#going from 18-21ish person
likeshipsonthesea · 4 months
i know we've gotten eddie's side of things by virtue of him being a main character and shannon being a character in his story, but please for a second can we remember that before shannon's frontal lobe was finished developing she got pregnant, got married, lost her partner to the army without warning, went through a traumatizing birth, had her son diagnosed with cp, and had to deal with all of this in an in-law environment that was Less Than Ideal without a support system of her own separate from her husband
and then her mother got CANCER and was dying alone in another state and when shannon told her husband she wanted to move closer to her to take care of her he had the audacity to ask for TIME when her mother was DYING
and THEN after she made a horribly painful choice to leave her son so she could spend her mother's last months with her she finds out her husband moved to the very city she begged for them to move to bc of a job he could literally have Anywhere
shannon made some questionable choices i'm not saying she didn't but bestie no WONDER she wanted a divorce. the man she married was a stranger and the few concrete things she knew about him by s2 were not conducive to love. eddie was and is a great father but he was genuinely a horrible husband, and the fact that shannon could recognize that and choose herself is incredible to me.
edit: there is now a follow-up post about eddie
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daz4i · 1 year
wait okay. instead of going to sleep like a normal person. here's how I'd change the ages in bsd (for those that have a canon age), bc no one looks their age/it makes the timeline feel weird, i wanna let at least some major past events breathe a little between one another. possibly controversial takes ahead:
atsushi: i like that he's 18 actually. he looks and feels 16 but no yeah 18 works better. I'd say 20-21 would be nice but that'd reallyyyy throw his backstory's timing off unfortunately
dazai: 25
kunikida: around 27-28
ranpo: 28 also, maybe even 29 (his whole thing is that he looks young for his age anyway)
yosano: 28 as well
tanizaki: like. he does look 18. but also 16 and 21 at the same time. i like him as a bit older than atsushi so let's say 19-20, and naomi as well while we're at it
kenji: why is he 14. it's not that he doesn't look 14 it's that i simply did not expect a child to be the muscle in a detective agency. so please make him like at least 16 which is only just slightly better tbh
kyouka: yeah 14 is chill in her case imo. makes her more tragic 👍
katai: 27-29ish as well
fukuzawa: at least in his 50s. maybe 55ish, or even more. he def looks like it and it fits more with having a son in his 20s
akutagawa: i do want him to be older. but making his age gap with atsushi bigger is weird. so keeping him as a 20 y/o it is, maybe 21 at most
chuuya: 25
kouyou: 30s. early 40s even. she is already so milf coded. finding out she's 26 in canon was straight up offensive i swear. come on.
higuchi: 21
tachihara: 22 or 23 maybe? (the hunting dogs don't have canon ages but i like jouno and tecchou as 26ish so that way he's still like the baby of the group)
hirotsu: how is that man 50. make him 65 at least. jfc. the whole point is he's been with the mafia a long time. ik they keep recruiting teenagers for some reason but give me a break. my dad is pushing 70 and looks younger than him
q: actually my issue with them isn't that they don't look their age (tho they do look a bit younger ig) but that timeline wise?? they're so weird?? why did the mafia have a 6 y/o on deck that's just inconvenient for all parties involved. like i can excuse kyouka at 11ish but come ON. at least make them 10 in fifteen. or just bring them in later bc i just realized the timeline doesn't line up with the dazai and chuuya changes otherwise. man idk
odasaku: girl that man was NOT 23 when he died he should've been like at least 27 then
mori: late 40s or early 50s. keep the few years gap from fukuzawa maybe but he should still be older
ango: 29ish in the current timeline. or even 32. idk why but that number feels right.
francis: 45 at least. how is a 32 y/o man supposed to have a daughter old enough to study abroad...
poe: 29
melville: actually he is the only one aged correctly in this entire manga. bestie 🔥🔥🔥🔥
steinbeck: 24. maybe even older
lucy: 20-21ish. same issue as akutagawa really
louisa: 25 at least please 🙏
nathaniel: 34 maybe.
margaret: also early 30s. how the fuck is she 20. like kouyou this is straight up insulting 😭
mark: ageless for he is the spirit of youth and joy (yeah 22 is chill for him actually. he's like the taylor swift song. he'd love that)
mushitaro: tbh I'd make him more around 29 or even older than 30. like he would be a believable 35 y/o to me if needed.
nikolai: actually him being 26 is chill too. tho i wouldn't mind making him around 28-29ish too since i already aged up most 26 y/os so may as well go all the way.
shibusawa: yeah he can stay 29 too idm. i actually didn't know he had a canon age until now. cool!
i think that's everyone who has a canon age (excluding lns bc i haven't gotten to them yet)? aside from sigma maybe but his age is more of a plot device than a fun fact. and fukuchi is implied to be the same age as fukuzawa so, yeah just make them the same in this case too.
i did mess up the timeline myself with this. so lemme clear it up:
The War and the whole thing with mori and yosano still happened when she was 11, so 17 years before canon. that means mori was still in his 20s back then, no big change
untold origins still happened when ranpo was in his teens, honestly we can keep it 14, so 14 years ago, meaning fukuzawa was in his late 30 or early 40s. again not too big of a change I'd say
fifteen happens when. well. dazai and chuuya are 15. ten years ago. i don't want q there get them out of my sight (for now) let them be a kid for a bit!!!!! but yeah like in canon that means the previous boss's murder was a year before, 11 years ago. also while we're at it, stormbringer is also the same aka a year after 15
now this is where we shake things up just a bit. rather than occuring when dazai is 18, i think we can push the dark era to when he's 20 and still maintain the whole childlike thing he has going on there, it's not that big of a difference imo.
that means, 5 years before canon instead of 4, making akutagawa 15 back then, and ango 27 like odasaku.
also yeah q comes in at some point in the middle between those^ I'd say close to dark era than fifteen.
originally i wanted to make skk 26 but this started stretching things even more. bc now we gotta figure out how long dazai spent in hiding. and ig we can keep it 2 years and just make it so his entrance exam was 3 years before canon. again imo not that big of a stretch 🤔
idk why i said this changes the timeline a lot i think this is p simple. also lets ppl stew in their situation for just a bit longer which i like more.
thank you for reading. you are very brave and strong for pulling through. feel free to disagree with my takes but just be nice about it please. I'm also open to hearing other takes if you have any that i didn't consider 🫡 but again just be nice okay?? 🥹
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brattata · 2 years
Hi!! Can I please request a genshin impact matshup?🙏🏼
I'm a woman (over 18) & my preferred pronouns are she/her. I'd like to be paired with a male character.
For my personality, I'm very reserved & quiet which can give people the wrong impression of me, like I can be seen as someone cold or distant but I just need time to open up.
With my friends & family I'm usually playful & I like teasing, it's my way to show affection.
My love affection is acts of service. I'm not good at expressing myself & my feelings & I think actions speak louder than words so it's the best way for me to show how I care for someone.
For my qualities, I'd say I'm good at giving advices, since I prefer to listen rather than talk, I'm usually the one people come to if they need an advice or just letting things out.
I'm good at keeping my calm under pressure, I'm usually very composed & logical, kind of like the voice of reason. I like keeping my feelings in check & not being overwhelmed by them.
I'm good at adapting, I'm usually resourceful & one step ahead which is helpful.
I'm an organized person, I like when everything is clear so its easier to think & plan.
For my flaws, I'd say I'm too prideful & stubborn which is problematic because I have a hard time saying sorry or admitting that I'm wrong, I'm trying to work on it but it's difficult.
My other flaw is that I have a tendency to put walls to protect myself, to put some distance from anything personal. It can be annoying for my friends/family because it looks like I never share anything personal / private.
For my hobbies :
• Love photography!! One of my favourite thing to do is taking pictures of the nature, landscapes, animals! I can just stop in the middle of the streets if I find something beautiful just to take a picture of it, trying to capture the beauty of it!
• Poetry. Love reading poems & I'm trying to write some sometimes but I'm not good at it so I'm just sticking to reading them.
• Love writing in general, I'm often lost in my own thoughts so writing is a way to let things out, organize my thoughts, reflecting on myself or on certain subjects.
• Love cooking & baking, especially for my family. It makes me happy to see them appreciate my food!
• I'd like to travel the world, I didn't had the opportunity yet but I hope it will happen in the future.
My dislikes/ relationships deal-breaker :
× Clingy people. I need my space & I can be easily annoyed if someone doesn't respect it. It's the best way to make me snap even of I'm usually patient.
× Loud people, someone who is too extravagant & like the attention on themselves.
× I'm not very fond of public display of affection, it has to be minimal or discreet (like holding hands, little kiss on the forehead ect... ) so if someone if all over me or too open with PDA I'm uncomfortable.
× Hate loud & crowd places. They make me uncomfortable & anxious.
× Hate alcohol, the taste or even just the taste of it.
My 3 letters for the fluff alphabet are J, K & O.
I hope I said everything I needed to! Thanks in advance & thanks for taking the time to do it of you're doing mine!🤗🙏🏼
Hello, and thanks for joining the event! I'm going to call you ✒️ anon for the masterlist (whenever I get around to updating that 😅).
Reading your info, I almost immediately felt the one for you is...
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Kaedehara Kazuha!
I know his age is vague, but I personally see him as a young adult (like 19-21ish, maybe). You're that cute, quiet couple that a stranger might assume are probably homebodies, but are actually always looking out for the next adventure. You have so many shared interests and personality traits it's easy for you to relate to each other, but also some different strengths that make for a balanced relationship. He's easygoing and spontaneous, a little too much so sometimes, and you help keep him grounded. He's patient, gentle, and good at hearing the words that go unsaid, so he understands you even when you have trouble expressing yourself. He will make you feel loved without feeling smothered, and while he won’t ask for it, he loves it when you take care of him, especially when you cook for him.
J is for Jealousy
Kazuha is definitely not the jealous or possessive type. He has plenty of loved ones close to his heart - both living and in his memories - and he wants you to have that too. He trusts you, and though he would happily stay with you forever, he understands that sometimes feelings change. If you ever tell him that you want to end the relationship, or you're interested in someone else, he'll of course be sad. But he won't be immature or bitter about it, and he'll treasure all your happy moments together.
K is for Kiss
Great kisser! Like, A1, champion, one of the best because he can truly do it all. Gentle "good morning" kisses, sneak attack nose kisses, romantic kisses at sunset, and lest you think he's always soft and/or teasing, he can get hot and heavy too. Jeez, that showdown with the Shogun? 😩 The man has a lot of passion underneath that placid exterior. Your first kiss is aboard the Alcor. It's very early morning, and most of the crew is either still below deck or too busy with their own tasks to notice you two. You're sitting together at the bow of the ship, watching the sunrise juuust starting to spill over the glasslike horizon - well, you're watching the sunrise, and he's watching you, until he finds the perfect moment to ask your permission to kiss you.
O is for On Cloud Nine
He's not the type to go around proclaiming his love from the mountaintops - which, you appreciate - but it is noticeable, especially to his close friends. He just seems a little more connected, a little more grounded, and above all, happy. Not that he was sad before - he's not one to dwell on hurts and regrets - but he radiates this near-constant, quiet joy with life that's turned up compared to how he used to be.
Thanks again for participating, and hope you liked your results!
Reminder: I'm not currently taking matchups, but you can check out my pinned post to see my masterlist and rules for other types of requests.
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anna-ines · 4 years
[ ANNA POTTER. 28. FEMALE. SHE/HER. ] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ 6 YEARS ] and are originally from [ BROOKLYN, NY ]. They are a [ ACUPUNCTURIST ] and in their downtime love [ GARDENING ] and [ POTTERY ]. They look a lot like [ RYAN DESTINY ] and live [ ON REDCLIFF ST ].
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i did it, i brought a third museeeee. here’s anna, she’s actually nOT garbage like the other two, i swear. some basics about anna (tw addiction, tw drug use, tw opioids) 
full name is anna ines potter
she has a twin brother (wanted connection)
originally from brooklyn, ny
she was an athlete all through high school (soccer & lacrosse), had a lot of chronic pain that caused her to struggle even though she was very talented, saw doctors and everything and never found any cause so she ended up starting to use a lot of painkillers, which ended up being the start of a lot of addiction problems for her
moved to LA at 18 to go to UCLA on an athletic scholarship 
she was in college when her addiction got the best of her, she was using painkillers and opioids on an almost daily basis, and when the scope of it was discovered by her coaches, she ended up in rehab at the end of her junior year (when she was 21ish)
through her in-patient rehab treatment and a lot of therapy, she realized that there was a lot of built up anger towards her family and coaches and trainers growing up who never took her pain seriously and just threw pills at her rather than looking for an answer, and has become estranged from her entire family since leaving rehab
wile in rehab, she started managing her pain through acupuncture and other eastern medicine and became very interested in it, and decided to study acupuncture herself
so she finished her undergraduate degree after she completed the 90 day inpatient treatment in rehab, and then moved to silver lake to get the necessary masters degree and acupuncture accreditation!
she lived in oasis while finishing up school and then moved to redcliff street and opened her acupuncture clinic out of the house she bought (so she’s been on redcliff for about 4 years!) 
personality wise ~~~~
super zen
plant momma
little bit of a stoner
otherwise, she’s a sober sister
raging feminist
takes absolutely ZERO bullshit
all about taking care of yourself & listening to your body and mind
believes in the healing power of nature tbh
pinterest board here
connection ideas
friends/teammates/exes from college before she went to rehab
people she knew in brooklyn during her childhood/teens
acupuncturist clients
people she met in rehab for the ~dramz~
stoner friends
friends in general tbh
plant supplier (forcing u into this @remifisher​)
people who have tried to date her and have inevitably gotten annoyed by her endless feminist/political/the businessification of the healthcare industry in america rants or dumped bc she has unnecessarily high standards for everyone (but not like....on her end, but for them to meet on a personal end)
yeeee like this/come at me/whatevs if you wanna plot!
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laundryandtaxes · 5 years
How did you get over your bottom dysphoria? Was it a deliberate process or did it just come with time? Asking as a bottom dysphoric afab person who would like to avoid having to transition
I think it really helped to reframe my idea of what being female meant when it came to my sexuality. For a long time a lot of my bottom dysphoria (which around 18 resulted in a lot of sexual confusion for me as I tried to figure out what kind of bodies and sex I like) stemmed primarily from the fact that I thought being female meant that penetrative sex was just a thing that was always going to be on the board. It didn’t occur to me until I was maybe 20 or 21ish that I could just not ever be penetrated and that made a whole world of difference. It helps a lot to really internalize the idea that being female does not have to mean literally anything about what kind of sex you have except inasmuch as it means you have the body you have. That took me a couple of years to really and truly understand.
But it also helps to think about it in terms of dating as a social thing. Way back when, I not only wished I had a penis but had somehow tricked myself into truly believing that it was a possibility for me to just surgically be modified to have a penis that would look and seem and function like a physical penis- to the best of my knowledge that is literally surgically not possible. But also it isn’t even actually desirable- I date and have dated a lot of people who are only attracted to members of my sex. There are almost certainly millions of women who would love and be attracted to me as I am but with a magical penis attached, but my partner is not one of them, and neither have many of the women I’ve dated. So I think about the fact that actually not only is there nothing wrong with being female, and all the physical things it includes, but there are actively women who are sexually attracted to me partly because of the sex that I am and who otherwise straight up would not be sexually attracted to me. Which. Making major life decisions based on dating is silly, but it’s part of the whole puzzle of a life.
Basically it has helped to reframe my genitalia as not something that LIMITS my sexual activity, because it doesn’t in any meaningful way, and to think of it instead as just a neutral thing that comes along with being female. Also clit pumps are fun. Basically I found that my bottom dysphoria in particular was largely based on what I THOUGHT it meant for my life, and it turns out what I thought it meant was a whole bunch of nonsense. It didn’t go away overnight certainly, but it really helped to just realize, “Oh this doesn’t mean all these things I had assumed it means.”
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robinruns · 5 years
Where I've Been
Fuck. Its been a day. Literally. I was going to make a big post about everything going on from this weekend, so at this point I may as well include yesterday in it too. I feel like I'm burying the lead here, but if I don’t try to type this up in some kind of order, I won't get everything.
Saturday me and Kyle had awesome breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes and before noon headed up to Manitowoc. We went straight to the Wisconsin Maritime Museum, which is where packet pickup was held. I got my bib, shirt, a cowbell, and a free pair of socks! Naturally I chose purple.
Then we went through the museum, which has lots of actual boats, an actual steam engine, attached to a giant prop, and the coolest part, we got to go on a submarine! They have a WWII submarine docked at this place and you can go on and take a tour. The whole thing was so narrow! And they said it was usually like 100° in there. Ugh, the men who were working on those subs were true heroes.
We went back to the hotel after that, grabbed dinner from Noodles and I watched a good portion of Mortal Engines on the shitty wifi. I went to bed about 9:30 and crashed immediately.
I got up pretty easily about 5:00 on Sunday and started getting ready. They had shuttles starting at 6 to the start line and I was on that first shuttle so there was some time just hanging out. I saw there was a 4:50 pace group so I was like ok, I can hang with this guy. The race went well in the first half. I was able to hang with this group really well.
The vast majority of the race you are running right along Lake Michigan and it's just incredible. It's one thing to stand in a spot and be like wow, look at the lake, it's another to run along it for miles and miles and it just goes on and on as far as the eye can see. It feels like the ocean, but you know its not.
The route takes you from Manitowoc to Two Rivers, where you turn around and head back, that's when the group took off when I stopped to go to the bathroom, and I couldn't ever catch up to them. Then it really became a mental game. I think I handled it pretty well, until about mile 18 when I was like I'm hungry. Not oh let me take a shot blok and some Gatorade hungry, like GIVE ME A FUCKING CHEESEBURGER hungry. That's when things became a problem. Oh and then my Dad texted me at mile 20ish and said he was proud of me and I started crying, and then at 21ish my Garmin died. Fully charged I will note.
But I think being able to see Manitowoc in the distance really helped, I could see I was getting closer as I trudged along. And I knew there were people behind me, so I was like I'm doing ok, I'll be ok.
The last mile has a good size hill, which sucked since the course is so flat, so I walked it. But when I got to the top I took off again and I had Champion playing and I ran hard into the finish.
First thing I do? Go get a hamburger.
I told Kyle I felt like I was gonna cry, and he replies "well why did you put so many sad songs on your playlist?" 😐🙄 No! I was just emotional from finishing the race again! And I felt like I did it right this time, I left it out there. I don't have any regrets other than I just wish I could have maintained my pace in the 2nd half or hung with the pace group longer. I should have been able to hang with them through mile 20 based on my Syttende Mai performance, ya know? Maybe I did too much that day. Who knows, all I know is I'm satisfied.
Then as I'm eating this burger that I've been craving for so long, I turn on data so I can sync my Fitbit and then that headline comes up. Y'all know the one. Jonas Brothers hint at MCR reunion.
I, in that moment, started to not believe I was still living. Something happened on the course, and I'm in The Good Place. And yes, later I read a lot of people rationalizing it as, it was probably FIATFV rehearsing for their tour, since it was in NYC, but still. As long as it makes the guys happy, I'm happy with whatever they choose to do, reunite, stay split up, whatever. I'm Team Happy MCR.
So we went back to the hotel, Kyle packed while I got a shower. I wore a tank top and had my hair in braids and I noticed when I was done, the hair ties beat against my back for so long in the same spots that I got welts! Crazy! Also leave it to the fucking vampire to get sunburned on a cloudy day. Not too bad, but I got tan lines on my back. Not that I care, but still.
We grabbed brunch at Perkins and had very Leslie Knope and Ron Swanson-esque meals. When we got home I finished my movie while eating Elephant Tracks ice cream for dinner.
Yesterday the morning was nice and chill. I'm officially back on the watching what I eat bandwagon, so things were less indulgent yesterday.
Then I get a text from my mom to call her. Fuck. That's never good.
My aunt passed away suddenly and unexpectedly at age 70. She died in her sleep either of a heart attack or stroke. My grandma, her mom, had a heart attack, and then a stroke which ultimately killed her, 20 years ago.
Cancer took my mom's dad and sister, my mom had cancer like 25+ years ago. Heart problems took my dad's parents, and now his sister. These are all things I need to consider when making life choices. It's like oh I'm young, but things have an impact down the road. Your weight, your dietary choices. I also have the potential in my genes to live to 97 like my Grandma did, passing away just two years ago.
Despite the news I went on with my regularly scheduled day off stuff and got my hair done. I texted some people, like @breakfastwiththesun and emailed my boss so hopefully people aren’t annoying when I get back in to work today. Then I went to Target and met up with my mom. I had to go grocery shopping and it helped both of us I think.
I'm the type of person who when something happens, I have to spring into action, but there was no action for me to spring into. The coroner hadn't even determined a cause at this point, let alone when anything would be.
Now we know that it will be a memorial service at some later date. Hopefully the last week of the month, but who knows.
And with all that, I've been off social media for the most part. Just I've been busy, but also just cleaning up files and stuff on my computer. I didn't want to make a million stupid, rambling posts that I'd regret in a day.
I also kinda didn’t wanna talk about this. I don't want people to feel forced to feel sorry for me. I feel more bad for her son, it's his birthday today, and he's the cousin I feel closest too. Or for her grandkids. Just yea. I dunno. It's been a weird few days.
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I’ve been thinking about how Taylor has linked queerphobia with cancel culture twice now and I know this is probably a controversial opinion in the queer community, but as a bisexual, I absolutely think she’s right when she said in Vogue that it’s hard to speak up on it due to fear of saying the wrong thing. And further from that, I’d argue that it’s even hard to learn about these issues. 
Truth be told, we live in a day and age where people just assume others have the same opportunities and skills to research themselves and automatically know that one source is objectively better than another. While I have been relatively lucky in this regard given I was taught these skills from 13 upward, there are people in my university who only learned those skills in university. Specifically, in terms of queer history and identities, I’ve had friends who didn’t even know where to start looking at information. 
And it’s hard because like obviously it shouldn’t be forced onto queer people to have to teach others, but we need a better system of pushing people who genuinely want to be better allies to better sources. Because like even with my “better” education on research, it took me until I was 18 or so, fully out and part of events for the community that I realised/learned that sources from queer people are usually a better representation of the community and issues affecting them but that you can be part of the community and still discriminate against another part. It took me until 17 to even learn that people who are non binary or asexual exist and that being asexual has real consequences like heightened sexual assault rates and so on. It took me until 16 and a friend coming out that those who identify as transgender aren’t just “men who want to be women” and “women who want to get paid more”. And it took me until I was 21ish to realise that demisexual was actually an identity linked with asexual and it wasn’t just people using what I thought was the norm to seem special. All of this happened because I genuinely did not realise the impact of using scholarly sources that I assumed were as good as the ones I should have been looking at because I couldn’t see anything “wrong” with them. So like if this is what happened to me, a “more educated” person in the community, I can’t imagine it’s easy for those outside it and/or with less education than myself.
Like genuinely, I could not imagine being famous because I know for sure I’d be “cancelled” for the quite frankly acephobic and transphobic things I’ve said in the past that I’ve since realised was wack opinions. And like obviously what I’ve said doesn’t apply to people who are clearly being queerphobic to get a rise out of people and have no intention of changing their stance, but yeah, I don’t know, I guess it’s just nature to me to give people the benefit of the doubt with this stuff. And to be honest, I’m just glad that even though I never questioned Taylor’s view on mine and other people’s sexuality, there’s people like her who genuinely want to learn and speak out on these issues even when she knows she’s going to be crucified either way for it.
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gryphonablaze · 3 years
Here’s that separate post
She is a combination witch and archer
She and her older brother were the kids of a high authority in the treasure hoarders local to mondstadt’s area. She started off studying as a potioneer/magic shit, and he was an archer. She didn’t like the violence and instead took to secretly trying to heal the treasure hoarder’s wounded victims. This is how she acquired her dendro vision. Her brother saw this and flipped, knowing that their treasure hoarder parent would Not be cool with that, so he packed their shit and they fled. This rebellious act is how he earned his electro vision.  now, marcy’s dendro vision was earned trying to take care of people, but at the same time, that act of taking care of people was a rebellion of sorts given the people they were raised by. Her brother’s act, fleeing the hoarders with her, was simultaneously an act of caring because it was to protect Marcy. This said, if either of them hadn’t earned their own element, then their runner ups would be the other eg marcy’s next closest would’ve been electro, her bro’s would’ve been dendro.  now note the thing abt kazuha’s act of rebelling activating his dead friend’s electro vision in the linked post. Now look back to me. Because of their similarities, Marcy and her brother were able to and frequently would use each others’ visions. So long as their own vision wasn’t taken too far away from their body, they wouldn’t go catatonic, so sometimes they’d just swap. Like, middle of battle, toss each other their visions and bam, switcharoo. 
They went on like this for a few years, traveling around. Went to liyue. Maybe went to other places. Idfk. Marcy would often heal those who needed it along the way. They traveled so often because they were running from the treasure hoarders, who wanted to punish them for desertion. They clashed a few times, but always escaped.
Until one day they didn’t. This was when Marcy was abt 18 and her brother 21ish. Their former affiliates used some dirty trickery and unfair fighting. Marcy lost an eye. Her brother lost his life. In her shock and anger and grief, she grabbed his vision and fucking Blasted Everyone. Huge crater in the landscape.
despite her aptitude with healing, she couldn’t revive her brother. However, she had a hazy, half-lucid galaxy brain moment and replaced her now-missing eyeball with the electro vision before healing it up.  what did this do? Some weird shit, actually. Through the new eye, she could see her brother. Like his soul. as if he was a ghost. So he’s dead, but not gone. He can see and hear everything around them both, but she can’t hear him, only see him, so they have to start learning sign language. Anyway nowadays she wanders round, kinda just… continuing what she and her brother were doing before. More than a few people now tell stories about how their ass was saved by an archer-mage with a glowing purple eye who talks to herself. There are disagreements as to what element vision she has. ‘she summoned up a barrier of thorns! She used plants to heal me!’ ‘No way, she blasted the hoarders apart with lightning!’
Anyway here she is. And yes she goes barefoot. Between dendro vision and being able to levitate bc witch magic she doesn’t give a shit abt shoes
Also yes I have IDEAS abt how her kit would work. Inspired partially by tarty’s. But no I do not have anything actually functional figured out yet
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likeshipsonthesea · 4 months
i had feelings and wrote this post about shannon and i didn't wanna confuse it w eddie stuff but as she is ultimately a character in eddie's story i also wanted to go into the implications of this for eddie
do i think eddie was a bad husband? yes. does this make him a horrible irredeemable man who should take a vow of celibacy to protect the world from the burden of his romantic love? no.
but i think it's important that eddie actually deals with the reality of his relationship with shannon. i think we've got a start with this arc, and all the things he said to kim, but even then he starts out saying shannon was "the love of [his] life" when bestie, you didn't even know her.
they met in high school. they got pregnant unexpectedly and married just as fast. and then eddie left and they didn't know each other outside of a screen and brief visits for five years, then eddie was full of trauma and shannon's mother was dying, and then another two years apart, and then they were back together but didn't really talk outside of christopher.
by the time eddie re-proposed, he knew shannon as christopher's mother. that's it. he had no idea she wouldn't want another proposal. he heard "pregnant" and immediately went back to his 18-21ish self who knew nothing more than Responsibility. he didn't know shannon wouldn't want that. he didn't know anything about her--or at least, the audience didn't. where did she live? what did she do for work? what were her interests? from the beginning, the narrative--and eddie--treated shannon like a mother-shaped ghost to flit into and out of eddie's life.
and right as eddie was forced to look the truth of his and shannon's relationship in the eye, she died. how is he meant to consider all the nitty gritty rough edges and centers of their relationship through the rose-colored veil of grief?
i get why eddie hasn't tried to de-tangle all these feelings. it feels like he's shitting on shannon's memory. but i don't think eddie will ever be able to give himself to anyone until he realizes how formative his relationship with shannon was in all the wrong ways.
i'mma be bold here and claim: eddie didn't love shannon towards the end. he didn't KNOW her. he was happy to play family with her until she thought she might be pregnant again and then he immediately thought Pregnancy=Propose=Responsibility. it wasn't out of love for who shannon was as a person, it was out of responsibility.
and the shannon eddie married would've said yes, as she presumably did when they got married the first time. but the shannon of s2 didn't want that, a marriage of necessity. she knew herself enough to know she couldn't devote herself to eddie as a husband and christopher as a mom at the same time, and she chose christopher. i think eddie loves her for being christopher's mother, the way michael loves athena even though he isn't In love with her, but i don't think eddie knows the difference.
eddie thinks romantic love is responsibility and tradition and expectation and christopher's mother. he's learned how to live for himself and be better for himself but he hasn't learned how to LOVE for himself.
this doesn't keep him from making incredibly selfish decisions, like leading kim on or treating his love-interests like sex-giving mother machines, but i digress. eddie has learned how to break out of the roles he's played--perfect son, army hero, self-sacrificing single dad--but he's never stopped to think about the role he plays in a romantic relationship and the feelings that come along with it.
the kim arc is forcing him to look all of this straight-on and i love it. i hope they take it further. i need eddie to reckon with the fact that he and shannon failed each other, and that she wasn't the great love of his life because he didn't actually know her well enough to be in love with her at the end. i need eddie to look at how he acts as a husband/boyfriend and realize he's fucked up, to acknowledge how he's made bad choices and decide to make better ones.
eddie has so much to give, and i think he can make someone really happy if he manages to break out of the Husband role he's learned and really give himself truly to someone. and hopefully, it'll make him really happy too.
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oakglow · 7 years
sims q&a tag
Thank you @andromeda-sims​ & @hesitantpixels​ for tagging me!
I tag @josiesimblr @tinwhistletoo @quiddity-jones @simsomedia @suintor @something-wicked-sims @bottsbotts @thefoxandhersimblr @furiouslydecaffinated @simmingbee @rosy-sims @nervous---subject
Hazel Grove
1. What is your sim’s favorite food? She loves her dad’s homemade samosas and her mom’s pot roast. Those are her comfort foods that remind her of home. 2. What is your sim’s favorite color? Yellow & Red
3. What is your sim’s zodiac sign? I don’t know, I’m terrible at this because I don’t know the traits that well (that’s why I have a ton of those zodiac tags unanswered.) Any suggestions on what Hazel might be?
4. Does your sim believe in “love at first sight”? I don’t really think so. The only person she’s ever loved she’s known since she was in elementary school. I think their love grew over time, and she’s never had that shocking love at first sight moment.
5. What is your sim’s sexuality? Straight.
6. Is your Sim a cat or dog person? (or both?) Dog! 
7. Adding to the previous question, if your sim were to have a cat and/or dog, what kind/breed(s) would it be? A mutt she rescues from the pound.
8. Does your Sim have a best friend? Her best friends are the twins Fleur & Fawn.
9. Does your Sim have a favorite life stage? When she was a teen. Everything seemed so perfect back then, and everything is so messy now.
10. What is your sim’s ethnicity? Her mom is white, but her dad’s side is really mixed. Naveen (her dad)’s mom is Indian, but his dad is from the Spencer-Kim-Lewis family in game. Naveen’s grandma is Olivia Spencer-Kim-Lewis.
11. If your Sim could travel to anywhere in the world, where would they visit? She wants to go to the mountains, in the forest, maybe in Italy or Switzerland.
12. If your Sim was a castaway on a distant, uncharted island, who would they bring? Uh Storm? How else is she gonna stay warm.
13. Does your Sim have a favorite tv show and/or movie? Favorite TV show: Pushing Daisies. Favorite Movie: 500 Days of Summer
14. Does your sim believe in the “simulation theory”? Nah.
15. Does your Sim have a favorite kind of clothing to wear? Cozy sweaters, flannel shirts, dresses with a cute print like polkadots.
16. Does your Sim have a lucky charm? Yes, the rubber duck her dad got her as a kid. 
17. What kind of music or singers does your sim listen to? Her absolute favorite band is She & Him. She also likes Norah Jones, Jose Gonzalez, Fleetwood Mac, Francois Hardy
18. Does your Sim have a favorite family activity to do together? Camping! She loves camping. She’ll ship her kids off to a summer camp.
19. What is your sim’s age? 21ish
20. Does your Sim have a dream job? Doctor at a small hospital in Windenburg
21. What is your sim’s favorite beverage? Prosecco
22. What is your sim’s favorite dessert? dark chocolate
23. Does your Sim have any siblings? no, she’s an only child. It was lonely, so she wants to have a lot of kids. She was always jealous that the Holms kids had each other.
24. What activity/hobby makes your sim the happiest? binge watching netflix, reading romance novels, gardening
25. If you could meet your sim, would you be friends with them? I think so because we’re both quiet and shy at first, but then give our opinions freely when we know the person well.
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Answer the questions!!!!!!!!!
I cannot believe you are making me do all of them i had to get m laptop for this. but i love you still so here we go I dont know how to put things under a cus so sorry to anyone that must scroll past this.
1. How do you define your sexuality? bi
2. At what age did you first realize that you like girls? 9 ish
3. How out are you? out to everyone but family4. At what age did you first come out? 21ish?5. Who was the first person you came out to? 
How did they take it? hayley i think she was pissed i didnt tell her sooner but in a loving way love you girl sorry abt not being open haha6. Has coming out lost you any friends? nope i have good ass friends7. What is your current relationship status? single8. How many gay friends do you have? i have like 3 or 4 bi/pan friends 1 or two lesbian friends9. How many male friends do you have? like 210. Have you ever cut your hair super short? i just cut it super short!11. How often do you wear flannel? almost every day oops12. How much do you like cats? a lot13. Do you like skirts and dresses? i get moods where i do14. Do you like high heels? no15. Do you have any tattoos? If so, how many and where? no but i want one16. How accurate is your gaydar? pretty darn shitty17. Have you ever been to a gay bar or a gay club? no18. How do you feel when plutonic female friends refer to each other as girlfriends? im ok with it19. Have you ever had a crush on a straight girl? HAHAHAHAHAHA yes20. Ellen or Portia? ellen21. Is your nose pierced? no22 Would you ever want to get married? yes23. Will you wear a dress for your wedding? yes but also converse24. Would you ever want to give birth? does anyone actually want that? i wld want a child25. Have you ever watched The L Word? no26. Have you ever dated a guy? yes27. How do you feel when someone uses the word gay to mean stupid, dumb, or boring? annoyed28. How many rainbow items do you own? 2?29. Have you ever been to a pride festival? no30. Have you ever celebrated National Coming Out Day (October 11)? no31. Have you ever participated in the National Day of Silence? no32. Have you ever worn a woman’s suit? ya like a pantsuit33. Have you ever worn any men’s clothing? ya34. Do you eat meat? ya35. Do you consider yourself a feminist? ya36. Who is your favorite LGBT celebrity? Stephanie Beatriz37. Are you religious at all? ish38. How often do you find yourself trying to sneak a peak or staring at a cute female? lol too often39. What is your ideal first date? bokstore date bookstore date bookstore date40. Are you comfortable with terms such as lezzie, lesbo, or dyke? no but because im not a lesbian so i dont feel like i have a right to those words41. How outdoorsy are you? i like to hike42. In general, has being out affected your relationships with other females?no43. How much makeup do you typically wear? none44. Have you ever been in a long distance relationship? ya45. Are you more feminine or more masculine? feminine46. How long is the longest relationship you’ve been in? Are you still with that person? 3.5 years? ad no47. Have you and a girlfriend ever been mistaken for sisters? ive never had a girlfriend :(48. Do you think it is possible for someone to truly be a 50/50 bisexual, or is the percentage always skewed in favor of one gender? Its possible. i think i dont have the right to define anyone elses sexuality49. Have you ever wished you were completely straight? ya in the dark days50. Do you watch any lesbian YouTubers? rose and rosie51. Do you like wearing combat boots or Doc Martins? converse52. Have you ever been hit on by another female? no? 53. How athletic are you? HA54. How many girlfriends have you had? 0 :((55. What is your opinion of septum/bull nose piercings? no56. What does equality mean to you? treating everyone with respect 57. If you are not a full blown lesbian, about what percentage of the time do you find yourself attracted to other females? 100% have you seen girls58. Have you ever shared clothes with a girlfriend? :((((59. Have you ever liked or dated a girl with the same name as you? :((((60. How flirty are you? I get scared and I say fun facts about penguins instead.61. Are you a virgin? ya62. Do you listen to any LGBT musicians such as Tegan and Sara, Melissa Etheridge, or Chely Wright? ya63. Have you ever been told that you are too pretty to be gay? no64. Have you ever been discriminated against because of your sexuality? If so, please explain. I mean my parents are biphobic so they dont know but no?65. Have you ever driven an SUV or a pickup truck? no66. Are you or have you ever been a tomboy? no67. Agree or disagree: Everyone is at least a little bit gay. disagree68. What personality trait are you most attracted to? intelligence/kindness69. Boobs or butts? butts70. Beer or wine? beer71. Do you have a favorite lesbian movie? DEBS72. From 1-10, how attractive are muscular women? 1073. From 1-10, how attractive are women who wear glasses? infinity74. From 1-10, how attractive are women who are covered with tattoos?975. From 1-10, how attractive are curvy/plus-size women? 1076. From 1-10, how attractive are women with short hair? 1077. From 1-10, how attractive are masculine butch women? 1078. From 1-10, how attractive are highly intelligent women? infinity79. From 1-10, how attractive are tall women (i.e. around 6 feet or taller)? 1080. Have you ever been on your period the same time as a girlfriend? :(((81. Has a girl ever dumped you for a guy? :( but also :) because that sounds shitty82. Do you carry a purse? occasionally83. Do you have any LGBT relatives? not thati know of but statistically i have to84. Have you ever pretended to be completely straight? ya85. Would you ever date a trans girl? ya86. How well do you think LGBT women are portrayed in television? meh87. Have you ever had a crush on a woman who’s much older than you? no88. Do you have any celebrity crushes? many89. Do you have any opinions on LGBT people in the military? they should be allowed to do and participate in the same things as everyone else.90. Do you believe in love at first sight? no91. Would you ever have a threesome? If so, would a guy be included? in theory yes to both92. Where do you think is the best place to meet a potential lover? at school93. Is there such a thing as “good” lesbian porn? i have no idea94. Have you ever had a one night stand? no95. How often do you wear a bra? always in public rarely at home96. Have you ever been part of a softball team? no97. If you could live your life all over again, would you still be attracted to other women? yes98. What stereotype about LGBT women do you disagree with the most?  that theyre confused or going through a phase99. What advice would you give a girl who is struggling to figure out her sexuality? dont get hung up on labels just live your truth 100. What advice would you give a girl who is struggling to come out?  your safety is the most important thing please be safe
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pockynyx · 6 years
I’m sorry, but this is a long job-rant:
UPS is a chill, high-paced, job that only requires a few hours in the morning. It’s a good part time job for the first half of the day. But there’s always that one coworker who rubs you the wrong way.
This 21ish-year old guy was demoted to my entry job level, but his oh-so-graceful-presence for helping the end of the line (which is his job now) should be man-splained to me and then ridicule me for having this low paying job that should explain that I know nothing. Also it’s my fault that there’s not enough trucks to put all the boxes in (I’m not allowed to drive trucks). I’ve been told he also has an angry personality from a female coworker, so I always thought I should try not talking to him very much because I ALSO get angry easily. So it was only inevitable we would hate each other.
To be fair I’m always mistaken as an 18 year old, but I’m actually 25 that had jobs that have paid 17.34/hr and it sounds like I’ll be getting a job soon that pays 23/hr. Not that I’m proud of it, but I’m actually super lucky and grateful just to have this chance. I commend and sympathize people who have jobs that pay 11/hr or less because I’ve done those jobs years before just to make ends meet (dishes, washing cat feces, cleaning beds, laundry, cleaning bathrooms...like how does human poop get all over the walls?!) and I’ve finally gotten to the point where my experience has led me to these jobs that pay higher, I’m just taking this UPS job to earn a little extra cash on the side.
Also to be devil’s advocate, he has plenty of great ideas. He knows what’s the best effective way to place trucks so things can go smoothly and he’s friendly for the most part. But when it comes to authority he is super prideful. He immediately tells managers above him what to do and makes plans. And yes, our manager is a little space-case and has no experience with package handling, so the extra guidance from this guy is helpful. But the way he talks down on people as soon as they are out of sight and cussing left and right, just rubs me the wrong way. As soon as things get hairy and out of control, he immediately starts blaming someone and starts lecturing. And that someone so happens to be me. Perhaps it’s because I’m the only girl in this section?
I personally think I get my trucks off the line right on time, I’m also in charge of 4 trucks where employees are only to be in charge of 3 MAX, but somehow it’s my fault that trucks that don’t belong to me is somehow my fault? I have this face that easily tells people what I’m feeling and I try my best to smile and nod, but I’m super pissed that I’m getting all the blame. And of course, he can tell. So, for being hurt that I’m not taking in his golden wisdom, was to make fun of me for having a job that pays 11/hr and that somehow explains that I’m only capable of having that wage because I’m incredibly stupid.
I chucked a box at him.
Well, I swerved last second so it landed on the conveyor belt, but I’m super pissed. I want to chuck all the boxes at him, but this job was not worth having a bad reference on my resume. Not now, not ever. I could stand some 17 year old passive-aggressively telling rumors that I’m some skank. I can have a manager that cuts my hours down more than half because she couldn’t handle an employee tell her that she wasn’t taking out the trash (okay this last one I got pissed off too, but I didn’t have the urge to throw things)
But the audacity of someone who was demoted to make fun of another for their wage? I would rather be crushed in boxes rather have the help of some privileged, white, dude who is always blaming someone with every breath.
If there was a meme for “then perish”, but for myself to perish, that would be me.
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Answer all the questions
1. Favourite colour.Purple and green2. Number of people you’ve slept with.43. Cake or ice cream?Cake4. If you were a superhero what would your power be?Ability to control probabilities!5. Ever been in a fist fight?Yeah...6. Do you live in the country or the city?Country7. Biggest kink?I don’t even know... I still gotta figure out what it is8. Favourite video-game?Destiny (And soon D2)9. Words you live by?Fall down seven, stand up eight10. Best book you’ve ever read?Harry Potter series11. Favourite film?The Fifth Element12. Horror or romance?Both!13. Biggest fear?Being the failure everyone expects me to be14. Best memory?The nights with my best friend that start out with “What the fuck are we doing tonight?”15. Worst memory?Don’t wanna know... trust me...16. Where are you from?Tampa, Fl17. Ever done anal?Nope18. Would you prefer to be Mary Berry’s grandchild or Paul Hollywood’s bitch?Uhhhhhh?19. Favourite outfit?My khaki colored joggers and long black shirt with my beanie!20. Snapchat or Instagram?Both!21. If you could freeze time what would you do?Travel and not lose any time!22. Best LUSH product in your opinion?Various bath bombs!23. Should people wear red shirts or brown pants in your presence?Is this a Deadpool reference? Red Shirts24. Favourite television character?Jon Snow25. Do you have a nemesis?Yeah... money26. Are you a hard-worker?Of course!27. What’s the best holiday you’ve ever been on?Every Halloween is the best time of the year!28. What’s your dream?To have my family not worry about money... I grew up constantly under the threat of losing my house and living on the streets so I don’t want my loved ones to have to worry like that!29. Where do you see your life ending up?Traveling the world!30. Describe your last sexual encounter. I took my friend a graduation gift and we hung out and at the end of the night she goes "I’m horny... fuck me?” after making sure she was sure we fucked!31. Cake by the ocean or sex on the beach?Sex on the beach!32. Ever done drugs?Nope33. Harry Potter or Lord Of The Rings?HP!34. Are you a jock or a nerd?Nerd for sure!35. On a scale of 8 to 34.7, how gay are you?21ish36. Do you live for Tumblr discourse or hate it?Tumblr discourse?37. Favourite trashy television show?Big Brother... thats about the trashiest I watch and its not even trashy...38. Last time you watched porn?Right now39. Do you have a recurring sexual fantasy?Glory hole40. Weirdest dream you ever had?I was in a wasteland but I was king of that wasteland... I don’t even remember the details... 41. Ever had mental health issues?Yup!42. What’s the answer to the question you wish someone would ask you?Of course43. Do you wish people paid more attention to you?Depends on what aspect... like my YouTube channel? Fuck yeah I want more attention on there but in real life... I’m alright where I am44. Do you have anyone who you’d happily slap right across their chops?YES!45. Dog person or cat person?Dog but my cat is cute and gives kisses sooooo46. Sneakers or heels?Sneakers... easy!47. Favourite cocktail?My buddy is a bartender and keeps coming up with crazy shit so whatever he's making!48. Day or night?Night49. Pokémon or Digimon?Pokemon!50. How big is your dick?7.5in long... I’ve been told large if that means anything51. Favourite musical?All of a sudden every musical has disappeared from my memory52. Favourite song? “Middle Fingers” by Missio53. Are you secretly a goblin/alien/android?Yes54. Why are you like this? Because the culmination of my life until this point has influenced and affected my perception of reality55. What’s your guilty pleasure?Naps56. What would you say if I said ‘I love you’?Who are you, anon? I’ll tell you then! ;D57. What’s the story behind your URL? dance-to-this-beat called me it and I changed my name to it!58. Tell me something that worries you.America59. What have you been worrying about today?Whether I’m getting sunburnt or not...60. I’m only sending you these questions because I have a crush on you and I’m too tragic to actually just say it. Anon... are you sure you read through all of these before asking me?61. Hot dogs or burgers?Burgers62. Nintendo or the other trash-consoles?All of them!63. Which fandom ruined a show that you used to like?I don’t care about fandoms when it comes to me shows!64. What do you wish you could tell your best friend?I tell my best friend everything!65. Tell us a deep dark secret. Uhhhh... I don’t have secrets... ask me anything and I’ll tell you!66. Are you curious about having a man in leather spank your botty 'til it’s all red?Not at all67. Favourite Tumblr couple?Uhhh I don’t know...68. Do you have any dietary quirks?No fast food, I stay away from dairy, I don’t eat meat (for the most part) until dinner time... 69. Do you want to have someone pleasure your genitals orally while you do the same to theirs?Fuck yeah! 70. How old are you?2471. Which Buzzfeed listicle sums up your existence?I’m not going looking for a Buzzfeed article just to answer this hahaa72. Do you have any pets? 2 pups, 3 cats, and a dozen chickens!73. What colour underwear are you wearing?Red74. Boxers or briefs?Briefs75. Fuck me, Ray Bradbury?No76. Which television show do you want to last forever?Steven Universe77. In a zombie apocalypse how long would you last?Until someone decides to betray me78. Do you have good internet connection or do you want to punch your router every ten minutes?Both79. Would you find it somewhat saucy if I sent bawdy nudes in your direction?I would think thats fucking hot and appreciate each and every one I received individually!80. Which country has the best flag?Pirates... come on Jolly Roger81. Do you consider yourself *iconic*?Never82. Most overrated food?None!83. Most overrated film?I havent even seen many films lately...84. Most overrated television show?I don’t watch much tv outside my shows so I don’t know...85. Most overrated type of cheese?SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH CHEESE IS AMAZING86. Which brand would you never shop at?I ain’t about brands anyways... if theres a shirt I like I’ll buy it87. Wisdom, courage, or power?Wisdom88. Would you prefer to travel in time and stay in the same spot, or travel in space with time elapsing as normal?Travel in space and time elapses normally!89. What’s the best birthday present you ever got?The money90. What present do you wish someone would give you?Sex91. Do you have an ex? Why did you break up?I have six exes and various reasons91. Why does 91 appear on this list twice now?Just so you can ask this question92. Spare a thought for the humble creator of this list, it’s difficult to think of this many questions. Don’t put two question 91s93. Do you prefer anons or non-anons?I love all my asks! IF I ONLY HAD ANY94. Who do you wish you could have sex with more than any other?I ain’t even gonna answer this one... she might see it and that might be bad95. What is your spirit animal? Bear96. Do you have one word that you really love the sound of?Spiffy97. Do you still have any of your stuffed toys from when you were a kid?I cuddle up to a stuffed animal every night... come on haha98. What makes you super nostalgic?Old school cartoons!99. Give me an answer to a random one of these questions. (But don’t make it a shit answer like 'yes’. Don’t be an asshole.)HARRY POTTER!100. What’s your favourite cocktail?You mean the same question from question 41?101. Sonic screwdriver or Ron’s shit broken wand from the second Potter book?Sonic screwdriver... I want a wand more but still...102. Laptop or PC?PC by far!103. What’s the sexiest accent in your opinion?Give me any accent and I’ll fall in love104. Would you let Donald Trump tickle your nipples for an hour for £6,000,000?WHY WOULD’NT I?105. You should check out a great little British website called Pretty52. I smell advertising...106. If you could dye your hair any colour, what colour would you change to?Blue107. What would you change about your body if you could?My sinus problem108. Do you prefer to be hot or cold?Cold109. What’s your favourite way to orgasm?I just love to have orgasms...110. Are you a mermaid or a unicorn?Unicorn111. What’s the name of your favourite pet when you were a kid?George112. What was your favourite class at school?Math113. Are you superstitious? Very!114. What do you think happens when we die?Afterlife in heaven or hell115. Pie or pi?PIE116. Your followers a question.Proper grammar please?117. Lick my genitalia. I would love to if you have a pussy118. What’s your favourite number?42119. Do you ever look up at the stars and feel small?Not really120. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?Eh121. Tell me about a quirky personality trait. I’m way too honest122. What was your favourite story when you were younger?Harry Potter hahaha123. Are you old before your time or young at heart?Young at heart124. Why do you do the things you do? Please. Tell me.Because they make sense to me125. I hope you enjoyed these questions.I did!126. Which Tumblr blog would you recommend to all your fans?psychxtic-hearts
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