#golf shirts shark tank
gazettereview · 2 years
Bad Birdie Shark Tank Update [year] - Where Are They Now -Read more at https://gazettereview.com/bad-birdie-shark-tank-update/ - https://gazettereview.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Bad-Birdie-Shark-Tank-Robert-Golf-Putt.png #Badbirdie, #Sharktank #Entertainment
Bad Birdie Shark Tank Update [year] - Where Are They Now
Bad Birdie Before Shark Tank Golf is a classic sport people enjoy on days with good weather. The game requires several equipment and accessories, one of which is polo shirts that help players stay cool and clean on the golf course. However, almost all of the specialized golf shirts on the market are plain, boring, […]
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jimmydemaret · 4 years
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Riding High
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Ch20: When The Bough Breaks
Chapter Summary: Fliss finds herself in an impossible position…and her decision tips Frank’s world upside down.
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words.
 Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
 A/N: Don’t hate me… 
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding High Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 19
And this day’s ending is the proof of time, killing all the faith I know.
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 “Was that another one?” Frank asked as Fliss tossed her phone onto the coffee table with an angry snort.
 She nodded, pinching the bridge of her nose.
Frank sighed and looked at her “Honey…” “I know, I know…” she looked at him. “Look, I’ve made notes of every time I’ve had one so… its recorded. But again, it’s not like we can prove anything…they happen like twice a day and then nothing…hardly what they’ll call harassment.” Frank shifted slightly “This has been going on for 2 weeks now sweetheart.” “I’m well aware of that.” she snapped, before she shook her head “Sorry, I didn’t mean to get angry…not at you.” “Come here…” he said, opening his arms and she snuggled into him, leaning against his chest as his hand gently ran up and down her arm. “Maybe you should think about changing your number…and not putting the new one on the website.” “Yeah.” she conceded, “It’s not gonna help for work though…” “You can work round it.” he said, “Keep the business line and if you’re not there people will have to leave a message. Then, once you know your clients…you can give them your cell number.”
 “Fucking ass hole is still making my life awkward.”
 “Only if you let him. It’s a minor inconvenience to change your number but, if in the grand scheme of things all he has in his back pocket is sending you some dumbass birthday card and silent phone calls then…he’s just a pathetic fucking loser that’s trying to bully you into being scared.” “I’m not scared, just pissed off.” she shook her head “I know he’s a chicken shit, he wouldn’t dare come near me not when you’re on the scene…or my dad for that matter.” “Good, because if he did I’m not sure I’d be able to control myself.” Frank said softly.
“Maybe we should just pay someone to kill him.” Fliss said after a moment’s pause and Frank let out a snort “Bullet straight between the eyes.”
“Nah, too quick.” Frank sniffed, reaching for his beer “I’d dangle him over a tank of hungry sharks and lower him in inch by inch…”
“Or we could feed him to pigs, like in Hannibal.” Fliss mused.
 “That’s also an option…no trace” he nodded taking a mouthful of beer.
 “You know they should teach this shit at schools” Fliss reached for her own drink “How to get rid of bodies. I feel it is something everyone should be educated in.” “Maybe you should mention it to Bonnie. Tell her you feel it is an educational rite of passage or some other inspiring shit like that…”
 Fliss laughed, placing her wine glass down and shifting so that she was led on her front, half on-half off Frank, looking up at him as her chin rest on his chest.
“On a scale of 1 to 10 how much of a meltdown are we facing with Mary on tomorrow morning?”
 “From her current mood I’d suspect a good 4 and a half, maybe a 5.” he mused, before he looked at Fliss “I don’t much care, she’s going whether she wants to or not.” “When do the University Classes start again?”
 “Not till second week in October.”  Frank replied “Which reminds me, I need to submit that funding form tomorrow…” “It’s on the table.” Fliss said, as she correctly guessed from the look on his face he was pondering where he had put it.”
“What would I do without you?” he grinned down at her.
 “I have absolutely no idea.” she shrugged and he smiled and leaned down pressing a kiss to her lips.
 “Did you speak to Evelyn before?” Fliss asked him and he nodded.
 “She’s coming down this weekend.” Frank said, “She’s still on about Mary going to Boston for a weekend.” “You still not comfortable about her going?” Fliss asked.
 Frank wrinkled his nose “I don’t know if I trust her fully yet.” “You’ll never know you can unless you give her a chance.” Fliss reasoned
 “You think I should let her go?” Frank said, slightly surprised.
 “That’s not my decision to make, Frank” Fliss shook her head.
 “No, but I value your opinion.” Frank looked at her. “Go on, tell me what you think.” Fliss hesitated for a moment before she sat up and turned her body so she was facing him, her legs tucked underneath her on the sofa. “If it was me in your position, I’d give Evelyn a chance. She’s played ball so far, done everything you’ve asked her to. You’ve got legal guardianship of Mary so she can’t pull any stupid stunts, and if Mary comes back and tells you something she did that you don’t like, well, you cut the visits.” Frank looked at Fliss before he took another drink from his beer bottle. He was torn in two. In one respect he wanted Mary to be happy and it certainly seemed that she enjoyed seeing Evelyn, but on flip side he was still more than comfortable with keeping his Mother at arm’s length.
“I’ll think about it.” he shrugged, non-committedly.
 “Well, you should also ask Mary.” Fliss said “She might not even want to go.” “She will.” Frank said, “Evelyn has a piano.” Fliss laughed “Yeah, but she’s also bossy, remember?”
 “Yeah, I had heard that.” Frank said, and Fliss chuckled again.
 “Well, can you not think about it right now?” she said, taking the beer bottle out of his hand.
“Hey…” he pouted as she put it down on the table, his pout soon turned into a smirk as Fliss moved so she was straddling him on the sofa, his t-shirt that she’d been lounging around in rode up her thighs slightly and his hands rubbed up the side of her bare skin. “Something on your mind baby girl?”
 “What makes you think that?” she asked, sliding her hands up his chest, over the soft material of his top.
 “Just a hunch…” he mumbled, as he reached up and gently gripped the back of her neck, pulling her head down to meet his.
****** “Hey Frank…”
 Frank looked up and smiled at Alan as he walked into the work shop.
 “Hey Alan, not seen you in a while, how you doing?” “Good…I’m good. I was just wondering if I could have a word in my office.”
 “Sure.” Frank frowned “Is err, everything ok?” “Oh, yeah, it’s nothing to worry about…quite the opposite in fact…” “Alright, well me just finish piecing this oil filter together and I’ll be with you.”
 “Sure.” Alan said, “No rush.” 
Frank quickly tightened the filter back up, gave it the once over before he set down his tools and hopped off the boat, wiping his hands on a rag before he walked through the door at the back of the workshop and down the small corridor that led to the main office at the rear of the shop. He knocked sharply on the door and then swung it open as Alan looked at him, gesturing for him to take a seat whilst he finished up his call. Eventually, he bid the person on the other end good bye and placed the receiver down.
 “Relax, Frank…” Alan chuckled as Frank adjusted his jeans for what felt like the 30th time since sitting down.
 “Sorry.” Frank nodded, scratching at his temple. “So errr, do you need me to do something or...” “In a manner of speaking, yes.” Alan said “As you know Paul is retiring at the end of the year, which means the Head Mechanic role is up for grabs…and I was wondering if you’d be interesting in taking the position.” “Me?” Frank’s eyes widened slightly
Alan nodded “I know in the grand scheme of things you haven’t been here long but you’ve impressed me, just like Bill said you would. You knuckle down, you do the overtime if needed, you don’t complain…I like you Frank, and the team does to.” “I err…” Frank scratched the back of his neck. “I’m flattered…but I’ve never managed a team before or…”
“You were an Assistant Professor at one stage right?” Alan eyed him and Frank sighed, nodding “You must have had a research team…” “Yeah, but…” “It’s no different.” Alan shook his head, “And I’m here to help and give you some guidance. I’m not quite ready to retire fully yet. Not like Bill, only so much golf I can play before I go fucking nuts.” Frank snorted “Yeah, not gonna lie, it’s not my thing…” Alan looked at him “The duties won’t be that much different Frank. You’ll just be in charge of booking the jobs in, allocating them to the guys, keeping on top of deadlines and general management of the team…means a little less time spent actually getting your hands dirty but…well, you can manage that yourself. You wanna take a job you take it.”
 “Can I take a bit of time to think it over?” he asked.
“Sure. Take a few days, let me know. I’d like to have whoever is taking over in a position to start the handover by the start of October if possible so…” “Thanks.” Frank nodded “I’ll give it some thought.” “Oh, and it also comes with a Ten thou a year raise…” Alan casually dropped in as Frank stood up “Plus a bonus each year of up to 20 percent, depending on how well you’ve done on your targets” “Just a minor detail you forgot to tell me.” Frank arched an eyebrow.
 “Well, I wanted to make sure you’d consider it for the right reasons not merely the financial incentive.” Alan shrugged “Another reason I’m convinced you’re perfect for the job.” Frank nodded and with that he left the office. Given that it was almost lunch time he took his break 15 or so minutes earlier and headed out into the September sun, pulling out his phone.
 “Hey Sailor.” Fliss greeted him.
 “Hey Cowgirl.” he smiled, leaning against the hood of his truck sipping a bottle of water “You got a sec.” “For you, always. What’s up?”
“Nothing, nothing bad anyway…I just got offered a promotion.”
 “Frankie that’s amazing!” She gushed “You sound surprised though.” “I am, a little.” he said, before he launched into an explanation of what Alan had told him and what the job would entail, plus the financial incentives.
 “Wow!” she said as he finished talking “Baby, that’s fantastic. I’m so proud of you!”
Frank felt himself blushing at her praise, and despite the fact he couldn’t even see her he rubbed at his neck slightly. “So, you think I should take it?” “Of course I do.  But at the same time, if you don’t want to then…you don’t have to. This is a great position to be in honey, Alan’s clearly seen your potential.”
 “Just not sure If I’m cut out to be management.” he said, biting his lip.
 “I had the same thoughts about my business you know.” she spoke gently “I wasn’t sure if setting up on my own after everything that happened was gonna work but then Dad told me that I’d never know unless I took the plunge. Have a little faith in yourself. The only person who doubts your capability is you.”
Frank smiled at her words and looked up and out over the Marina “You always know exactly what to say.” “Not really, I make most of it up as a go along.” she said and Frank laughed. “But, just think, with the extra money you can get a new car…” “There’s nothing wrong with my truck.” “Frank, it’s died on you 4 times in the last 2 weeks. Dad reckons his ride on lawnmower has more power under the hood than that thing”
 “Ok, I’ll admit…she’s getting a little clunky…but she is into her twenties now….” Fliss snorted “You could get yourself a nice Audi…”
“Fuck off.” Frank said and she laughed
 “I like Simon’s car…” “You like it so much you get one.”
“Would never fit Thor in the back.” she said and Frank had to concede she had a point “But now you’re freelancing…you don’t actually need a truck do you?” “No, but…it’s handy…” “Handy, baby it only has three seats…” “And a flatbed…” Frank pouted slihglty. “So get one with five seats.” she shrugged. “You can buy trucks with a full cab…”
“This is not a good enough reason to get me to take the promotion…” 
“You want a better reason?” She said. “Ok, well here’s some food for thought…when the lease is up on our place maybe we could look into buying. You know I don’t wanna rent forever, I want us to have something for the future that’s ours, and the extra money you get a year would make a difference in what we can borrow towards it.” And just like that, as always, she’d managed to sideswipe him. He’d be lying if he hadn’t considered getting back on the property market, he had savings after all…but he’d given it no more thought than a fleeting idea every now and then when he drove past places with real estate signs in the front yards
 “This mean you’re coming round to the idea of marrying me and having baby Franks and Flisses?” She snorted “You’re such a dick…although that’s the only time you’ve ever mentioned that when you’re sober.” “So you’re saying that if I ask you when I’m not drunk you’d say yes?” he teased. “Goodbye Frank…” She teased in an airy voice, before she cut the call.
 Chuckling to himself he slid the phone back into his pocket and headed back inside to grab his lunch from the fridge in the kitchen. As he did so he passed Paul who was heading out with a fresh cup of coffee.
 “Oh, erm…Alan…” Frank looked at him. “So, turns out I don’t need as much time to think about it as I thought I did. I’ll take the job.” Alan smiled at him and pat him on the shoulder “Good man. I’ll get the wheels in motion and then we can work out how we start to transfer Paul’s responsibilities over.”
Frank nodded at him as he walked off.
 “Oh…” Alan called after him, “We’ll also need to pick your car.”
“My car…” Frank frowned.
 “Yeah, did I not mention? Paul’s BM…that’s a company car. I’m gonna let him keep it as a retirement present so we’ll need to order you another one. Not least because I don’t want my Head Mechanic driving around in that heap of shit you have. Looks like we don’t pay you enough…” Frank stood there, eyebrows raised as Alan simply smirked at him and left. Shaking his head, he gave a little groan, already imagining Fliss’ face when he told her.
Fliss had reacted exactly how he had thought she would, laughing hysterically and then teasing him about how he had no alternative now than to get rid of the heap of shit he was ridiculously attached to. She’d then spent the evening looking at cars on her phone, showing him ridiculously pimped out vehicles in various vile colours, the final straw being a hot-rod red for Mustang with gold rims and flames painted down the side. At that point he’d snatched the phone out of her hand, grabbed her hips and pulled her down under him on the couch and given her something else to think about for half an hour or so.
September ticked by, in the usual speed by which time seemed to be flying for Frank and he found himself thrown into his job, soaking up Paul’s experience of managing the team as much as he could. He was also extremely grateful for both Fliss and Bill’s input, both of them having dealt with managing staff and rotas so he was able to ask them both questions as well. Naturally, when V heard about it she insisted on cooking him a special dinner, and even Evelyn presented him with a very nice bottle of Scotch when she came to visit as a Congratulations.
 Another bit of good news for them was that once Fliss changed her phone number the calls stopped as well. Frank was glad about that, because it meant that once again they’d thwarted the ass holes attempts to intimidate her. She’d made a blog, however, of every call she had gotten which now sat in Greg’s files along with the Card. Just in case.
Nope, on the whole life seemed to be going well for the pair of them.
“Someone’s looking smug…” Greg teased Frank as he leaned back in the chair around Greg’s large outdoor table. It was a Saturday at the start of October and they’d finally got round to having that cook out and gathering that the Circle of Truth had been attempting to organise round everyone’s schedule for the last 3 months.
 “Well, you know…life’s pretty good.” Frank smiled, sipping his beer, his eyes straying to Fliss who was stood around the bar area to the right of the garden with Bonnie, Zara and Lisa. She was dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a tie-died off the shoulder sweater but as usual, she looked stunning.
 “You got a ring yet?” Jake asked, dropping down into a seat next to him.
 “Oh don’t you start as well.” Frank groaned as Simon and Greg both laughed. “We’re happy as we are…besides, we’ve not even been together a year yet…” “Not far off.” Jake shrugged “Man, when you know you know…” “He’s just scared she’ll say no.” Simon teased. Frank stilled for a moment and then turned to glare at the man. “Shit, you are?” Simon frowned “No, not especially but…” Frank shook his head, trying to find the words to explain “I’m absolutely, totally convinced I want to spend the rest of my life with her, and I know she feels the same but…well she’s been married before and I don’t want to ask until I know she’s ready to do it again.”
Greg looked at him, nodding “I get that.”
“That’s gotta be the most grown up think you’ve ever said…” Jake looked at Frank who flipped him off but deep down he had to admit, it wasn’t wrong. He knew that both he and Fliss had come a long way from the people they had been just over 14 months ago when they had first met. Fliss had come alive, flourished even in herself, and he…well, he’d learnt that there was more to life than the meaningless cycle of one night stands and that flying by the seat of his pants wasn’t always the most productive thing to do. Both of them had been broken in their own way, had their own guards and walls around themselves which the other had managed to smash straight through. He stole another glance at Fliss and smiled, he knew there was no other woman for him, but in the same breath…what was the rush? They had a life time. And a ring and a piece of paper wasn’t going to change any of that.
 “Man you grew up…” Simon grinned and Frank rolled his eyes.
 “Look, I’ll have you know I’ve brought up a kid since the age of 6 months…all this shit about me being a man child…It’s crap…”
 “Whatever man…we all know you’re not a grown up until you have scatter cushions on your sofa…” Simon teased, referencing the previous week when he and Bonnie had come over for drinks and Fliss and Frank had had a jokey argument about said cushions. Frank threw his head back in a huge bout of laugher, shaking his head.
 “Fuck you!” he said, looking at him as Simon grinned.
 “Anyway, man…speaking of weddings…” Greg turned to Jake “You’ve been engaged for what? Three years now…when you gonna set a date?”
“He has a point…” Simon looked at him.
“Well, you can all shut the fuck up because for your information we have.”
“Shut the front door!” Greg grinned
 Jake nodded and took a large mouthful of his beer.
 “So you gonna tell any of us or…” Jake glanced over at Lisa before he yelled her name and she looked over at him, the other women also looking up. 
“Can we tell them now babe?” he called. Lisa grinned and nodded, and then made her way over followed by Zara. Fliss looked at Bonnie who shrugged, and the two of them picked up their drinks and followed.
 Fliss perched on Frank’s knee and he slid one hand round her waist the other dropped to her thigh.
 “So, we have set a date for the wedding.” Lisa smiled to a huge shriek from Zara. Frank spotted Fliss looking at Bonnie, the two of them sharing a significant smirk and he squeezed her thigh.
 “Stop being a bitch.” he said in a low voice.
 “Rude…” she mumbled, grinning into her gin. “6th April next year…” Jake grinned. “At Hardemans Secret Garden in Dover, Tampa.” “Well unless you invented a time machine, it ain’t gonna be this year is it?” Simon looked at him, before he gave a yell as Bonnie slapped him round the back of the head.
 “Obviously you’re all invited.” Jake said, “Except for Simon.” “Hang on, if he isn’t coming does that mean I can’t?” Bonnie pouted.
“You can be my plus one.” Fliss nodded.
 “Oi…” Frank nipped her thigh gently. She grinned at him, ruffling his hair slightly. He jerked his head out of her reach and looked at her over his aviators. She stuck her tongue out at him and he grinned.
 “Guys this is great news…” Greg said, nodding “Best dig the suit out.” “You wear a suit to work every day.” Zara looked at him. 
“And you won’t need to.” Jake shook his head. “In fact none of you will…my brother is best man, obviously, but I’d like you guys there as my Groomsmen…that is, if you’re up for it.” Frank smiled at Greg, then Simon before they all shrugged.
“Yeah, I’m in…” Greg smiled.
“Me too pal, I’m honoured.” Frank smiled, tipping his beer bottle in Jake’s direction.
“Does this mean we get to plan the Batchelor party?” Simon asked. Jake nodded with a grin and Simon leaned back “Oh this is gonna be beautiful….”
***** “You’re fucking mental.” Frank looked at Fliss as she shrugged, circling Cap back round to the jump which Joanne had just hiked up another foot. He shook his head and turned away “I can’t watch.” “Don’t’ be a chicken Frank.” Mary grinned up at him, “It’s cool…I wanna do that some day.” “Over my dead body.” Frank looked down at her.
“Yeah you said that about me going to Boston.” “No, that’s not what I said.” Frank sighed, looking at her “I said over my dead body were you going to live with Evelyn….and did you?” “No…” Mary conceded “But you’re letting me go back for a weekend.”
“Yes, because you’re going for 2 nights and coming home” he said, and despite himself he turned his head to see Fliss sail Cap over the huge jump.
“See….” Fliss said, pulling the horse up to a stop “Easy…” “Whatever you say sweetheart.” he shook his head.
“Can I jump Monty soon?” Mary asked, and Fliss smiled.
“Yeah we can do a little cross pole…” “I give in…” Frank groaned, throwing his hands out to the side “The pair of you are nuts.”
“Says the guy who almost cried when he had to order a new car.” Fliss looked at him and Frank rolled his eyes “I mean who does that?” “Yeah Frank…” Mary said, swinging off the fence to the paddock, leaning back to look at him. “You get to swap a rust bucket for a shiny new Mitsubishi and you were like heartbroken.” “Hey, me and that truck have seen a lot of action-“ “I don’t wanna know…” Fliss started.
“Of which you’ve been part of…” he smirked her and she flushed a little, grinning. “I’m kinda attached to it.” “It’s a lump of metal.” Fliss looked at him.
“How dare you.” Frank scoffed, feigning offence.
“Well now you can have new adventures in the new truck.” Mary shrugged “Simples.” “When you do get it I vote the first thing we do is load it up and head off for a picnic somewhere.” Fliss said, hopping off Cap.
“I can go with that.” Frank nodded as she turned and walked towards the gate, letting her out.
 “Can I take him?” Mary asked, hopping down off the fence. 
“Sure…” Fliss said, handing her the reins. Mary led the horse away to the barn as Fliss removed her hat and pulled out her bobble, shaking her long hair free before she tied it back up again.
“I really do like it that colour.” Frank mused after a second, watching her. She blushed a little, and he knew why. A week ago she’d come back from the salon, her usually bright auburn hair was a lot more demure, having had caramel put through the ends. When Frank had complimented her on the change she’d gotten a little shy and said that she used to have it like that when she was younger, but John had always wanted her to keep it her natural colour. Now she felt like she fancied a change. Her admission had once again, knocked Frank for, how simple little things like that were so huge for her.
She pulled off her riding gloves, shoved them into her back pocket and they walked into the barn as Mary opened Cap’s stable and led him inside. As always, the large horse bowed his head gently to allow Mary to undo his bridle and Fliss smiled. Cap was secretly her favourite after Heidi. He was such a loving animal, despite his size always being so gentle and careful around people, especially Mary. Most animals were like that around her, she just had this aura that they seemed to like. But then again, everyone said that animals were a good judge of character.
 “Can we go to the shack for dinner?” Mary spoke up, looking at Frank “It is Saturday…”
 “Oh, I dunno…” Frank sighed, “Not sure my heap of shit truck will get us there.” “No but Fliss’ jeep will.” Mary shrugged and Frank shook his head with a snort.
“You literally have an answer for everything.”
 “Wonder where she gets that from…” Fliss looked at him and he nudged her gently with his elbow.
 “So can we go or not?”
 “Yes, ok we can go to the shack.” Frank said “But the deal is you tidy your room when you get home. It’s a disgrace.” Mary pondered this for a moment as Fliss undid the girth on Cap’s saddle, pulling it off.
 “Deal.” she nodded “Only Fliss said she was gonna help me sort my clothes out…some of them don’t fit anymore.”
“Yeah we do that tomorrow morning.” Fliss smiled, “Then we can look at ordering you some warm stuff for New York.” “Are we still getting matching sweaters when we get there?” “No.” Frank said, at the same time Fliss nodded.
“Yes.” “No, we’re not.” Frank looked at her. 
“Errr 2 vs 1 Sailor, you’re outvoted.” she shrugged, pushing past him with the saddle on her arms. “But if you’re a good boy we’ll let you pick them right Mary?” “I dunno.” Mary frowned “Have you seen his shirts?” Fliss let out a roar of laughter and turned to face her, before she looked at Frank, laughing even harder at the pure indignation on his face. 
“I hate you both.” he said sullenly, folding his arms.
 The Shack was busy by the time they arrived but given that it wasn’t too cold they managed to find a small table outside and ordered their food, Mary getting through an astonishing amount considering but the Frank had noticed she was going through a bit of a growth spurt which he mentioned to Fliss when they were snuggled up on the sofa later.
“Not sure getting her any stuff for New York yet is wise.” he mused “If she carries on like she is it won’t fit her.”
“Well we can wait…Fliss said shrugging, her hand rubbing at Frank’s stomach under his shirt. “You have no idea how excited I am…” “Really?” Frank snorted “You never mentioned it.” “Oh piss off” she laughed, before she sighed happily “It’s the one thing I miss about home and Boston…you know this time of year the leaves would be changing colour and falling,…”
“I know what you mean.” he said, his hands carding through her hair “You don’t really Seasons here.”
“Well you do…” Fliss said, “Hurricane and Summer.” Frank let out a laugh as she looked up at him. “You know you’re my hurricane.”
“What?” he looked at her
 “Came into my life, blew it all upside down…” “Jesus you talk some shit!” he laughed, shaking his head as she grinned. 
“You know there was actually a hurricane Frank back in 2010. So I’m not talking complete shit…” “Whatever Sweetheart…” he snorted, leaning back as her nails scratched against his stomach. He gave a twitch and grabbed her wrist, and looked down at her as she flashed him a coy look. “Stop it.”
“What, this?” she moved and used her other hand, and Frank let out a hiss as he shifted and grabbed that one too.
 “You know what that does to me…” he looked at her, his voice low.
 “Yup.” she nodded, grinning.
 With a jerk of his arms he pulled her forward so she fell onto him fully, drawing a giggle from her as her nose bumped against his.
 “I fuckin’ love you.” he smiled at her, and she grinned, giving him a soft kiss.
 “Yeah, you’ve told me once or twice…” she smirked, her lips locking onto his.
 “Office…” she called back, and a second or so later Joanne popped her head into the room.
 “Everything’s done.” she said, “I was gonna lock up…you’re not normally here this late.”
 “Yeah I know but I have some paper work to sort. Need to file a couple of things and, well, thought it would be easier to do it here than take everything home. Frank’s taken Mary bowling so…” “And you’d rather be here doing paper work?” Joanne teased.
“Sadly, it needs doing…besides, last time we went I kicked his ass, again, he sulked for hours.” Fliss snorted “Maybe he stands more of a chance against Mary.”
“Won’t he let her win?” Joanne asked “I mean, she is only eight…”
“No chance.” Fliss looked at Jo. “He says that she needs reminding every now and then that she’s not a genius at everything…” Joanne let out a laugh “Fair enough. Ok, well I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah, bye Jo…”
 Fliss set about getting to work, filing the various bills and disclaimers she’d had signed and started then sifting through the list of clients and payments, checking who owed what and typing out the bills for the month. Once they were printed and placed in envelopes, ready to be tacked to the stable doors in the morning she glanced at the clock and realised it was almost 8 pm.  Frank and Mary should be home now.
She was just about to pack up when she realised she hadn’t gone through the post for the day. For a second she debated leaving it for the morning, but decided she would get it over with. There wasn’t much- mostly a couple of letters from various equestrian societies around the area about a few events going on, but the last one she reached was a manila envelope with the address typed out on the front.
 She turned it over, opened it and then pulled out the contents and immediately felt her blood run cold as she looked at the paper in front of her. It was a copy of the photo of her and Mary, taken from the first Blog that Mary had written over the summer. Underneath it was typed a simple message- I always knew you’d suit motherhood.
 Fliss swallowed, it didn’t take a genius to work out who it was from but for the first time since his ridiculous campaign now she was actually frightened as to the meaning behind this. Up until now it he’d been nothing more than annoying but this was designed to be more than an aggravation.
 It was a threat. A direct threat telling her he knew about Mary.
 Whilst Fliss wasn’t Mary’s mother, and would never claim to be she loved that girl like she was her own and the fact that John was even brining her into this made her feel physically sick, so much so that she felt the bile rising in her throat and with a sharp heave she lurched to the side, grabbing the waste paper basket and hocking up the bitter substance. Coughing she wiped the back of her mouth with a shaking hand, reaching for the bottle of water on her desk.
 She folded the photo up and stuck it back in the envelope, shoving it in the drawer before she stood up and locked her office, heading to her jeep. Her mind was reeling, now it wasn’t just her he was focussing on, this changed everything. Did she tell Frank? She knew she should, she couldn’t leave Mary in danger. Not that she believed any harm would come to her, not really, especially not under Frank’s care but that was another worry she had. That if she told Frank this, it was really going to push him over that edge into blind rage, and he’d been on the first plane out to Boston, hunting the fucker down…and then what?
 He ended up in jail himself because Fliss knew Frank well enough to understand that if that blind rage took hold, he wouldn’t stop.
 She had no answer to this, nothing. She sat in her jeep, staring out of the window, trying to force the thoughts and mumbles and voices in her heat to quiet, so she could think clearly, get some form of grasp on what it was she needed to do. And then one voice was screamed at her, clearly, giving her a solution…the only one she could viably see working.
With a loud sob, Fliss covered her face in her hands, unable to see an alternative to the decision she had just reached. A decision that was going to break her heart more than anything had ever done before.
“Hey, you’re late…”  Frank looked up, immediately frowning as he saw Fliss’ face. “Honey…what…” “Where’s Mary?” she asked instantly.
“She nipped to Roberta’s” Frank said “I know it’s late but we saw her as we were headed out of the car and she wanted to collect something for Show and Tell tomorrow…why?”
 “We need to talk.” Fliss said.
Frank stood up off the sofa and walked towards her, he reached for her and she took a step back.
“Ok, Fliss, you’re scaring me now…what…”
“I think…” Fliss looked down at her hands “I think that we need to stop seeing each other.”
Frank blinked, not sure he had heard her right, but when he looked at her he saw a tear trickling down her face and she was avoiding his gaze. The world around him began to fade and a dull buzzing filled his head and rang around his ears as a horrible cold feeling washed over him.
“Lissy…” he swallowed, his words sticking in his throat “What’s brought this on? Did I do something? Are you not happy? I don’t understand…” “I just…it isn’t working for me…” she took a deep breath and looked up at him.
“You’re lying.” he said instantly, he could see it written all over her face “Fliss, what’s going on?” “Nothing, I’m sorry. I just…I need to leave, I need space.” she said “I’m so sorry Frank…” Frank took a deep breath, and watched as she turned to leave. After a second he hurried after her into the hallway, shaking his head.
 “Lissy, please…talk to me…” he all but begged as she walked to the door. She made to open it but Frank was behind her and placed his hand firmly on the top of the PVC, causing it to shut. She spun round and looked up at him, the tears now pouring down her face.
 “Please, Frank…don’t make this any harder than it is…” her voice was broken, and she shook her head. “I don’t understand what THIS is?” he looked at her, running a hand through his hair as he felt the stinging of tears in his own eyes “Last month we were talking about buying a house together and now you just wanna break it off, for no reason? Honey, just…whatever is going on, we can work through it, just talk to me.”
 “I’m so sorry…” she whispered, “Just…let me out…please…”
He looked at her again, her eyes bouncing across his and he knew instantly he couldn’t stop her, and would never do that to her either, no matter how much he so desperately wanted to lock the door and force her to tell him what the fuck was going on. So with a sniff he forced himself to step back and her hand went to the door knob, her shoulders shaking.
 “Liss, please…” his voice cracked. “Don’t do this…”
 She took a deep breath and opened the door, the warm air from outside hit him in the face, tears stinging his eyes slightly before click of the latch hit his ears as the door shut behind her, leaving him stood alone in the hallway, stunned and utterly, utterly broken. 
**** Chapter 21
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johnbbutmakeitace · 4 years
five reasons why pope heyward is screwed, a series (part 3/5)
part two is here
Reason Number Three: Fistfight
Pope Heyward is not in love.
Well, okay-- no. That’s not true. He is in love.
He’s just not allowed to be.
And look, Pope came up with the “no pogue on pogue macking” rule when he was like eleven and a control freak, okay? 
He was young, and literally everything about the concept of love was totally and completely new to him. And the very idea that his only real friend group could split at the seams just because one of them tried to kiss Kie was absolutely terrifying.
Now that he’s older, Pope is beginning to realize what a stupid rule that is.
Like today, JJ is helping Pope with grocery runs for his dad. They’re both sweaty and tired in the afternoon sun, and JJ’s taken his old tank top off and is using it as a dew rag instead of a tank top. 
He’d dunked it into the water and left it draped around his neck to stay cool, and now there’s rivulets of water sliding down his chest and back. He keeps sweeping sweaty hair out of his eyes, looking like some sort of teenage Adonis, or something. 
And Pope is trying not to look like he’s staring -- by which he means he definitely is just fucking staring -- but thankfully JJ’s not all that sharp in the observational skills department.
So while Pope might be blatantly staring at JJ’s back, tracing the way the water slides down his spine with his eyes, all JJ does is lift up a bunch of bananas from the bag he’s been rummaging through and ask, “You think Miss Amy’ll give me tip if I get down on one knee to give her these?”
Pope flushes just a little at the idea of JJ down on one knee for anything, but manages to roll his eyes and jab lightly, “Yeah, a tip to put your shirt back on.”
Shining in the sun, JJ throws his head back and laughs, and Pope thinks no pogue on pogue macking the stupidest rule. It’s the worst rule.
But it’s what he’s stuck with. And he’s just gonna have to be okay with that. He doesn’t want to be okay with it, but he will be.
He reasons, as he makes his way down through the golf course entrance with an armful of too many groceries, that he’ll get over it eventually. That these kinds of crushes happen all the time. That it’s nice to have it for a while, to moan and groan about it with your friends (he hasn’t actually done any moaning or groaning to any of his friends about it, because, y’know) but then forget about it and never act on them ever.
At least, that’s what he keeps telling himself, anyway. 
He’s a little too wrapped up in thinking about it, slowly sinking deeper and deeper into the labyrinth that are his own thoughts. It’s why he doesn’t hear them coming until it’s too late.
“How much for one of those beers?” Rafe’s voice is in Pope’s ear before he actually sees him. His head jerks up, and suddenly he’s face to face with both Rafe and Topper -- who are both wielding fucking metal golf clubs, by the way -- with an arm full of groceries, completely alone.  
Something cold and heavy settles in his throat, and Pope does his best to swallow it. 
 He keeps walking, “They’re not for sale.” 
Rafe uses the back of his golf club to push Pope to a stop by the chest, and Pope ignores the way he can feel that cold, heavy thing swell into something like dread.  
Rafe’s smile reminds Pope of a shark. A manic, borderline psychotic, coked up shark-- but a shark nonetheless, “Then why don’t you just give us a few for free, huh?” 
 Despite it being two against one, Pope is still helping his dad with a job right now. A job that his dad needs to pay the bills and keep their house, so. 
 He shrugs and tries to sidestep them, “Or you can order one, like everybody else.” 
 It doesn’t work. 
 “But you’ve got so many,” Rafe pushes him back, and the gesture is just a little too aggressive, “How about just one?”
 “C’mon, man,” Topper chimes in, grin casual, like Pope didn’t just see his grip tighten on his club, “Just one beer.” 
 Topper’s golf club glints in the sun, and Pope takes a deep breath and seals his fate. 
“I said no.”
 The whole fight happens in about a thirty second blur. Pope remembers the groceries getting sent flying into the bushes, throwing a fist, then a flash of silver and a bloom of agony. Remembers spitting blood into the sand, remembers a shadow above his head and being fucking terrified of what came next. 
He remembers the way Rafe had laughed above him, the way he leaned down and spit “we don’t want you here” in Pope’s face. Remembers the way he’d stayed there and watched Pope writhe in pain like a fucking psycho, the taste of burning copper coating Pope’s tongue and teeth. 
Topper starts getting nervous the longer Rafe stares. Starts saying stuff like, “Rafe, come on,” and “we gotta go” as he keeps his eyes darting around the golf course, like he’s expecting Sheriff Peterkin to just materialize on the green, handcuffs at the ready. 
Rafe just leans down closer to watch Pope choke on his own blood, close enough that Pope can feel Rafe’s breath on his skin. 
“Not so tough now, huh?” He mutters, just quiet enough for Pope to hear over the blood rushing in his ears. The look in Rafe’s eyes makes Pope feel like he’s gonna be sick.
“Yeah,” Rafe grins wide, “You’re not so tough at all.” 
And, it’s funny. The more Rafe talks, the more Pope feels it. Something inside of him starts to coil, slow and steady. 
“That’s enough, dude,” Topper says, “Rafe, come on.” 
“What’s wrong, little pogue?” Rafe taunts and that thing inside Pope gets tighter, and tighter, and tighter, “Too much of a bitch to fight back?” 
“Rafe.” Topper starts to sound urgent. 
“What about your boyfriend? The one with the gun.” 
And Pope knows what it is now. Knows what to call that dark, ugly, twisting thing coiled up inside him that’s starting to break loose. 
“Would he fight back?” Rafe’s grin goes so wide Pope thinks his face is gonna split in two. 
“Rafe.” Topper shouts. 
It’s rage. It’s pure, unbridled fucking rage.
“Or is he a bitch, too?” 
Within a split second, Pope brings his elbow upwards and cracks it hard against Rafe’s face. He hears a wet crunch, followed by a pop as Rafe’s nose breaks under the force of it. Rafe yelps as he falls back into the sand on his back, and it gives Pope enough time to scramble to his feet. 
“Fuck!” Rafe shouts, clutching at his nose, red rivulets of blood already slipping through his fingers, “Fuck! You broke my fucking nose!” 
Pope can’t find it in himself to care. Because standing above Rafe while he’s laid out in the sand? 
It’s the most satisfying thing in the world. 
He doesn’t get to enjoy it for too long before he’s getting slugged in the face by Topper.
Pope stumbles, but thankfully doesn’t fall down again. Pain pulses bright and hot across his nose and under his eye, and white spots dance across his vision. His eye was already starting to swell, and that second punch did not help. Like, at all. 
Oddly enough though, there is no third punch coming like Pope expects there to be. When he looks, Topper has moved to crouch down next to Rafe and is helping him tilt his head down to deal with the bleeding. 
Their eyes meet over Rafe’s head, and Topper jerks his head back towards the entrance to the golf course in a clear gesture that means get the fuck out of here. 
Pope doesn’t have to be told twice. 
“You’re dead, pogue!” Is the last thing Pope hears as he books it back towards the docks, groceries left behind in the bloody sand. 
When Pope stumbles his way back to the boat, the adrenaline finally leaves him, and when the pain hits, it hits hard. 
His lip is bleeding and swollen, so is his eye. He’s having a hard time seeing out of it, and he’s also pretty sure his forehead is bleeding. He really, really hopes he doesn’t need stitches. His family can’t afford a hospital bill like that, especially now that Pope lost those groceries. 
Shit, the groceries. 
Pope stumbles into the cabin and catches himself on the wall, suddenly dizzy. His eye might be swollen shut, but when he blinks everything feels too bright and harsh and awful. 
He tries to take a breath, but his lungs won’t cooperate. The world suddenly feels too fast and too slow and fine but not fine all at once. 
That grocery money was supposed to pay the electric bill this month, and Pope fucked it all up. It’s all his fault. 
He scrambles to find a place to sit before he falls. He lands heavily on the cabin bench, and he puts his head down between his knees, covers his ears with his hands, and tries to breathe right. He watches blood from the gash on his forehead that’s going to need stitches drip onto the deck. 
His dad’s gonna be so pissed about the groceries. And the money for the electric that’s now gonna have to be used to pay his hospital bill. Pope messed up, he messed up so bad, and his dad’s gonna be so disappointed in him, and he’s so screwed and-- 
“Dude!” JJ calls out as he leaps his way onto the deck of the boat off the docks. His voice is light with laughter, and he’s holding up a small wad of cash as he comes running into the cabin, “You’re not gonna believe how much Miss Amy gave me for--,” 
JJ’s voice dies out the minute he’s through the door, looking down at Pope curled in on himself having a panic attack instead of driving the boat like he should be.
“Are you okay?” JJ asks, and Pope sees JJ’s old sneakers from where his head is in between his knees. He can’t answer, his breathing is too fast, lungs tripping over themselves to catch up with his thoughts. 
He can’t think about anything except how his mom’s gonna have to pick up extra shifts at work to make up for the money, and his dad’s gonna have to apologize to the people who are gonna go without groceries for a week, and it’s all Pope’s fault and-- 
“Pope?” JJ cuts through the noise, and Pope realizes a split second later that JJ’s moving to kneel down in front of him, “Hey, talk to me, man.” 
But he can’t talk, because he can’t breathe, and all he can see is the money JJ dropped on the floor by the little growing pool of blood splatter. He should tell JJ to move it, before the money gets bloody and ruined, just like everything else Pope touches. 
“Pope, look at me,” and suddenly there’s fingers pulling his hands away from his ears and lifting his face up. 
Pope winces at the ache of movement, but doesn’t fight him. JJ’s fingers are cool and feel nice on his swollen, bruising skin. 
Pope hears JJ suck in a sharp breath, and when the world stops being too terrible enough for him to open his eyes for a moment, Pope sees an entire myriad of emotions in the wide blue eyes staring back at him. 
He watches as JJ goes from shock to fear and worry to panic and rage. There’s something else there too that Pope notices, even mid-panic attack. Something in the way JJ’s chin quivers for a moment before his mouth presses into a furious scowl. Something past the worry-- akin to fear, but stronger. More protective. 
But it’s gone before Pope can really look, replaced and buried under the thousands of emotions pulling JJ in a thousand directions at once. 
“Who did this?” JJ asks-- demands, voice too loud and growled for Pope to deal with right now. When Pope doesn’t answer right away, JJ shakes him a little, a mounting fury in his eyes that Pope doesn’t know how to handle, “Pope, look at me. Who fucking did this?” 
And Pope-- Pope can’t do this. He can’t. Not when his eye is swollen shut, not when his blood is on the deck of his father’s boat. Not with JJ’s eyes on him. 
Pope thinks JJ’s eyes are his favorite thing in the world. They’re stupidly pretty-- always have been, even when they’re red from seawater or purple from bruises. No matter what their condition, they’ve always been Pope’s little glimpse into burning, white hot fire inside of JJ’s soul. It’s what made Pope fall in love with JJ, he thinks. 
Because he is. He’s in love. It’s not some passing crush to moan and groan about to his friends, it was never going to be, because nothing in Pope’s life can ever be simple. 
He’s so, so fucking in love with JJ, and he can’t do this. 
Pope doesn’t register the sob he’s letting out until it’s already in the open air between them. He pulls away from JJ’s hands as he lets out another, squeezes his eyes shut as they keep coming and curls back into himself because it’s so much, it’s too much. 
“Hey, no no no,” JJ’s fury is gone as quickly as it came. He plasters on a comforting smile, even if his eyes are full of concern and a little bit of panic. He attempts to sound reassuring when he says,  “It’s okay! Hey, it’s okay, Pope. Shit, uhm. Wait-- wait a minute. It’s okay. Just-- here, let me.” 
And then JJ is ducking low under Pope’s arms and worming his way into a loose, awkward hug. After a couple of seconds of fumbling and repositioning and “c’mon, dude, work with me here,” Pope’s head is resting on JJ’s shoulder with JJ’s arms snug around his middle. 
“It’s okay,” JJ says, and Pope squeezes his eyes shut and holds on tightly to the back of JJ’s tank top, “You’re okay, you’re fine now. I promise. You’re okay.” 
After another few seconds of Pope’s ragged breathing, JJ pipes up again, voice light and casual, like it is when he’s trying to make someone feel better, “Miss Amy gave me twenty bucks for proposing to her with the bananas.” 
Pope would have laughed if he hadn’t been crying. Despite his rapid heartbeats, Pope still lets out an involuntary huff, because of course JJ proposed with bananas to Miss Amy. 
JJ notices it, because he then launches into a whole story about how after Miss Amy gave him so much money, he started proposing groceries to every woman he was making runs to, and he got, like, a shit ton of tips for it. 
Pope listens, lulled more by the sound of JJ’s voice than the actual story he’s telling. At one point while he’s talking, JJ leans his head to rest against Pope’s. It’s easier to focus on slowing his breathing, and find steady ground again. 
Pope feels more stable by the time JJ’s talking about how he got tipped at basically every house, “Except for this one house where the lady’s husband answered the door. And I swear dude, it was the funniest shit I’ve ever seen in my life.”
“Please tell me you had your shirt on,” Pope says, and when he pulls back JJ’s smile is brighter than the goddamn sun. 
“No, dude! How do you think I was making so much bank?” 
“That’s so stupid,” Pope says, and JJ shrugs. 
“Hey, man. If you got it, you flaunt it. I don’t make the rules.” 
Pope smiles and shakes his head. There’s a lull between them for a moment, and Pope knows what JJ’s next question is before it’s even on his tongue. 
“So,” JJ starts, and then he’s gesturing to Pope’s bruised and beat up face, “You gonna tell me what--,” 
“I broke Rafe’s nose,” Pope blurts out before JJ can finish. JJ’s eyes go wide, and the words just start tumbling out of him, “He started talking shit about us and the whole kooks versus pogues thing and you and-- and I just got so pissed off I broke his nose.” 
When he looks, JJ is staring at him slack jawed in wide eyed awe. 
“Don’t just stare at me,” Pope says, feeling just a little bit hysterical, “Say something!” 
JJ blinks, like he has to take a minute to compose himself. 
“Pope,” he says, completely serious, “That was the hottest thing you’ve ever said to me.” 
And Pope laughs. He can’t help it. All the adrenaline and anxiety and everything leaving him in one rush of air. 
“I’m serious!” JJ says, almost indignantly, even as he’s fighting a smile of his own, “It was hot!” 
Pope throws his head back and laughs hard, even if it hurts his ribs. He misses the look of pure relief and maybe something more on JJ’s face as he does. But when JJ laughs too, Pope feels something heavy finally slide off his shoulders. 
Later, when they’re back at the chateau and John B and JJ were running to the store to get medical supplies -- the cut on his forehead doesn’t need stitches (thank god) but it definitely needs more than just a flimsy bandaid -- Pope decides to say something. 
Both he and Kiara are sitting on the couch next to the coffee table in the chateau, and Kie had just handed him a ziplock bag full of ice and wrapped up in a dish towel for his eye when he says, “Can I tell you something?” 
“Of course,” Kiara says as she sits down next to him, one leg folded under the other. She cocks her head to the side at his tone, “Is everything okay?” 
“Everything’s fine,” Pope says quickly, and when Kie’s suspicious look only deepens, Pope sighs, then takes a breath. 
“I like JJ.” he says, and Kie laughs.
“Of course you do,” she says, “Everybody likes JJ.” 
“No, Kie,” Pope shakes his head, then gives her a look, hoping she gets it, “I like JJ.” 
A confused sort of smile starts to grow on her face, “What do you mean?” 
“I mean--,” he starts, then stops. He takes a minute to gather his thoughts, and starts again in earnest, “I like it when he wears my sweatshirt. It makes me feel-- it makes me feel warm. Do you know what I mean? Like he’s carrying a piece of me wherever he goes. Like if I know he’s wearing something of mine, it’ll keep him safe. And I know that’s stupid but it’s true.” 
“I want him to be happy,” and Pope smiles now, “I like it when he smiles, especially when it’s with his eyes. Have noticed that? When he’s really happy about something, like when we’re surfing or just hanging out by the campfire or something, he smiles with his eyes. And I like his freckles. And his hair. And his eyes. I just--,” 
“Holy shit,” Kiara cuts him off, and when Pope looks, her smile is something genuine and a little disbelieving, but kind, too, “You like JJ. You like like JJ. 
“Yeah, Kie,” Pope breathes out, a smile of his own finding a home on his face, “I like like JJ.”
Kiara’s smile turns giddy, and then she’s springing up and running to the kitchen. 
“What are you--,” Pope starts to ask, but she’s already gone with a quick “hang on one second!” 
Pope watches with a bewildered smile as Kie gathers up a few -- and by a few Pope means a lot --  bags of snacks and two beers into her arms before she comes running back and dumps it all on the table and sits back down with a huff. 
“Okay,” she says, and as she hands Pope one of the beers, her smile is encouraging and kind and everything that makes her Kie, “Tell me everything.” 
part four is here!
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Riding High Ch 20: When The Bough Breaks...
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Chapter Summary: Fliss finds herself in an impossible position…and her decision tips Frank’s world upside down.
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words.
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
A/N:  I  know I only updated a few days ago with Ch 19 but this one has been written for a wile and I finished yesterday so decided not to wait.
Don’t hate me…
Chapter Song:  Shattered by Trading Yesterday
Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist 
And this day’s ending is the proof of time, killing all the faith I know.
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“Was that another one?” Frank asked as Fliss tossed her phone onto the coffee table with an angry snort.
She nodded, pinching the bridge of her nose.
Frank sighed and looked at her “Honey…” “I know, I know…” she said, looking at him. “Look, I’ve made notes of every time I’ve had one so… its recorded. But again, it’s not like we can prove anything…they happen like twice a day and then nothing…hardly what they’ll call harassment.” Frank shifted slightly “This has been going on for 2 weeks now sweetheart.” “I’m well aware of that.” she snapped, before she shook her head “Sorry, I didn’t mean to get angry…not at you.” “Come here…” he said, opening his arms and she snuggled into him, leaning against his chest as his hand gently ran up and down her arm. “Maybe you should think about changing your number…and not putting the new one on the website.” “Yeah.” she conceded, “It’s not gonna help for work though…” “You can work round it.” he said, “Keep the business line and if you’re not there people will have to leave a message. Then, once you know your clients…you can give them your cell number.”
“Fucking ass hole is still making my life awkward.”
“Only if you let him.” Frank said gently “It’s a minor inconvenience to change your number but, if in the grand scheme of things all he has in his back pocket is sending you some dumbass birthday card and trying to piss you off with silent phone calls then…he’s just a pathetic fucking loser that’s trying to bully you into being scared.” “I’m not scared, just pissed off.” she shook her head “I know he’s a chicken shit, he wouldn’t dare come near me not when you’re on the scene…or my dad for that matter.” “Good, because if he did I’m not sure I’d be able to control myself.” Frank said softly.
“Maybe we should just pay someone to kill him.” Fliss said after a moment’s pause and Frank let out a snort “Bullet straight between the eyes.”
“Nah, too quick.” Frank sniffed, reaching for his beer “I’d dangle him over a tank of hungry sharks…lower him in inch by inch…”
“Or we could feed him to pigs, like in Hannibal.” Fliss mused.
“That’s also an option…no trace” he said, swallowing a mouthful of beer.
“You know they should teach this shit at schools” Fliss said, reaching for her own drink “How to get rid of bodies. I feel it is something everyone should be educated in.” “Maybe you should mention it to Bonnie.” he said as she took a sip of wine “Tell her you feel it is an educational rite of passage or some other inspiring shit like that…”
Fliss laughed, placing her wine glass down and shifting so that she was led on her front, half on-half off Frank, looking up at him as her chin rest on his chest.
“On a scale of 1 to 10 how much of a meltdown are we facing with Mary on tomorrow morning?”
“From her current mood I’d suspect a good 4 and a half, maybe a 5.” he mused, before he looked at Fliss “I don’t much care, she’s going whether she wants to or not.” “When do the University Classes start again?”
“Not till second week in October.”  Frank replied “Which reminds me, I need to submit that funding form tomorrow…” “It’s on the table.” Fliss said, as she correctly guessed from the look on his face he was pondering where he had put it.”
“What would I do without you?” he grinned down at her.
“I have absolutely no idea.” she shrugged and he smiled and leaned down pressing a kiss to her lips.
“Did you speak to Evelyn before?” Fliss asked him and he nodded.
“She’s coming down this weekend.” Frank said, “She’s still on about Mary going to Boston for a weekend.” “You still not comfortable about her going?” Fliss asked.
Frank wrinkled his nose “I don’t know if I trust her fully yet.” “You’ll never know you can unless you give her a chance.” Fliss reasoned
“You think I should let her go?” Frank said, slightly surprised.
“That’s not my decision to make, Frank” Fliss shook her head.
“No, but I value your opinion.” Frank looked at her. “Go on, tell me what you think.” Fliss hesitated for a moment before she sat up and turned her body so she was facing him, her legs tucked underneath her on the sofa. “If it was me in your position, I’d give Evelyn a chance. She’s played ball so far, done everything you’ve asked her to. You’ve got legal guardianship of Mary so she can’t pull any stupid stunts, and if Mary comes back and tells you something she did that you don’t like, well, you cut the visits.” Frank looked at Fliss before he took another drink from his beer bottle. He was torn in two. In one respect he wanted Mary to be happy and it certainly seemed that she enjoyed seeing Evelyn, but on flip side he was still more than comfortable with keeping his Mother at arm’s length.
“I’ll think about it.” he shrugged, non-committedly.
“Well, you should also ask Mary.” Fliss said “She might not even want to go.” “She will.” Frank said, “Evelyn has a piano.” Fliss laughed “Yeah, but she’s also bossy, remember?”
“Yeah, I had heard that.” Frank said, and Fliss chuckled again.
“Well, can you not think about it right now?” she said, taking the beer bottle out of his hand.
“Hey…” he pouted as she put it down on the table, his pout soon turned into a smirk as Fliss moved so she was straddling him on the sofa, his t-shirt that she’d been lounging around in rode up her thighs slightly and his hands rubbed up the side of her bare skin. “Something on your mind baby girl?”
“What makes you think that?” she asked, sliding her hands up his chest, over the soft material of his top.
“Just a hunch…” he mumbled, as he reached up and gently gripped the back of her neck, pulling her head down to meet his.
****** “Hey Frank…”
Frank looked up and smiled at Alan as he walked into the work shop.
“Hey Alan, not seen you in a while, how you doing?” “Good…I’m good. I was just wondering if I could have a word in my office.”
“Sure.” Frank frowned “Is err, everything ok?” “Oh, yeah, it’s nothing to worry about…quite the opposite in fact…” “Alright, well me just finish piecing this oil filter together and I’ll be with you.”
“Sure.” Alan said, “No rush.”
Frank quickly tightened the filter back up, gave it the once over before he set down his tools and hopped off the boat, wiping his hands on a rag before he walked through the door at the back of the workshop and down the small corridor that led to the main office at the rear of the shop. He knocked sharply on the door and then swung it open as Alan looked at him, gesturing for him to take a seat whilst he finished up his call. Eventually, he bid the person on the other end good bye and placed the receiver down.
“Relax, Frank…” Alan chuckled as Frank adjusted his jeans for what felt like the 30th time since sitting down.
“Sorry.” Frank nodded, scratching at his temple. “So errr, do you need me to do something or...” “In a manner of speaking, yes.” Alan said “As you know Paul is retiring at the end of the year, which means the Head Mechanic role is up for grabs…and I was wondering if you’d be interesting in taking the position.” “Me?” Frank’s eyes widened slightly
Alan nodded “I know in the grand scheme of things you haven’t been here long but you’ve impressed me, just like Bill said you would. You knuckle down, you do the overtime if needed, you don’t complain…I like you Frank, and the team does to.” “I err…” Frank scratched the back of his neck. “I’m flattered…but I’ve never managed a team before or…”
“You were an Assistant Professor at one stage right?” Alan eyed him and Frank sighed, nodding “You must have had a research team…” “Yeah, but…” “It’s no different.” Alan shook his head, “And I’m here to help and give you some guidance. I’m not quite ready to retire fully yet. Not like Bill, only so much golf I can play before I go fucking nuts.” Frank snorted “Yeah, not gonna lie, it’s not my thing…” Alan looked at him “The duties won’t be that much different Frank. You’ll just be in charge of booking the jobs in, allocating them to the guys, keeping on top of deadlines and general management of the team…means a little less time spent actually getting your hands dirty but…well, you can manage that yourself. You wanna take a job you take it.”
“Can I take a bit of time to think it over?” he asked.
“Sure. Take a few days, let me know. I’d like to have whoever is taking over in a position to start the handover by the beginning of October if possible so…” “Thanks.” Frank nodded “I’ll give it some thought.” “Oh, and it also comes with a Ten thou a year raise…” Alan casually dropped in as Frank stood up “Plus a bonus each year of up to 20 percent, depending on how well you’ve done on your targets” “Just a minor detail you forgot to tell me.” Frank arched an eyebrow.
“Well, I wanted to make sure you’d consider it for the right reasons not merely the financial incentive.” Alan shrugged “Another reason I’m convinced you’re perfect for the job.” Frank nodded and with that he left the office. Given that it was almost lunch time he took his break 15 or so minutes earlier and headed out into the September sun, pulling out his phone.
“Hey Sailor.” Fliss greeted him.
“Hey Cowgirl.” he smiled, leaning against the hood of his truck sipping a bottle of water “You got a sec.” “For you, always. What’s up?”
“Nothing, nothing bad anyway…I just got offered a promotion.”
“Frankie that’s amazing!” She gushed “You sound surprised though.” “I am, a little.” he said, before he launched into an explanation of what Alan had told him and what the job would entail, plus the financial incentives.
“Wow!” she said as he finished talking “Baby, that’s fantastic. I’m so proud of you!”
Frank felt himself blushing at her praise, and despite the fact he couldn’t even see her he rubbed at his neck slightly. “So, you think I should take it?” “Of course I do.” she said eagerly “But at the same time, if you don’t want to then…you don’t have to. This is a great position to be in honey, Alan’s clearly seen your potential.”
“Just not sure If I’m cut out to be management.” he said, biting his lip.
“I had the same thoughts about my business you know.” she spoke gently “I wasn’t sure if setting up on my own after everything that happened was gonna work but then Dad told me that I’d never know unless I took the plunge. Have a little faith in yourself. The only person who doubts your capability is you.”
Frank smiles at her words and looked up and out over the Marina “You always know exactly what to say.” “Not really, I make most of it up as a go along.” she said and Frank laughed. “But, just think, with the extra money you can get a new car…” “There’s nothing wrong with my truck.” “Frank, it’s died on you 4 times in the last 2 weeks. Dad reckons his ride on lawnmower has more power under the hood than that thing”
“Ok, I’ll admit…she’s getting a little clunky…but she is into her twenties now….” Fliss snorted “You could get yourself a nice Audi…”
“Fuck off.” Frank said and she laughed
“I like Simon’s car…” “You like it so much you get one.”
“Would never fit Thor in the back.” she said and Frank had to concede she had a point “But now you’re freelancing…you don’t actually need a truck do you?” “No, but…it’s handy…” “Handy, baby it only has 3 seats…” “And a flatbed…” Frank pouted slihglty. “So get one with 5 seats.” she shrugged. “You can buy trucks with a full cab…”
“This is not a good enough reason to get me to take the promotion…”
“You want a better reason?” She said. “Ok, well here’s some food for thought…when the lease is up on our place maybe we could look into buying. You know I don’t wanna rent forever, I want us to have something for the future that’s ours, and the extra money you get a year would make a difference in what we can borrow towards it.” And just like that, as always, she’d managed to sideswipe him. He’d be lying if he hadn’t considered getting back on the property market, he had savings after all…but he’d given it no more thought than a fleeting idea every now and then when he drove past places with real estate signs in the front yards
“This mean you’re coming round to the idea of marrying me and having baby Franks and Flisses?” he teased She snorted “You’re such a dick…although that’s the only time you’ve ever mentioned that when you’re sober.” “So you’re saying that if I ask you when I’m not drunk you’d say yes?” he teased. “Goodbye Frank…” She teased in an airy voice, before she cut the call.
Chuckling to himself he slid the phone back into his pocket and headed back inside to grab his lunch from the fridge in the kitchen. As he did so he passed Alan who was heading out with a fresh cup of coffee.
“Oh, erm…Alan…” Frank looked at him. “So, turns out I don’t need as much time to think about it as I thought I did. I’ll take the job.” Alan smiled at him and pat him on the shoulder “Good man. I’ll get the wheels in motion and then we can work out how we start to transfer Paul’s responsibilities over.”
Frank nodded at him as he walked off.
“Oh…” Alan said, “We’ll also need to pick your car.”
“My car…” Frank frowned.
“Yeah, did I not mention? Paul’s BM…that’s a company car. I’m gonna let him keep it as a retirement present so we’ll need to order you another one. Not least because I don’t want my Head Mechanic driving around in that heap of shit you have. Looks like we don’t pay you enough…” Frank stood there, eyebrows raised as Alan simply smirked at him and left. Shaking his head, he gave a little groan, already imagining Fliss’ face when he told her.
Fliss had reacted exactly how he had thought she would, laughing hysterically and then teasing him about how he had no alternative now than to get rid of the heap of shit he was ridiculously attached to. She’d then spent the evening looking at cars on her phone, showing him ridiculously pimped out vehicles in various vile colours, the final straw being a hot-rod red Mustang with gold rims and flames painted down the side. At that point he’d snatched the phone out of her hand, grabbed her hips and pulled her down under him on the couch and given her something else to think about for half an hour or so.
September ticked by, in the usual speed by which time seemed to be flying for Frank and he found himself thrown into his job, soaking up Paul’s experience of managing the team as much as he could. He was also extremely grateful for both Fliss and Bill’s input, both of them having dealt with managing staff and rotas so he was able to ask them both questions as well. Naturally, when V heard about it she insisted on cooking him a special dinner, and even Evelyn presented him with a very nice bottle of Scotch when she came to visit as a Congratulations.
Another bit of good news for them was that once Fliss changed her phone number the calls stopped as well. Frank was glad about that, because it meant that once again they’d thwarted the ass holes attempts to intimidate her. She’d made a blog, however, of every call she had gotten which now sat in Greg’s files along with the Card. Just in case.
Nope, on the whole life seemed to be going well for the pair of them.
“Someone’s looking smug…” Greg teased Frank as he leaned back in the chair around Greg’s large outdoor table. It was a Saturday at the start of October and they’d finally got round to having that cook out and gathering that the Circle of Truth had been attempting to organise round everyone’s schedule for the last 3 months.
“Well, you know…life’s pretty good.” Frank smiled, sipping his beer, his eyes straying to Fliss who was stood around the bar area to the right of the garden with Bonnie, Zara and Lisa. She was dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a tie-died off the shoulder sweater but as usual, she looked stunning.
“You got a ring yet?” Jake asked, dropping down into a seat next to him.
“Oh don’t you start as well.” Frank groaned as Simon and Greg both laughed. “We’re happy as we are…besides, we’ve not even been together a year yet…” “Not far off.” Jake shrugged “Man, when you know you know…” “He’s just scared she’ll say no.” Simon teased. Frank stilled for a moment and then turned to glare at the man. “Shit, you are?” Simon frowned “No, not especially but…” Frank shook his head, trying to find the words to explain “I’m absolutely, totally convinced I want to spend the rest of my life with her, and I know she feels the same but…well she’s been married before and I don’t want to ask until I know she’s ready to do it again.”
Greg looked at him, nodding “I get that.”
“That’s gotta be the most grown up think you’ve ever said…” Jake looked at Frank who flipped him off but deep down he had to admit, it wasn’t wrong. He knew that both he and Fliss had come a long way from the people they had been just over 14 months ago when they had first met. Fliss had come alive, flourished even in herself, and he…well, he’d learnt that there was more to life than a meaningless cycle of one night stands and that flying by the seat of his pants wasn’t always the most productive thing to do. Both of them had been broken in their own way, had their own guards and walls around themselves which the other had managed to smash straight through. He stole another glance at Fliss and smiled, he knew there was no other woman for him, but in the same breath…what was the rush? They had a life time. And a ring and a piece of paper wasn’t going to change any of that.
“Man you grew up…” Simon said, and Frank rolled his eyes.
“Look, I’ll have you know I’ve brought up a kid since the age of 6 months…all this shit about me being a man child…It’s crap…”
“Whatever man…we all know you’re not a grown up until you have scatter cushions on your sofa…” Simon teased, referencing the previous week when he and Bonnie had come over for drinks and Fliss and Frank had had a jokey argument about the cushions on the sofa. Frank threw his head back in a huge bout of laugher, shaking his head.
“Fuck you!” he said, looking at him as Simon grinned.
“Anyway, man…speaking of weddings…” Greg turned to Jake “You’ve been engaged for what? like 3 years now…when you gonna set a date?”
“He has a point…” Simon looked at him.
“Well, you can all shut the fuck up because for your information we have.”
“Shut the front door!” Greg grinned
Jake nodded and took a large mouthful of his beer.
“So you gonna tell any of us or…” Jake glanced over at Lisa before he yelled her name and she looked over at him, the other women also looking up.
“Can we tell them now babe?” he called. Lisa grinned and nodded, and then made her way over followed by Zara. Fliss looked at Bonnie who shrugged, and the two of them picked up their drinks and followed.
Fliss perched on Frank’s knee and he slid one hand round her waist the other dropped to her thigh.
“So, we have set a date for the wedding.” Lisa smiled to a huge shriek from Zara. Frank spotted Fliss looking at Bonnie, the two of them sharing a significant smirk and he squeezed her thigh.
“Stop being a bitch.” he said in a low voice.
“Rude…” she mumbled, grinning into her gin.
“6th April next year…” Jake grinned. “At Hardemans Secret Garden in Dover, Tampa.” “Well unless you invented a time machine, it ain’t gonna be this year is it?” Simon looked at him, before he gave a yell as Bonnie slapped him round the back of the head.
“Obviously you’re all invited.” Jake said, “Except for Simon.” “Hang on, if he isn’t coming does that mean I can’t?” Bonnie pouted.
“You can be my plus one.” Fliss nodded.
“Oi…” Frank said, nipping her thigh gently. She grinned at him, ruffling his hair slightly. He jerked his head out of her reach and looked at her over his aviators. She stuck her tongue out at him and he grinned.
“Guys this is great news…” Greg said, nodding “Best dig the suit out.” “You wear a suit to work every day.” Zara looked at him.
“And you won’t need to.” Jake shook his head. “In fact none of you will…my brother is best man, obviously, but I’d like you guys there as my Groomsmen…that is, if you’re up for it.” Frank smiled at Greg, then Simon before they all shrugged.
“Yeah, I’m in…” Greg smiled,
“Me too pal, I’m honoured.” Frank smiled, tipping his beer bottle in Jake’s direction.
“Does this mean we get to plan the Batchelor party?” Simon asked. Jake nodded with a grin and Simon leaned back “Oh this is gonna be beautiful….”
***** “You’re fucking mental.” Frank looked at Fliss as she shrugged, circling Cap back round to the jump which Joanne had just hiked up another foot. He shook his head and turned away “I can’t watch.” “Don’t’ be a chicken Frank.” Mary grinned up at him, “It’s cool…I wanna do that some day.” “Over my dead body.” Frank looked down at her.
“Yeah you said that about me going to Boston…” “No, that’s not what I said.” Frank sighed, looking at her “I said over my dead body were you going to live with Evelyn….and did you?” “No…” Mary conceded “But you’re letting me go back for a weekend.”
“Yes, because you’re going for 2 nights and coming home” he said, and despite himself he turned his head to see Fliss sail Cap over the huge jump.
“See….” Fliss said, pulling the horse up to a stop “Easy…” “Whatever you say sweetheart.” he shook his head.
“Can I jump Monty soon?” Mary asked, and Fliss smiled.
“Yeah we can do a little cross pole…” “I give in…” Frank groaned, throwing his hands out to the side “The pair of you are nuts…”
“Says the guy who almost cried when he had to order a new car.” Fliss looked at him and Frank rolled his eyes “I mean who does that?” “Yeah Frank…” Mary said, swinging off the fence to the paddock, leaning back to look at him. “You get to swap a rust bucket for a shiny new Mitsubishi  truck and you were like heartbroken.” “Hey, me and that truck have seen a lot of action-“
“I don’t wanna know…” Fliss started.
“Of which you’ve been part of…” he smirked her and she flushed a little, grinning. “I’m kinda attached to it.” “It’s a lump of metal.” Fliss looked at him.
“How dare you.” Frank scoffed, feigning offence.
“Well now you can have new adventures in the new truck.” Mary shrugged “Simples.” “When you do get it I vote the first thing we do is load it up and head off for a picnic somewhere.” Fliss said, hopping off Cap.
“I can go with that.” Frank nodded as she turned and walked towards the gate, letting her out.
“Can I take him?” Mary asked, hopping down off the fence.
“Sure…” Fliss said, handing her the reins. Mary led the horse away to the barn as Fliss removed her hat and pulled out her bobble, shaking her long hair free before she tied it back up again.
“I really do like it that colour.” Frank mused after a second, watching her. She blushed a little, and he knew why. A week ago she’d come back from the salon, her usually bright auburn hair was a lot more demure, having had caramel and dark brown put through it. When Frank had complimented her on the change she’d gotten a little shy and said that she used to have it like that when she was younger, but upon splitting with John had decided she wanted a completely different look. Now she felt like she wanted to go back to who she was, not needing to put that distance between her and her past anymore. Her admission had once again, knocked him for 6, how simple little things like that were so huge for her. He was also beyond happy she felt like that too.
She pulled off her riding gloves, shoved them into her back pocket and they walked into the barn as Mary opened Cap’s stable and led him inside. As always, the large horse bowed his head gently to allow Mary to undo his bridle and Fliss smiled. Cap was secretly her favourite after Heidi. He was such a loving animal, despite his size always being so gentle and careful around people, especially Mary. Most animals were like that around her, she just had this aura that they seemed to like. But then again, everyone said that animals were a good judge of character.
“Can we go to the shack for dinner?” Mary spoke up, looking at Frank “It is Saturday…”
“Oh, I dunno…” Frank sighed, “Not sure my heap of shit truck will get us there.” “No but Fliss’ jeep will.” Mary shrugged and Frank shook his head with a snort.
“You literally have an answer for everything.”
“Wonder where she gets that from…” Fliss looked at him and he nudged her gently with his elbow.
“So can we go or not?”
“Yes, ok we can go to the shack.” Frank said “But the deal is you tidy your room when you get home. It’s a disgrace.” Mary pondered this for a moment as Fliss undid the girth on Cap’s saddle, pulling it off.
“Deal.” she nodded “Only Fliss said she was gonna help me sort my clothes out…some of them don’t fit anymore.”
“Yeah we do that tomorrow morning.” Fliss smiled, “Then we can look at ordering you some warm stuff for New York.” “oooh yeah, are we still getting matching sweaters when we get there?” “No.” Frank said, at the same time Fliss nodded.
“Yes.” “No, we’re not.” Frank looked at her.
“Errr 2 vs 1 Sailor, you’re outvoted.” she shrugged, pushing past him with the saddle on her arms. “But if you’re a good boy we’ll let you pick them right Mary?” “I dunno.” Mary frowned “Have you seen his shirts?” Fliss let out a roar of laughter and turned to face her, before she looked at Frank, laughing even harder at the pure indignation on his face.
“I hate you both.” he said sullenly, folding his arms.
The Shack was busy by the time they arrived but given that it wasn’t too cold they managed to find a small table outside and ordered their food, Mary getting through an astonishing amount considering but the Frank had noticed she was going through a bit of a growth spurt which he mentioned to Fliss when they were snuggled up on the sofa later.
“Not sure getting her any stuff for New York yet is wise.” he mused “If she carries on like she is it won’t fit her.”
“Well we can wait…Fliss said shrugging, her hand rubbing at Frank’s stomach under his shirt. “You have no idea how excited I am…” “Really?” Frank snorted “You never mentioned it.” “Oh piss off” she laughed, before she sighed happily “It’s the one thing I miss about home and Boston…you know this time of year the leaves would be changing colour and falling,…”
“I know what you mean.” he said, his hands carding through her hair “You don’t really Seasons here.”
“Well you do…” Fliss said, “Hurricane and Summer.” Frank let out a laugh as she looked up at him. “You know you’re my hurricane.”
“What?” he looked at her
“Came into my life, blew it all upside down…” “Jesus you talk some shit!” he laughed, shaking his head as she grinned.
“You know there was actually a hurricane Frank back in 2010.” she said “So I’m not talking complete shit…” “Whatever Sweetheart…” he snorted, leaning back as her nails scratched against his skin. He gave a twitch and grabbed her wrist, and looked down at her as she flashed him a coy look. “Stop it.”
“What, this?” she moved and used her other hand, and Frank let out a hiss as he shifted and grabbed that one too.
“You know what that does to me…” he looked at her, his voice low.
“Yup.” she nodded, grinning.
With a jerk of his arms he pulled her forward so she fell onto him fully, drawing a giggle from her as her nose bumped against his.
“I fuckin’ love you.” he smiled at her, and she grinned, giving him a soft kiss.
“Yeah, you’ve told me once or twice…” she smirked, her lips locking onto his.
“Office…” she called back, and a second or so later Joanne popped her head into the room.
“Everything’s done.” she said, “I was gonna lock up…you’re not normally here this late.”
“Yeah I know but I have some paper work to sort. Need to file a couple of things and, well, thought it would be easier to do it here than take everything home. Frank’s taken Mary bowling so…” “And you’d rather be here doing paper work?” Joanne teased.
“Sadly, it needs doing…besides, last time we went I kicked his ass, again, he sulked for hours.” Fliss snorted “Maybe he stands more of a chance against Mary.”
“Won’t he let her win?” Joanne asked “I mean, she is only 8…”
“Have you met Frank?” Fliss looked at Jo. “He says that she needs reminding every now and then that she’s not a genius at everything…” Joanne let out a laugh “Fair enough. Ok, well I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah, by Jo…”
Fliss set about getting to work, filing the various bills and disclaimers she’d had signed and started then sifting through the list of clients and payments, checking who owed what and typing out the bills for the month. Once they were printed and placed in envelopes, ready to be tacked to the stable doors in the morning she glanced at the clock and realised it was almost 8 pm.  Frank and Mary should be home now.
She was just about to pack up when she realised she hadn’t gone through the post for the day. For a second she debated leaving it for the morning, but decided she would get it over with. There wasn’t much- mostly a couple of letters from various equestrian societies around the area about a few events going on, but the last one she reached was a manila envelope with the address typed out on the front.
She turned it over, opened it and then pulled out the contents and immediately felt her blood run cold as she looked at the paper in front of her. It was a copy of the photo of her and Mary, taken from the first Blog that Mary had written over the summer. Underneath it was typed a simple message- I always knew you’d suit motherhood.
Fliss swallowed, it didn’t take a genius to work out who it was from but for the first time since his ridiculous campaign now she was actually frightened as to the meaning behind this. Up until now it he’d been nothing more than annoying but this was designed to be more than an aggravation.
It was a threat. A direct threat telling her he knew about Mary.
Whilst Fliss wasn’t Mary’s mother, and would never claim to be she loved that girl like she was her own and the fact that John was even brining her into this made her feel physically sick, so much so that she felt the bile rising in her throat and with a sharp heave she lurched to the side, grabbing the waste paper basket and hocking up the bitter substance. Coughing she wiped the back of her mouth with a shaking hand, reaching for the bottle of water on her desk.
She folded the photo up and stuck it back in the envelope, shoving it in the drawer before she stood up and locked her office, heading to her jeep. Her mind was reeling, now it wasn’t just her he was focussing on, this changed everything. Did she tell Frank? She knew she should, she couldn’t leave Mary in danger. Not that she believed any harm would come to her, not really, especially not under Frank’s care but that was another worry she had. That if she told Frank this, it was really going to push him over that edge into blind rage, and he’d been on the first plane out to Boston, hunting the fucker down…and then what?
He ended up in jail himself because Fliss knew Frank well enough to understand that if that blind rage took hold, he wouldn’t stop.
She had no answer to this, nothing. She sat in her jeep, staring out of the window, trying to force the thoughts and mumbles and voices in her heat to quiet, so she could think clearly, get some form of grasp on what it was she needed to do. And then one voice was screamed at her, clearly, giving her a solution…the only one she could viably see working.
With a loud sob, Fliss covered her face in her hands, unable to see an alternative to the decision she had just reached. A decision that was going to break her heart more than anything had ever done before.
“Hey, you’re late…”  Frank looked up, immediately frowning as he saw Fliss’ face. “Honey…what…” “Where’s Mary?” she asked instantly.
“She nipped to Roberta’s” Frank said “I know it’s late but we saw her as we were headed out of the car and she wanted to collect something for Show and Tell tomorrow…why?”
“We need to talk.” Fliss said.
Frank stood up off the sofa and walked towards her, he reached for her and she took a step back.
“Ok, Fliss, you’re scaring me now…what…”
“I think…” Fliss looked down at her hands “I think that we need to stop seeing each other.” Frank blinked, not sure he had heard her right, but when he looked at her he saw a tear trickling down her face and she was avoiding his gaze. The world around him began to fade and a dull buzzing filled his head and rang around his ears as a horrible cold feeling washed over him.
“Lissy…” he swallowed, his words sticking in his throat “What’s brought this on? Did I do something? Are you not happy? I don’t understand…” “I just…it isn’t working for me…” she said, taking a deep breath and looking up at him. “You’re lying.” he said instantly, he could see it written all over her face “Fliss, what’s going on?” “Nothing, I’m sorry. I just…I need to leave, I need space.” she said “I’m so sorry Frank…” Frank took a deep breath, and watched as she turned to leave. After a second he hurried after her into the hallway, shaking his head.
“Lissy, please…talk to me…” he all but begged as she walked to the door. She made to open it but Frank was behind her and placed his hand firmly on the top of the PVC, causing it to shut. She spun round and looked up at him, the tears now pouring down her face.
“Please, Frank…don’t make this any harder than it is…” her voice was broken, and she shook her head. “I don’t understand what THIS is?” he looked at her, running a hand through his hair as he felt the stinging of tears in his own eyes “Last month we were talking about buying a house together and now you just wanna break it off, for no reason? Baby, just…whatever is going on, we can work through it, just talk to me.”
“I’m so sorry…” she whispered, “Just…let me out…please…”
He looked at her again, her eyes bouncing across his and he knew instantly he couldn’t stop her, and would never do that to her either, no matter how much he so desperately wanted to lock the door and force her to tell him what the fuck was going on. So with a sniff he forced himself to step back and her hand went to the door knob, her shoulders shaking.
“Liss, please…” he said, his voice cracking. “Don’t do this…”
She took a deep breath and opened the door, the warm air from outside hit him in the face before the click of the latch hit his ears as the door shut behind her, leaving him stood alone in the hallway, stunned and utterly, utterly broken.
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smollandtoll · 5 years
HC: Glasses & Greys
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While we’ve seen other people with glasses in the NHL (flower, sheary etc) and know it’s perfectly normal to be able to play with imperfect vision/contacts, we’ve seen Geno with glasses but we aren’t convinced they’re a permanent situation. Like we can't imagine Geno would be great at putting in his contacts before getting to the rink ever.
Headcanon where he for sure (fer sher) does have glasses, thick ones that he always slumps into the rinks wearing -- OR MAYBE HE GOT THEM RECENTLY IN HIS OLD AGE and everyone teases him about them of course, but Sid is like high key INTO IT.
He would look so adorable and irresistibly nerdy in glasses. Sid catches himself staring at G on one plane trip as he nibbles on his necklaces and reads, big hand cradling the spine of the book delicately, eyes shuffling effortlessly over the text that's completely indecipherable. And then he just can’t stop looking, every time he catches a glimpse of Geno even in his peripherals he has to look over to peek at the glasses.
So then Sid has to figure out how to manage the fact that he is NOTICEABLY UNABLE TO STOP LOOKING and it’s making him extra awkward.
He’s just endlessly newly soft with his glasses that then only emphasizes the transformation he makes back into FrattyJock!Geno when he’s playing a game or just working out in a snapback with his contacts in y’know? That Geno, Sid is obviously also into, but like he didn't know HOW MUCH until there was a contrast.
On planes and in tape review sessions and at meals he’s always in glasses now and that’s also when he’s in like hoodies and t-shirts and soft lumpy cardigans and nice suits, and then suddenly on the ice or in the locker room he’s all BDE (BGE) and swagger
Stick a fork in Sid, he’s done ladies and gents.
Basically this HC is Geno getting old gracefully. Everybody assumed he wouldn't because he loves flashy toys and he's vain as hell even though he's not the best looking on the team (it's more a competition thing than anything) and instead he just casually accepts his glasses, easily accepts he's like becoming team dad: "Team Papa,” he’d correct the rookies, “team Dad is Sid."
(cue Guentzel snickering about their coparenting the team)
When Sid inquires about his change of heart about getting old -  just to check in and stuff y'know captainly duties, nothing more, he's definitely not enjoying a brunch with Geno alone more than he probably should - Geno quietly admits that the older he gets the more he longs for family, and that he wants to be taken seriously by potential significant others, and wants commitment and children.
Says all of this while he can't take his eyes off of the chubby smiley baby at the next table over.
What's that? Oh, Sid's heart just leaping out of his chest and tucking itself in Geno's pocket?
"Want be taken serious, Sid. play game for a living," with a rueful smile "So I'm try more to be okay with old." He'd pause and his smile would turn into a teasing smirk. "Not even Captain of team that plays silly game!"
Sid, abruptly: “do you want to be the captain?” Like he would give him the captaincy in a heartbeat if Geno asked.
And he probably actually would, like he loves being in charge and being the one responsible for the team but he knows what a good captain G would make. If Geno really wanted it, he’d feel bad not giving him a chance to be in that role.
Is this the aging gracefully headcanon where Sid gets grey hair and G gets glasses and they make plans to retire together with 8 kids and get fat and happy?
We think it is, friends. People growing old together is the best kind of love, it just gets so comfortable and domestic. They’d both be such happy dads. It starts with the glasses and receding hairline.
Sid starts greying at the temples (some greys and some whites, a few here and there) and they both get smile lines around their eyes. G’s pooch gets a lil more pronounced and Sid gets a bit more padding around the middle, but their butts stay firm until they’re like 60 because, that much muscle doesn’t just disappear.
[SIDE NOTE: esp not in the booty. RDJ said that in the 90s there was like a stair master craze and he got himself a bum from it and he's done literally nothing else since then and still has that booty. Moment of silence for RDJ booty]
After retirement Geno probably spends like a SOLID YEAR on the beach. Like we’re talking he doesn’t leave Miami for anything. He’s not wearing pants for 365 days, Sid, so stop nagging. Sid can’t handle that much sand in his crevices (and there are so many now!) so he comes and goes and enjoys the photos of fish Geno sends him.
When they are together they sit on their front porch in the mornings and do crossword puzzles together - Geno reading the clues and Sid giving him the answers which Geno then ignores and pens in whatever dirty words he wants.
Professionally neither one of them can really stay away from hockey for long. Geno gets drawn back into the politics of the KHL and Sid gets pulled in approximately 357 directions from the NHL trying to get him in every position under the sun. They all think he is accomplished and qualified for all of them.
Sid quietly spends Geno’s year of beach exile doing some online and in class courses and gets a Bachelors’ degree. Like it’s probably a BFA or something. He’s wonderfully bashful about it and Geno is so so so proud and his degree hangs in a place of honour next to all their stanley cups in their inevitably massive trophy room or whatever.
Geno when he’s sufficiently tanned gets into all his side projects with new enthusiasm. He loves investing in weird fitness apps, and fashion lines, and fancies himself a bit of a shark tank kind of guy.
(Don’t get Sid started on Shark Tank, Geno is addicted, Sid thinks it’s ridiculous and that the more original Dragon’s Den is clearly superior)
Anyway G would be more low key with his hockey, more professionally affiliated with Russian hockey probably, doing hall of fame stuff and ceremonies etc etc. But on the flip side he definitely  coaches a timbits level team and doesn't push them at all, just likes to watch them waddle about and encourages the goalies to get up when they fall, cheers them all on, gives them advice when they ask for it, tows them around on the ice.
"Coach GENO!"
“G! G! G!”
He gets a kick out of how tiny their skates are and gets really good at fixing braids that have come undone under helmets.
Sid, on the other hand, lives his true dream to fade into the background and gets hard core into stats analysis. Nobody has eyes like Crosby except Crosby, so he uses it to his advantage and starts revolutionizing the way the Pens’ back end works regarding stats and player development. No more Jack Johnson situations on Sid’s watch. Just Sid in his happy place, poring over spreadsheets and watching tape all day and talking hard hockey numbers.
And of course he probably also becomes a backseat owner of the pens, buys Mario's shares that is, because eventually Mario will get old and grey and only golf and lounge in the sun as is his right. (Geno aspires to be that level of retired but alas).
We’re not sure they have kids in this universe. But considering that was the whole reason Geno decided to be okay with getting older we are pretty sure they do, like maybe 8. Maybe 3 dogs (little annoying ones and one classic Golden Retriever to run with Sid) and like 5 cats. There’s a bird at some point and Geno hates it but Geno is its favourite person and he relents and sings it songs in russian while it dances on its perch.
The bird learns Russian.
Geno doesn’t actually hate the bird.
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river-phillips · 6 years
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Rules: bold any which apply to your OC; remember to repost; feel free to add to the list.
I’m stealing this too don’t mind me
red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green.apple red. navy blue. blue grey. crimson. blood red. cream. mint green. cobalt blue. lime green. beige. khaki. light brown. olive green. lavender. pine green.
fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. thunder. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. magic. storm. shadow. energy. ether.
[ BODY ] 
claws. nails. long fingers. thin fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tail. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. fur. hair. curls. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tiny. tall. normal height. muscular. lean. piercing. tattoos. lithe. moles. dimples. scruffy. mangy. bony. skinny. pale.
fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. pyre. teeth. rifles. words.
gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amber. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. jade. latex. obsidian. flint. crystal.
grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. ocean. lake. stream. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rainforest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. poppies. galaxies. stardust. sky. storms. herbs. stone. shade. night. day. soil. dirt. wind. sandstorm. hurricane. flood. volcano. glacier. jungle. swamp. canyon. trench. hills. plains. prairies. fields. wilderness. garden. pebbles. sticks. ponds. cliffs. lagoons. spring. autumn. winter. summer. full moon. new moon. puddles. icicles. pine trees. pine cones. wildflowers. vines. ivy. maelstrom. eclipse.  
lions. wolves. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. crickets. bees. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantises. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. rats. livestock. foxes. bluebirds. deer. dingos. jackals. tigers. bats. sea serpents. raccoons. squirrels. mooses. elk. seals. badgers. elephants. giraffes. vultures. coyotes. sasquatches. yetis. gorillas. chimps. monkeys. lemurs. jaguars. panthers. cougars. hummingbirds. butterflies. alligators. crocodiles. frogs. toads.   
sugar. salt. bitter. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. lime. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. dark chocolate. white chocolate. mint. cream. ice cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. french fries. ambrosia. honey. curry. gumbo. shrimp. noodles. macaroni. pasta. jerky. beans. fried food. fast food. soul food. soup. pumpkin. popcorn. crisps. cookies. biscuits. brownies. bacon. sausage. eggs. pancakes. waffles.  
music. art. watercolors. gardening. smithing. sculpting. wood carving. painting. sketching. fighting. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. history. libraries. books. comic books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. driving. racing. eating. flight. climbing. running. jogging. exploring. partying. yoga. camping. hiking. sailing. fishing. stargazing. swimming. concerts. dueling. sparring. hunting. tracking. science. literature. soccer. football. rugby. ultimate frisbee. baseball. softball. basketball. track. cheering. tennis. bowling. golfing. riding. mysteries. mischief. pranking. thieving. stealing. shopping. fashion. surfing. skateboarding.  
[ STYLE ] 
lingerie. armor. cape. dress. tunic. vest. shirt. sweater. boots. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. flower crown. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. flannel. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. duster. trenchcoat. hood. gloves. fingerless gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. eyeliner. ties. bowties. suits. uniform. fancy shoes. leather jacket. denim jacket. sport underwear. converse. combat boots. sneakers. shorts. shawls. kimonos. overalls. skinny jeans. bohemian. edgy. couture. designer. sweatpants. boxers. briefs. boxer briefs. tank tops. sports uniform. jerseys. hiking boots. cargo pants. band tees. crop tops. bralettes.
[ MISC ] 
balloons. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. kisses. sex. intimacy. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. bittersweet. happiness. luck. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. compassion. love. hugs. revenge. lust. regrets. passion. spontaneity. cursing. recklessness. practicality. hope. greed. envy. gluttony. wrath. hate. loathing. intensity. aura. soul. chains. fences. cages. backyards. house. home. castle. cabin. newspapers. books. journals. gardens. pencils. pens. ink. sheets. laundry. organized. messy. confidence. doubt. destruction. creation. paranormal. ghosts. cemeteries. graveyards. bones. skin. blood. needles. razors. new. old. ancient. rural. urban. local. stranger. cars. bikes. trucks. planes. travel. marbles. calligraphy. languages. medicine. healing. spirituality. religion.  
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jimmydemaret · 4 years
CQC Men's UPF 50+ Golf Polo Shirt Long Sleeve Quick Dry Athletic Workout Casual T-Shirt
CQC Men’s UPF 50+ Golf Polo Shirt Long Sleeve Quick Dry Athletic Workout Casual T-Shirt
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hunty-booboo · 4 years
Las Vegas Hidden Secrets for Tourists
Even within the city that in no way sleeps - in which restaurants, bars, nightclubs and grocery stores hardly ever near. In Vegas, even 24 hours is every now and then still not enough time. With a lot to do and till a sunrise to do it, why waste time in Vegas identifying what to do? If you have been to Vegas before and you're interested in attempting some thing new or maybe you're greater interested by sorting out backstage of Sin City, you have come to the right place. Here's some guidelines and tricks EVERY local knows.
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CLUB HOP  cach danh lo ngay nao cung trung If there's one Vegas membership you can not leave out, it is the XS Nightclub positioned in the Wynn Casino. If you are not from Vegas, you'll locate yourself paying a pretty penny for now not just access to the XS nightclub, but in all likelihood every membership in Vegas. The excellent factor to do is to connect with a nightclub promoter. You can find plenty of promoters soliciting alongside the streets of the Las Vegas Strip. You'll know them with the aid of their three piece fits, handing out cards and wrist bands hollering to the public about their free bottle service and limo rides. If you've got been to Vegas you understand precisely who I'm speakme approximately. Sure, they will seem a touch at the shady side, but as a nearby, I can let you know - those workers are respectable. Club promoters aren't the shady avenue hustlers and swindlers they seem to show. They are truely employed by using the casinos to carry people into their clubs. You see, soliciting on the Strip is illegal in Las Vegas and so, how are those promoters getting away with it? Well, who do you think is jogging the city? The Las Vegsa Strip Casinos! Talk to those promoters, good buy a chunk, hook them up with a pleasant tip and you will receive reductions on pretty much something. Looking for unique VIP carrier, all you have to do is ask.
It's beginning to become common information: the two:1 ratio is rule. If you will the membership with a set of humans, there wishes to be a ratio of at the least 2 guys to one woman if you want to growth your probabilities of having in. Use this records on your benefit. Also, membership promoters can hook you up even better in case your institution can abide by this rule.
You're not confined to simply night golf equipment even as in Vegas. The sports available to you within the town of lighting fixtures are countless. Why no longer check out a Vegas Strip pool party like the Encore Beach Club. Domestic to DeadMau5, AVICII and other first rate electronic track DJs. Again, membership promoters are the people you need to speak to for discounted access and bottle service.
Or, why no longer take a two hour helicopter journey to the Grand Canyon and walk alongside the Grand Canyon SkyWalk? Experience the phantasm of floating over the canyon as you tip toe onto a obvious floor suspended 500 ft above the base of the Canyon. If you do not experience like flying all of the way to Arizona, you may always hover over the Las Vegas Strip in a chopper whilst toasting bottles of champagne. And, you could locate all of this, at the Las Vegas Boulevard.
If you want to "aid the financial system" or buy groceries but, you are on a budget, hit up the nearby's favored - The Premium Outlets placed in downtown Las Vegas. They're known for the excellent selection of stores and ridiculously low expenses on items you won't discover anywhere else. I as soon as purchased 2 pairs of footwear, 3 pairs of jeans and a pair of shirts occupied with underneath $a hundred - all name logo stuff too! Plus, the Premium Outlets mall is positioned at once on the brink of traditional Downtown Vegas where the cocktailes are reasonably-priced and the table games brag $5 minimal plays.
The strip golf equipment in Las Vegas are said through many to be the nice inside the international. Looking for the maximum suitable girls, then Spearmint Rhino is wherein you need to be. Right across the street is the Deja Vu membership, an 18 and over all-nude strip membership, the simplest one in Vegas. All your free access and loose drink reductions on the Strip Club could be provided by means of your street corner membership promoters. Oh yea, suppose of those membership promoters as the gate manner to reductions and the undergound. Whatever it's far you are looking for, probabilities are, they recognize.
Las Vegas is thought for a number of the nice meals within the world and recollect, the Casino cafes are open 24 hours a day. Buffets just like the unknown Rio Seafood Buffet are, guaranteed, high-quality. Here's a brief tip: sign up for a gamers card every time you go to a new on line casino. Sometimes, simply by means of signing up, you may get a loose buffet dinner, like at the Silverton Casino. Also, with these player's cards, you could rack up points which could later be used totally free gaming, loose meals and other perks. You're going to should spend a couple of dollars playing to earn factors, but in case you're going to gamble anyhow, why not stack up factors to your card and win some thing each time?
A region you furthermore mght want to test out is the name of the game pizza spot within the Cosmopolitan. It's at the 1/3 ground subsequent to the pool tables via a hallway you will in no way guess brought about probable the excellent pizza in Vegas. Find a hallway with a checkered ground that looks as if it is only for personnel.
A Vegas winter can be mighty bloodless and once in a while a bowl of true Japanese noodle soup will keep you stage. Try the Monta Noodle joint on Spring Mountain and Decatur. If you need mother and dad, this is it. Delicious red meat, duck, or chook noodle soup served hot and fresh.
The Fremont Experience has come to be the icon for Downtown Las Vegas. Here, you may test out unfastened live tune suggests, grasp your self a delectable cocktail, a fried twinkie, you may strive your success on a $3 BlackJack table and if you obtain not anything to lose, zipline throughout Fremont Street. What many human beings don't know is that Downtown Las Vegas obtained a large $17 million facelift intended to restore Classic Downtown Vegas. So, you will be pleasantly amazed via the points of interest, made over antique timer casinos, like Golden Nugget's water slide through a shark tank, and truly the low low expenses.
If you're attempting to find something to do in the afternoon, take a gander on the Arts District also located Downtown. Here, you'll discover beautiful avenue graffiti painted on historic buildings and artwork interwoven into the town's structure.
On First Friday, the Arts District becomes a sidewalk facet show packed with road performers and artists growing stay art work on the market. Bargain for an original piece made by means of one in every of Vegas's very own. You may also want to test out the Cornerstone Art Gallery a low forehead avenue artwork current gallery of exquisite pieces.
At night, The Griffin Club, The Beauty Bar and the latest installment to what's going on in Downtown Vegas, Insert Coins, cram hundreds of devoted birthday party human beings and drown them in alcohol while damn the pix off the wall with the track of stay local DJs.
Hopping from Casino to Casino is the game we like to play. But, in case you do, obviously, you need to make sure you're carrying lots of coins. And, if playing is your component, be sure to recognize that the chances on the Strip are constantly going to be in favor of the residence. Of course, each casino has the percentages in their favor, however in keeping with local Las Vegas gamblers, you may have higher luck attempting your good fortune in the off-the-Strip Casinos together with The Orleans, The Gold Coast and any of the casinos in the downtown area. True, those off-web site casinos won't be as glamorous, but if you're right here to win, they are the location to be.
Las Vegas is and always may be the amusement capital of the arena. If you really want it, you will discover it in Vegas. Just make certain to take care of the enterprise employees, the hosts, waitresses, card sellers and so forth. Due to the fact the way to benefit VIP status right here in Vegas isn't always constantly through your pockets. If you show Vegas and it is human beings love, you will benefit special get right of entry to to the metropolis's riches - loose tables at golf equipment, unfastened liquids, loose limo rides, free food, and loose entry to almost anywhere you could imagine. Sometimes, you can even frolic in the perks of the VIP that even most Vegas locals can not get entry to. Just play your playing cards proper. Make certain human beings in Vegas recall you so you can for all time be taken care of.
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writerspink · 7 years
Basic Topics
cook bread cake pie noodles pasta eggs meat milk cheese oil chocolate chips cookies crackers treats snacks muffin rolls biscuit cupcake brownies bagel biscotti French fries sandwich hamburger salad meatloaf breakfast lunch super dinner snack fruit juice soda pop tea coffee wine beer
snow rain wind sunny cloudy tornado hurricane hail ice freeze thaw hot cold earthquake sand mud dirt dust mountain river lake sea ocean valley plain field park sidewalk fresh air camping campfire barbecue picnick
cow donkey horse rabbit dragonfly deer squid kangaroo bear wolf chipmunk squirrel dog fox cat pheasant brontosaurus mouse eagle clam parrot crow duck cricket swan housefly pterodactyl goose chicken oyster turkey sheep goat hummingbird raptor owl eel hornet zebra bird mosquito whale cougar shrimp elephant lion bee pigeon gazelle cheetah hippopotamus fish tiger gecko grasshopper rhinoceros walrus octopus otter spider jellyfish penguin falcon snake rat crab leopard T-Rex dolphin orca lizard shark hawk giraffe dinosaur starfish snail
hat gloves scarf coat trench coat rain coat umbrella shirt pants shorts underwear vest sweater sweat shirt sweat pants sweat suit jogging suit boots shoes sandles slippers swimming suit suit dress skirt blouse hood hoodie fedora flat cap fedora polo shirt dress shirt T-shirt tank top muscle shirt blazer tuxedo cufflinks necklace bracelet earring
house garage workshop window door screen wall floor ceiling kitchen bathroom living room bedroom window door garbage trash can clean wash rinse mob broom washcloth sink shower bath soap toilet toothbrush towel curtain bed blanket pillow bed sheets table chair bench knife fork spoon plate cup bowl water glass bottle cutting board rolling pin toaster blender stove oven fry pan wok pot kettle baking sheet crock pot coffee maker dish washer refrigerator freezer cellar pantry cupboard counter top cabinet closet toybox chest wardrobe vanity coat rack stand sofa couch love seat coffee table footstool ottoman recliner
Office & School
desk computer phone tablet printer clock watch memo note pencil pen ink eraser glue paper clip stapler rubber band sharpen dull shavings shred ruler protractor compass classroom pencil holder calendar pin board thumb tack desk lamp board room whiteboard blackboard conference table manager supervisor teacher principal team & teammates classmates employee student project assignment study work learn correct edit fix repair update upgrade install enroll graduate finish late on time communicate network energy electricity announcement speakers PA system (public announcement) public private corporation company school district industrial park factory building commerce money market
car truck motorcycle semi truck pickup truck sport car sedan coup scooter dirt bike bicycle BMX bike skates skateboard helmet seat belt air bag crash collision fender bender ticket parking lot speed limit lane highway onramp expressway freeway toll road bridge overpass underpass train tracks railroad train station bus stop yield distance limousine chauffeur driver taxi tour guide travel
Farm & Garden
barn tractor trailer crops harvest irrigation pesticide herbicide weed-killer fertilizer lawn mower bumper crop hay loft straw alfalfa pasture horse fence gate work gloves planting watering weeding trimming trowel plow hoe rake shovel pruning shears hedge trimmer watering can hose hose butler hose reel hose trolley spigot nozzle sprinkler turret sprinkler spray gun rain barrel rain gauge wood chips seeds blossom pollen silo grainery grain elevator cheesecloth cheese curd dairy butcher cellar canned vegetables frost dew perennial annual tulip bulb rose garden walled garden shrubbery
baseball basketball football soccer lacrosse golf tennis badminton swimming hockey bat glove mitt hoop basket net goal cleats shin guards pads jersey baseball cap court racket pool referee coach team manager stadium arena referee guard forward pitcher catcher offense defense goalie umpire puck penalty disc frisbee quarterback fowl pitch tee-off green rough course field flag boundary out of bounds clock period inning half quarter round match set play (a football play) line sponsor spectator stands bleachers nose-bleed section admission season playoffs tickets finals halftime
piano clarinet oboe bassoon saxophone French horn trumpet trombone tuba flute percussion drum snare tympani bell chimes harp synthesizer instrument sampling director symphony orchestra band marching band parade color guard cadence harmony melody counter melody solo duet quartet march concerto composer tempo beat dynamics volume drum major field commander captain genre jazz blues pop rock n’ roll big band dixieland waltz tango alternative boogie woogie ragtime classical baroque romance medieval pentatonic scale Major minor harmonic
computer monitor tablet stylus writing tablet touchscreen smartphone mouse keyboard battery power cord cable display desktop wallpaper firmware software application (app) app store runtime environment operating system kernel motherboard integrated circuit transistor processor processor core central processing unit (CPU) graphics processing unit (GPU) random access memory (RAM) read only memory (ROM) user account website profile page Internet web page homepage dependency software stack markup language scripting language cascading style sheet (CSS) hypertext markup language (HTML) database structured query language (SQL) universal resource identifier (URI) (https://write.pink/vocab) universal resource locator (URL) (https://write.pink) web address texting global positioning system (GPS) geolocation temp file directory structure file system email web application blog (weblog) content management system (CMS) human resource management (HRM) customer relations management (CRM) enterprise resource planning (ERP) personal information management (PIM) words per minute (WPM) social media multimedia terminal command line console client server client side language server side language legacy version version history product road map scope creep bug report feature request install update upgrade beta security malware virus spyware cookie meta data content menu navigation heading header footer article post tag search engine web crawler contacts share embed log error message runlevel priority foreground background radio select checkbox dropdown select text field encrypt certificate session web browser desktop application email client
reservation checkin checkout key deposit hotel motel hostel resort bead & breakfast cruise ship country club waiter waitress server maître d’hôtel concierge host butler bus boy bell hop kitchen crew dish crew chef assistant menu chef’s surprise soup of the day cup of joe appetizer soup & salad main course side dish dessert bread basket pitcher order make ticket make line make table make time delivery time serving tray goblet water glass pilsner glass martini glass shot glass wine glass soda fountain on tap deli deli cut tip / gratuity buffet all you can eat take out doggy bag delivery refill silverware napkin place setting cost per plate guest linens dining room floor bedding double bed queen size bed king size bed twin beds room service wake up call bar bar stool high boy bartender barista clerk open shop close shop “we’re all out” first in first out first in last out last in first out cost of sales five star three star
navigation driving directions baggage luggage carry-on hand-baggage check in checked baggage baggage claim ticket pass boarding pass departure arrival departure time travel time arrival time estimated time of departure (ETD) estimated time of arrival (ETA) delay on time commute journey embark boarding disembark boarding gate departure gate time table service counter first class business class economy class premium economy frequent flier membership card priority boarding priority seating lounge pass call button flotation device evacuation instructions bulkhead cabin wings air pressure altitude tunnel crash landing splash landing touchdown splashdown turbulence in-flight meal in-flight entertainment airplane mode stow dinner tray reading lamp climate control overhead compartment seat number isle seat window seat dining car sleeper car truck stop weigh station fuel station gas station petrol station passengers crew captain pilot copilot navigator conductor flight attendant helm deck terminal dock ferry plane ship airline cruise ship train bus subway space shuttle transporter beam flying saucer teleportation warp drive hyperdrive hyperspace supersonic lightspeed nautical mile time zone
Dinning Out
“dressy” festive casual jeans and tie dress pants and tie suit and tie three piece suit dress shirt nice shirt nice T shirt old shirt old T shirt jeans nice jeans rockstar jeans stone washed jeans blazer vest dress short nice shorts jean shorts skirt blouse dress high heels dress shoes slippers loafers sandals sneakers casual shoes [sport] shoes wingtip shoes
orange soda grape soda red soda cola Dr. Pepper lemon lime root beer ginger ale cream soda bread basket sub sandwich fruit platter cole slaw burrito taco nachos melon lemonade snacks popcorn hot dog chips
camper trailer mobile home campfire fire pit firewood kindling starter fluid charcoal coals ashes marshmallow s’mores graham crackers hot dog roast hot dog bun condiments relish ketchup mustard paper plate disposable silverware tin foil dinner wrap foil wrapped dinner grill barbecue cookout roasting stick campground toiletries bath house dump station park service park ranger national park state park county park city park recreation off road vehicle recreational vehicle speed boat water skiing wake boarding beach sand dune mountain climbing hiking walking stick mosquito net insect repellent tent tarp AstroTurf picnic table lawn chairs lantern kerosene sing-along
scaffold nails hammer sledgehammer jackhammer allen wrench screws screwdriver torques head Phillips head straight edge concrete flexcrete cement mortar bricks foundation chimbney threshold partition fire escape story loft lean-to foundation basement construction crew construction site building code building permit detour road construction earth moving equipment shovel rake bulldozer backhoe dumptruck studds drywall log cabin blueprints I-beam welding molding trim work framing carpeting tiling tile floor grout trowel hardhat work gloves safety glasses safety goggles face mask plaster paintbrush pain roller paint can paint can opener paint thinner wallpaper window frame door frame hinge deadbolt lock electric outlet breaker switch breaker box fuse box pluming faucet pipe drain septic tank septic system drain field landscaping survey crew land surveying acre shelf awning tarp fence rebar power grid power lines power transformer electrical pole wiring linoleum formica veneer lumber particle board plywood sandpaper palm sander belt sander saw horse table saw band saw jig saw radial arm saw drill press lathe C-clamp wood glue wood putty wood stain varnish lacquer
Basic Topics was originally published on PinkWrite
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sphynxtee · 4 years
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Asshole Shark Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Shirt
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