#good shampoo for hair growth
goodlifehyd · 2 years
Organic Hair Cleanser | Natural Hair Care Products in Hyderabad
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vedapure · 3 years
Regal Essence Onion hair Shampoo is specially developed to treat all kinds of hair damage. This shampoo contains vital nutrients to nourish your hair. Regal Essence Onion Shampoo will give you stunning hair solving all hair damage issues.
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ibacosmetic · 2 years
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b-o-e · 3 years
SDV Bachelors love language headcanons
Warnings: food, very very brief mentions of injuries and not in depth, fluff and cuddles and love and eWw
Giving: acts of services
Alex enjoys showing his love through doing favours. He especially enjoys it when he’s able to show off his strength and how reliable he is, lifting up heavy crates full of the seasons produce, carrying in piles of wood for the fireplace, pushing things around in the wheelbarrow, moving furniture and so on. He especially loves it when you praise him for his work and compliment his muscles. On top of this, he likes to cook you protein packed meals occasionally for breakfast or dinner.
“Here you go, baby,” Alex placed a steaming plate of food before you. “It’ll promote muscle growth so you can keep getting bigger like me! Either way, I can't have you working on an empty stomach!”
Receiving: words of affirmation/physical touch
Alex really enjoys words of affirmation in the form of assurance and compliments. He loves it when you tell him that he’s doing good at something or tell him that he’s doing something just right. With compliments, he loves hearing how nice you think his hair looks or how big and strong his muscles are. When it comes to physical affection, he really loves having your hands on his body. Touching his muscles, massaging him when he’s sore, cupping his face and giving him a smooch… he adores it. He likes it if you hug his arm, and he may or may not flex whenever you do so.
Giving: words of affirmation/physical affection
It’s not much of a surprise that Elliot shows his love through words. He is a writer, after all. He enjoys pouring his heart out to you through poems and love letters, along with murmuring sweet nothings into your ears as you two lay in bed. He loves to show affection through gentle, delicate touches as well, holding you close in these moments and slowly rubbing his hand up and down your back. The feeling of your body laying so close to him is so precious to him, reassuring him that you’re right here and will remain forevermore.
Receiving : acts of services/quality time
Whenever you wash, brush, and style his hair, rub his sore neck and shoulders, make him food when he forgets to eat, he really appreciates it. He occasionally has a hard time remembering to take care of himself when he gets sucked into his own world while writing. Whenever he manages to pull himself away and take a break, he likes to make up for lost time with you. He likes to take candle-lit soaks in the bath with you rubbing his (expensive) shampoo into his scalp, making small talk in lowered voices and figuring out plans for later in the week. He likes when you two go out for picnics with wine and crab cakes you made just for him. It makes him feel so good to know that you care enough to do these sorts of things for him, to take care of him the way that you do, to help him with his routines and to make sure he sticks to them.
“Thank you, my love,” Elliot hummed, resting his head against your shoulder. “You mean more than you could ever imagine to me,” he pecked your cheek.
Giving: acts of services
Harvey knows that you have a lot of work to do on the farm, so whenever he can, he likes to lighten the load for you. He finds pleasure in getting up extra early to ensure he’s awake before you to feed the animals or water the crops if needed, cleaning up around the house, or just making a healthy nutritious breakfast for you to eat in bed. He takes pride in being able to clean and patch you up whenever you get an injury (although a bit of scolding is bound to come along with it) and being able to take good care of you when you’re sick, making sure you don’t push yourself too far. Sure, it is his job as a doctor to do those things for anyone, but as your partner it makes him feel good to know he can provide you with the best possible care and be sure you’re healthy and happy.
“Of course you had to go get hurt again,” Harvey huffed, carefully placing a large bandaid over the cleaned wound. He leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to it. “What would you do without me?” He joked, flashing a sweet smile.
Receiving: words of affirmation
Harvey had a bit of a hard time when it comes to self-esteem when your relationship started. All that his life mainly consisted of was school, studying, and work before he met you. Never in his life did he have much time or opportunity for anything else, so sometimes with his lack of experience when it came to relationships he was scared he wouldn’t live up to your expectations. In his mind he’s old and boring, unattractive compared to the other men in town, so he had a hard time understanding why you chose him if all people. Whenever you tell him how much you love him and why, he really, really appreciates it. It helps build up that self-esteem and his confidence, and allows him to return his love for you full force as his doubts fade from his mind.
Giving: physical affection/quality time
Sam is a man with lots of golden retriever energy who just loves touch. He’s very comfortable with PDA and showing you off as his partner, always having your hand in his or an arm around your waist. He is obsessed with cuddling and will initiate it any chance he gets, spooning you and holding you to his chest or sometimes the other way around. As long as he’s close to and touching you, he doesn’t mind. He especially loves it when you run your hand through his hair. He loves to have movie nights together and for you to accompany him on hangouts with Sebastian and Abigail. If you play any instruments, he loves to have jam sessions with you too, or will teach you guitar if you’d like. On top of that, he wants to teach you how to skateboard if you want as well. He would do anything to be close to you or hold you.
Receiving: receiving gifts
Sam finds it really sweet whenever you give him a gift, especially if it’s one of his favourites. A fresh baked pizza you made or picked up from the saloon, a cactus fruit you nabbed during your visit to the desert, a Tiger’s eye from a geode you had broken, even just a can of Joja cola will make him one of the happiest people on earth. It makes his heart swell to know that you were thinking of him, and eyes never fail to light right up whenever you give it to him. If it’s a shareable item, he will offer you some without a doubt and give you lots of hugs and kithy kithy’s as a thanks.
“You got this just for me?” Sam’s bright blue eyes lit right up with joy. “Thanks, babe! Here, why don’t you have a couple slices? I can’t eat this all by myself!” A definite lie, but it was sweet.
Giving: acts of services
Sebastian recognizes that sometimes he isn’t the most vocal person in the world. He struggles sometimes to express how he feels about you and how much he loves you through words. So, instead, he shows his love through actions. Although it may seem like he’s not paying attention, he is always listening to what you say. With all the info he soaks in, he gives you stuff to show although you may have thought otherwise, he’d been paying attention to all your little rants. You complained once about having holes in your socks? He buys you new heavy duty ones. You’re visibly groggy or tired? He makes you both a cup of coffee. Your body is sore and aching? You’ll be coming home to a warm bubble bath, and maybe he’ll join you to release some tension as well.
Kicking the door shut behind you, you stretched with a hefty sigh of relief. “Long day?” Sebastian’s voice rang out, the man leaning against the bedroom door frame with an amused smirk. “Come on, I ran us a nice bath. Hurry up before it gets cold,”
Receiving: quality time
Sebastian is more of a reserved and quiet guy. He’s a bit introverted, not the kind of person who’s into social events and gatherings, or many other people in general. You are a different story, though. Instead of feeling drained after spending time with you, he feels more energized and relaxed. He feels replenished, at peace, and content, so whenever he can, he basks in the warmth of your presence, soaking in all of the positive feelings. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing. He can be on his computer working with you on the other side of the room reading a book. You can be cuddled up on the couch watching a movie. Maybe out on the porch, eating away at some snacks and looking at the farm. As long as it’s with you, it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters but you.
Giving: physical affection
Shane isn’t always the best at words, especially when it comes to expressing his love to you. He’s quite the touchy guy too, although not so much in public. Around the house though he loves to do things like cuddling on the couch while watching the Tunnler’s game, hugging you from behind whenever he gets the chance, peppering gentle, sleepy little kisses along your neck in bed when he wakes up, that sort of thing. He finds comfort in holding you or touching you in some sort of way, and he really likes it when you lean into him whenever he shows you his love.
Receiving: words of affirmation/physical affection
Shane lacks self-confidence and self esteem, not so positive thoughts often nagging at his brain in the beginning of your relationship. They’re only with me because they pity me, I’m not good enough, I don’t deserve their love and so on. It isn’t until you catch him in a mood like this and you take the time to explain each and everything you love about him that his doubts actually seem to begin to fade. He was awestruck at first that anyone, especially you, could feel that way for a bum like him. It only makes his love for you stronger though, and allows him to feel and accept your love as well.
“I never knew I could feel so happy before you came along,” Shane’s arms wrapped around you squeezing you tight. “I’m so thankful that you stayed,”
hhhgnn auuugh
Posted Sunday December 12, 2021 at 11:00 PM
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beautyglown · 4 years
This is How To Use Beer for Getting Healthy, Soft, Shiny & volume Hair
This is How To Use Beer for Getting Healthy, Soft, Shiny & volume Hair
Washing your hair with beer is an old home remedy that is becoming increasingly popular today. The application as a beer rinse or hair treatment and hair mask is very easy with our instructions!
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The well-known hop drink is not only a popular drink worldwide, it is also a great home remedy for hair and skin. Beer contains many important minerals, vitamins, and other essential nutrients.
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eebydeebyderby · 2 years
You Look Tired, Egon
A quick one-shot in which Reader tries to convince Egon to get some much-needed sleep.
General info:
Egon x Reader, established relationship, fluff, no content warnings 
Word count: 1.4k
A sleepless night. 
You were wide-awake in bed, staring at the ceiling fan sluggishly rotating above you. The clock was just a few minutes past two in the morning, and you were certainly tired, but you just couldn’t seem to get to sleep. 
So, you kicked off your blanket and headed downstairs to the boys' bedroom. 
It was common for you or Egon to crawl into the other’s bed during the dead of night. The two of you usually opted to sleep in the upstairs girls’ room ⁠— Janine never stayed overnight at the firehouse unless she had no other choice, so you almost always had the whole bedroom to yourself. But, there were some nights where he opted for his own bed to not risk waking you up at an overly unreasonable hour. Other nights saw him too exhausted to even attempt making the two-story trek up the stairs, so he would just crash on the old, squashy couch in the back of the lab. 
The bedroom door was ajar, and already you could hear the telltale noises of the boys deep into sleep as you ambled down the stairs. You poked your head inside the bedroom.
Peter was splayed out on his stomach and snoring loudly, his leg hanging off the side of his bed and occasionally twitching. Ray was cozily curled up beneath a nest of blankets and pillows, muttering gibberish in a vibrant, nonsensical dream. Winston was snoozing quietly in a serene slumber, stick-straight in his bed with his hands folded neatly over his chest, a vestigial habit from sleeping in cramped military bunks. 
Egon’s bed was empty.
So, you quietly closed the door and went downstairs to the basement lab. 
Egon was bent over his desk, writing in the chaotic mess that was his notebook. His ears perked when he recognized your gait and he sat up a bit straighter. “Good morning, sweetheart,” he said pleasantly, his back still turned to you. “I thought you went to bed a few hours ago.”
“Yeah, but I got lonely.” You crept behind him and wrapped your arms around his chest, resting your chin on top of his head, partially flattening his fluffy hair. “Whatcha working on?” 
 “Just double-checking some calculations on the bacterial plasmids to see if there’s any statistically significant growth rate difference between them and our control cultures.” He put his hand over yours, idly caressing your hand as he scribbled t-test formulas in the messy margins of his notebook. “You seem sleepy, needless to say.”
“False.” You yawned. “Clingy.” You nuzzled your face into his hair, relishing the smell of his shampoo mingled with the light, natural scent that was so delightfully Egon. He set his pen down and tilted his head back, giving you the opportunity to plant a kiss on his forehead.
“You should try to get back to sleep,” he said quietly. 
“I can’t. I’m scared of ghosts.”
He smirked. “If that’s the case then I have some very bad news regarding your day job.”
You lightly drummed your fingers on the sides of his face, the light sensation making him chuckle. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
 “You’re right. I don’t know why I was under the impression that your ghostologist position at the ghost research lab for Ghostbusters has anything to do with ghosts.”
“Me neither.” You kissed his nose. “No clue where you got that idea.” You put your hands on the sides of his face, feeling the roughness of his stubble as you caressed his cheeks and peppered light kisses on his forehead. He leaned back in his desk chair, soaking up the attention with a small smile. You pulled away a bit to glance over his face. He focused his dark weary eyes on you, looking up at you with placid adoration. “You look tired, Egon.”
“That can’t possibly be surprising to you after all these years past.”
“No, but I still have trouble getting used to it as your default.” You ran your fingers through his hair and a contented sigh rumbled in his throat. “Come to bed.”
"Not for a while, I'm afraid. As always you are welcome company. But, for the sake of your circadian health, I do ask that you reconsider sleeping alone tonight." 
“Afraid not. As per the rules of my employment contractual agreements negotiated with the Occult Workers’ Union, I am entitled to a daily allotment of physical affection.”
He cocked an amused eyebrow. “I’ve never heard of such a labor union before. Especially in today’s political regressions. How long has it been in effect?”
“Janine and I started it a few hours ago.”
“And with whom did you negotiate these terms?”
“Peter. He said, ‘Yeah, sure, I don’t care. That’s Egon’s problem.’ And then he threw a wad of paper at Winston’s head.”
He snickered. “In that case, I’m sure I could spare a few minutes for the sake of implementing our new union mandates.” 
You seized the back of his desk chair and spun him around to face you. 
He was startled a bit by your sudden aggressiveness, blinking rapidly, his face burning hot, but almost immediately regained his composure. He reached up and cupped your face with oversized hands, pulling you in for a light, delicate kiss. After a moment he pulled back, stroking your cheek with his thumb and pressing his forehead against yours. “I love you, sweetheart.” He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, his breath warm and pleasant on your face, and kissed you again. “I love you.” 
Your heart fluttered in your chest, threatening to leap into your throat. A giddy grin spread across your face. “I love you, too.” You kissed his lips, his nose, his brow, and pulled him into a hug, cradling his head to your chest. 
He took a breath and sighed deeply, allowing some of the tension in his body to unwind. He lazily wrapped his arms around your back, leaning into your embrace. You played with his hair, absentmindedly running your fingers through the thick, plushy curls, earning another deep sigh as he fully relaxed against you. He yawned. “I failed to ask you how your day was.” 
“Janine went to the tailor to pick up Ray’s and Peter’s new uniforms, but they embroidered the names wrong. Their new names are ‘Ayy’ and ‘Skeeter.’ Ayy is fine with it but Skeeter had a bit of a fuss.”
He smiled a bit. “I’ll be sure to offer Skeeter my condolences in the morning…”  
You fell into a comfortable silence, simply enjoying his presence in your arms and slipping your fingers through his hair. After a while, you said to him, “Okay, I’ll let you get back to work. Try to come to bed soon.” You pulled back a bit, but immediately froze when Egon slumped forward against you, his arms still loosely wrapped around your middle. 
Egon had fallen asleep. 
"...Shit," you muttered. “Egon.” You brushed your hands up the side of his face, tilting his head upwards. “Egon, wake up.”
“Mmm…?” He blinked sluggishly and looked up at you with groggy, unfocused eyes, his glasses askew and his hair a mess. 
“Come lie down on the couch.”
He slowly rose to his feet, holding onto you a bit to steady his balance, and ambled over to the couch, heavily flopping onto his back. 
You bent down and gingerly lifted the glasses off his face, setting them aside on the cluttered coffee table. 
He reached up his arms to you, almost impatiently gesturing for your company.
You crawled onto the couch with him and carefully started positioning yourself into the tiny shared space. Once you settled in comfortably, he wrapped his arms around you, idly petting your hair, delicately stroking your cheek with strong, calloused hands. His jaw stretched into a wide yawn. "You've incapacitated me with your soporific affections…" he muttered.
“I don’t know what that word means.”  
He grumbled some overcomplicated explanation under his breath as you laid your head on his chest. You closed your eyes, feeling the soft, muted thrum of his strong heart, the rhythmic, gentle rise and fall of his steady breathing. He finished rattling off his definition and yawned again. He tightened his grip around you, burying his nose in your hair and holding you closely against him, cozy and warm against the chilly winter night. “Goodnight, sweetheart.”
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stuff-and-fluffs · 2 years
it’s implied that you/your oc has hair in this scenario. i’m sorry if i made you feel excluded
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having a younger sister has definitely made suna an expert with hair. she always insisted on him helping her with it, so he might know a thing or two about hair and scalp care. he loves running his fingers through your hair, gently getting out all the tiny knots and tangles or rubbing slow, soft circles on your scalp, massaging it so that you feel good and for better hair growth. he also finds experimenting with hair styles on you fun — he can do a pretty mean dutch braid, but somehow his high pony-tails always end up tugging at your hair. he finds having his fingers in your hair very grounding and comforting (since it’s a reassurance that you’re still right there with him), but he’d never admit that. he’d also love it when you return the favor. when you help him style his hair? his heart melts. when you wash it for him, making sure that the shampoo doesn’t fall into his eyes and gently applying the conditioner on his hair so that it stays soft and silky? he falls in love with you all over again. whenever he kisses you, his hands would always be in your hair, pulling you to him and keeping your body close to his.
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repost from my old blog! please do not plagiarize!
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maginxlia · 3 years
Starring Nanami, Gojo, Toji and Sukuna Ryomen In It’s all about Your Hair
Rated PG-13
Contains Foul language and Suggestive themes
✨Director's Commentary ✨ I've been going through a creative block and I'm so so sorry for neglecting y'all! I've been working on other headcanons Too Boos💖 Now let me state for the record that all hair is absolutely beautiful, Please don't ever be ashamed of Having Coily or Straight or Wavy or Curly hair because it's something that you can't control and something that your body grows in it's own beautiful way💖 I really tried my best to include all hair types in this including those of Us who wear protective styles, some of these I can relate to because I once had dreads, I used to wear wigs and Now I currently got My Curly hair out for the world to see💖 This won't be the last y'all see of me this week I swear it. I hope y'all are safe and those of y'all who are out for fall break are getting lots of Rest and Relaxation 💖 I love all of y'all 💖 I want to thank you all for the love and support you all send my way💖 I am so grateful and appreciative💖 Pronouns outta of this cause it’s a party for all
Nanami Kento
If You have Coily or Curly hair
Pays for your hair appointments and he doesn't care how much it cost as long you're happy
He's knowledgeable about your hair type and porosity
Best hair care products on your shelf
This man will DIY you some hair care products from Gel to hair masks
He loves wash day because he gets to assist you with your hair
He always seems to have time for you and your hair
Lemme tell you this man is makes wash day 100% easier
He Will detangle your hair with loving hands so if you are tender headed you're in luck
His give the best head massage that make you lean into him while falling asleep
Really this man take good care of you
Shrinkage shocks this man but stretching amazes him
Expensive bonnets and scarfs for you boo
If someone dare to disrespect you by touching your hair without your permission, he's gonna tell them the fuck off
Learning about your hair has encouraged him to learn more about the proper way to tend to his own hair type
For My boos with the Faux locs and Braids
I'm adamant that this man is Husband goals
The moment you even mildly suggest you want to get your hair done he's gonna do some research for the best stylist in y'all area on his down time
He knows that Braids/Faux locs are protective styles and understand why you want to get your hair done
Whatever hair you want you're gonna get, If you want Remy braiding hair that cost 50 dollars per bundle you best believe Nanami gonna get it for you and he pays for your hair appointment too
Nanami actually helps you wash and stretch your hair before your appointments
This man buys you Whatever you need for your hair
When you come outta of your appointment looking fly as hell he's gonna spin you around and tell you how beautiful you look🥺
Oils your scalp and give you bomb hair treatments
Helps you with scalp cleanses too
Actually helps you a lot with keeping your hair within the Braids/Locs Healthy
Buys you so many beautiful accessories for your hair
Lovingly Helps you with your nighttime routine
Just a over all a Good man
If You're a Dreadlock babe
This man thinks you look Absolutely beautiful 
His curiosity makes him knowledgeable about locs and your hair
Knows the difference between locking Gel and wax
Buys that expensive ass dreadlocks Shampoo and conditioner for you
If you say your scalp is itching he will apply oil to your scalp gently
Hunts for the best hairdressers who knows how to handle locs and if he can't find one he'll learn how to safely loc your new growth
Love Dreadlock cuffs, he buys you so many accessories for your hair
He actually adore your locs but he Support you if you want to comb out your locs one day too because it's your hair
Nanami will fucking scold a fool who calls your dreads dirty or unkempt
If Your hair is Naturally Bone straight or Wavy
Gets only the finest natural hair products for the both of you
If you don't like doing your own hair Nanami will pay for your salon visits hell the man will book your appointments if you want him too
He always Notice any little thing you got done to your hair and he's always compliments you too
If you don't like going to a salon he understands
This man will help you wash, condition and style your hair
He watches YouTube tutorials and practice everything he learnt before he dare touch your hair
Actually is very good at giving you a hair cut without damaging your hair
Use the best products for your hair and doesn't dare to add heat to your hair without a heat protector
Man is made skilled with a flat iron
Do everything in his strength to give you the hairstyle you asked for
Actually your hair looks like you visited a salon and feels like it too
Hair Serums that makes your hair shine beautifully
Gojo Satoru
If You Rock Wigs
As a Master class Hoe This man knows you wear wigs but he don't say shit
Doesn't touch your head at all because he doesn't want to accidentally wig check you until you tell him your wig is secured but HE KNOWS that doesn't mean he can tug on it
Surprisingly knowledgeable about wigs
He names your wigs and he actually have favs
Pays for your wigs and installs
Loves you with and without the wigs but he acts like a schoolboy when he see you with his fav on your head
Do not let him go into a beauty supply because he can't control himself🤦🏾‍♀️
Will wear your wigs while doing a cover of TLC No scrubs music video
Actually can install the fuck outta of a wig
Will do a install on himself to mess with Megumi and Nanami, Melts the lace perfectly and his bald cap method can't be touched💅🏾 Walks out of y'all home with a 22 inch Snow White Bone straight Brazilian Remy wig with the Baby hairs laid
You actually start letting him do your installs because he doesn't fuck around.... well in this instance
If You have Coily or Curly hair
Is Mesmerised by your hair
The way your hair is poofy, soft and gravity defying is exciting to him
Loves your hair and will not let you talk down about your hair
Get too invested into natural hair YouTube drama and videos
Starts bitching about Eco styler Gel, Petroleum Jelly and mineral oil
Actually back tf up when you tell him to chill
He Pays for new products if you jump on the all natural products bandwagon
He Actually Stans Coconut oil and it's Versatile uses
Gets excited to participate in your wash day
Surprise! He's a Pro at detangling
Goes through your hair with gentle precision
His fingers in your hair makes you sleepy asf
Wash n Go's become a breeze with this man
He got you From the Denmen brush to the praying hands technique
Knows how to Safely stretch your hair to eliminate the dreaded shrinkage
Your hair always is frizz free and looks fucking beautiful after he gets done; This man has done his studying, Homework and passed all the tests with flying colours
Gojo will start using Shea butter on his hair and skin
BUT he has this deep obsession with 360 waves and he swears one day he will achieve them
Sleeps with a Bonnet his damn self now
If someone dare touch your hair without your permission ITS OVER
For My boos with the Faux locs and Braids
The moment you said you was planning to get your hair done he was like 👀 and then you said the words "I gotta go to the Beauty Supply" like a kid hearing the words Toys R Us (Rip Big homie) he was up
When y'all got there You told him to stay in the car and he begrudgingly did
Look imma be honest but he loves when you get your hair done
Especially if you get hair to match his eye colour or his hair colour, tbh you might as well be in the nude because it all has the same effect on him
He knows your head might be hurting so he will do whatever it takes to make your head feel better
Hot oil treatments and tending to your scalp is his specialty
Helps you clean your hair and scalp
Constantly bragging about how beautiful you are to Yuuji, Megumi and Nanami
If You're a Dreadlock Babe
Are You from Jamaica? Cause Jamaican me crazy jokes all the time (Boy if you don't sit your ass down) tell him to stop it and he will never repeat it again
Love how your hair makes you look like a baddie
Whatever you want you know he will provide, out here driving to Five different beauty supplies trying (and succeeding) to find your favourite locs shampoo
Assists you with different styles
Will search hard and heavy for a reliable stylist for you but he's not above learning how to tend to your hair and he's actually good at except he uses too much Gel/Beewaxs
Repairs your broken locs too
Is very patient when it comes to how long it takes for hair to dry like he will hold a hair dryer for hours if it meant helping you get your hair dry
Makes him weak when you wear accessories in your hair
Wishes someone would disrespect you so he can obliterate them
If Your hair is Naturally Bone straight or Wavy
Gojo is a Product Junkie (I CAN RELATE)
Love to walk into Sally's and go ham
Y'all own so many different shampoos and conditioners it's ridiculous
He loves natural products tho and will DIY hair masks for y'all hair
Pays for your salon visits
But he knows his way around a flatiron and curling rod
Actually thinks he knows everything about hair because he watched one Brad Mondo video 🤦🏾‍♀️
Wants to bleach your hair so bad because he really believe it's gonna come out perfect ( It won't)
Cuts your split ends pretty good tho but shit goes belly up the moment you ask him for a trim like this man will keep fucking your hair up while adamantly saying he can fix it (He can't) So watch him
Master of the French braid
He loves Hair glosses and Serums
Fushiguro Toji
If You Rock Wigs
This fucking man🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️
Ignorance is not a virtue so Toji really isn't virtuous
Lemme be honest he didn't know your hair was a wig
He's not gonna ask either
The first time y'all got busy Mister super kinky pulled your fucking wig off 🤦🏾‍♀️cap and all (He's VIOLATING)
Your Edges? Gone. Toji? Holding your wig shocked asf. Wormy? Fucking Frighten. The Hotel Toji staying at for the next few nights until (IF) you forgive him? Booked with Trivago
Gives you 500 dollars for a new wig and pays for your install BUT (That's a big booty btw) the damage has been done
He Never touch any of your wigs again
Toji will use the Lace Glue you don't like as glue to fix shit around the house like your favourite vase that got broken is being held together by lace glue that was incompatible with your skin
He will patiently sit and wait while you try on wigs at the beauty supply
His guilt always makes him buy whatever wigs you likes and the installs everytime
If you have Curly or Coily hair
UnKnowledgeable but Respectful
Really tho he fucking loves your hair and the way the products you put it smell
Do not let him detangle your hair until you PROPERLY SHOW HIM HOW
He's absorb all the words you say like a sponge and learn slow but surely how to tend to your hair
Since he's not always home he consider it pure luck to participate in a wash day with you
He just love to touch your hair and it's one of the things he keep hidden
Detangle your hair as soft as he can and the way you taught him
Something about looking up at Toji while his hands are in your hair that is just so intimate and sexy
Scalp manipulation makes you go 🤤
He watched your wash day routine one time and he remembered all the products you used in what order too
It still amazes him when the water touches your hair how the frizz dissipate
Mans bought you towels just for your hair
Buys you new products especially if he used it on himself
When he Sit on the couch with you He likes to subtly smell your hair
Would bury his face into your hair if he could get away with it
If some rando touch your without permission their asses are going MISSING
Accepts the life of sleeping on satin pillow cases and watching you put on a bonnet or wrap your hair up before you let him wreck you like his name Ralph
For My boos with the Faux locs and Braids
He left home for a week and came back to your hair laid plus swaying when you walk
Questions? He got em but he's not saying shit. He just call you sexy and spank your ass with both hands
Will oil your scalp for you if you want him to
Asked you how long did it take to get your hair done and when you say it's was long ass time he's floored
When he's out on his travels, he buys you cute accessories and adornments for your hair
Loves when you move your hair to one side slowly
Wants you pull your hair when he freaks you but he knows better
He is a big Help when it comes to your scalp treatments
Also is a huge help when it come to finding hard to get products especially braiding gel
Easily Gets you everything you need to maintain your hair
If You're a Dreadlock Babe
This Man loves your hair
Questions you a lot about it Like is you okay if he gently pull on your hair🤦🏾‍♀️
If you have a hard time searching for someone to do your hair, he will quickly learn
He Loves the way beeswax or gel smell in your hair
When he comes back home from work he always brings you new things for your dreads especially things you voiced that you can never find
Actually a big help when it comes to a ACV rinse
He learns how to repair your locs too
Loves to see style your dreads in a new way
Would unconsciously play with one of your dreads if you’re looking at TV with him
If Your hair is Naturally Bone Straight or Wavy
He's not a knowledgeable Man about What shampoos is good for what hair types
He has and will google what Shampoos can clean blood from your hair🤦🏾‍♀️
You have to tell him what to get you
Also Toji don't know shit about a flat iron or a curling wand
So with that being said He pays for you to get your hair done
He will assist you with brushing your hair
This man is a god at getting out knots from your hair
Actually good at trimming hair, he's very precise with a pair of shears
Eliminate spilt ends effortlessly
Toji Finds all the hair ties you thought you lost around the house
He loves to smell your hair cause it smells so fucking good
Toji will use THE ENTIRE BOTTLE OF SERUM ON HIS OWN HEAD (Go ahead and tell him a little goes a long way and That Serum cost 50 dollars; Toji has Instant Regrets)
If you want to shave it all off he's right behind you and If you want to grow it down to your knees he's right behind you
Ryomen Sukuna
If You Rock Wigs
Sukuna lived thousands of years, He knows Damn well a Human can't have a Blonde Bob today and have long Red hair tomorrow
So gets all his knowledge from Yuuji
Don't ask you about your hair and he don't touch it
Offers to pay for your wigs and installs with Yuuji credit card
Everybody Knows damn well Sukuna isn't allowed with near Any of Yuuji credit cards but that doesn't stop him for remembering the numbers and security codes, Yuuji got a statement for a 700 dollars custom human hair lace front and mans got nauseous
Amazed at how different each wig feels and the different varieties of them
Sooner or later the curiosity gets to the king of curses and he just got to ask you how do you fit all your hair under a wig? Show him braids and the bald cap method, it will surprise the hell outta of him
If you say you need wig glue This man going to nag Yuuji to buy all the wig glue the store got; coming in bragging about I spoil my baby yes I do🤦🏾‍♀️
Only wants the best for you because if you're fucking a King you're royalty in his eyes
If you have Curly or Coily hair
Now He openly admits he doesn't know shit about your hair type
Gives you the money outta of Yuuji wallet for you to go to the salon with
Will complain when you say you have to wrap your hair up before any night activities but don't fret he's learning
It's a slow process because he just can't grasp the Idea that your hair needs more maintenance than Yuuji
Talking about poor Yuuji When Sukuna and him are alone Sukuna is constantly on that ass with questions like " Insolent fool. Y/N sleeps on a luxurious silky pillow case, Why must you rest our head on cheap microfiber?" Or the infamous "Brat why the fuck do Y/N use different creams and oils in their hair when all your lazy fucking ass do is run water and soap through Ours??"
Yuuji is down very fucking Bad at this point and all he wants for is for Sukuna to shut his fucking mouth so He decided that it would be in his own best interest to learn about your hair
With the help of the internet The King of Curses has one less thing to bitch about
Next time Sukuna is out and about when you're washing your hair he surprises you with offering to Detangle your hair...... with his fingers BUT the feeling of his claws on your scalp feels oddly delicious
He's actually very soft and gentle with your hair
He's not a real big help he like will fully detangle your hair and hand you the items you need while you're in the shower but that's it
remember he's slowly learning and when he get your routine down He will excel at helping you
If he seeings that you're running low on something he's gonna bitch until Yuuji buy some for you
Thinks some of the products you use smells damn right scrumptious
You often find him Admiring (He will deny it) your hair
Finds himself asking more about Frizz and shrinkage
Used Yuuji money to buy hair accessories he thinks you like
Actually helps you a lot at night when it's time to put your hair up, he has many different ways to keep you from waking up with flat crushed hair
Buys you Everything and anything you want for your hair
Demand that Yuuji buy the same Shampoo you use because he secretly want to smell you even when you're not around
Will rip someone arms from their body if they dare to lift a finger to touch your hair without your okay
For My boos with the Faux locs and Braids
He paid for your hair to get done With his vessel (His words) money
You showed him the idea and explained how everything is done so he has no questions
He's already arrogant asf, You got him really out here showing his ass now
You even got Yuuji bashful asf now
Proudly oils your scalp
Doesn't know what a scalp treatment is but baby he quickly learns
Compliments you all the fucking time
More of Yuuji Money is spent on accessories for your hair
All you got to the is say the word and he will be paying for your hair to get done again
If You're a Dreadlock Babe
Sukuna loves your hair but hate how beeswax gets everywhere
Actually love the smell of beewaxs tho
Yuuji and him Is very supportive, If You can't find a stylist who take care of locs they will learn
Sukuna is surprisingly good at locking down new growth but is rough handed and consider this bonding time between the two of you. Yuuji tho Works Slower than Sukuna and is gentler at separating your hair to expose your scalp better. So pick your hair warrior wisely
Sukuna will make Yuuji Hunt for the best products for your hair
Gets you articulate accessories for your hair
Sukuna Will help you Blow dry your hair even if it TAKES HOURS
If Someone calls your hair dirty they will be swallowing their teeth if They form those words in front of Sukuna
If Your hair is Naturally Bone straight or Wavy
Oh so you Said you want to get a haircut? Maybe a new hairstyle?
Sukuna Sukuna Sukuna🤦🏾‍♀️ Has ancient hair styling and trimming techniques... Some work, some don't but why in the fuck would you risk it? I mean yes he's sexy but it's your hair if you dare Humor him on this
After Yuuji Explained to him how that is not the greatest idea Sukuna dropped it but he most certainly asked Yuuji to open them pockets for you to get your hair done
So you got three solid options a nice salon, Yuuji who at least will try to learn and his best or Sukuna who will try to learn but please remember old dogs and their struggles with new tricks at times
Congratulations! You picked Option One A nice Salon! Your hair looks bomb and you're happy which means The King of Curses is happy; Yes Yuuji pockets maybe lighter but You look beautiful and there's a smile on your face so no complaints from him.
Oh you picked Yuuji! A solid choice while he is inexperienced at least he's willing to learn and give it his all! Yuuji actually did a decent Job at styling your hair even tho he took three hours to finish trimming your split ends and was fearful to use a flat iron, he did a decent job! He was also very gentle and sweet with your hair so A+ for effort, Technique and love Yuuji!💖
You picked Option Three? Sukuna? I tried to tell your ass but eh it's your hair. Sukuna Tried he really did but he fucked up by going in with enough arrogance and ego that could make a Corrupt Tax dodging Billionaire Blush (If you know you know)
He bought the Expensive Products including shears and Serums
Washed your hair like a pro and made your ass fall asleep
Hair treatment he gave you was 100% perfect but it all went down hill from there
He went in to bold actually had the audacity to get cocky after rubbing and washing Suds from your hair🤦🏾‍♀️
First cut was aight but The second is where he took too much off and The third became noticeably uneven
The King of Curses is baffled so he keeps going for his pride sake but end up fucking your shit up worse
So he gives Poor Yuuji full control and Yuuji is shocked, mortified and disgusted.
Yuuji calls in a stylist for help costing Yuuji $$$ but he's saving you from having fucked up hair
Sukuna is very regretful about what happened, ofc he blames the shears and the lack of adequate training from the YouTube videos he watched🤦🏾‍♀️
Only shampoos your hair from now on if you even let him touch your hair that is
Comments, Likes, Reblogs and Requests is Hella Loved and Appreciated 💖 Please don’t Steal My Shit.
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rockingrobin69 · 2 years
Fluff off
Wolfstar raising Harry, 750-ish words for the lovely @3lvendork who prompted me ages ago with: “Fantastic. Even worse than I’d imagined.”
“Erm,” said Remus, rubbing his chin.
“Huh.” Sirius didn’t look all that impressed either. Harry wanted to hit them both.
“Will you just fix it, before he’s here? Merlin’s pants!”
“I don’t think even Merlin’s pants are going to help this,” Sirius barked. His smirk made Harry groan, falling back on the bed.
“I’m doomed.”
“Please, it’s not that bad,” Remus tried, but he started laughing halfway through the sentence. “Okay, actually, it’s fairly terrible. Why on earth did you think to try Sirius’s special shampoo? And an hour before your first date?”
“With the boy you’ve been crushing on for years,” Sirius added. Harry groaned harder.
“I thought, with how it shines when he transforms, it’s... Not helping! Do something!”
Sirius grabbed him by the arm and pulled, lifting Harry to a stand. “All right, all right, don’t get your knickers in a twist. Remus, hand us the rapid growth potion. No, the other one. The good one. See, Harry? I really do love you.”
“Love me faster,” Harry grunted as Sirius measured a small quantity into a cup. “He’s going to be here in—shit, five minutes. Come on. Please. Move.” He gulped the thing down in one sip and prayed to all the gods it worked.
“Are you sure that’s going to—oh.” Harry didn’t like the abrupt pause one bit. He opened his eyes a crack to see Remus gaping at him, looking rather horrified. “That’s… wow. A rapid hair-growth potion, you said, Pads?”
“Yes, a… oh.” Sirius made some sort of involuntary sound. “Oh, hell. I knew your hair was special, I just didn’t—well. We can fix this. Right?”
“Show me,” Harry croaked, pushing Sirius out of the way for access to the mirror. “Show me what you’ve… oh, fluff off. Fantastic. Even worse than I’d imagined.”
Sirius ran a hand in Harry’s thick, bright green, shoulder-length hair. “I don’t know. I kind of like it. The spikes, I’d probably get rid of—and maybe make it a bit less mullet-y. But overall, I think you still look very handsome.”
“Not the time to be loyal, Pads! Fix! This!” Harry thrust his wand into Sirius’s hand, desperate and a little manic. “Just do something! You’re the one who always brags about having the best hair charms!”
“No, I have the best charms, and the best hair, the two are unrelated.”
Harry made a sound that was worryingly similar to a yelp. Remus seemed torn between scolding Sirius, comforting Harry, and laughing his arse off.
“Look, I really think you should just go with the first—”
But Harry wasn’t having this. “You said you were the experts! Always going on with the, ‘gay godfathers, what more could you ask for’, and I ask you now, what in the—” 
“Please, we gave you great advice! Who else would have told you to serenade Draco outside the Slytherin common room—”
“Where he doused me with cold tea and told me never to come back again?”
“Yes, but he did come out, didn’t he? And now you have a date with him? Never once did I hear, thank you, Pads, godfather of my dreams, I’m so lucky to have you—”
“Guys, I think we’re getting a little sidetracked—”
“You’re the two hairiest men I know! You’re fluffy, for heaven’s sake! You should know these things!”
“Always complaining about this and that, never a ‘Wow, Pads, your hair looks so good today’, or—”
“I tell you your hair looks good every day!”
“Not you, Moons, I’m talking to Harry, he’s the one who’s being a little—”
“I’m not—”
The doorbell rang, and Harry thought he might have died accidentally without noticing. He gave his godparents a look of utter and complete fright.
“Please do something. I beg you.”
Sirius bit his lower lip, nodding. “Moons, you go to the door, stall him. Ask him about his… DADA homework, I dunno. Harry, you and I are going to fix it. Worst case scenario, you—wear a hat, I suppose.”
The picture of Harry wearing that awful hat still hangs in the living room today, ten years later, next to the two wedding pictures. Harry's learned a good amount of hair charms since then—and also never to use any of Sirius’s special hair products.
Things still ended up rather fluffy. 
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chicspo · 3 years
my routines ♡୨୧⋆.・
im just a regular girlie so if im doing anything wrong feel free to call me outttt!! im not a professional sauurr yea x
skincare routine: my skin is by no means perfect or even near perfect!! ive gone thru so many products/routines bc ive naut been blessed w naturally clear skin lol. what ive found is that the less steps/products the better! dont overwhelm ur skin plzz! i make sure to wash my face every morning and night + in the shower (so wash face at least 3x a day). to help with my acne scars i use a homemade garlic facemask!!! TAKE NOTES! just crush a garlic clove and mix it with warm water. it will sting and burn so be careful!! and DON'T leave it on longer than 5 minutes (n plz only use this if u hv actual bad acne/scars bc its a very strong remedy!). for my moisturizer i use the caudalie vinopure serum, + my caudalie lip balm
hair care routine: ngl i dont do much to my hair! to make it grow longer i just make sure to NOT trim it often. TRUST ME! i only trim it like once a year. i use the l'oreal dream long shampoo/conditioner! unfortunately i use heat on it quite a lot LOL but i dont think it damages it that much. since my natural hair is wavy ive gotten used to only brush it right before washing it, and then i comb it in the shower and right when i get out. since its winter i blow dry it everyday now, but when its warmer i try to let it air dry!
nail care/growth routine: naur.. dot dot dot.. unfortunately i bite them theyre so short LOL
mental health check in/routine: i make sure to write down my feelings everytime im unwell. this also helps a lot to prevent any other sort of hurtful coping mechanisms! i rlly recommend getting a diary so it feels more personal and safe. its very important to get to know urself and why u feel the way u feel. understand that ur feelings are caused by external causes, bc if not it can seem like ur whole life is a disaster and u forget about the good parts! if ur life feels pointless/boring atm try writing down one thing everyday that was ur favorite part of that day. u will notice how much good there is in the world/ur life, and u can incorporate those things u love more often into ur day.
that's all for now angels♡♡ i can make a part 2 with other routines if u want (suggest what u would like to see!) love ya XO
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tons-of-vball-huns · 3 years
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[note: reader has hair but some parts apply even if you don’t]
having a younger sister definitely made suna an expert with hair. she insisted on him helping her with it, so he might know a thing or two about hair and scalp care. he loves running his fingers through your hair, gently getting out all the tiny knots and tangles or rubbing slow, soft circles on your scalp, massaging it so that you feel good and for better hair growth. he also finds experimenting with hair styles on you fun — he can do a pretty godly dutch braid, but somehow his high pony-tails always end up tugging at your hair. he finds having his fingers in your hair very grounding and comforting (since it’s a reassurance that you’re still right there with him), but he’d never admit that. he’d also love it when you return the favor. when you help him style his hair? his heart melts. when you wash it for him, making sure that the shampoo doesn’t fall into his eyes and gently applying the conditioner on his hair so that it stays soft and silky? he falls in love with you all over again. whenever he kisses you, his hands would always be in your hair, pulling you to him and keeping your body close to his.
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dreamgrlarchive · 4 years
Self Care 101 🦋
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In this post I’ll be outlining my current routines as they relate to self care. I’ll cover everything from head to toe making sure not to skip your spirit. You cannot be a girl of ANYONE’S dreams if you aren’t taking care of the most important person in your world: you.
wash face with gentle cleanser from curology, tone with organic Mamonde rose water and finish with rich moisturizer and spf30
brush teeth with activated charcoal toothpaste by Crest and baking soda for whitening and gum clarity
take vitamins : woman’s one a day, hair skin nails, biotin, vitamin c
drink glass of water then a cup of tea
black tea, raw cane sugar, a lemon slice, ginger
good for energy, immune function, and detox
this may sound so extra (😅), but depending on my hairstyle, I sometimes like to let the shower run for about five minutes with the door closed to create a sauna effect. this is especially if I have a mask on my hair.
my showers usually are about 20-30 minutes
I have a back brush, pink exfoliating gloves, a loofah, and tree hut body scrubs and I use them ALL.
I wash first with my dove beauty bar to assure clean skin before washing with EITHER my OGX Shea So Soft body wash or Dove Renewing Peony and Rose Oil body wash to add scent or silkiness to my skin.
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hair removal:
I haven’t yet mastered the art of waxing myself so I’m still riding the shave wave. *when I do I’ll make a post 4 that*
I exfoliate throughly before AND after shaving
I shave my entire body using Tree Hut Shaving Oil and a nice conditioner I’m not using. This leaves my skin super soft and silky and helps the razor to glide without skipping. I use Gillette Venus. no less than five blades, anything less is ASKING for nicks and a hard time.
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when I don’t feel like shaving, I use Nair. use at your own risk. yes, I Nair my ENTIRE BODY. only leaving it on for about 7 minutes I rinse in WARM (not hot) water and exfoliate afterwards. it is imperative to moisturize after to avoid irritation. however, Nair is much easier to do than shaving and seems to last an inkling longer.
after shaving, once a month, I pull out my KENZZI. it’s an IPL device and it has helped to slow the growth of my hair. it’s noticeable for us long, thick haired chicks. I use the second to lowest setting as a melanated babe, as the higher settings could burn me.
I know many endorse the hair on women movement and I can understand it. But I personally love my skin silky, hairless, and smooth.
after eating dinner, I wash my face and apply the tiniest bit of glycolic serum and my curology night cream. my skin has been the best it’s been in a few years. then I brush my teeth and rinse with peroxide.
every four days I give myself a facial
my favorite face masks:
The Ordinary Salicylic Acid mask
The Ordinary AHA + BHA mask
all Tony Moly sheet masks *luvvvvv those*
GLAMGLOW SUPERMUD clearing treatment *fav*
Peter Thomas Roth Pumpkin Enzyme mask
Peter Thomas Roth Cucumber Gel mask
Peter Thomas Roth Irish Moor Mud mask
Peter Thomas Roth Rose Stem Cell Bio-Repair Gel mask
ORIGINS Clear Improvement mask
An at home honey and aloe mask
I apply a rich facial moisturizer and get to bed.
I then write in my planner my new plans and what I did that day if I hadn’t already. then after that I script and make mood boards in my diary. then I read a little. currently reading: Making Faces by Kevyn Aucoin, and Live Like a hot Chick by Jodi Lipper.
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I talk to my grandmother about my feelings, she helps me sort things out. please try to find one person you trust to talk to, my messages are always open. 💓 I often overthink. I suffer from anxiety and clinical depression. sometimes these things make me FEEL limited. these experiences wax and wane. I remind myself that the darkness is temporary.
I write in my diary what I feel and track my emotions for potential patterns. I don’t manufacture or sugar coat my feelings, I just talk.
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sometimes you need a good cry. let it out. clean your slate. you’ll always feel better, sometimes great after a hard, deep sobbing cry.
I try to get out of the house and get some sunlight. it helps brighten my mood sometimes.
LOVE taking baths I don’t care what the status quo is about dirt. just rinse off. I love wrapping my hair up and soaking in warm-hot water.
first I run the water. as it’s running I add my bubble bath, then body wash, then my Shea Moisture fragrant coconut oil. it smells soooo good, literally yummy. then I inevitably scream from dipping my toe in the hot water. finally I get in, scrub down my body, emphasis on feet. then I wash, and just relax. I’ve even fallen asleep in the tub once, I was so zen.
careful not to soak too long or overdo it with your products. synthetic materials lingering in your lady bits for too long cause cause infections like bv or uti
some women add tea tree oil, acv, or even Aztec clay to their baths for wellness purposes. I love adding essential oils to my baths to relax and the natural scent is just great 🥺
when I get out I always put something that feels lush and soft on. *invest in super soft, comfy bath towels, they’ll make you feel so luxurious and soft after a nice relaxing bath*
the yoni is something sensitive that needs to be taken care of thoroughly, and differently than the rest of your body. it’s not recommended to use soaps down there, it can unbalance things and make you itch. also make you prone to infection. this is why I use clear warm water to clean. if I use soap it’s a sensitive, gentle formula. don’t ever try to clean the cavity. she’s a self cleaning vessel.
to shave, I trim my hair down as close as possible and use a FIVE BLADE razor with conditioner and take my time. making sure not to pass a spot twice, I apply moderate pressure and move slowly. when finished I rinse and scrub gently. I PAT not rub dry. to finish off I apply TendSkin, and salicylic acid to avoid ingrowns. once that’s soaked in I apply shea butter. very soft and pretty 🌸
⚠️ DO NOT PUT ON TIGHT PANTIES OR RIGHT PANTS AFTER SHAVING. it restricts the hairs and causes irritation and ingrowns. throw on some comfy loose shorts for a while, let it breathe
dietary needs:
drink plenty of water
cranberry juice
vitamin c
minimal red meat
at home vagacial for the high maintenance girlies:
*make any necessary extractions with pointed and slanted tweezers *
brown sugar, tea tree oil, a little shea butter
exfoliating and anti inflammatory
baking soda, fresh lemon juice, vitamin e oil, papaya juice, gelatin
fixes discoloration and brightens the skin while softening
aloe vera gel, rose hip seed oil
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smelling sweet:
ah yes, my favorite part. I love fragrance so much. I love to smell like you could literally break off a piece of me and eat it.
I find that using fragrant washes and oils make your scent more strong and help it linger. I already mentioned the body washes I use. the tree hut scrubs I use smell amazing also. I alike to add essential oils and man made scents like strawberry and chocolate to my Shea Moisture oil (so yummy).
I also use a fragrant lotion, eau de parfum, and fragrance mist.
here’s a list of some of my favorites:
jimmy choo fever
coach floral blush
yves saint laurent mon paris
victoria’s secret bombshell
victoria’s secret scandalous
fragrance mists:
victoria’s secret velvet petals, pure seduction, warm and cozy
bath and body works a thousand wishes, fiji pineapple palm, warm vanilla sugar, black raspberry vanilla
sweet almond
chocolate scented essential oil
strawberry scented essential oil
sweetest combo ever:
vanilla extract, coconut oil, shea butter, and your favorite perfume. you’ll be smelling like a warm cupcake with extra sprinkles and icing 🧁
oil, lotion, eau de parfum, mist
pulse points:
inside elbows and knees, in between thighs, inner arms, behind ears, back of neck, ankles
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it’s super important to keep your hair moisturized. quenched tresses move, grow, shine and bounce. dry hair is limp, lackluster, and extremely fragile
my fav diy deep conditioner:
a banana, half an avocado, three spoons of honey, an egg, a spoonful of mayo, a spoonful of coconut, olive, and castor oil each
strength from egg, avocado, mayo and olive oil
moisture from avocado and honey
cover damp CLEAN hair and scalp in mixture and cover with a plastic bag, then towel for an hour, rinse thoroughly, and seal in moisture
fav hair products:
castor oil
fusionplex conditioner and mask
Aussie conditioner
wella goji berry mask
coconut oil
style booster edge control
helpful tips:
when shampooing, concentrate on the scalp and wash thoroughly twice, as the suds will naturally cleanse your stands without drying and stripping them
rinse hair with apple cider vinegar every now and then. it restores your ph balance, smooths the cuticle, clarifies the strands, and adds shine
always add oil and leave ins to DAMP hair, never dry; this will ensure you’re sealing in moisture
try to use smooth fabrics to dry your hair, bath towels encourage frizz and breakage
hands and feet:
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and last but not least, let’s cover manicuring and pedicuring.
it’s super important to make sure your nails are either DONE or filed, shaped, and smooth. at home maintenance is super easy. make a point to scrub your hands and feet well when bathing. make sure to stay on top of your cuticles by trimming or pushing them back. I like the look that pushing them gives. I use an orangewood stick, metal pusher and cuticle softener to make the process super easy and safe. after I’m done I add my pineapple scented cuticle oil. I do this on my fingers and toes.
invest in a rasp and pumice stone for your feet and use these gently every two weeks after soaking them in warm foot salts. rough usage can cause cuts and irritation. in between treatments keep your feet soft by slathering them in a moisturizing foot cream, cocoa/shea butter then oil to seal it all in. buy some soft thick aloe infused socks and wear them to sleep. you’ll thank me 😉
for info on how I do my nails click this
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well, that’s all I’ve got. I truly hope you enjoyed my post! it’s always fun sharing my advice with you all. any feedback is appreciated and question is welcomed ♡
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kitababie · 2 years
curly reader - sakusa, kita and osamu
back on my curly haired reader bullshittt! yeah i just have seen more people hinting their readers having straight hair and i don’t like it so here some curly hcs for my fellow curlies!
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definitely doesn’t realize how many steps your hair care has until you move in together
is baffled about how many different brushes you had in your collection, but does try to make note about which one does what
grumbles a bit over how long you take after a shower making sure your curls stay together but he really does enjoy the quiet time and just watching you do your thing
definitely wouldn’t crave spiral pasta or instant noodles after. i’m sorry but all this man thinks about is food and everyone knows it
might feed you snacks if pout enough, snacks seasoning fingers and doing your hair do not mix after all
if you wear a bonnet at night he’ll say you look like a chef, you hate it and that’s why he keeps saying it with a big smirk on his face definitely not based on a true story i swear
has giant scrunchies stashed everywhere in case you need them
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you’re lying to yourself if you don’t like sakusa would be first up to help with wash day
maybe would make a little night of it. run and bath and sit behind you washing your hair. he knows it can take a lot of effort to upkeep your hair so he likes to help how ever he can
would have your favourite drink on the bath ledge alongside some candles of course
his hands shampooing your roots >>>>
definitely is the type to notice when your favourite products are getting too low and buy replacements
probably even shares some products? he does have some curls, they are much easier to deal with though cause his hair is shorter
plus he likes the scents you use
would be shocked how much curl you can get on his head if you finger curl his hair. people would think he got a perm aha
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we all know kita was a great student, so of course he’d be watching and learning as much as possible just in case
like kiyoomi would keep an eye out for low products but would also maybe add a few new things
would put the new gifts with all your products with a little love note, he loves seeing you smile and try them out
you can’t convince me otherwise that he’s eyes wouldn’t light up like crazy when he sees a video about rice water being good for hair growth
would make some that night
we all had bad hair days where you just want to cry and give up and maybe shave everything off. luckily kita has a very calming presence on days like this. whether you want an up do or just to revamp curls without having to shower, he’ll help with a smile
will buy every oversized clip he can find. it’s like a game to see if there is one that will actually hold your hair
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ibacosmetic · 2 years
Buy Iba Hair Oil at best available price from Iba Cosmetics. Halal Certified Product, PETA Certified Cruelty Free and Vegan, No Alcohol, No Animal Derived Ingredients, No Parabens, No Sulphates, No Harmful Chemicals.
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omgnaturalcareposts · 4 years
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reason for sudden hair fall - 1 Incorrect hair cosmetic or hair care is inappropriate. Many people apply chemical treatments like tint, bleach, straightener, dye on their hair. 2 Illness Some diseases such as diabetes, lupus and thyroid can also cause hair fall.3 poor nutrition. 4 Medicines. 5 High fever, flu or surgery. to get more information then visit our website
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alpecinindia · 4 years
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From shampoos tailored to different scalp types through to a liquid which provides the hair roots with enough growth energy every day. With Alpecin you will find the solution which matches your hair perfectly and satisfies your specific care needs.
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