divinelyjinxed · 4 years
when you try to do minimal damage to a pokemon to capture it, but instead kill it
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divinelyjinxed · 5 years
Unpopular opinion
“Skyrim runs on everything” meme is just a shitty knockoff of “Doom runs on everything”. But less funny because people DO genuinely actually get Doom running on toasters and ATMs in real life.
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All those pictures are 100% real and unedited.
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divinelyjinxed · 5 years
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Jessie with a Dreepy is my new favorite thing. Please give her one. They’d be a great team.
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divinelyjinxed · 5 years
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Some plague doctor valentines for whoever you find absolutely sickening
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divinelyjinxed · 5 years
@ anyone who plays dnd, I know there’s variant systems for tieflings out there already, but what’s your fave? I personally like one I had an idea for which is expanding on the non demonic side of the lineage, such as a tiefling who had, say, a Dragonborn parent as opposed to a human (I do this by adding/adjusting some physical features and then taking one ability (e.g. I have a drow tiefling who took the superior dark vision with the sunlight sensitivity) of the nondemonic parent, and then the rest is tiefling features/abilities)
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divinelyjinxed · 6 years
either of my husbands: does anything
me, immediately: 
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divinelyjinxed · 6 years
Their crown is forged of spare flower petals, all beautifully chained together with the delicate hands the fae are known for
Some of them roses, from how much they can love
Some of them lillies, from grief they've suffered
All those petals hold meaning, each meaning being significant for them
They've made themself into a lovely bouquet of emotion and dedication, repurposing what others know as scrap into something beautiful
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divinelyjinxed · 6 years
His crown was forged from a broken halo, shining bright from the heat his fall brought to him
That same fall that changed white to charcoal
That burnt the gold from those amber eyes
The fall that served as a forge that made him stronger for it after all was done, even if he could have easily broken like a malleable metal at first
He forged himself into a fine king from the flame that came with his fall, making a broken symbol of conformity and blind following into one of beautiful rebellion and reform
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divinelyjinxed · 6 years
I wish to be able to comfort you.
I wish that this damnable distance from you didn't hinder my ability to be good to you.
I wish I wasn't in this weak vessel, with not a power to do a thing.
I wish only to be able to bring you what you want and need, and not have something be in the way of that.
There's many things I wish I could do for you, and I wish it wasn't as hard as it was to do those things.
Beloved little fae, I would do anything your little heart so wanted if I could.
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divinelyjinxed · 6 years
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How do you kill a god?
That’s fairly easy to answer, actually, 
make the one thing that they crave be 
... so, a memory appeared today
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divinelyjinxed · 6 years
my heart aches for a place i can no longer go, ground i can no longer tread, a plane i no longer have access to, faces i no longer get to see
and it hurts
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divinelyjinxed · 6 years
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divinelyjinxed · 6 years
so a bitch figured out how to change their soul based colours from black and white to every other colour nICE (i’m gonna replace the colour based tags to pronoun tags bc,,, for some reason i gave them both pronouns) (it stuck)
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divinelyjinxed · 7 years
unpopular opinion, probably: heaven is overrated as fuck
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divinelyjinxed · 7 years
Sometimes, holy light is that of a single, functioning bulb in a light fixture.
Sometimes, a prayer is just the tune you hum that reminds you of someone.
Sometimes, deliverance is in the person who you wait so desperately for, and you know they’re coming soon.
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divinelyjinxed · 7 years
I find myself afraid of the forest nowadays
It used to not be so
A friend who lived there would always be by me
Him and his several dozen little friends
But then, I disappeared for a while
And I no longer have his secure watch over me
Though lately, I feel like that's wrong
Perhaps he still watches me in the woods, keeping me safe... or at least trying
Maybe I should go visit him, or be close as I can to it
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divinelyjinxed · 7 years
Just get away from me, please just stop touching me,
You’re always trying to be somebody else
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