liminalgoddessworld · 2 months
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maidish · 2 years
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a subtype of genderabeing — a gender relating to being a goddess and a being; a goddessbeing!
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breiendia · 1 year
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Gratitude 🙏🏽 Divines & Divinettes . It’s a beautiful thing to reflect and see the progress of your own process. 🥲🥰 Not everyone has an easy road, But be grateful for your individual greatness. People will never know the extent of your story, but allow yours to become the foundation of your future stories to be told. May Allah continue to bless you with your best. 🫶🏽🌊💋 I’m the only one highly aware of the greatness of my existence and responsible for the love of myself. I’m very grateful to be blessed with the ability to have SELF WORTH, and know my worth. Me vs Me 🤝 #IamLove #inLovewithMyself #Woman #WomensHistoryMonth #Gomt #𝒮𝑒𝓁𝒻𝒥𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓃𝑒𝓎𝒮 🦄 #G𝒮𝑒𝓁𝒻UnityPeaceLoveTruth #GoddessBE #GodinEverything #ﷻ #RamadanReflection (at Goddess LAIR) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqNkdYoL2Iv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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selfjourneys · 1 year
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Todays dosage of Love 💕 #𝒮𝑒𝓁𝒻𝒥𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓃𝑒𝓎𝒮 #Virtue of #Patience . #GoddessBE #2023 🌊💖🧎🏽‍♀️ #GSelfUnityPeaceLoveTruth https://www.instagram.com/p/CpMigiruu4C/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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devijahm · 7 months
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Meet KONAN #connect
DeviJahm Music Art
“Konan Bokosse”
Artist: #BreiEndia
📸 Photographer: @deviantimaging
*extras Master Photographer for
❤️DeviJahm 711 ‘ROOT’
💛DeviJahm 1111 ‘POWER’ Engineer and Artist shoot + some extra photographic collaborations for upcoming future DeviJahm musicArt and other projects as to be mentioned in each post w/ his tags ✨ 🎶
#KBokosse #DeviantImaging #Photographer #Konan
#BreiEndia #DeviJahm #808TAVERN #SelfJourneyS #EndiaDevi #MusicArt #Mindfulness #Medicine #BaltimoreBaby #CharmCityPeach #USA #dance #networking #Singer #Cosplay #anime #Writer #toon
#Creator #Artist #GoddessBE #DMV #acting
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Time goddessB by zinnaDu
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tattoeedmaiden-blog · 7 years
Project Goddess
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                                     WonderWoman- Jae Lee
Hey, guys.
It’s been a while. I took some time off from the internet to focus on my job and on myself. I am going to be totally honest with you; i have been feeling so lost the last months. The concepts in my head didn’t match who i was anymore, i was dealing with past trauma’s and insecurities that i never healed. All in all i was feeling like utter shit. Even though i was smiling at work, there was this underlying sadness and feeling of unhappiness with my current way of living.
One day at work i suddenly broke out crying behind my desk and my collagues – who are the sweetest people – took me asside to ask me what was wrong. I explained to them that i had a bit of a identity crisis going on and that i was not happy with myself or where i was at. Also that it was very frustrating, cause everytime i found the motivation to make a change, the motivation only stayed for a little while. I always ended up falling back into those old habits. I’m sure some of you might reconize this. I just felt so lost.
The fact that i talked with people about my “issues” already made me feel much better and clearer in the head. I decided to finally solve this problem and do this the right way. I have spoken on my blog before about how the buddhist approach to “you” or being an “individual” is to acknowledge that there is none. This contradicted in my head greatly with how i felt. I did feel like an individual…and i enjoyed it. But on the other hand, i do think being more objective, selfless and compassionate have their importance. But there is more to this human life then that.
Let’s move forward to today. I quit my job to go to Croatia – my boyfriend lives here – for 3 months to kind of use this time to find my myself, and what i actually want to achieve in life. My hubby is currently working alot, so i spend alot of time with myself. Which is actually very pleasant.
A few days ago i was sitting behind my laptop- i remember trying to look for ways to overcome concentration problems – and i somehow stumbled upon the movie Limitless. This movie is about a artist ( Bradley Cooper) who seems to fail at everything in life. Somehow he gets his hands on a newly created drug that makes you use your full brain capacity. To put it bluntly, he becomes a superhuman. Suddenly he is able to think his way out of every situation, he becomes super social and highly skilled. Ofcourse this all backfires eventually. The storyline is great and the ending really gets to you! I highly recommend this movie.
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The movie really inspired me! Especially the concept of being a superhuman. I started playing with it in my head. Is it possible to train your brain and become super smart, super healthy, super successfull, and super creative. I decided that this is indeed possible. I got really excited, but also was a bit weary. I have been down this path before. I tried..and i failed. Could it be any different this time? I guess it was up to me to find out.
I started to do research about ways to train your brain and stumbled upon a lovely book about the human brain and how to unlock it’s potential: Unleashing Your Brilliance: Tools & Techniques To Achieve Personal, Professional & Academic Succes by Brian Walsh. This book spoke about how the brain is like clay. You can seriously mold it into any way you want. In other words, you are not limited. You are literally LIMITLESS.
There’s a catch though. You have to change your lifestyle. Did you know for example that not drinking enough water can make your brain capacity go down drastically. I honestly did not know this yet. I would like to share some of the thing that i have come across and that i am currently trying.
Project Goddess :
Braintraining: I am currently using several apps on my phone to “train” my brain like Lumosity. The brain is formed by experience. When you solve puzzles or play memory games and so on, you stimulate part of your brain to grow and you create new neuron pathways in your brain. Train regurlarly. It’s kind of like brain fitness!
Dieet: Having a healthy dieet is essential to a good functioning brain. Drink enough water, and make sure to eat enough Omega 3 and Protein. Besides water, Protein is the building block of our brain and most of our bodily organs. Neurons in the brain are actually mostly made out of fat, but they communicate with eachother via protein. This actually has led me to experiment with the KETO dieet. This is a dieet where you cut out carbs and eat only healthy fats and protein. So far it’s my 3rd day. So i will keep you updated.
Check: Article on Psychology Today about Your Brain On Ketones
Exercise: In addition to a healthy dieet, the brain definitely also needs exercise. It has been proven that exercise makes you feel more confident, stronger and clearer in the head. I used to gym alot a while back, and i seriously felt so good in my skin. This also has to do with the fact that exercise makes you release endorphine. A lovely little hormone that makes you feel oh-so good! I am currently picking up gyming again!
Check: Article by BrainHQ on why exercise is good for your brain
Learning NEW things: Anything you don’t do regurlarly or at all makes new paths in your brain. So challenging yourself if definitely essential to grow! I am someone that finds various things exciting, so i decided to make a list of things i would love to learn. Just a few examples.
Learn a new language (like Croatian or Japanese)
Learn to play a music instrument.
Psychology and Philosophy
Meditation: I talked about this one often throughout my blog. It makes you more calm, more objective about things in life and more focused! It is like a real human superpower once you master this one!
Check: Why meditation is good for your brain
Mindfulness: Since you do everything very consciously, you create a space to experience and absorb the present moment of what you are doing much better. The book Mastering the core teachings of buddha by Daniel M. Ingram really helped me perfect my practice understand both meditation and mindfulness better.
Using Internet wisely: Internet is a great place to learn and pick up new things. Sadly, as with most things, we often abuse it and go on it way to much. Limiting your time on the internet and spending some time offline is actually really good for your brain. But when you do chose to go online, have a look at some awesome documentary’s and articles that can expand your mind greatly!
Sleep: Sleep is important cause its when your body regenerates itself and heals itself. You need 8 hours of sleep, though this depends per person. If you don’t get enough rest, your bodilly functions wont be optimal.
Check: Deeprak Chopra’s science of sleep
Be disciplined & Organized: Repitition and creating new and better habits is what makes the brain grow. But to change the way you live and to be able to stick to trying the newer thing takes effort and dedication. Keep your space clean and neat. Your environment has great affect on your ability to learn and your mood. This is why organizing is very important as well. Use tools like mindmapping or using the good ol’ to-do list works magic to make your goals more real.
Thankyou for stopping by. I hope you liked this article. Follow me on
instagram:goddesssbible Facebook: goddessbible
XxX Daphne Denninghoff
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bestcgart · 7 years
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Time goddessB, zinna Du (2D) by
Forum: Latest Entries Posted By: zinnaDu Post Time: 01-24-2017 at 08:16 AM
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liminalgoddessworld · 2 months
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All things work together in my favour always, in all ways.
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liminalgoddessworld · 3 months
I did a strange and new thing today
If you click any of the links in this post you'll be able to download the Autumn - Go Within booklet, and I really hope you enjoy flipping through and using it as much as I enjoyed making it and will enjoy using it.
Many weeks ago I put together a seasonal planner. I hated it. It was nothing like the vision I had in my head. It was generic and uninspired and if I'm honest, I was ashamed of it because I knew it was not the planner that was calling for me to design it. It was the planner I thought people would want to buy, not the planner I wanted to make.
After talking about it to anyone who would listen, billing it as the next great billionaire-maker and my life's greatest work rolled into one, I abandoned it. By it I mean that draft, not the desire to design a text-based companion for intentional seasonal living, which is what brought me here.
So there I was, badly wanting to create the thing I held in my head as the perfect life-planning document for women like me (don't ask, there are not enough words in the world), yet feeling limited in my ability to do so by having to ask questions like Will other people like it? Will they pay for it? - and having to make sure that the answer is a resounding yes.
I couldn't do it.
I couldn't bring myself to care more about what other people would think than about making the documents I want to make. I want to care more about money because capitalism is a bitch and I actually haven't got it like that yet. I want to design a planner that will put every other planner out there to shame, that will sell out online and at Typo and EB, but as much as I want that (I mean, I'm not gonna lie) I want to design and develop the documents I want more. I want to partner with other women and bring shared creative visions to life. I want us all to live the lives we really want to live, not the lives capitalism forces upon us.
So I started over, following my intuition and expecting nothing, and the thing I ended up creating is this.
A booklet that supports intentional living for this season - Autumn.
Why did make this?
I find myself forced to reinvent myself (life is happening) but I refuse to become someone and something I'm not. I need support and structure to navigate this phase of my life so I put together the document I needed most. You can take a look by clicking this link.
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AI-generated image; southern hemisphere autumn (southern Africa)
I did a new and strange thing today. I put something I made out into the world.
I've been a blogger for years on various platforms, and I have been known (in my circles) as a prolific social media poster.
This is different.
This is different because I made something I like just for myself. Not for attention, not to impress anyone, not to make money or get a job, or to make someone else think that I'm worth of money and a job, but because I want to have it and enjoy it. I hope others like it and I hope that the next version is made better through feedback and engagement, but even if I never get feedback I'm still going to make more.
If Autumn is about going within then baby, I am going within and digging up and bringing me into the world (if you don't get it forget about it. Wink).
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Making this left me exhausted and exhilarated. I'm not quite sure what to do with myself because I can't believe that I made it and that I actually shared it and it has my name on it!!!
I feel breathless all of a sudden *fans self.
May beautiful things happen to you and for you.
If you click any of the links in this post you'll be able to download the Autumn - Go Within booklet, and I really hope you enjoy flipping through and using it as much as I enjoyed making it and will enjoy using it.
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liminalgoddessworld · 29 days
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bell hooks wrote: "One of the tragic ironies of contemporary Black life is that individuals succeed in acquiring material privilege often by sacrificing their positive connection to black culture and black experience."
The irony is that in striving for material success, often touted as "freedom," Black people often adopt the same values and behaviors of the systems that historically marginalized and exploited Black people, leading to a loss of cultural identity and integrity.
Could the so-called Black diamonds, the clever Blacks, the Black elite, the ones who can't relate to or identify with Blackness, the ones who don't think Blackness is a thing, the ones who will give us pause in the freedom trenches - could they have done it differently? Was a different outcome possible? Do/did they have a choice?
I think they do/did.
It would have called for an awareness of the worth of what they possessed...
But thanks to the supremacy of white hegemony...
...or do I mean the hegemony of white supremacy...
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liminalgoddessworld · 2 months
Afro-centricity Afro-centricity is a worldview that centers African values, traditions, and perspectives at the heart of any engagement involving people of African descent. It encourages individuals to reclaim their African identity, shedding the often marginalizing narratives imposed by Eurocentric perspectives. In terms of personal development, Afro-centricity empowers individuals to define themselves and their paths in life through the lens of their cultural heritage. It promotes self-awareness, pride in one's roots, and a strong sense of identity and belonging. This self-knowledge and confidence are foundational for personal growth and achievement. Womanism Womanism specifically addresses the unique experiences, struggles, and strengths of women of African descent. It emphasizes inclusivity, social justice, and the importance of family and community. Womanism champions the idea that personal healing and development are deeply connected to the wellbeing of the community. It recognizes the strength in collaboration, mutual support, and the sharing of communal knowledge and resources. Interlinking with Personal Development Both Afro-centricity and womanism prioritize the importance of understanding one's history and cultural background as a source of strength and guidance, encouraging individuals to draw on the collective wisdom and resilience of their ancestors and communities.
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liminalgoddessworld · 3 months
It's the Equinox, Baby!
Equinox - Balance and Reflection
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Today (20th March) is the Autumn Equinox in the southern hemisphere. Equinox means 'equal night' - a reference to the fact that day and night are of equal length today.
The nights will now begin to get longer until the Winter Solstice.
Autumn is a period of reflection. The idea is for you to connect with your inner self, your higher self, to interrogate what you really and truly want (and who you are, if this is work you need to do). This is the perfect time to let go of what is no longer serving you; conserve energy as you go within..
Take the time to explore your latent desires, reflect on how you spend your time, and think about which commitments are no longer aligned with your growth. Consider how your choices are impacting your relationships and your interactions with others, and think about any adjustments you may need to make to align with what you want your life to look like. Be honest with yourself.
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As Autumn progresses, as you go within, ask yourself:
What areas of my life are stagnant and need renewal?
2. How can I create space to explore my desires?
Clarify your priorities. Conserve your energy and move intentionally and mindfully.
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liminalgoddessworld · 3 months
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Autumn, as experienced in the Southern Hemisphere, unfolds its beauty from March to May, transitioning the natural world from the vibrant heat of summer to the cooler, reflective time of winter. This seasonal shift can be observed from two distinct perspectives: meteorological and astronomical, each offering a different framework for understanding and engaging with this transformative period.
Meteorological Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere is defined by the climatic pattern and encompasses the months of March, April, and May.
Astronomical Autumn is determined by the Earth's tilt and orbit around the Sun, beginning with the autumnal equinox in March (20 March 2024) and ending with the winter solstice in June (20 June 2024).
As the days shorten and the air chills, take the time not only to observe and appreciate the season's beauty, but to discover your own inner landscapes.
This season, challenge yourself to explore your thoughts and feelings through moments of stillness.
Is there a part of you that's seeking attention or a new hobby that calls to your heart?
Autumn's quiet can be a catalyst for discovering or reigniting passions that align with your deepest self.
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liminalgoddessworld · 3 months
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I choose myself. Again and again. Over and over.
Breakthrough is imminent; victory is certain because there is no other way; no alternative.
I won't accept defeat as I have before. I am a conqueror.
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liminalgoddessworld · 3 months
New Moon in Pisces - use it to create your dream life.
In the southern hemisphere we're readying for the start of autumn (astronomical autumn begins on the Autumn equinox (March 20/21) and ends on the Winter Solstice (June 20/21).
But we're not there yet.
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10 March 2024
Embrace the New Moon: A Guide for Inner Work and Setting Intentions
The sensitive and fluid sign of Pisces heralds a period ripe for self-reflection, intention-setting, and deep spiritual work, promising a season of transformation.
A Time for Reflection and Intention
Under the dark New Moon sky, we are offered a symbolic blank slate. This period is an invitation to plant seeds of intention that, nurtured by the growing moon, can blossom into full realization. As the Moon reemerges, let your aspirations do the same, reaching their zenith with the Full Moon's brilliance in two weeks.
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Quantum Leaps in Consciousness
Choosing your intentions with care and mindfulness is not just beneficial, it is essential.
Pisces is compassionate and spiritual, and encourages us to open our hearts and dream beyond boundaries while maintaining a grounded sense of self.
This New Moon asks you: Can you let your guard down to connect deeply with your sensitive side, without losing sight of your boundaries?
Aspirations and Visions
Now, more than ever, as the year accelerates, it's crucial to be conscious of your mindset, directing your energy towards nurturing your dreams and showing compassion, starting with yourself.
Whether you're safeguarding your heart or embracing your empathic nature, this is a time to pursue a balanced and fulfilling connection with the world around you.
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Conscious Connections
The aim is to engage with others and the universe from a place of strength and empowerment, focusing on meaningful contributions beyond the material. This season also calls for releasing the Piscean shadow—overwhelm, neglect, or escapism—that hinders your path forward.
Stay mindful, avoiding daily distractions to fully harness the transformative potential of this time.
Reflective Questions for Personal Growth
- What is your truest, deepest, most authentic vision?
- Are emotional walls hindering your connections?
- When did creativity last color outside the lines for you?
- Are you open to truths beyond the bustle of the hustle?
- Can you pause and reflect on the direction your life is taking?
- Where might your life benefit from clearer boundaries or more openness?
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This New Moon in Pisces marks a threshold for deep, intentional inner work. Use this guide to navigate the season, embracing all possibilities with faith and openness. Let your beliefs and feelings shape a reality that uplifts not only you but those around you too.
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