#good morning tumblrites
mishalogic · 1 year
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Good morning tumblrites
Hello from Australia
Blue skies and calmness beckons to us
this gentle sunny 1C autumn morning,
to show the way to happiness and peace
this autumn day ... Misha
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waxscentedcandles · 1 year
I really need to log off 🙃
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catacatacaterpillar · 2 months
good morning tumblrites i am going to the antique store and joanns today >:)
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iceinparadise · 1 year
Good morning tumblrites
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suzieb-fit · 1 year
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Good morning/afternoon/evening to all fellow tumblrites 😁
Are we ready for what today throws at us? Oops. Make that sound more positive....
Are we ready to gratefully receive what today bestows us with?
Yep. Let's go with that.
For me, that means a quick shower, then coffee time sitting up in bed before this upper body strength workout.
Today's fast will be ending somewhere between 15 and 16hrs depending on what time I get to Costa for my delightful coconut cappucino 😍. Seriously, it's better than the regular milk one.
Day two of gluten free. Just giving it a few days to see if I see an improvement in the mucus thing. Oh wait, have I mentioned that before? That I've got an issue with trapped mucus? Hmm
Anyhooooo, I honestly don't think the dairy free option is doing any good whatsoever. But I'm not going to go back to it yet. I just bought a couple of packs of vegan cheese and a bag of nutritional yeast 😂.
Hey, I've just finished a particularly strong bulletproof with filter coffee. I'm "on one" this morning!
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windvexer · 2 years
Good morning, Tumblrites!
Due to two posts I made yesterday, I got a few asks in my inbox related to death as a result or suspected result of a magical working.
I think some people just wanted a chance to share their stories anonymously, which is fine by me.
However I've decided to not publish any more of these asks as I'm not prepared to host some of these more serious topics.
If you sent me an ask like this, I did read it and your story was heard.
If you want something to read, here's the wayward post that started this, which has just the wildest notes.
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blademode · 1 year
good morning tumblrites (its 1 pm)
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silversword7000 · 3 months
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conaghercorp · 11 months
good morning tumblrites how are we feeling RISE AND GRUND i got old spice soap and bathwater up my nose frisat night and i thoufht i qas gonna die of brain watinf amoeba but im ok
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mishalogic · 1 year
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Good morning tumblrites
Hello from Australia
As gentle whispers of Autumn caress our days with peace and tranquility, and our ears and hearts listen to what Nature has to offer, and are grateful for each moment we share with "Mother" ... Misha
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laintv · 1 year
good morning tumblrites
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ladystrangelove · 2 years
Good morning Tumblrites
Don't forget to Teto your territory
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04282 · 3 years
good morning tumblrites
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Okay. Time, finally, to settle down to sleep. I’ve taken my meds. I’ve had a couple of hits (although I wish I had way more). I should be ready to just go out. But I am afraid. My last few sleeps, whether full sleep or nap, have been disquieting. Vivid dreaming (that can’t happen), restlessness, moments of awareness of kicking and making struggle sounds, and usually fully waking in tears. Lovely time to have an almost complete breakdown.
Crossing my fingers and trying meditation to keep my mind from just going off on its own. Never a good thing. I need to be more productive. I need to make this packing/sell/buy/moving thing go a bit faster. This will not be where I meet my end. I need a new space to spend my remaining next years. (I’m an old person. Just trying to ready myself. It’s gonna happen sooner or later.)
I need to purge. It’s so hard. Everything. EVERYTHING. It all has memories attached. It’s so hard getting rid of these connections so that I can be productive more easily. Regardless, I’ll be tossing and packing stuff again when I wake.
So. I’m baked. My brain is only working sporadically. It’s time to attempt sleep. Please don’t let this night/morning be emotionally devastating as it has been lately. Real true rest. But my brain is reminding me that I need to lose these connections with things and get the hell out of this house in the very near future.
When I wake, I need to remind myself that it’s a fresh, new day. I don’t have to spend the day focusing on my weaknesses and failures. It’s new.
Don’t mind me. Trying to clear the brain. But the brain isn’t cooperating well enough at the moment. I’ll just leave it as it is. Kinda misfiring.
Goodnight, dear tumblrites. I should be clearer in the morning.
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suzieb-fit · 1 year
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Started my bulletproof fast a few hours earlier than I first planned. I was on some sort of "pile it in" mission yesterday morning after a particularly dreadful night, and lots of emotional turmoil thinking of seeing my boys for the last time before I move to a different area on Monday.
Anyway, I brought myself round and started my timer at 10am.
I had my first bulletproof that evening.
It's now just after 6am the morning after, and I'm ready for my first full day, powered by these little beauties.
Coffee, butter, coconut oil and cinnamon. Pinch of sea salt for good measure.
Now, I've also thrown in a splash of whole milk, which is technically "breaking the rules", but I work my fasting life around my own needs and level of health. I can't drink tea or coffee black. I physically can, obviously, but I hate it. I do enjoy a hot drink with just a touch of milk, though.
Fasting shouldn't make you miserable!
I can happily enjoy my bulletproofs without milk, but another issue right now is that I have a big bottle in the fridge and I don't want it going off 😅.
Anyhoo, I'm not expecting any ketones due to the milk, but other than that, I'm on it!
Happy Friday to my lovely fellow tumblrites! Let's all have a fabulous day, no matter what we're doing and how we're doing it 😀
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mentalcase22 · 4 years
Good morning Tumblrites!
First, I’m still writing and still creating.  You’ll be updated more if you follow me on twitter, but if you don’t like that platform, that’s no problem.  I’m not going to stop updating here, I just don’t post too often in this format.
LWL Ch. 09 is just about ready to go for Oct 1st.
MSMM Ch. 14 is with the editor, and Just the Six of Us Book 2 Ch 1 is more or less finished.
In other, scarier and more exciting news, I finally opened my subscribestar page.  For a long time, folks have asked for a way to give me money.  I’m a private person and I didn’t start doing this to get rich.  I’m still not, so don’t think that this is a plea for cash.  I’m doing just fine my friends.
If you feel like it, you can join the subscribe star page at $1, $5, or $10 dollar tiers.  Each has different benefits, although none are all that spectacular.  I’m planning on posting the new chapters, as well as scenes that were cut, abandoned stories, etc, etc.
Here’s the link:
Again, if you want to, I’m thankful, but I’m not in need of money.  This is a way for me to give more content and to finally fulfill a longtime request for you guys to be able to give back to me.
As always, thank you for being awesome fans!
- M
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