#there was absolutely nothing to work with for this episode please forgive me
flimsy-spine · 5 months
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Chim in every episode - Rock the Boat 7x02
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starqueensthings · 5 months
We need to talk about Echo (and by talk I mean screm). S3 E13 + 14 Spoilers!
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FRIENDS, I'M GOING TO EXPLODE. I need to talk about Echo for a minute. We need to talk about Echo for a minute,  because he has spent the last two episodes in the absolute thralls of complete and total danger, and I personally don't feel like there's been enough of a celebratory uproar for me to be satisfied with the level of appreciation and love that man deserves. (Remember when Hunter ran face first into a colossal exhaust pipe and we all collectively lost our minds because it was so impressive and so sexy? Remember when Tech drove a speeder really fast through a tunnel and we all fainted? I'M A TECH GIRLY. IT WAS ME! I FAINTED!!) but, Y'ALL, Echo deserves that right now!! And for all eternity!!! Because he is wholly submurged in the harrowing potential of torture and execution, and he didn't even bat an eye to put himself there. My awe of him is all-consuming, so please forgive me if this rant reads as nothing but incoherent screaming. 
Echo haters (first of all, we can't be friends....) come on this journey with me! Let's back pedal to the beginning of the last episode (13). He stole an imperial shuttle. Let me repeat, he stole an imperial shuttle. And not just an attack shuttle. Not just a lil one-pilot transport. Bro somehow stole a Rho-class medical transport, which is very large, obscenely conspicuous, and very easily tracked. And, to use his own words, it was "the best he could do on short notice." The man stole a shuttle on short notice. ON SHORT NOTICE? HELLO, HOW DID HE DO THAT. WHY AIN'T WE LOSING OUR COOL ABOUT IT. 
Next stop on this I-love-Echo journey through my mind: not only did he provide his brothers transportation in the complete void of their own (RIP havoc bb), but he also came equipped with intel and clearance codes, and, as Rampart stated, those things change DAILY. Echo somehow procured top secret imperial clearance codes, and a fkn SHIP, within hours of the Batch requesting his help. Not to mention, the ship had yet to be reported missing (which means it was only-freshly commandeered), and the clearance codes worked. Of course they did. Echo never fails. Never doubt Echo. "Echo's on it."  
Choochoo, next stop! Once they arrived on that station orbiting Coruscant, and made their way to the control room (lookin sexy as heck in his armour-au-noir), he broke imperial encryption, hacked into the Imperial database, almost instantly found them the location of a ship departing for the prison that holds their daughter Tantiss, AND THEN DIDN'T EVEN HESITATE TO CLIMB ABOARD AND STOW AWAY.  
He didn't even remotely have a plan, or have time to make a plan. He didn't know who or what else would be on board that mysterious vessel. He didn't know where it was going other than the name of the fkn mountain (which has proven to be nothing but unhelpful thus far). He just ARC-troopered his way through that crowded hangar, dodging aggressive astromech's and inconsiderate loader droids, shirking from the perspective eyes of highly trained commandos, and snuck his way onto a heavily guarded, extremely unknown science vessel. Then, of course, he wasted no time, hacking into the ships control system (may I gently remind- there were at least three pilots and an officer prepping the ship for jump and closely watching all aspects of its controls), disabling the proximity sensors without being detected, and then seamlessly covered the troopers absence by pretending to be him (which we all know is what should have happened on Serenno but... hindsight is 20/20.)  
So... SO.... now we're at Episode 14. Here we at fkn terrified station because HULLO ECHO IS ALONE ON A SCIENCE DIVISION TRANSPORT; we have literally seen them carry around Zilo beasts in that shit. What the heck else could be on there that they don't know about? Literally anything. Because THEY KNEW NOTHING before attaching themselves to it. Echo knew NOTHING before sneaking onto that thing and creepin' around. Thank heck he didnt come across a fkn fresh wave of slither vines ok?  
NEXT, Echo shoots (not stuns- lol) a sassy fkn droid (they had it coming, not sorry), then another trooper. AND THEN discovered his only option for departing the ship once it enters atmosphere is going completely undercover, because (in true "we improvise everything" CF99 fashion that gives me heart burn just thinking about it), they had zero fkn plan to get off the ship. I will repeat: completely undercover. On Tantiss. COMPLETELY UNDERCOVER ON TANTISS. NO COMMS, NO BACK UP, NO RECON, NO PLAN, BARELY ANY GEAR, and I would just like to stress... no neuro brace. He left his neurobrace on that ship. Left it. LEFT IT AND TOOK A HAND INSTEAD. PLEASE FKN SEDATE ME.  
We can't leave this station yet... This I-love-Echo train needs to linger at this point for a sec because I think it's lost on some people how wild this is. Echo without his neurobrace is huge. It's a bigger deal than Echo without his armour. Armour is, in the grand scheme of things, inconsequential (one can find more- see Howzer). Echo's neurobrace is not armour, it's a computer and it's so so so crucial to how his mind processes information and events. Don't forget, the Technounion HIJACKED HIS BRAIN. They took every memory from him and manipulated it for their gain. Pruned it, tweaked it, blanched it, poached it, turned it into scrambled eggs, and then fkn ate it up and used it to defeat their enemies (Echo's family- I'm sobbing). They implanted him with an unfathomable amount of information; they changed the way the neurons in his brain fire in relation to stimuli. That neurobrace is so so critical for him. Now, we know he can operate well enough without it, we saw it in the last episode of the TBB arc in season 7 of Clone Wars, but... please.... to what extent? We don't know what an extended time without that neurobrace looks like for him... especially when all other aspects compliing his surroundings foreign, unknown, and dangerous, and that scares me.
AND NOW HE'S ABOUT TO RUN AMOK IN TANTISS with Emerie who, (I'm sorry) is wishy-washy as heck (who are you loyal to!!!!! What is your history!!! Are you trustworthy and what are you looking to gain!!!), trying to adopt a collection of Jedi children whove spent maker-knows how long playing space tetris, WHILST ALSO ATTEMPTING TO LOCATE AND ESCAPE WITH HIS BROTHERS UNDER THE EYE OF THE GALAXY'S SECOND MOST DANGEROUS MAN. 
So yes, short of d-d-d-di... can't say it... short of THE WORST CASE, Echo has made the ultimate sacrifice to save not only Omega who is literally the only person we've seen able to make him truly laugh, but all the clone brothers that he's been desperately trying to locate and rescue. His bravery and determination are literally unrivalled, and he did it while feasting on nothing but humble pie because that man wouldn't know arrogance if it danced naked under his perfect nose.  
Okay so welcome, we've finally pulled into I-Love-Echo station. Before departing the ride, please stand and do a hip hip hurray for the miracle that is Echo, including but not limited to, everything he's done, is doing, and is willing to do for other people. 
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your-turn-to-role · 2 years
also. i absolutely adored what lovm did with the pass through fire quote
but then it makes me emotional about the original context, so i have to share that too (minor plot spoilers ahead)
because it wasn't originally to do with the ashari at all. it was from patrick rothfuss' guest character, a blacksmith named kerrek, who helped vox machina fight against the dragon in westruun, and helped keyleth personally through some difficult stuff (he may yet appear on lovm, but given the context of the quote now i doubt we'll get all of it)
and a little after kerrek's episode, patrick rothfuss actually made a legit letter from kerrek to keyleth, with a present inside, and left it with matt until whatever point in the plot she was able to recieve it
which by coincidence was one of the hardest moments in the whole campaign for her
and this letter had marisha legit crying in the episode, because it's just. so beautiful, and so needed. and it goes:
I write to let you and your companions know that the repair of Westruun is proceeding well. I will not bore you with the details. Suffice to say that our children are well-fed and safe, our elderly and infirm are cared for and comfortable. Without the help of you and yours, this would not be the case.
The folk in charge argue constantly, but that is to be expected, and it is no bad thing. They all want the same good things in different ways. I listen, mostly, and do what I can to make sure that they listen to each other. Without listening, nothing good can happen.
The town... when I say the repair is going well, it is a hard thing for me to talk about. I am not a particularly clever man, and much of this is new to me. When you make a mistake with metal, you can melt things down and start afresh. It is irritating, and it costs in time and soot and sweat, but it can be done. There is a comfort in iron, knowing that a fresh start is always possible. But a city is not a sword. It is a living thing, and living things defy simple fixing. Roots cannot be reforged. They scar, and broken branches must be cut and sealed with tar, and this makes me angry, as it always has, and my anger has no place to go.
It was easier when I was young. I could use my anger like a hammer against the world. I was so sure of myself and my friends and my rightness. I would hammer at the world, and breaking felt like making to me, and I was good at it. And while I was not wrong, neither was I entirely right. Nothing is simple.
I do not work in wood. I am not brave enough for that. There is a comfort in iron, a promise of safety, a second chance if mistakes are made. But a city is more a forest than a sword. No, it needs more tending than that.
Perhaps a city is like a garden, then. So these days, it seems I have become a gardener. I dig foundations in the earth. I sow rows of houses. I plan and plant. I watch the skies for rain and ruin. I cannot help but think that you would be better at this, but circumstance has put both of us in our own odd place. You are forced to be a hammer in the world, and my ungentle hands are learning how to tend a plot of land. We must do what we can do.
Did you know that there are some seeds that cannot sprout unless they are first burned? A friend once told me that. She was... she was a bookish sort. I think of gardening constantly these days. I wear your gift, and I think of you, and I think it is interesting that there are some living things that need to pass through fire before they flourish.
I ramble. You have the heart of a gardener, and because of this, you think of consequence, and your current path pains you. I am not wise, and I do not give advice, but I have come to know a few things: sometimes breaking is making. Even iron can start again. And there are many things that move through fire and find themselves much better for it afterward.
I have enclosed a gift. Once it was a sword, but it has changed. It is a small thing, and silly. Please forgive an old man for his foolishness. Still, I hope it brings you some small comfort.
Kindly, Kerr.
and the present inside the envelope? a ring, engraved with the phrase "I have passed through fire."
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outro-jo · 1 year
when you watch the next episode without svt
pairing: svt x reader
type: reaction
warnings: none really, grumpy boys, emotionally manipulative jeonghan 🙄
request: not really but my friend gave me the idea
a/n: please read info before requesting 🩵
masterlist | info
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scoups- he had been looking forward to this for days. it got him through long practices and times when the boys were bugging him. when he needed to go to a happy place he would just think about being cuddled up to you and finally finding out what happens to your beloved protagonist. the second the spoiler left your lips his heart sank and his lips poked out in a pout. “wait, you watched it without me?” he of course sat through it with you but he pouted the entire time.
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jeonghan- he knew you did but that wasn’t gonna stop him from making you feel terrible about it. “babe! are you serious! i was looking forward to finding out what happens with you! i’ve been waiting all week.” it was absolutely a lie. as soon as he saw the little red bar across the episode thumbnail, he knew exactly what you had done and immediately watched the episode.  he wasn’t about to let you know that now, not when you were making his favorite dinner and then sat down to cuddle him while watching the episode. you kept giving little kisses of apology… until he spoiled the episode himself. “oops?”
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joshua- he honestly doesn’t care. our unbothered king only really waits because you care about it so much but he knows with his schedule and how impatient you are that he may not always get to watch episodes with you. he’ll tease you a little about your impatience but at the end of the day he just loves spending time with you so he watches it with you anyways.
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jun- he’s not mad… just disappointed. one of his favorite things about watching shows with you is seeing your reactions because you’re so expressive. sometimes you immerse yourself so much in shows that you’ll take things personally and he finds it adorable. now he doesn’t get to see your reaction to probably one of the best moments in the season. it’s nothing that some cuddles can’t fix though. 
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hoshi- our tiger is OFFENDED. you spent the entire season reminding him not to watch episodes without you, you’d send texts and scold him, only to not even listen yourself. it doesn’t matter how many times you apologize, he still sits on the sofa with his arms crossed and his lips in a pout. he’ll talk about it even days later and it took a LOT of convincing to start a new show together again.
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wonwoo- he honestly thinks it’s funny. it’s amusing to him that you’re so impatient that you can’t wait and he’s still just excited to see what happens even if you already know. he loves the way you can hardly contain yourself with the big plot twist and loves the way you glance over at him to see how he’s going to react. 
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woozi- annoyed. he knew it would be a while before you could see the big finale of your show with his work schedule but you promised him. he also knows how upset you’d be if he did the same to you and honestly he just wants the same kind of respect. 
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dk- ooohhh he’s pretty irritated but our sunshine isn’t one to be too confrontational so he keeps it to himself. he gives you a warm smile and tells you it’s ok but man, is he side eyeing you HARD while he’s watching. 
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mingyu- mingyu is PISSED. he can’t believe you’d watch it without him after you two had invested so much in the season. you knew how much this show meant to him and how much he loves watching it with you and you just couldn’t help yourself. but with some aegyo apologies and lots of kisses, he’ll learn to forgive you. 
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the8- to be honest, you and minghao have VERY different tastes in shows so when you finally found one you could agree on it was nothing short of a miracle. when the final episode came out he told you it might be a few days before he could come watch it with you and you were disappointed but you understood. minghao wasn’t so upset that you watched it without him, it was more that you didn’t say anything when you did and pretended like you hadn’t seen it. it kinda felt like you were lying to him and he HATES lying. once the two of you talked it out though you were all good.
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seungkwan- he made a BIIIGGG deal about it. he was ranting and raving for a good thirty minutes and you just let him. it was your fault after all but once he got it out of his system, he sat down and watched it with you. he also side eyed you for a while but once it got to the good stuff he was so shocked you two feel right back into your usual dynamics. you still had to make it up to him somehow though.
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vernon- another unbothered king. he was watching this show mostly for you and knew you probably couldn’t wait anyways so he almost expected it. he chuckled a little and asked if it was good but you refused to spoil anything for him. he agreed that it was good but he’s so lowkey, he never really gives you any sort of crazy reaction. your reliable vernon. 
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dino- another one who was disappointed but he’s so in love with you it doesn’t really matter what you do. you can do no wrong in his eyes. while he was a little sad, he still sat down with you and enjoyed the show. he also enjoyed the kisses to make up for your mistake. 
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sharpredclaws · 7 months
Ugh. Ok, let's get these thoughts out of my head before I scream.
Katara could be a frustrating character in the original show. She was bossy, overbearing, and controlling. But those traits all stemmed from the same source: her desire to protect others, and to change the world for the better.
When talking about her personality, the word often used is "angry". But I think there's something more to that, the real heart of her character.
Katara is passionate.
Passion, by nature, is a hard emotion to control. It is an intense emotion that compels action. She was angry about her mother's death, angry at her father for leaving them, angry at herself for not being able to master her bending, angry at the Fire Nation for everything it took from her. But more than that, she was driven to do something about it.
From the very first episode, she takes no shit and refuses to let anyone get in the way of doing what she sees as the right thing. Everything she feels, she feels intensely, and she struggles to control that intensity and what it drives her to do. And the show allows her to make mistakes. She trusts the wrong people, bosses the group around, lashes out at them. At its very worst, her passion turns to cruelty, and she’s good at being cruel. If you know how to heal, you also know how to cause pain. Being empathetic and compassionate also means you know exactly how to hurt someone’s feelings. 
Water turns to blood. 
The live action version of the show has stripped that away completely. This Katara is passive, meek, and lacks autonomy. When she does speak up for herself, it falls flat, because it lacks any show of backbone at any other point in the show. She can't even bend on her own until she meets Aang, a change I can't forgive. She deserved that moment to herself. 
And you expect me to believe that this girl will learn to bloodbend? 
Bloodbending is every flaw she has taken to extreme. It’s absolute control, turning people into puppets, the ability to bend and break a body however you please. It’s passion turned to domination, to hatred, to vengeance, to destruction. 
Katara was a great character because her choice to be loving, nurturing, merciful, and in many ways traditionally feminine challenged the notion that those things are in some way easy or weak. They aren't. Loving people is terrifying, forgiving your enemies fucking hurts, that shit costs you. Caring so much you smother the very people you’re trying to nurture and protect, feeling so strongly you can’t act in moderation, was a compelling, logical arc for her. 
I don’t understand what they’re trying to achieve with this new version of her character at all. The actress is doing her best with what they're giving her, but they're giving her nothing to work with.
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sirfrogsworth · 7 months
Thoughts on Live Action Avatar: TLA
I'm sure people are going to hate this. Some for valid reasons. Some because of endless nitpicking that really has no bearing on how good or bad it actually was. Some because they have already chosen to hate it and it's just a self-fulfilling prophecy.
But I always root for things to be good. I want them to succeed. And I always go into everything I watch with the hope and expectation it will be good. I turn off my critical brain and try to just experience the show for what it is. As I said, I saw no trailers. I read no reviews. I knew almost nothing about the production of this going in.
Initially, things were rough... buddy.
And I think that is a longstanding problem with live action TV shows in general. I am always reminded of Star Trek TNG and how it took two seasons (48 episodes) before they figured out what the hell they were doing. Back then shows were able to find their footing and grow and learn. Actors were given time to find their characters and understand them and finally become them.
But now, every show has to be amazing from the start or they get cancelled. And I think people have become very unforgiving of first seasons as well. I feel like not enough people consider the potential of something getting better. And I think that is a shame.
So, yes, Avatar started out rough. They tried to cram all of the exposition into the first 20 minutes. And that was unpleasant. The effects were jarring at first. It is incredibly difficult to translate animation into live action. And please don't say the CGI was "bad." It wasn't. There was just so much that needed to be packed into every frame of this show to make it work, and finding a way to make it all seamlessly blend is a monumental task. I think the artists did an amazing job with the constraints of essentially making an 8 hour movie in the time usually given a 2 hour one.
But as the show continued, the actors seemed more comfortable in their roles. The showrunners seemed to figure out what worked and what didn't. The quality across the board started to improve. Especially when they started to deviate a little bit from following the cartoon. I also noticed that the effects that were jarring in the beginning eventually stopped bothering me and breaking immersion. I got used to them and was able to just focus on the story. And I think they got a little better as well. The bending was much more convincing as the show progressed. And it was a bajillion times better than the slow-motion bending of that movie that shall not be named.
And by the final episode, I was all in. The Avatar monster was really cool. And I was crying my eyes out and having all kinds of emotions. And there were some changes they made to the story which I actually thought made more sense. And I was glad this show was doing a few things to differentiate rather than being an exact carbon copy.
It won me over.
And I know it won't do that for everyone. And perhaps I am forgiving a lot of sins just because I wanted it to be good. The original was my absolute favorite show of all time. I just liked spending time with these characters again.
But I liked it more than I didn't and I'm hoping that is the general consensus, but I fear that is not the case.
Things I really liked...
I thought the actor playing Sokka was really great. They didn't give him enough humorous material. But I think this kid absolutely nailed the role. And if this gets another season, I do hope he can show Sokka's lighter side a bit more.
Ken Leung also did amazing as Zhao. I think he surpassed his cartoon counterpart in villainy. I loved hating him.
The final battle was beautiful. I think they probably dedicated a lot of resources to that. Maybe at the expense of other things. But I think it was worth it to end strong.
In the first season of the cartoon, the trauma was often skipped over or kept very brief. I'm sure the idea of dealing with genocide and war time trauma was not an easy sell to Nickelodeon initially. But they did actually take the time to show some of that trauma, especially with Katara and Sokka. And I cried a bunch.
They seemed to go to considerable effort to have a diverse cast. I am glad they learned that lesson from the movie.
That said, they probably could have brought back Dee Bradley Baker to make the animal noises. This might have been an overcorrection...
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I guess this will give the anti-wokesters something to complain about since the original was already super woke and it is probably a challenge to complain about the new thing being woke as well. Though I'm sure they are up to the challenge.
Things I didn't care for...
The compressed timeline caused a few stories to be combined and accelerated. I understand why that was necessary. But there were some important moments of character growth that got lost.
Sokka's missing sexism. I think it is much more useful to see someone grow and change and let go of their problematic traits than to pretend that never existed. Sokka's sexism was a symbol of the conservative views within water tribe culture in general. It was also foreshadowing for the conflict with Pakku (which was also minimized). I just think young viewers seeing a character overcome ingrained ideals has a greater influence than just erasing that aspect from the character.
Things I hated...
Princess Yue's hair. You get the amazing Amber Midthunder to play Yue, and she does an amazing job with extremely abbreviated screen time, but I couldn't stop staring at whatever that was they put on her noggin. I know I criticized people for nitpicking, but that was very distracting. I don't know exactly how it could have been done better, but I worry a great performance is going to get overshadowed by... hair.
In conclusion...
I think the people making this show loved the source material. I can see that love. I think they tried very hard to make the best show possible. And I also know they are probably going to get a lot of hate. I still haven't looked at the reviews because I didn't want to be influenced when writing this. But I can feel the review bombing as we speak.
But this was not a Witcher situation where the writers didn't respect the source material. This was displaying how incredibly difficult it is to convert one of the most beautifully animated shows in existence into live action. Maybe that is an argument for not making live action versions. Though I usually love them when they work and am happy both versions exist.
I really hope people can remember the original still exists and they can completely disregard this and watch the cartoon any time they wish. This doesn't have to "ruin their childhood." These two things can exist and everyone is perfectly capable of ignoring all of the live action material.
But I do hope this gets another season. I think that final episode showed the potential. I think the cast was getting comfortable in their roles and they deserve another chance to show what they can do.
I love Paul Sun-Hyung Lee and I think he was a great choice for Iroh. But Mako's shoes are probably the biggest shoes in the existence of shoes to try and fill. I do not envy the task he was given. But every once in a while I saw that Mako spirit come out in his performance and I think he could use another season to really find that and show us what he is capable of.
This felt a lot like The Phantom Menace to me. There was actually a ton of amazing stuff to love in that movie. But it didn't quite work the way the original movies did. But I think this was good enough to hope for the future.
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I dont know if anyone is ready for this but these are my "Problems in We Are" post:
Disclaimer: if you have been on my blog or know me at all, you know that i love this series with my whole heart. But that being said, im nothing if not fair, and in all fairness, this series had its flaws. Less than most, but still there, these flaws do need to be addressed. My love for the series does not decrease, nor does it for the actors, characters, plots and settings.
QToey: Stagnancy that was Very Fixable.
I don't think many would disagree with me on the fact that Q and Toey's relationship became stagnant after the confession. Their moments could only be seen as Cute and their dynamic was definitely not explored any more. Another thing everyone would agree on is that we would have loved to see the ase/demisexual representation in these two characters. Had this been done, just one conversation around it, the whole plot and mood could have been shifted to a much more positive and progressive impact. Yeah the whole conversation would be a "difficult" one but Satang and Winny could have handled it.
The Lack of Focus on ChainPun
Look, I get it. There's a heirarchy of importance and ChainPun were definitely on a lower rung than the rest. I also am not against them getting together in the last minute of the last episode. But there were definitely times where there could have been a flashback scene for them, like all the others got. The only reason their relationship didnt become a background/2D narrative was because of Marc and Poon being brilliant actors. Had their efforts to make Chain and Pun important not made through the screen, there would be very little cheer for them and certainly no impact.
The First Few Episodes
Till the 5th episode, the direction and cinematography of this show was choppy as fuck. There were stills of absolutely irrelevant objects, sceneries or characters (in the moment) that could've been fixed with just a little bit of finesse in editing. It was fixed in the episodes that aired 5th and onwards, but it did almost make me drop the series (i get slightly OCD about these things)
Yet Another Almost Useless Female Character
Look me in the eyes and tell me that my girl Fai didnt deserve more. In the first couple of episodes she is shown to be integral to the group, a core member and close friend. And then poof she goes, only to appear when it is convenient to the plot. Yes we did have Aunt Pui as a prominent female character, but her role was that of a Guardian that is there in ever series, while the same series disposes every other female in it. Fai could have been given a role in the group, including the trips and outtings, and i shall die on that hill if i must.
Lastly, and surprisingly, the Way they handled Phum's parents
Till the last episode, i was big on Peem only encouraging reconciliation as he hoped for Phum to receive the love that he had himself received from his own parents. And yes, that does remain. But they could have gone without making Phum accept his father, or his father being this sweet guy who is "trying". Phum's dad is not sweet, he is not trying, he is not worthy of Phum or Fang's forgiveness. Though it was only implied and signifies just healing, i wish that the family dinner could've just meant Phum, Fang, Peem, Tan and maybe their brother, with if any, his partner, and a small intro of Peem to Phum's mom. But we shall work with what we have Ao3 and Fix Its.
With that, I end my saga and shall return to random thoughts as and when I have them and maybe a new chapter every now and then to the relic of a fic i have that no one reads lmao.
Thank you for reading and please do add on/leave your opinionss
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calina12 · 8 months
Also, holy FUCK, was episode 4 massive for Charlie's character!
Yes, she REALLY needed that reality check about how bad the lives of the sinners are she tries to help, but it also lead to Charlie taking her proper role for a solid second when she get angry at Valentino.
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It's quite obvious to me that Vaggie will be the one to actually run the hotel, so it's Charlie's job to not only use her unique position as princess of hell to deal with heaven for her people's sake, she's also supposed to be protective mighty force her guests can find the save haven in they desperately need to escape their circumstances.
When any of their powerful abusers dare to enter the hotel it's HER job to put them in their place and away from their victims.
Her place isn't running the hotel, SHE'S supposed to be the hotel's and people's protector, and I'm so fucking hyped to see her growing into that role. To see her rip open that portal between hell and heaven for good to free her people herself if she fucking has to.
But episode 4 is also so important for Charlie because it showed us just how massive of a toll it took on her that her mother just up and left 7 years ago, and we were already told that Lucifer ain't the dad of the year either.
Angel forgiving her at the end of the episode meant so much to her because she feared so fucking badly that she ruined everything, he would hate her and leave forever, into a life she would have had had a hand in making worse.
Obviously she has massive abandonment issues and as Husker correctly stated: she's a bleeding heart who wants to solve everyone's problems except her own.
And she does that because very clearly she was highly neglected by her parents in her emotional needs, even if I don't put into question at all that they love her.
She desperately tries to help and find in others what she didn't get from her parents, to get a group of people she can finally trust and who won't abandone her, so she tries everything she can to solve everyone else's problems because that way she thinks she will "earn" being worthy of being loved and not abandoned.
So when she just showed up at Angel's work place to talk to Valentino without checking with Angel beforehand what she has to do to NOT cause him hell, and caused an absolute fucking disaster HE had to pay the whole price for and NOT her because of her privilege and immunity as Princess of Hell, that was literally one of the worst things for her she could have caused.
It hit all her insecurities in the worst ways possible. And I'm so glad that they had Angel say "thank you for caring about me" and not "thank you for trying" because that's not the same and what Charlie needed was indeed the former.
She really desperately needed to hear from him that the reason why he forgives her is that he understands that she did all of this because she CARES for him. That his reason for forgiving her has nothing to do with him prioritized anything else she can GIVE or provide over seeing HER.
Mind you, of course this whole disaster she caused can't be justified and it has no business ever happening again to such horrific degrees, she NEEDS to work through her own problems ASAP because the people who depend on her as the privileged and basically untouchable person in power who promised them protection can't continue paying the price for her actions
But this is a fictional story, so I'm talking about the narrative when I say that both Charlie's and Angel's characters needed this to happen for their development.
Just, good fucking God, let this have been the peak of Charlie's naivety and the incident she needed to start healing a deep scar in her heart. I love Charlie to pieces, please give us the pay-off now from the emotional development and what she learned by now so she can grow into the mighty mama bear she is meant to be without her unintentionally continuously hurting her adopted hurt cubs.
Because thats a factor I can't and won't ever ignore in her type of (main) character and in her leader role and privileged position/ status in all of this.
Fingers crossed, cause I'm so fucking ready to love this sweet broken girl with the heart of a lion, with every inch of my being.
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 7 days
Yuuri Katsuki has Bullied Kid energy.
Yuuri : Don't you dare see me as weak or perceive my vulnerability. Please comfort me and reassure me. I'll be constantly afraid of your reaction if I inconvenience you. Nothing scares me more than the people I trust lying to me. I'm more competent and at home in the face of people's scorn than in the face of their genuine love for me. The idea that anyone could see me as desirable is baffling. The world sees me as little more than dirt and I don't disagree with them. I am going to make them eat their teeth with their words or so help me I will set myself on fire trying. Just watch, I am the most beautiful woman in town and you will rue the day you underestimated me. How you like me now?
Victor, thinking he'd been dumped by the first person who'd made him happy in a very long time : I see this, I respect this, I am going to use the hell out of this. Hey. Hey fatty. Watch me pry the thing you love and use to cope with your feelings right out of your fingers until you lose weight. kinda reminiscent of what you did to me :) kinda sorta you know just a lil bit. You don't know what eros is? Okay, now you're just making fun of me.
Victor, after Yuuri had his katsudon eros realization : ...JFC he actually literally doesn't know. I. Uh. ...Huh. Well. Uhm. Okay. Maybe that means he doesn't get OTHER things too. He. He genuinely doesn't know what he did to me. He probably didn't even do it deliberately. Okay. Okay? Okay. I can work with this. THINK OF THE JUICY SUCCULENT PORK, BABE. ...I can't fkn believe this.
Victor, several episodes later when Yuuri reveals he literally doesn't remember the banquet: ...Well shit. The past year of my life has been a lie and I might be an asshole. Hm.
I've read some fics where after Yuuri's ED gets triggered and he crashes hard Victor looks back at all those early comments and goes 'I didn't mean it that way babe you're hot when you're fat and you weren't even that fat it was just that it could be unsafe for your joints to skate in that condition' and sure okay I get wanting to minimize the blow and Yuuri is adorable AF when he's heavier and i still enjoy those fics for the most part but
I disagree with that fully and completely cus nah, Victor's a petty lil bitch who can be cold and ruthless and isn't afraid to hurt people. Is he also warm and kind and loving and doing his best? Yes. He contains multitudes. But he was absolutely aiming to hurt, because he was hurt.
Yuuri, meanwhile, who's been bullied for a great majority of his childhood but has complete faith in Victor and unwavering confidence in his honesty - especially when that honesty fits his world view - that he has an entire Victor shaped blind spot : Eh? Pfft. He wasn't bullying me, what are you talking about? He was literally telling the truth. :/ I mean really, he was taking care of me.
Victor, falling to the ground and clutching his stomach with a groan because ooouuugghhh guilt-nausea : Y-....Yuuri.....
Yuuri : I mean Yurio can be a bully but that's just how he shows he cares so :3 Nah haha, I've had waaaay worse, trust me, lol
Yurio : ....I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative, one that I have never asked to be a part of?
Victor, convulsing :
I think Yuuri can absolutely pick up on when Victor is being dishonest with him and poking his sharp little fingers into the sore spots, but more on an intuitive level that he doesn't know how to make sense of logically, so he just accepts it and moves on largely without comment a;dlkf he'll probably figure it out like fifteen years down the road when he's older and wiser and one day he squints at his husband and goes "...huh, okay" and then never does anything about it anyway because he loves Victor and forgives him and also Victor's hot when he's being mean so
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cupidarchived · 3 months
Love Sea Thoughts
So, after watching episode 3, my brain is full. I have a lot of questions and a lot of thoughts. I'm going to try to organize them here. If this comes out a jumbled mess, please forgive me.
Let me preface by saying I love love love FortPeat. I think they are both talented in their own rights. I absolutely adore what they gave us with PrapaiSky. I adore them together, I think their chemistry is amazing.
As with any piece of anything, but especially media, there are going to be flaws and things we like and dislike. Differing opinions, views, feelings, experiences, and interpretations. But that's not what this is about at all. I do feel like the first two episodes, something felt off for me and I thought it was the pacing. I believe that's a small part of it. (I also believe that this might be another one of those shows where the plot is lacking, unless I have sorely missed something, and our actors are doing the heavy lifting.) I think a lot of the time we don't always get a grounded plot, more like a genre and a few tropes and that's kind of what we have to work with. Romance, 'hate'-to-love, and the couple just kind of getting together. Which is fine, but it can cause things to seem off in some areas.
Anyways, after watching ep 3, I feel that things are supposed to seem fast? It's supposed to be a simple, one-off, whirlwind vacation romance. They barely know each other. Tongrak disliked him a lot in the beginning, etc. But there is a time limit on what they have or it should be. (Judging by the preview for episode 4 and the fact that we have very many episodes left, we have way more drama and romance to come.) Tongrak seems traumatized by his home life/family dynamic. He spoke about his mother as if she was the last thing he wanted to be like and yet.. he shows some of the exact same traits, and also some opposing traits, that have made him all the more worse as a result. He buys Mahasamut, tries to control him with his money. And although he apologized, and Mahasmut seems fine with it, it has to hurt, having someone treat you like nothing or as if you're beneath them. Those were Tongrak's first instincts, he does apologize and show sympathy later on in the episode, but it says a lot about what he's probably experienced. Both of their familial stories sound intense and heartbreaking and it's really the first (or second, if we count the auntie's restaurant by the sea date) time we get to seem them sort of connect and get to know each other better, beyond just their physical attraction and sex.
Speed is important, I think, or at least something to take note of. Two weeks Tongrak spent there and Mahasamut is already asking him to stay (and Tongrak asking him to go back home with him, as per the preview). They seem to like each other, and yet, Mahasamut is ready to jump in full force, while Tongrak has stated multiple times that love is imaginary, not real. Our leads are not on the same page at all, which would probably give us more conflict down the line. But they also seem to not be able to stay away from one another. Which must be nerve-wracking for Tongrak, being that his mother was obsessed with his father who seemed to want nothing more to do with any of them other than her money (I felt those same vibes after the phone call with his sister, too. Dad must be lurking around after their money, but creeping on your granddaughter's school is an even more horrible way to do it). And Mahasamut has been tossed aside by his father, too. He's poor, working multiple odd jobs to make ends meet; he's been alone since he was 15, never daring to ask anyone for anything. He must be no stranger to being looked down on but he wants to be more for Tongrak clearly, but he's afraid he won't ever be enough, no matter how hard he tries.
I'm not sure where I was going with this but yeah. If I think of anything more, I'll come back and add it.
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bedeliainwonderland · 4 months
hey k, a little birdie told me you wanted the question :)
Do you think Hannibal was in love with Alana and Bedelia? The same way he was in love with Will? Or how do you see Hannibal's relationship with Alana and Bedelia compared to his intense love for Will?
😘❤️ aww thank you, you didn’t have to send it haha. I was just being overdramatic because I am annoyed.
But since you asked… *adjusts glasses and takes a sip of pink g&t, Lidl’s finest* WARNING: VERY LONG, read at own risk 💀
Soooo, let’s start by saying that Hannibal “loves” a lot of people. He loved Jack, he loved Abigail. In his own way, of course, and it’s not such a good thing to be loved by him. Can prove quite fatal. Not one of these 3 relationships are alike for many reasons. It’s like comparing apples, oranges and dog food.
Alana: Hannibal was absolutely fond of her and loved her in a way. She was a strong and intelligent woman and Hannibal has a thing for strong women, starting from his aunt (a thing that’s NEVER discussed by the fandom). Their connection was limited for obvious reasons: Hannibal could have never showed her his true self, she would have never accepted him for who he was. She wasn’t like him. When she asked if she could have ever understood him and he said no, it was actually a rare moment of truth from him. Yes, their romance was a form of a distraction, very useful for Hannibal, but he treated her well. Whether that excuses the lies and the deception, it’s up to everyone’s personal judgment. (I would have still slept with him 😏)
Will: *sighs* I am obviously not a fan, mainly because of the fandom and how the show turned into a bad fanfic by season 3 (because the creator loved being worshipped by a small group of people and ignored plot coherency in a process). Does Hannibal love Will? Yes. Does he love him in the way the fandom claims? Absolutely not. Will and his empathy are such a perfect thing for Hannibal. He’s a narcissist and what he loves most is himself. Will and his “gift” makes him an ideal clean slate Hannibal can project himself onto. He doesn’t care for Will on a personal level. He loves him the way one loves a favourite book or other object. You love it and you don’t want anyone else to have it, but you don’t expect the book to return your feelings. I imagine Hannibal had several other “projects” before Will, but no one them were so “pliant” to Hannibal’s tricks. Plus Will’s push back made Hannibal more and more obsessive. Would taking Will and Abigail to Europe work? Absolutely not, because again, Hannibal has never considered their own feelings. He has never considered them as persons. It would have blown up in his face and he would have probably killed them both (unless they escaped somehow). My biggest issue with the show is that Hannibal would have never forgiven Will his betrayal (or anyone else’s for that matter). Mizumono was a perfect break up with all his “relationships”. And don’t give me the “Hannibal loved Will so much he forgive him”. No, it was a creator’s choice to cater to the fandom and very OOC.
Bedelia: my biggest pet peeve is when people say she was “Will’s substitute”. Bitch please… if you must consider this in those terms, Will was the substitute. But you shouldn’t because those relationships have nothing in common. But the “brides of Frankensteeeein”?? I hear you scream. That was just Bedelia having fun toying with Will (and actually it was fan service…). She has never felt jealous about his relationship with Hannibal (she did find him a loose cannon though and was wary of what he might do to her). I once did a full on breakdown on their relationship throughout the episodes and wish I could find it again (search option here is… ughh). I will try to keep it short this time. Bedelia’s presence in Hannibal’s life is unique. When we meet Bedelia for the first time, it is being said that they have known each other for years at this point. Longer than anyone ever!! Hannibal is not a creature that keeps people around. So there’s something about Bedelia that makes her special. He is clearly enamoured by her and it’s an ongoing thing. If he “loved” her and then stopped, he would have killed her. What makes Bedelia special is that she is the only person that Hannibal treats like, well, a person. She is the only one on his “level”, the only one he respects. And it’s the respect that makes this so important. Hannibal has zero respect for anyone else, most people are just possible meat to him. He doesn’t respect Will or Abigail. It’s like Bedelia is a little pedestal above all others in Hannibal’s mind. But most importantly, she KNOWS. We don’t know how much she knows at the time of season 1, but she knows enough. Enough to know what he is. And she is not afraid or repulsed. Quite the contrary. And Hannibal senses she is like him, that’s why he sends her a wounded bird to kill. She does, proving him right, yet is not ready to embrace her dark side. Hannibal is: fine, I’ll wait. Again proving how special she is to him. She warns him, he doesn’t listen, she leaves, he lets her! But he wanted to kill heeer… no, he wanted to see if she was were really gone and if she had betrayed him (he’s fixated on betrayal in general). She didn’t, she left him a gift, once again proving how well she knows him and telling him they’ll meet again. Both his romance with Alana and his plan to get away with his “projects” only started AFTER she left. Bedelia wasn’t a plan B, she was plan A but she left. Let’s skip an essay on Florence since this is already ridiculously long, just a few points. Fandom’s obsession with pointing out that he only talked about Will: yeah, because FAN SERVICE, we had like 4 conversations between them, out of hundreds that would have taken place. Literally ALL the characters talk only about them. It has zero relevance to their relationship. The writers weren’t interested in developing any other storyline. But even so, we still got more than enough to see how much they meant to each other. Dimmond’s death: Hannibal literally (oops again that word) gives her an out. She could have left and he would have not followed. But she stayed and this was a moment when Hannibal realized he fucked up. His reckless behaviour has already ruined their life in Florence and now he finally see that Bedelia accepts him fully, like no one else ever did (NO, WILL DOESN’T). Things reach their boiling point, she patches him up (lovingly) and sends him away. And he ACCEPTS it! Even more so, he promises to support her story. This is HUGE, Hannibal has only cared about telling his own story and plotting his own way, and here he is like sure babe, I will say whether you want me to say. If that doesn’t make Bedelia a queen of his heart, I don’t know what does. Finally, contrary to what fandom says, Bedelia has NEVER betrayed Hannibal. She has covered for him and she has tried to help him. Bedelia is the only person who understands Hannibal. She is quite like him (same interests, same tastes) Hannibal never wanted and would never hurt or kill her. He feels protective of her, after all.
I ran out of space. If you got this far, I kiss you on the forehead 💋 thank you for reading!
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See, this is the frustrating thing. Catradora COULD'VE been good enemies to lovers but, like someone wrote elsewhere, if both of them thought that the other was brainwashed.
"Catra, what the Horde is doing is wrong! Come with me, we'll escape together!" "What? No! Did the princesses brainwash you? Oh no they brainwashed you. Look, I'll just bring you back home and it'll all be okay."
"Catra still believes that the Horde is doing the right thing. I need to defeat her but I don't want to hurt her too badly." "Adora still believes that the Princesses aren't the villains here. I need to defeat her but I don't want to hurt her too badly."
Cue whole episodes of vaguely piney battles where both of them are holding back and eyeing each other longingly.
(Someone wrote somewhere that the incest could've been avoided if Adora was raised by Hordak and Catra by SW. This would also tie Hordak's and Adora's arcs together via "okay so I was born to become a weapon/soldier but fuck that I'm so much more than that.")
Princess prom allowing them to temporarily forget about the conflict and have fun like they used to. The dance is more reciprocal than "Catra smirking down at clearly uncomfortable Adora."
Shadow Weaver: alright, Catra, you suck at bringing Adora back. Let's just brainwash- uuuh, I mean magically undo the brainwashing the princesses did to her and bring her home. "But I don't wanna brainwash he-" DID I STUTTER.
Catra targeting Glimmer and Bow bc she perceives them as fake friends who have brainwashed Adora. All the spiel about "they don't really care about you they care about She-Ra's power" isn't manipulation, but something she genuinely believes.
Catra advancing at force captain and taking on more power, but in the process gradually realising that what the Horde is doing IS wrong. Cue an internal crisis because oops, everything she's known all her life is a lie. No, no! She refuses to accept that (Aka breakdown time) and kickstarts the faulty portal.
The portal Catra is twisted and deeply unlike herself, at her absolute and utter worst.
Post-Portal, Catra wakes up and, instead of doubling down, realises that she made a MASSIVE FUCK OFF MISTAKE and spends all of season 4 working on her redemption arc, having moral crises, beginning to feel more and more terrible about the past 3 seasons.
She joins the alliance at the end of s4 (gasp, cliffhanger!) and the rest do the cast slowly grow to trust her throughout the season. That's when she realises that Adora really wasn't brainwashed and APOLOGISES for all the things she did and thought.
"Hey Catra?" "Yeah?" "It's good to have you back." [cue blushing as C and A realise how badly they missed each other now that they have no more reasons to fight]
Catra being gradually incorporated into the best friend squad and she, Bow AND Glimmer all help Adora break through HPrime's virus thingy in a parallel to season 1 where Adora is supported by ALL her friends, not just her gf.
Hooray, the evil is defeated! Uh, what now? Okay, either they come to the conclusions that they lcoe each other separately and confess after HPrime's been defeated and there's nothing in their way anymore, or there's like a mid-combat confession played for laughs like "this is mad sweet of you but we don't have time for this!" "WE MIGHT NOT SURVIVE TO HAVE THE TIME LATER" and a tender moment after the battle where maybe Catra is patching Adora up in contrast of all the times they spent beating the crap out of each other.
Shit, Bow could tentatively give her tips on how to be a good friend!
She'd have a harder time with Glimmer because Glimmer never forgave her for the Angela thing, but Catra tries and feels bad and maybe even begs her for forgiveness. (please, I didn't know it would come to that. You can punch me if you want.) And feeling genuine remorse. (My mother figure was shit. Yours looked okay. I'm really sorry for taking that away from you.) Etc etc
This really isn't a hard character arc to plot, Nate. Look, I did it in like 15 minutes while dicking around at work. Easy peasy.
this! all of this.
(also i was the one who suggested the idea of hordak being adora's parental figure)
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jaskierx · 11 months
sorry i've thought about it more and i know this is boring and will get screenshotted on twitter by people wanting to gloat about how 'iZzY aNtIs aRe SeEtHiNg' and there's still 3 eps left and yada yada but the way that izzy's wrongs have been completely glossed over while ed's have been condemned is making me feel like there's been a u turn and the show is not just handwaving what izzy did in e10 but is actually suggesting he was justified in acting like that
specifically, the scene with izzy and lucius where izzy talks about the shark and moving on - it really felt like the show is now placing ed throwing lucius overboard on an equal level as ed causing izzy to lose his leg, and as if they didn't really know what level of severity they wanted to treat these incidents as. because previously, it felt like they were saying that ed's harm to izzy was separate to ed's harm to the rest of the crew (in the sense that it's more severe, but more justified, and also unique to ed and izzy because of whatever psychosexual thing izzy has going on there). and this made sense with last week's episodes bc stede's crew are shown to be view getting marooned as if it wasn't such a big deal, and lucius's anger was directed more towards stede than towards ed
but this week it feels much more like the narrative's main takeaway from ed's response to izzy's threats in e10 and ed's subsequent depression and suicide attempt is 'ed harmed the crew and he shouldn't have done that and now he needs to earn everybody's forgiveness'. and that's it. nothing further
there's been no real acknowledgement of izzy's role in causing that, or izzy's role in the crew being caught by the navy in s1e8, or any of the other shit that izzy did to the crew in s1, and from what we've seen so far i doubt there will be. he's had an off screen redemption arc and the crew love him now and that would feel way less bad if:
ed's actions weren't under such scrutiny
there wasn't such a dramatic difference between s1 izzy and s2 izzy and their respective roles in the story
there weren't racist undertones in terms of how izzy faces absolutely no consequences for threatening ed bc he wants him to fulfil a stereotyped role, or for comparing ed to a 'wild dog' who needs to be put down, but ed does face consequences for responding to these
like. izzy got mutinied immediately after selling the crew out to the british. and in terms of fights it's currently 2-0 to stede. part of stede's ultimate fantasy reunion dream included stabbing izzy to death. stede appeared to be fully tired of izzy's bullshit last week bc he'd just tried to kill the guy stede loves. so why the fuck is he going to izzy for training? why is he looking to izzy for advice and approval about being a good captain? why is he trying to bond with him about ed? why are we now being told that ed owes his success as blackbeard to izzy?
and this isn't even a liking izzy vs hating izzy issue - i never hated izzy in the first place, his canon characterisation in s1 was really good, i thought he was a shitty little man but he was the antagonist so that means they did a good job. but even if i loved izzy and i was really pleased that he'd been accepted into the crew etc i'd be scratching my head about why it's just happened with no narrative explanation
yes it's the queer joy show. yes it's the 'everyone can change and get better and reflect on how they've hurt people' show. so how come ed's the only one who's having to work for it? how come izzy's entire redemption arc has been told and not shown?
and the rest of the show is so fucking good which is why it's so disappointing and why it'll really fucking hurt if we get like. s8 game of thrones levels of bad ending
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magma-queen · 1 year
This is @giggly-squiggily ‘s second request! I hope you love it, my friend! And if you have any other requests, please don’t hesitate to ask! <3 love you!
It was one of those days where the two men had absolutely nothing to do but cuddle together, and they were just fine with that.
It was near the beginning of their relationship, after their teams disbanded and came together as one. It was near a year and a half in. They moved in together, and were quite happy that they were together again, regretting everything that’s happened that drove them apart from the start.
When Archie you know, fucked up, with Kyogre.. Archie begged the redhead to forgive him for being a jerk. (And kind of destroying Team Magma’s submarine and base, getting possessed by the red orb, stealing Groudon from them, etc.)
(There was a lot that happened in two episodes of the anime lmfao 🤪)
They immediately rekindled both their relationship, and even their rivalry, to a degree. They still had their differences, but they were willing to work on it to be together.
“Mmmph- Archie.. you’re smothering me~” Maxie murmured, trying to shut his eyes to sleep.
“Awwww, don’t be that way, Max… M’ using ye as my pillow~ I asked, and ye said that it was fine.” He said, snuggling closer.
“Mmm.. I did.. but you’re literally on top of me..” He laughs. “I can’t breathe.”
Archie chuckles, nuzzling his chest. “Can’t help it that I love ye so much.” He got closer and buried his face into his hair. “Yer hair is so fluffy~ it smells lovely too~”
He blushed. “Archie, you’re being so weird right now.” He laughed.
“I’m insulted. How dare ye say that to yer own boyfriend..” He sighed dramatically, laying down on his belly like a pillow.
“Oh my g- enough with the dramatics, you big baby~” Maxie chuckled, scooting closer to him to cuddle.
“But I looooove youuuu, Maxie..” The bigger man whined.
“And I love you too, my darling. But, you’re being a complete brat right now.”
Archie just laughed and hugged him close, sighing happily into his stomach. He looks over to see his boyfriend’s glittering red nail polish on his toes. “Oooh, that’s new.”
“Hm? What is?” Maxie asked.
“Yer toes. Did ye go to get a pedicure done, babe? Without me?”
“Maybe~” He grins. “It’s not that big of a deal. It’s just a pedicure.”
Archie’s eyes shined, looking at how pretty of a color it was. “It IS a big deal!” He sat up and shuffled over to his boyfriend’s feet. “This is so cute! Babe, they’re so pretty!”
*blush* “Again, it’s not that big of a deal, dear. I’m- AH!”
He squeaked when Archie took a closer look at them, holding one of his feet in his hand and gently observing his toes.
“Wh-what are you doing??”
Archie smirked. “Just seein’ what kind of shade ye used~ Ye don’t mind if I look, do ye?”
He knew exactly where this was going, knowing Archie. “Don’t you-! Gmmmph!! Dohohon’t! Don’t touch my tohohoes!” He squeaked.
Archie smirks again, that’s just what he was missing during this little cuddle session, laughter. Specifically Maxie’s laughter.
“Why, honey? I’m just lookin’ at them.” He ‘accidentally’ brushed his fingers underneath his toes.
“GAH-! Ahahahahhehehhehee-! Stohohohohop ihihihihit!!”
“What’s so funny, Max? I didn’t know that the nail polish was funny~” Archie teases, now tickling his toes.
“Ohhhh~ Ye have sensitive toes, mm? In other words… ye have…”
He covered his face, embarrassed and hysterical. “DON’T SAHAHAY IHIHIHIHIT!!”
“Ticklish toes!” He cackles, tickling in between his toes, making his boyfriend cackle and squeal.
This was so damn cute to the sailor. He chuckles as he continues. “Oh? Well, if yer toes and feet are so ticklish, then why did ye go get a pedicure? Huh? That’s literally paying to get tickle tortured.” He teases. “That scrub brush is hell!”
“And could ye?”
Archie snickers, tickling the bottom of Maxie’s foot. “My god, what I’d give to have been there. I bet that was a sight to behold~”
“Hmm~ okay!”
He stops, letting Maxie breathe. But, he then shuffles back over to his side, pinning him to the bed gently.
“Wh-whahahat’re you- Gmmmph!! Pffffft- *snort*”
Archie’s playful fingers started jabbing at his belly.
“I’ve been wanting to poke that cute tum today.” He looks at his red headed lover trying his best not to laugh. “Hey, ye didn’t say to stop tickling ye completely. Ye said to stop tickling yer feet. Ye said nothing about yer tummy~”
Fuck. He didn’t.
He shouldn’t have to, goddammit. As much as he loves him, Archie is going to be the death of him one of these days. (Affectionate)
Ever since they started dating, from day one, Archie has been an overly affectionate and playful boyfriend. And that, Maxie secretly LOVES. He loves hugs, kisses, cuddles, and yes, even tickles.
“C’mon~ Ye know ye want to laugh~ Hmmm… where can I get the best reaction out of ye?”
Not even two seconds later…
“God, yer so cute, and so is yer little innie~ coochie coochie coo~ is this yer tickle spot? Huh? Tickletickletickle~ Gitchie gitchie gitchie~!”
Archie just giggles to himself, enjoying the boisterous laughter and shrieking giggles his boyfriend laid out for him. He knew he was being so mean right now, going after his tickle spot like that, but he wanted to hear his lover’s precious giggles and squeals. That’s enough of a reason, right? >:)
“NOHOHOHOHO- *snort* MOHOHOHOHOHORE!! IHIHIHIHIT TIHIHIHIHIHICKLES!!!” He shouted, gasping for breath when Archie finally stopped. “Hah.. hehe.. heh.. Ahaharchihihiee..”
“Yer fuckin’ adorable, Max.” Archie cooed, kissing his belly, making Maxie squeal and try wiggling away.
His eyes went wide as his Archie’s lips pressed on his stomach. “Stahah-Stop! That tickles!” He giggles out, trying to squirm away.
“Hahah! Alright, alright! I might’ve went a bit overboard~ I’ll spare ye, for now.” Archie smirks, laughing when Maxie pushes him away. “Babyyyy! I’m sorry! Ye’ve just been so grumpy lately! Please cuddle?”
“Hmph. Dohohohoo you deserve cuhuhuddles after that?”
He pulled out the Lillipup eyes. He knew that Maxie couldn’t resist it.
“Mmm.. perhaps I can forgive you, this time.” He stares Archie down. “But, if you ever pull a stunt like that again, I’ll get you back TENFOLD.”
This did scare Archie a little bit, but anything is totally worth hearing Maxie’s laughter. Any day.
“I guess I’ll be prepared for that, then.” Archie giggles, making Maxie sigh heavily and fall back into the bed.
“You’re ridiculous~” Maxie affectionately teases.
“Bwahahah! Ye love me~”
“Yes, I do. Always~” Maxie says, pecking a kiss to Archie’s cheek. “I’ll always love you. Even if you start your ridiculous shenanigans~ Just, promise me you won’t reawaken Kyogre.”
Archie scoffs and lays back down on his boyfriend’s belly once more, as Maxie affectionately pets his hair.
“I can tell that you’re pouting.”
“Mm’ not..”
“Oh? Are you sure?”
Archie grins, an idea in mind. “Yeah, babe. I’m not pouting.”
“And how would I know that for sure if you don’t look up at me? With those beautiful blue eyes of yours~?”
Haha. He knew he would say that.
“Simple, sweetie. I do.. this..!”
With that, he swiftly raised Maxie’s shirt up, and pressed his lips into his belly while blowing a big raspberry.
“Awww, why, sweetie? PFFFFFFT! that wasn’t very nice~”
He gasped dramatically, scribbling at his belly. “How dare ye call me the J word! That deserves double the tickles!”
“NOHOHOHOHOHO NO NO NO IHIHIHI’M SOHOHOHORRY!!” He begged, shrieking when Archie’s fingers found his ribs. “EEEEE!! STAHAH- STAHAHP!! NAHAHAHT MY RIHIHIHIBS-!
“Oh? Yer sorry, huh? Ye were talking a big game just a moment ago~ callin’ me a jerk.”
Archie chuckles, slowing his tickles just a little bit, and gently tweaking Maxie’s ribs. “God, yer so cute. I completely forgot how ticklish ye really were~ Awww~ did someone get the hiccups?”
The bigger man cackles as he stops his tickles. Maxie took a deep breath before dissolving back into giggles, trying to catch his breath once more.
“Sorry, babe.. are ye okay?”
“I.. hehe.. will be, heh.. jerk.”
He immediately covered his mouth. He just fucked himself over.
“Ohhh~? Ye must really want to get wrecked again, don’t ye?”
“No no no no- I’m sorry! It just slipped out-! Plehehehease don’t!” He flinched, his hands raised up to defend himself.
Archie tilts his head. “Honey, are ye.. uncomfortable with me tickling ye?” He asked.
“What- no!” He replied immediately, then blushed. “No, no.. not at all. What makes you think that?”
“Ye flinched.. like I was gonna attack ye, or hurt ye.”
“Oh, Archie…” He wraps his arms around his waist. “You know better than that. I know that you’ll never hurt me. *kiss* ever.”
“It’s just… we’ve gotten back together and we’ve been dating for over a year now… if I’m doin’ anything that makes ye uncomfortable.. ye’ll tell me, right?”
“Of course I will, Archie. Nothing you do is wrong or making me uncomfortable. I love you.”
He smiles. “I love ye too, Max. So.. yer not uncomfortable with the tickling?”
His face turned red. “N-no. Not at all.. In fact, I.. I actually quite enjoy it.” His face turned even redder. “God, I shouldn’t have said that.”
“What?? Really?” Archie beamed, really happy. “Awww, that’s so cute, love. I’m so happy to hear that!”
“W-what? You- you don’t think that it’s weird?”
“Of course not! Do ye know how much I love to hear that sweet laugh of yers? It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard, Max. And ye never do it enough! My jokes can only get so far! Maybe a chuckle or two, or perhaps a few giggles here and there.. but nothing like this. It’s such a sweet sound.”
That alone made him chuckle and blush. “Well.. your jokes aren’t the funniest in the world~” He teases.
“Oh yeah? Then maybe ye’ll think THIS is funny!” He grins, pinning him back down and tickling his sides.
“Ahahahahahah- wahahahahait-! Ihihihihihi- *hic* wahahahahsn’t reeheheheheheady!” He squealed.
“Hehe! Then don’t tease me like that, silly! God, yer the cutest~” Archie cooed, moving to his hips.
*HIC* “Ahahahahahahah-! *snort* Okahahahahay-! Okahahahay I’m sorry!! Lehehehehet me uhuhuhup, yohuhuhuhu bihihihig- hahahah- dork!!”
Chuckling, Archie let up, knowing that he’s tickled his boyfriend enough for the day. He leans down and gives Maxie a kiss.
“Ye okay?”
“Heheh.. yes, I’m fine.” He sat up, hugging Archie close. “I love you.”
“I love ye too, my sweet Max.”
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vee-beeee · 11 months
The Die-Hard episode
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This is genuinely my first piece of writing anything sooo please forgive me lol
I watched die-hard and then Brooklyn 99 and Detroit become human and I wanted to mix those together, sorry if this has been done before but now I'm doing it baby.
Also It's my first time writing these characters so its a whole party
Conner and nines x (fem) reader
Warnings: violence kinda, worry, die hard
"Conner is this what I think it is"
"Please stay quiet y/n"
"That's impossible for her to do Conner. You've given her an impossible task"
"Thank you for your insight Nines"
"I've scanned the area, the store is definitely being robbed"
(Record scratch, freeze frame on 3 faces who all look equally pissed.)
Yup. That's us. You're probably wondering how we got into this situation.
It started it off so innocent. I was a detective working at the Detroit police station, and my partner was a dog. Which made me public friend number #1 in Conner's eyes. When he first introduced himself to me it was after he deviated and things had settled down. I had seen him milling around before but never got a chance to say hi.
But then he came up with his cute little smile to say hi and ask about my dog.
So obviously we started dating.
And then Nines came in, and he was my new partner. He was grumpy and less smiley than Conner, but it was very endearing. Oh and very hot.
So then he and Conner had a chat.
So then I was dating him too.
Now were all caught up. Tomorrow is Hank's cop-aversary, and me and the boys wanted to buy him something super special. More specifically, me and Conner wanted to buy Hank something and Nines just came along "to provide proper protection". But a case had run long for me and Nines, and Conner and Hank ended up helping. Then Conner had to find an excuse to leave with me and Nines, and this excuse ended up being "We have to go help detective y/n with finding female sanitary napkins " and quickly left after seeing Hank's disgusted face. Works every time.
But that didn't matter to much, we were still late. And the store was currently being locked by an employee who looked absolutely dead inside.
Que 3 maniacs running down the street.
"Wait!" I shouted from down the street, absolutely out of breath and wheezing. The 2 androids ahead of me slowed to a stop and started bargaining with the guy locking up while I caught up with them. I put my hands on my knees and was on the verge of passing out. While Conner was using his puppy dog eyes on the employee, Nines turned around to look at me and smirked.
"Aren't you a police officer? That was nothing but a light jog."
I puffed out a breath and stood up, pointing at him very menacingly.
"Watch it mister. I can totally run faster than you."
He huffed out a laugh, his tone teasing as he challenged me to test that theory.
"Oh your so on" I laughed, regaining my breath. I was actually about to start getting into a silly racers pose but Conner turned around having successfully convinced the man to let us in by just waiting until me and Nines were both not looking and handing the guy closing up a 20 after he realized his negotiating was not working.
"I got us in, but we have to hurry." He held the door open for us as we shuffled in and I noted how nice and empty the store was. The lights were dimmed and soft music was playing through the store. I grabbed Conner's hand and intertwined our fingers, asking how he convinced the guy to let us in. He blushed blue, his LED turning a slight yellow and simply stated
"I'm programmed to be a top-notch negotiator y/n."
I was about to totally believe him when Nines interrupted by grabbing my other hand and gave Conner a signature Nines stare and teasingly said
"You bribed him with a 20 after puppy dog eyes didn't work , didn't you?"
Conner stuttered and I burst out laughing, while Nines shook with small laughter. Conner started to reprimand him for being mean but I noticed the store had some old-timey albums for sale and bolted in that direction. Nines and Conner noticed and took off after me. I stopped in front of the Metal section and Conner started pointing out Hanks favorite artists. We were looking through the selection when we heard a giant crash and yelling. Conner was instantly crowding my back and alert. Nines went quiet and leaned down, listening.
That catch's us up to the were we are now. Huddling on the floor while Conner and Nines communicate through their LEDs, leaving me slightly in the dark.
Conner had his hand on my back and was encouraging me to crouch while still crowding me, and Nines sat in front of me, shielding me with his massive frame. In the dim light, I could make out the light of Conner's LED flashing yellow in the reflection of the smooth floor. More yelling occurs and I hear Conner whisper to me
"They are securing and locking the exits."
And suddenly, my favorite movie I had recently shown Conner and Nines on our annual movie night pops into my head. Before I can stop myself I excitedly whisper
"Real. Life. Die Hard."
This caught Conner so off guard he took his hand off my back to lean forward and look at me, while Nines had even turned around to give me a confused look. I realize I had maybe sounded TOO excited and tried to correct it.
"I mean, oh no!! Crime!!"
Nines smirked and turned around and I could feel more than hear Conner's subdued laughter. I smiled to myself, but before I could do anything else another crash and shout are heard.
But closer this time.
Now I really try to stay quiet and I see Nines lean out of the isle we are huddling in to discreetly look both ways. His LED flashes red as he turns around to fully face me and Conner and motions for us to waddle backwards. Conner wraps a hand around my waist to direct me to crawl on my hands and knees behind him so he stays in front while Nines stays behind me. We stop at the end of the isle and Conner checks if the coast is clear. He nods his head to me and we cross. We manage to crawl to a corner of the store, the home section that contains bedsheets and blankets and towels. Feeling confident we wont get caught the second I open my mouth, I start asking questions.
"What's going on? Why are they robbing this regular store? And why are they taking so long?"
Conner kneels back on his heels too address me and Nines.
"In my scan I counted 13 men." He says quickly, as Nines pops in with a comment saying they have unusually dangerous fire arms and I shudder. Why would they be taking this long to rob a simple store? And with heavy duty weaponry? It must be something else entirely.
"They must be here for another reason" Conner, seemingly reading my thoughts, points out.
I see Nines close his eyes and his LED flash yellow and red and back to blue. He opens his eyes and they hold more worry than before.
"The building next to this one appears to be a bank. With how many men there are and the time this is taking, I believe this is far past a simple store robbery." He finishes, looking to Conner.
"What are we going to do? Are we going to try and stop them?" I ask, looking at both of them before fiddling with a bracelet on my wrist, full of anxious energy. I definitely didn't want to be dealing with this after the rough day today, and we are supposed to be getting something special for Hank's special day.
"We need to call the station, we need backup from the looks of their firearms. We need to be careful." Conner looks to me and notices my bracelet fiddling, and reaches out to hold my hand, giving it a firm squeeze.
Nines quietly says he's on it and I see him send the message for the station.
"You're kidding." He angry spits out, his brows furrowed as he looks to Conner.
"There was some riot about something stupid down town that has tied up most officers, and the station says the latest they can be here to provide back up is in 40 minutes." He looks absolutely pissed. We all stay quiet, trying to think of what to do when I have the most brilliant idea ever to be thought.
"Guys" I grab there attention and they both turn to me. "Lets die hard it."
They look at me like I'm and idiot (specifically Nines does and Conner just looks more confused. ) I decide to continue with my idea
"You know in Die Hard, John McClane takes out the evil bad guys one by one and then saves the day? Lets do that and take them out one by one while we wait for the back up to get here. We can set up traps and have cool weapons and stuff!"
I started to get excited but their combined faces make my mood go to bummer mode.
"I mean, it could work. Its an option" Conner starts, looking to Nines. They proceed to continue to have the conversation, but telepathically, by the looks of their hard stares and blinking LEDs.
"No. They are dangerous people and we are not letting her get herself hurt." Nines pipes up finally, LED still red.
"Well I mean, she can handle herself. Besides, it's a smart idea." Conner protests for you.
Nines is quiet while he processes before he gives Conner one more hard stare and turns to look at me. I see his gaze soften as he asks me what we need to do. I bounce on my heels and clap my hands quietly an whisper shout a yay while Nines rolls his eyes, and Conner give me an adoring look. We then start on a plan.
And it goes a little something like this.
(35 minutes until police back up)
Me and Conner go to the craft section to politely steal a pen for a very important part of the plan, writing the bad guys names down. He protests when I rip open the package of sharpies but I reason the manger will be thanking us later for stopping a robbery and being cool while we do it. He finally nods and smiles at me.
While me and Conner do this, Nines goes to investigate his theory that the real reason the criminals are here is because they are robbing a bank that's adjacent to this store. Me and Conner had made him promise and pinky swear he wouldn't actually be going in to try and beat all the guys up by himself.
As me and Conner started to make our traps for the guys, we heard one guy walk past with a walkie talkie. His name was "Mark" which was totally un-villan like to my dismay. But what he was saying was more interesting. They had apparently taken all store employees as hostages and locked them in the back. I raised my eyebrows in shock and looked to Conner, his LED blinking red and his expression getting darker every second. The man eventually walked away to deal with a mysterious shadow someone saw, and I took the opportunity to write Marks name down. Along with the person he was taking to, which I dubbed his name Hans. Conner quietly noted that its not really healthy to use marker on my skin but I just kissed his cheek and continued writing, watching him turn blue.
We moved on to equip ourselves with a little arsenal to deal with the robbers.
A now, and epic montage of Conner and his girlfriend knocking out 6 guys using:
-Christmas balls
-Fire pokers
-Conner's fist
(20 minutes until police back up)
You got done checking off the last name you had written on your arm when Nines snuck out of the dark to you guys. He looked pissed and worried.
"Its what I thought, they brought explosives to get into the bank. And they have hostages."
You and Conner looked at each other, and confirmed with Nines you had heard about the hostages. He stated he had located them and you all thought about your next move. Your epic awesome die hard plan was veering off the tracks when you said
"We should go help the hostages, they are just employees and are probably scared."
Conner nodded his head with you and Nines volunteered to lead to way.
Which ended in Nines and Conner getting caught, while they shoved you out of the way. You hid in a clothing rack and saw 8 guys pushing their guns and shoving your boys into the back rooms. Where you saw a glimpse of the hostages. You knew combined, Conner and Nines could take those guys, but you guessed they didn't want to cause any gunfire. You waited patiently and tried to breathe slowly as the doors shut on your android boys.
You slid down the metal pole in the center of the rack, trying to figure out what to do next. Now it was REALLY Die hard. Only you were left.
Suddenly, a really good idea hit you.
The vents.
Que you sliding through the stores barely-big-enough-for-you vents and mumbling die hard quotes to yourself as you managed to get to a grate that was directly above the hostages. You noted at least 15 hostages, some androids and some human. You also noticed Conner getting a gun pointed right to his temple.
You almost let out a gasp of shock but quieted yourself as you watched the head macho guy explain how he hates cops and androids, and tell Conner his android kill count. While he was monologuing you spotted Nines sitting a ways away trying not to make it obvious he was staring right at you, LED spinning yellow. You briefly forgot how on earth he could see you there, but remembered
android stuff.
And so you turned your body to see how many men were behind the macho man who was very quickly finishing up his speech, and decided screw it.
So you punched the grate as hard as you could and fell with the grate right on the monologuing guys head. You both groaned and you briefly saw Conner and Nines jump up to use your distraction to take out the 4 other guys in the room. The guy below you seemed to be knocked out so you lay there, eyes blinking shut, until you saw a pair of classy shoes in your vision come to your head. They creased as the owner leaned down (Nines) to gently ask you to untie him and ask if you were okay. His face was a mix of amusement and worry, and you felt another pair of gentle cuffed hands pull you up into a sitting position. You blinked and immediately started undoing Nines cuffs, and he shook his hands and tended to the hostages that were huddled in the corner. You then saw the hands that helped you up and a very worried Conner enter your vision. You smiled at him and started undoing his cuffs while you saw his LED blinking, and you realized he was probably scanning you. He blinked harshly a couple time and informed you that you should have a couple bruises and you might have a minor concussion. When you finished his cuffs, you kissed his cheeks
"I'm okay Conner, thank you"
He smiled and kissed your cheek back and proceeded to help Nines with the hostages. You sat for a minute, really now fulling feeling that minor concussion. After a couple minutes, you started to hear sirens getting louder and moving to your location.
You had successfully Die harded it.
(Skip to the next day)
The police did some digging and found out the guys had broken into the store to blow up the wall right next to the bank. But your boys and you had successfully stopped the crime from escalating.
And also got Hank his gift for free.
So after the whole fiasco, you were now sitting in Hanks home, getting warm under a blanket. Androids by your side, Sumo at your feet, watching Hank excitedly undo the wrapping on his present surprising quickly. He let out a whistle at the old album you guys had gotten him and thanked you all with a surprising amount of sincerity. He might have felt guilty that you all almost died trying to get him gift, but oh well.
All in a days work for Conner and Nines McClane and Y/N Gennaro.
I literally wrote this on a whim so I hope its good and I might write more ideas out.
Sorry if the ending is rushed too :(
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bigbumder96 · 5 months
account introduction thing!!!??
ngl i feel a bit goofy doing this🙁forgive me if this is weird, im used to getting attacked on tiktok for literally nothing (i rarely use tumblr)
name: darcie
age: im a minor😭
gender: girl (she/her :3 )
sexuality: lesbian
from/live in: england unfortunately😣 east london specifically, or essex depending on if u focus on the postcode or the london borough😭 officially its east london tho
tv shows:
- the inbetweeners
- white gold
- station 19 (still have to catch up on the latest episode lmao
- 9-1-1 (also still have to catch up one episode😭)
- fresh meat
- ted lasso
- heartbreak high (both the old version and the reboot !!! i dont prefer one over the other, although i do tend to post about the 90s one more lmaooo)
- friday night dinner
- this country
- call the midwife
- ackley bridge
- baby reindeer (i wouldnt exactly call it an interest, this show fucking traumatised me, but i watched it like last week😭)
- phoenix rise
- moment of eighteen (a k-drama btw!!)
- move to heaven (also a k-drama!!)
- there she goes
- benidorm
- skins (only gen 2 tho im afraid😞)
- the inBESTigators (dont judge lmfao😭😭😭)
- little lunch (i cant theyre js both such good shows)
- dodo (a cartoon)
- taskmaster (only season eight tho for the icon joe thomas‼️)
- mr bigstuff
- supacell
im currently watching derry girls and jamie johnson atm !!
- the shawshank redemption
- the green mile
- goodbye charlie bright (my absolute fav omg)
- the business
- the football factory (theyre making the sequel to this at my school im so happy i love nick love films😍i didnt see nick love himself tho💔)
- good will hunting
- bohemian rhapsody
- dead mans shoes
- ferris buellers day off
- harry brown
- little miss sunshine
- the inbetweeners movie
- the inbetweeners 2
- white chicks
- the basketball diaries
- mid90s
- spiderman: into the spider-verse
- spiderman: across the spider-verse
- alex g (fav song: too many to put here, but if i had to pick then prolly the whole race, trick, and rules album😭)
- tv girl (fav song: better in the dark, louise, and daughter of a cop)
- the fratellis (fav song: i honestly dk, i havent gotten that much into them yet😣i js listened to one of their albums and played fifa)
- the killers (fav song: read my mind and andy youre a star)
- the smiths (fav song: girl afraid, bigmouth strikes again, and this night has opened my eyes. guys i swr i liked them songs before they got popular im acc rly annoyed at the tiktofication of bigmouth strikes again and this night has opened my eyes😣)
- queen (fav song: spread your wings and long away)
- the stone roses (fav song: i wanna be adored and made of stone. basic i know😣😣)
- the jam (fav song: down in the tube station at midnight, david watts, and man in the corner shop)
- oasis (live forever. icba to type ‘fav song’ anymore😭)
- mac the knife (here to stay)
- mitski (why didnt you stop me, goodbye my danish sweetheart, me and my husband, your best american girl, once more to see you, etcetera…)
- im into football and i am a big arsenal fan !!!! my fav player is def martin ødegaard, and i may or may not be one of those deluded emile smith-rowe fans who think that hes gonna have a huge comeback and be like he was two seasons ago🤫🤫🤫
(edit: im gonna kms he left arsenal🙁)
i also support england as a country (obviously) plus a tad bit of dagenham amd redbridge, because they are my local ! (before you call me a glory hunter, ive supported arsenal since i was 3 because thats what my mum and grandparents support!!! also its a bit hard to support your local when not all the games are televised and you cant afford a season ticket, not to mention i had no clue who dagenham and redbridge were when i was choosing a football team, because i had no clue how leagues worked and i didnt gaf about football tbh💀)
- i like webtoons! my fav is jacksons diary, our walk home, and crystal city killers😱 (please does anyone have any cute wlw webtoon recs im so desperate)
- in year seven my drama teacher made us watch a play (on the screen, not irl) called slowtime but we didnt get to finish it💔my teacher spoiled the ending but i didnt care and tracked down the rest of that video bcs slowtime is such a good play i love everything abt it😍
- last year i was obsessed with this book series called football academy (written by tom palmer) and it was genuinely so good but there was nobody myp age cuz it was for kids💔i dont rly read them anymore, but the interest is still there if someone by chance has read them please contact me and have a conversation with me about it🙏🙏🙏
- i also have a very obscure interest about london boroughs??? like i dont even know a lot about them, i just love talking about/watching videos about london boroughs... i blame the lb guy on tiktok
i apologise as this was very long, and i probably wont even post that much😭 sorry for the yapping tho🙏🙏🙏
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