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rankertopgoogle · 2 years
Promotional Merchandise
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The big question in corporate promoting is how to successfully advertise a business without having to rob corporate coffers of all its money in order to do so. Corporate promoting can add up to quite a sum and reduce profits for a business if care is not taken to protect against this. The answer to how to successfully promote business without losing your shirt is to engage in intelligent corporate promoting. Make intelligent corporate promotional moves such as opting to resell promotional merchandise for profits.
The first key to making this work is to select promotional merchandise with the highest resale probability. Promotional merchandise Australia such as travel accessories, coffee mugs, key rings, magnets, calculators, clocks, pens, conference bags and folders, umbrellas, golf gifts, watches, wallets, shirts, and mouse pads. These are all very good choices in promotional merchandise that you can resell for profits because these are things people use often and are most apt to purchase. The second key to making the reselling of promotional merchandise for profits work for you is to find a superior supplier of low-cost, high-quality, promotional merchandise to stock your sales shelves with. This leaves funds in your business coffers to be used in other ways to encourage more business profits. Combined with the profits from the reselling of promotional merchandise Australia, your coffers will soon be overflowing.
There are many companies who are superior suppliers of promotional merchandise that can be used for business gifting and also for reselling for profits. You buy promotional merchandise at the lowest cost possible without sacrificing quality, and resell it for profits to your customers. This works because you are paying such a low fee for this promotional merchandise that raising the price for profit still leaves plenty of room to offer the consumer an opportunity to save money as well. You will be promoting your business and building a reputation as a provider of the merchandise business professionals use most, at a savings over other providers. Your customers will also fancy the convenience of not having to trudge from store to store for the items they need most because they can find it all through your business.
When people use the promotional merchandise Australia they have purchased from you, they will be reminded of your business. What if any significance is there to that? The brain is an extraordinary animal that we do not yet fully understand. However, science has proven that the repetition of information such as seeing a business name on a pen for example, breeds a curious affinity towards that information. Many of us are unaware of how this affects our purchasing decisions. But we are more likely to trust and make transactions with the businesses and people we have built an affinity for. Ensure that people see your business name often through the promotional merchandise they use the most. Reselling promotional merchandise is intelligent corporate promoting at its best because your business gets promoted while earning profits.
Do people really buy resale promotional merchandise? They sure do. You have no doubt done so yourself, although you may not have put the two together. Airports, hotels, gift and specialty shops, and convention centers all sell promotional merchandise Australia for profits such as pens, mugs, travel mugs, travel clocks, watches, sunglasses, key rings, t-shirts, polo shirts, umbrellas, and more that consumers readily buy for the sake of convenience. You may have at one time or another patronized these vendors yourself. There is no sound reason for not getting in on this for the sake of your business promoting needs and for the opportunity to make profits that the resell of promotional merchandise offers.
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Wed 26 May 21
Hiiii I’m a lil dummy and I miss stuff sometimes oops so anyway here’s what I missed yesterday-- full audio of Zayn singing the song Leave Before You Love Me (released just a few days ago by the Jonas Brothers) was leaked by Zayn’s cousin! Seems that Z probably demo-ed the song back when it was being shopped around but it ended up going to JB- which would be our loss except heyyyy we get to hear Zayn’s version now anyway! It’s on youtube and it is GORGEOUS, check it out, and anyhow that explains the seemingly random promo tweet from Zayn yesterday- I should have KNOWN to look further, sigh, if Zayn is online there’s ALWAYS a reason. Side note, this is the other song (besides Our Song) that Plested wrote on that was released the same day that Niall was teasing him about the other day, as he is promoting both singles at the same time (and how they’re both smashing it.) Also Niall liked a post of Joe Jonas’ about the song yesterday. Basically: this song is ALL UP IN the updates!
And speaking of Niall and his promo- he continues to insist his pronunciation of Niall and Nile aren’t the same, “they’re absolutely not” he says and clarifies: “Nile and Ni-Al.” Ummm... As someone to whom his demonstration sounds literally indistinguishable I have to say I’m enjoying the show (and thank you Anne Marie, who said “THEY ARE EXACTLY THE SAME” for proving that not being able to hear it is not just an American thing). “Listen to me” insists Niall, and also insisted he has “handsome hunk energy” (not ‘big baby energy’ thank you very much)- and in case you don’t believe it he pulled down his shirt to show off his chest hair in an interview, COULD A BIG BABY DO THAT? About NH3 Niall says “this year, next year, no idea.” He and Anne Marie tell us about a deadbeat employee who was cut from the video-- “It’s not in the video but we paid this dog to speak, like ‘woof’ obviously, when he’s been told to speak... and he didn’t speak when we told him to,” Niall admits he’s a fangirl for The Eagles, and Anne Marie makes him turn bright red by calling him out for looking at himself in the mirror; Niall’s collab promo strategy is hilariously identical every time but damn it, it IS fun and cute and effective, so hey carry on! “That promo with Niall I was quite hyper. I’d had a sip of coffee by accident, I thought it was hot chocolate and it switched up my ADHD like woah,” Anne Marie says to explain herself, no excuses whatsoever are needed but lol. Tickets are on sale now for Niall’s (management company’s) golf tournament.
Harry’s photographer Helene Pabrum was interviewed in a new podcast- she answered lots of Harry questions and shared some lovely unseen pictures, from behind the scenes of HSLOT, music video shoots (as recent as TPWK even), and more. She tells us about what she thought when she first started out with him, “I was a little bit obsessed with the faces of all the fans in front of the stage. They were all at the same time crying and happy and so emotional and I was like wow so for me it was as interesting as the show itself,” and how the pictures they posted during tour were chosen-- “On tour when he wanted to post a picture to instagram I didn’t know if he wanted to post a live, or backstage or audience anything else one. So I would just sent a lot of pictures like take all of this, do what you want and he would post one… he is the one choosing the pictures, he’s the one deciding on them. He’s the one doing it and he’s very good at this. He decides…” and “if he doesn’t want to publish the picture he doesn’t do. It’s as simple as this.” (Meaning, I’d guess, that she was aware of the stupid discourse about how Harry probably doesn’t like her photos- uh huh yeah you can tell about how he has continued to hire her over and over for years- because he doesn’t look “good” in them, but at least we can finally put that to rest now right?? Fans: I don’t like Harry anymore because he doesn’t share enough personal stuff. Also fans: ugh why would he post pictures of himself looking human and accessible I hate this get it away, someone other than him is probably to blame! But she also says “I really feel happy and grateful that I receive so many really truly kind comments and kind messages” so that’s good.) Anyway, she also said her favorites are the candid ones, and “when you see a picture of him with just a t-shirt brushing his teeth it’s just great so for me, I was happy with his beautiful outfit and being simple.” She says he didn’t have much interest in picking up any French from her (or Camille I guess hmmm), “maybe he prefers speaking Italian,” and “I was really surprised to see him dancing. I was surprised in a good way, he’s young so he’s good at learning things really quickly.” (She’s only a few years older than him but he’s just got that Big Baby Energy, WBK!)
Meanwhile, Kill My Mind is soaring up the itunes charts worldwide and Walls got a boost as well as the fanbase got ProjectKMM underway, and two more Australia Louis shows were added ×͜×
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newstfionline · 4 years
Very few Americans back full school reopening (AP) Virtual instruction. Mandated masks. Physical distancing. The start of school will look very different this year because of the coronavirus—and that’s OK with the vast majority of Americans. Only about 1 in 10 Americans think daycare centers, preschools or K-12 schools should open this fall without restrictions, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs. Most think mask requirements and other safety measures are necessary to restart in-person instruction, and roughly 3 in 10 say that teaching kids in classrooms shouldn’t happen at all. Many of the nation’s largest school districts have announced that they’ll be entirely virtual in the fall or use a hybrid model that has children in classrooms only a couple of days a week.
Remote learning? (NYT) The topic of home schooling is suddenly hot. Parents who never before considered home schooling have begun looking into it—especially in combination with a small number of other families, to share the teaching load and let their children interact with others. Emily Oster, a Brown University economist who writes about parenting, has predicted that clusters of home-schooling families are “going to happen everywhere.” Reporter Eliza Shapiro said she thought many families, across income groups, were likely to consider pooling child-care responsibilities in the fall. Children would remain enrolled in their school and would come together to take online classes in the same house (or, more safely, backyard). In some cases, these co-ops might morph into lessons that parents would help lead.
Pompeo wanted to shake hands. Foreign diplomats offered shoulder pats and elbow bumps instead. (Washington Post) During a trip Wednesday to Copenhagen for meetings with the foreign ministers of Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the top U.S. diplomat, did not wear a face mask. That led to an awkward diplomatic dance. When he extended a hand in greeting, Jeppe Kofod, Denmark’s foreign affairs minister, kept to social distancing guidelines and refused to shake back. Undeterred, Pompeo tried again with the foreign minister of the Faroe Islands, who also declined. The third time was not quite the charm: Pompeo and the foreign minister of Greenland successfully navigated an elbow bump. The diplomats in question were all in proximity to one another and did exchange some shoulder pats.
Trump deploys more federal agents under ‘law and order’ push (AP) President Donald Trump announced he will send federal agents to Chicago and Albuquerque, New Mexico, to help combat rising crime, expanding the administration’s intervention into local enforcement as he runs for reelection under a “law and order” mantle. Using the same alarmist language he has employed to describe illegal immigration, Trump painted Democrat-led cities as out of control and lashed out at the “radical left,” which he blamed for rising violence in some cities, even though criminal justice experts say it defies easy explanation. Crime began surging in some cities like Chicago, New York and Philadelphia when stay-at-home orders lifted. Criminal justice experts seeking answers have pointed to the unprecedented moment: a pandemic that has killed over 140,000 Americans, historic unemployment, a mass reckoning over race and police brutality, intense stress and even the weather. Compared with other years, crime in 2020 is down overall.
Will changes to print outlast the pandemic? (Columbia Journalism Review) More than a hundred news outlets have scaled down their print production since the beginning of the pandemic, according to the Tow Center for Digital Journalism. Some publishers had planned to cut print eventually, but the financial setbacks of the pandemic forced their hand. Others, however, say their print suspension is temporary and worry about their audiences that still largely depend on print. As recently as 2016, the Pew Research Center reported that around half of newspaper readers relied exclusively on the print edition. And last month in Australia, News Corp’s decision to end print production at a number of its newspapers reportedly left older readers feeling isolated and underinformed.
Luxury jet spurned by Mexico’s president returns from U.S. without a buyer (Reuters) The luxury presidential jet Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador wants to sell returned on Wednesday to Mexico, more than 1-1/2 years after he sent it to the United States in search of a buyer. Mexico has struggled to sell the opulent Boeing 787 Dreamliner, which the leftist Lopez Obrador has cast as a symbol of excess and corruption under previous governments in a country where around half the population lives in poverty. The jet was acquired by former President Enrique Pena Nieto in 2012 and fitted with marble-lined bathrooms. Reconfigured to fly only 80 people, the plane has a “presidential suite” and a private bath. The sale has been hamstrung in part by Lopez Obrador’s unwillingness to accept offers below a United Nations-backed valuation of $130 million, even as the plane was potentially losing value as it sat unused in southern California.
Virus slams Bolivia as hospitals say: ‘There is no space’ (AP) Police in Bolivia’s major cities have recovered the bodies of hundreds of suspected victims of the coronavirus from homes, vehicles and, in some instances, the streets. Hospitals are full of COVID-19 patients and short of staff, keeping their gates closed and hanging out signs that say: “There is no space.” And the Bolivian government says the peak of the outbreak is not expected until August. Desperation is growing in one of Latin America’s poorest countries, which seems overwhelmed by the virus even as it endures political turmoil stemming from a flawed election and the ouster of President Evo Morales last year. A plan to hold elections in September, seen as a key to stabilizing its democracy, is increasingly in doubt as the pandemic worsens.
Coronavirus cases in Latin America pass 4 million—Reuters tally (Reuters) Brazil registered a new daily record for confirmed coronavirus cases on Wednesday, pushing the total confirmed cases across Latin America past 4 million, according to a Reuters tally. Brazil registered 67,860 additional cases of the virus on Wednesday, along with 1,284 related deaths, bringing total cases in Latin America’s largest nation to 2,227,514 and deaths there to 82,771.
With no Brits, cash-strapped Algarve fights for survival (Reuters) In his near-empty pub in the Algarve in southern Portugal, Samuel Tilley is fuming that coronavirus regulations in his home country Britain are keeping tourists away, further jeopardizing an already gloomy summer season. Usually packed with tourists at this time of the year, Vilamoura is quiet, leaving bar staff at Tilley’s O’Neills pub without much to do but brood over Britain’s decision to leave Portugal off a list of more than 50 countries safe enough for travel without restrictions. Portugal initially won praise for its quick response to the pandemic but a persistent count of several hundred new cases per day concentrated in and around Lisbon in the past two months has worried authorities at home and abroad, leading Britain and other European nations to impose restrictions on travel from the southern European nation. Last year, Portugal welcomed about 2 million Britons, with 64% of them heading to the sunny Algarve, famed for its sandy beaches and golf courses. So far in 2020, only 92,000 Britons have made it the region. Lonely waiters stand outside restaurants with menus in hand but no holidaymakers to speak to.
Turkey’s quiet offensive (Foreign Policy) Turkish forces have moved deep into Iraqi territory in an effort to root out Kurdish militants, who the government claim use northern Iraq as a staging post for operations inside Turkey. Although Turkish troops have been in northern Iraq for some time, the government recently adopted a more aggressive approach, seeking “to destroy the threat from where it begins.” As part of the campaign–dubbed Operation Claw Tiger–Turkey has advanced 25 miles inside the Iraqi border and established 30 military bases. The operation could serve as the prelude to further incursions into Iraq.
India reports record 45,720 new coronavirus cases, deaths rise by 1,129 (Reuters) India reported a record jump of 45,720 in coronavirus infections on Wednesday taking its total number of cases to 1.24 million, the health ministry said on Thursday. India also reported 1,129 deaths for Wednesday, taking the death toll to 29,861. India has the third-highest number of cases after the United States and Brazil.
Beijing’s summer is more oppressive than usual, but most prefer the heat over the virus (Washington Post) All the signs of Beijing’s infernal summer are in evidence. Men playing cards on the sidewalks are sporting their “Beijing bikinis,” their shirts hoisted up over their beer bellies for better air flow, while young trendy types carry personal fans as they walk down the street. People are cooking meat at outdoor restaurants or on little grills on the sidewalk. It’s so hot that Beijingers—usually insistent on body-temperature beverages—are even drinking their beer cold. It could almost be any other steamy July in any other year. But even here, where life is almost back to normal after months of strict controls, the coronavirus remains a lingering menace. Restaurants and malls are open, but to enter, customers have to activate a health code on their smartphones. The code tracks their movements and determines whether they have been to any risky places. Only those with green codes are allowed in. Many offices insist on green codes, too. A red code, or even an amber one, is the scarlet letter of 2020. As countries around the world try to find the balance between health and economic considerations to deal with a second or third—or in the case of the United States, first—wave of the coronavirus, China has found its sweet spot. These controls involve immediate lockdowns, mass testing and the use of surveillance technology to a degree that the ruling Communist Party could have only dreamed about when this year dawned.
China tells US to close consulate in Chengdu in growing spat (AP) China ordered the United States on Friday to close its consulate in the western city of Chengdu, ratcheting up a diplomatic conflict at a time when relations have sunk to their lowest level in decades. The move was a response to the Trump administration’s order this week for Beijing to close its consulate in Houston after Washington accused Chinese agents of trying to steal medical and other research in Texas. The Chinese foreign ministry appealed to Washington to reverse its “wrong decision.” Chinese-U.S. relations have soured amid a mounting array of conflicts including trade, the handling of the coronavirus pandemic, technology, spying accusations, Hong Kong and allegations of abuses against Chinese Muslims.
China launches ambitious attempt to land rover on Mars (AP) China launched its most ambitious Mars mission yet on Thursday in a bold attempt to join the United States in successfully landing a spacecraft on the red planet. Engines blazing orange, a Long March-5 carrier rocket took off under clear skies around 12:40 p.m. from Hainan Island, south of China’s mainland. Hundreds of space enthusiasts cried out excitedly on a beach across the bay from the launch site. It marked the second flight to Mars this week, after a United Arab Emirates orbiter blasted off on a rocket from Japan on Monday. And the U.S. is aiming to launch Perseverance, its most sophisticated Mars rover ever, from Cape Canaveral, Florida, next week.
Saudi king, 84, undergoes surgery to remove gallbladder (AP) Saudi Arabia’s King Salman underwent a successful surgery that removed his gallbladder, the kingdom said Thursday, just days after being admitted to hospital over an inflammation of the organ. The king serves as an absolute monarch of Saudi Arabia, one of the world’s top oil producers and the site of the holiest sites of Islam. His health remains a key factor watched by observers of the kingdom, as next in line to the throne is his assertive 34-year-old son, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who could rule for decades.
Going cold turkey in Somalia (Reuters) COVID-induced khat shortage adds to Somalia’s health woes. In sweltering Mogadishu, Sharif Ahmed, 22, tried to attack relatives and neighbors, resulting in an emergency trip to a psychiatric hospital in handcuffs. He is suffering withdrawal from the narcotic leaf khat. Somalia shut down flights in late March to curb the spread of the new coronavirus, meaning the drug could no longer be imported by air from Kenya. That affected users, causing some to go for long periods without sleep. The price of khat surged when the flights were stopped, putting it out of reach for most users and straining resources at Mogadishu’s Habeeb Psychiatric Emergency Hospital.
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aliworldtrade · 3 years
Wuhan Jarmoo Flag Co., Ltd.
86-27-83315310 18271961908
Crossing Of Changsheng Road And Fengmao Road, Economic Development District, Wuhan, Hubei, China
Wuhan Jarmoo Flag Co., Ltd. is specialized in manufacturing and exporting display products, fans’ products and promotional products, including display tent, beach flags (feather flag, teardrop flag, backpack flag etc.), sun umbrella,golf umbrella, all kinds of custom flags (national flags, sports flags, pennant flags, club flags, gift flags, wall flags, giant flag, desk flags, advertising flags, hand flags, giant flags, body flags, garden flag, vinyl flags, warning flag, golf flag, embroidered flag buntings, etc. ),all kinds of banners (pop up display banners, pop up a-frame banners, vinyl banners, scrolling banners), T-Shirts ,sports clothes,baseball caps,sports scarves & beanies & bracelets, flying disc, stubby holder and so on. Our products have been exported to Australia,America, Europe, the Middle East and Southeast Asia, which satisfy our customers with high quality and good service. Jarmoo is an eld professional , passionate&famous company in China flag,banner&tent industry . We always strive to develop new products, improve our quality and help clients win new market and larger market share. We adhere to the “today’s quality means tomorrow’s market; our reputation means an intangible market; users’ satisfaction means a perpetual market”.Quality is our DNA .With a good technology and development team, we provide designs as per customers’ requirements, even for 1 pcs. With a good manufacturing team which has skilled workers and advanced equipment, we supply high quality products and guarantee timely delivery. With a professional sales team and an after-sales team, we offer excellent service to solve your purchasing and sales problems in time. With a complete quality control system, we get more confidence from customers. If you are interested in our products, please feel free to contact us. We sincerely hope to establish business relationships with friends worldwide.
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jimmydemaret · 4 years
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 4 years
Mon 19 Oct ‘20
We’ve got new LT Tour news and it miiight actually be realistic?? A Louis show has been added in Australia, just about the only place it's possible to imagine that a show might actually go forward as scheduled (June 2021) even if things don't change very much over the next months. LTHQ says he has “upgraded his Sydney show [it was moved to a different venue] and added a second show in Melbourne for the 2021 world tour.” Tickets for the added show go on sale Thursday. We'll see about the world part, but the idea that some shows might go forward is a win for us all! The whole world will be looking to you, Aussie livestreamers! And United By Pop posted a gushy compilation of fans sharing what Louis means to them, as collected on twitter by the author, who says she was inspired to move to London to become a music journalist by Louis.
Niall interviews continue to pop up-- today he publicly describes himself as being in a relationship for the first time ever (he's only confirmed relationships after the fact in the past, if that) and can we just appreciate that he does it in the weirdest possible way, maybe it's the lack of practice: “I'm gone, they took me away, the love angels,” he says, complete with an arm gesture waving up at ...heaven? He and Amelia have been public already for months now so it's not any kind of surprise, it's just a layer of public discussion he doesn't usually do. He talks about the upcoming charity show, saying “I think if the government are going to do nothing...the artists need to step up,” and he and Australian singer/songwriter Sam Fischer had a long zoom musical session and shared pics (“just a couple of stone cold studs having a cheeky laugh for 2 hours!”) The Men in Blazers spot didn't air in full yet, that'll be in a couple more hours, but we did get a clip of the announcer talking about fandom in these times: “in our world right now where everything feels like it matters too much, it's amazing to have something in life…that doesn't really matter at the end of the day, but it feels like it matters completely and you've got permission to act emotionally out of proportion to everything that's going on.” Niall doesn't really pick up the thread the way I'd love him to, to make the connection between male driven fandoms and what he sees from his fans on his twitter every day, but who knows, maybe the full interview will have more such treasures. He also posted about golf.
Liam's Tings magazine cover will be out next Friday (Liam in a blazer with no shirt, leather pants, and a smoldering look), new Hugo ads are out in the world now (more smolder), and we see him with a MOUSTACHE in pictures posted today as part of Movember—the campaign encourages people to 'grow a mo'[ustache] during November to raise visibility for the charity, which works on awareness for men's mental and physical health issues. “Doing my bit by growing a MO this year,” says Liam and “thanks for capturing my moustache in all its glory!” Does this mean we have to adjust our Liam Halloween costume predictions?
Meanwhile, reports of Harry going about his business in LA yesterday: he bought a camera strap and tried to buy the decorations off the wall of that shop, got some frozen yogurt, and he took some distanced fan pics (the video of him very politely running away is particularly funny.) His hair is cut and he's wearing a Friends shirt!! You can't really make out much about the haircut except that it's short on the sides and still basically the same color (who the hell started that blond Harry rumor??) but that was enough to get 'he cut his hair' trending on twitter, lol. The shirt is a reproduction of one Rachel wore on Friends, lips with 'save the drama for your mama' written inside, but not just any old redbubble knockoff, Gemma says she had it specially made (embroidered!) for Harry for his birthday, wow. I believe that Harry, unlike Niall, is self aware about the paralells between his own fanning and his fans' and reminders of the band's thing for Friends references always make me happy in that particular 'aww celebs they're just like us' way (even if the particulars of their fan merch are a reminder that they very much aren't). Anyway, Don't Worry Darling begins filming today, and in a Halloweeny twist the 'horror' tag has been added to its IMDB listing.
And finally, an ex of Briana's is suing her! He alleges that she borrowed $5000 from him to have her boobs done and never paid him back, and he's suing for the return of the loan. He says it's not so much about the money it's the principle and complains that because they broke up he “never even saw them” lmaoooo. What a pair, and I don't mean the breasts.
#Niall Horan#Louis Tomlinson#Harry Styles#LIam Payne#IDK why people are saying that Niall 'slipped' and admitted he was in a relationship I... did we watch the same clip??#it's pretty straightfoward and also it's not like they haven't BEEN public about it#the person who titled the clip 'niall HINTS at new relationship' also didn't watch the same one as me I'm guessing lol what#I suspect the whole world will be counting on you aussie livestreamers for a lot more than  just Louis over the next year or so#please do us right! so far so good props to the DMAs fans for example (in every way tbh they're really a treasure)#soooo United by Pop really needs to invest in like.. a single proofreader??#or honestly even just let your word program make some grammar suggestions and accept them?#I can't believe people are out there getting paid for things they don't even appear to read over#I should unlarrie so I can get scooped up and actually make some money#look for my dramatic resignation from the fandom I'll be sure to write a manifesto and loudly denounce all my old friends#and then come back like two weeks later#I almost deleted these tags cause I started thinking about all the specific people folks were going to think#I was indirecting (I'm not specifically meaning anyone)#but simply the fact that I thought of so many and you probably are too means it stays in cause LMAO#the intern wants Liam to be Harry Potter for halloween but the moustache is more Harry Styles hmm?#niall#liam#friends reference#gemma#19 oct 20#briana jungwirth#louis#harry#michael strauss#boobiegate#lajdjdjjlk stealing that tag that's GOLDDDDD
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quinnjohnny · 3 years
Sir Joseph Banks wasn't just 'that plant guy', but a celebrity playboy botanist who decided Australia was just the place for a penal colony.
Sir Joseph Banks wasn't just 'that plant guy', but a celebrity playboy botanist who decided Australia was just the place for a penal colony. The lady on the zapatillas de tacos futbol $20 note, Mary Reibey, was deported to Australia for horse theft and cross dressing, but what she did next will surprise you. And, who circumnavigated Australia first a French monkey legjobb kutyaruha esőkabát or a South African llantas 4x4 online cat?. This is no marketplace for modesty. Some market movers and shakers zoom along in the conveniently timed Monte Carlo Rally. Others drive down in their Ferraris and leave the support Bentley to carry the golf clubs, leaving their motors outside the casino to be gawped at and photographed by tourists.. Moncler jackets As a rule, once into the sales process, each unit will need to pay even if the vacancy rates (ie property tax), which increased the developer cost of ownership. Xindi Wang frequent generation and Pan Shiyi industry rule of disclosure, so that people questioned the existing land auction system rampant, the Application List system in Hong Kong and respected on the table, many cities in mainland expressed concern and desire to emulate it. In fact, back in 2006, the Ministry of Land drafting proposed bidding auction of state owned land use right specification (draft), in relation expressly that where conditions permit, you can create the Application List system However, Hong szemüveg csúszásgátló Kong Application List policies are considered simultaneously pushing up bdsm puma prices on the Central Plains Group Chairman Shih Wing Ching checkmark land system skeptical.. While Prince Harry was serving in Afghanistan, he met someone who's home was destroyed by the hurricane. The Prince wanted to see the devastation and show his support to his friend. Prince Harry also showed support to wounded troops. The Morning Call May 17, 1988, 79, of Palm Beach, Fla., formerly of Allentown, died Sunday in his home. He was the husband of Frances (Croog) Saunders. Born in New York City, he was a son of the late Clara and Israel Saunders. Indie fever: Capsule Design Festival, one of San Francisco's biggest indie fashion events, with 140 clothing and accessory designers, product designers and graphic artists showing work, returns for a sixth go round, from 11 a. M. Today at the Hayes Valley Park, Hayes and Octavia. The event comes at a busy time for the buyers, editors and celebrities who attend fashion shows: on the heels of Fashion Weeks in London, Milan and Paris. "We're very aware of the fatigue that may exist," says Kolb. "But we've created an exciting roster of designers. He was awarded Brazil Gold Medal for outstanding services to the sport in 1995, Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso appointed him to the position of "Extraordinary Minister for Sport" and he was appointed a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador. During this time he proposed legislation to reduce corruption in Brazilian football, which became known as the Pel law. Pel left his position in 2001 after he was accused of involvement in a corruption scandal, although nothing has been proved so far. Riley, P., Watt, H. M. G., Richardson, P. What are the possible side effects of Betnesol N drops?Medicines and their possible side effects can affect individual people in different ways. The following are some of the side effects that are known to be associated with Betnesol N drops. Just because a side effect is stated here doesn't mean that all people using the drops will experience that or any side effect.. Forbes Gokak, a part of the Shapoorji Pallonji group, is believed to be wooing foreign brands to join the Indian fashion parade. Hitting the ramp soon will be Saville Row, Giorgio Armani, Trussardi (leather products and boutique cafe), Diesel, Ralph Lauren and Burberry's. They will be marketed by the company's new brand marketing division to tap the growing retail market, as a part of its forward integration. Nancy Reagan is honorary chairman, and the committee glitters with names, including Princess Yasmin Aga Khan, Candice Bergen, Bill Blass, Pat Buckley, Dominick Dunne, Hubert de Givenchy, Mica and Ahmet Ertegun and Nan Kempner. At the reception preceding dinner and dancing, 60 miniature self illuminating lighthouses created by such mustang női cipő árgép notable architects and designers as Robert A. adidas goalkeeper jersey M. I have an additional theory . IZOD seemed to rely heavily on polo shirts, whereas their competitors branched out much more. Here's the problem with polos . He became the first driver to break the 10 second barrier in Australia and won his first SRA crown in March. He then earned a call up to race on the American World of Outlaws series jean coquelin in April, notching his first podium finish two months later, finishing behind Donny Schatz and Daryn Pittman in Wisconsin. Now he's eyeing a maiden Grand Annual Sprintcar Classic crown.. Hannah Madans, a USC graduate, has been with the Register since 2014. Her beat covers a gamut of subjects that include the robust retail landscape of Orange County, consumer commodities such as groceries, gas and cable, and the hospitality industry. In baby nike trainers her time at the Register, Madans has written breaking news stories about Haggen's fall in Southern California and backlogs at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. JENNIFER TURNER: Absolutely. These sentences are grotesquely out of proportion of the bdsm puma crimes that they're seeking to punish. And we found that 3,278 people are serving life without the possibility of parole for nonviolent crimes, but these numbers actually underrepresent the true state of extreme sentencing in this country. Press for pre and after school care clubs, also known as the detention of the innocents. Share your innovative and imaginative ideas at meetings. Staff are bound to mutter: "Who on earth's mum/dad is that?".
0 notes
yorkhornby · 3 years
If you are experiencing a specific issue related to drug trafficking or drug use please contact our office.
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Both players have been bothered by injuries and have been limited early in the season."They are both competing for a spot on a daily basis," Dunning said. "They are both to the point they can do reps in practice and handle matches."Suiter was a big reason for Stanford's run to the national title last year as a first year starter. At the same time, concerning many of the getaway pleasure in addition to Brand new Year's celebrations WE concept I'd take time to produce a rapid guideline to help you expose newcomers for the exciting entire world involving Pandora appeal anklet bracelets. Most of these marriage ceremony extra symbolize that this recent, current and upcoming tend to be included thinking that this schedule of the rapport that is certainly embraced, built within the cosmetic foundation regarding timeless really like, faith, loyalty as well as faithfulness. 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jimmydemaret · 4 years
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breakingmllc · 4 years
Trucker Childhood Still Plays With Trucks T Shirt
May Be Denoted Legal Sale Paper Right Now My Tongue out Is It the Theologyand Only Justification Is Because He Got Light like the Only like He’s around Your Children Because It Is Important That You See That Because Notand I Applaud You for Seeing It Because A Lot Of A Lot Of White People Don’t Understand What Privilege Really Is That They Think Is Something That Black People Made up Gallagher When They Take What I’ve Seen Is That They Take It Very Personallyand They Go Mama My Life Heart I’ve Had Struggles Struggles to Think Was Either Side Everyone Had Settled Can’t Say That It’s the Same Experience Is Not inand Has All Be Worth Asking That You Just You Acknowledgeand Understand It Is Not the Same Experience Is Not like Bio Talent Is You Life Is Hard No One’s Here to Try to Argue with You about If Your Life Is a Trucker Childhood Still Plays With Trucks T Shirt Higher Difficulty Than What You Better Is a Thought about You Is about A Lot Of People Need to Hearand Know This If It If You Look at the History of Even Film in America before Black People. Will be completed so will see where it goes the big problem that with getting Joe Biden in is having him on public display every time some public display it’s a disaster for those that own the Democratic Party which other corporations the Silicon Valley corporations Wall Street again you see the invention where the Democrats were once considered the body that oppose big big Wall Street and big business and now they’re owned by is what has happened with the web transformation so we are on we’re looking at a situation where and this is just confirming what happened up to this point since Biden nomination of using the coronavirus hugs to stop him being put on public display where that that the people can see on his mental faculties or lack of the month and the running to get WestLB have gone’s at so that that hiding Joe Biden and Dave going to try anywhere in August already in the elections in November they got to try to hide him as much as possible and you’ll see Harris being pushed forward and pushed forward. A large estate in the country took on the big banks over mortgage fraud and one may go to one of the plume without consequences to the pioneer in magic quality and tackle the gun lobby it all we’ve all watched the United States Senate go to toe with top officials trying to hide the truth asking the tough questions may be asked and not stopping until she got an answer when not was forthcoming it was obvious what the answer was as a member and intelligence committee and the judiciary committee she’s been a center in the middle of the most critical national security challenges our country faces well aware well aware of all the threads to this nation and ready to respond to them as a child of immigrants Gino’s personally how immigrant
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Yeah if you talk about that continued the theme three were not yell at a Trucker Childhood Still Plays With Trucks T Shirt black eye lack you are just going to fight a McDonald’s on your memory what the fight was about in McDonald’s is going was like being a real prick to this goal I was with we went shut a tableand he started cooling life for no reason start calling her a pig unlike start going she’s uglyand a list of most likely can’t say that youand I like to go on said right to is not yet on this story Mozart for them you can send him holds onto golf when he was about six I my swung from completely missedand the like but I think the black eyed maybe stun out the additions you owe that man yeah yeah that man save you much in many ways youand he’s here tonight be great if we could bring them out but that’s not good happen it’s amazing the way you tooand you can see it you bonded instantly as friendsand here we are nine years laterand you’re still best lefties we met in the auditionand we like we tell alcoholand that high fiving off every tank now back down there knowing answer Kelly I would really likeand set Australia now have as not said a neighbor that I can’t I think you were so youngand you look at that footage it’s it’s a home will be looking at essentially different in an accident is youand everyone in the movie more incest do you mean when you start out that young on a show like this the show becomes a massive party like it’s become a massive part of one’s life but this is list a major part of your childhood life pretty much like 99 is so not to NASA pretty much 55 as a you you member that first day yeah I just remember raining like that I could buy advisory I do know what agent I am now going nowhere you want to be on our look it up kid in the package year this kidand you’re saying that you love wearing the cloakand having the swordand that’s your favorite thing that’s not true all these years laterand it’s really not I like I hate the cloak Alonso social clinics just like the children about the cloak is the when you’re in the scene in the sum of in this context is still relatively like cool but the minute you step offand a clot each such debt collector to take you out of context you just a an agent wearing a furry cloak general maintenance know I wear a cloak in my private life all around Los Angeles I think it looks fantastic it you select the ones who once they what nominaland DVD asked if you fall to upset now were getting somewhere now are getting there your character diesand everyone thinks you’re gone were you able to tell anybody here with the real deal was yet sold these two books over your lettersand you didn’t tell so not sure I’m a lot really heartfelt necessary so sorry that you leaving the show love working with you so I just like said thank youand is carried on the uninsulated helmet yeah you feel betrayed he wrote that beautiful letter he told say that Sam normally like is a once in a lifetime only denies the horror on his last day as I the speech he gave his feetand I say goodbye kiss from down the space to talk to you the greatest action ever met said. His gaze goes on national television and any takes using take vaccine you will you will not take it to you to take vaccine remain the on the okay okay so sometimes we store all that they harass you the vaccine okay now say it is in his theme test no you okay are also several several months ago I mentioned something in a few programs about possible correlations between those who are getting a coronavirus and they have also in the past and had the flu vaccine okay according to okay is not take someone who has a coronavirus question did you have a flu shot in the back yes or no water is not as one yet he had gotten the coronavirus anything blue backseat I may be a correlation. Being Catholicand Have a Revolution but We Do Just Want to Live up a Character They Would Be Quite to but They Really Want to Do Something That Is Country Star Revolution to Do so but They Are What They Want to Pay My Communitiesand Input Tray to Fame Is That They Know We All Cancel by the Makeand As I Saw Youand I’ll Survive in the Doug Lifeand Try to Be like Me Was Going to Jailand Finally I Went to a Knowledge Shot at They Was Obvious at the Gas Started Singing to You Know It Is My Fault It Is Ball Where I Made It Happen but Is Not Because I’m Smarter Than Now I Was Doneand I Was Blessed with Dumband Be Cool Would Be Mobile but It’s My Fault Because I’m Smarter Than I Do Have Another Whack Say This Doesn’t Mean I Don’t Feel That Way No More Just Me That May Be As Smart As Them Was Smart I Know What You Know Anything about You Game Balanceand Especially in the Blackand Hispanic Youth in Game Violence I Think I’m the Last Black I Think Games Can Be Positive It Just Has To Be Organizedand Stay Away from Being Self Destructive to Be Itself Productive I Think This Country Was Built on Gangsta You Know I Think This Country Still Is Run on Gangs Republicans Democrats the Police Departmentand beyond Seattle’s Again Not Only the Correctional Offices in Rexall since At Least Atwood Big Game Annealed State Strata in on Me so Is This WAS Built on Gangs We Just Have To Not Be so Self Destructive about It Organized You Know but the Violence Is Violence in America That the USA Does Do Line about the No Business over the You Not on the Same Thing I Tell Us Not to Have on Gang Violence Is Mostly the People Know What You Hated Some Ice Sheets Your Family Member’s of Course Retaliate in on the Same Anyway That Signal by the Side of the Family Members You Know so They See the Sunlight Bomb School Were Not People to Kill so United States the Mess That We Showed the Real Sameand Not Remain so until They Start Mentality See Other related products: Trucker Childhood Still Plays With Trucks T Shirt
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salealiexpress-blog · 7 years
Black Friday 2017 sales are here
IT’S that time of the year again.
China’s Singles Day online shopping event has come and gone, turning over the GDP of a small European nation, Click Frenzy more or less managed to happen — now it’s up to the Americans and Brits to “show me what you got”.
November 24 marks Black Friday, named after the blackness of our collective souls, the global shopping phenomenon which grew out of the US tradition of going to the shops to beat the s**t out of strangers to release pent up stress from spending Thanksgiving with your relatives.
Together with its younger sibling Cyber Monday, the online shopping extravaganza saw shoppers spend nearly $US8.4 billion last year. In recent years, retailers in the UK and Australia have increasingly gotten on board.
In theory, Black Friday should start at 4pm AEDT on Friday, or midnight US time, but many retailers such as Amazon, Macy’s and JCPenney now offer deals all week. Australian retailers, anxious not to lose too much business overseas, are also offering some pretty good deals already.
If the overseas retailer doesn’t ship to Australia, you can sign up for Australia Post’s ShopMate parcel forwarding service. According to a survey by comparison website Finder.com.au, around one in five Australians are planning to hit the Black Friday sales this year.
“The severe price cuts that come with Black Friday have been known to send bargain hunters into chaotic shopping brawls overseas,” said Finder.com.au money expert Bessie Hassan.
“While that is the extreme, December is notoriously the most expensive time of year, so these sales are a great opportunity to save on Christmas shopping.”
Amazon: Up to 58 per cent off Amazon Echo
JCPenney: Up to 25 per cent off Nike clothes and shoes
Macy’s: Flat rate $26 shipping to Australia
ASOS: Up to 60 per cent off shoes, accessories, jeans and chinos
Book Depository: Up to 61 per cent off, free shipping
eBay: Up to 70 per cent off, price match guarantee
Best Buy: Up to 20 per cent off Samsung Smartwatch
Target: Up to 50 per cent off top toy brands
GAP: 50 per cent off everything, no exclusions
Toys ‘R’ Us: 25 per cent off Disney/Pixar toys
Nordstrom: Up to 40 per cent off shoes and accessories
Banana Republic: Up to 40 per cent off, free shipping over $US50
Urban Outfitters: 20 per cent off entire purchase for new members
Barnes & Noble: Up to 20 per cent off orders over $US50
Walmart: Up to 33 per cent off PlayStation 4 1TB
AliExpress: Up to 50 per cent off electronics
Microsoft: Up to 15 per cent off Surface Pro Bundle
Expedia: Up to 50 per cent off selected hotels
Myer: Up to 50 per cent off clothing, beauty and accessories
David Jones: 25 per cent off for card members
Catch.com.au: Up to 80 per cent off games and electronics
The Iconic: Up to 30 per cent off shoes and accessories
Sephora: Up to 30 per cent off during Spring Sale
Intrepid Travel: Up to 30 per cent off more than 800 trips
Webjet: Discounted Qantas flights to the UK, China, New Zealand
Expedia: Up to 50 per cent off hotels + hotel and package coupons
Priceline: 50 per cent off cosmetics, free shipping over $100
Cotton On/Typo: 30 to 50 per cent off everything sitewide
General Pants: 25 per cent off store wide, some exclusions
Missguided: 50 per cent off everything until Sunday
JB Hi-Fi: More than 33 per cent off Ultra HD TVs
Bing Lee: $40 cashback on Nespresso machines + $40 coffee credit
Kogan: Up to 54 per cent off Apple, 80 per cent off manchester
Dick Smith: Up to 52 per cent off office essentials
Harvey Norman: Up to 20 per cent off iPads and laptops
Chemist Warehouse: Up to 80 per cent off fragrances
OPSM: 20 per cent off sunglasses
Sol Sana: 20 per cent off selected shoes
From St Xavier: 15 per cent of sitewide
Nasty Gal: 50 per cent off everything
Wotnot : 30 per cent off sunscreen, free wipes with each purchas
Sydney Salon Supplies: Up to 60 per cent off GHD hair straighteners
Gilded Cage: 30 to 50 per cent off storewide, free shipping over $50
Bordeaux Candles: 20 per cent off storewide, free scented beads over $50
Angel Jackets: Up to 30 per cent off movie replica jackets
Film Jackets: Up to 51 per cent off movie replica jackets
InStitchu: 15 per cent off suits and shirts storewide
Boohoo: 50 per cent off everything
Matt Blatt: Up to 70 per cent off furniture and homewares
Lorna Jane: Up to 40 per cent off in-store and online
Dissh Boutiques: 20 per cent off full-price styles
The Body Shop: Up to 50 per cent off selected items
Millers: 50 per cent off full-price items, excluding shoes
Tech21: Up to 75 per cent off cases for iPhone, Pixel and Galaxy
Domino’s: Delivery deal specials, 33 per cent off SMS and app orders
Skechers: Up to 50 per cent off kids, men’s and women’s ranges
Mitre 10: 15 per cent off selected garden sheds and garden beds
EasyShed: 30 per cent off sitewide, free delivery to some metro areas
GoLights: 15 per cent off storewide, up to 70 per cent off pendant lights
Envato: 50 per cent off 500 digital creative assets
The Volte: Up to 50 to 80 per cent off dresses
Southbound: 20 per cent off homewares storewide
Inclinic Cosmetics: 20 per cent off all cosmetics
AJE: 20 per cent off sitewide using the code BFCM20
Angus & Robertson: Up to 90 per cent off selected books
Glue Store: 25 per cent off storewide, no exclusions
Furless Cosmetics: 30 per cent off using the code BLACK17
City Chic: 30 per cent off online exclusive + extra 20 per cent off sale
Mossman: 20 per cent off using the code NOVEMBER20
Strawberrynet: 10 per cent off sitewide, minimum spend $US65
Peter Alexander: 20 per cent off storewide
Smiggle: 30 per cent off “Colour Friday” sale
Cocoon Living: 30 per cent off fashion, 20 per cent off toys, homewares and shoes
Cartel & Willow: 20 per cent off all sale items using the code BLACKFRIDAY20
Camilla: Up to 25 per cent off selected styles
Tigerlily: 20 per cent off sitewide and instore
Nine West: 25 per cent off selected black styles
Zara: 50 per cent off selected items
Blue Illusion: Buy two full-priced items get one free
Goldmark: 40 per cent off jewellery, 20 per cent off watches
Katies: Buy two get 40 per cent off, buy four get 50 per cent off
Kathmandu: Extra 10 per cent off sale prices all weekend
Portmans: 30 per cent off all full-price and sale tops
Mathers: 25 per cent off storewide using the code CYBER25
Witchery: 20 per cent off + free shipping, some exclusions
Noni B: 50 per cent off everything, buy three get 60 per cent off
Ecco: 20 per cent off storewide using the code 17BLACK
Alice McCall: 25 per cent off using the code CYBER25
Secrets Shhh: 20 per cent off sitewide, excluding clearance items
Videopro: Up to 20 per cent off Bose and Sonos + free shipping
1300Rubbish: 10 per cent off all jobs using the code BLACKFRIDAY
Gilded Cage: Up to 60 per cent off storewide, free shipping over $50
PrettyLittleThing: Up to 50 per cent off everything using the code CYBER50
STA Travel: 30 per cent off selected Contiki tours and worldwide adventures
Inspire Book Box : First month for $15 using the code BLACKFRIDAY
Spacer: 15 per cent off first month storage or parking using the code BF2017
Parkhound: $50 bonus income if you list your space on Parkhound today
Audeara: 30 per cent off using the code BLACKFRIDAY, delivery early 2018
Showpo: 20 per cent off using the code FRENZY20, free express delivery over $50
Hansen & Gretel: 30 per cent off in-store and online
Stylerunner: 20 per cent off sitewide with some exclusions
Groupon: 15 per cent off sitewide using the code FRIYAY
Scoopon: Discounted P&O cruise packages starting at $299
New Balance: 50 per cent off sitewide all weekend
Williams Shoes: 25 per cent off shoes and bags
Diana Ferrari: 25 per cent off shoes, clothing and accessories
Colorado: 25 per cent off sitewide using the code CYBER25
Bonds: Buy two get one free, excluding personalised items
Berlei: 30 per cent off sitewide
Sheridan: 40 per cent off all Sheridan, 70 per cent off factory outlet
LACD: 25 to 70 per cent off all technical golf apparel using the code BFCM
P&O Cruises: Flash sale, cruises from $249 for Friday only
Bedshed: 35 per cent off storewide
SurfStitch: 30 per cent off almost everything using the code BLACKOUT
Adidas: 30 per cent off shoes, apparel and accessories
Blackmores: 40 per cent off using the code CYBER40
Temple & Webster: Free shipping for 48 hours
Adairs: 20 per cent off all full-priced items in-store and online
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bunkershotgolf · 5 years
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Original Penguin Brand Ambassador Cameron Smith Captures Sony Open
Perfect Win. Perfect Clothes. Perfect Fit.
Original Penguin Golf, a division of Perry Ellis International, Inc., would like to congratulate brand ambassador Cameron Smith for winning the 2020 Sony open for his first individual PGA Tour victory and second victory overall.
“We congratulate Cameron for his thrilling and emotional come-from-behind playoff victory,” said Jack Voith, President of the Golf Division of Perry Ellis International. “With his home country of Australia in the middle of an unprecedented bushfire crisis, Cameron showed the world his true grit, determination and how special a player and person he is, raising over $10,000 to fight the fires.  We are proud to have Cameron as an Original Penguin brand ambassador.”
“I realize that Australia is doing it tough right now and the focus is probably not on my golf for good reason,” stated Smith. “It’s good to do something good, and hopefully it gave a few people a reason to smile for a moment or two.”
With the win Smith, a key member of the International Presidents Cup team, propels up to fifth in the FedExCup standings, secures his TOUR card for two more seasons and gains a berth in the Masters while placing himself in a good position for Olympic qualification.  “I definitely want to be there in Japan and want to wear the green and gold as much as I can,” added Smith.
Original Penguin by Munsingwear® leverages its appeal to a multigenerational fanbase through the brand’s mantra to “Be An Original®.” Original Penguin pays homage to its rich brand heritage, having been adored by countless icons for more than 60 years. A strong influence of humor, fun and attention to detail can be seen in its products. The brand reworks its archive of mid-century classics with seasonal updates to reflect a modern lifestyle. “Original Penguin’s functional style fused with enhanced technical features gave Cameron a distinct competitive advantage over the field during a grueling week of championship golf,” added Voith. “Original Penguin truly is the perfect clothing with the perfect fit.”
Original Penguin Golf apparel is owned by Perry Ellis International, Inc. a global leader in fashion apparel, and is available at www.OriginalPenguin.com , select retailers and golf courses worldwide.
About An Original Penguin by Munsingwear®
In 1955, Minneapolis-based Munsingwear – an underwear and military supply company – ironically became the touchstone of suburban sport with the introduction of the first iconic golf shirt to America – an ORIGINAL PENGUIN®. Known for its unique, humorous and detail-oriented clothing, Original Penguin offers a full range of men’s and children’s clothing, accessories and fragrances. Original Penguin is present in North, Central and South Americas, Europe as well as India and the Philippines. There are over 1,250 points of sale, more than 99 Original Penguin stores worldwide and two dedicated e-commerce websites: www.originalpenguin.com and www.originalpenguin.co.uk
About Perry Ellis International Perry Ellis International, Inc. is a leading designer, distributor and licensor of a broad line of high quality men's and women's apparel, accessories and fragrances. The company's collection of dress and casual shirts, golf sportswear, sweaters, dress pants, casual pants and shorts, jeans wear, active wear, dresses and men's and women's swimwear is available through all major levels of retail distribution. The company, through its wholly owned subsidiaries, owns a portfolio of nationally and internationally recognized brands, including: Perry Ellis®, An Original Penguin by Munsingwear®, Laundry by Shelli Segal®, Rafaella®, Cubavera®, Ben Hogan®, Savane®, Grand Slam®, John Henry®, Manhattan®, Axist®, Jantzen® and Farah®. The company enhances its roster of brands by licensing trademarks from third parties, including: Nike® for swimwear, and Callaway®, PGA TOUR®, and Jack Nicklaus® for golf apparel..  Additional information on the company is available at http://www.pery.com.
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twasonceahuman · 8 years
aaaaansweeeeerrrr ttheeeeemmm aaalllll theeeeeennnn 8D
all 100...of course you would xD
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?- tried all 3 but Spotify won.
is your room messy or clean?- usually clean but right now it’s a dump, trying to get my life packed up- we’ll ignore that I have not even started
what color are your eyes?- hazel, but they appear brown because they are brown in the middle and green on the outside
do you like your name? why?- yes and no, only because everyone spells it wrong.
what is your relationship status?- errr. complicated xD
describe your personality in 3 words or less- introverted, odd, shy
what color hair do you have?- dark brown
what kind of car do you drive? color?- don’t drive
where do you shop?- Woolworths *the joke is that it’s a grocery store
how would you describe your style?- whatever fits over the tits
favorite social media account- TUMBLLLLLLRR BOIII
what size bed do you have?- king single
any siblings?- 1 older brother, 1 younger brother, 3 older stepbros, 1 younger stepbro, and 1 older stepsister
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?- probably England because at least shit happens there and it’s not hot.
favorite snapchat filter?- anything to hide my acne
favorite makeup brand(s)- probably maybelline but I don’t wear makeup much anymore, will probably get back into it going to school again
how many times a week do you shower?- 7 days
favorite tv show?- DAAS Kapital, South Park, Red Dwarf, Doctor Who, The Adventures of Lano and Woodley
shoe size?- fucking 11 mate- THAT’S THE BIGGEST SIZE OF WOMEN’S SHOES THEY MAKE!
how tall are you?- 170cm so 5ft 7
sandals or sneakers?- thongs mate
do you go to the gym?- HAAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHA
describe your dream date- doing something fun like going to an arcade or mini golf- as long as theres icecream involved :3
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?- 40 cents
what color socks are you wearing?- i fucking despise socks
how many pillows do you sleep with?- 3, two for the head and 1 for a cuddle buddy 
do you have a job? what do you do?- I did, I was a waitress
how many friends do you have?- maybe 3 or 4 online? irl- none xD
whats the worst thing you have ever done?- I accidently broke a girl’s wrist once by tackling her at touch football practise *fyi: you’re not supposed to tackle in touch football, you tag them xD
whats your favorite candle scent?- I don’t like candles, but anything vanilla would be okay I guess
3 favorite boy names- ain’t telling
3 favorite girl names- still ain’t telling
favorite actor?- Ewan McGregor yasssssssssssssss
favorite actress?- hmmm- this one is harder to figure out. Idk
who is your celebrity crush?- just one? Obvsly the DAAS boys, Matt and Trey, Tom Hiddleston was one for a while back, Danny JJ is still good but I’ve kinda moved on with RD for now. I’m not a normal 20yo cause I can’t think of someone I have ever had a crush on celebrity wise that was anywhere near my age- plus these are more like platonic crushes because of the huge age difference xD
favorite movie?- Ironically I just found out I follow a girl with the same fav movies which is fun- so that’s Moulin Rouge and Anastasia, but recently I’m loving Spin Out (Tim’s movie), Orgazmo, Cannibal the Musical and Baseketball ;D
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?- I did when I was younger before technology ruled the earth *pffff* but not so much now. Current faves are Housemeeting by Lano and Woodley and Carry A Big Stick by Tim Ferguson.
money or brains?- Brains 
do you have a nickname? what is it?- My family call me Beka but I hate it, but the only nickname I have besides that is Plum/Plummy and Kate calls me that :3
how many times have you been to the hospital?- I’m surprised I haven’t been besides when I had ‘digestive problems’ when I was a toddler. I’ll let you think whatever you want with that
top 10 favorite songs- Enjoy the Silence- Depeche Mode, Big Time- Peter Gabriel, My Weakness- Moby, Muchacho- Kings of Leon, Lemon- U2, Here She Come- DAAS, The Only Thing I Know- Gotye, Deep Surprise- Samantha James, Solsbury Hill- Peter Gabriel, and for the shits, Shatterproof- Trey Parker
do you take any medications daily?- the Pill OOOOOOO spoopy
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)- combination
what is your biggest fear?- heights, medical stuff and death
how many kids do you want?- maybe 2 or 3, that’s if I feel up to pooping them out.
whats your go to hair style?- straighten my fringe and brush my hair
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)- medium, but I’m moving into a share apartment with just a room and bathroom soon
who is your role model?- currently Tim, just a really nice dude and someone to look up too
what was the last compliment you received?- can’t remember
what was the last text you sent?- schit. “this whole scene is full of beautiful tim” I’M MAKING DAAS GIFS OKAY I GET SIDETRACKED XD
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?- probably about 9? maybe earlier?
what is your dream car?- idk I’ve never really looked at them, something on the smaller side though
opinion on smoking?- fucking disgusting
do you go to college?- nope, TAFE soon, but no uni.
what is your dream job?- concert film director, i’m coming for you Anton
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?- suburbs
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?- not really, sometimes the moisturizers cause they are good to have when travelling
do you have freckles?- yes, everywhere unfortunately
do you smile for pictures?- depends on how I feel
how many pictures do you have on your phone?- 471
have you ever peed in the woods?- this is Australia, if you don’t live in the city, everywhere is the woods.
do you still watch cartoons?- depends on what qualifies ;D
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?-      we don’t have wendy’s here, so maccas
Favorite dipping sauce?- sweet and sour
what do you wear to bed?- currently in summer its a shirt or singlet with shorts
have you ever won a spelling bee?- I won my class spelling bee once
what are your hobbies?- singing, dancing, drawing, making gifs (even if they are killing me rn)
can you draw?- not really but I give it a crack
do you play an instrument?- I used to play drums and trumpet for a while in school, but I can only really play notes on pianos now
what was the last concert you saw?- the DAAS Live show is the only thing I’ve come close to a concert- because CERTAIN bands and singers won’t come back to Australia T.T
tea or coffee?- tea but I wouldn’t mind coffee if it didn’t make me ansy anymore
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?- We don’t have either of these- there’s Starbucks in the cities but no DD.
do you want to get married?- yes but finding someone is the hard part
what is your crush’s first and last initial?- abcdefg...
are you going to change your last name when you get married?-yes
what color looks best on you?- I think maroon.
do you miss anyone right now?- Katerina D:
do you sleep with your door open or closed?- WHO SLEEPS WITH THEIR DOOR OPEN?!
do you believe in ghosts?- not really
what is your biggest pet peeve?- people dirtying places I’ve just cleaned.
last person you called?- my mum when she was babysitting my niece.
favorite ice cream flavor?- Mint Choc Chip :3
regular oreos or golden oreos?- I just had regular, and I haven’t tried golden
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?- Chocolate
what shirt are you wearing?- a plain greyish blue one
what is your phone background?- Paul sneaking behind Tim
are you outgoing or shy?- super shy
do you like it when people play with your hair?- yassssssssssss
do you like your neighbors?- no they are all old and like to do yard work or home improvements at godless times of day T.T
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?- whenever I shower, but I tone it every morning and night
have you ever been high?- definitely not
have you ever been drunk?- still dont drink so no
last thing you ate?- oreos xD
favorite lyrics right now- “You don’t turn me off, I will never fail. Things I loved before are not for sale. Keep yourself away, far away from me. I will forever stay your Perfect Enemy.”
summer or winter?- winterrrrrrrrr
day or night?- nighttttttttttttttttt
dark, milk, or white chocolate?- milkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
favorite month?- july
what is your zodiac sign- scorpio
who was the last person you cried in front of?- my dad
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