#good luck anon <333
sarah-sandwich · 2 years
Have you ever had to skip work because of lice?
I haven't thank god. But when my daughter was in preschool she had them for almost the whole school year because we could NOT get rid of them. It was horrible. It was stressful and embarrassing and exhausting. I cried many many times.
Then I finally bought a treatment with a different active ingredient and bam! They were gone.
So if you're dealing with lice right now, Nonny, sincerely my whole heart goes out to you. It's so hard. But learn from me and don't just keep buying the same product over and over bc you assume you're doing something wrong and not that the stupid lice have evolved to be resistant to the chemical used in the thing.
Unsolicited tips and info:
If you have lice, you'll need help. Don't try to tackle it all by yourself. It's okay to ask for help. This is a community thing we all fight off together.
The treatments can be pricey but they're worth it. When I was a kid my mom would slather our scalps with conditioner and then wrap plastic wrap around our hair to suffocate them. It worked then, but based on my experience I don't know that it does now
After using the treatment, have someone comb through your hair from root to tip with a lice comb (this comes with treatment stuff). They'll want to comb out any lice (you will likely find live ones, even after the treatment) but also get the nits. Any live lice will be sluggish but you'll want to keep any eye on them. I kept them wadded up in a wet paper towel which I would then tie up in a plastic bag and take outside to the trash.
Nits are the eggs. They look like little white ovals. You find them attached to strands of hair close to the scalp. You'll find most of them in the warmest places on your scalp: around your crown, behind your ears, and at the nape of your neck.
Change your clothes after the combing is done and put them directly in the wash. Your helper should do the same (they should also keep their hair tied back while combing if they have long hair).
Wash your bedding. Sheets, pillow, pillow case, blankets, etc. Bag up any plushies or other soft fabrics that can't be washed and put them in quarantine for a couple of weeks (this will be hard, I know, I'm sorry). We put my daughter's stuffed animals in trash bags and put them in her closet.
If you don't already have a zippered case for your pillow (it goes under your regular pillow case) now is a great time to invest in one. I still use them out of (healthy?) paranoia. It's much easier to wash the two cases than the whole pillow.
Don't stress too much about cleaning. You need to do it, especially in the room where you sleep and the area where you had your hair combed, but the lice need your body heat to survive. They won't last long in your carpet (24-36 hours). The most important part is the treatment and the combing. Kill the lice and remove them from your body.
Repeat the treatment as recommended on the packaging. Usually it suggests doing another treatment after 2 weeks. This will make sure to kill off any newly hatched lice that might have been missed as nits.
Most Importantly
It's going to be okay. Give yourself some comfort. You deserve it.
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ARIIIII HI HELLO HEY !!! i got a bit busy (i hate assessments) but I'm back and I will soon read all the things I added to my tbr that you posted !! soooo excited hehe :3 I wanted to ask how you guys are playing phanpara.... i also want to see all the fun stuff and play.. ☹☹ manifesting the banners for you so you get them easily <333 - ❄ anon
❄️ ANON MY LOVE !! welcome back!!!! :3 i hope your assessments went well…. i’m proud of you for working hard 🫂🫂🫂 AND PLS don’t feel any pressure w the tbr, my fics will always be here when you have the time !!! <3333
BUT YES . phanpara ….. i’m not gonna lie to you anon getting it downloaded on ios was a whole trial of will but 😭😭 it’s actually. fairly simple. it’s easier on android (you just need to download a bunch of apps to emulate it!!) but on ios you need to manually change your appstore region to japan. and then download a vpn app. the biggest downside w ios is that there aren’t really any good translator apps!! :(( on android you can get bubble translate which lets you translate on screen text really easily…. but you won’t get anything like that on ios. so you won’t understand what the characters are saying (unless you take screenshots and throw them into an image translator)….
buuut if you’re still fine with that!! (assuming you have ios and not android)…. then i’ll leave the instructions down below :33 i’ll try to make them as clear as possible but just ask if you have any more questions!! i’d love to help!!! phanpara is sm fun…
ok so . here are all the steps !!
1) make a new appstore account!!
this step is easy :3 … i don’t. remember how i did it tho. pretty sure you just go to the appstore browser page?? or something.., and then you obv just need to add a name and a functional email address!
when you’ve made a new account, make sure that your ios is logged into it . just go to settings -> click your profile -> click on the appstore icon -> log out from your usual account and log in on the new one!! then you just need to press ”show account” to go to the next step.
2) change your region to japan!!
this is the complicated step. it’s not really that complicated though it just took me a while to figure it out 😭😭 you can use this site for reference if my descriptions confuse you lol
when you try to change your region to japan, you’ll be forced to add your name and your address. you can use your normal name (assuming it’s made up of english letters), but you’ll need to generate a jp address!! it’s actually kinda easy. this is the website i used!! it lists all the information you need in the correct order, so just . copy and paste into the settings . (i believe you’ll need to choose the prefecture manually, so just look at the prefecture name on the website and match it with the options ios gives you!!) street name, prefecture, city, zip code, phone number… etcetc. this may or may not be an illegal process but if you’re a gacha enjoyer i’m assuming you like living life on the edge.
you’ll also get the option to add a payment method, but you should be able to skip it by choosing the option at the bottom. this is important because otherwise it won’t let you change your region (unless you happen to have a japanese credit card hanging around)….
when you’ve entered all the necessary information, click the blue text in the top right corner to move on!! if you’ve done everything correctly you should be taken to the jp appstore :3
3) download phanpara + ovpnspider!!
now you’re almost done!!! downloading phanpara should be easy, just search for it in the appstore and. well. download it. when i did this i had to click through some ios popup page..??? but just . click your way through it. trial and error. until it lets you download the app <33
while phanpara is loading, download ovpnspider!! this one is super easy and doesn’t take up much space at all. when it’s finished downloading, just go into the app, go to the ”jp” folder and connect to one of the vpns!! the status has to be ”alive”, but any of them should work :3
4) play phanpara !!
now you should be good to go <33 the only issue is that the vpn can be a little difficult sometimes. phanpara might take a bit to load, and throw you out if the vpn disconnects, but as long as you just exit the app and change the vpn there shouldn’t be any issues. could be a little bothersome sometimes but you get used to it quickly!! just make sure that you’re connected to a vpn, enter phanpara, and play :33 for me it takes up roughly 5gbs of space, so make sure your phone can handle it!!
aaaaand that’s it <333 i’m sorry if this is just. gibberish 😭😭 or if i’m making it sound more complicated than it is …. and pls let me know if it works for you!!! i’d love to be friends in game if you make an account :33 then you’ll be able to use my gojo in battle … hehehe ……..
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selfcarecap · 21 days
The group photos in dating apps make me so mad I can’t even explain it. Why do men think that’s a good idea ???? 😭😭 why are men so….men (I fear I still love them 🤭)
I really don’t know, the worst is when they exclusively have group pics because how do I know he’s not the ugliest one? I wonder if they get anyy matches lol. I have one group pic on my profile too but I’ve covered my friends faces like it’s my profile 😭 (I fear still love them too🤭😭)
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a-narcissists-warren · 3 months
...I don't know either.
-Clown anon
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I'm telling you, you two should actually talk about this before it's MORE than yoo late. He literally wants to adopt a kid!
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stabbyfoxandrew · 2 months
Mer Roadtrip please!!!
My goal is to request it enough that my phone stops correcting Mer to met. It’s so so good!
WIP Wednesday (7/31) | Mer Roadtrip AU (Part 49)
“Lying already? We're not off to a good start,” Andrew says, making Abram bristle. He lets out a breath and runs his fingers through his hair, waiting for Andrew to end this staring contest. But he doesn’t. Abram supposes he’s got a point. If they can’t trust each other, what’s the point of this? Besides, Andrew already told his story.
“I will only explain once, so pay attention.” Abram finally says, glancing over to find Andrew still staring at him intently. “My father is a big time gangster. I’m not telling you his name. Just think Al Capone meets Jack the Ripper.”
“Sounds like a bad movie.” Andrew drawls. 
“Sure does. Imagine living with him.” Abram mutters, thinking of all the terrible things he’s seen and done. The terrible things that have been done to him.
“I’d rather not.” Andrew says, waving his hand. “Get on with it. Your dad’s a big bad scary man. That doesn’t explain the money.”
“Yes, it does.” Abram snaps, making Andrew clam up. “When I was ten years old, my mom grabbed me and a bunch of his money and we left. He’s chased us, chased me, ever since. And I never knew why until this morning. Turns out he wanted to sell me off as a pet to some freak who keeps captive mers.”
Andrew makes a strange sound then clears his throat. “Seems we might’ve ended up roommates even if neither of us got away.”
“I doubt it. My father’s business is on the east coast. It would’ve been someone on that side of the country most likely. No idea who, but... No one good.”
“And what about Mother Dearest? Where is she?”
Abram’s heart seizes in his chest at the question and he decides he can’t bear the full truth. “She died a few weeks ago.”
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canongf · 7 months
Most of the time when I try to find x readers of my f/o all of them end up being not at all like what I characterize my f/o to be like, and it makes me feel really demoralized cause Fics with my f/o is a huge main way for how I feel close to her and I’d write some of us together but my writing isn’t very good so I’m not too sure what I could do instead and I’d like to ask for advice regarding that ;;
ohhh, it's no fun when the characterization feels off. instead of making them feel closer it makes them feel farther away. i'm sorry!!!
but you have options!!!
the first two are kinda related, so i'm lumping them together! option one: make a request. option two: commission. a lot of x reader writers take requests! if there's one that you enjoy and that gets it close enough, you can always check to see if they're open to one! and if there isn't, there are plenty of people who take writing commissions, just in the self ship community alone, and that way you'd be able to ask for exactly what you want.
of course, there's always a risk that someone else won't be able to write your character exactly as you feel them. and i know this option is less exciting, but you can always always always keep writing!!! even if you think your writing isn't very good!!! it doesn't have to be good. it doesn't have to be thought out, it doesn't have to be finished. write headcanons and write little blurbs!!! just write the idea or the dialogue!!! sometimes that's enough. and the only way to get better is to keep doing it!!!
and finally!!! try exploring other ways of feeling close to your f/o!!! x readers can be great but they're not all there is. make a playlist!!! make a moodboard!!! doodle!!! write in a journal about how you feel about them or write them a love letter!!! dress like them!!!! anything!!! if x readers aren't doing it for you right now, then find or create something that does!!! there's always something!!!
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svnflowermoon · 5 days
what song r u listening to rn
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httpiastri · 4 months
i’ll keep this short because i feel like you might be getting tired of my really really long long asks and also because my heart still aches from yesterday so im not feeling v talkative so
- you made a type in pepe’s name and you made him pee and idk i found it funny okay 😭😭 and its ironic because as i was typing this i made the same typo too
- def trust your intuition!! i’m literally just a teenage girl but there’s been instances where trusting my gut feeling has lead me out and away from really danger or at least warned me enough about it so i could mentally prepare for it
- and i also agree that there doesn’t have to be many coincidences for it to mean something!! sometimes just one coincidence is enough because of the timing and nature of the way it even came about yk?
- i was kinda raised with the beliefs of two religions…? if that makes sense, of course. but even when one religion contrasted the idea of fate and destiny i think it’s something younger me could never shake off and no amount of lessons could ever change that belief in me, and idk but pepe’s season so far kinda made me religious again (this sounds so stupid i’m so sorry 😭😭) but like i do believe in fate and destiny but also in manifestation (which basically means we choose and create our path in life) but rn i’m believing in fate and that there is a reason why his luck (and i say luck and not season, because he is a very talented driver, and the only thing that has been messing him up is his luck) is so awful rn, and that he will shine on the top step of the podium again. he won in barcelona last year, and did the so so good in all barcelona testing’s this year, so even if monaco messes up his race again (which i pray does not happen), barcelona will take good care of her golden child, pepe.
- i realise ive rambled too much again 😕😕
- but yeah omg one of my biggest questions when i was child was why i was put on this world at this exact time and this location because like?? i was always a very emotional child but i was always grateful to be surrounded by so many lovely people, even when i was being bullied in school or whatever. but i also used to feel guilty because why me? when there are others in the world suffering, why did i get the better life, but i think that’s a bit too much for rn.
- also i think paul’s cockiness isn’t too surprising, i think in circumstances where he’s doing really well after two very important teams didn’t stick by him, it’s understandable that he would be acting that way but some of the things he says just makes me go a bit 😦😦 like the wonder kid comment and yesterday’s comment
- but yes i tried to keep it short but i really hope pepe gets his chance to do well again, and i hope its a win, because you mentioned patterns with maiden wins and yesterday my feed decided to just fill itself with pepe posts and i saw one from you from last year: https://www.tumblr.com/httpiastri/732051888669917184 and in the tags you said he had such a good start to the season but then got unlucky and i just looked back at last year’s race results and his dnfs at the end of season were so horrible too BUT he also did end up with 3 wins that season so maybe its like a sandwich pattern thing… where he did well at the start last year, got unlucky at the end of season, got unlucky again (minus his first race podium) and then becomes supremely lucky again at the middle to end of this season
idk im so tired and upset rn and another word i don’t know in english but i hope your week gets better as it goes by!! monaco is just this week so in a few days time, this won’t be the most recent pepe race that we remember, and hopefully by then his luck has changed so the most recent pepe week we remember is an amazing one (i hope that sentence made sense because my brain’s been lagging a bit recently) but yes, thank you for taking the time to reply to my v long asks, and i hope i haven’t been stressing you out with these asks because i really don’t want you to feel pressured to always type out a really long reply to mine— but anyway, have a lovely day ahead, and an even better tomorrow!!💗💗
p.s. thank you for writing about pepe snapping at you and giving you the silent treatment and accidentally making you cry because i imagined the exact same thing yesterday and now it’s in written form so i’m def not going crazy 😵‍💫😵‍💫 but i think id feel guilty if i cried and he had to comfort me because he’s been the one with the horrible luck these past few months?? not me?? but i think it could lead to some really sweet bonding where i give him one of my good luck charms which lead him to win or at least score a podium finish in his next race so
oops i rambled again im so sorry 😭😭😭
- 🪷
?!?! i would NEVER get tired of your messages wth???????? theyre the highlights of my day honestly 😭 im so sorry for being late to answer sometimes but ive been so extremely tired these last few weeks…. i promise to get better 💔 but please never feel like you have to make a message short or like you can't send this or that!!!!!!!!
i looooved reading the pee part of this message because i was like "😭😭 r u gonna realize why i wrote that maybe…." 😭😭😭😭😭😭 and then seeing these messages made me laugh out loud aaaa
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i have decided to trust my intuition more bcs of you !!! it will be interesting where it takes me even if it's abt smaller things :)
don't say it's stupid, i think it makes sense!!! personally i feel like life is a good mix of all of those and while i do think you can choose a lot of what happens to you, i guess i believe that not everything can be changed because some things are more fate-y. but i do believe that everything will work out in the end and even if things don't go how you intend them to (/what you manifest), you'll get the right results in the end as long as you have the right mindset & so on? if that makes sense?? im also a believer in karma so like if you do good things then good things will definitely happen to you. so i 100% agree abt pepe and the fate thing, it doesn't matter if he has a few tough races because he's a good driver and deserves to do well, so if he just keeps fighting and doesn't give up then he will be rewarded in the end 🥺 oh i will be so so so happy if he gets that home race win again, it would truly be the highlight of my year 😭 but i have a good feeling about monaco again !!!!
yesss i feel the exact same way, i feel so insanely lucky to have grown up in this country, in this family, with all of these opportunities and all of the good stuff around me.... i think that a lot of stuff i do today also are very deeply connected to things i felt in my childhood? in a way that i feel like i've had like revelations abt stuff????? like i went through a rlly hard time with my family when i was like 10 and i really didn't wanna go to practice, but the second i met my friends and started playing i was just like "aH this sport has the ability of erasing all of my issues?? sign me the f up" and so 12 years later, ive dedicated my whole life to it..... idk if you get what i mean but i have so many other examples but 😭 but yes i totally get the guilty feeling, esp when im not doing what i should be or like using the opportunities ive been given. the fact that im allowed to go to school, which btw is for free (!!!!), and yet i don't find the energy to study? when people all over the world would kill to learn how to read?? and so on
oh yes 100%, i love the cockiness tbh, it's well-deserved. just like i love pepe's attitude too 🥰
yes yes yes it definitely could be!!!! fingers crossed for a good middle of the season 🥺 also so silly that i wrote abt spa because i was like sooo torn in spa 😭 because obvs i love him (wasn't as obsessed as i am rn tho) but i was so shocked at how he didn't get any kind of penalty (or did i forget abt that?...)...... yes it was probs the team's fault but still 😵
you put it very well, this weekend will be amazing and definitely one to remember <3333 thank you for taking the time to send me these long asks love!!! you definitely have not been stressing me out, i love love reading them and i do not feel pressured. i hope you're having a lovely week s far and that it gets better and better for the weekend !!!!!💗
awwww darling im definitely not going crazy too...... i love his soft side but i also like him showing a bit of emotion yk?? and yes pls like "no don't say you're sorry, im sorry that i haven't supported you enough for a win" 🥺 good luck charms thoooo....... my heart is melting 😭
yet again, shuuuush i don't wanna hear u saying u rambled too much!! you didn't ramble enough, i want twice this much next time!!!!!!! (pls don't feel pressured to write if you don't want to shdjfkhd i just love hearing from you 🥺 no matter if its short or long)(though i prefer long 🥰)
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jeanmoreaux · 11 months
Friend shut uP your tags about not being able to concentrate on thesis cz of Nora’s news LIKE PLZ I FEEL SO ATTACKED WE’RE IN THIS TOGETHER SEND HELP THESIS WANTS TO STOP ME FROM GRADUATING AND I WANNA MELT INTO THE AFTG PUDDLE (black hole? Endless well?)
I always wished he and Renee worked out but I know in the extras (?) Nora said it didn’t work out long term (they both have a lot of traumatic baggage, nothing new but I always admire how Nora was able to write such diversity in…suffering but it’s not a frikin competition) which is understandable but …but the potential… 😣
you 🤝 me; not getting our thesis done in time because we are still deeply invested in character that gave us the biggest psychic damage
NO FR YESTERDAY FELT LIKE NORA WANTED ME DEAD. felt veryyyy attacked as well. i just want to indulge in the brainrot (and i did yesterday) but alas i have to write my stupid fucking thesis. i wish you good luck with yours!!! we will graduate!!
mmmh, yeah. she really manages to capture how trauma can affect people differently and thatbthe consequences aren’t the same for everyone. there is so much that plays into it, so much in your life that can exacerbate or mitigate trauma, and really see that with all teh characters. as you all already know i love the life after trauma aspect of this series. i think it’s often overlooked how traumatic experience shape your life years down the line and how people learn to deal with it and build themselves a life despite it feeling like the world conspired against them!!
i am very curious to see what nora does with tsc and if it’s gonna echo the extra content or put a new spin on things she has said in the past. i have to admit as a renison (and jerejean) girlie myself i feel very indifferent about jean and renee as a couple BUT if nora explores this dynamic more in tsc it will be interesting as well because as you mentioned there is potential for sure. i cannot wait for nora to drop more info tbh. i Need her to tell us more
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yaekiss · 1 year
[🍶] QII ‼️‼️ *glomps* I’m so sorry for not texting. Schools been busy, but now I have time to write down that one HSR idea I told you about !! :0
HIII 🍶 SWEETHEART !! please don't worry about sending in stuff ^^ life comes first after all and I'll probably always be here rotting anyways HAHAHA
YIPPEEE hoping you have fun writing dear! And do feel free to send it in or tag me in it when it's done ^^
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vintageghoststories · 2 years
hey what was your last url i cant for the life of me figure out who you are
my last url was " vinylghost " [<-or something of the likes its been a while n i have memory problems srry !!!] and before that i was "pebblebrainghost" . those were my last two ones uh . yeah
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inkykeiji · 2 years
Ik this is totally unrelated (GREAT FUCKING JOB ON TAG YOU'RE IT P. 2 BB!!!!!) but my cat has banished me to my room bc she wants to sleep in my chair.. I will never finish my work bc she wants to take her five hour nap there I love her
Sincerely, a follower who's yapped at you often but is too embarrassed for that rn :)
(THANK YOU SO MUCH SWEETPEA!!!!!! ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ ) ) lmaoooo aww!!! cats can be so sassy, i love it!! they’re just toooooo cute, you have to give them whatever they want 🥺🥺🥺 don’t worry friend hehehe i baby and spoil my kitty an unbelievable amount so i totally get where you’re coming from!!
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w2sarcher · 6 months
Hi lovie could you write an insta au where y/n is dating harry but she isn't famous (like not a youtuber or celeb just v lowkey) and maybe he has a priv account where he interacts w her post but one day he makes the mistake of liking and commenting on his main account and fans find it. Thank youuuu if you do this
aahhh love this idea of secret socials!!! hope you enjoy this. thank u for the anon <3333
private life | harry lewis
summary: y/n lives a private life with harry until one day he forgets to change his account and fans finds out about their relationship
face claim: fayegreenwoody
harry's finsta in the ig au : haroldinho , y/n's account is public <333
y/nslife posted a photo!
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liked by yourfriend1 & 340 others! y/nslife oui oui i'm in france
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yourfriend1 the only person that could suit mustard yellow ↳y/nslife too kind lovely xxx
yourfriend2 bonjouuur pretty girl ↳y/nslife merci my darling xxx
haroldinho mustard is my new favourite colour ↳y/nslife said no one ever....
sidemenupdates posted a photo!
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liked by w2slover & 19,203 others! sidemenupdates W2S pictured with a fan today in France!
view all 928 comments
harrylewislover he is soooo fit omg
harryfan1 rare harry pic with a fan>>>
w2slover new sidemen vid in france????
sidemenlover123 apparently the fan said he was with some girl walking around paris ↳harryfan2 probs just an assistant or something
y/nslife posted a photo!
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liked by yourfriend1 & 321 others! y/nslife back to london life :(
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yourfriend1 never seen someone so excited to get on the tube ↳y/nslife just love public transport xxx
yourfriend2 omg back on the hot girl runs ↳y/nslife H has dragged me into doing 75 hard with him
haroldinho day 1 of 75 cmoooon legend ↳y/nslife i hate you btw ↳haroldinho you love me :)
y/nslife posted a photo!
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liked by yourfriend1 & 392 others! y/nslife bored waiting for the boyf to come pick me up
view all 21 comments
yourfriend1 you beauty ↳y/nslife love you!!!
yourfriend2 if harry doesn't come pick u up i bloody will ↳y/nslife please do xxx
haroldinho so fit ↳y/nslife hurry up ↳haroldinho nearly there princess
y/nslife posted a photo!
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liked by yourfriend1 & 431 others! y/nslife birthday weekend away with my lover
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yourfriend1 happy birthday you legend xxx ↳y/nslife thank you!!!
yourfriend2 prettiest bday girl ever ↳y/nslife too kind!!!
wroetoshaw love you doll ↳y/nslife oh for fuck sakes harry wrong account ↳wroetoshaw i've had a stinker
w2sloveer omg wtf w2s commented???
harryfan1 no fucking way harry has a priv insta
w2ssidemenluv as if w2s has a girlfriend wtf since when
harryfan2 is this his girlfriend??? is this who people have said they saw him w in paris???
sidemenupdates does this mean all the boys have priv accounts???
sidemenupdates posted a photo!
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liked by w2slover and 25,204 others! sidemenupdates screenshot taken from y/nslife which shows harry commenting. w2s has a girlfriend confirmed. what do you guys think?
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harrylewislover omg omg omg
harryfan1 i can't believe it omg???
w2slover makes so much sense, this is the girl hes always seen with
sidemenlover123 they seem really cute ↳harryfan2 ikr i'm lowkey obsessed w seeing harry being simp
y/nslife posted a photo!
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liked by yourfriend1 & 331 others! y/nslife cheers harry, officially a private account now :)
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yourfriend1 lmao harry's in the dog house ↳y/nslife he's such an idiot
yourfriend2 hahha good luck getting out of this one @ wroetoshaw ↳y/nslife no sympathy for him
haroldinho sorry sorry sorry ↳y/nslife so now you wanna use the right account ↳haroldinho oh nelly
sidemenupdates posted a photo!
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liked by w2slover & 18,230 others! sidemenupdates screenshotted these off of y/n’s insta before she went private. Think they've been together for 4+ years from how far the pics go back! What do you guys think?
view all 1283 comments
w2slover surprised she stayed hidden for that long
harryfan2 how tf did noone know or even find his private account
sidemenlover she's really pretty
harryfan1 they seem really cute shame they don't post publically :(
harryfan5 give them their privacy guys xxx
harryfan6 so this is who he goes w on all those 'solo' trips he's talking about on side cast lmao
a/n: hope this was ok!!!! still working on my harry full length fic but couldn't help but do this cute little anon request. made this in 20 mins so hope its not too rushed xxx
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writingstoraes · 2 years
can you do an insta au where ur max’s sister and ur dating charles 🧡🧡
choose a lane 🏁
pairing: charles leclerc/fem!verstappen!reader
type: instagram imagine/social media au
notes: not proofread hehehe tysm for requesting this anon! hope u like it 🤍 lmk what u guys think!
about: you can never win between your brother and boyfriend.
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen, scuderiaferrari, and 567,091 others
yourusername race day ready ❤️ glad to be in monaco!
maxverstappen You're wearing Ferrari colors again 😒
yourusername there's red in red bull, take it as a win :D
charles_leclerc Guess she loves me more than you hahahaha
maxverstappen Act funny and you will never see her again!!!
yourusername ??? such children
charles_leclerc Mon porte bonheur ❤️ My good luck charm
yourusername rooting for your p1, babyyyy 😘
maxverstappen EXCUSE ME
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liked by lewishamilton, isahernaez, arthurleclerc, and 456,213 others
yourusername been back and forth in the paddock today, can't seem to watch the race peacefully without max and charles arguing 😴 anyway, best of luck today, scuderiaferrari and redbullracing!
scuderiaferrari We thank you for the endless support, yourusername! ❤️
redbullracing Glad to have you back, Y/N!
maxverstappen You wanna know how to not have a hard time going back and forth? Choose a lane and stay here in Red Bull.
charles_leclerc She's wearing the prancing horse isn't she? She stays with Ferrari 🤷‍♂️
yourusername keep it up and i will head over to mclaren and support lando instead
lestappenfan Wonder how tired Y/N must be from dealing with Max and Charles 😭
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liked by lilymhe, alex_albon23, maxverstappen, and 605,223 others
yourusername charles and max love arguing in my mentions but this is really how they are in real life. sometimes i feel like i'm the third wheel but that's their secret of course 🫣
congratulations on p1 and p2 this weekend, charles_leclerc and maxverstappen! ❤️ please stop giving me headaches now.
charles_leclerc Thank you for the support, chèrie! Je tàime ❤️
maxverstappen Ew?????
lestappenrocks LMAOOOOO MAX
maxverstappen Happy to always have you at my races, dear sister! I'm your brother so you should always pick me 😁
charles_leclerc Stop using genetics as an argument mate
yourusername maybe this is the last race ill ever watch
charlos23 lol lestappen being petty as hell here but being bffs off track they are so ??
tagging: @slytherheign <333 hope ure doing well love mwah
notes: this was a cute idea hehehe tysm anon! lmk what u guys think 🤍
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wayfayrr · 3 months
But also had me clutching my phone to my chest with the luck part 😭 you’re so sweet I’m sending so much love through the internet <33
I know I already made a request (which again, take as long as you need, I am more than happy to wait however long <3) but I’m so serious when I say that I need to request something sweet with self aware asexual Sky, specifically him cuddling with reader, just lying his head on their chest as they rest their cheek against his head while like, maybe they play a lil cozy game; Stardew or something- whether they are playing that game together, or Sky is just watching reader while they play, I have no preference, I just need wholesome fluff <333
~🍀 anon
I'm pretty much over it now!! made me feel like shit but eh - I'm so happy to be separate from them now :P they were a real piece of shit ngl but they don't matter anymore!
I couldn't help myself!! what can I say, it was just so tempting to refer to luck in some way - I mean your emoji is a four-leaf clover!!/aff
I did choose to do this request first cause it felt fitting for pride month (I say posting this within the last 10 minutes) but I also realised there's no way to make something noticeably ace without announcing it - so this just comes across more as soft cuddles <3 but I still think it's sweet
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He’s much warmer than I thought he’d be, considering he hasn’t had a pulse, or blood, or a body for very long at all, only about a week as of now. Yet he’s already mostly a natural with it, only needing a gentle reminder every now and then to breathe compared to when he was freshly - fresher out of the game and needed a nudge every couple of minutes to remember. 
It’s perfect for times like this though, just the two of us lying together taking the time to be in each other's presence and it’s hardly surprising that he’s stuck to me like glue knowing what he’s been through. I can’t help but become more enamoured with him through it all as well, while he’s not entirely like how I imagined his character would’ve been like if this kind of thing happened, if anything I’d say… he’s better. Cuddly, soft and sleepy like you’d assume from how he’s shown in-game but also just so, so much sweeter and sassier than he was shown. It’s charming. 
“You forgot to water the pumpkins my dove.”
“I didn’t but thank you for the reminder sweetheart.”
It feels comfortable calling him that now, It wasn’t immediately and he respected that, now I really couldn’t help falling for him. Right now I can feel myself slipping and falling in love with him more and more, he knows what he’s doing I’m sure of it but despite knowing that it’s impossible to stop myself. The smallest things like how he intertwined his fingers around mine while I hold the switch, resting his head on my chest. Even how his hair rustles on my chest with how he’s laying on top of me is downright addictive, driving me deeper and deeper into his spell. 
“[name], [name] love you still haven’t watered the pumpkins.”
“I’m walking over to them, I know you can see our farmer moving.” 
“Mhm, but I know you aren’t focused on the game.”
“How can I be when you’re acting like this?”
“Acting like what love?”
Where do I begin to describe how he’s been acting? That he’s been extra soft tonight? That he’s been even more gentle than usual with how he’s holding my hands and resting on me? That he’s stolen the softest clothes I own to wear right now? That since he’s started washing his hair with my conditioner his hair is so silky and fluffy and good melling that I just want to bury my face in- He knows exactly what I’m struggling to say out loud, his little giggle spelling it out instantly. 
“Acting like your partner?”
“Acting like your boyfriend?”
“...Wouldn’t any way you act be acting like my boyfriend?”
Never in my life would I have thought something like that would slip from my mouth that easily, making him stop breathing. And for once? It makes me forget to remind him to too.
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canongf · 6 months
Hi!! I got spoiled that in the game that one of my f/os is in he has the start of his villain arc in it and he goes through some angst before that n I’m just so scared for when I do reach the scenes I won’t be emotionally prepared to see my baby boy being in pain and I dont mind him being a villain but angst is still scary,, I guess I’m just looking for some help on preparing in advance knowing I can’t stop it and I wanna finish the game to see more of him? Tyvm and ofc no pressure to answer🩷🩷
hiii anon!!!
i think!!! the biggest pieces of advice i can give you are:
take your time & create a safe and comforting environment for when you do get upset!!!
i know you want to play the game, so things like stopping altogether or skipping ahead aren't really options, but remember that you can take your time with it!!! if you get upset, pause it. you can go back to it, just pause it. acknowledge what you're feeling. maybe take a little time to remind yourself that he is okay and he is yours!!! doodle some ship art or write a little ship blurb. listen to your ship song. bring yourself back to a good place for when you unpause it!!!
i know for me, i get extra sensitive if i haven't taken care of my needs. so i try to take care of those first!!! if you know that you're gonna play the game and you know that it's gonna upset you, take care of your needs first. get yourself something to eat, get yourself something to drink. sometimes a little snack or a fun drink can make things a little nicer!!! get into clothes you feel comfortable in. grab a pillow or a plushie to hold onto. pick up your room a little bit if it's messy, so your mind doesn't feel overwhelmed. go into it feeling safe and comforted, to give yourself the best chance of working through those hard feelings!!!
be kind to yourself!!! i know the game is important but you are the most important, and you deserve to be okay. listen to what you need and what you feel, and try to honor that the best you can!!!
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