#good omens s2 ep 3
ineffablemossy · 1 year
Still thinking about Aziraphale's press card number being 66
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I just love this detail and not seen anyone post about it before
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hellagator · 1 year
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I’m a little disappointed that I’m not seeing more Snake!crowly and I’m here to change that.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
....I feel Some Kinda Way about the capital-Q Queerness of this season thus far, I'll tell you that.
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jealizmuch · 1 year
started watching good omens s2 and i am INSANE. THEY ARE FEEDING US SO WELL
literally good omens straight up went and confirmed so many fandom jokes/theories in like. the first 3 episodes and GAVE US MORE?? crowley and aziraphale have a “im sorry” dance. they knew each other in heaven before crowley fell. crowley did star stuff when he was still an angel. aziraphale writes in a diary. he writes about his adventures with crowley. this feels like a fever dream. absolutely worth the 3+ year wait
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WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
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(guy who has religious trauma voice) I relate to Aziraphale in ways you could only dream of
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steven-cartoons · 1 year
"if any harm comes to Aziraphale because of this I will..." you will WHAT?? CROWLEY WHAT WERE YOU GONNA SAY???
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the-myrda-weapon · 1 year
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This month's resolution
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viciousland · 1 year
Good omens has a way about it that makes me absolutely rabid about it. Bat shit crazy. Like a promo pic or a trailer comes out and I'm normal, I'm chill about it and then I have the actual show on my hands and all hell breaks loose.
Like I genuinely couldn't sleep for 2 days because I was so excited. That's insane.
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NO NO NOOOOO!!! Idk why I went to the tumblr tag page of good omens and now I have more than spoilers! The things I read are not even just spoilers they've transcended and don't even identify with that measly little word! I wanna die 😭
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roadimusprime · 1 year
it would be really fucked up if someone got wiped from existence
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lilacliquors · 1 year
damn y'all EXPLODED the ask box with miguel headcanons tonight i'll try and crank a few out before bed and then steve harrington fic post tomorrow <3
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pastryjay · 11 months
I remember reading that David Jenkins had always planned for a 3 season story. Unfortunately, S2 was hard to get, has 8 episodes instead of 10 and S3 is uncertain. David knew this so changed plans to make S2 have satisfying conclusions in case we didn't get a S3. Which is a really good call. Imagine if we got an ending like Good Omens S2 and didn't get renewed? Nightmare.
Bearing those facts in mind, it's like we and the writers didn't just loose 2 eps but a WHOLE SEASON and 2 eps to tell this story. That is not their fault. OFMD S1 and S2 have done so well, been massively watched so should have been instantly renewed but HBO sucks, so no.
There's room for S3 and I hope we get it but if we don't, what the writers did to make it satisfying is incredible. It's like they took everything that fans needed and made sure to spend at least a scene giving it to us; love confessions, kisses, hand-holding, saving each other, sex and more. I know some characters and relationships were sidelined but it had to be done to prioritize the main story; Ed and Stede's relationship. Ultimately the writers did more with their relationship in the 4 hours of S2 than other shows have done with main pairings across several long seasons.
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drconstellation · 11 months
Dr Constellation's Good Omens Master Post of Metas
(Updated 4 June 2024)
See my Google Doc for a full list of Tumblr posts of interest.
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Future Echos of the Past
The story of the Great War in Heaven as it appears in the present
#1: The Great War of Tadfield Manor #2: The Newton/Crowley Mirror/Parallel in S1 #3: "Not Even At Gunpoint"
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Archangel Gabriel
Supreme Archangel Gabriel often stands on the demonic left-hand side in scene blocking, rather than the angelic right. He’s also fond of taking center stage! Gabriel as a Shoulder Angel: S1 Study S2 Study Part 1: Ep.1 The Arrival and Ep. 2 The Clue S2 Study Part 2: Ep.3 I Know Where I'm Going and Ep. 5 The Ball S2 Study Part 3: Ep.6 Every Day First-Order Archangels Part 1: Maybe You'll See An Archangel
Gabriel and Crowley act as both parallels and foils to each other in S2. In Part 1 we look at some of the ways they are alike.
First-Order Archangels Part 2: Foils of War
Part 2 takes a look at where Gabriel and Crowley oppose one another, as well as highlighting some parallels between their respective partners, Beelzebub and Aziraphale.
First-Order Archangels Part 3: Seeing Eye To Eye
Gabriel and Crowley both have an interesting connection to time.
The Assistant Book Seller
Jim’s knitted vest holds a wealth of symbolic information - and a surprise nod that you didn’t expect.
Giles the Herald
An interesting parallel to Gabriel at the end of S1.
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Aziraphale's Edinburgh Journey
Part 1: Detective Aziraphale
One of the reasons Aziraphale goes to Edinburgh is because it is a narrative parallel to Crowley’s trip to Heaven. There are also a couple of other things we need to consider, too.
Part 2: Aziraphale-Beelzebub Parallels
While Gabriel is Crowley’s mirror in S2, Beelzebub is Aziraphale’s. And there is a third character that makes an interesting mirror-triangle analysis that combines and reflects both major characters together as well.
Part 3: Stocktaking in the Basement
Aziraphale does a lot of reflection about the past while he’s on his trip to Edinburgh. How can this help him in the future?
Part 4: Judgement Day
Aziraphale's trip to Edinburgh - and most of S2 - is filled with hints and references to the Second Coming. Gabriel's statue is one of them, but it has another role as well (and it's not for hiding anything under, sorry.)
Part 5: I Know Where I'm Going
Named after a Powell and Pressburger film, and an old Scottish folk song, this title sets the theme for Ep. 3 in S2. It's a discussion about Fate versus Free Will, the dangers of trying to escape fate, and looking at things from a different angle.
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Archangel Rings
All the Archangels have golden rings, as well as Aziraphale. Find out what they reveal about each character.
The Golden Lions of Heaven (includes Aziraphale's Lion ring) Michael the Watchful Uriel's Star Ring The Brutal Truth about Sandalphon's Ring
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A Companion to Owls minisode
Goats, Crows and The Flood
Crawley turns Job's goats into crows to save them. Why crows? And how does this link to the Flood?
Angelic Sheep and Demonic (Scape)Goats
Understanding the link between goats and demons gives you a deeper insight into Crowley's story - and also some of Aziraphale's.
Come Back When You Can Make A Whale
Take a deep dive into the Book of Job - and find out what it might be foreshadowing for S3
Aye, a Newt
Why Job’s children are turned into geckos, and a S1 connection.
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Crossing the Threshold
Inside the Dirty Donkey
We’re going to the pub! What secrets does the Dirty Donkey hide behind its name?
Lifting the Veil on the Bentley
Peering behind the meaning of the Bentley’s number plate.
Memento mori
This is one of the major themes of the series - Remember that you die.
Obligatory Reminders and Crossing the Lines
Have you been wondering why Shax tries to do a mail delivery to Crowley as he escorts the shop keepers to safety from Aziraphale's Eldritch Ball? It seems a pretty random thing to do at that moment.
Stand-Alone Metas
The Ineffable Ducks
What are all those ducks doing? Ever got the feeling that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you…?
The Altar of Eccles Cakes
The Eccles cakes don’t look like they are doing much, but they are there for a reason - so is some of the other food you see.
The Cupperty Ceremony
Every bit of food and drink in both seasons has a metaphorical significance. Tea is no exception. It’s one of the few times an eastern philosophy creeps into Good Omens, but still meets with a western ideal.
When Crowley Met Jesus, and The Other Demon at Golgotha
Aziraphale suggests not one but two demon names to Crowley when they meet at Golgotha. Together they make a clever joke about the Third Temptation that most people miss.
Being Kind to One Another
Some clever and subtle word play on kind, linked between two scenes in the S1E3 Hard Times cold opening.
Once and Future Royalty
There’s a King Arthur and Camelot sub-theme running through parts of S1 And S2. Grab your coconuts and saddle up for a crazy ride through time and space!
Portable People
Crowley's yeeting them around while stress-cleaning the bookshop, Jimbriel is trying to sell them to the investigating archangels, and Muriel just wants to read them all. Should we give a second thought to any of these books?.
Bebop and the Book
Why can Anathema always put her hand on the right card at the right time?
Chiastic Structure of S1
Chiastic structure is a literary device where the story line is mirrored in reverse around a central point. S1 has an amazingly detailed chiastic structure, which actually reveals and confirms some meta speculations!
Chiastic Structure of S2
S1 was a fantastic example of a mirrored story line. S2 …isn’t. But there are still a substantial number of chiastic pairs to be found.
Liberty versus the Tree of Life
A philosophical look at the choices between coffee, freewill and death compared to access to the Trees of Knowledge and Life in the Garden of Eden.
Taking Things At Face Value
How our internalized values influence the way we judge people, often based on their outward appearance alone.
The Rules of Engagement
The Technicalities of Licenses, Permits and the Limits of Authority in Good Omens
A Tale of Two Peacocks
A look at the relationship between Gabriel and Michael: what they think of each other, and how they act as foils to each other.
If you are looking for more metas there is a group effort on this google doc here: Good Omens Crackpotting Theory Tracker This brings a lot of ops together in the one place.
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oingomyboingos · 1 year
I will give no spoilers
good omens s2 première was VERY good!! both fun and funny! can’t wait for more eps <3
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Good Omens S2 – hunting clues: the person with the Hawaiian shirt
While looking for other clues, I recognized a person in episodes 1 and 6. I have now also seen them in ep 3. The person wears a black shirt with large red and yellow flowers on it – seriously... – and can be seen right behind Gabriel in the street:
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Passing by in episode 3 when Shax is in Soho:
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In episode 6 the person waits in line behind the Metatron in front of the coffee shop and continues:
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Finally, the person is sitting in front of the coffee shop when Crowley (or Aziraphale...) gets in the Bentley to drive off in the final scene:
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Interestingly enough the company changes: From person with yellow coat to person with red skirt, tartan shirt and light-blue hairband.
Do we know them? Has anybody seen these people anywhere else in the season?
@embracing-the-ineffable @ineffable-detective-agency
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