#goo transformation
gothycollie · 4 months
Freshly sealed drone!
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Tf sequence commission for anonymous!
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jzp-art · 7 months
grow 104
something sticky can be strong and helpfully, to some people
like what you see, little tips help me out - http://ko-fi.com/jzpart
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spaceringz · 1 year
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If Dullahan likes, Dullahan gets!
Being a squeaky, greedy pool toy isn't so bad, after all~!
Finished piece for Anon! 🤍
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laserkittydraws · 9 days
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WWCO Bucket of YCH
This bucket was very fun to draw. We got some goopy orbs. The nanites are eating hole through the side of the bucket. Bucket of YCH of whenwolvescryout
Find me elsewhere: DeviantArt: LaserKittyDraws | BlueSky: LaserKittyDraws | Tumblr: LaserKittyDraws Mastodon: pawb.fun/@laserkittydraws | FurAffinity: LaserKittyDraws | Toyhouse: laserkittydraws | Itaku: laserkittydraws
Like what I draw? Consider supporting me on Ko-Fi Even a little amount won't go unnoticed
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nataliaproductions80 · 9 months
Day 4
Noah got Transfurred with Gangster Toy Freddy
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fictomorph · 10 months
Soot Tags (Roy Mustang TF/TG/MC)
WARNING: This story contains transformation, female to male TG, slime as a TF method, mental change, and reality change
“Ugh. This place looks horrible.”
That was all Ember had to say. The young girl ran her own business as a freelance cleaner, doing any job that paid well enough. So when an offer came to her from a couple of realtors for $3000 to clean a two story house, of course she accepted. Those usually took two to three hours, and would be well worth it. However, she should’ve remembered there’s always a catch for these kinds of jobs. As it turned out, the house had recently been in a fire, and the inside was seared to a crisp. It seemed structurally sound, she checked with a testing whack of the door frame. No debris, but a bit of dust and soot fell. More of a mess for her, but she wasn’t about to die, so...if she was lucky she could get it done by 6.
The hours of tedium passed as they always did, and at 3, Ember had almost finished the first floor. She decided to take a quick break, sitting at the heavily-scrubbed kitchen table. She’d catch her breath, move onto the first floor, and be done with it, she thought as she wiped sweat from her ginger brow. She was about to give herself a good 20 minutes of YouTube before her eyes caught something in the corner. Getting up, she carefully approached it, scared it might be some form of animal. Gripping the handle of her broom tight, she batted at it, only to sigh.
It wasn’t anything alive, but it was still rather odd. It looked like some kind of thick black spiderweb. She paused, looking over it. She had seen these before...what were they? Oh yea! Soot tags! They showed up after fires, something to do with soot particles and low circulation. She reached up to bat them away, only to pause. She’d never actually ran into these before...was she supposed to grab them? She remembered you weren’t supposed to wet soot because that would just make it smear more….if she grabbed them dry, it'd probably be fine.
Tugging on a pair of thick rubber gloves, she reached up to the corner and spooled the soot around her hands, like some kind of goth cotton candy. Pulling her hand back down, she noted a few strands were still there, but it looked like she got most of them. She went to pull her glove off, only to hesitate. Yeesh. The thing had almost completely coated her hand, staining it with its almost ink-like form. At least she still had that other glove...she tried to tug it off with her other hand, only for the tag to almost jump to her other hand!
“The hell? Okay, maybe it’s like…..static charge or something.” She nudged the sink’s handle, almost surprised the water was still running. However, she got a nasty shock as when she tried to wash the soot off, it instead jumped further down her arms! What’s more was the realization that her thick rubber gloves had become silk and stain free, a red lizard marking the back of one. Okay, she may not be an expert on soot tags, but she knew they couldn’t do THIS!
It began to creep up her arms, the thick goo soaking her arms in dark blue fabric. Her frame seemed to tug out, a new coat of lean muscle under the sleeves. She could feel its tendrils wrapping around her, tugging her middle longer, coils causing muscle to appear along her middle. The deep blue became more and more tied to her, small accents of white manifesting along her chest to give the goo a more uniform look.
“I-It won’t come off!” She grabbed at her chest, trying to pull the adhesive off of her. Her chest and shoulders broadened, bones clicking into place. She felt it pour down her legs, growing taller as they pressed out into sleek deep blue dress pants. Even her feet weren’t immune, somewhat grubby sneakers gaining a coat of polish as they became dark black leather.
“What the hell is this stuff-mmmph!” It crept up her face, the taste of overly burnt meat coating her tongue as she was unfortunate enough to get some in her mouth. She felt the soot reshaping her face, jawline becoming sharper and more defined, brown eyes deepening to the same pitch as the soot and taking on a more stern, determined look. The most notable change was her hair, as the soot had wrapped into the fibers of her hair, charring it dark and chopping off a decent chunk.
“G-Get off me!” Her mind was so overrun with panic she didn’t even notice how her voice had changed, now that of a stern (if slightly mischievous) authoritative figure. She had been blinded by the soot, it like a thick, overly applied face mask. Her head began to spin, she assumed from the fumes the soot had to be producing.
She….no, that wasn’t right. He held his head, finally managing to find a weak spot in the soot’s grasp as he pulled it off, gasping.
“Hm?” Riza poked her head in the room, confused. “Is something wrong, Colonel?”
Roy Mustang snapped to attention, looking back at Riza. The two were investigating a house that had burned down mysterious, signs pointing to it being foul play. “No, all’s fine. I did find these, though.” He revealed the soot tag in his hand, soon scraping it into a jar. “Soot tags. They only appear when a fire is caused by an artificial substance, meaning this wasn’t some stove that just got left on.”
“Hm, that’s certainly something.” Riza took the jar from Roy, looking over it. “Nice find. I’ll leave you be to the rest of your work.” Roy scoffed, leaving his assistant to walk away. That was probably all he’d find here...didn’t see too much of a reason to burn this place down.
Ah well, he shrugged. Just another day at the office.
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karma-iacobus · 2 years
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CHANGED GOAT CHANGED GOAT?!! (doodle insp. by @/DragonSnow4 's Changed)
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riuterlabs · 7 months
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NOMBRE: Esther Toledano
ESPECIE: Plasmoide.
FORMA DE VIDA: Levaduras y Bacterias varias.
13:48 del 14º de Adamar del 171 del 6º eón.
+¿Desde cuándo eres TÚ la jefa? ¿Y quién te ha dado la potestad para serlo?+
Desde que literalmente yo fui una de las fundadoras y Yo misma.
¿Qué? ¿De verdad no sabes quién fundó los laboratorios Riuter?
+Pues, Gums y varios socios de la Revolución fallida+
Sí, exacto. ¿Quiénes?
+Un doctor en maleobiología+
+Una doctora en computación y matemáticas para los temas informáticos+
Santa Alicia, es decir, mi mujer.
+Y una experta en manipulación genética y de cualquier ciencia e ingeniería+
Sí, yo.
Lo que me parece raro es que no te haya hablado de mi, teniendo en cuenta que ahora mismo estás en mi departamento.
Continuando mis investigaciones, de hecho.
+Oh, no, no lo sabía+
Normal, cosas de ciertas personas de las que menos mal que nos desvinculamos.
+¿Puedo saber quiénes son?+
Ahora no, que me pillas un poquito ocupada.
Ya quedaremos luego.
+¿Dónde, exactamente?+
En mi casa, lógicamente.
Cam, por favor, ya va siendo hora de que conozcas a la familia de tu maravillosa mujer.
Inicio del registro de formas de Vida maleables apartado 1 subapartado 2 sujeto 1.
Saludos, aquí la Doctora Yulva Maltarum.
No sabéis lo bien que sienta estar de vuelta, después de décadas de estar prisionera entre tanto, oro. ¿Sabéis? Cuando una se tira más de 20 años metida entre tanto oro, tiende a entender por qué se utiliza tan poco en las cosas estéticas, solo joyas, rebordes de armaduras…
Aunque si hay una única cosa para lo que se debería usar es para electrónica y química.
El oro es maravilloso para contener sustancias peligrosas, siempre que estén frías, claro. Pero siempre viene bien tener un frasco de oro a mano para ácidos o esas cosas.
Ácidos y sustancias peligrosas como las que usa el sujeto de la investigación actual (Madre mía, como hilo), un personaje, interesante cuanto menos.
Esther Toledano, nacida bajo el nombre de Héctor Roberto Toledano (Nombre que solo doy por ámbito informativo, no por referirme a ella con él, sé de primera mano lo mucho que duele y molesta usar los Nombres muertos de la gente), o por su nombre completo, Esther Marie Hellen Robert Theresa Prostero Toledano (Y luego la mala para los nombres soy yo), o simplemente llamada Esthuh por su sumisa y adorable pareja, Uriel Von Kers, es la última del cuarteto denominado “Los Huevos Libres” (…), y la persona que se dedicaba a cocinar y sintetizar, asistida por Thomson, claro, las hormonas que posteriormente Uriel acabaría vendiendo por los bajos fondos de la universidad de Libertas.
Pero mejor hablemos un poco de ella como persona.
Se rumorea que Esthuh nació en el seno de una familia de ascendencia de una galaxia cercana, un planeta llamado Edén o Dóminus, aunque creo que sus habitantes lo llaman de otra forma, una que empieza por T, creo, ahora no me acuerdo, da igual.
Como ya sabréis, Esther estudió Química en la Universidad de Libertas en la misma promoción que las anteriormente citadas. Y fue precisamente en ese momento en el que puso sus conocimientos a prueba y en uso, exacto, cocinando hormonas y diversas drogas que posteriormente vendería, pero me estoy repitiendo.
Después de terminar sus estudios, Esther se desvinculó un poco del resto del grupo, pero por suerte para ella, no cortó su relación con Uriel, por lo que al sentirse atascada en su investigación al no poder refinar más sus ya impresionantes productos, decidió buscar una manera alternativa. Fue hace ya uno o dos años cuando Uriel se presentó en mi prisión con una preciosa mujer encerrada en una máscara y que encima tenía la ambición y el espíritu científico que tanto me gusta. Así que, servidora solo pudo hacer una cosa. Le di una muestra de uno de los tipos de virus plasmoide más raros, tipo 2 de bacterias y hongos. Ella aceptó, lógicamente, y se inyectó el vial en la sangradura del brazo lo más rápido posible.
Un par de días después, ya había aprendido a controlar hasta el último orgánulo de su gelatinoso y viscoso cuerpo, don que usaba para precisamente conseguir las formas más puras e intensas de sus dos productos estrella: Pink Boy, el más vendido, una versión tan potente de los habituales suplementos de testosterona que solo tomándote uno deberías no tener que tomarlos en meses y la ‘Zure Gal, exactamente el mismo concepto pero con un cóctel de hormonas femeninas tan potente que provocaba una transición perfecta en una o dos semanas tan solo con tomarte una pastilla. Sin embargo, y como claramente de tonta no tiene un pelo, le puso un truco al Pink Boy, sí, te da un subidón de testosterona y andrógenos, pero, precisamente por eso tu tolerancia aumentaría al mismo tiempo que tu sensibilidad a los estrógenos atmosféricos.
Gracias a sus dos productos, Esther consiguió hacerse un hueco en los Enclaves Libres, hasta el punto de convertirse en la principal proveedora de suplementos en todo el hemisferio occidental del planeta.
Ahora mismo está en este edificio, probando una nueva receta experimental, una receta secreta que nos ayudará más adelante.
En cuanto a la imagen propiamente dicha, podemos ver a Esther en uno de sus múltiples tanques reactores, los cuales usa precisamente para la cocina de sus productos estrella. Su proceso suele consistir en derretir todo su cuerpo, llenando el tanque con él, solo para después verter los reactivos y catalizadores necesarios para la reacción.
En este caso, podemos observar el último paso necesario para la síntesis de sus dos productos estrella, el Pink Boy, ese líquido magenta que se está vertiendo y conduciendo por todo su cuerpo, dejando cristales brillantes a su paso, y la ‘Zure Gal, el fluido azul oscuro que acaba cristalizado a su lado. Precisamente usa una serie de movimientos rítmicos para bombear ambas sustancias a lo largo de todo su cuerpo, hasta que acaban mezcladas en el remolino verde que es su cuerpo y, finalmente, cristalizar.
En el propio tanque podemos apreciar dos barras, las cuales indican la cantidad sintetizada en esta remesa, y un pequeño cartel con un emblema formado por cuatro huevos, uno de caramelo con una T, otro de gelatina morada con una S, uno metálico con una K roja brillante y uno de una sustancia verde gelatinosa burbujeante con otra T, exacto, se trata del emblema actualizado de los propios huevos libres, obviamente.
Y finalmente solo quedaría por ver la pareja de carteles a su espalda, el de arriba siendo un anuncio de su “empresa química” Toledano y Compañía, y el de abajo siendo una tabla de precios para sus productos, costando la ‘Zure Gal la módica cantidad de 600 libres el gramo (cómo se nota que aquí no falta el estrógeno) y el Pink Boy la ingente y nada desdeñable cantidad de 50.000 Libres el gramo (Sí, varios sueldos de gente extremadamente rica) los cuales precisamente demuestran la calidad de su producto, viendo cuánto se venden.
Y así llegamos al final de otro estudio.
Esperad noticias pronto, porque precisamente me quedan un par de estudios que publicar en el mes que empieza pasado mañana (No, nunca me acostumbraré a este planeta y sus meses de 15 días Y ESO QUE LO CREARON PARA MI)
Incluyendo alguna vieja conocida y personas extremadamente importantes para la consistencia y futuro de este planeta.
Un saludo, un beso y un abrazo de vuestra madre que espera que tengáis la decencia de darle nietos.
Doctora Yulva Maltarum
NAME: Esther Toledano
SPECIES: Plasmoid
SUBSPECIES: Type 2 plasmoid
LIFEFORM: Yeasts and Bacteria
13:48 of the 14th of Adamar of 171 of 6º aeon.
+Since when are YOU chief Director? And who allowed you to be it?+
Since I literally am one of the founders, and myself.
What? Do you really not know who founded the Riuter Labs?
+Well, Gums and some of the Failed Revolution generals+
Yes, exactly, but, Do you know who?
+A Malleobiology Doctor+
+A Math and Computer Science Doctor+
Saint Alice, AKA, my beloved wife.
+And an expert in genetics and any engineering and science known+
Yes, good old me.
Honestly, what’s puzzling me is why he has never told you about me, since you are now in my section of the labs.
And you are, in fact, working on my unfinished investigations.
+Oh, well… I didn’t know, sorry+
Understandable, there are some people who didn’t want anyone to know about me, people we finally left in our past.
+Can you tell me about them?+
Not now, I am pretty busy.
We’ll talk about them later.
In my place, obviously.
Cam, please, I think is finally time for you to meet your wonderful wife’s family.
Beginning of the registry of Malleable Lifeforms, section 1, subsection 2, subject 1.
Greetings, Doctor Yulva Maltarum here.
You can not even begin to comprehend how good it feels to be back, back from decades of being jailed surrounded by all that, gold. You know what? When a person expends more than 20 years surrounded by all that gold, she begins to know why it is only used for aesthetic things like jewelry, armor trim…
However, if there is a single thing it should be used that would be electronics and chemistry.
Gold is a wonderful container of hazardous substances, if they are cold, of course. But it always comes in handy for containing acids or things like that.
Acids and hazardous substances like the ones used by today’s subject (Oh my, look how I string ideas together, huh?), a quite, interesting, character.
Esther Toledano, born under the name of Héctor Roberto Toledano (Name I give only for informative purposes only, not for using it to name her, I know firsthand how painful is to be deadnamed, so, I am really sorry for having to do it), or known by her full name, Esther Marie Hellen Robert Theresa Prostero Toledano (And I thought I gave bad names) or simply known as Esthuh by her submissive and cute wife, Uriel Von Kers, is the last member of the group called “The Free Eggs” (…), and the one who cooked and produced, aided by Thomson, the Hormones and products that would then be sold by Uriel in the underbelly of Libertas University.
But let’s talk a little bit about her as a person, shall we?.
It is rumored that Esthuh was born in a family whose ancestors came from a planet from the nearby galaxy, a planet called Eden or Dominus, but I think its inhabitants called it T-something or E-something, I do not know and it does not matter.
As you all know, Esther studied Chemistry in the Libertas University the same promotion as Thomson and their group. And it was then when she started to use her knowledge and skills to, obviously, cook hormones and drugs to sell them later, but I am repeating myself.
After completing her studies, Esther distanced herself from the rest of the group, but, fortunately, she never ended her relationship with Uriel, so, when she felt stuck in her investigations after not being able to improve her already impressive products, she started to search for some, alternative solutions, let’s call them that.
One or two years ago, Uriel came by with a beautiful woman, trapped inside a mask, and who had that ambition and scientific spirit I am quite fond of. So, yours truly did the only possible thing. I gave her a sample of one of the rarest types of plasmoid virus, bacteria and yeasts Type 2. Se accepted the gift, obviously, and injected the sample as soon as possible.
Couple of days later, she had already learned to control even the last organelle of her viscous, jelly like body, gift she used to get the purest and most intense versions of her two best selling products: The Pink Boy, the best seller, a kind of testosterone so strong that a single crystal could replace months worth of testosterone supplements, and The ‘Zure Gal, the feminine equivalent in the form of a feminine hormone cocktail so strong that a single pill caused a perfect transition in just one or two weeks.
However, as she is a rather intelligent person, she put a little spin in the Pink Boy Formula, yes, it gives you a testosterone and androgen rush, but, it also raises your tolerance to them while also raising your sensitivity to atmospheric estrogens.
Thanks to both of her products, Esther was able to make herself a little spot in the Free Enclaves, even to the point of becoming the main supplement provider of the western hemisphere.
I think she is right in this building, testing a new experimental recipe, a secret recipe that will help us later.
And now, let’s talk about the proper image, we can see Esther in one of her many reactor tanks, which she uses to cook her products. Her process usually consists in melting her body, filling the tank and pouring the reactives and catalysts required.
In this case, we can observe the last step in the production of the Pink Boy and ‘Zure Gal, the magenta and blue liquids she is pouring on herself and bombing through her body, only for them to mix an crystallize in the end. For which she uses a series of rhythmic movements.
On the tank we can also observe two progress bars, one for each product, indicating the synthesized amount in this batch, and also a little sign with a logo formed by four eggs, a caramel one with a T, a purple jelly one with an S, a metallic one with a red K and a green bubbly one with another T, which is, obviously, the Free Eggs logo.
And finally there are only two things left to talk about, which are the two signs behind her, the upper one being an advert of her “Chemistry Company” Toledano & Company, and the lower one containing the prices, 600 Frees for a Gram of ‘Zure Gal (Of course, just to let absolutely clear that we are not in a shortage of estrogen) and 50.000 Frees for a Gram of Pink Boy (Yes, an amount equivalent to several payrolls of extremely rich people), prices that seem to indicate their quality, seeing how much they sell.
And thus, we reach the end of another study.
Expect some news soon, because I have a couple papers left to publish in the month starting in two days.
(And no, I will never get used to this planet and its 15 days long months, EVEN IF IT WAS CREATED FOR ME)
Including some old friends and some really important people for the consistence and future of this planet.
A greeting, a kiss and a hug from your Mother who expects you to have at least the decency of giving her grandchildren.
Doctor Yulva Maltarum
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lucern7 · 11 months
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Inked Exp. Com: Beware the Hunting Slimes
An upgraded inked experimental commission from WinterScout On Twitter of their OC Verenix transforming into a Royal Ludroth from Monster Hunter via transformative slime.  I had fun playing up the extreme size difference in an unbalanced transformation style. 
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The Last Day of School on 7/14.
A 15-Year-old girl is turning into Starbright the Little Twin Stars Alolan Vulpix via a Wand full of Slime.
Awooga Sprigatito, Starbright’s Birthday is Coming!
Starbright are Property of Pokémon/Nintendo and Sanrio
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jzp-art · 10 months
grow 88
it's always good to look up when your on a walk, who knows what may fall from the sky…
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pobblebonked · 20 days
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girl slimed!!
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laserkittydraws · 2 months
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FoxenXi Bucket of YCH
Another other Bucket of YCH commission for foxenxi
YCH available on my Ko-Fi for $10 Find me elsewhere: DeviantArt: LaserKittyDraws | BlueSky: LaserKittyDraws | Tumblr: LaserKittyDraws Mastodon: pawb.fun/@laserkittydraws | FurAffinity: LaserKittyDraws | Toyhouse: laserkittydraws | Itaku: laserkittydraws
Like what I draw? Consider supporting me on Ko-Fi Even a little amount won't go unnoticed
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nataliaproductions80 · 10 months
Day: 1
Jeremy's Transfur
(blue Fox)
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junker-ufo · 7 months
Reverse pacific rim.
Robots keep attacking from a mysterious portal thingy and the world is just like " we need to create giant kaiju monsters to protect us. Who wants to get injected with this strange goo and be our first test subject."
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paradimeart · 2 days
What would Sari look like as an Orb-baby? If she was one
like a weird hybrid between a regular baby and a protoform
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as she aged her body adapated more to "blend in" + take on her scanned form (human being) more closely until by the show time where she just looks like a regular little girl with an unusual hair color
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