#now here i am having read adrians book and the moment i finish bobby puts out his next newsletter issue
doctapuella · 2 years
I have once again read a musician's whole memoir in a single day
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booksandwords · 3 years
Inferno by Sherrilyn Kenyon
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Series: Chronicles of Nick, #4 Read time: 1 Day Rating: 4/5
The quote: every heart holds two wolves. One is the white wolf, who is made up of love, kindness, respect, decency, compassion, and all the things that are good in life. The black wolf is born of jealousy, hatred, pettiness, prejudice, vindictiveness, and all the poisons of the human personality. The two constantly war with each other for dominance. And one day, one wolf will overtake and devour the other. — Acheron Parthenopaeus
And now we are up to the up to the CoN book I haven't read. I read half of Inferno but never finished it I know bits and pieces from here out but not the details. Inferno picks up where Infamous ended. Just after Death delivers his warning about Kody to Nick. The prologue is a tad distressing, it's Ambrose again. But gives a lot of information in a way, though it does require you to know some of the players from the DH universe. Inferno is a book that changes so much for the series, events, characters and powers. Some of the backstories that are revealed, the snip-its we get are unexpected and well done. This is the first appearance of the stunning Lilliana, Caleb's long-dead wife. Nick is well aware that Caleb is a demigod that taps his father powers to be above his mid-level. The Grimoire has a name? Yeah, I did not know that, and I searched the other books (bless kindle) we've never been given it before. It's name is Nashira. It's weird to have a name randomly starting to be used with little context.
Somehow it feels like Inferno has less of a defined plot. There is a bad of the week but it isn't resolved fully. It is more a way to drive the character development forward. We meet some different players that feel like they aren't done yet. Including Hel and a couple of other Norse gods. I still question if we are done with a couple of previous characters too. What we are getting is at least some of the prophecy that guides Kody to believe that Nick can be saved. This does have is a lot of good lines about moving forward and some great analogies. It feels like a different type of story but it is none the less effective as this is halfway through the story I can feel it building. As it should be. I'm enjoying this much more this time around alternating between CoN and something else it prevents burn out but is not something I have tried before.
Have a random dump of interesting things from the book.
One of my favourite moments in this whole book is extremely long and will not be added here. But I will add I link to it. Years ago I posted it on tumblr .
"In his head, he heard her favorite saying about Bubba and her hair, which she currently had put up in a sophisticated bun—God gave me black, then Michael turned it gray, and L’Oreal made me a redhead." — Bobbi Jean is like her son, the slight comic relief of these books.
“I do love you, murahn.” — I think we get more demon language then we have in all the other books (possibly combined). I really need a translation for murahn. This is said to Cay by his father. His father apparently loves him despite Caleb's clear animosity towards him this is all the worse when you know who it is.
"I forget that teenagers are like puppies. High-strung and nervous for no apparent reason. I guess we’re all lucky you didn’t soil the carpet, huh?” — Ash for the win.
“I’m not as vacuous as you think I am.” “I never said you were vacuous.” “Your looks have.” — Casey is a great character in a way. She is smart enough to act dumb. I have to admit I always thought she was stupid but I'm pretty sure she's not.
Simi's cameo as always way was a joy, but perhaps a danger.
Adrian you total ass (like we didn't know that already). Bonding Cay's life force to your powers? Dick move. That was bound to backfire on you.
Why hide the Voodoo shop? and Who? Tiyana feels like an easy out.
Bubba is adorable. I really want Cherise to be happy. And I think Bubba with his fierce loyalty, strong morals and ability to defend her from the crazy may do it.
Caleb is a pretty good speechmaker. Nick may not appreciate his motivational endeavours but I do. I guess it makes sense given his former position as a general.
Building on my current Jared/Jaden obsession. Jared is a demi-god, not only the last of the Sephiroth but the first and the father of the Malachai line he was saved by the goddess he fathered the children of. If I interpreted the bit we got properly. While he was born from a mother who wielded dark powers, his father was born of light." This is about the first Malachai. I'm wondering if the mother was Braith, the goddess who made her choices. But I can't tell where Jaden fits given he is held captive by Azura and Noir.
My Goodreads review has two things a spoiler rundown of the ending (which I wrote mostly for myself) and a
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