#god why do i feel like i've suddenly forgotten how to tag my posts
flimsy-spine · 5 months
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Chim in every episode - Rock the Boat 7x02
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willymywonkers · 4 years
The Factory (5/5)
Summary: It's been a few weeks since the Factory tour, and Maude is much happier than she ever was. Charlie comes over, and tells her about his experience with Willy. She finds that he rejected Willy's offer. However, she gets a surprise visit from a familiar stranger.
A/N: the final chapter baby!!! I know it's this series was short, but I promise I will still be posting other stories with Maude and Willy, I've just got some major school shit to work out. My Masterlist should be up tomorrow.
Tagged: @holdmeicant @wonkasmissstarshine
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It was a mid February day, and things seemed to be getting better for the Buckets. Harry Bucket had gotten a new job, with much better pay, and Grandpa Joe was much better.
Maude was back in school teaching. Charlie couldn't be happier to see her face again.
Maude even started a class teaching kids the chemistry behind making candy. She loved hanging out with the kids, but there was something missing in her life.
Despite being much cheerful, she couldn't get her mind off Will. She noticed Wonka's sales had been dropping. The newspaper began spreading rumors about him, but, of course, they weren't true.
The soft buzz from her door distracted her from her thoughts. Maude smiled, already knowing who it was.
Charlie smiled back at her, wiping the snow off his boots.
"Hello, Charlie." Maude chuckled, inviting him in.
"Hello, Ms. Figgle. Here, I got some extra tips from shoe shining, and I wanted to split this with you." Charlie handed her a Wonka bar from his pocket.
Maude smiled, taking the candy bar. "How thoughtful of you, dear."
She took a piece, but it didn't taste the same. It had a bitter taste, but it wasn't the chocolate. Chewing on the candy suddenly made Maude's good mood shift to a guilty feeling.
"This doesn't taste right." Maude said. The candy didn't have its velvety texture like it used to.
Charlie took a bite of the bar, and agreed.
"Did something happen with you and Will on the trip?" Maude asked, slightly concerned.
"Well, Mr. Wonka offered to give me his entire factory, but he wouldn't let me ever see my family again." Charlie explained.
Maude looked, slightly confused. "Really?"
"Yeah. I thought he was really nice at first. I guess he only cares about himself." Charlie sighed, disappointed.
Maude sighed, just as disappointed.
"Did he ever mention me? At all?" She asked.
"No, I don't think so." Charlie replied.
Maude's heart began to break. Of course, this was expected. She didn't expect Willy to remember her, and how she was his biggest influence in his life.
The cold sad guilt started to consume her once again.
Willy Wonka found himself in an odd situation. Ever since Charlie turned down his offer to live with him, he had been feeling odd. He felt guilty somehow.
This feeling greatly affected his chocolate sales, and he just didn't know why.
Childhood memories started coming back to him. It drove him nuts. He remembered the constant bullying. How he was an outcast to the other children.
Wired Willy is what the kids called him. They would pebbles at his house, taunting him.
God, how he hated his childhood. Willy sat his desk. His mind was clouded, and he could barely focus on his work.
"Check out loser Willy." The kids shouted. "He's like a turtle, slow and cowardly."
Willy couldn't stand it. He was so helpless. He remembered the kids pushing him to the ground and kicking him hard in the stomach.
He gulped hard. It was hard to make him cry, but those memories were enough to push Willy to his limit.
"Hey ASSHATS." A young girl cursed. "Leave him alone or I'll dissect you lot."
Willy remembered the appearance of a girl with messy pigtails and dirt on her face.
She threw some dead things at the kids, and all the kids ran off, terrified of the girl.
Willy wasn't terrified. In fact, the young girl was his savior. He remembered how she loved to chew gum.
"Maude." Will whispered. He felt upset saying her name out loud. She wasn't around anymore, and he hadn't spoken to her in years.
He sat with his supposed 'therapist'.
"I just don't understand." Willy said. "Why am I thinking about her now? I should be over her."
The Oompa Loompa nodded, writing something down.
"I just feel like there's something missing." Willy said, thinking. "I've been feeling terrible, so the candy's terrible. So, how do I fix that?"
The Oompa Loompa shrugged.
Will sat up. "Maybe I'm feeling this way because of my past actions lead up to Charlie ejecting my offer, and I should see things from outside my own perspective." He smirked over at his 'therapist'. "Oh, you're good."
The next day, Willy took a trip into town, wearing all black, in hopes of finding Charlie. He parked his large flying glass elevator in the most convenient spot, and saw the boy shining shoes.
As the boy went on a bit of a break, Willy took a seat on the bench and flipped through the local newspaper, conveniently covering his face.
Charlie kneeled down, and began to work on Willy's shoes.
"I hear that guy, Wendell Walters." Willy began to speak.
"Willy Wonka?" Charlie corrected.
"Yeah, him. I hear his chocolate hasn't been doing well. It seemed to he's a bad egg who deserves it." Willy said.
"Yeah." Charlie agreed.
"Have you met him?" Willy asked.
"I did once. At first, I thought he was nice, but then he wasn't. He also has a funny haircut." Charlie replied, trying to antagonize Willy. He caught on from the moment he sat down.
Willy tossed the newspaper down. "I do not."
"Why are you here?" Charlie got up, and crossed his arms.
"I don't feel so hot." Willy snapped. He sighed, frustrated. "What helps you feel better when you feel down?"
"My family."
"Ew." Willy winced.
Charlie started to get slightly upset. "What do have against my family?"
"It's not your family. It's the idea of-" Willy seemed to struggle on the right word.
"That." Willy sighed. "And, something else."
"And, what's that?" Charlie asked. "Whatever it is, you should face what's troubling you. My teacher tells me that."
"Well, that sounds like a bunch of baloney." Willy scoffed.
"It's not. She's very smart." Charlie said.
"Then, maybe she should help me." Willy said, sarcastically. Then, he thought for a second. "Actually, that's not a bad idea. Do you think you could show me to her?"
Charlie nodded. "Sure."
Willy smiled wide. "That's great! You know, I actually have trans-"
He ran into the glass elevator face first. "I should really be careful to where I park this thing."
Willy walked into the elevator, with Charlie following behind. He pressed a single button, and they were off.
Maude was in her bedroom, playing the violin. Her fingers danced over the strings as the bow shifted back and forth, playing a calming tune. The smoothness of the instrument brought her temporary peace.
It had been a while since she touched the instrument, since she only played it when she was particularly sad. However, in this moment, she felt contentment.
It did hurt her knowing that Will completely forgotten about her, but she wasn't going to let that guilt follow her into the bright future.
Maude heard a soft knock at the door. She placed the instrument down, walking out of her bedroom.
It was Charlie, of course.
"Hello, dear." Maude smiled.
"Ms. Figgle, there's someone I want you to meet." Charlie said.
Behind him was a stunned Willy Wonka. He gulped hard, nervously smiling at Maude.
She stood there, baffled. "Come in." She spoke softly, gesturing the boys in.
Willy nodded, putting his coat and hat down.
The three of them sat in the living room. A silence consumed the room, as Will and Maude stared at each other for a few minutes.
"Hi Willy." Maude said, finally. "How are you?"
Willy smiled, slightly. "Hey Maude. I'm fine."
"Would you like some tea?" She asked.
He nodded. "Absolutely."
Maude drifted off to the kitchen. After a few minutes, she came back with tea and cookies.
Charlie looked over to Willy, and nodded.
"Ms. Figgle, do you know where the restroom is?" Charlie asked.
"Down the hall, and to the left." Maude said. Her eyes were still locked with Willy's.
Charlie took this opportunity to leave the two adults alone.
"So, you're a teacher now?" Willy reached for his tea.
"Yes, but I teach the science of candy making." Maude said, grabbing a cookie.
"That's great." He smiled. "You know, candy making does require a lot of smarts."
She chuckled. "Yeah."
Willy's smile slightly faded as he looked down at his tea. "Say, uh, would you ever want to get back into candy making again?"
She smiled, chuckling again. "Well, I would. I loved working with you in the factory."
"You did?" His puppy dog eyes were too much to bear.
Maude nodded. "Of course."
His smile soon faded. "Would you ever forgive me, Maude?"
"For what?" She asked confused.
"For coming between you and Ron. I know how much you loved him, and I just got so jealous that I pushed you away." Willy looked down at his tea, stirring it slowly.
Tears poured softly down Maude's cheek. "That's not true, Will."
Willy looked confused. "What do you mean?"
"Ron pulled me away from you." She sniffed. "I didn't love him."
"You didn't?" Willy repeated.
"No." She scoffed. "I loved you."
His eyes widened. He clenched his gloved hands, and gulped. "R-really?"
Maude nodded, wiping off any tears with a piece of paper tissue.
He leaned over to her. His gloved hand hovering over her wet cheek. Will placed a soft kiss on her quivering lips. Maude gave into the kiss, gently.
They pulled away after a minute or so.
Will cleared his throat, and chuckled, slightly.
Maude smiled, holding his hands in hers. She placed her head against Will's chest. Willy embraced the hug, holding Maude in his arms.
"I think I loved you too, Maude." He said. "Do you think you'd still might wanna live with me in the factory?"
She chuckled. "Only if Charlie says yes."
Behind her, Charlie was smiling brightly at the two.
"Charlie?" Willy Wonka began. "Would you and your family like to live in the factory with me?"
Charlie nodded. "Yes, of course."
He hugged both Maude and Willy.
Finally, it became clear to Willy about what he was missing.
This became the start of something beautiful.
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lilulo-12fanfiction · 5 years
Nothing Breaks Like A Heart- 3
So this took me about 8 years to write. I’m not sure why. But it’s unedited so please ignore the mistakes. The spacing looks off but I’m posting this on mobile so I’ll look at it on my laptop mañana. Likes, comments and reblogs are much appreciated!
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@fanfictionjunkie1112 @shreddedparchment
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“Uncle Tony! Uncle Tony!” A 6 year old Nora ran to her Uncle and he scooped her up in his arms. “I missed you!” Nora repeatedly kissed her young uncle’s clean shaven face.
“I missed you too baby doll. Why don’t you go over and see Grandpa Obe. I think he has a present for you.” Tony set Nora down and she ran down the hall.
Nora was dreaming. She knew she was. She was standing there watching her memory unfold. It was the strangest dream. She had never had one like this.
“Hello Nora.” Nora slowly turned as her hands trembled. She knew the voice. She took a shaky breath and came face to face with Loki.
“How are you in my dream?” Loki gave Nora a smirk.
“I’m a God Nora Stark. There are many things I can do.”
“Then why are you here?”
“We had so little time together. There is much you don’t know. Things your father hid from you and your Uncle. I’m here to lead you to the truth. Pay attention to this.” Loki turned you back to the scene before you. This couldn’t be your memory. You had left the room.
“Grant- it’s her birthday and every year you leave her here and vanish for days. Eventually she’s not going to be okay with it. You lost your wife. But she lost her mother.”
“Her mother is gone and it’s my job to protect her from what’s to come. I leave to protect her. You don’t understand.”
“Then make me understand.”
“If Nora here infringes on your extra curricular activities, I can get a Nanny.”
“Don’t be stupid. This has nothing to do with her being here. I look forward to this all year. But I’m worried that some day she’s going to resent you and it will be too late.”
“She’s not you. And I’m not our father so just stop. I’ll see you in a week.” Tony stood staring blankly as his brother stormed out. He had no idea what he was hiding. He had left without even saying goodbye to Nora.
“Protect me from what’s to come? What does that mean?!” Nora demanded answers from Loki.
“You have to put it together on your own. I can guide you Nora but you must put the pieces together. “
Before Nora could respond she jolted awake. Her heart was pounding and she couldn’t catch her breath. She felt like she was in a bad version of a Dickens Novel
“That must have been some dream” A deep voice came from her right. She looked over and saw Steve Rogers sitting in the chair next to her bed in the med wing.
“It was intense.” Nora started to regain her bearings.
“Look. I know you don’t want to see me and you think I’m the bad guy. But I had to make that decision. Tony knew what he was doing. I couldn’t risk everything he was willing to sacrifice. I wouldn’t have made that choice if”
“Steve. Steve. I know. I was a bitch. I was emotional and upset and I took it out on you. I’m sorry I spoke to you like that. It was just a lot and I think the poison in my system is making me delirious or something but I know you made the right decision. My uncle wouldn’t able to live with himself if people died to save him.” Steve took Nora’s hand. He could tell she was getting upset again.
“It’s forgotten. It was a difficult day. I’m just glad you and Tony are okay.”
“I think okay is stretch.” Nora laughed.
"Well physically okay." Steve squeezed Nora's hand as the door to her room opened. Bruce walked in, seemingly surprised to see Steve sitting there.
"You ready to get out of here?" Bruce had a strange look on his face.
"I thought you said I'd be here for longer?" Nora furrowed her brow.
"Well, we originally thought you would need IV Antibiotics for longer. It seemed like a nasty infection. But apparently it is healing a lot quicker than anticipated. You aren’t out of the woods but we can switch you to oral antibiotics now. You're still going to be sore and the stitches may give you some trouble but we should be able to take them out soon. There's no reason for you to stay in this bed any longer. But Nora, you need to take it easy for a bit."
“Define take it easy” Bruce looked exasperated as he ran his palm down his face.
“You need to stay in the building for now. We don’t want you exposed to any other bacteria. We don’t know how this will affect your immune system. You’re going to have to keep your leg elevated and the swelling down and crutches to walk.
“So really just like being here but in my own bed or on my ass wheeling around. Bruce I have work to do. The tower is a mess. The city is a mess.”
“It’s not up to you to fix it. You need to take care of yourself.” Nora’s lips were pursed. “Don’t look at me like you’re trying to appease me. You have
to follow instructions.” Bruce was pleading. “Or I’ll call Tony and you’ll stay here.”
“She’ll follow directions Dr. Banner. I’ll make sure of it.” Steve had his arms crossed in front of his chest with authority. Nora’s nostrils flared. Before she could attempt to argue Steve continued talking. “You’re going to need help. Tony needs to recover himself. I, however, am already healed. Let me help you.”
“Must be nice being a Super Soldier, but fine.” Nora threw her hands up. “But don’t even think about trying to treat me like a child.” Nora pointed her finger at Steve with raised eyebrows.
"Wouldn't dream of it."
Steve wheeled Nora into her apartment. Both he and Bruce insisted on her using it to get to her wing of the tower and use it to go anywhere else in the tower except around her loft.
"Now what?' Nora sighed. Steve could tell she was upset but was trying not to show it.
"Now, I'm going to order some dinner. I don't think you want to be poisoned by my cooking on top of everything else. And then we can watch a movie or whatever you want to do."
"I need to shower, I feel disgusting." Steve nodded and was about to wheel her down to her room. "No, give me the crutches. I'm not an invalid" Steve rolled his eyes and handed her the crutches. He didn't attempt to help her to her feet, he knew she wouldn't let him. He watched her hobble down the hall to her bedroom. He opened a few drawers in her kitchen until he found some menus and pulled them out to decide what to get them for dinner.
Behind the door of her bathroom, Nora let a sob escape from her mouth. She was trying so hard to keep her emotions tucked inside, but after what had just happened she was floored. Aliens, Gods, more aliens. She had no idea what she would have done if she had lost her Uncle. She let her tears flow as she hobbled over to her dresser and pulled out a grey t-shirt and a pair of lavender and grey striped shorts. She struggled for a few moments to figure out how to get changed. She couldn't put any pressure on her leg without horrifying pain. She took a deep breath to center herself and went to the door. "Steve?" she called out. She heard his heavy foot steps and soon he was at her door. "Can you see if you can get Nat or Pepper in here?"
"Nat isn't here, she's at SHEILD. Pepper is doing a press conference right now. Are you okay?" Nora didn't want to open the door for Steve to see her tear stained face.
"I just." She paused. "I can't get changed to get into the shower."
"Do you...do you want my help?" Nora groaned. She didn't want to wait until Pepper would be done. It could be hours. She'd have to swallow her pride and let him help her. She wiped her face as best she could and opened the door. "Nora...you're crying." She clearly she hadn't done a good enough job.
"I'm fine." She stepped back so Steve could walk in. He enveloped her in a hug. She stood there shocked for a moment and then hugged him back and then she felt the damn of tears burst open. He slipped his arm behind her knees and picked her up like she was a feather and walked over to her bed so they could sit. He held her as she cried. "I'm sorry. I don’t know why I’m so damn emotional” She sobbed. "I don't normally break down and cry in front of people. I just..."
"Shhh...don't you dare apologize. And don't hold this all in. I've got you. You're safe with me. These past couple of days have been a lot.” Nora took a deep breath. They sat like that for a while. Nora across Steve’s lap as he had his arms wrapped around her torso and hers around his neck. Finally Nora pulled back.
“I really need to shower but I need help.” Her face turned pink.
“I can help you. I won’t look. It’s okay.” Steve helped her stand up and into her bathroom. She grabbed a towel from her linen cabinet and set it on the counter. Steve opened her shower door and started the water. “How hot do you want it?”
“So hot it almost melts my face off?” Steve laughed.
“I’m not going to turn it that hot. You can adjust it once you get in.” Nora nodded.
“Okay, this is awkward, let’s just power through. I can’t balance to take my pants on or off.” Steve nodded. “I’m going to turn around. I feel like my bare ass is less embarrassing. I mean an ass is ass.”
“However you’re most comfortable “‘Steve laughed. Nora turned around and pulled her t-shirt off and threw it in the hamper. Steve felt his mouth go dry. Nora felt his hands on her hips. “Okay I’m going to slide them off.” Nora nodded. She felt the heat burning on her cheeks. She felt like someone was blowing bubbles in her stomach. She was painfully aware of how firm Steve was holding her waste. His calloused hands were hot against her skin. Suddenly she was painfully aware that she was completely naked. “Can you step in by yourself?” Nora nodded unable to speak. She stepped in and quickly shut the door behind her. “I’m going to go back into your room. The towel is right here. Call me when you’re ready for me.
“Okay. Thanks Steve.” Nora felt her heart pounding.
“Of course. I’ll be right outside”. Steve ran his hands down his face. He spent the entire time thinking of the most non-sexual thoughts he could to avoid being turned on. He was attracted to Nora, she was beautiful, but there was something about her that was magnatizing.
He looked around her room. The walls were a grayish purple. The room wasn’t as big as he thought it would be, but it was still bigger than any room he had ever slept in. There was a slanted ceiling near the bathroom that created a large alcove where an oak roll top desk and chair was located. She had a matching chest of drawers that matched the desk as well as a large bookshelf that was loaded with books. Nora being a bookworm made him smile. Her king sized bed was in the middle of the room with an oak nightstand on one side and on the other was an elaborate lamp. It was built like a tree and was covered with glass flowers that all had tiny light bulbs in the middle. There was a smaller black lamp on the night stand.
Parallel to the wall with the door was a set of glass french doors with trim painted the black. It led out to a substantial balcony. Steve imagined Nora spent a lot of time out there. Her glanced over at her bluish purple bed spread that was a soft chenille. It was simple and loaded with pillows. He wondered how she fit in the bed with that many pillows. He walked over to the bookshelf and took a picture off to study it. It had
to be her parents. Grant was the spitting imagine of Howard Stark, even more than Tony. He knew the woman was her mother, although her hair was blonde it hung in spirals like Nora’s. She also had the same captivating sea green eyes as her daughter. Next to that was a picture of an older Howard and he assumed Maria who was holding a little bundle he was sure was Nora. Steve knew they didn’t live much longer after the picture had been taken. He glanced at a few photos of Nora and Grant. There was one of Nora, maybe 12, with Pepper. There was then an onslaught of photos of Nora and Tony. Ones with a young Tony and a toddler Nora. He saw her grow up in the photos. Her High School graduation, prom, a Christmas photo. Despite all of her loss, Tony has given her the best life possible. Not with his money, but with how much he loved her. The pride in his eyes in each photo jumped out at you. His favorite picture was of her and Tony, she was holding a cello and happiness was radiating from her.
Steve jumped and put the photo with back when he heard the bathroom door open. Nora hobbled out wearing her towel and holding her clothes. “I’m all done.” Her voice was quiet and sheepish.
“Here, sit down on the edge of the bed.” Steve helped her over as she sat. He took the black cotton boy short panties and slid them up to her knees and did The same with her shorts. “If you stand will you be able to pull them up the rest of the way?” Nora nodded. Steve tried to ignore her blazingly red face. “Okay, I’ll help you stand and then you can finish getting dressed. Your crutches are right there on the bed.” Steve helped her stand and then headed towards her door.
“Steve?” He heard her say in almost a whisper. “Thank you.” He nodded at her with a smile and headed back out to the living room.
Nora used her crutches to get back out to the main area. Her large apartment started with an open floor plan. The substantial kitchen and living room were what you saw when you walked in. Dark hardwood floors throughout. Parallel to her door was a long hallway with 5 doors. On the right hand side was first the guest bedroom and the master bedroom at the end of the hall. On the other side there were two more doors with a half bath in the middle. Each bedroom had its own bathroom.
“So I ordered some pizza and wings. I figured it was a safe bet.”
“That’s fine, but I’m not really hungry to be honest.”
“You definitely have to eat Nora. All of that medicine will kill your stomach.” She nodded and hobbled over to the living room. She had a large taupe microfiber couch with ottoman at each end and two over sized chairs on each side. There was an antique looking entertainment center and above it, mounted to the wall was a large flat screen TV. About 6 feet back from the couch was a large wooden table with a marble top. It had a long bench on the side closest to the wall with 3 large chairs Across from it and 2 on each end. There was a wall of floor to ceiling windows. Across from the large table right next to the windows was a baby grand piano. Nora sat on the couch propping her leg up on the ottoman.
“You really don’t have to stay Steve. I’ll be fine.” Nora finally said. Steve had been studying her profile after she sat down. She looked overwhelmed and slightly sad.
“I know you’d be fine but you really shouldn’t be alone. Something could happen and you’re not at 100%. Unless you don’t want me here, I could call Nat.”
“No that’s not it. I just feel bad that I’m hijacking your life.” Steve walked over and sat next to Nora and faced her.
“You’re not hijacking anything. There’s no place else I’d rather be.” His warm smile set her at ease. His hand was next to hers and she linked her pinky with his. Steve was amazed that a tiny little touch could send his heart racing. Before either of them could say or do anything else there was a knock on the door. Steve jumped up to open it and was greeted by Tony’s confused face. He walked past Steve into the apartment. Steve could tell he was trying to appear uninjured but his movements said otherwise. Even after a few days since the battle his face was bruised up.
“Wasn’t expecting to see you here Cap.” Tony glanced over his shoulder with a knowing look at Steve. He looked guilty and Nora looked flustered.
“Uh Dr. Banner had some stipulations on letting Nora out of the med bay so I told him I’d stick around to help.”
“Jarvis- have some clothes sent over for the Captain if he’s staying here. Don’t need him smelling up the place.” Tony ordered his A.I. He smiled at Nora and kissed her on the cheek and sat down next to her. “Hi babydoll, how’s my girl?” Steve stepped into the kitchen to give them some privacy. He sat at the large island on one of the stools. The marble top on the island and the rest of the counters matched the table. The color of the cabinets matched the color of her furniture. Her french door refrigerator and 6 burner stove as well as the dish washer were black. He looked at the walls of the entire area. The color was a very pale turquoise. Almost so pale it was white. One wall on the living room side behind the table and piano was exposed brick. Her tastes were simple and clean.
“I’m okay. Really tired still. How are you? Shouldn’t you be resting?”
“Oh honey I’m fine. I’ve had worse than this.”
Nora gave him a skeptical look. “I came over once I heard you were back over here to see if you wanted to stay on my floor so you weren’t alone, but I see you aren’t.”
“You need to take care of yourself and not worry about me. You fell out of the sky!”
“Banner broke my fall.” Tony gave his signature smirk. “But I see you’re in good hands here so I’m going to head back over before Pepper comes hunting for me. Call me if you need anything.” Tony kissed her forehead. “Love you Nori. Keep that leg up and don’t try to over do it.”
“Ditto, on all accounts.” She smiled adoringly up at her Uncle. He gave her a shrug.
“My legs are fine.” He turned to Steve and nodded “Captain.” After a second glance, he headed out the door.
Steve managed to get Nora to eat a piece of pizza and a couple of wings. He took it as a victory. He walked back over to the couch and handed Nora her antibiotics and some of her pain medication. She swallowed it quickly with her water. Steve sat down next to her as she picked another movie.
“You look exhausted. Why don’t we call it a night.”
“I don’t want to sleep” Nora confessed.
“You need some rest. It’ll help you heal.”
“If I sleep, I’ll dream and I’d like to avoid that.” Concern was draped over Steve’s face.
“Among other things.”
“Here lean forward.” As Nora moved he slid behind her so she could rest her torso on his and stretch her legs out across the couch. It took Nora a moment to settle back, taken by surprise. Once she was resting against him Steve covered them with the large blanket that was on the back of the couch. “Rest, go to sleep. If you start having a nightmare I’ll wake you up.” Nora nodded and then started the movie. About 15 minutes after the movie started her head fell back against Steve’s shoulder. Steve leaned his head back and closed his eyes, the sweet smell of Nora’s shampoo helping him drift off to sleep.
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reijiakabutt · 7 years
ok seeing the post you made Skittymon do I have to ask. Least favorite characters from Dm(Cause I've seen your Zexal tag .... Asking you to do both would take a month)
Goddamn it. I haven’t talked about the holy trinity in a while. Alright... *pulls out the vodka to recall war flashbacks*
Let’s do this.
Ryou Bakura
can you believe it took me 20 years to give a shit about this character and it was only after Kazuki Takahashi retconned his backstory for DSOD and gave him actuall emotion? Like, talk about a fucking self-insert, empty shell of a character. Almost every fan I’ve seen of his always screamed about how he was misunderstood and under-loved by the show and the fans and how much of a deep and complicated character he was. Thoough they casually forget to mention the part where they only like him cuz of one thing that happened in volume seven of the manga and he never reaches that same usefulness ever again. This character is inconsitent, NOT THAT IMPORTANT, really boring tbh... like, people talk about how selfless he is for sacrificing himself to save his friends but like... have they seen ygo? All the characters do that? Jou dies like four times for his friends, get on his level lol
Or how he’s “forgotten” in the show but lol, ther eare whole chapters and volumes he don’t even fucking TALK in the manga. Shit, KT didn’t give a shit about him either lol. And I am still 85% certain that fans only like him cuz he is a blank slate that can easily be used to tendership and be a fuck toy for Yami Bakura. I mean... this character bores me but the majority of the reason I hate him is how obnoxious his fucking fans are and how much they shoved him down my fucking throat on how “unloved” he was when lol i can’t go anywhere without seeing this fucker. Don’t make me think about him, there’s nothing to him. “He has an occult aesthetic” awesome. Cool. What does that have to do with him being important or even interesting?? Why should I focus on his interest when I have the spirit of a pharaoh as the main character and all these other ancient powers? He ain’t unique. And worse, he has no personality. NOOOO N EEE.
God, I’m getting a headache from remembering all the wank on him. Frankly, I forget about this character a lot but once in a while, I remember his fans and how absorbed they are about this character and how ridiculously annoying they are about him... which brings me to the next fucker.
Yami Bakura
Oh my god... he’s so useless. Hes so forgettable. He honestly fails as a villain cuz NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT HIM. NONE OF THEM DO. THE ONLY CHARACTER HE IMPACTS IS HONDA. Yami forgets about him and defeats him quite easily for the first half of the show (which makes their third showdown all the more laughable tbh). Kaiba don’t even give a fuck about him. The fact that the main villain of Battle City (Yami Malik) defeats without losing a SINGLE LIFEPOINT is quite amazing.
Like, I can ALMOST respect a villain working in the shadows and ultimately being the final boss and having be unsuspecting and shit. However, he fails at this. Bakura fails at this SO FUCKING HARD because he never actually wins and is constantly beaten by everyone. He only wins once and that’s against the most minor of fucking minor characters. hE LEAVES NO IMPACT ON ANYONE.
Malik quickly forgets about him, moving on to Anzu to help get his sister to help him hide Rishid and Bakura is gone from his mind. Shit, Yami forgets about him every time he defeats him and is “surprised” each time he comes back. I’d say thats cool but he is easily defeated anyways. Pegasus and Kaiba and fucking Malik left impact on Yami and Yugi... Bakura leaves none. He’s just there, like a fucking cockroach. I GUESS he leaves an impact on Ryou but Ryou is such a bland character that it’s hard to tell what the fucking impact is.
If Bakura was removed from the story, it would’ve flowed better. Been smoother. He’s just this random parasite that sucks depth from the story as well as wastes time. Not to mention he has one of the most irritating fucking fanbases ever. Like, I’m glad they finally realize that he sucks and aren’t screaming about how he’s the greatest villain.
Also, for being the “main villain” lol... he sure is in a coma a lot. and even left out an entire fucking season (doma arc) which coulda been used to develop him. another thing, he has no development or depth. i can’t analyze this underdeveloped character who has nothing with anyone.
“but wait, he has a sad backstory”
Oh yes. The last fucker.
I hat ethis boy.
This isn’t even the fandom’s fault. That’s the ironic part.I hte him because of the story. I hate him because this entire time, the whole show was building up to the fight between the Nameless Pharaoh and a Priest who was entrapped in darkness.
Like... TKB should’ve just been a catalyst and then gone away to make way for the real build-up. For the real story between Atem, Seto, and Aknadin. To the palace affair. to this actual fight.
like, what’s laughable is how Bakura suddenly becomes this unbeatable force when he’s been this easily defeated fucker whose strategy never works. And like, it fails cuz he was never shown that way throughout the whole show so him suddenly becoming OP makes no goddamn sense and is a total asspull. And omg, his “tragic” backstory is told through flashback of the guy who is COMMITTING the atrocity within his own tragic backstory. AND I FEEL MORE SORRY FOR AKNADIN, WHO WAS THE TRUE BADDIE OF THE SEASON.
TKB I DIDN’T. I don’t know if it’s him who wants vengeance or if its him being controlled by Zorc or anything. this characters fails because I DON’T KNOW SHIT ABOUT HIM and he’s suddenly hailed as important and tragic when it all comes out of nowhere and does not impact him in the slightest.
Why the fuck is he called thief king?? i have no idea. shit, they were able to give me backstories for all these other characters and shit but not bakura... and like, i know KT was rushed with the egypt arc and it shows cuz this character who was never given focus was suddenly the main focus out of nowhere. that part where he dies and time is rewinded and he lives and other shit only to die again?
yea, ok. i’m fairly certain he was actually supposed to die there and that’s when aknadin was supposed to be the main act but sadly, KT was sick and just kept TKB and rushed through.
TKB inflates the story, clogs it up and took the spotlight from the actual story and conflict and the worst part was it’s so obvious he was never meant to be that fucking important.
it’s not eventhe fans fault - the fans almost make him sound like an interesting character but for me, he took away from the plot that the show was building up to and was just... incredibly poorly written.
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