#tellad-urr the terrible
gentleeclipsey · 2 years
I sorta love the fact that collectively, Tellad-Urr the Terrible drawn by anyone is always fucked 12 ways from Sunday.
Like the broken horn is described in the wiki, but otherwise I'm not sure if there was a description of him? I haven't read the books so go easy, but the idea of a trollhunter who's chronically misused and abused is fucking fantastic because Jim easily could've slid into that sort of thing if he wasn't, ya know, saving the fuckin world multiple times over and having to make insane sacrifices every Tuesday.
I fully believe Gunmar and Tellad had a bit of a thing going. Gunmar is completely opportunistic in canon, but you can't tell me those two wouldn't have some secret fuckery going on after fighting side by side.
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katanamasako · 2 years
Calamity as a trollhunter would be a genuine Problem.
she really doesn’t play favorites, everyone sucks and she hates everyone equally. particularly if the talisman found her while she was still hiding from life in general in the void of her own making.
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the worst part is... she knows how bound armor and weapons work. she doesn’t need to train she knows how to pull and manipulate magic in a way she needs it to work.
Kat however, would be a problem of another brand. like giving a nuclear bomb sentience and then telling it to do what you command.
it goes about as well as you think too. She’d probably go the way of Tellad-Urr the Terrible and swap sides because fuck the noise of the creatures who leave one to fight the battle of the many.
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She’d also refuse to use the amulet in any fight. she doesn’t need help, and she doesn’t want help. if she’s doomed to fight, she fights on her own merit.
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 1 year
Hello, I have another question of the week, can you imagine tellad urr the terrible reborn and reincarnated as tellad and is now an athletic troll, good muscles, friendly, affectionate and eats healthily and is able to be through the day without problems?
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I'm not sure if that would be possible, since all past Trollhunter's souls reside within the void.
If rebirth is a concept for trolls, then that would require Tellad Urr to leave the void, as his spirit cannot be reincarnated otherwise.
Regardless, your drawings are very cute! And for Tellad Urr especially living a trouble free life would greatly appeal to him.
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yokuimmobylen · 2 years
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Celebrating Bular's death in the Void
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Tellad-Urr having a fun day at the beach in ai
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bular · 4 years
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The whole scene of him meeting Gunmar summed up, change my mind
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princeslimey · 4 years
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my own fan interpretations of some of the council elder trollhunters! 
there really wasn't much information on gorgus so I kinda winged it dfgjds, also there needs to be more tellad-urr fanart??? he is?? so cool???
featuring a interpretation of kodanth the orange changeling advisor of gunmar from the novel ‘welcome to the darklands’ !!
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kruberatrollsrule · 2 years
Unkar and Tellad are the best.
That is all.
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so, the side books are of.... uh..... dubious quality, but there are actually some good (or at least potentially good) characters to scoop out of it and enjoy. the annoying part of this is people having to buy and/or read the books in order to know what their deal is, which is both inconvenient and uhhhh not to everyone’s taste. especially since content in the books can in fact be genuinely, deeply upsetting in ways the author did not intend. and it can be difficult to convey information about their character to people solely through making content of them.
so! i’m considering making compilation posts for different books characters and/or lore, with screencaps/excerpts from the books as well as summaries, to get across What Their Deal Is in (questionable) canon. (as well as maybe either interjecting or adding on some fanon of my own in reblogs.) this would allow people to get familiar with them without having to either subject themselves to the books, or get the info in bits and pieces and all secondhand.
i’m going to start with the characters and threads/bits of lore i’m most interested in myself first, but i might take requests for other stuff later. in the meantime, who’s interested in summaries of which characters/concepts first?
• tellad-urr (trollhunter from before the journey to north america; was worn down physically and mentally by his job and mistreatment by other trolls, finally went mad and allied with the gumm-gumms in an effort to end his slavery to merlin. source material: age of the amulet.)
• skarlagk (gumm-gumm queen of a population living in the darklands who are not allied with gunmar, who has been waiting a long time to take revenge on him for murdering her father. she helps jim survive in the darklands and get to gunmar. source material: welcome to the darklands.)
• rob (half-changeling, half-helheeti, who was born and lives in the darklands; is actually the ‘WHOOOO ARRRE YOOOOUUUU’ guy from the episode with the fetch in strickler’s office. is an obnoxious weirdo who you will probably either find endearing or annoying. source material: welcome to the darklands.)
• kodanth (changeling who was sent to the darklands when deya sealed the bridge, and has been gunmar’s advisor alongside dictatious ever since; ended up being one-upped by dictatious and fed to gunmar’s army of monsters. source material: welcome to the darklands.)
• the dishonorable bodus (mentioned once or twice in the main series, author of the dangerous, future-predicting book of ga-huel; faked his death centuries ago and has been on the run from the janus order with his book ever since. is in fact an asshole and neutral evil as hell. source material: the book of ga-huel.)
• eloise stemhower (polymorph who disguises herself as a cute librarian; is actually an albino changeling with a prosthetic metal arm, and bodus’ double-agent bodyguard. is not afraid to go for some mix-and-match shapeshifting body horror. source material: the book of ga-huel.)
• ballustra (draal’s mother and kanjigar’s bond, who has outlived them both, is a badass, and is in search of her son’s body to avenge his murder and give him a proper burial. source material: way of the wizard.)
• angor rot’s love of and affinity for animals (source material: multiple.)
• angor rot’s trauma history and manifestations of PTSD, and some of the motivations stemming from it (not for the faint of heart because spoiler alert it’s treated fucking shittily lmao) (source material: primarily angor reborn, might be some scraps in other books idr)
i am probably missing some things off the top of my head, especially since i never finished, and bear in mind that a lot of the timeline of events is uhhhhh almost certainly not actually canon, and it may take me a while to make each summary post, but! i figure it’s an undertaking worth doing if anyone is interested. let me know what you think!
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lilith-91 · 3 years
Tales of Arcadia books are so good!
-In the novel Angor Reborn (beautiful book, set just after the events of "A House Divided", when Jim was becoming a troll), Jim kicked Angor Rot's ass and he also used.....a bow!! Jim with a bow? holy shit. Jim also briefly unlocks a new armor called the Moonlight Armor in this book, which he uses to fight Angor Rot and reclaim the Triumbric Stones. That fight was so cool, guys. Angor Rot is an AMAZING character.
-And in the novel Age of the Amulet, he trained another previous Trollhunter to take the mantle, and said Trollhunter was the only one of the line to die of old age.  Gogun the Gentle! One of my favorite characters. He is the only known Trollhunter to have not fallen in battle, but rather died from very old age. Jim is a good trainer. Oh yeah, another time travel plot, but this time travel plot was well written.
-In the same novel Jim also turned Tellad-Urr the Terrible, a corrupted Trollhunter, to the Light side again. The first evil Trollhunter? Damn, i wanted to see him in the show....
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Chapter 52: Adoption
Becoming The Mask
Bold italics are trollish. Although honestly, I'm thinking about doing away with them? At least in scenes where it's just trolls talking to each other and nobody is present who doesn't already understand trollish. And in scenes where multiple languages are in use, I could just indicate them with dialogue tags.
"Blinky," said AAARRRGGHH, "I want to talk. About Jim."
"Certainly. What about him?"
"Jim needs help. Support."
"… Do we not already support him as his trainers?"
"Not that kind, not for fighting and strategy. For … feelings. For belonging here."
"Support of a familial or parental nature, then."
"Yes. I think …" AAARRRGGHH trailed off, then started again. "Jim has a human family, but he is not human. Or, not only human?" Changelings were oddly in-between and AAARRRGGHH didn't know how exactly Jim thought of himself, species-wise. "Jim is a troll, too. So he needs a troll family, too. And deserves one."
"AAARRRGGHH." Blinky put his hands on AAARRRGGHH's forearm. "Are you absolutely sure you're not projecting? Thinking of things you wish you'd had when you joined us? Master Jim seems largely content with his relationships as they stand –"
"He's scared." No matter what exactly Jim was afraid of – Gunmar specifically or failure in general – he was definitely scared. "He needs support."
Maybe AAARRRGGHH was projecting, but – but he and Jim had both deserted the Gumm-Gumms, so AAARRRGGHH should have some idea how Jim was feeling about that, right? What the boy expected and feared for his future?
I can't afford to mess this up, Jim had said.
AAARRRGGHH wanted Jim to feel safe and welcome on Trollmarket's side, not convinced that rejection was looming if Jim didn't immediately and perfectly do everything asked of him.
"What did you have in mind, beyond what we're already doing?" Blinky asked.
"Master Jim." Blinky steepled his upper hands together and folded his lower arms behind his back. "AAARRRGGHH and I have been discussing your … place, within troll society. Namely, that you don't officially have one, outside your duties as Trollhunter."
Behind Blinky, AAARRRGGHH winced. Jim carefully did not.
"That isn't going to be acceptable in the long term."
Now AAARRRGGHH covered his face with his hand. "Blinky," he groaned.
"So, to that end … How would you feel about being adopted?"
Jim's jaw dropped. That was not the direction it had sounded like Blinky was going with this.
"By … you guys?"
"Yes," said AAARRRGGHH.
"It would present the widest range of options," said Blinky, "although it could be just one of us if you'd prefer."
Jim looked back and forth between them. AAARRRGGHH nodded.
"What exactly would this mean?" Jim asked.
"Well, first of all, you are not required to renounce any family you have already," Blinky assured him. "You would remain 'Jim Lake Junior, son of Barbara'. You would simply also have the options of introducing yourself as 'Jim, son of Aarghaumont' or 'Jim Galadrigal, son of Blinkous'."
Jim covered his mouth to hold in a laugh. Not only did he have access to Dictatious' library, now he was being offered use of Dictatious' family name? If the Dark Underlord's Counsel ever found out about this, there would be steam shooting out of his ears!
"You'd also be welcome to share our dwelling, should you choose to live in Trollmarket at some point, though of course you had a standing invitation to our dwell before this so that wouldn't change much," Blinky continued.
That was news to Jim, actually. He'd only ever been in their home with one of them there with him.
"Perhaps the most direct benefit is that, as members of your family, AAARRRGGHH or I would then have the right to intercede on your behalf in legal matters, such as if you were accused of a crime or offered some sort of contract."
"Like an adoption contract?" said Jim. Blinky chuckled.
"I suppose, yes."
"And what would my obligations be to you?" Where did they stand to benefit, other than potential 'legal intercession' if Jim tried to broker a business deal with someone? This deal sounded heavily slanted in Jim's favour.
"… You'd be expected to acknowledge us as your fathers, I suppose," said Blinky. "Adoptions are forged by mutual agreement unless the whelp is still too young at the time to understand what's going on."
"Family is … mew-chew-all care," AAARRRGGHH said. "You tell us, if hurt, or scared, or sad, and let us help."
Jim narrowed his eyes at AAARRRGGHH. Being vulnerable like that would be a heck of a concession.
Although, it wasn't like they were as good as Toby yet, at telling whether Jim was lying …
"I accept," Jim decided. "How do we, ah, seal the deal?"
Apparently trolls didn't have adoption papers. Jim was instead loudly reintroduced to various trolls around the marketplace – Bagdwella, Rot and Gut, Shmorkrarg, Tagaw, Neorbin, Plagsnork – as Blinky and AAARRRGGHH's son. The newly forged family was given many "congratulations" and one "whatever".
Krax seemed to be the only one concerned.
"You … do know humans don't tend to live more than a century?" he asked Blinky gently. "If that."
Blinky huffed and neatly sidestepped Jim's actual lifespan. "I assure you AAARRRGGHH and I discussed all possible concerns before approaching Jim."
Krax shook his head. "You're both braver trolls than I."
"Vendel!" cried Blinky, spotting the Elder across the pub. "AAARRRGGHH and I have exciting news!"
"You're finally getting married?" Vendel guessed dryly.
AAARRRGGHH nudged Jim forward. "Meet our son, Jim."
Vendel dropped his mug and coughed. He pounded on his chest a few times and cleared his throat. "I see."
"We've adopted him," said Blinky boastfully.
"Yes, I inferred as much," Vendel said. "Well, congratulations, I suppose." He gave Jim a little nod. "Welcome to Trollmarket, Jim Galadrigal."
"Thank you, Vendel."
The Soothscryer rumbled into position the moment Jim set foot in the Hero's Forge.
"Oh, sure, now you guys wanna talk to me."
He climbed the statue and put his hand in its mouth, which still unsettled him. The room around him went dark and blue, stars lighting the ceiling.
Even if he'd heard that voice before, the happy tone would've made it hard to recognize. The Ghost Council was not usually pleased with him.
A spectral troll faded into existence and held out four arms as though for a hug.
"Welcome to the family, youngling!"
"Blinkous hasn't gotten around to teaching you about me yet, and I'm sure Dictatious had the sense not to endanger himself mentioning a Trollhunter ancestor," the ghost said casually. "I'm your great-great-grandfather, Araknak Galadrigal. More famously known as Araknak the Agile. I was the Trollhunter after Maddrux the Many, I know you've heard of them."
"Uh, maybe?" The name sounded familiar but Jim couldn't place it.
"The Battle of Doomscavern," said another ghost, who didn't bother manifesting beyond a flicker of floating light.
"Oh, right." Jim had read that one out loud, months ago, for Blinky to test his trollish literacy (and deliberately messed part of it up so Blinky wouldn't realize how literate Jim was).
"I've been keeping an eye on my descendants as best I can, though the Amulet," said Araknak. "Very happy Blinkous decided to adopt you! If my parents' ghosts were in here, they'd be so excited. With that scholastic mind of yours, you were obviously meant to be a Galadrigal."
"Says the troll who became a warrior because he didn't think he was fit for academics," sneered another ghost light.
"Says the troll who became a warrior because he didn't think he was fit for academics," sneered another ghost light.
"I could outwit you any day, Spar!" Araknak snapped. To Jim, he added, "I was, in the human terms, an odd duck. My parents were proud of me anyway. They used to follow me around to watch me fight things. I suppose you should expect that from Blinkous twice over, now."
"I guess."
Jim climbed down from the Soothscryer but didn't take Araknak up on that hug he still had his arms open for. The ghost shrugged his upper shoulders and let his arms fall.
"So, since I'm here," said Jim, "do you have any advice about the Triumbric Stones?"
Deya the Deliverer manifested beside Araknak. Jim recognized her from her displayed body, and a few illustrations.
"If you ever meet Merlin, punch him in the face," she ordered Jim. "This could've ended a lot sooner if he'd just given the stones to the Trollhunter instead of hiding them."
"In fairness, that might've been Tellad-Urr the Terrible," said Araknak.
"No," said a different Trollhunter, Jim wasn't sure which one, "if one of the stones is Gunmar's Eye, it would've been Deya, because that happened when he usurped Orlagk."
Deya growled and punched her palm. "I should've hit the wizard harder, then."
"So aside from punching Merlin," Jim said.
Deya cut him off. "The Eye is Gunmar's blind spot. Your armour got dimmer when your dad was carrying you back to the library the other day, so you weren't as easy to spot. See if you can go full invisible."
"It wouldn't have activated in the Forge because you weren't trying to hide from anyone there," added Araknak. "Maybe in a sparring match, but not with just the equipment."
Deya chuckled. "Unless you, what's the term, Epic Failed and were so embarrassed the invisibility kicked in."
Jim's heart sped up with excitement. "I have a stealth mode now? That's perfect! I mean, not super useful against Gunmar unless I'm back in the Darklands, but, for other things!"
"Yeah, I would've loved a stealth mode at your age," Deya agreed.
"… I'm in my four-hundreds," said Jim, suspecting Deya was misreading him as an adolescent or younger child rather than a young adult.
"I know. My four-hundreds sucked."
Araknak folded three of his arms together and tapped his chin with his upper hand. "That's right, you were Jim's age when you started trying to re-enter troll society, weren't you?"
Deya kicked him. Araknak shrunk down to a wisp of light before her foot could connect. Deya smacked him in the back of the head when he reformed.
"I deserved that," Araknak admitted easily.
Jim was confused. He'd heard and read a few stories about Deya, but all of them were about her time as a Trollhunter.
"Were you … temporarily banished, or something?"
"I was raised by humans," said Deya. "Kinda like you were, except they knew I was a troll."
"You're a Changeling too?!" asked Jim eagerly. No wonder her pre-Trollhunter life was undocumented –
"Nah. It's just a thing that happened sometimes. Fleshbags can't exactly tell Gumm-Gumms and any other trolls apart, so they'd attack our villages in, what'd they call it, 'pre-emptive self-defence'. Sometimes they'd keep a whelp or two alive as an exotic pet."
"Oh." Well, that was sickening. Not shocking, considering everything Jim knew about human history, but sickening.
"That's probably how Morgana got troll whelps to experiment on in the first place before she allied with the Gumm-Gumms," Deya continued.
Jim growled reflexively at Deya's insulting tone when speaking of the Pale Lady, but her hypothesis did seem likely. Although Morgana hadn't successfully developed the Changelings until after making her alliance with Orlagk the Oppressor, she had been experimenting with transmuting living stone into flesh and back again for centuries prior to that.
"Anyway, I escaped after a couple hundred years, and met trolls again when I was about your age, but obviously I didn't really fit in anymore, and I didn't luck into an adoption. I didn't even know my real name until the Amulet called me a few centuries later."
Jim cringed in sympathy.
"Then I soundly thrashed anyone who doubted me, killed a bunch of monsters, punched a wizard, saved the world, and became one of the most revered Trollhunters ever, the end."
"You forgot leading the migration to this Heartstone and founding a new Trollmarket," said Araknak.
"That part was honestly super tedious."
"We were all watching, remember? The peace was refreshing at first, but the squabbles you were called to resolve …"
Araknak and Deya both shuddered.
"Worst part of being the Trollhunter."
"And how."
Jim was only half-listening now, trying to visualize himself translucent like the ghosts. Hide me, hide me …
He watched his hands. They weren't fading away. The fingertips of his gauntlets might have gotten a little darker?
The memory-replay-cloud, or vision-window, or whatever it was, appeared, showing Jim on AAARRRGGHH's back. Jim studied the image.
The silver parts of his armour had a greenish tinge, which might have just been a reflection of AAARRRGGHH's fur colour, and the blue light from the plates' etchings had faded out.
The black scale mail, visible here and there at the joints and gaps where armour plates met, was maybe a little closer to gray than black? The image was a bit washed-out, though. But it would make sense in a stealth mode, because gray blended into the shadows better than a true black.
"So that's another benefit to stealth," said Deya brightly. "People can't find you to ask you to deal with petty stuff."
While walking home, Jim considered who to tell, and how to tell them, about his new relatives.
His human friends should know, of course, because they spoke to Blinky and AAARRRGGHH regularly. They'd all be happy for him.
Enrique might get jealous, but if Claire knew, then he was likely to find out, so Jim should probably take the initiative of telling him.
Nomura, he probably should not tell. Jim's experiences with Trollmarket were basically the opposite of hers – or so the gossip chain implied; it wasn't like she ever confided in him about it personally – so she'd probably get bitter. A bitter Nomura was a violent Nomura.
Stricklander would probably find it hilarious. Jim's infiltration of Trollmarket had exceeded expectations in all regards.
(Hopefully he'd find it funny … Jim had some time to work out exactly how to tell him, at least.)
Jim was so concerned with how his fellow Changelings might react, it did not occur to him to worry about how his mother would feel.
"What were you doing in Trollmarket today?" Barbara asked, cutting up her steak.
"AAARRRGGHH and Blinky adopted me," said Jim brightly. Barbara dropped her cutlery. "It's mostly a bureaucratic thing, to give me a place in Trollmarket besides of my job. Jim Galadrigal might have a say in discussions that Jim Lake Junior wouldn't even be allowed to listen in on."
If Barbara had taken a bite already she might've choked on it. Jim had gotten adopted? He'd changed his name? What next, was he going to move into Trollmarket full-time?
She blinked quickly to avoid tearing up. Jim reached over but stopped before touching her hand.
"How could you make a decision that big without telling me?" she demanded. "I know, I know, you're technically an adult and don't need permission, but – this is a big deal, Jim! You could've at least told me before you said yes."
Oh, my God, I've become my mother. That was nearly what her mom had said when Barbara called to say she was spending a semester in Rome.
"Do you …" Oh, no, the tears were coming. "Do you not see me as a mom anymore?"
Jim gasped.
"This doesn't – Blinky said, troll adoption doesn't mean cutting any ties you had before," he said. "And, I, I didn't want to push it, but, I don't really know how you feel about me. Now that you know what I am."
AAARRRGGHH and Blinky know what I am, and offered me a place in their home, and you found out what I was and kicked me out, was unspoken, but Barbara heard it loud and clear.
She grabbed her son's hand, still on the table so close to hers.
"You've been my son for sixteen years – I'm sorry I took the truth as badly as I did but I swear I didn't just stop caring about you. And I should've told you that sooner, but I didn't know how you felt about me, either. Did – did you ever see me as a mom? Or just some human you were playing house with to keep your cover?"
"What?!" Both Jim's hands were on Barbara's now. They had a crushing grip on each other and were staring straight into each other's eyes. Jim's eyes glowed red. He was tearing up, too. "Mom – Mom, I got so, so attached. I'm not, I wasn't, supposed to be, but – it's an open secret for Changelings, we always get attached to our host families. You mean the world to me."
Almost as quickly as it exploded, the tension in the room started to drain away.
"I guess we should've talked about that sooner," Barbara admitted. "In … in the interests of full disclosure, I've been scared to bring it up. As long as I didn't ask, I wouldn't have to hear … an answer I didn't want to hear."
"Same," said Jim. He looked like he was trying to smile; with his red eyes and the tear-tracks on his upper cheeks it came across rather like a grimace. "So … we're still a family?"
"We're still a family."
"Finally!" barked Draal from the basement. "Now you can stop shying away from each other."
Barbara jumped as their lodger reminded her of his existence. Jim blinked and his eyes turned blue again. They both laughed.
Barbara made a mental note to check out some of those family therapy books at the library again. She doubted anything had been written about her specific situation – "I recently found out I had adopted my child, who has now also been adopted by someone else, and I don't know what to feel about that second part" – but at least there should be some advice on 'communication with your teenager'. And maybe 'co-parenting'.
Previous Chapter (Jim fights Blango for the Killstone)
Table of Contents
Next Chapter (Claire and Not Enrique debate his name)
Jim and Barbara's talk was supposed to drag out a lot longer and have more tension, for the first part since neither of them really wanted to be the one to bring this up and for the second part because there was a lot of emotional ground to cover, but then feelings got intense and they both blabbed quickly.
I've got some new ideas, based on Wizards – some of them are here in Deya's backstory – but I think I'll wait until the movie comes out before fully updating the fic's outline again. As I believe I've said before, I am not keeping all of it; I've gotten a few comments asking if I'll be incorporating aspects of Wizards into this story, and my answer remains "some but not all". (For example, this timeline continues to have Trollhunters prior to Deya.)
Some elements from the spinoff novels and comics appear in this chapter: Araknak the Agile being an ancestor of Blinky's (though the exact generations were not spelled out in that comic), Barbara spending a semester studying in Rome, and Shmorkrarg being a common trollish name.
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Lost Souls: Story 10
The Ones We Hail (part 3)
Lost Souls Summary: Merlin awakens early from his sleep. He decides  that he doesn’t want to leaving anything to chance and kidnaps the young  James Lake Jr. to began training his Trollhunter as early as possible.
Barbara  is determined to hunt down the man who kidnapped her son. In her  efforts to get her son back she finds a strange old radio that speaks to  her in a woman’s voice. The radio leads her to an underground society  of shapeshifters.
Mother and son meet again years later as strangers on opposing sides.
AO3 - Fanfiction
“Jim! I’m here!” Kanjigar called out as he entered the cave
There was no response. No patter of small feet.
Kanjigar frowned; usually Jim was all over him by now. Where was the child?
“Jim?” He called again.
Concern began to take root in his chest and the old troll lifted his head and tested the air for the child’s scent. He could smell both Jim’s scent and Merlin’s. They were fairly fresh but…
Kanjigar sniffed again.
There was something unfamiliar in the air. A slight shiver ran through him setting his tusks on edge.
He followed the strange scent through the roughhewn hallways and deeper into Merlin’s abode. What was it? No one could get in here without Merlin’s permission.
The scent led him to Jim’s room. Kanjigar’s whole body was tense. If something had happened to the boy…
His hand wrapped around the amulet where it hung from a chain around his neck. Without a word the armor materialized around him. He didn’t summon Daylight just yet but he kept one hand free as he eased open the door.
The room was empty but the strange scent was fresh.
All Kanjigar’s muscles were tense as he entered. He moved slowly; leaving the door open as a precaution.
His ears were pricked and alert as his eyes swept over the room.
Jim’s toys sat undisturbed on the small shelf he had liberated from the junkyard. The picture book he had borrowed from Blinky was still there.
There was no sign of the boy himself.
His eyes tracked across the room before a small movement drew them.
Curled in the large pile of blankets that served as Jim’s bed was a small blue troll. They were staring at him with wide surprised eyes, both hands slightly raised as if that had been just holding their horns.
His eyes snagged on the hands. The five fingered hands.
Kanjigar’s nostril flared as he took in their scent. It smelled both like troll and human, with a heavy scent of some unidentified potion hanging over it all. More importantly it smelled like Jim.
A changeling.
Kanjigar’s ears went back -a jolt of betrayal stabbing through him like a dagger- He’d been fooled. His ears pressed tighter against his head as his fist clenched. Had he ever met the real Jim or had the impure been pulling his strings the whole time? This was what happened when a Trollhunter let themself get attached.
The low growl that rumbled from his chest caused the imposter to flinch. Its eyes widened further and its ears pressed down.
“Kanji…” It started.
Kanjigar didn’t give it a chance to spin its net of deceit. In a second he lunged forward pinning it to a wall.
The impure shrieked and wailed. It clawed at his hand for a moment before going limp. It shook as big tears dripped down its face. Its eyes looked so much like Jim’s that he felt a pang in his core at the sight. He shook his head and steeled himself; he wouldn’t fall for crocodile tears. Not again.
“How long ago were you planted,” He demanded.
If the changelings had found a way to fool even Merlin, they would be in trouble. If he was being honest part of him hoped that somehow, against all prior knowledge of when the exchange could happen, the changeling was a recent plant and he had actually known the real Jim.
The impure didn’t respond. It just kept whimpering and pressed its eyes closed. It was a very convincing actor. He would give it that.
He opened his mouth and…
“What are you doing?”
Kanjigar startled at Merlin’s harsh tone. He hazarded a glance back at the doorway, careful not to let the changeling completely out of his sight. He looked furious. His brows were drawn together and his eyes flashing.
“I found this changeling in Jim’s room,” Kanjigar reported, switching his gaze back to the creature he had pinned against the wall. “I was trying to find out just how early the exchange happened.”
Behind him Merlin huffed out a sigh.
“Put him down,” The wizard said. “That’s Jim, not an imposter.”
“What? But Master Merlin…”
“Don’t Master Merlin me. Put him down now.”
Puzzled but deferring to the wizards judgement he let the changeling drop. It hit the ground and stayed where it was curling in on itself and shaking. It looked positively frightened. He felt the unwelcome pang of sympathy again.
He shook his head trying to focus and figure out what was going on.
Why would Merlin…
There was no way.
“Did you let that changeling in here?” Kanjigar asked horrified. “You knew the whole time.”
That would explain why the wizard had been so careless with him and expected him to take care of himself. Despite appearances, changelings were not planted until they reached mental adulthood and were capable of fending for themselves.
“What? No,” Merlin looked offended.
“Jim is not a changeling. I would not take one of Morgana’s servants into my house lest I wake up with a knife in my back. I’m not a fool!”
“Then what…”
“Jim was a human but now, thanks to the potion I have been working on since I woke, he is a half-troll.”
Kanjigar blinked unable to quite process that sentence.
“What?” He said dumbly. He had never heard of such a thing.
Merlin sighed.
“Walk with me.”
The wizard turned away. Kanjigar hesitated glancing back toward Jim who was now hiding under the blankets. He half turned toward him before glancing in the direction that Merlin had went in.
There was no saying how long Merlin would stick around but now that he knew that the small troll was actually Jim (Even if he was still struggling to believe it.)… The flash of the boy’s scared eyes, his desperate sobs and Kanjigar, the very troll who he had trusted pinned him to the wall…
Kanjigar’s ears pressed down.
He took a step in the direction of the blankets before stopping.
He should give the boy some time to recover before he approached him. Not only that but he needed answers.
Once they were back in the main room, Kanjigar turned to Merlin. His anger at himself for hurting Jim was mixing with his anger and confusion toward Merlin for… whatever he had done. The turbulent emotions set his tusks on edge. He managed to fight down the snarl that was threatening to crawl up his throat, but his voice still came out more sharp than respectful.
“Why would you do that to Jim? What point is there in turning him into a… a half-troll?”
Humans and trolls were not meant time be mixed; changelings were proof of that. Even if they did not die by the sword or succumb to the webs of their own treachery, the magic that was forced into their stone aged them prematurely. They often suffered joint problems and fatigue as a result of hybridized systems –A weakness Kanjigar had learned to exploit when he came into conflict with them. They were doomed the weaknesses of humanity and trollkind while being rejected by both.
What purpose could Merlin possibly have in inflicting such a fate on such an innocent young child?
He drew himself to his full height ready to stare the wizard down until he got answers. Merlin eyed him through his thick brows.
“Because he will be the next Trollhunter,” He said.
Kanjigar stilled.
In his shock it felt as if he had taken a step back out of his own body.
If Jim was going to be the next Trollhunter that meant…
Merlin sighed, looking slightly regretful.
“Yes, according to what I saw studying the future, you’re destined to die in the next decade or two and the Amulet will choose James when you’re gone.”
The first thing Kanjigar’s mind latched onto was just how soon that was. A couple decades was hardly the blink of an eye… The next was…
“But he’s just a child…”
Grown adults… great champions even… had crumbled under the weight of the amulet. Tellad-Urr the Terrible had been the most shocking and horrifying example but unfortunately not the only one.
“Then make sure you don’t die soon,” Merlin said. He sighed again. “Look I brought him here to make sure that when the time came he would be ready to take up the mantle.” He gave Kanjigar a look that the troll couldn’t quite interpret. “Perhaps you could start teaching him some combat and other Trollhunter skills. You were saying that younglings need to run around.”
Something welled up in Kanjigar’s chest as he finally managed to push through his shock.
“Yes,” He said, lips curling up slightly from his fangs. He had to take a breath to force down his anger. It didn’t work. “But they also need to have friends and enjoy the freedom that comes with their youth. I’ve already told you that Jim should not be trapped in this cage… in this cave all the time… but…” Kanjigar took another breath, the first hints of a snarl rode on the exhale. “But knowing what the future has in store for him. He needs to have time to just be a child even more. The mantle of Trollhunter is a heavy one. Caring for the wellbeing of many is a great burden. You of all people know that.”
He tried to catch the wizard’s gaze but he refused to meet Kanjigar’s eyes. The flame flickering in his chest kindled brighter. He hadn’t felt this way since he found Draal- back when his son was still just a whelp- cornered up against the edge of the tree line by some idiot younglings who thought terrorizing others was fun and who had not yet realized just how small of a slip it took for one to turn to stone.
“Let me take the boy to Trollmarket,” Kanjigar suggested, still trying to be reasonable and keep some semblance of control over his temper. “He’ll be safe there. He’ll be able to play with other younglings and grow up at a normal pace, then when the time comes for… for him to take up my mantle he’ll have had a chance to properly enjoy life first.”
Kanjigar waited for Merlin to reply. The silence stretched out between them. Kanjigar thought the wizard looked older than usual: tired. His shoulders were slumped and lines of tension traced his forehead.
“I said no.” Merlin looked up and met the Trollhunter’s eyes finally. Once again his face was unreadable. “James will not be accepted in Trollmarket. If you are looking for a place where he can be safe and happy and carefree… Well I’m sorry to break your delusion but that will not be it.”
Kanjigar growled and open his mouth to argue. The amulet hummed ominously on his chest in response to his emotions. He knew without trying that it was impossible to remove right now.
“Do you really think the other trolls will notice nothing odd about him?”
Kanjigar paused at his words and Merlin seized on that hesitation and continued.
“You yourself thought he was a changeling. Do you think you are the only one who will come to such a conclusion? The only one to treat him harshly because of it?”
Kanjigar flinched. Jim’s scared face as the Trollhunter had pinned him to the wall reared up in his memory again.
Kanjigar turned away, shame curling around his throat.
“I need to go check on Jim. I will think about what you said.”
He left the wizard, before he did something else he would regret, and hurried back to the small room. Jim was nowhere to be seen but Kanjigar could smell his strange new scent.
“Young Jim,” He said hesitantly.
There was no response.
The Trollhunter moved slowly into the room.
“Jim? Are you there? I am sorry about how I acted. That was wrong of me.”
Still no response.
Kanjigar’s ears pricked. There. He could hear harsh breathing.
It seemed he was still in the blanket pile. Kanjigar carefully lifted the thick downy blanket that was on top of the pile.
Jim flinched when the light hit him and curled into himself. Kanjigar released the blanket, not feeling quite right disturbing the boy, and it fell slightly to the side.
Kanjigar sighed. He crouched down and then stayed there for a moment, unsure of how to go forward.
“Young Jim…”
Kanjigar trailed off and ran a hand over one of his horns. This was all his fault. He had crushed the poor boy into a wall. Threatened him! A simple apology was nowhere near sufficient.
“I’m sorry Jim,” he said anyway to the boy’s back. “I thought you were something else, an enemy, but how I treated you was wrong. I won’t do it again. Can you forgive me? Or at least let me check to make sure you are unharmed.”
The boy didn’t respond but Kanjigar saw that one of his ears was turned back toward him. And wasn’t that a change? Kanjigar fought down the sense of unease that arose at the boy’s strange scent and odd features. This wasn’t the time to deal with that. It wasn’t Jim’s fault.
The boy remained quiet. Eventually Kanjigar did the only thing he could think of and sat down on the ground next to him. Both ears twitched in his direction at that but other than shivering Jim still didn’t move.
Kanjigar waited. If there was anything being Trollhunter had taught him it was patience.
An hour passed. Jim began to move more but seemed determined not to leave his spot. Not while Kanjigar was in the room.
The Trollhunter felt the shame curl tighter around his core. If only he had taken a moment longer to assess the situation. If he had done that Merlin might have arrived before he had hurt Jim and this could have been avoided. In the past he might have, but after the incident with Nomura, Kanjigar had become wary. He couldn’t forget how casually she had dropped her act when it no longer suited her or the burn of her blade on his side. He definitely couldn’t forget how heartbroken Draal had been.
He sighed and ran his hand down his face.
It was then he had realized that his enemies would take advantage of anyone close to him. It was then that he had started working alone. He found himself wondering sometimes if it was the right decision. Draal was angrier these days. He had heard that he was getting into more fights. Blinky had suggested it was because he wanted his father’s attention. Kanjigar wasn’t quite sure what to make of that, but he had made a decision and needed to stick to it.
Kanjigar wrenched his mind away from that painful line of thought and focused his gaze on the wall across the room. It was fairly plain rock at first glance, lightly textured with regular divots that suggested someone had worked on it with a chisel. If one looked close they would notice that thread thin veins of emerald ran through the darker stone. It made sense that Merlin had chosen this place, Kanjigar mused. The wizard’s magic was green and magic tended to be better enhanced by crystals of similar coloring…
His thoughts were broken off by a quiet scraping to his left, he carefully didn’t look.
He wasn’t quite sure what else to say either. He had already apologized; what else did one say to a child that they treated as a spy?
“Do I really look that different?” Jim asked.
Kanjigar looked at him cautiously out of the corner of his eye, making sure he wasn’t going to bolt, before looking at him fully. It was an odd question. He would have expected Jim to ask about the things Kanjigar had said when he was threatening him instead.
He took a moment to study the boy’s changes.
Like his scent, his appearance was now a mix of human and trollish traits. His skin was stoney. Whether that went all the way or was merely on the surface Kanjigar didn’t know. He didn’t particularly care to find out either. His nose was still relatively human, a little flatter and broader than it had been, but human. His ears were longer and freemoving now but his hands had retained five fingers each. Of course there were a few troll species that had five fingers but it was a rarer trait. (One often associated with changelings…) His hair was courser, but still black. Small tusks just barely poked out between his lips.
“Your eyes are the same,” Kanjigar said after a moment.
The boy jolted and then looked up at him. Indeed the rest of him may have changed but those bright blue eyes were the same.
“The rest of you looks different but they haven’t changed at all.”
“Oh,” Jim said and looked away again.
He looked down at his feet a quiet frown playing across his lips.
“Do you think my Mom would recognize me?” He asked quietly.
Kanjigar felt something his chest tighten.
“I don’t know,” He said softly. As much as he wanted to comfort the child he couldn’t lie to him on this. It would only bring pain in the future.
He paused a thought flickering in his mind.
“Does she not know… Was she not informed of your change?”
He hoped Merlin had discussed this with the boy’s parents beforehand, but… well…. The Wizard had shown that he was careless about such things. A lot of heartache could have been avoided if he had told Kanjigar beforehand…
Perhaps he had thought Kanjigar would try to stop him. (Perhaps he was right.)
Jim drew his legs up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them. He pressed his face between them and murmured something that Kanjigar couldn’t quite make out.
“What was that?”
“She wasn’t there,” Jim repeated softly. His voice caught and Kanjigar realized that he was starting to cry. “I went to our house before… when Merlin told me about the potion. I…” He hiccupped and lifted his head a little to wipe at his eyes. “I wanted to see her before… But there were other people there. They said she’d moved… left.”
Jim’s shoulders shook and a slightly louder sob came out of him.
“What if I see her again and she doesn’t know who I am?” He almost wailed. “What if…” He grabbed at his long ears, tugging them down in distress. “What if she’s scared of me or hates me?” His voice dropped to a whisper. “What if she thinks I’m a monster?”
Kanjigar reached out and picked him up. He pulled him to his chest and wrapped his arms around him. For a moment Jim struggled but then the small half-troll pressed his head into Kanjigar’s chest and wailed.
It was a lonely, painful sound. Not quite troll or human.
It made Kanjigar’s chest ache.
He rested his chin on Jim’s head and rocked him gently as the boy cried.
Eventually he quieted and then after a little longer he breathing evened out.
He’d fallen asleep, Kanjigar realized.
He shifted him to a slightly better position and then leaned back against the wall tiredly.
What was he going to do?
He had had his hesitations about Jim being in Merlin’s care but after this…
He meant what he said about wanting to take Jim to Trollmarket. Unfortunately Merlin was right: the other trolls would be hesitant to accept Jim. There was some advantage to the fact that he was young. If he could convince the adult trolls that he was not a changeling they would not harm him… Most likely…
Kanjigar’s status as Trollhunter would certainly provide some protection but even if Jim was safe from the adult trolls…
Kanjigar grimaced. The adult trolls wouldn’t be the only problem. In his experience children tended to pick up on their parents’ prejudices. It was possible Jim wouldn’t be accepted among them either.
That was even without getting into ages.
The troll children who were mentally Jim’s age were already over a century. There were differences in how they approached and understood things as a result.
Not to mention he didn’t know if Jim was going to keep aging at a human rate or slow down…
Kanjigar carefully shifted Jim so he had a free hand to rub his forehead.
“What am I to do with you?” He murmured to the sleeping child.
He didn’t know. He really didn’t know.
Jim shifted in his sleep and made a soft whimper in his throat. His brows drew together and he pressed his face harder against Kanjigar before stilling again.
It wasn’t fair, Kanjigar thought. He had wished –pleaded with the amulet even- that his own son Draal wouldn’t have be forced to bear the burden. He had gotten that wish: but at what cost? This boy didn’t deserve to suffer it either.
He ran a hand through Jim’s hair and promised himself two things.
First: He would live as long as possible. He would make sure that Jim was well into adulthood before he took to mantle of Trollhunter. Kanjigar would fight for his own life as if he was fighting for Jim’s.
And second: He would do everything in his power to make sure that Jim was prepared for when his time came.
Author Notes:
Yeah Jim is going to have some trauma from that...
Chronologically this chapter takes place soon after Chapter 6. If Barbara had waited even a month to move she might have encountered Jim. (Whether that would have ended well or not is hard to say.) We'll get to see what happened with Jim's visit to his old home in another chapter.
Jim is a little different looking from his cannon half-troll form in this AU due to Merlin having much longer to work on the potion. His troll and human traits are a little better balanced. Main differences include: 5 fingers on both hands, his ears are more like Blinky's in shape than elf-like as they are in cannon, and a slightly increased immunity to the sun (I'm still deciding to what extent). There are some other things that will come up later as well.
Something worth noting is that Jim is in many ways what troll imagine changelings look and smell like. Actual changelings switch from fully troll to fully human, but changelings are not frequently interacted with so images get distorted over time. Kanjigar knows this but it escaped his mind in the moment.
I don't recall seeing Kanjigar interact with any changelings in cannon but I have no reason to believe that he would be an exception to the general attitude toward them.
This is the end of this three part arc. I hope you enjoyed it! The next chapter will take place in the present.
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How many Trollhunters are there?
I was thinking about this recently, and came to the conclusion that there haven’t really been that many. 
This was kind of startling, because I just randomly thought there had been a lot?? But, if we go through all the material the show and various books have provided us with, the total number of known Trollhunters comes up to about- *drumroll*- nine!
Yeah. Nine. 
Granted, there may be some more, but you gotta remember Trolls live waaaaay longer than humans, even though Trollhunters are killed pretty quickly in relation to other Trolls’ lifespans. 
Here’s the nine we know of, in no particular order:
- Jim
- Kanjigar the Courageous 
- Deya the Deliverer
- Unkar the Unfortunate
- Gogun the Gentle
- Spar the Spiteful
- Maddrux the Many
- Araknak the Agile
- Tellad-Urr the Terrible 
I want to know who was the first, actually. It wasn’t Deya; she was Kanjigar’s predecessor, and Kanjigar is Jim’s. So who was before her?
Actually, I’m gonna go off on a tangent here. See how nearly all their names/titles are alliterative? The exceptions are Jim, who doesn’t have a title yet, and Kanjigar, whose title starts with C instead of K. BUT, it sounds the same. 
Side note: my bet is that Jim earns the title “Jim/James the Just” (suggested by the comic The Felled) because a) it’s alliterative and b) it’s 100% Jim’s character. 
About the alliteration! I think it has to do with order. If you look at the GummGumms and their titles, such as “Bular the Vicious” or “Gunmar the Skullcrusher”, those titles aren’t alliterative. They’re descriptive, sure, but they lack the order-ness of the Trollhunters’ titles. The Trollhunters represent order, and the GummGumms chaos, which is reflected in the titles they are bestowed. 
Another tangent: now that we have a rough idea of how many Trollhunters there have been, I’ve been wondering who’s been killed by who. We know Kanjigar, Tellad-Urr, and Deya were Felled by Bular, and Gogun died in his sleep (the only Trollhunter to do so), but we also know Angor Rot’s killed a bunch. So who died by whose hand? Who’s souls did Angor consume? I kinda want to know. 
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yokuimmobylen · 2 years
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I think the generator confused him with troll Jim
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bular · 3 years
You 🤝 Me
Unkar the Ultimate stans (yes this is encouragement to talk about him)
I'm answering this super late so sorry for that but!! YES!!!
We need more people on this wagon I mean honestly, Unkar deserves more attention. Merlin fucked him over big time and now he's doomed to eternal afterlife where he gets to watch the new Trollhunters learn about him as the "example of what not to do", BUT if the amulet "makes no mistakes" that means he was MEANT to die on his first night. Which is fucked up??
But it also raises the question of what difference did it make? Unless Merlin was just being a dick for no reason (which, let's face it, we can't rule out), Unkar's death was necessary and I want to know why. I'm still hanging on tightly to the idea that he had his own version of Unbecoming and somehow his terrible fate prevented a huge disaster. That he chose to sacrifice himself and be tortured by Bular before dying slowly and in agony, because somehow if he hadn't, things would have looked a lot worse for the rest of the world.
What I'm saying is, Unkar was a great Trollhunter and he did his job WELL. It's not his fault that the job description is "be the next one Merlin decided needs to die". He was proud to be chosen. He never hesitated. He knew it would lead to his death eventually, sooner or later, and there was not a doubt in his mind that he was ready to give his life to save the world.
And when he went on a solo mission to fight off an entire stronghold of gumm-gumms, you can't tell me he didn't know he was underprepared. He knew. But before Jim, the whole "the Trollhunter works alone" thing was standing strong, so of course he went anyway. It was his job! His purpose! He may have only had the amulet for a few hours, but he had it so who else was gonna do it?
Bottom line is, I have endless respect for Unkar and he is definitely my favorite Trollhunter. Tellad-Urr is close second, but Unkar just hits differently. If his death was necessary, he deserves to at least have his story told right. Premature or not, he died a hero. It's just that no one was there to witness it.
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