#step 1 of being a sugar daddy FAILED
loosingmoreletters · 8 months
slams hand down do it you know you want to do it,,, sugar daddy au and now its just awkward as fuck but they get to Deal with It. bonus points for people laughing at them in the background. i am your inner demon whispering that this is a good idea and you should absolutely write it (no pressure ofc!!! take your time and its fine if you want to!!!)
for ship names. yeah very sad. i havent settled on like. a combination of their names that sound appealing to me so im just. sitting there awkwardly in Yun Taeheon x Shin Junseo. simple but it works. ill bonk my brain for ideas later,, i have cut down on thigns i need to hand in tomorrow im procrastinating because the thing i need to do is so horribly boring
maybe the korean side of the fandom has something going on but that would require me to go on twitter and figure out what korean words to put in the search box and I'm already failing at "go on twitter".
sdkhldfkhg the inner demons are winning. now I'm kinda contemplating how this would even start, which made me realize we know fuck all about Shin Junseo's past??? We only knew that apparently he had a shitty job before he awakened and didn't have any friends and seemingly also has no family.
So like? Local man signs up on an app bc honestly at this point being a sugar baby would not be worse than another horrible shift at whatever minimum wage job he has to pay the bills?
And cool, he hits it off with Yun Taeheon, something something business man. It's a lot less hollywood-pretty-woman than he expected, more nice dinners with genuinely entertaining discussions, and sure getting laid is nice too, and then, well, the world goes to shit for a hot second and well, the contract written before runs out, isn't renewed and Shin Junseo has a moment between picking up a shitty job again and awakening where he comfortably lives on his savings while his,,, ex? well, no, ex would be implying they dated. boss is also not quite the term, his previous situationship, made himself a guild master.
and then the world goes even more to shit and he drags corpses and the memories of a world annihilated out of a dungeon. He makes his plan, keeps his head down and then fucking Yun Taeheon is standing in front of him again.
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allastoredeer · 3 months
Me : well maybe it's not that bad?
Me : looking for radioapple art and immediately get hit with big buff Alastor and tiny shorter than in canon Lucifer, Lucifer in a dress getting fucked by Alastor, Lucifer in a dress getting fucked by big buff Alastor, Lucifer who look like 5 yo and 'suave sugar daddy' Alastor who holds him and each with thousands of likes and absolutely zero of anything else than that
Me : nope 🙃😔
Save me Vox/Al artists, save me
Man, I love Vox/Alastor art so much.
I just love the Vox/Alastor ship as a whole, be it one-sided, mutual, or anything in between, and a lot of it stems from Alastor still feeling like he's Alastor.
I mean, I think people make Alastor a little more cruel and heartless towards Vox sometimes, but overall he still feels like himself. He gets to be dangerous and manipulative and he gets to be silly and whimsical. It's perfect.
Adding a cut right here because this post got WAY longer than I anticipated ⬇️
I think with RadioApple, when it comes to Alastor, people lean too much into this:
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And not enough into this:
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It feels like his fun, sassy, and whimsical side gets stripped away and he's turned into a stereotypically tall, dark and menacing love interest.
Where's his flamboyancy? His razzamatazz! As Susan would say, "Where's the showmanship? Where's the pizzaz? Fucking mediocre."
If I'm reading a fic or looking at art and I can't imagine their Alastor doing one of his girly-pop wrist flicks -
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- then I can't keep going. His girly-pop vibes are too important to me.
Of course, when it comes to tone in both fics and art, sometimes fun and whimsical aren't what the artist is going for. But even outside of NSFW art and stories, so often Alastor just feels...bland. He feels too stiff. Too much like a suave, old fashioned, smooth talking gentleman, and not enough like a fun, silly, and sassy little freak who loves trolling people.
And with Lucifer if feels like they lean too much into this:
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And not enough of this:
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I feel like any, if not all, of Lucifer's flaws are brushed aside so often and so easily.
He feels softened and watered down. Like he's either a sad & awkward UwU boi all the time, or he's the most flamboyant, seductive little minx there is. And to be fair, he is both a very sad boi and a seductive little minx.
But rarely does he ever come across as powerful to me. A lot of the time he feels too normal. Or too sad and naive. Literally, like he could be any other sinner if I didn't already know he was the kind of Hell. And that's so funny to me because we've seen him openly and extravagantly display his powers multiple times in the show--not to the extent that he did in the finale--but he was definitely flaunting all the things he could do, make, or summon for Charlie during his musical-battle with Alastor. He was 100% showing off how powerful he is.
Not only that, but, honestly, Lucifer feels too open and sincere because that man is judgmental as fuck.
Going back to the "Dad Beat Dad" episode, there are multiple examples of him being a self-righteous little shit: 1) he was incredibly critical of Charlie's hotel the moment he stepped inside, even if he tried, and failed, to cover it, 2) he didn't even try to hide his disgust for Alastor's bar, which he didn't even know was incorporated by Alastor (who he hadn't even met him yet) and could've been incorporated by Charlie or Vaggie, for all he knew, 3) he wasn't taking Charlie's hotel or her plan for redemption seriously from the start, he didn't even have his mind open to the possibility, he wasn't there to hear about her plans he was only there to see her, and 3) when the hotel was attacked by the loan sharks, instead of making them go away or preventing the hotel from being damaged - which he could have very easily done with no amount of effort - he hung back and smugly reiterated that he was right and sinners can't be redeemed and Charlie should just give up on her goals/dreams because it's just not possible so there's no point in trying.
Like, Charlie was very clearly in distress over her hotel being attacked and destroyed, but he was too busy boasting about how he'd been "proven" right to see that.
He's very easy to anger and his ego is so easily bruised. Alastor got under his skin immediately and effortlessly - though I also believe that's on part that Lucifer doesn't have a high opinions of sinners anyway - and Lucifer 100% escalated the conversation/argument he had with Alastor during their first meeting.
See the whole scene of him referring to Alastor as a "has-been" and insulting the name he'd given the hotel, especially when you take into consideration that until Alastor said that he named the hotel, Lucifer thought it was Charlie who came up with it.
And I'm not going to say that Alastor was an innocent, picked on little baby in that scene, he was 100% riling up Lucifer from the start, but also, like...Alastor's lines weren't outright antagonist like Lucifer's were. They were more subtle, slightly needling and passive aggressive, but nothing that could really be taken as a insult.
This is literally the dialogue, word for word, of their very first interaction:
Lucifer: What in the unholy Hell is that?!
Alastor: Just some of the renovations we had done. Adds a bit if color, don't you think?
Lucifer: And you are?
Alastor: Alastor, pleasure to be meeting you, Sir, quite a pleasure. It's nice to finally put a face to the name. You are much shorter in real life.
Lucifer: Who is this? Who is this now - are you the bellhop?
Alastor: Ah-ha, no! I am the host of the hotel. You might've heard of me from my radio broadcast.
Lucifer: Hmm, nope! I guess that's why Charlie called it the "has-been" hotel, hahaha!"
Alastor: Ha ha ha, it was actually my idea.
Lucifer: Ha ha, well it's not very clever.
Alastor: Ha ha, fuck you.
Like. That's their first interaction. And if you go back and actually pay attention to facial expressions and body languages, this was the first time he's seen Alastor, and Lucifer was immediately disdainful.
I went back and screenshotted Lucifer's face, right after Alastor's first line (which was a relatively innocent in and of itself and didn't even sound that antagonist), and:
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That's a lot of disesteem for someone he literally just met. At most, you could argue that it was Alastor's smirk or tone that set him off ⬇️:
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But even that is such a small thing to get upset over.
I'd say the only time Alastor really started getting openly hostile towards Lucifer was when he wiped his hand after shaking Lucifer's cane (which Lucifer didn't even see as he was too busy fixing his hat) and commenting on Lucifer's height (as a shortie myself, can confirm, that'll get on the nerves very fast).
My point is, Lucifer was immediately unfriendly towards Alastor and escalated the situation just as quickly, if not quicker, than Alastor did. Alastor implied that Lucifer might know of his radio broadcast, and Lucifer jumped right to calling him a "has-been." He doesn't even know him. This is their very first meeting. He was judgy and dismissive of Alastor at first sight, and, let's be honest, he kind of threw the first punch with that "has-been" line. Alastor said Lucifer was shorter than expected, but it's not like he laughed, pointed at him and called him a undercooked little chicken nugget. I'm sure a lot of demons/sinners who've never seen Lucifer would also assume he would be taller and more menacing at first glance, and I doubt this is the first time someone was surprised with his height (still not cool, Alastor. We vertically challenged folk have feelings too).
But Lucifer was prejudice from the start and antagonized Alastor just as quickly, and way more openly, than Alastor did to him. And don't get me wrong, this isn't me saying that's a bad thing on Lucifer's part! This isn't me criticizing or scorning him for it. I think it speaks so much of him as a character!
Cause we've seen the soft and tender moments he has with Charlie. We know how much he loves and cares for her. But he's also egotistical, antagonistic, and judgmental as hell, and that's what makes him such a fun character to write about. He's awkward yet showy, smug yet caring, depressed yet prideful. And by god, this man will show off his power without hesitation. He knows he's hot shit. He knows he's the strongest person in all of Hell. He knows he's the top dog and he can do whatever he wants - even if he has no love or interest in interacting within the Pride Ring (as far as we've been shown).
He's got a lot of multi-facets to him and I adore it, and that's why I get so annoyed when all of that is stripped away and he's turned into this soft little sunshine UwU boi who's just a sad, sweet lil lamb who's done no wrong.
No! He has done many wrongs! There's a reason he and Charlie were estranged and I don't think it was Lilith's fault - or, at least, I don't think it was all her fault (I have many thoughts about Lucifer and Lilith's divorce, okay)
I didn't mean for this to turn into a full-blown character analysist post LOL but alas I tend to get carried away. This was all to say, I really enjoy RadioStatic because Alastor typically gets to keep his sadistic and whimsical side, and I appreciate that. His silliness means a lot a to me, and if he comes off as too stiff or formal, it takes me out of a story.
Lucifer's flaws and sheer power also mean a lot to me, and I wish there were more fics and fan-art that showed that. If Lucifer reads too much like a normal, every-day person, I lose interest. I like the idea of people getting used to him, and getting comfortable around his presence, only to get a sudden and overwhelming reminder that he is, in fact, an ancient and immortal being with immense power that their brains wouldn't even be able to comprehend.
I have so many headcanons about Lucifer as a fallen angel and how his habits and lifestyle developed over the thousands upon thousands of years he's been in Hell. Habits he's adopted that unconsciously help him duplicate the mannerisms and behavior of sinners and demons, but also those small, indistinct tells that are quick and subtle reminder that he could destroy everyone in Pentagram City with ease if he decided to; and also, those times if you were to look closely and really pay attention, you get the faint, unsettling feeling that there is something very un-human about him. A subtle, unnerving shiver down your spine as your instincts yell at you that this person is not a person at all, he's just passing off as one.
That shit gets me. Give me ancient, eldritch Lucifer and I'll love you forever.
I am sorry Anon, I did not mean for this response to get so big 😅 You gave me a paragraph and I gave you a novel. But yeah, save me RadioStatic artists, save me 🙏 I rarely have to worry about Alastor turning into a big, buff alpha man or a soft little UwU when he's with Vox, and I appreciate that.
Edit: Adding a screenshot of my tags here because apparently I wrote down too many and it cut off the character tags.
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omalice · 1 year
“Isn’t it cute?” P.2
When you glance at the store's biggest teddy bear and “Isn’t it cute?” with a gorgeous smile.
Character: Mammon, Beelzebub, Raphael x GN! Reader
Note: My English is really poor, so…please go easy on me if I write something wrong!
P.1 | P.3 | P.4
The “want to be a sugar daddy but fail”
“Isn’t it cute?” You mumble while locking your eyes on the store's biggest teddy bear.
"Ya want it?" Mammon inquires.
“Uh-huh…?” You accept with a tone of voice that clearly conveys your confusion; you don't anticipate the avatar of greed spending a lot of money to show how much he values you.
Unexpectedly, Mammon actually buys your mentioned teddy bear!
You jerkily express thanks to him and question the meaning of his shocked actions.
“I can do anythin’ that makes ya happy, MC." He answers with a big smile that almost makes you cry because of how overwhelmed you are.
However, the following morning...
The real explanation has been revealed. Mammon was able to purchase the doll by using Lucifer's credit card(😅) and he ended up being chased after all day.
Mammon's forced to have a part-time job to pay off his newest debt as a result. Otherwise, Lucifer will take the teddy bear from you and sell it on Akuzon. You're not courageous enough to go against the firstborn order; instead, you only frown, implying that you must be upset if the dolls are actually sold, you really like it regardless.
And Mammon won't let that happen, of course! He will work hard!
By the way, it's still true that this demon can do anything to make you happy.
“Isn’t it cute?” You mumble while locking your eyes on the store's biggest teddy bear.
“Do you like it?”
"Yes! …Wait, Beel—"
You attempt to stop him, but not quick enough, he's heading away to look for the price of the teddy bear already.
Unfortunately, Beel has little knowledge of prices except for food, so he wasn't prepared to face the enormous sum of money provided on the price card for the doll which is more than enough to make his face color fade and turn white.
Beelzebub returns bearing nothing but an apology, "It's okay." you say to him.
A few days later, he began to use his free time to do a part-time job. He normally works an additional job to cover the debt from his eating habit, so neither the brothers nor you are aware of his intentions.
One week later, Beelzebub invites you to visit his room, where you found the teddy bear you wanted waiting on the bed.
(He makes sure to also pick a time when Belphie won't be there. Just want to spend alone time with you.)
He apologizes about deciding to buy the smaller one because couldn't afford to buy the size you wanted.
You obviously don't care about the size! It suffices to simply know how big his love for you is.
“Isn’t it cute?” You mumble while locking your eyes on the store's biggest teddy bear.
Raphael gazes at your side face as he steps to enter the store.
“R-Raphael…?” Confusedly calling his name, you jog behind him.
Your body shakes when you see an extensive amount of numbers on the price tag the angel flips to reveal.
“I didn't mean that—“ You start to explain yourself.
“Huh?” His low mumble cuts your sentence. “Not as expensive as I thought”
Is he actually super rich?? Or does Michael pay him lavishly?
"Almost this much is the average cost of goods in the Celestial Realm..." Raphael keeps making suggestions.
"Yes, but are there different currencies? We use Grimm here.”
“…” ”…”
"Oh." He halts, and blinks. “…You're right.”
“It's okay," Simeon soothes his friend after hearing about what happened during the day. “You know, it's kind of a culture shock! When I first arrived in Devildom, I ran into similar situations as well…”
It doesn’t help, to be honest.
The next part will feature Leviathan, Barbatos, and Thirteen!
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os3npaio · 2 years
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⚠️CW: Manga spoilers, blood, violence, Age age (40 & 21), Sugar Daddy / Baby⚠️
Artwork by oS3NPAIo | DO NOT REPOST
Part One: Blood Riot
Time and money were nothing to Eijirou. He has been alive enough to know that money was materialistic, and power was everything. When he was younger and more foolish, Eijirou wanted to be a hero. He strived to be great along with his "friends."
Which was a complete and utter joke.
Eijirou Kirishima.
Red fucking Riot.
To class 1-A he was the cheerful friend but, in the background, he was the traitor of UA. He gave the league the needed information in exchange for being promised a spot in their organization. When he went through the League of Villains it was bizarre how some of them were down to earth. There was a healer named Dante, his quirk specialized in healing wounds from one body to his. He was the right-hand man along with the hothead Dabi. Both Eijirou and Dabi never saw eye to eye with things he did for the league. Eijirou believed in keeping a lot of profile when Dabi was eccentric. He didn't want to reveal himself until it was the right time. Dabi wanted Eijirou to reveal himself before kidnapping Katsuki from camp, but Eijirou thought it was too soon.
As the years carried on it was becoming increasingly obvious how his tendencies changed. No longer did he care for others' well-being. Eijirou was growing tired of the constant back and forth.
That was until the war.
Once that happened, it was his grand entrance and he revealed himself as the traitor. It felt like an enormous weight lifted from his shoulders. The one person that took it the hardest was Bakugo Katsuki. Deep down, Eijirou saw Katsuki as a friend. He even gave him the offer to join the League.
To stand by his side.
However, Katsuki had the heart of a Hero. He refused Eijirou's offer and vowed to turn him back to behind a hero. That he refused to accept that Eijirou was a villain. It took a long time for the League to settle into a new place after the war. It wasn't easy for them to find a new goal, but they didn't stop their plans to take down hero society. It wasn't until years later that Eijirou had another run-in with the heroes and Katsuki happened to be a part of the patrol. It was supposed to be a simple heist, in and out but of course, it didn't happen the way it was supposed to.
The fight was long and brutal.
Eijirou kept up Unbreakable longer than he wanted to, but Katsuki was persistent. Blast after blast only pissed Eijirou off as the fight continued to drag on. The banter was continuous, the blows were getting harder to block and his body was tired. Katsuki had slipped up before charging an AP shot, he wasn't watching his positioning and Eijirou stepped forward. He reached forward with his large hand to grab Katsuki's arm and the AP shot went past his head. It only missed him by a few inches before Eijirou used the force of his body to slam Katsuki into the wall. The impact alone cracked the brick underneath Katsuki's body.
All Eijirou could see was red.
This battle happened time and time again.
It never failed.
They were both in their mid-20s now. So much time has passed since the war and Katsuki was still trying to change Eijirou. He was still using that stupid hero persona. Everything inside of his body boiled in anger because he wanted to be left alone.
He was tired of fighting.
He was tired of Katsuki's annoying heroics.
He was tired of Katsuki.
Eijirou repeatedly slammed Katsuki's body from wall to wall like a rag doll. Everything around Eijirou fell silent as he repeated his brutal actions until he heard a snap. A blood-curdling scream followed, and he looked down to see Katsuki's body on the ground. He was clenching his arm or what was left of it. Eijirou realized he was holding what remained of it in his arm from its elbow. Katsuki pushed himself until his back was up against the brick. His breathing hitched as he clenched onto his wound.
"Fucking hell.." he hissed under his breath.
"Take this as a lesson, Dynamite. I am tired of playing this game with you." Eijirou's words were cold and direct.
Katsuki snapped back. "Fuck that! I'm not going to give up on you, Ei!"
"You are a fucking moron." He threw the remainder of Katsuki's arm at him, "If you are fast enough the old broad can reattach it."
The arm landed in Katsuki's lap as he glared up at him. "Am I supposed to thank you? Fuck off."
"The next time we meet I will not hesitate to kill you. I'll finish you off like Tomura should have a long time ago."
"You don't mean that.." Katsuki whispered as he looked down.
"I don't? I just ripped off your arm." Eijirou knelt to look at Katsuki with a smirk on his face. "Take the fucking hint. I'm done with you Bakugo Katsuki. The next time we meet I will rip your fucking head off and mantle it on my wall."
Katsuki's eyes went wide as Eijirou pointed teeth turned into a wide smile. Eijirou scoffed at the broken her before him before wiping the blood on his costume. He left Katsuki in the alleyway to find himself. By the time he got back to the hideout his final villain's name was solidified as Blood Riot because of the blood dripping from his body. That began his reign as one of the most fearsome members of the new league. Eijirou was ruthless towards heroes and villains alike. He didn't care if they lived or died at that point. If he benefited from deals, he was fine. All he cared about was that his name was feared on both sides, and he wouldn't have it any other way.
As the years trickled on, Villain's work went further underground. Some heroes were even turning a blind eye to what was going on. Eijirou's blood lust calmed down when he reached his 30s. A lot of people he worked with in the League had either died or gone into hiding. Only a few members were left Dabi, Toga, Dante, Libbi, and himself. The others had died either in the war or along the way.
Twice was killed by Hawks, Compress sacrificed himself and Shigaraki was killed in battle by the heroes. No one knew what to do when Shigaraki fell. Dabi took the mantle to lead but as time went on it was harder to maintain a falling empire. Eijirou watched what was once his safe place crumble down in front of him. That childish persona and villains that he held close just faded.
Dabi ended up leaving without a trace soon after. After his revealing to the world who his parents were, it was hard for him to find that drive. When he went against Todoroki and Enji it didn't end well for him. It wounded Dabi's pride before he retired into underground work. He did what he needed to do but he wasn't successful in taking down Endeavor the way he wanted to.
Toga was different.
She clung to the past and stuck around. After losing Twice, Toga was never the same. Her mental state was in shambles for a long time because she was the last person to see him before he died. It fucked her up a lot more than she let on.
Dante had slowly started to distance himself along with his soon-to-be wife Libbi at the time. The war had taken a toll on his health and needed recovery. He was their main healer with a transfer quirk but he overused it near the end of the war. His wife Libbi was the one who pushed for them to leave and Eijirou didn't blame her. She did not want them to be caught up in the fall. Dante said that he did not want another member of their group to be a target of the heroes. His concern was his wife and wanted to find a place to live safely. Eijirou didn't fight for him to stay but offered his help if anything were to happen to his family. They kept in contact with Eijirou as much as he possibly could.
For a while, everything was quiet, but it wasn't peaceful.
Eventually, it was time for Eijirou to slow down with his dirty work. The older Eijirou had gotten, the harder it was to get his hands dirty and walk away unscathed. When his missions started to dwindle he started to itch for any type of company he could find. In his youth, he probably would have found ways to fuck back then. He was a rascal back in the day and he would fuck anyone he could get his hands on.
Man or woman, he didn't care.
It was the thrill that hooked him.
It was harmless at first because it was a fling here and there. That was until it had become an addiction and a huge problem. Eijirou depended on all those sexual encounters to get through the day because he was bored. He would be angry until he was able to release that tension with someone else. His mind was constantly thinking about it until he was driving himself mad. That's when he started to feel guilty after sex. He felt dirty and alone once he was alone.
Eijirou never understand why until he met a woman that had a quirk that saw into his mind and his future. It was a low-crime villain that had a quirk that relaxed his feral behavior. He could see he was destroying himself from the inside out.
Like he was missing something.
She told him that if he continued like that, he would end up dead. Eijirou never feared death, so he shrugged it off. That was until she mentioned someone would make an appearance in his life in the future.
When he asked her who that may be the only response with: "Look out for a pair of blue doe eyes."
From that day on, any person he saw with blue eyes made his skin crawl. Eijirou had to watch his back more than ever because of it.
Was it an enemy?
A hero?
Eijirou on the other hand was in a state of limbo.
He didn't know what he wanted to do and had a lot of money to blow on useless shit. He already owned a penthouse with a nice car but that didn't bring him much joy. Whenever he needed company, he would use a Sugar daddy baby app when he got older. There were plenty of women and men that wanted company. He wanted a night with someone, and they wanted money.
It was a perfect match.
Eijirou matured over the last decade from being angry and destroying himself to relaxing. He valued human company over simple pleasures. His hair was no longer full of a bright red as he grew out of his roots with the ends in a red tone. His face and full body had battle scars that he fondly liked to show off. It was a reminder to those who knew his name.
Not a lot of Sugar Babies took him up on his offers because of how rough he looked. They got scared off easily when they saw him in person. Eijirou never truly let it get to him and would still pay them the allowance before excusing himself. He didn't want the girls to go home empty-handed.
He was still a man with honor after all.
Eijirou looked down at his phone, looked at the calendar with a grunt, and rolled his eyes. It was his 40th birthday and here he was at home by himself smoking a cigarette on his balcony. He slipped it between his lips as he opened an app for a sugar date. Eijirou figured that since it was his birthday he should go out with some company. He posted a request for a Sugar Baby with no requirements besides dinner. Once he posted it, he took another drag of his cigarette before flicking some of the ends off in an ashtray. A lot of requests were in his inbox after a few minutes, but no one stood out to him.
He took a drag of his cigarette and scrolled through his messages.
It was the same old same old shit.
Women asking for more money and expensive brands to meet up. He clicked his tongue as he exhaled smoke through his nose before scrolling further down. There was a message that stood out from the rest of them. They weren't asking for expensive brands or money right away. He hummed as he tapped his cigarette again and he read the message again.
oSweetCupcakeo sent a message:
Hello sir! I would love to meet up for dinner if you will have me!
I am free for the whole night. I hope to hear back from you!
He leaned back in his seat, scrolling back to look at her profile picture with a smile. She was a woman with a bright smile, thick plump curves, and pastel-pink hair. He took another drag of the cigarette before smashing it into the ashtray. From the photo, the woman looked like she was laughing, and her eyes were closed.
Worth a shot.
Eijirou hummed to himself as he sent her a message to ask to meet up for dinner. To his surprise, she immediately responded and agreed to meet up at a local restaurant in a few hours. Eijirou quickly messaged her his number and went to his closet to pick out clothes. He pulled out a black love-sleeve dress shirt, black pants, and shoes to compliment. He placed a leather jacket down next to the clothes on the bed.
He quickly set his phone down on the dresser and walked into bed to the bathroom. He turned on the shower with a hum before undressing. He washed his hair and his body with a smile. Once he was done, he stepped out with a towel wrapped around his waist. Eijirou turned his head toward the phone and dried off his hair with another towel.
(555) 555-0986
Hello, sir!
Texting you so
you'll have my number.
Looking forward to tonight!
Do you like chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?
('。• ᵕ •。') ♡
Eijirou blinked at the message. It's been a long time since he's gotten a message that wasn't formal.
How do I respond?
Hello, kitten.
Looking forward to tonight as well.
Weird question but I like strawberries.
Eijirou slipped on a pair of boxers before his pants. He let out a sigh before unbuttoning his shirt to slip his arms into. He buttoned up the shirt but not all the way to the top. He rolled up the sleeves before slipping a watch on his right wrist. He walked over to the bathroom to look at himself in the mirror. He spiked up the usual parts in his hair and combed out the back of his head. His large hand pulled it back into a high ponytail. He grabbed his cologne to spray on his body with a hum.
Tonight was going to be interesting.
It had been a while since he had been out on a Sugar date. His hand slipped up to click off the light after he brushed his sharp teeth. He let out a sigh before scooping his phone, wallet, cigarettes, and keys off the dresser.
Hopefully, this one doesn't walk out.
It didn't take Eijirou long to find the restaurant that the woman suggested. He parked his car in the parking lot. He turned off the engine before pulling his keys out of the ignition. The place looked decently packed, but he didn't mind. He stepped out of the driver's side and shut the door before locking it. He adjusted his leather jacket before heading toward the front of the building.
Eijirou grabbed onto the door and opened it up. He walked over to the hostess and told her he was waiting on someone.
"Is that person a woman?" the hostess asked.
Eijirou paused. "Yes, ma'am."
"She came and reserved a table. I'll take you to her." The older hostess giggled. "Cute girl too."
Eijirou followed the hostess as he shoved his hands into his pockets. This was the first time someone arrived before him, and it made him feel weird. The hostess took him to the furthest table in the back and he saw the woman sitting in the booth with her back to him.
"I found him for ya, sweetie." The hostess tapped her hand on the table with a smile.
"Oh! Thank you." his heart skipped a beat.
The woman stood up from the booth and readjusted her dress. It was a cute white cocktail dress that was littered with a Rose pattern. She was wearing a pair of small vintage gloves and white heels. Her long pink hair was in curls and her makeup was Smokey with soft pink lips. When she looked up at him, Eijirou's heart skipped a beat as a sparkling pair of light blue eyes looked back at him.
"Hello! I'm sorry I got here early. I guess I was way too excited." she apologized with a giggle.
She moved forward to wrap her arms around him for a hug. His body tensed for a moment, and she pulled away with a smile.
"Shoot! Do you not like hugs? I'm sorry." she bowed her head with an apology and perked back up. "Oh, before I forget."
She turned back to the table and reached for something. She handed him a small bag with a bright smile.
"I made this for you. Since you said it was your birthday."
Eijirou opened the bag to see a small cake inside of it protected by plastic. It was a white frosting cake with strawberries on top of it. He looked back at her, dumbfounded at her generosity.
"It's a strawberry cake with filling inside and a buttercream frosting. I topped it with a few strawberries on top."
So that's why she asked what I liked.
"Woah, thank you," he whispered under his breath. "You didn't have to do that."
"Oh, I wanted to! It's your birthday and it should be celebrated with a cake." she clapped her hands with a big smile.
His heart fluttered.
Eijirou moved his hand so she could sit back down in the booth. She smiled at him before taking her seat inside the booth. He took the seat across from her and set down the bag at the other end of the table.
"I'm Evangeline by the way. I never got to introduce myself."
"Eijirou Kirishima," he answered as looked back at her gloved hands. "You are very friendly. You took me off guard then you hugged me."
"I'm sorry about that. I got ahead of myself, and I forget that not everyone is used to that." she tilted her head.
"It's okay. Not a lot of people do that to me." he crossed his arms with a chuckle.
"Should I ask next time? I'm sorry if I offended you, sir."
His mouth twitched.
"No, it's all right." he held up a hand and used his other hand to pull out an envelope. He handed it to Evangeline.
"Your allowance for the date." Eijirou nodded his head.
"Thank you, sir." she slipped it into her purse.
Eijirou raised an eyebrow at her. "Aren't you going to count it to make sure it's enough?"
Evangeline looked back at him. "No sir."
"Why not?"
She smiled at him. "Because it's rude. I'm not going to do that in front of you, in the restaurant, and on your birthday. Today is about you."
Eijirou's heart fluttered again.
"I see. So, what do you do for a living?" he asked.
"I bake! I have a small business that I do cupcakes and cakes for." Evangeline giggled softly. "It's a little slow right now. So, I took up being a Sugar Baby. It pays the bills for the most part."
"How many sugar daddies or mommies have you had?" he raised an eyebrow.
Evangeline put a finger on her chin with a hum. "I've had a few here and there. Some were temporary but I did have a long-term Daddy but not any longer."
"What happened to him?"
She shrugged her shoulders. "No clue because I got ghosted."
"Well, that's a shame. Evangeline, you look young. How old are you?" he hummed.
"I turned 21 a few months ago, sir."
She seems so calm around him and it was making him feel anxious. There was no uncomfortable behavior or excuses to leave.
Eijirou was out of his element.
He watched her talk.
It was like the room lit up with that bright smile. He found himself smiling at her.
She doesn't know who I am?
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14 notes · View notes
hwanchaesong · 2 years
“For Me”
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SugarDaddy!Mingi X Reader 
Synopsis: The effectiveness of knowledge is determined through demonstration
genre & warnings: smutt, fluff, angst, cursing, unprotected sex, fingering, oral (receving and giving), pet names, degredation, switch!mingi, kinks, reader is always wearing a skirt. this is 18+ so minors please DO NOT INTERACT, this is based on ATEEZ as your sugar daddy 
word count: 7.2k
/ATEEZ Sugar Daddy Oneshots Masterlist/
"I major in literature right?" you asked the man who is currently lounging around in your bed while you try your best to understand how the reproductive system works.
"Yeah, you do." he nonchalantly replied, not sparing you a glance.
You sighed, getting frustrated to the point that you wanted to pull your hair out of your scalp, "Then why the fuck am I learning about this damned anatomy and physiology? What am I gonna get from this?"
Your tutor, Song Mingi, laughed a bit, finding enjoyment in your misery and adorable rants.
"When you're writing," he started off, his head turning to look at you properly, "it's inevitable that you'll need to use the human body parts, including on how they work."
You raised an eyebrow, not exactly getting his point, "What I mean is, you can integrate science to your works. Think about it, 'heart rate increasing' and all the other examples like that."
Well, he made sense with that one. He never fails to amaze you, he looks dumb but is actually full of wisdom. If you're going to be honest, when your parents introduced him as your tutor, you seriously thought that they were out of their minds.
Yes, it is given that he’s hot. Large stature, broad shoulders, and overall handsome facial features, but his attitude made him seem brainless. Smile so huge that it reached his eyes, deep voice that is suitable for a gangster.
That is why you were blown away when he discussed to you the different fallacies. He did it with so much ease and you dare say that he's even better than some of your professors.
From that day on, you promised that you'll never judge a book based on its cover.
You still have one question though, "Heart is a part of the circulatory system, but this is the reproductive system, and I don't understand any of this."
Mingi's eyes visibly darken, like something ominous is brewing up in his mind amidst your innocent queries.
"Do you really wanna know?"
The tone that he used is eerily familiar, something that he only utilizes when you need some 'real lessons.'
In the blink of an eye, from your comfy chair, you were suddenly thrown to his lap, his hot breath tickling your ear, "You know the drill right?"
Shivers ran down your spine, his domineering aura woke up the submissive persona in you.
"Yes, daddy."
"Good,” he smiles a bit, resting his chin on your shoulder, his arms circling around your waist, “now, continue reading and focus.” 
You gulped, expecting something more but chose to follow his instruction instead, “Both men and women experience the sexual response cycle, the only difference is their timing. The first phase is the-”
“Loud and clear, baby.” he reminded you when you started to mumble the words out of slight giddiness.
“Y-yes, sorry, daddy.”
He urged you to continue reading the lines, and so you did, though your words became more incoherent when his lips attached themselves on your not so exposed neck. His sly hands began to slide your attire down your shoulder, revealing more skin for him to revel in.
Despite the distraction, you still did your best to maintain a stable voice, impressing the man behind you. It means one thing though, you’re getting used to his touches and that is not the plan he had in mind. 
He has to step his challenge up.
Phase 1: Desire; General Characteristics: increased muscle tension, heart rate quickens, breathing gets faster, and flushed skin.
If the sensation of your clothes being tossed away from the other side of the room made you tremble, his finger gently lifting your chin up caused your heart to race a million miles. 
The sentences that you are reading are slowly getting softer when he licks the area between your jaw and neck. 
“Good job.” he breathed, the blush on your face turning him more than he intended to. He won't deny that he finds your effort to continue reading, albeit already useless, splendid. 
A whimper came out of your lips, hands gripping your book a bit tighter than before when he leaves light kisses on your skin. Your breathing became heavier every second, book and reading forgotten as you indulge yourself in his exhilirating touches. 
His hands traced your sensitive neck, your clothed breasts, abdomen, and finally your inner thighs. Your legs shifted a little, covering your desires which Mingi only finds as endearing.
He knows you all too well and you can’t hide from him. 
“Baby, c’mon. Open up for me.” 
Phase 2: Arousal; General Characteristics: The changes that kicked off in the first phase become more intense and muscle spasms may begin in the feet, face and hands. 
You opened your legs widely with Mingi’s help, languidly persuading your movement. His left hand gripped your waist while the other one went down to hike your skirt up before resting on the front of your panties. 
An involuntary jolt was induced by your body when his finger played with your clothed pussy, “You get too excited quickly, is this how much I affect you?” he cooed, feeling the wet patch on your garment. 
“I think,” he pushed your panties to the side, coating his digits with your essence, “you already understand the importance of what you’re learning.” he said in a matter of fact voice, your head nodding in affirmation without even comprehending what he really meant.
“Then I should stop.” 
All his ministrations ceased, your eyes widening like saucers and you are so ready to beg for him to continue.
“No! Please, don’t stop. I..” 
Your hands went over to his, placing it back on its former spot. you’re basically whining but you don’t care. He got you all worked up and you would be damned if you wouldn’t get to the final stage of his so called lesson.
“I want to experience the last two phases,” you licked the side of your lip, your head craning to look at him a little bit, “on your fingers, daddy.” 
Phase 3: Orgasm; General Characteristics: Involuntary muscle contraction, release of sexual tension, ejaculation of semen, and “sexual flush” may appear on the body.
His hand immediately went back to work, this time, plunging two fingers inside you without any warning.
His pace is fast and unforgiving, “This is what you wanted right? I’ll give it to you then.” 
You moaned out, loud squelches and Mingi’s praises here and there filling the entirety of the room.
“You’re doing great, honey.” he mumbled, leniently biting your ear lobe and suddenly curling his fingers, perfectly hitting the spot that had your eyes rolling at the back of your skull. 
“D-daddy, close. I’m c-” 
He stilled his fingers inside when you warned him of your impending orgasm, stealing away your journey from euphoria. 
“Why did you stop?!” You cried out, not happy with his actions but that soon flew out of the window when he adjusted your positions. 
He let you sit on the chair, him kneeling on the floor and putting your legs on his shoulders. 
“Changed my mind, I think it’s better for you to cum on my tongue instead of my fingers.” he casually murmured, smirking up at you.
“Now, baby girl, open your eyes and look at me while I devour you.” 
You are still in a daze when his mouth reached your heat, your hands clutched his hair and despite the surprise, you sustained the eye contact with him. 
It’s an unbelievable view, large hands restraining your thighs, his lips latched on your sopping cunt, and his god forsaken  tongue that is fucking your walls so deliciously.
The pressure is building up inside your lower abdomen again, and you prayed to all gods out there for him (the guy that is currently eating you out like a maniac), to have mercy on you.
As if the heavens really are listening to you, Mingi spoke in between your legs, “Come, darling. Don’t hold back.” the vibrations, matched with the tracing of the alphabets on your clit sent you into an ocean of pleasure. 
Phase 4: Resolution; General Characteristics: The body slowly returns to its normal functioning levels and body parts will return to its previous size and color.
He let you ride your high out, his tongue continued lapping at your juices, keen on slurping every drop. When he felt you thrash a bit, he pulled away. Wiping his lips and licking his fingers clean. 
“That was-”
The two of you are in too deep that you didn’t noticed your parents who were calling out for you nor when they entered your home.
Your mother yelled for you again, making you scramble to fix your appearance. You glared at Mingi who had the audacity to laugh.
“Shut up!” you hissed, looking at the mirror to check if you look presentable. 
Mingi let out a sigh, opening the door to your room and going downstairs to greet your parents, “Let’s go. You’re pretty enough.” 
You paused, the butterflies in your stomach went wild at his comment but you didn’t have the time to dwell on it when you remembered the situation that you’re in.
Trudging down the stairs, you saw that Mingi’s already conversing with your mother. He looks innocent with his sparkly eyes, gummy smile and shy attitude, like he’s not a predator that was preying on you a while ago.
“There you are!” your mother saw your struggling figure, “What’s wrong?” she knotted her eyebrows in concern at your weird way of walking, causing you to panic while Mingi tried to disguise his smirk with a small cough. 
“I’m fine!” you waved your hands around, “You’re early, I thought that your date with dad would last longer.” you mumbled, diverting your mother’s attention away from your questionable semblance. 
“Ah, it’s just that we missed our daughter so much and,” she pointed towards the kitchen, your father preparing the lunch that they bought outside, “we wanted to spend more time with you as well.” 
Your eyes twinkled, heart softening at your parents’ sweetness, only for it to dim when she blurted out her next sentence, “Mingi, why don’t you join us?”
And there goes the moment, flushed down the toilet. Unexpectedly, Mingi did not accept the offer, somehow giving you relief yet it also brought a feeling of  disappointment.
Your mother tried to insist but the man still rejected her and bowed out of politeness, telling her that he has some errands to do and that he’d love to join some other time. 
“Or maybe you just want to leave here as fast as possible, did Y/N here brought trouble again?” 
She gave you a side-eye which made you roll your eyes. How come that she always think that you’re giving your tutor a headache?
“No, no, the contrary,” the grin that Mingi gave seems harmless, though you already know what he means judging by the sly glint in his eyes, “she’s actually making good progress. We’re not done yet though, so I told her that she needs to have some extra time tonight to finish her homework.” 
Your father peeked his head out of the kitchen’s doorway, “Young man! Don’t lie to us, just tell us if Y/N’s being a pain in the ass!” 
Before you can stomp your way to your father and complain, Mingi’s melodic laugh rang in your ears, halting your steps. You were paralyzed on your spot, did nothing but dumbly nod at him when he bid his farewell, glancing at you subtly and you surely have an idea about what’s gonna transpire once the sun sets. 
True to his words, when the skies darken and the neighborhood was filled with silence, he facetimed you. Telling you to show him what you’ve got because you still owe him something. 
That ended up with you giving him a private presentation, doing whatever he tells you.
Strip slowly? Check.
Flash him your cleavage? Got it.
Pleasure yourself in front of him? Aye sir.
You don’t have it in you to reject whatever he says, especially when he made a deal with you. 
“Baby girl, you have to ace that test next week. Don’t worry, if you did good, I’ll make sure to give you a reward.” 
That was enough motivation for you, also because his guttural moans that he lets out every now and then while he jacks his self off at the sight of your lewd exhibition brought you to your high. 
You lied down on your bed, completely worn out and ready to sleep the exhaustion away. 
“Y/N, baby, put the phone up.” you heard Mingi’s voice through your phone’s speakers, forcing you to sit and pick your gadget up. 
“There we go.” he smiles through the video.
“What? Aren’t you gonna sleep yet?” you snorted when he scrunched his nose up, lying to his side and staring at you. 
“I am, wanna sleep like this though.” he mumbled, a yawn escaping his lips.
Gosh, he’s so precious, you think he’s gonna be the death of you.
“Like what?” 
“Like being able to see your face, makes my dreams sweeter.”
You think that the session you had with him this morning paid off, his words are something that you can describe using that hell of a subject that you loathed so much.
Your heart pumped more blood, increasing your heart beat, breath hitching and oh, you think you’re gonna faint with how his syrupy revelation brought upon a bright red hue on your cheeks. 
Yeah, that explains it. Though you didn’t get the chance to respond, hearing his snores on the other side of the line. 
You tried to paid no heed to his drowse-driven statement. You don’t want to expect something and let yourself get entangled in a chaotic world of feelings, so with that in mind, it is always much better to be ignorant.  
You unconsciously formed a soft smile, eyes closing and joining him in a well-deserved slumber, “Goodnight, Mingi.”
The next few weeks are, to simply put, an inferno that burns your very soul.
Sleepless nights of studying, drinking gallons of coffee every day just to survive. Some of your friends were worried about your welfare but you waved them all off.
You have a very important mission to accomplish and that is to get an A plus so that you'd have a prize to claim at the end of this hellish journey that is called “examination week.”
D-day comes and you can't wait to get high grades that would finally bring you to heaven.
Sooner or later, results of the tests came out and you literally jumped in joy. Shrieking and excitedly jumping around.
"Geez, calm down missy. We know that you're happy about it." Hongjoong gurgled, his sleepy ass getting cranky about your fuss.
Seonghwa tapped his friend's back, looking over at you with a friendly expression, "Don't mind this grinch," the man let out a growl at the insult, "be proud that you got the highest score this time."
Of course you are, so much even that you sprinted out of your university when the school bell rang, signifying dismissal.
You wanted to show the results to Mingi as soon as possible, not a problem, he’s already there, coolly leaning outside your school gates.
He brought his crimson ferrari sports car, him wearing a casual suit and you were dumbfounded. You stood still on your place when he spotted you, long strides taken to approach you and he took the opportunity to snatch the papers out of your hands.
He smiled when he saw the high marks that you received, “I knew you wouldn’t disappoint me.” His hand landed itself on your head, gently patting your hair. 
You feel like exploding, either because of the other students who are looking at you or his display of public affection, not that it matters when his free hand slides its way on the small of your back, guiding you towards the direction of his vehicle. 
“What are you doing here?” you asked him, finally finding your voice.
“What do you think?” he winked at you, opening the car door for you and coaxing you to sit in. He went to the driver’s seat and started the engine, speaking once again to continue his sentence from earlier, “Is it wrong of me to treat my princess for her hard work?” 
It’s not difficult to guess what is happening, you are not with your tutor as of the moment, you are currently with your sugar daddy. 
Song Mingi as a mentor is a bit childish, cracking jokes and goofy behavior all the way. You won’t complain about it though, he gets the job done. He teaches you in a creative way that lets you understand any lesson without delays.
However, Song Mingi as a sugar daddy is the complete opposite. He’s strict, demanding, and unpredictable. 
One moment he’s pampering you with affection and gifts, then the next second he’s pouring out his frustration on you, a cheshire grin on his face as he pounds into you mercilessly.
Your thoughts were cut off when the car abruptly stopped, peering outside the window, you saw that he brought you into an expensive italian restaurant (with menus that you can’t read even if it kills you.)
“Let’s go, we have a long night ahead of us.” 
The early dinner went well, conversations ensued but it was mostly you who did the talking. He listened to you earnestly, butting in once in a while to voice his opinion out regarding the topic you’re on about. 
After that, he gave you a small black box. 
“What’s this?” you reached out to accept his present, “Open it and see.” 
You glanced at him curiously, opening the box unhurriedly and boy were you astounded. 
It was a sparkly necklace made out of gold with a jadeite pendant, “Yes, I did not select a diamond gemstone because that is so overused.” 
He stood up and went over his way to you, picking the jewelry up, he smoothens your hair over your shoulder, putting the necklace on your neck. 
The way his hands brush on your skin made you shiver, visible goosebumps raising that Mingi surely did notice. 
“There,” he bent down a bit, looking at you, “it’s gorgeous.”
Was he pertaining to you or the necklace? You’ll never know the answer to that when he pulled you up, dragging you with him upstairs.
“Does this restaurant have a built-in hotel?”
“Uh,” he inhaled, not totally sure if he has to give an honest reply to that, “no, they don’t.”
“Then why are we-”
“I am the owner of this place, so naturally, I am allowed to use the upper area.”
What the fuck? You know that he’s rich but, okay, now the he mentions that, it does explain some of the happenings that occurred in the restaurant.
The staff here greeted him like he’s a god, they speak to him way too respectfully, and it took a lot of your inner strength not to strangle the female employees who keep on batting their eyelashes and indirectly flirting with him. 
Right. In. Front. Of. Your. Panzanella.
At the end of the hallway, a grand door is waiting to be opened, one that Mingi did the honor of doing so. Upon entering, you discerned that it was a mini-library, shelves full of cook books and the occasional english and history papers.
“This isn’t the same as before but it really does bring back some memories, right?” he spoke from behind you, startling you a bit. 
“Were you talking about that?” you turned on your heels to face him, raising an eyebrow at his innuendo. 
“Truly.” you can feel him, so close, his breath that smells like red wine faintly gusts over your nose. He pulled you flushed to him and something hard is poking on your lower abdomen.
Rewinding the time 7 months ago, your tutorial sessions took place in a fancy library. Chandeliers on the ceiling, humongous shelves lined up like a maze, marbled floors and wooden furniture.
If you’re going to be honest, you never really expected that your relationship with him would turn into something like.. this, whatever it’s supposed to be called. 
All you remember was you getting a perfect score on the pre-test that he made, him in that loose blue sweater, knocking the air out of your lungs when he smooched you out of nowhere, fingers snaking inside your pants until he made you cum with just his fingers.
It was worth the risk, hidden between the stacks of books, trying to not let out any noise but when you couldn’t control yourself anymore, Mingi went and shutted you up with a kiss. 
After that, the dynamics between the two of you has changed entirely. 
His tutelage became a game between your behavior and academic evaluation.
Pass your exams with high marks then you get a reward, maybe the latest iphone model with a bonus of getting railed from behind if you’re obedient to all his demands.
Earn a low mark or act like a brat in his presence then you get a punishment, either an overstimulation or not being able to cum at all. 
Back to the present, you sure do anticipate what kind of prize he’ll give you this time. Excitement coursed through your veins when he dropped the bomb on you, “What do you say in taking the lead this time?” 
You’re not opposed to that idea, there are those nights when you can barely sleep, blinking away the thoughts of him under you, moaning and begging for you to fuck him.
“I say,” you muttered, pushing him down on the sofa in an instant, amazement in his face that turned into arousal with your superior persona, “I am down for that shit, my baby boy.” 
You straddled him, hands resting on his sturdy chest, shoving him down to lie on the cushions, “Now, be my guest and enjoy.” 
Mingi smirked but that was wiped off of his face when you used your handkerchief to put on a blindfold on him, blocking his eyesight and heightening his other senses.
He felt your index finger trace the outline of his lips down to his chin, tilting his head slightly and unveiling his throat. You watched his adam’s apple move up and down whenever he swallows. You leaned down, lightly kissing his neck and collarbones, removing his pristine button-up shirt in the process.
You started to leave marks on his skin, earning you a soft whimper of ecstasy. The noise he let out became louder when you grinded on his crotch, “Stop playing, Y/-” 
“Shh,” you hushed him, putting a hand on top of his raging hard on, “you have to be compliant or else you wouldn’t get what you want.” 
You got rid of your own top and bra, not forgetting to remove the precious necklace that he gave you. It’s brand new so it’ll be a shame if it gets dirty during your freaky hours. 
You bent your back, letting him have a feel of your soft breasts. 
“Shit, Y/N, I-”
“It’s mommy for you, my little one.” 
He took a sharp intake of breath, “Mommy, please, let me suck on your tits, please.” 
You patted his cheek, directly putting a nub right in front of his mouth, “Go on then, baby, taste me.” 
He doesn’t need to be told twice, latching his hot mouth on your awaiting bosom that had you yelping. 
“Touch me.” you ordered and he immediately did so, fondling your boobs vehemently, his tongue circling around your nipples, occasionally biting it for extra spice. 
Before you can drown in the pleasure, you forced yourself to pull away, him whining at the loss of contact, “M-mommy, do something.” 
“Since you have been such a good boy,” you mumbled, positioning yourself in front of his apparent boner, “your wish is my command.” 
You removed his pants briskly, lowering his boxer briefs, his manhood springing up tall and proud. You bit your lips, excited at the thought of teasing him to death like how he does to you. 
Every second of this reversed role is life changing and you love everything about it. You never knew that being in control is this fun, and you think that you’ll have to do your best even more so that you could experience this once again. 
You wrapped a hand around him, smearing his precum around his tip, giving him some experimental strokes before getting into the real action. You just wanted to hear him beg, and when he gave you the sweet satisfaction of his pleading, you proceeded to properly do your job. 
You smudged your spit on his shaft, putting him in your mouth and trying your best to take him all in which ultimately failed. His tip hit the back of your throat, causing tears to form in the corner of your eyes. 
He’s so, so big and thick and you couldn’t wait for him to enter and stretch your walls.
You began to bob your head in a vertical motion, tongue circling and licking all over his dick, massaging his balls much to his sheer delight. 
“Your mouth feels so good, mommy.” he groaned, doing his best not to buck up against you mouth and hold your hair to control your movements. He needs to fulfill his promise of letting you take the lead (spoiler, he won’t be able to but you’re not gonna protest because he did and will fuck you so well.) 
You hummed, sweet vibrations adding to his pleasure, “Shit,” he cursed when he felt you hot, wet mouth suck on him like a blackhole, “you feel so good.” 
His muscles twitched, a sign of his impending orgasm, sorry not sorry though, you’re not that merciful for tonight. 
You detached yourself from him, a string of saliva connecting your lips from his member. 
“Why’d you stop?!” he whined,  “God, please will you just-” 
“Nu uh baby,” you positioned yourself on top of him, getting rid of your panties and lubricating his cock with your juices, “I want you to cum inside me.” 
With that, you slid down on him, the intrusion had yours and his moans mixing and echoing throughout the room. Your hands reached out to hold his, placing it on your chest, “I want you to grip me tightly.”
Shit. You’re so bold and hot tonight and Mingi wished that he could see you, only if this damned cloth was removed from his eyes.
You never let go of his hands, choosing it as your support as you started bouncing on his length. 
When you first had sex with him, there were three things that crossed your mind.
First, he’s gorgeous when he’s sweaty.
Second, his stamina is akin to that of an athlete.
Lastly, he was blessed with everything, including down there. 
Man is packed like a beast, gigantic and he fills you up so well. 
Those thoughts still occur in your brain once in a while, you will never get over the fact that you got a man like him. 
“I wanna s-see you, mommy, please. G-get this blindfold off.” 
The burn on your thighs is painful yet elating, “Oh?” you panted, “Looks like you’re getting braver.” you removed the item that obstructs his vision. 
The sight that greeted him would forever be engraved in his consciousness as long as he lived.
Your skin glistening due to perspiration, hooded eyes and mouth agape in a silent moan, boobs jiggling in every jounce that you take, you really are a masterpiece that he wanted to keep for himself. 
He groped your breasts, enjoying the work that you are currently doing. When he took note that your pace slowed down, he contemplated whether he has to take charge or let you relish the final minutes of your once in a blue moon opportunity. 
Okay, he’s not feeling it anymore. Looks like it is his time to shine. 
You were shocked when in the blink of an eye, he pulled out of you and switched the positions, you under his looming body and him hovering above you. 
“What?” you were confused, not being able to think straight but Mingi paid no mind to it, focused on making you remember who’s the real in-charge.
“Your time is up, baby girl.” 
“Mingi, w-”
“It’s daddy for you, my little one.” he used your words from earlier to mock you, maneuvering his body to position himself so that the tip of his erection is resting against your dripping entrance and that his lips are faintly perched on your nipples. 
A mewl of his name came out of your lips when he rubbed his member on your clit, a small smile forming on his face as he prodded inside you, wanting to see you whimper and whine. 
He retreated a bit, peering over your red, messy face. 
He guided your arms around his neck, your elbows on his shoulder and with one deep thrust, he let out a growl and you voices out an ear-splitting moan. 
Bliss filling your sanity when his member rubbed your insides exquisitely. Your legs automatically wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer. 
His movements became faster and harder after a few minutes, his mouth nibbling on your hard nipples and when he got tired of it, he raised his head and kissed you fully.
Lips colliding passionately in a filthy, heated make-out session as he continued to push deeper into you. He shifted his position a bit, allowing him to brush over your sweet spot that had your back arching. 
Your volume increases the more he makes contact with that spot repeatedly, “See, you wanted me to do this.. didn’t you?”
“Y-yes daddy,” you cried out when his finger rubbed your sensitive bundle of nerves, “shit, daddy, yes I wanted you to do this.” 
Certainly you do, you’d be lying if you said that you don’t want him to ruin you into pieces. Rail you until the crack of dawn, make your legs wobbly and your inner thighs hurt to the point that you can barely walk anymore.
You wanted him to own you.
“There, there,” he cooed, fake sympathy adorning his face, continuing to push into you like there’s no tomorrow, “your wish is my command, princess.”
He’s really making fun of you here, huh? Under normal circumstances, you would’ve slap him silly for doing that, but right now, that is on the last of your list. Your number one priority is reaching utopia together with him.
A number of animalistic pounding into your walls, making contact with your cervix, and the last thing that sent you on edge was his tongue, licking a stripe of your skin on your neck.
With a loud gasp, you released yourself, a lot of it too that ended up staining the couch. Still, Mingi’s not done with you yet, he keeps on pummeling, a little bit sloppier than before but the effect it had on you wasn’t reduced at all.
“Too much, daddy, I c-”
His hand that was previously on your clit was removed, opting to push his fingers inside your mouth to shut you up. 
“You can and you will because I said so.” 
You tasted yourself on digits, and you even made a display of erotic film by making sure to open your mouth, making him see the way you licked your juices off of his fingers.
Soon afterwards, when everything was too much for him to handle, he climaxed inside of you, coating your inside with his own essence. He emptied his all in you, knowing that you’re on the pill. 
His warm semen made you whimper, holding him impossibly closer and he kisses you fondly in return. 
He moves to sit down with both your legs still around him, a big mistake on his part because when he heard your small whimper, his libido shot up again.
“Baby,” he ran a hand over your hair, “I don’t think we’re resting tonight.”
Remember that wish you had before? The one where he destroys you? Yeah, he definitely made that come true. If you didn’t know any better, you’ll think that he’s a mind reader. 
All is well though, this special night would serve as a remembrance of your zealous relationship with him. A memory that you’d always think of even in the broad daylight. 
Also a memory of embarrassment when your friends poked fun at you, calling you ‘disabled’ the next day for limping around. 
You were giddy to say the least, but that soon turned into annoyance when he ghosted you for 2 weeks. 
No calls, no messages, no anything. 
What the hell is he up to? Where is he? Even your parents don’t know the answers to those questions, and day by day, the more you miss him, the more you’re scared that he found someone else. 
You shouldn’t care right? Your connection with him is nothing but an informal and casual one. 
Why do you even care if he finds a woman that is more mature, prettier, and sexier? It’s not like you have feelings for him, right?
One day, he barged into your room without any prior formalities, apologizing profusely when you accidentally threw your scratch papers all over the floor. 
He helped you rearrange the scattered articles, only then did he became aware that you were making an essay.
“You were writing?” he tried to read a paragraph that was scribbled rather messily which made you pluck the paper out of his hand.
“Yeah, I was until you disturbed me.” you sassily replied, not liking the fact that he didn’t made an effort to talk to you and now he comes in here without any warning, not even giving an excuse.
He detected the bite on your tone, “Are you.. mad at me?” 
You snapped your head at him, eyebrows meeting in the middle of your forehead, scanning his disheveled appearance and sighing out of frustration.
“Why would I be?” you turned your back on him, not allowing him to see your sulky guise, “You were gone for weeks and I-” 
Should you say it? Should you confess that you yearned him so much that you almost banged your head on the walls of your school whenever you think of him.
He engulfed you in a tight hug, your vital signs spiking up at the skinship after a long time of not having him around.
“I missed you too. I really am sorry that I haven’t been in contact with you. I was just busy, I had a lot on my plate. Will you forgive me?” 
Your whole being is now awakened, maybe he is a mind reader afterall, and how could you ignore that charming puppy eyes of his. He even had the audacity to pout at you! 
Disrespectful. Annoying. You should give him a piece of your mind.
“I’ll accept your apology if you helped me with my homework.” 
Not the kind of reprimanding you had in mind but that would do. 
“Easy as a pie.” he beamed, sitting next to you and asking you what the assignment is all about.
You explained that the topic given was “Love”, an area in literature that you haven’t really explored yet, thus, you find it difficult to complete the fudgin’ ten pages essay.
While you were busy ranting your ass off about how infuriating your professor in that subject is, Mingi was in an another world. He stares at you intently, he doesn’t like seeing you stressed, he wants to ease some of your burdens. 
There’s only one thing to do. 
You squeaked when you were carried like a sack of potato in his arms, plopping you on your bed. You were legit giggling at his antics, that was cut short and was replaced with a small moan when he nibbled on the sensitive spot on your neck. 
“M-Mingi, what’s up?” 
“Nothing,” his hands travelled all over our body, touching every skin he could before resting it on your waist, “I told you, I’ll make it up to you right?” 
You were more than thankful that your mother insisted to your father to go on a vacation, you have all the house to yourself and you could let out the loudest cry of his name without the fear of having someone to hear you (Neighbors but fuck them, they’re not important.)
And here we go again, you squirming in his hold and crying out in pleasure when he unleashed his godlike strategy of fucking you. He does it so right that it left you breathless and satisfied every time. 
At the end of it all, the factor that flabbergasted the hell out of you was his undying affection and care. 
He cuddled you so close to him, almost crushing you and peppering kisses everywhere on your face. 
He stopped momentarily, peering into your eyes and lord, he’s so pretty even when the lighting is terrible.
“Write about me, it’s about love right? I know I’m not the only one who feels the spark when we are together, I know you have feelings for me darling.” 
Were you that transparent and highkey? 
He chuckled, closing the gap between the two of you, pecking you tenderly on the lips, “Yes, fortunately you are very transparent and highkey.” 
You are now beyond embarrassed, “Oh fuck me.” you covered your face using your hands, closing your eyes and praying to all gods out there to open the ground right now and swallow you whole. 
“I just did though.” 
“Shut up!” 
You fell asleep on his arms that night, listening to his steady heartbeat and finding solace in his lavender fragrance. When he was sure that you’re in dreamland, he placed a long kiss on your forehead, “I’m sorry, Y/N.” 
The sun is up high in the sky, a smile gracing your features when you thought that your ‘lover’ is beside you, soundly sleeping but when you checked, he’s not there anymore.
‘Where is he?’ 
A dreadful feeling settling on your stomach, he wouldn’t just leave you like that won’t he? 
You texted him, called him, even went to his house but it was all in vain when you didn’t manage to find him.
That afternoon, when your parents came home from their trip, you immediately asked them for Mingi’s whereabouts. Surely, he would have told them something, and you were right.
“He didn’t tell you?” your mother glanced at your father worriedly who only shrugged in return.
“He left the country, sweetie. He has to go to America to manage a business.” 
That felt like a sledgehammer being thrown at your soul, shattering you into pieces and now you don’t know how to pick yourself up. 
You didn’t realize the tears that started to cascade down your cheeks until your father asked you if you’re okay. You did not answer any of their queries, choosing to go outside and run far away where your feet will take you. 
Luck isn’t always by your side when you saw the place you’re at. The park where Mingi took you for you first ‘date.’
Fate is playing with you, doesn’t it? 
The sun is already setting down, casting a bright orange hue in the area, “Why?!” you yelled, your knees giving out on you. 
“Why do you have to do this to me?!” 
You let yourself feel the pain, let the tears fall, let the anger out, let everything around you fall apart. 
He’s cruel, taking a piece of you with that profession of sentiments only for him to fly to the other side of the world, withdrawing away from your life without an actual genuine goodbye. 
That day, you condemned love to death, creating an oath with yourself that any man who would want to involve himself with you will never, ever get past your thick shell.
3 years later. 
You were getting sleepy, all these inspirational messages and advice for facing the ‘real world’ are getting boring. Won’t they just call you up on stage and give your diplomas?
“Hold yourself from yawning.” you heard Seonghwa whisper from beside you, making you snicker a bit as he pinched Hongjoong’s side, preventing him from dozing off for the second time.
“Ugh,” Hongjoong grumbled, exasparated and weary, “I was up all night for a gig and this is the graduation that I’ll get?” 
“Get over it Joongie, this will be over soon.” you assured him, patting his back, “Besides, you’re not the only one who thinks that this ceremony is plain bullshit.” 
Seonghwa gave you a glare, not appreciating the cuss during a melancholic event.
Ironically, he did sighed out of relief when the emcee finally announced that the awarding would commence. 
You smiled when you heard your name being called, “L/N Y/N, our university summa cum laude for the english literature course.” 
Everyone clapped their hands for you, puffing your chest out and raising your head high, ready to deliver the speech that you had been working on for a week. 
You did hoped that a certain someone would be there to watch you, smiling proudly like a father but that would be wishful thinking itself, and you’re tired of making a fool out of yourself. 
You’re so done and past that emo phase, all the night spent wailing over a man is not worth it. Although you have to give some credits to him, you were able to produce top class writings by transcribing your sorrow and agony that he caused into words. 
Standing in front of the thousands of students in that gymnasium, you began speaking fluently, thanking everyone who supported you throughout your voyage and basically all that fiasco that would articulate your college life. 
When you’re done, a standing ovation was given to you, it’s obvious that you deserved that one.
“And now, for the next juncture of our ceremony, may we call on the CEO of a famous book company that published a lot of showpieces to give the plaque of recognition to our most outstanding student.” you walked towards the center of the stage, ready to receive the award. 
“Mister Song Mingi, please come up on the platform.”
Did you heard the name right? No, don’t overthink, it may be the same name but it might not be the same person. 
“This successful man also proposed an occupation for our top student in their company, please give him a round of applause everybody.” 
You looked towards your left, and there he was, walking towards you with an unreadable countenance, holding the frame that contains your diploma along with an envelope that carries the contract for the said job.
He paused his footsteps, him directly standing in front of you and you badly wanted to stomp out of there but you can’t.
You think you’re dreaming yet one look in his eyes and you know that you’re living in reality, getting consumed in his dark orbs and you felt all the buried emotions resurfacing. 
He held the award to you, his hands shaky and palms sweaty, waiting for you to accept it.
His eyes trailed down to the familiar necklace that he gave you a few years back, hope sparking in his heart that he’ll still be able to get you back. 
“First, congratulations, Y/N.” 
Hearing his voice made something within you melt, any other noise and people in the background were cancelled out, and he is the only thing that you could focus on.
“Second, will you accept this proffer?”
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jameui · 3 years
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part 1 | part 2 | part 3
PAIRING: Sugar Daddy!Jung Yunoh x College Student!M!Reader (featuring: Bestfriend!Lee Jeno)
GENRE: Fluff, Smut
WARNINGS: Unprotected intercourse, huge age gap, a lot of IMPORTANT flashbacks (i think), daddy kink, sex toys, overstimulation
SUMMARY: You were a striving student in Resonance High and had perfect records. Besides your devotion to your education, you were also gifted with a talent. All these stuffs making your sugar daddy, Jaehyun, proud of you, so he decided to give you a night you won't forget.
(P.S. so i was fucking dumb to actually think that when you said performance, you meant by performing on a stage, when you actually meant, how male reader actually did good in school. I was too late to notice. sorry. if this didn't reach your expectations.
The school's foundation day is fast approaching and each student at Resonance High are all excited preparing for that certain day. During the school's foundation day, events such as competition in sports and performances like singing and dancing or spoken poetry. All sorts of event takes place in that particular, not only a day, but a week, that every students can take part in.
The school's foundation day does not only happen after a day. It's a week of celebration for the foundation and, of course, free from homeworks and projects that students have to worry about. All their focus must be on having fun on those days and be active in participation. Some students never liked the thought about celebrating a foundation day, but you on the other hand, thought otherwise as it's your first time celebrating it with a friend, since you never really get to do it with any due to you practically being locked up in your house for almost all years of your life.
Now, you were away from your family and you got to finally do anything you wanted. For example, having a sugar daddy who gave you all the help you needed. Sure, at first, you were just doing it out of mere fun, but you never quite expected to actually grow feelings for the older male. You didn't know when it started, but the first time you ever felt the fluttering of butterflies in your stomach was when he became worried and concerned when you got sick after a very excessive practice, the day prior. You wanted to tell him so, so bad, but you didn't know how to.
You were scared that maybe you were crossing the line or coming off too strong or maybe he'd walk away if you broke the agreement. It first started with just you only being up for it because of the agreement. Though, you never really went as far as you giving him a good blow or having a steamy bath with him. Either way, he was still someone you could trust and the only person you could rant about all your problems. The thought of losing all these scared you the most.
Unlike some other people, Jaehyun was smart and was a successful businessman, owning one of the richest companies in the industry. Jaehyun, when he's not busy, he'd help you out with your math homeworks or would just do it for you, since he found it fun and easy. Sometimes, you think he's Einstein, reincarnated.
Jaehyun, besides his brains, is also fun to be with. He knows about your passion and talent for singing and dancing and your once dream to be an artist, so he would sometimes play loud music in the living room through the speakers and you two would be singing along, him making up lyrics when he have no idea what the song artist's saying in their song. He'd sometimes call them drunk, because they sounded like they were slurring their words, which you would always laugh to. Also, he'd let you teach him a few dance steps you saw on tiktok and you'd record it together, only for the fun of both of you.
You were seated by your section's booth and couldn't help, but crack a smile from the thought. That was until one of your classmates decided to cut the moment. "What's with the smile?" Jeno, one of your friends, questioned with a smirk whilst carrying a case of bottled apple juice, placing it beside the stand of the booth.
"Here to tease me, again?" You scoffed at him, as he shrugged his shoulders. You rolled your eyes at him and stood up from your seat before heading to the school's gate where the rest of the important necessitated items are waiting. You skipped along the way and stopped by the pick up truck that was parked at the parking lot. "Anything I can help with?" You asked with a smile.
"Here's the last of 'em." He gave you two cases of the bottled drinks, one stacked above the other making you grunt.
"This is heavy." You muttered under your breathe, your thin hands barely holding onto the handles. "Th-thanks." You told them your feet wobbling from the heavy weight of the trays.
Jeno who came walking back outside saw you struggling, making him chuckle deciding to help you. "Need help with that?"
"Yes, please." You said before passing the trays to Jeno carefully, so it doesn't topple over. "Thanks." You smiled at him, cracking your knuckles and shaking it to reduce the pain you felt on your hands.
"Welcome." He said, then walking back to the booth, with you beside him. "Ah, M/n. By the way, are you attending the practice this afternoon?"
"Yeah. Of course. Why do you ask?" You chuckled, kicking on a pebble that came your way.
"Oh, I just thought you'd be busy sucking your daddy's—"
"JENO!" You yelled at him with an evident blush on your face cutting him off to avoid anyone hearing what Jeno had to say. It's always been like this. Since the day you told him about having a sugar daddy, he'd always tease you no matter where you are or what you're doing. He'd always use your excuses against you and now, you're regretting ever telling him.
"Okay, okay. Damn." He laughed at your reaction, you staring daggers at him.
Just as you were about to spat back at him, you heard a group of girls' voices calling out to you. "M/n! M/n! M/n!" They were successful in gaining your attention, while they smiled running up towards you. "M/n! You didn't tell us you have a handsome brother..." One of them said, while batting their lashes.
You knitted your brows in confusion. "I have?" You asked the girls, who looked like they knew better and nodded their heads. First of all, you don't have a brother, but you have three sister, two are older and one is younger. Second, you don't even know who these girls were and yet, they mysteriously knew your name and who you were. "Wait, who are you talking—"
"M/n-ah." You heard that sweet raspy voice of the man you loved, your head snapping towards him who stood by the side of your booth. You guessed he was on his break, since he was still in his suit and it was already past twelve in the afternoon.
"Jaehyun!" You giggled as you ran to him, all the while opening his arms for you to throw yourself in. You gladly complied and wrapped your arms around him, the lot older male doing the same as he hung his long arms on your waist. You snuggled into his chest before you looked up at him to see him already looking down at you with a smile that displayed his deeply carved dimples. "What are you doing here? Aren't you busy?" He made you giggle when he patted your head and planted a kiss on your forehead.
"I wanted to see my baby." Jaehyun replied, then pouting. "I've been so tired lately."
You furrowed your brows in concern and hugged him tighter. "Can't you take a three days off?"
"I want to, but I got to keep the company running if I don't want it to fail." He answered you, making you nod your head.
Once the girls saw these, they quickly felt embarrassed and walked off without making a sound, Jeno laughing at them.
"Then, why don't I treat you to something sweet? How's that?" You wanted to do something for the older and this was the only thing you could ever think of.
The pout was still glued to his face when he looked back down at you. "Angel, we agreed that I would do the treating."
"Well, you're the one who needs my help, right now, so I want to do something for you, other than..." You cleared your throat and mumbled, "...the other things I do for you."
Jaehyun chuckled, as he finally gave in to your offer while he ruffled your hair. "Alright."
You pulled away from him once he had loosened his grip from around your waist. You took him by the wrist and told Jeno that you'd be somewhere else, leaving Jeno with the rest of the responsibilities, promising him to make up to it.
You were leading Jaehyun to the canteen, before he gently pulled on your hand. You turned your head towards him, your eyes moving down to where he held you. You chuckled and smiled. "What's wrong?"
"Can... I hold your hand, M/n?" The question took you aback, only since he never really asks those type of questions. Ones he only asks are some that goes by the line 'can you suck my dick?' or of some sort.
"Sure." You managed to smile from the obvious shock that got Jaehyun a little red. "You didn't even have to ask." You added to which he nodded to shyly. It would be times like this when you would forget that he is a good thirty years old because of his cute personality.
You two finally made it to the canteen, the taller male receiving a lot of stares from all those present inside. Jaehyun was yet to spot the attention he was gaining, but you were already feeling iffy even though you knew that those heart eyes were for Jaehyun. But, you couldn't help the feeling that those eyes didn't like you being around Jaehyun. "J-Jaehyun..." You squeaked out silently, tugging on the sleeve of his suit, taking his attention whilst smiling down at you. His smile faltered upon noticing how you looked subtly shaken and cowered in fear. "I.. I think we should leave."
"Baby, what's wrong? You look so tense." Jaehyun asked you out of pure concern, cupping your cheeks as he gently tilted your head upwards, so you could face him, but you removed his hands from your cheeks that got him almost shocked since you'd never really let yourself move away from his grasp, instead you would usually just lean into his touch and let yourself succumb to the warmth he was radiating, but this. This was different and he knew exactly that something was bothering you.
"Can we go, please?" You sounded like you were begging for you two to quickly move outside, leaving Jaehyun with no choice, but to nod his head and let you drag him out of the place. Alas, you were outside, but he never received even a word from you nor a hum, a sigh, nothing. Just complete silence.
He grew more worried thinking that he might have done something that he shouldn't have or said something that made you feel so uncomfortable. He was getting anxious as you continued to keep your mouth closed and never said a word. "Baby, you know you can trust me, right?" Jaehyun caressed your thumb in a comforting manner, his eyes showing how much he truly cared for you and how genuinely worried he was. He was scared that he might have done something wrong to you.
He himself never knew how it got to this. At first, just like you, he had only intended to find some fun in the relationship you both had and not actually grow some feelings towards you, but the first time he ever met you, all he ever had thought in his head was to protect you at all cost and give you everything you wanted, spoil you with all his money and riches, give you forehead kisses and pleasure that can make you see stars. Since the start, he only thought of this as something platonic and that it was a part of the agreement you both had consent on, but as you two got to spend more time together, he always felt something blossom inside of him. He always looked forward to every day, mainly because he had you to wake up to. His usual stoic expression, completely turned into those that said 'sunshine' all spread out on his face. That's when he completely knew, it was not only the benefits he was up for, anymore. It was you and his love for you.
He was just your usual workaholic man, who had nothing in his head rather than work, work, and work. Not until the day he bumped into you on that one faithful day, when you were so drained from all the studying you had to do and decided to buy coffee. You were so intimidated by his face that he got you cowering in fear when you turned to look up at him. The only courage you could muster was so small that you were only able to give him a polite bow before you entered the coffee shop to buy your favorite cappuccino coffee.
He was so intrigued by you that the next day, during that same time, he waited for you in that same exact location, but you never showed up. Until later. You were so shocked from the sight of him. You feared he'd beat you into a pulp, so you hid your face with your hand, hoping he didn't see you, but luck wasn't on your side that day and decided to let Jaehyun notice your presence.
"Hey, I—"
"Sorry, sir. I'm quite busy, right now." You immediately cut him off and got inside the shop, Jaehyun following suit. Your eyes made its way back towards the older who was following behind you closely. You stopped in your tracks and turned around to look at him, retracting his body from looking through your shoulders, throughout the whole time smiling down at you with his dimples showing. "Excuse me, sir, but do I owe you with something?"
Jaehyun pursed his lips, thinking before smirking and leaning closer to your face, with you, all the while, pulling your head back. "Yes." He answered you with his hands shoved confidently inside his pants.
Your gaze averted from his mesmerizing eyes to the table that supported you and kept you from falling. You gulped and felt your lips go dry. "D-do you need money? I don't have much, but will 7,000 won be enough?" You fondled through your pockets and took out your wallet.
"What? No, no." He chuckled, one hand taken out from his pockets and scratching his eyebrows while he sighed. "I have an offer."
Your brows were pulled together looking up at him, curious. "What is it?"
"Give me your number and I'll tell you over the phone."
And that's how it all started. Of course, he told you about lying that you owed him something, either way you were thanking the God above that he created you as gullible as ever.
As of the moment, Jaehyun could only feel his nervousness rise as he continued to stare at your back. "M/n, please say something. You're making me feel so worried."
"Jaehyun..." You finally stopped walking and spoke, before throwing yourself into him, the impact suddenly taking all the air inside Jaehyun's lungs away. "Don't leave me... please." You pleaded, your arms around him going tighter.
Jaehyun softened and felt himself get blanketed over with relief. He raised his hand to put it on top of your head and caressed them softly and soothingly. "I won't, M/n. I promise you."
In the end, Jaehyun was the one who treated you with something to eat. You were sat at a bench near your class' booth, Jaehyun next to you, while you swayed your feet back and forth. "Hyunnie." You called out to him with a new nickname you came up with, Jaehyun choking on his burger letting out a few coughs while you patted his back, laughing. "How the hell do you eat a burger that it got you choking on it?"
His coughing finally stopped and looked at you with a surprised face. "The nickname. You never called me that before."
You pouted in reply and blushed in embarrassment. "Do you.. not like it?"
"No, of course not." He was quick to shake his head, then cleared his throat, looking away. "It's cute."
You were able to see the pink tint painting his cheeks that you always found cute, since it's a very rare sight to see. Teasingly, you peeked over and was able to confirm that he was, in fact, blushing from just the nickname you created. "Oh my gosh, you're blushing." You cooed and immediately, Jaehyun scoffed, facing you to land a small kiss on your lips that got you widening your eyes and wiping away the mocking smile you had on your face. Your fingers made its way up towards your lips, unable to speak.
"Now, tell me who's blushing." Jaehyun smirked.
You glared at him, but instead of feeling intimidated, he found it cute. "I'm just surprised, since you never really like to, er, kiss me on the lips." You whispered the last part, loud enough for only you and him to hear.
You two were so happy in each other's company, that you both forgot that Jaehyun had somewhere else to be. That being his work. He wouldn't have noticed the time passing, if it wasn't for the alarm he had set, knowing he'd lose track of time when he's around you.
You walked him to his car and saw him off, waving your hand at him, not leaving until he was finally out of sight. You put your hands back down and sighed happily, walking back towards where you should be: at the booth where you should be finishing the preparation.
"So, how was the quick date?" Jeno asked you with a smirk, the sleeves of his shirt pushed back inside the hole that connected it to the shirt, showing his perfectly built muscles.
"It was great! Save for the part where I received death glares at the canteen. That felt terrible." You shuddered at the thought, but smiled again. "That aside, it was great."
"Your schedule didn't change? Are there still room for practice later?" Jeno asked you for the nth time that day. He's been asking you since you entered the classroom.
"It didn't, Jeno. Why are you so eager with me being present in the practice?" You chuckled at him, deciding to help him pack the treat bags you will give out to your customers.
"I just can't be left alone there with people I don't know. I'm an awkward person." Jeno told you.
"Jeno. You're literally known by all the students here and you're scared because they're strangers to you? I bet they all even want to be friends with you." You said, but Jeno just shook his head, his hair moving along with him.
"No, M/n. You must and need to attend the practice, either way." Jeno demanded of you.
You rolled your eyes at him and sighed deeply through your nose in defeat. "Fine, fine." Jeno's eye smile appeared and let out a small 'yes' making you chuckle.
"Hey, M/n." A voice started from outside the booth and saw a girl with her arms crossed, looking down at you whilst you seated at the ground. You looked up at her, but she didn't look friendly. She looked angry than friendly.
Your eyes flickered toward Jeno, then back to the girl and smiled. "Yeah?"
"Don't give me that smile, you whore." She spat at you, all of a sudden.
Your eyes closed shut, your mouth wide open and your forefinger raised up while you pushed it towards her way and scoffing. Your eyelids tore open and you smirked at the girl. "Excuse me? Whore? Who you calling a whore?"
"Listen, midget—"
"No, you listen here, Barbie." You said, a mocking tone with the last word. "You full on plastic, bitch. Get away from my sight. You look like a parasite."
The girl gasped in shock and opted to pull on your hair, but Jeno held her by her wrist and angrily stared at her. "You heard him. Get away. I'm not afraid to punch a person, even a girl, if they're purpose was to mistreat and shame on an innocent person." Jeno threw her hand away like it was trash, sending the girl from moving two steps back before stomping her foot and turning on her heels to walk away.
You could still see Jeno glaring at the girl while you looked at him in shock. "Wow, wow. Look at you."
"Sh. I'm not done yet." Jeno hushed you, before he continued his work. "You were saying?"
"Nothing. Was just shocked you told that girl off. I could have handled myself just fine, but thanks to you, I'm saved from causing a ruckus." You said, Jeno huffing through the nose.
"Seriously, you." He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose and knitted his brows. "Stop making the problem bigger."
"No way. I need to put up a fight. If I don't, they'd see me as someone weak." You defended yourself.
"And you can't even handle death glares that's being sent towards you?"
You were about to speak and fight back, but he was right. "That's... that's a different matter."
"Sure, it isn't, M/n." He said rolling his eyes.
Later that afternoon, past 5 p.m., you and Jeno excused yourselves from the class, since you have a dance practice for your performance on the opening of the foundation day. Out of habit, you skipped beside Jeno who was happy that you got to attend the practice today. Again.
You never really liked the person who choreographed the whole song. It was under a genre you thought you could never pull off or fit in, so your confidence was at a very low level. During practices, though, you try your best not to make it obvious that you were uncomfortable for that certain concept, but you still had to be seen making a lot of mistakes, some of the other students who joined clearly agitated. You could only bow and bow and bow at the mistake you knew you clearly had done, feeling guilty for the reason why always had to start again from the top. The reason why you never really got along well with these students.
You have arrived at the practice room, taking quiet steps as you both entered the venue trying your best not to make a sound. The intense gazes you received from the other students didn't come unnoticed by you, the reason why you pulled your knees closer to your chest as you buried your face in it. Clearly, they were enjoying those two few days you were absent, since they got to finish practice early and with no interruption nor mistakes. But, now that you're around, they knew exactly what awaited them.
Jeno saw you curled up into a ball and eyes making its way up to the students who looked so angry with you making him frown. "M/n. Don't mind them. You're actually doing even greater than them." He tried to cheer you up, so you acknowledged it with a smile.
"Thanks, Jeno. But, I don't think that will change the fact that my uneasiness with the dance is the reason why we have to start over and over again." You sighed and placed your head back down on your knees, Jeno drawing circles on your back.
A moment later, the mentor came walking in, displeased to see you present. "Oh, welcome back... M/n." He stated before you could hear those loud snickers coming from the students. You and Jeno were the first ones to stand in position, the others following suit. The mentor's face lit up with an idea on his mind. "Can everyone please take a seat for a couple of minutes?" He smiled, then looking at you. "Except for you, L/n."
Jeno's eyes fell upon you, a worried look on his face, mouthing 'I'll be fine' to reassure him as he sat back down along with the other students until it was only you and the mentor left standing. "You think telling your 'boyfriend' about me would scare me?" He mocked you with your head still hung low. "You have to try better than that." He smirked, pulling a chair to seat on it. His legs were on either side of the chair, so his chest was pressed upon the back rest of the chair to face you. "Start."
You were startled by the sudden order and went into position, but you only started fidgeting out of fear. "Where... I.. sir.. Do I stand—"
"L/n!" He yelled at you, making you jump from the sudden raise of his voice. You knew telling Jaehyun was a bad idea. "Fix yourself, will you? The performance is due tomorrow and you're such a mess." The misery you were caged in were the happiness of the students as they started to giggle, your fist clenching hard until your knuckles turned white.
The music started, but you were still nowhere from moving your body. You just stood there, head hanging low while gnashing your teeth. You weren't angry at the mentor. You were angry at yourself. You were angry that you couldn't do any better. You practiced the dance so hard, yet it were still so far from perfecting it. You just wished some kind of spirit would possess you and lead your body.
The whole place started to laugh at you as they watched you shamelessly froze on your position. You felt a small jab on your ribs that made you open your clenched fists and saw Jeno standing right beside you with a grin on his face, your expression softening as he started to lead the dance. Slowly, you felt your own body move to the beat and rhythm of the song, being at the same flow with Jeno. The students only watched while the song ended.
A slow clap from your mentor was heard, a smile plastered on his face. "Way to impress me you two, huh?" He stood from the chair and waisted his arms. "L/n." His eyes moved to you, expecting yet another scolding. "I'm proud of you. Keep up that confidence and I just know you'll do great." You felt a smile creeping its way up to your face, before the mentor closed in on you and ruffled your hair. "Alright, everyone. From the top."
The practice ended at exactly eight o' clock in the evening and you were already feeling drained, your sweat soaked shirt sticking to your body. Your forehead glistened with sweat, that ran down to the side of your cheeks. You panted heavily and flopped your body down on the polished floor.
Why that late you ask? Well, you and Jeno decided to stay for a few hours to polish the dance, him pointing out your mistakes and going back to the steps to correct you. You were grateful Jeno was a very patient guy, so whenever you made a mistake or wasn't executing the dance properly, he'd just chuckle and help you with your 'cute mistakes', at least that's what he called it.
"Finally..." You panted, Jeno settling himself beside you, his limbs sprawled all over the floor. "Done."
"You did so great, M/n! I knew you could pull this off." Jeno gave you a compliment that made you giggle, a hand on your chest to catch your breathe.
"And it was all thanks to you." You told him.
Jeno shook his head. "Ey. The only thing I did was help your body to loosen up."
"Exactly." The cute noises coming out of your mouth once more. "Do you think we should practice more?" You asked the older who moved his head to look at you.
"Still up for one more?" He smiled knowingly at you, while you nodded at him. You both stood up from where you both lied and you went to your position with Jeno moving to the speakers to play the song for the last time.
The minute you both finished, you were so exhausted that your knees couldn't hold themselves up anymore and you fell to the ground, groaning. You were panting heavily, starting to even your breathing at the same time laughing proudly at yourself for how well you've done. "When I get home, I'm gonna take a shower and then, throw myself on the bed and sleep."
Jeno could only laugh and you two were left with half an hour talking about all the things in life. You listened to him rant about how the mentor was being more harsh on you than the other students, but you only shook the topic off telling him that it no longer mattered and that he should already move on. You had also thanked him for helping you, during that time when you had to do the dance routine all by yourself. You really didn't know what else to do than to just stand there and sulk.
A few minutes later, both of you were now starting to pack, Jeno having to make a quick visit to the restroom, leaving you all alone inside the studio. You were changing into a dry shirt, when the voice of the janitress from behind the window made your body go tense as you jumped and turned towards her. "Oh, fuck." You sighed out in relief, holding your hand close to your chest. "You scared me, ma'am."
Her eyes turned into those that looked like crescents and smiled. "My bad. Probably shouldn't have passed by unannounced." She nodded and proceeded to mop the hallway floor.
You were about to ask her about a certain matter that was troubling you, but when you lifted your head to face the woman, she was not there anymore. "Uh.. probably left for something." You shrugged it off and went back to scrolling through your feeds, the certain feeling of being watched sending chills down your spine. The silence was so deafening that you started to whistle to a song you were currently into, just to help calm the unnerving feeling. You started to feel all the hair on your body stand on its end when a very harsh opening of the door sent you off flying, then to the ground your heart beating so fast. "Shit!"
Jeno was obviously confused why you got so scared by him just pushing the door open, but he was also laughing at your state which made you glare at him. He helped you stand back up to your feet, as you dusted your pants from any invisible dirt. "What the hell happened to you?"
"You scared the shits out of me. That's what happened." You scoffed at him, hitching your back higher onto your shoulders. "Let's go." You two vacated the room, making sure to lock it, but you told Jeno not to since the janitress was still yet to finish cleaning, but Jeno was greatly puzzled at what you had said.
"What in the world are you talking about?" Jeno laughed lightly before proceeding to lock the door and hung an arm around your shoulder.
"I saw her through the window." You added.
Jeno shook his head in disbelief and didn't fall for your trick to scare him off. "First, the school does not hire a janitress or a janitor, since they have working students. Second, so the dance major students don't get distracted, the window inside the room is tinted, so you basically don't see anything outside."
You felt your heart sink at the revelation as you felt all your blood get drained. "Are you... s-sure?"
"Yeah." Jeno answered your question. You slowly turned your head back towards the room, the windows and saw a black figure waving their hands at you that made you sprinting off to the entrance, leaving a dumbfounded Jeno as he followed behind you. "What the hell, M/n?"
"Shut... up! You were not the one left inside the dance room, so you wouldn't know how much I'm fucking scared, right—"
"FUCK!" You screamed on the top of your lungs, stomping your foot and punching the air for no apparent reason. "Jaehyun, you... nevermind. Just take me home, please. I think I'm already fucking wasted." Jaehyun, who was on his casual attire, approached you and placed a kiss on top of your head.
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venusguks · 3 years
Solace in Seoul
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— Pairing : Jeon Jungkook x Fem!Reader (Reader x Kim Taehyung on the side)
— Summary : the falling apart of you and kim taehyung, and the coming together of you and jeon jungkook
— Genre/Warnings : plot driven, angst, smut, fluff, sugar daddy/baby relationship, student/teacher relationship w kth, bsfs2lvrs w jjk, unprotected sex, creampie, degredation, oral (f receiving), jk just wants to love you :(, jk is the absolute sweetest really, spit drinking?, praise ( TW : MENTIONS OF FAMILY ABUSE/BRUISES )
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ACT 1. | 134340
The first time you talk to Jeon Jungkook again, your mind is elsewhere, absorbed in the lingering absence of Taehyung.
Spring's gentle breeze carried distant laughter and a faint melody from the music club two floors down. The sky carried drifting clouds, the ocean carried rising tides, and you — You carried the weight of the world on your shoulders.
Or at least it felt like it.
The piles of envelopes concerning last two months’ unpaid bills have been devouring your dinner table and heart alike. After receiving the countless of threatening voicemails from your landlord, you'd be naive not to expect a visit—but opening the door to Mrs. Joomi’s bitter scorn didn’t make you feel any less anxious. Juggling two part time jobs all the while maintaining A’s and B’s was nothing easy to accomplish. Hell, living wasn't even easy, and yet, it was like nothing you did was ever enough.
Grief was your composer and you were her violin—her cruel euphony reverberated through your tears when you sat on the cold kitchen floor last night, sifting between your savings that barely made up one month's rent. On top of your midnight breakdown, your dad decided to come home yesterday out of all days and, well, you know how that goes.
The door clicks open, interrupting you from your trance. You don’t need to turn around to know who it is.
Footsteps pad closer until Taehyung is right next to you. He stuffs his hands in his pockets and leans back against the metal railing, facing the opposite direction. It's quiet at first. You've noticed long ago that your relationship with him was one that was filled with silence. “Somethings bothering you,” He’s the first to break it. Neither of you take your gaze off the cerulean blue sky. “You could tell?”
“Of course I can, angel," his voice is cool, gentle, and it carries you away with the wind. "You dozed off through the whole lecture today."
Shame tinges your cheeks with the faintest pink, “oh... I’m sorry. I was paying attention, really, I was just—"
"Love," he saighs, "you have nothing to be sorry about. You could skip to sleep in the nurse's office for all I care. I'm just worried about you."
“What a good teacher you are,” you smile, a teasing one, but Taehyung chuckles dryly. “Trust me, if I was a good teacher, I wouldn’t be doing this," he sounds apathetic, but that doesn't stop you from frowning. You finally turn to look at him, his curls of deep brown swaying. “Taehyung... please don’t say that. You’re an amazing teacher, everyone knows it.”
You hoped he knew how genuine you were. God, you hoped to the moon he knew just how good he was. Taehyung may have already been admired for his captivating smile and his nonchalant energy, but everyone respected him for so much more. He was the type of teacher everyone wanted—the cause of counselor’s headaches every autumn for receiving heaps of transfer requests. Even parents and teachers fawned over him, baffled to see the passing rate in math tests accumulate over the years. It hurt that he didn't see that, and it hurt more knowing he didn't think he was respectable because of you.
The man tilts his head to look at you, smiling softly. “You know I’m only joking, doll.”
“Whether you're joking or not, I still... it just worries me when you talk like that,” you pause, "....do you really feel that way?" Do you really regret this?
Taehyung sighs, and the jeweled rings adorning his fingers are cold against your skin as he tucked loose strands of hair behind your ear. “Worrying is my job, angel, so tell me what's been on your mind instead."
If Taehyung noticed the hurt in your eyes, he chose to ignore it. He always did this. You got it, really, you did. There were boundaries for these sorts of relationships. One step closer would bring him one step back, which was why you never probed him any time he disregarded your questions. But a selfish part of you still felt it was a bit unfair, a bit painful to feel him slip away, to realize he was never there in the first place.
It was strange, how he made you feel. His thumb grazed your lips, his breath was light on your skin—if you concentrated hard enough, you swear you could hear his heart beat. He was only inches away.
So why did he feel so far?
Taehyung was your your lighthouse, your harbor, your shore. Through the snowy December nights where his fingers traced sensuous lines down your bare stomach, to the Spring showers of March where his cold lips brushed your inner thigh—Taehyung had always been your solace.
You knew tangling in sexual affairs with your teacher in return for sealed envelopes was wrong, but how could something so sinful feel so heavenly? The unspoken acts committed underneath draped curtains and moonlight's veil felt too dear to you to be called impure. By your sixth rendezvous, you started to wish the intimacy you shared with him could go beyond silk sheets and star speckled lust.
“I want you to confide in me too,” you said one night under the reluctant shadows of warmly lit candles. “I want to help you too, Taehyung. Please, let me help you.” You could tell he's been agitated the whole week, but you'd been too afraid to ask, afraid of him pushing you away. You didn't know where your courage came from then, all that you wished to be more than a distraction. “I don’t need you to help me," Taehyung growled, and you let out a muffled whimper when he rolled your clit with his tongue, your thighs trembling as you reached for his soft curls. "B-But I care a-about—ahn!" You arched your back as he inserted a finger inside of you, curling into your sweet spot with frightening accuracy. "Don’t need you any way else other than this, doll. Just be good and silent for me." That morning, you woke up to a bed void of the man you loved; a white envelope being the only remnant of that night.
You sighed as you recalled that memory, brushing your own fingers over his, tracing the metal bristles of his rings. “Its nothing."
“Don’t say that, angel. I know it’s not nothing."
“Really, Taehyung, i’m fine. Just stressed is all.”
“Stressed...as in financially?” Your sudden tenseness affirms his assumption, making him sigh. "You could've just told me earlier, angel. Tell me how much you need." A repulsing mixture of shame and self resentment brews in your chest, hardening like bitter dalgona. Dirty, despite money sparking your secret arrangement from the very beginning, that’s how you felt every time it was ever brought up. “Hey, look at me doll," as if reading your thoughts, Taehyung gently draws your face close to his with two hands cupping your cheeks, noses barely brushing. “Don’t ever feel guilty about this. Just treat it as an early birthday present, yeah?"
You couldn't help but frowning, your hands roaming the access of his collarbone. "You already do so much for me, Taehyung...I just...I-I feel bad." You failed to notice how rigid he became then, how his eyebrows dipped with evident frustration. "Y/n, you know that—"
Before you even realize it, you and Taehyung are off each other. When the blue, paint-scraped door opens, sleeked shoes and lively banter are welcomed by two students, diminishing with a glance at the both of you. "Ah, Mr. Kim, there you are! I was looking all over for you. What are you doing here?" A girl's eyes shift from you to the chestnut haired man. Taehyung easy recollects himself as he pats your shoulder, wearing a professional grin. "I stumbled into y/n here, was just giving her some advice but we’ve finished. What did you need me for?”
"Oh...well, about finals week..." You almost let out a sigh of relief as they continued their conversation, but your breath is instantly caught in your throat when your gaze flickers to the boy right next to her.
You were too startled by the sudden interruption that you haven’t completely processed his presence. You almost wish you hadn’t though, now that his doe, big brown eyes mirror your own.
Jungkook was unmoving, and you could've guessed he was conflicted—whether to say hi or to stay silent. Even if you were in the same grade, it was rare to see his face among the carbon copied uniforms. Class C—1 and C—4 were the furthest from each other, and with being the student council event coordinator, you were either neck deep in documents or tucked in the seclusions of the rooftop.
But due to the proud morning announcements and the hushed whispers of admiration, Jungkook never really strayed too far from your orbit. Referred to as the school's golden boy, Jungkook was loved by everyone. He was friends with members from the fashion department to the swim team to the gardening club—Hell, even the occult club. Teachers and students alike wore lenses of adoration for their school’s pride and joy while you tried your best to look away. He may have been in your orbit, but you were two different worlds, encapsulated by the universe but separated by light years of meteors and stars. Jungkook was a nameless planet to you, as you were to him. You never brought yourself to think about it—never had the time for anyway, so seeing him there, floating with the drifting clouds, even you felt a tad bit shaken.
“—kook...Jungkook, hey, Jungkook! I’m gonna go get my assignment with Mr. Kim. Come with?” He blinks profusely, averting his attention from you to the girl wearing raised brows. “Uh, no thank you. Breaks gonna end soon anyways, I think I’ll stay up here. See you after school though?”
“After school,” she clicks her tongue, waving before disappearing down the stairs. Taehyung lingers for a second longer, his eyes flickering to you. “Well I’ll see you next period, Jeon. Bye, y/n." With that, the door shuts behind them, welcoming an air of awkward silence.
Jungkook is the first to clear his throat, “hi, its been awhile," his earrings dangled with his every nervous movement, and you wondered when he'd gotten all his piercings. "Y-Yeah, its been awhile..." you repeat densely as you watch him take the spot Taehyung left, respecting a distance but not standing too far away. He rests his forearms on the metal railing, his elbow barely brushing yours. “Do you usually come up here?"
"Only during lunch."
He hums, "that explains why I never see you."
You frown, both in curiosity and confusion. "You look for me?"
“I-I don’t!” He sputters too quickly. “I just...its just an observation. We’re in the same year after all, and you’re never with the rest of the student council members.” Your brows raise in amusement, “that's surprising.”
“What is?”
“I didn’t think you remembered my name—honestly didn’t think you even remembered I existed.”
“Of course I remember,” he chuckles, “we’ve been friends for 17 years. How could I forget?”
“14 years,” you reminded softly, “we’ve been friends for 14 years.”
A star in Jungkook’s eyes must have died out when you smiled sadly at him. “Oh...right...” he rubs the nape of his neck, sighing. “This is strange, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” you agree, “strange.” And there it is again. Spring’s momentary silence. You watch as the sun slowly disappears behind sailing clouds. Talking to Jungkook, being alone next to him, was maybe even a little bit uncomfortable. After all, you guys had so much history—where do those film rolls of sun seeped memories go? It was as if they floated all around you, tying your fingers together like the red string of fate. After all those years of suppressing them, it was intoxicating, adamant to be remembered.
“This reminds me of middle school,” Jungkook brings your head back from the sky. “In 5th grade, the highest we could go was at the top of the garden shed. We spent all our breaks there, staring at clouds, complaining about Mr. Lim being too grouchy, or wondering where we'd go after school—what ice cream flavor we’d get at the convenience store. Do you remember?”
"Of course I do," despite yourself, your heart softens to the recollection. It was your secret hiding spot, blocked by the slant of the roof and the trees barricading the other side. The sky, wind, and Jungkook had been your only escape from the problem solving in math and the problem solving you had to do on your own when you were 10, wondering what the budget for that week's grocery would be. “We thought we were so cool, that we were on top of the world.”
“Correction, you thought you were so cool. You even promised to show me your own space ship, remember?”
“God, please don’t,” you groan, covering your face with your palms. You knew exactly where this was going, and you guessed Jungkook still knew exactly how to embarrass you. “You told me you were a space—“
“—adventurer!” You beamed a toothy grin, two hands proudly on your hips. Jungkook looked up at you with sparkling eyes, pupils as large as beloved full moons. “You mean...an astronaut?”
Your smile immediately drops into a disappointed frown. You demanded upmost reverence, so you didn’t really appreciate it when he questioned you. “No, no. Not an astronaut. A space adventure. s-p-a-c-e a-d-v-e-n-c-h-u-r-r. Gosh, Kookie. If you want me to bring you along in my journeys, you have to keep up.” Jungkook only nodded, trying his best to stifle a chuckle. He won the 3rd grade spelling bee, so he was at least 85% confident the word adventurer didn't have a 'ch' in it.
He decided to let it go though. He knew—the same way he knew that you’d certainly cry if he corrected you—that you were afraid of heights. If it took weeks to encourage you to finally climb a roof, he was the certain you wouldn’t be able to handle the height of the galaxy. But then again, he always had a soft spot for you. “I’m building a space ship right now actually! Its called the Bon Voyage. When it's finished, I’m going to Pluto. You won’t believe how big space is. There are strawberries there!"
Jungkook’s eyes widened at your silly declaration, and even then, he felt sad. He knew that being a space adventurer—being able to maneuver gravity and time on your own whims—was only an innocent imagination of escapism, but still. Every single time you’d flinch when a hand was brought up near you, every time you’d pull on your jacket despite it being hot, he wished your imagination could be real. Wished he could make it real for you—keep you safe from earth and all your troubles.
“I’d like to see the strawberries.. with you,” Jungkook smiled softly. You grinned, and it was the most precious thing Jungkook saw as you stuck your pinky finger out. “Then it’s settled, I’m taking you with me.”
“To pluto?” He wrapped his small finger with yours, and you sealed it with your thumbs pressed against each other's. “To pluto!”
Jungkook was in a fit of laughter, and despite burying your face further into your hands, you couldn't help but smile. “I can’t believe you knew I was lying. God, I must’ve looked like a total idiot.” His elbows were pressed against yours now, sending a surge of warmth to your heart at the familiar skin ship. Jungkook must have not noticed, for he only kept giggling, and you certainly wouldn't bring it up. “It was cute, really. The strawberries and everything. It was really cute.”
"Whatever, Jungkook," you rolled your eyes, and uncovering your eyes, you looked at him. Truly looked at him this time. His smooth, unwrinkled uniform. His hair that grew over time, kissing past his eyelashes and swaying with the wind. The tiny mole peeking under his bottom lip, the familiar scrunch of his nose as he grinned widely. The speckled brown of his eyes were so warm, almost dreamlike against the golden sun. Under long years of an uncalled contact, of an untouched hand, of a voiceless wonder—‘how have you been?’ ‘what was on your mind today?’—you saw the Jungkook you once knew, your dearest friend. And with his smile, you found your heart aching and full at the same time.
The alarm jolts the both of you, severing spring’s heartbeat as loud chatter and footsteps disrupt the moment from open windows.
You only stare at each other for a brief second before you give a half smile, “that's the bell, we should go.” Without waiting for an answer, you followed the pace of the rest of school, but before you could take a step down the staircase, Jungkook takes your hand. His grip isn’t tight or rough. Its gentle, reluctant. You turn around, and the sun is behind him, kissing the back of his head with its golden, stray flakes.
"What is it?" You furrowed your brows. “I...its just..." It takes a moment before Jungkook speaks, cheeks tinged with a faint red. "Y/n I, I miss—”
“Jungkook,” you interrupt in masked panic, averting your eyes as you pulled your hand back. In truth, you were scared. Finals week would be soon and you didn’t think you could handle any more mental strain than you already had, especially not with him. “I-I think we’re going to be late.” Jungkook eyes widen for a second, stricken with dejection. He mumbles, “right...”
You don’t dare to look at him, turning away, you say, “it was nice talking to you again. Bye, Jungkook.”
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The second time you see Jungkook again, the spring showers are sharp against your skin. You had just gotten off from your 6 hour shift, and where the sunset hues of timid pink and vibrant yellow were supposed to be, the overcast sky was instead. It's been about 30 minutes since you clocked off, but you knew your dad was home, so you decided to take the long way back.
It didn't matter that you were a blur of blue walking in grey tainted streets. Didn’t matter that the downpour soaked your clothes or that cars occasionally splashed you with murky road puddles. You could be anywhere, and anywhere would be better than where your dad was.
Droplets drooped down your eyelashes, dribbling down onto your phone. It’s screen illuminated your color drained face. You stared at Taehyung’s contact, biting your lip nervously.
hey taehyung, can i come over? if that's possible of course|
hey taehyung, can i come over? i|
hey taehy/
i need you|
Your thumb hovered over the tempting, blue send button. Press it, Y/n. Just press it. (But would he mind?) He said it was okay to ask for help. (But... what if he's busy right now?) It's okay to ask. (You'd just be bothering him. If you're too needy, he'll push you away, you know that.) Just press the damned—
“Y/n!” A hand reaches your back, and although it was a mere brush, you yelp in alarm, instantly stumbling back. When you're sure you're about to be submerged into a puddle, a hand firmly grasps your forearm, steadying you as the said person pulls you closer to them. The rain stops—or rather, patters against an umbrella now hovering over you. Your eyes flutter from the hand holding you to the hand holding the umbrella handle, and lastly, the holder.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Jungkook half laughs. When you don’t reply, your mouth only agape, he adds, “are you okay?” It takes you a moment before you nod. You were close, as close two people could be under a small umbrella (or was it because Jungkook has gotten really big?), so you take a step back. But before you could feel even one raindrop on your face again, Jungkook pulls you back into him, “I don’t want you getting sick, y/n.”
“I’m already soaked anyways,” you frown, but he only disregards you. “Where are you heading?”
When his brows threatened to crease, you add, “Got off work a few minutes ago, I was just taking a stroll.” Jungkook opened his mouth, and you were sure he was going to say something in the lines of, “in the rain? have you gone mad?” But to your surprise, he doesn’t. Instead, his fingers intertwine with yours. “My homes not far. Come with me?”
"Your...home?” You repeat dumbly, disregarding how warm his hand was—how you missed it, how right it felt in yours. “Yeah, if thats okay with you. If not, then mind if I walked with you?” You pause, taking in Jungkook’s attire. What he was doing in a button down, black trousers, and sleek shoes, you didn’t know—but his dry state save for the few droplets on his clothes meant that he'd much rather prefer to be under a roof. You weren’t sure if he was going to take no for an answer, and being under shelter did sound pleasant. At least, more pleasant than being in wet socks. “Okay,” you say, “take me home.”
When you arrive, you're relieved to discover Mr. and Mrs. Jeon are on a business trip. You missed the Jeons, truly—they were the only family you’ve ever known, but you didn’t think you were ready to see them again.
You remembered Jungkook’s house being an absolute palace when you were a child—modernized with elegance adorned with a scenic garden and a clean landscape—but it still didn’t fail to leave your jaw agape. Expansive was always an understatement. “Here, get changed,” Jungkook hands a towel, an oversized sweater and sweatpants, and of course, fuzzy socks. You only nodded as he led you through the familiar halls to his room. “Just call for me when you’re done, kay?”
“Mm,” you mumbled, still in a daze even after he left. Bittersweet nostalgia filled your nostrils with the scent of vanilla and almonds, a soy candle he still apparently loves. It's only been three years since you’ve last set foot on his grey, hardwood floors, but you still noticed the subtle changes. Instead of pokemon action figures—burnished, golden trophies filled his glass shelves. They were only a few Jungkook was really proud of, otherwise his room would be brimmed with his accomplishments.
Picture perfect polaroids capturing euphoric memories and cheerful grins scattered Jungkook's walls. A refined stereo set replaced the bright blue boom box of your childhood, the one covered with doraemon stickers and scratches. Memories of 4th grades' January flooded your mind, when the blandness of the month was disrupted with color as the two of you jammed to Ego by JHOPE on repeat. Jungkook may have added and taken a few things out, but you found anchor in what stayed the same. His plants that hung from the ceiling were still there, ivies draped with growth over the past years. Kim Namjoon, Jungkook’s long time idol, smiled from a framed poster on his wall. Everything was still polished with his neatness, a habit you had always commended him for.
As you dried your damp hair, a photo frame catches your eye, sitting on the side of his bookshelf. Your breath catches in your throat. You slowly walk to the dainty item, painted white and blue to resemble noon skies. In the corner of the frame ignited a bright, pale limerence. Sparks of vivid blue and tangerine whipped through the wooden confines. You felt your heart thump against your chest. It was a—
"Daytime shooting star!" You gleamed, holding a paint brush into the sky, the handle rough from years of dried paint. It was a hot summer day, a few weeks after the end of seventh grade. Cicadas sung adamant songs through Jungkook's cracked open window as the two of you sat on his floor, blanketed with a fuzzy iron man carpet.
He looked at you quizzically, "a daytime shooting star?" As far as Jungkook knew, there was no such thing. "Yeah," you chirp. "That's you, Kook. You're my daytime shooting star." Jungkook nearly dropped his paint brush then, risking his favorite carpet as he looked at you, wide eyed with stun. You were wearing his t-shirt as per usual, your face smudged with blue paint and an innocent smile. Jungkook hated you for it.
It was always your choice of words—my Jungkook, my Kook, my Kookie, and now, my daytime shooting star—that he swore would be the death of him every single time. He didn't even know what you meant, but he didn't care, because being called yours was enough to kill him.
"Th-Thats stupid," he mumbled as he looked away, a futile attempt to hide his burning cheeks. "That doesn't even make sense." When the air shifted to silence, Jungkook immediately regretted his words. He quickly turned back around, fearing he accidentally hurt your feelings due to his own fluster. Maybe that was when Jungkook realized you really had grown up since the 6th grade, because this time, tears didn't drip down your cheeks. Instead, your eyes were curious and doe as you tilted your head to your side. "Does it matter?"
“A lot of things don’t make sense, but does it have to matter?” You frowned.
“I-I don’t—”
“I like you a lot, Kook,” and though you weren't at the least bit shy saying so, Jungkook’s emotions exploded everywhere. “I don’t think you need reasons to like someone, but you’re my daytime shooting star, Kook, and that's my reason. Can't I just like you? Does it...does it have to make sense?”
It felt like light years as Jungkook stared, red as he looked into the golden specks of your eyes, glinting from the blazing sun. “I-I don't know,” he gulped, his voice small. He was going to leave it at that at first. He didn't know what to say—what he could say. His mind was as clumsy and berserk as a deflating balloon to your previous words, but when he saw your sullen eyes and mopey pout, he felt an inadvertent panic in his gut.
His eyes shifted to his boom box. Etched on the side of the speaker was Doraemon, giving him a childish wink and thumbs up. Jungkook groaned in annoyance and you looked up, curious as he scratched the back of his head. "M-maybe we could...see it," he mumbled, barely grumbling, but your heart leapt with every syllable of his words. "Someday, together. The—"
“Daytime shooting star.”
You jumped, instantly whirling around to see Jungkook leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed over his torso. His eyes were soft, as if his gaze itself caressed you. “Y-You...” your thumb grazed the flimsy wood. “You still have this.”
“Yeah, and I still don’t have a photo,” he chuckled, making his way towards you. “14 years of friendship and you’d think we’d finally have a perfect picture to put in the frame.” It was pretty silly now that you thought about it. Despite spending a whole summer’s day decorating the item with childlike ambivalence, you never allowed Jungkook to slide a photo in it. No, it couldn’t just be any glossy photograph. You fussed over the concept of a perfect portrait, but nothing ever satisfied you enough, and with each passing year, it must've slipped your mind.
“I don’t get it... We haven’t talked for like, three years, and you still have this?”
"Does it have to make sense that I did?” Jungkook tilted his head, his eyelids lowering to look down at you. You open your mouth to reprimand him for using your words against you, but no words come out. Fuck. You swear it was his eyes—you’ve always said they were full of magic when you were children. It must’ve been that damned spellbinding luster that stole your voice. “What did you mean?” Jungkook takes a tentative step forward.
“Huh?” It came out like a breath.
Maybe it was the dim incandescence of the room, complementing the silhouette of his sculpted physique. Maybe it was the fact that the cloth he wore seemed too thin, too tense around his biceps and broad shoulders. Maybe it was because his first three buttons were left unclasped, teasing the faint outline of his chest. Or maybe it was the fact that you were so used to being in eye level with him—hell, looking down at him in the earlier points of your life. But you realized then, as Jungkook stared at you with a glint you couldn’t seem to quite recognize, how small you felt in front of him. Under him.
“When you said I was your daytime shooting star. You never explained it to me, what you meant,” Jungkook takes one final step forward, and the distance between you is insignificant. You don’t move—didn’t even think you could with your back pressed against his bookshelf. You could only return his gaze, doe eyes wavering beneath his. “What I meant to you...what I still mean to you.”
Your breath hitches, “Kook...”
“Fuck, I missed that,” his voice is low, breathless as his fingers brush your cheeks. “So fucking much, Y/n. I missed you calling my name, whatever you say. Kook, Kookie, Jungkook—I don’t care, just missed your voice, I still do. Don’t you know? Everyday, how much I long for you?”
Your eyes widen at his assertion. Wherever this was coming from, you didn't have the heart to stop it. "J-Jung—"
“—I miss you, Y/n. Any time I'm not around you it hurts and every time I am it hurts even worse.” His voice is so gentle, you fear he could hear the rhythm of your heart beat, palpitating with the heavy raindrops against his window.
“Why....why did you push me away?”
The waves were restless that cold, autumn night—you saw it through the fogged window of the train. Exhaustion tugged your eyes and your muscles screamed with every movement. As the train tracks rumbled beneath you, you wondered if you were even alive anymore, at least, it didn’t feel like it. All that was certain to you was the midnight stars outside, following you no matter where you went.
You didn’t know when the train entered the station, sighing to a stop as the doors slid open with a loud gush. It was probably 2am—Maybe 3, and the carts didn’t hold people this time around. At least you didn’t think it did, you honestly didn’t have the energy to even think about it. You only wondered how further you could go without knowing exactly how far you already went. Your neck ached from your head hanging low, and if it was cold, you didn’t feel it. All you felt was numb. An aching, dull pain eating away at your heart.
It was when you heard rushed heaves and loud footsteps that your eyes widened to see a familiar pair of green converse stop in front of you. You lift up your head to see Jungkook, cheeks red either from crying or the cold, maybe both. His brows were deeply furrowed as he crouched down, his hands gripping your shoulders.
“C-Can you hear me, Y/n? Are—are you okay?” You only nodded. He felt like a mirage, a dream.
You didn’t know what he saw in you that caused the droplets of sorrow to drip from his eye—whether it was the bruises covering your body, or the deep eye bags from restless nights at work—but it made you sad, how he looked at you. You wished he’d stopped. You wished you could be so far away that he didn’t have to look at you anymore.
“You’re, fuck, you’re freezing,” Jungkook quickly pulls his coat off and swathes it around you. “I’m sorry, y/n. I’m so sorry I didn’t get here earlier.” You shook your head, your dull headache being replaced with confusion. “Why are you even apologizing, Kook? H-How did you even find me? Why are you even here?” You had turned off your cell the whole day and gave no indication to where you’d be. You didn’t even tell Jungkook how you were feeling, it made no sense to see him there, holding you.
“We’re soulmates remember? Of course I’d know,” Jungkook tries his best to give a smile. “I’m here because you are. Just—look, lets get you out of here first okay?” Before you can tell him you can walk by yourself, he lifts you up, taking your hand as he leads you out. “The next train back to Seoul arrives in 8 minutes,” Even when Jungkook and you sit down on a bench, he doesn’t let go. He’s shaking, you realize, with his fingers intertwined with yours. It was as if he wanted to hold you tighter, but he was afraid. Afraid of what? Afraid of hurting you? Or afraid of you hurting him if you slip out of his grasp any further?
“How did you know?” You begin again. “I told you I was sick, I called the school too. A-and how did you even know where I was?”
“You called in sick for three days Y/n,” he frowns, “and you haven’t texted me once. I was so worried, fuck, I was so fucking worried when I went to your house to see that you weren't there. All my calls went straight to voice mail, and I saw...I-I saw the shattered beer bottles, the blood. I-I panicked, even thought of calling the police,” when your face goes rigid, he assures you, “of course I wouldn’t though, I would never do that you. But anyway, it took me awhile to guess, and I wasn’t even sure—just started running. I imagined you’d definitely be in a space ship to Pluto right about now, but I took a risky bet on the train station. You know, being much more accessible to us and all.” When Jungkook finishes light heartedly, you give a dry laugh, “you know me so well, Koo."
His small grin falls shortly as silence does, rubbing soothing circles with his thumb on your hand. When he speaks again, his voice is quiet, sad, “You always...you always said you’d bring me. We’re a team aren’t we? You and me, I-I thought...I would’ve been there, Y/n. You know I'd be there for you in a heartbeat. Don't you trust me?”
"Of course I trust you, Kook," you quickly assure him through your thin veil of tears. It hurt too much to know you were the reason for the crack in his voice, for the ache in his heart, for his glazed eyes. You couldn't stand his pity, but you couldn't stand being the source of his grief either. "Then why didn't you call me..? All I ever wanted was to be there for you, all I ever want is to be by your side, y/n. Why won't you just let me help you?”
“Because you don’t understand, Kook,” you croak. “You don't understand how hard it is for me—how hard it's always been. It'll only ever always be like this, and I-I can't just...fuck Kook, I can't just depend on you every time I get hurt. My problems are for me to sort out, I have no one but myself.”
“But you have me, y/n," the tears you fought so hard to hold back falls when Jungkook covers both your cheeks with his hands. The boy inhales sharply, trying to calm himself from crying any longer as he presses his forehead against yours. "It hurts me so much when you talk like that, y/n. You have me, you always have me. A-and it scares me because sometimes it just feels like I don't have you, that I never did and—"
"You’ve been so distant lately," his breath is shaky and hot against your skin. "....It feels like you’re going to leave me. Please, don’t. Don't leave me behind like this, y/n.” You don't say anything else, too overwhelmed with his heartache beating with yours. In that cold autumn night, all you could do was cry in his arms.
The train arrives shortly.
“Lets go home," Jungkook murmurs sweetly against your skin. He kisses your forehead softly, and when he does, it feels like you already are home.
“Come here,” he grins, standing up with his hand out. You take it. “Have you eaten yet? I can make us food when we get back. What would you like?”
“Honestly? Just ramen.” Jungkook groans as you step inside the desolate train cart. “You know I could cook something way better for us."
"Nothing is better than ramen with eggs, Kook," you chide, giggling when Jungkook rolls his eyes. You take your hand away from him, and Jungkook tenses, only to relax when you cup his cheek once more. “But seriously, thank you, Jungkook. For everything. For worrying, being here for me, for finding me." He smiles, his eyes like crescent moons luminescent with love as he looks down at you, "always.”
"You said you'd do anything for me right?”
“Of course, anything, y/n.”
“Then please stop after this," you keep your small smile even as Jungkook's brows furrowed with confusion. You said it so simply, so plainly that he thought he might have heard you wrong. "What do you...?"
“Nothing will change after this. Nothing. I can't escape from my life, I can't escape from debt or my dad no matter how hard I try—and being the cause of your anxiety won't help me. I don't need a savior, and I don't think you need me holding you back either. We're burdening each other Kook.” With a heavy gush, the train doors start sliding shut and before Jungkook can even comprehend your words, you step out. “Don't have worry about me anymore, okay?”
“W-Wait— y/n—!” He’s quick to run, but it's too late. The doors slide shut, finally severing the thin red string of fate that held the two of you.
The rain falls with your tears as you cry into your hands, guilt washing over you like tidal waves. You remember his face the most, how heartbreak and betrayal etched with the dying fade of his smile. How you left him that day, how you left him everyday after that.
“I-I was just so tired, so tired of everything. I... I'm so sorry I pushed you away. I just didn't want you to worry about me anymore. You were always so good, everything about you, and I was scared I was holding you back and...and it hurt too much to stay knowing I was." Jungkook’s arm wrapped around your waist as his other hand gently pulled your head to his body. You're too stunned to move, but when you gather yourself, you decide you don't want to. You just cry, burying your face into his chest, your hands tightening around his shirt.
"I never once stopped thinking about you, y/n," he mumbled into your hair. "I never once not worried, never once not looked for you, and you—god, y/n—you never once held me back. Silly girl, don’t you know you were the only one who kept me together?” Jungkook lets out a noise, somewhere in between a sigh and a groan as he lowers his head onto your shoulder, "I did everything, anything to keep myself distracted from you. Competitions, sports, art, studies, friends.” His soft hair tickled your jaw as he nuzzled closer into the crook of your neck. “But I couldn’t, y/n, it was always you, it was never not you. Do you know how torn I was, watching you and not being able to talk to you? To hold you, be afraid of losing you even more than I already had?"
The pitter-pattering of the rain against the rooftop fills the voice you can’t seem to conjure. "Did you ever miss me?” Jungkook pulls away, and your eyes lock with his under the blue world. You realize then, by looking at him, just how scared he was. If you pushed him away again, he didn’t know what he’d do.
Reluctantly, you bring your hand to sweep Jungkook's tousled bangs away, brushing your fingers against the shell of his ear. "I did," you whisper, and more clearly, "I-I did, of course I did.” When Jungkook doesn't respond, your hand trails down his neck ... to his shoulders ... to his chest. "Do you hate me?"
Jungkook inhales sharply, "N-no." He could never.
"Your heart is beating so fast.... are you afraid?"
"I am."
"I am too," you lift his hand and place it against your own chest, laying it atop your own heartbeat. Thump, thump, thump, you don’t catch the pink of his cheeks when you’re too busy staring at the sad stars in his eyes. "I was too, back then. I know it's selfish, and i-i'm sorry I hurt you, but I hope you understand what kind of position I was in. I was so young, so scared—I just wanted to be alone, felt like it was a way to protect myself from anything else that could hurt me. I’m different now, I think, more stable—whatever that is," you chuckle dryly. "I can’t promise I won’t push you away, but I won’t leave anymore, really, s-so...."
Jungkook's eyes soften, his lids lowering when you say, "Can you trust me?"
"Of course," Jungkook breathes, “always.”
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"Just go to sleep already, Jeon."
You've been repeating yourself for the past 3 hours, watching him restlessly saunter around his room. "...swear i’m missing something, I just don't know what..." Jungkook, like the countless of other times, dismissed you as he continued to tap his finger on his chin, mumbling to himself in intense focus. It was only when you’ve finally had enough, groaning and hurling a tissue box at him—which he instantly caught with ease—that he finally noticed your glare. "What was that for?"
"I said just go to sleep already!" You exhaled frustratedly, "you packed your whole room at this point, Kook. I swear you have, like, triple of everything you don't even need—so for the thousandth time, could you please just shut the lights?" It's been a few weeks since that one spring evening, and time started ticking again with Jungkook by your side. It took you awhile to adjust to his company, it was odd—but everything was odd at this point. Odd but comforting when Jungkook started visiting the rooftop every lunch, odd but reassuring when he'd pick you up after every shift, and odd but exciting to spend the night with him before the anticipated field trip to Jeju island. The four days were a granted escape before the tumultuous finals of the upcoming winter. Even you were a bit eager to go, having finally taken a justified leave off work.
"Fine, fine, but if I do end up forgetting something important, I blame you," Jungkook huffs, sauntering to the light switch. “Go ahead,” you roll your eyes, and with a small click!, a satisfied sigh escapes your lips. “Finally,” You snuggled into his pillows, but when the bed dips down right next to you, you realized you had forgotten to ask Jungkook to shut his mouth as well. "Will you sit next to me on the way there?" You squinted to the darkness, raising your brows at the silhouette of his figure. "Jungkook, you're literally my only friend, do you even need to ask?" He chuckled, "but will you? We don't have to sit with my friends if you don't want to."
You hummed, thinking as Jungkook carefully brushed loose strands of hair away from your face, the warmth of his fingers trailing down the side of your neck. You were reluctant about being seen with Jungkook at first, but the choice wasn't left to you when his friends spotted you and him at the library sometime ago. It honestly wasn't as bad as you expected, and more surprisingly, you even clicked with a few with them. Seokjin was one you gravitated to the most, being a truly funny and charming senior that you felt you could look up to. "No, it's fine. I like your friends." Jungkook’s head perked up, and the darkness captures the bright twinkle in his eyes. "Really, you do?" You smile, knowing how happy that must have made him. "Really, I do. Now can we please go to sleep? I'd like to be at least remotely awake for the first day."
“Okay, okay, grumpy head," a bunny like grin appears on his face as pinches your cheek, chuckling when you only grumble in return.
He strokes your hair down one last time before placing a kiss on your forehead. “Good night, y/n.”
"Good night, Kook," the reassuring warmth of his skin leaves yours, and you hear him shuffle in his own mattress on the floor. It's been awhile since you've felt like this, so safe. Though it didn't necessarily matter, being with Jungkook was different with Taehyung, you noticed. When it came to Taehyung, it was as if all your problems could dissipate with his touch. That for a moment, they could just disappear.
When it came to Jungkook, though, your problems were still there. They existed, they were real, and yet, when you with him, it felt like everything would be okay. He was like a breath fresh air, and you felt like you could get through anything—whatever it may be, as long as he was there. With that thought, you slowly, but surely, drifted to sleep.
ringgggg!! ringgg!!! ringggg!!
What happened afterwards came in fragments of fuzzy memories, distorted with exhaustion. It was the phone ringing first, then it was the shuffle of Jungkook rising from his mattress. The ringing, his heavy yawn, the ringing, groggy footsteps, the ringing, the clatter of the drawer—and finally, silence. "Y/n...?" His voice barely reached where your mind was, deep inside the depths of whatever dream dimension you were in. "Y/n," he said again. No reply. "Y/n... Y/n!"
"What?!" You groaned, lazily sitting up with a snarl and a bed head. The ringing starts again and you rub your eyes to where your phone screen illuminated Jungkook's face. "What is it?" You mumble, a little concerned to his expression. "God, is it Mrs. Joomi again? I just paid this month’s rent like a few d—"
"Mr. Kim."
You freeze. The two, single words are akin to iced buckets of water being splashed onto your face, instantly waking you up.
"Taehyung with a heart and moon emoji—but that's Mr. Kim, isn't it? In that photo? That's his first name." Your heart lurches forward. 태형☽<3, displaying a low quality photo of him that you secretly took while he was preparing breakfast. It was once a happy morning, and this was once a happy night—disrupted by its forbidden rays of joy.
When Jungkook finally looks at you through the stark darkness, you can only stare back, your heartbeats filling the silent stun of your dry throat. The bubbly melody stops, and when you don't say anything, Jungkook's voice grows louder, "Y/n what—what the hell is this? Why is Mr. Kim calling you at 3am? Why do you have a photo of him? Why is his contact—"
"J-Jungkook," You nervously moved to sit on the front edge of the bed, attempting to speak as calmly as you can. Jungkook would understand...right? He wouldn't tell, he couldn't. He knows you, your financial situation. It was okay. "Remember when you asked me not to push you away? Well, this is me letting you in. This is me trusting you Jungkook, so please just hear me out." Under the moonlight's glower, you see the bob of his adam's apple rise and fall. "Taehyung, he—"
"Taehyung?" You wince, the acidity of his voice like bitter poison. "I-I mean, Mr. Kim. M-Mr. Kim, he...helps me."
"Helps you?" Jungkook scoffs. "At 3am? How could he—" Suddenly, Jungkook's eyes go wide. "Y/n, you don't mean..."
You nod stiffly, "he gives me money in exchange for....i-its consensual! He helps me," your cheeks heat up, hating yourself for allowing this to happen, having to explain yourself. “A-anyway the point is, you won't tell anyone, right? You understand, don't you, Kook?"
"Understand?! Y/n—he’s a teacher! He's seven fucking years older than us—are you stupid, what were you thinking?!" The sting of his words ring in your ears like a harsh slap across your face. Throughout your years together, Jungkook had barely had the heart to scold you, so you were more than unprepared for his hurtful words. Your shock quickly subdues into anger though, and you stand up, “what I was thinking? What I was thinking?! I don't know Kook, maybe thinking about my fucking electric bill! Thinking about how to pay off debt—how to buy food for fuck's sake! I've looked after myself my whole life, and this is no different."
"Still—This is wrong, y/n! You know that! There are other ways like, like—"
"Like what Jungkook?!" You're in front of him now, pushing at his chest. "Working my ass off in nine to fives? Well I do that, Kook, every fucking day and yeah, a fucking disappointment for me too that it's not enough. You could never know how its like for me, but out of everyone, you're supposed to...! You’re supposed to understand,” you chuckle bitterly, shaking your head as a futile attempt to shake the hot tears away.
"Y/n...” Jungkook’s anger diminishes into a frustrated panic. He tries to reach for you, hold you, anything to keep you from crying because of him—but you turn away, and despite himself, he couldn’t help but feel guilty. He sighs harshly, his voice much softer now, “I just—out of all these years, you could've asked me. I was always there, y/n, and you never accepted me. I know we talked about this already, but the fact that...” He shakes his head, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I do understand, but I was always here. I was your best friend, why did you have to go to him? Am I...am I that unreliable to you?"
Your own heart sinks for him this time, quickly shaking your head. “No, Kook. I-It's not like that. I'm sorry this has to be so complicated, that i've made you feel small. You are reliable, Jungkook. You're my safe place, my person—always have been. I appreciated you so much but you need to understand how terrible it felt for me back then. I hated being pitied by you. You’re my friend, not a fucking philanthropist."
Jungkook takes your hand this time, "I never wanted to help you because I pitied you, y/n. You were always so strong, I don't think you could ever be someone I could pity. I wanted to help because I cared for you, loved you, and it breaks my heart knowing that you went through such lengths when you could've turned to me."
You sigh, threading your hands over the back of his hair. "It was all just circumstantial, Kook. Taehyung found me at a really low point in my life. I didn't search for it, but he was there and i’m thankful for yim, so please Jungkook, please." Your eyes wavered beneath his sad stare, hoping, pleading. Jungkook bites on his lip, cursing, "look...I won't tell on you if that's what you're thinking. I would never do that to you, i'm just worried. He's calling you at nearly 4am, y/n—shit, h-has he hurt you? Did he ever make you do anything you didn't want to?" Jungkook looks frantic for a second, but you quickly shake your head. "N-no! No, god no, he's never hurt me! You know him Kook, Tae would never hurt me." You miss how you even said Tae or how Jungkook's jaw clenched to it.
"I won't say anything, y/n, at least...not yet. You have to end it."
"He took advantage of you in a low position in your life, y/n."
"N-No Kook, you don't understand!"
"It's not your fault, y/n, it's completely his. He's the adult here, it was wrong. You have to end this."
"But I can't! The money, Kook, you know I can't."
"Then let me help you," he steps closer. Your hands slide to his chest now, shaking your head. "No, Jungkook, my answer has been no and its still no. I refuse to be your charity case," you scoff. "Then you're not going to be. I'll pay you to sleep with me too."
Your eyes instantly shoot open. What..?
"I'll pay you to sleep with me," he repeats calmly. "Anytime you need it, anytime I want it, and I'm certain I'll be able to give you more than whatever Mr. Kim could." Your mouth only hangs open, words dying in your dry throat.
"What's wrong?" Jungkook asks, taking a step closer. This time, you take a step back. "If you were fine with doing it with Mr. Kim, shouldn't it be fine with me?"
"N-No," your voice is barely a shaky whisper. More clearly, "No, Jungkook. I can't just—we just started talking again. You're my only friend, I won't ruin us just for—"
"I won't let anything happen to us, I promise y/n."
"You don't have to worry about it, okay? Plus, isn't this situation more ideal? You'd get paid more and you wouldn't have to rely on—"
"I love him!"
Its Jungkook's turn to be silent. "What..?"
"I love him Kook," you croak, heat overwhelming your cheeks.
"I know it's wrong, I know he seems like an asshole but he's not. I know him, Kook, and i’m mature enough to know myself too. I made my decision back then, and I keep making it today because...I love him." You can’t help but feel your anguish trickle down your eyes, and you cry into your hands. That’s it then. It’s done. You’ve finally admitted it, yet despite the burden of the untold truth lifting—you felt heavier, worse. By now, Jungkook would’ve pulled you into a warm embrace. He’d hush you with soothing murmurs and delicate kisses on your forehead. He’d trail his fingers through your hair, tell you that he knew, that he gets it, that it was okay. But he doesn’t. He couldn’t. You were crying for another man, and all he could feel was ache.
Your phone rings once more, and from the night stand, you see Taehyung’s figure on the dimmed screen. You reluctantly look at Jungkook, but when he doesn’t say anything, his expression unreadable, you take it. "H-hello?"
"Hey, doll," Taehyung's voice is low. "I’m sorry I keep calling, I feel really shit for waking you up at this time. I know the Jeju trip is in a few hours, but I just needed to talk to you."
"No, no, its fine. I was already awake anyways, um...what is it?" You turned away from Jungkook, nervously biting on your lip. Despite everything that had unfolded between the two of you, it was strange. Taehyung never called you at this time after all—and him saying you guys needed to talk only heightened your nerves.
"It's better to talk in person. Where are you? I can pick you up." You shake your head, despite not him being able to see you. "N-No, i’ll come over...is that okay?"
"Yeah, of course, I'll see you soon." With that, the call ends. You can feel Jungkook’s eyes on your back—its overwhelming, and you’re scared to face the definite disgust and judgement in his them, so you don’t look at him when lift your bag across your shoulder. "I’m sorry, I...I need to go.”
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Jungkook hasn't seen you since last night. You never showed up at the meeting spot, never answered his calls or texts—never even once read the 68 of them.
He was certain you came, though—he checked in with Mrs. Yoon before boarding, but you were always good at hiding, and Jungkook was always an impatient seeker. The whole process of arriving, checking into the hotel, and splitting into groups was a whole blur that ended in him never finding you. After spending hours exploring the designated routes through antique shops, cute cafes, pretty sceneries, and meadows with his friends, he started to fear that you didn't come after all—that Mrs. Yoon had made a mistake.
Surely, he would've bumped into you at least once through the whole trip. And where the fuck was Mr. Kim? Jeju was supposed to be the pinnacle of his highschool experience. He’d be elated with the giddiness of being out with his friends, kissed with the gift of delicious freedom. But it was 7:46 PM now, and even when he overlooked the vast beach dipped with sunset's entrancing glow, he felt anything but. Not when Seokjin cracked his lame dad jokes, nor when Eunha got him to bike through scenic trails.
Jungkook sighed as the strawberry milk clattered to the bottom of the vending machine. He spotted it tucked away from the corner of the museum his group wandered into. He excused himself, relieved that their chaperone actually trusted him to be by himself. He needed the space.
He poked the straw through the carton, leaning against the cold metal as his eyes gazed over the glistening waves. He hated you. Always leaving him like this, always making him restless and unsure.
It was when he looked for the moon in the dusk sky that he noticed a familiar silhouette amidst the shore. It wavered with the wind, and Jungkook instantly felt his scorn. The man's jeweled hand was holding a cigarette between two fingers, overlooking the ocean with distant eyes.
Fuck the sand, fuck his expensive shoes, fuck everything. Jungkook doesn't know when he starts running, but he doesn't stop.
It all happened so past—the sun would have missed it if not for the perfect view she had just over the excited ripples of the ocean. When Taehyung noticed his presence, it was already too late. Jungkook had grabbed his collar, and without a second of hesitance, punched him across his face. Taehyung fell into the sand with a grunt, cursing loudly. “What the fuck?!” He turned to his perpetrator, his glare quickly diminishing into pure shock to see his own student right in front of him, eyes poisoned with resentment and hatred.
Taehyung's emotions came whirling at him all at once. The confusion, then the anger, the urge to scream at him and punch him until he was left bleeding on the shore—then the mediating side of him, understanding that he'd done more than enough to get his ass fired, why the fuck would he...?—then the realization. He sighs roughly, shaking his head as he stands. He isn't up for long though, as Jungkook takes another swing. Taehyung’s cheeks scream with stinging pain, but Jungkook’s on top of him, and he doesn’t stop.
"You fucking bitch!" Jungkook seethed, barely feeling his fist continuously bury into Taehyung’s face. He knew. He knew how much you loved him, he knew Taehyung helped you. He knew you'd get angry, maybe even hate him for the rest of his life for this—But maybe that's why he couldn't control himself. He didn't care if you thought Taehyung was some angel. To him, Taehyung was just a disgusting predator who took advantage of your situation, and deep down, maybe it was more for a selfish reason. Taehyung was a man who touched you, who had you—who wasn’t him. "You disgusting fuck. Don't ever fucking touch y/n again, you hear me?!" Another hit, but Jungkook is too blinded with anger to realize the scary amount of blood drooling down his nose and lips, from the cuts of his cheeks. "I know," Taehyung rasps.
"If you know then why did you do it?! You’re a fucking creep, you’re disgusting.”
"I know," another hit, and blood stains his shirt. Taehyung curses and grabs Jungkook's fist before he can throw another punch, pushing him into the sand. "You dick, I swear to god, I swear to fucking god I'll fucking kill you." Jungkook thrashes under Taehyung, but the teacher buries both his wrists into the ground, his weight holding the younger boy down.
“Sh-Shit, Look, I know how you must feel about me, and I know I deserve this, but I would much rather avoid being seen like this so I'm going to say this quick and you're going to listen."
"Fuck you," Jungkook growls, glaring at the man on top of him. His eyes were unreadable, almost enigmatic, and Jungkook hated every unwavering speckle of deep brown in it.
"I don't regret it," Taehyung disregards him. "I liked her—y/n—and no matter what you think of me, that stands true. You must like her too, she told me about you some nights. I have to admit, hearing about another boy when she's laying in my own bed wasn't very pleasant for me, but you made her happy. You mean a lot to her," Jungkook shut his eyes tightly, cursing as he tried to get the image of Taehyung holding you in his arms out of his mind. "I know you don't think I care about her, but I do, so just fucking listen for a second okay? I know i'm no good for her, but you aren't either. You're too immature, we both know y/n deserves way more. See where you are now? Right under me when you could be there for her? Have you even seen her today? Have you asked her how she's been?"
"What... what the fuck are you saying."
Taehyung sighs, and stumbles back to stand, wincing as the harsh winds slap his bloodied face. He nimbly looks for his cigarette, and before he lights it, Jungkook grabs his lighter. "I said what the fuck do you mean?!"
"I ended it with her," Taehyung glares at him, his voice firm, cold as he snatches the lighter back. Jungkook feels his heart drop. “You...what?"
There's silence, and when the man turns to look at the sun drowning into the ocean’s abyss, he lights the cigarette, "the fireworks are starting soon." Jungkook's eyes widens. Before he knows it, he's already running.
You’ve always loved the fireworks.
His footsteps that were submerged into sand were now padding against the concrete of the sidewalk, his heart pounding in his ears. A few cars must have honked at him here and there as he ran through the streets, unknowing of his surrounding because all he can think of his getting to his destination—you. He frantically reaches for his phone, panting.
JK : where are you?
my love : my room
my love : 613, 7th floor
JK : on my way.
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At least the fireworks were pretty.
Your eyelids drooped, puffed with drowsy red as you watched the sparkling scene on the balcony of the hotel. Evening's cold breeze teased your bare legs, dancing with the delicate ends of your black, satin nightgown. You were hugging yourself yourself, leaning against the cold railings as sparks of vivid red shatter into memories tainted with heartbreak. The red silk sheets that you grasped tightly beneath you. The red lingerie that Taehyung slid off your skin. The red wine he poured into the pan when you told him you were hungry. You liked watching him the most, you thought as he stood in front of the stove, his eyes trained on the steak. You liked watching him unbutton his top, talk about his day, how he let out loud laughter whenever a funny story would come up. You loved when he unveiled himself for you, when he'd strip off his enigmatic persona bare and let you peer into his soul.
But that's all you ever did, you guessed, all you ever could do. You watched him when he smiled down at you, his cold fingertips brushing your waist, and you watched him as he left.
It must've been 4 minutes into the firework show when you heard the doorbell ring. Sighing, you leave the balcony as yellow ignites the night sky. You open the door to Jungkook, his chest heaving up and down, his hair tousled by wind, beads of sweat sticking to his neck.
When he doesn't say anything, and neither do you, you step aside to let him in. You wonder if he was still angry about last night, how he'd react when you tell him—but with the way he looked down at you, tender eyes dawned with sadness, you already understand you don’t have to. "I know," Jungkook steps closer, pulling you into a hug. His warmth embraces you as darkness does when the door clicks shut. "What happened, I know."
You sighed, closing your eyes. The fireworks sounded so distant compared to his heartbeat. Jungkook must've ran for you, you thought as your buried your face into his chest. Of course he would, he always has. Maybe that certainty is what intoxicates you to murmur, "I'll accept it."
"What you proposed last night, I'll accept it," you say calmly, quietly. You looked up at him with wavering eyes, "please...I need you right now."
Jungkook's heart practically lurched out of his chest. He knew he should take a step back, tell you that you'd end up regretting it and to take it back before it was too late. He knew, but the devil on his shoulder was much more insistent than his angel, and maybe... maybe his angel wanted it too—so fuck it all.
Jungkook took your lips in a magnetic dance, drawing you closer into him with one hand on your lower back and the other behind your head.
God, you were so lovely. How your head lolled for him, soft, plush lips jarred open. Jungkook has always been good at controlling himself when it came to you, but when he heard the slightest whimper escape your trembling lips, he felt he couldn't hold himself back any longer.
He didn't seek for permission to suck your lower lip, didn’t even seek permission to slide his tongue inside your lovely little mouth when you gasped. He held your chin, deepening the kiss. More, more, more—he wanted more of you. He wanted to explore your body, wanted to make your breath tremble, wanted to find out what you liked and disliked under bedsheets. Jungkook wanted to know you better than anyone else had. He wanted you, needed you.
“Kook,” You whimper into him as he pushes you against the wall, holding your thigh up. He grinds his bulge against your clothed cunt, sending wild tremors along your nerves. “F-feels so good.”
“Yeah?” He takes your other thigh, and you yelp as he lifts you up. Your surprise quickly washes out with haze when he buries his thick tent further into you. You let out a moan, wrapping your legs around his torso. “I can make you feel even better.”
The explosions of the fireworks are blurred with the palpitations of your heart as Jungkook lays you on the bed, his lips immediately finding home in yours. "Love how you sound for me, love," Jungkook’s wet, needy kisses trail down your neck...to your collarbones...to your breast. “So pretty like this, always so pretty,” his fingers ghost your sensitive nipples, perked from evening's cold. He doesn't waste any time to take one nipple into his mouth, his fingers playing with the other.
His cold hand trails down your stomach, finally pressing it down your soaked underwear. He smirks, feeling the soaked outline of your pussy lips. “Already so wet for me baby? How cute."
His plush lips leave your nipple with a pop, instead latching onto the crook of your neck. Your eyes go wide when you realize what he's about to do. “Wait, d-don’t! Not th—ah.” He doesn't allow you to finish your sentence, swiftly sliding your underwear out of the way before pressing a hard thumb over your clit. “Don't deny me, y/n,” His voice is low over your whiny moans. He sucks on the supple of your skin as he slides one, slender finger into you, smoothly drawing it in and out while he rolls your little bud with his other. “Please, need to show everyone that you’re mine,” he murmurs, licking his work, perfectly tinged with a pretty pink . “Besides...” he trails, taking note of your arousal dripping down his wrists. “You love this, don’t you?”
“N-No..! I...ah, K-Kook, Kookie..!” Your voice fails you, moans escaping from your trembling lips. “Jungkook s-stop..!” Jungkook frowns against your skin, and he lifts his head up to meet your gaze. “Why not?” His eyes are dark. You try to fight the muddle of your mind as his slow, tentative fingers continue to work on your cunt. “B-Because...because student c-council. It's inappropriate, and your friends will ask, a-and... mm!—“
“Taehyung?” Jungkook says bitterly, but you’re too indulged with the knot in your stomach. You moan loudly, your hands finding anchor wrapped around his biceps. “I'm sure you don’t want Taehyung to see, do you?” Jungkook's pace is furious now, and you barely make out his words through the thick fog of your mind. You feel so close. “Don’t want him to know that you're with me, hm? That i’m finger fucking you into my dumb whore."
His indecent words paint a wild blush on your cheeks. You never knew Jungkook could be like this, could be so mean.
"You know what I think..."
Jungkook lowers himself down between your sweaty thighs, quivering with painful pleasure. "''Think my dumb babygirl wants me to clean her messy little pussy up. Would you like that, love?"
"Y-Yeah," you moan, desperately bucking your hips up, "p-please eat me out, Kook."
"Needy girl," Jungkook lets out a sigh, his pants tightening around his painful hard on. You were so pretty like this, Jungkook swore he could cum just by watching you.
You almost cry when he pulls his fingers away, instead squeezing around your squishy hips. You do cry, though, when he gives your pussy a tantalizing lick, sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body. "Knew my baby girl would taste so sweet," he groans. His tongue circles around your throbbing bud, sucking on it.
"Fuck! K-Kook, I-I can't," you wail, tears falling down your cheeks. Jungkook only flutters his eyes open, watching you with heated eyes as his tongue works on your wet cunt.
"Please, g-gonna cum, please!" Your back arches. Jungkook's hands the only thing anchoring you down.
"Then cum, baby, cum for me." Jungkok's voice is tender, coaxing like warm honey. With his encouragement, your dripping cunt spasms, unfurling your cream all over him. "That's my girl," His attentive tongue takes your sweet release, the embarrassing sound of slurping clouding your brain.
"You were so good for me, baby," He cooes, planting one final kiss on your quivering bud. Your cheeks tinge with a shy pink.
He lifts himself up, carefully laying over you so his forehead is pressed against yours. His eyes search yours under the veil of the moonlight. The fireworks must've stopped along the way, your heavy breaths filling the quiet room. "Tired, love?" Jungkook whispers, and you nod timidly, reaching your arms out to hug him.
Your skin is sticky with sweat like melting ice cream on hot summer days, but Jungkook adores his body pressed against yours. His fingers squeeze your smooth waist, placing gentle kisses on your neck, up your jaw, capturing your lips once more in a slow dance. A thin string line of saliva connects the two of you when he pulls back, and he breaks it off with a gentle graze across your wet lips.
"Think you can continue for me, baby?" Jungkook asks soothingly. "It's okay if you can't, of course. Must've been such a long day for you."
You shake your head, your hand lightly tracing the outline of the small scar on his cheek. You still remember the day he fell off his bicycle, somehow managing to tumble down the hill all the way to the train tracks. It must've been the first time you ever saw him cry.
"I want to."
"Are you sure?" His eyebrows perk up. "Because we really don't have to. I don't ever want you to feel like you have to please me. I know you took my offer, but if you aren't ready or comfortable, nothing has to happen. Believe it or not, pleasuring you already makes me feel euphoric." His words have you melt, gentle as a sweet night's lullaby.
"But I want us to feel good together," you say softly. "Please take me, Kookie. I want you." Jungkook's eyes widen, faint pink blooming on his cheeks, and you watch the stars in his eyes grow brighter with your shy gaze. He lets out a small chuckle, "god, you really don't know what you do to me, y/n."
He places a gentle peck on your lips one last time before rising to his knees, discarding his clothes. You're quick to slip off your nightdress and underwear, and you patiently admire Jungkook's toned physique as he worked to unbuckle his belt. Even the moon was enamored with him, tracing its luminous glow from his broad shoulders to his biceps, wrapping around his slim waist.
Your breath hitches when his dick springs out right in front of you, thick and swollen, oozing pre cum. Jungkook watches you with heated eyes, his hand grazing his dick. "Wow," you breathe, sitting up and replacing his hand with yours. Jungkook's hisses when you stroke his cock, doe eyed to his length that throbbed with neglect. "You're so pretty, Kookie. You're pretty everywhere..."
"I should be the one who's telling you that, darling," he lets out a shaky breath through his smile, his hand finding your cheek. "Now, i’d love for that lovely little mouth of yours to suck my cock, but I feel like i'm gonna explode any minute now, and i'd like to do so inside of you," he chuckles when a furious blush takes your cheeks. You let him push you down, positioning himself in between your legs. He takes his pulsating cock in his hands, sliding his glistening head over your cunt. "Would you like that baby? Want me to cum in this cute little pussy? Wanna take Kook's cum like a good girl?" You feel yourself shy from his words, whimpering, "y-yes please, Kookie."
"Tell me how much you want it, baby."
"S-So bad. Kookie p-please, want you to fill me up."
"Yeah?" Jungkook chuckled, a cocky smirk on his lips that made you tremble. "Think your tiny pussy can even take my cock?"
"Y-Yes, m'pussy wants your cock, p-please Kook!"
"Dirty girl, love it when you beg for me," he pushes the blunt head of his cock into your swelling entrance, already having you see stars by the time he fills you up whole. "You okay?" Jungkook breathes out, his forehead falling against yours. You nodded timidly, "j-just need a little time to adjust."
"Okay, baby, tell me when you're ready." He pecks your nose, letting out a shaky sigh as your walls clench around him. When you do, Jungkook takes your knees, pushing them on either side of you so your legs are spread out wide for him.
He pulls out his whole cock so he could see the flush tip of his cock before plunging back into you. You moan loudly to his even pace, bottoming you out with every thrust.
"F-fuck, been wishing for this forever. Just want to punish this pussy for making me wait for this long."
Harsh skin to skin contact and the squelch of your juices mixing together fills your fuzzy mind. You felt so full, you could practically feel him in your belly. "Shit, you're practically swallowing me. You like this, don't you?"
"Y-yeah, love your cock, Kookie," you moan, his pace growing faster and more unforgiving. "I'm never letting you go after this, fuck y/n. You're mine, you’re so fucking mine. Say it, say you're mine, p-please."
"Yours," you whimper, feeling the familiar tingling ecstasy overwhelm your stomach. "O-Only yours, Kookie."
"That's right, baby, open your mouth." You didn't know exactly why, but you didn't question him. He could tell you to do absolutely anything right now and you'd do it. Your wet lips jar open for him, and Jungkook spits in your mouth, sending a wave of tremor through your body. "Swallow."
You listen, obediently swallowing. "That's my girl."
"Kookie, kookie...m'gonna cum!"
"Again baby? You’re so easy, barely have to do anything and you're spilling." You moan to his words, thrusting in and out of you in a hypnotic pace. "Go on then, baby. Cum for me, make a mess over my balls."
Your whole body tenses, feeling the overwhelming wave wash over you. Eyes rolling to the back of your head, you release around him the second time. "Good girl, baby, so good for me, fuck," Jungkook hisses to your tightening walls squeezing around him, driving himself into your belly until he pours all his cum deep inside of you.
You practically drooled, his load coming out in spurts of thick cream. When he pulls out, your pussy twitches, his cum oozing out. He falls onto your chest, and your heavy pants fill the room.
After awhile, Jungkook lazily pulls you to lay over him. "Okay, baby?"
"Mm," you murmur into his sweaty chest, trying to recollect your breath. You open your mouth to thank him, but a loud explosion takes your voice. In a second, waves of yellow wash the room, then blue, then purple. Your tiredness subdues into drowsy awe. You sit up and Jungkook does too, positioning you on his lap. "I think this is the second show. Timing is fitting don't you think?"
You giggle, and Jungkook sees daylight in your eyes. "Too fitting. I'm starting to think that this was all part of some big plan."
Jungkook rolls his eyes, laughing as he tucks a hair behind your ear. "Silly girl, of course it is." You look at him quizzically. "We're soulmates aren't we? The universe is just celebrating us."
You smile, sighing as you lean into his chest. "Whatever you say, my soulmate." Jungkook's eyes widen. He felt twelve again, dumbstruck euphoria overwhelming his love for you any time you called him yours. His shock settles into a soft smile, holding you in his arms while you watch the fireworks. It takes him awhile to realize your eyes are closed though.
"Sleepy, love? Thought you loved the fireworks."
"I do," you giggle, pushing him down onto the soft mattress. You snuggle into his chest. "Just listening to your heartbeat."
Jungkook blushes. He was going to urge you to clean up, but with you looking so cozy on top of him, he knew you'd much rather rest. He sighs lovingly, stroking your hair. He hasn't felt this happy in awhile. "About your payment, I’ll wire $800 just for tomorrow, but we’ll officially talk about the—"
“Shhhh!” You grumble, burying your head further into him. “Don’t wanna talk about money right now, just let me be with you.”
Jungkook blinks, and you look up to him with a pout. Purple lights up the seoul's night sky, casting an soft glow on Jungkook’s face. He chuckles, thumb brushing your cheeks.
"Needy girl.”
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a/n : wooooo this took the longest time to write. its pretty bulky so whoevers got to this point i love you sosososo and i hope you enjoyed my work ! feedback is welcome and super appreciated, reading comments really do make my day <3 i was thinking of making a sequel/continuation for this but im not so sure ,, we'll see. anyways, i hope you have a lovely day my loves ! stay hydrated and healthy, i hope you eat good food today. make sure to take care of yourself too !
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
sugar sugar - the planning 4.0
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Summary: The two of them are coming back from their bachelor/bachelorette parties
Sugar Daddy!Henry Cavill x Becky Kim (asian OFC)
Warnings: Sex, blowjob, squirting
Wordcount: 2.3k
A/N: Their wedding is coming closer!
Masterlist // Sugar Sugar Masterlist // Sugar Sugar the wedding Masterlist // Previous chapter //
April 3rd 1 a.m.
This night seemed never ending, but it was kinda funny nonetheless. Seeing Genevieve live out her Magic Mike fantasy, made me turn into the Regina George’s mom of Mean Girls and film her as two attractive oiled up men were grinding up against her, while Viola kept screeching out of sheer awkwardness.
With a smile on my face, I walk into the apartment, only to discover an absolutely parched Henry on the couch. He takes a sip out of a water bottle, which is a rare sight. When he is drained like this, he usually needs a whiskey to feel better. ‘What happened to you?’ I ask, causing him to look up.
‘They pulled me into a strip club,’ Henry answers, his eyes tired and followed by a deep sigh.
They as in Greg, Noah, Gino and Peter. This must’ve been Genevieve planning the entire thing. ‘Me too,’ I chuckle. ‘Just so you know, your bare ass has my preference.’ I kick off my heels and straddle his thick thighs, before wrapping my arms around his neck. ‘You look like you’ve seen multiple ghosts over the course of the night. It couldn’t possibly be that terrible.’
Henry starts to laugh. ‘It was. I don’t think I have ever been this uncomfortable. I absolutely despised that place.’
‘Why?’ I ask him, undoing his tie a bit.
‘I had no idea they would take me there,’ he says. ‘And don’t get me wrong, those women were beautiful and good at their job, but I couldn’t stop thinking of you. It felt like borderline cheating to me.’
I don’t think I ever have to worry about Henry being unfaithful to me. Such a sweetheart. He continues to talk about the perverted types sitting there and how one guy even started to help himself a little, but because he is so busy talking, he barely notices I’m unbuttoning the top of his shirt, before taking off my thin cardigan, revealing only a light blue crop top.
Only when he finally manages to tear his gaze from the ceiling, he stops talking. ‘Oh,’ he says, leaning forward to press a kiss on my cheek. ‘This I like.’
‘I knew it,’ I say. ‘I’m the only one you want.’
‘Of course,’ he scoffs. ‘Why on earth would I want someone else?’
I shrug. ‘I don’t know. Just be honest with me. Didn’t it turn you on even a little? I mean, you told me yourself they were beautiful.’
‘Yeah, they were, but they didn’t turn me on,’ he says. ‘I mean, years ago it maybe would’ve, but now, you are the only one that can turn me on. Nobody and nothing beats your body, your kisses and your whimpers.’ He kisses my lips. ‘I love you and only you.’
‘Hm,’ I say with a smile. ‘I am probably the luckiest woman on the planet. I mean, I wouldn’t mind if you were turned on a little.’
‘Were you?’
I shake my head. ‘Oh no, I barely had time for that. I mean, besides filming Genevieve having the time of her life, I just admired certain dance moves. Damn, do those men know how to move those hips.’ I run my fingers through his hair. ‘And I know I said it before, but I’ll say it again: your ass is my absolute favorite and I prefer your hairy chest over those smooth oiled up ones I saw there.’
He starts to laugh. ‘Good thing your body is my favorite as well. No one can meet up to the standards you set.’
‘You’re so cute,’ I say to him with a chuckle. ‘Especially because you’ve spend an entire night at a strip club and now is the time where you grow a little excited.’
‘Teasing me, baby girl?’ he chuckles darkly, giving me a long kiss.
‘Maybe a little, it’s just that it’s the best way for you to give me a compliment.’ I step off his lap, before I unzip his fly. ‘Just relax, okay?’
‘Oh, sweetheart, I’m already relaxed,’ he says.
I sit on my knees in front of the couch, before I pull down his pants. He leans back, after he holds my hairs in his hand. I let my tongue run over his tip and he groans softly. The grip on my hair tightens and I look up, meeting his eyes, his teeth sunk in his bottom lip.
Deciding I’m not gonna tease him too long (he has had a long night), I slowly take more and more of him in my mouth. The tip of his cock hits the back of my throat, but thanks to the many secret blowjobs underneath his desk, my gag reflex is becoming less of a reflex now. He softly forces me down a little further and I let out a moan. The vibrations cause him to buck up his hips, leaving me to slightly gag on him.
‘Oh, shit baby, I’m sorry,’ he says.
I look up, drool dripping down my chin. ‘It’s okay, honey.’
‘Oh, it’s honey now?’ he asks cocking his eyebrow. ‘We’re not in public, so you better call me something else.’
I smile. ‘I’m sorry, daddy.’ My thighs are pushed against each other, as the heat gathers in my thong. Hearing him like this, feeling him bucking up his hips and the slight pulling on my hair. It does things to me.
When I release him with a pop, he softly pulls me up by my hair, before he presses a sloppy kiss on my lips. ‘Take off your clothes, baby girl,’ he says.
I quickly shred myself from the blue crop top that didn’t need a bra and the matching short. When my thong hits the floor, Henry grabs me by my waist, squeezing the soft flesh. ‘I love you,’ he whispers. ‘In around three weeks we’re married and you’re officially my wife.’
I can’t stop my faint blush. ‘We’re gonna get married,’ I say. ‘I can’t wait.’
He hoists me up and says: ‘Me neither.’ I expect him to take this to the bedroom, but he is too damn impatient, because he bends me over the back of the couch. Without a lot of preparation, he slides deep inside of me.
I try to gain some sort of stance, but my toes are barely touching the floor. He tightly grabs onto my hips. I push the palms of my hands in the cushions of the couch to hold myself up, as Henry rams himself roughly back inside of me. I bite my lip to stop myself from moaning out loud, but it earns me a harsh slap on my butt.
‘I need to hear you, baby girl,’ he grunts.
A strangled moan leaves my lips, before it’s followed by many loud moans that fill the living room. ‘Daddy, I’m close,’ I whine and I really wished I hadn’t said that, because he pulls out, leaving me nearly begging for more.
‘I know you’re gonna make a mess,’ he says, ‘since you always do so.’ He pulls me up and smiles. ‘We don’t want to ruin the couch, right?’
I shake my head. ‘No, we don’t.’
He carries me to the kitchen counter, placing me on the cold granite. He buries his member into my throbbing center, holding my chin in between his fingers. ‘So fucking beautiful,’ he mumbles. His thumb runs over my bottom lip, before he pulls me in a deep kiss. I open my mouth, our tongues so familiar with one another.
As his tip kisses my cervix every single time he thrusts in, it nearly forces a whiney moan out of me. He always goes deep, but it’s different this time. It feels so so different. ‘Daddy, you’re so deep.’
He smiles. ‘I know that, baby girl. You like that, don’t you?’
I nod, feeling myself flutter around him. ‘Can I cum?’ I ask, digging my nails in his shoulders.
‘Of course, baby.’
I throw my head back, as I squirt around him, indeed making such a mess. He knows me too well. As I ride out my high, Henry buries his face in my neck, sucking on the delicate skin there. I cry out, sensitivity taking over and my nails marking his back. He grunts as he paints my velvet walls from the inside, his fingers tips digging deep in my legs.
‘I’m sorry,’ I whimper, as insecurity takes over. ‘Daddy, I’m so sorry.’
‘What’s wrong, baby?’ he asks. ‘Tell me what’s wrong.’
‘I made such a mess.’ My legs are sticky, I know his legs are too and let’s just not say anything about the walls of the kitchen island.
‘Have I ever complained about that before?’ Henry asks with a cocked eyebrow.
I shake my head. ‘No.’
He cradles my face in his hands and whispers: ‘Then don’t you worry about it, okay?’
‘I’m sorry,’ I chuckle nervously. ‘I’ll try.’
Henry cocks his head, taking in every feature of my face. ‘Something’s bothering you?’ he asks me.
Maybe a little. ‘Not necessarily,’ I whisper.
‘You want to talk about it?’
I bite my lip. ‘It’s stupid.’
‘You could never say something stupid,’ he says. ‘How about a bath?’
‘Sounds good.’
✤ ✤ ✤
With my back against Henry’s chest, I stare at the ceiling in the bathroom. We’re engulfed in warm water and he finally asks: ‘So, what’s going inside your head, baby girl?’
‘Well,’ I say, ‘the other day it kinda hit me that… When you and I get married, there is a possibility for a divorce. You can exchange me for anyone you want.’
He wraps his arms around my upper body, pulling me closer to him. ‘And why would I do that?’
‘I don’t know. An opportunity?’
He gives me a kiss on top of my head. ‘I love you and only you, mrs Becky Cavill. I am not spending a lot of money on a wedding I know will fail. Heck, I wouldn’t even proposed to you if I wasn’t this serious about you.’
I sigh deeply, realizing worrying about this was absolutely nonsense. ‘I don’t even know what I was worried about.’
‘Just tell me these things, okay?’ Henry says. ‘I wanna be there for you.’
‘I promise,’ I say with a smile. ‘I promise.’
April 24th 9 p.m.
Tomorrow we’re getting married and these last few weeks have been kinda hectic. My dad is officially divorced, lives in a lovely house downtown and has yet to decorate his place, but with the wedding coming up and him actively wanting to help out, that just has to wait.
Genevieve and Viola never met my parents, but they are sure as hell absolutely mad about my dad. They continue to call him: ‘cute as a button’ and I almost feel like he is our dad, instead of just mine. Without the wedding band and my mom next to him, I realize that my dad is actually such a nice guy. We get along really well and he is dead set on improving our relationship, just like I am.
While I did suggest he’d walk me down the aisle, he found himself not worthy of it and though I told him he was, I still respect that decision.
We’re at our destination for our wedding. We chose Maui, Hawaii for a few reasons. One, the weather is great and two, my friends, Henry’s friends and my dad are gonna stay for a little vacation there, while Henry and I go to our private island to start our honeymoon.
I honestly couldn’t be more excited. Henry and I took all sorts of measurements, checking the venue, seeing if everything is alright and then, tomorrow: we’re gonna be husband and wife.
Henry has been reading his vows for at least fifteen minutes now, when he finally folds the paper and places it on the book that we’re taking with us tomorrow.
Leave it to Henry to book the most expensive room in the entire hotel, with a view to die for. My dad had his eyes on a little place, one he had been eyeing for so long. Henry arranged it for him, even making sure he had access to the pool and a taxi.
‘Baby,’ he whispers, when he wraps his arms around my waist. ‘How about a little love making? Last time before we’re husband and wife.’
‘Henry, we had sex today,’ I chuckle. ‘Aren’t you ever tired of me?’
‘No, never.’
I turn around in his arms and say: ‘I’d like to be able to walk down the aisle tomorrow.’
‘That’s why I said a little love making.’
‘How about you and I enjoy the jacuzzi?’ I suggest. ‘I’ll be naked.’
Within ten minutes we’re all set and done in the jacuzzi and I straddle his lap, before taking a sip of my wine. ‘So, when you and I are back from our honeymoon, what do you want to do?’ I ask.
‘I want to travel to some places with you,’ he says. ‘Go look for a new place for the two of us to live in. Get you pregnant.’
I snort. ‘Oh, how romantic.’
‘What?’ He starts to laugh. ‘I mean, it’s the goal eventually right?’
‘We could adopt a dog from the shelter,’ I say, ‘get a little practice in. I mean, a dog and a baby are not comparable, but still.’
‘I’d love that.’ He pulls me closer to him and gives me a kiss. ‘I’m just gonna say it now, but expect to hear this many many times. I can’t wait for you to be pregnant.’
I smile. ‘And why is that?’ I ask him. ‘So I’m even more helpless and you have to do more for me?’
He shakes his head. ‘No, because we made a baby together and are gonna have a family of our own. I mean, how amazing is it that we’re gonna be the Cavills, right?’
I squeal. ‘Oh my, that is so amazing. I cannot wait for that to happen either. I’m tempted to quit my birth control right now.’
‘What is stopping you?’
‘Well, I want to have a little bit more childless time with you,’ I say. ‘Just you and me, traveling the world.’
‘Sounds good, baby girl.’
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insufferablelust · 4 years
Little Butterfly I (Sugar Daddy Mob Boss!Spencer Reid x Reader AU)
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Warnings: Part 1 of an ongoing series (that i hopefully won’t abandon), Upcoming heavy violence, Mafia and Crime related fic, Spencer is a soft dom but is dangerous, HEAVY SMUT, upcoming dark kinks (Gun,Knife,Bondage etc), daddy kink for sure, Manipulation kink, Degradation, Humiliation (yknow the drill with me) spoiling kink?, upcoming murders etc, heavy topic regarding mental illness, College legal age!Reader, Age gap, older!Spencer, Mean!Spencer, BDSM themed, Indication of Subspace, Just heavily dark smutty series (yet again lmao) 
Hello, my wonderful readers, i want to thank you all for the patience you all have for this series, hopefully i can stick to schedule an update this once a week like Thrilled. This will be a new territory for me since all i know about mafia and such are from the movies and countless books my father has inherited me with, so i deeply apologize if there’re some mistakes, this is an AU that means its only a story and fantasy. If you are uncomfortable to violence and sex then PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS. Thank you, and Happy Reading. 
This series will set around the 80′s New York.
There is no hiding from the absolute luxury you indulge in, in fact you love showing it to whoever might want to pry deep enough into your life. You caused no harm by it, and it certainly isn’t anybody’s business but yours and his.
The pair of arms around your waist is a certain remainder of who you belong to, and you loved it. He looked good tonight, almost too good with the suit adorning his perfection like an absolute genius adonis— your genius adonis. You feel your cheeks heats up slightly as he glanced at you, knowing just how shy you get around so many people— his little girl is sensitive after all.
Spencer Reid knows every little thing about you, what makes you tick, what makes you snap, what makes you bow in submission to him, and what makes you feel heavenly. He knows it all, he knows the way you trembled slightly whenever he wrapped his arms around your neck as he leaned down to kiss you, or how squirmy you get whenever he tug your hair, said your name calmly whilst shoving his fingers into your mouth— he knows everything.
It was a mutual agreement at first, living on 80’s New York has never been so stressful during your 20’s, all the student loans, the bartending you do sometimes, even the couple of scandalous photoshoots you sacrificed yourself doing to keep your bank account afloat. Your family never really cared much, and the only person that you truly have is Emily, your roommate.The whole ordeal was strange when you found out Emily’s ties to the mafia, being the daughter of one of the strongest mafia’s capo on America during that time. You wondered how on earth she has managed to doesn’t want to get on her father’s good side, and just except the riches that comes along with being a mob, but then again you were a stranger to it too...or so you thought.
The night she asked you to accompany her to meet her father and his boss, you shrugged and said yes, having nothing to do in the apartment other than wallowing in your own debts and sadness— you immediately agrees which put a smile on her cute face.
“I thought you didn’t want nothing to do with your father.” You asked as you raked through the closet to find something... ‘elegant’ but not too much, it’s going to be in a lavish restaurant after all. Your eyes darted to Emily’s who has been staring at her phone, smiling to whoever is texting her— you could only assumed it was one of her secret girlfriend-hookup for the week.
“Well i didn’t but money is tight, fucking inflation.” She looked up for once, lips hanging open at the sight of you standing there in a black dress, short with a slit on the thigh area— looking absolutely ravenous. “Holy fucking shit.” Emily whispered.
“What? is this enough? god i feel like such a prude.” You bit your lip as you await her comments, “You look fucking gorgeous you idiot, i mean are you sure you aren’t gay by any chance?” She laughed, which caused you to giggle, “I never said i’m not gay.. just that i’m not—
“Interested in dating, yeah yeah but we can at least fuck or something.” She jokingly raised her eyebrows as you throw your bra her way and laughed, “I just don’t want to get distracted em, especially that we live together.” You pouted before giving her a kiss on the cheek, which made her roll her eyes and smile.
Only if you knew what this meeting will entails.
The wine tasted exquisite on your tongue, the sweet burn of merlot was pleasant on the base of your throat which shocked you at first— maybe you should stop buying cheap wines, because the real ones are heavenly. You looked around nervously, it has been a long time since you’ve gone out to have dinner, let alone one as expensive as this.
“Stop looking like you’re about to die.” Emily whispers as she took the seat next to you, which you humorously giggle and swat her shoulder, “I’m not. It’s just.. new to me is all.” You nervously chuckled, before sipping on your wine some more. It was clear that her dad and his so called mob boss were late— which you rolled your eyes since Emily was basically rushing your make up, you just hoped that you looked decent enough, not that you want to impress anyone, its just good to feel like you’ve fit yourself to the occasion.
“Oh, you’ll get used to it.” Emily chuckled, before you could even process what she meant by that the sound of a soft elderly timbre rang through your ears, “Cara mia! Jesus, you’ve grown!” Emily slapped your thigh softly, gesturing for you to stand up.
Dear heaven, lord save your knees from buckling.
You watched as Emily greeted her father as you stood by her side, she kisses him on both cheeks as they made a small conversation that you pay no mind to since you were distracted, distracted by the pair of eyes that caught yours from the moment he walked in.
A soft yet stern eyes that held yours captive at this very moment, a presence that demands every single person for its attention, and intimidating like no other. A man, a finely sculpted man, standing in front of you in an attire that you were sure was more expensive than your whole closet, His soft looking curls marvelously falls fo his side, his plump lips were begging to be kissed— to be listened, to be heard, his tall lean figure towers over you which has you gulping down nervously— so much so that you failed to acknowledged the presence of Emily’s father calling your name.
“Y/N!” You let out a gasp before turning to shake Emily’s father’s hand, trying your best to smile as you glanced over the towering man, “So this is the Y/N i’ve heard so much about huh?” The old man snickered, looking gentle whilst maintaining a facade still. You giggled softly, “I hope there are all good things, nice to meet you Mr.Prentiss.”
“Oh please, Robert is fine. Oh Emily, Y/N this is don Reid.” He stepped back in.. what looks like an utter fear, you gasped as you realized that this is.. the mob boss Emily talked about, the masochistically handsome man you’ve been staring at— you thought a mafia boss would be someone older, but this is certainly not the case.
“Pleased to meet you both, Spencer Reid.” He extended his hand which Emily gladly took before she nudges your side whilst you were still gawking at the man, the soft yet deep timbre of his voice soothes and intimidate you at the same time, not to mention how he carries himself— practically saying he’s a god.
“Oh— um yes hello, pleased to meet you, i’m Y/N.” You bit your lip as you feel your cheeks hurt from the embarrassment, shaking his hand quickly— before you could even imagine pulling away, he gives you an amused chuckle and squeeze your hand tightly before releasing you.
“Well, let’s take a seat shall we?”
You are so fucking fucked.
“So, Y/N, Emily told me you’re majoring in art department, how’re you liking it?” Robert spoke as you eat your pasta slowly, trying not to show how you were trembling under the very same gaze that held you captive from the moment it arrives here. You gulped down a delicious bite of pancetta, before answering, “Oh i love it, always been my passion— well painting is, but i do love everything about art and literature.” You chuckled.
“I would love to see your art sometimes.” The voice could strangle you and you’d die happily, it really could— you glanced at the man whose been looking at you like a wolf to its prey, fingers skimming over the feet of the wine glass as a soft yet eloquent smile strikes over his face.
“Oh um, it’s not— it’s not that good, i wouldn’t want to waste your time.” You choked on your wine, feeling the burn on your throat as he let out a humorous-less laugh, shaking his head, before bringing his lean fingers to his lips. “Nothing is wasteful, not if it comes to such art like you.”
“Huh?” You felt small, your cheeks heated at the reference as you tried so hard not to squirm and praised yourself by hearing what you thought you heard. Your eyes darted to his in a shy manner as he kept his composure well, licking the rim of his glass before sipping his wine gently.
“Anyways! dad, shall we talk a bit more private? i’m sure Y/N can keep the don company.” You gasped at Emily’s words, still barely grasping the previous encounter— the bottom of your heel jab at her left foot, as you glared at her, “Of course of course, don?” Robert spoke up, eyes lowering as his body turned to look at the smirking masterpiece that still stares at you with the same intensity.
“Go. We’ll be fine, won’t we angel?” You gulped down as much wine as you could without burning your throat before smiling nervously, eyes glancing back and forth to The Don and Emily.
“Y-Yes um sure.” You offered a gentle smile, even though your heels jabbed Emily’s which yet again resulted in her tiny laugh before she walks away to the back area of the restaurant.
The area was thick with intensity and glamorous lights, adding to the headache that already starts due to you being a lightweight around alcohol. Suddenly you realized, that you’re practically alone— with the don of the biggest mafia ring in America. “Go ahead and ask me the question.” He murmured sternly, causing your ears to perk at the sudden thrill that made your goosebumps rose and thrived under the shimmering lights.
“Pardon?” Your fingers fiddled with the hem of your dress as you tried so hard not to stare at the huge man, feeling as if you’re being cornered by a lion, and you his prey.
“Your cheeks are warm aren’t they? you keep biting your lips every time i muttered a word, you can’t even look at me because you know that the second you do, you wouldn’t be able to stop. Emily is right, you’re a pure little thing, its fucking cute really. If this table weren’t here separating us, you’d be across my lap already— for wearing something so slutty like that.” By the time he finishes taunting you, you stopped breathing, thigh squeezing against each other so tightly that you could feel how damp your panties are getting.
“Go ahead and ask, doll. Surely you can’t be dumb enough to think i would just allow anyone to meet me let alone a little college student like you.” His eyebrow lifted, as you nervous squirmed on your seat and breathed out.
“Why did you asked her to bring me?”
“Nicely. You know better, Y/N.”
And the rest was history, the pair of arms around your waist tighten as the owner’s lips caress and nip at the very sensitive part of your neck, causing you to shudder and mewls. “mmh.. t-too early.” You complained, fully knowing that would only amuse him even more.
He chuckled as you had predicted, nimble fingers grazing up and down your front like feathers, delicately worshipping every inch of your skin. The blaring sound of New York’s traffic was prominent, but somehow that adds a thrilling aspect for you, months ago— you were picking up morning shifts by now, working your ass off just to gain enough cash to pay this month’s rent. But now, here you are, in the arms of the most feared yet young powerful don in the entirety of the mob community, Heck if everyone knows who he is and how much power he holds— they’d all fear him, but not you, not his fiery little butterfly.
“Shh, let me love on you a little.” Your heart warmed, familiar feeling of a thousand butterflies swarming on your belly caused your cheeks to warmed at the gesture. He said things like those often, though he made it perfectly clear that you were, you are only here for business arrangements, you knew he likes to toy over affection like this— one you aren’t supposed to get attached to. But how couldn’t you? when his hand so softly glides down the curve of your godly features, warm breath fanning across your skin from behind, whispering sweet words.
“Look so pretty for me, butterfly.” He whispered, causing you to yet again whimpers, hand clutching the sheets tightly as he moves down down down until he turned you over and settle between your legs, smiling at you. “If heaven is real, you’re definitely it.” He nipped and bit the exposed skin of your thighs, last night and the night before and before still there but like he said,
“If you agree to the terms, i’ll give you every damn thing you fucking want. Your bills, rents, loans, plus each and every single thing you wished to buy.”
“And in retur—“
“In return, you will be mine, mine to have whenever wherever i want, you won’t be my chained slave or nothing, but you’ll be mine.”
So marked you again and again he did, tearing your satin panties he did, panties that cost more than a week worth of luxury meal that he only grunted with “I’ll buy the whole fucking store, now shut up and let daddy eat his breakfast.”
You swore you’re in god’s heaven then and there, even if you aren’t sure that you believe in one, you can’t help but to think that this is some kind of miracle, your life is, here you have a perfect adonis, suckling on your clit as his fingers pump your delectable cunt in and out with such a fast pace that made you feel all floaty and flustered. The same man that commands the room whenever he walks in, the same man who pay all your bills, the same man who bought you a new lavish apartment and hands you gifts every damn day.
“Oh! oh please daddy right there..” You moaned out loud as your fingers latched onto his hair, softly tug on them as he moaned against your drippy cunt and suck your clit even harder,earning a particularly loud and lewd moan from you. “mmh! a-ah! i’m gonna—“ He held his finger up then, eyes finding yours as his mouth continues to work on your now sensitive clit. Spencer wasn’t too strict or nothing about your rules but if there’s two that he’s strict about is for you to cum only if he gives you permission— no matter the place or time, if he wants you to cum, you’ll cum— not that it’s hard, with someone as skilled as him.
When you begged and begged, he slapped your thigh only to grunt darkly, “If you can’t shut up and let daddy enjoys this, i’ll fucking take you on the balcony and fuck you for all Manhattan to see. Do you want that, Butterfly? want everyone to see what a filthy college girl you are getting fucked by someone as dangerous as me?” He slapped your cunt then, over and over again as you pant, and mewls.. Body jolts and pulsed at his ministration.
“You’re going to cum like this—“ He paused to spit directly onto your swollen clit, watching it wet the sensitive nub, “Going to cum with daddy slapping your greedy little cunt. Or you are not getting an orgasm.”
“Yes, daddy— oh!” True to his words, he spank you, over and over again, leaving you quivering and brokenly cried at the burning pleasure, “Cum princess, come on, you surely know how to thank daddy don’t you?” Your hole clenched around nothing as you arch your back and sobbed,
“Can’t— daddy please i-“
“You were so fucking desperate to cum, why not now huh? your sensitive cunt surely looks wrecked enough.” He scoffed before he spank your clit so hard you jumped at the sensation before he licked his fingers and caress your clit in fast fanning motion, not giving you enough time to even breathe as your cunt pulses and throb with overwhelming need of release, building up up up, up until you finally trembled and cum all over the bed— an orgasm so intense that you blacked out for few seconds straight.
“Shh.. shh good girl, that’s it— fuck you look so ethereal like this, butterfly.” He muses as he settle his head on your lap and admire your pulsing body, “T-Thank- y-you.. daddy.” You gathered all the strength you have left as he smiled proudly.
Your head laid on his chest as you both cuddle in silence, trying to enjoy the serenity and calm environment around you as the city below you buzzed all round. It was calming for awhile before his phone rang and you involuntarily sighs, “I know pretty girl, i know.” He muttered, before smiling apologetically- Not that he needs to.. Business arrangements, not like you’re his girlfriend or nothing.
love on you,
love on you,
let me love on you,
You forced your fuzzy subby mind to get the thoughts out, as you watched his figure put on his robe, and leaned down, “I’ll be back later okay, don’t forget to check your phone.” He kissed your forehead for a bit, letting it linger as you held back your tears, wishing he could stay with you, you need your daddy, you really really do need him now. Feeling all small and fuzzy like this. But with the blaring noise of his ringtone, you knew the don has business to take care of and of course you’re not important enough to held such important task to be left.
So you smiled all nicely and kissed all the rings finger on his fingers before bidding a tiny whimper of, “Best of luck, don.” Your head bowed a little in respect as he noticed the true and true sadness flashed across your eyes, but paid it no mind as his other burner phone blared.
“Thank you, Butterfly. Get dressed soon, and i’ll have Morgan bringing you that sandwich from the deli you love so much. I’ll see you soon.”
Oh how nice would it be if this is your life, but life doesn’t always have a happy ending after all.
Comment or send me a message if you want to be added to this series taglist!
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muffindaddystyles · 4 years
Harry Styles x Barista!Reader.
Smut, pain kink and over-stimulation.
Mentions of past trauma and healing!
Author's note: Your reblogs and appreciations means alot to me, token me a smile with your love.
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His breath smells of strawberries and coffee, plushie lips dangerously close to her's making her half voracious gaze flicker between his lips and up at Tofu, kiss him kiss him you bloody fool, reeled in her head, "here lemme . . ." He notices her jitteriness fetching the birdy for her. She hiccups with a suck of breath when his knuckles brushed the inside of her palms while giving Tofu to her.
"Oi, Harry budge over you bugger!!" She hisses with sleepy voice but in return he squishes her more.
Y/N has a phobia for needles and Harry's her damsel in distress.
Something about bungalows not having stairs makes Y/N's cheeks puffs out in disappointing amazement. The fact she couldn't even climb at the rooftop when the summer sky's ornamented with cosmic stars twinkling with the each buzz of music from inside. She hiccups a giggle when the cool zephyr blew her frock away giving out a glimpse of her itty-bitties, glad no-one's in the diameter to have a show. The discernment falls to nothingness when she hears distinct rustle of someone behind the fat‐very-rooty-tree, it widens her eyes into saucers as she blinks comically.
It's not a squirrel she could tell. Couldn't be Ronny who went to take a wee cause all the darn washrooms inside were occupied and his bladder being the weakest, he went for a bush.
But, that bush's behind her and for a moment she forgot her friend even existed since she muted out his piss taking whistle a while ago.
All her frenzied assumptions fails when two figures camouflaged in the darkness tumbles from behind the tree. Her cheeks splashes with burning crimson when they separate with a loud, wet kissing noise and the two men doesn't seem any shy about it unlike Y/N who's foozling the frill of her dress as if she got caught in the middle of a fuck in public loo. Not that, it everrr happened with her, still she has an example set for such incidents.
"Oh, hi." The warble of unprevious voice wins in gaining her attention and she tries to squint through the pocosin of his eyes which glimmers under moonlight if she glances away too quick, she startles in her spot when a gruff voice speaks over them, "Ronny couldn't even occupy a shot of vodka in his bladder." She couldn't seem to flit her gaze away from his cherry of lips glistening from whatever activities they were having before (the only features she could see in such illumination) as the other guy and Ronny bantered off passing a cig in between them.
"Oi, shut up will ya." Ronny locks his arm with Y/N and she flinches that he hasn't even washed them yet, "c'mon truffles we don't wanna be here." He announces dragging her away and the humid air around them bubbled with chuckles.
"Huh." She quips all lost between the interaction and accidentally bumping into two beautiful men kissing eachother, she's totally jealous! Poor thing tries to jerk the mud from her toes and to have a last glimpse of the man with marble irirses.
"D'ya think I've a chance with that daddy-long- legs-one? Dunno, but he intimidates me so bad." Ronny whispers to her and she frowns sniffing with her already runny nose from being a bit tipsy, it's making her bouncy little by little and she knows the bevvys she had will have a full swing within the night, "why? He seems nice."
"His hotness truffles, it intimidates me." He scrapes his already chipped nail polish after washing his hands from the basin throwing towel at her face, she just sighs putting it back in the rack.
"How about you talk to him first." Parties has teeny perks of them and gigantic disadvantages 1) Ronny gets a school crush at every boy he looks at. 2) They get more sweaty, stinky, gluey and more wilder till the clock hits 4 am. Honestly, even if it wasn't for the free bevys she would have never stepped in.
"That's the hard part." They push people aside like stuffies getting cursed and groped in return.
"He's not gonna know himself, Ron, you dump-stick." Good she doesn't need to yell like before as the music has dimmed to a hum possibly about to shut down within minutes. Halting, beside some people crowded alongside the couch some sitting on it and their confused heads shots up at first at the sound of familiar vibrations.
The worst scenarios of someone having a bullet up in their hole and peeps around having a show passes for a mere sec in their heads, together, that's why they're friends since the first semester of UNI.
But, upon seeing what's the ruckus about Ronny shakes his head in utmost panic, "oh no . ." He tries to escape from her grip but she tugs him from collar, "Please Ronny, swear 'm ready to over come my fear! Nothing's gonna happen to me." They stand beside the guy sheepishly (like two elementary kids deciding who'll step inside the staff room first) a gun perched in his hand and Y/N realizes that he indeed's the same guy she met outside, this time she could see him properly and those hickorey of curls brushing the eternity of his popping clavicles.
His back to them but she could see the flex of his muscles from under the sheer black of his shirt with the each movement he does with his gun, she admits that he got prettier back than her.
"Ey Harry this's my friend Y/N and she wanna overcome her phobia of needles, be a damsel in distress pal." So, they know eachother. The whizz of gun stops midway and he dismisses the drunk dude under him tilting his chin to meet her eyes, and it was worth it as it took tiny gasp from her.
He's way beautiful than he was in the darkness.
Ronny was right. It daunts her a bit. The name Harry itself is some kind of royalty.
"Oh, hi there, again." He greets her with a warm smile and it glitter-glittery her insides, will you please not she scolds herself. It's probably the alchol her subconscious assures her but her nervousness from the idea of really doing this says otherwise.
"Have a seat, love." Oh holy goodness. He's as sober as judge and she at whole is miffed.
Harry isn't a popular senior. No. His charm's something that woos everyone and his name's always on the top list of invites, he avoids them though unless it's his closest friend. Him remaining to himself has casted a spell on everyone that his personality's intimidating and he's this sex god who has an only concern with fucking people.
He could be called a nerd from his grades everytime being higher than last semester but his attire and being a shining star of the Christmas tree gives it away.
Everyone likes him, ah-ah no everyone absolutely loves him. The thing's he has never felt the same in his twenty-one years of life and that's a fat bummer.
He just gives that "please stay away from me" aura, brows always sewn together and bottom lip jutted makes him appear rather passive aggressive to strangers (well the people who knows him loves him for being the most chill person walking around them).
Right now, he got a tat gun in his hand and everyone's getting a drunk tattoo for the remembrance of this stupid party or just that they've a kink for pain, possibly for humiliation too because what could a tattoo gotten in an unconscious state could bring you?
"Y'alright there?" He asks her and she bobs her head clamping her hands shut in her lap. The rainbow broch on his loafers intrigues her about his fashion senses, it makes her jealous she can't afford to have her own style, "Yeah!" She avoids to even give a spare glance to the gun in his hand because she knows the moment she'd, it will make her dizzy.
She feels bad for cliff hanging him to herself only but he doesn't seem to mind at all. Waits patiently for her to guard herself as Ronny pats her back like she's about to summo wrestle.
"Want me to start it?" He knows how bad it's for some people. Many times he had an encounter with weak hearted persons who got dragged into his parlour by their friends and ended up running away, "Can you give me a moment?" She lifts her head towards him and it makes his forehead knit into concerned lines.
The poor bug's giving a purple face as if she's about to throw up and her ears pink.
"Take all y'want, darlin'." His gentleness flows over her head, she thinks that the music has died or she has gone deaf, can't be neither, cause no-way that such a sweet call wouldn't make her toes all gooey.
"'M ready!" She puffs out a huge exhale moving her shaking wrist nearer to his grasp and he gives her a comforting look before wrapping his fingers one by one around her delicate wrist, skidding the stool he's been sitting on closer to her, "al'ight truffles 'ere we go — wouldn't hurt promise." He decides to stick with truffles since Ronny calls her with the nickname everytime he's at Harry's. Thought his blabbers of his friend were exaggerated coating of sugar but when she's sitting infront of him with those glinting eyes and soft flesh in which his lanky fingers seems to turn pudgy, he gets it why he calls her that.
He keeps on glancing up at her to see if she's okay — she has her hand placed atop Ronny's thigh while he distracts her with his "let's throw shade at mean bitches together" game and Harry just hovered the nib of it over her skin when she passed out but Ronny quickly placed his palm against her cheek to pull her back towards his shoulder.
"'M good . ." She comes back from it with a weak whsiper-y voice trying to straighten up but the instant her already blurry vision falls at the needle again making a line so small it isn't even visible she passes out again and this time Ronny seems unfazed talking to a girl beside him (trust the lad they've done it multiple times but the pain and fear of needles never let her have a single tattoo inked on her skin), leaving Harry to sweat over her.
Sighing he shuts down the machine putting it aside and presses the back of his hand against her forehead --- to be more appropriate, and when she remains as if in the land of nod completely knackered out and woolly in Ronny's arms he realizes that she has passed out for real.
"Truffles?" He doesn't get a response from her.
She puffers out her lips blowing raspberries gazing at the sunny sky from the clear glazed window of the shop, chin resting in the softness of her palm as the cosy hall of it emptied from the rush the time it striked noon. The start of her shift's always effete and warm with honey-bees buzzing over the pots of pastel flowers outside, but the evenings are most tiresome and she has to do the closing in a grumpy mood.
"Can you pass me the icing tube, forgot it under the counter shelf 'cos of that pain in ass customer." He's their regular. Has constant complaints that their tarts are too sugary and they need to thicken the formula for their lattes, Y/N just bobs her head at his tantrums finding a way to shoo him away with a promise of next time, "yeah uhh — " Gripping the edge of marble counter she squats down and giggles at herself as she looks funny with her knees making a tent of her ruffle frock.
The door-bell chimes indicating the presence of someone but she goes for her rampage knowing Cora's there to attend them and she was about to pull her head back when she hit it quite painfully against the upper shelf, "Ow!!" She squeaks rubbing the sore spot stabling herself while Cora chuckled taking the tube from her hand to go inside.
She never expected someone to occur at this hour, moreso, she never expected someone like him to pop out of nowhere at their shop. He just doesn't seem like a person to have a merry making at little cosy cafés all to himself, it's been driving her crazy, she cringes at herself everytime when the humiliation of passing out infront of him invades her thoughts.
Half of her heart wanted to see him again and other half was glad she never bumped in him — but seems like nature was evily against her.
"Oops hi!" When she couldn't fiddle with anything she adjusts her frilly apron and with her wrist brushes her loose tresses away which her bow failed to keep. He blinks for several times sipping in the consequence, though it gives her time to take in his appearance.
He's yet again, wearing a sheer shirt with white flower buds spiraling from his abs towards the broad of his chest displaying his inked skin underneath beautifully — it shimmers every time he shifts on his feet letting the sunlight fall on him. His curls tamed and silkier than before, he groomed himself too good it puts Y/N to shame for being a girl, a careless one.
"You work here?" He asks with a drawl as if he has a all the time to dedicate to her, "nope just broke in to do a fat robbery — wanna join?" He cackles, hard it quelled his tummy and it also made her smile blushy-ly that he didn't find her humour boring.
"Okie . . S' what you'll have?" Brassing the belly of his nose he clears his throat roaming his eyes to catch a perfect spot, "'s okay if'll be waitin' fo' someone there?" He points at the nook aligned with the fuchsia coloured book shelves, wooden pots hanging and embroidered throw pillows piled and some overflowing from the love seats.
"Totally!!" She chirps. The thought of him waiting for a date sinks summat a tiny globe of mud in her stomach and dunno why — She wishes she could've things that other people have without burning themselves in effort unlike her.
She watches him getting comfortable, scrutinising around with curious and adorable big peepers. He'd give her a shy smile everytime he'd catch her staring and she'd just shake her head treating her back to track, that he's on a date, but not with you.
She didn't forgot to ask him if he needs anything putting a glass of water at his coffee table without him requesting, it's perpetually hot and even her throat'd get dry after some minutes. He's been here for two hours and even though the weather cooled down spotting pearly drops of rain, perspiration still beaded at his forehead.
The bustle of on goers kept on dying and she feels bad for him, knowing the end of it, she's been there before many times. Even visualised it at this same shop far more she should thinking the world's kind enough to even let their date know with q single message.
Sensing his timorousness she paddles towards him getting a coconut cookie from the jar, onto the plate and sliding it in his line of vision. He seems flustered — everytime they've interacted she's the one to be not in one place and now he's ripping the threads of his tattered skinny jeans.
"You can munch on this cookie, if you want to!" He looks back and forth between the cookie and her, fuziness spreading in his chest glad at her kindness and enough trust in him to not to kick him out, "Thank you." He grabs it taking a bite and she giggles when in the single one he left no crumbs behind, his mouth's big, shut it already! and so pink so pulpy, oh my goodness I hate youuu!!
"'M sure your friend's on way, it's rainy, might —" He cuts her off with a dissapointed spurt of breath, "dunno." He sulks into sofa folding the corner of book's page.
"You still've an hour till the cáfe closes, don't loose hope!" She pats his shoulder and he gives her a weak smile doing that bunny scrunch of his nose, combing his already wrecked hair and thanks her for the next thousand time.
Harry had worst dates. This seems to top them. To be honest because of Y/N being here. What will she think? What if she thinks it's his fault? That he's a broken dummy who nobody wants to date? He wants to grumble and call his date to end things but he waits patiently as the sky turned lilacs of night.
Y/N feels remorseful and angry at the person who stood him up this pathetically. With a sad sigh she turns the closed sign to display outward silently looking at him while he's in his own trance, she disappears into the kitchen and Cora gives her a knowing eye.
"Not believing in love's my greatest descion up till far. It's impossibly hard out there." She retorts. Placing a hot chicken steak atop the alfredo pasta and sprinkles parsiman making it appetizing, "Tell him to better end things with a pig like them." She says in all seriousness handing the tray to Y/N.
He's there. Gazing outside with lips pressed into a thin line and he seems down with his loose errand of curls tucked into a man bun now, a perfect hairdo outta frustration "Harry." She keeps her voice low not to startle him gaining his attention.
"You didn't have to." He shakes his head and she made a noise un-recognized by him putting the tray on the table and moves the ottoman with her feet closer to him sitting on it, "let's be eachother's date for a day." She hands him a fork and he accepts gladly. His sulkiness wooshing away when she digs in taking a bite and smearing the sauce all over her lips.
"If you don't mind me asking, is it the same behind-the-tree guy?" He nods. She frowns spitting grumpily, "what a prat." With the help of knife she tears the steak equally sliding it to his side and he smiles boyishly sucking the corner of his lip inside.
"'M sorry, Harry." She squeezes his knee and it bundles up the air in his lungs, "'s okay truffles — glad you were there fo' a rescue."
"Y/N." She tells him forwarding her hand to shake and he slips his calloused ones to envelop her warmth. His cheeks turns pink when his stomach made noises of starvation, "you need to eat c'mon!" She nudges his elbow and he obliges.
After, filling their tummies satisfied and full she hands him a cuppa of latte with a foamy sleeping kitty floating over it she even made two eyes and the uwu kitty smile with the cocoa powder, "pardon me if it seems like I murdered the poor thing . . . 'm still learning from Cora." His giggles were absolutely amazed and gleeful.
"It looks so good, I don't feel like stirin' it." He pats the bum of steamed floffy kitty with the curve of his tea spoon and it makes her giggle some. Relishing onto strawberry pastries and crumpets oozed into butter, sipping onto their lattes, watching the sky turning dark with the rain while Cora left them hours ago to themselves.
She puts a velvet cloak around herself after closing the shop and Harry waits for her as she takes her bicycle, "Thank ye' Y/N. 'S kind of you." He stirs his gaze from his shoes to her face smiling brightly at her and she waves him off with blushy cheeks, they walk along under the shelters of sideways shops avoiding to get soaked while she holds the steering of her bicycle.
"You can lounge at my place, till the rain stops." When he shakes his head she quips turning into the street, "I insist." They stop infront of the old white sculptured building having two floors in total.
The first thing she does entering into her flat's greet Tofu (it's a Bush-tit a white furball with two curious tich button eyes) leaving Harry to get out of his shoes and slip into her house ones (they barely fits him -- making him chuckle at the size difference).
His eyes giving a beautiful glimmer under the glow of the yellow light as he looks around the space, it's simple, with a bedding on wooden floor, a circle shelf against the window lined up with green plants, a desk opposite to it and a golden standing cage of her pet bird.
"Hi bubba missed me much?" She opens the cage to let it out and the chonky white bird sits on her fingers happily, "Harry meet Tofu." His lips curve upward at the lil thing as he caress it's fluffy head.
"Tofu looks like a snowball." He muses with bambi eyes and she agrees with excitement, "Sometimes I wanna squish him, cause he's just too cute." His eyes widens comically laughing softly at her statement.
"Evil thought said out aloud with cuteness still remains evil, love." Tofu hoped over Harry's finger and he takes him towards his shoulder making it sit there but he has another plans, to rest his furry bum over Harry's head making both of them giggle, "c'mon now birdy time to fill your tummy." She tip-toes to catch him in her palms and knocks her nose with Harry's in the way.
His breath smells of strawberries and coffee, plushie lips dangerously close to her's making her half voracious gaze flicker between his lips and up at Tofu, kiss him kiss him you bloody fool, reeled in her head, "here lemme . . ." He notices her jitteriness fetching the birdy for her. She hiccups with a suck of breath when his knuckles brushed the inside of her palms while giving Tofu to her.
"Make yourself home!" She announces going to feed her pet and Harry flops onto her bed quite comfortably with his sweny legs stretched wide over the floor. They watched episodes of 'Bridgeton' wounded under her blankets and she almost fell asleep when he offered her genuinely.
"I'll help ye' have a tattoo, tiny atleast."
"Means alot to me." She yawns pondering with lug brain whether to snuggle into him or not, she did anyways. In the morning she was woken up by cold sheets and beeps of messages from Harry that made her feel she endured wings of fairy and she's bathing in the glitter of happiness.
She stares at the shop infront of her in amazement. It's friday night. She winded up all her assignments and came to this place exactly how it was mentioned in the address, when she enters inside spare teens and a bulky man was waiting outside the office thing-y . . .? Y/N presumes — an assistant chewing loudly on her gum talking onto phone with someone in hushed bratty tone and when Y/N knocks at the counter her piercing stare startles her a bit.
"Yes?" How rude! Y/N thinks with a pouty lip at her striking tone and she clears her throat, "'m here to meet . . . Harry." The snarky assistant rolls her eyes dismissing Y/N quickly to move back to her lazying, "He's busy." Y/N picks her finger to interject murmuring something under her breath and strolls back to wait with everyone.
Sun sets outside shimmering evening pink inside the lobby and the door atlast opens making her head perk up, "pet?" He looks sternly to his assistant but she doesn't seem fazed.
"Harry." Y/N grins, "Fo' how long you've been here?" She feels good someone's caring for her even though it's just for the fact she waited some hours for him, "doesn't matter can 've a tour?" He nods and the bratty assistant eyes him furiously taking Y/N's hand to lead her.
Harry watches her with dimply smile when she babbles at the details of his working station, "do I sit here?" She asks excitedly and he shakes his head, "yes, you may." They scrutinise through his sketches of designs together and she squeezes his wrist.
"Harry you're so talented! Look at 'em." He never felt this flustered with the compliments before button nose scrunching adorably. She chooses a a small plain jamsine flower nothing more, nothing less watching collect things for the process, "it's one of me mama's favourite." He exclaims rather proud snapping the latex gloves round his wrist.
"Where d'ya want it?"
"Where it hurts less." She replies wiping the sweat away with her frock, "it's outer shoulder, yer arm, calves and arse — " His mischievous grin awfully stretchy and she she slaps his bicep playfully.
"Outer shoulder?" She tells him confused to herself. He agrees strolling his stool near to her as she turns her back to him; his fingertips twitches when he pushes her hair to the side.
"Can you uh . . mm." She groans trying to reach for the zipper of her frock and he smoothes down his erratic heartbeat muttering, "yeah sure." She digs her nails into the delicate flesh of her palms when his calloused cold knuckles brushed deliberately against her skin while skimming the zip down slowly. Her eyelids flutter like butterfly wings when he slides her sleeve down her arm revealing her shoulder and it's so supple that Harry had to come back from his reverie; lick his lips to moisture.
He applies the numbing cream and she hisses softly the leather of seat sticking to her calves, her nerves jumbles and body startles when Harry starts the gun without warning her.
He loops his arm around her waist atop her thigh massaging it assuringly — sure it did nothing but to make her core throb insatiably as his rasp melted in her ears, "you're okay puppy." She gulps saying no word feeling her body getting hot at the each stroke of his thumb over her waist line.
"Ah -- Harry." She gasps out of air grasping his hand tightly at the sting of pain. She's baffled at the reactions of her body, her panties getting wet and the displeasing constant pricking of needle quenching out noises she never thought she was able to give out. When she whines and squirms Harry presses her down with force shushing her, "bug just a mo' it's smaller and would be done in seconds." She kisses her teeth bobbing her head vigorously and Harry chuckles at her effort remaining polite.
"Done!" He announces pulling away to admire it and when he hears the lil sniffles he quickly leaves everything sitting infront of her on the seat, "darlin' don't like it when ye' cry." He wipes her tears away not even glancing at her exposed collarbones and the plump flesh of her tits barely covered with her arm.
Soft and squishy, soft and squishy, soft and squishyyyyy.
His mind screams but her whimpery voice distracts him, "'m just gleeful that I've a tattoo because of you." He wraps it up expertly and zips her dress back with ever gentleness, "happy tears then?" She giggles with a grateful nod.
"Want a hug?" He thinks she deserves one for being brave and nice against her fear, "cuddle me up." She murmurs with swollen eyes and peachy cheeks. Uff — it stirs his cock in his jeans arousing the need to be with her everytime.
He rests his chin mushily into the crook of her neck swarming his arms around her waist to squeeze her warmly and she snuggles against his throat, damp lips puckering against his adam apple making it bob.
He feels jammy to be able to have a moment like this with her.
"Chinese takeout?" He collects his sketch journals, his phone, fedora apparently, keys of his motorbike and a spare helmet for her, "Yes please!"
They ate the take out perched against his bike with the meadow vast laying feet aways from them, under the breezy sky they conversed and Harry already got a tender spot for her in his heart. He never reaches to a stage where he could get to know someone with this passion and Y/N isn't from someone who'd guard herself from him just because his father was in the bad business.
As the evening brisked with cool dew of summer grass Harry leaned into her more and more.
He finds her little things infatuating, her bonding with Tofu and her dire wish to make good bum steamed kitties on the lattes, she has an irrefutable love for floral dresses and her homely habbit is doing ribbon work.
She got to know that Harry owns the tattoo shop, teaches few blokes the skill of it in free hours. He'ad attended lots of parties raving ones and the boring ones of higher socials, never lets any stranger step inside his loft which's situated upstairs of his shop. His father does all the criminaly things, he's this master mind in doing the evil things for people from getting money out of their enemies yada yada and Harry despises him for it, moreso, that he left them. He doesn't want to be associated with him in any case — he's none like him, he's kind and soft-hearted like his mother.
Y/N loves his goofy side. The one that cracks jokes and puns -- makes her fall in love with him without her even trying.
Last and foremost he has the render love for sheer shirts — told her he has shimmery ones for the fancying off.
"S'm no stranger then." She quips beside his shoulder as Harry unlocked his home's door. He glances her timidly amicably hovering over her lips, "absolutely not, yeh me bezzy." He raises his fist and she bumps it giggling.
Y/N that night sleeping on his bed dreamt of them laying together into the pillows of growing daffodils of meadow, lining up the stars in the sky and tell each other what they made ----- galloping rabbit, a slipping cake and she'd laugh with ugly snorts when Harry tells her that he sees a massive dick.
His grin proud and mellow to make his bezzy laugh. She squeaks when he pulls her onto him but soon her dreamboat sinks as she stirs at the warmth swallowing her whole.
She startes from her blurrines at something trapping her down till she recognizes the familiarity of two mascular arms sewn around her waist and what the fuck?
Harry made a makeshift pallet on the floor and right now she's all over him, pressed tightly against his chest — her cheeks turns red with embarrassment from being this clumsy and falling over him in her sleep.
"Oi, Harry budge over you bugger!!" She hisses with sleepy voice but in return he squishes her more.
Taking her face out of his neck she admires the softness of his features when he's asleep and the dotting of beautiful moles, sighing a huge relaxed puff of breath and canoodles into him like an affection starved kitty.
It's another cool rainy day and Y/N keeps on swabbing the droplets of water off from her eyes with her elbow trying to paddle her bicycle. She was on her way to Harry's when the skies betrayed her. Standing on his doormat she soaks it completely waiting for him to answer the door, sad, that her gift was ruined too.
"Lovin' ye'll catch a cold – shit come inside." Concerned he ushers her inside his loft, halts in his tracks when she remains behind adoring a gruffy pout, "what is it?" He asks walking to her and cups her cheeks the instant.
"Embroidered ye' a shirt 's destroyed now." She raises it to show him and he stares it for good seconds before swiping her off the floor – hugging her to radiate the sentiment of endearment he carries for her in his heart. It bloats her cheeks pressed against his clavicles and her feet dangles as he sways them with a happy noise of favourite melody she's unfamiliar with, "Thank you, thank you, thank you." He kisses her temple and it lingers at the tip of his tongue.
I could kiss you right fuckin' now, pet.
"Harry you got wet too, dummy!!"
"Oops, guess we both have to change now."
Harry already set mixers for her on the luke points so that she wouldn't have to pull out her hair just to take a shower (his shower's quite complicated) leaves his shirt and boxers for her on his bedside, putting the lilac sheer shirt she embroidered for him in the dryer.
When she comes outside with trippy hair he already has two glasses of wine filled and windows closed to keep her warm.
She isn't a wine person. She was never able to afford it and it never settled with her tummy (she shares too much and feels bubbly with the rose coloured bevvy). Harry's gaze rakes from floor to her ankles snapping directly to her face and it's just snoggles his heart with fondness, seeing her drooled in one of his shirts.
"Need ya not to worry ye'r gift is good as before." He assures her and she flops onto the sofa beside him, "Thank you Y/N." He says genuinely and she waves him with small smile, "hush you."
They drink in silence, then soon it rośed their cheeks and noses making them giggly and floaty. A bottle gone in just a span of a time. She rumbles her lips stretching out, the twinkle of her belly showing and he does the same, eyeing him she slides down on the floor perching her elbow over the coffee table and YET AGAIN HE FOLLLOWS HER ACTIONS.
"Are you mimicking me?" She squints at him and he squints back, "are ye' mimickin' meh?" She smacks his bicep playfully and when he does the same though the force of it lighter than her's adoring mischievous grin making her squeal with chuckles, "Harry!"
He quips back in equal girlish pitch, "Harry!" blinking peepers up at her softly — to test her fates, the recipe of her drunken state and her heart bursting with affection for him she jests at him.
"I like you and might be falling in love with you." She says without holding back a breath and his eyes widen in an animated way chin slipping from his palm, "You what?" He's in utter shock. He has never come across the words she just said with so much delicacy and sincerity — it boggles him to an extent his tongue got tied.
"Say it back now, huh?" She smirks at him shaking from inside counting on to get rejected and ridiculed. Upset at herself more than him at his lack of response, clearing her throat she whispers.
"So — " But, her apology strucks in her throat when he pulls her to himslef with a gentle grip to her elbow. Grabs her jaw tenderly and with the ardent boldness smushes his lips against her's to seal his affinity for her in a kiss that's so soft it melts her inside. His hands brews at her sides and glides up to their destination, to cup her cheeks and deepen the kiss while billowing her in his lap comfortably. He devours the plumness of her lips, tracing the curve of her bottom one with his warm tongue and kisses the corner of her lips again and again making her puff out air from her nostrils.
He has kissed people and it was always to lead something to satisfy the cavity of loneliness, but this, this already feels like home sitting infront of the Autunm fire eating cookies and drinking milk. She feels like the mold he's meant to melt into and explore every ridge of it.
She doesn't not know what's filthier the string of spit that's connecting them or his raspberry lips that she could kiss and kiss for forever, he doesn't stop there pecks her several times with lil smooches, "You're really good at it." She winds her arms tight around the nape of his neck murmuring against him (she wants to make him feel appreciated), his cock chubbing up in his trousers and it lulls her head against his cheek upon feeling it. The thought of having him hard for her boasts the genitilty in herself and she kisses his smiling mouth.
"Wanna make ye' feel good." He presses his lips back against her's with more passion than before and tips her chin with his thumb to stamp lil pecks down her throat feeling his lips tingling to kiss her again, it's way better than he envisioned. Her softness could swallow him and the thought makes his hips stutter imagining his hard prick sucked inside her swelled up walls. His large calloused hands meander down her bottom taking the ripeness of it in a bunch of squeeze.
"On the bed." He pats her bum pinching it playfully and she squeaks obliging him giggles when she bounces over the bed. Him crawling behind her as lion ready to feast over a hare.
Leaning against the head of the bed he lays her between his wide spread legs, her back against his chest and their fronts facing the tall framed mirror infront of them.
"Comfy?" She bobs her head gulping cause no one has ever cared what'll be consuming for her and what not, "I want ye' to look in the mirror sweet girl, at us." He rasps in her ear stroking the hilt of her jaw in continuous circles and when she hums fluttering her eyelids, arching her back at the throb of her pussy and his dirtiness making her slick down to her bum he glides his thumb inside her mouth telling her to, "get 'em proper wet for me." She does coating his thumb with her saliva and flicking her tongue over it many time while he glazes his palms over her ribs, under the crescent of her tits shirt pulled to her collarbones.
She gags around his digit when he took her perky nipple in between his middle and index pulling it then kneads it with a kiss to her earlobe getting her out of his boxers telling her, "enough, pet." When she doesn't listen to him and kept on sucking thinking of his cock in her mouth he gruffs splitting her thighs apart and pressing the soles of her feet tightly against the mattress with his own ankles, "I said enough." Shushing her hungry kitten whimpers he trails his wet thumb down her fallen lip and chin, popping her shirt open and rims it around her areola, "s' soft wanna rub me cock between 'em tits." The shiver that hits her makes her squirm and Harry gives a chaste kiss to her open mouth putting his thumb at her entrance ready to play with her cunt.
"Your eyes open 'em fo' me, puppy." He ducks down to kiss her not letting her turn around himself so that her neck doesn't strain while caressing his fingers up and down in her slickness making soapy noises on purpose, when she finally looks in the mirror locking eyes with him as if he's holding the most precious gem in his arms — the sight turned her spine into a sharp arrow, "c - ca-can I've more?" She gasps squeezing his bicep pussy lips fluttering and her hole palpitates aching for him.
"My polite girl." He smiles awfully fonded at her and she nods licking her lips to speak, "'m good, good always." He pushes his two fingers inside her cunt and she moans with her whole will trying to sink herself to his knuckles nails digging into his shoulders, "I know ye'r." He assures her sliding them out and teasing her little pink asshole turning her into a whining mess.
She twitches around his fingers when he pumps them back along with her sticky wetness and fucks her with them, flickering her clit with his other hand and kneads the inside of her fleshy thigh. She gives out a gaspy moan of unbearable pleasure when his cock's stiffeness rubs between her asscheeks, "ye' feel it? S' fo' you, gonna stuff yeh full of me cock, fuck you nice n' warm and cum all over yer pussy. How you deserved to be fucked, is that okay?" She never expected him this much of a lewd talker — hell she didn't even expected him to step out of his conserved, rather shy demeanour, "yes, yes, yes." She visioned him as a curt dom, who's more into BDSM but he's warm and caring with her. Just in few second of them doing it he proved it how much he's loving to please her.
"Ah! 'm gonna cum . . . gonna —" His sweet vulgar words combined with him toying, rubbing and fingereing her already swollen pussy tips her to the edge she was desiring to get from him, "cum all over me fingers. Want it s' bad from ye darlin', to see you." He says in a tone that's on the verge of pleading but holds a commanding hint under it and with her bones all stiffing, her skin burning and heart buzzing she snaps into her own dreamy world gushing over his fingers with her juices.
"Oh . . Harry." She loudly mewls thrashing in his arms from the intensity of her orgasm and he holds her tight with his arms wrapped around her torso, kisses to the curve of her neck and exposed collarbones. He notices her stiring away from his hand due to sensitivity and takes out his fingers with a squelching popping noise that made her blink from her semblance. Her chest heaves as she watches him in the mirror licking her cum off his wrists with the tip of his pink tongue, "mhm tastes s' sweet." One by one he sucks his finger humming around them seductively spiking her insides yearing to be fucked by him, "just like you sweet puppy."
Gently laying her down he knees infront of her getting out of his flimsy shirt and Y/N admires the flounce of tattoos trailing from his pecks down his adorable love handles. Her gaze stops at the his happy trail leading down to where he's swelled up against his zipper and she hasn't seen someone so beautiful in her entire life, he shimmies his joggers down teasingly with a smirk and she whines hiccuping when his cock slaps against his lower abdomen making her eyes go wide.
"Oh my . . " She gasps at the gorgeous sight of his rock-hard cock between his supple thighs. He's beautifully big, satiny and a dot of shade lighter than his lips making his prick so kissable, would it even fit?? She could already imagine it stretching her out gracefully and stimulating her in ways her fingers could never, "you're so gorgeous button."
The shiny swollen tip, and the dollop of pre-come weeping down his slit alluring her to have him in her mouth but he strokes it not to waste it.
"What's the pout fo' darlin'?" He asks as she stares it making him all shy but he overcomes it persistent to make her feel good (she shared with him that she never knew what being cared feels like) he wanna gives her all lovin' as she did to him the day in cafe. Cups the nape of her neck to bring her for another kiss splitting his thumb into her hair and the moment is so vulnerable and saccharine as he snogs her to floatiness, "will make sure it fits — make you cum many times, baby." He flips her gently.
"On ye tummy fo' me, like an atta pup ye're." It knots her stomach into ropes and she jolts squealing softly into pillows when he smacked her peach watching it jiggle while tugging at his prick to coat it with his thick wetness.
He moans biting his lower lip lulling his head over his shoulders stroking the head of his cock between her asscheeks and round her entrance not pushing at once torching both of them, "you're so delicate wanna be slow with you." He whispers to her pressing his front against her shoulders while wrapping his hand around his shaft to push inside her.
"It's okay!" Her tiny squeaks rolls into a moan when the head of his cock settles inside her and when she twitches around it he cruffs a groan coaxing her sides, "shhh baby 's okay relax fo'me." Taking his hand away from around himself he places it atop her ass withdrawing and looking down to see her cunt glistening with his and her's wetness — then bottoming out deep inside her till his balls are snug against her bum. His stomach twists with pleasure at the warmth that blankets his cock completely making him hunch but he recoups with his arms pressed beside her temple.
The stretch that burns through her core's so pleasing and fulfilling. It hurts in a good way. She knows how patient and composed he's being for her, from the way he fattens tucked inside her walls and he slides his hand between her front and the sheets to caress her soft breasts moving with rough pace.
"Don't stop, please." She recites the mantra almost crushing his fingers with her grip around, it's alot, the constant rub of sheet against her clit and him driving inside her from behind with moans sexier than in erotic audio books. He draws loose circles over her mound making her thighs spread wider with the inability to hold them as he pinched her clit coercion her sensitive button, "oh my god . ." With the whimpers of his name she squirts around his cock and it makes her throw her hips at him.
When he pulls out to turn her on back she whines with a frown, heaving chest and coral cheeks looking totally fucked already, "wanna see ye'r face when you come . . . s' beautiful." He hisses hauling her legs around his waist lowering himself down to enter her with lil smooches to her cheeks, "cum again fo' me baby — yeah just like that squeeze on meh." He pounds her over and over grinding his pelvis against her's to stimulate her in every way.
Feeling the heat crackling in her bones and tummy she takes him by shoulders to cuddle him closer to her chest raising her hips to meet his's, a crying mess, with glossiness twinkling at the corners of her eyes as she comes with euphoria dawning upon her and Harry works her up again.
"Once more, love, i know you've one more fo' me." He gives out a purry groan biting her throat and the valley of her chest, snuggling against it with kisses — when she shakes her head through around him he lines up his nose against her nose petal–ling his lips over her's, "yes you could puppy my sweet — " His eyelids bolting shut at the built of up of his own release and the moment she cums with his cock now he shoots his thick spurt deep inside her.
"This's what it only took fo' you? Callin' ye mere sweet names." He fucks her through it and Y/N admits that he went with his promise --- fucked her like she had never before, they remain like that for some time catching their breaths and then he pulls out of her gently and pumps himself to empty his load shooting it over her pussy and abdomen, "you came so much." She says completely baffled and he steals a chaste kiss from her looking at the white ribbons sticking to her skin.
"Just for you, babyhun."
He tells her not to move and whisks away coming back with a pack of baby wipes. Her hearts swirls with so much fondness for him when he pats the wipes between his palms to get them less cold and shushes her with pecks when she hisses with sensitivity.
They take another shower, this time together and it's not sexual at all though alot of tired poofy kisses and cute yawns were included as they gave eachother shampoo massages and she'd cooe everytime untangling his long hickorey curl.
They changed the sheets (unapologetically very clumsily) and he fetches a glass of water for her making it drink her.
When they were cuddled awfully good he lifts his head up from it was nuzzled between her titties. His accent drawly and slippery from tiredness, "Y/N." He checks if she's asleep and she hums in response starting to play with his hair lazily.
"That day when me date didn't show up?" Witha half heart she hums again, she doesn't like to talk bout that day, because the hopelessness that conquered him that evening still makes her sad.
"I was glad ye' were there 'n 'm so so so thankful that he didn't show up. Else we wouldn't be here in eachother's embrace 'n me heart still'd been mournful to sleep in cold sheets waiting fo' me person." It's the most he has talked in his soberness. It wells up tears in both of their eyes.
"You're my person." She cradles his face hating it that he was kept so love starved his entire life and she gazes him dearly, sweetly, affectionately all the words that could describe love for someone spilling out of the chambers of heart.
"I want to love you so much, pet, make you me most treasured human hershey."
"I'm in, cuddle me up." He grins smauching a loud kiss to her lips and cosying back to his previous spot purring like a kitten thrown into heaps of fluffy blankets.
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manonblaqkbeak · 3 years
How We Met
here it is, my last fic for rowaelin month! thank you so much to everyone that’s read, liked and commented on my fics, it’s been so much fun reading and writing these last four weeks! i’m glad to know that i’m not the only one that is in dire need of more rowaelin content (srsly, i would pay sjm a truck load of money for a strictly rowaelin book bc i miss them sm)
here’s part 4 for the little series i had going on. i was so tempted to make this an angst piece but held back lol.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
cw: none
1.8k words
enjoy and thank you again!!! :) 💕💕💕💕
Gathering the ingredients for the cake that she and Ophelia were going to make for Rowan, Aelin plopped them down on the kitchen counter and tied her and her six year old daughters hair back. Even in the kitchen light, Ophelia's hair was a vivid shade of silver and when she turned to look at her mother, the golden ring in her eyes were just as bright.
“Up, mama!” Ophelia asked, pointing to the step ladder that Olive made for her little sister in her woodshop class at school. Getting it off from atop the fridge, Aelin and Ophelia started their baking session for today. It wasn't often that Aelin baked cakes from scratch but it wasn't every day that her firstborn turned sixteen—not that Aelin could really comprehend that her Olive was sixteen—but Aelin wanted to do this for her, wanted to make something special.
She hoped that it wasn't going to taste as bad as the last cake she baked. Rowan had been sick afterwards and didn't go to work the next day.
That was five years ago, so surely with gaining wisdom as people said when others got older, her baking skills grew too.
“Where did everyone go?” Ophelia asked, her little tongue poking out as she helped Aelin sift the flour.
“To get dinner for tonight. We're having Ollie's favourite.” Which was cuisine from the Southern Continent, there was a restaurant that specialised in the spicy food, and Aelin couldn't wait—she and Rowan often tried to recreate their favourite recipes, but it was never right, so Olive wanted to have the genuine stuff for her birthday and not her parents shoddy attempts.
Not that Aelin could blame her.
They continued making the chocolate cake, Ophelia babbling on about her day at school, when her little one asked, “How did you and papa meet?”
Aelin blinked at the sudden question, but answered it nevertheless. “At the grocery store.”
Ophelia furrowed her brows, and with the way her nose scrunched up, she looked so much like Rowan that it made her heart sing. When Aelin first realised that she was pregnant, she was nervous, they had only been married for seven months and while they spoke about having a child of their own, she didn't think it would happen so quickly—but Rowan's enthusiasm melted away her fears. She would never forget his tears of joy when she showed him the pregnancy test, his beaming smile when they heard her heartbeat for the first time. Aelin would walk through hell, as long as Rowan was by her side, or waiting for her at the end.
It wasn't always perfect, however, they had their ups and downs like every long-term couple, they had moments where it felt like they were walking on tightrope, either because of their own personal issues or marriage issues, or when Egan was fourteen and completely lashed out at Aelin, accusing her of replacing his mother—but she worked with her son, telling him that she had never intended to do that, that Lyria would always be the woman that brought him into the world, and that Aelin was raising him. Her heart broke in two at his pain, but she understood, he grew up with photos and stories of Lyria.
Or when they had the awkward conversation when Olive was eleven and asked why she didn't look like Rowan, and Aelin had explained her story, about Sam being her biological father, but he had given them space for Rowan to raise her instead. That had lead to brooding silences and confusion, but otherwise, Olive still saw Rowan as her dad, but she did ask from time to time about Sam, what he was like and what he was doing (the last update Aelin received from him via email that his wife was pregnant with their second child. Aelin was so happy for him that he was able to have a family, a feat that was made easier since Arobynn had been dead for years by this point) and that she would like to meet him properly one day; Aelin had kept that to herself, not wanting to tell Sam in case Olive changed her mind—Aelin hoped that she wouldn't.
Overall, their life together was what she needed, she went to bed each night loved and fulfilled. It was better than what she might have had with Chaol all those years ago, she was fairly certain that if she had married him, it wouldn't have been a long marriage.
“How did you meet at the food store?” Ophelia asked, her brow still furrowed as she and Aelin stirred the cake batter. It surprisingly smelled good.
“I needed something from a high shelf,” Aelin said, “and I couldn't reach it. Your papa was only a few feet away from me, so I asked him to get it for me.” She might have also subtly ogled him as his shirt exposed his tanned skin, and Aelin had damned near swooned at the sight of his six pack.
“Did you get married at the food store?”
Aelin laughed at the question. “No, we got married at the beach. And then you arrived not long afterwards.” Sometimes they wanted another, but things financially were going so well that they didn't want to jeopardise that by adding another mouth to feed.
“Can you have another wedding?” Ophelia asked, looking at her mum with wide eyes. “So I can go? Please?”
“I'll talk to your daddy about it, but I like the sound of that.” Kissing her daughters forehead, they continued. Just as they were putting the cake in the oven and the icing mix in the fridge, the front door opened and three booming voices infiltrated the house and the mouth watering goodness of food.
Aelin's eyes widened at the amount of food that Rowan piled on the table. It looked like they were feeding a small army and not a family of five.
Ophelia helped her older brother set the table, Egan ruffing her hair as he recounted their little adventure to the restaurant.
As they sat down, Aelin mentioned Ophelia's request. Rowan pretended to mull it over as their daughter pleaded, giving her best puppy dog eyes. It didn't take for Rowan to relent—he really had trouble saying no to her—saying that a second wedding was a great idea.
Ophelia squealed in delight and squealed even more when food was placed in front of her (she was very much like Aelin in that regard).
“How did the conversation of another wedding start?” Rowan asked as they all started eating.
“Phia here wanted to know how we meet.”
Olive snorted. “Yes, the ever romantic story of meeting in the toilet paper aisle.”
“It was not the toilet paper isle!” Aelin protested. “It was the cereal aisle.”
“At least you kids have inherited my manners,” Rowan said, “your mother didn't even ask nicely. She just came over to me and said, 'You're tall, could you get that box for me?'” It had taken him a moment to realise he had been spoken to, too focused on deciding what box of porridge to get when Aelin showed up, wearing a faded band shirt and shorts, pointing to the box of cereal that had far too much sugar to be healthy. He had said 'yes' because it was the nice thing to do, and had stayed behind, talking to her for so long in the aisle that his vanilla ice cream had started to melt.
It was the best decision in his life back then, he never thought he would have gained a friend in the grocery store—and that the friend would become his wife.
“I have manners. I said, 'Excuse you' first before I told you what I needed.”
“That's not really using manners there, ma,” Egan said, smiling as poked her tongue out. He looked so much like Lyria that it was almost scary—he still loved flowers and plants too, and was currently studying to become a florist and then one day horticulture. The backyard was full of flowers and plants thanks to him, making into a little wonderland instead of the barren plain it used to be.
“I did say 'thank you' afterwards.”
“You said 'thanks',” Rowan interjected, laughing as Aelin threw a chunk of her flatbread at his head. Ophelia's cute laughter rent through the air.
“It's the same thing!”
“If you say so, love,” Rowan muttered, his lips twitching. Aelin rolled her eyes in the dramatic way Rowan was used to, but he saw the mirth behind the movement.
“Like I said Phie, it's very romantic,” Olive said drily, sounding very much like Rowan. She had even inherited his scowl, which she was wearing now as she sniffed at the air. “Is something burning?”
Aelin had never run so fast as she did right then, the kitchen filling with smoke as she took in the blackened cake. Swearing viciously under her breath, Aelin chucked the cake into the bin, apologising to Olive as she did so.
“It's okay, mum, dad got me an ice-cream cake earlier today anyway.”
Aelin narrowed her eyes at her husband, who simply gave her an innocent smile in answer.
Rejoining her family, they talked well into the night, helping Aelin to forget her failed baking attempt. Ophelia asked more questions about their time in the grocery store and how that moment lead to friendship, to pining for the other without realising it, to a life together.
And to think, Aelin almost didn't go to the grocery store that day.
Rowan thanked the gods that he had remembered at the last moment that he had no porridge left, otherwise, he might not have met Aelin at all. Might not have had this life, this family. Part of him would always be sad that things had gone so wrong with Lyria, and he would always miss and love her. But he learned in therapy that it was good to have a life, and Rowan was glad that he heeded that advice.
He thanked the gods all the time.
And thank the rutting gods he did right now for the umpteenth time that Aelin deemed him tall enough to get her food for her, to stay in that aisle with him as they got to know each other.
Rowan was a very happy man indeed as he and Aelin went to bed that night, the smiles still on their faces at Olive's unrestrained joy at the sight of the car they spent weeks looking at second-hand dealerships at, hunting for the perfect car for their daughter.
Thank the rutting gods for all those moments in the past, present, and future.
Rowan couldn't wait to marry her again, and neither could Aelin.
Life was good.
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itisannak · 4 years
Rose-Colored Glasses (A Harry Styles Fic) / Part 1: New York City
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Summary: (Y/N) is a 21-year-old student at the New York Institute of Fine Arts. When money becomes tight, she signs up to Seeking Arrangement, where she meets Harry Styles, a 30-year-old executive, who just wants a normal friend. Or, maybe more...  (For @harrysleftchelseaboot​ Writer’s Appreciation Writing Challenge)  (This part does not contain smut scenes. But future parts of this fic do.) (Words: 10k) (Part 2: New York City & Aspen, Part 3: New York City, Amalfi Coast, & Rome, Part 4: Epilogue) (Rose Colored Glasses Vol. 2, Part 1: New York, Part  2: New York, Upper East Side ,  Part 3: Harry’s Apartment, Upper East Side, New York City / Part 4: Upper East Side, New York City & Low Manhattan, New York City / Part 5: Harry’s Apartment, Upper East Side, New York City, Winter Wonderland / Part 6: New York, Zurich, London) / Epilogue; Hawaii
I sigh as I lock my phone, leaving it on the arm of the couch as my friend takes her seat back, looking at me in confusion. "(Y/N), bub... Are you ok? You seem a little..." "Out of my mind? Anxious? Petrified?" I ask her back and she chuckles softly, nodding her head. "All of the above. What's going on? Is Pete bothering you again? You were fine before I went to the kitchen." She asks me back, passing me the bowl of popcorn. "No, I think he is with someone else now. He hasn't bothered me in a while. And thank God for that. He is the last person I want to deal with right now. My electricity bill just came in my email. I swear, it feels like I had just paid the last one..." I whine, stuffing my mouth with a handful of popcorn. "I mean, ever since my roommate decided to move in with her boyfriend, I can barely afford the apartment by myself. I don't want to go back to living in the dorm, it feels like a step back." I complain, making my friend look at me with a frown. "Oh, honey. The 'looking for roommate' flyers didn't do anything?" She asks me softly. "Nothing. Plus, it is really weird looking for a roommate in the senior year. Not to mention having to worry about the new roommate being a creep..." I groan, just at the thought of going through the whole process of building trust with a new person. "Well, if everything fails, you can always find a sugar daddy. New York is rid of them." She nudges my shoulder, chuckling softly. I roll my eyes playfully, shaking my head at her. "Yeah, right... Maybe I will pick extra shifts at the cafe, I'll be fine, no need to worry right now." I try to be breezy and sound optimistic, brushing the matter off. "I am serious, though. There is this site... Seeking Arrangement or Arrangements. It is easy to join in and they run checks on the daddies and some of them don't even want sex." She suggests, cocking an eyebrow playfully at me. "I don't think I would fit in there... Plus, old white rich men are kinda making my stomach turn, so... It's fine, I will find a way to make extra cash..." I assure her, already feeling my stomach upset at the thought of actually doing that. My moral axis is on the opposite end of that, and I can't even picture myself not getting furious at the very first message some random dude is going to send me. "Shall we start the movie? You could use something to distract you, right?" She asks me, grabbing the remote control. "Sure..." I smile politely, relaxing back on the couch.
I fidget my pen with my fingers as I hover over my budget for the month. There is no way I can afford rent, electricity, and food this month, even if I work double-hours. Fuck, I have been taking pride in myself for being able to survive in New York without asking for help from my parents so far and now I am about to call for money, in the middle of the night. I take a deep breath, closing my eyes to try and calm myself. I have been chanting repeatedly that everything is going to be alright, but honestly, this is not working. And what makes things worse is that the idea of signing up to that site my friend suggested has been seeping through my brain since I picked up my diary and pen to calculate my expenses. I bring my laptop closer, sighing as I type the keywords into Google. The site is at the top of the results; Seeking Arrangement dot com. This feels wrong, but I am just researching. My forefinger hovers over my touchpad, trying to find the courage to go against what I thought my moral compass has been opposed to. My face morphs as I press the link, fixing my posture to take a better look at the information before me. The couple on the homepage seems like they have definitely been hired for the promotional shoot, I could bet my money that they are not a couple but honestly is not much. I dig the site more, reading and re-reading the terms, browsing the members, and trying to talk myself out of signing up. But the idea is rooted deep in my head and I find myself clicking the sign-up tile. They are running background checks and I can set my terms about the type of relationship I wish for. And hey, there is a sea of women and men on this site, I will probably not find someone interested to 'invest' and 'mentor' me. My profile will be lost in the sea of people looking for a sugar daddy. I decide to just close the laptop and go to bed early, not hover over my screen for messages I might never receive either way. I cover myself with the duvet up to my ears, craving warmth and safety to lull myself and fall asleep. I am having a hard time not feeling guilty for signing up to the site; I know that there is no reason to, that there is nothing shameful in utilizing an opportunity like this, and that on my profile I have stated my boundaries, but my stomach is tight at the thought of people actually finding my profile. And I honestly don't know which scenario would be worse; having messages from the men on this site in the morning, or logging in to an empty inbox.
I have a hard time starting my day this morning. Not that is ever easy for me to part from my beloved comforter, but today the New York weather begs for me to stay in bed, cocoon, and drink cup after cup of tea. But if I want to keep the slightest hope of keeping this apartment, I have to get up and head to work. I suppress my urge to log in to the site and check if there are any messages; I will end up spiraling or digging too deep, so I leave it for when night comes, to pair my research with my cup of noodles. I wear my work outfit; a simple pair of black jeans, a blunt black t-shirt, and a beige apron that will complete the look once I reach the coffee shop. It is the most boring color scheme, but the owner is all about ~calm colors that are easy on the eye~. As if black is easy on the eye. I grab my backpack and stuff my laptop in it; hopefully, I will get some surge of will to write more on my dissertation.
I walk to the announcement board of the library, looking at the huge display for my looking for a roommate ad. Still, all the fringes with my phone number are hanging below the paper, which means that no one was interested in it. I'll give it by the end of the week; either way, that's the time I have before I lose the payment deadline. "No luck yet?" My best friend startles me, tapping my shoulder. "No. No one even picked my number up." I sigh, my shoulders dropping as I love hope gradually. "Maybe they just saved it on their contacts straight away. Or took a pic of the ad. Don't stress over it. Come on, we have a class with Chimera... We don't want to be late." She pulls me by my arm, dragging me away from the board.
I unlock the door to my apartment well past the time I was supposed to be back. My body is already sore from the day and I am not anywhere close to calling it a day. I set my backpack by my bed before I strip to take a shower and wash away the day. I pour boiling water in my cup of noddles and sprinkle the seasonings before crossing my legs on top of each other and pulling my laptop on top of my lap as I stir my dinner for the noodles to soften faster; my belly has been rumbling ever since I stepped out of my class. I open my dissertation files, sighing at the thought of how much work I have left for this to be done and ready for submission. And then I decide to take a look at my Seeking Arrangement profile. I tap my nails against the keyboard softly as I wait for the login to be completed. I take a bite from my noodles as my profile appears on my screen and I see the little red dot over my message icon. "Holy fuck." I choke on my food as I see I have already been messaged 5 times but various men. Huh... Would you look at that... I open the messages one by one, a different tab for each message.
The first one is by a 50-year-old dude, who seems way too forward from the first message. No, thanks. The second one looks gross; I know I should not judge a book by each cover, but my stomach twitches at the sight of his picture. The third one started with a dick pic, so big no and block. The fourth one looks no older than 28, lives in New York, has a pretty face. That could work...
'Hello. Your profile seems quite interesting. And I noticed you live in New York. What a coincidence? How is the city treating you?' His message is completely different from the others' messages, he seems a bit awkward, in contrast to the confidence the other men showed. I bite my lip and leave the cup next to me before I fix my posture to reply to his message. 'Hi. Thank you for your compliment. New York has been quite the experience thus far. I can't wait to see what adventure it brings me next. How is the city treating you?' I send the message, waiting already for his response. I know better than expecting him to reply straight away, but this seems a bit fun. 'It has been amazing this far. Are you a student here?' He asks; there hasn't even been a minute since I sent my message. 'I study History of Art. I am in my senior year, with only one semester left to get my degree. What about you?' 'I am working in the city. Wow, art history... Impressive. Are you an artist as well, or just an art lover?' 'Just an art lover. My drawing skills are limited to drawing smiley faces.' 'Ah, like myself. Have you been on this site for a long time?' 'I signed up last night, you are the first person I talk to in here. What about you?' 'Just a couple of weeks. This is all new to me, can't imagine how strange it must seem to you.' 'It is a strange experience, yes. I am still trying to find out how all this works.' 'Well, allow me to welcome you in here. To my understanding, you need to set your boundaries, talk about what you want to get out of a relationship.' 'And what are you looking for in a relationship, Harry?' 'Well, I don't know. I guess I am seeking some normalcy in my life. A friend who is outside my circle. Not specifically for anything sexual. What are you looking for, (Y/N)?' 'I am not sure. I guess a taste of a different lifestyle...' 'That sounds good to me. I can give a taste of that.' 'And I am sure I can give you the normalcy you are looking for. It doesn't get more normal than this, I can assure you.' 'Look at you, already making your first arrangement. See, it wasn't that hard, was it?' 'I think you are the one who made it easy for me.' 'Ah, that is untrue. Your honesty did. Would you be comfortable if we met in person? Getting to know someone through a screen only lets you find out little about them.' 'You are not wasting time, I see.' 'I promise, it is nothing sexual. Nor anything creepy. I just want to see you face to face, know the real you. You can pick the time, date, and place. Anything that makes you comfortable.'
And just like that, I am dressed in my nicest dress, walking to the lobby of Plaza Hotel to ask for Harry. I am under-dressed to fit the place, the luxury of the hotel almost making it seem tacky. I walk to the front desk, clearing my throat nervously as the man behind looks at me in a poss way, almost despiteful. "How may I help you, Miss?" He asks me, arching an eyebrow at me. "Hi. I am looking for Mr. Harry Styles." I announce, making the man turn to the computer and punch in his name. "And who is asking for him?" He asks, picking up the landline phone and looking at me questioningly. "Ms. (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." I reply; on one hand, it is a good thing I gave my real name, they keep a record here, I am sure, and if anything happens to me... Well, at least they will have clues to look for me. But at the same time, I am so nervous about it, a bit shameful about revealing my name to someone. Until the man announced my name on the phone, Harry only knew my first name; and he only gave me his full name to ask for him in the lobby. I wish we could just stick to knowing only each other's first name. "Mr. Styles will now accept you in the Junior King Suite, on the 19th floor." The man states, smiling patronizingly before letting me go my way.
I walk in the elevator, pressing the button for the floor before I walk to the very back of the cabin, leaning against the wall. What the fuck am I doing here? Do I really want this? There is still time for me to leave... I can just get out of the elevator the next time the doors open and run. He knows I am here, but that won't be a problem, I assume. Fuck. Maybe he won't be that bad. Maybe he really wants a companion who lives a normal life. And I do need the money. 2 days until rent is due and I don't have any other options now. I close my eyes, trying to get to my happy place to relax. I try to regulate my breathing, along with air for my lungs dragging in the warm aroma of the elevator's air refresher The elevator makes a ping sound as it reaches the 19th floor, and while bracing myself, I walk out of the cabin and down the hall, looking for the suite.
I knock on the door, fixing my posture a bit; I might feel like wreckage inside, but at least I have to look a bit of the opposite. The door opens and reveals the same man that was pictured on the profile. What a relief. "(Y/N), I am so glad to finally meet you in person. Come on in." He invites me, moving from the door and gesturing to the room. "Hi, Harry. It is good to meet you in person." I say gleefully, extending my hand for the tall, charming man to shake. "I am quite soothed you are like your pictures. Don't get me wrong, please, but I was kinda worried about being catfished." He states as we walk to the spacious sitting area. The gold-detailed furniture fails to give the room the renaissance air they aimed for, instead, making it seem heavy and tacky, the nouveau riche tasteless aesthetic making me nearly laugh. "Oh, I feel the same, no need to worry about how you sound. I am glad I am seeing you and not some imposer." I giggle, taking a seat in the armchair. "So, can I offer you a drink?" He asks, walking to the fully-equipped bar across from where I am seated. "Just plain soda water, please." I reply. "Not a drinker?" He asks as he reaches for the can. "Not really, if I am being honest. I never understood drinking until passing out, so I truly cannot hold my liquor. I limit myself to a glass of wine or two, now and then." I chuckle, earning a laugh from Harry. "Favorite type of wine?" He asks while I watch him bring me the closed can and a chilled tall glass. He opens and pours the drink in front of me, making relief and gratitude course through my body. "Will it sound cliche if I say rosé?" I ask and he hands me the drink. "Not at all. Rosé has a unique grace. No wonder why you like it." He states, smiling at me as he lounges on the armchair. I feel my face heating up, making me press my hand against my cheek. "You are cute when you are trying not to blush." Harry comments, picking up his drink. "I am not used to being called graceful. I am quite clumsy and inept at all times, my friends tease me that I am all thumbs." I laugh, earning a chuckle. "Well, you look very elegant, way too sophisticated for your age. Maybe you lack acting like it, but I cannot picture you being clumsy." He compliments. "You flutter me, Harry. Thank you." I cling my glass with his glass as he extends it towards me. "So, there is no easy way to initiate this conversation, so I will take away the awkwardness and bring up the terms of our arrangement." He cuts straight to the point, sitting comfortably on the armchair. "Of course." I mumble, taking a sip from my soda. "I told you I am looking for normalcy. And you are looking for a different lifestyle. I can provide you with that. I can give you all you are asking me for, in exchange for being my friend, some who will help me stay grounded. I need you to be there for me, be a listener, keep me company whenever I need you. We will meet here, once a week. We can also go out for dinners sometimes, and some trips I guess, but for now, let's ease into it. I want to make it clear that nothing sexual will happen between me and you. I don't need a fuck buddy. We will be friends, good friends. And I will make sure you have a nice life. I will transfer money to your account weekly, so, give me your account details, please." He explains, passing me a piece of paper and a pen. I look at him for a moment, biting the inside of my cheek as I weigh the situation. "Everything alright?" He asks me, pushing his eyebrows together to look at me. "Yeah, I just... Can you explain to me what do you mean by trips?" I ask and he nods. "Occasionally, I have to take business trips, which frankly stress me out, so I will need my buddy with me. Of course, that is if you are comfortable with traveling, I am not going to force you to come with me from day one, obviously, I am not going to force you at all, to be honest." He explains; he sounds soft, assuring, so my heart feels at ease as I open the bank up to pull up my information. I scribble down the info, checking it twice to make sure things are ok. "Alright then. I don't want to drain you from our first meeting. I will see you on Tuesday, around 8. We can have dinner together. You can come straight to the suite, I will leave an order to allow you here at all times." He pats his thighs before getting up, signaling me subconsciously to do the same. "That sounds great. I will make sure to be here on time." I grin at him. "The room is already paid for. You can stay if you want, order from room service, or take whatever from the minibar if you wish. I can't wait to see you again on Tuesday. I am really glad I met you, (Y/N). Have a great night." He extends his hand towards me, making me cheese as I shake his hand. "It was great meeting you, Harry. Can't wait until Tuesday." I say before he turns to leave with a wave goodbye.
I wander around the giant suite, lips pursed as I tap my fingers on my thigh. It doesn't seem a bad place to spend the night if you look past the tacky decoration. I flop on top of the giant bed, the skirt of my dress rising to my thighs from the impact. I kick off my ballerina pumps and slide back on the bed until my head is propped against the million pillows. I turn to my side and reach for the nightstand, fumbling around in the drawer of it to find the room service catalog. Maybe I will get a burger, a nice juicy burger, with fries and extra cheddar cheese. I finally find it, picking it up and looking at it. Holy fuck, room service is expensive as fuck. But Harry said the room is paid for, so I assume further expenses are going to be charged in his card. Should I feel bad for charging the guy's card with a whopping 30 dollars for just a burger? Ah, screw it... He will be fine. My phone pings before I could pick up the landline and order my burger, making me reach for it at the end of the bed. '$2,500.00 transfer to your account for 'WEEKLY ALLOWANCE'.' The notification displays on my lock screen, making me blink to make sure I read right. Fuck, shit, ok... Gotta make sure there were no mistakes done during transfer. I look through my contacts, trying to find Harry's; he gave me it the day we confirmed our meeting, just in case I needed anything, but I can't remember so the life of me to remember how I saved it. Oh, H*... Sure. I press call and bring the phone to my ear, biting on my nail as I wait. "Hello, Harry's speaking." He sounds a bit cheery; I can hear the busy city street in the background of the call. "Hi, Harry. It's (Y/N)... I just got a notification from my bank..." "Yes, I made the transfer. Is everything alright?" He asks. "I was wondering if there was a mistake. Maybe you meant to transfer 250 dollars and the extra zero was an accident." "No, it is your weekly allowance. I didn't tell you about the amount?" He asks in confusion. "It is a lot of money." I point out. "It is not, love. I told you I can give you a better lifestyle. Enjoy it." I can hear the smile in his voice. "Thank you. Ok then, I guess..." "Listen, love. I have to go, I am driving. I will see you on Tuesday again. Take care." He says charmingly, making me chuckle. "You too." I reply before the line goes dead. Fuck me... I don't have to worry about rent for the next 3 months at least, and Harry is a decent guy. Maybe it is not as bad as I thought it would be.
This might as well be the first time I paid rent before it was even due - well, by a couple of days, but still, it counts. I even went grocery shopping and filled my fucking fridge with food. Not canned goods or ramen noodle packets, but actual food, and had no guilt whatsoever about all the money I spent in a single day. "Are you coming to the karaoke party tonight?" Chrissy asks me, tapping my shoulder as I pick up my stuff after class dismissal. "Sure, let me get into my time machine and transfer to 1992 when karaoke parties were cool." I sass, rolling my eyes at her. "Oh, come on... When was the last time you came to a party? We will start thinking you are avoiding us..." She pouts at me, making me shake my head at her. "I am working an extra shift today. But I might be free on Thursday. We can go for drinks, at that fancy cocktail place if you'd like." "Fancy cocktail place, huh? Your penny-pinching boss decided to give you a raise or something? Last week you didn't know whether or not you would be able to pay rent and now you are talking about fancy cocktail places?" She asks confused, cocking an eyebrow at me. "I found my childhood piggy bank..." I mock and she chuckles. "Ok then. I am going to keep you true to your words and Thursday, you and I are going for a cocktail." She eyes me, making me nod. "Thursday it is then." I assure her, leaning in to kiss her cheek.
I decide, for the first time since I moved to New York for college, to splurge on a nice dress. Of course, not too nice, since rent, bills, and grocery shopping have already taken off a considerable part of my budget. But still, I can afford a dress in the 3-figure range, which is something I have never been able to. So, on Tuesday, at 8, I make my way out of the elevator once it reaches the floor the suite is on, clad in my burgundy red dress that stops a bit below my knee, with short sleeves and a neckline that elongates my neck. I am sure Harry will not mind the dress much; I could have worn any other dress in my closet and I bet it would be the same. I knock on the door of the room, waiting for Harry to open and let me in. I fidget with my fingers; it has been nearly a minute since I knocked, but no response, not even a sound coming from behind the door. Maybe he forgot we would be meeting tonight, or he was caught up in his office. My spiral soon comes to an end as Harry opens the door, smiling at me before moving. "Are you always this precise at your appointments?" He asks me with a chuckle. "I try to. I have to admit that I am not always successful at it, though." I giggle as he closes the door. "Hope you brought an appetite." Harry points to the carefully made table in the place a lounging chair was the last time I was over. "What are we having?" I ask, taking a seat as Harry pulls my chair for me, in true gentleman fashion. "I thought of ordering a 12-course meal..." "Oh, God..." I rasp, just at the thought of it. "But I figured it would be a lot. So, I settled for something more mundane. Italian. The first course is bruschetta with eggplant and parmesan. Second, Calamari, stuffed, and fried. For main, linguini alle vongole. And an Italian green salad for the side, I guess. Then we finish with tiramisu cake and classic gelato. Paired with rosé, to please the lady's taste." Harry explains, opening the first bell to reveal the bruschettas. "This looks lovely, Harry." I am in a state of awe, looking at the delicate, yet hearty-looking pieces of crispy bread with diced tomato and eggplant garnish on top.
Harry pours the wine on our glasses, his movement, and mannerism revealing that he has been in the high society for quite a long time. "How was your day?" I ask Harry, who rests back on his chair. He is dressed in a loose white shirt, the top button undone to show off his ink-covered sternum, paired with flannel trousers and a set of pristine loafers, that look like they have ever touched gravel. "Very boring. Nothing dramatic happens in my world if I am honest. How was your day?" He asks me back, picking up the bruschetta on his plate. I notice the ring wrapping around his fingers, silver or white gold, I don't know, I was never good at telling the difference. "I had classes in the morning. Then a meeting with my supervisor for my dissertation. And then my friend begged me to join her karaoke party, so I had to bribe her with drinks at a fancy rooftop cocktail place in 12th Street on Thursday. It wasn't very eventful, to be frank." I reply, taking a sip from my wine. "I never asked you... Why art history? Why study it?" He asks me, looking at me in full focus. "Ok... I was 4 when my parents took me to a museum. Kids had a free pass and either way, it was the first Sunday of the month, so people could just get in museums for free. My parents took me there, and we went through the artifacts until we reached a small expo about Renaissance paintings and I got enamored. I was a child in my little candy store. I milked the kids' free pass for as long as I could and then I saved every dollar from my pocket-money to visit the museum. I had seen every single one of the special expos by the time I was 16, and I went to the museum manager, knocked on her door, and begged her for a job. She found it sweet that I was so obsessed with art, but she couldn't offer me a job. She helped me apply to the best art history programs, gave me a letter of recommendation even. I still see her every time I visit home for the holidays. You see, I knew from 4 years old that I would be following this career path. There was no other option for me." I explain. "You never changed your mind on it?" He asks, staring at me in awe. "Never, not even for a second... Well, that's kind of a lie... I did change my mind for about 5 minutes when I saw that my supervisor would be Chimera, but I snapped out of it." "Chimera?" He asks, cocking an eyebrow. "There is this lecturer, toughest of them all. We call her Chimera. Chimera was this monster in Greek mythology, a lion-goat hybrid with a snake tail that breathed fire. My lecturer has this despotic, authoritarian physique, she is pretty terrifying if I am honest." I explain. "You know your mythology, I see..." He comments, swirling the liquid in his wine glass. "I had to. A huge proportion of art is inspired by mythology." I reply. He is looking at me with a piercing, invested gaze, prompting me to talk more. "I never asked you what you do for a living..." I point out, the information gap leaving me with an inch on my insides. "I run some business, a cluster of corporations. Some family business, others my own or purchased." He replies. Even though he did answer my question, the void is still there, intriguing more as to why he chose to not give me a clear answer. "Does it fulfill you? I mean, your job, does it make you happy?" I ask, pushing my plate a bit away from me. I fix my posture, aligning my back with the chair's back. Harry stays quiet for a moment, looking at me in a brooding, almost reflecting way, before chuckling and taking a sip from his wine. "No one is truly happy nowadays, (Y/N). Happiness is an illusion, all of it is but a bubble, on the verge of bursting with every decision you make. Tell me, are you happy?" He asks me back. I shrug my shoulders softly, biting my tongue as I think about it. "I consider myself happy, yes." I reply, making Harry shake his head along with his finger in a rejecting way. "See, this is utter bullshit. You are not happy, you are lying to yourself. If you were happy, if you were truly happy, you wouldn't have signed up on that site. You can lie all you want, but you know as well as I do that we only met because misery pushed us together. So, I will drink to misery, since she is the reason I met you." He leans in, bringing his glass to the middle of the rotunda table. I gulp awkwardly, following his lead and clinging my glass with his, the sharp, pitched sound produced filling the silence coating the room.
"Did I bring you down with my realism?" He asks me, noticing that I awkwardly go back to munching on my bruschetta, who is now cold and more solid than before. "No... Well, maybe a little, if you want honesty. I choose to believe that happiness exists, and while it may be fragile, we all deserve to taste it. If you want to credit misery for our meeting, fine. But I choose to believe that something else brought us together. Loneliness, maybe. But not misery. I was happy when I signed up to the site, and I am not going to take away the happiness because I was stressed at that point of my life." I state, trying my best to keep my voice calm. "Maybe I am the miserable bastard of the story. Time will show. Come on now, love. Let's ditch the long faces and serve the next dish." Harry cheers, standing up and walking to the door to let the people who are here to serve our next dish in. The man takes away the plates, while a much younger man, close to my age replaces the cutlery and places the bells before us. Harry thanks the men while I smile politely at them before they walk out. "Were they waiting behind the door to bring the next plate?" I ask Harry, who is pouring more wine into a fresh glass. I guess I didn't realize they took away the glasses too. "No... They are serving us based on a timeline. I realized it was time for our next meal when I took a look at my watch." He explains, tapping his finger against the watch that must have cost half my tuition if not more. "I see. I would feel kinda bad if they were standing behind the door throughout the meal." I state, causing Harry to scoff. "Don't worry, I am not that big of a tyrant." He muses, raising his bell. "I don't think you are a tyrant. On the contrary, I think you use the tough, bossy profile as a defense." I slouch my shoulders a little, relaxing my posture as I open the bell before me. "I didn't realize the weekly allowance covered the psychoanalysis fees as well..." He comments, cutting a piece of his calamari with his knife. I know that is my cue to shut up, so I just stuff my face with food or wine for the rest of the meal.
"The suite is prepaid for the night. If you feel like it, you can stay." Harry comments, slipping in his jacket. "I have an early class in the morning, so I will catch a taxi home now." I reply, fixing any creases on my dress from sitting that many hours during our dinner. "Nonsense, my driver can take you home." He offers but I shake my head. "I don't want to put you out of your way... I will be fine with a taxi." I try to assure him but he scoffs and brushes me off. "I am not hearing another word. My driver will take you." He almost commands, opening the door for me, placing his hand on my back as we walk out in the hall. "Vinny, you are taking the lady home. I will be having a drink at the bar here, pick me up after she makes it home." Harry announces to his driver as we reach his car. The man opens the door of the majestic Rover for me, letting me climb inside and make myself comfortable on the leather seats. "And (Y/N)... Make sure to text me on Thursday morning about the time you and your friend will be going to that fancy rooftop cocktail place. Be safe, see you on Saturday." Harry states, patting the hood of the car as his driver starts the engine. I am not sure if he did it on purpose, signal the driver to take off before I could talk, and neither will I have the chance to talk about it next time we meet. I pull my phone out, scrolling through my socials to pass time. "Where to, miss?" The driver asks me, looking at me through the driver's mirror.
'Good morning, Harry. You requested I text you about my going out tonight, so here it is I guess. My friend and I will be heading to the bar at around 9. If you want to meet afterward, I assume that by midnight I will be free. Have a great day. x' I am not sure if we will be meeting tonight with Harry, to be honest, but I had to follow his order and text him. I stared at my phone throughout the day, waiting for at least a reply out of courtesy, but nothing so far. My friend insisted we have a kick out of our night out, so we had a little dress up, with her nearly forcing me into one of her fancy little dresses. I did her makeup and we took turns doing each other's hair, so it felt like having an adult dress party.
We make it to the rooftop bar at around 9:15, the night sky making the whole scenery even better. "Hi, can we have a table for two?" I ask the hostess who smiles at me. "Ms. (Y/L/N)?" The woman asks me and I nod, furrowing my eyebrows together as I look at her. "I am sorry, have we met?" I ask her and she shakes her head at me. "No, no. I was instructed to guide you and your friend to the VIP lounge." She explains, handing me an envelope. "Instructed by who?" My friend asks. I feel awkward, knowing I cannot explain to her. "Chrissy, it is fine..." I brush it off, following the hostess to the spot. We settle into the lounge, enjoying the view of the city for a moment before the waitress catches our attention. "Your waiter will be with you shortly. Enjoy your night." She smiles politely, walking away after making sure we are comfortable. Chrissy is looking at me in suspicion, but says nothing, opting to scan through the menu. I find the opportunity to open the envelope, revealing a note on a stationery card. 'Enjoy the night on me. -H.' Simple as that, even on my night out he chose to intervene. Money buys everything, even a way for him to control my day. "I was kinda hoping for a mojito tonight..." Chrissy groans and I chuckle. "If you ask for a mojito in here, I think they are going to throw us off the rooftop." I giggle, picking up my menu. "Everything is freaking expensive in here..." She whispers and I chuckle. "Don't worry much about it. It has been handled." I reply. She cocks an eyebrow at me, but before she could open her mouth, the waiter approaches as with a tray full of plates and 2 glasses. "Good evening, ladies. May I get you started with Apéritifs while your drinks are getting prepared?" He asks, lowering plate after plate before us. "We didn't order those." Chrissy points out. "We have been instruct to serve Ms. (Y/L/N) and company a variety of our catalog." The man replies, leaving two tall glasses of Aperol in front of us. Chrissy is looking at me surprised but doesn't comment, relaxing back on her seat. "Did you have a chance to look over our drinks catalog?" The man asks us. "Yes. May I have a Lavender Lake?" My friend asks, looking over the plates set before us. "Of course. And for the other lady?" He asks me, turning to face me. "I... Can I have a second, please?" I grab the menu, scanning over it quickly. "I am having a North Fork Royale," I reply, leaving the menu on the edge of the table. "Can you please tell us what we have before us?" Chrissy asks, twirling a strand of hair behind her ear. Her flirting mode is on, eyes sparkling as she stares at the guy, who chuckles. "Of course. Before you, there is Hummus and Pita, a Watermelon Salad with Feta Cheese, Guacamole with Crispy Tortilla, Spiced Chicken Empanadas with a light Minty Yogurt. And for your next course, you can pick between Dry Aged Beef Burger, Duck Carnitas Tacos, or Seared Ora King Salmon." He explains. "I will have the Salmon, please." I announce, biting the inside of my cheek. "What would you suggest?" She asks the waiter. "The duck is juicy and flavorful. The burger has an exquisite, rich taste. The salmon tastes fresh. For someone with your temperament, I would suggest the duck tacos." The man replies, making my eyes widen. Chrissy and her flirting, always getting whoever she has her eye on. "Alright then. I will have the juicy duck..." She says suggestively, making me choke on the sip o my Aperol. The man walks away and I scoff, looking at Chrissy in surprise. "Not wasting time I see..." I comment. "He looks like a tall glass of cold water and I am parched. You didn't seem interested, so why play around?" She asks with a shrug. "By all means, feel free to get it..." I giggle. "Besides, you don't seem in need of a man." She states, cocking an eyebrow before bringing her glass to sip from it. I feel like protesting the comment, asking her what she means by it, but I remain silent, knowing that if she brings up her past suggestion, I will be exposed.
My phone rings at 12:30 after I have undressed and taken off my make up. I pick up my phone from the top of the dresser and realize that Harry is calling me this late at night. I try to figure whether or not I want to talk to him right now. "Hi, Harry. Is everything ok?" I ask, sighing quietly as the line goes live. "Hi, doll. I wanted to invite you over on Saturday. We said we would meet, but didn't arrange anything. What would you like to do?" He asks me. I rub my temples and close my eyes, thinking about it for a moment. "You want normal, right?" I ask and he hums softly. "I want whatever you want, sweetheart." "Pizza and a movie. No formal clothes. How long has it been since you wore sweats, ate greasy pizza, and just chilled?" I ask. "Ok, then. Come up the room at 8. Sweats and pizza movie night." He chuckles. "I have to go. It is late and I am tired. Thank you for the treat tonight." "You are welcome. Hope you had fun. Sweet dreams, see you on Saturday." He cheers off before the line dies. He sounded a lot lighter than the last time we met, the broody tone giving place to a more positive one.
I knew I would potentially be kicked off the moment I stepped into Plaza's lobby, wearing sweats and a t-shirt, so I opted for dressing up and packing a change of clothes for when I reach the room. I knock on the door, looking around me to make sure no one is paying attention to me. "I thought you said the dress code for tonight is sweats... You look ready to go for drinking..." Harry states as he lets me in. He is already dressed in a pair of sweatshorts, resting just on his mid-thigh, and a grey muscle top, revealing many of his tattoos. "I brought a change of clothes with me. Did you get here like that?" I ask and he chuckles. "Of course." "And they didn't kick you out?" "Why would they?" "Because this place is posh. It has an unspoken dress code." "So?" "So..." I am speechless, his confusion over my words revealing the huge difference between me and him. He doesn't have to worry about how he looks; money buys you a place everywhere. "I will go change." I excuse myself, walking straight into the bathroom.
I walk out of the bathroom, looking around for Harry. "Harry?" I call out, trying to trace him. "I am in the bedroom..." He announces, making me furrow my eyebrows together. I walk towards the sliding doors, finding him sitting at the end of the bed. I feel a weird tightness in my stomach; this isn't part of our deal. "Don't worry, this isn't what you think it is. It is just the only room with a TV in the suite." He explains, patting the spot close to him on the bed for me to sit on. "I am sorry, I shouldn't have made assumptions..." I stutter, making him chuckle. "I told you, this is platonic. I just need a friend. I will not take advantage of you just because I give you money." He assures me. "Can we talk about something?" I ask him and hums in agreement. "Of course. What is it?" "I appreciate that you treated me and my friend to a night out, and we wouldn't have had such a great time as we did if you didn't surprise me, but it also put me in a tough spot with my friend. I didn't know what to tell her..." I explain. "Oh... I didn't think there would be a problem." He sounds shocked. "I know you didn't do it on purpose. I just... I want you to be a bit more... Considerate of my position..." I reply. "Your friend doesn't know about this?" "I haven't told anyone about this. It is not like I want to brag about being a sugar baby." I reply. Harry hums, drawing in a deep breath. "Why? Have you told anyone about this?" I ask. "No, but it isn't the same." "It is, Harry. I am not ashamed I am your friend. I am not ashamed of spending time with you. I just don't want to expose you, and I don't want people all over my business." I explain. "It's fine, you don't have to explain things to me. I appreciate that you don't kiss and tell." He chuckles. "Anyway, I loved what you did yesterday. It was very sweet of you. I just wish you would have told me earlier so I could come up with something to tell my friend." I try to lift him, not cause him to turn colder towards me. "Next time I will. Ok... So, which movie and what kind of pizza do you want?" He asks me, grabbing the TV remote from the nightstand and handing it to me.
I groan as I open my eyes, the light from the blinders hitting me right in my face. I find myself sleeping on top of Harry. My head is on his chest, and his hand is resting on my back. We are both clothed, the same outfits we had as last night still covering our bodies. If I remember correctly, we were just buzzing from the wine and decided to just lay for a bit. But the bit turned into sleeping through the night. I don't want to wake him up by moving, since his arm is still around my back. So, I just stay, closing my eyes and trying to pay no attention to the blinding light. "Hey... Are you awake?" He asks, in a groggy voice. "Oh, thank God. I didn't want to wake you up." I reply, moving from his chest. "I didn't want to wake you up." He chuckles. I sit upon the mattress, stretching my body, and making my joints pop. "You look cute in the morning..." He compliments me. "Stop messing with me." "I am not messing with you. You look cute." He shrugs. I mumble a 'Thanks', feeling warm inside over his compliment. "Should I order breakfast?" He asks me, and I hum as I think of it. "We should go out and get some." I suggest, making him morph his face in disapproval. "It is way easier to order and be served here." He replies. "Yes, but more fun going out to get some." I point out, getting up from the bed. "Plus, you want normal from me, and that is normal..." I sing and he groans. "Normal people opt for having breakfast in bed when they are staying at the Plaza." He mutters but I shrug. "Not when they check the fees for Room Service. Come on, get up, grandpa. The more you gripe over it, the more you suffer." I nearly have to drag him out of bed, making him groan at me.
"So, where are we going for breakfast?" Harry asks as we step out of the hotel. The quiet lobby floor gives place to New York's loud street life, which is quite honestly a whole lot more calming than the judgy crowd of the Plaza Hotel. "I don't know..." I reply, beginning to walk down the street. None of us bothered changing from our outfits, Harry still in his shorts and muscle top; thank God that spring weather has started kicking in. "What do you mean you don't know? Where are we going to have breakfast at?" He asks, walking by my side. "We are having breakfast on the street. We are walking down the street until we find a vendor we like, and we are having coffee and a bite from them. We can find a park to sit at and enjoy our morning, but I'd rather have it while walking..." I shrug. Harry sighs, but continues following me, mindlessly roaming while looking for a vendor. "You do that often?" He asks me, putting his hands in his pockets. "Not really. That's why I want to do it today. I don't get to enjoy a morning stroll, with a cup of coffee in hand... And I am willing to bet all that is under my name that you have never done that, ever before..." I state and he chuckles. "There is always a first time for everything..." He mumbles. "You would think that on a Sunday, New York would be a lot quieter, a lot less busy. But it feels like every other weekday in this city." I try to make small talk, avoid opening a heavy discussion, seeing how last week's happiness stunt went. "Well, most people go to church, bright and early in the morning, sporting their best Sunday's attires and worshiping God to make up for all the crimes they commit the rest of the days. And then they roll around in their expensive cars, to head to expensive lunches and back with their lives." He replies, pointing to the convoy of expensive city cars heading the same direction. "You don't believe in God?" I ask him; there goes not talking about heavy stuff. "I do, just not in worshiping them that way. I believe God exists within us, and the way to honor them is by being kind. I am not that good at honoring God." He chuckles "I think you are a better person than you credit yourself, Harry. You are nothing but kind to me." "You only see this part of me. You don't know how I am in real life." He replies. "True. But the part of you I see is kind, and that is enough for me to know you have the potential to be kind." I state. I spot a small food cart across the street, so I grab Harry by the bicep and drag him across the street.
The cart has the typical laminated paper that displays the options we have for breakfast, so I quickly scan the pictures to make up my mind. "A cup of coffee, black. And an egg and cheese sandwich, please. And whatever the gentleman gets." I state, handing the vendor a 20$ bill. "Oh, no." "Oh, yes. Keep the change." I instruct, looking at Harry as he makes up his mind. "Dark coffee too. And a cream cheese bagel." Harry sighs, rolling his eyes at me. The man hands me my cup first then puts our snacks in paper bags, before fixing Harry's coffee. We thank the man and move along, strolling as I take a sip of my coffee. "It tastes like crap." I cringe and he laughs. "We can get some from somewhere else." He offers and I shake my head. "No, that's the magic." I reply and he chuckles. "How do you do that?" He asks me. "How do I do what?" I ask him back, a little bit confused. "How do you find the best in all cases? How do you stay so positive?" He asks me. I sigh, shrugging my shoulders before giving him an answer. "I don't know. But I know I would be pretty miserable if I didn't. And I am not always like that. This is a pointless matter, one bad coffee won't kill me. When things get more serious... Well, you wouldn't think I am a positive person." I reply, trying to open the paper bag with my breakfast sandwich. "I hope I never have to see you lose your positivity." He comments, making me smile at him softly. "You never told me if you liked your necklace." Harry changes the subject as we stroll by some posh shop's window. "What necklace?" I ask, looking at him with a furrow. "I gave you the necklace last night, didn't I?" He asks me, making me even more confused. "No..." "Shit... I must have forgotten. I am so very sorry." "It is ok. You got me a necklace?" I ask and he nods. "You didn't have to, Harry. You are already doing a lot for me..." I state and he brushes me off, flicking his hand dismissively. "I like treating you. And I wanted to get you something that would go with that lovely dress you wore when we had that dinner together. It suits you well. You should wear it more often..." He compliments me, making me hum at him. "Thank you. I might follow your advice and wear it all the time." I state and he chuckles. "You will join me for a proper lunch, won't you? I will give you the necklace then. I have it in the hotel room." He asks me and I chuckle. "Of course I will. But not because you are giving me the necklace then." I reply.
Harry gifted me the most beautiful rose-gold platted dove necklace. The dainty necklace goes pretty much with everything, so I just wear it all the time. Chrissy is sprawled on my couch, her phone in hand and a bowl of popcorn on her lap. "Pizza is on the way." I announce, sitting comfortably on the couch and handing her her glass of wine. She locks her phone and leaves it on the side, taking the glass carefully. Before we could cling our glasses together, her phone pings loudly, signaling she has a text. "You are over the waiter from the cocktail place already?" I ask her jokingly. "That IS the waiter from the cocktail place." She muses in triumph, picking her phone up and snapping a picture of herself taking a sip of her wine. "I gotta admit, you are not killing time here." I state, impressed by how easy it is for her to get whoever she wants. She huffs and leaves her glass on the coffee table, turning to look at me fully. "What?" I ask her, making her roll her eyes and shake her head at me. "You totally have a Sugar Daddy... Stop complaining..." She giggles and I look at her in shock. "What are you talking about?" I stutter and she scoffs. "Your rent is paid, you sport new clothes, that necklace is probably worth 2 months of rent, we went to that amazing place and nearly had a tasting of the full menu. You have a Sugar Daddy." She cheers and I sigh defeated. "Ok, fine... Yes. I signed up on that site you suggested and I found someone... Are you happy now?" I ask. "Spill. Tell me everything..." She encourages me, paying her full attention to me and ignoring her phone pinging maniacally. "He is sweet, caring, in his 30s I guess. I never asked him how old he is, to be honest. He treats me more than well." I reply, trying not to reveal too much about Harry. I know he would want me to respect his privacy. "What about the sugar?" She asks, moving her eyebrows suggestively. "We are just friends. There is no sugar in the way you mean it." I reply and she groans. "Just friends? What? Is he fat? Married? Bald?" She asks, cringing more and more as she lists off. "No, nothing of that sort. He is actually hot. Like, model-hot. And he has a full head of luscious hair... We've just agreed on being friends." I shrug my shoulders. "So, your kind of sugar is friendship." "Yeah, I guess..." I sigh. "So, no hook-ups for you?" "Didn't I just say we are only friends?" I ask her and she scoffs. "I meant with others, idiot. What does your agreement say on the matter?" She asks me. "We haven't talked about it... I mean, I guess since we are only friends, it is fine to see other people..." I reply. "How would you feel if he started seeing someone?" She asks me. I contemplate for a second; we are just friends, after all... Why would it matter if he had a girlfriend or boyfriend? Or a partner or whatever? "I don't know. I have to be honest with you. I don't know how I would feel." I draw in a deep breath, before taking a big sip of my drink. "Well, I think this is something you should discuss with him. I might have someone for you if you get cleared for hook-ups..." She wiggles her eyebrows, finally picking her phone.
"You seem awfully quiet tonight, sweetheart. Is something bothering you?" Harry asks me as the waiter summons our desserts. I have been out of it throughout the dinner, trying to find a way to bring the subject up for conversation. "It is nothing. Don't worry about it." I brush it off; I don't want to ruin the night. We are having dinner at a terrace, privately booked for Harry and I, with a simple dinner of steak and salad, since last time we had a big dinner together, we both got a huge bloating in the morning. "If something is bothering you, you should talk to me. I would love to help if I can." He insists, reaching his hand to top mine. "I know we have said that this is platonic and we are just friends. And I am fine with that, I am. I am just wondering... Is it ok for me to have hook-ups with others? Our situation is kinda tangled and confusing, and I don't want to do something that is not ok with you." I explain; I am sure there won't be an issue. We are just friends, it would be irrational for him to not allow me to have other relationships. "Absolutely not." He suddenly becomes colder, taking his hand away. "What?" "No, you cannot hook up with people, you cannot get a boyfriend, or girlfriend, or whoever you want to be with." He states, making me cock an eyebrow. "You cannot be serious right now..." "I am serious." "Why?" I ask, trying to understand why he is so hellbent. "A hookup, or a boyfriend, would take time away from me. It would limit the time we spend together, it would take you away from me. Plus, explaining our situation to someone else would be such a big headache." He says coldly. "And what about you? Are you free to have a girlfriend or hook-ups with others?" I ask him and he scoffs. "Of course. If I choose to, I can hook up with whoever I want. I am a free man." He replies. "And I am not a free woman?" "It is not the same." "Why is it not the same?" I ask and see his face change, twist with anger. "I am spending money on you. I am spending money so you spend time with me. And I will not allow anyone to take the time we spend together from me. And I will not allow you to spend the money I give you on some low-life boyfriend." He slams his hand on the table, making me jolt back and look at him with wide eyes. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to startle you..." He is quick to apologize, but I am already too intimidated by him. "Can... May I leave? Please..." I stutter, not daring to look at him now. "Vincent can drive you home." He offers his voice now calmer. "I prefer going alone. Goodnight." I quickly gather my stuff, before rushing to the elevator. I have never been that scared of anyone in my life. His eyes were dark and his face was burning, I have never seen him like that before. I don't know if I ever want to be alone with him again.
My Masterlist /  New York City & Aspen /  New York City & Amalfi Coast & Rome  /  Epilogue / Rose Colored Glasses Vol. 2, Part 1: New York / Part  2: New York, Upper East Side /  Part 3: Harry’s Apartment, Upper East Side, New York City / Part 4: Upper East Side, New York City & Low Manhattan, New York City / Part 5: Harry’s Apartment, Upper East Side, New York City, Winter Wonderland / Part 6: New York, Zurich, London / Epilogue; Hawaii
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undine-taz · 3 years
5 times Diavolo failed to be a sugar daddy and one time he succeeded
I'm just imagining poor Diavolo trying SO HARD to spoil an MC who is just. Not greedy in the slightest and loves weird little shinies while being totally indifferent to the super crazy expensive gifts he usually gives to people he's trying to woo. Just in case, this is the PUREST OF FLUFF and completely sfw. I can’t even think of any tw to tag??? Let me know if you notice something. Oh, and MC is imagined to be gender neutral. There’s a mention of perfume, but not in the feminine sense- that’s just the proper word for a certain level of scent concentration.
1. Expensive Perfume
Diavolo's first attempt is the most expensive perfume/cologne money can buy
He's not quite sure what MC's favorite scent is, so he buys a wide variety
All the bottles are sleek and minimalistic and the scents inside are VERY obviously expensive, the kind of thing Mammon would probably lose his mind over
MC's reaction is perfectly grateful, they say sincerely how much they appreciate him thinking of them. He doesn't feel a single lie off of them and he walks away mostly satisfied thinking maybe they’re just the type to not show a ton of excitement over gifts
That is, until he's walking down the hallways in RAD and happens to overhear a conversation between Asmo and MC
Asmo's talking about how he's been going through perfume at a record pace lately, and he feel so bad about wasting these beautiful bottles... would MC like them? He has one shaped like a rose, one like a star, one modeled after the cosmos... 
Asmo doesn't even get to finish because MC is already flapping their hands in joy (I'm autistic and MC is going to happy stim if it kills me) and wiggling and practically jumping into Asmo's arms in excitement
Asmo's laughing and promising to save all of his prettiest empty perfume bottles for MC from now on and MC is practically wiggling in joy and nuzzling their face into Asmo's chest in happiness
They’re talking about spending the night in Asmo’s room trying to make perfume blends for each other to fill up the bottles and tossing scent ideas back and forth
And Diavolo is sitting there feeling a bit like he's been bonked over the head. Those happy stims are ADORABLE and he wants to be the one who causes them. He's not sure why his perfume failed and Asmo's literal empty bottles worked but he's DETERMINED to try again
2. Fancy gemstones
Diavolo's next attempt is fancy gemstones. He finds large, beautifully cut and processed gemstones, the type that are so perfectly processed they look almost identical except for color
Again, when he gives MC his gifts he can tell that they're sincerely grateful! They tell him they love that he was thinking of them, they worry that he spent too much money on them ( they try to refuse at first because it's too much, but Diavolo breezes past their protests with a smile and an iron will) and Diavolo doesn't sense even the tiniest hint of untruth from their professions of gratitude
But.... there are no happy wiggles, no stunned gasps, no joyously flapping hands, no nothing. Just calm gratitude.
Diavolo goes back to the drawing board, and he's just going to visit the HOL library for inspiration in a rare book (and as an excuse to see MC) when he hears Satan and MC laughing together in the library.
When he walks in, he sees Satan and MC crouched together with some strange tools in their hands, gently chipping away at a large rock. There's a tiny pile of uncut, unprocessed gemstones at MC's elbow.
As soon as MC sees him, he's aflood in a wash of excited chatter as MC tells him about the gemstone mining kit Satan bought after reading a book on gemstones. In fact Diavolo can see the book open at Satan's elbow along with a notebook where the two have been identifying every gemstone they dig up.
Before he knows it, MC seizes his hand and he's drawn into the game, watching their eyes shine and seeing them bounce in their seat with excitement every time they uncover a new gemstone.
Dammit. Another failure. But, Diavolo finds as he watches MC's obvious joy, he can't be too frustrated when they're this happy. 
3. Shopping spree at Majolish
Diavolo is undeterred! He takes a day to bring them to Majolish, having them try on outfit after outfit. Sure, they're not picking out very many things, but he loves spending time with them and they say they're enjoying themself.
After several hours, Barbatos gently reminds him that he has a meeting soon and that MC seems absolutely exhausted.
Diavolo pouts, especially when he sees that MC hasn't picked out very many things, but he sighs and concedes.
When he drops them off at the HOL, MC gives him a hug and thanks him for helping them pick out some more formal outfits for any upcoming RAD events. Diavolo accepts the hug gladly, but there's no squeaking or jumping and DEFINITELY no flapping. MC seems rather exhausted, and Belphegor has appeared from nowhere and draped himself over MC and is mumbling about needing a nap buddy and MC isn't even trying to argue 
The next day, Barbatos shows him Levi's post on Devilgram. It's a video, of Levi giving MC a plain, unassuming box.
When MC opens the box, their mouth drops open, their eyes go wide, and they fling themselves at Levi, happily nuzzling into his chest and mumbling incoherent thanks while Levi turns bright red and starts stuttering and clearly tries not to combust
The video cuts out for a second and then starts again with MC wearing a simple shirt embroidered with a strange logo, which Levi explains from behind the camera is inspired by MC's favorite series and was handmade by Levi for practice. Levi was apparently asked to design formalwear inspired by anime, and he chose MC's favorite to practice a design. According to the caption, the two spent an entire day together watching the series and sketching ideas!
MC is beaming and happy stimming while Diavolo thumps his head into his desk dramatically and Barbatos elegantly stifles a chuckle behind him. 
4. Bouquets of flowers
Well now Diavolo is determined. HE WILL MAKE MC HAPPY STIM IF IT KILLS HIM
He begins watching the corniest of romcoms for ideas.
Midway into one of them, he sees the character buy their love interest bouquets upon bouquets of roses
BRILLIANT! He's up and placing orders immediately. Barbatos stays behind for a few minutes to actually watch how this particular ploy works out on screen, before laughing and going to watch the chaos
As dedicated as he is to the young lord, watching Diavolo scramble around trying to impress his first puppy love only to fail because the target of his affections is simply too humble.... well, it's honestly adorable. He'll step in if it goes on for too long, but for now it might actually be good for the young master to experience something he can't have by throwing money or influence at it.
Diavolo has some of the Devildom's finest florists on the horn and he's sending a veritable flood of their finest cut flowers... AND he's sending them from an anonymous source, just like in the movie! The woman in the movie only sent over THREE bouquets to the object of her love, so Diavolo sends 300. Only the best for his MC :)
He's waiting impatiently for the results of his little scheme when he gets an apologetic text from Lucifer saying that he'll be late to the meeting and MC won't be coming at all. Some anonymous admirer sent MC an excessive amount of flowers and the sheer amount of pollen triggered allergies in ALL of the demon bros and MC.
Lucifer needed time to clear out the house and distribute allergy meds to everyone and buy out the nearest store on tissue paper
Barbatos is no longer even bothering to stifle his chuckles while Diavolo buries his face in his arms to hide his shame
To rub salt in the wound, Lucifer tells him a few days later that he set up a miniature greenhouse for MC to grow humanworld herbs in and they've barely left it in the last two days
Lucifer’s been spending most of his free time in the greenhouse with them, helping them tinker with humidity spells and listening to their excited monologues on human gardening techniques
Lucifer is definitely smirking as he tells Diavolo this and Diavolo doesn't bother to ask how Lucifer knew what was going on, because his old friend knows him too well and Diavolo realizes he's not exactly subtle.
What he doesn't realize is that Barbatos is also a dirty dirty snitch and he and Lucifer have been watching over his attempts with a mix of hilarity and pity
5. Desserts
Some might give up, but not Diavolo! His newest ideas is fancy desserts. He was told by a sweet old succubus that the best way to his lover's heart was through the stomach (actually she initially had some far raunchier suggestions that had made Diavolo blush and had given him some ideas for far, FAR in his future relationship with MC, but that's neither here nor there) and so here Diavolo is, placing a giant order at Madame Scream's to be delivered to the HOL.
This time he has learned from his mistakes and he signs it as being from him and addresses it to "MC and the residents of HOL" because even he recognizes there are far too many sweets for a human to eat before they go bad
Barbatos by this point is starting to feel pity and is almost tempted to suggest he wait until it's not Beel's day for Fangol practice to send a giant array of tempting sweets.
Almost. If it weren't for the maid cafe fiasco of last week Barbatos probably would have, but that lace had chafed in areas that should never be chafed.
Diavolo sent his gift only to receive a poorly drawn thank-you card drawn by Beel and signed by everyone at the HOL, including MC, even though "I didn't even get a chance to eat any, BEEL"
This poor man feels his soul leave his body, especially when he returns home from RAD to find Barbatos and MC baking together and singing along to Disney songs (well, MC was singing, Barbatos was simply watching them with a smile and occasionally twisting them into a simple dance to make them laugh and squiggle with joy)
Et tu, Barbatos?
After yesterday's glitter incident, Barbatos has no shame and simply smirks back. He'll help the young lord when he can shower without finding glitter in every crevice.
+1: Tea together
Diavolo is planning his next gift when he gets a message from MC, of all people
His heart flutters, he has butterflies in his stomach, and he hasn't even read it yet!
It's a simple text- "What are you up to?" 
Obviously Diavolo can't admit he's shirking paperwork to try and figure out a gift that would make them happy! So he improvises and claims he's working. He gets back a sad face emoji and a simple "Miss you! I feel like we haven't hung out in forever, but I know how busy you are. Good luck, I'm rooting for you!"
This man is dramatically draped over his desk wailing about how cute MC is.
Luckily for him Barbatos has forgiven him for both the maid cafe incident and the glitter incident and Diavolo has been too distracted trying to plan gifts to cause any new chaos
Barbatos hands him a lovely picnic basket, complete with tea and fancy sandwiches, and tells him to go see MC and take a break since he's clearly not getting any work done as is.
Cue guilty glance to the overwhelming stack of paperwork that's been building up. He swears he's never seen Barbatos place more and yet they keep growing, are they breeding somehow...? Did Lucifer curse him after the taffy incident?
Either way, Diavolo takes the basket and heads off to HOL.
He's either very lucky or (more likely) Barbatos bribed Lucifer into helping him out, as MC is the one to answer the door.
They look kind of down until they see him and he explains he's there to spend time with them, and then they absolutely LIGHT UP.
Before he knows it, they've thrown himself into his arms and they're bouncing in excitement and snuggling him and happy flapping and boyo is confused but OVER THE MOON.
He finally did it!?!?! What was it!?!?! The picnic basket? Do they have a thing for picnics baskets!?!?! 
And then he actually tunes in a d listens to their flood of chatter and how happy they are to see him and how much they've missed him and how excited and grateful they are they he took time out of his busy schedule to spend time with him and out in the thought to prepare a way for them to spend time in each other's company...
He is M E L T I N G
He can't believe it was this easy.... no need for fancy gifts or anything like that, just... paying attention to their likes and spending time with them???? 
Holy shit he is gonna protect this human's smile witH HIS LIFE 
Yes, he decides, wrapping his arms around them while trying to keep the basket level
Now that he's gotten a taste of their sincere joy, he's hooked and he's going to make them as excited and happy as this as often as he possibly can. 
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merakiclosed · 4 years
Yoongi - Mother’s day
》Pairing: CEO!Yoongi x Poor single mother!Reader 
》Summary: Yoongi and Yuna prepare for mothers day and on the way Yuna says something that may change the way that the Min family feel. 
》 Genre: Fluff 
》Word count: 1.2k 
》Notes/Warnings: None. Please read Exhausted first, it will make more sense. 
》 Part One: Exhausted 
Masterlist | All messages and requests are open <3
All rights reserved © Merakiiverse. Do not repost, translate or claim as your own.
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“Yoongi, Yoongi” Yuna’s voice whispered into the otherwise quiet room as she nudged his body 
“Yoongiiiiiii, you was supposed to wake ME up” she whined, climbing on top of him, grabbing his arms and wiggling them around. Yoongi groaned as he peeked an eye open to Yuna inched away from his face, a beaming smile present on her face. 
You and Yoongi have been together for nearly a year, and you all have been living together for a few months now so Yoongi was slowly getting accustomed to being woken like this. 
He tries to make as little noise as possible and untangle his arms around you and covering you backup. You twist a little bit, searching for his warmth, hugging his pillow to your chest. Yoongi tries to keep Yuna quiet whilst they go to the kitchen. The key word being: tries. She sings and dances her way along to the kitchen as Yoongi is a bit slower, behind her.
To be honest with himself Yoongi wasn’t the best cook, but he will try his damn hardest. Starring at the iPad screen that was propped up on the counter he looked through the instructions. He knew that you didn’t like the typical savoury breakfast and preferred sweet instead and he found the perfect recipe for this. Yuna giggled at his expression as he unconsciously pouted and did grabby hands towards him, wordlessly Yoongi picked her up and sat her on the countertop. 
Yoongi smiled at her softly and got Yuna to read the ingredients one by one, it was her idea to have agent names and she begged him to let her call him Yoongi bear. Of course, Yoongi couldn’t say no especially with the pout and big eyes he received. Who could ever say no to his little girl?
“I am ready agent Yoongi bear” Yuna giggled, her cheeks puffing out from laughter.
“A tablespoon of baking powder not a teaspoon. Not a teaspoon, a tablespoon” Yuna whined, laughing at Yoongi’s confused expression as he looked at the spoons. He eventually got his head around the spoon situation and continued. The room was quite but it wasn’t uncomfortable as they worked together, just like a dad and their daughter should. 
“Okay Yuna, this is mission 1, make breakfast for mama bear. Are you ready agent bun?” Yoongi laughed, tickling Yuna’s sides making her squirm around.
Yoongi turned around with the whisk in his hand and pointed at her, some of the mix dripping on to the floor, “Listen here agent bun, you cannot eat the cinnamon, it doesn’t taste as nice as it smells” 
“No, Yuna, you can’t eat cinnamon” Yoongi sighed, adding eggs into the mix
“But whyyyyy, it smells so nice though” She exaggerated by putting the jar under her nose and taking a big whiff.
“Then why did we put it in if it doesn’t taste nice?” she asked, looking quizzically at the jar and then back to the bowl of ingredients. Yoongi looked wide eyed at her for a moment and sighed, turning around. That’s a good question, one which he didn’t have an answer to. 
“Can I eat this?” Yuna questioned, pointing to the cinnamon
Yuna just shrugged and decided not to ask and put the jar down, continuing to read out the instructions for Yoongi. She will come back later to ask you, and if you say no then well, she will just have to see for herself. He poured the mix into the hot waffle iron and added the powdered sugar and strawberries on top of them. 
Yoongi stood next to Yuna, who was still sat on the counter, and smiled down at the tray in front of him. His jumper sleeves where pushed up to his elbows as the headband on his hairline stopped his hair getting in his face. 
Waffles stacked high, a little pot of syrup on the side along with a bowl of strawberries. Yoongi and Yuna high fived and got ready to take it to you. Halfway out of the kitchen, Yuna shouted, “daddy, wait. You forgot the rose” 
Yoongi could feel his eyes fill with tears, but he just shook his head, a gigantic, gummy smile covering his face as he bent down a little so Yuna could but the rose on the tray. Yoongi smiled at her with love as she met his eyes, “silly daddy, how could you forget mumma’s favourite flower” 
He coughed, “Yeah – uhm, yep we forgot that didn’t we little bun?” 
Yuna smiled and skipped towards the stairs and Yoongi followed her all the way up until the bedroom. 
Yoongi paused in his steps, did he hear that right? Did she just call him her dad?
“Agent Yoongi bear are we ready for mission 2, wake up mama bear?” Yuna put a finger to her lips and winked at him. 
You sit up as Yuna lays down next to you, looking fondly at the interaction. Yoongi placed the tray on the bed and walked over to your side to kiss you, though you pay no mind to it once you see what they have made, “Waffles!” You say giggling. 
Yuna opened the bedroom and jumped on top of you, making you groan as you wrapped your arms around her and pulled her into a hug. Yuna giggled as Yoongi walked over and coughed, causing you to look up at him, your eyes landing on the tray he was holding, “Yoons, what is this?” 
You pick up the fork and dive right in and moan at the taste of them, making Yoongi proud that he got them right. 
Ah, how cheeky, Yoongi thought as he nodded, the smile on his face not leaving.
Yoongi tries to keep a straight face but fails as you see his smile, ducking his head so that you didn’t see it. He knows that he will never live this down so he might as well make the most out of it right?
“Agent Yoongi bear are you ready for mission 3?” Yuna asked, jumping up and down, grabbing Yoongi’s jumper sleeve. At the name you burst out laughing, your whole being curling in on yourself as you try to get more oxygen in. “Yoon – AHA, Yoongi – I can’t. Aahah, Yoongi bear” you gasp for oxygen. 
“Yes, agent bun it looks like we are ready for mission 3” Yoongi gets a boost of confidence from somewhere as he shouts, jumping into a superhero pose, his gummy smile present and all. All you can do is eat and smile at the interaction, finally at peace.
“Omg I just love waffles so much, you did them so well. Thank you both so much” you gushed, stuffing more strawberries and waffles into your mouth.
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You are currently laying on Yoongi’s chest, drawing random patterns onto his jumper. 
“You know today, Yuna called me daddy” Yoongi whispers into the quiet room, his hand subconsciously playing with your hair. 
Your eyes widen as you sit up, staring at him, your heart beating erratically, “really?” 
“Yeah, she said it twice this morning, I know it will take time, but I hope she continues to call me it” he whispers, eyes filling with tears once again.
Bringing your hand up to wipe away his tears. Softly smiling, you whisper “I’m so happy that she said that”
You lean in so that your foreheads touch, “I love you too, I love both of you” you pause for a second, sighing heavily “I don’t know what I would do without you two”.
He looks at you with nothing but love, “I love you two so much”, he brings a hand up to your cheek and caresses it gently. 
Yoongi knows that whatever he says won’t be enough, so he shows you instead. Leaning in, both of your lips touch softly as your hands travel towards the back of his head, your fingers tangling in his hair. He tasted as sweet as sugar and instead of your heart beating faster, it doesn't. No. It slows, beating in harmony with his as you know that he is your home.
You know, that you have found your happily ever after. 
Tags: @deakyspuff
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dokifluffs · 4 years
thank you for the happiest years of my life
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warning: *spoilers to like parts of basically the entire show and manga but also mostly crack. soo you have been warned* also warning, l o n g
thank you hinata for your toilet song and your sunshine persona, never giving up and also all your bowel issues getting you in the most uncomfy situations with other teams, for being the greatest decoy thank you kageyama for your jingru bell, jingru bell and all your hinata boke’s, milk breaks, and probably deformation of hinata’s skull from how many times you grabbed it thank you tsuki for your arara gomen and being tol boi #1with great character development but also staying the sassiest one omfg thank you yamagucci for your gomen, tsukki and being tol boi #2 with superb confidence building thank you yachi for being the best townsperson B thank you tanaka for killing dadchi. Tanaka, nice kill! and being literally one of the best characters thank you noya for your rolling thundas and being the coolest senpai and being karasuno’s guardian and also choosing to come to karasuno simply because you liked the girls’ uniforms thank you ennoshita for being best dad #2 and tutoring tanaka and noya thank you kinoshita and narita for existing even tho you two are the most slept on akjhdkad thank you suga for being the best mom and also singing under the sea  thank you asahi for being unintentionally scary and dressing up as jesus evry year for karasuno christmas  thank you kiyoko for always looking out for karasuno  thank you dadchi- deadchi- daichi for being best dad #1 thank you takeda for being the teacher sponsor of the club and having the best quotes out there homie, you really big brain thank you ukai junior for reminding the crows that volleyball is a game where you look up 
Thank you Karasuno, for teaching me to fly
thank you oikawa for teaching me that instinct is something you polish, talent is something you bloom. also for all your yoho, tobio chan’s and milk bread being your favorite food, for hitting it till it breaks. you were always enough and i wish we could’ve seen you bring your team to nationals. hope your knee gets soon buddy thank you iwa for always calling oikawa shittykawa and etc. best bestie out there and also, you did your best. you are not a failure as an ace for aoba johsai. also thank you for making sure oikawa rested  thank you mattsun and makki for being such an iconic duo  thank you kunimi for sticking out your tongue in season 4  thank you kindaichi for being onion head and having a great character development thank you kyotani for making me intimidated of an anime character like bruh. homie, your back said “C”-  thank you yahaba for being best setter #2 tehe and also putting kyotani in his place  thank you watari for being Aoba johsai’s guardian and being tanaka written in cursive thank you yuda, sawauchi, and shido even if i didnt pay you any attention adkjah im sorry 
thank you Aoba Johsai for teaching me how to rule the court 
thank you kuroo for your hyena laugh, befriending kenma when you moved in next door, and being literally everything  thank you kenma for being best pudding head and being the best sugar daddy after the time skip to our hina baby  thank you lev for being long boi and having one of the best glow ups in s4 like literally scrumptious. Cant want to see your time skip animated and also, you’re gonna be a great nekoma ace one day bb  thank you yaku for being literally the best libero im sorry noya kajdhas omg akjda goals and also putting lev in his place  thank you shibayama for stepping in as libero when yaku got hurt in land vs. sky you did great bb  thank you yamamoto for being tanaka written in magnum sharpie, punk font and getting into a dispute with Tanaka on S I T E thank you teshiro for being best setter #2 uwu  thank you kai for being one of many underrated characters that should’ve gotten more  thank you teshiro for looking the most like a cat and being a pinch server thank you inuoka for being a lil sunshine too 
thank you Nekoma for teaching me how to connect
thank you bokuto for serving all of us your juicy a$$ but also being the best hype boi out there, capable of being so strong and proving to be so much stronger by growing out of your emo modes, for making akaashi choose to come to fukurodani thank you akaashi for playing with your fingers, for always looking out for bokuto, teaching all of us that we are the protagonists of the world, having a list of his weaknesses memorized thank you konoha for doing what we all wanna do and knee bokuto’s voluptuous ass thank you waisho for being like a normal lookin type bokuto  thank you sarukui, anahori, komi, and onaga for being part of this great team and also boosting bokuto up
thank you fukrodani for teaching me how to pour my soul into everything (every ball) 
thank you ushijima for teaching me how to harvest and farm for the ripest of fruits thank you tendo for BAKI BAKI NI ORAE NANI WO and being a weeb too. you were never a monster as a child or ever in your life  thank you goshiki for being female jirou from my hero academia and also realizing how much you need to improve at the end of s3. made me cry man  thank you semi for being suga in punk rock font  thank you reon for being you cause you rock homie. you and kai would so vibe together man. good vibes all around thank you soekawa, yunohama, kawanishi, and sagae for existing even though yall were slept on thank you yamagata and akakura for having shiratorizawa’s back’s as liberos thank you shirabu for using ushijima to your disposal like he wished. you gon be a great doctor bb
thank you shiratorizawa for teaching me how to have an intense force to my persona thank you aone for being the best iron wall and having the cutest friendship with hinata like omg his current fear is no one wanting to sit near him on the metro akdjhahds i’ll sit with you  thank you koganegawa for being the best angry bird bb  thank you Futakuchi for getting knocked over when you chest bumped aone  thank you obara, onagawa, and fukiage for existinggg thank you sakunami for having Dateko’s backs 
thank you dateko student section for making the most iconic cheer out of the entire show that’ll never die also, check out the live action stage ones akjdhas nekoma is stuck in my head 
thank you dateko for having the best cheer in the show 
thank you saeko nee-san for being the best tokyo drift driver out there with your Taiko team and being the best leader leading the karasuno cheers for da bois thank you karasuno’s voice principal for not expelling our two celled boyos, kageyama and hinata   thank you third gym for all the oya oya’s  thank you bokuto for hooking tsuki onto volleyball when he blocked ushi  thank you takeda for scaring ukai junior in season 1 when he repeatedly went back to beg him to be the coach for karasuno, begging to so many coaches and making sure they could have practice matches with other schools thank you to hinata’s tennis friend who taught him how to splatter step(?) thank you ukai senior for teaching them about the tempos thank you to the old guy that goes to every karasuno game even tho literally no one knows him bruh  thank you to Shimada for teaching our bb boi yams to float serve thank you for the twins and sakusa and so many more teams  thank you for bringing us to brazil with hinata, reuniting him and oikawa  thank you for all the commercial breaks  thank you for all the memes aka haikyuu dubbed thank you for all the radio shows with characters we may never get to see on the screen together thank you tsukki for pressing hinata’s diahrea spot thank you for dub yams’ he he he waluigi laugh thank you hinata for inspiring asahi to join the team again thank you kageyama for probably breaking hinata’s back so many times by kicking him  thank you asahi for calling out to suga  thank you kageyama for scaring the living shit out of hinata when he hit you in the back of the head with his rushed serve in season 1 in the practice match against aoba johsai thank you for all the meat buns eaten after practice, the popsicles nishinoya ate in two bites thank you noya for all the epic saves and pancakes you dove for  thank you for kageyama’s “nuff, nis, niceu-” to tsukki  thank you for tanaka and noya and yamamoto for all women are queens club  thank you suguru for getting under kuroo’s skin and making him petty asf in land vs sky  thank you alisa for being literally breathing, you and lev look so goodd post time skip like haiba sibs rule the world thank you tv that hinata had happened to be passing by, playing the game with the little giant, inspiring him to go to karasuno  thank you kageyama’s grandpa for getting him into volleyball 🥺 thank you for all the races while running, all the flying receive laps, the hill runs, the training camps, practice matches thank you for all the disputes that could happen before all the gears could be made and put into place  thank you kiyoko for saying that tanaka for some reason looks good with a banana thank you for the meat god dance, the serve cheer poses  thank you for making me love volleyball tenfold thank you for moi pon  thank you kageyama for telling hinata that he’s the greatest when he’s around, giving him his first official toss thank you hinata for telling kageyama that he sets just fine
thank you to all the voice actors for starting and staying through all the years to bring all our favorites to life, never failing us once
thank you spyair, burnout syndromes, tacica, nico touches the walls, sukima switch, galileo galilei, and more for so many amazing ops and eps
thank you for all the memories, all the laughs, cheers, heart racing moments, the moments that made us grip onto pillows, the edge of our seats, tears, addicting chants, making me simp for like 50 people, making my cheeks hurt from smiling so much, my voice raspy for cheering and screaming so much. 
thank you to this fandom for being like a second family, sharing all our love and crackheadedness 
thank you for the happiest years of my life
thank you haikyuu, thank you Furudate for bringing this amazing story to all of us and touching our lives with it 
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backtoasgard · 4 years
Classic Thor fandom tropes
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To get everybody into the swing of things in preparation for Back to Asgard Month, here’s a list of some of the ships, tropes, and memes that were all over the fandom in its early days!
This is not intended to be a complete list---and that’s where you come in! Please add any more you remember (fondly or otherwise*)
*Inclusion on this list does not indicate endorsement or lack thereof, simply that the thing was a notable trope/whatever in classic Thor fandom. 
Thunderfrost (Thor/Loki)
FrostIron (Loki/Ironman)
Frostpudding (Loki/Tom Hiddleston)
Tasertricks (Loki/Darcy)
Thundershield (Thor/Steve Rogers)
Loki/Steve Rogers
Quantumfrost/Lokane (Loki/Jane)
Loki/Sif (Sifki)
Crossover ships with every other movie Tom and Chris have been in
Human AU
“Intersex” Jotun Loki
Intersex Jotnar in general
Warprize AU
Arranged marriage AU
Hitmen AU
Serial killer AU
Rockstar AU
Sugar daddy AU
Reverse Thor AU (where Thor is raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s ward)
Satyr Loki 
Centaur Thor
Merfolk AU
Forest God AU
Lokitty and Thorgi/Labrathor
Midgard AU where Thor and Loki are step siblings living under Odin and Frigga’s roof
Thor as Loki’s bodyguard/a warrior Loki coveted (this oftentimes went with AUs where Thor was raised on Jotunheim, and where Loki is a Jotun Prince)
Helblindi and Bleistr are Laufey’s favored sons
Laufey arranges a marriage between Thor and Loki so that Loki can murder Thor/help Laufey destroy Asgard
Loki being touch-starved
Loki loving sweets
Loki wearing fully covering clothes
Odin’s A+ parenting
Frigga being the peacemaker in the family
Loki concealing himself from Thor by magic
Loki shapeshifting into something else and getting stuck like that
Pre-canon brotherly adventures and hunting expeditions (often disastrous)
Lost in translation (cultural misunderstandings on other realms lead people to believe Thor and Loki are lovers)
Mission to Vanaheim leads to diplomatic orgy/incest
Somebody using Mjolnir as a dildo
Berserker Thor
Loki being the only one able to approach/calm berserker Thor
Thor being vanilla and Loki being kinky
One or the other having a guilty breakdown over their incestuous feelings, while the other is cool with it
Loki braiding Thor’s hair
Loki making clone Thors (real Thor may or may not be mistaken for clone Thor)
Loki or Thor having a clone Loki orgy
Mpreg Loki
Mpreg Thor
Thor's Fertility God powers leading to Sex Pollen situations
Thor sneaks Loki into his Avengers Tower apartments
Loki sneaks himself into Thor’s Avengers Tower apartments
Loki becoming the Avengers consultant (grudgingly on both sides)
Loki annoying the hell out of the Avengers by bumming around the Tower
Frigga teaching Loki magic
Only I Get to Hurt Him (Villain Loki pretends not to care about Thor but when someone else hurts him, Loki loses his shit and demolishes whoever did it)
Loki hiding him and his brother’s affair from Heimdall’s sight
Fandral trying to get into Loki’s pants and failing
Heimdall and Loki just don’t get along
Loki has a Jotun-sized manhood in his pants
Mjolnir as a euphemism for Thor’s manhood
Loki hanging out with trickster gods from other mythologies
Loki doting over his colt spiderhorse son Sleipnir
Loki befriending random cats on Midgard
Loki’s villainous acts consisting of things from the old comics (like turning cars into ice cream)
Loki’s afraid of/repulsed by/in denial of his Jotunness
Temperature play with Loki’s Jotunness
Jotun Loki having heatstroke in Asgardian heat
Kidfic with young Thor being very protective of his baby brother
Young Loki having "inexplicable" difficulties with Asgard's climate
Jormungand!Fury, Fenrir!Coulson, and Hel!Darcy
Something with Loki and a toaster? I don’t remember what exactly was up with that
“Never doubt” being referenced in practically every fic
What is Thor without Loki? What is Loki without Thor?
Thor is clueless about Midgardian technology
Loki is impatient with/bad at Midgardian technology
Loki is startlingly good with Midgardian technology
Thor is secretly fantastic with Midgardian technology (and sometimes pretends to be clueless)
The Neck Grab
Reluctant team-up against Big Threat
Thor kills Loki (probably involves Regret)
Loki kills Thor (probably involves necromancy)
Loki wields Mjolnir
Mjolnir is a euphemism for bondage except the euphemism is literal
Someone heroic thinks the secret to redeeming Loki is getting him laid
Loki has a brainwash stick and he’s gonna use it
Thor and his friends go to a tavern without Loki. Loki disguises himself as a mysterious lady at the tavern, who Thor tries to seduce
Loki is banished with or instead of Thor
Mentions of the exuberant frostbeast from the post-credits Thor 1 scene
A smattering of “verilys” and “I say thee nays” in dialogue
Art Tropes
Loooooong hair on Thor and Loki
Thor looking straight out of a shampoo commercial 
Lichtenberg figures on Loki from being hit with Thor’s lightning
Lightning under Thor’s skin
Loki was left without hair products during his imprisonment in TDW. Woe.
Deconsecrator Thor
Pole-dancing Loki
Disney Prince Loki
So many chibis
Loki sitting on the throne of Asgard
Thor carrying kid Loki like a sack of potatoes
“I do what I want, Thor!”
Thor and Loki themed cocktails
Frog Thor jokes
Thor leaving Mjolnir on the toilet seat
Loki sits like a whore
Loki telling people to kneel
Doth mother know you weareth her drapes
“Burdened with glorious purpose”
Loki rules Hall H
Loki’s Army
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