#gogun the gentle
hammert-fitzerald · 1 year
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gogun the gentle is one of the old trollhunters and ex trollhunter revived by unkar, back when gogun was a trollhunter, he refused to fight and instead helped others, he was very good friends with magmar and grimbald in the void, He was the only one who died of old age due to his advanced age but when Unkar revived him, he rejuvenated having eternal youth and a muscular body which he likes to exercise, he has the ability to create water or hydrate an area or control the aqueous flows of rivers He likes to spend time in rivers and he loves that amphibian animals such as frogs, toads or fish play in his horns, he is the only river troll whose horns do not look like rocks but the river trolls and others accept him as he is
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lilith-91 · 2 years
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The way ROTT ending completely negates the best episode of the series sigh
I will never stop complaining about this movie, sorry.
It also just completely negates what we learned in For the Glory of Merlin episode as well as just them meeting Merlin who goes "Oh, yeah, hi James... wait, why you so young?"
Merlin is established to have chosen Jim as the final Trollhunter from the fucking start.
The amulet didn’t “call to Toby”. Toby just went there because Jim told him to. This is not destiny, it’s bad writing.
We also learned in Unbecoming that when Jim tried to get the amulet after school, it wasn't there. Draal had already got it somehow. So Toby getting it after school doesn't make sense, it would already be with Draal.
Even Trollhunters books confirmed that Jim is THE Trollhunter of the series.
In Age of the Amulet book Jim helped and inspired Gogun the Gentle to become a Trollhunter, resulting in him becoming one of the bravest Trollhunters to ever wield the Amulet (Kanjigar looked up to Gogun’s noble example btw). He was taught by Jim how to fight. He restored order and he was the only known Trollhunter to die from old age. In the book Gogun said that Jim  brought light to another dark age. 
And in Wizards timeline he’s able to befriend Deya and push her into the right direction, resulting in her becoming the first Trollhunter.
Most of Jim’s actions in the past are what result in Trollhunters even happening, and if he hadn’t been there, they would’ve ended up ruining the future. 
He’s literally “The Once and Future Trollhunter”.
And now i hate ROTT movie even more because it was stated over and over again (in the books and in Wizards) that YOU CAN'T CHANGE HISTORY.
btw the books writers are smarter than the movie writers.
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sonicasura · 1 year
I have a question for you, and it's not a request or a commission since I don't know how to do it, it would be interesting if Giratina changes to its original form and goes into the void anywhere whenever, wherever, breaking the rules of the trollhunters fallen and takes the soul of gogun the gentle to revive him and the other souls cannot stop him?
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First off, you're completely good. Sometimes people are nervous about their ask being seen as something else.
Second Giratina breaking into the realm where fallen Trollhunter souls lay is plausible. It is a Ghost Type so the spirit world can be explored. Although I believe Xerneas would do better. It is the Life Pokemon thus reviving Draal can be done.
Doesn't keep Kanijar safe from Giratina's wrath. Like dude, even if it wasn't purpose you did abandon your son. And look where that lead to. Prepare to get scolded by a very angry dragon. I can see Giratina manhandling the other souls if they try to interfere.
You don't distance yourself from your own child. The reason behind it doesn't matter. Draal still needed you, Kanijar. Actions has consequences and this where yours led to.
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yokuimmobylen · 2 years
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How many Trollhunters are there?
I was thinking about this recently, and came to the conclusion that there haven’t really been that many. 
This was kind of startling, because I just randomly thought there had been a lot?? But, if we go through all the material the show and various books have provided us with, the total number of known Trollhunters comes up to about- *drumroll*- nine!
Yeah. Nine. 
Granted, there may be some more, but you gotta remember Trolls live waaaaay longer than humans, even though Trollhunters are killed pretty quickly in relation to other Trolls’ lifespans. 
Here’s the nine we know of, in no particular order:
- Jim
- Kanjigar the Courageous 
- Deya the Deliverer
- Unkar the Unfortunate
- Gogun the Gentle
- Spar the Spiteful
- Maddrux the Many
- Araknak the Agile
- Tellad-Urr the Terrible 
I want to know who was the first, actually. It wasn’t Deya; she was Kanjigar’s predecessor, and Kanjigar is Jim’s. So who was before her?
Actually, I’m gonna go off on a tangent here. See how nearly all their names/titles are alliterative? The exceptions are Jim, who doesn’t have a title yet, and Kanjigar, whose title starts with C instead of K. BUT, it sounds the same. 
Side note: my bet is that Jim earns the title “Jim/James the Just” (suggested by the comic The Felled) because a) it’s alliterative and b) it’s 100% Jim’s character. 
About the alliteration! I think it has to do with order. If you look at the GummGumms and their titles, such as “Bular the Vicious” or “Gunmar the Skullcrusher”, those titles aren’t alliterative. They’re descriptive, sure, but they lack the order-ness of the Trollhunters’ titles. The Trollhunters represent order, and the GummGumms chaos, which is reflected in the titles they are bestowed. 
Another tangent: now that we have a rough idea of how many Trollhunters there have been, I’ve been wondering who’s been killed by who. We know Kanjigar, Tellad-Urr, and Deya were Felled by Bular, and Gogun died in his sleep (the only Trollhunter to do so), but we also know Angor Rot’s killed a bunch. So who died by whose hand? Who’s souls did Angor consume? I kinda want to know. 
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itsmergb · 3 years
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My Trollhunter character from centuries in the past, Purpose the Persistent! He follows the lore from the books rather than from the show. He is the Trollhunter between Gogun the Gentle and Voltar the Voracious, and he was killed by Angor Rot in the 1500’s.
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I wonder if Trolls like fish.
Rivertrolls probably eat them regularly (Gogun the gentle seems horrified at the thought of eating cats) but I’m curious about other species. 
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xdeusxmachinax · 5 years
I’m pretty sure the #we-are-the-trollhunters thing has run its course but like imagine finding ‘your’ mentor in the Void.
Jim’s was Kanjigars, but I imagine each trollhunter with the mentor they need.
Someone who maybe struggled with addiction or abuse in the past being reassured by Tallad-Urr.
Someone whose a little lonely and a little ‘quirky’ being embraced by Gogun the Gentle, who knows what it’s like to be a ‘bad’ trollhunter.
I think mine would be Unkar.
Mostly because we’re both screw ups, and Unkar’s snark and overconfidence would be perfect for someone with no confidence. 
Who would your mentor be?
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Why was gogun named gogun the gentle is it because of something he did that was important during the killahead bridge war
"Gogun the Gentle was well before the battle of Killahead."
"He passed away even before my ancestor Araknak the Agile was born. Even before Maddrux the Many born."
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hammert-fitzerald · 2 years
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Giratina entered the void and took its original form and also has the soul of Gogun the Gentle in a tentacle since Gogun tried to warn Giratina to come out of the void because he is breaking the rules, although Giratina does not pay attention since he can enter and get out of the void when he wants because he is the master of antimatter, other fallen trollhunters try to get Giratina out but nothing and also Giratina plans to revive gogun after exploring in the void
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lilith-91 · 3 years
Tales of Arcadia books are so good!
-In the novel Angor Reborn (beautiful book, set just after the events of "A House Divided", when Jim was becoming a troll), Jim kicked Angor Rot's ass and he also used.....a bow!! Jim with a bow? holy shit. Jim also briefly unlocks a new armor called the Moonlight Armor in this book, which he uses to fight Angor Rot and reclaim the Triumbric Stones. That fight was so cool, guys. Angor Rot is an AMAZING character.
-And in the novel Age of the Amulet, he trained another previous Trollhunter to take the mantle, and said Trollhunter was the only one of the line to die of old age.  Gogun the Gentle! One of my favorite characters. He is the only known Trollhunter to have not fallen in battle, but rather died from very old age. Jim is a good trainer. Oh yeah, another time travel plot, but this time travel plot was well written.
-In the same novel Jim also turned Tellad-Urr the Terrible, a corrupted Trollhunter, to the Light side again. The first evil Trollhunter? Damn, i wanted to see him in the show....
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astrolet · 6 years
I wanna call Jim ‘James the Gentle’ but gogun the gentle already exists
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yokuimmobylen · 3 years
I have a few ideas for Dark Reign AU. These are rather small pieces that haven't yet been transformed into anything, BUT they are there
Tellad-Urr like being in pile of whelps. Pleasant and not annoying noise
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And meeting Gogun! Although it's more of accident
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yokuimmobylen · 3 years
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Gogun thinks that Bular is a cat. Big strange cat
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hammert-fitzerald · 2 years
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again blinky panicked because unkar just accidentally revived gogun
blinky: now you revived gogun the gentle, unkar?!!
gogun: calm down blinkous it was just an accident, besides reviving the others is not bad
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yokuimmobylen · 4 years
Now it's turn to draw another Trollhunter :3
Cute old river troll
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