#good herb mix
fiadh-doodles · 1 year
Okay I've posted art, rambled, & finished baking bread finally I'm gonna pass out now gn
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hellouniversehowareyou · 10 months
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Not well, let me tell you that.
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subsequentibis · 17 days
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first time trying to do stuffed peppers! the prep took way longer than expected bc i got fresh herbs and had to chop it all. pork, onions, garlic, rice, parsley, thyme, rosemary, oregano, salt n peppa, lil bit of soy sauce bc i was low on salt.
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dicaeopolis · 11 months
eating a hunter gatherer meal (putting craisins in my sausage wrap)
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museenkuss · 10 months
Hi ladies have you heard of putting garlic in dishes? Game changer.
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saud4des · 2 months
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❛ if i have to think about one more thing today, my head will explode. ❜ — from ada shelby-thorne // @devilsnare dialogue starters // accepting
gloria  offers  an  empathetic  grimace,  waving  off  an  ounce  of  idleness  in  her  bones.  too  much  wasn't  good  for  her,  a  mind  nestled  between  war  and  academia  turns  at  an  exhausting  pace.  it  suits  gloria  just  fine.  she'd  been  conditioned  for  it,  her  entire  essence  thriving  in  the  eye  of  any  storm  with  a  deadly  calm.  she's  already  rummaging  through  the  cabinets,  bare  feet  tempered  against  the  cool  tile  floor.  ❝ is  it  a  shelby  headache?  ❞  she  teases  ada,  a  smile  peeking  from  behind  the  kitchen  doorframe.
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  she  finds  the  jar  of  dried  flowers,  thumb  swiping  over  the  label  her  abuela  had  scribbled  on  years  prior.  tilia flowers  steeped  with  mint  and  a  healthy  dose  of  honey.  and  while  it's  not  a  healthy  pour  of  whiskey,  it  will  help  shuck  off  the  pounding  headache.  gloria  returns  with  a  teacup  in  hand,  tablets  of  aspirin  nestled  in  the  saucer  and  offers  it  to  ada  with  an  insistent  nod.  ❝  don't  think,  just  get  it  out.  unless  my  night  isn't  done  yet  and  i  have  to  go  off  some  pendejo.  ❞
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bijoumikhawal · 9 months
fun fact: originally my Egyptian fashion video series was going to have a video just about hair styling, but I cut it because while I had some info it didn't feel like enough for a segment. I do at some point want to do something about that: maybe a follow up video once I find more info or a post series.
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dragpinkman · 1 year
i planted carrots for the first time today bc the weather seems ready and my sprouts have long enough roots. pray for me
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the-puffinry · 1 year
'pizza' is maybe the wrong term for something that had 3.5cm or so thick fluffy dough with nigella and thyme in it but i made this with a Pizza Intent, so it counts as pizza (in spirit) i think.
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aldercaps · 2 years
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a good day (a busy day I am so tired)
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simplykaren · 5 months
When you're talking with your friend and mention this new spice you've been using in cooking and they respond "Oh, isn't that the one that's hallucinogenic?" They pause to think for a moment. "Yeah, it is. If you mix it with [insert other herb] and smoke it. It was a plot point in a murder mystery I read."
Well, that might explain why I had to order that spice online instead of finding it at the local Indian market...
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weightlossjuices · 5 months
The Role of Gut Flora in Weight Loss: An Evaluation of Bread Kvass from a Personal Perspective
In this blog post, I will delve into how the microorganisms in our gut influence our weight and provide a personal perspective on the method of using bread kvass.
The significance of gut health for overall well-being is increasingly under scrutiny in research. Particularly concerning weight loss, gut flora plays a crucial role. In this blog post, I will delve into how the microorganisms in our gut influence our weight and provide a personal perspective on the method of using bread kvass. buy top rated Bread kvas Gut Flora and Weight Loss: A Complex…
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hazardperceptiontest · 9 months
i just made carrots edible for me. amazing
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hornedcraft · 11 months
my baby spellcrafting ass is trying her best hand-embroidering a lil sachet for a money/new job herb mix for bf bc god fuck. i need to get better at things
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cryptotheism · 7 months
The "potion-crafter" archetype of alchemist used in fantasy is often, like, an independent chemist that works off commission or sales to create fireball elixirs or exorcism salves. Is there a grain of truth, there? Did alchemists in any period you studied make a living by synthesizing magical items (like panaceas or DIY-chrysopoeia-kits or somesuch) and selling them on to any willing customer, or was that not really in their domain?
Ha! You know sometimes it can be a bit annoying answering asks like this, because most fantasy media isn t terribly interested in authentically representing history, BUT THIS TIME I can give y'all a specific and direct answer!
The archetype of the potion-crafter you're talking about almost definitely has its roots in an actual pre-paracelcian european medical profession; the Apothecary.
There were three types of doctors in the 1500s. There were diagnosticians, the people who went to school to learn about anatomy, and were allowed to call themselves "doctor." There were surgeons, the low-skilled workers who were in charge of hacking off limbs and draining bedpans. And there were apothecaries, basically the medieval equivalent of a pharmacist.
If you were a wealthy merchant, and you went to a doctor for your runny nose, he would look you over, and give you a prescription that you were supposed to take down to your local apothecary, so you could buy a potion from them.
But these prescriptions weren't exactly strict. A doctor might prescribe you an exact list of ingredients with the amounts, or he might just prescribe you "a healing ungent of cooling and drying herbs." So the apothecaries occasionally had some wiggle room based on supplies and expertise.
The important thing to remember, is that apothecaries were NOT considered magicians or alchemists.
That is, until Paracelsus came along.
See, good ol' Paracelsus was a radical innovator. He was one of the first physicians in history to be all three types of doctor at once. He was a diagnostician, a surgeon, and an apothecary. He argued that all doctors should have knowledge of their entire profession, and that no doctor was above suturing their patients wounds, and mixing their patients medicines.
He was also, crucially, an alchemist and a magician.
Alchemy was the cutting edge of technology for the time, a practice regarded with equal parts awe and suspicion, but it was more the realm of glassblowers and metallurgists than doctors or botanists. Paracelsus disagreed. He argued that if it's part of God's creation, it should be used to heal the human body.
This extended to magic. Paracelsus figured that you had to factor in things like "the movement of the planets and their influence on the earth." And he was known for prescribing patients things like "astral talismans to be worn about the neck." A practice that, even for his time, was often seen as backwards and superstitious. (Although given how harmful medieval medicine was, the astral talismans might have been your best option sometimes.)
Paracelsus was a radical. People fucking hated him, especially when he was alive. But his ideas were extremely influential, and exploded in popularity after his death in 1541. I can confidently say that the fantasy archetype of the Potion Brewer is based on Paracelcian physicians, the doctor/alchemist/apothecary/magicians who followed his theories.
Here I'll link my Patreon if y'all wanna support my research! I have a whole section on Paracelsus.
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oddityeffigy · 1 year
very very pleased with myself
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