gwydionmisha · 3 months
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What can I say? I miss the Vienna Katzen.
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It’s Attitude Friday.
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filosofablogger · 9 months
In Poor Taste ... To Say The Least!
My jaw dropped and steam began coming out of my ears when I read about the latest board game being released this Saturday, January 6th.  Does the date ring any bells?  Yes, it is the third anniversary of the horrible attack on the United States Capitol – an attack designed to overthrow the 2020 election and allow a wanna-be dictator to remain in office indefinitely; an attack that killed several…
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Frank Vyan Walton at Dark Skies on the Horizon:
Among the many MAGA myths, this may be one of the most enduring and at the same time the most ridiculous.  Even though they have deliberately chosen not to watch the January 6 hearings, they have plenty of opinions about them.  Antifa implemented the attack, it was part of a false-flag plot by the FBI using informants, it was all Nancy Pelosi’s fault because she didn’t call the National Guard. And the hearings are a “Which Hunt” with a “Narrative.” They have no regrets for the Insurrection, they have no apologies to give. They think that they are the ones who have been wronged, they believe that they were justified. [Even though they totally weren’t.] [...]
There is no way that Trump didn’t know that these people did not “Stay” peaceful, thousands of them weren’t peaceful at all.  This was part of him constructing a narrative, he had said at the ellipse we're going to “peacefully march” but that was bullshit because he already knew there were weapons in the crowd.  He already knew how angry they were. His saying “Stay peaceful” here was part of his plot to blame that violence on Antifa, or whoever — which he did during a phone call with Kevin McCarthy — and pretend that his supporters didn’t enter the Capitol and didn't fight with police. But they did.  Trump supporters were the ones who gave Officer Fanone a concussion, a heart attack and tased him repeatedly.  They were the ones who attacked Sgt Gonell and gave him a permanent shoulder injury. They were the ones who caused Officer Sicknick to have a stroke, and several other officers to commit suicide. They were the ones who injured 150 Officers leading to five of them dying, and also four protestors dying during the attack.
This is the final straw, with this statement he made it clear that he was on the same side as the rioters.  And they were on his side. He initiated the rally.  He instigated the attack.  He picked the time, date and place. He used the people and the MAGA members of Congress as tools in his two-pronged assault on democracy. He didn't care that they were armed and dangerous.  He didn't lift a finger to *stop* the attack while it was in progress until he was satisfied that they had stopped the vote and couldn't accomplish anything more. He said “Peacefully” just to cover his ass and set up the narrative that the violence was from someone else. But then if it really was Antifa, why is it that he’s since offered to pardon and offer a governmental apology to the rioters if he gets re-elected. Why would he do that for the “Violent Leftists?”
And he’s not just offering this pardon to the people who were actually “peaceful” and stood outside the Capitol. [Even though just being past the sidewalk and on the Capitol grounds was a crime, since the facility was closed to the public at that time.]  He wants to pardon the people who are currently in jail for violent acts, who fought with the police, who vandalized the building and smashed their way inside, who were trying to hunt down and kill Nancy Pelosi, who wanted to “Hang Mike Pence.”  This is a reward, and those the people he wants to give it too. He’s on the side of the worst of the crowd, the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, the III Percenters, the racists and the domestic terrorists. And they’re on his side. This was not a boating accident. None of this happens, not the rally, not the march, not the attack, not the attempt to implement the fake electors, without Trump being behind all of it.  Every step of the way.
Frank Vyan Walton debunks the myths MAGA extremist spew out in regards to the Donald Trump-incited January 6th Insurrection.
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cryptidvoidwritings · 4 months
A small tribute to the Vienna Revival Bill Bailey's I Adored: Aaron Hunt and Matthew Levick.
Gifs under the cut
They each had their own way of approaching the final flips:
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Matt Levick would beam his way off stage during the play out
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Aaron Hunt did a little dance (with Grégory Gonel's Alonzo, as George Maniadis was out with an injury) and hang cutely off the ladder
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sjerzgirl · 4 months
It's this the kind of respect for a church you want in your president? Getting the people there to chant "Bullshit!" over and over and over inside this large church. This was after the people who came to see him in 110° temperatures were not allowed to go inside out of the heat requiring at least 20 people to be taken to local hospitals. Respect for church. Respect for his supporters. It simply doesn't exist!
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posi-pan · 2 years
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“But what the talk shows don’t show, and the newspapers seldom report, is that a growing number of young people between, say, fifteen and thirty, are scrawling with a fuck-it flair NONE OF THE ABOVE across their sexual identity multiple choice tests. They are gathering in pot-filled corners out of the main media glare of the sexual arena, to let down their hair into an androgynous tangle of pretty boys in tightly-fit velvet pants and together-girls on motor bikes, with an open-ended attitude of genuinely caring for each other but I-don’t-care-what-you-call-me, polymorphous perverse, any thing-that-feels-good-goes pansexuality. This is the Third Sex.” “Call them what you like: acid-mutants, high-heeled boys, fag hags, communal-livers, group gropers, switch-hitters; they don’t care. Members of the third sex think of themselves as being neither Real Men nor Real Women, gay nor straight, married nor single. For the third sex, the words homo- and heterosexual are adjectives used to describe acts and relationships, not nouns to classify people forever and for good. Whether physically girlish boys or boyish girls, the members of the third sex are attracted to people, their auras, vibrancies, minds and good looks, not to genders. Fuck genders. Make love to people.” “Couldn’t that pretty boy over there give just as good a blow-job as his pretty girlfriend, and if you are more into him as a person, or more into her as a person, or into both of them as a couple, well, what difference does it make? If you give birth to a baby, and then fall in love with another woman, why can’t you go live with her and your baby? If you father a child, why can't you and your boyfriend (and your girlfriend, and his, even) raise the child? These pansexual attitudes are an expression of that basic American instinct: Don’t fence me in.”
The way pansexuality is discussed here is a sort of mix of the "regardless of gender” understanding of pansexuality and the conceptualization of pansexuality as an anti-identity, representing the lack of caring or need for the neat, strict boxes society tells us we should have (see: Bisexual and Pansexual Identities by Nikki Hayfield and Pansexual Identification in Online Communities by Ayisigi Hale Gonel).
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kikizoshi · 1 year
4 Unserious Nikolai Headcanons (And an Obsessive Account of Their Sources)
Most of these I've developed from reading Gogol's stories and about Gogol himself, so hopefully they're more in-character and true to the nature of Nikolai's character than headcanons I've had before.
His actual birthday is March 29th, but he tells everyone in his life that it's April 1st. He hasn't celebrated his birthday on his actual birthday since he was twelve, and he takes great pride in and amuses himself endlessly with this fact. [Inspired by the fact that Gogol's birthday was on March 29th, but Nikolai's is April 1st in his info card. This is the headcanon I use to explain that discrepancy.]
He tells different names to different people. For example, when coming to Russia he somehow managed to get through customs with 'Nikolai Vasilievich Godel' (probably through some transliteration thing since italicised д (d) looks like an English-alphabet g). When he began his acting career, he would always submit himself under the name 'Nikolai Bezfamilny'. Meeting Fyodor for the first time, he introduced himself as 'Nikolai Nikolayevich Bashmachkin'. Technically, the first time he'd introduce himself with his actual last name--'Gogol'--would be when he joined the DOA, but I wonder whether his real name had any more significance to him than all the fake ones. [Inspired by a segment of 'Letters of Nikolai Gogol' by Carl R. Proffer, on pgs 10-11: 'Pogodin noted it was amusing to travel with Gogol because of another peculiarity—his extreme dislike of showing his passport or revealing his name. He often gave fictitious names (like Gogel or Gonel), and when required to produce his passport he would begin swearing at the customs or police official in Russian—but in a sweet and apologetic intonation which, accompanied by appropriately humble gestures, often made the Italian relent and let him pass.']
He makes up little stories (often by greatly embellishing reality, but sometimes manufacturing it completely) to tell people, usually on the spot and usually with the main intent of shocking or getting some extreme reaction from them. Sometimes it may happen that he'll tell one person (who happens to fear geese) an interesting anecdote about seeing a flying goose steal the scarf off a gentleman near the Novaya Gollandiya Island, and when the gentleman tried to go after it, it pecked him mercilessly until, as he fled, he fell into the water. Later, maybe while telling Fyodor about his day, he'd mention offhandedly that he saw a scarf floating near the far bank, wondered how one might lose a scarf in a river, and thought it a shame for such a nice scarf to get soggy. [Inspired by my finding in several different books on Gogol instances where he likely embellished or made up stories or anecdotes, one of which can be found in 'Gogol' by Vladimir Nabokov in '1. His Death and His Youth' section 5 (I also have a thread with faux-ee here discussing the amusing story of how Gogol accidentally convinced his mother that he contracted a sexual disease): ‘I have finished reading Evenings near Dikanka,’ wrote Pushkin to a friend. ‘An astounding book! Here is fun for you, authentic fun of the frankest kind without anything maudlin or prim about it. And moreover–what poetry, what delicacy of sentiment in certain passages! All this is so unusual in our literature that I am still unable to get over it. I had been told [Gogol himself imparted the information to Pushkin, and very likely had made it up] that when the author entered the printing house where the Evenings were being set, the printers started to chuckle and splutter with mirth; whereupon the overseer explained their hilarity by confessing to the author that they were splitting their sides while setting his book. Molière and Fielding probably would have been glad to make their compositors laugh. I congratulate the reading public on a truly gay book.’]
Nikolai comes from Mirgorod (literally translates to 'Peace Town' as far as I can tell), a small town in Ukraine's Poltava province. He was born as the second (though eldest surviving) son of one of the two landowning families in the town. The town itself is rather small, and peculiarly, it seems to have stopped developing somewhere during the early- mid-1830s. Though he went off to a boarding school at age twelve, until then, he'd had no encounters with the 'outside world'. [Inspired by the fact that Kenji comes from Ihatovo, which is a fictional place written by his namesake. Though Mirgorod is an actual place in Ukraine, I'd still like to use the fact that it's the setting of Gogol's 'The Tale of how Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich' to let this headcanon exist. Also, the boarding school is just a rip-off of Gogol's childhood.]
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theimpossiblescheme · 2 years
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Grégory Gonel and Alexander Auler as a particularly handsome Alonzo and Munkustrap (Vienna 2019)
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The January 6th riots were obviously a national embarrassment. The January 6th theatre we’ve witnessed since is a global, historical, unadulterated farce.
Yesterday’s partisan committee hearing on January 6th was nothing short of a national embarrassment. No doubt the January 6th riots were, too. Had pipsqueak Pence done his job, the country would look far different today. But two wrongs don’t make a right. How Democrats continue to abuse their power for the partisan persecution of their political opponents will remain a stain on America’s body politick for generations to come.
The most humiliating moments – especially for the audiences watching from around the world – saw all four “stars” of the “show” crying for the television cameras.
Crying over havoc.
Harry Dunn, Adam Kinzinger, Aquilino Gonell, and Adam Schiff all boo-hooed on international television, signaling nothing but weakness to America’s adversaries. But why should they care? These men are more concerned about climate change activist shaman than they are about the Chinese Communist Party. More on that, later. Schiff, recall, was once the latest in a string of purported titans who were set to “take down Trump,” in the failed impeachment proceedings. Yesterday, he reverted to his natural state of sobbing little manlet, keen to play up his “human” side for the cameras. A crock, if ever there was one. ‘The Worst Attack EVER!’
The narrative has suggested that January 6th was “the worst attack” on the United States since, like, ever. The moderate position appears to be that it was the worst attack since my people (the British) burned the White House down. And yet, anyone with even a cursory knowledge of American history would righty guffaw at such claims. Hell, anyone with a functioning memory should be able to see through the pantomimish postulation. Consider 1954, when four armed Puerto Ricans took positions in the gallery overlooking the chamber of the House of Representatives and opened fire. They wounded five Members of Congress: two Republicans and three Democrats. It was a pretty heinous attack. Of course Jimmy Carter commuted the terrorists’ life sentences later on.
Or how about in 1971, when a left-wing protester planted an actual bomb that actually exploded outside the Senate.
“The Congressional reaction was generally restrained,” the New York Times reported at the time. No such luck this time.
Or consider 1983, when a massive blast tore through the Capitol building, luckily killing no one, but leading to the modern identification requirements needed to enter the building. In a way, this attack killed the openness of America’s legislature, which had been almost totally open to the public prior. The culprits – Laura Whitehorn, Marilyn Buck, and Linda Evans – were all radical Marxists.
Whitehorn served 14 years and is now a lauded figure on the left. Buck served 25 years before being released to die from cancer a month later. Evans served 11 years, got parole, and then had her sentence commuted by Bill Clinton.
You could also take the 1915 bombing, carried out by Harvard University professor Frank Holt aka Eric Muenter. Or perhaps more contemporaneously, the storming of the Senate by hundreds of left-wing activists intent on stopping the confirmation of a Supreme Court judge.
Over 60 Secret Service personnel were assaulted and injured when far-left activists descended on Trump’s White House in 2020, frustrated at the then-President’s seeming cruise to re-election. Shortly after, Democrats would abandon plans to “storm” or “besiege” the White House and fixated their efforts on changing election laws around the country, as The National Pulse originally reported. Of course, there are a number of similar incidents, none of which attracted the condemnation nor the committee hearings as January 6th.
(Hat-tip to Yossi Gestetner on Twitter for assembling this list of incidents).
Friends in High Places.
Much like some of the Marxist revolutionaries who found comfort in the arms of Carter and Clinton, some of yesterday’s characters have friends in high places, too.
Police officer Harry Dunn, who spent a not insignificant amount of time in yesterday’s hearing ragging on America and “racism,” appears to be represented by long-time Democrat lelgal creep Mark Zaid.
Zaid, if you recall the name, is the guy who very much enjoys frequenting Disney Land alone, as a grown man. His YouTube contained videos such as “Top 10 prettiest disney channel stars” and “Selena Gomez from child to women.”
(Zaid’s creepy YouTube page.)
Zaid – who once declared that a “coup” against President Trump was underway – is one of the most critical lawyers in Democratic Party circles. But he’s nowhere near as important as Dunn’s other mates: Nancy Pelosi and Jamie Raskin.
Raskin was another of the Democrats’ failed impeachment managers, against Trump. Pelosi, we all know, is drunk Satan.
Crooks and Dunn.
It boggles the mind how lawmakers and police officers can cry about feeling threatened during a committee meeting, but then make their partisan preferences so abundantly clear. No Republican on Capitol Hill could possibly feel safe again, after yesterday’s display. Not least because Dunn appears to be an ardent support of a Marxist movement, linked to the Chinese Communist Party. Black Lives Mao-tter.
Dunn’s Twitter page is adorned with BLM propaganda.  He doesn’t even try to hide it.
The same group that terrorized Washington, D.C. including the Capitol Hill neighborhoods Dunn is supposed to concern himself with is one of Dunn’s faves.
After they burned St. John’s Church, besieged the White House, lay waste to businesses across the Capitol, and injured and killed dozens across the country, Dunn endorsed BLM. Who’s the real danger to America?
(Dunn and daughter pose at ‘BLM Plaza’.)
But Dunn’s links to the group aren’t just concerning given their recent, domestic terrorist activities. BLM is a front organization for radical communists inspired by and working with the Chinese Communist Party. In other words, hostile foreign actors now have guns on the ground on Capitol Hill. Refresh your memory, if you need to, about the hardline Marxist authoritarian goals of the group: from praising mass murderer Mao to launching blatantly genocidal attacks on Israel. Forget just Republicans feeling unsafe around Dunn. Jewish Members of Congress and staffers on the Hill should probably watch out, given his subscribed ideology and thought leaders. Critical race theory proponents have also been on Chinese Communist-sponsored trips, as reported by The National Pulse.
Naturally, in response to my live online commentary about the farcical nature of yesterday’s events, left-Twitter went mental. Again. Especially Luke O’Brien – himself a Chinese Communist-linked researcher who attempted to intimidate me by giving away where I like to drink in Washington, D.C., which is hardly a secret but O’Brien was obviously dog-whistling to his violent followers. In other words, their response to the children crying on television yesterday was to cry at me some more on Twitter. Truly a meta-pathetic American altercation. I hesitate to say it since this country has been so kind to me, but folks, the whole world is now laughing at you. From your Women’s Soccer Team celebrating a 3-0 loss, to your athletes winning awards for dropping out of the Olympics, to your elections being an evident farce, to your lawmakers and elected officials crying on television. This isn’t the America anyone from abroad falls in love with. This is a national and international embarrassment. And it’s only just the beginning. Full Fraud Farce.
We know the full fraud farce is coming into full effect. As I posted to GETTR at the unreasonable hour of airport-o-clock this morning, “One of the most deeply concerning parts of the political establishment’s stupidity-arrogance complex is how easily fooled they’re going to be when nefarious actors and foreign agents plant fake, malicious “evidence” about political adversaries writ large. The state will rush to deny their own citizens the most fundamental rights. Trump/Russia was a very basic test case and US institutions totally failed.” Not only are Democrats willing to take the knee – even when they’re draped in the cloth of literal slavers – they’re willing to use the apparatus of state to aggressively and violently persecute the opponents of foreign, Communist, hostile powers.
China doesn’t need to start a war with the United States. They’ve started a war within the United States.
In search for intellectually unachievable omnipotence, Democrats are more than willing to fight it for them.
The January 6th riots were obviously a national embarrassment. The January 6th theatre we’ve witnessed since is a global, historical, unadulterated farce.
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madamspeaker · 1 year
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Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi, and Staff Sergeant Aquilino Gonell (28th July, 2023)
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tearsinthemist · 9 months
For example, Speaker Mike Johnson has ordered that the faces of Trump’s Jan. 6 MAGA attack force be blurred in video surveillance footage as a way of protecting them from being prosecuted for their crimes by the Department of Justice.
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hipno-aus · 1 year
Haruka: Who are you? Oh dear, has the human world changed that much since I've been gonel
Void: no I’m from another world
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Allison Janokwski at DNC:
5:30 PM
Call to Order Alex Hornbrook Executive Director of the 2024 Democratic National Convention Committee Gavel In The Honorable Cory Booker United States Senator, New Jersey Invocation Sri Rakesh Bhatt Sri Siva Vishnu Temple Bishop Leah D. Daughtry The House of the Lord Churches Pledge of Allegiance Students from Moreland Arts & Health Sciences Magnet School from St. Paul, MN National Anthem Jess Davis Presentation of Honorary Resolutions The Honorable Jaime Harrison Chairman of the Democratic National Committee Joined by Vice Chairs The Honorable Keisha Lance Bottoms, Ken Martin, Henry R. Muñoz III, Treasurer Virginia McGregor, and Finance Chair Chris Korge. Remarks Mini Timmaraju President and CEO of Reproductive Freedom for All Remarks Alexis McGill Johnson President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Action Fund Remarks Cecile Richards Reproductive Rights Champion Remarks Kelley Robinson President of the Human Rights Campaign Remarks Jessica Mackler President of EMILYs List Remarks María Teresa Kumar Founding President and CEO of Voto Latino Remarks The Honorable Tom Suozzi Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, New York
6:00 PM
Welcome Remarks The Honorable Cory Booker United States Senator, New Jersey Joint Remarks The Honorable Aftab Pureval Mayor of Cincinnati, Ohio The Honorable Cavalier Johnson Mayor of Milwaukee, Wisconsin Joint Remarks Rashawn Spivey and Deanna Branch Lead pipe removal advocates Remarks The Honorable Lisa Blunt Rochester Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Delaware Remarks The Honorable Grace Meng Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, New York Remarks: “Project 2025—Chapter Three: Freedoms” The Honorable Jared Polis Governor of Colorado Remarks The Honorable Debbie Wasserman Schultz Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Florida Remarks The Honorable Suzan DelBene Chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Remarks The Honorable Keith Ellison Attorney General of Minnesota Remarks The Honorable Dana Nessel Attorney General of Michigan Joint Remarks Jon Polin and Rachel Goldberg Parents of Hersh Goldberg-Polin Performance Maren Morris American singer-songwriter
7:00 PM
Remarks The Honorable Veronica Escobar Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Texas Remarks The Honorable Chris Murphy United States Senator, Connecticut Remarks The Honorable Javier Salazar Sheriff of Bexar County, Texas Remarks The Honorable Pete Aguilar Chair of the House Democratic Caucus Influencer Remarks Carlos Eduardo Espina Content creator Remarks Olivia Troye Former Trump administration national security official Remarks The Honorable Geoff Duncan Former Lieutenant Governor of Georgia Remarks The Honorable Bennie G. Thompson Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Mississippi Remarks Sergeant Aquilino Gonell Retired United States Capitol Police Officer Remarks The Honorable Andy Kim Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, New Jersey Influencer Remarks Olivia Julianna Content creator Performance Stevie Wonder American singer-songwriter and musician Remarks Kenan Thompson and Guests on Project 2025 American comedian and actor
8:00 PM
Host Introduction Mindy Kaling Remarks The Honorable Hakeem Jeffries U.S. House of Representatives Democratic Leader Remarks The Honorable Bill Clinton 42nd President of the United States Remarks The Honorable Nancy Pelosi Speaker Emerita of the U.S. House of Representatives Remarks The Honorable Josh Shapiro Governor of Pennsylvania Remarks Alexander Hudlin Jasper Emhoff Arden Emhoff Remarks The Honorable Catherine Cortez Masto United States Senator, Nevada
9:00 PM
Performance Amanda Gorman National Youth Poet Laureate Remarks The Honorable Wes Moore Governor of Maryland Remarks The Honorable Pete Buttigieg Performance John Legend American singer-songwriter Sheila E. American singer and drummer Remarks The Honorable Amy Klobuchar United States Senator, Minnesota Remarks Benjamin C. Ingman Former student of Governor Walz Remarks The Honorable Tim Walz Governor of Minnesota Benediction William Emmanuel Hall Lead Pastor of St. James Church in Chicago
Apologies for the delay of night 3’s release of the DNC Speaker schedule.
The main speaker of tonight is Minnesota Governor and Kamala Harris VP pick Tim Walz.
Other notable Speakers: Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Amy Klobuchar, Cory Booker, Geoff Duncan, Andy Kim, Nancy Pelosi, Hakeem Jeffries, Josh Shapiro, and Pete Buttigieg.
Grace Meng and Debbie Wasserman Schultz were initially set to speak on Monday, but got moved to tonight.
Performers: Maren Morris, John Legend, Amanda Gorman (poem), Stevie Wonder
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newagesispage · 2 months
                                                                   AUGUST         2024 
Cole Escola is killing it in Oh Mary! on Broadway!! 
Keir Starmer is UK’s new Prime Minister! ** The left took France!! America ..... Don’t let us down!! 
Is the Government of the U.S. going to run in the interest of the people as a whole, or in the interest of a small group of privileged, big businessmen? - Harry S. Truman 
I like being woke. It’s much nicer than being an ignorant fucking twat. - Kathy Burke 
N/A, a play about Pelosi and AOC stars Holland Taylor and Ana Villafane. Yes! 
Days alert: Oh Nicole, you will be missed! But a great way to send she and Eric away!! ** I love Abe and Kate working together and I hope they do Body and Soul justice. Haddie Adams is the perfect choice to bring back!!!! 
People are dying in the heat for religious destinations, dozens are killed in a stampede at a religious event in India. Is it time to ban religion? What conflicts could be eliminated with that ban? 
After my Netflix special, I’m done. - Ellen DeGeneres 
We are officially in the era of the American King/ Queen. ** Get ready for every shady character trying to be President so he can make up the rules for his own game. The Supreme Court has made a mess about Presidential power. Every lower judge will interpret official powers. ** The courts of the U.S. are supposed to rule on punishment of people who broke the laws of our country, regardless of color, gender, wealth, political position, fame and any other differences we have as individuals. It is possible the damage that has been done to our nation by Trump may heal and we might move forward towards a better stronger nation, but it is also very possible that this decision has doomed ‘the great experiment’ that was the U.S. of A.  - Craig Sicknick  ** The Supreme Court has effectively given MAGA extremists their seal of approval. - Aquilino Gonell ** We can’t count on the Supreme Court or any institution to hold him responsible. - Harry Dunn ** Should Biden use this to ban convicted felons from running? ** Biden dropped out of the Presidential race and endorsed Kamala Harris. What a selfless act and what can he now accomplish with no reelection to worry about and the Supreme Court giving him Carte Blanche?? I felt things turn when the phrase, “big boy press conference” was bandied around. That, to me, marked the end. The scuttlebut since has mentioned that Jeff Katzenberg was misleading the Hollywood supporters by not mentioning how age has creeped up on Biden. Like other times in history, we have a little too much old guard in charge. Generations are being blocked by the aged at the top. Many say that they don’t want to leave with Trump still in the mix. They feel like they would be leaving when their party needs them the most. The world moves fast and a little new blood sill do us a world of good. Harris made a hundred phone calls that first day. ** Dick Durbin announced the judiciary committee will hold hearings on the Supreme Court immunity ruling in September. 
But let’s remember what Biden has already done for this country. I don’t agree with his Israeli stance and a few other things but he has accomplished so much! His NATO press conference was awesome. It is time for Harris!! This campaign comes down to a prosecutor V a felon.  Aaron Sorkin thought we should have Mitt Romney. WTF?? Get out of here with that strategy. Trump loses to lawyers, she is perfect! The right is already spewing nonsense about her. They think she will take their straws and cows. I expect more racist and misogynistic remarks. The right does not even seem to know how to try to be politically correct. It will be sad and infuriating and scary and hilarious to watch them try. The people who idolize the serial cheater have already thrown out the theory that she slept her way to the top. Ugh!! But the facts look good for the Dems right now. Crime is down, economy is good and border crossings are down. James Carville thinks she should concentrate on corporations and price fixing.  
What? Fox news thinks voting for a woman is like transitioning? Is that true? 
One of the best interviews ever with Trump at the National Association of Black Journalists. Harris happened to turn black. - Trump 
Pete Davidson has checked into a wellness facility. 
I have to laugh when the uninformed say Harris is ignorant and has never done anything. Those being interviewed don’t seem like they themselves have been Senators, AG’s, prosecutors or Vice Presidents but perhaps they have. In a world where a woman usually works twice as hard to rise up the ladder, she is more than qualified. Serious, compassionate, fun, smart check ,check, check, check. Go girl power!! The same uninformed wonder why we can jump on her bandwagon so quickly. That is indeed the difference in being informed or not. We know her already; we pay attention. Her team is in place with a few adjustments and we have been waiting for this. She seems tailor made for this moment. The right place and the right time and history can just make these things happen. It takes a leap of faith to get where we want to be and this is it. Many great moments have come from the right person just jumping in where and when they are needed. When we see a moment, we must take it!! And, it may seem superficial but she has a wonderful smile, a great laugh and America needs a warm hug right now. I mean, Trump never smiles or laughs. 
WE ARE NOT GOING BACK!!!- Kamala Harris ** We want to ban assault weapons. They want to ban books. -Harris ** Steph Curry endorsed Harris at the Olympics. ** Kamala Harris was a hit at Comic Con after an old clip of her reading a Simpson’s quote was played. Apparently, a few years ago, Groenig and co. were looking for a politician to play along and read the quote and she was glad to do it. ** And Maya Rudolph has agreed to come back this fall on SNL which premieres Sept. 28. 
Everybody used to say, “If you only knew the Hillary that I knew.” and now they are saying the same about Kamala. Ok, let’s get to know her, give her a chance. This is an opportunity we can’t pass up. 
Trump was almost killed in an assassination attempt in Butler, Pa. The venom still spews as some wonder if this was planned by his team. We must all condemn the violence, whether it be Paul Pelosi, Gretchen Whitmer or Trump.  The shooter, Thomas Crooks was killed but he murdered a rally goer. Why is it usually young, white men who turn out to be the shooter? The people who seem to have life the easiest in this country are the most disgruntled. It was a strange scene after as the Trumpers looked so sad in all their shiny regalia. It seems the loose gun laws make the Policeman’s job even harder. Russia blamed Biden’s rhetoric for the disaster, of course. Biden called Trump right away to send well wishes and told us “This is not America.” I am afraid that it is kind of us now. The Daily Show cancelled the coverage they were going to have at the RNC. The RNC came and went with fans like Kid Rock, Amber Rose and Hulk Hogan. Nikki Haley and Ron Desantis kissed some ass. Matt Gaetz and Kevin McCarthy got into it on the RNC floor. The new VP pick, JD Vance wrote Hillbilly Elegy and is a bit too Martin Sheen in Dead Zone. He makes no bones about his love of Russia. He has openly said he does not care about Ukraine. Vance’s wife, Usha was a law clerk for Chief Justice Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh. She now works for the law firm, Munger, Tolles and Olson. Some Republicans are openly unhappy about his wife being the daughter if Indian immigrants. Some seem to disagree with the Vance pic altogether. Word is that Trump is a bit troubled at the way we are mocking his VP choice. Is he the only one who can really get away with politically incorrect? Does he not see that we mock him all the time? Is this Palin all over again? In the end, this just gives Trump someone else to blame. A VP pick for his team must know they are replaceable. ** Trump gave the longest acceptance speech ever at 90 minutes. For the first time, a teamster addressed the republican convention. There were no former Presidents or vice Presidents there. They mostly claimed they were not interested at all. That tells you everything you need to know. Why do they love a cover up so much? Don’t they have better things to do than make shit up? * *Kim Cheatle, boss in the Secret Service, has resigned.  
The Secret Service was grilled by senators. The acting director is Ronald Rowe. Josh Hawley is such an arrogant prick Do these people think if they ask the same question a thousand times, the answer will change? All agreed it has been 17 days since the incident but some think all the answers should be ready. Secret Service believe they need time to investigate so they can reach a proper conclusion. There is a process! I’m not even sure why they are being questioned before this was completed. It is sort of a waste of time. I do wonder why the site was even approved. As much as the Republicans love this ‘fired’ thing, we can’t go willy nilly into firing everyone until we know exactly what happened. I suppose a lot of future assassins are learning a lot from these hearings. ** Somebody’s got to be fired. - L. Graham ** Graham seemed to court the conspiratorial side of the story. ** On the other end, it seems we usually hear so much about the shooter and their family but that has been sort of quiet. It was alarming to hear local officials thought the shooter seemed suspicious for 90 minutes or so. Secret Service was told about him 30 minutes or so before he was killed. There are probably lots of suspicious characters at these events so it has to be a tough job. And I was with this Rowe person all the way until he said, this was a “failure of imagination”. He couldn’t imagine someone really doing this. What? Isn’t that your job?? 
The Republican party has nominated The Angry Ticket. Trump/ Vance sounds like a new sitcom, America’s Hitler and the hillbilly. ** Starbucks is providing coffee for both conventions’ first responders. They have made no donations to the RNC. ** Trump is running for his freedom and money. - Al Sharpton ** He’s fighting for his freedom. She is fighting for ours. - Nicole Wallace ** To see Stephen Miller and the rest having meltdowns over Harris is beautiful. They do not seem to know how the system works. Shit happens and this was not a big plan. If it were? Hooray for the strategy and forward thinking on stepping aside and putting a black woman in the top spot.  
The press reported that Elon Musk donated $180 mil to the Trump campaign. Musk claims the donation was much lower. Who fucking knows. ** Trump claims that he will take care of this pesky voting thing in 4 years. “It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians.” -Trump 
Re: JD Vance... I’ve never seen someone with more couch fucker energy. - John Oliver 
Saboteurs struck rail lines outside Paris before the start of the Olympics. 
Boeing is looking deeper into their forgery’s investigation. 
Jon Stewart claims that CNN and NBC won’t allow their reporters to come on his podcast, Weekly Show. Stewart says that the reporters want to come on but have to have, ‘network approval’.  
Senators Sheldon and Murkowski are bringing us the Octopus act to prevent U.S. companies from Octopus farming. 
Video game performers went on strike. 
Fred Trump III has a book out, All in the Family: The Trump’s how we got this way. He claims his Uncle Donald seems to hold the belief that handicapped people have too many problems. “Those people, the shape they’re in, all the expenses, maybe those kinds of people should just die.”  - Donald Trump at a WH meeting with his nephew, Doctors and handicap advocates.* * Scary Clown 45 told Netanyahu that if he loses, there will be a third world war. 
The U.S. arrested El Mayo AKA Ismael Zambada and El Chapo’s son, Joaquin Guzman. 
Babies are good because we’re not sociopaths. - JD Vance 
Paul Dans, director of Project 2025 has stepped down. Trump still claims he knows nothing about the ‘project’. About 140 former members of the Trump administration are a part of Project 2025. 
Tim Burchett should resign. 
Delta seems to have run out of pilots. 
The Weinermobile crashed near Chicago. 
Project 2025 is a lot easier to understand in the original German. - Left action 
Sotheby’s sold a stegosaurus from Colorado for 44.6 mil. 
Hey Colbert: Enough with Meanwhile, More Skuyler Chole facts!! 
The newest Kennedy Center Honors are Francis Ford Coppola, The Grateful Dead, Arturo Sandoval, Bonnie Raitt and The Apollo. The honors will be held on Dec. 8 and broadcast on Dec. 23. 
Michael Cera just finished the new Wes Anderson film. 
A U.S. appeals court has blocked the SAVE student debt relief plan. 
Crowdstrike caused all kind of big tech problems with places like airports, UPS, Fedex and even McDonald’s. 
Riki Lindhome and Fred Armisen have been married since June 2022 but he public seems to just be finding out. She has a new musical, Dead Inside. 
Bob Menendez was found guilty on all charges. 
Richard Montanez has sued Frito Lay for denying him his share in discovering flaming hot Cheetos. 
Longlegs brought in 22.6 mil in its debut!! 
There are still people without power in Texas. Gov. Greg Abbott said he would send a letter to the public utility commission. What? 
Gnatalie, a long neck, long tail herbivorous dinosaur are the only bones found that are green due to the mineral, celadonite. The Jurassic dino is on display in LA. 
Seth Meyers has an hour on HBO coming this fall. 
Wiz Khalifa was arrested in Romania for smoking weed on stage. ** Viking Jordan Addison arrested on a DUI charge. 
All we need to prove what idiots are in the world is the reaction to the not the Last Supper display in the Olympics opening ceremony. Some got their panties in a bunch and it turns out they did not know what they were talking about. Da Vinci would have loved it! ** Flavor Flav has been financing the U.S. Women’s water polo team. 
Why do films make serial killers look slicker and better looking as time goes on? The first movie is usually heavy on their grossness but by the 3rd or so in a famous case, the maniac is kind of cute. 
CBS is bringing Matlock to a new generation. The name and the profession is the only link to its past. Kathy Bates will play Madeline Matlock when the show premieres on Sept. 22. The show also stars Jason Ritter and Skye P. Marchall. 
When 6 men out of a thousand crack the whip over their fellows backs, then what the other 994 dupes need is a new deal. - Mark Twain 
Horizon: Chapter 2 won’t be out on Aug. 16 anymore. Territory Pictures and New Line Cinema say they want the audience to have more time to discover the first one. Others have said that it simply bombed. What will happen next with the other chapters? Older viewers are holding steady. 
A big team is headed to Titanic to use state of the art tech to scan ALL of the wreck. If weather permits the team will explore for 20 days. Paul- Henri Nargeolet who died in the Oceangate sub was supposed to lead this expedition. This is RMS Titanic’s ninth visit to the site. 
Rudy Giuliani’s bankruptcy case was dismissed. Line up for your money people!! 
Eddie Murphy wed Paige Butcher. 
Kevin Roberts wants a revolution. 
Alec Baldwin’s ‘Rust’ case was dismissed. 
Daniel Burda was sentenced to 4 years in prison after pleading guilty to criminally negligent homicide and abuse of a corpse. Burda killed former Mickey Mouse club member, Dennis Day in 2018 and the body (in Day’s home), was not found by Phoenix, Oregon police until 2019. 
Weston Coppola Cage was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon and released on $150,000 bond. 
I’m not the conspiracy kind but did Trump pay Biden off to give that debate performance? When the ABC interview showed us the same and then Clooney writes a letter of concern and states that Biden was showing his age at the fundraiser he attended, it starts to add up. ** It seems we owed Biden a bit of latitude after the ridiculous nonsense that Trump spouts but the Dems do not blindly think with cult mentality the way the right seems to do. Trump is great at saving his own ass too. Just think what he could achieve if he gave a damn about anything the way he does about himself. ** Why do so many fight progress every step of the way? The constant egotistical, big $ racism should be well over by now. Slavery- reconstruction- voting rights- the Klan- civil rights- MAGA nation is all just Generational hate.  
The National Rally in France is being investigated for embezzlement, forgery and fraud. The charges stem from the 2022 Presidential election. In the recent European Parliament elections, Ms. LePen’s far right party came in third. 
Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to a joint session of congress. After months of trying to find a way to end the war in Gaza, VP Harris skipped the speech. Israel was carrying out raids in Gaza as he visited. Darin LaHood was bad mouthing Harris for not being there. Dick Durbin also did not attend. ** At his oval office visit, Biden invited families of the hostages since Netanyahu would not meet with them privately.  
Salt Lake City has gotten the Winter Olympics. 
We have to keep an eye on Hong Kong. It is practically a police state after China put in place the National Security Law. 
Saoirse Ronan wed Jack Lowden. 
I can’t believe I am saying this but the trailer for Harold and the Purple Crayon looks pretty good. I could do without Journey. I know people are inspired by ‘Don’t stop believin’ but I am ready for this song to be done. 
Lady Gaga is engaged to Michael Polansky. 
Emma Samms, Jonathon Jackson and Rick Hearst are all headed back to General Hospital. 
Tim Allen and Kat Dennings will star in ABC’s Shifting Gears. Look out Kat! 
His Three Daughters is a new film with Natasha Lyonne, Carrie Coon and Elizabeth Olsen. 
Harland Williams will do some voice work in Isla Monstro, an animated sci- fi film. 
Sesame Street is biased to the left, according to Project 2025. I assume because it has black and brown and gay characters, but maybe also because it teaches basic reading skills? And compassion? - Carrie Coon 
Syphilis and covid are soaring. ** Polio is spreading thru Gaza. 
Sexual assault news: Animator Kyle Carrozza of Cartoon Network, Disney, PBS kids and Nickelodeon was arrested on child porn charges. 
 They (mask bans) make vulnerable members of our county less safe and make everyone less able to participate in L.A. together. - Violet Affleck ** I know people who still have to wear masks because of their fragile health and they feel a bit ostracized because of it. Bans? WTF? 
I still miss that Martin/ Maya variety show. Who killed that show? 
It’s a bit late but check out 2020’s The Tree Man. 
Faith is not wanting to know the truth. - Anonymous 
There are 3 things I won’t eat, a human, a monkey and a dog. - RFK Jr. 
Ivanka and Jared are building a resort in Russia. ** Russia is determined to forever punish Navalny. The arrest of his wife, Yulia Navalnaya has been ordered. 
Mike Bloomberg donated $1 bil to Johns Hopkins. 
A Federal Judge dismissed the Trump documents case. 
Taraji P. Hensen hosted the BET awards. Usher won the lifetime achievement award. Best international act and best new artist went to Tyla. Album of the, Michael went to Killer Mike. Regina King was best actress and best actor was Denzel Washington. Video of the year and HER award went to Victoria Monet. Viewer’s choice was Beyonce. Best movie was Bob Marley. Lauryn Hill, YG Marley and Wyclef Jean closed the show. My best dressed were Halle Bailey, Killer Mike, Gunna, Chloe, Keke Palmer and DC Young Fly. 
Donald Glover has released his final Childish Gambino: Bando Stone and the new world. 
Enough with the big, bold glasses. 
The Emmy noms came out. There weren’t a lot of surprises. Good luck to all. Iam so glad to see the Daily Show, Seth Meyers, Jodie Foster, Feud: Capote vs. The Swans, Carol Burnett, Kristen Wiig, Jean Smart, Hannah Einbinder, Christopher Lloyd, Bob Odenkirk, Maya Rudolph, Mr. Monk’s last case, SNL, Steve! (Martin), Dick Van Dyke 98 years of magic and Conan O’Brien Must Go. Baby Reindeer, Shogun and the Bear got lots of love. 
Victims of the Jan. 6 mob are not happy with the Supreme Court. They feel re-traumatized. Why so much deference for the criminals? I suppose most of the Supreme Court don’t remember they are supposed to do the right thing. So many of them appear to be corrupt and birds of a feather... well, you know. ** Jay Johnson pled guilty to participating in the riot. 
The Biden age thing was a big fat mess. In some polls, Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton were both polling better than Trump. In some polls Trump and Biden are neck and neck and in some, Trump was winning. The polls told us nothing in 2016 so I don’t really trust them but it did give one pause. The talkers are putting up candidates. Bill Maher always seems to have a hard on for Gavin Newsom. I don’t really think the rest of America would like him much. Harirs/ Buttigieg sounds good or Harris/ Pritzker. I could live with those.  
Norah O’Donnell is leaving the anchor chair at CBS. Oh no. 
Watch out for exploding cans in this heat!! 
The new doc, Piece by piece about Pharell Williams sounds amazing. 
OK.. Good news Jack Schlossberg is now Vogue’s political correspondent!!!!! Finally, the Kennedy I have been waiting for to step forward. 
Carla Bruni- Sarkozy was charged with witness tampering regarding the 2007 election funding scandal. 
Oh Shelley Duvall.. Thank you for one of my favorite things ever- Faerie Tale Theatre!! Peace to you sweet lady!! ** Bob Newhart has always been one of my comedy heroes. I will listen to and watch him for the rest of my life. Thank you, Bob for your genius!! And BTW if ya get a chance to go back and watch Celebrity bowling for the 70’s, do it. Bob Newhart was an excellent bowler and his bottom looked fine in those plaid pants!!** John Mayall will be greatly missed but who knew he used to own one of the largest vintage porn collections in the world? 
R.I.P. Renauld White, Robert Towne, Jason and Kelly Nelon Clark, Amber Nelon Kistler, Martin Indyk, Tony Knight, Judy Belushi-Pisano, Jon Landau, June Leaf, Audrey Flack, Claudia Franc-Williams, Benji Gregory, Alabama shooting victims, Corey Comperatore, Pat Colbert, Cheng Peipei, Abdul ‘Duke’ Fakir, war victims, Jimmy Lai, Spencer Milligan, Gail Lumet Buckley, Tom Fenton, Lewis Lapham, Bobby Banas, Francine Pascal, Kathy Willens, Erica Ash, UK stabbing victims, James B. Sikking, Joan Benedict, Soma Golde Behr, Shelley Duvall, Dr. Ruth Westheimer, Richard Simmons, Shannon Doherty, Whitney Rydbeck, Lucy-Bleu Knight, Nguyen Phu, Christina Sandera, Carla Balenda, Sonya Massey, John Mayall and Bob Newhart. 
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rebeleden · 3 months
LIVE: FED UP Jan 6 Officer HITS Trump HARD on His Crimes | Lights on wit...
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