#god im so obsessed with how the only thing sjs wanted was to be useful and a friend
loosingmoreletters · 8 months
slams hand down do it you know you want to do it,,, sugar daddy au and now its just awkward as fuck but they get to Deal with It. bonus points for people laughing at them in the background. i am your inner demon whispering that this is a good idea and you should absolutely write it (no pressure ofc!!! take your time and its fine if you want to!!!)
for ship names. yeah very sad. i havent settled on like. a combination of their names that sound appealing to me so im just. sitting there awkwardly in Yun Taeheon x Shin Junseo. simple but it works. ill bonk my brain for ideas later,, i have cut down on thigns i need to hand in tomorrow im procrastinating because the thing i need to do is so horribly boring
maybe the korean side of the fandom has something going on but that would require me to go on twitter and figure out what korean words to put in the search box and I'm already failing at "go on twitter".
sdkhldfkhg the inner demons are winning. now I'm kinda contemplating how this would even start, which made me realize we know fuck all about Shin Junseo's past??? We only knew that apparently he had a shitty job before he awakened and didn't have any friends and seemingly also has no family.
So like? Local man signs up on an app bc honestly at this point being a sugar baby would not be worse than another horrible shift at whatever minimum wage job he has to pay the bills?
And cool, he hits it off with Yun Taeheon, something something business man. It's a lot less hollywood-pretty-woman than he expected, more nice dinners with genuinely entertaining discussions, and sure getting laid is nice too, and then, well, the world goes to shit for a hot second and well, the contract written before runs out, isn't renewed and Shin Junseo has a moment between picking up a shitty job again and awakening where he comfortably lives on his savings while his,,, ex? well, no, ex would be implying they dated. boss is also not quite the term, his previous situationship, made himself a guild master.
and then the world goes even more to shit and he drags corpses and the memories of a world annihilated out of a dungeon. He makes his plan, keeps his head down and then fucking Yun Taeheon is standing in front of him again.
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megalony · 4 years
Hidden truths
This is a new murderer! Ben Hardy series I am going to be working on, based off the request from the lovely @virginievezzoso. I hope you will all like it, feedback is always lovely.
(I’ve changed the name of this series from Deadly Obsession to Hidden Truths).
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez @jonesyaddiction @ambi-and-sunflowers @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me @peterquillzsblog @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh
Murderer! Ben masterlist
Summary: Ben finds himself falling for (Y/n) who is rather reluctant to be around him but not because he is a murderer. (Y/n) is a prostitute and she doesn’t want Ben to find out in fear of what he would do and what his reaction would be. But he just can’t seem to stay away from her.
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The moon was pink.
Despite the beautiful fuchsia colouring of the usually milky white moon, (Y/n) thought it looked like a bad omen looming over her, especially with the moon being so close and bright like it was. (Y/n) felt like she was under some kind of trance, the further up the street she walked, the closer she seemed to get to the moon until it felt like the moon was right across the street from her and she could reach out and touch it.
(Y/n) hated walking down this street at night, it felt like she was surrounded by danger at every corner but she knew there was only one reason she hated walking down here despite having to do this walk every day.
The club.
When the night was dark like this and the moon was looming like it was it cast a glow onto the club that looked dangerous in her eyes. When the lights were turned out and all the doors and windows were closed it looked terrifying to (Y/n), especially now with the moon shining on it making the white building look pink. In her mind it should be black to match the aura it gave off to her because she knew what kind of people came in and out of that club and she didn't want to be around them.
Men went in to punch each other and to break punching bags, other men went in and out to do dodgy dealings and carried guns in the waistband of their jeans or tucked into their belts.
Other men went in with the fear of God in their eyes and never came out again. Some men came out of that club and went into the world and then by the end of the day, there was one less person in the world. (Y/n) wasn't stupid, she knew what kind of people went in and out of that club and it worried her to be so close to that place on a daily basis.
Her job wasn't the best and it was far from nice or normal but it was nowhere near what went on in that club and that club made her feel like a duchess who should fear for her life being near such a place.
As (Y/n) walked down the street she tucked her coat tighter around her frame and pulled her arms closer to her chest. Another twenty minutes and she would be home. (Y/n) never minded walking home at night, no matter the time or the dodgy street or the few people walking around town. But the club always unsettled her like nothing else in the world.
(Y/n) tipped her head down to look at her feet as she walked over the uneven pavement but she suddenly found herself slowing down when she heard the distinct noise of a door snapping shut. She didn't want to look, she didn't want to see who it was who was walking out of that god forsaken club that should be closed since it was one in the morning. But (Y/n) couldn't help herself, she just had to have a sneak peak at who would be leaving that place this late into the night- or this early into the morning.
She had seen the people coming and going and no one else left after eleven so she figured that eleven was the closing time and it seemed to be eight in the morning that it opened.
She didn't know who that was who was leaving.
The stranger was tall, he was very tall in fact, and he had short hair that must be blond but it was baby pink due to the casting of the moonlight that hit him like a spotlight. He had a nose that rounded at the end but the bridge of his nose was crooked and had a bump in the middle, presumably from being broken one too many times. He had very dark eyes that were darker because of the lack of lighting in the street and his shoulders were very broad and strained against his jacket along with the muscles on his arms.
He had a chain containing over ten different keys connecting to a chain that linked to his dark blue jeans which he was using to lock up the front door. But what made (Y/n) freeze in her tracks was seeing the very tip of the handle of a gun sticking out the back of his jeans between his hips.
The moment he turned round their eyes locked and he seemed just as surprised and confused as (Y/n) did.
They seemed to stand and stare at one another for what felt like hours but it was barely even a minute before he started walking towards her. (Y/n) wanted to run, she had the right mind to start walking and then gradually speed up into a run to get home and away from the stranger coming out of the place she dreaded. But (Y/n) couldn't do anything, her feet were glued to the pavement and her eyes were glued to the stranger advancing towards her like it was his mission in life to capture her.
"Are you okay? It's pretty late to be roaming around these streets, love."
Ben pushed his hands into his jean pockets as his head ticked to the side. His dark green eyes analysed the girl in front of him who he'd never seen before and who shouldn't really be out this late in this area of town. Ben tried to keep the club looking and seeming legitimate even in an area like this because he couldn't afford being in trouble with the law but he knew how dangerous this area was. Especially when his men were roaming the streets.
He could hurt a man, he could kill a man and Ben could do unspeakable crimes and get away with them all, but hurting or intimidating a woman was something he rarely ever did. He didn't allow his men to do it either so on a night like this with a rather timid girl walking around at one in the morning, he felt he should at least make sure she was okay.
"It's pretty late to be closing up a boxing club." (Y/n) felt like her words were confident but they didn't sound it. She sounded meek and shy and innocent which wasn't what she wanted to sound or feel like but he was off-putting. There was something about this man that made him seem like a predator, he had a sharks grin and he came out of a dodgy business, he was screaming danger but (Y/n) couldn't move away.
"Ah, the club shut at eleven, doesn't mean the boss can't stay behind and sort a few things out. Where are you heading this early in the morning, this isn't the best area to be in."
The moment the word boss slipped through Ben's lips he noticed the girl in front of him change. Her eyes widened and her lips parted but no words and not even a proper breath escaped those ruby red lips. She looked like he had just told her he had risen from the dead and that gave a rather big signal to Ben that this girl knew what kind of business he ran.
"I- I'm going home." (Y/n) wanted to tell him that she knew this wasn't the best area because she worked here and she walked here and back home again every day but she bit down on her tongue and kept quiet. No need to give him extra information about herself in case he was one of the bad kinds of people at that club since he owned it.
"No need to look so worried, love. The business may be... dangerous, but I ain't." Ben tried to choose his words carefully, he didn't want to scare her because there was something about her that was reigning him in. But at the same time, he didn't want to give the wrong impression to her.
"I doubt that."
(Y/n) tried to smile but she couldn't and she tried to swallow her nerves but felt like her throat was as dry as the desert and about to tighten up until she couldn't breathe. Her eyes stayed solely on the man in front of her as she took a step back to try and quietly tell him she was going to go home now but when she took two steps back, her heel caught on the uneven pavement. A gasp escaped (Y/n)'s lips but she didn't hit the concrete like she imagined she would, a hand held tightly onto her elbow and an arm swerved around her waist and pulled her forwards rather than letting her drop backwards.
The smile that (Y/n) was faced with when she was pulled into the man's chest was one that sent her mixed messages. He reminded her vividly of a shark baring its teeth to its prey but at the same time, there was something so different, so reassuring about that smile. But she couldn't be close to him, she couldn't trust a man who ran a business like that.
(Y/n)'s job was far from normal and it wasn't legitimate or fashionable or a high society job. Being a prostitute wasn't high up on anybody's list but it was what she did and (Y/n) knew pleasuring people was far more ideal and desirable than killing people. She was at the top of the world compared to Ben who was as close to Hell on Earth as he could manage.
"Careful love, nearly had an accident."
"Thank you." (Y/n)'s voice shook as she slowly pulled herself out of his grip and took a step away, rubbing at her arms for some sense of comfort and security. "I'll be going now." (Y/n) took another careful step away, watching how the stranger watched her as if making sure she wasn't going to fall. Why wasn't he acting or seeming as dangerous as he actually was? He should be fierce, scary, frightening, horrifying even, but he wasn't.
"I'm Ben, by the way."
No names. (Y/n) never wanted names from any of her clients or the people she knew from her line of work. Names complicated matters and she wanted her life as simple as she could get it. But he wasn't talking to her because of her work or even because of his own. He was talking to her because he had seen her out in the street and wanted to make sure she was okay. Giving him her name would cause no harm if she didn't intend to talk to or see him again, would it?
"We must stop meeting like this." The smile on Ben's face was crooked up at one side and with his head titled at an angle, it looked like he had leaned his head to the right and tipped his smile to the side like gravity.
'We must stop meeting altogether.'
(Y/n) bit her tongue so those words didn't rattle past her lips, she didn't want to be rude to him because he was giving her no cause for concern and no cause to be rude or cruel to him. Nor did (Y/n) know what he would do if she was rude or ignorant to him, he could walk away or he could put his battered knuckles to use against her. She didn't know Ben at all, she knew his name and where he worked but she knew nothing else about him.
This was the third time they had met each other out in the street close b the club and (Y/n) wondered how they had never come across one another before now. She liked it better when she didn't know who he was and the club was just an illusive place she never entered. Now it was a place she found herself looking at more and more, worried who would walk out and who was going to walk in and never come out again.
"Where are you heading?"
Ben kept one hand stuffed into the pocket of his jeans whilst his other hand rubbed against his jaw and lower lip. He couldn't help but let his eyes wander over her appearance and take her in like he wanted her imprinted on his memory. She was wearing a navy blue jumpsuit and a thin black jacket with the collar pulled up to fight against the shallow but cold breeze in the air, and her hair was neatly pinned up at the back of her head with a few strands hanging loose.
"Home... what about you?" (Y/n) truly didn't know why she was making conversation with this man that she barely knew but whose reputation proceeded him, and it was not a good one.
But the way he was looking at her caused (Y/n) to shiver under her jacket, it was as if he was about to pounce and devour her and it made all of her nerve-ends spark and set alight. She had no reason to talk to him and he had no reason to want to talk to her either but here they were at five in the afternoon, making conversation in the street.
"I think I'll go for a drink, fancy joining me?"
There was something about the way that Ben bit down on the corner of his lip and rubbed at his jaw with his index finger that made (Y/n) hold her breath. It was like he was trying to enchant her or cast her under a spell so she would agree and join him- and it felt like it was working.
She knew she shouldn't.
He wasn't the kind of person (Y/n) should be getting involved with or even talking to. She was no saint herself but she was nothing compared to what went on in that club and if Ben was the boss then he had to know all the ins and outs of that place and what went on. Nor did (Y/n) really think he would have the best kind of reaction if he got to know her and then found out that she was a prostitute. Surely he wasn't the kind of man that went to prostitutes or wanted to hang out or even date one.
In (Y/n)'s mind there was only one way that this could end, and that was in disaster.
But she hadn't been out for a drink for a while now and if she did do this then maybe if they bumped into one another again he wouldn't try and talk to her. Maybe this would stop them from meeting or talking because the first night they met it was Ben who struck up a conversation and wanted to pursue it. The second time they met the other day he was still the one trying to talk to (Y/n) and now it was the same. As much as (Y/n) found him intriguing, she also found him intimidating and too risky to get to know or get along with but for some reason, he wanted to get to know her.
"Okay." (Y/n) pressed her lips together and bit down on her bottom lip to try and stop herself from smiling because somehow she felt that she shouldn't even though he was grinning at her rather deviously.
Another shiver ran down (Y/n)'s spine and her back tensed up when she felt Ben's hand rest lightly on her lower back. He meant nothing out of order by the movement but (Y/n) knew better than to get too close to anyone or let anyone be this close or touch her. Ben felt her tense when he rested his hand on her back but when she didn't pull away or snap at him or even look worriedly at him, he didn't pull away. He moved his other hand and gestured for them to start walking but his eyes stayed solely focused on (Y/n). He watched the way she brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear so gently and slowly like she was trying to calm down nerves that were raging a storm inside of her. He noticed the way she was very light on her feet and the small heels on her shoes barely made a noise on the uneven pavement they walked on.
He saw how she seemed to hold the strap of her bag on her shoulder very tightly, but the more they walked, the looser her grip became. Ben liked the smile she had as she stared down at her feet as they advanced down the street. She smiled so shyly and innocently and was keeping her eyes on the floor rather than looking up or even glancing up at him. There was something so intriguing about (Y/n) and it was drawing Ben to her.
He couldn't seem to want to stay away.
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