#good god i don't presume to know everything that's wrong with y'all
lady-gravity-129 · 2 months
Various TDP Season 6 thoughts under the cut/things I believe will come back in Season 7
Be careful it's kinda a long one
First things first. RAYLLUM! WHEN I TELL YOU THAT I WAS DEFINITELY SHEDDING A FEW TEARS DURING EPISODES 3 AND 6. Like, I'm not too interested in ships and romance but Rayllum has me in a death grip I swear.
I just want to point out that a couple writers have stated that they know whether Rayla is able to kill Callum if the time comes. I would also like to note that there was not a moment where she had to consider that this season. She just said she would when he asked her in episode 3. Now that they're back together...something tells me she won't be able to do it. Either that or we're in for a very gut wrenching scene in season 7.
Speaking of that, I think Kosmo said to Callum that if he performs dark magic again, it'll definitely consume/corrupt him. Don't remember the exact sentence but I've seen people talking about it so I know I didn't make it up. Anyways, I genuinely feel like they wouldn't bring that up unless it's going to have some sort of payoff in season 7 (which I'm 90% sure is titled after dark magic? correct me if I'm wrong) coupled with the previous paragraph here. Oh god if we thought season 6 was gonna put these two through the wringer we haven't seen *anything* yet
Alright enough about Rayllum (even though I love it)
Kinda disappointed that the Janaya wedding happened at a point in the story where everyone in the cast conveniently wasn't all together to celebrate the occasion. But still, an LGBT wedding in a show rated TV-Y7 is absolutely HUGE in my opinion. Not really sure what other words I can say, it was great.
Next is how they handled Viren. Honestly, I'm kinda ok with it. I said on Twitter that a redemption arc could work with him if written correctly. How he was written was...well enough. While he didn't directly apologize to really anyone (aside from Claudia I think and then Soren on paper that he burned. I've watched this season twice now but I'm running on an hour of sleep so forgive me for not remembering everything lol), he still acknowledged that he doesn't even deserve to be forgiven and understands that everything he's done was nothing short of awful.
Holy fudge this season really convinced me how great of a character Claudia is. She's such a tragic character who's experienced loss and trauma and just needs the chance to acknowledge everything she's been through and properly heal from it. However, one thing I've noticed is that whenever Viren dies, Aaravos is right there guiding her away from the path of healing from her trauma. First is after Season 3 when he tells her there's a way to bring Viren back. Then, presumably I think, in between season 5 and 6 when he somehow tells her how to complete the resurrection spell. THEN there's the end of season 6 where she's realizing that her father is gone for good and what does he do?? He basically goes "lol yeah here's my backstory so you'll want to free me even more oh whats this i can even give you the spell needed to free me". Y'all someone please get her away from Aaravos so she can process everything.
OH YEAH! Fun fact, I'm pretty sure Rayla and Callum left the Starscraper thinking/assuming that the Pearl was safe with the Celestial Elves. They're gonna see giant Aaravos in Season 7 and just have fifty panic attacks at once.
Gonna edit this with more stuff later.
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janiedean · 5 years
Haha yeah let's make fun of Americans for their shitty education system that's failing them, we're so European and enlightened! Next we can make fun of their school shootings and all the people that die because if the bad healthcare system. They totally deserve it!
…. anon for fuck’s sake I’m the first person on the face of this planet to not make fun of americans for their shitty education system which y’all know because I talk about it all the fucking time and I spent the last year reading nonfiction books about exactly the issue because oh guess what I’m interested in the topic and I would never make fun of school shootings or their healthcare except when pointing out that no first world country shouldn’t have public healthcare, but y’know what?
because, my dearest darling anon who assumes I don’t know shit about how the us of a works when it’s 90% of what I’ve been reading about since I was twelve, the shitty education system in the US of A mostly affects… hmmm… poor people, and waaaiiitttt, what are the teen poorest states in the US?
New Mexico 
West Virginia
South Carolina 
North Carolina
now, nvm that I just read a book on cotton pickers in alabama this summer that gave me nightmares to the umpteenth degree which if was at all read by tumblr would cut off the white people/incest jokes by a good half, let’s check a moment. for whom did those states vote during the last elections?
Mississippi > trump
New Mexico > clinton
Alabama > trump
Louisiana > trump 
West Virginia > trump
Kentucky > trump
South Carolina > trump
Arkansas > trump
Georgia > trump
North Carolina > trump
hmmm. waaait. what do y’all say on tumblr about people who vote trump and states where trump won? that it’s all racists who should die and if they lose their jobs fuck them because they should have known better to vote for trump? hmmmmm. oh, yeah, the US school system is so great that this is the literacy level:
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aaah, 14% plus 4% of non literate people means that 18% of the population pretty much can’t read functionally, and hmmmm how much is 18% of the US population? 327,2 million. how much is 18% of 327,2 million?
hmmmmm… where do most of those almost sixty million illiterate people live according to you? I’ll spoil you: most likely in poor areas. hmm, what jobs did most of these people do in the 70s/80s? I’ll tell you because I read on the topic, they worked manual jobs in factories ie steel mills and similar places… which ah, wait, all closed because either economic crisis or whatnot, and no one thought that a lot of those people didn’t have other marketable skills. and aaah wait what did trump say? let’s make america great lIKE IT WAS, FUCK THE PARIS AGREEMENTS, LET’S GO BACK TO COAL -
I absolutely can’t understand why would any of those people vote for trump, huh?
now: guess what, I absolutely understand why they would, and mvho is that if the US left would concentrate on, hm, reforming the public school system so literacy rates go up and people don’t fall for trump, it would solve 99% of their problems, buuut what do I see on tumblr? all people saying that whoever voted for trump is a neonazi and should die.
and now we get to the point: MY PAL, YOU CAN’T BE AN ACTIVIST OR CALL YOURSELF AN ACTIVIST AND NOT LISTEN TO OTHERS AND KEEP ON STEWING IN YOUR FUCKING IGNORANCE. I don’t laugh about the poor people failed by the public US educational system - my problem is kids on tumblr who all go to college or some private school paid by their parents who also pay for their internet and most likely their computers and who SAY THEY’RE ACTIVISTS who not only don’t know fucking shit about the issues in their own country, but presume and have the arrogance to push US social categories on OTHER COUNTRIES while not even knowing how the fuck their own social categories work because if y’all entitled people on tumblr had a fucking clue of why people make incest jokes about alabama you wouldn’t be laughing at them and you would stop not including classism in your precious social analysis of your country’s issues which almost never includes categories y’all wanna laugh at. AND YOU CAN’T BE AN ACTIVIST NOT CARING FOR THE RIGHTS OF PEOPLE THAT DON’T VOTE WHERE YOU VOTE, INCLUDING THE POOR WHITE PEOPLE WHO VOTE DONALD TRUMP. 
and on top of not even knowing how your fucking country works and only wanting to fight for the rights of people who think like you - because if you look at the notes on the post for the fundraiser in favors of the miners of harlan county kentucky from this summer it’s full of people saying they deserve to die because kentucky is a red state, and btw as I just got some birthday money I gave them some fifteen bucks too but hey, keep on telling me I make fun of poor americans anon -, you show up on posts where people discuss their issues in their countries according to their societal standards and you presume to know better than us how our countries work and sorry but my pal, I say that the school system failed SO-CALLED COLLEGE STUDENTS WHO, GOING TO COLLEGE IE FUCKING HIGHER EDUCATION, SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN ASSUMING THE ENTIRE WORLD REVOLVES ALONG THE US SOCIETAL CONSTRUCT.
now: I 100% have a lot more sympathy for poor americans who can’t afford going to the doctor and most likely die in shootings and whose teacher didn’t bother with them in obligatory school because they decided they weren’t smart enough than for fucking entitled college kids on tumblr who declare themselves activists and then proceed to read the entirety of world history through american lens and prove the stereotypes about US americans way more right than any person actually affected by crappy public schooling might.
if you go into fucking debt to go to college - which btw I consider a total travesty and y’all should just fucking vote sanders and get on par with most places where you don’t have to join the army to get a chance at an education - I would assume that college gives you an education good enough to give you enough reading comprehension to understand whatever the hell I say in posts that I used to make extra-long and extra-detailed so that people who don’t have the context might get it.
since y’all obviously don’t have it, then your overpriced, crappy sub-par higher education failed the shit out of you. and it’s high time someone informed you of that.
now please go troll someone else and possibly go find dale maharidge’s books including the ones out of print that I went to hunt down on abebooks because they’ll enlighten you re all the things you, as hopefully an activist, should do to avoid trump 2020. now I’ll go back writing my novel in which I’m taking care to point out that y’all’s calvinist society is a damned dystopia and I sure as hell hope you think before messaging people this stuff next because I’m really fucking tired of y’all purposefully misreading everything I say.
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ashkazora · 2 years
God i agree so much, you can't go 2 steps in bnha ao3 tag without running into all might bashing like my man is kind he didn't deserve this shit especially because it's done to place Aizawa "stinky garbage teacher man" on a pedestal
DUDE i could go on a fucking rant about and y'know what? I will.
Apologies for the chunks of text thata re very ramble-y.
It seems like a lot of hatred of Yagi stems from two things: his words to Izuku in s1e1, and his bad teaching. For the latter, I think that's bullshit because in my interpretation, Yagi is not quirkist. People forget that he was fuckin quirkless himself, and sure, his generation wasn't as discriminatory but he presumably went through the same things as Izuku. And keep in mind, Yagi regards himself as helpless/useless without his quirk (see: the Vigilante Arc in the manga), as to him it's the only reason he could be a hero. Furthermore, even with the most powerful quirk, he still got his ass beat by AFO. So when a quirkless Izuku asks him if he can be a hero, it's not that he hates quirkless people, or that he is discriminatory, it's that Yagi own insecurities dictate that he himself couldn't be a hero without a quirk. Yagi is a victim of the system that discriminates against quirkless people, as well as a victim of his own trauma.
And with the former point, I see a lot of points that Yagi sucks because he's a bad teacher and didn't stop Izuku from breaking himself. Now, he's not an amazing teacher, but jfc characters can have flaws, and ultimately he's well meaning. But the sheer hypocrisy I see when people write Aizawa as this amazing teacher when he did fuck all for Izuku too. Aizawa let Izuku break himself and never helped, even though he threatened Izuku on the first day. (And speaking of the first day, there's no way Aizawa didn't rig the QAT. Izuku canonically can lift a whole ass fridge with Yagi on top with 100% quirkless, and is. comparatively fit. There's no way people like Hagakure, Jiro, Kaminari, Koda, etc. etc. would beat him in everything enough for him to be last place.) Furthermore, Aizawa had to know Izuku only just got his quirk (I believe that the thing that he doesn't check student files is completely fanon, but correct me if I'm wrong) and did nothing, but gets put on a pedestal! And that's hypocritical. Aizawa let Bakugo harass Izuku, didn't notice Mineta's harassment, didn't help Kaminari utilise his quirk to stop him from shocking himself, etc. etc. And I think that Aizawa is a product of a bystander society but y'all, how can he be put on a pedestal and Yagi bashed when he's a shit teacher too??
Also, if there was a quirkless person in the hero course, what's the chance Aizawa would have expelled them? Because tbh, there's probably a chance that he would.
Also, don't get me started on the people who think Yagi 'groomed' Izuku like wtf. If that's the case, then doesn't that mean Aizawa groomed Shinso? I could also talk a lot abt shinso because a lot of the stuff about him is completely fanon and everyone likes to woobify him, but that's an ask for another day. How people can bash Yagi, but have a Bakugo redemption, parental Aizawa, good friend Shinso, etc. is just, eh. Like I get it, but eh.
And honestly, to an extent I get it. People love found family. Hell, I'm a massive fan of Irondad, Dadmight, and so many other things like that. And to an extent Dadzawa isn't bad! But to bash Yagi to make Aizawa seem like a better person? Nah. They're both heavily flawed characters, and ignoring one's flaws and exacerbating the other's just feels hypocritical.
Honestly, at this point I can't really read any Dadzawa fics or Quirkless Izuku fics because of the rampant Yagi bashing. It's just, ugh. I can't wait until the Vigilante arc is animated, so that anime-onlys have to see that Yagi and Izuku's relationship is so much more that what they describe.
But hell, this is the MHA fandom. Critical analysis means fuck all here. But each to their own.
Ultimately, MHA is a flawed world, where everyone is a victim of societal bias and inherent discrimination. No one character is exempt from this. Not Yagi, not Aizawa, not anyone else. But everyone is allowed to have their own interpretation.
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larrythefloridaman · 3 years
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Y'all like your deities with or without the shell?
Under the readmore is aaaaaaaaall color god observations and musings based on them, because I am studying to become the world's Premiere Chromatheologian and RGB Understander so under the cut is pretty much Oops! All Spoilers! up to the most recent episode of season 3.
Apparently Universal Color God Attributes:
Damage to their domain hurts them, but fixing the issue, or lashing out by using their powers destructively, can help them to repair the damage.
If they sustain enough damage, it can temporarily paralyze them and send them into a strengthened but 'exposed' state (chartreuse's spirit activation in the last fight of 19) and further damage after that will activate a failsafe, which is unique by domain but seemingly designed to give them the chance to balance things, but can get… very out of hand or backfire depending on circumstances. (see: cobalt’s failsafe sending mark's universe into a never-ending apocalyptic war because word of the cure for death became too widespread for the killing urge failsafe to affectively balance anything because every side could simply revive their fallen.)
Chartreuse's failsafe is something of a stopped time bubble quarantine where processes that require the passing of time cannot complete, allowing her the time to wear down the offending party to beat them to death or plan around finishing them.
Cobalt's is inciting war, the casualties serving to balance the scale. I'm not sure we know Crimson's yet- he's never taken enough direct damage without doing damage to compensate in order to trigger it, although i dont remember season one well enough to recall if any of the universe stuff in it tracks with the pattern bc season one is a bit fucky
Connected in a fashion that allows them to simply Sense the overall status of the others to some extent, although they don't know Why theyre in the state theyre in without asking (chartreuse [and by extension, folk, presumably on her information] confronting crimson via crimsonaut for pretending to be dead, Cobalt confronting both his siblings about how they are handling their duties improperly but not knowing about Folk. He knew about the constants deaths because hes a death god, duh, but he didnt use their names like crimson did, possibly implying they're erased upon death so thoroughly that only crimson and the constants can really recall a shattered constants' existence, not even the other guardians.)
Abilities of the guardians can be replicated by mortals through three apparent methods- through machines (dimensional bus, the time machine, presumably J0hn's part in Sephiroth's resurrection,) simply through advanced enough individual skill (Home MD curing death, potentially Dantoinette's universe portal travel, maybe Genwun's sped up time bubble that evolved them into Genfour? although that could very well have just been an illusion and theyre just like, a fuckin theater kid that was doing pretend character development for the Bit or something given GenFive turned out to be a zoroark) or through stealing some of the power of the relevant god (Dr. Order stealing Chartreuse's power, Dani maybe having stolen some of Crimson's when she beat his ass. Dani's one woman universal travel is like, wicked ambiguous)
Can seemingly perceive or act through any living material. (The Tree. Cobalt instructed Larry to slap his hand on that tree, that shit glowed and he had a new deal tattoo without Cobalt ever having been physically present)
Can influence the resurrected by giving them a killing urge. Represented by an aberrant brainwave and a ringing in the undead's heads. This doesnt appear to be direct control- as the Grunk could clearly restrain himself from killing people that genuinely didn't deserve it (like nightly and cha cha, who WERE grunk event targets but not fatally so. Nagito was a crimson thing so it really doesn't count here. God poor grunk his life really is just a constant plaything in the hands of the gods huh) and Sephiroth very much had personal motivation to want to kill Folk. failsafe activates this ability on the scale of war.
Deals. The extent of what Cobalt can do with these is unclear but Iggy's god powers were taken from him as his part in the deal so what he can take isn't limited to physical things or things obviously related to his domain.
Deals. While this ability is impressive his preference for making deals for those that offend against his domain is potentially very exploitable- Larry's knowledge of the cure for death is, if word of it were to ever get out beyond Larry, wildly dangerous for this dimension, so technically the safest thing for the iron-fisted cobalt to do would be to nip the problem in the bud and get rid of him. But, fascinatingly, that wasn't even put on the table, the first thing Cobalt does is threaten J0hn, prompting Larry to make a deal. While Cobalt enforces death, he also doesn't like unnecessary death, and Larry demonstrably knows how to keep a secret for the good of the world even at great cost to himself and Cobalt is aware of this- easily clarifying to Larry the aberrant thing endangering the universe wasn't his timeloop business. So while he's clearly not letting his resurrection fuckery go unpunished, he's being pretty merciful when he doesn't have to be and from a strictly, brutally pragmatic perspective probably shouldn't be.
His control over the undead manifests as a ringing and an aberrant brainwave trackable by J0hn's equipment, and could probably therefore be accounted for and circumvented? J0hn has, wisely, largely sworn off fucking with people's brains after the sephiroth fiasco went So Wrong, So Very Wrong, Oh God Oh Fuck Someone Cool Almost Died, but if he hadn't, and if J0hn let his dislike for authority and keeping Larry safe outweigh reason like he let safety, spite and comedic value outweigh good ethical sense when reprogramming sephiroth, in theory Mr. 'hacked a time machine for breakfast?' could. y'know. probably do it. what is a god's authority to an anarchist, what better to challenge life and death than the cold and eternal machine, you get the point its a fun scenario
Olive Garden Breadsticks and Small Cute Dogs, apparently
Time Clones: taps into parallel timelines to retrieve alternate versions of herself to utilize.
Time Travel: what it says on the tin. Travel to the past creates painful splits in the prime timeline, but through careful action and traveling back into the past, these can be weaved into a time loop. A split from the timeline is a wound, and a successful timeloop is the surgical scar it can become with attentive care, to use a medical metaphor. Carefully closed and healing. Keeping Folk here is essentially akin to chartreuse pulling out her stitches on the initial incision.
Time Stopping: creates a space wherein things that take time to complete cannot complete, where things can move, but everything within is in a perfect unchanging stasis until the bubble drops. This is the form her failsafe takes.
Timeline Creation: can create timelines from scratch.
Can fuse alternate timeline versions of the same individual to allow them to coexist. (Ryan's confirmed in the discord that Dantoinette experienced both failures in 20, because Chartreuse fused the two instances of her to save the post-raid instance from fading. Could... theoretically do this to Folk and save herself the pain, but while Folk and Therapuppy are the same person, there's seven years and untold amounts of difference deriving from the time and circumstance between them and the inherent cognitive dissonances that would result from attempting that would be wicked fucked up to inflict, and that's assuming there isn't some reason that it wouldn't be possible anyway. while the two Danis had like. A day or so's difference between them, so she could be safely fused with the only dissonant thing being that she remembers both being too slow to prevent order's time escape and beginning to dissipate post-raid, AND losing that fight to her pre-raid. RIP Dani, that perfectionism must be kicking her ass)
Unwilling to use her powers destructively in her pursuit of domain repair and thereby much easier to damage to the point of paralyzing her, making her particularly vulnerable to Power Theft
Morally Optimistic. At one point in 19, she briefly justifies Crimson's shitty evil actions to herself after experiencing for herself how Wack the kerfuffleverse is firsthand, ("and all he did was kill a couple people!" Chartreuse. Honey.) and when she fights Crimsonaut she seems to actually believe for a second that he's actually worried about her when Crimson asks if she's okay after he beats her. Additionally, as D+, she concerns herself with trying to understand doctor order's motive, and after Larry defeats Order, he makes a point of confirming she feels no remorse before making his request for what Chartreuse does with her, and appeals to the idea of letting Order fulfill her desire to be a god in a way which isn't a problem for anyone and Chartreuse is more than happy to oblige under these conditions after what Larry's done for everybody. Then immediately threatens to evaporate him for playfully teasing her about having a crush on folk. Fucked up a little bit
Universe Shifting: Travel between universes.
Universe Correction: appears to replace an aberrant individual with the 'correct' version of themselves for that universe, presumably sending them back to their own. (Mario from super mario was universe corrected, but still seemingly exists in wario form as evidenced by smashup kerfuffle, and was simply temporarily replaced with his corrected universe counterpart. But like. The dimensional bus system is still active crimbo doing the Put That Thing Back Where It Came From Or So Help Me routine aint gonna work if they can come back with a shrug and bus fare. you're fighting the symptoms without treating the problem)
Universal Constants:
Three individuals per universe that serve as the pillars which stabilize said universe, created by absorbing red orbs Crimson creates. Becoming a constant grants power, but also makes the constant fragile, and death wipes them from the face of the multiverse, only crimson, those he's possessed and the other constants seemingly able to recall they ever existed, although some physical evidence is still left behind (Larry's record of Nagito's death, which is just as redacted as everything else relating to him but still is very much something Larry has. Kind of a Voidfish adventurezone type beat ironically enough? Taako really has seen all this shit before no wonder he peaced tf out)
To counterbalance the weaknesses the constants have, they have a sort of spidey-sense to alert them to danger, and an intrinsic bonded connection to their fellow constants, and additionally, Crimson apparently doesn't suffer any pain from the death of constants or the structural instability of a universe.
Possession: what it says on the tin! Seemingly can only be done with permission to living things- none of crimson's direct hosts seem to have entered that agreement unwillingly, Valentine lost a bet, Hamburger and Crimsonaut have been by all evidence intentional allies to Crimson- but electronics are fair game, as seen with The Guy's suit. Kinda curious how that rule applies to bitches that are half and half, like J0hn or the clonebot gang, as its unclear whether The Guy's suit was yoinkable without permission because it was mechanical or because its not sentient. could go either way but if it's the former that's potentially very frightening
Fusion: Two individuals from alternate universes can be fused into one shared body which can take on aspects of either depending on which is currently in control. (possibly allows someone who traveled into a given universe to become a fixed resident there without it being an issue for Crimson, whose job is to prevent interdimensional travel?) Monday Mark and possibly T.O.M. are our main examples.
Unpleasant As Hell and can even kill you instead of changing you if you cant handle it.
turns the corrupted individual into a twisted exaggeration of themself, allows them supernatural control over their shape, and makes them very difficult- if not impossible by traditional means- to kill, based on Garfield.
Subjects them to control by Crimson, but can be exorcised of this influence just like crimson's direct hosts can, although the supernatural changes to their physiology are seemingly permanent, judging from Shantae.
Notable Weaknesses:
Exorcism can be performed to free a possessed or corrupted individual of Crimson's influence. Its unclear how exorcism works/is learned in CPUK, but confirmed exorcists: dantoinette and yung papaya's snake dad, confirmed non-exorcists: folk
The universal constant orbs are physical objects so they are Very Stealable and they grant a power boost so theres literally an Incentive to beat his ass for anybody who wants to be strong and either doesnt know or doesn't care about the whole 'getting erased when you die' part
Crimson has lots of tools to create pawns, but all of them have drawbacks. Corruption could kill a potential pawn, possession generally seems to require permission, and he has no control over the constants' choices and actions
Manipulative bitch's highest stat is charisma and it shows. This motherfucker is selling snake oil. If he was mortal rather than a Whole Entire God he'd make an excellent ineffectual saturday morning cartoon supervillain and i think everyone, including him, would be happier for it, ngl
Something interesting ive realized that likely wasnt fully intentional, is that a lot of Dr. Order's creations, considering her motive, can kind of be sorted by a color god it appears to be a crude attempt at mimicking the abilities of. My Grunk is a poorly executed resurrection, the clonebot gang vs chartreuse's timeclones (this one deserves special mention because Chartreuse used this shitty attempted mimicry to her advantage with D+, very smart and ironic play, excellent job Treusy,) spirits are somewhat similar to universal constant orbs (orbs which can be absorbed to grant power, but which have physical repercussions- key differences being that spirits require activation and grow stronger while attuning to a user without being used, and having far less severe drawbacks, taking a heavy toll on the body, but only once they've worn off and without the risk of wiping yourself from the face of existence,) and she also augmented Perfect Spriteman and Larry, which kind of track as crude imitations of Crimson's corruption!
Garfield was an acerbic cat who loved food and hated mondays, now its an actively malicious ever-hungry amorphous entity whose only weakness is monday and whose only consistency in form is 'cat-like.'
Shantae was (to my extremely limited understanding of shantae,) a friendly heroic type who had to introduce herself often, and she became something akin to a biblically accurate angel that can *only* introduce herself.
The Grunks a tough but sweet and supportive single dad with stage presence and a tendency to fly off the handle when he or his family are slighted, and now he gets so hype in the audience when his son does well that he bursts into flames and ascends and we get random grunk events along with the associated murder charges when he gets mad and the target sucks enough that he doesn't hold himself back from killing them.
Perfect Spriteman and Larry fit the trend of exaggeration of already present traits- Spriteman fucking loves sprite and became something that only thinks about sprite, and Larry the Florida Man, characterized from minute one by unpredictability and who spent his first matches in the series pre-shapeshifter transformation staying alive keeping stocks for Shockingly Long even despite getting seventh, became literally physically random as well as developing the ability to regenerate, albeit with the ability to feel pain normally very much intact, unlike Garfield just... Soaking up damage like its nothing in his pursuit of Jon. The fact that Arbuckle legit defeated Garfield, even temporarily, is terrifyingly impressive honestly that dude is fucking built different for being so chronically bland
i dont think they're actually corrupted in any meaningful way we have to worry about, to be fully clear, Spriteman was cured with fucking antacids, i simply think they could be a fucked up attempt at making something that kind of seems like it from a functional standpoint, from the wannabe god doctor that brought us green clones whose only fundamental association with time was accelerated aging and who thought an actively rotting corpse thats just reanimated enough that it can throw hands was as good as curing death
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