.
You felt his knot at your entrance as he pushed inside one more time, stretching you to the point of distress but the pleasure overtook it. You struggled under him as his knot filled you to the brim. He came, and came, and came… He bred you until you felt so full you felt like exploding, just to grind his hips against you and made you come again.
By the time he was done, your hole was gaping and his cum was leaking out of you. His smug smile was so big he looked like a madman. You wanted to smack him, but also wanted to kiss him senseless until he couldn’t smile anymore. So you did just that. You made out for a few minutes as your heat regained its normal pace and he slowly cleaned you out with some warm cloth you didn’t know where he got from.
His dreamy look made you blush as he said, “you did great, boy. The next part won’t be so easy on you.” A spark of anxiety bloomed inside of you, but his hand caressed your cheek softly as you relaxed once again. “You have to go to the river and find the one whose eggs they crave.” His words were weird but you nodded, already assuming he wasn’t going to tell you anything else.
Your cunt was a bit sore as you walked. The directions the werewolf gave you too imprecise to know where you were really headed to. But you kept walking. If the first part of the quest was finished and you found it on your own, you trusted the universe to point you in the right direction.
After a couple hours, you found the river. You walked alongside it, expecting whatever part of the quest to appear before you or at least some kind of signal. And it definitely did.
A big scaled monster was exiting the water like an alligator. He was walking on two feet, but his arms and legs were covered in scales. His face was elongated, pointy fangs on each side of his mouth. He looked dangerous and scary, but the second he saw you, he cheerfully said: “Hi there! Are you the human the witch sent?” He sounded hopeful and excited to see you, and you couldn’t stop yourself from smiling at him.
“She- She told you?” You asked. You haven’t talked to the witch at all, but if you got here, you guessed he was right, she sent you to him.
He nodded, his elongated face bobbing up and down and making him look adorable as he smiled. “She said she would help my family, and then I see you next to my river… So I guessed.” That made sense, but how would you help if you didn’t even know why you were there?
“What do you mean she would help your family, how would I do that?” You questioned, as confused as him.
He nodded, looking you up and down and saying: “You’ll be the recipient.”
“Recipient? For what?” You tried not to sound too panicked, but probably failed.
“My family…” He cleared his throat, a raspy sound exiting his mouth as his voice broke. “My family needs money, and our eggs sell for a better price if they touch a human first.” He said it was if that meant something to you, which it didn’t. You were as confused as earlier.
“What does that mean?” You asked again.
He hesitated for a few seconds before answering you, “I- I need you to take my eggs and then lay them for me.” Eggs? How would you do that? Was he supposed to get the eggs inside of you? That… That made sense. His hopeful smile was enough to convince you it was the right thing to do.
But an idea crossed your mind, “Will it hurt?” You were okay with oviposition, but pain wasn’t really your thing.
He smiled, already knowing you’d say yes. “No, human. It won’t. They say it’s quite pleasurable, actually.” His smirk made your insides turn and heat pooled in your lower abdomen.
“Okay… Okay. I’ll do it.” You agreed.
Before you could realize, you were naked and he was over you, his claws pinching your nipples and telling you how pretty you were, how handsome and how good you’d look with his eggs inside of you. You shivered, his words making you hot and bothered, your cunt already dripping.
You felt his dick against your hole before he started to press inside, he wasn’t as big as the werewolf, but the texture of his dick was doing marvels to your insides. It was like the best toy you’d ever tried, maybe even better. He started slow, asking how you were, how you liked it. With each pump of his hips, his scales rubbed perfectly against your sensitive parts, making you cry out. You were drunk on pleasure already, his ridges massaging your G-spot with every thrust.
He gained speed, fucking in and out of you like a madman and growling at each thrust. And then he came for the first time, and something stretched you. There was something going up his dick and inside of you. The sensation was another level of weird, but it felt incredibly inside of you. So good that you screamed and came around him. That threw him off, coming again and filling you with another egg.
You felt big, your stomach distended as they pushed deep inside of you one last time. You didn’t know how many orgasms he had, how many you had… You didn’t know how many eggs he laid inside of you… but it was so good.
You came again at the same time you heard him say, “good job, human… You got them all.” He pulled out of your gaping hole and smiled down at you, helping you accommodate against his chest.
His words confused you, but the pleasure was so great you had to take two deep breaths before answering. “Wha- what?”
He chuckled, like you were a silly goose for asking that. Your brain still was fuzzy with pleasure. “Now we wait.” He hugged you closely.
You pushed his chest. “What?! What do you mean we wait? You didn’t say we had to wait!” You looked down and saw it, your stomach distended, not too big, but definitely something was inside there.
“The eggs will be ready soon, then you have to push them out and they’ll be ready.” His voice was even and controlled, his smile so big you couldn’t be mad at him for not telling you it won’t be an immediate process. Fuck, it would be easier if he wasn’t cute.
So you waited. He feed you some fish he caught, and covered you with a blanket as you felt the eggs move and twist inside of you. It was so weird, but not bad.
You felt a big pinch in your lower back, not painful, but weird. And then something slimy ran down your leg. “I think- I think they are ready,” you told him, panic settling on you momentarily. You took your blanket away and looked between your legs. And so did he.
You pushed down, trying to get them out as soon as possible. You were expecting more weirdness, but definitely you weren’t expecting the blinding pleasure that filled you when the first egg left your body. You felt it all the way down, slowly, pressing and stretching you from the inside out. You screamed as an orgasm ran through you. And then another as the second egg descended.
You came one time for each egg he laid, about ten. It was exhilarating and left your body feeling like a rag. So tired and so exhausted after so much pleasure… It was like your body didn’t respond to your commands, but it was such a great feeling you couldn’t be mad about it.
The gator-monster was looking at you with adoration in his eyes as he took all the eggs you just pushed out of your cunt. He kept saying “thank you, thank you, thank you…” as he carefully packed them into what looked like a basket.
He took a warm cloth and cleaned your hole carefully, applying some kind of balm that made you sigh with relief, the soreness instantly fading. “I could never thank you enough human… But for now, I can point you to the final part of your quest.” You nodded, grateful. “You have to cross the river and find the cave with the door.” You took mental note of his words. River. Cave with a door. “You got it?” He asked.
You stood up, pulling your pants up with you, covering yourself. “Yes. Yeah, I got it.” You took your bag and stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say to him.
“I wish you the best, human.” His voice was truthful, and you smiled at him, after so many orgasms he felt like an old-friend more than a stranger.
“I hope those eggs sell for a good price.” You chuckled as you said it, completely confused about what all that was about but happy you could give him something.
“They will!” His grin was so big you wanted to laugh about how goofy he looked. His voice became soft again, “good luck, human.”
“Thanks,” you muttered, feeling a bit sad about leaving him, but ready to see what the quest still had for you.
He saw you leave with still unsteady legs, excited and thankful for what just happened. It was nothing like you expected, but it was rewarding in a way you had never felt before. You gave him something he needed, and it felt good. It felt great.
You walked away from him and crossed the river, a new energy in each step. You were tired and sore, but felt so content you couldn’t express it in words. You smiled at the little animals that crossed your path as you walked, life felt good in that moment. And you were so close…
You saw the big cave with the door, just as the gator predicted. You walked to it and found the door already open, a weird creature moving around. You stood there, mesmerized.
The creature in front of you was nothing sort of human, he looked alien-like, otherworldly. You were completely mesmerized by his movements and the way his body undulated as he moved. There was something about him that made your insides turn and twist. The things the witch said were true, you would know when you fount the final part of your quest. You know it was him.
He turned around and you had to swallow a scream. The creature had no eyes, just a pale empty face that twisted to the side when he realized you were there.
And then he raised his hands and you saw his eyes right there, in the middle of his palms. Nothing could have prevented you to scream then, not even a gag. You screamed at the top of your lungs, and he looked at you more intently, moving his fingers and making your panic raise, but also something else, something deeper.
Your insides twisted and turned and you could feel your hole getting wet once again. Everyone could have guessed it was too much, too difficult for you to get aroused again… But the mix of fear and arousal was once again making your undergarments sticky.
You got your breathing under control as he said: “You are here for a reason.” His curiosity for you was clear in his body, moving closer to you until his tall figure was so close you could feel his body heat. He smelled like pines and forest, but also like freedom, like the key to your freedom. “Are you ready for your final quest?” His question sounded ominous and you didn’t know if you were, but you were more than ready to find out, your cunt twitching in anticipation.
You looked at his eyes, still in front of his head, and told him stuttering: “Ye- yes.” He nodded and pointed to a mattress on the side of the room.
“Hand and knees, facing the wall…” You complied, a shiver of anticipation running down your spine as you felt his pointy fingers caressing the back of your thighs. “Such a pretty hole… So ready for me. Did they fuck you, human? Did the others had their fun with you?” You nodded, shy all of sudden. The idea that he could still see the evidence of the other two monster’s inside of you made you embarrassed, but also excited. You moaned, trying to hide your face in the pelt under you. “None of that, human. Face up, I want to hear every single noise you make.” You rose your head and looked at the wall, not knowing what he was going to do to you was exhilarating.
The first contact of his finger against your cunt made you shiver and push your ass back, trying to get him inside instantly. He growled and pinched your ass, making you scream, startled. “Ouch!”
“Behave. You had no control here, human.” You lowered your head, your face burning red with embarrassment.
He started a slow finger fucking, way too little. You needed more, you wanted more. But he already told you, you had no control over what happened, over what he did. You were there to complete your quest and he would do what he pleased, what it needed to be done. And apparently that was finger fuck you at such a slow pace that was making you crazy and desperate, even more needy.
You tried to push back again, and were rewarded with another pinch. Fuck. “You need to learn patience,” he told you. But he added another finger, and you sighed happily. Yes. Yes. More was good, more was great.
The gator-monster had already stretched you enough, you knew you could take a lot more than two of his fingers, but he didn’t fuck you harder nor faster. He took his time with you. He started slow, one finger in and out of your used hole. You moaned and groaned, asking for more. Pleading for more. He didn’t comply, he kept teasing your pleasure points with his long fingers until you were sweating and your legs were trembling under you, barely supporting your weight.
When your arms gave out and you face planted to the mattress, only then he added a second finger. He continued that slow torture that was making you drool and lose your mind second by second. You cried out when he pressed against your G-spot and started massaging it. It was amazing and the worst torture at the same time.
“Please, please, please…” You kept chanting, but he didn’t listen.
“Patience, human.” His completely calm voice annoyed you, but the annoyance was soon replaced by a new wave of pleasure as he added a third finger. You couldn’t even imagine how did it look for him, his eye so close to your center.
In and out, in and out. He pushed another finger inside. The fourth was already a stretch, at least the same size of the werewolf dick, but with so much more range of movement. He scissored them inside, opening you up, tickling your insides, reaching parts of you didn’t know existed. Your pleasure was so high you couldn’t stop screaming, a chorus of ah ah ah leaving your mouth at every movement of his fingers inside of you.
And then you felt his fifth finger slipping inside, the stretch so awesome you felt a gush of juices dripping out of your hole. He grunted and asked you to breathe, but it was almost impossible with the assault to your senses.
When he pushed in his knuckles, and then his whole fist, you screamed, coming around his hand and making him groan behind you. His knuckles were pressing against your G-spot so hard you felt like you could implode into a million pieces. It was the highest you’d ever gotten to the sky. It felt too much and nothing at all, it felt like the universe was at arms reach but you couldn’t move to touch it.
“You are doing amazing, human. Come for me again.” You wanted to tell him it was too much, but your body had a mind of their own and it complied. You came again. He was fucking you with his whole fist, half of his forearm inside of you at some point. Your brain was completely off-line. “Again,” he ordered. And you were unable to stop the next orgasm.
You felt stretched to the extreme, so much and so good you couldn’t stop moving your ass back, meeting his thrusts. You were acting nothing like yourself, or at least the self you were before the quest. Maybe this was the discovery. Maybe you needed to understand yourself better, to realize you needed more, needed so much more… And he gave it to you. He gave everything to you.
He fisted you for what felt like hours, making you come over and over until you were begging for him to stop. He didn’t. He kept going until you were a mess and the pleasure and pain were one big sensation inside of you. At some point it became too much and you fainted. You woke up with him still going at it, your cunt still stretched around his hand and your pleasure too high for you to come again. You didn’t think you could come again anytime soon.
But he proved you wrong.
He made you come at least three more times before your brain faded into darkness again, something inside of you breaking down. You felt it. You felt that something opening and leaving your body as a feeling of completely elation filled you.
And then darkness.
When you woke up, he was already there, looking at you with his weird hand-eyes. “You are ready to leave, human… I’ll walk you to the clearing.” He had already cleaned you and re-dressed you, all your stuff piled next to your bag. You packed everything rapidly, not wanting to make him wait for you.
He accompanied you to the entrance of the forest, right where you began your journey and waved his weird hands at you as he returned to the forest. You felt revitalized. Not a single sore muscle in you. You stood there for a long time, the sun rising behind you and setting shadows around you. The world felt different around you, brighter.
You learned to take your pleasure. You learned to give to others. And you learned to let go of your inhibitions. Maybe the witch was right, maybe the creature, too… You needed the quest, you needed to go through all that to realize you weren’t some kind of weird person for expressing your needs, for taking them into your own or for making it so others could meet them. You… You felt full of life.
For the first time ever you felt complete and okay in your own skin.
Remember you can also commission me, all info here.
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flamingpudding · 8 months
Cassiopea and Orion #3
#1 #2
A/N: Finally got some time to continue working on this... to be honest this was pieced together through a bunch of different lunch break writings... sorry if that shows. Also @kizzer55555 totally love your addition on #2! Honestly I squealed when I read it! You were nearly spot on on what I had in mind to where I wanted to go with this story line. Tho I hope you don't mind that I took a bit of inspiration from you while writing some parts of this.
A/N2: Also you guys *sigh of fondness for the dpxdc fandom* originally I wasn't going to tag it just yet but I guess I will now, even if I have no experience writing it and only tried to sort of hint at it a bit for readers interpretations: Spirit Halloween 👻
Ellie frowned watching these people, still sitting on her spot on the railing. Once their initial excitement quieted down and the seriousness of the situation took over, she was left with nothing more to do than to watch the situation unfold before her. A part of her was surprised about the amount of information the big bad bee had on Danny. Some of which she thought was information that previously only Tucker, Sam and Jazz had. But apparently Ellie had been wrong.
Massively wrong by the amount of information she was seeing here. How long had Danny truly been in contact with this guy? There had to have been more than just the occasional phone calls she had caught him on. Did that mean this guy also knew about Dan? About the GIW? About the Infinite Realms? If he knew about all this why, why didn't he help sooner? Why hadn't Danny made contact with this guy sooner either? She did notice him pausing at certain points before continuing like nothing was happening. It didn't look like the onlookers minded, but to Ellie it was an indicator that big bad bee knew more.
She stayed silent the entire time, only muttering a correction ever now on then when she did note that the guy's information was outdated. Still something bothered her the entire time. Ellie didn't know what it was exactly, but the grim faces of the onlookers and the stoic nearly cold sounding explanation of big bad bee rubbed her wrong.
It was only at the end of it that she realize what it was exactly that had bothered her so much.
"What about family? Does she have anyone else left?" One of the onlookers asked and Ellie's head snapped up towards them. That sounded like... no, they weren't...
"According to her, Phantom lost his haunt. Including the code she gave to Robin, we can assume that there is no other safe place left. Unless..." Armored furry turned towards her, and Ellie stiffened only slightly as it appeared that they were finally going to address her again. "What is the status of Plasimus."
"You know about him too huh..." She muttered, not looking at any of them. "Castle is gone, whereabouts unknown, Mom was worried that he was one of the first after the first one of no contact, but that's not confirmed. Nothing turned up to indicate that."
Ellie didn't look up to see the reaction in regards to this information she shared but her head did snap up at the next words she heard. "And your brother?"
Wide eyed she stared at the man that had moved and was now before her, hands carefully placed on her shoulders as he bended down slightly to be on her eye level. Her mind was racing. He knew! This man knew about Dan. Distantly she heard one of the onlookers complain that in all the Infromation Bee had given them he had not mentioned about Ellie having a brother. She didn't react on that, instead searching that man's face despite it being half covered by a bat shaped cowl.
She wasn't sure what she was searching for but she wasn't finding it. Now she wished she had paid more attention to Grandma Pandoras lessons on Aura reading. Dan was in Far Frozen, put into stasis and protected and cared for by Frostbite and his tribe. The other ghosts were looking out for him too, they would do the same for her if she had a way into the Ghost Zone but both portals were gone and Danny, Wulf and Cujo were the only ones currently able to open portals. She wasn't even sure if they knew what Danny had done to protect her.
As her mind wandered Ellie did not realise that the people around her took her silence as some kind of answer. She did not realise how those she doubted onlookers shared grim and saddened looks. Nor how the man before her squeezed her shoulders ever so slightly as if afraid that she would brake any moment.
"Do not worry. You will be safe here with us." The armorer furry reassured her, drawing her attention back to the current moment. Suddenly her earlier suspicion came back to hit her in the face as her eyes once more widened.
"What do you mean?"
"We will take you in and you will be safe and won't have to fear them with us."
She was sure that was meant to sound reassuring but it wasn't. It made her stomach sink. With a moments use of intangibility she pushed away from the man floating backwards and putting more distance between her and these people. Danny gave her the code, told her to use it in a dire situation. That she would get help with that code. That they would help! This didn't sound like the help she wanted. She hadn't even gotten to explain the situation from her side. All they did was apparently assuming something all because of that stupid code Danny, her mom, gave her.
"What about mom?!" She didn't scream but by the faces she might as well could have. "The code was to get help! Mom needs to be rescued! Why are you acting like you won't! Danny promised I would get help when I use it!"
"Danielle." She halted and froze. That tone was stern and it was missing the gravel she had previously heard in that man's voice, it sounded the same way Danny or Auntie Jazz sounded when they needed for her to listen.
"Wait B! I don't think-"
"The code Danny gave you. It's his last resort code, personalised to you. It is one of our many codes we both came up with for our children. One only for situations we did not believe to come back from alive."
"Aquila, Apus, Phoenix, Cygnus, Columba, Grus, Pavo and Corvus. Each of them has one specific Code personalised for the exact same situation you are in. I am sure Danny has mentioned them to you at least once." Ellie blinked finding a familiarity with these words but also frowned with the realisation that set in with that. Her eyes unintentionally wandered over to the onlookers, no birds, these codes belonged to. She couldn't really tell which belonged to who but she knew Danny must have come up with them as some sort of inside joke.
"B! You can't just-"
"But Mom..." Her voice sounded small even to her own ears.
"I am sorry. But you will be save with us. I promised Danny that years ago."
She knew that her de-aged body was probably influencing her emotional state as she slowly floated back into reach. Before she could sit back onto the rail like she had done the entire time before she felt herself getting dragged to the side and suddenly warm arms encircled her. Ellie blinked confused until her brain caught up. The bird in blue was hugging her. The warmth felt comforting, just like when Danny, Jazz, Val or Sam hugged her and for a moment she let herself enjoy it. Dropping her guard just for a little bit to draw comfort from this warmth.
While Nightwing distracted the little girl in his arms, he made distinctive eye contact over her head with his siblings, before indicating his head towards Batman. Red Robin and Signal nodded before moving towards the man, Robin trailing behind them after he shared one more glance with him. His eyes turned towards Red Hood. The other wasn't even looking at any of them as he was already on his way stomping right out the cave, ignoring everyone around him. Nightwing was going to make sure to send any additional information they would get from Danielle his way later too. Black Bat and Spoiler stayed close to him.
It was moments like these that Nightwing really appreciated the silent understanding he and his siblings had among each other and if Batman was to much into his own head with these stupid codes and apparently already grieving. Then they would step up and if they could give the little girl in his arms the kind of help she had clearly hoped to get from them. It wasn't a promise of safety that the Danielle was looking for or even needed, rather she was hoping for people willing to help her rescue Phantom, her parental figure, her mother, her family, when she had no one else left.
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junespriince · 3 months
Wally: I sit here today because my uncle retired and you guys just dragged me in here, I didn't have a choice. I was working my own city, the Titans, and sometimes helped other heroes and now I have to work here and come to almost daily meetings? How can I get fired? Can marrying your son in Vegas make you let me leave? I want out of this.
Bruce: the dimension overlord said you must be here, we need a speedster or balance will be distributed.
Wally: how about you disturb deez nuts old man. I don't give two donkeys pucks about this "balance" when I'm forced to look at my two biggest enemies all day.
Oliver: I know Barry raised you, but could you have manners kid?
Wally: can you stop getting pegged by my therapist?
Oliver, blushing as if the league doesn't already know this:
Wally: no? Okay, then shut up.
Bruce: this is a bit excessive, West.
Wally: says the guy who fights his ex father in law/enemy shirtless. I don't know about you, but if my son grandfather challenged me to a duel the shirt stays on.
Bruce: how?
Wally: what does "dating your son" mean to you? Self proclaimed greatest detective over here lady and gents, give him some applause for being stupid. Though, with all the smart women you attracted I guess it has it charms to a certain group.
Clark: a lot of sass today, huh?
Wally: and rightly so Mr. Kent—
Clark: kid, you've known me for years and marrying my kid, it's uncle Clark now.
Wally: sir, I was raised my a Midwestern woman, it's sir, ma'am, and whatnot, deal with it. Anyways, it's rightly deserved, I'm losing a lot of precious time spending it here because Gotham's playboy bicycle decided now he'll have a standard and not fix this problem by helping the dimensions asshat get laid. Do you understand how much this cut into my personal life outside of heroing, Bruce?
Bruce: well—
Wally: shut up sir, you don't because unlike you I don't have a son I was blackmailed into adopting that can run the business, no, I'm an average man here working a real job, and trying to make time for my boyfriend. We get it, you're an emo furry with a tragic backstory that makes it hard to emote, well bucko guess what, I had shitty parents, uncle Hal thinks I have no friends, and what else... OH yeah! I was stuck in the speed force trying to get out and everyone I loved stop trying to save me and assumed I was dead. So, fire me!
Bruce, and his ego™: no. Balance needs to be kept.
Wally: I will make you regret this choice.
Both of them glaring at each other:
Diana: well, at least meetings will be interesting.
Hal: in my defense you didn't have friends over when I visited so how was i supposed to know...
Oliver: didn't Barry told you one time to come because Wally was at my house having a sleepover with Roy?
Hal: ... Okay I'mma be so real right now, I heard come over and the rest was white noise.
Wally: ew. I'm right here.
Hal: kid, hush, the adults are talking.
Wally: ... I'm 29, dude bye. I'm done with this. *Gets up and leaves*
Arthur: he has grown up so much.
Bruce, who knows Wally at his worst teen years: yeah, he's gotten worse.
Oliver: so about this fighting shirtless with your ex father in law.
Bruce: so about you getting pegged by our therapist.
Oliver: I hate you.
Bruce: yeah, yeah, love you too idiot.
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candieduranium · 4 months
my intro post
i guess it’s about time i made one of these
(why does this have so many notes???😭/genuine)
long ass intro oml
last updated september 23, 2024 (mild update)
•my name is micah but i also respond to furcata and rover
•i use any pronouns except it/its. other than those, i genuinely do not care what you use for me
•im a minor
•i am a christian. i do not force it onto other people. please respect my religion.
•i make mistakes on my blog (accidentally deleting things, unbalanced polls, etc.) from time to time so please excuse if i make some errors. trying my best.
•my tag for my original posts and reblogs that add to is “micah’s owlposting” even for stuff that isn’t owlkin-related. i have to retroactively tag my old posts with this tag so keep in mind that not all of them are tagged! i will update this post when i finish tagging.
•i am an american barn owl therian, vernid othermidst, machinehearted, and pigeonhearted.
• i am a quadrobist. i started in april of 2024.
•usually the things i post are about my alterhumanity but i also post golden texts my friends and i send each other along with some other stuff. sometimes in my posts there are mentions of sex and (mild?) sexual themes
•im also a furry. furry ≠ zoophile
•my favorite music is by greta van fleet and umbrabyte. i also just enjoy vocaloid in general, too. in fact, the original purpose i had for my blog was just to keep up with umbrabyte and her content better. here’s umbrabyte’s spotify:
•my favorite aesthetics are cybercore, mizuiro/ tenshi kaiwai, vaporwave, and rococo
•my only definite dni is if your blog is focused on nsfw, has sexually explicit images, or unsafe for minors in general. we can interact if you are in a basic dni (zoophile, radqueers, etc) but i probably won’t interact with you as much as those who arent in the dni.
•haters will be blocked unless i find them especially funny.
•im up for chatting about whatever whenever so just shoot me a dm if you feel like it (sfw, obviously)
•my hobbies and special interests are drums, classical latin, fursuit making, cosplay, and illustrating
•i’m very interested in learning how to make vtuber models and customizing ball-jointed dolls
•my main fandoms are umbrabyte, tloz, pjsk, and tadc (i know some these fandoms are known for having CRAZY and problematic fans. im not one of them)
•i have a 4 year old black cat named dumpling (i post pics of him sometimes) and a 16 year old dog named stella. i hope to get a couple of oranda goldfish someday
•i dont have a set posting schedule. i post when i post. but i generally like to stay pretty active and try to post at least once per day.
•i follow anyone who interacts with my posts positively when im not in their dni and theyre not in mine and their blog isn’t completely default/blank this is now false. i have just learned that the maximum follow count is 5k and i am already above 4k. there are too many of you for me to follow you all😭
•some random and useless stuff about me: i have mild-moderate trypophobia and a deviated septum, i’m 5’7”, my favorite color is orange, i LOVE creme brulee, and my mbti is antp-t (a for ambivert)
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mild eyestrain warning ⚠️
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how the fuck does this have so many notes??😭
vent-ish/vent-adjacent warning ⚠️
here’s a copypaste from another of my posts regarding my posting schedule and status:
hey folks, i may not be posting as much going forward because my father put my email on a lifelock account, which means that he may be alerted each time i log into my tumblr account. i use tumblr on the website on safari and i frequently log in and out because im anxious that my parents will check my search history, but they very rarely ever do. im testing if they get alerted right now by logging in to ao3 and c.ai, two websites that my parents likely wont be opposed to but would tell me and ask me about it if i got an alert. deleting my account is a last resort, but it is still on the table. this change is indefinite. i have backup plans in case my parents do get alerts from lifelock, but nothing is definite. i may continue on just fine, i might not. just giving y’all a heads up in case something does happen.
tl;dr my account may be discovered by my parents and i may be punished, maybe it wont. we’ll see
and does anyone know for sure if lifelock does send alerts about logging in tumblr accounts? please dont lie to me.
my mental health is hinging largely on my tumblr account and im praying sososo hard that i wont lose all of you wonderful, amazing people. this goes for the folks i have dmed and the ones i havent. but anyway. i love you all. thank you for the time youve given me, even if it wont be for much longer.
and heres another post copypaste:
hey folks i dont know if im gonna be posting for a hot minute because im at band practice rn but im gonna have the biggest fucking argument with my mom when i get home😍 i might get my phone taken away
so basically what happened is i told her im depressed and she blew me off and didnt believe me. she also did some other stuff. i may go into greater detail at a later date.
im sorry if this discomforts or tr_gg_rs anyone but i wanted to give an explanation and warning just in case i stop posting and interacting on tumblr
thank you all for being so wonderful, truly. i hope i can get my situation sorted out quickly and remain active.
i’ll probably update this post later on since im sure there’s something i forgot. check back with me every once in a while and i might have some new content on this post
thanks for reading 👍👍
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allmyocsarebritish · 5 months
Unspoken words, still recieved
Pairing: Alastor X reader
Warnings(?): fluff, mentions of drugs and alcohol, 5+1
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Husker was the first to know about your feelings towards his overlord. It had been a long, stressful day filled with Charlie's 'bonding exercises', and you wanted nothing more than to crash at the bar with a strong drink in hand. So, that was how you ended up swirling a glass of alcohol, taking the occasional sip which scorched your throat and fogged your troubled mind. Naturally, in your tipsy state your tongue was greatly loosened. Husker knew this; he was an experienced bartender, and used to listening to the bitching and whining of those intoxicated. What he didn't anticipate was exactly what slipped out.
"What would you do if you really liked someone, but you knew that they hated that kind of thing? And they'd probably hate you too if they found out?" You asked, lazily drawing circles on the counter top with your finger. Husk sighed deeply in slight irritance, once again ready to assume the role of therapist, offering a listening ear to your irrelevant problems.
"I wouldn't know, kid. I lost the ability to feel years ago." He continued to wipe the countertop, a slight frown prevalent on his extended eyebrows (what kind of description is that lmfao).
"Pfft, edgelord." You scoffed light heartedly, to which Husk offered a small smile of amusement, still not meeting your eyes.
"I guess I'll just keep it all to myself then. I doubt Al would appreciate any sort of elaborate romantic gesture anyway." You downed the last of your drink, hopping off of your stool and fishing into your pocket for change. Husk's eyes narrowed at the mention of the Radio Demon, a shadow of concern crossing his features. He gently grasped your sleeve as you reached out with a few coins, tip included, stopping you from placing them on the counter.
"Al? As in Alastor? Oh, Y/N, you've got to be fucking kidding me."
Your eyes narrowed at this. You expected the miserable old bartender to be disapproving, but hearing him voice his doubts was unpleasant to say the least.
"No, I don't think I am."
Husk rolled his eyes, your sleeve now firmly held between his claws, in a way that would rip the fabric should you try to pull away.
"Listen, kid. I know I'm not here to be your pop or anything but please, for the love of everything, stay safe. He's a dealmaker, and I wouldn't put anything past him." He could feel the invisible neon green leash uncomfortably cold against his furry neck.
"Fuck off, Husker. I can look after myself. Thanks for the drink." You scoffed, pulling away, not caring for the fresh tear in your shirt.
Husk's eyes continued to fix on the direction you exited long after your shadow had disappeared.
"Good luck, kid."
Charlie was next to know, which, was inevitably going to happen eventually. It was a few weeks following your drunken outburst at the bar, and you could frequently feel Husk's eyes boring into you when you looked away. The pity was infuriating, who the fuck was he to tell you what your Alastor was like?
Charlie, ever the curious devil, noticed the tension radiating from both you and the cat, and decided to involve herself in an attempt to force the two of you back into your companionship.
"Sooo, Y/N," She clasped her hands together, bouncing up behind you as you crossed through the lobby of the hotel, her doe eyes wide and practically pleading. "I noticed you and Husk fell out. But you seemed so close to him!"
"I mean, not really." You shrugged, already trying to walk away from the awkward conversation. "He gave me whiskey, I paid him, we talked a little. I wouldn't call that 'close'."
"But what happened?" The little hellborn princess was persistent, you'd give her that.
"Husker won't understand that he doesn't dictate how I feel about someone." Deep down you knew that was a massive escalation to the situation. It wasn't Husk's fault, he was trying to keep you safe. But you weren't a child, and certainly not his.
"Wait, how you feel about someone? Y/N, do you have a crush?!"
"It- it's not a crush." You fucked up. Big time.
"You have a crush!"
"Charlie! Stop!" Your tone was harsh, potentially too much so, causing the demon to back off slightly, although not completely.
"Oh, okay, well I've been known to be an excellent wingman! Woman? Wingwoman? It doesn't matter, if you feel comfortable I'd be absolutely honoured if you trusted-"
You zoned out halfway through her tangent, not having your usual energy to find amusement in her theatrics. You promptly excused yourself, slipping out of the hotel, preparing yourself to take a walk and clear your mind.
"Princess, I know you want to help her, don't push it. The best thing you can do is let her deal with it herself. Trust me, I'd know." Husk warned following your departure, memories of your hostile response to his advice fresh in his mind.
Charlie absolutely did push it.
In fact, you could probably consider her behaviour that followed for the next two weeks low-level stalking. It was her mission to set you up with whoever you fancied. After all, all she wanted was for you to be happy.
Although, after 14 whole days of trying her hardest, she had almost given up on finding out who it was that caught your eye. That was until she saw you with Alastor. It was subtle, not something anyone would notice had they not been searching. But the level of digging she had done on you made it obvious.
The respect you held for the overlord was unmatched by any other. Your usual fairly hot-headed personality had much less of a bite, more aimed towards others than the radio star. Not to mention the way your eyes lit up as soon as he entered the room.
Well, this was a spanner in the works she didn't expect. But it was alright, if there was a way for you and Al to be together, Charlie would do her best to help you both reach that conclusion.
Naturally, as soon as Charlie knew of your feelings, so did Vaggie. This was to be expected, even though you weren't necessarily aware that the princess was onto you, it wasn't rocket science that word would pass eventually.
"I just need to find a way to set them up! Oh Vaggie, how cute would they be?!"
Charlie paced through their shared bedroom, ranting to her girlfriend as the fallen angel sat on the bed.
"Cute? Alastor?" Vaggie snorted, refusing to accept that as a way to describe him.
"But Vaggie!! Imagine them together! Oh, she could absolutely soften him up! Imagine Alastor all sweet and in love! Maybe it'll push him into redemption and they can be all smiling and happy in heaven!!"
"Babe," Vaggie interrupted the ceaseless yapping (I'm so sorry but there's no other way to accurately phrase it lmao. Charlie's a yapper) "Seriously don't push it. You know Alastor isn't the type to go all gooey eyed over some girl, even if it is someone he's close to. So don't expect anything, just leave her to get over it herself."
Charlie drew out a long, exaggerated sigh, showing her disappointment.
"I know you want to make them happy, sweetie, but some things just aren't meant to be." Vaggie held her girlfriend's hands in one of her own, the other resting on the Princess's cheek.
Ultimately, Vaggie held a high level of concern for you in this scenario. She hoped and prayed for your safety, though she knew better than to meddle in your business. Despite this, she did make a mental note to keep an eye on you, the angel would never forgive herself if you made a deal she could have prevented. Of course, none of this she could voice to Charlie; her girlfriend adored Alastor and looked up to him, so she opted to keep this to herself, as she hoped you would do also.
Angel was someone in the hotel whom you truly did consider a friend. And, friends trust friends, or at least according to your wasted brain they did. So, you came clean to the spider, and, in the process, subjected yourself to an eternity of even more torment. For fuck's sake, you were already in hell.
"Angel?" You asked cautiously, tone sending a shiver of worry into the demon. Your voice held an aura of seriousness, something that made him rather uncomfortable.
"Ya'lright, toots?" He asked, his own words reflecting the slight anxiousness you had bestowed.
"Yeah, just got a 2am confession to make." You responded, eyes focusing on the ceiling, your body draped over Angel's bed. The two of you were sprawled over it with your heads together in the middle, although the spider was substantially closer to toppling off than yourself. He chuckled at your revelation, feeling the slight worry vanish.
"Well, then go ahead."
You took a deep breath, drug induced confidence already beginning to ebb. Another long drag of your joint however, and sobering up was no longer a cause for concern. Yet.
"You know Alastor?"
"Yeah?" Angel asked, already suspicious of how this was going.
"I'm just saying-"
"HeAr mE oUt" Angel mocked, to which you swatted his arm, leading to the star erupting into a fit of laughter at you retaliation.
"You're inta Smiles?!" Angel laughed "Well, Sugar tits, now I've seen everythin!"
"Shut the fuck up, Anthony." You grumbled, despite suppressing a smirk at Angel's antics. There was no getting yourself out of this one now.
Niffty was not one you were expecting to have to explain yourself to. But, being the nosy little bug she was, you realised only too late that she was peering at your phone screen as you texted Angel Dust.
"You like Alastor?"
"What? No! I-" Niff's singular, unblinking eye bore directly into you soul, unsettling you and making your mouth run dry with unease. You sighed, holding up your hands in submission.
"I think you should go tell him! You know he really likes you too? I honestly can't blame you, he is a bad boy" the little bug let out an unhinged, slightly manical laugh. You cringed at the way she referred to your Alastor, almost entirely missing the part where she said he liked you back.
He liked you back?
You tried your bloody hardest not to raise your hopes after that one, this was Niffty we were talking about. But regardless, there was a possibility!
"Wait, he likes me too?" You asked, trying not to show the way adrenaline and excitement pumped through your body at this potential revelation.
"Oh, yeah. I heard him talking to Rosie about it a couple weeks 'go. Said it was a 'disgusting weakness he couldn't show to anyone'"
That wasn't exactly helpful.
But at least he liked you back?
"So what did she say?!" You asked, suspense rising.
"Who?" Niffty asked, eyes wide and staring at you in utter bewilderment.
"Rosie!" You responded incredulously.
"About what?"
"Oh! She said that he should get over it and just tell you, that he'd feel better and even if you didn't feel the same way you'd understand 'cause you're human too. And if not he could just eat you."
"Although I might have made that last part up." She tapped a spindly finger against her chin in concentration, trying her hardest to recall the conversation.
Your brows raised in concern before shaking your head and resigning not to question her.
"Okay, well, thanks, Niff. I gotta go now but I appreciate you telling me!" Your exit was rushed, but you really didn't want Niffty to catch you delighting in your newfound optimism. (Kicking your heels and squealing).
Two days. You had spent two days preparing what you would say to Al and how, yet no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't for the (after) life of you think of what to do or say.
The worst part was the fact your favourite bartender was no longer there for you to turn to when life got tricky. So, you resolved to drowning your sorrows in your own alcohol, and, in the process, inexplicably and subconsciously avoiding your Alastor.
The Radio Demon did not like this.
Every time he descended to the lobby you were missing. Every time he walked to Cannibal town you weren't accompanying him. Every time he broadcasted you weren't waiting for him outside the tower.
This was becoming a problem; Alastor held you so highly in his estimations that he found your presence more than tolerable. So the fact that you just up and disappeared left him feeling an odd sensation.
Emptiness? It was strange, unpleasant and Alastor didn't like it. He was no fool: he knew of his feelings for you, and, after months of denial, finally reached some sort of acceptance of the merciless scenario he found himself in. Such a powerful overlord resigned to a schoolboy crush. Pathetic, really.
But, this loneliness wouldn't do. No, it wouldn't do at all. So, Alastor was going to do something about it. Force proximity with you? Of course not, that was far too desparate, even for these circumstances.
His eyes trailed across the lobby before landing on the bar, and subsequently, the bartender. Bingo!
"Husker! My dear fellow~"
"Go fuck yourself." The cat raised a middle finger to Alastor, bottle held to his lips and tilted.
"Now is that any way to talk to your old pal?" Al taunted. Oh this was fun; how he adored pissing off Husk. In fact, he almost even forgot the motivation for his inquiry.
"Say, Husker. Is there a chance that you've seen Y/N around here recently? She seems to be avoiding me for some strange reason."
Husk scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I wonder why."
Alastor's eyes narrowed as his smile tensed. "Careful, my friend." He warned.
"Listen, boss," Venom spiked the cat's tone, insincerity lacing the word. "I haven't seen her in a week or so. We had a... disagreement and she's avoiding me. Go find her yourself if you're so fucking concerned."
Well, that was conclusive. "Indeed I will. So long, Husker!" Al hopped off the barstool and made for your room, hoping you would be there, as to not look a fool.
Yes, that was it.
Raising a fist to the door, the Radio Demon knocked.
Once. Twice. Thrice.
At the third and final knock, you opened the door, recognising the clear, precise knock.
"Hello, my dear!" His transatlantic voice rang out, laced with static as ever.
"Hi, Al." You responded, quiet and solemnly.
"Why so glum? Smile, my dear! You know you're never fully dressed without one!" His clawed fingers came to rest at the corners of your mouth, delicately and fondly pushing upwards. His own permanent grin softened as he looked at you, and you couldn't help but lean into his touch.
"Have you been intentionally avoiding me, Cher?" He blurted out, surprising even himself.
"What?! Ha, Al, don't make me laugh! I'd never avoid you, how ridiculous!"
He narrowed his eyes at you. "Cher."
"Be honest with me."
There it was. That thing he had about him, making it impossible to lie.
"I wasn't intentionally avoiding you." You drew out. " And I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."
"But, why?"
"Because I love you."
After freezing like a deer in headlights, (HA) his face morphed into an expression entirely unreadable, even to you.
You fucked up. That was it. Friendship over. Potentially even afterlife over.
"Al? I'm sorry I-" you were interrupted but the feeling of his arms wrapping around you. It was slow and gentle, as though you were made of fragile porcelain, easily breakable beneath his warm embrace.
"It's okay, Cher"
I love you too unspoken words, yet still received.
You hopped onto the barstool as Husk refused to meet your eyes. A long, awkward silence drew out, and you kicked your legs, fingers drumming on your knee. Realising there was no way the bartender was speaking first, you resolved to dive straight into your apology.
"Husk? I'm sorry. I was a bitch and shouldn't have taken it out on you because you were only trying to keep me safe-"
Your apology was cut short as a shot of whiskey slid across the counter towards you. You smirked and brightened when you looked up to meet Husk grinning at you.
"Well if that wasn't the most insincere fucking bullshit I've ever heard."
You rolled your eyes, downing the alcohol in one, causing your throat to sting and eyes to water.
"Just stay safe, kid. That's all I ask."
"Deal." You joked, sticking out your hand.
"Deal." Husk responded sarcastically, though the both of you knew it was lightheaded. You were just grateful to have your favourite bartender back.
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chaos0pikachu · 9 months
Is BL Being Overly Influenced by Modern Western Romance Tropes?
Short answer: No. anyways, in the following essay I will explain that James Cameron is a weeb...
(okay fine~~ lets actually do this)
TLDR: discussing what media globalization is, how fandom can distill it down to only American/European cinema, showcasing how a lot of current BL is influenced by countries within it's own proximity and NOT "the west" but each other, also James Cameron is still a weeb
I had seen a post that basically proposited that BL was being influenced by modern western romance tropes and had used things like omegaverse and mafia settings as an example. I found this, in a word, fucking annoying (oh, two words I guess) because it's micro-xenophobic to me.
It positions western - and really what we mean by this is American/European countries, we're not talking about South American countries are we? - cinema as the central breadbasket of all cinema in and of itself. Inherently, all following cinema must be in some way, shape, or form, influenced by American/European standards, and as such America/European countries are directly responsible for cinema everywhere else, and these places - namely non-white countries - do not influence each other, nor have their own histories in regards to storytelling or cinema and do not, in turn, also influence American/European film making either.
Now like, do I think all of that~~ is intentionally malicious thinking on behalf of folks in fandom? No, so chill out.
I do, however, think a lot of it is birthed from simple ignorance and growing up in an environment where ~The West~ is propagated to be central, individual, and exceptional as opposed to the monolith of "Asia" - by which we mean China, Korea, Japan don't we? How often in discussions of Asian countries is Iran, India, or Saudi Arabia brought up even tho they are all Asian countries? - or the monolith that is South America - in which some folks might believe regions like the Caribbean and/or Central America belong to, but nope there both North America.
Anyway, what we're talking about here is the concept of "media globalization":
"The production, distribution, and consumption of media products on a global scale, facilitating the exchange and diffusion of ideas cross-culturally." (source)
"The media industry is, in many ways, perfect for globalization, or the spread of global trade without regard for traditional political borders. [...] the low marginal costs of media mean that reaching a wider market creates much larger profit margins for media companies. [...] Media is largely a cultural product, and the transfer of such a product is likely to have an influence on the recipient’s culture." (source)
Typically when I see fandom discussing what falls under MG the topic is usually focused on how "the west" is influencing Thai/Korean/Chinese/Japanese media.
Enter, Pit Babe.
Surely Pit Babe was influenced by Supernatural right? Omegaverse is huge in the west - love it, hate it, meh it - it originated in the west - specifically via Supernatural after all.
Omegaverse has been popular in Japan and China for almost a decade, if not longer. The earliest omegaverse manga I can think of is Pendulum: Juujin Omegaverse by Hana Hasumi which was released in 2015, almost a decade ago.
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(what if you added furries into omegaverse? WHAT IF?? - Japan)
There's countless popular omegaverse manga too, and the dynamics only moderately resemble the ones we're familiar with in the west. Juujin is part omegaverse and part furry/beastmen - the alphas are all beastmen the omegas are humans - while something like Ookami-kun Is Not Scary only slightly resembles omegaverse dynamics as a hybrid series - beastmen are really popular in Japan in part b/c of historical mythology (you see the combination of romantic Beastmen and Japanese culture & folklore in Mamoru Hosoda's work The Boy and the Beast and Wolf Children).
Megumi & Tsugumi (2018) is so popular they're an official English edition published by VIZ's imprint SuBlime and that's a straight up omegaverse story.
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(look at the omega symbol on the cover loud and proud baby)
So if Pit Babe was influenced by anything, it certainly wasn't "the west" it was Japan, Korea and China. Because those countries have a thriving omegaverse sub-genre going and have had such for 10 plus years now. Supernatural is popular in Japan, yes, and that may be where Japan and Japanese fans originally found omegaverse as a fictional sub-genre.
Japanese fans took the sub-genre, bent it, played with it, and evolved it into their own thing. As such, other countries in their proximity, like Thailand, China, and Korea who read BL and GL manga, found it and were like "hey, we wanna play too!"
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(is that an omegaverse yuri novel I spy?? yes, yes it is)
When I watched the Red Peafowl trailer, it had more in common with Kinnporsche, History: Trapped, along with films and shows like: Jet Li's The Enforcer, and Fist of Legend, Donnie Yen's Flash Point, Raging Fire, and Kung Fu Jungle, Han Dong-wook's The Worst of Evil, Kim Jin-Min's My Name, Lee Chung-hyeon's The Ballerina, Baik's Believer & Believer 2, Yoshie Kaoruhara's KeixYaku, popular Don Lee films The Gangster, the Cop and the Devil and Unstoppable alongside BL manga like Honto Yajuu and Bi No Isu (probably one of the most well known yazuka manga to date).
Like, we're seeing a rise in mafia based BLs and people think that's because of "western influence" and not the absolute insane success of kinnporsche??? Especially in countries like China, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines and other Asian countries???
Mafia films and gang shows aren't even that popular here in America/Europe; don't get me wrong, they still get made and exist, but the last full length film was The Irishman which did not make it's budget back, and while Power is still on-going it's not a smash hit either. The heyday of Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, The Wire, Goodfellas, and Scarface are long gone. And if you've watched any those shows or films they have very little in common with Kei x Yaku, Kinnporsche, or Red Peafowl in tone, or style.
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(who knew martin just wanted to make his al pacino/robert de niro fanfic come to life all these years?)
Another example, The Sign, which is clearly taking inspiration from Chinese costume dramas: Ashes of Love, Fairy and Devil, White Snake (and it's many adaptions), Guardian, & Ying Yang Master Dream of Eternity. Alongside Hong Kong and Korean cop and romance shows like Tale of the Nine-Tailed, Hotel Del Luna, Director Who Buys Me Dinner, First Love, Again, and previously mentioned cop dramas.
Like, I know y'all don't think Twins is influenced by, what, American sports classic Angels in the Outfield?? Gridiron Gang?? Rocky?? Nah that shit is inspired by the popularity of sports manga like Haikyuu!!, Slam Dunk, Prince of Tennis (which even has a Chinese drama adaption), and the like. And also probably History 2, & Not Me but I'm like 87% sure Twins is just Haikyuu fanfic.
So like, does this mean that there's NO history in which American and European cinema influenced these countries? What, no, obviously that's not true, American/European totally have had media influence on countries like Korea, Japan, etc.
Astro Boy by Osamu Tezuka considered "the father of manga" was inspired by Walt Disney's work on Bambi. Another more recent and prominent example is director Yeon Sang-ho and his film Train to Busan.
"And it was Snyder’s movie [Dawn of the Dead, 2004], not the 1978 original, that filmmaker Yeon Sang-ho recalled as his first encounter with the undead. “That was when I started my interest in zombies,” Yeon said, in an email interview through a translator from South Korea. Even today, he added, “it’s the most memorable and intense zombie movie I’ve ever seen.”" (source)
HOWEVER, the global influence doesn't stop there. It's not a one-way street. Yeon Sang-Ho was inspired by Zack Synder's Dawn of the Dead, a remake of George Romero's own work, but Yeon Sang-Ho's work has inspired countless Korean film makers to make their own zombie media; following Train to Busan there's been: Kingdom (2019 - current), All of Us Are Dead (2022), Zombie Detective (2020), Zombieverse (2023), Alive (2020), Rampant (2018).
And hey, wouldn't you know it now we're starting to see more zombie media coming out of places like Japan (Zom 100 the manga, movie, and anime) and High School of the Dead.
Do you know what Domundi's series Zombivor (2023, pilot trailer only) reminds me of? It's NOT The Walking Dead (which is the only relevant zombie media America has created in the last decade) it's Korea's All of Us Are Dead (2022). Comparing the trailers, the settings, the tone, it's clear where Zombivor is pulling inspiration from: Korean zombie cinema. NOT American zombie cinema.
In fact a lot of Domundi's shows - Cutie Pie, Middleman's Love, Naughty Babe, Bed Friend - are all very clearly inspired by Korean filmmaking, specifically that of romantic kdramas from the 2016 - 2020 era. Not always in story, but rather in technique.
This is media globalization. It's not simply ~The West~ influencing non-American/European countries but countries who are often more close in terms of: proximity, culture, and trade are going to have more influence on each other.
It is far more likely that Aoftion (Naughty Babe, Cutie Pie, Zombivor) was influenced by watching Train to Busan, All of Us Are Dead, and other Korean zombie shows and films than a single episode of Walking Dead.
My point isn't that this goes one way only, but rather it is very literally a global thing. This includes American and European film makers being influenced by non-American and European cinema.
Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, Darren Aronofsky, Christopher Nolan, the Wachowski sisters, George Lucas and James Cameron have all been influenced by Japanese film making, especially the works of Akira Kurosawa, Satoshi Kon, and Mamoru Oshii.
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John Wick's entire gun-fu sub-genre is heavily influenced by classic Hong Kong action films, specifically John Woo films. Legend of Korra, The Boondocks, Voltron, Young Justice, My Adventures with Superman are all obviously inspired by Japanese anime but animated by a Korean animation studio (Studio Mir). Beyond that, the rise in adult animated dramas like Castlevania, Critical Role Vox Machina, and Invincible to name a few are very clearly taking inspiration from anime in terms of style. The weebs that were watching Adult Swim's Inuyasha, Bleach, and Dragon Ball Z have grown up and are now working in Hollywood.
Okay so like, what's the point of all this? What's the issue? Since American/European cinema does influence et all cinema does any of this really matter?
I take contention with this line of thinking because it centers "the west" and our supposed individual importance way to much. Declaring definitively that "BL is being influenced by western tropes" and then including tropes, narratives, and film making styles that aren't inherently western and actually have major roots in the cinema of various Asian countries, removes the existence of individual history these countries have which are rich, varied, and nuanced. It removes the "global" part of globalization by declaring "the globe" is really just America and Europe.
It distills these countries down to static places that only exist when American/European audiences discover them.
BL doesn't exist in a vacuum you can trace the development of Korean BL to the development of Korean het dramas almost to a T. You can also trace their development to the queer history of each country and how Thailand interacts culturally with China, Japan, Korea, etc and vice versa. It also ignores the history of these countries influencing American cinema as well. Don't mistake "the globe" for only your sphere of experience.
Anyway James Cameron is a damn weeb y'all have a good night.
Check out other posts in the series:
Film Making? In My BL? - The Sign ep01 Edition | Aspect Ratio in Love for Love's Sake | Cinematography in My BL - Our Skyy2 vs kinnporsche, 2gether vs semantic error, 1000 Stars vs The Sign | How The Sign Uses CGI | Is BL Being Overly Influenced by Modern Western Romance Tropes?
[like these posts? drop me a couple pennies on ko-fi]
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crisscross-sonicsauce · 8 months
Differences between the models from Sonic 2 and the Knuckles Show Masterpost!
I'm sure there are more but these are just what I've noticed so far...
(Also, this is kind of hard for Sonic and Tails because we don't see them much, but I'll do my best)
::Knuckles Show on top Sonic 2 on bottom
Okay, first...
For the most part, they're less furry.
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Comparing these you can see that the fur around his muzzle is shorter or at least not as well defined. This is true for the rest of them as well. Everyone looks "smoothed out," especially around the face.
Another example...
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You can see the fur around his ears is actually less fuzzy, and the triangle shape of the inside of his ears is more obvious. (Almost like he got a trim or something haha.) This is true for Sonic as well, especially the ear definition bit. Tails' cheek fluff is also more shapely and long, evoking his game design more. His forehead tufts now face slightly different directions instead of all pointing right.
This goes for Knuckles' chest pattern too...
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The shape is SO much fuzzier in the movie.
His body fur is also less voluminous in the show (likely the cause of the aforementioned definition.) I think this goes for everyone else too (Except for Tails maybe, I can't really tell since we can't see his body that well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.)
Another one...
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They got rid of his nosebridge pattern. The delineation between his muzzle and head color is much clearer. (You can also see the muzzle fur and ear change here.) I'm actually kinda sad about this one :( It was one of my favorite parts of his design. It could be due to the fur shortening and just for the show, but I'm not sure... :/
Tails' tails actually appear to be MORE fluffy.
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and Sonic's chest fur is WAY fluffier
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If I had to guess, I'd say most of these changes were made to cut down on rendering time. Switching out the movie's "denser" textures for these "lighter" ones cuts down on the budget without sacrificing the looks. Very smart, very smart. (Obviously, I don't know for sure that they did this, I'm just guessing based off of the differences.)
Structure Changes
Here are some things I noticed about how the bones of the models have changed (meaning not due to textures) (It's mostly Sonic lol.)
From the images above you can see that Sonic's shoulders are broader and his arms are thicker. His upper chest area is now more prominent, giving him a body shape closer to a "V" than the rounder "0" Sonic from Movie 2. It's really obvious in the second picture.
His quills also don't start on his upper forehead anymore, now beginning further back. His quills also appear to be thinner. They blend in with his fur more than before. (See below.)
He also emotes differently. His face rig must have changed with his model, because when he furrows his brow the way pictured above his face wrinkles like 3x more than before, haha (I hope that doesn't stick around, it's kind of weird to look at lol.) Actually, now that I think about it, it might just look that way because the show's less voluminous fur is not hiding it as much.
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Yeah, that's definitely why haha. You can actually see the indents of the same crease placements in the movie model.
Also, is Tails taller?!?!? He sure looks taller here! But it could be a case of forced perspective since we can't see their whole bodies.
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Knuckles' eyes are very different. I don't think the other's eyes are different, but we see them for like two seconds from afar so...¯\_(._.)_/¯
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Also, I might just be imagining this, but it looks like everyone has more "neck" than before. Weird sentence, I know. You can kinda see what I mean here...If this is the case, it was likely done so posing is easier for the animators.
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And generally, everyone is at least twice as vibrant, especially Sonic! Just look at the comparisons. My boys are G.L.O.W.I.N.G! Beautiful!
I think that's all I've got. If I can think of any more I'll make a part 2. If you noticed something that I didn't, leave a comment and I'll add it. Or add a reblog of your own if you want^^
(This took way too long (¬_¬"") )
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2-dsimp · 9 months
Monster rule 101: Don’t play with fire around your Mothman!—————-:—:————
Mothman! Dabi x monster hunter! Fem reader
C w: Humiliation, asphrodiasic, slight mind break, degradation, praise, NFSW, monsterfuxking, overstimulation, breeding, impregnation, usage of cunt
You were on a mission.
A very dangerous mission that was a code gold also known as Legendary. Meaning that the monstrous threat was equivalent to a whole country being wiped off the map. However, due to certain circumstances only one solider could be dispatched to deal with the golden threat.
The reason for that being because of how hyper sensitive the Mothman is to overcrowding within its territory. The team dispatch leader decided to proceed with the utmost caution lest they trigger its frenzy mode. Which would ultimately result in the loss of lives country wide, burning underneath the raging pure blue flames of the otherworldly demon.
<< Have you located the Mothman? Over >>
“Yes I’ve got eyes on the area sir, permission to proceed?”
<< Permission granted. Over >>
You were chosen out of a select few individuals for being the cream of the crop, to carry out this dire mission to save all of mankind. If you could succeed then you’d be set for life! Having the fame and the riches that come along with it, all in exchange for exterminating the deadliest bug humanoid in existence. You’d say that’s a fair trade, since it was high risk high reward type situation.
But as you approached the abandoned cave you could feel a sense of dread wash over your entire being.
You were being watched.
You could feel the sweat accumulate upon your lush chocolatey skin littered in goosebumps. Then you heard a sharp chuff that echoed off the walls, seemingly the Mothman enjoyed watching you squirm from his focused attention.
Venturing even deeper into the unknown you tightly grasped at your equipment, a tool of reassurance you could say. That happened to be a flamethrower. Yes, out of all the weapons you chose a hazardous contraption that resembled a dragons breath.
Why? Mostly because you thought it’d be cool to go out in a blaze of glory should you happen to fail in your conquest to get the target in check. But it was also strategic in a way, since moths were attracted to light. You’ve had to find some kind of way to draw them out.
Too bad you didn’t get the chance to use it before you’re snatched into furry arms that secured you to the monsters chest. Which vibrated from his snarky greeting.
“You took too long enough for my liking doll, now shall we get down to business already? “
You could feel his bulge press up against the your ass, rubbing between your cheeks.
“I’m feeling a bit pent up”
He rasped impatiently into your ear, boy did his voice do wonders as it spiked your arousal. But you had a job to do, unfortunately. Gathering your composure you asserted yourself to the monster.
“You already know why I’m here right? Mr. Mothman.”
You could feel him chuckle darkly against your neck, highly amused by your sense of professionalism. Even while having his dick steadily grind against your back, covering you in clear fluids. Making your thighs shake in excitement.
“Obviously, but just call me Dabi, dollface. You’re gonna wear it out in a few moments might as well get a lil practice in ya?”
You were dumbfounded. Could he be implying what you’re thinking—
“Judging from the look on your pretty face, I’m guessing your little agency didn’t fill ya in on our little inside deal huh?”
He purred
You could feel his loosened grip completely leave your body. Allowing you to be able to face the Mothman hunched over in all of his 7ft glory. He had tuffs of black fur covering his toned ripped chest, arms, and legs. His overall body type was lean and slender. The dark colored wings sprouting at large from behind, before being folded back neatly into place. To avoid you from seeing his jagged scars littered across them.
“All I can say is that you’re in for one hell of a ride once I get my hands on you Baby. So Outta the kindness of my heart I’ll give you a 5 minute head start—”
He paused, as you gave him an warm embrace of your own. Grinding against his bulge that continued to grow even further against you. He looked down at you in disbelief, but it wasn’t before long until he connected the dots.
“ Don’t tell me, You’re one of those monster fanatics aren’t ya?”
To be quite frank yes. You were an absolute fan of monsters, you fantasized about getting close and becoming friends with one. But now you were gonna be the mate of a code legendary?? You couldn’t believe your luck. Plus it was the mission you were given, so as the loyal solider that you are. You gratefully accepted your fate with no questions asked.
The Mothman merely laughed in the irony of it all, a monster hunter wanting to be fucked by a monster it was so priceless. A devious smirk planted on his face As he bended over down to your height charred lips barely touching the shell of your ear only to whisper darkly of a precautionary warning of what you’re getting into.
“ You do realize that I’m in heat right doll?”
He reached his hand down running his tempered claws down the fat of your thick ass giving it a tight squeeze before hooking your leg up to leave some room for him to freely press his huge twitching bulge against your moist mound.
“I’m barely hanging on by a thread, so Don’t hold anything against me if I lose control got it?”
It wasn’t long until you were on the brink of being fucked to death by the Mothman of your dreams. face pushed down into the cocoon like nest he prepared in advance as his extended feeler limbs sprouted out from his sides, to grasp at you from behind hooking onto your waist. Keeping you grounded on his intrusive dick. While his primary arms wrapped around you tightly to play with your breasts that jigged violently from his ruthless thrusts from behind.
“You’re sucha pretty lil thing for me aren’t ya?”
The strong pheromones that wafted off from his wings made you feel so vulnerable and helpless within his smoldering embrace. You couldn’t keep count of how many times you’ve came alone from him just penetrating your cervix. It was as if you were on cloud nine enjoying the way his cum covered cock kept digging even deeper inside your snug snatch trying to ensure that you’d get pregnant with his brood.
“Your slutty pussy just can’t seem to get enough of my dick, don’t worry doll I’ll make you take all of it”
He murmured eyes staring down dangerously at the way your pliant body bended to his ministrations. He payed close attention to the way his dick continued to be devoured by your juicy cunt. That sucked and messaged his thick cock inside the hot mesh of your inner walls determined to be flooded with his baby batter.
“ Mmh D-Dabi please I can’t—!”
You babbled dumbly with drool hanging down from the corners of your fucked out plump lips. As the intensity of his rapid heavy thrusts began to increase its assault against your quivering quim.
You tried to crawl away from yet another approaching high that was dead set on crashing down on your senses. But his firm grip on your neck yanked you back into reality.
“ Aye Dollface don’t ever try to fuckin crawl away from me again, you’re mine you got that?”
Dabi hissed, giving you a sharp tug on your butterfly locs and a harsh bite on your shoulder as a fair warning.
The cave was emitting loud strange sounds from the inside, alerting to anyone from around the area to vacate the premises immediately. In case the Mothman were to come out of his home and start wrecking chaos. But little did they know that Stowed away deep inside the cave for a whole week did you lay beneath the Mothman in all your naked glory.
Freshly fucked all the way to Sunday during his still ongoing heat cycle. Where the only thing covering you was his semen that painted your caramel skin from your breasts down to your overused cunt stuffed to the brim with his cum that trickled out from your puffy pussylips. Only to be pushed back in by his long veiny dick just to ensure that the next of his kin would live on inside your womb.
Hey At least you prevented a worldwide tragedy, right?
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zhukzucraft · 7 months
Wild Life - Chapter 1
A fan-made Life SMP session project by Zhuk and Schmomo
>Read it on AO3 here<
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Scott blinked, eyes adjusting to the sudden change in light. It had been night time in Chromia when he’d been warned by Grian of the impending summoning. Now he was in the bright morning light on a brand new server, surrounded by familiar faces. 
Well, not as familiar as he had been expecting. 
“Are we furries?” he heard Jimmy question, standing a few players down from him. 
Scott felt his ears twitch, a startling sensation in and of itself. His hands moved to the sides of his head, but only found his wavy blue hair. Before he could migrate his touch further, to see if he looked similar to the equally confused gaggle of players around him, Grian grabbed his attention.
Grian clapped his hands, “You all know the gist. Season six, three lives each. Reds are hostile. Three, two, one, bye!”
Scott blinked several more times as his fellow players sprinted in varying directions, screeching chaotically. After a second to process he quickly followed suit, dashing backwards from spawn and into what he soon realized was a Dark Oak Forest. 
Not ideal, he thought to himself, but he was already in the thick of it. He started hacking away at the bark with his bare hand and let his mind wander up to the sky.
Season six, Scott repeated in his head. Six times now he had found himself summoned, chosen by those beings he still did not quite comprehend to participate in a death game amongst some of his closest friends. The details changed but the goal always remained the same: last player standing wins. Wins what? Scott had already won and he still did not know. He’d been given audience with the beings, but they had looked at him with derision more so than any kind of admiration or praise for his victory. It had been hard to concentrate, or think in their presence. He could not even look at them without a piercing pain behind his eyes. 
 Despite knowing this, the drive to win was ever-present. Even if it would all be for naught in the end. He would spend a few blissful months in his empire only to be whisked away with just a quick warning on his comms, to return to the bloodbath. 
He finished punching down the tree, yielding himself quite a bit of wood in the process. He crafted a table and got to work on a simple pickaxe. It was only then while digging through his inventory that he spotted the book. 
He pulled it out, cracking it open to read: 
Welcome to Wild Life! You are a Cat!  … What? Did you expect further explanation? Where’s the fun in that? Good luck!
As he closed the book, he vanished it from his hands and back into his inventory. He frowned. “Why do you always have to be such a menace, Grian,” Scott sighed. 
“That’s not very nice,” Grian said. 
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Scott shrieked, one hand moving to clutch at his heart as he whirled around. There, he found Grian, wearing his typical red sweater and already boasting an iron sword in his hand. Atop his messy mop of light brown hair were two fluffy pointed ears. 
“Grian! You scared me!”
Grian laughed, putting his sword away. “Guess that means you’re a scaredy cat.”
Scott rolled his eyes, feeling something behind him flick back and forth. He glanced backwards to find he had a blue-gray tail, long and puffed up from fright. His ears pinned back in embarrassment, and his hand moved up to touch them atop his head to finally examine them. They felt pointed, just like Grian’s, but perhaps larger. 
Right. He’d made a point not to really think about it.
“Did you not notice?” Grian continued, a giggle still coating his words. 
“Of course I noticed,” Scott grumbled, “Jimmy’s comment soured any sort of interest quite quickly.”
Grian snorted. 
“You have no business calling me a scaredy cat when you’re a feline too,” Scott continued. 
“I wish,” Grian sighed, “But pointy ears aside, I’ve been cursed with doghood.” 
“Oh?” Scott blinked, trying to look closer to see if he could figure out the difference. But Grian took a step back. 
“Got to go,” Grian said quickly, “Oh and, watch out for the skeleton behind you,” he added, before darting away through the trees. 
As if on cue, an arrow pierced into Scott’s shoulder, lurching him forward. He twisted around to find the skeleton just one tree down, shaded by the thick canopy of Dark Oak leaves. Scott cursed under his breath, running a few meters away before taking some of his spare planks and towering up above the tree line. He took in a breath, ripping out the arrow with another curse on his lips. 
“You couldn’t have spared me an iron ingot for a shield, Grian!?” Scott shouted out into the air in exaggerated annoyance. He wiped some sweat from his brow before returning to holding his injured shoulder. He needed food. That shot had taken nearly a third of his health away–
He only had nine hearts. 
He blinked, recounting them in his head, but no, instead of the normal ten he only had the outline of nine. For a moment he feared they were playing without regeneration again, but no, the silhouettes of two and a half hearts remained. 
He pursed his lips. This might be a cat thing. He would need to get a feather and ink sac to start jotting down these observations if part of this game was to discover their own abilities. 
He supposed that gave him a place to start. He should keep an eye out for fellow felines to exchange information with while he hunted down some food. He kept to the treetops, hoping between leaves, careful not to fall into any gaps in case he lost even more hearts. How embarrassing would it be to become the first yellow on day one.
Eventually, he found the edge of the forest, where the Dark Oak gave way to a small stretch of grass before easing into water. From his high vantage point he could see it was a large lake. He could just barely see the shadow of the coast on the other side. 
He hopped down carefully, digging along the coast until he found some stone. From there it was simple to craft a set of stone tools and a furnace. He slipped into the cold water and drew out his sword. He managed to swipe at a few cod and was able to return to grass relatively quickly. 
He shivered, shoving some dark oak logs into the furnace and throwing the fish over it. He was so hungry even their raw form made his mouth water. But no, he wasn’t an animal–
Well, maybe he was. As he chewed on his cooked cod, he ventured closer to the lake’s edge to look at himself properly. His large blue gray ears twitched atop his head and his long tail swayed behind him. He curled it, watching, a bit mesmerized, as the appendage moved under his control. In his reflection he saw the shimmer of another player behind him, hopping down from the treetops. 
He waited, pretending not to notice the intruder to see what they were up to. But the man quickly gave way his position by calling out, “Oho! Is that food I smell?”
Scott snorted, turning around lazily to face his visitor. Etho stood right in front of the furnace, poking at the still cooking cod with his iron sword. How did everyone already have iron?
“Can I have a bite?” Etho asked, “I’m starving.”
“Dog or cat?” Scott asked instead, hopping atop his furnace to look down at the taller man. 
“Isn’t it obvious?” Etho raised a brow. His pointed white ears swiveled, and his fluffy white tail swished behind him. 
“I’ve been fooled already,” Scott replied, lifting his hand to push some stray blue strands behind his ears. He failed in his endeavor, his ears no longer there at all. He frowned.  
“I’ll give you a hint,” Etho said, lifting his hand to make a little paw motion by his masked cheek, “Meow.”
Scott laughed, retrieving one of his pieces of cod and tossing it to Etho, who easily caught it. From his own inventory he took out two oak logs, setting them down on the grass. He took a seat on one, and Scott joined him on the other – reluctantly, suddenly missing the cozy warmth of the furnace. 
“Still working with stone, eh?” Etho pointed out. 
Scott huffed, “Well excuse me for being a bit careful and not barreling into the first hole in the ground I find.” 
Etho dug through his inventory, handing him a stack of ten or so iron ingots. Scott’s eyes widened. 
“A bunch of us found an above ground vein,” Etho explained, and even though Scott couldn’t see his mouth he knew he was sporting a cheeky grin, “There’s a mountain on the northside of the map. It was all snatched up within ten minutes I’d say,” Etho laughed. 
“By you?” Scott asked with a raised brow. 
“Not just me,” Etho replied. “Have you met anybody else so far?”
“Just Grian,” Scott said, “He’s a dog.”
“Is he?” Etho blinked, “Looked feline to me. He made out with the most iron, I think. Him and Gem. She’s definitely a cat.”
“Did you see anyone else?’ Scott probed. 
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“Bdubs is a dog,” Etho counted out on his fingers, “Cleo is a dog too. Honestly, I think all of my friends are canines.” His ears pinned closer to his head, “They all ran off together pretty quickly.”
Scott placed his chin in his hand, logging the information away. He wondered if it was worth searching out Gem, then. However, they had teamed up just last game, and Scott did his best to switch up his allies as much as he could in these sessions. 
Their pockets lit up and they both brought out their comms to see new messages flashing on their screens. 
Skizzleman > DOGS RULE ImpulseSV > CATS DROOL InTheLittleWood > based Smajor1995 > rude.
Scott put away the comms after he finished typing his response, “Well, I suppose we can assume what those three are.”
Etho sighed, standing up from the log. Scott mirrored him. After all, the sun was past the midpoint and he hadn’t made much progress at all. He really should find himself a cave after he finished crafting a set of tools with the donated iron. Caves were always so dangerous in the early game…
“Seems like the dogs are sticking together,” Scott said casually. His tail flicked as he looked up at Etho, “Perhaps we should form our own feline alliance?”
“Fe-liance,” Etho offered, which made Scott snort. “Sure, but we should probably find a good spot to hunker down. We don’t have much daylight left.”
Scott shoved the rest of his items back into his inventory, giving a quick glance around to make sure he hadn’t forgotten anything. With that, he and Etho started walking, following the edge of the lake with the Dark Oak forest to their left. 
“Something’s happening out there,” Etho commented, pointing out toward the lake. 
Scott squinted, making out the vague silhouette of something being built out in the middle of the lake. It was too far to really make out exactly.
“If only we had a spyglass,” Etho sighed, shoving his hands into his pockets as he continued his leisurely pace. 
“I bet they’re in trident range,” Scott replied. Etho laughed. 
“And you’re in my range!” 
Scott looked up, watching as someone shot down from the heavens, spinning in a tight circle as he went. He landed right in front of them, facing the wrong direction. He quickly corrected himself, but even without facing them, Scott would recognize Joel’s vest and linen shirt combo anywhere. Of course, now he was also sporting some brown cat ears and a brown and black striped tail. 
He grinned at them, “360 spin jump from sky limit. Impressive, am I right?”
Scott raised a brow, shifting so he could look past Joel and see that he did have a tower of cobble going up into the sky. “I knew you were a thrill seeker, but that seems more like a death wish to water bucket clutch on day one.”
“Have you learned nothing from me?” Etho added, “At least boat it.”
Joel blinked at them, “...You’re both cats right?”
“Yeah?” Scott started, glancing over at Etho who simply shrugged. 
Joel’s confusion seemed to give way to a manic sort of grin. His tail swayed back and forth and the entire display gave Scott the urge to bristle. Joel could be so infuriatingly smug sometimes. Maybe all the time.
Joel turned his head, tail perking up straight, “Over here, Lizzie!”
“You’ve wasted all my cobble!” Lizzie complained, coming into view. She sported a pair of ears folded down slightly on her head, the fur a soft orangey-pink. Her tail was especially fluffy, similar to Etho’s. 
“It was necessary,” Joel brushed off. “Had to make sure you were right.”
“Well, now you owe me for the cobble and the information,” Lizzie huffed, “Give me a bucket.”
“I don’t have a bucket,” Joel snapped back. 
“But I saw an axolotl!” Lizzie whined. Joel sighed, digging through his inventory and throwing three iron ingots into his wife’s arms. 
She squealed, “Okay, thanks, bye forever!”
Joel rolled his eyes, but his smile was soft and fond, so unlike the manic look he’d worn before. 
“That was quite cold of you, Joel,” Scott commented. 
“What?” Joel said, turning back to look at them, “I gave her the iron!”
“You could have just given her your bucket.”
“I don’t have one. Are your new ears not working properly?”
Scott pressed his lips into a thin line. Did Joel think he was an idiot? 
“Joel, do you have a base yet?” Etho asked. 
Joel’s shoulders immediately loosened, looking over at the white cat hybrid, “I’ve carved out a little place inside one of the dark oaks.”
“Cool, we’re moving in,” Etho said.
“Excuse me?” Both Joel and Scott snapped, before glancing at each other. 
“Sun’s setting,” Etho said easily. 
“That’s not my blummin’ problem,” Joel huffed. 
“You’d let your boat boy die out here?” Etho pouted and Joel groaned, but seemed to fold easily enough at the words. 
“But why’s Scott have to come?” Joel asked, even as he started to lead them toward his starter base. 
“We’re in a Fe-liance,” Etho said, “You are too.”
“I don’t think cats work in packs,” Scott couldn’t help but comment. 
“Lions do,” Etho said. 
“That’s a pride, not a pack,” Joel replied.
“Joel’s got a lot of that. Pride and ego,” Scott said. 
Etho snorted, but Joel just shot him a glare, illuminated by the flicker of his torch light. With his back turned, he didn’t see the zombie coming toward him.
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Luckily, both Etho and Scott had quick reflexes–with Scott grabbing Joel’s arm to wrench him behind his shield and Etho drawing out his sword to slash at the beast. 
Joel recovered fairly quickly, jumping into the fight with relative ease. They were getting surrounded by mobs now. Scott deflected an arrow with his shield and then slashed at a spider rearing up on him. 
“This way!” Joel called, and Scott stabbed the spider one last time, relishing in its death cry. He had no time to grab the string it dropped, instead turning to race after Joel and Etho, weaving through the thick forest of trees. He almost missed it, but there was a dark oak door on one of the trunks that Joel swung open, urging the two inside before closing and locking it behind them. 
It wasn’t a natural tree trunk, Scott realized immediately. It was much more spacious, hollowed out and with ample room for the three of them to move. It was only one room and it still only had grass for flooring, but it kept the monsters out.
“Only one bed?” Etho asked, looking around. 
“I wasn’t exactly expecting company,” Joel grumbled,  pushing past them to the left side wall where he already had a double chest. He dug through it, taking out some raw chicken and more fish. He started loading up his furnace, and Scott summoned his own to speed up the process. Joel said nothing but did dump the fish in Scott’s hands to deal with. 
“I’ve got one,” Etho assured, placing down a bed right beside Joels’. 
“You found more sheep?” Joel blinked, “I was with Martyn and Jimmy briefly when we found a herd and they obliterated them. It almost seemed like they’d gone red.”
There was a smug crinkle around Etho’s eyes, “I actually hid two away. I’ll bring them here in the morning.”
“Brilliant,” Joel grinned. 
“Are we married to living in this dreary place?” Scott asked, “Such a gloomy color scheme.”
“You can head out the door whenever you want,” Joel snapped. 
“And leave you and Etho to pair up again? That’s been done. I have to stick around now to spice it up.”
“Is that a rule I don’t know about?” Etho asked, “Because I’ve repeated buddies every series.”
“Scott just likes being extra,” Joel said. 
Scott gave a little wink, flicking his hair back and swishing his tail for good measure. Joel grimaced.
While the food cooked, Etho and Scott crafted their own chests, each claiming a corner of their room to organize their things. When they finished, the pair joined Joel to eat. Ehto sat on the bed, Joel leaned against his chest and Scott found himself drawn to perching on the lit furnace once again. 
“Has fish always tasted this good?” Etho asked as he ripped into the salmon. 
“The chicken’s divine as well,” Joel agreed. 
“Perhaps it’s a cat thing,” Scott offered, “Did your books give you any clues?”
“Nah,” Etho said, “These games are never that easy.”
“Heh,” Joel grinned, “So you really don’t know anything do you?”
“You’d keep secrets from the Fe-liance?” Etho gasped. 
“Don’t listen to him,” Scott said, “Joel’s not smart enough to know so much so soon.”
Joel squawked, “I’m plenty smart, Scott! And not only that, I’ve got a wife who lives her imperial life as a cat all blumming day every day.”
Scott’s eyes widened. It was true – Lizzie was the Empress of Animalia back on their home server. Despite her best attempts to hide her feline traits, it was fairly obvious she wasn’t fully human. “We need her on our team.”
Joel’s shoulders slumped, “Scar snatched her up immediately. Maybe he had the same idea, I don’t know. But she refused to link up with me. At least right now.”
“Why the hell would she want to pair with Scar? He’s an accident prone disaster,” Scott groaned. 
“He did win last season,” Etho reminded them. 
“I guess,” Scott conceded, tapping his chin, “And Lizzie did crash and burn back there too. Died before Jimmy and everything.”
“Hey!” Joel snapped, “It was your fault she died in the first place!” He shoved his finger into Scott’s chest. 
Scott easily slapped it away, “My fault? Who was the one sending her to kill me?”
Joel growled, tail slashing back and forth in agitation. 
“Man this cod sure is good,” Ehto interrupted loudly, “Nothin’ like sleeping on a full stomach.” He leaned back, stretching out on the double bed. 
Scott let himself be distracted, slipping off the furnace in favor of crawling into the beds beside Etho. 
“Oi!” Joel started, “Are we really going to cram three of us into two beds?”
“Afraid to cuddle me, Joel?” Scott teased. 
Joel shot him a look, “You’ve brought nothing to the table. You should sleep on the floor.”
“We’ll get a third bed tomorrow,” Etho waved off, “Come on, it’s warmer like this anyway. We’ve fit more people in our bed in Double Life.” 
Joel reddened a little as he grumbled. 
“Oh?” Scott tilted his head, ears perked for any juicy gossip. 
“Bdubs insisted on having a sleepover at least one night,” Etho laughed, “It was all four of us sandwiched between the furnaces in the Relation Ship.”
“And it was terrible, Etho,” Joel scowled, but still climbed into the bed, shoving Scott with more force than necessary to carve himself a space. “I’m pretty sure Impulse ended up on the floor and I burned my hand on the furnace.”
“Our hand,” Etho corrected with a yawn. 
“Even worse,” Joel agreed. He turned onto his side, facing away from both Scott and Etho. Etho chuckled, nuzzling into his pillow. Scott soon realized he’d found himself in the worst spot, sandwiched between them. Perhaps it would be better for him to be on the floor – not that he’d ever admit that fact to Joel. 
“You know, Joel,” Scott tried instead, unable to suppress his grin, “It would make more sense for you to be in the middle, what with you being shorter–”
Joel kicked his leg back, slamming it into Scott, “I swear to the void, Scott! One more word out of you and you’ll be the first damn death message in the chat.”
Scott laughed, even though the kick had him wincing in pain. In fact, he’d taken a tick of damage from it too. So he conceded, keeping quiet and enjoying the little taste of victory in the rise he’d managed to get. He closed his eyes, relishing in the warmth the bodies surrounding him provided. 
Tomorrow he’d dig down and get his full diamond gear. He’d find Lizzie and interrogate her. From there he’d start formulating a real plan for the season and get back on track. 
He was almost asleep when Etho whispered close to his ear, “Should have warned you earlier, Scott.” 
“Hmm?” Scott murmured sleepily. 
“If you’re sleeping so close to Joel, best to keep your neck covered.”
“ETHO!” Joel shrieked. 
Scott laughed, curling up to dodge the pillow being slammed into Etho’s face. 
It was going to be an interesting season. A wild one at that.
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jamorbital · 9 days
Mailbag III ✉️
Wow, there were a bunch this time. Thanks everyone!
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Me! 😷
If that doesn't count… Hmm. Cynthia from Pokémon? Or maybe Tifa?
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I've been interested in it for as long as I can remember. Even when I was really little, I liked to tie up dolls with string and put pieces of tape on their mouths. A bit more on that in an earlier ask here.
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Uhhh... I'm gonna say... Golden Toad. I like Dodos too, but I'm guessing that's the "everything but country and rap" of this question.
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Aw thanks!
Lately I've been slowly making my way through The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles! I play it in bed each night to settle in before I go to sleep. It's like a good book. The fickleness of the jurors always makes me laugh.
Another recent one I liked: Thank Goodness You're Here! It's basically a little interactive animated movie. Matt Berry is in it. I once saw it described as "Untitled Twat Game"
Deadly Premonition is the worst game I've ever played by conventional standards, but I'd still recommend it because it's bad in really fun ways. Bring some friends and a case of beer.
I like games that provoke a strong reaction. I'd rather play something like DP than a "good" big-budget game that's smooth and pleasing but not all that memorable.
Also on the topic of weird games: This is the secret best channel on YouTube. The more you watch, the better it gets. I mean idk, maybe other people don't see it and I'm just deranged. Still though. I've cried laughing at some of these.
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Summer! Lots of happy memories from childhood. I like to swim.
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I don't often try to go for a specific texture, but when I do it can be tricky. In real life I love soft jersey knit fabric. Despite my best efforts, I haven't been able to nail it in 2D in a way that really scratches that kinky itch.
In general, my drawings rarely come out the way I pictured them in my head. (I think that's how it is for most artists?) If it's looking really off then I might redraw a character or body part from scratch, but for the most part I just go with the flow.
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To eat, crab; to not eat, turtle.
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I'm not really into furries, but I like furries as people. They seem like fun and I admire how welcoming and liberated their community is.
For a while I've had "draw an anthro character" on my bucket list. I think it'd be a fun challenge and drawing a gag for an anthro snout could be hot tbh.
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What was that thing from Jurassic Park with the big neck thing and the venom? Dilophosaurus?
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Aw man...
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Thank you!
For proudest: Maybe animation loops?
They're not as elaborate as some other stuff I've done, but seeing an animation come together just feels so satisfying.
For hottest: I gravitate toward a certain weirder type of piece where I draw myself (or "myself") with super-exaggerated proportions and/or humiliating captions:
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It feels exciting to just go totally off the wall. I get turned on not just by drawing these, but also posting them. I guess it's kind of a public humiliation/exhibitionism thing. (Actually, that's exactly what it is.)
I used to put them up on Twitter, but it got a little too weird and embarrassing. Now I keep them behind the safety of the paywall.
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Smash if that counts! I used to attend locals weekly and was decently competitive at my peak. I stopped going in 2020 due to covid and never got back into it after that. I still play with friends here and there though. I'm a Wolf main. 🐺
I've also done a little SF6, but I'm still in The Cursed Zone on that one.
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(old pic!)
Thanks again to everyone who sent in questions! I'm feeling better now than I was this morning. If I didn't respond to you, it just means I couldn't think of anything interesting to say. I appreciate it all the same.
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marigold-hills · 4 months
june 3: library | @wolfstarmicrofic | word count: 599 PREVIOUS PART • NEXT PART • FIRST PART
They’ve used the map for a very many purposes, some nefarious, some less so, but never usually like this: to stalk one of their own.
Not stalk, Sirius reasons, with himself, because such distinctions are important. Search for. Keep track of. In a friendly, concerned manner.
Because it’s 2am, and Remus isn’t in bed, and he came out of the Potions exam looking pale and a bit defeated in his Moony way: withdrawn, shoulders narrowed, crease between eyebrows. And so, so tired.
Sirius finds the tiny set of footprints with Remus Lupin attached to them in a corner of the library. Not surprising, to find their Moony there, but the library closed at the reasonable hour of 7pm and as much as Remus was being a bit obsessive over studying, he didn’t usually go as far as breaking and entering.
So Sirius is concerned. Sue him.
James and Peter both fast asleep (and how could they be, when one of their own was missing!), Sirius pilfers the Cloak and makes his way through the castle.
The library smells like a part of Remus, an integral inch of him – books and parchment and ink, dust with magic interwoven into its particles. Moonlight falls through the tall windows, the only light, except…
There, in the alcove Remus favours, a single lit oil lamp casts a soft orange glow. Remus is always the comfort of autumn but doubly so now, lit up like this, his curls golden and the light touching him like rays of a sunset and Sirius feels it, this want, this urge he can’t name that makes him want to bite or to tattoo stages of the moon against his sternum. Remus deserves good things only – care and gentle affection – and Sirius fears this thing that sometimes overcomes him, how it wants to break Remus just to hide inside of his marrow.
Remus must hear his footsteps because he turns towards Sirius, profile in a sharp contrast of shadows and light, and Sirius thinks oh, thinks I don’t understand.
“What are you doing here, Pads?”
“How did you know it was me?” Sirius wanders, removing the Cloak.
“I’d recognise your smell anywhere.”
“I smell?”
“No, you dumb thing,” exasperation and fondness, “comes with the territory. My little secret, of the furry variety. Remember?”
Right, if course. The moon is looming, soon to be full. It accounts for some of the renewed darkness underneath Remus’ eyes. Sirius hasn’t seen the full moon with his human eyes in a long time, but he remembers it was beautiful. He remembers the shadows on its face, craters left over by something ancient and savage, and his Moony – their, their Moony – is like that too, shadows on brightness and scars as memories of pain.
“Why aren’t you in bed, Moons?”
A shrug, a nonchalance. “Fell asleep revising. Figured I might as well keep going instead of trying to cross the castle back without any of our helping aides.”
Sirius reaches out. It’s not unusual. He’s. Touchy friend. But he presses the pads of his fingers into the divot underneath Remus’ left eye, soft and slow, and it’s not like any touch he remembers ever giving.
“You need to take care of yourself,” he says, or maybe he doesn’t because the words are a swallow and a stone and they don’t cross the distance between their eyes, locked onto each other.
(Sirius thinks there’s something here I should pay attention to. Important. Open your eyes.)
“Guess you can be right sometimes after all, Pads. Come on then, take me to bed.”
(And he thinks: oh.)
this is part tree of a 30-part series of shorts: I’m aiming for them all to be readable as standalone but are a part of a bigger story (better read together and in order, in my opinion) if it doesn’t make much sense by itself do let me know, I want to give this a good go :)
i wish we saw more of the library in the movies. I mean, a magical library? Amazing.
@bowielover420 @tealeavesandtrash @digital-kam @moon-girl88
(let me know if you do/don’t want to be tagged in next parts)
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