#goobie ballson
doctorwhoisadhd · 6 months
god remember goobie ballson? i miss blaseball
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corvoda · 3 months
I thought about Goobie again today.
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blaseballmagic · 2 years
goobie ballson my beloved
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Fidget toys
Gooby the movie
The concept of roundness
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atlantisblasebl · 2 years
HERCULES ALIGHIERI: Georgias player from Season β12 to Season β17. Was the Georgias' star hitter during his career, and really, an up-and-coming star player in general whose career was cut tragically short. As the first incinerated player on the Georgias, he has since been memorialized through his Memorial Statue above third base, his Memorial Coral Garden renamed in his honor, and his scrumptious Memorial Hot Fries, which you can buy at the Georgias' concession stand.
GOOBIE BALLSON: Bope. Georgias player from Season β20 to Season β21. Was not a very good pitcher, but did bring some laughs as part of the legendary rotation he shared with Dickerson Morse. Got under hot water for allegedly killing Niq Nyong'o, but has since been proven innocent and cleared of all charges. He was a good guy, and the league is worse off without him. Five runs scored.
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lenasai · 2 years
bonus points if you tell me in the tags under which circumstances they would drink vanilla extract
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dying-signals · 3 months
Blaseball Gender Poll Real
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wayslidecool · 11 months
how do y'all feel about Blaseball Story Time, because i saw fan art of Fish Summer in a Georgias jersey and it got me thinking about the Georgias' quest to have a Hot Fish Summer. putting this all under the cut because it's a Long Story
so! the Georgias are a new team, and we are Not Very Good. we aren't that keen on trading our players, but after a few seasons with little in way in results, it's clear that we're gonna need to if we ever want to get ahead. thankfully, it didn't take a lot of time for us to find a player that most Georgias fans could agree on: Fish Summer.
there was a lot we liked about Fish Summer. obviously, the name and theming were on point for us, but they were also a notably minmaxed player, with some of the best batting in the league, but really low stats in everything else. this might not sound attractive on paper, but with the Equivalent Exchange will in play, it meant that we wouldn't have to give up one of our best players if we wanted Fish to join our team, letting us give up a mediocre player in favor of one who would be a massive boon to our lineup.
still, we were a bit hesitant -- Fish Summer was on the Moist Talkers at the time, and Talkers fans were very attached to Fish. we wanted to maintain good relationships with the rest of the league, and if we stole a Team's fan-favorite player, what would the chances be that they'd just reverse the trade in the next election? fortunately for us, a wimdy would send Fish from the Talkers to the Crabs, and we decided that would be our time to strike. we put up our Season 16 voting guide, encouraging fans to trade Mordecai Kingbird for Fish Summer.
unfortunately, the Georgias were very prone to weird wimdy trades at the time, and instead of trading Mordecai for Fish Summer, we traded him for Montgomery Bullock, a pitcher from the Fridays who couldn't bat to save their life. we didn't particularly care for Monty, so when the end of the season rolled around, we traded them off to the Crabs in order to finally enjoy a Hot Fish Summer. this trade would be intercepted by the Crabs however, who put in a wimdy vote that would trade Fish for Wyatt Mason IV (aka Ivy), a Tacos pitcher who also couldn't bat to save their life. hilariously, this triple-trade left all three players involved in a position they absolutely sucked at, benefiting no one.
that being said, after that mishap, we were kind of over Fish Summer. we moved Ivy to our rotation, and by that point, we had partied enough that our roster was actually looking pretty good. it was time to put Fish Summer behind us.
this would not last for long. our respectable rotation would soon give up Ivy and Jan Canberra for Dickerson Morse and Goobie Ballson, who are more recognized for "Dick and Balls" jokes than their pitching talent, and respectable small-ball leadoff hitter Niq Nyong'o would be incinerated and replaced with Ji-Eun Clove, who could only hit the occasional triple once in a blue moon. the Georgias were once again Bad, and with a bunch of newbies we didn't particularly care for, trading for Fish Summer was once again on the menu.
and this time, it went off without a hitch! in Season 21, we traded Goobie Ballson for Fish Summer, who thanks to our new Fax Machine and Voicemail, had a quick path to the Georgias' lineup. this was it. the Georgias were finally Good again.
or so we thought. while Season 22 was the best season of the Georgias' career, a new problem would plague us, which was Flooding. Flooding was rampant in the Expansion Era, and players were being sent Elsewhere left and right, with Fish Summer being no exception. Fish Summer would end up spending the majority of their Georgias career Elsewhere, playing a total of 58 games for us over the course of three seasons. Atlantis may have loved Fish Summer, but Fish Summer decidedly did not love Atlantis.
anyway, after a long siesta, Blaseball would return with Fall Ball, which would send Fish Summer to the Shoe Thieves, which would be their final team as Blaseball would end two seasons later, ending the Georgias' Hot Fish Summer once and for all.
and you wanna know the funniest part? i don't think the Georgias even did that much with Fish Summer's lore after getting them! i mean, i would frequently forget Fish was even on our team, and i'm not sure how much they were developed past "lol a player named Fish on the ocean team" and "man Fish really hates it here huh". and despite this, Fish managed to leave one heck of a legacy on the team.
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whales-are-gay · 1 year
goobie ballson
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sirthursday · 1 year
bummed about blaseball ending. moderating the discord was certainly an experience, but being able to meet so many fans in their team’s watch parties and learn about all their favorite players was truly a highlight of the job. every single player on every single team roster had at least one person in their corner cheering as they took the plate, which i always thought was really special.
i’ll still be here and on twitter, and if you ever need someone to drop a cocoa pic in a sidecord you can always drop me a line.
also don’t forget to ask me about extra life - blaseball might be over but the all stars extra life team will play on!
this is keeper_weeks, quoting my favorite player, goobie ballson:
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blall is life and life is short. stay cool out there y’all
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blazeball · 2 years
who are these players that have fallen from the sky?... 2!
hello everyone! happy second fall ball! here's my first fall ball explainer, if you haven't seen it yet! basically, i will go team by team and explain the fallen players canon history; very little fanon will make it into this post. i will also be including star counts and last known modifications and items, even though those aspects may be changed or removed in blaseball gamma. lets get into it!
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FALLEN: Zack Sanders (wiki / blaseball reference)
HISTORY: Zack Sanders is a player with a lot of history! They joined the league as a pitcher for the Sunbeams in Season 1, and stayed with them the entirety of the Discipline Era. In the Season 15 Elections, they were traded to the Philly Pies in exchange for Elvis Figueroa as a result of a Sunbeams Will that had a 1% chance of happening. Whoops! Don't worry. In the Season 16 Elections, the Sunbeams used another Will to exchange pitchers again, but only after the Pies used one of their Wills to infuse Sanders' pitching ability. Pretty good! After that, there were no more shenanigans, and they stayed with the Sunbeams for the rest of the era. They have the Negative and Scattered modifications, and a Limestone Metaphorical Ambitious Socks, and 17.4 stars in total. Their overall K/BB is 10.11.
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FALLEN: Nanci Grackle (wiki / blaseball reference)
HISTORY: Nanci Grackle is a player that has spent a majority of their time in the Shadows. They joined the league in Season 12 on the Atlantis Georgias when they descended, and didn't see active play until late in Season 20, when they were faxed out of the Shadows in exchange for Goobie Ballson. They soon after were swapped onto the lineup, and shortly after that, suffered an allergic reaction to a peanut that tanked their stars. The next season, they retreated to the Shadows, and stayed there for the rest of the Era. They have Ambitious Head Socks and 7.1 stars in total. Their overall BA is 0.202 and their overall K/BB is 1.
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FALLEN: Enid Slumps (wiki / blaseball reference)
HISTORY: Enid Slumps has never seen active play! With a name like that, that's a shame. Well, don't worry Enid. You will now! They have been in the Flowers' Shadows since Season 18. They have a Traitor Hot Helmet of Wisdom and 10 stars in total.
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FALLEN: Jacob Winner (wiki / blaseball reference)
HISTORY: Like Zack Sanders, Jacob Winner is a very storied player that has been with the Hawai'i Fridays since Season 1. They joined as a pitcher, but early in Season 5 they were Reverb'd to the lineup in the first example of Reverb weather taking effect that we had seen! They stayed on the Fridays until Season 21, when they were Feedbacked to the Lovers in exchange for Percival Wheeler. In that season's Elections, they were swapped to the rotation. They have the Affinity for Crows, Idol Immune, Scattered, and Flippers modifications, a Charitable Jersey of Vanity, and 16.4 stars in total. Their overall BA is 0.205, and their overall K/BB is 4.72.
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FALLEN: Timmy Vine (wiki / blaseball reference)
HISTORY: Timmy Vine is another that has never seen active play. They've been in the New York Millennials Shadows since Season 1. There isn't much more to say about this guy! They have the Negative modification, a Cap, and 6 stars in total.
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FALLEN: Barry Burkhard (wiki / blaseball reference)
HISTORY: Barry Burkhard has been with the Dallas Steaks since Season 17, joining the league in their teams Shadows. They stayed there until Season 22, starting a trend for themself of entering and exiting the Shadows. Over the next two seasons, they did so eight times, ending Season 23 in the Shadows, and waiting until the middle of Season 24 to exit again. What a time to emerge, Barry! They have a Gravity Leg Helmet and 15 stars in total. Their overall BA is 0.208 and their overall K/BB is 0.9.
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FALLEN: Russo Slugger (wiki / blaseball reference)
HISTORY: Another player that has been in the Shadows since Season 1, but they didn't see active play until halfway through Season 24, when they joined the Jazz Hands' pitching rotation in exchange for Zippy DeShields. They saw a total of 4 games, and only won a single one of them. But hopefully they'll be better in this new era! They have 10.1 stars in total. Their overall K/BB is 0.5.
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FALLEN: Haruta Byrd (wiki / blaseball reference)
HISTORY: Another player that hasn't seen much active play! Haruta Byrd has been in the Philly Pies' Shadows since Season 1, but only emerged from it in Season 23 as a lineup player. And they went back in there in early Season 24, right when things were getting chaotic. Good call! They have the Unstable modification, a Ring, and 11.4 stars in total. Their overall BA is 0.201.
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FALLEN: Thomas Marsh (wiki / blaseball reference)
HISTORY: Thomas Marsh has... a very barebones wiki page. I'm not even sure when they emerged; they were born before the Expansion Era from what I can tell from the Before archiving tool, but I can't figure out much else. Except that they were in the Crabs' Shadows. And that they have 8.9 stars in total!
EDIT: I have been informed that Thomas Marsh is an OG Crab, joining the ILB in Season 1 in the Crabs' Shadows!
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FALLEN: Kit Ratoon (wiki / blaseball reference)
HISTORY: From one descension team to another! Kit Ratoon joined the league in the Ohio Worms' Shadows, and emerged from them in late Season 24. Whoof! Chaotic existence you've got there, Kit. They have a Holey Cape and 9.1 stars in total. They have a BA of 0.105.
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FALLEN: Tot Best (wiki / blaseball reference)
HISTORY: Like Russo Slugger, Tot Best is another player that has been with the league since Season 1 and emerged in Season 24, though they were in the Sunbeams Shadows instead of the Jazz Hands. Besties! Due to... well, Season 24 things, they only saw one game of active play, which they lost really badly. Poor guy. Hopefully this next era will be better for them! They have the Scattered modification and 9.5 stars in total. Their K/BB is 0.07.
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FALLEN: Donia Dollie (wiki / blaseball reference)
HISTORY: Just like Thomas Marsh, Donia Dollie also has the most barebones wiki page I've ever seen. They must have emerged before the Expansion Era. Oh well! They have 10.3 stars in total.
EDIT: I am told that Donia is a Season 1 or 2 Jazz Hands Shadow!
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FALLEN: Gabriel Griffith (wiki / blaseball reference)
HISTORY: Another player that has been with the league since Season 1! Gabriel Griffith has been... all over the place, honestly. They've been feedbacked and stolen and just passed around the league that, instead of providing a play-by-play, I'll just tell you the teams they've been on: Dallas Steaks, San Francisco Lovers, Hades Tigers, Hawai'i Fridays, Chicago Firefighters, and now the Baltimore Crabs. A hot commodity! They have the Negative and Scattered modifications, a Traveling Bat of Dexterity, and 25 stars in total. Their overall BA is 0.280, and their overall K/BB is 23.89.
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FALLEN: Zephyr McCloud (wiki / blaseball reference)
HISTORY: Zephyr McCloud joined the ILB in Season 11, in the Dallas Steaks' Shadows. In the Season 14 Elections, the Steaks Foreshadowed them in exchange for Sam Scandal, because even then, Zephyr was a really good batter. 4.5 batting stars without any blessings or modifications! Really good luck for the Steaks. It was bad luck, though, when they were reverbed to the pitching rotation in Season 18. They weren't... a good pitcher. It was dire enough that they steaks had to Foreshadow them back to the Shadows and then Swap them to the lineup over the course of two Elections. It all worked, and they stayed put until Season 24, when they got hit by a pitch from Niq Nyong'o, becoming Observed and then Redacted. About an in-game week later, they popped out of the Secret Base at the Miami Dale's stadium, scored a run, and joined their team. I will say, there is nothing in their history section that explains how they got to have, fucking, 9.4 batting stars by the end of the Expansion Era. Gonna have to look at the Before archive for that I suppose, in my own time. This is getting long enough. They have the Attractor and Overperforming modifications, a Sharp Skate Shoes, and 24.1 stars in total. Their overall BA is 0.251, and their overall K/BB is 0.6.
EDIT: According to @.zayphora, Zephyr's extra stars are very likely due to their Attractor mod giving them "fake stars"
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FALLEN: Chorby Short (wiki / blaseball reference)
HISTORY: Chorby Short is a player that is loved by many, and also a character that has been through a LOT! I highly suggest that if you don't know anything about them, that you go through their wiki page. They are a delight. I love them. They have the Attractor, Friend of Crows, Homebody, Triple Threat, and Underperforming modifications, a Hard Shoes, and 29.4 stars in total. Their overall BA is 0.242, and their overall K/BB is 12.47.
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FALLEN: Jonathan Catalina (wiki / blaseball reference)
HISTORY: Jonathan Catalina is a very recent player! They were a Postseason Birth for the Lovers in Season 23, and exited the Shadows during Night weather very shortly into Season 24. Eager to get out and going, even during the Turmoil of Season 24! How admirable. They have the Scattered modification and 15.5 stars in total. Their overall BA is 0.231.
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FALLEN: Oliver Loofah (wiki / blaseball reference)
HISTORY: Oliver Loofah joined the ILB in Season 1, in the Seattle Garages' Shadows, and they stayed there until Season 14 when they joined the active lineup in exchange for Summers Pony as a result of a Foreshadow Will. In the following season, they were promptly Shelled by York Silk. In the season after that, they were Feedbacked to the Shoe Thieves and promptly pecked free. Isn't the sim beautiful sometimes? In the Season 20 Elections The Garages traded Terrell Bradley for them as a result of their Equivalent Exchange Will, and they stayed with the Garages for the rest of the Era! The Shoe Thieves and Garages seem to passing this player back and forth... rather funny. They have the Minimalist, Negative, and Subtractor modifications, a Head Shoes of Fourtitude +1, and 19.4 stars in total. Their overall BA is 0.242 and their overall K/BB is 0.34.
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FALLEN: London Simmons (wiki / blaseball reference)
HISTORY: London Simmons joined the ILB in the Moist Talkers' Shadows in Season 1, and despite getting a fair amount of buffs while in there, they did not see active play until Season 22, when they joined the active lineup via Voicemail. And, okay, having a bit of trouble here, because when I see the wiki, it says that they have only ever been on the Moist Talkers, but when I look at Blaseball Reference, it says that they have played a single inning in Season 22 and 23 for the Crabs. So I don't know what's going on there. If anyone does, I'd love to know! They have the Elsewhere modification, an Air Glove and Helmet, and 14.5 stars in total. Their overall BA is 0.303.
EDIT: So, apparently London played for the Crabs as a result of their (the Crabs) Carcinization mod. Its one that steals the other teams best player for the remainder of the game if they activate the Black Hole!
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FALLEN: Joe Voorhees (wiki / blaseball reference)
HISTORY: Joe Voorhees was mostly around in the Discipline Era, specifically until Season 7. In short succession, they were traded from the Moist Talkers to the Shoe Thieves, had an allergic reaction to a peanut that absolutely tanked their stats, were traded to the Spies, were Feedbacked to the Sunbeams, and then they were Shadowed, until Season 16, when the Sunbeams decided to give them a chance again. The following season, they were Shelled by Jessica Telephone, and the Sunbeams Shadowed them during that seasons Elections. They have the Scattered and Shelled modifications, a Fire Eating Weird Bat, and 7 stars in total. Their overall BA is 0.208.
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FALLEN: Erickson Sato (wiki / blaseball reference)
HISTORY: Not much to say about Erickson Sato! They were in the Wild Wings' Shadows. That's it! That's all I know! And, of course, that they have 7.1 stars in total.
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FALLEN: Don Elliot (wiki / blaseball reference)
HISTORY: Don Elliot was with the Miami Dale since Season 1, but despite that, surprisingly little has happened to them. They were Reverb'd from pitcher to batter in Season 5. They were targeted by an Umpire in Season 9, but didn't actually get incinerated. They were Foreshadowed in Season 16, briefly emerged from the Shadows due to Night weather in Season 24, and then swiftly retreated 4 days later. That's it! You know everything about Don Elliot now. Go forth, and share your knowledge with the world. But wait! They have the Scattered modification, a Bat, and 7.8 stars in total. Their overall BA is 0.206 and their overall K/BB is 6.35.
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FALLEN: Sandie Carver (wiki / blaseball reference)
HISTORY: Sandie Carver joined the ILB in Season 1 as a player in the Breath Mints' Shadows, and only exited them in the Season 16 Elections. 15 days into Season 17, they were Feedbacked to the New York Millennials. What a bummer! They got a Literal Arm Cannon during the Season 23 Elections, an item previously only owned by the legendary Axel Trololol. They have the Negative and Triple Threat modifications, a Literal Arm Cannon, and 15.3 stars in total. Their overall K/BB is 5.48.
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FALLEN: Hatfield Suzuki (wiki / blaseball reference)
HISTORY: Hatfield Suzuki joined in Season 1 in the Mills' Shadows, and was Foreshadowed out in the Season 12 Elections. They stayed on the Mills until Season 21, when they were recruited to the Hades Tigers as a result of the Double Negative blessing. They were randomly selected twice. During the ILB Semi-Centennial, they played for the Rising Stars. They have the Ego+, Negative, and Undefined modifications, a Skate Cap, and 21.7 stars in total. Their BA is 0.244.
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FALLEN: Axel Campbell (wiki / blaseball reference)
HISTORY: Axel Campbell joined the ILB in Season 1 in the Baltimore Crabs Shadows, and didn't emerge until Season 20. They spent the next four seasons entering and exiting the Shadows a total of 7 times, 4 of which was in Season 23. Axel Campbell is notable for having the fasted Shadow Fax in ILB history; exiting the Shadows, facing 4 players as pitcher, and entering the Shadows again, in 55 seconds. They have a Hearty Cool Rock Bat and 14.2 stars in total. Their overall BA is 0.255, and their overall K/BB is 2.7.
And that is it! As always, if I messed anything up please feel free to tell me! Much of this was written in a stupor. I'll do this again next week after the next fall, so stay tuned for that!
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plus-size-swag · 1 year
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spiritunwilling · 7 months
People and also me have said this but yeah it does suck so much that ai art went the direction of generating anime girls with big titties and political figure deepfakes or whatever. I want my nightmare dimension sludge monsters back. All these fucked up images of goobie ballson. Please that's my son
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dddragoni · 1 year
Rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to ao3. if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
blatantly taking advantage of a general tag by @idonthaveanyurlideas to self-promote 1. New Cities, Old Faces
Cedric Spliff hit the ground hard.
2. The Whole Kit and Caboodle
Tot Best sat on a couch in the LA Unlimited Tacos’ clubhouse, scrolling through the news on their phone.
3. Unlimited Until the End
The parking lot of Al Pastor Memorial park is a paradox. Infinite in scope, but somehow perpetually crowded.
4. Blasetober 2022
A door is opened to a dark room buried deep beneath the earth. Within it lies a plinth, and on the plinth lies a Book, its cover bound by chains and sealed with a heavy lock.
5. The King and the Frog
King Weatherman had always been an early riser.
6. A Tale of Two Sextons
It was a beautiful day in the Infinite Cities of Los Angeli. Sun2 was high in the sky, its rays filtering through the countless dimensional rifts in a kaleidoscope of shining rays
7. Something to Hold Onto
"I'm home, darling!"
8. Holding a Grudge
"GOD DAMMIT." Bobby Mitchell hurled her controller against the wall as the knight she'd been playing as was eviscerated by a wheel of spinning blades for the seventh time in a row.
9. A History Lesson
McDowell Mason had been a member of the LA Unlimited Tacos since the very beginning.
10. Enter Oko
Rogue Umpire incinerated Goobie Ballson!
Al Pastor Memorial Ballpark was silent as the last ashes of what had just moments ago been the newest addition to the Tacos’ lineup drifted to the ground.
So it seems my tendency is to start a fic with the full name of the POV character, if not immedately at least very early. While these are the most recent fics, they’re not necessarily the most recent stories since two of them are big long anthologies.
I took advantage of an open tag so I’ll leave this open as well for anyone that would want to do it
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atlantisblasebl · 2 years
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I wanted to call it "The Cup of Water," but I wasn't sure if that would be as clear.
Since it's March Madness, and the people of Tumblr have fallen in love with making brackets for pretty much anything, it's time we settle once and for all who the most popular Georgias player is. Sixty-four will enter, but only one can win. (Since there have only ever been sixty-one Georgias players who have seen active play, however, three NPCs have been picked to fill in the remaining slots.)
The bracket was largely seeded based on how I perceived each player's popularity to be within the Georgias' fanbase (with some margin of error), but anyone is allowed to participate in voting! Simply vote for whichever player in each matchup you like more, and winners will proceed to Round 2!
You can find all matchups under the #georgias bracket round 1 tag on our blog, or in the list below:
Rigby Friedrich vs. Poseidon
Niq Nyong'o vs. Goodwin Morin II
Flattery McKinley vs. Nagomi Mcdaniel III
Neerie McCloud vs. Jenkins Ingram
Siobhan Chark vs. Vernon Glump
Jan Canberra vs. Basil Ball
Geraldine Frost vs. Montgomery Bullock
Yurts Buttercup vs. New Megan Ito III
Nanci Grackle vs. Pitching Machine
Ortiz Lopez vs. Dickerson Morse
Ankle Halifax vs. Cote Loveless II
Ji-Eun Clove vs. Alexander Horne
Mint Shupe vs. Lachlan Shelton
Steals Chark vs. Justin Alstott
Chorby Soul V vs. Jelly Burgertoes
Hercules Alighieri vs. Goobie Ballson
Waverly Mori vs. Jessica Twolephone
Manu Candle vs. Doc Cash
Juan Murphy vs. Knight Triumphant
Beck Whitney vs. Lance Serotonin
Slosh Truk vs. Gita Biscuits
Frankie Hambone vs. Jon Tumblehome
Fish Summer vs. Wyatt Mason III
Mckinney Vaughan vs. Hiroto Wilcox
Emmet Atomic vs. Zephyr McCloud
Norman Muggins vs. Agnes Caster
Kit Ratoon vs. Mordecai Kingbird
Lady Matsuyama vs. Erin Jesaulenko
Randy Dennis vs. Angelika Aufdiscord
Daisuke Witless vs. Sosa Hayes
Penelope Video vs. Wyatt Mason IV
Son Jensen vs. Khulan Kebede
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lenasai · 3 months
it’s “and i quote…” eve, remember to leave out milk and cookies for dickerson morse and goobie ballson
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necromancer-mango · 2 years
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[start image description: Four digital drawings of Goobie Ballson, Tot Clark, Nagomi Meng, and Gabriel Griffith from the game Blaseball. In the first image, there are two drawings of Goobie Ballson, who is made of blue goo. On the left, Goobie is wearing a white button down paired with a black vest and grey pants belted at the waist. A grey baseball cap is on their head as they pose with their arms resting behind their head. On the right, Goobie is wearing a blue shirt paired with pink overalls with a heart decal on the front in the same blue as the shirt. This is paired with white sneakers and a matching pink baseball cap. In the second image,Tot is a black person wearing a white turtleneck paired with a large button down light blue shirt tucked into brown pants belted at the waist. The sleeves are pushed halfway up the arm, with the right hand in the pants pocket. Tot is wearing a facemask the same blue color, with hair done in tight braids with yellow and blue beads fastened to the ends. In the third image, Nagomi an asian person wearing a white button down paired with a black vest and grey pants belted at the waist. Gold necklaces are around the neck and looser down to the chest. Meng's hair is tied into a high ponytail with bangs on the right side of the face. In the fourth image, Gabriel Griffith is an anthropomorphic bird who is wearing a black sleeveless crop top with a shiny red highwaisted skirt paired with fishnet tights and black heeled chunky boots. Gabe is facing profile left looking pleased with their hands around their hips. /end image description]
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