emospritelet · 4 years
Desperation - chapter 12
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34: “Remember when we used to leave the house? Fun times”
Apparently I can only write fluff at the moment. Must be a reaction to the shitty timeline we’re in :/
As lockdown entered its second week, Belle found that she was settling into her new life quite comfortably. Bae had improved each day, and was restless and energetic. She had him helping her with baking and pulling weeds in the garden to burn off some of the excess energy. A call from Mary Margaret Nolan, Neal’s mother and Bae’s teacher, announced that lessons would be resuming over Zoom, and Belle cleared a space at the kitchen table for Bae to participate on his father's laptop.
“I’m hoping this works,” confessed Mary Margaret, having explained her idea for the format of the lessons. “Redesigning the lessons for remote delivery and trying to think of ways to keep them engaged has been driving me nuts.”
“If you need a break, I’d be happy to do a story hour with them,” offered Belle. “Maybe we could collaborate on something; a story hour on a book you want them to read, followed by some sort of art project based on that.”
Mary Margaret beamed.
“That’s a great idea!” she said. “We could continue once lockdown ends, too.”
“I’m trying to recall what life was like before lockdown,” said Belle, with a wry grin. “Remember when we used to leave the house? Fun times.”
“Yeah.” Mary Margaret chuckled. “I guess I’m better off than most. The farm still needs work, the animals still have to be fed. I feel for those going stir-crazy in their apartments.”
“That would have been me, if I hadn’t ended up staying here,” said Belle, and Mary Margaret looked curious.
“How did that happen?” she asked. “I was wondering.”
“Completely by chance,” admitted Belle. “Rum and I kind of had a spat over the last packet of paracetamol at the store, and somehow I ended up moving in.”
“Huh." Mary Margaret pursed her lips. “Not your average meet-cute, but these are unusual times.”
Belle gave her a level look.
“He was sick, and I wanted to help.”
“Oh, ignore me,” Mary Margaret assured her. “I’m a hopeless romantic, and Storybrooke needs more happy endings.”
“Hard to be romantic when you literally can’t touch one another.”
“Then you’ll have to be very inventive.”
“Speaking of inventive,” said Belle, feeling herself blush and wanting to change the subject. “Let’s talk more about working together. I was intending to set up some after-school clubs for different age groups at the library. Any input you and the other teachers could give would be great.”
“I’ll email the staff and ask them for their thoughts,” said Mary Margaret. “Sounds like the kind of integrated program we’ve been wanting to introduce in Storybrooke. If we can get the Mayor’s approval we should be able to get more funding.”
“Does the Mayor have kids?” asked Belle, and Mary Margaret gave her a knowing smile.
“She has a ten-year-old son. Something tells me this town will be very supportive of more activities for kids after trying to entertain their own for three weeks.”
The Zoom lessons started well, with only a few technological teething problems, which meant that Bae spent much of his days learning and chatting with his friends, leaving Belle free to do chores and read. The first story hour was due to take place that Friday, and Belle and Mary Margaret had already discussed ideas for complementary lesson-planning. It made Belle feel as though she was achieving something in her new position, despite not having set foot in the library in almost two weeks.
Gold, alas, was still in bed.
Belle had not tried to hide how much he was worrying her, with his rattling cough and the high fever that came and went. Already thin, he was now almost gaunt, and she and Bae tried their best to tempt him with homemade cookies and cakes, along with more substantial meals from the freezer. She told herself repeatedly that at least he didn’t seem to be getting any worse, and that his quietly stubborn nature would surely help him pull through. 
On Wednesday evening she took him some tea and found him sitting on the edge of his bed with his elbows on his knees, staring at the floor.
“Hey,” she said.
Her voice made him look up. His eyes and cheeks were hollow, his cheeks and chin covered with almost two weeks of stubble, but there was a determined glint in his eyes. She put her head to the side. 
“You okay?”
“I’m getting up,” he said decidedly, gesturing with a finger. “I’m getting my arse up, and I’m going down the bloody stairs.”
Belle hurried to set down the cup of tea on his nightstand.
“Let me help you.”
“No no, it’s fine, I can do it.” He waved her away. “I have to do it. Bloody sick of being a dead weight around this place.”
“You’re sick!”
“And I won’t get better if I let this fucking thing keep me horizontal,” he said shortly, and sighed, running his hands over his face. “Sorry. I’m not angry with you, just this virus.”
“Anger is good in this instance,” she said, and took a step back from him. “Okay, up you get.”
Gold nodded, reaching to the side for his cane and using it to push himself upright. His legs wobbled, and he leaned hard on the cane, but after a moment he seemed to relax a little, although his smile was more of a grimace.
“Okay,” he whispered. “I’m taking a shower, and I’ll see you and Bae downstairs in ten minutes.”
“In that case, I’ll take your tea down with me,” she said. “We can all sit around the table and eat some of the fruit loaf Bae and I made.”
Gold nodded, his knuckles tight around the cane handle.
“Sounds perfect.”
He made it downstairs, much to Bae’s delight, and sat quietly at the table while Bae drank his suppertime warm milk and told him all about the lessons he had done that day. Belle warmed some soup through on the stove, setting it in front of Gold with bread and butter from the supplies that had been delivered.
“That’s fantastic, Belle, thank you,” he said, picking up a spoon. “I think perhaps my appetite’s coming back.”
“There’s plenty more, if you need it,” she said. “And more bread.”
“The bread tastes weird, Papa,” said Bae, wrinkling his nose. “It’s the same one they have at the school cafeteria. Paige says it’s made of polystyrene and fluff from the inside of the teachers’ pockets.”
Belle chuckled.
“I have to admit that I’ve thought that myself,” she said. “It certainly doesn’t come close to any of the delicious bread I’ve eaten since I came to this house. But it was free, which counts for a lot.”
“Quite right,” said Gold, dipping a piece of the bread in his soup. “We have to appreciate the kindness of those that gave it, Bae. Whether or not you think it tastes good.”
“Okay.” Bae looked a little despondent. “I was just kidding.”
“I know that.” Gold put down his spoon and pulled Bae close for a hug. “You’re a good lad. And a thoughtful one.”
“Belle and I didn’t make bread, though,” said Bae. “Maybe we should have, and then we could use this for something else.”
“We were concentrating on making your dad some treats, right?” said Belle, stroking his hair. “Making him feel better was very important work.”
“And something you both did excellently,” said Gold, turning back to his soup. “See? I’m already up and eating dinner again.” 
Bae grinned, flopping back into his seat, and Gold blew on his soup to cool it.
“Go on, then,” he said. “Tell me more of what you learned about birds today.”
Something woke Belle.
She yawned, snuggling in her blankets on the couch, her body warm and comfortable. Something had disturbed her sleep: a soft, distant thumping noise that she couldn’t place. Her eyes fluttered and opened, and the noise came again. Glancing at her watch, Belle groaned to herself and sat up, swinging her legs out of the blankets and getting up to head for the kitchen. She could hear the low sound of Gold humming, and assumed it was he that was making the noise. If he was already up and about at just after six in the morning, perhaps he was feeling better.
Her sock-clad feet made no sound as she padded across the floor, and she entered the kitchen silently, hands curling around the door frame. Gold was standing at the counter in T-shirt and jeans with his cane leaning beside him and a dish towel tucked into his belt, his forearms covered in flour. He was kneading dough, one hand grasping, folding and turning before pushing down with the heels of his hands. Two bowls sat on the table with towels draped over them, with a third standing empty at his side. He hummed as he worked, the rhythmic slap and thump of his hands against the dough in time with the beat, and Belle smiled a little as she watched him.
“Couldn’t face the polystyrene and pocket lint bread again, huh?” she asked, and Gold started, turning to face her with the dough ball in his hands.
“Ah,” he said, looking down. “Well. You both said you liked my bread better, so I thought it was probably time to make some.”
“You didn’t have to get up at six in the morning to make it,” she said, and he shrugged, turning back to his kneading.
“That was always my usual habit, before I came down with the virus,” he said. “I usually set the loaves aside for first rise, then do the rest of my chores. I bet the garden’s just choked with weeds.”
“I hope not, Bae and I have been working on it,” she said, coming into the kitchen properly. “Tea?”
“I’ll make it. You’ve done more than enough this past ten days.”
“Don’t burn yourself out,” she warned, crossing to the sink to fill the kettle. “I can make the tea. The last thing we need is you falling over again. Take it slow.”
Gold gave her a slanting grin, and bowed his head.
“Yes, ma’am.”
He gave the dough a final press, then worked it into a ball with swift passes of his hands and dropped it in the empty bowl. Going to the sink to wash his hands, he flourished the dish towel to dry them off, and draped it over the bowl before wiping down the work surface.
“Wholemeal, mixed seed, oat and honey, and black olive,” he explained, as Belle looked questioningly at the bowls. “We’ll eat some and freeze the rest. Just in case.”
“You’re very well prepared.”
“I try to be.”
He grasped his cane, almost falling into one of the kitchen chairs with a sigh, and Belle shook her head.
“You’re still not well,” she said, and he opened his eyes, a tired smile back on his face.
“I’m okay.”
“You’re stubborn, is what you are,” she said severely.
“One of my few redeeming qualities.”
“Stubborn and self-effacing,” she remarked. “It’s almost adorable.”
Gold’s smile grew.
Belle put her hands on her hips, feeling heat rise in her cheeks. For an awkward moment she found herself recalling what he looked like with a small towel around his waist, and told herself to concentrate.
“I very much doubt the virus cares how adorable it is,” she said loftily. “If it knocks you on your ass again and you end up spending another week in bed, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
He was grinning now.
“A good thing I have such a competent housemate,” he said. “I’ll miss you when this is over, Belle. Bae and I will miss you, I mean. Both of us.”
She was definitely blushing now, and that image would not leave her mind, but she couldn’t help grinning back.
“Yeah,” she said. “I’ll miss you guys too.”
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abovethemists · 5 years
goldenspinner replied to your post “I’m So Done With This, My Love - Chapter 5”
That. Was. Outstanding!
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timelordthirteen · 6 years
For Prime Minister Sutherland: would you be interested in more um involvement with Belle?
Sutherland: I’m sure I don’t know what you mean by that. Do you work for the Daily Mail or something?
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mariequitecontrarie · 6 years
goldenspinner replied to your post “You know, with “Beauty” the Rumbelle fandom received something...”
We got the ultimate from OUAT. As bitter as I was during the darkest times, I’m grateful for this episode and their meeting in the hereafter
ME TOO. You’re absolutely right. The days in the valley hurt but oh man, did it make standing on top of the mountains even sweeter!!!
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sieben9 · 6 years
goldenspinner replied to your post “the final battle” impressions”
I so love your analysis. It’s like I’m seeing it all again for the first time. Welcome to Season 7!
Thank you! I’m glad they can still have that effect. I’m very curious about s7 already, just based on that teaser at the end, soooo... yeah, thanks for the welcome, too *g*
{Quick request to anyone reading: I’m watching OUaT for the first time, and I want to avoid spoilers. So, if you want to discuss something spoilery, I’d be grateful if you could start a new post for that. Thank you!}
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rumbellesecretsanta · 6 years
I’ve never written before but would like to. How do I join?
Well first of all you don’t HAVE to write to participate. But if you want to find out more you should first check out blog. I suggest these two pages. If you still have questions after that feel free to ask!
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jackabelle73 · 7 years
goldenspinner replied to your post “The Worst Date, ch 2”
Ooooh as she reads more of the book, she will start to recognize the similarities with some people. What if the blond was really Emma?
OMG, don’t tempt me. As I was writing chapter two, I started getting ideas. Not about Emma... I really don’t see her in HH, for a number of reasons. But there are certain other characters I could see showing up in Hyperion Heights, who might make things interesting. But I can’t see where it’s going, so I’m hesitant to start writing any of it down. Not to mention, I already have too many WIPs. 
Regardless, thanks for reading and commenting!
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crystalwhitepeacock · 5 years
@suchwriting kindly tagged me in this and despite feeling a bit shy I decided to jump in.
1) Nickname. Hmm I have one on other social media sites, but I don't have one on tumblr.
2) Zodiac. Libra -balance is always nice
3) Height. 5'9"
4) Hogwarts House. I'm totally a Ravenclaw.
5) Last song I googled. Some Beetles songs after hearing them in Yesterday that I watched solely for Robert Carlyle.
6) Favorite musicians. I tend to vary a bit in my music. I enjoy Enya, Imagine Dragons, They Might Be Giants, Journey, and score composers like James Horner, John Williams, and Howard Shore.
7) Song stuck in my head. Currently music from Pirates of the Caribbean.
8) Following. Rumbelle, Robert Carlyle, Rumbelle fic, Paul Bettany, Marvel, Chris Hemsworth, old books, knitting, and probably a few others I can't recall.
9) Followers. I think I have about 30. Maybe. I've only been on tumblr a short while. I'm grateful for all of them.
10) Do you get asks? So far no, but I'm open to them.
11) Amount of sleep. About 6 hours a night. Sometimes less, sometimes more. It never feels like quite enough.
12) What are you wearing? Currently black scrubs with a Wolverine t-shirt.
13) Dream job. A full-time author of children's books, young adult, or fantasy books. Maybe a book editor.
14) Dream trip. I would love to go to Greece and Rome and see ancient pieces of architecture and art or Scotland and Ireland for the castles.
15) Instruments. I love hearing the flute, the harp, and the cello.
16) Languages. English, but I am working on learning Spanish and Irish.
17) 10 favorite songs right now. This is a tough one. Collide by Howie Day, The Promise by When In Rome, Take on Me by Ah-ha, several! Gotta think on this.
18) If you were an animal? I like cats and I wouldn't have minded my cat's life, but I think I'd like to be a bird.
19) Favorite food. Pork chops, roast and potatoes, chocolate in almost any form, and pizza.
20) Random fact. Sometimes without realizing it, I'll spell out parts of my thoughts in American Sign Language.
21) My aesthetic. A secret garden of sorts or a vintage library with a hidden place for quiet pondering and reading. Also Robert Carlyle.
I'm tagging @goldenspinner @jackabelle73 @mrs-stiltskin and @lovesthedarkerone for this if they would like. 😊
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betweenpaperpages · 5 years
goldenspinner replied to your post “Peppermint Mocha”
I can think of something else that is sweet and will keep him warm!
We'll see! There's more than one drink on the menu. ☕
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worryinglyinnocent · 6 years
goldenspinner replied to your post “Ficlet: Turning Up The Heat”
Holy contortions!
Thank you! 
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francoeurs · 7 years
Replies under cut ☼
@anneelliotscat: Beautiful. Now I want the rest of the story! =)
@whimsical36: I really enjoyed this! Thanks for writing!
@rumple-belle: Well this is just absolutely fantastic all the way around.
@thatravenclawbitch: Well this was just lovely!
@tinuviel-undomiel: Oh this was so good! I loved it so much!
@myficarchive: Amazing:D
@judymulder: Yep, this was amazing. Read it!
@goldenspinner: This is outstanding
I’m so glad you enjoyed it! Thank you all for commenting.  ♡♡♡
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emospritelet · 4 years
Desperation - chapter 11
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25: “I’ll trade you”
Making the cupcakes was fun. Bae managed to find aprons for them both and helped to measure out the ingredients and beat the eggs as Belle mixed the butter and sugar together. Bae had suggested that they make a carrot cake mix, and Belle thought this was a good idea; grated carrot would at least get a little nutrition into Gold if he ate some. She added chopped walnuts and spices to the mix, and after making up the cake batter they spooned it into paper cases packed into a tray. Bae sat down on one of the kitchen chairs, licking cake batter from the wooden spoon they had used to mix it. Belle had run a finger around the bowl herself, and had to admit that it tasted pretty good.
“What frosting do you want?” she asked, as she slid the tray into the oven.
“I don’t think we have any cream cheese, so buttercream, I guess.”
“Ooh, yum!” Belle began washing the mixing bowl, ready to make the frosting. “You think your dad will like these?”
“Course he will, because we made them,” said Bae, with certainty. “He likes chocolate cake, too. And oatmeal raisin cookies. Can we make cookies?”
“Let’s see how the cupcakes turn out first,” said Belle, smiling at his enthusiasm. “How was Neal? Did you get to see the kittens?”
“They were sleeping with their mom,” said Bae. “He showed me on the phone. They’re so cute! His mom says I can go get them when the Mayor lets us out. I want the little black one with the white feet, and the stripey one.”
“They sound adorable,” she said, scrubbing the bowl clean. “Kittens like playing and getting into stuff. Your dad’s yarn could be in trouble.”
“Oh, yeah.” Bae looked thoughtful. “We’ll have to keep an eye on them if they’re in the lounge, I guess.”
“Will he mind if they mess things up?”
“He wouldn’t yell at them,” said Bae. “Papa never yells. I don’t want them to wreck his stuff though, even if they’re just playing. Maybe we can make them some toys.”
Belle thought for a moment.
“Do you know how to make pom-poms?” she asked. “If your Papa has some spare wool, we could make some and put them on strings for the kittens to chase.”
Bae looked excited.
“Yeah! I think I remember,” he said. “Papa showed me how. We cut circles out of card and wind wool through, right?”
“Right.” Belle dried the mixing bowl. “We’ll need to ask your dad if we can use some of his wool. Maybe this afternoon, when we’ve finished all the baking you want to do.”
“Okay. Cool.”
“In that case, why don’t you get the powdered sugar, and we’ll make the buttercream?” suggested Belle.
The cupcakes were soon sitting on a rack, filling the kitchen with the scent of cinnamon and nutmeg and covered with craggy crowns of buttercream. They had also made two batches of cookies (oatmeal raisin and chocolate chip), and they were cooling on wire racks, ready to go in the cookie jar. Belle finished the load of laundry, and folded the clothes, packing them into the laundry basket to be taken upstairs. Bae helped to fold the sheets, but that seemed to drain him of all energy, and Belle surmised that he had still not fully recovered from the virus. He was unusually subdued, his natural energy having disappeared, and so she sent him to the lounge with a glass of milk and a cupcake and told him to rest. 
She peeked in on Gold when she took the clean laundry upstairs, but he was sleeping soundly, so she left him to it, setting the clean clothes down on his dresser and tiptoeing out. Bae had put the TV on, but when she put her head around the lounge door he was also asleep. Smiling to herself, she put the crochet blanket over him and went to clean up in the kitchen.
By the time the sun was setting, Belle felt as though her feet were ready to fall off. Bae came shuffling through just as she was preparing dinner, rubbing his eyes and yawning.
“Hey!” she said, smiling as she slid the mac and cheese into the oven. “How are you feeling?”
“Okay.” He wrinkled his nose. “I fell asleep.”
“You sure did,” she said. “I was going to take your dad a cup of tea and one of these cupcakes. You want to help?”
“Can I take him a cookie too?”
“I’m sure he’d love that.” Belle went to pour out the tea. “You did a great job on mixing that dough. Quite the chef.”
“Papa lets me help him bake.”
“Well, you’re both very talented,” she said. “It’s lucky I’m staying with you, or I’d never get to make anything this delicious.”
Bae beamed at her as he put one of the cakes and a cookie on a small plate.
“Where’s your house, Belle?” he asked.
“Oh, I just have an apartment above the library,” she said. “It’s small, only one bedroom, but I guess It’s enough for now.”
“But if it’s above the library, you don’t have a garden,” he said. “Where do you grow vegetables?”
Belle gave him a rueful smile.
“I’m afraid I never quite got around to growing my own food,” she said. “I have to rely on the store.”
“We can’t grow everything we want,” Bae conceded. “There’s no fruit trees and we don’t have a pumpkin patch. But it’s okay because we forage in the woods and we swap stuff with Neal’s dad and with Anton. He has a farm too.”
“Oh, so you swap for things you don’t have?” Belle added milk to the cups and stirred. “That makes sense.”
“Yeah, like maybe Anton has too many pumpkins, and Papa has too many carrots, so they say “I’ll trade you” and then everyone gets to eat good things.”
“Sounds perfect,” said Belle, smiling at his enthusiasm. “Come on, let’s take your dad his tea.”
Gold was awake when they entered the room, and had propped himself up on the pillows a little. His breathing was still uneven, and he looked hollow-eyed and exhausted, but he smiled warmly at Bae and hugged him tight.
“We made cupcakes!” Bae announced, his voice a little muffled by Gold’s T-shirt. “And cookies! Your favourite.”
“Well, you have been busy.” Gold kissed the top of his head. “Let’s have a taste.”
“We made a carrot cake mix,” said Belle, as Gold took a bite. “We thought it would do you good, get some nutrition inside you.”
“They have nuts in, too!” put in Bae.
Gold made noises of enjoyment, nodding his head as he chewed. There was a blob of frosting on the edge of his lip, and Belle watched as he swiped at it with a long finger and sucked it off. His eyes flicked to hers, and she looked away.
“Delicious,” he said.
“Try the cookies!” said Bae excitedly. “We put the big raisins in.”
Belle bit her lip in amusement as Gold dutifully ate the cookie.
“I can see Granny has competition on her hands,” he said, his voice lower and rougher with coughing. You two could open up a bakery together.”
Bae wriggled with delight, and Belle set the cup of tea down on the nightstand.
“How are you feeling?” she asked, and he lay back against the pillows with a sigh.
“I’m okay,” he said. “I’m sure I’ll be better soon.”
He held her gaze steadily, and Belle picked up on the silent message.
“Bae, your dad didn’t try the chocolate chip cookies yet,” she said. “You want to go get him one?”
Bae trotted off happily, and Belle turned back to Gold, folding her arms.
“How are you really feeling?” she asked, and he screwed up his face.
“Feels like there’s a ton of weight on my chest,” he said. “It’s exhausting, honestly.”
“Well, you just stay in bed,” she said firmly. “Bae and I have everything under control.”
“So I see.” He gave her a slanted grin. “How is he?”
“He took a nap this afternoon,” she said. “I think he’d overdone things a little. But he’s a lot better this evening. He’s on the mend.”
“Good.” He ran a hand through his hair with a sigh, and reached for his tea. “Sorry about earlier. I wasn’t expecting to find you in my bedroom.”
“Oh, it’s fine, really,” she said hurriedly, feeling her cheeks start to heat. “Just - bad timing, that’s all.”
“Yes.” He took a drink. “Well. I’ll be sure to be more careful while you’re here. No more unexpected nudity.”
“In that case I promise I’ll do likewise,” she said primly, and he chuckled.
“If you could. In my delicate state I don’t think my heart could take it.” 
Belle giggled, still blushing, and he grinned and took another drink of tea.
“At least I know Bae’s in good hands while I’m lying here like a useless lump,” he said. “He seems to have taken a shine to you. It’s nice to see.”
“He’s a great kid,” she said honestly. “You must be very proud of him.”
“Yeah.” He smiled, setting down his cup. “Best thing I ever did with my life.”
“And he’s worried about you,” she added. “To be honest, so am I. I know we really only just met, but I - I kind of feel like we’re friends. Are we friends?”
His smile grew a little.
“Of course,” he said. “You’ve been a true friend to us this past week. I won’t forget it.”
She smiled, and he looked hesitant, glancing across at her. 
“When all this is over,” he said. “When you go back to your own life and - and you get busy with running the library, I hope you’ll come and visit us. Maybe - maybe for dinner, or something.”
“Now that I know how good you both are at cooking?” she teased. “I’ll be over here so often you’ll get sick of the sight of me.”
Gold’s smile grew soft, dark eyes gleaming in the light of the lamps.
“I don’t think that would be possible,” he said quietly.
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abovethemists · 6 years
So Much Ado Lacey and Weaver.....what’s next?
Lacey: Well, I got the job at Belfrey Developments so I’m moving to Seattle in three weeks. Weaver and I have been texting in the meantime...
Weaver: Is that what you call that? I’d call it porn. 
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timelordthirteen · 6 years
goldenspinner replied to your post: Heads Above Water (Sutherelle fic)
Fanning self at work. That was um well um yes now. Indeed….that was **blushing** um invigorating!! Dare I ask for more??
Thank you!! You know I can’t stop once I’ve started...
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mariequitecontrarie · 6 years
AOM Belle/Gold do you guys see yourselves living together soon?
Belle: Hmmm. *blushes* It’s not that I wouldn’t like to move in with Gold someday but I just moved in with Marco. That’s probably enough moving for me at least for a little while. I mean yeah, I should get my own place but Marco’s feels like home and I haven’t had that in a really long time.
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Gold: I would love to live with Belle for the rest of my life someday, but I sense she needs this time at Marco’s and I don’t want to rush her. With him she has both family and independence–a soft place to land until she decides on a place of her own. When Neal is finished rebuilding the caretaker’s apartment above the library, she’ll have the option of living there, too. My dream is to marry her and have a family but I’m not sure her dreams align with mine. But I’m a patient man. I’ll wait as long as it takes.
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ethereal-wishes · 7 years
As Belle and Rumple are building their cabin, she becomes distracted by his leather pants.
Lust and Leathers
A/AN: Goldenspinner prompted Belle gets distracted by Rumple chopping wood and accidentally spills a bucket of water all over herself…
Belle carried a pail full of water, huffing as she walked. It must have weighed nearly twenty pounds, and she found herself struggling, doing her best not to tip it over. She stalled briefly, her eyes gravitating to her husband sawing wood for their cabin home. He bent over to pick up a piece of wood which had fallen, and Belle felt a distinct pulsating between her legs as she admired his leather clad behind.
He turned back around, meeting her gaze. She knew it was foolish to feel embarrassed to be caught admiring his immaculate backside. She’d seen him naked more times than she could count. Images of him stark naked and sawing wood filled her head, and her desire to continue working waned.
The weight of the bucket she was carrying slipped her mind. And as she took another step, she tripped over a raised tree root. She struggled to keep herself upright, but it was futile as gallons of water gushed out, saturating her dress.
“Belle, are you alright?” Rumpelstiltskin asked, rushing towards her.
She pushed back her damp locks, spitting water out of her mouth. “I’m fine, merely got distracted is all,” she mumbled.
“What’s gotten you so distracted?” he asked, helping her to her feet.
“You in those bloody leather trousers, if you must know,” she chuckled, grinning wickedly at him.
“Oh?” He raised his brow quizzically at her.
“Yes, Rumple, don’t you ever notice me staring at your ass? It’s not like I’ve ever been subtle about it, except maybe when I was your maid,” she admitted, her eyes rimmed with lust.
“You? You wanted me when I was the Dark One?” he inquired in disbelief.
“Yes, my leather wearing, prince,” she bit her lip wantonly, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“We should get you out of those wet clothes before you catch a cold,” he replied, hoisting her into his arms, noticing how her bosom was now visible through the thin sheer fabric – a result of the spill.
“I may need a bit of warming up too,” she smirked suggestively.
“I can certainly remedy that,” he said, his leathers becoming tight in distinct places.
“Lead the way, Mr. Gold,” she said, batting her eyelashes playfully.
“Will do, Mrs. Gold,” he replied, carrying her into a desolate place in the woods where he spent the next several hours “warming” her up. It’s safe to say the couple made no progress with their building project that day, but neither of them were complaining.
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