#golf shirts dry fit
olsenmyolsen · 19 days
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master list . dark master list
If I said best song on TTPD, then what???
MCU (Female Reader X Wanda Maximoff)
Summary: You and Wanda Maximoff used to be something, but now that you're with Natasha Romanoff, Wanda can't stand by and let it happen.
Word Count: 1.4K
Content: Pissed Off Wanda, Manipulation, Cheating(?)
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Wanda hated seeing you with Natasha.
She hated how the redhead whispered sweet nothings into your ear as you cooked dinner. She hated seeing how Natasha's arms held you tight after a mission. Wanda mostly hated how she looked at you. When Wanda truly looked at you. Wanda could see the pain hidden behind the glare.
Wanda hates how you treated her and how she treated you in return.
On top of that, she regrets calling it off too early. But now she hates the idea of you with someone else.
The images of you and Natasha are driving her crazy.
So, as she stands in front of her mirror in a white shirt and a lilac short skirt that fits her like skin, she smiles.
She's gonna get you back.
You're no better than a man when you see the way Wanda glides into the kitchen for breakfast. The body-hugging skirt leaves little to the imagination while making your mouth dry.
Wanda feels your gaze on her as she keeps her back to you. Using her magic to grab a bowl and spoon for cereal, keeping a laugh inside as she hears your thoughts.
You look away when she turns around but look right back up with a spoon clatters against the hardwood. You go red when you see Wanda bent over, picking up the spoon.
The color of her panties matches the skirt.
"Hey!" Natasha's voice makes you jump as she enters the kitchen with a smile. Wanda finishes gathering her cereal in the meantime. She knows this part of her plan worked just by how hard you're trying to keep your focus on Natasha and not Wanda and her body. "You woke up before me. That never happens!" Natasha makes a casual joke that you give a half-hearted chuckle at. "Yeah, just wanted an early start today, I guess."
Wanda takes one last look at you before she leaves the room. Your eyes catch her green ones, and you just about stop breathing when she winks at you.
"You're mine."
The following week, Stark is throwing a party for god knows what the occasion was, but it doesn't matter. You need something like this for one reason or another.
(Wanda and Wanda.)
So, as you walk with your arms linked with Natasha's, you find all eyes on the two of you. Natasha is dressed in a strapless thigh-high slit silver dress. You opted for an all-black tux that Natasha couldn't wait to tear off you later.
And you with her dress.
You smiled and kissed her cheek while she made small talk with colleagues, and you felt the burn of green eyes on you.
Wanda was stewing across the party, in a tight black dress that complimented your tux better than Natasha did. You and Natasha looked stunning.
She hated it.
So, with her mind on autopilot, Wanda downed the remainder of her glass and kept her burning desire trained on you.
After days of teasing, Wanda didn't feel close to accomplishing her goal. So, with misguided judgment, she rolled her tongue over her lips and found herself standing in the garage.
A golf club in her hand.
Luxury cars that Tony spent too much money on never to drive were the first pieces of machinery Wanda saw before she walked further and further down that aisle.
A loud click bounced off the walls with every step of her heels. Until. Wanda finally stopped in front of your bike.
Wanda remembers times when you'd spend all day with this stupid junk—fixing it up and taking it for a spin, being too loud and careless. God, Wanda hated it. But she also loved it because it made you happy.
But Wanda did at some point, too.
A memory of her arms wrapped around you while you sped around the compound plays out.
Wanda unconsciously screams and takes a swing, hitting the headlight right in the middle of the bike. Glass spraying around her. With a gasp, Wanda takes a step back, surprised by her actions, before she grips the club harder and swings for the fences.
39 times.
Wanda had a date a few weeks after Starks party. Your bike was totaled, and Wanda had another date.
You couldn't fucking believe it.
You felt like you had been going crazy with Wanda lately. She was gone one minute and was always around the next, in short skirts or revealing tops. Wanda was there. She acted friendly, and then, in a second, she couldn't stand you.
You couldn't make heads or tails of what was happening.
Was she getting me back?
One way or another?
You sighed as you sat down on your bed at the compound. Natasha was gone on a mission, and even if you wanted to talk to her, you couldn't really do it about Wanda.
You would be lying if you said you didn't miss Wanda at times when Natasha wouldn't get your jokes or how her and Wanda's idea of nights in were different.
On top of that, you missed Wanda's touch. You hate to say it, but you miss feeling her skin under your hand or hearing her whispered sighs escape through her lips.
You groan and lift up from the bed. You head down to the gym to distract yourself. It's empty when you get there and by the time you're finishing up. Yet, with your headphones in and your back to the door. You don't hear Wanda enter the room.
Wanda had listened to your thoughts repeatedly for the last two hours. She had smiled wide and touched herself briefly as your frustrated moans left you. She knew how close she was to getting you back.
So, as you hummed to your music, Wanda gently walked towards you.
You stopped and turned around when red magic surrounded the equipment you were using. "Wanda?" You questioned as you paused your music. She was wearing a black sports bra and bike shorts.
But god, did they stick to her like glue.
"Hi Y/n." Wanda moved closer. "What are you doing here?" You asked after swallowing your nerves and trying to keep your eyes from roaming her body. "Just thought I'd get a workout in before my date," Wanda said with a wide smile that upset you. Wanda's words were making you think twice about what happened between the two of you.
But one thing was for certain.
Her date could never do the things I could.
Wanda raised an eyebrow at that and stepped closer to you. "You've told your friends you hate me, but you love me just the same." You remained stoic even if your lips moved slightly. "Come on. Y/n.." Wanda practically moaned as she stepped closer again with a smirk. Bringing her hand up to your body and dragging her index finger from your chin to your breast.
Only stopping when you grabbed her.
"We tried the whole bygones will be bygones thing," Wanda said as she lifted her eyes from your sweaty and toned body to your beautiful eyes. Eyes she missed, looking at her with softness and lust. "I've tried harder than you." You said, making Wanda roll her eyes.
She was playing a game.
"I don't see what if done wrong," Wanda questioned. "I see the whispers in your eyes, baby. You want me." You dropped Wanda's hand and shook your head. Your thoughts descending into actions of you taking Wanda right here and now mixed with Natasha and her broken heart. "You're poison." You speak with your face inches from Wanda's. "I'm poison either way." Wanda's words cut through you easily.
She'll always be around whether she taints your thoughts and actions or keeps to herself. Wanda will always be there.
"You have someone." You say, but Wanda laughs. "You have someone, too."
You should leave, but you can't bring yourself to do it.
Wanda smiles before she pulls you forward and collides your lips with hers. A simple thing turns into a heated make-out session that leaves both breathless.
And yet Wanda pushes you away when you reach for her shorts. "I need to get started on my workout." She says with a breath between each third word. You shake your head and try again, but Wanda stops you. "Oh, honey..." Wanda coos. "You didn't think it would be that easy. Did you?" You stare at Wanda as she clicks her tongue. "I always have the upper hand, Y/n."
Wanda then looks outside as a Quinjet flies by. You're too busy scanning Wanda's face.
"Looks like she's home," Wanda says as she turns back to you. "And don't worry, I won't say anything." Wanda shrugs before turning away, leaving you standing still as your fingers touch your lips. Still a taste of Wanda. "Oh, and Y/n."
You pull your eyes to her.
"I'm gonna get you back."
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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A Birthday to Remember
Summary: You're birthday celebration is crashed by an unexpected guest. (Steve Rogers)
Warnings: noncon/dubcon, fingering, flirting, public canoodles
Note: @punishmepunisher said Evans was rocking a suburban dad who drinks applebee's margaritas and listens to Jimmy Buffett so this happened.
Please enjoy and let me know what you think. Please also reblog because it's a lot longer than I intended.
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You laugh over the rim of your appletini. The overly sweet drink goes down too easy as Charlotte calls for another round. It’s not exactly the thirtieth birthday you dreamed of, but you can’t complain for the company.
It’s almost fitting as you enter your third decade, the downhome atmosphere of the Applebee’s; the staticy classic rock buzzing from the speakers, televisions playing sports games over the bar, where men in golf shirts and khakis nurse Heinekins and cheer on their favourite batters. The old jokes don’t stop as Charlotte and Tatiana hide behind the few months until they cross the line of the big three-o.
“You think you can handle another round, grandma?” Tat giggles as she looks around for the waiter.
“Shut up,” you grumble and roll your eyes, “just you wait, you’ll regret it.”
“She’s getting cranky in her old age,” Charlotte cracks and drains the last of her pina colada.
You harrumph and cross your arms as you sit back against the plastic cushion. The waiter stops by as Tat calls for another order.
“I shouldn’t have trusted you two with planning this,” you bemoan, “I mean, really?”
“Oh, come on, you said no clubs,” Charlotte taunts, “so we went with something more your speed.”
“Let me guess, we’re hitting the funeral home next?” You scoff.
“That’s next year,” Tat cackles.
You shake your head and sit through their roast, the waiter bringing you a second appletini as you thank them. You’re gonna need at least half a dozen to get through the night, especially with these two.
The bright green liquid dwindles as you gulp it down eagerly, listening to Charlotte chatter about her new Tinder match. A cute redhead she claims. You haven’t had much luck on the app despite her many flings. You feel as if you’re doing something wrong and Tat is once more in her on-and-off hookup with her old college roommate.
As you’re ready for a third, pondering changing up the flavour, a sudden lull goes up as the crackle of a sparkler breaks the din. Several waiters approach singing happy birthday as you cringe and sink down in your seat. Charlotte and Tatiana join in out of tune, drawing out the song annoyingly as the cake is placed on the table before you.
You growl before you blow out the candles and the servers proclaim you next drink on the house. You smile and thank them, holding back your humiliation and ordering one of the blue drinks on special.
“Right,” you say as you’re finally left to wallow with your so-called friends, “I’m gonna break the seal.”
“Already? Oh, shoot, there goes her bladder, we should’ve brought the depends,” Tat jokes and you give her another snarl.
You leave them to their laughter as you climb down from the booth and head towards the signs beside the kitchen. You take your time, hiding in the stall as the alcohol flows into your veins and gives a bit of a tint to your vision. You wash your hands and stare at your reflection.
You don’t look older. You don’t feel it either. Thirty isn’t so bad. Give it a couple years and your few strands of grey will be streaks. You twist off the tap and yank out some paper towel to dry off.
It’s a bit louder as you come out into the restaurant. The bar’s growing raucous as bottles clink onto the wood top and the avid ball fans cheer for their team in the ninth inning. As you pass behind the stools, a body stumbles into you as he slides off a tall stool.
A large hand catches your lower back, steadying you before retracting abruptly.
“Oop, sorry about that, I didn’t see ya there,” the man takes a step back, resting his hand on the leather of his vacated seat, “oh, you’re the birthday girl, huh?”
“Oh, uh,” you glance over at Charlotte and Tat as they speak over the table, slurping from their thin straws, “yeah, my friends are a bit dramatic.”
“Here, let me buy you a drink,” he offers.
“Oh, no, no, that’s fine. It’s nice of you but–”
“I insist, come on,” he waves to the bartender, “what are you drinking?”
“Really, I can’t, I gotta get back to my friends,” you insist.
“Bah, make them wait, they don’t seem to miss you,” he peeks at them over his shoulder, “Steve, by the way.”
You nod, uncertain about the man. He’s older than you. Forty at least judging from the patches of silver at his temples that weave back into his golden hair. Even so, he’s not bad looking.
You return your name, another wary look to your table, and you fold your hands anxiously.
“Another margarita,” he orders over the bar and turns to you, “well?”
“Um, vodka soda,” you say, sticking to the same liquor. If you don’t feel your age, you definitely feel the alcohol.
“Here, all yours,” he pats the stool and steps away as the bartender begins his mixing.
“No, it’s fine–”
“I insist,” he points to the seat, his voice firm, fatherly almost, “sit.”
You hold back a sigh and step on the crossbar and haul yourself up. He stands beside you, his elbow on the bar as he digs out his wallet. He pays as your drinks are set down and tells the bartender to keep the change.
“You’re too nice,” you say, “buying a complete stranger a drink.”
“Stranger? I know your name, you know mine,” he says smoothly.
“Right,” you put your fingers on the cold glass, “I guess.”
“So, how old are you now? Wait, wait,” he raises his large hands, “let me guess,” he taps his chin as he thinks, eyes roving over you, “twenty-three?”
You nearly choke as you suck on the straw and scoff, “try again.”
“Hmmm, up or down?” he asks. You point at the ceiling and his brows shoot up, “oh, I see, aging gracefully.” He pauses to drink from the tall green neck of his beer bottle, “Twenty-five?”
You shake your head and give him a doubtful look, “you don’t have to lie, it’s not working.”
“Twenty-six?” He tries again, the same glower aimed back at him, “no? Shit, uh,” he hooks his thumb in his belt and hovers his glass before his lips. He squints at you and takes a slow drink, popping his lips off the rim as he thinks, “don’t tell me you’re thirty.”
You nod, “yep, thirty.”
“Jeez, well, you look good for thirty, trust me, I know,” he chuckles, “damn, I’m old.”
“Are you?” You wonder.
“Take a guess,” he leans on the bar as he crosses one foot over the other.
“I don’t want to,” you say, “I wouldn’t want to offend you.”
“What? Come on, I can’t look that old, I’m sure you can get it.”
“Steve,” you pluck his name out of your mind after a moment of grasping, “I don’t know.”
“Come on,” he goads.
You press your lips together and take another sip. You peer over at Charlotte and Tatianna. They’ve noticed and they’re watching none too subtly.
“I should get back to my friends,” you say again.
“You guess my age and you can go,” he says, “so?”
“Uh, I don’t know… thirty?” You utter weakly.
He laughs, “be serious,” he slides closer, brushing against your legs.
“Forty,” you resign in a stony voice.
His cheek ticks, “warmer.”
“Okay, er, forty-two?”
“Getting there,” he tilts his head.
“Higher or lower?” You ask impatiently and slide to the edge of the stool, wanting to get back to the table. 
“Higher,” his tone rolls in his throat smokily.
“Um, forty-five?” You bluster helplessly.
“Bingo,” he wiggles his glass at you, “fifteen years, huh? Not that much but enough.”
“Sure,” you say, confused, “well, I–”
“Hey,” Charlotte interrupts, “hate to butt in but we were getting a bit antsy so we cut the cake.”
“Here,” Tatiana hands you a plate with a slice, then offers another to Steve, “we figured we bring you some.”
“I’m coming back, it’s–”
“Thanks,” Steve takes it and sets down his drink, “you guys have some wild plans for the rest of the night?”
Tat gives a prolonged glance in his direction before her and Charlotte share a coded look, “well, that’s the thing. I have a girl waiting for me at my apartment and Char here has a guy blowing up her phone, but our friend, single as the day she was born.”
“Tat,” you hiss under your breath as Steve laughs.
“And she’s thirty. Tick tock,” Charlotte adds, “she won’t be able to score a sexy older man for much longer.”
“Shut up,” you growl.
“So, we’ve had our cake and ate it too,” Charlotte smirks, “so the table is all yours.”
You blink at her as you try not to seethe in anger. 
“Go on, enjoy the rest of your birthday, babe,” Tat adds as she adjusts her purse, “we’re just gonna share a cab.”
‘I hate you,’ you mouth over your glass before you take another drink.
They giggle and give a wave, “see you later, you can tell us all about it tomorrow,” Charlotte chimes as they strut away.
You gulp down the last of the bitter vodka soda and place it on the bar, “well, that was not uncomfortable at all. I’m gonna go grab my things and disappear.”
“Wait,” he says as you drop off the stool, your plate nearly toppling out of your hand, “you gotta have your cake. It’s your birthday.”
“I… guess,” you bite your lip, “but you don’t have to–”
“I think it’s pretty obvious that I want to,” he says, “so?”
You feel bad saying no, even if you’re uncertain about him. He’s friendly enough but you don’t exactly go for the suburban Applebee local. He did buy you a drink though so the least you can do is be polite.
“Sure,” you say, “I can’t eat all that cake alone.”
He grins and turns back for his margarita. You lead him to the table and sidle onto the bench. He slides in beside you to your surprise as you set down your plate. He’s close as he sits next to you and settles in.
“I prefer vanilla,” he says as he jabs his fork into the chocolate sponge.
“I don’t mind either,” you say as you mirror him. This is going to be an awkward night. Charlotte and Tatianna are going to pay.
“So, you must be from town?” he asks before taking a bite.
“Yeah, east end,” you answer.
“Ah, I live up in Chester,” he swallows, “pretty tame over there.”
“That’s close,” you say awkwardly, never very good at the whole conversation with a stranger thing.
“I look like the type, eh?” He glances down at his striped golf shirt.
“I didn’t think about it,” you lie, focusing on your cake as sweat beads on your scalp. He smells like bergamot and citrus,
“You don’t have to lie to me,” he says as he stretches his arm behind your head, his fork clinking against the plate.
“I’m not,” you reach for the forgotten blue cocktail you ordered before your venture to the toilets, “really.”
“So what do you do? You seem like a teacher type.”
“I do? Didn’t you think I was twenty-three?”
“Well, now I know you’re not. Maybe you’re a lawyer? You like to argue.”
“I’m not arguing,” you stop yourself, leaving the last bit of your slice untouched as you twirl your fork nervously, “I work in curriculum development. Not quite a teacher.”
“Ah, I knew it was something like that,” he puts his fork down on his empty plate and takes a napkin to wipe his lips, crumpling it up and tossing it with the silver. “You must work hard, no time for guys?”
“Just haven’t gotten to that,” you shrug as his arm falls onto your shoulder. You wriggle and try to shrug him off, “it’s warm in here,” you fan yourself as the fork shakes in your hand.
“Well, you’re damn hot, aren’t you?” he purrs as he leans in.
“Wha– I– Can you back up?” you choke out, “please.”
“Come on, baby, just a little fun for your birthday,” he turns towards you on the seat, blocking out the restaurant with his shoulders.
“Okay, no, you’re too–”
He shoves his hands between your legs and you gasp, clamping your thighs around his fingers.
“Hey,” you grab his wrist, “don’t do that–”
He curls his arm around your head and smothers your mouth with his other hand. You murmur into his palm as he forces his hands up to the seam of your leggings. Your eyes round as heat surrounds the pressure of his rough touch. His breath fills the tight space as he pulls your against him.
You’re almost in his lap as he places his chin on top of your head, hugging you to him as he rocks his hand. It’s painful as the coil winds within, the weight of his hand against your clit twists it tighter and tighter. You garble as he shakes your whole body with his rhythm and hushes you.
“Doesn’t that feel good, honey? Hm?” he keeps two fingers against your folds as he presses the heel of his hand against your bud, “fuck, I feel you getting wet through these things.”
You whimper as you latch onto his thick forearm, his scent drowning you as the alcohol laces through your hazy mind. He moves his fingers up and down, tracing the seam and pushes on the stitches with his nail. The fabric split and he tears the hole a little at a time.
You tremble as you claw at him, begging him in muffled sniffles to stop. He feels along the edge of your panties and inches them aside, delving between your wet lips. You bat your lashes in horror as he coos at you under his breath.
“Fuck, you are wet, honey, hm? You like being my little slut. With all these people around too…” he dips his fingers into you, wiggling his hand against your clit as he curls his knuckles, “yeah, you’re gonna cum already, aren’t you?”
The noise all around blurs; voices, the radio, the television, and the clatter of plates from behind the kitchen doors. You suck in air as your eyes roll back, the tingle spreading across your thighs as your hips rock without thinking. He squeezes as the fire bloom and smatters across your pelvis, an orgasm spiking against your will.
You puff against his hand as you squeeze his wrist and shudder through your climax. He eases you through, your walls twitching around him in rebellion. Slowly, he slips out and lets you go. You pants as you brace yourself against the cushion as he untangles his arm form your neck.
He puts his elbow on the table and admires his glistening fingers. You reach between your legs to feel the tear in your leggings, your cunt tender to the touch. He winks at you as he licks his fingers and pushes them into his mouth with a hum.
He pulls them out in a deliberate motion, “tasty,” he smirks and turns his hand, checking the time on his watch, “damn, I told the wife I’d be home at ten.”
You gape at him as he takes a deep swig from the curved glass and slides off the seat. You quiver as you sit up, watching him dumbly as you try to understand what just happened.
“See ya, honey,” he waves with the two fingers he just fucked you with, “happy birthday.”
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elswere-1 · 5 months
IRL Hang 0ut Ideas
Thank you to friends who helped me write this! Please leave a reply if you have ideas to add and I will add them 💖
Alka Seltzer lava lamp
Amusement Park
Apple bobbing -w- spear
Archery Range
Arm wrestling
At home concert/puppetshow/drama
Aura Reading
Bake cake
Bake off
Baking soda volcano
Bat spotting w light
Become hypnotist
Beer pong but not good drink (vinegar)
Bendy bones experiment
bird/bug watching
Bleach your clothes
Blindfold nerf gun fight
Blindfold painting
Body/facepaint each other
Bowling with bottles
Box car racing
Break stupid outdated laws
Bug hotel
Build a garden
Build a scarecrow
Cardboard armor (for pool noodle/cardboard sword/nerf fight)
Cardboard sledding
Catching animals/bugs/fish
Celebrate your not birthday
Clothing Swap
Cloud watching
Conquer a fear
Conspiracy theory devolution
Cooking Challenge -w- Judge
Costume Party
Crack melon w thigh challenge
Cryptid hunting trip
Cursed goodwill modeling competition
Customize a toy
Cut each others hair
DIY Boardgame
DIY Candle!
DIY Catapult
DIY clay gargoyle for outside
DIY kites
DIY soap
DIY sundial
DIY windchime/ wind spin thing
Decorate eachothers Door
Dinner party
Diy sumo wrestling
Draw fake tattoos on eachother
Dress e-boy/goth/drag
Dress funny then go out
Drive, get lost, have fun finding your way back
Dumpster diving
Dye hair
Egg roulette
Escape room
Extreme jenga
Fake Kidnap to somewhere fun (don’t make it look like a
kidnapping tho the police are gonna slap your ass -kaijucatboy)
Fake apocalypse bug out plans
fake knifefight with markers/white shirt (to see where u got "stabbed")
Fake military training
Feed fish @ lake w fishfood
Field Trip! Field Trip!
Find the weirdest thing is a store for $10 or less
Find weirdest food in store and EAT
Fit somewhere funny (like a cabinet/icebox)
Flea market
Float dry erase in water
Floor is lava
Fog machine/glowsticks
Food in jars experiment (bugs and mold)
Food quest (collect ingredients around town)
Free trial fitness class/ yoga
Friendship bracelet/keychain
Galaxy in a jar (use clear glue!)
Garage Sale
Get along shirt
Get the boy/girl scout badges
Giant yard dice D&D (would be funny for larp related stuff) Cardboard?
Go somewhere liminal at 3AM
Go to a psychic/ tarot reader/hand reading
Graffiti art
Grow crystal (borax/sugar/salt)
Guess Who but w custom pics
Helicopter ride
Heterosexual Adversion Therapy (1967)
Hide and seek
Homemade playdough/edible playdough
hydro dipping
Hula hoop contest
Kick the can
Kinetic/gravity painting
Laser tag
Learn to dance
Legal sovereignty for bedroom
Longest paper airplane flight
Look for trash along ditches/railroad. Sometimes fun things there
Looking for animal tracks/plaster of paris
Loom band bracelet
Low budget cosplay your oc
Magnet/trash fishing
Make a boat that floats!
Make a muppet/puppet for memes
Make action figure of your friend
Make cheese
Make food from movies/tv/video game/comics
Make food into jello
Make food into sphere
Make hous in woods
Make jewelry
Make magic potions as a drink
Make miniature food (fake or real)
Make music video (cringe=good)
Make redneck instrument
Make t-shirts
Make your own alchahol
Make/buy edible counterparts of forbidden snacks
Making illegal bath cosmetics
manny peddy
McDonald's tubes at night
Mechanical bull
Mineral identification
Mini golf
Miniatures of eachother 4 D&D
Monster Suit
Moth sheet outside
Movie Night
Mummify a hotdog
Musical chairs
Nerf gun/bb gun/pillow fight
Ninja warrior with indoor stuff
Oreos but half are contaminated
Ouija board/ghost hunting
Paint hands to make caveman hand wall
Paint on the same canvas
Paint rocks/bricks for garden
Pancake Day
Paper mache (sculptures)
Peel a melon
People Watching
Pepper's ghost hologram diy
Pillow FIght
Pillow forts
Plaster of Paris of your face or hands
Play in Rain/Mud
Play in leaf pile
Playing baseball but no one knows what baseball is/ baseball but the ball is randomized
playground when kids aren't there
Pole dancing class
Pool noodle/fake sword fight
Presidential fitness test
Pretend wedding/funeral
Psychic surgery
Pumpkin spice on things that shouldn't have pumpkin spice on them
Rave party
Re-enact history/ how people used to do things
Record cursed noises
Record scifi custom audio (sound effects)
Recreate restaurant food
Repaint old furniture
Rock Hunt
Rock Wall Climbing
Rock/glass polishing
Rubberband melon explosion
Sandcastle empire
Scavenger hunt
Scrapbook/corkboard of stuff we did
Secret handshake
Sensory Deprivation Tank
Shadow puppet story
Shaving cream art
Sidewalk chalk art day, murder outline
Silent Disco
Skip Rocks
Sleep over
Snow ice cream
Solar oven
Spa Day
Spicy challenge
Spotlight hunting (looking 4 animal @ night)
Squirt guns
Stone soup
Street Food
Sun prints
Tannerite :3
Tape someone to the wall/ceiling
Tea Party
That one bean that makes you not taste sour
Three legged race
Throw a dart at a map and go there <- sounds v fun
Tie dye squirt gun war
Tie dye your clothes!
Time capsule
Timelapse plant or rotting stuff
Tornado in a bottle
Trampoline park
Treasure Hunt
Try Soviet psychic experiment
Try all [one type of food] in town to compare
Try magic
Try not to laugh but with a harmonica
Try not to laugh, water spit thing
Try snacks from other countries
Try to make music/sing song
Try weird art supply
Trying new restaurants
Vampire Night
Videogames -w- pizza Party
vinegar dissolve egg shells osmosis experiment
Volunteer somewhere together
WHAT'S in the B0X
Walk Dogs from the Shelter
Walk a dog for humane society
Walking Tour (local tourist thing) ((Theres haunted versions too))
Washers/ llawn Darts/ Horseshoe
Watch the sunrise/sunset
Waxing body hair
Zip Lining
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allthingsfook · 10 months
Hii! Can I have a ship please?
I’m 5’5, curly brown hair, with light brown eyes :)
I love music, I love going to concerts even if they’re a small underground band. I love to hang out with my friends, I’m much more extroverted than an introvert but I also get a bit worn out after being with people for a long time.
I love sports, football, softball, golf, ice skating..you name it. I also love nature. Nature has always been something that means a lot to me, its a calming thing to me. sitting out in the park or in my vacation house in the mountains are some things that keep me completely grounded.
Currently I’m in school studying fashion, its my dream to be a fashion stylist for musicians
Also if you can, can you add an nsfw headcanon? :’)
Thank you!! <3
Hello!!!! Of course you can have a ship!!!
**Post Ship Notes** I’m sorry for how long winded this is going to be and I’m also sorry for any typos. I wanted to get this written for you, but also have to work in the morning!!!
I ship you with…
Danny ⭐️
This has nothing to do with the fact that you both have brown curly hair 😂 I struggled between Josh and Danny, but the sports comment ultimately made me decide on Danny!
So let’s just jump right into it!! How could you not enjoy music and end up with one of the boys?! So there’s the first step 😂 I think Danny is the most fond of going out to see bands at local spots/bars. At least he’s the one we see out to those functions the most. I think Danny would admire the fact that you enjoy listening to up and coming/underground bands. He’d go on to tell you that bands like that are so grateful for support, and often need people like you to give them that drive to keep making music. That’s how GVF got started: playing in dives and biker bars.
As sociable and sweet as Danny is, I think his social tank can run dry quickly, especially when being around the boys. He’d always respect your wishes and never initiate the conversation about wanting to go home… he’d just wait until you said something and thank you 🙏 ☺️
Once you arrive home, he’d crawl into bed; barely kicking his clothes off in time for his head to hit the pillow. You’d spend some time caring for yourself; removing your makeup, brushing your teeth, and putting on lotion. Once finished, you’d crawl in next to him. He’d snake his strong arm around your torso and pull you into his warm core. Pretty soon, you feel his stiffening cock push against your back. You smirk and ask him, “what’s going on back there?” He’d chuckle and blush, “nothing.” “I thought you were tired,” you’d tease. He’d grip your shoulder and roll you onto your back while he straddles you. “Not anymore,” he admits. His hands would disappear under your shirt, fingertips grazing your nipples. You’d gasp and flicker your eyes shut to completely sink into the moment. Both of you enjoy for a moment, before he gracefully removes your shirt, then turns his attention toward your lower half. He’d toy with the hem of your shorts then take the strings in his mouth, yanking them with his teeth. He’d shimmy them down to expose your weeping cunt. From between your thighs, he’d smile up at you and press two fingers between your folds. He’s not quick to put himself inside of you, he enjoys teasing you just as much as he loves getting off. He would often touch you for what seemed like hours before guiding his thick cock into you. God, he’d stretch you out each time he thrusts into you. You have never had someone so big that it takes you a while to adjust to his size, but it’s the most narcotic feeling.
No surprise Danny is a golf man, so I’m glad to hear you also enjoy golf, along with many other sports. I can see Danny lighting up the moment you tell him you like to golf. He’d have an outing set up like the next day 😂 Just to get what you want, you get all dolled up in that stereotypical sexy golfer fit; the short white skirt, and color coordinating shirt with him. No shock the breeze would flip the skirt up to show off your perfect ass in the built in spandex. Danny would gawk and whimper at the sight. After you get the ball in the hole, you dramatically bend over, hoping Danny will get hard in his pants…. Mission accomplished. As dedicated as he is to the game, he cuts it short and rushes you to the country club locker room so he can fuck the shit out of you!!! Hastily he will lock the door, instruct you to take off your skirt…as you do he’ll instantly pick you up and carry you over to the vanity. He drops you down on the cool counter top, whips his belt off and shoves his pants down just enough to reveal his throbbing dick. He spits on it and pushes into you with such need and lust. When he finishes inside of you, it will be another check on his bucket list…. Maybe a check one you didn’t even know you had 😉
All the boys are so inspired and find peace in nature, so no surprise Danny would love getting away to the mountains. I could see the two of you basking in mother nature; hiking, swimming, foraging, and sitting around the campfire. To close most nights in, you’d cuddle on the floor of a picture-perfect cabin…. Nestled in front of a gigantic stone fireplace. Although the trip was intended to escapee into nature and relax, you guys can’t help sorting through all the dusty VHS tapes. What classics! Especially the horrible 70s slasher movies. Danny would convince you let him put in Friday the 13th, and there you would cower in his arms…. Wether the movie scares you a little or it’s just downright laughable… you still nuzzle into him so he will grip your waist tighter.
Lastly, I think Danny would find it so interesting that you are going into the fashion industry; also would Josh. Your relationship with Danny would no doubt be a gateway into collaborating with the boys and other stylists when preparing for future tours. Danny would also encourage you to get up from behind your desk and try on the model’s shoes. He’d help you into a skimpy outfit you have designed and hype you up! Not only is he helping build your self confidence, but also giving himself an excuse to touch your curves!
Whew!!! 😋 I warned ya! It’s a lot 🤣 But I really do hope you enjoyed and per usual please please please let me know what you think! I always love to hear! I will also include a collage and song ship!!!!
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kamtoyaoyibo · 1 year
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store4golfers · 2 years
Finding the Right Golf Clothes for Women.
Even though men's clothing is still the norm, women who want to play golf have many stylish options. Female golfers often wear polo shirts on the course. These are soft and stylish, with many opportunities for customization.
Long and short pants are both classic pieces of traditional golf attire. Unlike women, men are expected to wear long pants made of cotton or polyester when playing golf.
Golf skirts or long pants are the standard attire for female players. However, if you are professional golfer seeking golf clothing, here are some tips from the pros for purchasing online womens golf clothes for sale. Let's get down to business and not waste any more of your time.
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Women's Golf Clothing
Clothes for women golfers come in a wide range of styles and price points. Some golf courses and clubs consider mock necks and neutral-coloured athletic tops acceptable for female golfers. Avoid wearing a t-shirt or a tube top, though.
Golf skirts are widely considered to be the most flattering and practical choice for women golfers because they come in a wide variety of sizes and cuts.
Women golfers can play in shorts when the weather is warm. However, they should keep in mind that Bermuda shorts are typically worn to mid-thigh. Women are free to wear workout pants on the golf course.
However, women are not allowed to wear jeans on golf courses because doing so may cause discomfort when attempting to stretch the body for a clear shot.
Material of Clothes
• Reliable and Elastic:
Whether you're buying golf clothes for yourself or your daughter, picking a fabric that feels good is essential. Clothing for women golfers should be breathable and elastic. It's also crucial that the material be sturdy yet flexible. Accessories explicitly aimed at women golfers are available from some brands.
A high-quality piece of clothing will be a lady golfer's best ally. Golf attire for women should also be loose and easy to move in.
• Attractive and functional:
Golf attire for women should be both functional and fashionable. Clothing for women should be comfortable and allow for unrestricted movement. Make sure you take your body measurements into account before you go shopping. To play golf comfortably, women need specialized clothing. Excellent clothing will allow your skin to breathe and be both stretchy and comfortable.
• Fit and Comfortable:
Also, it needs to be a good fit so that you can move around freely without discomfort. She will likely be annoyed by the lack of a snug fit. Don't worry if she shows up to the course in a dress.
Comfort should be a top priority when selecting golf attire for women. Whether worn while playing or spectating, women's golf attire should be fashionable and functional.
• Materials that allow airflow:
Further, it needs to be within the range of reasonable cost. Some women's golf apparel is made of lightweight, wicking fabrics that keep golfers dry. And they need to be cosy enough to wear for hours on end out there. Aside from providing adequate protection, they should be relaxing to wear.
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Discover the best women's golf clothing online
Searching for a place to online womens golf clothes for sale? Women's golf clothing online in India is abundant, with options ranging from one-of-a-kind handicrafts to vintage finds in need of a new home.
Online sellers offer a wide variety of women's golf apparel, so you can find something that meets your needs and tastes. Put in some specifics about what you're looking for, and use the filter to zero in on the product that meets your needs.
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sokimyork · 6 days
Are Golf Pants Business Casual Paradox: Golf Meets Office
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A new tune is emerging in the professional outfit symphony: golf gear. Usually, dress pants and neutral colours would lead the orchestra. Do you consider golf pants for men to be business casual?  Is it audacious of these playful violins to reimagine the informal dress code? Not only is this a sound suggestion, but it also presents an intriguing fashion dilemma. As we begin this discussion of style, one must ask: Are formal settings compatible with the laid-back tempos of a golf course?
Would You Recommend Golf Pants for a Business Casual Occasion?
Now for the million-dollar question: Are golf trousers great for a casual work outfit, or are they better left on the golf course or for tournaments? Like trying to locate your ball in the rough, the answer is somewhat complicated.
Benefits of Wearing Golf Pants on the Job
If you wear golf pants for men, which are made for hours of play, you will be fine for long meetings or desk jobs.
These trousers have a modern style, with neutral colours and cuts that make them look as sharp as any suit or dress shirt.
Their versatility makes them ideal for days when you have to fast-track from a client meeting to a more relaxed situation at the driving range.
The Best Golf Pants for Business Casual
So, you've made the bold decision to wear sports trousers to a business golf outing. Way to go! golf pants for men, though, are not made equivalent. Not everyone is cut out for the golf course, but some can glide into any business without drawing any attention to themselves or making others hide their laughter.
Tips for Choosing the Right Golf Pants
Instead of yelling, "I was on sale at the pro shop," try to choose high-quality materials that mutter "luxury." If your office is a tropical resort, choose lightweight, breathable, fast-drying textiles.
If you're an expert, pick an athletic fit that flatters your shape without restriction. "I'm ready for my golf tournament" is not the desired professional appearance.
Keep to neutral colours, according to colour commentary. While brighter colours may work with your Hawaiian shirt, darker shades of grey, black and navy will help your golf pants blend in with business casual.
How to Personalise Your Golf Pants
Now that you have selected the ideal golf pants for men, it is time to complete your business casual outfit. Having the proper golfing companions is just as crucial as having top-notch apparel.
Complementing the Appropriate Top
The most suitable option for you is a collared shirt. As such, it serves as an intermediary between more informal attire and business attire. Subtle patterns on polo shirts are a fun way to express yourself without crossing over into golf tournament attire, which is perfect for those daring days when you want to stand out.
A sharp dress shirt can take your golf trousers to the next level by adding a more formal touch. Use only classic patterns or neutral colours. Checks and stripes might be flattering, but save the hula hoop top for the beach.
Shoes at the Front!
Elevate your golf pants for men from casual to professional with a pair of dress shoes. Wear brogues or loafers in a shade that complements your slacks.
Put away your golf shoes. Unless your meeting is on the 9th hole, you can leave the golf shoes at home. Spikes in the hall aren't a power move, despite what you might have thought.
As we wrap up this fashionable adventure, golf trousers with women's sleeveless golf shirts, although not often thought of as a go-to item for business casual wear, can really elevate your wardrobe with the correct attitude and style. They are an excellent option for a variety of professional contexts since they combine comfort, style, and versatility.
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sylvita4-blog · 8 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Callaway Opti-Dri ladies golf polo shirt size M.
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cashcowclothing · 8 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Lot of 10 Mens Polo Golf Shirts XL Nike Fit Dry Adidas Under Armour PGA Stretch.
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flyxchange · 10 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Nike Golf Polo Shirt Mens Medium Red Fit Dry Long Sleeve Casual Performance.
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hikeslot · 10 days
CQR Men's Polo Shirt, Long and Short Sleeve Tactical Shirts, Dry Fit Lightweight Golf Shirts, Outdoor UPF 50+ Pique Shirt
Price: (as of – Details) From the brand Ready for anything Men’s Tactical Pants Flex Tactical Pants Got Your Six Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 7.5 x 5.3 x 0.4 inches; 10.55 ounces Item model number ‏ : ‎ TOK100 Department ‏ : ‎ mens Date First Available ‏ : ‎ October 17, 2023 Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Tesla Gears ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CL6GM4RB
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boboprincess · 10 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Tommy Bahama Quarter Zip Long Sleeve Golf Shirt UPF 50 White Size M.
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zzoobi · 17 days
Superior Quality Shorts For Men
When it comes to men’s fashion, few pieces of clothing are as versatile and essential as a good pair of shorts. Whether you’re heading to the beach, hitting the golf course, or simply lounging at home, superior quality shorts for men can make a significant difference in both comfort and style. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into what makes a pair of shorts superior, the different types available, how to choose the right pair, and some top brands and styles to consider.
The Importance of Quality in Men’s Shorts
Quality is a critical factor in clothing, and shorts are no exception. Superior quality shorts men not only last longer but also provide better comfort, fit, and appearance. Here are some key reasons why quality matters:
Durability: High-quality materials and construction mean your shorts can withstand frequent wear and washing without losing shape or integrity.
Comfort: Premium fabrics and thoughtful design ensure that the shorts are comfortable to wear, with no irritating seams or tight spots.
Style: Well-made shorts look better and often feature superior design details, contributing to a more polished overall appearance.
Fit: Quality shorts are designed to fit well, with attention to proportions and movement, providing a flattering and functional fit.
Types of Men’s Shorts
There are various types of men’s shorts, each suited to different occasions and activities. Understanding these types can help you choose the right pair for your needs.
1. Casual Shorts
Casual shorts are the go-to for everyday wear. They are comfortable, versatile, and come in a range of styles, from classic chino shorts to more relaxed, drawstring options.
Chino Shorts: Made from lightweight cotton or a cotton blend, chino shorts are perfect for a smart-casual look. They pair well with polo shirts, button-downs, and t-shirts.
Drawstring Shorts: Ideal for relaxed days, drawstring shorts offer maximum comfort with an adjustable waistband. They are usually made from soft fabrics like jersey or linen.
2. Athletic Shorts
Designed for performance, athletic shorts are made from technical fabrics that wick moisture and provide flexibility.
Running Shorts: Lightweight and breathable, running shorts often feature built-in liners and pockets for essentials.
Gym Shorts: These are typically longer and made from stretchy, moisture-wicking materials, offering support and comfort during workouts.
3. Dress Shorts
Dress shorts are a stylish option for summer events and occasions where you want to look polished but stay cool.
Tailored Shorts: These are structured shorts made from high-quality fabrics like linen or wool blends. They can be paired with a blazer or a crisp shirt for a sophisticated look.
4. Outdoor Shorts
For outdoor adventures, you need shorts that are durable, functional, and comfortable.
Cargo Shorts: Known for their multiple pockets, cargo shorts are practical for hiking, camping, and other outdoor activities. They are usually made from sturdy materials like ripstop or canvas.
Board Shorts: Perfect for the beach or pool, board shorts are quick-drying and often feature a longer cut and a drawstring waistband.
Choosing the Right Pair of Shorts
Selecting the perfect pair of shorts involves considering several factors, including fit, material, and purpose. Here are some tips to help you make the best choice:
1. Fit
The fit of your shorts is crucial for both comfort and style. Here’s what to look for:
Waistband: Ensure the waistband fits comfortably without being too tight or too loose. Adjustable options like drawstrings or elastic can offer a better fit.
Length: The length of the shorts should be appropriate for your height and the occasion. Generally, shorts that end just above the knee are a safe bet for most body types.
Leg Opening: The leg opening should be proportional to your leg size. Avoid shorts that are too tight around the thighs or too wide, as they can look unflattering.
2. Material
The material of the shorts affects their comfort, durability, and suitability for different activities:
Cotton: Breathable and comfortable, cotton is ideal for casual and everyday wear.
Polyester: Durable and quick-drying, polyester is a common choice for athletic and outdoor shorts.
Linen: Lightweight and breathable, linen is perfect for hot weather and dressier occasions.
Blends: Blended fabrics often combine the best properties of different materials, offering comfort, durability, and performance.
3. Purpose
Consider the primary purpose of the shorts:
Casual Wear: Opt for comfortable materials like cotton or linen and styles like chino or drawstring shorts.
Athletic Activities: Look for moisture-wicking, stretchy materials like polyester or spandex blends.
Outdoor Adventures: Choose durable materials with functional features like cargo pockets.
Dressy Occasions: Select tailored styles made from high-quality fabrics.
Top Brands and Styles
Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore some top brands and styles that offer superior quality shorts for men.
1. Bonobos
Bonobos is known for its well-fitting, stylish clothing, and their shorts are no exception. The brand offers a wide range of options, from casual chino shorts to tailored styles, all made with high-quality materials and attention to detail.
Bonobos Stretch Washed Chino Shorts: These shorts offer a perfect blend of comfort and style, made from a stretch cotton blend for a great fit.
2. Patagonia
Patagonia is a favorite for outdoor enthusiasts, offering durable and functional shorts designed for adventure.
Patagonia Baggies Shorts: These versatile shorts are made from quick-drying nylon and feature a relaxed fit, perfect for both water and land activities.
3. Lululemon
Lululemon is renowned for its high-performance athletic wear, and their shorts are designed to support active lifestyles.
Lululemon Pace Breaker Shorts: These athletic shorts are made from lightweight, moisture-wicking fabric and include a built-in liner for added support.
4. Orlebar Brown
Orlebar Brown is a luxury brand known for its stylish and sophisticated swim and resort wear.
Orlebar Brown Bulldog Swim Shorts: These tailored swim shorts feature a classic design and high-quality materials, perfect for a polished beach look.
5. J.Crew
J.Crew offers a wide range of stylish and versatile shorts, suitable for various occasions.
J.Crew 7" Stretch Chino Shorts: These classic chino shorts are made from a stretch cotton blend, providing comfort and a flattering fit.
Caring for Your Shorts
To ensure your superior quality shorts men remain in excellent condition, follow these care tips:
Follow Care Labels: Always read and follow the care instructions provided by the manufacturer to prevent damage.
Wash with Similar Colors: To avoid color bleeding, wash your shorts with similar colors.
Use Gentle Detergents: Harsh detergents can damage the fabric and fade colors. Opt for gentle, fabric-specific detergents.
Avoid Overloading the Washer: Overloading can cause excessive friction and damage the fabric.
Air Dry When Possible: Air drying helps maintain the shape and integrity of the shorts. If using a dryer, choose a low heat setting.
Investing in superior quality shorts men is a smart decision that pays off in terms of comfort, durability, and style. By understanding the different types of shorts available, how to choose the right pair, and some of the top brands on the market, you can elevate your wardrobe and enjoy the benefits of well-made clothing. Whether you’re looking for casual everyday shorts, high-performance athletic wear, or stylish options for dressier occasions, there’s a perfect pair of superior quality shorts out there for every man.
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dooleyrostron · 21 days
The Versatile Polo Shirt: A Must-Have for Every Man's Wardrobe
Polo shirts have been a staple in men's fashion for decades, and for good reason. These timeless garments offer a perfect blend of style and comfort, making them an ideal choice for a wide range of occasions. Whether you're dressing up for the office, hitting the golf course, or simply lounging around on the weekend, a well-fitted polo shirt can elevate your look effortlessly.
Long Sleeve Polo Shirts for Men:
Long sleeve polo shirts for men are a sophisticated and versatile option that can transition seamlessly from casual to semi-formal settings. They provide an extra layer of warmth during cooler months while maintaining the classic polo shirt aesthetic. Look for long sleeve polos made from high-quality fabrics like cotton or moisture-wicking blends for optimal breathability and comfort.
Styling Long Sleeve Polos:
Long sleeve polos can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. For a smart-casual look, pair a long sleeve polo with chinos or dress pants and loafers or oxfords. Alternatively, you can go for a more relaxed vibe by teaming it with jeans and sneakers. Layering a long sleeve polo mens shirt under a blazer or sweater can also create a polished, yet laid-back ensemble.
Mens Short Sleeve Polo Shirts:
When the weather warms up,mens short sleeve polo shirts become the go-to choice for many men. These classic shirts offer a timeless and refined look while keeping you cool and comfortable. Short sleeve polos are perfect for a variety of occasions, from casual Fridays at the office to weekend barbecues or a round of golf.
Choosing the Right Fit:
Regardless of sleeve length, the fit of a polo shirt is crucial for achieving a flattering and polished look. Opt for a tailored fit that skims your body without being too tight or too loose. The sleeves should hit at the mid-bicep, and the hem should fall just below the belt line. Don't be afraid to try on different sizes and brands to find the perfect fit for your body type.
Polo Shirt Fabrics:
Polo shirts are available in a variety of fabrics, each with its own unique properties. Cotton pique is a classic choice that offers breathability and a textured surface. Moisture-wicking fabrics, like polyester or polyester blends, are ideal for active wear or warm weather as they help wick away sweat and keep you dry. Consider the occasion and your personal preferences when selecting the fabric for your polo shirts.
Whether you prefer long sleeve or short sleeve, polo shirts are a timeless and versatile addition to any man's wardrobe. With their easy elegance and comfort, they can effortlessly transition from the office to the golf course or weekend errands. Invest in quality polo shirts in a range of colours and styles to elevate your casual and semi-formal looks. Embrace the timeless appeal of the polo shirt and make it a staple in your wardrobe rotation.
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ginagirl808 · 21 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: FootJoy XL pullover golf shirt with mock turtleneck black Turtle Bay Hawaii.
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karenrae18 · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWT Set of 2 Antigua Dri-Fit Long Sleeve Golf Shirts.
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