#thanks king ig
richardgrimes · 2 years
the fact that i threw up after i left junior prom not because of typical prom tomfoolery but because i had what i found out was strep throat
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mazojo · 3 months
Me finishing chapter 4 having to deal with Sinostra for 40 fucking chapters
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thembrooklynboysbig · 4 months
i just wanted to remind everyone that i love jeremy jordan
k bye
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bungobble-my-balls · 5 months
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Ok no one else is allowed to smile softly at Atsushi before letting themselves get killed to stop him dying with them anymore, he's got enough going on as it is 😭
Bonus with all three of Atsushi's girlfriends looking at him softly
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Atsushi harem but the catch is they all keep telling Atsushi to go so he doesn't die with them.
Reading the dialogue between them actually makes me feel sick it's literally a pattern! This keeps happening from Lucy's 'you have to live on' to Sigma's 'let go, or you'll die too' (not this panel but 3 panels before) to Akutagawa's 'you damn fool, hurry up and go'!!!
The patterns....the patterns!!!
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pjs-everyday · 6 months
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naahhhh, it’s ON SIGHT!! 💥💥☄️ // Instagram
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hehe we’ll be debuting this sticker at our next comic con next weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ☄️☄️☄️ >> check us out here
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happi-tree · 8 months
Boss Kicks!!! Here he is in a larger format hehe ☁️ 🕰💛⚽️
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blasterb0t · 1 year
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Out of the cbj era back into my campy pizza parody robots
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hannahmanderr · 11 months
Ooh, the full everlasting trio with kiss 29 or 21?
~ 21. "we'll face this together" kisses ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sam figured there'd be some tears shed on the day of Danny's coronation.
She just hadn't been expecting them to be Danny's tears.
It was only the three of them in the wing, waiting for Danny's cue to enter the throne room. His crying had been so quiet at first, it had taken her and Tucker a long time to notice. Too long, in her opinion.
"Whoa, whoa," Tucker said. They were by Danny's side in an instant. "What happened? Are you okay?"
Danny sniffled and wiped a tear away. "I'm fine," he mumbled. "Don't... just don't worry about me."
"Fat chance, ghost boy." Sam grabbed his hand. "It's your coronation, you should be, like, over the moon."
"I am!"
The look she and Tucker gave him communicated their clear disbelief.
"Seriously, D. Just talk to us." Tucker grabbed his other hand. "Whatever it is, I'm sure it's okay."
Danny took a deep, shaky breath. Silent tears still ran down his face. "It's nothing, I swear. Just... I'm being stupid. It's not a huge deal."
"If it's a huge deal to you, then it's a huge deal to us."
"And don't," Sam said, cutting off Danny as he opened his mouth to retort, "go apologizing for making us worry or whatever nonsense. We love you, of course we're gonna worry about you. Deal with it."
That earned them a weak smile from the soon-to-be king. "I was gonna say I don't want to make it a huge deal..."
She and Tucker exchanged a glance. True, they couldn't read each other's minds, nor could they read Danny's, but many years of friendship and now more equipped them with the experience necessary to deduce what he was on about.
Sam smiled, soft and gentle, and leaned in. Tucker did the same. They planted simultaneous, feather-light kisses on either corner of his cheek. When they pulled away, he stared at them with wide green eyes.
"What was that for?" She didn't think she'd ever get over how cute his look of confusion was every time.
"You're not gonna do this alone, you dork," she said, delivering a playful punch to his arms.
"We'll walk right up there with you, and if those stuffy eyeballs get mad about it, you can just tell them off. You're gonna be in charge after all," Tucker added with a cheeky grin.
Danny laughed, albeit hollowly. He looked back and forth between the two of them. "I just don't know..."
"And you don't have to. That's why we're gonna be right there by you, no matter what. So you'll always have someone to fall back on."
The corners of his lips twitched upward.
"Your Highness? They're ready for you."
Danny breathed in again. "You guys promise?" he asked in a hoarse whisper, squeezing their hands.
Sam squeezed his hand right back. Somehow, she knew Tucker did too. "Of course. Not that I can talk for Tucker, but of course I promise. With all my heart."
"And mine too!"
"... Okay." He exhaled, blowing bangs out of his eyes. "Okay. Yeah. I've got this."
Tucker made a buzzer sound. "Nope. Try again."
That finally got a true smile out of Danny. "Fine, whatever," he said with a playful roll of his eyes. "We've got this."
They entered the throne room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~ Send me a ship and a number from this ask game and I'll write a blurb or draw a sketch!
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sofd-maybe · 2 years
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Fall from grace
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burgerrat · 8 months
@hofnarrofficial said: gimme everything you got just bury me alive (only if thats possible ofc lmao)
Turbo's favourite movie is Herbie: Fully Loaded
He has ALWAYS been flamboyant/effeminate like you see King Candy being. I hate seeing people portray Turbo as this perpetually grumpy/angry bitter person all the time all because of the revelation scene being the one 'real scene' we have of Turbo in his original form. The reason why Ralph wouldn't recognize the similar behaviour pattern is because he didn't know Turbo well enough since he rarely ever left his own game unless it was to go to Tapper's to have a root beer and brag about winning to anyone who'd listen (mainly Felix). Need a 'draw/write Turbo being silly and goofy like King Candy is' solidarity.
Contrary to popular belief, he does like the color pink- he just has a very specific preference for that particular salmon shade of pink.
Turbo and the twins all had racecar beds to sleep in back in TurboTime.
Candybug's desire to take over the entire arcade at the end of the movie is his new cy-bug coding speaking; all Turbo has ever wanted is to race again and be in the spotlight. He would struggle to control his bug instincts not just in terms of resisting beacons of light but also in terms of acting upon intrusive thoughts in general. Mix that with anger and hopelessness that he'll likely never be able to drive again in this new form and you've got the perfect recipe for disaster, because what more does he have to lose?
Do not misunderstand: I too dislike the trope of 'he's just misunderstood' since that is far from the truth, but that doesn't mean he can't have moments where you feel empathy for him (at least in my case): you are programmed to be the protagonist of your world, the best, that is your sole purpose in the life you have. You become addicted to the attention you recieve- foolishly not thinking once that it's possible that may not be the same thing tomorrow. Once that is suddenly taken away, you don't understand why- you're the best. And because you are the best, instead of processing your losses normally, you won't let go. You're instead determined to take back what was rightfully yours. By any means possible. Making the biggest mistake of your life- you kill not just your neighbors but your own home out of impulse. You are to blame for the choice you took- guilt becomes rage, rage becomes bitterness, bitterness becomes calculative; why cry over spilled milk? The damage is done, and your code is desperately crying out to do what you were made to do: race. All you can do is start anew... don't dwell on the past if you want to have the spotlight again, processing your mistake doesn't matter anyway; and so, once a new racing game is in town- you'd be frothing at the mouth to hop in after decades of isolation, wouldn't you? You'd do anything, if you were that desperate and awfully selfish.
This leads us to the following: Turbo had a mental breakdown during his years of isolation, mainly because he was unable to race; this is why he laughs and giggles no matter the mood he's in as King Candy. It's a form of tic.
This might be a bit OOC? But whatever. Hilariously enough King Candy is a somewhat decent(take that with a grain of salt, I'll elaborate in a moment) fatherly figure: he treats the SR racers like they're his adopted kids. I say somewhat decent because of course he completely excludes Vanellope and because he picks favourites; Taffyta, Rancis and Candlehead are his golden children and because of that, he's sometimes willing to swallow his pride and let them cross the finish line before him.
Taffyta is VERY competitive and sometimes will get unreasonably aggressive to win and that's something KC admires in her because it reminds him so much of himself and the bond he used to have with the Twins, especially when competing. Another reason why Taffyta bullies Vanellope is because she knows King Candy dislikes her wish to compete and she feels like this is something that would please him regardless of his approval of it.
Again maybe kind of OOC-ish but I sincerely don't think Turbo outright hates Vanellope herself like. As a person; she has done nothing, but she does pose a threat to blowing his cover and he is not going to allow her. The one thing that bothers him a lot about her is her stubborness to race and always finding a way to weasel into the Random Roster Race. During the tunnel scene where he straight up becomes violent towards her, you can tell she's never seen him this angry to her before; this leads me to believe he never blew up on her before because, regardless of how much of a threat she posed for him; in his mind- he figured she likely would never really be in a situation where she would actually cross the finish line, and she's just a child, so why bother? Of course. That is until she sprints right past him on the race track and the rest is history. (And I have to clarify again I AM NOT justifying his actions; there is no 'justifying' any of it. This is an observation because of the reactions/expressions/etc. seen in the scene.)
Writing that previous hc reminded me of this and I just had to include it because I can SO see this happening 😭 it's hilarious and wholesome in a way.
I saw something about this on @king-crawler 's blog and I feel like I should bring this up bc it rubbed me the wrong way: I donno about you but to me, Turbo programming himself as King of Sugar Rush is not ego thing (not the main reason behind it at least!); it's to avoid suspicion in general within the game because ALL of the SR racers are children. It would be suspicious and really fuckin' weird to have a character programmed as an adult that isn't an NPC/side-character like Sour Bill or the donut cops to just be among them like nothing, regardless if he wipes their memories they (or other candy subjects) will question it. He's not stupid, in the game there's supposed to be a royal figure, no? So, it'd make perfect sense for that figure to be a supposedly 'wise' King that looks after all his subjects and makes sure rules aren't broken. So to me it's less of something done out of selfishness and more of just being able to go by unnoticed, he programmed himself as King to fit in with the whole 'monarchy' concept within SR. At the end of the movie when Vanellope says she doesn't want to be a princess, you get a little glimpse of how much the candy subjects depend and rely on a 'higher figure' to function.
As King Candy, he believes himself to be cute. (adding this side note just in case bc I shit you not this is genuinely something people have argued and mocked me over: don't come at me for this. I have my opinion, you have yours and I'm not going to change it for you; as a fan for a whole decade who has known in tge past other fans, there ARE people that find him cute as I do /gen /lh) He shamelessly indulges in that and he WILL use that as a manipulation tactic to get what he wants- sometimes playing with your emotions as well by tugging at your heart strings and overall painting himself to be a 'frail silly old man' in sn exaggerated manner so you'll give in to whatever he wants- and once you agree suddenly the 'frail' old monarch has an outburst of energy and joy, completely shedding off this fragile-pitiful facade.
Turbo has somehow rescued the Turbo Twins before his game was unplugged and I have evidence to prove this:
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He has their codes tucked into his own (bad example I know but kind of like how an opossum mom keeps her joeys in her pouch); he keeps them in a dormant state this way by not allowing them to have separate code boxes of their own. The reasons behind this are simple: he doesn't want two characters that very obviously don't belong in the game to roam around freely, he has enough trouble with Vanellope as it is; and he knows that if he lets them awaken and respawn, they will criticize him for the path he chose to go down- and he doesn't want to deal with that because, for him, it would be pointless and it'd only bring frustration he doesn't need. He would rather keep them as ghosts of the past hidden in his pocket.
Speaking of Vanellope: Turbo is awfully envious of her driving skills, she's the first racer that has bested him on the track. Another selfish reason why he doesn't want her to race- goodness forbid a child beating you at what you're passionate about and arriving in second place.
When overly emotional- be it positive or negative feelings- King Candy would sometimes temporarily glitch back to his original form as Turbo because his code is old, filled to the brim with stuff, it's bound to have a few crack and tears here and there, like an old but still functioning car with a rusty engine; this issue has only accentuated after the glitching-exchange during the tunnel scene.
Speaking of which- because there were little to no censorships in 70's videogames, Turbo bleeds. It's pixelated blood because it cannot be processed through the programming of Sugar Rush since the game was not made to have any graphic themes in it. If one of the racers gets hurt- they quite literally just bleed coding.
Turbo often smokes.
Turbo sometimes gets sick of eating nothing but candy and will send out Sour Bill to get him something salty to eat from another game. He has his own little stack of junk food and other non-sweets within the castle.
He's not just the King of Candy, he's THE LORD OF THE DANCE! (watch at your own risk I warn you /hj)
CURSED JOKES ASIDE I unironically like to think he is a good dancer. Nobody beats him at tap-dancing and The Bus Stop. (He's from the 70's so it'd make sense he's familiar with a lot of funky/disco dance moves)
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akq96618 · 19 days
After some rewatch, I think there's one "never mentioned" theme from king-ohger. That's "grief".
Almost all of the ranger's behaviors (both good and bad) are trauma responses. I also want to yap about how Gira goes through 5 stages of grief in the first episode and how both Himeno and Jeramie achieve the "acceptance" stage but my english isn't good enough to explain.
Don't worry! I understands what u mean, my english ain't that good either,
I had a thought about this too, every single kings deals with grief and losing dearest one, gira with losing memories of his past and don't want to lose his orphanage family, racles losing gira and his parents, rita with karras, himeno and jeramie who lost both of their parents,kaguragi who saw iroki sacrified herself for toufu, and yanma with his oldman,
And despite all of what happened to them in the past, they choose to move forward and protect what they have now, that's why i love king ohger so much .
what connected himeno and jeramie on ep 46 isn't just grodie who have a deal with them and their parents', but the weight of grief they carried their whole life, and what decision should they take in the end,
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until now i still don't get it when they said 'death is the beauty of life', yeah maybe it makes us value our life more, knowing that death awaits us, but is the pain of people who being left by their beloved one is really worth it?
or maybe it's just me who haven't reached 'acceptance' stage like jeramie and himeno
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here's a gira scene that got me thinking the whole day
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boatboysrowout · 1 year
hi im sharing your third life burger king au with the masses today. any trivia you want to share about it
- fun fact about me, i know next to nothing about third life. everything i know i learned against my will bc my roommate keeps hosting third life watch parties. consequently, i kept asking them about stupid shit that happened during third life for this au and this is how i learned ren was canonically naked during the execution.
- anyway moving onto in universe fun facts ren wakes up at the hospital with no memory of anything past crowning himself the burger king, so martyn tells him that they defeated the mcdonald’s in a glorious battle where martyn shielded ren with his own body and single handedly defeated grian and scar in hand to hand combat and also burnt down the white castle in his honor
- ren believes every word he says whole heartedly despite the seemingly permanent tear tracks down martyn’s face and the complete lack of any sort of physical evidence
- meanwhile scar wakes up alone and grian does not contact him for the rest of the summer. scar could not care less and spends the rest of his summer in the burn unit pitching his new definitely-not-an-mlm to bdubs and joel because they cannot physically leave. bdubs has a great time. joel pays him three hundred dollars to leave and never come back.
- grian meanwhile has flown back to england and spends the rest of the summer attached to mumbo’s side trying to replace his newly awakened gay feelings for his manager with deranged gay feelings for mumbo. it works a little bit.
- skizz feels awful about doxxing jimmy and exposing his google+ influencer career so to make up for it he spends the rest of the summer completely wiping jimmy’s presence from the internet. this works so well that jimmy and scott have to spend the rest of their summer trying to convince their university that jimmy does in fact exist and attend their school bc skizz also wiped him from the university’s database.
- tango had a great summer. he managed to hack the skee ball machine so he gets unlimited plays for a quarter and spends the entire summer becoming a pinball wizard. impulse joins him when he recovers from the stress of trying to be a patron to both the burger king and mcdonald’s and being consequently blackmailed by both of them.
- bigb had a very peaceful summer in the library. he wouldn’t say he spent the entire summer hiding from his friends per say, but he did spend what some would call an unnecessary amount of time in the archives in the basement.
- cleo and etho are also mysteriously absent the rest of the summer, and if anyone asks no they were not in the vicinity the white castle at 5:37 on June 7th stop asking questions if you value your life.
tell the masses i said hi
(og link here!)
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somedaytakethetime · 8 months
You know what's sexy?
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ALLLLLLL of this 😩😩😩 And an honourable mention to
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Him 🥰🥰
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*throws traditional art at you with all the strength of a limp noodle*
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wonder-worker · 1 year
Thomas Penn writes about 500 year old dead historical figures like they're celebrities in a gossip column
#it's funny to an extent but after a point it gets very grating#he has a wealth of information but he's far too sensationalistic and florid#and tends to choose the most unsympathetic and/or colorful interpretation of every situation and historical figure#he also has a habit of ... narrativizing history which doesn't really work for me#also his fatphobia re Edward IV was absolutely revolting#I was planning on ordering the Winter King but after looking at the synopsis and first 2 chapters that were available online - no thanks#I'm definitely not interested in reading about Henry VII supposedly being 'sinister' and 'Machiavellian' because he...ruled successfully?#because he did what kings (unfortunately) did all the time? How was he any different from the others?#also imagine calling *Henry VII* ruthless & unscrupulous when his predecessor murdered his own kid-nephews and his successor was Henry VIII#like please be serious#I had the same issue with the way he described Edward IV's reign. His descriptions were so theatrical and emphatic but#at the end of the day the things he was describing were very normal lol#or they would be normal if Penn didn't choose the most critical (and mocking tbh) perspective for every single thing#the way he described Henry VI's reign was also annoying but it thankfully had far less pagetime and was not the focus of his work#so it was comparatively more tolerable#i'm glad that he acknowledged the propaganda against Margaret tho. I didn't like how he described her but at the very least he acknowledged#that she was being slandered#also calling Warwick 'the regime's biggest headache' lmfao#and ig some of his analyses on Richard III were interesting. It helps that R3 had a very short and very dramatic reign from start to finish#so Penn's flourishing tone doesn't really feel out of place for it
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deus-ex-mona · 5 months
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yurusanta: the ✨gift✨ that keeps on ✨giving✨
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