#god i love this album/cb
koumeowkami · 5 months
OH GOD, I LOVE CARNELIAN BLOOD ( i just discovered it and i fell in love with it at first sight ) and i would talk for hours about him… i just wanted to ask few questions : is there an update about Carnelian Blood ? and if it’s okay to see if there is a whole resume of Carnelian Blood please ?
HI AGAIN NONNIE !!! welcome to the carnelian blood intl fandom (which consists of 10 people max) 🩷
sadly there are no updates as of now :( lore-wise it's been pretty much silent ever since the new mixture album dropped, so it's been more than a year already </3 the erosion boys are sometimes active on their twitter account tho!
i kinda explained the carnelian blood lore in this ask, which also includes a stupid power point presentation abt them made by me (lmao). in case you wanna know more, translations of CB content are available on this blog!! sadly it's only in spanish tho 😭
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diceriadelluntore · 1 year
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Storia Di Musica #280 - Joni Mitchell, Mingus, 1979
Quando nel 1972 George Wein, celebre organizzatore del Festival di Newport, presentò Charles Mingus all’ora governatore della George, Jimmy Carter, futuro presidente degli Stati Uniti d’America, stava già su una sedia a rotelle, in una fase terribile della malattia di Gehring. Ma fu presentato come “il più grande jazzista vivente”. Qualche anno prima, non invitato dallo stesso Wein al Festival di Newport, organizzò un controfestival, con esibizioni notevolissime, girando in macchina con un megafono proprio nella stessa Newport, attirando non poche persone. Mingus negli anni ‘70 era appena tornato sulle scene, dopo il tracollo mentale dello sfratto e le cure psichiatriche. Eppure proprio in questi anni ci fu una riscoperta totale dei suoi dischi, anche perchè come sempre lui ci mise lo zampino: si mise in testa di poter far soldi con la Candid Records, una piccola casa discografica fondata nel 1960 dal critico e produttore Nat Hentoft e da Archie Bleyer, proprietario della casa discografica Cadence. Mingus auto assunse il ruolo di “direttore” e in 6 mesi registrò dischi favolosi, garantendo agli artisti totale libertà concettuale e artistica, ma non pagò musicisti, tecnici, firmò contratti stranissimi, tanto che durò tutto dall’agosto del ‘60 all’aprile del ‘61. Ma dagli anni ‘70 il catalogo completo fu ridistribuito con il marchio Barnaby della CBS, riaccendendo l’interesse su questo geniale quanto stranissimo musicista. Di questo periodo anche le sue ultime grandi composizioni, con il vulcanico quintetto di George Adams e Don Pullen, con cui registrò Changes One e Changes Two, tutti e due del 1975, con uno dei suoi ultimi grandi pezzi, Duke Ellington’s Sound Of Love. La sua quarta moglie, Sue, è il suo angelo custode, e proprio Sue gli porta un album di una cantante canadese,  Don Juan's Reckless Daughter, che in quegli stessi anni, siamo nel 1977, stava sperimentando il canto jazz: Joni Mitchell. Affascinato dalla sua voce, Mingus la contatta e iniziano a parlare di una collaborazione. La prima idea è grandiosa, in pieno stile Mingus, musicare cioè i Quattro Quartetti di T. S. Eliot: Burnt Norton, East Coker, The Dry Salvages, e Little Gidding sono 4 racconti che il grande scrittore americano aveva pensato come sezioni simili ai tempi di un quartetto d’archi, da cui il nome, scritti prima e dopo lo scoppio della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, dal simbolismo ermetico e potentissimo. Joni Mitchell in un primo tempo rifiuta, poi Mingus lascia perdere Eliot e le regala sei composizioni autografe, chiamate Joni I-VI, a cui Mitchell dovrà aggiungere i testi. Siamo nella secondo metà del 1978, e Mingus per via della sua malattia si trasferisce con Sue a Cuernavaca, in Messico. Mitchell prova le canzoni con un gruppo di musicisti, ma non è convinta, così richiama il leggendario bassista e suo collaboratore nei dischi precedenti, Jaco Pastorius, a cui affianca un gruppo fenomenale: Wayne Shorter al sassofono soprano, Peter Erskine alla batteria, Don Alias alle congas, Emil Richards alle percussioni e il grande Herbie Hancock al piano elettrico. Prodotto dalla stessa Mitchell e registrato presso gli Electric Ladyland Studios di New York, Mingus esce nel giugno 1979. Mitchell aggiunge di suo God Must Be A Boogie Man è per voce, chitarra acustica e basso fretless di Pastorius e The Wolf That Lives In Lindsey, più particolare: lungo brano di voce e chitarra più, qua e là, congas (e ululati) e il jazz rock di God Must Be A Boogie Man. Nei brani scelti tra quelli scritti da Mingus, c’è altra magia: A Chair In The Sky è in quartetto con Hancock, Shorter, Pastorius ed Erskine, è uno degli ultimi gioiellini di Mingus, tra armonie complesse e delicate melodie, con Shorter sugli scudi e il lavoro eccellente di Pastorius in tessitura strutturale. Sweet Sucker Dance è quasi swing; The Dry Cleaner From Des Moines è un saltellante blues con tanto di sezione fiati (arrangiata da Pastorius). Il brano decisamente più emozionante è quello che chiude il disco, la magnifica ballata del 1959 che Mingus dedicò a Lester Young, Goodbye Pork Pie Hat: sempre in quartetto, Joni Mitchell fornisce una stupenda esposizione melodica  cantando anche la prima, lunga, parte del bellissimo assolo di sax tenore presente nell’originale del 1959. La Mitchell qui come cantante si è superata, e ci ha donato una preziosa versione di questo immortale brano di Mingus. Tra i brani, si intervallano delle parti di dialoghi buffi e scanzonati, segnati sul libretto come Rap, tra Mingus, amici e vari musicisti. Il disco fu un fiasco commerciale, e anche la critica non seppe capirlo all’epoca. Tuttavia per tutti i musicisti, fu uno dei lavori più cari per vari motivi, non ultimo quello che successe di lì a poco. Appena quasi tutti i brani erano pronti, tranne God Must Be a Boogie Man, furono mandati a Mingus a Cuernavaca, a fine 1978. Mingus fece appena in tempo ad ascoltarli, perchè il 5 gennaio del 1979 muore stroncato da un infarto. Il disco uscirà nel giugno 1979. E nelle note di copertina di Mingus, Joni Mitchell racconta questa storia, che si pensava fosse una leggenda di sua invenzione, ma che alla fine si rivelò vera: nello stesso giorno della sua morte, in una Baia non lontana da Cuernavaca, una mareggiata spiaggiò diversi capodogli. Erano 56, 56 come gli anni di Charles Mingus. Il giorno dopo, come da sua volontà, il suo corpo venne cremato e le sue ceneri verranno poi depositate nel Gange. Nello stesso giorno della cremazione, anche le carcasse dei capodogli vennero bruciate in colossali pire sulla spiaggia. Leggenda vuole che le fiamme facessero nel cielo delle piccole M: l’ultima leggenda di Charles Mingus, genio della musica.
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sternbilder · 9 months
Ranking my favorite 2023 K-pop comebacks
I feel like 2023 was a year where I followed kpop comebacks especially diligently bc of my newfound interest in dance, and since it's 2024 this means an entire year has passed now of This
here's a list of my 10 personal favorite title tracks this year, happy new year all!
The Top Ten
1. Monsta X - "Beautiful Liar"
listen. when I said
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in january of last year I meant it with my whole ass and I stand by it an entire earth year later. this song fucks So hard
firstable Yes I'm sad this is their last cb with most of the group in a while but also jesus what a banger to go out on
I love the guitars, the looks everyone is serving, the funky little twist in the song structure after the second verse, plus thinking always about lovemelovemelovemetellmetellmetellme + the chains + kihyun with a literal goddamn whip + the gunshot sound effects punctuating joohoney's verse. chefs kiss
2. Taemin - "Guilty"
god taemin is back and you can just feel the catholicity through the screen. the haunting vocals. the delicious string textures throughout (the way the arpeggios shift to pizzicato for the second verse!). the 6/4 time (the only choreo I learned this year that was not to an 8 count). the fucking through the shirt grab. the bridge which they extended in the MV specifically to squeeze in Even More Yearning™.
this is a perfect cb and I will say the rest of the album is also flawless and my favorite out of this list. honestly this probably would have been first if not for the fact that I personally just liked beautiful liar so goddamn much. thank you taemin. no notes.
3. SHINee - "HARD"
aka the song I previously described as "2 baddies, but Good" (no really, they have same key signature & near identical song structure. listen to them side by side with HARD on .95 speed if you don't believe me)
anyway, like 2 baddies this is SM-flavored af but I love the old school hip-hop vibes in HARD soooo much. I've had some people tell me they found it weird and off-putting but to me it's effortlessly cool but also earnest and just. fun? (not only the music but also the visuals? hello? the fashions in this MV) def gotta be one of my most played this year
4. Lee Gi Kwang - "Predator"
ok now for a dark horse pick. I feel like in the borderline 5th gen landscape nowadays older groups are often forgotten (even though hello! 2nd gen bgs are back from the military now and are having a Moment) so people perhaps understandably overlooked this one but god this song is a bop.
is it just criminal by taemin part 2 but less sexy and with a lower budget? yes. but the song is an absolute bop and the choreo slaps in its own right so imo it's a very worthy homage especially given it captures its exact gender of "pathetic sadboy making horny mistakes and needing to dance abt it" so so perfectly,
5. Exo - "Cream Soda"
tbh not what I was expecting from an exo comeback and I was surprised that I ended up liking this so much given I didn't really care for the prerelease tracks, but the more I listened the more this grew on me?
ofc it's an exo track so the vocals are 100 emoji but the chorus and melodies are simply addictive and the choreo for this one is also just a ton of fun (the sexy little head swipe,)
also I love the outfits in this MV (everyone keeps saying this is the Weed aesthetic but honestly? with korea's whole Thing? this is exo's macklemore-style thrift shopping and/or raiding grandma's attic for hidden midcentury treasures phase. to me.) but thank u @ the universe specifically for giving us back silver haired baekhyun. bless.
6. VIXX - "Amnesia"
another underrated release tbh! this initially gave me guilty vibes w/ the abundant use of pizzes since they were released around the same time but I also just independently love this song
I feel like it's a very mature song that takes itself seriously but not in an overly self-absorbed or cheesy way (another comparison I might make is to leo's losing game from last year), the chorus is poignant and hits hard because it's so earnest—maybe especially so since they were down to 3 with this cb—but man that melody is just so gorgeous, like it haunts me
7. Dreamcatcher - "Bon Voyage"
ok if I'm gonna be real it wasn't a great year for my faves—while I liked OOTD and reason they weren't top 10 worthy for me, mx had 1 excellent release before having most of its members yoinked by the military, and I didn't love either of oneus's cbs this year
that being said! I did still like bon voyage! while I preferred the first 2 in the trilogy it still felt like a good and fitting finale, bittersweet and full of equal parts regret and hope
in many ways it feels like a harkening back to classic dreamcatcher with the Big Anime Opening Vibes™ but more somber and grown up, an unexpected summer anthem from these queens,
8. TXT - "Sugar Rush Ride"
it's been a busy year for txt and while I'm not super familiar with them and their releases are sometimes a bit hit or miss for me, when they do hit they HIT
I actually considered chasing that feeling for this list too but despite adoring the take on me-ness of it I ended up nixing it after adjusting for recency bias
sugar rush ride though, I feel is a bop that stood the test of time with its catchiness and surprisingly dark undertones, and is also one of my favorite choreos I learned this year by far like. come on. it's the epitome of Boy Group Hot.
9. Taeyang - "Vibe"
this song lived rent-free in my head for MONTHS, god it's so catchy
I actually missed when my local studio taught this song but I liked the choreo so much I learned it on my own which, predictably since it literally features 2 main dancers, was not easy but extremely worth it bc just like the song itself it's just really fun
other than that what can I say. the MV is nothing special but otherwise it's just a really solid song with Big feel good energy.
10. Kiss of Life - "Shhh"
ok,,,,,,,I don't really follow rookie groups that closely bc generally I don't feel like I'm the target audience but. out of this year's new groups I did especially like kiss of life's debut!
the MV doesn't do much for me tbh but musically it sounds uncharacteristically mature to me, in a good way—it has a subtle confidence about it that I like plus excellent vocals, and is (possibly hot take?) what I was hoping to get from newjeans this year as a continuation of their debut last year tbh
Honorable Mentions
Jungkook - "Standing Next to You"
this one just felt like cheating bc it's technically an English single and there's probably some recency bias here but I can't not mention it bc I simply love this track. I'm not even a BTS stan but it's just a jam with great vocals and instrumentals (the big band notes and MJ influence! please!) and the choreo is also SO ridiculously fun, both the chorus and the dance break
BTOB - "Wind and Wish"
this is just a wholesome song that makes you feel good, like is it a lil bit cheesy? yeah, but it's also Good Vibes Comma the Song, wearing its entire heart on its sleeve in the most endearing way. it's nostalgic and mellow and full of love for its friends and a zest for life
also special shoutout to the bridge, which in such an otherwise lowkey song did not have to go that hard and yet it Did?? that harmony gives me chills, 100% certified vocal kings would cry again
Shownu X Hyungwon - "Love Me a Little"
this is a pathetic meow meow song in the best possible way and was sadly beat out by the other slightly better pathetic meow meow songs on this list (guilty, predator, amnesia) bc it was just a really good year for them but I still think it deserves a mention bc first of all yea boi @ my mans shownu being free from the military but also the instrumental/dance break at the end is dark as hell and also SO fucking tasty
Infinite - "New Emotions"
another 2nd gen group that quietly had a renaissance this year! this song is simply a bop and while the song itself is not as memorable as some in the top 10 the choreo is actually really fun
also myungsoo looks really ridiculously fine as center in the first chorus and that's the last thing I have to say about this song,
Key - "Killer"
honestly I really liked both of key's cbs this year but I feel like killer was slept on somewhat, it's got a hint of sadboi but it's tempered by the upbeat 80s pop style, plus the grungy mullet and beret outfit from the MV was a fucking Look and a Half
And my favorites per month
January: Monsta X - "Beautiful Liar"
February: Purple Kiss - "Sweet Juice"
March: Onew - "O (Circle)"
April: Lee Gi Kwang - "Predator"
May: Dreamcatcher - "Bon Voyage"
June: SHINee - "HARD"
July: Exo - "Cream Soda"
August: MAMAMOO+ - "dangdang"
September: Key - "Good & Great"
October: Taemin - "Guilty"
November: VIXX - "Amnesia"
December: TVXQ - "Down"
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okay y’all good news, my unforgiven albums finally shipped. bad news, it’s gonna be a while because they gotta go to Australia first since that’s the only way I could get the Global shop set bonuses. No way was I gonna settle for a “heat revealing postcard” or whatever it was the USA shop was giving out, what do they think I am, an amateur? Gimmie the PC sets, the magnets, the holographic photo frame, and the acrylic photocard frame for god’s sake! Weverse and Hybe better fix that nonsense for the next cb though, this is unsustainable.
You know what else they better fix? These boring photobook concepts. Literally none of these are matching up to Blue Chypre, Frozen Aquamarine, and/or Iridescent Opal. Yes I’m a horse girl so I love amber and rose is kinda neat, but not previous concept level and sage is just boring. If I wanted a fashion catalogue I’d buy a fashion catalogue. Same for the compact versions but I didn’t like those last time anyway. At least this time we get postcards and PCs that match the girls’ album versions.
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just-my-type-x · 1 year
This is random but I really really hope the vamps will do more rock songs on the next album cuz that would be GOD, like the poppy sound in CB is lovely but they are so good with rock too!
It would add so much flavour to the album haha, and it would sound amazing
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venusdear · 1 year
he rly is cute lol. he left the group bc he was in a controversy, but was proven innocent later. by then tho, it was too late bc hed already left. hOWEVER he dropped an album in november called loner and started his own company. i dont rly pay as much attention to him as i do to the current highlight members bc hes not there anymore.
but my bias is still gikwang lol. what did they put in his album predator bc every single song on there is great. and in one song he raps. im fkin crying omg. every single time i look up gikwang and go to images i end up being there for like 45 minutes my god hes BEAUTIFUL YOU COULD STARE AT HIM ALL DAY.
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I JUST CLICKED ON A RANDOM ASS PICTURE AND HERE HE IS LOOKING LIKE A MODEL what is that hair tho they better be glad hes so beautiful
its day 225 without to1 cb and im going literally insane omg. jaeyun posted on twitter today and kyungho posted on bubble saying how hot it was outside and renta posted some pics of himself in a rly big shirt. but THATS LITERALLY IT.
excel by the group 8turn makes me imagine the characters in masterminds driving around in a car driving and they're all passing around a huge bottle of soda while the song is playing lmao. "i go this hard 24/7" I LOVE THAT LINE MY GOD. i dont even stan these guys but holy shit. link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D16h0MXDslk
im planning to borrow the whole trilogy and reread it soon lol.
ohhh thats sucks 😔 i hate when members leave and are actually innocent fake victims suck bc they make real victims look like liars
THATS ALMOST A WHOLE YEAR... blackpink WHO it sucks so much when there's no music for a whole year LIKE WHERE ARE MY ANGELS AND WHERE IS THEIR MUSIC
the fact that the masterminds actually learned driving from a video game like think about that
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maiverie · 1 year
also love your new theme wjdnwenoefue YOU LITERALLY SLAY YOUR THEMES EVERYTIME OMG
Sacrifice (eat me up) - this song is so good i actually cant even rn
Bills - they be paying their bills w this THEY SAID PAY OUR BILLS OML
Karma - I HAVE NO WORDS ??!?!?!? OMG isn't as good as the others tho
HELENA OH MY GODDDD firstly im still recovering from dark blood. they literally got me convulsing on the floor fr I'm shaking trembling dfon tknow what to do or HOW TO BREATHE?@?#$#^
OH MY GOD UR RANKING MAKES OS MUCH SENSE HELPPP I LOVE LLVEO LOVE SACRIFICE SOOO MUCH LIKE ngl the title is probably my #1 and then it's either sacrifice or chaconne BDHSAHFWEHWHE
okay this is the thing: hybe is constantly baiting me with these previews like w foreshadow I was so excited for it AND COME TO FIND OUT ITS NOT A FULL SONG??? I FELT SO ROBBED AND IT HAPPENED AGAIN W FATE????? I LOVE IT SO MUCH BUT I JUST .L......... I WOUL DLIKE A FULL SON GPLEASE HYBE???
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yuuana · 2 years
Throwback Thursday Track #2: MISIA - Everything release: October 2000 genre: Jpop, J-R&B
Remember when I started this serial way back in the middle of last summer and then immediately dropped the ball on doing it ever again because Thursdays are actually really horrible? No? Yeah, it's fine. But since I'm trying to be better about these things ... jumping back into the wayback machine to the year 2000!
I have no idea what happened to the master that this janky rip off of a VHS copy is the best the official account could do, but here we are. I am ... mostly sure this was not my first time hearing MISIA, but seeing as I've been listening to her for over twenty years oh my god, don't ask me to tell you when I started. I can't even remember how, because let me tell you, kids, the internet was a very different place back then and if you wanted to listen to Japanese music, you had to Go Through Hoops, to put it mildly. And while her music is and was exactly up my alley, she didn't really do the music show circuit even when she first debuted, so all I can think is some sort of happy accident? Whatever the case, this was certainly one of my earliest exposures to MISIA's angelic voice. At seven minutes, "Everything" is about twice as long as the usual pop radio hit song. Moreover, between the opening strains in full orchestra and the wistful tone to MISIA's voice throughout, "Everything" feels much more like something you would find on a drama OST than in a karaoke box or on pop radio. Which didn't stop it from debuting at the top of the Oricon chart nor keep the single from racking up enough sales to make it the all-time third top selling single by a female Japanese artist and MISIA's signature song, despite not actually showing off her full vocal range (5 octaves!) The video has a very Christmas-in-Japan feel going for it, between the snow and the love song lyrics. It's not the most dynamic video, the story parts all shot for slow motion and then MISIA herself delivering her performance with minimal movement, but that, too, fits the mood of the song. It's also an older style of making a music video - the solo diva delivering a song while mostly just standing in place - that MISIA's always favored for herself. "Everything" was the second single off her third studio album, Marvelous, and has been included in each of her best of collections since, so your favorite streaming service should have at least one version of it. Last month (February 21st, to be exact) marked MISIA's 25th anniversary of her debut, so if you liked this, there's a lot more out there. Want to sponsor a song selection? You sweet angel! For the low, low price of one (1) KoFi, I'll write up the song of your choice. ANY song of your choice. Yes, even that one that's been played to death. Yes, your obscure faves too. Sponsor a current CB for the next open Music Monday slot or sponsor a throwback for a Thursday feature! DW | Twitter | Mastodon | Ko-fi | Patreon | Discord | Twitch
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chanstopher · 1 year
Can’t believe we’re living in Chris villain era timeline 😭 holding you Dreamy bae!! Not me out here thinking if I’ll ever draw a skz/svt crossover it will be villain!skz and hero!svt like the ideas brewing 😳
Also HELLOOOO 🥺🥺🥺 amg it’s been awhile! I hope you’re doing well Dreamy 😭 I miss you lots😭💓💓 I experienced my first cb with svt and it was 😔👌🏻👌🏻 no skip! Everything’s a banger aaa (I’m happy to let you know I’m a Dust enthusiast bc vcu beloved and gochujang!Shua now owns my mind apartment) I hope you’re enjoying this cb lots too 🥰 it’s been super fun and a good stress buster while prepping for finals.
Love you lots! 🥺💓 you’ll always be my source for channie and skz related news. Stay healthy and thank you for sharing your work with us always ☺️💖
— chia 🐏✨
om YES YES i would die for that chia OMG
between villain chris and red eye cheol idek how i am breathing rn?????? im obsessed with svts new album omggggg my predictable ass is a fire enthusiast (hhu til i die) but omg once again no skips so trueeeeeee theyve all been WILD this comeback and were five seconds in afsnjs tbh im just thankful this isnt 2020 when i was trying to survive l&r and gods menu promoting together sdgf
i hope ur finals go well my love!!! make sure u take breaks and drink water <3
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boricuacherry-blog · 2 years
Marvin was harshly disciplined by his father Marvin Gay Sr., a preacher. Despite the copious expectations and pressures associated with such a dignified role, Marvin Sr. was known to many as a cross-dresser. Understandably, Marvin was conflicted. The man he saw in the pulpit and the man he saw at home didn't correlate. Marvin Sr was partaking in transgressive sexual acts all the while scrutinizing his son for his natural curiosities. Confused and tormented, Marvin suffered from sexual impotence and was plagued by sadomasochistic fantasies (and masochistic ones of his girl bedding other men), unable to separate the act of sex from his trauma and shame. His first sexual experience was when he was in the U.S. Air Force, with a prostitute who shamed him for his inexperience.
It wouldn't be until his 30s that Marvin would overcome these lingering apprehensions. He outlined this in the "Let's Get It On" album liner notes:
"I can't see anything wrong with sex between consenting anybodies. I think we make far too much of it. After all, ones genitals are just one important part of the magnificent human body. I contend that sex is sex and love is love. When combined, they work well together, if two people are of about the same mind."
In the Songs of Solomon, the act of how to treat your woman prior to and in the act of making love is expressed poetically in the Bible's Old Testament. It talks of the spiritual side of sex, describing the physical act as a holy covenant between man and bride.
Marvin Gaye sought to reclaim the holy amalgamation between the spirit and the flesh throughout his career, particularly after falling in love with his future second wife, Janis Hunter during the sessions for what would become 1973's Let Get It On.
By the 80s Gaye was twice divorced, addicted to cocaine and heavily in debt. In his music, the dichotomy of God and sex had become even more extreme; his lyricism became less poetic and more literal, evidenced by three songs released following his murder: "Sanctified Lady," "Savage in the Sack" and "Masochistic Beauty."
These songs made their debut at the top half of Marvin Gaye's 1985 album Dream of a Lifetime. It was the first posthumous release after Gaye was murdered by his father. At the time, Gaye was in the midst of a three album deal he'd signed with CBS in 1981. Only one of those albums would be released during Gaye's lifetime; 1982's Midnight Love. The flagship single from that album, "Sexual Healing" became a smash hit, earning him his first two Grammy wins and made Midnight Love the highest selling album of his career.
Two songs were left off Midnight Love. One of these was a song Gaye told his audience and interviewers about during Midnight Love's press run and tour, which he referred to as "Sanctified Pussy," which chronicled his yearning to find a companion to fulfill his unattainable ideal of a God-fearing woman of purity. He sings of wanting a girl to save herself for him in the name of the Savior. His desire for "a girl I can respect" is punctuated by the background vocals performed by The Waters Choir.
But he was in conflict with CBS over the title, and it was ultimately changed to "Sanctified Lady," although Gaye can still be heard in the mix singing "sanctified pussy" during the chorus.
The next song was first conceived in 1979 during Gaye's exile away from America, called "Savage in the Sack."
Originally titled "Dem N****** Are Savage In The Sack," it was likely not intended by Gaye to go beyond the studio walls, but CBS did include it on Dream of a Lifetime, titling it "Savage in the Sack."
The third song was somewhere between the ominous confession of "Sanctified Lady" and the purposeful humor of "Savage In The Sack." It was originally titled "Let Me Spank Your Booty (My Masochistic Beauty)." It features Gaye "rapping" in a faux British accent as he is giving sexual S&M orders to a woman.
Since the mid 1960's Gaye had an affinity for England and its people. "The English people and I shared an immediate rapport," he said. "They brought the aristocrat out of me, and they could see how much I love listening to them speak."
Over a slinky rhythm guitar played by brother-in-law Gordon Banks, Gaye insists that Satan is fueling her lust and he's going to punish her before giving her the sex she desires from him:
Your guilt becomes your key
To turn to God
I am a part of this, Like you,
I am a master man,
with work to do
You Must obey my will
Or face my rod
Cause if you can't for me
You can't for God
Gaye inherently combined pain with pleasure, with his own masochistic desires. He explained this when recounting discovering ex-wife Anna in bed with another man:
"I think I laughed. I might have cried. But certainly there was some enjoyment in finding them. I suppose I've always been obsessed with the notion of another man making love to my woman. In my fantasy, that man is always more powerful than me. He alone can satisfy her, while I can only watch."
When examining Gaye's most sensuous tracks, such as "Let's Get It On," "I Want You," "After The Dance" and "Come Get To This," it's easy to recognize Gaye's prophetic ability to express the physical nature of intercourse between two consenting adults. However, when you look beyond the surface, you start to understand his unparalleled, and at the time, unprecedented way to fuse Sex and God together. Unfortunately, for all the highs of the aforementioned, celebrated songs, "Sanctified Lady," "Savage in the Sack" and "Masochistic Beauty" illustrate that Gaye's life imploded as the dueling powers of his due-diligence to Christianity and his unsatiable lust for women (undoubtedly fueled by cocaine) and power expanded with equal measure, rendering an incapacity of reconciliation.
All that remained was a foggy, hazy scattershot vibe that was as frenetic and unpredictable as the cocaine he was snorting and freebasing. But what draws them all together is that each song is as transparent as the last.
Gaye wanted his life to be a canvas from which he created, even at the expense of unflicting unending suffering upon himself, of which he may have thought he deserved, as a product of an abusive upbringing.
In Life Is For Learning, he sings:
The artist pays the price so you
won't have to pay
if only we would listen to what
they have to say,
Some songs show you the way to go,
if you would only listen,
some songs corrupt your flesh to dust,
you should only listen to songs you trust,
the artist pays the price
Gaye survived a suicide attempt three years before he was shot to death by his father, a day before his birthday.
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90363462 · 2 years
Here’s the complete list of 2023 Grammy nominees
The 2023 Grammy nominations were revealed today, in 91 categories. Beyoncé leads the field with 9 nominations.
Here is the list of nominees for the 65th Grammy Awards. The contenders were announced live at 9 a.m. PT from the Grammy Museum in Los Angeles by Recording Academy CEO Harvey Mason Jr., who was joined by artists such as Olivia Rodrigo, Machine Gun Kelly, John Legend, Jimmie Allen, Luis Fonsi, Ledisi, Smokey Robinson and "CBS Mornings" co-anchors Nate Burleson and Gayle King. 
The ceremony will air live on Feb. 5 from Crypto.com Arena in Los Angeles and will be broadcast on CBS while streaming on Paramount+.
Jon Batiste took home multiple awards last year, including album of the year. Wins in the “big four” categories, which were increased from eight to 10 nominees, also included the Bruno Mars-Anderson .Paak-led Silk Sonic group for record and song of the year and Olivia Rodrigo for best new artist.
Superstars Beyoncé, Adele and Kendrick Lamar top nominees for 65th Grammy Awards
Record of the Year
"Don't Shut Me Down" — ABBA"Easy On Me" — Adele"BREAK MY SOUL" — Beyoncé"Good Morning Gorgeous" — Mary J. Blige"You And Me On The Rock" — Brandi Carlile Featuring Lucius" Woman" — Doja Cat"Bad Habit" — Steve Lacy"The Heart Part 5" — Kendrick Lamar"About Damn Time" — Lizzo"As It Was" — Harry Styles
Album of the Year
"Voyage" — ABBA"30" — Adele"Un Verano Sin Ti" — Bad Bunny"RENAISSANCE" — Beyoncé"Good Morning Gorgeous (Deluxe)" — Mary J. Blige"In These Silent Days" — Brandi Carlile"Music Of The Spheres" — Coldplay"Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers" — Kendrick Lamar"Special" — Lizzo"Harry's House" — Harry Styles
Song of the Year
"abcdefu" — Sara Davis, GAYLE & Dave Pittenger, songwriters (GAYLE)"About Damn Time" — Melissa “Lizzo” Jefferson, Eric Frederic, Blake Slatkin & Theron Makiel Thomas, songwriters (Lizzo)"All Too Well" (10 Minute Version) (The Short Film) — Liz Rose & Taylor Swift, songwriters (Taylor Swift)"As It Was" — Tyler Johnson, Kid Harpoon & Harry Styles, songwriters (Harry Styles)" Bad Habit" — Matthew Castellanos, Brittany Fousheé, Diana Gordon, John Carroll Kirby & Steve Lacy, songwriters (Steve Lacy)"BREAK MY SOUL" — Beyoncé, S. Carter, Terius "The-Dream" Gesteelde-Diamant & Christopher A. Stewart, songwriters (Beyoncé)"Easy On Me" — Adele Adkins & Greg Kurstin, songwriters (Adele)"GOD DID" — Tarik Azzouz, E. Blackmon, Khaled Khaled, F. LeBlanc, Shawn Carter, John Stephens, Dwayne Carter, William Roberts & Nicholas Warwar, songwriters (DJ Khaled Featuring Rick Ross, Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, John Legend &Fridayy)"The Heart Part 5" — Jake Kosich, Johnny Kosich, Kendrick Lamar & Matt Schaeffer, songwriters (Kendrick Lamar)"Just Like That" — Bonnie Raitt, songwriter (Bonnie Raitt)
New Artist
AnittaOmar ApolloDOMi & JD BeckMuni LongSamara JoyLattoMåneskinTobe NwigweMolly TuttleWet Leg
Pop Solo Performance
"Easy On Me" — Adele"Moscow Mule" — Bad Bunny"Woman" — Doja Cat"Bad Habit" — Steve Lacy"About Damn Time" — Lizzo"As It Was" — Harry Styles
Pop Duo/Group Performance
"Don't Shut Me Down" — ABBA"Bam Bam" — Camila Cabello Featuring Ed Sheeran"My Universe" — Coldplay & BTS"I Like You (A Happier Song)" — Post Malone & Doja Cat"Unholy" — Sam Smith & Kim Petras
Traditional Pop Vocal Album
"Higher" — Michael Bublé"When Christmas Comes Around..." — Kelly Clarkson"I Dream Of Christmas (Extended)" — Norah Jones"Evergreen" — Pentatonix"Thank You" — Diana Ros
Pop Vocal Album
"Voyage" — ABBA"2. 30" — Adele"Music Of The Spheres" — Coldplay"Special" — Lizzo"Harry's House" — Harry Styles
Dance/Electronic Recording
"BREAK MY SOUL" — Beyoncé"Rosewood" — Bonobo"Don't Forget My Love" — Diplo & Miguel"I'm Good (Blue)" — David Guetta & Bebe Rexha"Intimidated" — KAYTRANADA Featuring H.E.R."On My Knees" — RÜFÜS DU SOL
Best Dance/Electronic Music Album
"Renaissance" — Beyoncé"Fragments" — Bonobo"Diplo" — Diplo"The Last Goodbye" — ODESZA"Surrender" — RÜFÜS DU SOL
Contemporary Instrumental Album
"Between Dreaming And Joy" — Jeff Coffin"Not Tight" — DOMi & JD Beck"Blooz" — Grant Geissman"Jacob's Ladder" — Brad Mehldau"Empire Central" — Snarky Puppy
Rock Performance
"So Happy It Hurts" — Bryan Adams"Old Man" — Beck"Wild Child" — The Black Keys"Broken Horses" — Brandi Carlile"Crawl!" — Idles"Patient Number 9" — Ozzy Osbourne Featuring Jeff Beck"Holiday" — Turnstile
Metal Performance
"Call Me Little Sunshine" — Ghost"We'll Be Back" — Megadeth"Kill Or Be Killed" — Muse"Degradation Rules" — Ozzy Osbourne Featuring Tony Iommi"Blackout" — Turnstile
Rock Album
"Dropout Boogie" — The Black Keys"The Boy Named If" — Elvis Costello & The Imposters"Crawler" — Idles"Mainstream Sellout" — Machine Gun Kelly"Patient Number 9" — Ozzy Osbourne"Lucifer On The Sofa" — Spoon
Rock Song
"Black Summer" — Flea, John Frusciante, Anthony Kiedis & Chad Smith, songwriters (Red Hot Chili Peppers)"Blackout" — Brady Ebert, Daniel Fang, Franz Lyons, Pat McCrory & Brendan Yates, songwriters (Turnstile)"Broken Horses" — Brandi Carlile, Phil Hanseroth & Tim Hanseroth, songwriters (Brandi Carlile)"Harmonia's Dream" — Robbie Bennett & Adam Granduciel, songwriters (The War On Drugs)"Patient Number 9" — John Osbourne, Chad Smith, Ali Tamposi, Robert Trujillo & Andrew Wotman, songwriters (Ozzy Osbourne featuring Jeff Beck)
Alternative Music Performance
"There'd Better Be A Mirrorball" — Arctic Monkeys"Certainty" — Big Thief"King" — Florence + The Machine"Chaise Longue" — Wet Leg"Spitting Off The Edge Of The World" — Yeah Yeah Yeahs Featuring Perfume Genius
Alternative Music Album
"WE" — Arcade Fire"Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You" — Big Thief"Fossora" — Björk"Wet Leg" — Wet Leg"Cool It Down" — Yeah Yeah Yeahs
R&B Performance
"VIRGO’S GROOVE" — Beyoncé"Here With Me" — Mary J. Blige Featuring Anderson .Paak"Hrs & Hrs" — Muni Long"Over" — Lucky Daye"Hurt Me So Good" — Jazmine Sullivan
Traditional R&B Performance
"Do 4 Love" — Snoh Aalegra"Keeps On Fallin'" — Babyface Featuring Ella Mai"PLASTIC OFF THE SOFA" — Beyoncé"'Round Midnight" — Adam Blackstone Featuring Jazmine Sullivan"Good Morning Gorgeous" — Mary J. Blige
Progressive R&B Album
“New Light” — Eric Bellinger“Something to Say” — Cory Henry“Mood Valiant” — Hiatus Kaiyote“Table for Two” — Lucky Daye“Dinner Party: Dessert” — Terrace Martin, Robert Glasper, 9th Wonder & Kamasi Washington“Studying Abroad: Extended Stay” — Masego
R&B Song
"CUFF IT" — Denisia "Blu June" Andrews, Beyoncé, Mary Christine Brockert, Brittany "Chi" Coney, Terius "The-Dream" Gesteelde-Diamant, Morten Ristorp, Nile Rodgers & Raphael Saadiq, songwriters (Beyoncé)"Good Morning Gorgeous" — Mary J. Blige, David Brown, Dernst Emile II, Gabriella Wilson & Tiara Thomas, songwriters (Mary J. Blige)"Hrs & Hrs" — Hamadi Aaabi, Dylan Graham, Priscilla Renea, Thaddis "Kuk" Harrell, Brandon John-Baptiste, Isaac Wriston & Justin Nathaniel Zim, songwriters (Muni Long)"Hurt Me So Good" — Akeel Henry, Michael Holmes, Luca Mauti, Jazmine Sullivan & Elliott Trent, songwriters (Jazmine Sullivan)"Please Don't Walk Away" — PJ Morton, songwriter (PJ Morton)
Progressive R&B Album
"Operation Funk" — Cory Henry"Gemini Rights" — Steve Lacy"Drones" — Terrace Martin"Starfruit" — Moonchild"Red Balloon" — Tank And The Bangas
R&B Album
"Good Morning Gorgeous (Deluxe)" — Mary J. Blige"Breezy (Deluxe)" — Chris Brown"Black Radio III" — Robert Glasper"Candydrip" — Lucky Daye"Watch The Sun" — PJ Morton
Rap Performance
"GOD DID" — DJ Khaled Featuring Rick Ross, Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, John Legend & Fridayy"Vegas" — Doja Cat"pushin P" — Gunna & Future Featuring Young Thug"F.N.F. (Let's Go)" — Hitkidd & GloRilla"The Heart Part 5" — Kendrick Lamar
Melodic Rap Performance
"BEAUTIFUL" — DJ Khaled Featuring Future & SZA"WAIT FOR U" — Future Featuring Drake & Tems"First Class" — Jack Harlow"Die Hard" — Kendrick Lamar Featuring Blxst & Amanda Reifer"Big Energy (Live)" — Latto
Rap Album
"GOD DID" — DJ Khaled"I Never Liked You" — Future"Come Home The Kids Miss You" — Jack Harlow"Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers" — Kendrick Lamar"It's Almost Dry" — Pusha T
Rap Song
"Churchill Downs" — Ace G, BEDRM, Matthew Samuels, Tahrence Brown, Rogét Chahayed, Aubrey Graham, Jack Harlow & Jose Velazquez, songwriters (Jack Harlow featuring Drake)"GOD DID" — Tarik Azzouz, E. Blackmon, Khaled Khaled, F. LeBlanc, Shawn Carter, John Stephens, Dwayne Carter, William Roberts & Nicholas Warwar, songwriters (DJ Khaled featuring Rick Ross, Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, John Legend & Fridayy)"The Heart Part 5" — Jake Kosich, Johnny Kosich, Kendrick Lamar & Matt Schaeffer, songwriters (Kendrick Lamar)"pushin P" — Lucas Depante, Nayvadius Wilburn, Sergio Kitchens, Wesley Tyler Glass & Jeffery Lamar Williams, songwriters (Gunna & Future Featuring Young Thug)"WAIT FOR U" — Tejiri Akpoghene, Floyd E. Bentley III, Jacob Canady, Isaac De Boni, Aubrey Graham, Israel Ayomide Fowobaje, Nayvadius Wilburn, Michael Mule, Oluwatoroti Oke & Temilade Openiyi, songwriters (Future Featuring Drake & Tems)
Country Solo Performance
"Heartfirst" — Kelsea Ballerini"Something In The Orange" — Zach Bryan"In His Arms" — Miranda Lambert"Circles Around This Town" — Maren Morris"Live Forever" — Willie Nelson
Country Duo/Group Performance
"Wishful Drinking" — Ingrid Andress & Sam Hunt"Midnight Rider's Prayer" — Brothers Osborne"Outrunnin' Your Memory" — Luke Combs & Miranda Lambert"Does He Love You - Revisited" — Reba McEntire & Dolly Parton"Never Wanted To Be That Girl" — Carly Pearce & Ashley McBryde"Going Where The Lonely Go" — Robert Plant & Alison Krauss
Country Album
"Growin' Up" — Luke Combs"Palomino" — Miranda Lambert"Ashley McBryde Presents: Lindeville" — Ashley McBryde"Humble Quest" — Maren Morris"A Beautiful Time" — Willie Nelson
Country Song
"Circles Around This Town" — Ryan Hurd, Julia Michaels, Maren Morris & Jimmy Robbins, songwriters (Maren Morris)"Doin' This" — Luke Combs, Drew Parker & Robert Williford, songwriters (Luke Combs)" I Bet You Think About Me (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault)" — Lori McKenna & Taylor Swift, songwriters (Taylor Swift)"If I Was A Cowboy" — Jesse Frasure & Miranda Lambert, songwriters (Miranda Lambert)"I'll Love You Till The Day I Die" — Rodney Crowell & Chris Stapleton, songwriters (Willie Nelson)"'Til You Can't" — Matt Rogers & Ben Stennis, songwriters (Cody Johnson)
Best New Age, Ambient or Chant Album
"Positano Songs" — Will Ackerman"Joy" — Paul Avgerinos"Mantra Americana" — Madi Das & Dave Stringer With Bhakti Without Borders"The Passenger" — Cheryl B. Engelhardt"Mystic Mirror" — White Sun
Improvised Jazz Solo
"Rounds (Live)" — Ambrose Akinmusire, soloist; Track from: New Standards Vol. 1 (Terri Lyne Carrington, Kris Davis, Linda May Han Oh, Nicholas Payton & Matthew Stevens)"Keep Holding On" — Gerald Albright, soloist"Falling" — Melissa Aldana, soloist; Track from: 12 Stars"Call Of The Drum" — Marcus Baylor, soloist"Cherokee/Koko" — John Beasley, soloist; Track from: Bird Lives (John Beasley, Magnus Lindgren & SWR Big Band)"Endangered Species" — Wayne Shorter & Leo Genovese, soloist; Track from: Live At The Detroit Jazz Festival (Wayne Shorter, Terri Lyne Carrington, Leo Genovese & esperanza spalding
Jazz Vocal Album
"The Evening : Live At APPARATUS" — The Baylor Project"Linger Awhile" — Samara Joy"Fade To Black" — Carmen Lundy"Fifty" — The Manhattan Transfer With The WDR Funkhausorchester"Ghost Song" — Cécile McLorin Salvant
Jazz Instrumental Album
"New Standards Vol. 1" — Terri Lyne Carrington, Kris Davis, Linda May Han Oh, Nicholas Payton & Matthew Stevens"Live In Italy" — Peter Erskine Trio"LongGone" — Joshua Redman, Brad Mehldau, Christian McBride & Brian Blade"Live At The Detroit Jazz Festival" — Wayne Shorter, Terri Lyne Carrington, Leo Genovese & esperanza spalding"Parallel Motion" — Yellowjackets
Large Jazz Ensemble Album
"Bird Lives" — John Beasley, Magnus Lindgren & SWR Big Band"Remembering Bob Freedman" — Ron Carter & The Jazzaar Festival Big Band Directed by Christian Jacob"Generation Gap Jazz Orchestra" — Steven Feifke, Bijon Watson, Generation Gap Jazz Orchestra"Center Stage" — Steve Gadd, Eddie Gomez, Ronnie Cuber & WDR Big Band Conducted By Michael Abene"Architecture Of Storms" — Remy Le Boeuf's Assembly Of Shadows
Latin Jazz Album
"Fandango At The Wall In New York" — Arturo O'Farrill & The Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra Featuring The Congra Patria Son Jarocho Collective"Crisálida" — Danilo Pérez Featuring The Global Messengers"If You Will" — Flora Purim"Rhythm & Soul" — Arturo Sandoval"Música De Las Américas" — Miguel Zenón
Gospel Performance/Song
"Positive" — Erica Campbell; Erica Campbell, Warryn Campbell & Juan Winans, songwriters"When I Pray" — DOE; Dominique Jones & Dewitt Jones, songwriters"Kingdom" — Maverick City Music & Kirk Franklin; Kirk Franklin, Jonathan Jay, Chandler Moore & Jacob Poole, songwriters"The Better Benediction" — PJ Morton Featuring Zacardi Cortez, Gene Moore, Samoht, Tim Rogers & Darrel Walls; PJ Morton, songwriter"Get Up" — Tye Tribbett; Brandon Jones, Christopher Michael Stevens, Thaddaeus Tribbett & Tye Tribbett, songwriters
Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song
"God Really Loves Us (Radio Version)" — Crowder Featuring Dante Bowe and Maverick City Music; Dante Bowe, David Crowder, Ben Glover & Jeff Sojka, songwriters"So Good" — DOE; Chuck Butler, Dominique Jones & Ethan Hulse, songwriters"For God Is With Us" — for KING & COUNTRY & Hillary Scott; Josh Kerr, Jordan Reynolds, Joel Smallbone & Luke Smallbone, songwriters"Fear Is Not My Future" — Maverick City Music & Kirk Franklin; Kirk Franklin, Nicole Hannel, Jonathan Jay, Brandon Lake & Hannah Shackelford, songwriters"Holy Forever" — Chris Tomlin; Jason Ingram, Brian Johnson, Jenn Johnson, Chris Tomlin & Phil Wickham, songwriters"Hymn Of Heaven (Radio Version)" — Phil Wickham; Chris Davenport, Bill Johnson, Brian Johnson & Phil Wickham, songwriters
Gospel Album
"Die To Live" — Maranda Curtis"Breakthrough: The Exodus (Live)" — Ricky Dillard"Clarity" — DOE"Kingdom Book One Deluxe" — Maverick City Music & Kirk Franklin"All Things New" — Tye Tribbett
Contemporary Christian Music Album
"Lion" — Elevation Worship"Breathe" — Maverick City Music"Life After Death" — TobyMac"Always" — Chris Tomlin"My Jesus" — Anne Wilson
Roots Gospel Album
"Let's Just Praise The Lord" — Gaither Vocal Band"Confessio - Irish American Roots" — Keith & Kristyn Getty"The Willie Nelson Family" — Willie Nelson"2:22" — Karen Peck & New River"The Urban Hymnal" — Tennessee State University Marching Band
Latin Pop Album
"AGUILERA" — Christina Aguilera"Pasieros" — Rubén Blades & Boca Livre"De Adentro Pa Afuera" — Camilo"VIAJANTE" — Fonseca"Dharma +" — Sebastián Yatra
Música Urbana Album
"TRAP CAKE, VOL. 2" — Rauw Alejandro"Un Verano Sin Ti" — Bad Bunny"LEGENDADDY" — Daddy Yankee"La 167" — Farruko"The Love & Sex Tape" — Maluma
Latin Rock or Alternative Album
"El Alimento" — Cimafunk"Tinta y Tiempo" — Jorge Drexler"1940 Carmen" — Mon Laferte"Alegoría" — Gaby MorenoLos Años Salvajes" — Fito Paez"MOTOMAMI" — Rosalía
Regional Mexican Music Album (including Tejano)
"Abeja Reina" — Chiquis"Un Canto por México - El Musical" — Natalia Lafourcade"La Reunión (Deluxe)" — Los Tigres Del Norte"EP #1 Forajido" — Christian Nodal"Qué Ganas de Verte (Deluxe)" — Marco Antonio Solís
Tropical Latin Album
"Pa'lla Voy" — Marc Anthony" Quiero Verte Feliz" — a Santa Cecilia"Lado A Lado B" — Víctor Manuelle"Legendario" — Tito Nieves" Imágenes Latinas" — Spanish Harlem Orchestra"Cumbiana II" — Carlos Vives
American Roots Performance
"Someday It'll All Make Sense (Bluegrass Version)" — Bill Anderson Featuring Dolly Parton"Life According To Raechel" — Madison Cunningham"Oh Betty" — Fantastic Negrito"Stompin' Ground" — Aaron Neville With The Dirty Dozen Brass Band"Prodigal Daughter" — Aoife O'Donovan & Allison Russell
American Roots Song
"Bright Star" — Anaïs Mitchell, songwriter (Anaïs Mitchell)"Forever" — Sheryl Crow & Jeff Trott, songwriters (Sheryl Crow)"High And Lonesome" — T Bone Burnett & Robert Plant, songwriters (Robert Plant & Alison Krauss)"Just Like That" — Bonnie Raitt, songwriter (Bonnie Raitt)"Prodigal Daughter" — Tim O’Brien & Aoife O'Donovan, songwriters (Aoife O'Donovan & Allison Russell)"You And Me On The Rock" — Brandi Carlile, Phil Hanseroth & Tim Hanseroth, songwriters (Brandi Carlile Featuring Lucius)
Americana Album
"In These Silent Days" — Brandi Carlile"Things Happen That Way" — Dr. John"Good To Be..." — Keb' Mo'"Raise The Roof" — Robert Plant & Alison Krauss"Just Like That..." — Bonnie Raitt
Americana Performance
"Silver Moon [A Tribute To Michael Nesmith]" — Eric Alexandrakis"There You Go Again" — Asleep At The Wheel Featuring Lyle Lovett"The Message" — Blind Boys Of Alabama Featuring Black Violin"You And Me On The Rock" — Brandi Carlile Featuring Lucius"Made Up Mind" — Bonnie Raitt
Bluegrass Album
"Toward The Fray" — The Infamous Stringdusters"Almost Proud" — The Del McCoury Band"Calling You From My Mountain" — Peter Rowan"Crooked Tree" — Molly Tuttle & Golden Highway"Get Yourself Outside" — Yonder Mountain String Band
Traditional Blues Album
"Heavy Load Blues" — Gov't Mule"The Blues Don’t Lie" — Buddy Guy"Get On Board" — Taj Mahal & Ry Cooder"The Sun Is Shining Down" — John Mayall"Mississippi Son" — Charlie Musselwhite
Contemporary Blues Album
"Done Come Too Far" — Shemekia Copeland"Crown" — Eric Gales"Bloodline Maintenance" — Ben Harper"Set Sail" — North Mississippi Allstars"Brother Johnny" — Edgar Winter
Folk Album
"Spellbound" — Judy Collins"Revealer" — Madison Cunningham"The Light At The End Of The Line" — Janis Ian"Age Of Apathy" — Aoife O'Donovan"Hell On Church Street" — Punch Brothers
Regional Roots Music Album
"Full Circle" — Sean Ardoin And Kreole Rock And Soul Featuring LSU Golden Band From Tigerland"Natalie Noelani" — Natalie Ai Kamauu"Halau Hula Keali'i O Nalani - Live At The Getty Center" — Halau Hula Keali'i O Nalani"Lucky Man" — Nathan & The Zydeco Cha Chas"Live At The 2022 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival" — Ranky Tanky
Reggae Album
"The Kalling" — Kabaka Pyramid"Gifted" — Koffee"Scorcha" — Sean Paul"Third Time's The Charm" — Protoje"Com Fly Wid Mi" — Shaggy
Global Music Performance
"Udhero Na" — Arooj Aftab & Anoushka Shankar"Gimme Love" — Matt B & Eddy Kenzo"Last Last" — Burna Boy"Neva Bow Down" — Rocky Dawuni Featuring Blvk H3ro"Bayethe" — Wouter Kellerman, Zakes Bantwini & Nomcebo Zikode
Global Music Album
"Shuruaat" — Berklee Indian Ensemble"Love, Damini" — Burna Boy"Queen Of Sheba" — Angélique Kidjo & Ibrahim Maalouf"Between Us... (Live)" — Anoushka Shankar, Metropole Orkest & Jules Buckley Featuring Manu Delago"Sakura" — Masa Takumi
Children's Music Album
"Into The Little Blue House" — Wendy And DB"Los Fabulosos" — Lucky Diaz And The Family Jam Band"The Movement" — Alphabet Rockers"Ready Set Go!" — Divinity Roxx"Space Cadet" — Justin Roberts
Audio Book, Narration, and Storytelling Recording
"Act Like You Got Some Sense" — Jamie Foxx"All About Me!: My Remarkable Life In Show Business by Mel Brooks" — Mel Brooks"Aristotle And Dante Dive Into The Waters Of The World" — Lin-Manuel Miranda"Finding Me" — Viola Davis"Music Is History" — Questlove
Spoken Word Poetry Album
"Black Men Are Precious" — Ethelbert Miller"Call Us What We Carry: Poems" — Amanda Gorman"Hiding In Plain View" — Malcolm-Jamal Warner"The Poet Who Sat By The Door" — J. Ivy"You Will Be Someone's Ancestor. Act Accordingly." — Amir Sulaiman
Comedy Album
"The Closer" — Dave Chappelle"Comedy Monster" — Jim Gaffigan"A Little Brains, A Little Talent" — Randy Rainbow"Sorry" — Louis CK"We All Scream" — Patton Oswalt
Musical Theater Album
"Caroline, Or Change" — John Cariani, Sharon D Clarke, Caissie Levy & Samantha Williams, principal vocalists; Van Dean, Nigel Lilley, Lawrence Manchester, Elliot Scheiner & Jeanine Tesori, producers; Jeanine Tesori, composer; Tony Kushner, lyricist (New Broadway Cast)"Into The Woods (2022 Broadway Cast Recording)" — Sara Bareilles, Brian d'Arcy James, Patina Miller & Phillipa Soo, principal vocalists; Rob Berman & Sean Patrick Flahaven, producers (Stephen Sondheim, composer & lyricist) (2022 Broadway Cast)"MJ The Musical" — Myles Frost & Tavon Olds-Sample, principal vocalists; David Holcenberg, Derik Lee & Jason Michael Webb, producers (Original Broadway Cast)"Mr. Saturday Night" — Shoshana Bean, Billy Crystal, Randy Graff & David Paymer, principal vocalists; Jason Robert Brown, Sean Patrick Flahaven & Jeffrey Lesser, producers; Jason Robert Brown, composer; Amanda Green, lyricist (Original Broadway Cast)"Six: Live On Opening Night" — Joe Beighton, Tom Curran, Sam Featherstone, Paul Gatehouse, Toby Marlow & Lucy Moss, producers; Toby Marlow & Lucy Moss, composers/lyricists (Original Broadway Cast)" A Strange Loop" — Jaquel Spivey, principal vocalist; Michael Croiter, Michael R. Jackson, Charlie Rosen & Rona Siddiqui, producers; Michael R. Jackson, composer & lyricist (Original Broadway Cast)
Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media
"ELVIS" — (Various Artists)"Encanto" — (Various Artists)"Stranger Things: Soundtrack from the Netflix Series, Season 4 (Vol 2)" — (Various Artists)"Top Gun: Maverick" — Harold Faltermeyer, Lady Gaga, Hans Zimmer & Lorne Balfe"West Side Story"" — (Various Artists)
Score Soundtrack for Visual Media (includes film and television)
"The Batman" — Michael Giacchino, composer"Encanto" — Germaine Franco, composer"No Time To Die" — Hans Zimmer, composer"The Power Of The Dog" — Jonny Greenwood, composer"Succession: Season 3" — Nicholas Britell, composer
Score Soundtrack for Video Games and Other Interactive Media
"Aliens: Fireteam Elite" — Austin Wintory, composer"Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Dawn Of Ragnarok" — Stephanie Economou, composer"Call Of Duty®: Vanguard" — Bear McCreary, composer"Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy" — Richard Jacques, composer"Old World" — Christopher Tin, composer
Song Written for Visual Media
"Be Alive" [From "King Richard"] — Beyoncé & Darius Scott Dixson, songwriters (Beyoncé)"Carolina" [From "Where The Crawdads Sing"] — Taylor Swift, songwriter (Taylor Swift)"Hold My Hand" [From "Top Gun: Maverick"] — Bloodpop® & Stefani Germanotta, songwriters (Lady Gaga)"Keep Rising (The Woman King)" [From "The Woman King"] — Angelique Kidjo, Jeremy Lutito & Jessy Wilson, songwriters (Jessy Wilson Featuring Angelique Kidjo)"Nobody Like U" [From "Turning Red"] — Billie Eilish & Finneas O'Connell, songwriters (4*Town, Jordan Fisher, Finneas O'Connell, Josh Levi, Topher Ngo, Grayson Villanueva)"We Don't Talk About Bruno" [From "Encanto"] — Lin-Manuel Miranda, songwriter (Carolina Gaitán - La Gaita, Mauro Castillo, Adassa, Rhenzy Feliz, Diane Guerrero, Stephanie Beatriz & "Encanto" Cast)
Instrumental Composition
"African Tales" — Paquito D'Rivera, composer (Tasha Warren & Dave Eggar)"El País Invisible" — Miguel Zenón, composer (Miguel Zenón, José Antonio Zayas Cabán, Ryan Smith & Casey Rafn)"Fronteras (Borders) Suite: Al-Musafir Blues" — Danilo Pérez, composer (Danilo Pérez Featuring The Global Messengers)" Refuge" — Geoffrey Keezer, composer (Geoffrey Keezer)"Snapshots" — Pascal Le Boeuf, composer (Tasha Warren & Dave Eggar)
Arrangement, Instrumental or A Cappella
"As Days Go By" (an arrangement of "The Family Matters" theme song)" — Armand Hutton, arranger (Armand Hutton Featuring Terrell Hunt & Just 6)"How Deep Is Your Love" — Matt Cusson, arranger (Kings Return)"Main Titles (Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness)" — Danny Elfman, arranger (Danny Elfman)"Minnesota, WI" — Remy Le Boeuf, arranger (Remy Le Boeuf)"Scrapple From The Apple" — John Beasley, arranger (Magnus Lindgren, John Beasley & The SWR Big Band Featuring Martin Aeur)
Arrangement, Instruments and Vocals
"Let It Happen" — Louis Cole, arranger (Louis Cole)"Never Gonna Be Alone" — Jacob Collier, arranger (Jacob Collier Featuring Lizzy McAlpine & John Mayer)"Optimistic Voices / No Love Dying" — Cécile McLorin Salvant, arranger (Cécile McLorin Salvant)"Songbird (Orchestral Version)" — Vince Mendoza, arranger (Christine McVie)"2 + 2 = 5 (Arr. Nathan Schram)" — Nathan Schram & Becca Stevens, arrangers (Becca Stevens & Attacca Quartet)
Recording Package
"Beginningless Beginning" — Chun-Tien Hsia & Qing-Yang Xiao, art directors (Tamsui-Kavalan Chinese Orchestra)"Divers" — William Stichter, art director (Soporus)"Everything Was Beautiful" — Mark Farrow, art director (Spiritualized)"Telos" — Ming Liu, art director (Fann)"Voyeurist" — Tnsn Dvsn, art director (Underoath)
Boxed or Special Limited Edition Package
"Artists Inspired By Music: Interscope Reimagined" — Josh Abraham, Steve Berman, Jimmy Iovine, John Janick & Jason Sangerman, art directors (VariousArtists)"Big Mess" — Berit Gwendolyn Gilma, art director (Danny Elfman)"Black Pumas (Collector's Edition Box Set)" — Jenna Krackenberger, Anna McCaleb & Preacher, art directors (Black Pumas)"Book" — Paul Sahre, art director (They Might Be Giants)"In And Out Of The Garden: Madison Square Garden ’81 ’82 ’83" — Lisa Glines, Doran Tyson & Dave Van Patten, art directors (The Grateful Dead)
Album Notes
"The American Clavé Recordings" — Fernando González, album notes writer (Astor Piazzolla)"Andy Irvine & Paul Brady" — Gareth Murphy, album notes writer (Andy Irvine & Paul Brady)"Harry Partch, 1942" — John Schneider, album notes writer (Harry Partch)"Life's Work: A Retrospective" — Ted Olson, album notes writer (Doc Watson)"Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (20th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition)" — Bob Mehr, album notes writer (Wilco)
Historical Album
"Against The Odds: 1974-1982" — Tommy Manzi, Steve Rosenthal & Ken Shipley, compilation producers; Michael Graves, mastering engineer; Tom Camuso, restoration engineer (Blondie)"The Goldberg Variations - The Complete Unreleased 1981 Studio Sessions" — Robert Russ, compilation producer; Martin Kistner, mastering engineer (Glenn Gould)"Life’s Work: A Retrospective" — Scott Billington, Ted Olson & Mason Williams, compilation producers; Paul Blakemore, mastering engineer (Doc Watson)"To Whom It May Concern..." — Jonathan Sklute, compilation producer; Kevin Marques Moo, mastering engineer (Freestyle Fellowship)"Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (20th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition)" — Cheryl Pawelski & Jeff Tweedy, compilation producers; Bob Ludwig, mastering engineer (Wilco)
Songwriter of the Year, Non-Classical
Amy AllenNija CharlesTobias Jesso Jr.The-DreamLaura Veltz
Engineered Album, Non-Classical
"Adolescence" — George Nicholas & Ryan Schwabe, engineers; Ryan Schwabe, mastering engineer (Baynk)"Black Radio III" — Daniel Farris, Tiffany Gouché, Keith Lewis, Musiq Soulchild, Reginald Nicholas, Q-Tip, Amir Sulaiman, Michael Law Thomas & Jon Zacks, engineers; Chris Athens, mastering engineer (Robert Glasper)"Chloë and the Next 20th Century" — Dave Cerminara & Jonathan Wilson, engineers; Adam Ayan, mastering engineer (Father John Misty)"Harry's House" — Jeremy Hatcher, Oli Jacobs, Nick Lobel, Mark "Spike" Stent & Sammy Witte, engineers; Randy Merrill, mastering engineer (Harry Styles)"Wet Leg" — Jon McMullen, Joshua Mobaraki, Alan Moulder & Alexis Smith, engineers; Matt Colton, mastering engineer (Wet Leg)
Producer of the Year, Non-Classical
Jack AntonoffDan AuerbachBoi-1daDahiDernst "D'mile" Emile II
Remixed Recording
"About Damn Time (Purple Disco Machine Remix)"" — Purple Disco Machine, remixer (Lizzo)"BREAK MY SOUL (Terry Hunter Remix)"" — Terry Hunter, remixer (Beyoncé)"Easy Lover (Four Tet Remix)" — Four Tet, remixer (Ellie Goulding)"Slow Song (Paul Woolford Remix)" — Paul Woolford, remixer (The Knocks & Dragonette)"Too Late Now (Soulwax Remix)" — Soulwax, remixers (Wet Leg)
Immersive Audio Album
"AGUILERA" — Jaycen Joshua, immersive mix engineer; Jaycen Joshua, immersive mastering engineer (Christina Aguilera)"Divine Tides" — Eric Schilling, immersive mix engineer; Stewart Copeland, Ricky Kej & Herbert Waltl, immersive producers (Stewart Copeland & Ricky Kej)"Memories...Do Not Open" — Mike Piacentini, immersive mix engineer; Mike Piacentini, immersive mastering engineer; Adam Alpert, Alex Pall, Jordan Stilwell & Andrew Taggart, immersive producers (The Chainsmokers)"Picturing The Invisible - Focus 1" — Jim Anderson, immersive mix engineer; Morten Lindberg & Ulrike Schwarz, immersive mastering engineers; Jane Ira Bloom & Ulrike Schwarz, immersive producers (Jane Ira Bloom)"Tuvayhun — Beatitudes For A Wounded World" — Morten Lindberg, immersive mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, immersive mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, immersive producer (Nidarosdomens Jentekor & Trondheimsolistene)
Engineered Album, Classical
"Bates: Philharmonia Fantastique - The Making Of The Orchestra" — Shawn Murphy, Charlie Post & Gary Rydstrom, engineers; Michael Romanowski, mastering engineer (Edwin Outwater & Chicago Symphony Orchestra)"Beethoven: Symphony No. 6; Stucky: Silent Spring" — Mark Donahue, engineer; Mark Donahue, mastering engineer (Manfred Honeck & Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra)"Perspectives" — Jonathan Lackey, Bill Maylone & Dan Nichols, engineers; Joe Lambert, mastering engineer (Third Coast Percussion)"Tuvayhun - Beatitudes For A Wounded World" — Morten Lindberg, engineer; Morten Lindberg, mastering engineer (Anita Brevik, Nidarosdomens Jentekor & Trondheimsolistene)"Williams: Violin Concerto No. 2 & Selected Film Themes" — Bernhard Güttler, Shawn Murphy & Nick Squire, engineers; Christoph Stickel, mastering engineer (Anne-Sophie Mutter, John Williams & Boston Symphony Orchestra)
Producer of the Year, Classical
Jonathan AllenChristoph FrankeJames GinsburgElaine MartoneJudith Sherman
Orchestral Performance
"Adams, John Luther: Sila - The Breath Of The World" — Doug Perkins, conductor (Musicians Of The University Of Michigan Department Of Chamber Music & University Of Michigan Percussion Ensemble)"Dvořák: Symphonies Nos. 7-9" — Gustavo Dudamel, conductor (Los Angeles Philharmonic)"Eastman: Stay On It" — Christopher Rountree, conductor (Wild Up)"John Williams - The Berlin Concert" — John Williams, conductor (Berliner Philharmoniker)"Works By Florence Price, Jessie Montgomery, Valerie Coleman" — Michael Repper, conductor (New York Youth Symphony)
Opera Recording
"Aucoin: Eurydice" — Yannick Nézet-Séguin, conductor; Barry Banks, Nathan Berg, Joshua Hopkins, Erin Morley & Jakub Józef Orliński; David Frost, producer (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; The Metropolitan Opera Chorus)"Blanchard: Fire Shut Up In My Bones" — Yannick Nézet-Séguin, conductor; Angel Blue, Will Liverman, Latonia Moore & Walter Russell III; David Frost, producer (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; The Metropolitan Opera Chorus)"Davis: X - The Life And Times Of Malcolm X" — Gil Rose, conductor; Ronnita Miller, Whitney Morrison, Victor Robertson & Davóne Tines; Gil Rose, producer (Boston Modern Orchestra Project; Odyssey Opera Chorus)
Choral Performance
"Bach: St. John Passion" — John Eliot Gardiner, conductor (English Baroque Soloists; Monteverdi Choir)"Born" — Donald Nally, conductor (Dominic German, Maren Montalbano, Rebecca Myers & James Reese; The Crossing)"Verdi: Requiem - The Met Remembers 9/11" — Yannick Nézet-Séguin, conductor; Donald Palumbo, chorus master (Michelle DeYoung, Eric Owens, Ailyn Pérez & Matthew Polenzani; The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; The Metropolitan Opera Chorus)
Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance
"Beethoven: Complete String Quartets, Volume 2 - The Middle Quartets" — Dover Quartet"Musical Remembrances" — Neave Trio"Perspectives" — Third Coast Percussion"Shaw: Evergreen" — Attacca Quartet"What Is American" — PUBLIQuartet
Classical Instrumental Solo
"Abels: Isolation Variation" — Hilary Hahn"Bach: The Art Of Life" — Daniil Trifonov"Beethoven: Diabelli Variations" — Mitsuko Uchida"Letters For The Future" — Time For Three; Xian Zhang, conductor (The Philadelphia Orchestra)"A Night In Upper Town - The Music Of Zoran Krajacic" — Mak Grgić
Classical Solo Vocal Album
"Eden" — Joyce DiDonato, soloist; Maxim Emelyanychev, conductor (Il Pomo D’Oro)"How Do I Find You" — Sasha Cooke, soloist; Kirill Kuzmin, pianist"Okpebholo: Lord, How Come Me Here?" — Will Liverman, soloist; Paul Sánchez, pianist (J’Nai Bridges & Caen Thomason-Redus)"Stranger - Works For Tenor By Nico Muhly" — Nicholas Phan, soloist (Eric Jacobson; Brooklyn Rider & The Knights; Reginald Mobley)"Voice Of Nature - The Anthropocene" — Renée Fleming, soloist; Yannick Nézet-Séguin, pianist
Best Classical Compendium
"An Adoption Story" — Starr Parodi & Kitt Wakeley; Jeff Fair, Starr Parodi & Kitt Wakeley, producers"Aspire" — JP Jofre & Seunghee Lee; Enrico Fagone, conductor; Jonathan Allen, producer"A Concert For Ukraine" — Yannick Nézet-Séguin, conductor; David Frost, producer"The Lost Birds" — Voces8; Barnaby Smith & Christopher Tin, conductors; Sean Patrick Flahaven & Christopher Tin, producers
Contemporary Classical Composition
"Akiho: Ligneous Suite" — Andy Akiho, composer (Ian Rosenbaum & Dover Quartet)"Bermel: Intonations" — Derek Bermel, composer (Jack Quartet)"Gubaidulina: The Wrath Of God" — Sofia Gubaidulina, composer (Andris Nelsons & Gewandhausorchester)"Puts: Contact" — Kevin Puts, composer (Xian Zhang, Time for Three & The Philadelphia Orchestra)"Simon: Requiem For The Enslaved" — Carlos Simon, composer (Carlos Simon, MK Zulu, Marco Pavé & Hub New Music)
Music Video
"Easy On Me" — Adele; Xavier Dolan, video director; Xavier Dolan & Nancy Grant, video producers"Yet To Come" — BTS; Yong Seok Choi, video director; Tiffany Suh, video producer"Woman" — Doja Cat; Child., video director; Missy Galanida, Sam Houston, Michelle Larkin & Isaac Rice, video producers"The Heart Part 5" — Kendrick Lamar; Dave Free & Kendrick Lamar, video directors; Jason Baum & Jamie Rabineau, video producers"As It Was" — Harry Styles; Tanu Muino, video director; Frank Borin, Ivanna Borin, Fred Bonham Carter & Alexa Haywood, video producers"All Too Well: The Short Film" — Taylor Swift; Taylor Swift, video director; Saul Germaine, video producer
Music Film
"Adele One Night Only" — Adele; Paul Dugdale, video director; Raj Kapoor & Ben Winston, video producers"Our World" — Justin Bieber; Michael D. Ratner, video director; Kfir Goldberg, Andy Mininger & Scott Ratner, video producers"Billie Eilish Live At The O2" — Billie Eilish; Sam Wrench, video director; Michelle An, Tom Colbourne, Chelsea Dodson & Billie Eilish, video producers"Motomami (Rosalía Tiktok Live Performance)" — Rosalía; Ferrán Echegaray, Rosalía Vila Tobella & Stillz, video directors"Jazz Fest: A New Orleans Story" — (Various Artists); Frank Marshall & Ryan Suffern, video directors; Frank Marshall, Sean Stuart & Ryan Suffern, video producers"A Band A Brotherhood A Barn" — Neil Young & Crazy Horse; Dhlovelife, video director; Gary Ward, video producer
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Someone talked about the cock and balls fansite a few months ago, but I can't find anything, I guess it was for fun or something??? 😭 oh yeah China ones are riiiiich and definitely work with the companies
They did what? Took their undies? Noooooo. Yeah it's fucked up. Exactly, they said "we can't be racist because we like kpop" sit your ass down you racist clown
I think both of our friends are on a different planet now dudhsjdhdisndhsjdh
Bestie I just want any ticket at this point. I'll definitely not go for the most expensive one, because I'm saving money ☠
Sadly nothing is predictable and I know how it feels to have your concert cancelled last minute so. </3 at this point kpop stans are so starved for concerts they don't know how to behave, it's disgusting. Ehhh apparently there were many wild and shitty Atinys there...
I think a lot of people are still confused about his release date, and nothing is 100% confirmed, but I know that account! If he's not back soon then a lot of people will be shocked and disappointed
I love this lil comedy, Hwa would be so stressed but Y/N would be just confused and if he starts avoiding her too, lmao. Then it finally clicks and Y/N's brain goes blank because THAT NICE QUIET GUY IS DOING SLUTTY THINGS AT NIGHT?!
A paper ripped by him - spoken like a true Shinestar
I hope more people start talking about Seonghwa's abilities, not just his looks (I know he likes getting called pretty or handsome) and being a mum/nerd/boomer, because he deserves it 100%! I'm also proud of him for singing live a lot, to think he barely had lines on the first album and couldn't even sing them properly at first... now he has so many lines 😭🤧💗
Oh my friend officially said "I'm a baby Shitstar" we got her!!!
JUST SAW THE SG?!??! Choose your partner...A whole ass AU, they want people to be delulu so bad. Seonghwa THE CATCH? He's gonna catch these hands for sure, tf why is he a fuckboy.... KQ you can't be doing this to me. The range
Or imagine Ateez in Hell's Kitchen lol
My thoughts on lovers to enemies to... lovers I hope? Or how about friends to lovers to enemies to friends to lovers 😉
Lmao that Matz thing, so true. What about Hwa from nerd to a fuck boy huh
Cool kid Woo that's a fuck boy please
Seonghwa bite me next time heh...🤡
Oh god that piece of shit interviewer, I knew he was sus, but this is even worse. Tho their faces were ICONIC. Waiting for tea on that Chanlix documentary they did...
Oooooo okay, as for websites it depends where you're located, it would be good to order locally if possible. I don't recommend KQ shop though. Your friend needs A LOT of bubble wrap and waterproof seal mailing bags, unless someone orders more copies then a little box will do. As for cards or freebies, it's up to them, but it's a nice gesture. They can print out their "business" cards with a little thank you card. Are they doing members cards sorting?
"Lady you were screaming at the top of your lung" what is this quiz akhdhskshsjeje - DV 💖
hi hello!!
Someone talked about the cock and balls fansite a few months ago, but I can't find anything, I guess it was for fun or something??? 😭 oh yeah China ones are riiiiich and definitely work with the companies
this is so funny pls 😭😭😭 the strangest names a fansite could have and they cHOSE COCK AND BALLS legendary 😭😭😭 yOO china ones are so rich they be their own companies itself 🤚🏼 that sehun bar can literally buy a whole brand he endorses 🤚🏼
They did what? Took their undies? Noooooo. Yeah it's fucked up. Exactly, they said "we can't be racist because we like kpop" sit your ass down you racist clown
alleged EXO sasaeng fan attempts to sell D.O's underwear “we can’t be racist bc we like kpop” and ONLY follow it if their token asians/kpop groups are present 🔫🔫
I think both of our friends are on a different planet now dudhsjdhdisndhsjdh //// Bestie I just want any ticket at this point. I'll definitely not go for the most expensive one, because I'm saving money ☠
100% IM LOVING THIS CONVERSION OF UR FRIEND DBNSDBDJ not the most expensive but def the best seat in the arena! tbh even the last section has the best views 😭😭
Sadly nothing is predictable and I know how it feels to have your concert cancelled last minute so. </3 at this point kpop stans are so starved for concerts they don't know how to behave, it's disgusting. Ehhh apparently there were many wild and shitty Atinys there...
“at this point kpop stans are so starved for concerts they don't know how to behave, it's disgusting” THISSSS !!!! its almost like they didn’t know how to behave even before but with the two year break its just gone so bad ???? bro like basic manners 😭😭??? like if ur mom saw u doing that then what??? i know a slap slap coming ur way???
from this convo, the only fun thing we can get is san recording ateez running on the airport fhwjdhsj sometimes being an idol sounds so fun, ur with ppl u live laugh and perform and live ur dreams with and then u randomly be running on the airport laughing trying to catch ur flight or no money rbkqdjsk
I think a lot of people are still confused about his release date, and nothing is 100% confirmed, but I know that account! If he's not back soon then a lot of people will be shocked and disappointed
I JUST NEED THAT MAN BACK I LISTENED TO HOLY WATER ON REPEAT TODAY AND I WAS KNEELING THE VOCAL AND PRODUCTION VALUE 🤌🏼🤌🏼✨ atp why cant sm release a statement this is too much, theyre so busy naming smstore kwangya but can’t release a statement on their money makers enlistment date
I love this lil comedy, Hwa would be so stressed but Y/N would be just confused and if he starts avoiding her too, lmao. Then it finally clicks and Y/N's brain goes blank because THAT NICE QUIET GUY IS DOING SLUTTY THINGS AT NIGHT?!
IM REALLY INTO THIS ACTUALLY <33 STOP THIS GUY WOULD BE SHITTING BRICKS AT EVERY ENCOUNTER WITH YN HE’D START TO GASLIT HER SAYING U NEVER SAW ME FBWK omg it be clicking in y/n’s brain the night before the exam and she’s just sitting their connecting the dots <3 what do u think y/n’s prize would be if yn passes the exam <3 omf if YN starts laughing “wAIT you? you do that?”
“no no, its just hard to imagine”
“it wont be if i show you right now”
A paper ripped by him - spoken like a true Shinestar
I hope more people start talking about Seonghwa's abilities, not just his looks (I know he likes getting called pretty or handsome) and being a mum/nerd/boomer, because he deserves it 100%! I'm also proud of him for singing live a lot, to think he barely had lines on the first album and couldn't even sing them properly at first... now he has so many lines 😭🤧💗
right!!! hopefully they don’t make the boomer thing his entire personality, yeah it’s one thing to joke about but then at the same time taking it so seriously fbwkdjwk 🔫🔫 U ARE SO RIGHT WHEN I USED TO LISTEN EARLY DAYS ID BE LIKE “huh everyone y’all’s ahout yeosang’s like but what about that blond guy” i did not actually even know sh’s name whdkwhdkq and now that he’s everywhere FUCK IT UP !!! HIS VOCALS ARE SO PRETTY TO HEAR <3 and his rapping too! it rly is the hunger to perform that attracts so many fans
Oh my friend officially said "I'm a baby Shitstar" we got her!!!
Tumblr media
JUST SAW THE SG?!??! Choose your partner...A whole ass AU, they want people to be delulu so bad. Seonghwa THE CATCH? He's gonna catch these hands for sure, tf why is he a fuckboy.... KQ you can't be doing this to me. The range ///// Or imagine Ateez in Hell's Kitchen lol
ateez in hells kitchen oh my god and it just be yunho getting yelled at for making raw food and wooyoung laughing only to get called an idiot sandwich 😭😭
My thoughts on lovers to enemies to... lovers I hope? Or how about friends to lovers to enemies to friends to lovers 😉
Lmao that Matz thing, so true. What about Hwa from nerd to a fuck boy huh /// THE JP CB VIBE IS ELEGANT WHORE!
this is literally the trope of the fic we made,,, nerd during day fuck boy during night fmwbdkw IT REALLY IS GOD THEY LOOK SO EXPENSIVE I NEED SOMEONE TO EDIT HIM IN SOME BRAND bc this???? needs to be in some commercial
Cool kid Woo that's a fuck boy please
Tumblr media Tumblr media
i have an au prepped for it <3
Seonghwa bite me next time heh...🤡 Oh god that piece of shit interviewer, I knew he was sus, but this is even worse. Tho their faces were ICONIC. Waiting for tea on that Chanlix documentary they did...
LMFAOOOO IN LINE ANON IN LINE 🔫🔫 AND WOOYOUNG KNEW TOO U COULD SEE IT ON HIS FACE 😭😭 oHO MAN IM WAITING ON THAT ONE TOO and now u get that anchor would have been nicer if a bigger group was there u just know too
Oooooo okay, as for websites it depends where you're located, it would be good to order locally if possible. I don't recommend KQ shop though. Your friend needs A LOT of bubble wrap and waterproof seal mailing bags, unless someone orders more copies then a little box will do. As for cards or freebies, it's up to them, but it's a nice gesture. They can print out their "business" cards with a little thank you card. Are they doing members cards sorting?
“im about to start stanning your anon for this info, god bless ur would dv anon what a queen” YEAH ABSOLUTELY NOT KQ SHOP THATS WAYY TOO EXPENSIVE,, yes she is! and most of them want seonghwa pc’s too fbwkfjwk but since they’re doing that package thing maybe it’ll be easier!
"Lady you were screaming at the top of your lung" what is this quiz akhdhskshsjeje - DV 💖
TO MAKE UP FOR THAT SHITTY QUIZ 🔫 im actually screaming at the options on this quiz fbwnfhsj
????? 😭😭
and uh, quick question, would u like ceo hwa to have silver or black hair
hwa baby girl era
2 notes · View notes
miyeosin · 2 years
i agree with your post about the line distribution!! i also love and respect soyeon as an artist, but when it comes to title tracks nxde and tomboy follow the same structure, and it would have been far more exciting to have things different. i find myself going back to titles like hwaa, where soyeon opened the song vocally and gave it a completely different feeling, i also feel like her rap was more well-integrated within the song structure - in nxde her second verse feels kind of jarring. i think miyeon's voice shines so much in the bsides, she makes each song really shine, the more i listen to her since her solo came out, the more i fall in love with her voice... also it's a little ironic that we got so much shuhua in the title - finally! - but i barely hear her in the bsides... i'd really love it if they go out of the box in terms of song structure bc following a formula, even the tomboy one, isn't going to help them develop more... they could become one of those groups stuck imitating their megahit sound over and over (momoland, exid) and i really don't want that for them.
i think miyeon might get better "treatment" if she starts contributing to composing and lyrics, like i've noticed minnie and yuqi getting a larger share of a song they wrote, so maybe that's one way for her to shine more. i know she wrote the lyrics of a song on my, but idk if she wants to compose and she doesn't have to, but i guess that might be one of the reasons she doesn't get more varied/many lines...
all that said, do you think it's likely we get another miyeon album in the next two years? or will other members getting solos push her comeback even further?
i feel like tomboy and nxde are kind of like two sides of the same coin, in that they touch on the same overall topic just with a different focus area. so it doesn't really bother me that they have the same structure. and with the mess that 2021 was for them maybe get back in the swing of things, so unless the next cb follows the same, i'm not really worried about her getting stuck. and honestly it isn't all that different from past title tracks, if she just put a real bridge back in the songs...or add a second verse before her rap (like in uh-oh or lion)
(just so no one has to scroll past a long response)
i actually love her rap for nxde...i wasn't too crazy about her rap in hwaa. only bc i didn't like the transition from her to yuqi wasn't as smooth as i wanted it to be (with the overlapping (which i think would've been fine if soyeon's voice tapered off instead of just stopping the way it does)) but i don't mind hwaa, or oh my god, bc even tho miyeon is singing the same part of the song the lines don't repeat each other
and honestly my issue isn't even the structure of the song, i need her to know that miyeon (and yuqi) can sing verses in the title tracks.
off the top of the head, some statements i remember her making seemed like she tends to write around minnie's voice (i say that lightly bc they were just simple comments like how she said she would write western sounding songs to show off minnie's charm, and when she was talking about how she like how minnie sounds when she sings certain things. and i haven't really seen her say anything like that about miyeon's voice (and if she has then absolutely no one cared about it bc i've never seen it)) they all have their charms, minnie has a raspy voice, yuqi has a deep voice, and miyeon has a very crisp clean voice. i would like to hear them all utilized on title tracks. i mean miyeon is a main vocalist....like soyeon pls
maybe it's bc minnie's voice gets a lot of attention for being so raspy that it's become a staple for idle tts. idk.
i keep hoping that we'll see her name listed in the credits on an idle song soon.
and i certainly hope so. [my] did well and i mean 2022 was 2 cbs and a solo. and even if they were just planning her solo as a fallback if ind wasn't successful, they still made it happen and both were quality. so they're obviously capable of planning more then one release a year. idk what the cb time frame usually is for soloist who are still in active groups, but i feel like 2 years is reasonable.
(cube: triple h released music 2 years in a row while pentagon was also releasing music. hyuna only had 1(?) release during that time but i mean right after the second album cube decided to be an idiot...)
(not cube: baekhyun debuted as a soloist in 2019 and had 1 cb a year since then before enlisting. and during that time other exo members were also releasing solo albums. but, exo was also on a weird hiatus where sm only had them releasing 1 album towards the end of the year....so they are technically an active group they were.....moving as a turtles pace.)
(idk how cube operates but those are some things to consider)
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withleeknow · 2 months
AHAH the patriotism prevails only with sports events (and it's honestly a struggle w/ england, but at least they finally broke their penalty curse 🤧)
ONIGIRI'S HAVING A MELTDOWN wdym we're getting mimo serving vocals w/ lee mujin??? vm.tiktok.com/ZGetNHKTF/ this brought genuine tears to my eyes 🐱🐰
oh, you mean: tinyurl.com/mr3v53we istg spending 24hrs with him would be a factory reset to my brain + I've started my to do marathon and I'm enjoying every bloody moment:'))
fyi rockstar husband's back: vm.tiktok.com/ZGetj15sF/ (with strawberry x carrot head hs lurking in the bg) this is a whole god: vm.tiktok.com/ZGetjpQWc/ also for one of the photo concepts, he's got a lip ring on and it shamelessly took me back to your mimo drabble that sent me to fucking orbit goodnight I hope inspiration came to you for your title <3
is2g he's going to kill me dead with this. vocalracha mimo is going to kill me. does he know how obsessed i am with his voice. when the episode comes out i will cease to exist 😭
ahhh i'm so excited that you're watching to do!! they are so healing to me :') i love beomgyu with my whole heart but honestly i would probably strangle him if i had to be around him all the time lmao. anywhomst, a little bit of a whiplash but this made my heart hurt, my poor son look at him :(((
lmao i didn't know enhypen's cb was yesterday until i opened spotify and the album was recommended 😂 but she slaps !! i was replaying it a lot last night, i'll let it marinate some more and i'll be back to give you my ranking hehehhe. didn't expect a jvke collab tho i kinda hate that dude bc he's annoying lmao. but anywhomst, 1 2 he is so beautiful i think there might be tears in my eyes. like objectively speaking he is one of my the most beautiful people i have ever seen !! crazy. insane. pair that with a guitar and your girl is gawneeeee. also i had to look up the lip ring pic and ngl i always forget that i have a thing for lip rings and whenever something comes out to remind me of it........ oof
dunno if you noticed (not that i was even subtle lol) but enhypen did provide the perfect title for the fic hehehhehheheehe <3
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characteroulette · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤
Yayyyy! ;w; ;;
Life Goes On (Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead)
This is still one of my fics of all time, in my opinion. I love niche fandoms and these two drove me insane when I first learned about this play. Just. CB grappling with Beethoven's death is so so so sad and good to me
When You Love A Murderer (Ace Attorney) (spoilers for Spirit of Justice)
I also still love this one. I need to write more Rayfa and the Khura'in siblings in general. Apollo and Rayfa can be SUCH good siblings they have more in common than you think listen to me listen to me--
You Are A Dad, You're A Dad! (Boogie Woogie Woogie!) (DGS / The Great Ace Attorney)
Herlock being a dad to Iris. I just love this ;w;
Pray for the Wicked (Ace Attorney)
Okay actually I'm still really happy with this one. The life and times of Klavier Gavin told through this P!atD album.
The Weight of Ursa Minor (Persona 4/Persona 5)
Akechi and Teddie friendship is so funny to me. I made them so silly for one another. Child Akechi in general is a lot of fun to me, so adding him into the For the Sake of the Magician story gave me a lot of fun things to work with. Case in point! Akechi and Teddie have a sleepover and learn about each others' traumas.
Okie that's five haha. Went with a lot of older fics just because ;w; thanks so much!!
0 notes
dealgemeneverwarring · 7 months
De Algemene Verwarring #107 - 19 February 2024
Episode one hundred and seven of De Algemene Verwarring was broadcast on Monday, February 19, 2024, and you can listen to it by clicking on the link below that will take you directly to the Mixcloud page:
Pictured below is, well, you know who is pictured below don't you? Yes, it's The Birthday Party. Last week I saw Mutiny In Heaven, the documentary about the band made by Ian White, and it was fantastic, for several reasons. First of all, it was a pleasant re-acquaintance with the angry, dangerous, aggressive Nick Cave, who I like a lot more than the quiet and sad Nick Cave we have seen the last few years, and I'm saying this with all the respect I have for the man's tragic losses, I mean, I admire the way he copes with all of that, but musically he has lost me a bit. Of course I was too young to have consciously known The Birthday Party, and I don't really remember 100 % when Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds came on my radar, I think I picked up the Kicking Against The Pricks and Your Funeral My Trial lp's up from the Kortrijk library (again, endless thanks to the Kortrijk library with their fantastic collection), but I don't know if that was before or after I bought the 1988 Tender Prey album, but anyway. The Birthday Party, the aggression, the feedback, the unique guitar sound of Rowland S. Howard, bass god and naughty boy Tracy Pew, the always quiet and sober (except that one time) Mick Harvey and the primitive drum sound of Phil Calvert, they were truly a force. The drinks, the drugs, the pills, and the hunger. The loathing of London, but not exactly a rebirth in Berlin. The making of the Nick The Stripper video. Just go see it. Also fantastic was the entry into the cinema of an elderly couple, they were too late so they had to sit on the front row but then looked around and noticed some more empty seats in the fourth row, so they went there, asked some people to move, and then sat there for ten minutes, after which they left the cinema again. Wrong movie? Wrong Nick Cave? Too loud? Who will tell? Anyway, I'm playing Deep In The Woods in the show, a song that I have always liked a lot because it showed the way Cave would slowly move towards what would become The Bad Seeds but still has that distinctive Rowland S. Howard feedbacking guitar.
There is also a lot of other music in the show, from Dead Nittels, Dat En Wat, The Velvet Underground, Boduf Songs, People Skills, Collate, The Vanishing, Violent Change, The Triffids, Drifting, Z'EV, Organ Of Corti and more! And beneath the photo you can find the playlist for th show. Enjoy!
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Dead Nittels: Justizirrtum (7” “Anti New Wave Liga”, reissue on Bachelor Archives, 2020, originally released in 1983, not on label)
The Primate Five: I Need Your Luh (7” “The Primate Five vs The Traditional Fools” on Goodbye Boozy, 2021)
Dat En Wat: Dead Man Blues (LP “Diggin’ For Gold Vol 2, reissue on Rubble Records, 2018, originally released on Smorgasbord Records, 1994 and in 1966 on & 7” on Soho Records)
The Velvet Underground: Foggy Notion (LP “VU” on Verve Records, 1984)
Violent Change: Fabio’s Playhaus (LP “Starcastle” on Sloth Mate Productions, 2023)
The Stroppies: Cellophane Car (LP “Whoosh” on Tough Love Records, 2018)
The Triffids: Raining Pleasure (12” “Raining Pleasure” on Hot Records, 1984)
Boduf Songs: Decapitation Blues (Redux) (7” “Split” Jessica Bailiff/Boduf Songs on Morc Records, 2013)
People Skills: Flag For Gravity (LP “Hum Of The Non-Engine” on Digital Regress, 2023)
The Birthday Party: Deep In The Woods (CD “Hits” on 4AD, 1992, originally released on the 12” “The Bad Seed”, 4AD, 1982)
The Psychedelic Furs: It Goes On (LP “Talk Talk Talk” on CBS, 1981)
The Vanishing: White Walls (LP “Songs For Psychotic Children” on Gold Standard Laboratories, 2003)
Collate: Obliterated By Flowers (LP “Generative Systems” on Domestic Departure, 2023)
Al Karpenter & CIA Débutante: Put On Your Mask (LP “Al Karpenter & CIA Débutante” on Ever/Never Records, 2023)
Z’EV  For Manfred (LP V/A “Dossiers” on Dossier Records, 1986)
Drifting: Finding New Age In An Abandoned House (LP “Dream Autopsy” on Förlag För Fri Music, 2023)
Organ Of Corti: Halucinatio (CD “Fanaticus” on New Forces, 2024)
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