#goddamn hypocrites
antigonick · 4 months
So I'm back to reading Wuthering Heights and a fact about me is that I love Catherine Earnshaw, I have always loved Catherine Earnshaw, if Catherine Earnshaw has no fan then I am dead, etc, she's awful she's glorious she has set the bar for every character I interact with in fiction and I LOVE Catherine Earnshaw.
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sourrattree · 1 year
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like father like son 
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camellcat · 10 months
I know we're all utterly in love with campbell bain and he's absolutely everything but I would also like to say I would lay down my life for rosalie my god
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littlelofty-fufufu · 5 months
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At this point it’s literally just there for good publicity points, don’t fucking convince me otherwise.
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nepnepian · 1 year
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I realize I’m a fresh blood of roughly half a year to guilty gear but I need to speak my truth.
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queerdiazs · 1 month
how about we don’t generalize eddie fans and eddieblr by saying we’re the ones being atrocious about tommy okay. there’s a select few who are godawful and they deserve to be called out by name but for every shitty eddie fan there’s two shitty buck fans.
don’t be fucking childish. fandom right now is almost unbearable as it is. stop pointing fingers and being weird. block the shit you don’t want to see and stop acting stupid every time you draw in unwanted attention when you seek stuff out. thanks.
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lossisyours · 3 months
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allycat75 · 1 month
So another installment of privleged Hollywood rich, white men sucking each other's dicks.
Glad you like the Boston Dumb Fuck, Shawn and Ryan. But he didn't gaslight you and make you look stupid, crazy and jealous so he could fake marry a racist, antisemetic, fatahaming, arrogant, lazy, childiish idiot. But he did do that to many undeserving people and selfishly used his friends and family, including his beloved dog, to pull it off.
Compulsive, pathological liars can look like nice guys, too.
Funny how you aren't going on about the other cameos you had, like Channing Tatum or Jennifer Garner. Perhaps because their careers and lives aren't in shambles at their own hands and need coddling enablers to save them from the consequenses of their actions. So good job, rich white men for again sticking together and coming to the rescue of a fellow comrade so none of you have to learn a hard fought lesson on how to be a better person!
Also funny how "murdering it" is just being really aggravating and aggressive in a heavy Boston accent, reminding me I don't like Chris Evans as an actor anymore because I don't see Johnny Storm or Captain America. I now only see the soulless, lazy fuck who played them.
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....Ummmmmm..... I just saw a post with complaints about Alastor's race and nitpicking about the perceived insensitivity and inaccuracies the people who get angry enough to post about the heavily censored Yiff in Hell Cartoons being waaaaaaaay too unrealistic for them usually get butthurt over and OP just assigned Alastor, like... This random ass last name that I'd personally never heard of before... And I thought it was strange since we've already kind of been "teased" technically in a way about a potential last name for him and it wasn't that but I thought maybe it'd already been confirmed so I decided to just look that weird little last name the fuck up just to see like, where the fuck OP was pulling this brand new information from and, uh ....
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I can't believe I just got wikirolled in the wild by a fucking fanti I hate these people. 😭
You guys, when I reveal my revamped blog/OC redesign for Hazbin proper that I'm currently collaborating on with a very talented artist right now (🫶) I promise I'm never gonna do this shit! I'm gonna narrate my OCs little backstory for you in like an audiobook format on a podcast or something like the truly tired Cripple that I am! 😭 ❤️
I'm so glad someone decided to be silly today though so I have an excuse to save my random little announcement/pitch for my podcast idea for next Wednesday because I'm exhausted! 😭
I DID watch Saltburn (2023) in full recently and it gave me just as many Alastor feelings as I was expecting it to and then some, can you tell? 💘🦌
But yeah please remember to consume Adult Media that isn't just cartoons or else you'll end up exactly like the person who wrote this wiki and that's not good for you! Or anyone! 💀
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stonerzelda · 1 year
when god was making me with his little plasticene clay he said wat if i gave this one unbridled rage in the form of moral justice values but also made them spineless as all hell wouldnt that be funny
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paleode-ology · 1 year
half the crew after ep 5: so would it be, like, insane, if I was into Izzy all of a sudden?
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hussyknee · 1 year
Everyone stop what you're doing and go read KJ Charles. She is a master class in queer historical fiction and writing diversity authentically.
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visual-calc · 9 months
Say, does quantum physics correlate with time traveling journey? Time traveling machine quite tempting to be made..
VISUAL CALCULUS [Heroic: Success] — Quantum physics actually has very little to do with our understanding of time, or the possibility of time travel. Most of the relevant theory falls under the theory of relativity, with a little bit of thermodynamics sprinkled in.
At its most basic level, relativity states that our reality exists in four dimensions: the three spatial dimensions we usually think of, and time, which is why we sometimes refer to it as "spacetime". Time is connected to the other three dimensions in a special way: the faster you move through space, the slower you move through time. Similarly, the closer you are to very massive object, such as a black hole or Elysium's core, the slower time passes for you.
This means that it is almost trivially easy to travel forward in time— just steal an aerostatic and fly very, very fast, or take a vacation at the bottom of the ocean. Either of these will cause you to experience less time than a friend who stays stationary or at sea level, so upon your return you will have effectively traveled to the future— by a few billionths of a second. A difference in elevation of a few thousand feet is not enough to create a significant difference in time, nor are there any means of transportation able to reach the necessary speeds to make this a practical means of time travel. But traveling forward is at least theoretically possible.
However, based on your prior interaction with Savoir Faire and Interfacing, I suspect that you are interested in traveling backwards, and I am afraid I need to be the bearer of bad news: it is simply impossible. The arrow of time only points forward. This is a law higher than you, or me, or Authority, or any of us. There is nothing we can do to reverse it, in any normal reality.
Physically, this is intrinsically linked to the idea of entropy, a measure of disorder. Entropy can never decrease— any process that is possible can only increase disorder, never decrease it. Reversing the flow of time and traveling backwards through it would allow you to increase order. For example, if you broke a glass, then traveled back to a time where the glass was whole again, you would be returning it to its ordered state, making backwards time travel impossible just from a physics standpoint. That doesn't even scratch the surface of the possible paradoxes of causality such travel would cause.
However. Not all of Elysium is part of our normal sense of reality. Entropy and entroponetic share the same root, after all— the Pale is entropy incarnate, disorder made manifest. Deep enough in the Pale, this disorder is great enough that our usual notions of time and space have no meaning. Reality ceases to have dimensions at all and the laws of physics break down.
The only way we can travel through the Pale at all is using Pale latitude compressors— devices that allow us to force the Pale into having dimensions again, taking on the shape of our familiar four-dimensional spacetime. No one has ever tried forcing the pale into being anything else. It's easy to see why— for transport of human beings, you want to make sure that they stay cocooned in a reality they can safely exist in. But, I do confess to having wondered whether it might be possible to use a Pale latitude compressor to impose a different type of reality on the Pale. If we're imposing dimensions anyway, perhaps it's possible to pick how they relate to each other such that traveling backwards in time is possible?
Please do note that I do not recommend that you try this, Turtle. Harry's brief encounter with the latitude compressor in Martinaise has more than convinced me that they are not to be trifled with. Additionally, there's no telling whether a set of dimensions that would allow time travel would also allow you to exist, or whether such a set would even exist at all. Most of us have come to like you quite a lot— I would hate to see you perish as a result of an entroponetic accident because you tried to time travel.
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senseiwu · 8 months
The REAL "theydeservedbetter"shipping
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spark-circuit · 3 days
spoilers for Spearmaster campaign! (talking about hidden pearl dialogue 👍)
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allycat75 · 2 months
While you flash that banefully torturous Nazi-loving ring, I am contemplating when and to where I am going to have to flee, Boston Dumb Fuck!
That is your privlege. Aren't you lucky, you rich, white (essentially Christian) male. Looks like you will be getting your patriarchy back so no need to pretend you are a feminist anymore.
PS- Everytime you try to hide that shameful, oversized piece of metal on your fickle finger, you make it much more obvious you are a fraud, slick.
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