#golf shirts loose fit
riverwritez · 7 months
golfing motivation.
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a/n: ok so this is a small blurb inspired by the videos of Matt golfing with the group the other night…. let’s just say girl was giggling and kicking her feet at how good he looked. Also I’m rusty at writing so be nice to me :) enjoy! (Also this is not edited-)
warnings; none… all fluff!
“Jesus Christ, Matt!” Colby said after Matt had hit the ball with his… unique style of swinging. Matt looked over at the group with a smile as he started to take his white jacket off, walking back over to the group as he set it down next to you. His green and yellow shirt now in view as he adjusted it to his body.
“It’s either really good or really bad!” Matt said as he gripped the club in his right hand as he placed it under the censor, allowing it to give him a new ball.
“Do it again, Matt.” Larry said as he brought his phone out and started to film the boy. Matt took his rings off before he looked at you, pointing his finger at you.
“If this is a good hit, you give me a kiss-“
“Bet!” You said as you leant back in your seat, watching the him as he placed the club on the left side of the ball. He sighed before swinging the club around in a circle, hitting the ball perfectly as it soared through the air, loosing sight of it quickly from how fair it went.
You got up with a sigh as you went up to him, it now being your turn, plus you had an award to give him. “I will be honest, I was praying on your downfall-“
“Oh shut up.” He said as he placed his hand on your cheek, placing his lips on yours. The kiss was quick and gentle, nothing more than a few seconds. But those few seconds got some cheers from the friends you were with.
“Oh Jesus, they’re kissing again Nick-“
“They always do that… you’re surprised?” Nick asked Chris as you laughed at the brothers as Matt flipped them off.
Taking the club from Matt, you stood on the green mat as a ball came out of the dispenser and you placed it in the middle. You had gone golfing with Matt and his family before while visiting in Boston, and had gone to top golf with them on occasion. But you never really knew how to hit the ball.
You didn’t want to ask for help, not wanting to take to long of a time so the others could have their own fun, so you just stood there, placing your hands in various different ways.
Matt was laughing at something Sam had said when he turned back towards you, placing his rings back on, as he saw you messing with the club. A small smile made its way to his face as he walked over to you, placing his hands on your wrist gently, making you jolt back in surprise.
“It’s just me, sorry for scaring you. Can I help?” Matt whispered to you as he moved closer so he had better access to your hands. You nodded in agreement as you allowed your hands and wrist to relax, letting him move them himself. “Put this one here, mhm, and that one right…. here.” he said as he placed your hands on the club that seemed fit and comfortable to swing with.
“Now just bend your legs and you’re good!” He said as he patted your waist and stepped away.
“Promise not to laugh if I miss?” You asked as you tightened your grip on the club and looked at him. You didn’t care about the others and if they laughed, you only cared about impressing your boyfriend even if you both knew that you kinda suck at golf.
“Promise baby.” Matt said as he crossed his arms and nodded at you, giving you the go ahead you didn’t know you needed. You took a deep breathe before swinging the club back and following through as a the sound of the club hitting the ball rang through the air.
“Ooo that was beautiful!” You heard Chris yell as you faced towards the open field, full of golf balls waiting to be picked up, as you watched your ball soar through the air. It wasn’t far, but it was far enough for you to throw your hands up and bounce on your feet as you made your way over to Matt.
“Did you see that?!” You exclaimed as Matt held a wide smile on his face, nodding as he opened his arms for you to fall into.
“I did, baby! That was so good!” Matt giggled as you wrapped your arms around his waist, wrapping his own around your neck, kissing the top of your head as he whispered ‘that’s my girl.’
“You have another shot, girl!” Larry said as you pointed at the screen, showing you that your name was still present on it.
“Wait…. I have to do that again?!” You asked, eyes wide as Matt laughed a bit as he nodded and everyone else giggled at your words. “I hope you guys aren’t wishing for the again, because that shit would take a miracle-“
“Or maybe just a little motivation from Matt…” Jake interrupted as he looked away from you as to direct the attention away from him.
“Don’t you dare give him that idea-“
“I quite like that! Here let me show you again babe..”
taglist; @titishq @teddysboy (if you wanna be added, you can send me an ask or dm!)
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stagefoureddiediaz · 5 days
Sorry for the terrible zoomed in screen grab but hello buck in a white tee yet again!! This is starting to get worrying and interesting in equal measure!
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So white tee above from new bts but he’s also been in a white tee in every other bts non uniform costume we’ve seen - except 2
We have this one
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This one
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And this one
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The two non white tee featuring costumes are this one
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And golf Buck
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First up - lots of white shoes - which means scenes about Buck and bucks journey to find happiness.
Then we have the fit of all of these costumes. With the exception of the golf one and sort of the vertically striped shirt one (and possibly the brown shirt one but as I can’t see much of it it’s hard to tell), they are all what I would class as loose fit and oversized. Which is not Buck at all. I wrote a lot about bucks clothes being intentionally too small in previous seasons - and how it represented him not fitting in his skin and being constrained and confined by his life. And that held true because as soon as his bisexuality was unlocked he was wearing clothes that fit him better and we saw him wearing jeans for the first time since season 1 (technically he was wearing jeans before but they were all coloured jeans - black or grey etc, but now we have him in proper indigo coloured jeans which is what I mean).
Now we’re in the territory of oversized and ill fitting. And that is pretty telling - especially in tandem with the change in colours we seem to be seeing for buck. The dark blue jacket and the greyish striped shirt are the most in keeping with bucks previous wardrobe we have seen. Everything else - including the coloured trousers is out of his wheelhouse.
Buck has pretty much always worn much bolder brighter colours - more in the jewel toned spectrum.
But now we have all these browns greens and tan colours and that’s very interesting to me. The choices made for buck for this season is starting to paint a picture.
The tan of the new bts and all the washed out and lighter greens are much more colours we associate with Athena and Eddie than Buck. They all point to the idea of conflict and combat as their colours associated with the military (which is why Eddie and Athena wear them - Athena because the police are a type of military in a literal sense)
Tan as a colour has several meanings but the two key ones that I think are most likely connected with buck are growth and healing. The lighter almost khaki greens - which have brown undertones are connected to blending in or going under the radar. There is also the meaning of growth, renewal and rebirth attached to it as a colour as well. These are all themes that seem to be likely arcs for buck this season. His bisexuality awakening g can be seen as a moment of rebirth and therefore it is fitting g to see him in these colours. Growth healing and renewal also fit with the idea of him learning about himself and because I have my theories about Tommy as a narrative device, healing seems very likely an important aspect of bucks story as well.
As for the oversized nature of the clothes - I’ve talked about it before, but it’s implying buck doesn’t yet fit in his new skin - he’s unlocked this new part of himself and now he’s figuring it out and what it all means for him.
The oversized choice is about growth - he’s got room to grow into who he is - it’s an extension of his too small clothes constraining him and I’m expecting to see a couple of things happen over the season with the oversized element of his costumes. From early on I expect to see better fits in places and around people he’s comfortable with - so around the firefam. But I also expect to see the oversized clothes when he’s uncomfortable or around people he is wary or not comfortable with- which means Tommy and possibly on some occasions around Eddie or even Maddie and Bobby. Buck doesn’t know Tommy so this is expected - especially as Tommy is connected to the newest part of buck he’s discovered. This also does fit with my theory about Tommy being a manifestation of parts of buck that buck needs to deal with - in order to live himself and embrace who he is.
The other thing I want to talk about is how so many people are claiming buck is stealing Tommys clothes or dressing like him. I want to debunk this as a concept, because it really isn’t the case at al and it creates a false narrative about bucks clothing. Tommy has worn a khaki colour way once. That’s right just the once - and it was his first non uniform costume of s7. All of his other costumes have been reds, blues, greys, or dark greens. Much more in line with bucks normal colour palette and nothing like the colours we’re seeing buck in right now. I remain convinced the first costume is also meant to be a red herring and as 7x04 is from Bucks perspective it means that costume isn’t necessarily a true representation of Tommy - it’s coloured by his jealousy.
What I’m really intrigued by and interested in is the amount of white t-shirts. Buck wearing white spells trouble in his life and to have so much of it is rather alarming! What form the trouble is going to take we have no idea - beyond Gerrard. But it seems season 8 is not going to get off to the happiest of starts for Buck!
And that’s not even going into the blue - green of it all - which I don’t have time to get into tonight but may pick up on tomorrow if I have the time!
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welcometo79s · 30 days
[repost because I got shadow-banned and I'm back now]
@clonemmunism got me thinking with their post about the war ending and the clones just making very bad fashion choices so here's my thought on what everyone would wear and my rating:
Hunter [4/10]:
Hunter doesn't really care about being fashionable. We got a glimpse of what he would wear in The Bad Batch and I don't think it's very good. He owns a couple of cute scarves but usually he just dresses like a less fashionable Cut Lawquane. And Cut is already pushing it. It's nothing too bad, he just looks like some farmer on Dantooine. No, the bad thing about Hunter is that he literally does not differentiate between clothes he wears going out and clothes he wears practicing knife throwing and juggling with. So most of his stuff has little cuts and tears in it. He also sticks to the type of clothes that Cut gave him, which is the only thing saving him from being a fashion nightmare. He did however try to pick absolutely atrocious clothes for Omega until Echo stepped in. Like he'd attempt to get her a pink shirt with a porg vomiting a rainbow on it and military khakis.
Echo [10/10]:
His outfits are top-notch, he just doesn't dress properly for the seasons. But hey, that's not what we're ranking here. Echo is a crop top guy. Crop tops in summer. Crop tops in winter. And he looks good in them. He wears regular black pants and a variety of casual jackets on top of the crop tops. Sometimes leather jackets, sometimes bomber jackets, sometimes parkas, sometimes open shirts loosely hanging over the tops. Gets matching accessories and high quality boots for his outfits too. Ends up getting himself a belly button piercing. Fashion icon.
Tech [6/10]:
He only has one outfit and it's beige suit pants and a white shirt that's stuffed into the pants. He owns multiple duplicates of the pants and the shirt. Leather shoes. The only thing he switches out about the outfit is that he wears a variety of funky bow ties.
Wrecker [4/10]:
I'm sure there's people on here who found Wrecker's beekeeper outfit from the Saleucami episode cute but it's not very fashionable, nor are the rest of his clothes. Fisherman hats. Crocs. The "my 50 year old dad on the balcony" shoes (those cork sandals). Ponchos and pants that don't fit together color-wise. Sooo many tie dye shirts. Those jeans fabric shorts with lots of cuts in them. The very short ones. Very rarely an elegant evening gown he looks really good in. That gets him an extra point.
Crosshair [5/10]:
He's the Hot Topic Brigade. He has a style and he sticks to it. Some people like it and some don't. Almost always wears a leather jacket. Buys all his clothes at the Star Wars equivalent of Hot Topic.
Fives [7/10]:
Usually wears black jeans and some black t-shirt with printed words on it. Sneakers. Jeans jackets, sometimes with fur. His outfits are good but he wears some of the most atrocious shirts known to mankind. On a good day you get "Viva la Clonevolution", "I'm a Republic War Crime" or "Enemy of the State". On worse days he might wear something that says "Sparkle on you crazy doggo!", "I eat cement", "I can't fucking do be do be do it anymore" (all real shirts by the way) or "Call me the Uwunator". The otherwise completely normal, nice looking outfit adds to the insanity. Sometimes Echo pretends he doesn't know him. It's the fact that Fives does this on purpose that really gets Echo.
Rex [1/10]:
Listen. The Bad Batch and Fives have the privilege of having Echo to be the damage control for their fashion choices. Now we're getting into the bad territory. Rex has so many of these white tank tops that you can see his nipples through. Sometimes there's hot sauce stains on them. He also has a fuzzy jacket that Fives got him as a joke. Rex does not know it was supposed to be a joke. At this point Fives is too intimidated to correct him. He wears light shorts that some rich kid would wear to the golf course under the tank tops. And cowboy boots. Also huge elegant statement necklaces on top of this. And that one stupid fisher hat that says "rexcellent" on it.
Hardcase [2/10]:
Listen the only reason Hardcase has more points than Rex is that Hardcase doesn't want to look fashionable, Hardcase wants to look fun and that he does. He joins Fives in the cringe t-shirt extravaganza. Would wear the ugly pink porg shirt that Hunter wanted to get for Omega. See-through jackets. Glittery heart sunglasses. Glittery silver disco pants that get wider at the bottom. Rainbow bracelets that work like rattles. He annoys everyone around him by shaking his hands to his "improv gospel". Red leather boots that go up to his thighs. Sometimes he wears them under the disco pants, sometimes over them. Fives loves his outfits. He's the only one. Sometimes Hardcase tries out a variety of colorful wigs.
Tup [9/10]:
He looks so cute. So many people hit on him. Lets his hair grow a little longer and starts wearing half-buns. Also a crop top guy, just a little shy about it at first. Wears earrings and looks really nice with them. Has delicate wrist tattoos, maybe some branches with flowers wrapping around his arms. Otherwise simple, normal pants and sneakers.
Jesse [3/10]:
Tup and Fives are carrying the 501st in terms of fashion. The rest are all fashion don'ts. Jesse is no exception. He also wears crop tops but his don't have sleeves or straps. It's just a strapless bandeau top hanging over his pecs. On top of that? Baggy oversized jacket with a comical amount of pockets that he always stuffs full of things. He's been stopped multiple times by the Coruscant Guard and searched as a suspect for being a spice dealer. He just has his pockets stuffed full of candy though. Baggy pants with equally as many pockets fading from blue into purple into red. The jacket is a dark green. Sparkly golden dance slippers.
Dogma [1/10]:
Big sun hats. Very tight leather pants that end just below his crotch area and then restart at the knee. The pants have two parts basically. The two parts are not connected. See-through sneakers. Frilly white shirts that some 18th century vampire would wear. Tie with little loth cats on it. All of this in combination btw.
Fox [10/10]:
I can do this in one sentence, look up "dark academia outfit men" on Pinterest and you get Fox's style.
Mayday [0/10]:
His isn't even an outfit, it's just a bunch of fabrics he bought just like that in the market and somehow wrapped himself in them. There's no shirt, pants, jacket or anything like that, they're just pieces of fabric wrapped around his body like towels. One of them he wears as a scarf. On a good day he looks like some type of monk. On a bad day he just looks like a mess.
Howzer [3/10]:
You know that outfit Sportacus wears in LazyTown? That's his style. He wears things looking similar to that.
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differenteagletragedy · 9 months
omg.. for the holidays, the olba poly boys and mc go on a nice cruise together. cove is at the food places 24/7 derek is swimming and playing the sports stuff, baxter is taking those dance classes with mc. please hear me out.
Oh how fun!!!
-- Lollllll Cove at the food places, you know he would! He's going to have a bellyache the whole time.
-- Except he won't because Derek is there, and Derek is going to tell him to take it easy. He also packed some tummy meds too because he knows how Cove is and everyone saw his coming a mile away.
-- Personally I love sporty Cove, so he'd also take some time to play stuff with Derek. You and Baxter like to watch Cove and Derek be sporty together, so that's a fun activity for you guys too!
-- It doesn't even have to be on the cruise, like Derek asks Cove if he wants to go kick around a soccer ball one afternoon, and you and Baxter don't even have to be invited, you just start packing a few things and they're like "???" but then you get to the park together and you and Baxter just set up a blanket and some snacks near the field.
-- What if Derek convinces Baxter to try a sporty thing with him because it's a cruise and it's a special occasion?! You're out on the ocean with a bunch of strangers, no one is going to know Baxter. It'll be fine if he borrows a little athletic shirt (well, it's little on Derek, pretty fitted, but it'll hang on Baxter) and some shorts (Derek is going to have to help him tie that drawstring tight, he is skinny boy) and does an activity.
-- I pulled up an itinerary, looks like some cruises have mini golf too! Everyone can play mini golf! Baxter is going to cheat though, so keep an eye on him.
-- Or you probably don't need to, because Cove will. And if he catches him then boy is he going to be in trouble.
-- Also it looks like most cruises that leave from California go somewhere in Mexico, so that's fun! You can go to an island! Forget the buffets (for just a moment, anyway), this is Cove's favorite place.
-- Oh man you're on some island, not your usual beach in Sunset Bird, and it's such a magical experience. Everyone is feeling extra happy and cozy, and Baxter lets Cove take him out a little farther in the ocean than he usually does.
-- Derek is taking pictures, he's got a little waterproof thing for his phone.
-- Everybody's sitting on the beach, taking it in, feeling all romantic, and Baxter goes, "If you were a mermaid, what would you want to look like?"
Cove: *explains with not a single nanosecond of hesitation*
You and Derek: *secret fist bump*
-- Baxter is going to be dancing with all three of you and he's going to be the happiest guy in the world.
-- Did he make everybody pack their formal clothes? You already know he did.
-- You know when you go on a trip with a group and there's always that one person that knows everything that's going on and has a schedule and tries to stick with it? That's Derek. Make him let loose.
-- It's such a special experience, you decide to make going on cruises a semi-regular thing!
Derek: Maybe next time we can fly out to the east coast and do one in the Bahamas or something!
Cove: And get lost in the Bermuda triangle? No thanks.
You: Cove, I don't think that's --
Cove: No.
Baxter: Perhaps an Alaskan cruise? See the northern lights?
Cove: *scoffs* Yeah, we'll go on vacation and get eaten by bears, Baxter, sounds like a blast.
Derek: ... We could do this cruise again.
Cove: *smug* Now you're talking.
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The Punk and The Suit 5
After a few lunches of proving Kristoph can at least stand on a board without falling and getting glares from Eric and his cronies, Kieran and Kristoph make plans for a Saturday.
“So if you are actually going to ride the board, you are going need clothes you can get dirty and shoes with some actual give in the soles that you won’t mind getting scuffed.”
Kristoph just looks nervous and nods.
“You do have other shoes right?”
Kristoph pursed his lips and shakes his head, “Dress and golf shoes for meeting with some clients that refuse to meet in the office.”
Kieran rolls his eyes, “Well we can go get you some cheap skate shoes.…….you got clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty, right?”
Kristoph refuses to meet his eyes,
Kristoph turns back to Kieran with a pained face, “Pajamas?”
Kieran stands up, “Are you fucking kidding me!? All you own are suits?”
Kristoph tries to defend himself, “No, I own Polo’s too, that’s not a suit!”
“That is just weekend suit, causal suit, this mother fucker!”
Kristoph trying to get back on skating, “I have seen people go skating in pajamas.”
“And I bet even your pajamas have ties.”
Kristoph looks away.
“No! No Way!”
“It’s only one pair! It was a novelty gift I got for Christmas. It’s not even a real tie. It just on one side of the shirt to look like a tie when you button it up.”
Kieran is laughing hard to himself, “Motherfucker got ties and buttons on his pajamas.”
Kristoph tries for a good comeback, “They are a high qualify material and they feel nice. Probably nicer fabric than anything you wear.”
“Since I usually sleep naked, yeah, I bet the fabric is.”
Kristoph was glad he was already blushing or else it would be obvious were his mind was going.
“Whatever, I guess we just got to take you on a small shopping trip.”
Kristoph huffed, “Fine but we should get you a suit while we are at it.”
Kieran reacts shocked, “Who says I don’t have a suit?”
Kristoph looks him up and down, “Whatever suit you do have, if you have one, doesn’t fit you well. Was probably bought at some budget store, black slacks and blazer with a white button up. If there is a tie, most likely that is black as well or high school colors. Fits you loose, wore once, that you bought out of necessity and never wore again. Or is some family hand-me-down that gets passed around when needed. And the way you and Patrick act, my guess is the only time you wear a suit is to get married, get buried, or to go to court. Sounds about right?”
Kieran laughs and flips him off, “WOW. I didn’t know you could be a dick, Kris.”
Kristoph laughs quietly, “I am in Marketing. My whole job is to study people and try and learn what they like and don’t like to try and get them to buy our product. The product of that is sometimes you get pretty good at reading people.”
“Oh and that gives you permission to be a Pissy Krissy?”
“That means I can call out people on things sometimes that they might not know themselves. For example, people will almost always get the taller cup, even when the shorter cup can hold more, because the taller cup looks like more. And since you were giving me a roasting me about my closet, thought it was fair to send a few embers back at you.” Kristoph grins
Kieran laughs, “Well you’re not wrong. I do only have one suit. It does fit like shit. I have worn it more than once but only for weddings and funerals, so yes black with white button up. Bow Tie because I am fucking fancy.”
Kristoph snorts at the bow tie comment, “I would like to see you in the bow tie.”
Kieran leans into Kristoph, “No other clothes, just the bow tie?” and begins to laugh. “Fine, we will get you some NORMAL clothes to skate in and I’ll get a good suit since I have the art thing coming up. My manager has been bitching about showing up in my normal attire. Stated I needed to dress up for the press anyways.”
Kristoph smiles, “It’s a date then?”
Kieran, “A date. Especially if our families ask.”
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misscinnamonroll16 · 4 months
Brozone Remade
Time for Serious Boy Clay. A little change up with the skin tone. Made him darker but not too dark you can't see his body hair. I got an overlay for the hair so now it's more green. For his everyday, I made two outfit because I really like the first one I did but I did want to change it up. I also gave him glasses bc the boy is ruining his eyes reading in the dark like he does.
Bruce, John, Floyd, Branch
Viva, Poppy, Brandy
Bruce Jr., Cove, Freddy, Windy, LaBreeze, Rainy
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A close up to show off those adorable freckles. Bet their used to be a contest to guess how many freckles Clay had as a kid. No one actually knew the answer but it was good for selling merch. (you might have to zoom in to see them.)
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Formal wear. Just like Bruce, he knows how to dress up. But it's only bc those are serious clothes and he likes looking serious (meaning he likes looking preppy, which fits the whole golf vibe).
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And just bc I think he'd weird goofy socks with his formal wear that just barely peek out. (and you can zoom in on those legs to pep the hair lol).
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Athletic wear. He's never really been much of an athlete, always more of a dancer. So his athletic wear is closer to what male dancers wear (at least from what I've seen) ((he's probably wearing a loose tank under the hoodie))
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Sleep wear. Clay likes having the room ice cold when sleeping. long sleeves and pants. He has slippers he wears bc at the course he used to constantly get splinters in his feet from his bedroom.
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Party wear. Dude does not party, he'd rather be at home with a good book than out at some party. Similar to John, doesn't know what to wear, formal but casual.
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Swim wear. Legit is just trunks. That's it, not much to say. you can zoom in to see all his body hair if you want 🤷‍♀️. Also the 90s called and they want their shorts back lol
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Hot weather. It probably doesn't get hot at the course very often but when it does, most trolls just roll up their pant legs, sleeves or take off their shirts. (Bruce probably got him that shirt)
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Cold weather. Like Bruce, remembers the cold winters at the Troll Tree and only likes the cold bc it mean it's time to get cozy. He loves to curl up by a fire with a good book and blanket.
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georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
The titties were tittying in that golf shirt! The arms were busting out. The sleeves could not contain the arms! 😍 Love to see it!
Properly fitting, not pleated or loose pants just work for this man. He's got the legs and all the better for the strut. Look at that slutty strut! 🥵
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It’s what the people have been asking for Christopher!!! He is looking thick!
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fortheninth · 2 years
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alright, here’s that year end selfie post!! it was a good year for pirates and gender and getting stabbed and weirdly, middle school remembrance. i went to two renaissance faires, hosted/attended several fun themed parties (including “pirates” and “orbs”), convinced a few long distance friends to come visit me, got a new tattoo and some more holes in my ears, started hormones (and therapy lol), changed my name socially, sewed myself a pirate shirt and a cape (both pictured!), made and sold a bunch of art, unfucked my knee enough to run a 5k, grew my hair out real long and chopped it off again, got a promotion at work, and finally caught covid after three goddamn years. thanks 2022, it’s been real. 
[image descriptions: ten photos of Max, a white person in their late 20s with dyed orange hair in various lengths and styles.
1. a mirror selfie, wearing a loose fitting denim shirt and soft pants over a striped tank top
2. a picture taken on top of a mountain with a view of the ocean and green hills in the background
3. a mirror selfie in a tattoo parlor showcasing a new upper arm tattoo, of a sword surrounded by pomegranates and leaves
4. a selfie taken on a sunny beach, wearing a black swimsuit top and sunglasses
5. a mirror selfie, wearing a yellow t-shirt with puffins printed on it, shorts, and goose socks (mostly white with a yellow toe area, like a beak, and there are two dots for eyes)
6. a selfie indoors in the Old Navy oranges shirt (dark blue with oranges printed all over it)
7. a selfie taken at a pirate themed mini golf course, dressed as a pirate in a tricorner hat, flowy white shirt, vest, and various pendants.
8. a selfie indoors wearing a button down t-shirt printed all over with skeleton hands doing peace signs, and collar pins shaped like skulls.
9. a mirror selfie, dressed as Howl from Howl’s Moving Castle, in a flowy white shirt, black pants, and a cape with a blue and pink diamond pattern and red lining.
10. a close up mirror selfie in a reddish orange striped sweater and freshly cut short hair.
/end i.d.]
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store4golfers · 2 years
Finding the Right Golf Clothes for Women.
Even though men's clothing is still the norm, women who want to play golf have many stylish options. Female golfers often wear polo shirts on the course. These are soft and stylish, with many opportunities for customization.
Long and short pants are both classic pieces of traditional golf attire. Unlike women, men are expected to wear long pants made of cotton or polyester when playing golf.
Golf skirts or long pants are the standard attire for female players. However, if you are professional golfer seeking golf clothing, here are some tips from the pros for purchasing online womens golf clothes for sale. Let's get down to business and not waste any more of your time.
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Women's Golf Clothing
Clothes for women golfers come in a wide range of styles and price points. Some golf courses and clubs consider mock necks and neutral-coloured athletic tops acceptable for female golfers. Avoid wearing a t-shirt or a tube top, though.
Golf skirts are widely considered to be the most flattering and practical choice for women golfers because they come in a wide variety of sizes and cuts.
Women golfers can play in shorts when the weather is warm. However, they should keep in mind that Bermuda shorts are typically worn to mid-thigh. Women are free to wear workout pants on the golf course.
However, women are not allowed to wear jeans on golf courses because doing so may cause discomfort when attempting to stretch the body for a clear shot.
Material of Clothes
• Reliable and Elastic:
Whether you're buying golf clothes for yourself or your daughter, picking a fabric that feels good is essential. Clothing for women golfers should be breathable and elastic. It's also crucial that the material be sturdy yet flexible. Accessories explicitly aimed at women golfers are available from some brands.
A high-quality piece of clothing will be a lady golfer's best ally. Golf attire for women should also be loose and easy to move in.
• Attractive and functional:
Golf attire for women should be both functional and fashionable. Clothing for women should be comfortable and allow for unrestricted movement. Make sure you take your body measurements into account before you go shopping. To play golf comfortably, women need specialized clothing. Excellent clothing will allow your skin to breathe and be both stretchy and comfortable.
• Fit and Comfortable:
Also, it needs to be a good fit so that you can move around freely without discomfort. She will likely be annoyed by the lack of a snug fit. Don't worry if she shows up to the course in a dress.
Comfort should be a top priority when selecting golf attire for women. Whether worn while playing or spectating, women's golf attire should be fashionable and functional.
• Materials that allow airflow:
Further, it needs to be within the range of reasonable cost. Some women's golf apparel is made of lightweight, wicking fabrics that keep golfers dry. And they need to be cosy enough to wear for hours on end out there. Aside from providing adequate protection, they should be relaxing to wear.
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Discover the best women's golf clothing online
Searching for a place to online womens golf clothes for sale? Women's golf clothing online in India is abundant, with options ranging from one-of-a-kind handicrafts to vintage finds in need of a new home.
Online sellers offer a wide variety of women's golf apparel, so you can find something that meets your needs and tastes. Put in some specifics about what you're looking for, and use the filter to zero in on the product that meets your needs.
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Gemulate Women's 3/4 Roll Sleeve Golf Tennis Polo Shirts UPF50+ Half Zip Dry Fit Workout Tops Athletic Shirt S-XXL
Price: (as of – Details) Product Description Women Workout Tops UPF 50+ Half Zip Dry Fit Athletic Shirt Light weight, breathable and extremely comfy. Curve hem and loose fit design keeps you cool and dry all day long. Suitable for all sports indoors and outdoors 1 Stretch Fabric 2 V Neck 3 Curvy Hem 4 Roll up Sleeve Perfect as a athletic top can get with all your workouts Size Chart Package…
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leftbehindgolf · 19 days
Left-Handed Golf Gear: Essential Products Every Leftie Should Own
Golf is a game of precision, skill, and, for many, the right equipment. For left-handed golfers, the challenge of finding the right gear can be even more pronounced due to the limited availability and specialized nature of left-handed products. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essential golf gear every left-handed player should own, with a focus on the left-handed golf glove, mens golf gloves left hand, and other must-have items available at a lefties only golf shop.
1. Left-Handed Golf Gloves: Why They Matter
A left-handed golf glove is crucial for any left-handed golfer. It provides grip, comfort, and control, helping to enhance your performance on the course. For left-handed golfers, the glove is worn on the right hand, which is crucial for maintaining proper grip and swing mechanics.
When selecting a golf glove for left handed player, consider the following features:
Fit and Comfort: Ensure the glove fits snugly but comfortably. It should not be too tight or too loose, as this can affect your grip and overall performance.
Material: Opt for high-quality materials like cabretta leather or synthetic fabrics that offer durability, flexibility, and breathability.
Design: Look for gloves with reinforced palm areas and adjustable closures for a personalized fit.
At Lefties Only Golf Shop, we offer a range of mens golf gloves left hand that cater to various preferences and budgets. Whether you prefer a classic leather glove or a modern synthetic option, our selection ensures you find the right glove to suit your needs.
2. Right Hand Golf Gloves for Left-Handed Golfers
While left-handed golfers typically use gloves for their right hand, some may prefer using a right hand golf glove for left handed golfer if they play with a non-traditional grip or in specific weather conditions. This glove helps in situations where extra grip or comfort is needed for the dominant hand.
When choosing a right hand golf glove for left handed golfer, look for:
Enhanced Grip: Ensure the glove provides excellent grip on the club, especially in wet or challenging conditions.
Weather Resistance: Consider gloves that offer moisture-wicking properties or are designed for different weather conditions to keep your hands dry and comfortable.
Adjustable Fit: Look for gloves with adjustable closures to achieve a perfect fit, ensuring optimal performance.
3. Essential Golf Gear Beyond Gloves
In addition to the left handed golf glove, there are several other essential items that every left-handed golfer should have in their bag. Here’s a rundown of must-have gear available at our lefties only golf shop:
Left-Handed Golf Clubs: These clubs are designed specifically for left-handed players, ensuring proper alignment and comfort during your swing. From drivers to putters, our shop offers a comprehensive range of left-handed golf clubs to suit your game.
Left-Handed Golf Bags: A golf bag designed for left-handed golfers will offer convenient access to clubs and accessories. Look for bags with ergonomic designs and ample storage to keep your gear organized.
Golf Shoes: Comfortable and supportive golf shoes with proper traction are essential for maintaining balance and stability. Our shop features a variety of golf shoes designed to meet the needs of left-handed golfers.
Golf Apparel: Proper golf apparel enhances comfort and performance on the course. Explore our range of lefties apparel, including shirts, pants, and hats, designed to suit the needs of left-handed golfers.
4. Tips for Choosing the Right Gear
Selecting the right gear can significantly impact your game. Here are some tips to help you make the best choices:
Fit is Key: Whether it’s a glove, club, or bag, ensure that the gear fits properly. Ill-fitting equipment can hinder performance and comfort.
Quality Matters: Invest in high-quality gear that offers durability and performance. While it may cost more initially, quality gear often lasts longer and performs better.
Personal Preference: Choose gear that suits your playing style and preferences. Personal comfort and confidence can greatly enhance your performance on the course.
5. Shop at Lefties Only Golf Shop
For left-handed golfers, finding specialized gear can be a challenge. At Lefties Only Golf Shop, we understand the unique needs of left-handed players and offer a curated selection of top-quality golf gear. Our range includes everything from left handed golf gloves to mens golf gloves left hand, ensuring that you find the perfect fit for your game.
Explore our extensive collection and discover why we are the go-to destination for left-handed golfers. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction ensures that you get the best gear to enhance your performance on the course.
Finding the right golf gear as a left-handed golfer can make a significant difference in your game. From the essential left handed golf glove to other specialized equipment, having the right gear ensures optimal performance and comfort. Explore the wide range of products available at our lefties only golf shop and equip yourself with the best gear to take your game to the next level.
Whether you're looking for a golf glove for left handed player or other essential equipment, our shop has you covered. Happy golfing!
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captishwrites · 25 days
Perks of Discipleship Part 2
      Zeke stared at the phone in his hand. His goal was to convince Stephanie Jones to join him in a visit to Epi. The problem was Epi was actually Epithymia, Goddess of Yearning and Stephanie would likely think him insane. But Epi commanded him and no matter what, he needed to succeed. His hands were a bit shaky as he typed out a text. He read it over three times before sending it.
    [Hey, this is Ezekial. Hope you don’t mind, but Thomas gave me your number. Do you have a sec?]
[Ezekial! Omigosh! Sure, what’s up?]
      [This is a little strange, but I’m having an issue with a house visit conversion. I was wondering if you could join me tomorrow to help out?]
[Oh! I’m supposed to meet with Pastor Smith to go over things for the upcoming Jamboree tomorrow.]
      [Gotcha! No worries then. Have a good night!]
Zeke’s heart sank. Not only was his overall plan in ruins, but it stung a bit just knowing he couldn’t meet up with her. His gambit failed and he felt stuck. He could kick himself for not considering she might be busy. Then the phone bizzed.
[I rescheduled with Pastor Smith. I can join you tomorrow. Just text me the address!]
      [Awesome! Looking forward to it!!!]
     From utter defeat to soaring victory! Perhaps a miracle itself, phase one of Zeke’s plan was set.
     The next day was torturous. Everything dragged. Eventually, he couldn’t take it anymore and snuck out of work a half hour early. After a pitstop home to freshen up, he rushed over to meet Stephanie over at Epi’s house.
     Zeke had known Stephanie Jones for several years now. She was a couple years ahead of him in school and he always had the biggest crush on her. Now 22, she was a stunner, despite her best efforts otherwise. She tended towards being very conservative in her dress, but there was no hiding her beauty. Her brunette hair was just short of her shoulders and usually kept in place with a hard headband. This matched her style of dress, which was muted in color and almost always some variation of a loose fitting blouse and a long skirt. This meant the curves of her body were generally obscured. However, the warmth of her chestnut eyes captivated even the random stranger. And although she shied away from any makeup, her high cheek bones and plump full lips needed no further attention drawn to them.
      Imagine the shock then that Zeke felt as Stephanie got out of her car and met him on the sidewalk. She wore a light blue sundress that was significantly shorter and tighter than her usual attire. It hugged her sizeable curves, drawing delightful attention to her chest and hips. Her hair danced as she walked, a headband nowhere to be found. Her lips glistened and sparkled with a shiny lip-gloss.
     “Wow! Simply wow. You look… amazing!” Zeke thought his eyes might pop out at sudden transformation.
     Stephanie shifted her weight and looked down embarrassed. “Really? You don’t think it’s too much? I’ve never done a house visit before.” She looked back at Zeke and seemed unsure.
    “It is too much! But in a wonderful way. Besides, look at me. I feel like a schlub.” Zeke threw on a golf shirt and a nicer pair of shorts before he left, but had a day’s worth of stubble and his hair was a mess. “I think I’m the one who should be embarrassed here.” Stephanie smiled and seemed to relax at that.
     “Now, before we head in, I should probably tell you a few things.” Zeke had no idea what the visit held in store, but if he could soften the shock a bit, he wanted to at least try. “The woman we’re visiting is named Epi. And she’s going to make the claim that she’s a goddess. Crazy, I know. But here’s the thing; strange things seem to happen when I visit. That’s why I wanted another person’s perspective.”
     “Wow. That’s a lot to… consider. But, I’m up for the challenge!” She clenched her fists tried to psych herself up.
    “That’s the spirit!” And the two proceeded up to the house.
    Epi wasn’t standing there on the porch as she had been yesterday. The front door was also closed and Zeke needed to knock and wait before it swung open. And there she was, the goddess of yearning, ready to welcome them into her abode. “Zeke! So good to see you. Welcome! And look, you brought a friend. Wonderful! It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Epithymia, but you can call me Epi.”
    Stephanie stood for a minute gob smacked. It was likely due to the sight of the person in front of her. Epi had the habit of adapting her looks to what she thought would be most fun for the day. And today, it seemed her choice was something remarkably close to an older version of Stephanie.
    Epi had brunette hair that she wore in a short bob. Tucked neatly behind her ears was an arched headband that helped to keep the hair in place. Her outfit was a white blouse that was neatly tucked into a black maxi skirt that ran down to the ankles. Despite the flowing nature of the fabric, her womanly curves were still noticeable and a bit thicker than her younger counterpart. The same kissable lips and pretty face stared back at Stephanie; the notable exception being the almond-shaped emerald eyes that contrasted with the original’s brown.
    “It’s nice to meet you.” Stephanie managed to say after a long pause. “My name’s Stephanie.” And with that, the two were invited inside.
      Zeke had been worried that the typical sights and sounds awaited them. But instead of the distinct smell of sex, the house had a pleasant floral aroma as they made their way down the hallway. His heart skipped a beat as they turned the corner towards the living room, unsure of its arrangement. He was relieved when a giant bed was not there, but rather a decadent loveseat and an easy-chair facing it. Epi beckoned Stephanie to sit in the chair and then proceeded to sit in the middle of the loveseat. That left Zeke without a clear place to put himself.
     “Zeke, darling. Come over here and have a seat.” Epi politely tapped the half a seat next to her. Seeing no other option, he squeezed in. “Now Stephanie, I’m sure Zeke tried to warn you about me, didn’t he?” Stephanie nodded cautiously. “But you think it’s crazy to say I’m the Goddess of Yearning, don’t you?” Stephanie nodded again. “Don’t worry, my Zeke didn’t believe at first either. But he’s all mine now.” And Epi scooted even closer and embraced Zeke in a side-hug, pressing as much of her into him.  
     “His name is Ezekial and he doesn’t belong to you!” Stephanie stated emphatically.
     “Uh-oh. Did I touch a nerve? It’s okay, I don’t mind sharing. How about it, Zeke?” Epi looked over at the young man in her clutches with a big grin.
     “That’s fine by me,” he said. After a second, he clarified, “I mean you can definitely call me Zeke, both of you.”
     “Well, it’s a start, I guess.” Epi peered back at Stephanie to gauge her reaction. “Are you happy with that, my dear?”
     “No! Well, kinda. I can really call you Zeke?” The young man nodded. “Oh gosh. That’s sounds so strange. Zeke. Zeke.” She started talking to herself, trying it on for size.
    “See? We can all be friends here.” Epi said and was all smiles. With a bit of a pout she said, “But we don’t have a nickname for you. I’m Epi, he’s Zeke, but what should we call you?” Stephanie looked first at the goddess and then to Zeke and with a small voice said, “I always wanted to be called Steffi. But my parents said it was too silly of a name for me.”
    “I think Steffi is a perfect nickname. Not silly at all. Actually, it sounds quite sexy to me. What do you think?” Epi asked and gave a squeeze to Zeke, bringing him into her warm and wonderfully soft body.
    “Hmm. Sexy. Steffi’s very sexy.” To be honest, Zeke was completely on autopilot. He couldn’t help but stare over at his long-standing crush and admire her. Her sundress hung low in the front and a delightful bunch of cleavage was being shown. Her curvy but toned legs were getting a lot of attention too, particularly since her dress had hiked up quite a bit with the way she sat. Stephanie’s whole attention seemed fixed on the loveseat and her reactions were as cute and sexy as he’d ever witnessed. Also, tactile pleasure was all around him, as Epi’s hips, butt, and boobs pressed into him as they sat in a tight embrace.
      “Then we’re agreed: Epi, Zeke, and Steffi. Now the real fun can begin. First up, a demonstration of who and what I really am. Steffi, think of something you desire right at the moment.”
      Steffi was staring at the two of them, not really thinking about anything. At the back of her mind was an uncomfortable feeling, almost a frustration at what was unfolding in front of her. But as the question hit her ears, a thought did spring up.
     “I see. That’s quite cute actually.”
     “What’s cute? What are you talking about?” The young lady was now quite attentive, a bit worried that Epi somehow did divine what she was thinking. A wave of embarrassment washed over her, but her curiosity was piqued as well.
     “Well, why don’t I show you? I’m going to demonstrate what the desire of yours is. But in order to do so, I’ll need a volunteer. How about it, Zeke?” Epi turned to face Zeke more directly, bringing her one leg up and twisting so that her torso was squared up on to his. Reflexively, Zeke mirrored her and the two were face to face with each other. “Perfect! Just like that.” And then, she leaned in and planted a seductive kiss on his lips. Her lips being so pouty and full, they felt heavenly on his and the pressure was firm but soft enough to be quite sensual. After a moment, she pulled back and looked over at Steffi, “Something like that?”
     “Oh, my, gosh. How did- that shouldn’t- that’s not fair.” It seemed she was wrestling not only with her words, but the mix of emotions that swelled within her as well. There was sharp pang of jealousy, a healthy dose of bewilderment, and sneaky amount of arousal as well. She could feel her body reacting to the scene in front of her, a tangible representation of what it would look like if she and Zeke kissed, given Epi’s near identical appearance to her.
     “I’m sorry. I must have misunderstood.” Epi said looking over at Steffi who was unconsciously squirming in her seat. It was clear to the goddess that she was hitting the mark. She decided to push further.
      “Maybe this is what you really wanted.” She turned back to Zeke and kissed him again. A groan of frustration and arousal emanated from the chair. But unlike the first kiss which was light and relatively quick, Epi kept going this time around. She shifted her head slightly and really started to make out with Zeke. Not to be outdone, he started kissing her in kind. After a quick breath, their lips were interlocked once more and engaged in a long passionate French kiss. Zeke was lost in the pleasure of it all and an hour could have passed for all he knew.
      “Please. Please. Mercy.” The words came weakly and in between heavy breathing from Steffi. The two lovebirds broke off their kiss and both looked over to the chair. Steffi’s face was flushed and her chest was heaving up and down for as she nearly gasped for air. The familiar smell of sex which was absent earlier was now back in earnest. Steffi’s hands were planted on the inside of her thighs and it looked like she was trying not to scratch an itch that desperately demanded attention. “Hot. Too hot. Mean. You’re being mean.” If her struggle for breath wasn’t bad enough, she seemed also to be finding it hard to find words to express what was happening.
     “Oh. Whoops. I got too carried away again. But your desire, it’s too good, too pure.” Epi swung herself so that she was facing Steffi. “I promise, I’m not mean at all. I want you to realize those desires. It’s time for a heart to heart, I think. Zeke be a dear and run to the kitchen. Grab the drink tray while us girls have a quick chat.”
     Zeke stood up and after a pause to let his lightheadedness pass, he waddled his way to kitchen. He had hoped for something more graceful, but his dick was fully erect and bulging in his shorts. Steffi certainly noticed it as her eyes followed his crotch all the way through the room. Whatever was about to discussed between her and Epi, Zeke had high hopes that it would lead to something wonderful and sexually pleasing for all involved.
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sartajstore · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide to T-Shirts: Style, Selection, and Sustainability
In the realm of casual fashion, the T-shirt holds an unparalleled position. This humble piece of clothing has evolved from a basic undergarment to a wardrobe staple that transcends age, gender, and occasion. In this comprehensive guide, we explore everything you need to know about T-shirts—from their history and types to tips on selection and sustainable choices. Our goal is to provide you with detailed insights that will help you make informed decisions when purchasing your next favorite T-shirt.
A Brief History of T-Shirts
Origins and Evolution
The T-shirt's journey began in the late 19th century as an undergarment worn by men. It wasn't until the 1950s, with icons like Marlon Brando and James Dean sporting them in movies, that T-shirts became a symbol of youthful rebellion and individuality. Over the decades, T-shirts have undergone numerous transformations, becoming a canvas for artistic expression, political statements, and brand promotion.
Types of T-Shirts
Basic T-Shirts
Basic T-shirts are the cornerstone of any wardrobe. They come in various cuts, such as crew neck, V-neck, and scoop neck. These shirts are typically made from cotton or a cotton blend, offering comfort and versatility.
Graphic T-Shirts
Graphic T-shirts feature designs, logos, or messages printed on the fabric. They are an excellent way to express your personality, support a cause, or showcase your favorite bands and brands.
Henley T-Shirts
Henley T-shirts are distinguished by their buttoned placket beneath the neckline. They offer a casual yet slightly more refined look compared to standard T-shirts, making them suitable for a variety of occasions.
Polo T-Shirts
Polo T-shirts, characterized by their collars and buttoned necklines, straddle the line between casual and semi-formal. They are often associated with sports like tennis and golf but are equally at home in smart-casual settings.
Long-Sleeve T-Shirts
Long-sleeve T-shirts provide additional coverage and warmth, making them ideal for cooler weather. They come in various styles, from fitted to loose, and can be layered for added style and functionality.
Performance T-Shirts
Designed with athletes in mind, performance T-shirts are made from moisture-wicking materials that keep you dry and comfortable during physical activities. They often incorporate features like UV protection and anti-odor technology.
Choosing the Right T-Shirt
Material Matters
The fabric of a T-shirt plays a crucial role in its comfort, durability, and overall feel. Cotton is the most popular choice due to its softness and breathability. Other materials include polyester, which offers moisture-wicking properties, and blends like cotton-polyester, which combine the best attributes of both.
Fit and Size
The fit of a T-shirt can significantly impact your appearance and comfort. Common fits include slim, regular, and relaxed. When choosing the right size, consider your body shape and personal preference. A well-fitted T-shirt should neither be too tight nor too loose.
Color and Design
T-shirts come in an endless array of colors and designs. Neutral colors like white, black, and grey are versatile and timeless. Bold colors and patterns can make a statement and add variety to your wardrobe. When selecting a design, think about your style and the message you want to convey.
Occasion Appropriateness
Consider the occasion when choosing a T-shirt. Basic and polo T-shirts are suitable for casual and smart-casual events, while graphic and performance T-shirts are better for relaxed settings and athletic activities, respectively.
Sustainable T-Shirt Choices
Organic Cotton
Organic cotton is grown without harmful pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, making it a more environmentally friendly option. T-shirts made from organic cotton are not only better for the planet but also for your skin.
Recycled Materials
Recycled materials, such as recycled polyester, reduce waste and the need for virgin resources. T-shirts made from recycled fibers offer similar performance and durability as those made from new materials.
Fair Trade and Ethical Brands
Supporting brands that prioritize fair trade practices ensures that the workers involved in the production process are paid fair wages and work in safe conditions. Look for certifications like Fair Trade and B Corp when shopping for ethical T-shirts.
Caring for Your T-Shirts
Washing Tips
To prolong the life of your T-shirts, follow the care instructions on the label. Generally, washing in cold water and avoiding high heat in the dryer can prevent shrinkage and fading. Using a gentle detergent and avoiding bleach will keep the fabric in good condition.
Storage Advice
Proper storage can also extend the lifespan of your T-shirts. Fold them neatly and store them in a cool, dry place. Hanging T-shirts can lead to stretching, especially at the shoulders.
The T-shirt is more than just a piece of clothing—it's a reflection of personal style, values, and comfort. By understanding the different types of T-shirts, knowing how to choose the right one, and considering sustainable options, you can make better fashion choices that benefit both you and the environment. Whether you're dressing for a casual day out, hitting the gym, or making a statement, the perfect T-shirt is out there waiting for you.
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crazyfashionsblog · 4 months
Tee-Time: Mastering Men's Must-Have T-shirt Styles!
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Let's delve into the exciting world of men's fashion and the essential piece that's a cornerstone of every guy's wardrobe: t-shirts. These versatile garments are like your trusty sidekicks, always there to make you look sharp and feel comfortable, no matter the occasion. But with such a plethora of styles to choose from, how do you know which ones are worthy of a spot in your closet? Don't sweat it, we've got your back! Get ready to explore the realm of t-shirts for men and discover the styles that will elevate your fashion game.
Let's Break It Down
1. Polo T-shirts: The Perfect Blend of Sophistication and Casual Cool
Imagine this: you're headed for a round of golf or just kicking it at a laid-back brunch with your buddies. What's the go-to outfit? A polo t-shirt, without a doubt! With its classy collared neckline and button-up placket, it's like the James Bond of t-shirts – effortlessly classy yet laid-back. And let's not forget how ridiculously comfy it is; once you put it on, you won't want to take it off.
2. Graphic T-shirts: Your Personal Billboard
Whoever said t-shirts had to be plain and boring clearly hasn't seen graphic tees! These babies are the epitome of self-expression. Whether you're into funky illustrations, clever slogans, or retro vibes, there's a graphic tee out there with your name on it. Rock it with jeans for a casual look or layer it under a blazer for some added flair. The world is your runway, so flaunt your style!
3. Oversized T-shirts: Embrace the Comfort
There are days when you just want to lounge around in something comfy without feeling constricted. Enter oversized t-shirts – the epitome of comfort and style. With their relaxed, loose fit, they feel like a warm hug for your body. Perfect for lazy Sundays or running errands, these tees prove that you can look effortlessly cool without even trying.
4. Full Sleeves T-shirts: Your Year-Round Staple
When it comes to versatility, full sleeves t-shirts are the real MVPs of your wardrobe. Whether you're layering up during the colder months or rocking them solo when the sun's out, these bad boys have got your back. And with fabrics like cotton or linen, you'll stay cool and stylish no matter what Mother Nature throws your way.
5. Henley T-Shirts: Timeless Charm with a Modern Twist
If you're a sucker for classic style with a hint of modern flair, henley t-shirts are your new best friends. With their buttoned placket and collarless neckline, they're like a stylish nod to the past. Pair them with jeans for a laid-back weekend look or layer them under a jacket for a touch of sophistication. Either way, you'll be turning heads wherever you go.
Time to Elevate Your Style
Say goodbye to boring old t-shirts and hello to a world of endless style possibilities! Whether you're hitting the golf course, hanging out with friends, or just chilling at home, there's a t-shirt style out there that's perfect for you. So go ahead – revamp your wardrobe, embrace your inner fashionista, and show the world what you're made of!
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zzoobi · 4 months
Superior Quality Shorts For Men
When it comes to men’s fashion, few pieces of clothing are as versatile and essential as a good pair of shorts. Whether you’re heading to the beach, hitting the golf course, or simply lounging at home, superior quality shorts for men can make a significant difference in both comfort and style. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into what makes a pair of shorts superior, the different types available, how to choose the right pair, and some top brands and styles to consider.
The Importance of Quality in Men’s Shorts
Quality is a critical factor in clothing, and shorts are no exception. Superior quality shorts men not only last longer but also provide better comfort, fit, and appearance. Here are some key reasons why quality matters:
Durability: High-quality materials and construction mean your shorts can withstand frequent wear and washing without losing shape or integrity.
Comfort: Premium fabrics and thoughtful design ensure that the shorts are comfortable to wear, with no irritating seams or tight spots.
Style: Well-made shorts look better and often feature superior design details, contributing to a more polished overall appearance.
Fit: Quality shorts are designed to fit well, with attention to proportions and movement, providing a flattering and functional fit.
Types of Men’s Shorts
There are various types of men’s shorts, each suited to different occasions and activities. Understanding these types can help you choose the right pair for your needs.
1. Casual Shorts
Casual shorts are the go-to for everyday wear. They are comfortable, versatile, and come in a range of styles, from classic chino shorts to more relaxed, drawstring options.
Chino Shorts: Made from lightweight cotton or a cotton blend, chino shorts are perfect for a smart-casual look. They pair well with polo shirts, button-downs, and t-shirts.
Drawstring Shorts: Ideal for relaxed days, drawstring shorts offer maximum comfort with an adjustable waistband. They are usually made from soft fabrics like jersey or linen.
2. Athletic Shorts
Designed for performance, athletic shorts are made from technical fabrics that wick moisture and provide flexibility.
Running Shorts: Lightweight and breathable, running shorts often feature built-in liners and pockets for essentials.
Gym Shorts: These are typically longer and made from stretchy, moisture-wicking materials, offering support and comfort during workouts.
3. Dress Shorts
Dress shorts are a stylish option for summer events and occasions where you want to look polished but stay cool.
Tailored Shorts: These are structured shorts made from high-quality fabrics like linen or wool blends. They can be paired with a blazer or a crisp shirt for a sophisticated look.
4. Outdoor Shorts
For outdoor adventures, you need shorts that are durable, functional, and comfortable.
Cargo Shorts: Known for their multiple pockets, cargo shorts are practical for hiking, camping, and other outdoor activities. They are usually made from sturdy materials like ripstop or canvas.
Board Shorts: Perfect for the beach or pool, board shorts are quick-drying and often feature a longer cut and a drawstring waistband.
Choosing the Right Pair of Shorts
Selecting the perfect pair of shorts involves considering several factors, including fit, material, and purpose. Here are some tips to help you make the best choice:
1. Fit
The fit of your shorts is crucial for both comfort and style. Here’s what to look for:
Waistband: Ensure the waistband fits comfortably without being too tight or too loose. Adjustable options like drawstrings or elastic can offer a better fit.
Length: The length of the shorts should be appropriate for your height and the occasion. Generally, shorts that end just above the knee are a safe bet for most body types.
Leg Opening: The leg opening should be proportional to your leg size. Avoid shorts that are too tight around the thighs or too wide, as they can look unflattering.
2. Material
The material of the shorts affects their comfort, durability, and suitability for different activities:
Cotton: Breathable and comfortable, cotton is ideal for casual and everyday wear.
Polyester: Durable and quick-drying, polyester is a common choice for athletic and outdoor shorts.
Linen: Lightweight and breathable, linen is perfect for hot weather and dressier occasions.
Blends: Blended fabrics often combine the best properties of different materials, offering comfort, durability, and performance.
3. Purpose
Consider the primary purpose of the shorts:
Casual Wear: Opt for comfortable materials like cotton or linen and styles like chino or drawstring shorts.
Athletic Activities: Look for moisture-wicking, stretchy materials like polyester or spandex blends.
Outdoor Adventures: Choose durable materials with functional features like cargo pockets.
Dressy Occasions: Select tailored styles made from high-quality fabrics.
Top Brands and Styles
Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore some top brands and styles that offer superior quality shorts for men.
1. Bonobos
Bonobos is known for its well-fitting, stylish clothing, and their shorts are no exception. The brand offers a wide range of options, from casual chino shorts to tailored styles, all made with high-quality materials and attention to detail.
Bonobos Stretch Washed Chino Shorts: These shorts offer a perfect blend of comfort and style, made from a stretch cotton blend for a great fit.
2. Patagonia
Patagonia is a favorite for outdoor enthusiasts, offering durable and functional shorts designed for adventure.
Patagonia Baggies Shorts: These versatile shorts are made from quick-drying nylon and feature a relaxed fit, perfect for both water and land activities.
3. Lululemon
Lululemon is renowned for its high-performance athletic wear, and their shorts are designed to support active lifestyles.
Lululemon Pace Breaker Shorts: These athletic shorts are made from lightweight, moisture-wicking fabric and include a built-in liner for added support.
4. Orlebar Brown
Orlebar Brown is a luxury brand known for its stylish and sophisticated swim and resort wear.
Orlebar Brown Bulldog Swim Shorts: These tailored swim shorts feature a classic design and high-quality materials, perfect for a polished beach look.
5. J.Crew
J.Crew offers a wide range of stylish and versatile shorts, suitable for various occasions.
J.Crew 7" Stretch Chino Shorts: These classic chino shorts are made from a stretch cotton blend, providing comfort and a flattering fit.
Caring for Your Shorts
To ensure your superior quality shorts men remain in excellent condition, follow these care tips:
Follow Care Labels: Always read and follow the care instructions provided by the manufacturer to prevent damage.
Wash with Similar Colors: To avoid color bleeding, wash your shorts with similar colors.
Use Gentle Detergents: Harsh detergents can damage the fabric and fade colors. Opt for gentle, fabric-specific detergents.
Avoid Overloading the Washer: Overloading can cause excessive friction and damage the fabric.
Air Dry When Possible: Air drying helps maintain the shape and integrity of the shorts. If using a dryer, choose a low heat setting.
Investing in superior quality shorts men is a smart decision that pays off in terms of comfort, durability, and style. By understanding the different types of shorts available, how to choose the right pair, and some of the top brands on the market, you can elevate your wardrobe and enjoy the benefits of well-made clothing. Whether you’re looking for casual everyday shorts, high-performance athletic wear, or stylish options for dressier occasions, there’s a perfect pair of superior quality shorts out there for every man.
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