#gonna draw the fruits tonight to cope
m0ony-m0th · 2 years
Hai hai babies!! Was gon for a bits but am back now! And mm gonna do diss
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But all rn cuz why not!
1) It was a slow thing but I saw it on Instagram a few years ago from one of my favorite people I follow saying they were one and I looked into it an slowly got into it
2) I still figuring that out but I fink like 2-5??
3) yes!! I luvs my bubbies sooooo much<333 he’s da bestestestest in da wholeee world!
4) spending any time wif my dada an being cozy and tiny wif him all day hehe!
5) I do have a bunch of colorful pacis an stuffies and coloring books but I wan a deco paci really bad and sippy cups :((
6) nuh-uh!
7) mm dunno, few different ways I think
8) coloring! I lub to draw but that’s more for big me
9) too many to count!
10) both!
11) mhm :)
12) no but now I really wanna :(( … :0 WHAT IF I SHIFT THAT TONIGHT??
13) fruit or little toddler snackies
15) yep :) my bubbies(cg), three ex’s, my best friend, and I think my mom might have found out,,she nu like it tho
16) ooo I have so many! Mm dada calls me so many different things and I luv dem all hehe🥰
17) aquariums!! Even if it’s just a video of it I’m almost always tiny every time
18) yes and no :( wish it was easier tho
19) I love it! Everyone is so nice an accepting
20) yess! I wish there were more with some of my favorite comfort characters tho,,
21) mhm! A lot haha
22) ooo that’s a good one! But probably Mammon from obey me since he’s my biggest comfort and one of my top favorites!
23) super cozy and reminds me of a toddler play room
24) I used to when I was a kid but I have trouble doing it now :(
25) it’s comforting to me and is a coping mechanism that I use along with just for fun!
26) eh sometimes
27) some but not many
28) either really energetic or super sleepy
29) nuh-uh, just babi
30) makes me feel super happys :))
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cannosoup · 3 years
i was out all day but i finally read chapter eight and i am losing my mind
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
.. for mermay.. 8, indruck nsfw?
Here you go! Duck’s design is based on a rudderfish.
Authors note: since prompt 8 is “drunk,” drinking is mentioned in this. It’s also implied Indrid is doing some self-destructive behaviors to cope with trauma.
The party is a splendid success, as was the book launch that preceded it. Indrid has done what he does best, lined his pockets and those of his agents and editors, and gotten everyone talking. 
“Did you see the one of the pyres?”
“The one of the hurricane aftermath, the look in the girls eyes is so haunting.”
“Personally, I found the jeweled mummies a bit much, but the emergency room shots? Stunning.”
This is why Indrid is sitting on the rocks on his private cove, and will not be going back up to the house until he’s polished off all three of these heavily spiked bottles of eggnog. It’s better than the time he emptied most of a bottle of vanilla vodka, but not by much. 
He was tipsy when he snuck out the back door and down the path to the sea. So when the empty bottle rolls away, all he can do is whap at the air close to it and wave as it plonks into the water.
“Oops. Hic, oh, hic, well, what’s one more piece of trash in, hic, a dying world?”
He yelps, knocking his remaining bottles into the sand as the lost one flies through the air towards him. Or he thinks that’s the trajectory; it’s hard to tell. The point is, the bottle is back and he’s clutching his chest like an old man in a silent movie.
“Look, man, I know it’s temptin to just leave trash everywhere, but there are signs up and down this beach sayin not to litter.” A man floats in the water at the foot of the rock, black hair plastered to his forehead and muscular arms crossed over a bare chest. 
“It, hic, it was an accident. And I am, hic, in no condition to retrieve anything from the water.”
The man frowns, “shit, if you’re that drunk, you oughta get off the rocks. It’s deep here, you might drown. Go sit on the sand, it’s safer. Warmer too, still holdin heat from the sun.”
“I, I’m fine, hic, don’t, don’t need some wet man babying me.” He stands to prove his point, nearly falls face first into the water, and sits back down, “see, m’fine.”
“Get off the rock.” The man says, sounding for all the world like a cat owner two seconds from grabbing the spray bottle. 
“No.” Indrid huffs. 
Water splashes his face and he sputters.
The man pulls his hand back, preparing to send another wave at him, “Get.”
“Fuck you” 
The splash is much more intense this time and he curses, scrambles sideways, and falls to his knees in the sand. 
“That’s better, now I don’t gotta worry about fishin your careless ass outta the water.”
“If, if we are, hic, t-talking careless, you, you shouldn’t say a thing. You’re, hic, swimming in cold water with, without a wetsuit.”
The man shrugs, “Don’t need one.” With that he floats on his back, bringing a dark-scaled tail into view. 
“You’re, hic, you’re a merman.” He crawls forward, breathless, “that’s so cool, wanna, gotta photograph you, so handsome, gotta-”
“Nope” The merman swims back into deeper water, “no pictures, those can end real bad for us.”
“But, but you’re so beautiful. If, hic, if pictures are no good, I, I can draw. I draw good, even if no one likes it.”
“Uh, you really wanna sit on a cold beach paintin my picture instead of hangin out at that shindig?” He points up the hill to the brightly lit house. 
“No, nonono, hic, don’t, don’t wanna go back up there, s’awful, hic.” 
“Awful?” The merman sounds concerned, and in the patchy moonlight he swims close enough that Indrid can see the details of his face, “is someone up there hurtin you?”
“No” He shakes his head, “it, it-”
“Damn it.” He mutters as the merman retreat beneath waves. As his guests grow closer he stands, carefully picks up all three bottles, and heads uphill to meet them.
Indrid shuffles through the house, head pounding, decides he hates the following people, in this order:
-His agent
-Whoever mentioned it was a shame there were no Plata River Bridge photos, causing Indrid to drink a whole martini in order to bite his tongue.
It’s not until his third cup of coffee that he remembers the merman. God, he was really rude to someone who was just trying to keep him from drowning.
Very, very carefully, he makes his way to the beach, sketchbook in one hand and thermos in the other. 
“Hello?” He calls across the water. No reply. Of course there isn’t; the merman has the whole ocean to explore, there’s no reason for him to hang around Indrid’s house. He sighs, sits down on a piece of driftwood, and draws. Normally the cold would drive him back indoors, but today it’s bracing, blowing his hangover off of him and down the sand. 
“Glad to see you’re in one piece” 
Indrid sits bolt upright. The merman waves to him.
“You came back?”
“Yeah? I mean, this is part of my rounds, so I come by here at least once a day. More surprised you’re down here when it’s all cold and grey.”
“I, ah, I wanted to apologize for last night. I was being stubborn and rude.”
“You were, but I was kinda grumpy too. At the end of my shift and all that, but I shouldn’t have splashed you.” He smiles, swims closer, “do you, uh, remember any of the other stuff you said?”
“I have a vague memory of begging to photograph you. Or maybe draw, it’s all very fuzzy.”
“You did. I, uh” the merman’s cheeks turn pink, “you were really, uh, well let’s just say you were excited at the idea of drawin me, so I thought maybe, if you wanted to..”
“Yes”  Indrid shifts down into the sand so he can rest his back on the log, “can we do it now? You said you were on rounds, and if you’re working I don’t want to interrupt.”
“I’m done for the day. Should I get on a rock or somethin?”
“Can you come on the sand at all? Oh, ah, it seems you can.” Indrid scoots back as the merman slides gracefully ashore. In the daylight, his tail is a rich green-brown, his hair streaked with grey near his forehead. His eyes, one green and one brown, regard Indrid with curiosity as he turns to a new page. 
“You got a name?”
“Indrid. Indrid Cold.”
“Duck Newton. It’s a nickname.” The mer stretches his arms and tail, and were Indrid in a self-flattering frame of mind he’d say he was flexing for him, “I gotta pose?”
“No, as long as you don’t move too much, I should be fine.”
Duck nods, shifts onto his belly with his tail dipped in the surf. Indrid sets his pen to paper, asks Duck what he does for work and when the tunnel vision of his project dissipates, it’s dusk.
“Oh my, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you so long.”
The merman yawns, “S’okay, it was nice talkin with you, and I got to birdwatch some. Can I see?”
Indrid turns the sketchbook. Mis-matched eyes widen. 
“Holy fuck. You made me look damn good.”
“I simply captured you as you are.” Indrid feels a blush moving up his cheeks as Duck scoots closer. 
“You gonna do this tomorrow?  If, uh, if you don’t wanna draw me again, I can bring you some interestin stuff from the water. If, uh, if you want.”
His schedule for tomorrow starts with a phone interview, after which he was planning to sit in a dark living room and watch mindless T.V.
“That sounds lovely. Thank you, Duck.”
The merman beams, waves, and then pushes back into the sea, raising his tail once in farewell. 
“...now, Juno thinks it’s-holy fuck ‘Drid, was that your stomach?” Duck raises his head from where he’s been sort-of-napping, sort of talking.
“Hmm? Yes, I suppose it was.” He has his watercolors out today, a surprise stretch of sunny days rendering the beach and hillsides in glorious technicolor. 
“When did you last eat?”
“Oh my fuckin god, ‘Drid, no wonder you look like you’re close to passin out.”
“I’m fine.” 
Duck has that look on his face again, the one he got when Indrid admitted to walking the cliff-side trails when he’s coming back from the roadhouse on the edge of town. When Indrid says he hasn’t slept in two days. 
The merman says nothing, goes back to reading the book of nature essays Indrid brought him. A buzz cuts through the air and he groans, shuts off the alarm on his phone, “I need to go get ready for that interview.”
“You wanna meet up tonight?”
“Great. But, uh, seem to remember you promised me some of those cookies you say are the best in the world.”
Indrid smirks, “I suppose I did.”
“I want some. But not for dinner, with dinner. You feel me?” There’s an edge in his drawl, as formidable and unyielding as the nearby cliff-face. 
“Alright, I'll bring you some other things to try.” Indrid smiles, suddenly looking forward to a grocery run. 
Duck, now in the water, looks over his shoulder, “Good boy.”
Indrid shivers even as heat blooms in his chest. 
When sunset graces the beach, Indrid is busy setting out a half dozen take-out containers and many plastic boxes of cookies and fruit.
“Damn” Duck slides and wiggles his way onto the sand by the blanket, “you went all out.”
“You wanted a meal. I brought you one.”
“Sure did.” Duck sniffs the air, taps a carry-out bowl of soup, “what’s this?”
“Umm” Indrid peers at the label, “french onion soup.”
“Can I have it?”
“Of course.”
The merman downs the soup as fast as temperature allows, munches happily on the orange segments Indrid peels and samples the cookies. 
“Ahhh” He flops his head into Indrid’s lap, “that hit the spot.”
The human nods, bottle of pineapple soda on his lips. He’s so happy and full. 
“Duck? Did you suggest this just so I would eat something?”
The face in his lap only looks a little chagrined, “Kinda. I been meanin to suggest this, and today seemed like the right time. And, uh, I know sometimes I have a hard time lookin after myself for me, but if someone else tells me to do it, or I have to do it as part of lookin after them, it’s easier. Thought that might be goin’ on with you. I, uh, I won’t do it again if you don’t want me to.”
“Nono” Indrid sets a hand in his hair, stroking it so Duck rubs his cheek against his thigh, “you’re right. It was easier to do the kind thing for myself when you told me to. Would, ah, would you be willing to do it again.” 
Duck meets his eyes, gaze bubbling with something dark and alluring, “Sure thing, ‘Drid.”
“Before you go, I wanted to give you this.” Indrid holds out the small camera. Duck, perched on a rock, takes it with a puzzled frown. He adds, “It’s waterproof. You mentioned you wish you could take pictures of the things you see in your home. I couldn’t think of a better time to give you than your trip.”
“Thanks, ‘Drid.” Duck leans forward, rubbing their cheeks together, “you remember your instructions?”
“Yes.” He whimpers when Duck pulls back. 
“Good. Want you in good shape when I get home.” Duck’s voice returns to normal, “should be back in a week. I’ll see you then.”
Indrid waves goodbye, keeps waving well past the point where Duck could see him, even if he surfaced. Then he grabs the basket of fresh oysters and heads to the house to call Barclay. 
The phone calls and dinners with one of his few friends in town are part of his agreement with Duck. The mer told him he couldn’t meet every night, so maybe Indrid should find other forms of company. He also helpfully supplies Indrid with fresh shellfish that he has no idea how to cook, but his friend the professional chef certainly does. This dovetails nicely with his promise to Duck to eat at least one full meal a day.
It’s not just the strange dynamic they’ve hit upon that’s improving his life; it’s Duck. The merman makes him feel so safe, like someone cares about the real him and not just the him that makes them money or feeds their morbid curiosity. Not to mention he’s even more handsome than Indrid first thought and he spends plenty of nights jerking off to the thought of a cool, strong tail between his legs. 
He does well the first five days Duck is gone. Barclay and Dani come over for dinner, he paints and draws prolifically, and he even reads up on whether it’s feasible for him to adopt rats (“those are kinda like otters, right?” “close enough.”). Friday night his agent calls, excitedly reporting that it’ll soon be the fifth anniversary of the Plata River incident and the magazine is getting requests for a feature on it and Indrid will be perfect. 
Indrid says he’ll think about it, hangs up, and opens the fridge. He promised Duck he’d only drink if it was with dinner or with friends. He grabs two wine coolers and heads into the living room. 
The next day, he’s idly fiddling with the dating app he hasn’t touched since December when a new profile appears. Very good looking, close by, clearly just passing through town, and interested in Indrid. He invites him over, spends the next half hour getting ready, and even cleans the bedroom because well, that’s what he’d do for Duck, he should do it for anyone else he brings over. 
Indrid opens the door at the second knock. The guy takes one look at him, shakes his head, and returns to his car.
Indrid downs the remaining wine coolers and goes down to the beach to sulk. He tucks his legs up, pressing his forehead to his knees, and rocks back and forth. He’s nearly sober when a voice drifts across the waves.
He looks up, glasses slipping down his nose, “Duck? You’re, you’re back.”
“Yep. It was fast goin the last ten miles. Brought the camera back, think you gotta be the one to get the pictures off, but I can’t wait to show you all the cool shit we saw.”
“Me neither” He stands and instantly pitches forward, landing on his hands and knees in the shallow water. 
“You been drinking?”
“You and Barclay have a good time?” He’s giving him the benefit of the doubt, giving him an out, and Indrid decides that isn’t what he wants. 
“I wasn't with Barclay. I got horrible news last night, and today I tried to get laid and got rejected, and I’m at the point in my life where I nearly called after the guy that he could keep his eyes shut and I’d just blow him so he wouldn’t need to look at or touch me. So yes, Duck, I’ve been drinking.”
Duck’s expression swims between concern and disappointment, then comes to rest on neutral steel, “That ain’t what we agreed.”
“I’m aware. But I don’t care, I don’t” he aims a splash at Duck, “it doesn’t matter, nothing matters, nothing will come of it, same as always.”
The merman cocks an eyebrow, “You really think that? You forgettin I said there’d be consequences if you broke the rules?”
“Oooh, I’m so scared.” Indrid splashes him again.
Duck smiles, reminding him that all his teeth end in points, “Didn’t say anythin about scarin you. You really wanna believe that nothing matters, you can head home. Or” he points to a nearby rock, “you go get on your hands and knees, facin the cliffs.”
Indrid crawls gracelessly to the designated spot. It’s dangerous to turn his back on the ocean, but a gentle voice in his mind reminds him over and over that Duck is here. Duck won’t let him get hurt. 
There’s a splash as Duck pulls himself onto the rock. Then a whoosh of air and a sting in the right side of his ass. He yelps, startled, and looks behind him.
“If this ain’t okay, need you to say so now.” Duck’s eyes are wide and hungry, but his hands stay on the grey rock. 
“It’s okay.” He can’t believe this is happening, can’t decide if he should tell Duck this is not remotely a punishment. 
Another sharp grin, “Eyes front.”
Indrid’s barely obeyed when the next strike comes. Duck is strong and makes no attempt to hide it, hitting him hard enough that his knees jolt forward in the sand. The pain lights him up each time, forces the thing knotted in his chest up towards his throat. 
When the blows stop he whimpers, pushing his ass back in hopes of more.
“Don’t worry, ‘Drid, I ain’t done with you by a long shot.” Cold fingers undo his fly, bring his pants and underwear down to his thighs. He’s expecting another hit, wiggles his ass in anticipation. 
What he gets are teeth sinking into his skin.
“AH!GOD” He yells loud enough that his throat hurts.
Duck chuckles, “Holler all you want, we both know no one can hear what goes on on this beach, especially with all the wind.” He bites down again, Indrid thrashing and moaning as teeth sink into already reddened skin. Duck growls in reply, savaging the meat of his as and grazing his teeth along his thighs, dangerously close to his balls. He’s already getting hard, the process expedited by warm breath and lips on his body. 
He moans embarrassingly loud when Duck shoves his ass apart.
“Damn, you really did get all prepped for that fella. Shame, he didn’t know what he was missin.” The plug hits the sand to his right.
“You, you don’t have to flatter meEEEoh, oh Duckohmygoodness.” His fingers dig into the sand as the merman teases his rim with a flexible tongue. There’s a muffled laugh, but Duck doesn’t respond beyond that, too busy threatening him with a good time as his tongue gives an experimental push. 
Then it retreats and he turns his head left and right, delivering quick bites to either cheek before his tongue returns. He alternates between the delicious, teasing licks and painful bites, the shift never coming when Indrid expects and causing him to cry out every time. When the mer releases one side of his ass in order to slap his thighs while he continues licking, kissing, and nipping his way across bruised, sensitive skin, Indrid lets out a strangled sound, the thing in his chest now trapped at the back of his throat. 
“You make such cute noises, but they ain’t the ones I’m lookin for. I ain’t stoppin until you apologize.”
Indrid opens his mouth, intending to say something about how this is the wrong way to make him do so. 
“I, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, please don’t be angry with me, don’t leave, don’t leave me here, I can’t, I, I don’t want to think about it, Duck please, I’m sorry, so sorry” he;s hunched forward, sobbing into the sand, when he realizes he’s fully clothed and Duck isn’t behind him.
“No” he squeaks, “no please don’t go.”
“I ain’t goin anywhere.” Duck slides up the sand next to him, pulls him into his arms, “I’m so sorry darlin, I didn’t mean to make you cry, I took it too far, I ain’t mad, not really” he eases Indrid’s glasses off and sets them out of harms way, “oh darlin, c’mere, it’s okay” salty kisses dot his forehead and green scales pet his legs. 
“It’s, hic, it’s not your fault. I, I l-liked it, but this has, hic, been building up for months. Years.” He hides his face in Duck’s chest.
“Years?” Duck grabs Indrid’s sweater from where he cast it off, draping it over the human. 
Indrid sniffs, “You know I’m a photographer. But I’ve never told you what I photograph. I, I made my name recording disasters and their aftermath. For a long time I took pride in it; someone has to document those things, so we can’t erase them, so we have to confront them and try to make things better, or try to keep such tragedy from reoccurring. I was so good at recording it I became famous. Wealthy. And I learned that most people like to gawk at horror and then go about their days. I, I tried branching out and...and I ended up with a disaster anyway. A bridge collapse, I chronicled everything from the instant it started to the funerals and it, it was too much. Ever since then I’ve felt trapped by my work. At times, by my life. My agent wants me to go back for the fifth anniversary, he told me so last night.”
“You ain’t goin, right?” 
“I don’t think I can.” 
Duck nods, rests his chin atop his head, “tell me what you wanna do instead.”
He does. He tells him about his other art, about the pitches for childrens books and the plans for a real vacation, about the life that, for the first time, feels in reach when he speaks about it. By the time he’s done the stars are out and he’s much calmer and clear-headed.
“Did you mean what you said earlier? That, that you thought I was attractive?”
“Every damn word.” Duck rolls them so Indrid is on his back, kisses his cheek, “thought so since that first night. But, uh” his gaze flicks down to Indrid’s crotch, “if you want more proof I’m happy to give it.”
“Get your pants off and lay on your sweater.”
Indrid complies, shivers when Duck guides his shirt up and off. 
“Fuuuuck” the mer rubs his hands up and down his torso, “when it warms up, you’re gonna swim out with me so I can get my fill of this while you ride my dick.”
“Yes. Ah, I, I did prep, but it’s been long enough now that lubrication may be an issueOOOh, ooohyes.” He release into the sand as Duck grinds his tail against his cock. The scales feel as lovely now as they do when he pets them, and he wonders if Duck will let him get off by humping his tail one of these days.
“It won’t, trust me. Lemme just--there we go. Open your legs. Heh, eager little thing.”
“I’ve wanted this too long to play coy.”
“Eeep!” Something slick and squirming presses into his ass, “do, do you have tentacles?”
“Kinda? They’re just the tip, for this exact reason. It, uh, it feel okay?” Duck smiles reassuringly and that, combined with the genuine concern in his voice makes Indrid moans and nudge him closer. 
“VeryOH, oohgracious” two more tentacles join the first, pulsing and scissoring him open, “how many are there?”
“About eight.”
He moans louder and Duck laughs, pushes his hips forward, “glad you like it, darlin’. Because from where I’m sittin your ass is fuckin amazin and I wanna be as deep in it as I can.”
“Yes, absolutely, pleaseAHHnnn” enough tentacles now that he can’t keep an accurate count, “please use it as you see fit.”
“As I see fit huh? That’s a tricky question. See, sometimes I wanna, fuck, wanna shove the whole thing in you at once and make you scream while I leave my mark on your neck.”
“AHHnnngod” A firmer shaft pushes in, ridges rubbing all the right places as the tentacles continue exploring him. 
“Other times, think it’s better to tease you with the tip, maybe make you blow me first and jerk you off until you’re beggin for my dick.”
“Yes, yesyesyesyes”
“But tonight” Duck bottoms out with a groan, “I’m gonna take it nice and slow, show you just how fuckin wonderful you are. How much you mean to me. My Indrid.”
“Yours” Indrid twines his limbs around him, “god, Duck, it feels so good, you’re so good, you always look after me.”
“That I do. Because you deserve it. And” the tentacles find his prostate and he nearly howls as Duck continues, “you deserve to learn how t’be nice to yourself. And I, ahfuck, know that ain’t easy, but I’m gonna be here to help.”
“Yes, ohgod, yes, you’re, you’re so perfect, aaAAAhnI, I’m, close sweetheart, you fill me so well.”
“Damn right. Gonna, nnngh, gonna find every fuckin way to fill you, make you feel fuckin amazin, fuck, that’s it darlin, ohfuckyeah” as he starts spilling into him, Indrid cums with a shout, splattering their stomachs. Duck moans at the sight, wriggles his hips as his shaft continues rippling and pulsing. It turns out mer orgasms are long, so long that Indrid is whimpering from overstimulation by the time Duck pulls out. 
A gentle, salt-soaked kiss to his lips, “Lookit you, took it all. You’re so good for me, darlin.”
“Mmmhmm” He doesn’t want to let go, cold, wind, and damp be damned. Duck seems to understand, holds him and whispers sweet promises in his ears until he’s shivering.
“‘Drid, your teeth are chatterin.”
“I kn-know, I s-should g-go home and w-warm up.”
Duck kisses him again, “sooner you go and rest, sooner we can do this again.”
“An excellent p-point.” He stands, blows a shaky kiss towards his future, “see you tomorrow.”
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lemonadeswift · 5 years
Luca 24 Months
“Ms. Ni-cole!” Ms. Ni-cole!” Nicole smiled as she watched the little figure run to meet her, the door of the Evans’s residence left open in his wake.
“Hey there!” She said, kneeling down to let the small body collide into hers. Luca held up a paper to her, she took it, it had glitter stars and flowers and hearts and a various amount of scribbles, shapes, and smiley faces on it.
“Wow! Luca! It’s beautiful, did you make it for me?” She asked with wide eyes, Luca grinned up at her toothily and nodded.
“I love it so much!” She said, holding it close to her chest as she reached out to ruffle the soft hair on his head. Luca grinned and grabbed her hand, she stood up unsteadily with a laugh as Luca pulled her behind him. She looked up to see Chris standing in the door way a small smile playing on his lips. He was sharply dressed for date night with Sebastian.
“Luc, I told you not to go outside without me or daddy,” Chris scolded firmly.
“Swwry.” Luca answered, looking down. He pointed at the picture in Nicole’s hands,
“Oh, I see, you wanted to give Ms. Nicole your drawing didn’t you?” Chris asked, Luca looked up at him with a smile and he nodded.
“Well, next time wait for one of us, okay, it’s dangerous,” Luca tilted his head to the side like he didn’t quite understand, but he nodded anyway in affirmation. Chris let the two of them inside after that,
“Thanks for coming on such short notice, we didn’t know about his friend’s gallery opening until a few days ago, but it’s going to be good to go and support them, especially since it’s in Boston,” Nicole nodded,
“Well, I’m happy to be here, you know I love Luca,” Chris smiled, he was thankful to have found such a great babysitter who was still with them after two years.
“I’m just happy you’re still around, it’s rare that you find such a long term babysitter, but Luca loves you too. He was so excited, as you can tell, when we told him you’d be coming to watch him, it has been a while after all.
“About a month,” Nicole agreed. Sebastian appeared from the bedroom looking spiffed up and ready to go in dark purple button-down, shiny black loafers, and grey trousers, his hair was swept back and to the side, long, but not yet shoulder length, more falling to the base of his neck, and damn, he looked good.
“Hey baby,” Chris said, coming over to hug Sebastian, Nicole couldn’t help but grin as she caught Chris’s coping a feel of his husband’s ass.
“Get out of here you two before you scar the munchkin,” Nicole commented. Chris just laughed
“I think that’s already been done,”
“No way,” Nicole said,
“Yeah, he barged in on us the other night, we thought he was completely asleep, it was like 2:30 in the morning!” Sebastian said in an exasperated tone, Nicole couldn’t help but laugh.
“What did you tell him?”
“He didn’t ask, isn’t forming sentences yet, we’re hoping he forgets.” Chris said, Nicole shook her head at the two,
“Go on, you’re gonna be late.” She said, Chris nodded,
“Luc, daddy and I are going, you gonna give us a hug?” He asked,
“No.” Luca answered, Sebastian laughed at the completely dejected look that crossed Chris’s face. He walked over to where Luca was playing with his blocks and picked him up,
“Daddy!” Luca said, beginning to laugh as Sebastian began to tickle him,
“Can I have my goodbye hug?” He asked, holding wiggling fingers a few inches away from Luca’s stomach, Luca squirmed and threw his arms around his Dad’s neck,
“There we go, you better go give Papa one too or the papasaurus might come out and eat you!”
“No!” Luca squealed as he wiggled down from Sebastian’s hold and over to Chris, who gave a playful roar as he picked Luca up and kissed his soft little cheek before swinging him around in a giant hug. He then held him on his hip, Luca grinned,
“Wuv you!” Luca said, Chris smiled back at him, giving him one more kiss on the cheek,
“Love you too, we’ll be back tonight. Be good for Ms. Nicole, make sure you get your bath.” He told him as he gave him a small pat on the bum before letting him run away.
“And Luca,” Sebastian piped in, Luca didn’t look up from where he’d gotten back to playing, “Luca,” Sebastian said again, waiting for him to look up, Luca finally did after placing a few more blocks down,
“Only two books, if Ms. Nicole wants to read you a third that’s okay, but I don’t expect to hear that you whined and cried if she doesn’t,” Sebastian gave him a pointed look with a raise of his eyebrows.
“Ok, ok, ok,” Luca said, waving a hand at his dad, Sebastian couldn’t help but scoff at the brush off, that would be something they’d be addressing later, but for now, he’d brush it off as well. They were already late enough.
Luca wanted dinosaur chicken nuggets and broccoli mac and cheese for dinner, Nicole did her best to provide with the recipe Luca pulled out for her after climbing on the counter to find it. After dinner Luca played with his toys again while Nicole took the time to review a chapter from her textbook for classes the next day. After that it was time for a bath, and Luca wanted bubbles and a bathbomb.
“Which bathbomb do you want?” She asked him, Luca picked out a green and blue one, they were all homemade by Sebastian and each had a toy inside for Luca to play with. This one had two pieces of bathtub crayon inside and Luca asked Nicole to draw with him on the bathtub wall. The bath took way longer than it needed to, but Luca was happy and giggling as she got him out to dry off. Nicole helped Luca into a new diaper and then let him go into his room to pick out a pajama shirt for the night. He came back to her with a Toy Story shirt and his Peep plushie, from Peep and the Big Wide World. He held up a book for her and she smiled, taking it from him.
“Alright bud, do you want to go read in your room or in the living room.” Luca walked off and she followed, living room it was. Luca pushed himself up onto the couch and sat down, grabbing his cup of water from the table. Nicole looked down at the book that was being requested tonight and smiled. “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? By Eric Carl and Bill Martin Jr,” She read out,
“Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see? I see a red bird looking at me! Red bird, red bird, what do you see?” Nicole continued, making bird sounds, duck noises, and horse sounds as she got to each character, she pointed to each word as she read, and Luca touched the pictures of the book, laughing and then joining in once she got to the frog sounds. As soon as she was done with the first book, a second was pushed into her hands.
“Stellaluna,” She said, smiling, “Good choice, now remember, your dad said two books, so are you sure this is the one you want to read?”
“Three!” Luca piped up, holding up four fingers to her,
“Two,” She said, holding up two fingers back.
“Four!” He repeated back, instead, still holding up four fingers,
“Nope, Two,” She told him. Luca frowned, pushing out his bottom lip.
“Three? Peas?” He asked, so sweetly, this time holding up the correct number of fingers. Nicole sighed, he was too cute.
“Alright, three, one more after this, but that’s all!” She said. Luca grinned happily and climbed into her lap so he could see the book better.
“In a Warm and sultry forest far, far, away, there once lived a mother fruit bat, and her new baby…” Luca laughed at the pictures of Stellaluna trying to fit on the tree branch and Nicole couldn’t help but smile too. They were pretty silly. After the second book Luca pushed a gold-spine Disney’s Hercules retelling into her hands. By the time she was finished with that book Luca’s little eyelids were drooping.
“Alright, time for bed she said, and like magic Luca’s eyes were wide open,
“No! Book!” He said,
“I already read three books, remember, we agreed on three.”
“Not tired.” He said. She sighed, as he began to climb all over the couch,
“Luca,” She said, hands on her hips, Luca looked over at her, hearing the warning tone in her voice.
“Bubble guppies?” He asked, she sighed, turning on an episode for a few minutes wouldn’t hurt, he’d probably be out like a light soon after and then she could just carry him to bed, she agreed. Turning on the TV and scrolling through the On Demand channels to find an episode of Bubble Guppies, Luca once again curled up next to her and rested his little head against her arm. Sure enough, no more than ten minutes in, he was fast asleep, sippy cup lying abandoned tipped completely upside down on the couch. Thank goodness for spill proof cups. Nicole picked Luca up and carried him to bed, tucking him and making sure his Eyore stuffed animal was beside him. Luca snuggled up to the donkey as soon as he was placed next to him unconsciously. It was too cute. After she was sure he was asleep she headed back out to the rest of the house. Cleaning up the dishes from dinner and starting the dishwasher, she then cleaned up a few other things she saw lying around just to be helpful before settling in on the couch with a bottle of water of her own and her phone in hand.
The next morning Nicole woke up to a little face inches away from her own, she almost screamed but she stopped herself.
“Luca! How did you-” She paused sitting up, noticing that a blanket had been thrown over her and she was completely laid out and comfortable on the Evans’s couch, light streaming in from the large side window and the smell of coffee wafting from the kitchen to her nose. She blushed furiously, had she really fallen asleep?! How unprofessional! That had never happened before! She had just finished her finals though and had been run ragged.
“Miss Ni-Cole!” Luca said happily, looking at her,
“Hey Luc, looks like I stayed the night,”
“Daddy said… daddy says I supposed to be quiet.” He said, “You were… you were sleepy.”
“I must have been,” She agreed, yawning and covering her mouth,
“Where are your dads?” She asked, he pointed to the kitchen.
“Coffee for you!” Luca said, “Come on.”   She couldn’t help but smile as she stood up, she was a little nervous though, to face her employers.
“Hey, good morning!” Chris said happily from where he sat at the table with a tablet in hands, Luca scurrying over to him, he multitasked as he picked him up and sat him on his lap as he aimed the conversation at Nicole,
“Hi, first off, I’m so, so, so, sorry, I understand if you are going to fire me, I’m so embarrassed!” She began to ramble,
“Nonsense, you were tired, and Luca was fast asleep, we didn’t really expect you to still be up when we got in, it was close to 3AM. Didn’t expect things to go for so long. Hope you weren’t supposed to be home,
“Nope, got my own place now, no roommates to worry about me,”
“Alright, good, really, it’s no problem, I assumed you were just pretty tired, if Luca had needed you he would’ve come out and found you. That doesn’t mean I want for you to do it again, but it was a one time thing, you’ve never fallen asleep on the job before, has she Luc?” Chris asked, Luca shook his head as he smashed two toy cars together.
“Breakfast?” Sebastian asked, coming up behind her, she almost jumped out of her skin in surprise, Sebastian laughed that low chuckle of his that all the girls, and boys fell for, her included, and she flushed red again before turning to him, She couldn’t help but grin at the “Kiss the Cook” Apron he was wearing.
“Nice apron, I’ve imposed too much though, so I’ll be going,” Sebastian frowned, his eyebrows pinching together, it really was an adorable face. And fuck, look at her, she had a crush on her two bosses who were married to each other.
“Come on, I made omlettes, and I made an extra for you! Join us, it’s really no trouble,” Nicole sighed but agreed, sitting down at the expansive granite topped table and letting Sebastian place a coffee, an orange juice, and a plate brimming with food in front of her, it was like a five star meal, her eyes widened.
“I had no clue you were such the cook! All the processed shit in the freezer…” She trailed off. Sebastian laughed,
“That’s for Chris… when I’m away, the two wouldn’t be able to eat otherwise.”
“Hey! I can make spaghetti, eggs, steak, and Italian meatballs,”
“And that’s all!” Sebastian shot back. Chris pouted. Sebastian laughed as he leaned over in his seat to press a kiss to Chris’s lips, Chris grumbled something under his breath that she couldn’t quite make out but he looked sulky and cute.
“Papa!” Luca said, immediately the smile was back in place on his face,
“What is it Bean?” Luca was holding out a raspberry to him,
“Oh thank you,” Chris said, and leaned down to let Luca put it into his mouth. He held out one to her next but Nicole declined,
“Oh no thank you, I’ve got my own here,” She said. Luca smiled and ate it himself.
“Nicole play with me?”
“I’m sorry bud, but I’ve gotta go home after this, but I’ll be back soon to play I hope, I think your dads said they need me in two weeks? Is that still true?” Sebastian nodded,
“Alright, two weeks then, two weeks and then we can play again.” Luca didn’t say anything but a little frown did graze his face before he went back to eating. Nicole insisted on helping with dishes after breakfast before she gathered her things and headed out the door, before she could get out though Luca came racing around the corner,
“Miss Ni-Cole!” He shouted, running into her legs, Sebastian smiled as he watched his son interact with her,
“Bye! I wuv you!” He said, Nicole’s heart swelled, he was such a sweet kid,
“Love you too Luc, see you in a little while,” She said. Luca then followed her out the door and stood on the steps waving goodbye as she got into her car to leave.
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myrish-lace-love · 7 years
Jake + Amy (Brooklyn 99 fic)
Summary: Amy still hasn’t gotten over Jake, despite that awful road trip where she told him her feelings were in the past. Amy’s convinced there’s no way Jake still cares about her the way he used to - not even after his breakup with Sophia. Amy makes a trip to the precinct late at night, trying to drown out her persistent fretting with work. She slips into an old habit - doodling - and draws her name and Jake’s together on a napkin. Embarrassing, but harmless. Then Jake walks in.
A/N: This is my first time writing for this fandom! I’m halfway through season 3, but saw the season 3 finale episode title, “Jake and Amy,” and couldn’t get this idea out of my head. :)
Amy - color-coding, rule-following, five-minutes-early-for-everything Amy - has a secret. She doodles, when her other coping strategies fail her. When, for example, paperwork couldn’t soothe her. Usually plowing through a stack of files – imposing order onto a tiny universe – helps her carry that feeling of calm over into real life.
But tonight, her folders were neatly squared away and her mind was still restless. She’d come in to try and stop the constant stream of doubt and second-guessing in her head. She was alone in the precinct, with nothing but the faint buzz of fluorescent lights to keep her company. She nibbled on her lip while drawing on the back of a napkin with a blue ballpoint pen.
Jake + Amy. It was silly, straight out of the fifth grade, though granted she and Jake did act like fifth graders around each other sometimes. But it was an easy, private way to make the connection between them. To skip over the messy talk about feelings and consequences and things left unsaid.
Teddy had been right. Jake was the problem in their relationship. Teddy, being the sharp detective he was, knew it. He called her out on it, during that awful road trip. To make matters worse, Amy had lied - at least by omission - leaving Jake with the impression that any feelings she’d harbored for him were in the past. When, in fact, she was pining for him now.
Meanwhile, Jake had fallen for Sophia. Beautiful, smooth, immaculate Sophia, who seemed right for him. Sarcastic. Outgoing. A better fit. But Sophia had crushed Jake’s heart, and he was only starting to recover.
Now, maybe, there was a small space, an opening for Amy and Jake. Which is why Amy’s sneaky subconscious drew them together on a napkin, surrounded by a curly-cue heart.
Except Jake had seemed so deeply in love with Sophia that Amy refused to acknowledge there was still room in Jake’s life for the two of them. You know. Romantic stylez. She and Jake were friends. Friendship was good. Dependable. And not at all what she wanted.
She’d been floored when Jake first confessed his feelings. Speechless. He’d spoken to a truth inside her she didn’t know existed. And then he’d left, vanished into the mob, maybe never to be seen again, and she’d thrown herself into her relationship with Teddy. To try to forget the softness in Jake’s eyes, and the answering flutter in her stomach.
She startled. Jake was in front of her, wearing a rumpled flannel shirt and blinking owlishly. Of course. Of course Jake had to come in tonight too.
Amy groaned and dropped her head on her desk. She could hear him already. How is the fact that you doodle not the most hilarious part of this night? Is that a heart? Amy, I’m swooning. He’d do something dumb like get down on his knees, like he had after the bet. Amy Santiago, will you marry me?
“Just take the napkin Jake. Go ahead, put it up by the vending machine. Get it over with.” He’d probably frame it.
Silence. She peeked through the arm of her suit jacket. Jake was standing stock still, staring at the paper as if it might bite him.
Read more below or continue on AO3
“I, uh….”
“C'mon Jake. I just handed you the office gossip for a week.” Boyle was definitely going to sing.
He met her eyes and she caught her breath. Softness and wonderment flickered across his face. Sentiments that didn’t look like they would instantly dissolve into a wide-mouthed grin and ha I totally got you!
The same vulnerability she’d seen each time he’d confessed how he felt.
He stunbled over his words. “I was gonna get caught up on that B&E but…I gotta go.” Then he took off like she’d lit a fire underneath him.
Amy closed her mouth after a minute. She took the doodle and stuffed it in her bag. He’d be back to normal tomorrow, searching her desk for it.
She dragged herself home, ate Chinese takeout without tasting it, and almost threw the stupid napkin in the stupid trash.
Her hand wavered. Jake + Amy. She kept it instead, tucked it deep into the drawer in her bedside table. She felt better, somehow, knowing that she’d written it down. Yes she was pathetic, but really at this point who’s counting?
She flailed around for a good minute before whacking her alarm the next morning. Messy emotions aside, she was, in fact, an adult, and proud of it, and she was going into the office, damnit. So she dragged herself into the precinct, picking up heavily sugared coffee on the way and bracing herself for the inevitable fallout.
Jake bounced into the office the next morning, smoothed his hand over his tie, and got to work. Nothing seemed amiss, apart from a tightness around his eyes. Amy sighed and sipped her caffeine.
Rosa glared at her. “Amy, you look like crap.”
Jake cleared his throat. “Amy was working late last night.”
Here we go.
“Just…” Jake faltered. “Being the smart, dedicated detective she is.”
Boyle perked up. “So wait, you were here too, Jake?”
Jake waved his hand. “Oh briefly. Came in to check on a file” - despite everything Amy shot him a warning look, don’t, because they were still partners and she still had his back – “that I definitely did not put in my bag because who brings home confidential files? Who does that? I casually rifled through one, thought some brilliant crime-solving thoughts, and headed home.” Jake turned back to his computer.
Awkward silence filled the room.
Diaz frowned. “What the hell is wrong with you two?”
“Nothing!” Amy said, in that chipper voice that grated on her own nerves sometimes. “Completely normal morning here.”
Rosa snorted. “Yeah sure. Whatever.”
Amy kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. She needed Jake to kid about this. Because it was too weird otherwise. Too…real. Pretty soon she was going to have to talk to him about it, and while that had seemed like the most awful outcome possible last night, it would be an improvement over this standoff. But no matter how many times she glanced over at his desk, Jake wouldn’t meet her eyes.
After lunch, Amy had resorted to hiding away, sorting files in the evidence locker, when the door creaked open.
“Hey,” Jake said, too brightly. “I’ll leave you to it.”
Amy’s stomach churned. She couldn’t do this anymore. She closed the drawer and turned to face him. “Jake, please, wait. Why aren’t you making fun of me?
Jake looked away. His shoulders hunched. “Did you mean it?”
Amy took a deep breath. She could joke around. She could try. She gave him a half-smile. “Are you asking me if I meant my doodle?”
“Yeah. Is it like an equation?” He was putting up a valiant effort too, but she saw the strain on his face. “Jake plus Amy equals - wait there’s no answer that doesn’t sound sexual. Never mind.”
There were lots of answers, actually. Great detectives. Great team. A rhythm and pattern that made sense.
Jake ran a hand through his hair. “Okay, yeah. That’s exactly what I’m asking.”
It had to hurt, to walk in and see evidence that she hadn’t been completely honest with him about her feelings. It was time for her to be brave.
“I wrote a childish note you weren’t supposed to see and I was going to destroy it. Because yes, I like you, that’s not in the past for me, that’s now. And that’s not fair to you. Not something I can ask of you. Not after you just broke up with Sophia. And you don’t care about me that way anymore. ”
Jake finally met her eyes, and his gaze was pained.
“Amy, I…”
Jake reached for her and she rushed to meet him. She’d imagined kissing him many, many times, but she’d never thought it could be this sweet, this tender. He cupped the back of her head and kissed her like he intended to savor it, like he couldn’t quite believe this was happening either.
Only the two of them could have turned I like you into something more loaded than I love you. They’d managed to transform a silly phrase into a concept that was enormous and vast and terrifying. But it had to be vast - large enough to hold all the time’s he’d had her back and she’d had his, when his jokes made her bite her lip to keep from laughing, when his big heart caused problem and solved them.
They broke apart, and Jake rested his forehead on hers. A bubble of happiness rose in her chest. He was warm, and solid, and here, holding her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he pulled her closer. His breath ghosted over her ear.
“Thank god you told me, because I still like you too. I never stopped. Not even when I was with Sophia. I think she figured it out, and broke it off. Because you’re the one for me, Amy. You always will be.”
Amy snuggled furather into his embrace. “Yeah. Me too.” She should probably offer more. But she sucked at feelings too, almost as much as Jake did. They were a hell of a pair. At least they could be terrible at it together.
“I almost had a heart attack, seeing that napkin.” He drew back, and his smile had that familiar smirk. “Ha, heart attack, like the one you drew.”
She giggled. God she’d missed this. Missed him. “Seriously, this is the lowest-hanging fruit ever.”
He touched her cheek. “You know, I never asked you when your feelings for me stopped. I wondered, but I didn’t want to pry.”
Amy tangled her fingers in Jake’s hair. “They didn’t. You’ve got a curly-cued heart to prove it.”
“Okay, seriously, did you doodle in school? I have to know.”
“Sometimes. Late at night. Never in class.”
He smiled at her. “No, of course not. Someone might have seen you. Secret’s safe with me.”
Amy’s doodle did appear on their wedding invitations years later. Boyle, ever the romantic, framed his, and gave it to them as a gift on their one-year anniversary. So Jake + Amy was, eventually, framed and hung on a wall. Amy traced her fingers over it each time she walked by in the hallway, grateful that a silly hobby had been the key to Jake finding his way back to her.
Or, for them finding their way back to each other.
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sleepynobie · 7 years
19 Relationship Goals (707 x Reader)
(A/N: This would be my fav from all time lol XD)
1. Role Play
Zen: Guysss!! Hear me out!! I got an offer to become a model in one of the famous fashion company!
(Name): Congratulation Zen
Zen: Awww thank you ;). I guess they're really appreciate how awesome my body is. I am God's most majestic creation after all
(Name): ....
Zen: Hmm? Are you speechless right now? I know, I understand how you feel (Name)..
Zen: Uhh (Name)... Are you okay?
(Name): But that's what basically you're saying last night ;)
707: What?! No! Aghhh sorry Zen but I'll be right back
*707 left the chatroom*
(Name): Totally can't wait for tonight~
*(Name) left the chatroom*
Zen: ... These two...
2. Same Clothes
"Hey you two-" Yoosung waved happily as both of you finally arrived after waiting for a while to watch a movie together since he's looking forward for it too and need someone to watches with him. You two happened of wanting to watch as well so you didn't mind watching with him. However, Yoosung's expression changed into a horrified one when Seven wore a girly clothes with similar fashion as you.
"What? Why are you looking us weirdly?" You looked baffled before turning your attention to Seven "He looks pretty right?"
"Well of course duh. And today, I'll be Lucy okay?"
You giggled before nodding "Yes Lucy"
"Wait wait wait, what are you two trying to do? Why the hell are you dressing as a girl, Seven?" Yoosung asked and tried to comprehend what was the motive behind this.
"To make Yoosung for having two girlfriends!" Both of you said the same thing before clinging on his arm on each side.
"But the two of you are dating! Not me!"
"But you're our homie! Besides, don't you feel happy for having girls on your side? Right, (Name)?" Seven smiled to him before to you.
"I know right, Lucy!" You smiled back to him.
"Well detail doesn't matter. Anyway, let's just go in~" Seven cheered and you cheered as well before basically dragging him inside the cinema, much to Yoosung's dismay.
3. Switch Clothes
"Hellooo guys! Welcome to God 707's house!" Seven greeted the rest of the RFA members who came to celebrate the return of his twin brother before he dabbed.
However, it wasn't the real Seven.
"(N-Name)?! That's you right?" Zen asked.
You laughed and tapped his shoulder while pointing to yourself "What are you talking about? I'm Saeyoung! The cute tomato! Anyway, come in!"
Zen sweatdropped while Yoosung just chuckled nervously, Jaehee sighed, and Jumin... Just giving straight face as usual. However for them, what came worse was that when they looked at Seven... Dressing as you.
Seven was laying sideway on the couch while posing like that "Draw me like one of your french girls" meme. To make it even worse, he purposely showed his thigh since he was wearing dress of course. Meanwhile his brother could only facepalm from distance.
"Hey guys! Look how sexy I am~" Seven smirked seductively and trailed his fingers on his thigh. This made you blushed in embarrassment as it wasn't like what both of you planned and quickly chided him whereas Seven seems whining at how 'great' his idea was.
Zen was the one that received the most shock and seems traumatized by the sight. Yoosung facepalmed, sometimes wondering why was he his friend. Jaehee merely gave a 'wtf did I just see' look and Jumin felt uncomfortable but tried to compose himself.
But anyway, this is how you two usually do in daily life (and Saeran has to cope with this shit)
4. Texting ft. Puns and Flirting
(Name): If you're a fruit, you'll be a fine-apple ;)
Zen: What the? You just ruined the pick up line man!
(Name): I have a pen, I have pineapple, ugh, pineapple pen~!
Zen: Wha...
707: I have (Name), I have me, ugh, Mini me and (Name) *dabs*
(Name): *DABS*
Zen: .... You both really meant for each other huh
707: Of course we are a great pear right~
(Name): Indeed... I'm berry grapeful that I meet you, Seven <3
707: Aghh stop being adorable! Dammit, olive you so much!! *kiss emoji*
(Name): Awww... Your words are raisin my smile now X3
707: I guess someone does not found our conversation appeeling *shows a picture of him peeling off a banana* HAHAHAHA
*Zen left the chatroom*
5. Cleaning (Not really LOL)
"Hey, I was doing just fine before I met you, I drink too much and that's an issue, but I'm okay" You said started singing with your broom as the standing mic.
"Hey, you tell your friends it was nice to meet them, but I hope I never see them again" Seven continued with his duster as the mic.
"I know it breaks your heart, moved to the city in a broke-down car and" You then sang the next line before Seven took over again.
"Four years no calls, now you're looking pretty in a hotel bar"
Then both of you sang together "And I, I, I, I, I can't stop. No, I, I, I, I, I can't stop"
You two were about to get into the refrain where suddenly Vanderwood shouted "WOULD YOU STOP SINGING AND START FREAKING CLEANING?!"
Seven said in surrender before he grumbled "Okay okay... Even though you're the maid-"
"I can hear you"
"Let's continue on the next room" You whispered to him and Seven beamed before both of you chuckling together and went to the next room, claiming to clean it and left the current room on Vanderwood. But of course, you two were actually singing again until Vanderwood had to scold both of you again.
And that is why, Vanderwood will be their forever maid #shot
6. Gaming (First Person Shooter)
"I'm so sorry I got shot down a lot" You sighed and the other teammates were quite being a bitch when your team loses because of you.
"What are you talking about? You work really hard" Seven said before sighing too "Those guys are the one that being rude to you"
"Maybe... I should quit?"
"NO!" Seven replied before puffing his cheeks "Don't worry, this time I'm gonna make sure you're okay and win"
You looked confused but Seven seems confident looked reassuring so you shrugged it off. Turned out that he became a sniper and kept following you while shooting anyone that secretly tried to shoot you. Then, he told you the position of the enemies that are coming on your way. Thus, you ended up winning over even beating the number of kills by your teammates.
"Now who's the noobs here" Seven chuckled evilly as he typed sarcastically to piss them off. Although it was kinda cheating but you grinned at how adorable your boyfriend was for trying to make you feel better.
"Thanks Seven" You kissed his cheek which made him slightly blush before grinning.
"At least I managed to bang a girl~"
7. Defending from Your Ex
"Pfftt... That's your new boyfriend?" Your ex stifled a laugh as unfortunately he met you when you were on date.
"Well yes why? At least he's so much better than you" You blankly replied while Seven frowned at him.
"Whatttt? How is he better than me? Besides, I'm even already got a girl who's hotter than you" Your ex scoffed before laughing and you glared at him.
"Wow this guy is such an asshole" Seven stated and as your ex heard it, he instantly scowled at Seven.
"The hell did you just say?! You wanna fight with me?!"
You and Seven instantly looked at each other, as if knowing what to do next before suddenly you two began to perform a dance.
Seven and you held hand and he twirled you before you jumped into his arms as he carried you bridal style. This made your ex looked confused and Seven spun around before deliberately hitting your feet on his face.
He got taken aback by the hit before glaring as he was attempted to punch you. However, Seven crouched down and let you off him, managed to dodge your ex's punch before you quickly stood up and slapped on his face. This was followed by Seven where he slapped the other side.
"And thank you for watching. Have a nice day~" You smiled sarcastically before holding Seven's hand and walked away with him.
8. At the Water Park
You both sat on the float where you sat on the front part while Seven on the back. The staff then pushed the float before you both started sliding down on the slide. Of course since the slide that you chose was the super bowl, you two decided to sing a song while sliding down. And when it was on the bowl..
Even if there was another pair showing up, you didn't care at all and sang before eventually slid down into the hole and finished the slide.
"I think we nail it" Seven commented as he gave a hi-five which you returned and grinned.
"Totally~ That was fun! I just hope the staff doesn't kick us out"
(Based on real life experience LOL)
9. Beach
"Woah damn... She looks great on that beach dress" One of the guys whispered to his friend and he seems agreeing as it showed how they started to approach her.
The guys walked up to her and greeted until they realized, it wasn't a pretty lady that they expected.
"Well hello there gentlemen!" The 'lady' with long, yellow wavy hair smiled and began to flirt with them. Judging from the voice and the physical shape if you looked closely, it was obvious that this person wasn't a lady at all.
"My my, you two have a really nice physique" She said in rather seductive way as her fingers began to trail on one of the guys's abs. This created a chill on the guy before both of them began to back away as they wanted to escape.
"U-Umm... We have to go see ya!" The guy smiled nervously and even stuttering before quickly left the scene.
"Pfffttt! Their freakin reactions oh my God!" You came out from your hiding spot as you were recording the whole thing while the lady who turned out to be Seven just smirked proudly.
"I told you, I could pickup some guys!"
"Well you attracted them but they didn't want you sadly" You giggled.
"Yeah... I mean how could you just ignore this beautiful lady here right?" Seven sighed dramatically and you giggled even more.
"True! How could they ignore Lady Lucy!"
Seven laughed "I like that name. I should keep that name for my female self"
"Well then Lady Lucy! Let's test your luck whether you could get a man or not!"
He smirked and flipped his hair "Sure. I'll show you I can do it"
And one time, someone actually fell for it and Seven was absolutely horrified that he even got carried bridal style by the guy. You recorded the whole thing of course and shared to the RFA chatroom which made it worse for Seven as he felt slightly traumatized. So after that, you just gave him a full attention and comfort him by cuddling.
10. Karaoke
"Seven, we are going to sing unravel" You said and chose the song from the tablet.
"Huwaa... You want to strain our voices huh?"
"More like, I wanna scare the staff when they brought our food and drinks" You grinned mischievously and Seven who didn't think of that suddenly grinned along with you before taking the mic.
You both started singing and of course you tried to follow the high notes but ended up not so good. But Seven managed to sing high notes which made you jealous but whatever, what matters was the fun part right? Fortunately, just a good timing (Well you sort of predict it but yeah), the staff came into the room and you were practically screaming starting from the refrain.
The staff put the food and the drinks awkwardly. Out of nowhere, it was Seven's turn especially when he was hiding behind the door the whole time. Oh and did I mention the room was dark with only the TV screen to illuminate the room? So yes, it was certainly creating a jump scare for the staff.
You both heard the staff screamed before she quickly walked out and closed the door. You both felt slightly guilty but it was certainly a successful prank as both of you gave hi-five to each other.
"I think she's gonna hate us"
"She probably blacklist us but oh well, let's finish this song!"
11. Gaming (Console games)
You sat comfortably on Seven's laps and rested your back against his torso while he sat on the gaming floor chair. Both of you were competing on a fighting game where somehow you were leading because of the miracle of pressing random buttons. Seven pouted as he lost again and you cheered before grinning to him.
"Looks like I win again~"
"Yeah and this time you keep using the same freaking move. That's not fair"
You shrugged before returning to the screen "Well, let's play one more time cause I wanna eat Honey Buddha Chips already"
Seven nodded and you two played another round. Well of course you had to use the same technique although Seven managed to counter as he began to get used to it. However, what surprised you was that suddenly, you felt something on your neck which made you instantly blush when you knew what it was.
"S-Seven?! You're.. Distracting me!"
But of course this boy paid no heed as he continued to do it until he finally managed to beat you.
"Yes! Defender of Justice finally prevails!" Seven cheered and you were silent for a moment as you lowered your head down. This made him look confused of course, wondering if he made you angry because he was kinda cheating.
"(Name)? Umm..-"
However suddenly, you stood up and straddled on his laps with you facing him. You gave an 'innocent' smile although your intention didn't seem innocent at all.
"I suppose I have to pay back for what you did to me huh, Seven?"
Seven widen you eyes and chuckled nervously before welp, it wasn't a gaming session anymore.
12. Couple Photo
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"Okay... What the actual frisk Saeyoung? Do you want me to break my bones?"
You gave a blank look when he pointed a couple photo that both of you looked through using his computer since you kinda wanted to do a unique one but you need inspiration.
Seven chuckled nervously "I'm just kidding.. But this looks so cool right? There are a lot of pictures like this too"
You sighed before scrolling down to search other photos "Well sorry to disappoint you that I'm not that flexible. I'm just a potato okay?"
"Well a cute potato indeed" Seven grinned "And I never say I'm disappointed. Why would I when my girl is perfect as she is?"
A blush appeared on your face before you smiled and punched his shoulder playfully "Shut up"
You both then kept searching for pictures but somehow you felt something lacking. They were all indeed cute and different but they didn't really define both of you.
"Hmm... I want to show something that is cute but it defines how we are... What do people think of us though?" You asked Seven.
"Well.. Memes, cats, and cross dressing?" He replied and immediately you laughed at how accurate that was.
"Should we combine them all and create our own couple photo?"
Seven nodded and with some inspirations that you received by googling, you two began on your couple photo shoot. Oh and unfortunately for Saeran, he will have to be your photographer since Seven begs for it LOL.
And this is how it becomes.
Yeap. Seven sits with leg on each side of your shoulders while dabbing to the same direction. Oh and also, you both wore neko mimis
(Name): I am just that strong lol
Seven: She is~ I'm so proud of my girl, I love you <3
(Name): (///) Awww I love you too <3
Zen: Oh no... DID YOU TWO REALLY HAVE TO DO THIS? REALLY? Dammit I just sneezed..
(Name): YEAHHH
Jaehee: ...
Seven: I'm always on top of her ;)
(Name): No! I can be on top of you!
Jaehee: Poor you that you have been deceived
Yoosung: What? O.o
Saeran: Basically, my idiot brother cross dress as (Name) and vice versa
Seven: Eyyyy Saeran is here!
Saeran: Shut up
Yoosung: EEHHHHH?!
(Name): Booo, it's spoiled already
Seven: But it's one of my favorites! We have some others too~
And Seven began spamming with pictures of both of you mostly dab but in different poses. One with you sitting on his laps, stand next to each other and dab on opposite direction, Seven cross dress as you carrying you as Seven bridal style (and of course with you dab), your and his phone next to each other where you dress as Honey Buddha Chips on his phone and Seven as Dr. Pepper on yours, and lastly the most normal one from all are the selfie of both of you with neko mimi and duck lips from the chips.
"Should we make a unique family picture next time?" You asked and Seven nodded excitedly before grinning at Saeran.
"It will be great right, Saeran?"
Saeran gave a disapproved look "No. Exclude me"
13. Trolling
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Seven: We did the trend! (A/N: Just pretend it's really you two with your original clothes and all okay lol)
Zen: Oh! (Name) is so pretty!
Seven: Of course she is! That's my girl ^^
Yoosung: You two make me jealous T^T. Stapphh
(Name): Hihihi thanks Zen! And Yoosung, you will get one someday!
Yoosung: Thanks (Name)! I hope she appears soon!
Seven: *Sends his cross dressing picture*
(Name): Seven... Are you gonna cheat on me..?"
Seven: Of course not! I just thought Yoosung will like it ;)
Yoosung: BRO, NO. Oh my God, (Name), I totally don't like this kind of stuff okay?
Zen: What the hell Seven? This is a nightmare.. I have traumatized enough by your previous picture
(Name): Umm... *Backs away*
Seven: Pffttt
Seven: Ehhh why? T^T
Yoosung: (Name) is gonna think weirdly on me... OTL
(Name): Pfftt I'm just joking Yoosung, don't worry!
Seven: Yeah chill man
Yoosung: Huh? Really? Wait... You both just teased me together, didn't you?
(Name): Hehehe sorry Yoosung~ You're just so cute XD
Yoosung: Meanie T^T
Zen: These two..
Jaehee: That's a pretty picture. Finally something normal from you two
Seven: Hey! What's that suppose to mean?
(Name): Thanks Jaehee ^^
Jaehee: It's true. Both of you always send either cross dressing pictures or cats or memes
(Name): Pfftt
Seven: Well that's what we always do and we never change that
Zen: Huh? What do you mean?
Jaehee: Wait.. Are you saying that..
Jumin: The picture in there is Seven, not (Name)
Seven: Oh! Juju is here!
Yoosung: WHAT?!
Jaehee: *sigh emoji*
Seven: Yeap. So thank you for calling me pretty ;)
Zen: .... I'm gonna smoke for a while
Jumin: *Resend the picture plus the one for Yoosung*
*Zen left the chatroom*
Yoosung: I feel like I can't trust any photo you send me
Jaehee: That's just how they are
Seven: Yeap so stay tune for the next picture to see whether it is me or the real (Name) B)
(Name): Hihihihihi
14. Matching accessories
"Seven, Seven!" You smiled as you came to him with your hands on the back.
"Yes, what is it my dear 606?" Seven grinned and turned his attention from his computer.
"There's something I wanna give since you know, we are a couple and all" You said before you gave a small box of present to him. Seven looked slightly surprised of course since it was the first time after you two just become a couple. He opened the box excitedly while you just watched him happily. The present turned out to be a couple bracelet which he just noticed after seeing you wear one of the bracelets. What he loved the most was how you remembered about his proposal of marriage in space, therefore there was a decoration which was a small UFO spaceship with you inside. The one that you wore was the one with Seven inside and really, he found them super adorable.
"So umm... Did you like it..?" You asked sheepishly and suddenly, Seven enveloped you into a hug before burying his face on your shoulder.
"I love it so much. Thank you (Name)"
You smiled and hugged him back.. Before slightly panicking when you heard a small sob coming from Seven. Later on, you both started wearing it together and even showed it to the RFA members of course on how cute you are.
"Relationship goals guys!"
"Shut up!"
15. Hiking
"Oh my God is this still long?" You whined as you and Seven had gone for hiking as holiday. However, you didn't expect it to be this long.
"A bit more (Name)! It will be worth it, really" Seven said as he tried to motivate you.
"That's what you said a while ago" You pouted "Piggyback me, Seven!"
"I wish I can but, I have backpack to carry you know" Seven said and held your hand "Come on, I thought we're going to take a photo like in Lion King?"
You looked at him before sighing "Of course, that's why we are the meme couple"
Seven and you held hands and you asked him to distract you from the tiredness, only to slightly regret when he kept bombarding you with puns that made you lose from being able to counter him.
"Gahhh I run out puns!"
He chuckled "Too bad, I guess you will never beat me in terms of puns then"
"Shut up"
Both of you kept going until finally, you could saw the goal already where you were on top of the mountain. The view was mesmerizing at the greenery of the other mountains and trees which complemented the blue sky. You hugged him in joy as both of you achieved it before starting to selfie together.
And of course, the moment has come.
"It's about the time... We create the beloved pose of Lion King" Seven said and you nodded before he carried the long cat plushie that he brought (lol) and posed like in Lion King. You took the photo before you asked him to take one for you too.
"Yessss, this is gold!" You said excitedly and Seven grinned until suddenly, he had an idea that he wanted to try.
"Do you want me to carry you like in Lion King?"
You widen your eyes and pondered for a bit. Well, you brought the tripod and camera so you could put the timer but could Seven actually carry you?
"Umm.. Will it be fine though?"
"It's gonna be fine! Trust me okay?"
You nodded and Seven smiled before you prepared the camera and quickly went to Seven as he started carrying you while you curled to make you smaller. It required a couple of takes as Seven couldn't able to hold properly that you felt that you nearly died before finally, you got one.
"This is just so beautiful" Seven said dramatically and wiped his non existent tears.
"Yeah that almost cost my life" You deadpanned before sighing "Let's never do that again"
Seven chuckled "Yeah... I don't wanna risk losing my girlfriend after all"
16. Surprise Present
Most couple gave flowers, chocolates, or even teddy bears for his girlfriend. However, this would be a different case for Seven as right now, he was waiting for your reaction upon seeing the present.
"Seven, I'm home-" You widen your eyes as you saw a huge box and you suspected that it would be another Seven's shenanigans.
"You're in there, aren't you?" You muttered and frowned before you pulled the ribbon and took the cover part. You expected that he would suddenly stand up and appear to surprise you which you had predicted of course but instead, you found a bunch of Honey Buddha Chips.
"Uhh.. Okay... Maybe it's a gift for Seven?"
"No! It's a gift for you!"
Seven said as he suddenly appeared from the box and stood up, spreading his arms to hug you. You widen your eyes before shrieking in surprise and took a step back instinctively. You panted and clutched your chest as you tried to breath and calmed down, making Seven laughed.
"Mission success! Surprise, (Name)!"
You glared at Seven for a bit, only then to look amazed when you noticed he was wearing white cat onesie.
"So... This is my surprise present?"
"Yes!" Seven grinned "It's me and this"
He dug into the box before taking another onesie which is a black cat onesie "Let's wear this together, meow!"
You looked at awe as you took the onesie before you quickly changed it in bathroom. You then walked out and grinned where Seven who was already out of the box, smiling at you.
"My girl looks so adorable~"
"You're more adorable!" You said before tackling him into a hug "Thank you so much for this! I always want an animal onesie!"
Seven grinned "Your welcome! Oh yeah, I also bought your favorite cake so if you want, you can take it in the fridge"
You beamed before giving a kiss on his cheek "Oh my God I love you so much! Let's eat together, Seven!"
Seven nodded before both of you shared the cake while still wearing the onesies.
17. When you're down
There would always be time when you just felt depressed and hated yourself. Feeling useless, worthless, do not even deserve anything that you wished you just disappear. You tried to mask it with cheerful face as you didn't want to worry Seven but of course, he had been through this before and he knew, your smile seems different these days that he decided to confront it.
When he heard that you had been feeling down lately because you felt that you had so much flaw and didn't have any good points, his heart just shattered. What do you mean by not having good points? Having a lot of flaws? That weren't in his dictionary. He defines you as someone who saves him. Someone who is perfect and means a world, no, a galaxy even to him. For someone that actually can made Seven think like this, he was sure that you were very important to him.
In that whole day, Seven was beside you and comforted you by cuddling. However later on when you suddenly fell a sleep, he spent the time to take a book and started writing on each page of one good point that you have and why there is no reason for you to think such negative thoughts. Ever since that incident, whenever you felt down, you would cuddle with him and read the book that he made for you as you read one by one.
"What do you mean I'm like Katniss?"
"Because you're strong and admirable?
"There are other strong women out there though"
"Yeah but-"
"And Katniss is only a fictional character. There are real strong and admirable women like Joan-"
"Okay it's just that there is cat there okay? You know Katniss? Cat-"
"Oh my God okay. I got it, Seven. Say no more"
18. Playing music
It was a night time where you both managed to find a quiet place and sat on the grass. For some reasons, you were feeling a bit sentimental that you actually brought a guitar and had been wanting to sing something, especially for your boyfriend when he had been the most precious person for you. And so, after both of you spent time for stargazing, you decided to start singing as a song came up into your mind.
"Eh really? You're gonna sing a song for me?" Seven looked excited and you nodded before you started strumming on your guitar and sang.
I'm telling you
I softly whisper
Tonight, tonight
You are my angel
Seven widen his eyes at how familiar this song was since not only it was one of your favorite but this song was really emotional.
Aishiteru yo
Futari wa hitotsu ni
Tonight, tonight
I just to say...
Seven smiled and closed his eyes as he enjoyed listening to you.
Wherever you are, I'll always make you smile
Wherever you are, I'm always by your side
Whatever you say, kimi wo omou kimochi
I promise you "forever" right now
You smiled at Seven before continued singing again.
I don't need a reason
I just want you, baby
Alright, alright
Day after day
Kono saki nagai koto zutto
Douka konna boku to zutto
Shinu made
Stay with me
We carry on...
Suddenly, Seven somehow sang along with you which surprised you slightly you before singing along with him.
Wherever you are, I'll always make you smile
Wherever you are, I'm always by your side
Whatever you say, kimi wo omou kimochi
I promise you "forever" right now
Wherever you are, I'll never make you cry
Wherever you are, I'll never say goodbye
Whatever you say, kimi wo omou kimochi
I promise you "forever" right now
Then you let him sang solo.
Bokura ga deatta hi wa futari ni totte ichiban me no kinen no subeki hi da ne Soshite kyou to iu hi wa futari ni totte niban me no kinen no subeki hi da ne
You whistled at Seven at how good he was at singing where he just grinned sheepishly. Then both of you continued again.
Kokoro kara aiseru hito
Kokoro kara itoshii hito
Kono boku no ai no mannaka ni wa
Itsumo kimi ga iru kara
Wherever you are, I'll always make you smile
Wherever you are, I'm always by your side
Whatever you say, kimi wo omou kimochi
I promise you "forever" right now
Wherever you are
Wherever you are
Wherever you are
Seven clapped his hands while you giggled slightly before smiling.
"I hope this song goes through you"
He then stopped clapping before he smiled and leaned to you, pressing his lips on you.
"It certainly did" He said after pulling away from you.
(A/N: It’s One Ok Rock - Wherever You Are just in case if anyone wants to know XD)
19. Birthday
"Seven? Are we there yet?"
"Nope, just wait a bit longer"
You sighed as you were currently being blindfolded while Seven was leading to God knows where since he said it was the best birthday present you could get. Well you were looking forward for it of course but being unable to see for long time felt uncomfortable for you.
"Not yet. I know you're excited but we're almost there"
You both kept walking and Seven kept entertained you by joking so you could just get distracted for a while from the complain of haven't reached the place yet. But after a while, you two finally arrived and Seven was ready to took off your blindfold.
"Are you ready (Name)?"
"I always am! Now take it off"
He laughed before he took it off, only to reveal you a blank space while he quickly took a VR and the controller.
"Wait.. What is going to happen?"
"Wear the goggle first and hold the controller okay?" Seven said and helped you to wear it which you nodded. Just when you wore the goggle, you noticed that the controller had a function as a brush. Therefore, you began to get excited as it seems to be something that you thought it would be impossible.
"No way... I could draw anything here?"
"Yeap" Seven said after wearing the goggle too "I mean don't you always want to draw in larger scale? This room will be your canvas, (Name)"
You screamed in excitement before hugging Seven, with the careful of not hitting the goggle of course.
"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God! This is awesome!" You said and couldn't helped but squealing before you started drawing. But then suddenly, you had an idea as you wanted to draw a space and then maybe you both could take a picture with it?
"But you do realise it's only in VR right?" Seven asked and you looked as if you just realized before feeling disappointed.
"Oh yeah... It won't happen in real world... We won't have our wedding in space..."
"But that doesn't mean it's impossible to do~"
Seven grinned and you looked confused but he told you to draw to your heart content. Although you still felt slightly sad about it but you decided to enjoy right now when you could as you drew the planets, milky way, even the terrifying black hole lol. But you also draw the beloved UFO Spaceship and also rockets along with the astronauts.
"Seven, are you drawing Nyan cat?"
"Yes. Yes, I am"
You laughed and let him be with the drawing while you continued on your own. Seven also added Elizabeth 3rd because he wanted it to be here even though he couldn't get it in real life. After you are all done, you took a look around again before you took off the goggle. To be honest if it was even possible, you would want to stay in VR and enjoy this everyday. However, Seven asked you to remove as he already removed his and you had no choice but to remove. But suddenly when you thought it would disappear as soon as you took off the goggle, they didn't disappear and instead remain the same.
"No way... Holograms?" You asked and Seven nodded before grinning.
"It took a lot of efforts to be honest. I have to request Jumin earlier and planned to use my money to pay him. But he refused since he said to use it when we actually have the wedding in space so this kinda ended up not from me-"
"But you thought of this right?" You said before smiling warmly and hugged him "Thank you so much! This is really the best present I ever receive! I had so much fun!"
Seven smiled and hugged you back "Ah yeah, you know when we cosplay with our wedding clothes?"
"I brought it here. And at least I hire a photographer to take the photo for us~"
You widen your eyes and pulled back before you heard someone entered the room.
"Oi, let's get this over with" Saeran said coldly and you beamed before hugging Saeran as you thanked him.
"Alright! Let's have our wedding in the space that you've created, (Name)" Seven said and you nodded before grinning.
"It's me and you, idiot! But yes, let's have our wedding here~"
And both of you changed to the wedding clothes and actually performed a little ceremony with Saeran as the priest (LOL) while he was recording the whole thing. Then of course, both of you took a lot of photos with different poses and this had become the most favorite picture that you have.
"We definitely need to have this at home"
"Ah yeah... The VR is your present too"
(A/N: This is what I meant for the VR thing XD)
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