#god said you never acted up as a teenager so i'll give you the drunk prom throwing up experience without the drunk part and with strep
richardgrimes · 2 years
the fact that i threw up after i left junior prom not because of typical prom tomfoolery but because i had what i found out was strep throat
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fal-carrington · 6 years
Meant to be
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Pairing: Victoria x Mc
Disclaimer: The characters belongs to PB
A/N: Hi, I'm back with a new fanfic. the lack of fanfics from Victoria and Mc disturb me deeply, so since our wife Kamilah is spending time out in the war and only God knows when she will return, I decided to start this new fanfic in a not-so-au universe. Enjoy!
Prompt: Weddings are a challenge, even more so when it comes to the two most famous women in Los Angeles. Hollywood weddings are famous for not lasting. Three and a half years of marriage were like a one-way to hell. After countless fights and no reconciliation success, Kitty and Victoria's marriage is on the verge of a terrible shipwreck. Victoria at risk of her third divorce and Kitty to lose the love of her life once and for all, but the two wrecks could be saved of the eminent disaster before the divorce papers are signed?
9h30 am, Los Angeles
“She doesn’t hear me!”
“She acts like a child!”
“I'm sick of it.”
"Are you tired of it? Try to be married to a teenager who thinks she's right all the time and who does just what she wants.”
“I think I'm right all the time? You're confusing me with you! I'm the one who keeps on apologizing!” Kitty snorted angrily, looking steadily at the blonde sitting arms and cross-legged.
“I think we had a... Progress today.” Judy, the therapist looked at both of them with a serious look over her glasses. She made a few notes on her pad and looked at the couple again, barely looking at each other. Both on distant and opposite ends on the couch. “Well ... How do you feel now that you two have expressed your feelings?
"Even more angry.” Victoria said between her teeth.
"I have no idea what I'm doing.” Kitty said.
"You never have.” Victoria countered.
“Did you see that?! She incorporates this ‘diva persona’ at all times, thinking that sarcasm will solve our problems!”
“Did you just call me diva?” Victoria looked at her angrily.
“Well, certainly, since you always behave like that. She gets mad at me without me doing anything, not even telling me the reason!”
"I don’t have to tell you. You did the shit, you have to solve it.”
“Oh, come on!”
“I believe we are evolving with our sessions.” Judy answered. “Our next step is to understand and learn to respect the differences between you two. Victoria, you have to learn to be more patient and understanding. Katherine, you in turn have to learn to deal with the situation itself and take it more seriously.”
“I'm taking it seriously! I just do not understand why we need therapy. We're just misunderstanding, I do not think it's necessary.”
"That's exactly why we need therapy." Victoria replied.
"Our time is up." Judy said glancing at the watch on her wrist. "The task I'm going to give to both of you this weekend is to take some time to sit down and talk to spend time together. I'll see you two next Friday and hope you guys took some advantage out of today's session.”
Victoria got up and left the office with Kitty behind her. The blonde reached the sidewalk in front of the office and was greeted with flashes of paparazzis, she rolled her eyes and put on her sunglasses. They both got into the car, which was launched into the streets of Los Angeles.
Kitty looked tentatively at her wife. Victoria watched the street out the window with an expression on her face that Kitty knew perfectly well and feared that expression. The blonde's lips were compressed, her jaw closed, and a furious look in her brown eyes.
The brunette girl sighed.
"So, uh... Vic?" Kitty called out.
“What?” Victoria asked without turning.
"Uh... Do you want some coffee? I'm free now and I just have to be on set from two hours.”
“I can not. I have rehearsals now. I told you twice today.”
“Oh. I forgot, I'm sorry.”
Victoria sighed and looked at her.
"Look, I'm really sorry I was late for your mother's dinner last Saturday. I did not know it would be so long on set. And besides, your cousin's cake was not even that good...”
“What? Katherine!”
“I'm telling the truth! And you should not have yelled at Teja for having defended me after our incident at the bar.”
"She was getting on top of you!"
“She was drunk!”
"Okay, Kitty, what's your point?" Victoria sighed.
"We're both wrong and we've been fighting for stupid things for some time. So can we at least give a break? And please stop fighting?”
Victoria took a deep breath, swallowing what she had to say that would probably end the moment. Kitty was trying, she had to recognize it. She looked at the blue-eyed brunette.
“Of course. It was getting tiring to fight against you.”
Kitty smiled.
"...And if you want, I can cook for you tonight."
“We're talking now. I promise I'll be home early.”
“Ok then. Sounds like a plan.”
Victoria stared at her Chanel watch. 23:30 pm and nothing from her. No calls, no messages. Yeah, she could not say she was surprised. Could she have forgotten?
Since Kitty had become one of the most important stars in Hollywood, she did not have time for almost anything. Victoria understood and respected this, she also made films, appearances, interviews and everything, but she stopped from time to time to try to spend time with her wife too.
Things had waned since their second year of marriage. Things were different and real with Kitty, unlike her other marriages. She was happy and knew that Kitty was the perfect person for her. Thirty-eight years old and she was in love with a twenty-five-year-old girl. Despite that, she wondered if Kitty was mature enough to maintain that relationship. To maintain that wedding.
Kitty was the kind of person who at the same time did not take herself seriously, she took herself seriously. But she still had a breathtaking smile that irritated Victoria every time she saw her with that smile.
Victoria sighed and extinguished the candle in front of her. It was kind of sad to think she'd wasted time expecting that only person. She never dealt very well with her feelings, her anger always ended up getting the best for her and she would probably explode eventually.
She got up and collected the dishes, keeping the rest of the dinner that was laid out on the table.
Deciding that the best thing would be to sit in the living room and wait. After a few minutes and a few glasses of wine, she finally could hear the sound of the front door of the large mansion opening.
Kitty had finally appeared. She set the keys carefully on the glass table as she looked at Victoria as if she were looking at a wild bear. Victoria looked over her glass of wine.
"A little late, is not it?"
“I had to redo some scenes...”
Victoria set her wine aside.
“Save it. Dinner's in the fridge. If you are hungry, warm.” She stood up threatening to leave the room. Kitty stepped in front of her. "Get out of the way, Kitty. She said patiently, holding her tongue to keep from exploding again.
"I know, I'm wrong this time, and I'll do my best to repay you."
"Get out of my way, Katherine.”
Kitty sighed and did so.
“I'm so sorry. Really. Please forgive me for missing the dinner.”
"I bet you do." The blonde said with an ugly face as she walked down the long corridor of the mansion in her fluttering black robe, as she walked quickly, Kitty was trying to follow her.
“Victoria... Tell me what to do. I do anything.” She stopped in front of the bedroom door. ��My cell phone battery is gone. I swear, there was no way I could respond to warn you that I was going to be late. And you know how Thomas can be strict with the use of cell phones on the set!”
“You don’t need to do anything.” Victoria entered the room and headed for the bed, taking a pillow and returning to Kitty and handing it to her.
“What am I supposed to do with it?” The brunette stared at the pillow without understanding.
“Use him to sleep.”
"I do not give a damn just... No.”
"Are you really pushing me out of our room? Where should I sleep?”
Victoria shrugged.
"You do not think it's too much? I told you I'm sorry!”
"I've heard it a million times, Katherine! You always feel sorry, you feel a lot every time you do shit and come with that puppy face of regret! I'm tired of hearing the same thing every time.” Victoria, unable to stop herself, shouted. "But you know what? I do not care! If every time you act as if all the things that come out are more important than us...”
“Do not say that! I never put my responsibilities ahead of us! I never did, you are the most important thing on the world for me.”
“I understand about the movies, the interviews, the trips to film out... The only thing I do not understand is Hunt!”
“He's just a friend! How many times do I have to say?”
“I was not born yesterday. You may have been born, but I have not. I've seen the way he looks at you.”
Kitty sighed and ran her hand through her hair as she always did whenever she felt frustrated.
"Stop with that jealousy, silly. I’m only faithful to you, you are the only one that I want.”
"You don’t sleep here tonight." Victoria replied coldly, Kitty sighed and nodded in an ugly face, as if accepting her punishment. She stepped back and turned away, as she turned, Victoria undid the ugly expression on her face, replacing it with a sad expression as she watched Kitty walk away.
She sighed and lay on her bed. Victoria reached out her hand and looked closely at the wedding band.
"You know... One hour you'll have to talk to me," Kitty insisted one morning as Victoria paced back and forth, making her coffee. It smelled good, the best thing about waking up early was to smell fresh Victoria's breakfast through the house. The blonde ignored her words, continuing to prepare her pancakes.
Kitty leaned against the counter. Watching her walk away with a plate in her hands and sit down at the table.
"Uh, where are my pancakes?" She asked looking around the kitchen. Victoria held out the spatula for her. She sighed. "Oh, forget it. I'm going to eat some on the way to the set.” She grabbed her purse and threw it over her shoulder.
The worst thing about being in the middle of fight with Victoria was being blacklisted by her.
“... So clearly you two did not do what I told you both to do." Judy sighed watching the couple barely look into each other's face. "And things are obviously worse, you two are not making it any easier."
"She don’t talk to me," Kitty complained. "It's been a week, and I'm exhausted. I've tried countless ways to get her to forgive me. I bought flowers, presents, I even tried to make her croissants!”
Victoria snorted, rolling her eyes.
"And she ended up burning."
Judy sighed and touched her temples.
"You kicked me out of the room!"
"You deserved!"
"Now are you talking to me ?!"
"Okay, okay. Enough you two. You spent all our time in therapy discussing the reason for this stupid fight. I do not care. You both solve this, you two have to understand that if you continue with this, your marriage will not last for long.”
And for the first time that week, they both looked at each other. The fear was evident.
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