#gomen for the cringe
maenimalist · 2 years
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mwagneto · 11 months
no coz they literally do not talk to each other at all.... crowley lives in his car for 4 years thinking well surely if aziraphale wanted me to move in he'd just ask. and aziraphale sees crowley living in his car for 4 years thinking well surely if he wanted to move in he'd just ask. and that literally applies to like every aspect of their relationship. head in my fucking hands
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Love it when your fav character says some cringey ass shit bc you still root for them but you can be like "what a dumbass thing to say!!!! love her"
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Aziraphale's Bookshop Hcs!
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So after working in a museum for a while, I learnt a lot about the maintenance of old books and all that goes into it. So naturally I started thinking about the books in Aziraphales bookshop and I thought up some hcs about the bookshop.
-Since books take in moisture overtime and mold(especially older books) Aziraphale has always made sure the bookshop has a dehumidifier on all the time. It creates a comfortable feel to the place
-Instead of cataloging all of the books on a computer, Aziraphale 'simply remembers' where every book is. He adores every book he collects so he never forgets one
-He only trusts Crowley with the really old books as they can be extra fragile, Crowley just doesn't trust himself
-Back in the 50s, there was a moth infestation in the shop and since the technology wasn't invented yet to stop it, Aziraphale had to perform a miracle to get rid of them all
-Aziraphale onced mentioned in passing to Crowley that the wooden furniture can give out moisture in the air, he then proceeded to varnish down all of Azirapahle's furniture for him
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this-is-a-nice-show · 8 months
I adore any and all Supernatural and Good Omen crossovers because On one hand, you have a show comprised of at least 60% male brooding and emotional heart to hearts with jarring, nonsensical, violent plot points almost always with a devastating season finale.
And on the other hand, you have a show featuring an unlikely pairing who constantly bicker but also would die for each other in a heartbeat exclusively in the most stupid, chaotic, and unnecessary way possible.
They both have extremely established lore in their universes that do not line up whatsoever. My favourite part is someone trying to combine the lore or totally disregard the rules of these universes like a prophet who has heard whispers of the word of god/Chuck directly and is communicating their word to us. And they are beautifully creative every time. Every take is completely different on how the lore is combined and I'm still like "You're so damn right. Cheers, I'll drink to that."
But ignoring the biblical themes of both shows they have so many similarities...
A vintage car is kept in pristine condition and is almost exclusively the main method of transportation. "Get in the car, angel! Alpha Centuri!" - Crowley (2019, colourized). Okay, were you planning on driving to Alpha Centuri??? "Hop in the car, Sam. Time to go on our day-long road trip for the second time this week." For fucks sake, you have infinite money. Buy a plane ticket.
We listen to One Song. A Nightingale Sang in Berkley Square. Carry On My Wayward Son.
We will extend our musical selection To A Certain Extent. Queen only. No modern music.
Weird Haircuts.
Zombies, Nazis, Witches. Unclear definition of what the capabilities of witches are in both universes. Dean killed Hitler, Crowley killed three nazis.
Female love interest? Ehhh... No, thank you.
Male love interest? Ehhh... No, thank you. I'm rolling with genderless Crowley/Aziraphale. But don't worry because Castiel is happiest when he says he loves Dean. If that doesn't say platonic male friendships, I don't know what does. /s
Dumbass Behaviour. "Yes, I am playing detective searching for Clues for Archangel Gabriel. No, I did not inspect the Clue that he showed up with." "Yes, I have many, many contacts throughout not just Earth but also Heaven and Hell. No, I will not contact anyone for help."
Pornography and Sex Workers.
Risking death and destruction for others. Crowley rescues Aziraphale in France, Aziraphale saves Crowley by getting the photo back from the Nazi zombies. In Supernatural wtf, where to start...
The line between 'good' and 'evil' is virtually nonexistent. However, humans are regarded as 'closer to evil than good' or 'more likely to be evil than good'.
Found Family. "Hey hellspawn, you want two dads? No? Well how about a Nanny and a Brother Francis?" & "Hellspawn #2, tell your dad to fuck off and then bing-bang-boom, adoption complete. Adopted parents are just parents." "Hey hellspawn, you want three dads? No-oh wait, you do? Great."
God/Chuck is treated as a neglectful parent. They still seem hopeful that they'll receive help at some point but understand that they are required to fend for themselves and that can include going up against god/Chuck. It is cannon in Supernatural that all beings project their daddy issues onto Chuck.
They drink an extraordinary amount of alcohol and can sober up quickly. Good Omens is self-explanatory. But I've never met a person who can shotgun four beers back-to-back and shoot dead center. They have to be sobering up in between these activities.
They only own One Outfit. Coat/trench coat, waistcoat (optional), tie/scarf (optional), one or more layered shirts, jeans/slacks, and shoes. And of course, you have the accessories. Dean's necklace and Aziraphale's ring + watch. And it is cannon that in Supernatural, the characters (not the actors playing the characters, but the actual characters) wear a full face of makeup. And you can see Crowley/Aziraphale's makeup. Their lip colour changes pretty frequently. The angels in Heaven wear gold lipstick iirc.
Both of their main 'bases' are filled with books. The bookstore (for obvious reasons) and the Winchester's bunker has their hunter's manuals and the fucking Supernatural books.
The actors that play the characters canonically exist in their universes as well as thier characters. Dr. Who exists in Good Omens -> David Tennent exists in Good Omens along with Crowley. There is an episode of Supernatural where the main 3 exist in the 'real world' -> those 3 actors also exist in Supernatural. (There are multiple episodes where this happens without Castiel, but there is only one where Misha Colins plays himself.)
The most glaring difference between the shows is: one is developed starting with the characters and one is developed starting with the plot. Sam and Dean are inserted into a plot that they had no control in creating. Their father placed them into situations, and they were forced to find a way to survive. Crowley and Aziraphale literally started the story. They should understand the concepts of anything that happens in the plot (to a certain extent). As in, unlike the Winchesters, they don't need to do copious amounts of reading to foil nefarious plans.
Dean, Sam, and Castiel are pessimistic and dismissive of help. Other beings have to prove themselves worthy of their trust and usually not the other way around. Crowley and Aziraphale are optimistic and see the good in humanity. They enjoy the simple everyday joys of being human and they had the trust of Hell/Heaven for 6,000 years, up until Michael found the pictures of the two on Earth.
But would Crowley/Aziraphale drink bargain bin beer? Go to the greasiest diner imaginable? Directly commit murder? Participate in hand-to-hand combat? Would the Winchesters/Castiel drink a fancy, expensive wine? Go to the Ritz? Analyze their thoughts from a different perspective? Read a book for fun?
NO, and that is why I love you fanfiction writers and artists. I appreciate everything you do. <3
Something a little sad under the cut
I think the reason why I haven't been able to see more fun? silly? (idk how to describe it) fan fiction of SPN without crossovers is because Good Omens has never made fun of its audience or belittled how much effort goes into making content. When you know that you're actively being mocked by the show you like, you have to be on your Best Behaviour and Don't Fuck Up.
I remember that they were upset that the show attracted an audience of teenage girls. They made multiple episodes making fun of cosplayers, what I can only describe as an "obsessive fan girl", and destiel.
It feels like the people involved in Good Omens actually care about it and give a shit and that feels like putting lotion on a sunburn. Y'know?
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skullfragments · 3 months
as i’m sitting here past midnight working on good omens fanart, laughing to myself as i ponder the possibilities of expanding the ridiculous good omens x high school musical crossover i threw out there, i realize that perhaps my friends have, in fact, chosen not to watch good omens (despite my insistence on its quality) simply because they do not want to be subjected to this new flavor of brain worms from yours truly
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toxictidepod241 · 3 months
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The world shook when this picture was released
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askchaoticgame · 1 year
To any creature have you caught any humans dressed up or wearing a disguise pretending to be a creature?
What was your story/fall out?
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There was one time I saw a Chaotic Player wear some sort of headpiece. I can't fathom the purpose! Some sort weird thing to blend in... Didn't look a thing like a real Mipedian!
I just chased him off. Bwaha!
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kimmkitsuragi · 11 months
damn downloading the tumblr app again temporarily bc of gomens s2
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clutchpowers · 2 years
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judasisgayriot · 11 months
aziraphale is unequivocally not stolen gay angel valour btw. Aziraphale has been a gay angel since the 90s.
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sunintrepid · 5 months
wow it would be so cringe to have friends that like dw and gomens and wwdits and ofmd right like it would be sooooo terrible am i right it would suck to have friends to share my interests with dont u think haha
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aziracrow777 · 6 months
Why no fandom name?
If I'm not wrong I think we don't have a name. I know having a fandom name is "cringe" for some people, yet why don't we call ourselfs Nightingales? Like think. You see a gomens fan and be like;
A: Omg! You are a nightingale?
B: Yes, I am!
A: Me too!
Then people who don't know would be confused as hell. I dunno...
Or Ineffables, sounds better.
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thealogie · 10 months
There's a group of Tumblr gomens fans/MS+DT irl shippers that's recently been coming under fire in the fandom, what's you opinion on that? Personally, I dislike pile ons and holier than thou attitudes, and imo RPF is a fact of life and people have the right to write and read it. On the other hand, the stench of proselytizing/conspiracy theorising/confirmation bias from that group makes me cringe, plus they unabashedly hate on pretty much every family/friend circle member of DT and MS (nothing unusual when compared to SPN fandom, and less libelous than Cumberbatch truthers). Idk why people can't just peacefully write their RPF and leave out the 'analysing' of real people they never met based on random pics and social media, but there you go. When I see a post like that sometimes it's hard to ignore it because of sheer amounts of bias/plain disinfo, but the people that lately started to confront them seem to operate from the POV that all RPF is evil and people who read it are monsters, which also seems stupid.
Man I can’t believe I’m responding to this ask because this is the last thing I want to wade into but I can’t stop laughing because I cannot imagine two people who would be less bothered by people shipping them.
I haven’t seen people being actually conspiracy theory/“they’re about to break up their marriages and get together” about this one but I’m sure it’s out there. I really really hope that contingent never gets big enough for David and Michael to see that type of stuff. I think they should be able to flirt and have a little crush on each other without experiencing any negative consequence from it. I think they should be able to make out in public and have us all go “what a beautiful friendship”
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u3pxx · 10 months
the power of that one anon who asked about a gomens swap au bc i was thinking of not making one bc i think my ideas are not that good for an au but now im cringe and free and thinking abt it DVDBDB
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anthonycrowley · 4 months
‘neil gaiman is cringe’ this we cannot possibly dispute ‘gomens is cringe’ agreed because i love to self flagellate but i’m sideeying you until i know you’re gonna at least hear me out ‘aziraphale and crowley are cringe’ also objectively true i guess but you’re getting an instablock
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