#goddddddd im a changed woman
doctapuella · 2 years
I have once again read a musician's whole memoir in a single day
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velveteencurtains · 4 years
folklore first impressions!
the 1 — don’t hate me for this but. HAYLOR RIGHTS. anyway so so fucking CUTE i’m gonna cry. “the greatest loves are over now” WAHHH IM GONNA CRY
cardigan — taylor if i ever meet you i’m getting you to write “stars around my scars” for a tattoo. watched the music video before i listened to the full album and i’m so glad i did. cinematic masterpiece. this song is so fucking good you guys holy shit. just the sentiment of the lyric “when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone’s bed, you put me on and said I was your favorite”. anyway YOU DREW STARS AROUND MY SCARS BUT NOW I’M BLEEDING. guys. TYE PETER PAN REFERENCE IM. WHEN YOU ARE YOUNG THEY ASSUME YOU KNOW NOTHINNG GNGNGNNG.
the last great american dynasty — WHO IS REBEKAH. these lyrics are so good holy shit. DID SHE JUST USE GAUCHE IN THIS SONG????? the layered harmonies on the chorus oh my god. “THERE GOES THE MADDEST WOMAN THIS TOWN HAS EVER SEEN” okay i havent listened to mad woman yet but if this is a parallel i’ll die. DID SHE JUST SAY BITCH??? i’m putting “she had a marvelous time ruining everything” on my gravestone. taylor please give us a music video. please. please. STOP HER VOCALS ON “I HAD A MARVELOUS TIME RUINING EVERYTHING”
exile — okay confession time i’ve never heard a bon iver song before and i thought he was a woman so his voice actually scared me. “you’re not my homeland anymore, so what am i defending now?” REAL SHIT???????? wait wait WAIT “I hit the Sunday matinée/You know the greatest films of all time were never made” and “I think I’ve seen this film before” IS THAT A PARALLEL???? the duet section “you never gave a warning sign (I gave so many signs” Taylor I’m crying and it’s your fault. NOT “we always walked a very thin line” THE PARALLEL TO HAUNTED I’M CRYINGG
my tears ricochet — okay I already posted about how this is gonna kill me the title the fact it’s track 5 the fact it’s self written i’m ready. HER VOCALS AT THE BEGINNING. “IF I’M ON FIRE YOU’LL BE MADE OF ASHES TOO” REAL FUCKING SHIT TAYLOR???????? “IF I’M DEAD TO YOU WHY ARE YOU AT THE WAKE” IM CONVULSING MY HEART IS LITERALLY RACING ARE YOU SHITTING ME “YOU KNOW I DIDNT WANT TO HAVE TO HAUNT YOU, BUT WHAT A GHOSTLY SCENE” the way i’m literally losing my mind right now. this is the best song i’ve ever heard. real shit. real fucking shit. “and I can go anywhere I want, just not home” IM FUCKING FERAL TAYLOR. THE VOCALS IN THE BRIDGEEEEEEE. this is her best track 5 I dont care. “Written by: Taylor Swift” THE POWER THAT HOLDS
mirrorball — when i first saw this name i thought of the fushigi not gonna lie. NOT THE ECHOEY VOCALS PLEASE. “i can change everything about me just to fit in” oh wow. oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow. i’m crying right now. someone much more eloquent than i will write a thinkpiece about this and put it excellently but the notion of never showing your true self ‪and constantly changing to fit in and being a reflection of what other people want you to be....no i’m not okay‬
seven — oh shit we get right into this whatttttt okay. the vocals, I’ve already said i’m dead like 100 times in this but who cares i’m DEAD. no one is gonna get this but this song reminds me of spring awakening the musical. like seriously this is ilse singing to moritz. if you don’t know what that means go listen to the musical and then you will. the outro is so gorgeous oh my god
august — am i stupid or does this song remind me of danny and sandy from grease. like this is from sandy’s perspective. ignore me i will make connections to musical theatre even if it isn’t there. SO MUCH FOR SUMMER LOVE BABEYYYYY. HER VOCALS ON “YOU WERENT MINE TO LOSE” ARE YOU JOKING???? for the hope of it all. this is fifteen’s older sister don’t @ me. STOP WHEN IT GETS QUIET AND THEN THE MUSIC COMES BACK YOU KNOW WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT MY EYES JUST BULGED OUT OF MY HEAD. yeah okay I’ll talk a lot about her lyricism in this but this song really made me wanna appreciate the instrumentals?? holy shit they’re so good. insanely good. what the hell taylor. oh my god
this is me trying — once again a round of applause to the instrumentals this intro is sick!! this feels like the last time’s optimistic sister. i hate it when people say that but like...it’s true. “so i got wasted, like all my potential” oh my GODDDDDDD. the vocals on “at least i’m trying” exCUSE ME?? okay going back to the grease thing this is danny’s perspective. period. jack antonoff and taylor swift is a duo that will go down in history.
illicit affairs — i have no words. no words. my favorite song on the album. holy shit. holy SHIT
invisible string — what’s so interesting about these songs is that they’re so intricate and complex and tell their own little stories that i barely wanna do this bc i don’t wanna focus on anything else than listening to the lyrics and making little music videos in my head. taylor has always been amazing at storytelling but this is next level. “a string that pulled me out of the wrong arms into that dive bar” with “dive bar on the east side where you at?” And “one single thread of gold tied me to you” with “deep blue, but you painted me golden”. wow. WOW. her little vocalizations at the end. i love her. so much
mad woman — THE SONG I WAS MOST EXCITED ABOUT WHEN I SAW THE TRACKLIST. DID SHE JUST SAW FUCK TAYLOR JUST SAID FUCK. taylor please give us a music video set in witch trial salem PLEASEEEE I HAVE ONE (1) REQUEST. “it’s obvious that wanting me dead has really brought you two together” IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII my heart is pounding so hard right now. what a TUNE WHAT A TUNE TAYLOR SWIFT DID THAT
epiphany — she sounds like an angel. yes i’m crying. is it stupid to say this makes me think of like a medic on the frontlines dealing with the traumas of war? probably. this is so gorgeous. the drums at the end that feel like a heartbeat. wow. wow. wow.
betty — TAYLOR SAID FUCK AGAIN i need to stop she’s a grown woman i can’t freak out when she curses. taylor make a music video for this but make the love interests two girls pls. nevermind just heard the james lyric. the key change?????? yeah i showed up at your party!!!!! will you kiss me on the porch in front of all your stupid friends?? STANDING IN YOUR CARDIGAN. william bowery whoever you may be (👀👀👀) thank you for this and god bless taylor swift
peace — so simple. so beautiful. yes i’m still crying. i love this song so much. wowowow
hoax — yeah the latter half of the album is just pure tears for me. “don’t want no other shade of blue but you?” Jesus Christ. Oh my god. “you knew the hero died, so what’s the movie for?” wow. wow. thank you Taylor. i love you so much
overall: yeah judging by the tears down my face it’s pretty aight. kidding this is a full blown masterpiece. literally album of the year. decade. millenium. my only critique is that there isn’t music videos for every song. everything is so intricate and poetic yet the entire album is so sonically cohesive and fluid i’m literally in awe. illicit affairs left me SPEECHLESS. holy fuck. i need a minute.
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dumbbitchfrommars · 2 years
I was doing so well dodging any feelings for any of the men in my internship position, which are EVERYONE by the way, the only other woman who worked there just left after me meeting her for like 1 week. its easy when theyre all either way too old or married with kids, and ive fallen into an easy little father/daughter dynamic with them all. but one, oh no, one, he is just a little too young, young enough to be someone id go for. and given my thing for older men, this is DANGEROUS. hes got a girlfriend too which makes it so much worse. im tryna be respectful and stay in my lane, but hes so funny and compatible with me, but in reality hes just compatible with everyone and is the sweetest and funniest person so naturally, and intelligent, and ugh. im falling in love. jk hes not that great he joked about doing literal blackface but omg apart from that he has this childlike personality that i adore, and so chill and laidback and actually funny. but also so unfunny but in a wholesome i dont care and i know its not that funny, like a dads humour, and safe and ugh. wow. that is a lot for someone who told herself she wouldn’t get any feelings. 
anyway i dont think i have feelings. maybe a little. i think hes just so nice and wholesome. maybe just restoring my faith in men a little. like hes just such a short king. changing my opinion on short men, cause stupid fucking scorpion was an idiot in an idiots body (lol) anyway he may have been tall but he had no personality nor any balls or courage or confidence, meanwhile this short king (my new nickname for him in my head) has such a strong presence in a room, in a conversation, and he’s an aries like me! his birthday is only 2 days after mine. he acts so young but also so old. idk. just ideal. i think ive found my ideal type, personality wise. its not him, he has his person. im not stupid either, he wouldnt like me. but hes the blueprint. its crazy though, his height. i think he could even be shorter than me. like so short. but you wouldn’t be able to tell. his eyes though, he looks like he never sleeps. how?! do you sleep? im lowkey like, should i be worried? but hes like functioning which i guess is all that matters. also,... oh yeah. his beard. he looks perfectly aged. men truly age like fine wine (sometimes). i love older men! hahahahahahha my god im fucked. but a girl wants what a girl wants ya feel. i wonder what trauma fuelled this trait of mine. anyway on to the next one. wish me luck tomorrow in the freezing 6am start
okay imma just continue in this post so its not a spam of me frothing over older men. so i was struggling to walk up some dodgy stairs and he literally GAVE ME HIS HAND and helped me walk up them cause i was wearing huge gumboots that i was about to trip myself up in. im sure that was breaking some kind of rule of how to act professional with interns but oh well. ugh im so obsessed now. no man my age would be brave enough to do that. its like they arent intimidated by me, or my anti-social-ness. its nice. its nice to not feel the weight of responsibility to make everyone else feel comfortable for once. 
theres also another guy who i think might be the youngest of all of them there, hes so sweet and cute and complimented my ESSAY HE READ MY FRIGGIN ESSAY who fyi had someone else send it to him, i sent it to the other guy that i met on my first day of fieldwork and is literally the dad of the whole team, and he somehow got it off him>! ive never even spoken or been properly introduced to this guyy and hes reading my words and thoughts about a topic that im so passionate about (the ocean, climate change and how it will affect biodiversity) and he went as far as to tell me it was GOOOOOD!!!!!! Also it was funny how he called it my “thesis” babes it was barely even 2k words i wouldnt consider it a thesis but i love that you would ugh im in love. thats all i need, someone to minutely compliment me and my heart is yours. lol. this entire experience of doing an internship, its truly changed my life. i have such a newfound perspective of men (crazy!) and myself, what i want out of life, how to treat people, idk . theres nothing competitive about these guys. they know theyre strengths, theyre not insecure, they support one another. and theyre happy to teach me, and genuinely want to help me succeed too. like, i really didnt think it was possible to find that after being let down by people so often. but its possible. i just wasnt looking in the right places. this has been such a massive rant. 
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