#good shitu
neotrances · 1 year
i genuinely think black slavery in the new world is one of the most horrific almost incomprehensible crimes against humanity to happen to human beings in all of human history i can't think of anything else that was worse taking into account all the different layers of suffering and brutality and sadness and cruelty and the length of time and scope of the atrocity. it's actually hard to wrap your mind around even with the best intentions. but the world is so incredibly brainwashed to downplay it it is INSANE. I GET SO ANGRY SOMETIMES LIKE WHAT THE FUCK. people are so conditioned to minimize it while giving other crimes against humanity plenty of lip service. and the appreciation for other peoples suffering is good don't get me wrong but the refusal to keep that energy when encountering slavery in the americas possibly the worst of the worst human atrocities to ever happen. like this was the same level of suffering and brutality of the Holocaust if not more so except going on for hundreds of years. I feel bad making that comparison but I also feel it is SO needed to break through the conditioning. like please everyone just think. that person asking how there could be generational trauma if it happened "so long ago", literally only ended what 150 years ago and went on for like 400 years. with civil rights being less than 50 years old. not only is the generational trauma still fresh but the generational legacy to dehumanize black people is still fresh because barely any progress has truly happened in the past 50 years due to this broken way white people refuse to face what really happened and cling to victim blaming like a drug. you still hear people claim slavery wasn't that bad because some enslavers were not as sadistic as others. i want to vomit. every qanon conspiracy about abused and trafficked children for sexual slavery already happened except somehow worse it was in plain daylight and legal, white slavers were running an inhuman mad max post apocalyptic fucking barbaric wasteland. this was already the apocalypse. these survivors are still trying to rebuild. i know you know all this sorry im just saying like we see it we really do and they make you feel crazy for being the one who can see what others illogically reject because it's too sacreligious to the religion of nationalism. the funny thing is facts don't care about white peoples feelings. slavery is the worst thing any human being has ever gone through and everything we understand scientifically about psychology tells us the ancestors should still be struggling immensely and should still be deep in the mire of residual abuse and healing, especially if they continue to be gaslit at large about what happened. white people who want to continue deny the simple facts of our reality and blame the victims are worthless
cosigned bc this was some real shitu just said
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nocturnalclub · 7 years
Neons ex
Joker and I were walking around the store when I saw him. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest, my breathing stopped mid-breath, and I couldn’t move despite wanting with everything in me to run away. I knew Joker stopped walking a few steps ahead of me and I knew he was saying something, but all I could processes was that he was here where I was supposed to get a fresh start. Suddenly I could remember everything I put so much work into trying to forget and my cheek hurt like I was just getting the scar. “Neon what’re you staring at? Don’t tell me, you think he’s cuter,” Joker laughs looking over at him. ‘No, no, no he’s looking at us. He saw Joker, he saw me, we have to go. Fuck he’s walking over.’ I think not being able to do anything, but bite my tongue and look down like I was always taught. “Neon? Are you okay?” Joker asks with growing seriousness and concern. I nodded my head looking up to see him right behind Joker. “Kaden?” his voice hasn’t changed and I’ll I can do is shake my head no, “Don’t lie now. Who could forget that face?” he’s laughing and I can feel myself shrinking to when he seemed so much bigger. “Your mother’s been awful worried about her little boy,” he adds, “but I’ll pass on the word that you’re doing well.” My hands were shaking, I knew everyone could tell that I’m terrified of everything happening right now. “I should be going. Don’t be a stranger Kaden,” he tells me walking away, his shoulder brushing Joker’s. When he’s out of sight Joker turns to me with an eyebrow raised, “Who was that?” “Old life,” I tell him praying that was enough for him to leave it alone. “Holy shit!” Joker gasps putting the back of his hand to my cheek, “you’re so pale! Do you feel sick? Do you wanna go home?” “I’d give anything to go home right now,” I tell him as he wraps an arm around my waist. When we pulled in front of the apartment building for 10 minutes in silence before I spoke up, “He was an ex, so to speak,” I start looking over at him for the first time since he store, “he was a client.” “A client?” Joker questions turning towards me. Don’t make me say it. Then his eyes get bigger, “You mean like-?” “Yeah,” I say quietly looking anywhere else, but Joker, “I should go in.” “Ne, listen real quick, okay?” he asks grabbing my hands, “You’re the same Neon, you’re still my Neon. Nothing changes, okay?” I smile at him and nod, “Okay, nothing changes. I’ll see you tomorrow.” “I’ll see you tomorrow,” Joker tells me kissing the top of my head, “call if you need anything babe.” I smile a little more at him before walking inside with “You’re still my Neon. Nothing changes” running through my head. Maybe he was right, maybe nothing would change between us and, honestly, that’s all I could want for now... Piece done by @unicornninjabitch there are so many more but we talk so much that j can't fund them yet lol
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meganshinsou-tm · 5 years
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Also got this small little set in today full of my husbands merch! I finally caved and decided I would start collecting these cards of Hitoshi since there actually happens to be a good amount them and other official merch for him is so rare for now. 💜
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asakishi · 5 years
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     ❝Demons?❞ He gathered that the brunette meant something pertaining to her own world and not necessarily of his. Still, the heartless did belong to a certain hell, so to speak. A purgatory of endless and chilling dark, fraught with nothing but their kind among a thousand dying worlds; hell in its’ own right.
     ❝I guess they can be called that, but they’re known to me as Heartless. ...You speak as if demons are a normality in this place.❞ He spoke with a newly acquired vigilance, keeping freshly summoned tool of his heart in hand as he regarded her plainly. ❝I take it you’re no stranger to monsters and magic then?❞ His gaze was swiveled back to the dissipating form of a felled beast, shadows streaming away and arising bit by bit into the air--until it vanished entirely. As if it never existed, not even a heart to leave trace of
     ❝I’m afraid you’ll have your fill of them, now that they’re here.❞
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jrzimmerman · 4 years
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⌠JUSTICE SMITH, 22, (CIS) MALE, HE/HIM/HIS ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, JEROME ZIMMERMAN! according to their records, they’re a SECOND year, specializing in MEDICAL TRAINING + RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT; and they DID go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (a shirt buttoned up to the top and tucked in perfectly to his khakis, various colored d&d dice rolled on top of a table, and a leather jacket he bought to look "cool"). when it’s the (capricorn)’s birthday on 1/03/1998, they always request their GRILLED CHEESE ON WHEAT BREAD from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. - @gallagherintro​
hahaha here with my 5th baby!! i hope you all like him bc he’s a huge nerd and the opposite of our favorite himbo
a shirt buttoned up to the top and tucked in perfectly into his khakis, various colored d&d dice rolled on top of a table, a messenger bag filled with assignments, a first aid kit always on his person, over 40 tabs open of different mangas, cooking mama being played on a grey ds, and a leather jacket that he bought to look “cool”
“Welcome to Gallagher, Mr. Zimmerman. Are you excited to start your second year, here?” 
He didn’t answer her at first, his eyes wondering around the halls. He asked for a tour instead of sitting and talking inside of the office. Simply because he wanted to get a good look at what Gallagher had to offer. And as of now, it was a lot better than Blackthorne. “Yeah, I am,” Jerome finally answered, now making eye contact with the older woman. “I’ve always heard that Gallagher was better than Blackthorne, and I believed it, trust me, but to really see it? It’s refreshing.” 
“I’m glad that you find it refreshing, Mr. Zimmerman and we do apologize for whatever you experienced back in Blackthorne during your first year.”
Jerome let out a humorless chuckle with the shrug of his shoulders. “I mean, it’s not like any of you forced me to go. And I could’ve left anytime, either dropped out or transferred but I stayed.” Because he believed that things would get better after his first year, or maybe he didn’t want to disappoint his mom by dropping out. And if there was one thing he hated doing, it was disappointing his mother. “But it’s whatever, I’m here now and I’m happy to be here.” 
“We’re happy to have you here,” she told him. “I will say that I’m surprised that you wanted a tour instead of having our interview in my office. Did you not want to explore the grounds alone?” 
“And get lost? No thank you.” When first moving into Gallagher, he could already tell that he was going to wind up lost. His curiosity would’ve gotten the best of him and lead him somewhere that was not his final destination. “Do you guys have a map of the campus? If not, you should make one. This place isn’t huge but it looks like there’s a lot, ya’ know? I’m sure that incoming freshmen and the Blackthorne students would appreciate it. I know that I would. I like using maps, well, Google Maps but it’s still the same. I feel like paper maps would confuse me.” He paused, thinking about what he said. “Which basically contradicts me saying that you all should make a map. You know what, forget everything that I just said, okay?”
“Alright then, Mr. Zimmerman,” was her only reply, not even batting an eye at his rambling. “During this time we ask the students to tell us about themselves. Why don’t you do that.”
“Yeah, that sounds easy.” He cleared his throat and fixed the tie that he was wearing, as if he was going to give a presentation. “Hi, I’m Jerome Zimmerman, an incoming second year and I already love this place better than Blackthorne.” Was he really Jerome if he didn’t constantly shit talk Blackthorne? “Studying medical training and research and development. I’m more of the behind the scenes and eat chips in the van while the main character kicks ass type of guy. And then patch him up later after he opens the door all banged up.” He could basically see that as his future and he was into it. “I’m a hardcore gamer. Cooking Mama and Pokemon Platinum are where it’s at. You know, people used to judge me a lot for playing Cooking Mama but I never understood why. Like, think about it, she has taught many people how to cook while making it fun. How could someone ever bully someone over this game? We all played it growing up..”
The boy just kept talking as they continued the tour. And the poor office worker was already done with his constant rambling but said nothing. She just nodded her head and hummed as a reply, hoping that all of this would end soon. 
random shitu
MEET ELLA’S COUSIN Y’ALL / they used to be best buds but had a falling out rip / lives with his mother who’s legit his best friend / a fucking nerd who plays d&d and likes anime, fucking weeb / shit talks blackthorne a lot (just gonna say that both him and emmett DO NOT get along and that emmett for sure punched him in the face) / can’t fight for shit so uh he better stop shit talking / our pan king (srry harpoon, you’re the only straight child) / “uh yeah, of course i’m a true gamer” *shows him playing cooking mama on his ds* / rambles a lot and like not in a cute way like sunny or naomi / book smart but not streets smart 
wanted connections
a blackthorne boy he could call his friend: you know, he could never bring himself to trust anyone because it’s blackthorne. but this guy? was someone that he hung out with a lot and could just be normal around. he felt safe with this person.
someone who he went to spy prep school with: ya know, just someone that he could’ve been like “oh my god, you’re here too? what’s up.” as if they were close. i’m sure they weren’t because he’s awkward and doesn’t know how to hang onto friends. 
a fellow weeb who becomes a close friend: the two came to found out that they like anime and have dedicated two hours once a week to watch anime together. before they know it, the two went from just meeting once a week, to hanging out after class, getting lunch, and sharing personal information. it’s kinda cute, ya’ know?
ex-blackthorne students who HATES him: he talked a lot shit, for sure about the school and about some of the students. emmett already hates him, give me more people!
someone who’s helping train him fighting wise: he can’t fight so of course he needs someone to help him. GIVE ME PEOPLE WHO PITY HIM AND TRY TO HELP OUT THIS LOSER.
idk homies, throw any and everything at me
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a-lying-grape · 5 years
Holy shitu is he ok?
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“I-I’m good- just a little hurt…”
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khytal · 6 years
I never realized how much I absolutely needed an Akiryu MLB AU until I saw that art hory fuckin shitu I LOVE!!!!! (Also like all of your other art too cuz GOD YOUR STYLE IS SO GOOD AND CUTE)
;w;;;;; thank you omg
(listen someone else has ideas and I’m not entirely sure what they’re gonna do but they have ideas and I’m SO gonna make art of it)
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BTS watching Anime
Jin: Watches OHSHC. “ I mean they may be good but are they worldwide handsome?”
Suga: Watches Naruto. “I never give up and I never go back on my word-swag”
J-Hope: Watches Attack on Titan “Aaaaaaah-wait-noooo-ahhhhhhhhh”
RM: Watches death note and questions Light’s ideology. “But what if their sentences are unfair and they were framed?”
Jimin: Watches One Piece “Wahhhhhh it never ends-just like my love for Kookie!”
V: Watches Tokyo Ghoul “ I wonder if I can pull of that look” (pulls of the look like holy shitu :o)
Jungkook: Watches Kuroku no Basket.” Heh I wonder if I could beat my hyungs at basketball too? ;)”
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hajiiwa · 7 years
hq tag
@frenchibi tagged me and i only remembered this because i was being a blog stalker but this looks fUN
Top 3 favourite characters: iwaizumi, *sw e ats* daishou, terushima?? (tendou and kuroo are right behind them tho)
Favourite team: seeeeeijOH
OTP(s): uuehuigh iwaoi ofc, bokuroo, matsuhana... terushou?? ushiten??? kiyoyachi???? i’m gone
Favourite brOTPs/friendship groups: kuroken has a good friendship... and apart from that i ship all of my brotps romantically as well shit
OT3/4/5s: matsuhanaiwaoi, bokuroiwaoi, iwaoiteru, bokuroteru, bokuroshou, bokuakakurotsuki, i could go on and on
Favourite manager: yachi!! and misaki hana, johzenji’s manager. she’s fuckin amazing
Favourite adult character: saeko is awesome!! i like takeda too ahah
Favourite captain: DON’T DO THIS ALL OF THE CAPTAINS ARE AMAZING,, i can’t,,, i can’t choose. go away pls
Favourite setter: oiks!!! i like suga too tho
Favourite libero: CATMOM and watari holy shitu he’s cute
Favourite wing spiker: iwaizumi hands down... but i love all the bara boys
Favourite middle blocker: it’s between matsukawa and kuroo ;-; 
Favourite hairstyle: i love terushima’s hair, and kuroo’s! 
Favourite uniform (school uniform or team jersey): johzenjiiiii! (jersey)
Character you think you’re most like: umm a bit like tendou, with a bit of kuroo and oikawa sprinkled in. who am i
Character you would marry: i think it would be easier to narrow down who i WOULDN’T marry. i’m in love with iwaizumi hajime but also?? daichI?? EVERYONE! YACHI! KILL ME
Character you want to be best friends with: again... i love everyone. suga would make me more positive, i could sort of spaz out with tendou, bokuto would make me motivated... wluirhgveiuh i don’t know
Character(s) you think deserved more screentime/more appearances in the manga (explanation is optional): EVERYONE ON SEIJOH??? AND NOHEBI? AND JOHZENJI??? FUCK ME UP
Character(s) you think deserve(s) more love from the fandom: the ““Problematic”” Squad (aka my favorite characters, daishou, tendou, and terushima). also ushijima?? he’s still treated like a heartless robot and it makes me sad
Character(s) you would probably defend w/ ur life: uuuh... i would say tendou or oikawa, but i feel like they can defend their own lives lmfao. so maybe yachi because she is PRECIOUS
If you had to pick, would you rather–
Be Karasuno’s manager or Nekoma’s manager: oh man. um. karasuno, i guess???? ;-; that was tough
Sit next to Kenma OR Akaashi in class: akaashiii~ kenma lowkey no longer interests me as a character i’m so rr y
Be Seijoh’s manager OR Fukurodani’s manager: SEIJOH
Get to ruffle Kuroo’s hair OR Terushima’s hair: this is unfair WHY CAN’T I RUFFLE BOTH??? FUCK??!??! ... teru i think
Be victim to BoKuro’s memeing OR MatsuHana’s memeing OR TanaNoya’s memeing: UM BOKUROO OR MATSUHANA?? that’s not. no. i can’t do that. i’ll have a schedule and trade off. *motions to self* i am their guinea pig
Tie Kunimi’s hair up (2 ponytails) OR throw glitter in Kindaichi’s hair: glittery kindaichi is the cutest thing
Work at Shimada Mart OR Sakanoshita Store: sakanoshita probably
See Kindaichi OR Bokuto OR Tendou with their hair down: TENDOU
Share a dorm with Ushijima OR Semi: ushi is probably very organized and respectful so yeah him
Spend a day with Misaki Hana OR Shirofuku Yukie: both? both. both is good. i love girls
Work on a project with Kyoutani, Yahaba and Watari OR Aone, Futakuchi and Moniwa: the seijoh boys!!!
Get sassed by Futakuchi OR Tsukishima: futakuchi. i’d thank him afterwards
Spend a day with Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Hanamaki & Matsukawa OR spend a day with Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi & Kenma: matsuhanaiwaoi. if it were kuroo, bokuto, akaashi, and tsukishima-- the third gym squad-- then the question would be way tougher lol
Wear an alien-patterned zip-up hoodie over a shirt that says “I WANT TO BELIEVE” OR wear a dinosaur-patterned zip-up hoodie over a shirt that says “Saltasaurus”: definitely the alien one. i love space man
yay that was fun !!! so many tough questions Yikes | I tag @kagehinaz | @iwaizumi-hajimie | @souakama | @outofcontextcrouton | @marythecloud94 | @aobajosighs | @mattsunflower | @scattycathy | @alien-iwaoi
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gotfuckingseven · 7 years
Holy shitu the bts mafia au is sooooooooo good omg👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💕💕
Thanks so much!! ♡♡♡
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concaholic · 6 years
2019 elections: 12 presidential candidates endorse Buhari
2019 elections: 12 presidential candidates endorse Buhari:
Ahead of the 2019 elections on Saturday, 12 presidential candidates have come together to endorse President Muhammad Buhari as their preferred candidate.
Buhari received the Members of Forum of Presidential Candidates and Political parties for Good Governance who endorsed him at the State House today.
Chairman of the Forum, Shitu Mohammed Kabir, MON, of Advanced Peoples Democratic Alliance…
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adamsbulamaa · 7 years
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Meet mr olowo ake yashir shitu 56 years old, a taxi driver I met today and we became friends today, mr olowo is from poka epe local government, who also shared about his educational background, he attended Solomon primary school & st Patrick secondary school all at eredo, epe Lagos state. A very humble and hardworking man who’s working so hard to see his three daughters get good education. #Ayimabacharity #Ayimabacharityfoundation #Borno #Maiduguri #Kanuri #Proudkanurikid #icallitphotography #yerwafato #BornoShallriseagain (at Lagos, Nigeria)
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royalnovels-blog · 7 years
AST Chapter 1327
AST 1327 – A Needle For Life, A Needle For Death, A Good Beginning, The Path of a Physician
The effects of Bloodlion Devil were waning. Pang Shitu felt his body become very heavy. Although it wasn’t too much of a restriction, the consumption speed was more than twice the usual for the sake of reaching the state he was in before. This greatly pressured him. He couldn’t knock him out even under the…
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