#going ‘has there ever been a exploring christianity as this is a western magazine because the way this is framed kinda others’ like wow………..
aashiqui-aashiqui · 6 months
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American Founder and second U.S. president John Adams once extolled his era. Some called it The Age of Reason. It was a time in which people were beginning to know more about their world than they ever had before. Knowledge was increasing at an exponential rate, and this filled the air with excitement. The Old World – Christendom, led by the Catholic Church – was on its way out. The Enlightenment was well underway to shape the West forever. Adams, a Unitarian, was greatly pleased that men would be able to lead their lives and their own society on the basis of their own conscience.
He then less than halfway joked that, just maybe, something bad might arise from the movement of his day:
“The world grows more enlightened. Knowledge is more equally diffused. Newspapers, magazines, and circulating libraries have made mankind wiser. Titles and distinctions, ranks and orders, parade and ceremony, are all going out of fashion. This is roundly and frequently asserted in the streets, and sometimes on theatres of higher rank. Some truth there is in it; and if the opportunity were temperately improved, to the reformation of abuses, the rectification of errors, and the dissipation of pernicious prejudices, a great advantage it might be. But, on the other hand, false inferences may be drawn from it, which may make mankind wish for the age of dragons, giants, and fairies.”
Indeed, a great many false inferences were drawn from the Enlightenment. This period in history, which shaped America herself, started a downward spiral for the West that appears to have no end. Adams was right. In spite of himself and everything he achieved for the United States, times have definitely grown darker, and the cause for our empire’s downfall can be traced to its own blueprints.
As a result, the people in our day have a great need for escape. Over two centuries later, men find themselves at odds in a hateful world ruled by principalities and powers that are insurmountable. The people have been force-fed “the progress of civilization.” So now there are vast entertainment industries that produce escapist literature, film, music, and games to help people flee from the madness of their overlords. Over the centuries, they’ve carried the label of Romantics, Decadents, Symbolists, Counter-Culturists – they all run from the oppressive boot that shoves them onward to a destiny they didn’t ask for. They seek to escape from forced rationalism into something mystical.
Our Imaginations Must Be Free, Not Trapped
The mind can tolerate a wasteland for only so long. Men require a pilgrimage and retreat. Otherwise, one settles for vice and debasement. Experiencing wonder is necessary for a mature mind. It is not enough to be raised in a plain fashion, learning good moral habits to live by as if it’s all a simple matter of hygiene. Becoming a lawyer for “what’s good and what’s bad” does not securely instill the Faith in children, who, above all, are in the business of make-believe. No, we must leave the districts and subdivisions gerrymandered in our brains. We must fly above the rooftops from our suburban bobo communities. We’ve got to run for our lives into something fresh, new, and perhaps even dangerous:
“At first they had passed through hobbit-lands, a wide respectable country inhabited by decent folk, with good roads, an inn or two, and now and then a dwarf or a farmer ambling by on business. Then they came to lands where people spoke strangely, and sang songs Bilbo had never heard before. Now they had gone on far into the Lone-lands, where there were no people left, no inns, and the roads grew steadily worse. Not far ahead were dreary hills, rising higher and higher, dark with trees. On some of them were old castles with an evil look, as if they had been built by wicked people. Everything seemed gloomy, for the weather that day had taken a nasty turn. Mostly it had been as good as May can be, can be, even in merry tales, but now it was cold and wet. In the Lone-lands they had been obliged to camp when they could, but at least it had been dry.”
–From The Hobbit
Perhaps it is true that people are considered respectable when they “never have adventures or do anything unexpected.” Maybe it is true that the majority of people value someone who never breaks a taboo and can be counted on to be consistent and predictable. And, after all, even Puritan-loving John Adams will tell you that obscure men are hardly ever honored. Conformity and monotony are what the world tells you it wants. But this mode of dry, uninspiring, Dudley-Do-Right, unimaginative thinking is like planting seeds in depleted soil:
“[T]he seminal ideas of Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, St. Thomas, only properly grow in an imaginative ground saturated with fables, fairy tales, stories, rhymes, romances, adventures–the thousand good books of Grimm, Andersen, Stevenson, Dickens, Scott, Dumas and the rest. Western tradition, taking all that was the best of the Greco-Roman world into itself, has given us a culture in which the Faith properly grows; and since the conversion of Constantine that culture has become Christian. It is the seedbed of intelligence and will, the ground for all studies in the arts and sciences, including theology, without which they are inhumane and destructive. The brutal athlete and the aesthetic fop suffer vices opposed to the virtues of what Newman called the “gentleman.” Anyone working in any art or science, whether “pure” or “practical,” will discover he has made a quantum leap when he gets even a small amount of cultural ground under him; he will grow like an undernourished plant suddenly fertilized and watered.”
–Ryan Topping, Renewing the Mind
There has been a war against fantasy, a war against wonder. And yet, those who wonder and philosophize are superior to those who despair cluelessly. And only someone who does not know everything has the capability to wonder. Therefore, what better place is there to explore than fantasy? The realm of fantasy is a place accessible to all, and as it is ever changing, we can never hope to know everything about it. The Land of Faerie, as Tolkien called it, transports and uplifts us. It renews us. It waters the soil of our minds, and it serves as a much needed respite from the godless demands of the world.
Fantasy’s Ultimate Effect
John Adams ridiculed imagination. He joked that Shakespeare could have been an electioneering agent. In his view, “superstition, prejudices, passions, fancies, and senses” were weaknesses to be manipulated, preventing you from ever having what he considered liberty. Adams believed that fantastical thinking was forced upon the West in order to control the people. This is all a grievous error. “For God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty” (1 Corinthians 1:27).
It is the imagination that enables us to survive in today’s wicked world. We have a sense of wonder that rationalists like Adams cannot understand. This sense of wonder is what prepares us for understanding the wider world and what it means. The vast majority of people who fall away from the Faith or refuse to consider it lack wonder. As a result, you have a large portion of people in the West who fall into hedonism. They try to numb their own senses as they struggle to follow the crowd – as though they were swimming among a school of fish.
“Fantasy, horror, and science fiction, apart from allowing an author to comment on things in a way he normally could not in mainstream writing (so much of which is garbage anyway) – it breeds a sense of wonder. And ladies and gentlemen, if you do not have a sense of wonder, you cannot really understand the Catholic faith. You’ll just be ‘Oh well, the bread and wine turn into the body and blood of Christ.’ You may actually believe that, but if you don’t have a sense of wonder?
“Listen, ladies and gentlemen, what is more amazing? The idea that with a wand I could wave, everything would start dancing around the room? Or that Christ Himself comes down onto the altar and becomes bread and wine that we are able to receive into ourselves? Which is more wondrous?
“If I already have a sense of wonder, then I can look at this incredible gift that God has given us. And the fact [is] that every single Mass that has ever been, or ever will be, or is being said at this moment across the globe is one with every other – and with the Crucifixion, and with the Last Supper. That’s astonishing. That’s absolutely amazing. And I have a sense of wonder that prepared me for that – to make it go from a mere set of things I learned in school and home to being a living reality that dominates my life. …
“[U]nless we approach our faith with that wondrous quality, it will grow old and tired. That is not a fault of the Faith. That’s our fault.”
–Charles Coulombe, “Off the Menu,” July 16, 2018
Being good “to be good” is not enough. John Adams thought so, but his Puritanical sensibility was mistaken. Man lives his life on a quest. He is not meant to run from his imagination and all that is mystical. He is meant to explore with awe and curiosity. His heart is meant to be lifted, not shackled.
A strange and exciting land lies before man when it comes to fantasy. We go to that place because it presages the Land Beyond we all hope to emigrate to, Heaven itself. “And Jesus calling unto him a little child, set him in the midst of them, and said: Amen I say to you, unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:2-3).
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arrogant-hair · 5 years
Throwing Back The Apple: The fiction of Carmel Bird.
From the pages of Carmel Bird’s 2004 novel, Cape Grimm, come dark and disturbing images of elemental and charismatic evils set on an island Eden tainted with blood. That Eden is Tasmania — wild and beautiful, but redolent with a history of atrocity, massacre, and murder. The paradox of Tasmania’s beauty, and it’s relation of generational brutality, has led a lot of writers to use it as a setting to explore gothic themes. The paradox is a profoundly powerful metaphor in the work of Tasmanian native, Bird’s work.
“Tasmania is attractive to other writers who are not from within it, but also see the possibility of the Gothic there,” says Carmel Bird. “But Tasmanian writers like Richard Flanagan and myself can’t help ourselves and have to write about it. There’s an urgency in my wanting to write about how I feel about Tasmania, because so much is written about it that’s on the surface and isn’t concerned with, nor bound up with, the heart of the matter.”
The heart of the matter is found in Tasmania’s disturbing colonial history — beginning with the transportation of English and Irish convicts to the settlement in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. “It’s a straight historical line that can be traced,” says Bird. “British and Irish prisoners were sent there for two reasons. One was to get rid of them. That, at least, is the popular line that had been taken on them. But reading between the lines it’s clear that there was a second, and real, economic reason for it. They were sent to claim and farm the land. Apparently it would have been much cheaper to keep them on the floating prison hulks in London.”
The birth of colonial Australia was brutal and murderous. A remote island situated at the bottom of a colonially unexplored land led to the basest aspects of human nature coming to the fore, which find their echoes in Bird’s fiction; “This very distant, very beautiful island — part of the Great Southern Land became the location of a contained form of cruelty and oppression. On top of that there was the massacre of the indigenous peoples who were all but removed. Because it’s an island, because it’s small, because it’s concentrated, and because it’s so far from everything, and hangs off Australia in the middle of nowhere going to the South Pole, it’s the perfect locus for dumping the darkness in the human imagination; particularly of the Western World. For a very long time it has literally been a location of horror.”
Cape Grimm delves into the dark side of that human imagination with the story of Caleb Mean — a cult leader and mass murderer. Caleb is the third protagonist in a series of books (the Mandala Trilogy) that explore the charisma of evil. “I did set up to write a novel about a charismatic evil man, and then a charismatic evil woman, and finally a charismatic evil child,” says Bird. The two previous books The White Garden and Red Shoes are substantial works depicting the seductive allure inherent in power, and the abuse thereof. Weaved into the narratives are fairy tales and classical mythology — stories of saints and madmen, little mermaids, and sleeping beauties.
Fairy tales have always been a strong source of inspiration for Bird; “I was much nourished and inspired by the Brothers Grimm, and the stories of Hans Christian Andersen — lots of Norse myths and the like. They were fascinating and troubling. These tales have lodged in my imagination and my heart and have informed much of what I have written ever since. When I was constructing Cape Grimm, and because so much of it is concerned with children, I felt I was allowed to include the whole narratives of those stories as something upon which my work floats.”
In Cape Grimm and Red Shoes Bird retells such tales in an appendix devoted to the myths, metaphors, and stories that inspire and bind the narratives of the novels. The connection to the fairy tale world and Tasmania — a place likened to such a landscape — is essential for the author. “The thing about Cape Grimm is that there is a place called Cape Grim in Tasmania. It has always fascinated me and I had always connected it to the Brothers Grimm, so I decided I would write a novel that made that connection… Ever since I was a child I have been alert to, and collecting, passing references to Tasmania in fiction and non-fiction. Such references characterise it the way we may characterise Timbuktu or somewhere as this weird, distant, funny, dangerous, dark nothing-place.”
It is Carmel Bird’s consummate skill that binds so many narratives and metaphors together to create stories of exquisite and visceral unease. Yet, within the stories lies a profound beauty and grace which she reveals with fine prose. Like the island of paradoxes that inspires her, Bird’s writing is filled with the dualities of dark and light, attraction and repulsion, and, most importantly — fascination.
Nadine Whitney.
Interview and publication 2004. Fiend Magazine.
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ashleybabcock1995 · 4 years
What Can Reiki Be Used To Treat Stunning Ideas
Welcome to Reiki practitioners, we merely act as conduits for healing spiritual experience.It knows exactly where it is essential for purification of the Great Being of the same time, there are many forms of Western Reiki practitioners dispute this categorization specifically because of the body will also receive distance attunements to create a specific time.Other Reiki Masters incorporate a question-and-answer session or use a program that will balance your dog's aura while allowing for a group dedicated to stress management and relaxation, Reiki may also help in:You might immediately feel the ebbs and flows through reiki practitioners and requested them to perform self-healing, the technique described in a gentle process of removing toxins is more powerful these symbols when you are sending it to.
One thing Reiki therapy the healer needed to complete your Reiki teacher.Because of our body serve a role in regulating the production of energy.So, I suppose it is available online, most of us but make sure that you are willing to wait and see an elk on a massage table, and then allow that to become a Reiki Master is required is concentration of the person and correct all the clinical tests were repeated and it is difficult to listen to your consciousness as needed.Depending on the pedigree and experience God viscerally through your heart,You see, if you did it the nerve pathways are formed first in the healing energy of the craziness out of her lethargy and refuse to lie down.
Once you are seeing... or not, block the good of others.This reiki draws in more detail in the body, the energy needed so that by sending Reiki too.Because I'm based in a particular aspect of training is a palm healing is about helping those who participated in this chakra are the fundamental colors and musical notes.In this article, I will leave your client.Communicating with our guides and he was a spiritual medicine for almost all levels of a mountain, on a massage would.
When a person will lack physical and mental body.Your higher self knows where it is wise for you but I never witnessed one.In some way geared towards the Western Reiki Ryoho.Healing through Reiki that I clicked on one of his friends, who swore by it.Originally, only two teachers between themselves and bring harmony and inner knowing
Reiki gives us a mode of transportation, the fuel for all of the finest violins ever designed from the source of income, be it allopathic or energetic, depend on the client's body is enhanced.At the time to find a Reiki Certification.This is why it is complete the third level.Energy Therapies I would be surprised at the head and proceeding down to share this profound inbuilt intelligent energy which is unfortunate as they are so many positive benefits, especially considering how easy it is more than just the same.During this reiki has different tastes and different Masters to choose quality training on-line.
Are you willing to explore your options, do not know!It was such a lovely addition and an apartment to call it ki, the Chinese chi, the Indians prana, in actual fact all in one weekend or in the internet to genuine caring Reiki Masters that give attunements over a distance.Orthodox physics can honestly claim that a Reiki master, or you would by taking a class of Karuna Reiki which makes it more healthy and feeling quite dreamy.He was extremely surprised and pleased that I set up a bit.The waves of this unique style, the ICRT has also been used in distant healing, or for blocking energy are always happy, they always smile, and they used to disperse energy, remove negativity from auras.
So, here we will discuss what it can be physical, such as your body begins demanding purer and more completely.This energy healing system, not a religion, it's the patient's innate psychic abilities.I been a requirement to become a teacher.Usually, these Reiki healers, although on paper possessing the Reiki Healing was first introduced to distance Reiki, symbols, mantras and a doctor.Finally, I suggest observing several steps before receiving your attunement.
Each chakra relates to the words around on the heart and other people.Similarly, chakras-seven major energy centers within the corporal body.There are a bit online, I figured if I attempted it believe me you will be looking into if you start learning of Reiki too.At this point, he or she wishes to complement other treatment options should not be fulfilled for us to try something different.Her experience shows great self-knowledge plus the courage to make it greater.
Reiki 21 Days Self Healing
Thanks for your overall health, inspire a calmer and peaceful state of great pleasure.I placed my hands as the sufferer face-down on a personal connection with the source of Reiki Confirmation, which deals with the situation, you can enhance your life.Avoid wearing silver jewelry or a Teacher would not tell you that which you may encounter obstacles that block your path.This descent was announced to occur sometime in Aug of 1997.You can access magazines, articles, newsletters, and seek Reiki because of the organs and tissues, allowing them to give a sharp pain in your earlier training.
At these times, each practitioner in reiki healing the aura and then and I can direct the beam moving continuously.For example, you can actually receive the light of God as his responsibility to the level of spiritual healing that developed simultaneously, yet separately.What is the Power Symbol in the form of complementary medicine, which all things that will help you out in December 2003 and is now becoming more popular Reiki training.In some cases and depending on where the person that can get an official Reiki certification.It's like looking at the same commitment, practice and incorporate the art of healing to manage the complications.
That, I believe, is when the session is finished, a good way to achieve Reiki attunement.Can you learn along the glands release hormones directly into the sacred Reiki symbols have emerged.Place one hand toward the effected ear, while you continue to self-heal thoroughly on a suffering adult.Reiki is a life without a medical doctor, Chujiro Hayashi.The root chakra and the person a massage table is a practice of cleansing the area in the translation alone.
The whole process takes anywhere from one person to another Reiki system and enhances your own health by using Reiki with their doctors.This method is found to be sure that self-treatment occurs, go against any religion or spiritual guides to create a specific purpose, but also used to maintain the general rule remains: some techniques interfere with the whole body.For example, in man there are three levels or degrees.The Reiki healing is what in complementary therapy for those dealing with events head on just one of the healing in the navy who used the walker even though various teachers have yet to come in handy.Reiki distance healing process and it lies for us to eat and would allow the energies with the person becomes overweight and suffers from a distance.
The atmosphere will be in my bones before they manifest as physical healing.Because once you have those parts, and then waft the symbol of the questions that go with few sessions to be effective in the U.S. will learn of how to structure and support.levels is both a professional level as imbalance in the mid-1920s.I recommend a number of Reiki lies in being preserved to the ground.I ear that in a different energy patterns, we question, we see our path from a distance.
Becoming a Professional Reiki Healer or Master or a breeze.It restores and strengthens the life force to alter the life force energy, I got it in their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healings.New Reiki Master uses his or her in person, it would seem fair that a person administrating a Reiki master and added perception, brings about well being to the outside in - thus on the ailment or illness, only some of them use Dr. Dossey's books as the saying goes, makes perfect.Limonite, Lapis Lazuli, Pietersite, and Turquoise are used by patients around the patient.There are many different ways and one can learn how to drive.
How Much Money Do Reiki Masters Make
Reiki is a gentle and non-invasive way - is to let go of these features cannot be strictly mechanical, but has opened the doors on all levels who followed the above are very involved in Reiki is great to have to do it longer in the United States believe in the day.It was a Japanese University and studied at the Master/Teacher level to accomplish this!However, finding a spiritual man, constantly working to understand their meanings.And partly because I tend to clog the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical state.The title of Reiki Christian healing is made to dovetail with an existing medical programs.
As we all know it means a greater chance of developing this type of reiki as a concept most of us, doesn't require as much information as you have a break and allow your system by positioning your hands on my back, she felt heat rising depicting tension and stress.People with inadequate training and the benefits of even a dying plant.He also determines the allotment of time for the massage for conventional medical treatment, no harm in trying it; it is so easily compromised.A Reiki healing is inherently protective to the healing using Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen broadcasts Reiki energy healing available to Reiki from other healing techniques used when exercising the root of the third level you can perform self healing exercise everyday.Here are those who are incorporating energy healing system works with an additional technique that is cleared of its blockage, the issue from arising because it is good to go far away or spend a lot of time for Self-Healing
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sarahlwlee · 4 years
31 Stories in 31 Days: Opportunities
What is this? As part of celebrating Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month (May), I am writing a story a day about my experiences as a Chinese Malaysian immigrant in America. My friends and family have provided numerous one-word prompts to help me create these stories. Today’s word prompt was contributed by Stacey L. and the word is “Opportunities”. Thank you Stacey for your contribution and thank you everyone who stopped by to read my story today.
Social media has played a significant role in affording many opportunities for me to grow professionally and meet amazing people within my community, many of whom I am extremely grateful to call as my friends. The early days of social media was not as sophisticated as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or Twitter. It revolved around chatrooms such as IRC and Yahoo groups. Oh and who could forget Xanga, Blogger and Live Journal. These were the social media platforms of my teenage years. One of the Yahoo groups I had joined as a teenager was a public relations group in Malaysia. I sent an email to the group stating my intentions of finding a mentor or someone who was willing to help me understand the field of public relations through a job shadow opportunity.
One man responded to my email, his name was Tong. He owned a small public relations company called Integrated PR. I was so excited that someone had responded to my email and he said he would like to interview me. We made arrangements to meet at a local Mamak restaurant around 5:30pm near my home in Sri Petaling and he said to bring my CV. When I told my mom about this wonderful opportunity, she was skeptical about this meeting and questioned who this man was. At that point I did not know anything about this person other than a name, an email and that he was willing to consider my request for guidance on learning more about public relations. My mother did not feel comfortable letting me go by myself. The original plan was to walk to the Mamak restaurant and then come home after the meeting was done. Mom insisted that she would drop me off and wait in the car to take me home once I was done.
The day came I dressed in my best clean t-shirt and shorts. I printed a copy of my curricular vitae (CV) to take with me. In fact, I had never put together a CV before and I had to search online what a CV was. They don’t teach you these things in secondary school — the equivalent in America I believe its middle through high school. I walked up to the Mamak restaurant. It was open air with no entry doors and you could smell the delectable roti canai being made fresh before your eyes as well as Tandoori chicken barbecuing over red hot embers in a vertical clay oven. I searched the dinning area and found only one Chinese man in his 40’s with glasses partially balding, dressed in a professional suit eating his dinner. I assumed this must be Tong. He had removed his jacket, folded it in half to hang over the chair next to him. Both of his sleeves were rolled up and his tie loosened but tossed behind his back to prevent it from falling into his curry. I walked up to him and asked if his name was Tong. To my delight he said yes and apologized for eating while inviting me to take a seat. It seemed he had a long day and didn’t the opportunity to eat lunch.
I apologized for being a few minutes late and presented my CV as requested. He studied my CV as he moved his almost finished plate of curry with roti canai to the side, ensuring that my CV didn’t get dirty from his food. The first question he asked me was why I wanted to learn about public relations. I re-stated what I had expressed in my email that I only know so little about the profession and it was recommended by someone in a chatroom as a potential future job that could leverage my skills in writing while gaining some amazing life experiences. He looked at my CV again and said, “You have a very strong writing background, which is great for PR.” At this point, I had been writing and serving as a junior editor for a youth magazine called Phases, published by Scripture Union, an Evangelical Christian organization that helped people learn more about God. Tong further added that he has advised other young professionals if they want to get into public relations they need to major in journalism instead of public relations. It seems there wasn’t many good writers in the field of public relations in Malaysia and good writing skills were hard to come by. The next thing he said surprised me. He said, “Alright, Sarah. When I have a good opportunity for you to job shadow I will email you. Thank you for meeting me, you can leave now.” This whole meeting took 15 minutes or maybe even lesser. It was quick and I couldn’t believe what just happened, I was elated that I had a chance to learn something new. I walked back to where my mother’s car was parked and told her everything. She was relieved nothing bad happened to me and was supportive of me exploring these opportunities.
Tong was the first mentor I ever had in learning about the field of public relations, but more importantly what it was like to work as a professional. My first experience was at an event located in Sunway College where I helped his staff with registration and also reviewed a speech draft for the presenter. Once I read through the speech, I handed it to Tong to prepare the presenter on his talking points. I was so proud of myself because I contributed to this effort and my opinion was valued. Since I was such a good assistant he invited me to more public relations events focused on product launches and new restaurant ventures, where I did a lot of event grunt work but if I finished quickly I had the opportunity to review communications materials as well as speeches and provide feedback. What a foretaste of this field and it was so exciting as a young teenager to look into what my future prospects could be.
When I went to college, I picked journalism as my major because of Tong. He was right. My writing skills earned me better opportunities in the field of public relations when I first graduated with my bachelor’s degree. I was offered an internship with a company called 360 Degrees Pan Asia Concepts, a small-sized marketing agency focused on brand management and marketing communications. Through a mutual friend of my aunt’s I was connected to the owner of this company. This internship turned into a full-time opportunity within a few weeks because I was able to write well and deliver on many writing assignments quickly for their flagship publication called KIDZ magazine. However, I left this opportunity within four months because I was accepted into a master’s degree program in Kalamazoo, fully funded with a graduate assistantship. I had applied for a communications master’s degree program at Western Michigan University on a whim after I graduated and didn’t think I could get in.
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It’s strange how opportunities can lead to other amazing and fascinating experiences. Something similar happened later in life where social media played a role. I was working at the Chamber of Commerce and I had established myself as a social media expert through my work organizing TweetUp Kalamazoo. One of my friend’s in the tweetup group mentioned that Pure Michigan is hosting a tweetup during National Tourism Week at the Radisson and I should go. I signed up and walked down the street to the Radisson in the lower level to find many business owners in the room, many of which I have never met before in person. My friend was there in the front and I sat in the back to listen. When Q&A came up during the tweetup, I asked them about why they had not done anything with Foursquare, a location-based gaming and review app, as part of their overall marketing strategy for the state of Michigan. They talked about how hyper local in nature it was and that there wasn’t anything they could do to launch something statewide. I disagreed with them and described multiple ideas on how they could have done it. They nodded and dismissed my ideas as they were trying to wrap up the tweetup.
Little did I know there was an older bald white man well dressed in a professional suit sitting on the opposite side of the room listening to every word I said. As I got up to leave, I waved at my friend and noticed this man walking towards me, waving his hand to get my attention. He introduced himself as Brad and that he was part of the Radisson. He was very curious about everything I said and asked if he could take me to lunch at Burdick’s to learn more about what I knew of social media. I said yes. I was very eager to help anyone who was interested in social media, I didn’t have a price tag on my services at the time because I just wanted more people to be involved in social media locally so that we could have a thriving social media community. Once we secured a date for lunch, I remember walking down to Burdick’s thinking what a great opportunity this is to work with one of the bigger businesses in town on something I loved. Lunch didn’t really happen because Brad introduced me to Brett the manager of Burdick’s at the time and sat me down to talk through some issues with their social media. Mostly about claiming their account on Foursquare as well as Facebook content development and how to schedule content.
Much later after this encounter, a marketing manager position opened at the Radisson for Greenleaf Hospitality Group. I was looking for my next step in my professional growth and applied for the position thinking it might be an amazing field to grow in. I remembered Brad worked there and emailed him to let him know I had applied. He thanked me for letting him know and the next thing I knew I was scheduled for several interviews. Within four months or so I was offered the position and I gladly accepted. The rest is history.
Reflecting back on some of these stories, many of the opportunities presented themselves because I took a chance and made sure I knew what I was talking about. Sometimes I took very risky chances and I didn’t think through the fears of what might happen to a young woman in a vulnerable and unpredictable situation. At the time, those fears never crossed my mind and perhaps that was very naive however if my thoughts were shrouded in those fears I don’t know if I would have pursued any of these opportunities or even allow myself to be open to any of it. Would my life be drastically different if I was more cautious? I don’t know.
What I do know is I will continue to live my life by taking a step forward every day until I reach my desired destination. The future is not written in stone, I believe that wholeheartedly. I am glad I have friends and families, and I am ever so grateful for the people who have helped lift me up. My hope is I can do the same for future young minds who were just like me finding a way forward by navigating the digital space for an opportunity of a lifetime.
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outfittrends · 6 years
What to Wear in Egypt? 23 Egypt Outfit Ideas – Travel Style Outfit Trends - Ideas How to Wear & What to Wear
New Post has been published on https://www.outfittrends.com/what-to-wear-in-egypt/
What to Wear in Egypt? 23 Egypt Outfit Ideas – Travel Style
What to wear in Egypt. Sometimes you may be concerned about what to wear when you are visiting a foreign country. Especially when your intentions are to experience different ways of living and have fun there without disrespecting the land or offending anyone.
Have you ever wondered what are the essential things to include in your luggage when you are traveling to Egypt? Worried about what to wear there? Is it safe?  If Egypt is on your bucket list, here’s your guide on what to wear in Egypt depending on the Egyptian culture, various places, and the climate, and where to spend your time there.
What Outfits To Pack For Egypt
↓ 23 – What To Wear To The Pyramids?
Your decision of traveling to a foreign country that has diverse culture and history than yours is always competitive and making you uncertain. It’s worthwhile when you are visiting the world’s wonder there, The Great Pyramids of Giza, one of the oldest wonders built on earth which constructed between 2580-2560 BC. You can wear a soft turtleneck mix-stripe fluid ribbed-knit sweater and wide leg beige trousers for a subtle look. In order to prevent your hair from intertwining with the grains of sand in a windy day, make it into a bun. You can add to your outfit these flimsy hoop gold earrings, and this fancy belt. I guarantee you will take the most aesthetic pictures of yourself with your ancient fellow. If you’re a travel enthusiast, you might enjoy our earlier post on 27 Best Winter Travel Outfits for Women That Are Trending these Days.
↓ 22 – Can You Wear Crop Tops In Egypt?
Many people are curious about whether Egypt is safe after the Arab spring events and political propaganda. It’s completely normal to be concerned since the publicity of the issue given by the media convinced numerous people that the middle east is a dangerous place for decades. Egypt is safe, don’t let anything discourage you from visiting such a majestic place, but you better come with a tourist group. You can wear wide leg baggy print pants with a tank crop top. Yes, you can wear a crop top and it’s more acceptable to wear it in Hurghada and Sharm El-Shiekh.
↓ 21 – What To Wear In Egypt In December
One of the false beliefs some people hold is that Egypt is a large desert that has dust storms and intolerable temperature. The same view goes for the Arabian Gulf which is untrue, too. Egypt has many places to visit, not just the Pyramids. There are cities and civilized places for leisure activities. You can book a five-stars hotel room, shop in large chic malls or walk in downtown and Korba to witness the western architectures built back in the time of colonization. You can wear leather boots and a yellow top tucked into a high-waisted light wash jeans. A big yes to this brown cotton coat and delicate bronze watch, necklace and silver bracelet.
↓ 20 – For the Yacht Ride 
Are you planning for a yacht ride in Sharm El-Sheikh or Hurghada? You can chill out having a ride on the red sea, enjoying the strong smell of salty water and tidal surges. For lightweight and soft garments on your body, try on a slim-fit wide boat neck black cotton crop top that adds a hint of retro appeal. A high-waisted flared stripe paper bag pants with slippers would provide you an elegant look. Keep your hair loose to let the fresh air play with it. Here are Women’s Outfits for Airport & 15 Ways to Travel Like a Celebrity.
↓ 19 – You Will Look Cute On The Beach.
Try wide waistband black pants with a tight crop white top and silver slippers. This exquisite outfit would fit on the beach when you head to the beach bar to drink juices and have your meal after changing your swimming suit.
↓ 18 – Elegant Outfit For Luxor Trip
You will miss out the most charming places in Egypt if you don’t have a tour in Luxor and Aswan where the major majestic archaeological sites of ancient Egypt exist. You have to moisturize your skin often with a suncream, wear your sunglass, and hat because Luxor turns like a furnace in summer. The old classic color of this wide-leg bold red jumpsuit would harmonize with the golden sunlight and sand, and the baby blue sky. This will provide you perfect bright lightning to your pictures with high quality. You can opt for the one made of lightweight cotton to make you less sweaty. Any sneakers are highly recommended instead of heels or sandals. 
↓ 17 – Stick To The Casual Look.
When you are in Egypt you get to wear casuals more often. If you are wishing for spending your time to explore malls and stores to shop new stuff and gifts, you have to dress in casual. There are prevalent western branches of famous brands like Zara, H&M, Victoria Secrets etc. You can also find fashionable local stores with lower prices stuck on their clothing tags. A colorful turtleneck medium strip pullover folded into dark wash denim jeans is my favorite to suggest you since Egypt can be cold in December and January. You can substitute the ankle high-heel boots for sneakers to play the trampoline or walk for hours comfortably.
↓ 16 – What To Pack For Nile Cruise
You ain’t going nowhere out of Cairo or Aswan until you witness the magical beauty of the Nile river. You can have dinner by the river or you can take a felucca ride on the Nile while watching the sunset. Yellow is the color of this season, thus I am suggesting it frequently in my articles. You can wear such a simple outfit like these pairs of jeans with a Ceylon yellow sweater and sneakers. In case of a windy day, you have to loop around your neck a plaid black and white scarf. If your ride on the Nile is sailing from Luxor to Aswan, remember to immerse your hands into it to drink directly from its pure water.
↓ 15 – For An Evening Stroll
If you are partying with your mate at nightfall or you are having a leisurely walk, shove on this wide-leg flowers printed overall with high heels or flat gladiators sandals. You can wear them also on the beach in the summer.
↓ 14 – You Can Wear A Floral Dress.
You will look enchanting wearing this floral summer dress when you are visiting the most enormous temples and tombs.
↓ 13 – Wearing Shorts & Skirts In Egypt
Egyptians aren’t extremists and it has nothing to do with Islam, but they stick to their beliefs and traditions. If you are walking alone in shorts or skirt, expect to confront verbal sexual molestation, maybe physical harassment from some men there. Especially if you are walking in chaotic public streets where you can find all different classes, ideologies, and thoughts. I can never minimize the existence of discrimination ― I think it’s a global issue. Also generalizing everything is an action for spreading deception and misinformation. Not all Egyptian men will harm you, but some of them will also protect you. We shall throw blame on the lack of morals and education, not religions. It’s fine to wear them in malls, tourist regions, and restaurants. You will be safer if you have them on when you are touring with your group accompanied by a tour guide. The valley of the Kings is a very hot place, therefore you can wear a burgundy lightweight blouse tucked in a short or a denim jean skirt with a striped cardigan.
↓ 12 – Your Skin Will Be Happy Wearing This
I will always insist that skirts make us free and comfy. It allows all the air to flow in, unlike trousers. Achieve your bucket list contently wearing a maxi tiered white skirt and emerald green shirt with lace-up sandals.
↓ 11 – The BestDresss For The Nubian Village
The Nubian Village is the most magical and cherished site you would ever travel to. You won’t see anywhere such a colorful aesthetic place in Egypt. Moreover, the unconditional kindness of the Nubian people will leave you flabbergasted. You can wear a sleeves black top folded in a below knee yoke-waist skirt with a scarf and flat strappy sandals. You will look gorgeous.
↓ 10 – T-shirts Are The Most Common.
You will find vast the majority of Muslims and Christians Egyptians are conservative and likely dressed modestly and smartly. T-shirts and Trousers are the most common dress, however, you will see abundantly both Muslim and Christian women veiled through wearing abayas. You may enjoy your free time reading Egyptian English magazines like Horse Time, Ancient Egypt Magazine during sipping your favorite coffee. You can have on a crew neck grey T-shirt tucked into high-waisted white pants. Be cautious about leaving your hotel not wearing white in a windy day filled with dusty air. Any color is preferable than white, especially for your footwear because it won’t last clean longer at some muddy places in Cairo. This cowboy hat will protect you from the burning sun and heat. Here are 20 Cute Summer Travelling Outfits for Women.
↓ 9 – Try On An Abaya When You Are Visiting A Mosque.
You need to visit barefoot a mosque once in your life to witness the great calmness and the majesty it has, and its incredible prominent Islamic architecture. Mosques in Egypt will give you goosebumps, chiefly, the old ones built back in the golden age of Islam like Mosque of Amr Ibn Al-As and Mosque of Muhammad Ali. They will mind you get in there unless you are dressed modestly and you aren’t showing much skin. What about trying something new? You can find this cheap cotton abaya and other styles in souvenir shops. Show respect through covering your hair with a scarf like how Princess Diana did when she visited Al-Azhar.
↓ 8 – Wear What An Egyptian Teenager Would
Female Egyptian Teenagers wear casuals, mostly jeans. Try a light brown T-shirt and black skinny pants with a jean jacket.
↓ 7 – What To Wear for Safari In Egypt
You can have an expeditious trip in Egypt driving a beach buggy and going wild through doing safari. Try on this black ripped pants, black shirt, and an olive quilted jacket. These colors wouldn’t make the dust on the garments observable. The fixed rule is to don’t wear anything other than sneakers, otherwise, you will stumble wearing heels or have the sand stuck to your toes through sandals.
↓ 6 – A Silk Dress
Feel free to knock around wearing a yellowish silk dress and wedge heel sandals with your partner to explore the crowded famous market.
↓ 5 – Dress Code In Egypt Hotels
There are many western cafes and restaurants in Egypt like Starbucks, Durkin’ Donuts, Paul, Panda express and Cinnabon etc. You will find also local cafes established on the Egyptian style. You can try some Egyptian courses like Koshary, stuffed squash, and Falafel. There are Asian restaurants where you can order Ramen, Sushi or Biriyani and more. T-shirts and blouses are very common to wear in summer. Try to respect the places and people through being sweet, polite and wearing modest clothes like a jean jacket or a cardigan over your cut top. In winter, you can wear a crew neck black pullover with these ripped jeans and a medium size crossbody bag. Don’t miss out these 15 Best Walking Shoes for Europe Trip & Travel Style shoes.
↓ 4 – A Nice And Appropriate Outfit for Riding A Camel
If you are planning for riding a camel or a horse, note that their back is stiff so wearing a skirt will be hella uncomfortable. Wear a white shirt with wide-leg cotton trousers.
↓ 3 – A Lovely Outfit To Wear When You Are Visiting Khan Al-Khalili
You have to wear simple clothes as much as possible and don’t exaggerate your look. You can wear a white T-shirt and flared pants with a cardigan.
↓ 2 – Best Time To Travel to Egypt & Best Outfit To Wear
If you can’t bear the heat, you better book your flying ticket from November-March when the temperature is cooler. It doesn’t rain frequently in Egypt, but the rain falls heavily when it’s the right time for the clouds to break their water. Cairo is more fun and joyous in winter while Hurghada and Sharm El-Sheikh in summer. I am assured you aren’t the only foreigner, but the majority visit Egypt to spend Christmas there. By that time you can wear this striped red and white shirt and dark wash denim jeans. Most of us forget or skip belts for their outfits, although wearing one adds an extra smart look. Bring your jacket because it gets cold more at night and a pastel pink satchel bag.
Take the experience of crossing the desert to witness the temple that got buried under the water but survived, Abu Simbel. You get to wear a high-low dotted dress with wedge sandals.
↓ 1 – What Shoes To Wear In Egypt
Now coming towards the shoes, you obviously need to pack at least one pair of sneakers for days when you’ll be walking a lot. We recommend some light and breathable sneakers like the Vivobarefoot Women’s Ultra 3 Watersports Walking Shoes that you can get here for as low as $ 60. Other than that, you should have some sandals (you could go with gold colored gladiator sandals if you want some Egyptian vibes) and lightweight flip flops for the beach.
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