#goodgirl rebel
teapartyprincess4two · 7 months
heyyy idk if you've been on tiktok but currently in like the editing fandom everyone's been editing the triplets to the song 18 by Anarbor so I was just wondering if you could maybe write for Matt because I think it just fits so well but surprisingly I don't think I've ever seen anyone write for the triplets based on that song and I think you would slayyyy it. I know you've got a couple requests and others you're working on rn so no pressure, even if you don't end up doing this request I'd eat up anything you put out 💋💋
I’ll Play Your Game- M. Sturniolo
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pairing: GoodGirl!reader x BadBoy!Matt
classification: angst, fluff
warnings: use of y/n, suggestive content but no smut, mention of parental issues, controlling parents, mentions smoking, rebellious reader, mention of religion & religious trauma, mention of church, reference to the Bible (brief), cliche high school stereotypes/ tropes, long
inspiration: request^^, 18 by Anarbor
summary: You’re the Pastor’s daughter, all eyes are always on you. So, why not put on a show?
Ever since you were a little girl everyone expected three things from you; be sweet, pray, and obey. There were 10 commandments, all of them listed plain and simple in the Bible, and you were expected to follow them all. Your dad was strict, he had high expectations of you from the day you were born and upheld them throughout your infancy and childhood. Your mom was a pushover, she’d let your father brain wash her long ago into believing that his way was the only ways.
Your dad kept your weekly itinerary filled to the brim with activities to ensure that you had zero time to misbehave. Everyday after school, without fail, there was at least one activity waiting for you. Monday’s were for Bible study, on Tuesday you had golf practice, the afternoon prayer circle was on Wednesday, piano practice on Thursday, on Friday’s you’d volunteer at a food bank, Saturday’s were for homework and chores, and Sunday was the Lord’s day. Sunday’s were always dedicated to church, if you even thought of doing anything else you’d never hear the end of it from your dad.
That’s why, at the ripe age of 18, you’ve decided enough is enough. You’ve made it your sole mission to rebel against your dad and his ideologies, you’d remove the ‘good girl’ label from your life once and for all. But, if you were being honest, you’d followed the rules for so long that you didn’t even know where to begin.
The only good thing your parents did was send you to a public school, deeming Christian school too expensive despite it aligning more with their views. You’ve made a few friends, most of them also conformists, but no one who’d help you properly rebel against your parents. So, if you wanted to do this right, you needed to find someone new with a bad reputation; Matthew Sturniolo.
Matt was the textbook definition of a bad boy, and if there was a guide he’d definitely check off all the boxes. He had the angsty, quiet demeanor with a touch of humor. His body adorned with a multitude of tattoos, each one representing something different from his life. His hair was long enough to be considered too long by conservative parents, framing his face just around his scruffy beard perfectly. The outfits he wore, matched his mysterious persona perfectly, allowing him to disappear into the shadows seamlessly.
If anyone was going to help you piss off your parents, it was definitely going to be Matt. But you had to start off slowly, this wasn’t a one and done type of plan, it was more intricate than that and you were playing the long game. If you wanted to get to Matt, you needed to get to get to one of his triplet brothers first.
You had two options; Chris or Nick.
Chris was your stereotypical jock. He was the captain of the school’s varsity hockey team, occupying most of his Friday nights with hockey games and following them with a Saturday night full of partying. His weekdays were obviously spent at school, but he did the bare minimum to keep his grades up, he focused most of his attention on flirting with girls. Chris was loud, outgoing, flirtatious, and way too popular for his own good. If you tried getting to Matt through him, he’d surely think you were flirting.
So, if you wanted this to work, you needed someone equally as popular, but not as cocky.
That left you with Nick. Nick was on a completely different side of the popularity spectrum than Chris; he was your stereotypical cheerleader. He, much like Chris, spent his Friday’s at hockey games except he was leading his team in cheers and chants instead. The rest of his time was spent organizing the important school events such as prom and homecoming, and when he wasn’t doing that he was boosting student morale through heartfelt speeches at school assemblies.
Nick was the perfect contender and since cheer tryout were opening up soon, it was the perfect excuse to get to know him. First, you’d earn your spot on the cheerleading team. Then, you’d slowly enter Nick’s inner circle, using it as leverage to finally get to Matt.
It was the perfect plan. What could go wrong?
One of your dad’s frequented sermons plays over the car stereo as he drives you to school, he’s adamant on silence in the car so you can fully absorb the message behind the sermon. It doesn’t bother you anymore, you usually just tune it out and scroll through your phone, especially on weekday mornings on the way to school.
Before you fell asleep last night you decided that today was the day, cheer tryouts were after school and you were going to saunter in there, perform your best routine, and complete the first step of your plan.
“Listen, Y/n. This is important,” your dad snaps his fingers in front of your face, breaking your gaze from your phone. He turns the sound up, the words of the sermon taking over the car, “Children, obey your parents. Do as you are told and you will be blessed.”
You rolls your eyes, it was always the same thing with you dad. “See, be obedient. God will only bless you if you’re obedient,” he says. The man on the stereo continues, “Parents, do not anger your chil-“ Before the man can finish his sentence, your dad turns the sound off. If he had to follow any rules that gave you any sort of power, he didn’t want to hear them. You side eye him, glad that he’s too focused on the road to notice.
Most kids hate school, they claim it’s a waste of time or that they hate doing all the work, but not you. You’ll gladly welcome the extra hours of homework, volunteer opportunities after school, and early tutoring sessions just for an excuse to get as far away from your controlling family as possible.
Your dad pulls up to the school parking lot, immediately commenting on something he found distasteful before bidding you goodbye. “Be the light, Y/n!” he exclaims as you hop off the car, shutting the car door without turning back to him. A wave of relief washes over you when he pulls out of the parking lot, you felt so tense the entire car ride. But now that you were finally at school, it was time to put your plan into full effect.
You were getting rid of the ‘good girl’ title no matter what.
When the last school bell rings you’re practically flying down the stairs to the gym. You wanted to get to the girl’s locker room as quick as possible so you could be the first in line for cheer tryouts. Nothing said ‘co-captain’ like punctuality. Or, actually, would it be better to make a fashionably late entrance? You shake the thought off, you’re just going to be on time. You’re sure Nick would appreciate it.
The tryout requires that you wear a pleated skirt along with a school shirt so that the judges know what you look like in school colors and that you know how to perform in a cheer uniform. As a classified church girl, you had a wide variety of skirts to choose from, but you made sure to pick your newest one just for the occasion. You changed quickly in the locker room, tying a bow into your hair before anyone else arrived.
When the second person entered the locker room, you were already walking out, mentally going through your routine in your head. If you wanted a spot in Nick’s inner circle, you needed to execute this routine perfectly. You choreographed it yourself after watching endless hours of cheer routine videos, making sure to incorporate as many dazzling moves as possible.
The gym is quiet, the only sound being Nick and two teachers setting up the judges table. They’re surprised to see you already dressed and ready to perform, no one had ever been this early before. They’re even more shocked that you’re here, everyone knows you’re the Pastor’s daughter and the cheer team was known for everything but modesty.
“Are you here for tryouts?” Nick asks, a big smile on his faces. He’s excited for the new year and to find a new co-captain amidst the crowd of talented dancers and performers.
“Yes, my name is y/n,” you reply, watching as he finds your name on one of his many clipboards. Suddenly, now that you’re standing in the gym, you don’t feel so confident anymore. The nerves are starting to settle and you’re becoming anxious at the thought of forgetting your routine, messing up and embarrassing yourself, or just not being good enough to make the team let alone become co-captain.
One of the teachers heaves a large stereo onto the desk, connecting it her phone and cueing up your song before asking, “Alright, Y/n. You ready?” Shaky, sweaty hands smooth down your pleated skirt, a long exhale following right after. It was now or never, if you wanted to get back at your dad for all the years of religious trauma it was going to start now.
“I’m ready.”
The teacher smiles at you, all the judges taking a seat behind the table as she presses play on the song. A funky pop beat plays over the stereo, and immediately your routine is in full swing. One of the male judges is humming along to the music, all their eyes trained on you as you dance along the gym floor. The song wasn’t necessarily inappropriate, but you managed to pull out as many sultry moves as possible.
Nick is instantly impressed by your routine, taking down a few notes on how graceful and elegant you move. The teachers, who are mostly there out of obligation, refer to their rubric before giving you a final score. If Nick could have it his way, he’d make you co-captain then and there, but there’s plenty of other girls still waiting to tryout.
You finish your routine in a split, slightly out of breath but trying to keep your composure. The music stops, but the noise is replaced with the judges clapping for your performance, “Great work! The team list will be posted end of day tomorrow. NEXT!”
Just like that you’re being rushed out of the gym for the next girl as Nick sends you an enthusiastic thumbs up. All you could do was hope you earned a spot on the team, and by the way Nick looked at you, you were almost 100% you’d be this years cheer co-captain.
You’re daydreaming about making the team, feeling confident that your plan is working and you’re not paying attention to where you’re waking. So, on the way back to the locker room you accidentally bump into someone, their hard chest causing you to stumble back slightly.
“I’m so sorry,” you apologize, looking up at who just bumped into.
“No problem,” a deep voice croaks in return, you’d recognize that voice anywhere. You look up to see none other than Matt, fully clad in his signature all black style. His hair falls in front of his face, hiding just enough of his eyes to give him an even more mysterious aura. He smells of cigarettes and cologne, a delicious scent that has you weak in the knees.
Without another word, just a sly smirk, Matt is walking past you and into the gym. He saunters up the bleachers, managing to find a perfectly secluded corner to hide in. Not long after, he’s joined by Chris who just finished hockey practice. Chris doesn’t bother hiding, instead he sits right next to Matt where the gym lights are still illuminating. They’re both waiting for Nick so they can head home, and although they’re tired from the school day, they’ll gladly stay a couple extra hours to watch all the pretty girls do their tryout routines.
Matt can feel you watching him, allowing the darkness to serve as a veil as he looks you up and down. He’s noticed you in the halls before, but never took you for a cheerleader. You can’t even see Matt anymore, but you have to force yourself to look away, quickly continuing your walk back to the locker room.
The next day after school you’re once again rushing down the stairs, trying to get to the bulletin before anyone else. You push past a few people, weaving your way through the crowded hallway. This is the defining moment, if you made the team you’d be one step closer to achieving your final goal: get Matthew Sturniolo.
You must’ve been lost in thought because you once again manage to bump into someone. You stumble back, some of your textbooks falling out of your arms and onto the floor in the process.
“You need to watch where you’re going, sweetheart,” Matt says, reaching his arms out to steady you before you can fall over. The nickname turned your legs to jelly.
How was it that you always managed to bump into him? It almost seemed like fate.
“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention,” you reply sincerely, kneeling down to pick up your books from the floor. He does the same, picking up one of your stray books, fingertips grazing your hand when he hands it to you. Your eyes can’t help but travel up his arm, mentally counting and admiring the different tattoos that litter his arms. He notices, but he doesn’t say anything.
“Y/n, right?” You hold your textbooks in a firm, anxious grip as you stand up. Matt is still kneeling, your knees aligned with his face. He lets his eyes trail up your legs and up to your face, a devilish grin on his face. The position felt so compromising, but you had to try an act casual.
“Yeah, you’re Matt. Right?” He hums in response, tracing your entire silhouette one last time before he finally stands up. His height causes him to tower over you, a whiff of his cologne once again hitting you, immediately putting you in a deep trance. Matt is handsome and he knows it, he notices how hypnotized you looked and it only serves as an ego boost.
“See you around, Y/n,” he smirks, sending you a quick wink as he walks outside. “See you around,” you reply meekly, mentally facepalming for letting the anxiety take you over.
You felt like a little mouse who finally gained the courage to scavenge for food only to be chased around by a ravenous cat. The only sounds coming from you being squeaks and chirps, too anxious to form coherent words. This was going to be harder than you thought.
When you finally reached the bulletin, your eyes scanned over the new team roster. Your name was all the way at the bottom in bold, capitalized letters, ‘Y/N: CO-CAPTAIN.’ At least you did that part right.
It’s been 2 months since your cheer audition and since then you’ve risen in popularity dramatically. As co-captain you were invited to join Nick at his table for lunch and worked closely alongside him to choreograph new routines. This led you two to become close, your friendship blossoming over the countless hours of cheer practice.
Your dad hated that you were a cheerleader, finding issues in everything about it. He deemed the uniform too provocative, the cheers too sexual, and claiming that you were spending too much time practicing and not enough time studying your Bible. The only reason he didn’t force you to quit was because your mom finally grew a backbone and stuck up for you, advocating that this was a good hobby for you. Cheerleading was the perfect scapegoat, even on the odd days when you didn’t have practice you were able to sneak out of all your other responsibilities. No more piano, golf practice, volunteering at the food bank, or Bible study for you.
Eventually, the hockey season ended so you and Nick modified the chants to fit the lacrosse field. Chris was known to play every sport possible, so you weren’t surprised to see ‘STURNIOLO’ written across one of the jerseys running on the field. But upon further examination, you realized you were seeing double. Matt, who usually watched from the sidelines, was running plays alongside his brother and absolutely dominating the field.
It was hard for you to focus on your routine, your eyes kept following his sweaty figure as it raced across the field. Nick, who notices your sudden offbeat performance, was sending you warning looks to get it together. But you couldn’t help it, Matt had an alluring aura to him that seemed to draw you in without fail each time.
The school band plays loudly over the course of the game, making it hard to hear anything other than the loud drums and trumpets. During a small break, Nick nudges you, mouthing a quick “what the fuck?” You give him an apologetic smile, adjusting your uniform slightly before mouthing back an “I’m sorry.” He gives you a look that says, ‘yeah, you better be’ before getting back in position, ready to cheer the rest of the night away. You do the same, forcing yourself not to look at Matt for the rest of the game.
Before you know it, the game is over and the stadium was filled with hooting and hollering as Matt scored the winning goal. The school and his entire tram cheered for him in unison. You and Nick guided the bleacher full of students in a big chant, cheering for the lacrosse team loudly for their victory, “Yeah, yeah, do we rock? Yeah, yeah, take it to the top! Yeah, yeah, we are never gonna stop! Get wins till the other team drops!” Pompoms are in the air, rhythmically swaying to the beat, your feet twisting and turning as you pop your hips.
These type of events were always full of school spirit, but when they ended and the team headed towards the lockers and the cheerleaders went in search of their boyfriends, the air quickly became chaotic. Especially with everyone else piling off the bleachers and into the parking lot, trying to get home before it got too dark. You stay back and chat with Nick for a while before he dismisses himself to find one of his brothers.
So, now you’re left to wander the field on your own, taking a seat on the grass under the bright stadium lights. You loved moments like this, moments when you got to be alone with your thoughts. All you could think about was Matt, and for a second you thought he might be here on the field with you, the smell of his cologne and cigarette smoke whipping past you with the breeze. You look around, thinking your mind was playing tricks on you.
But it’s not, you see the light at the end of his cigarette deep within the shadows, followed by cigarette smoke that forms a cloud once it dances into the light. For some reason you feel bold, or maybe it’s just the same alluring feeling from earlier that makes you stand up and walk over to him. You can’t see him, but the lit cigarette between his fingers serves as a place marker for his location, the embers crackling brightly in the dark.
Matt’s eyes train on your figure as it approaches, squinting slightly in confusion. He’s never taken you for a smoker, but then again he didn’t take you for a cheerleader and you were clearly the best dancer on the team.
The whole night he couldn’t stop sneaking glances at you, even earning a tongue lashing from his coach for missing a few passes. Towards the end he had to force himself to focus, scoring the winning point in hopes of impressing you.
It obviously worked because once your eyes adjust to the darkness you’re commenting on it, “Good job on the field today, that last play was awesome.” There’s a twinge of innocence in your voice that Matt wants to destroy. “Thanks, you weren’t too bad yourself,” he replies, taking a long inhale of his cigarette before blowing the smoke away from you. The wind only blows it back into your face anyways, causing you to cough slightly.
“Sorry,” he mumbles, ready to flick the cigarette on the floor and stomp it out. But you stop him, a gentle hand holding his arm, “no it’s okay, I’ll get used to it.” The comment is bold, but you needed to be bold if you wanted to get Matt.
Was this the same girl that everyone knew as the Pastor’s daughter? Where was all this sudden confidence coming from?
“Oh, will you?” he asks with a quirked eyebrow, dusting the ash off his cigarette before taking another hit. You hum in response, slowly moving closer to him, allowing him to blow the smoke close enough to your face for it to sting. You hold in a cough, offering Matt an innocent smile that he returns with a smirk.
If this was the game you were starting, he was ready to play.
From that moment forward, Matt has been obsessed with you. He gave himself a day to decide whether he wanted to pursue you or not, but after hearing his lacrosse buddies talking about you one time after practice, he decided no one else could have you. The comments they were making were typical, the same things they said about every girl they found attractive, but because it was about you it irked him.
So, two days after your fateful encounter on the lacrosse field, Matt was waiting for you to finish cheer practice from outside the gym, fully clad in his lacrosse uniform, sweaty and dirty from practicing just moments before. Chris was standing nearby, chatting up another cheerleader who snuck out of the gym to be with him. Nick always reprimanded Chris for this, especially because it directly affected her performance and it showed on the field when she was struggling to keep up.
Matt debated on whether or not he should do the same, call you out from practice to tell you everything that was on his mind, but he loved watching you perfectly execute your routines during games. He wanted his girl to be the best, outperforming everyone else seamlessly. So, instead he decided to patiently wait for you.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, the music in the gym turns off and he can hear sneakers against the waxy floor as you all rush towards the locker room. For someone so dark and mysterious, Matt actually found himself getting excited.
Not long after, you and Nick walk out of the locker room. You’re laughing at something Nick said as you sling your duffel bag on your shoulder. Matt watches as you throw you head back in laughter, the bow in your hair twirling in the wind.
Nick instinctively walks towards his brothers and you follow suit, still too immersed in the conversation to notice Matt. Once you’re close enough, Nick sends the cheerleader talking to Chris a disapproving look that has her scurrying away and into the locker room.
“What was that for??” Chris exclaims, watching as the girl he was chatting up disappears. “Dude you always distract her, it shows on the field. She has the sloppiest performance out of everyone on the team,” Nick comments blatantly, readjusting his bag on his shoulder. “So? Just kick her off then!” Chris retaliates, running an exasperated hand through his hair. “Would you date her if she wasn’t on the team?” you chime in, laughing at how flustered Chris has become. He thinks about it for a while, “no, yeah probably not.”
His response elicits a laugh from you and a scoff from Nick, who begins scolding him. Matt is watching you intently, trying to gain your attention through some form of telepathy. You feel his burning gaze on you, finally looking at him through your long, thick eyelashes. “What about you? Any girls on the team won your heart yet?” you ask, a playful grin appearing on your face. After your last encounter with him, you’re hoping he doesn’t even know anyone else on the roster and just blurts out your name.
“Hmmm maybe,” he replies with a smirk, reaching in his pocket for his lighter and a cigarette. “Oh really? Mr. Tough Guy’s in love?” you tease, watching as he places a cigarette in between his lips and lights it with ease, taking a quick draw of it before pinching it away. Nick and Chris have started walking to the parking lot at this point, too immersed in their own world to notice you and Matt flirting.
“Something like that,” the smoke puffs out with each word, swirling in the air before fading away. He brings the cigarette back up onto his lips, intently waiting for you next move. What you say next is unexpected, “can I try?” You’re pointing at the cigarette innocently, causing Matt’s eyes to open in shock.
“Too strong for you, sweetheart,” he replies coyly, blowing the smoke out through the side of his mouth. “How am I supposed to get used to it then?” you’re referring to what you said the other day, hoping to jog his memory and let him know that you still want him.
Matt doesn’t skip a beat, within seconds he’s wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you into him. “Slowly,” he answers in a whisper, taking a long drag of his cigarette before moving his face closer to yours. You’re holding onto his shoulders for support, watching intently as his face gets closer and closer to yours.
Without another word, his lips are inches from yours as he exhales the smoke into your mouth, capturing your lips in a quick kiss. His mouth melts into yours, working the smoke into your lungs with each movement. When he pulls away from the kiss, you’re immediately coughing up a storm. Your nose burns and tears brim at your eyes from the strong sensation.
“Told you it was too strong for you,” he comments with a chuckle, putting the cigarette out on the brick wall behind him before moving his other arm around your waist. Once you’re finally not coughing he speaks again, “Here, let’s try that again, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you whisper, moving your hands from his chest to his neck. He leans in for another kiss, this time savoring your sweet kiss without any smoke to inhibit his taste buds.
In that moment, Matt knew he didn’t have to say anything else, you became his girl.
The next few weeks were amazing, you finally got everything you wanted, all you needed to do now was flaunt all of it in front of your dad and watch how horrified he became.
“Hi baby,” Matt whispers, throwing an arm over your shoulder while you wait in the lunch line. Matt never ate lunch at school, he’d usually get in his car and hit up the nearest fast food place or walk off campus for a smoke break. He found the cafeteria to be too chaotic, there was nowhere to seclude himself and even less areas to eat a meal in peace and quiet. But, that you two are dating, he’s started dragging you along on his school day adventures. Sometimes you’ll just get lunch, other times you’ll sit and talk to him while he smokes, but most times you’ll end up making out in the backseat of his car.
“Hi handsome,” you reply in a cheery tone, tiptoeing so you can plant a quick peck on his lips. He smiles into the kiss.
“Let’s go to my car? I’ll treat you to lunch, pretty girl,” he suggests, already beginning to walk towards his car with you under his arm. You don’t complain, especially because this is the closest you’d ever get to real dates with Matt, especially when under the careful watch of your parents.
You guys end up at a local Mexican restaurant, it was a restaurant that your family frequented on Sunday’s after church so you were well acquainted with it. Once inside, you and Matt are directed to a booth in the back, perfectly secluded and away from prying eyes. He takes a seat across from you, smiling at you in a lovesick gaze.
Maybe it was too early to say it, but Matt definitely felt it; he loved you. He was apprehensive to admit it, even just to himself, because he was scared to get hurt, but so far your relationship has been nothing but sweet.
The waitress takes your order and you don’t even need to look at the menu to know what you want which catches Matt by surprise. “You bring all your boyfriends here?” he jokes, folding the menu and handing it to the waitress after placing his order. “Only the cute ones,” you joke in return, sending him a playful wink. He laughs, holding your hand in his on the table.
“This is my dad’s favorite restaurant, we come here like every Sunday after service,” you explain, taking a quick sip of your drink. Matt nods his head, of course he didn’t suspect you were cheating, but he appreciated the explanation.
“Your dad has good taste,” he comments. You never spoke about your family so everything he knew was by word of mouth. He knew the basics; your dad was a Pastor, you came from a conservative family, and your Sundays were usually occupied with church.
You hum in response, trying to think of a topic to avert the conversation from your dad, and, as if on cue, the front door rings. A customer just walked into the restaurant, nothing out of the ordinary, but upon further inspection you realize it’s your dad. You’re mid sip, choking slightly on the liquid as you try quickly swallowing from the shock.
Matt notices your distress, following your gaze to see what has you so nervous all of a sudden. That’s when he sees him, your dad standing by the front waiting to be seated. Matt’s not scared, but he is nervous to possibly meet your dad. He wants to make a good impression, but with the tattoos, long hair, and lingering smell of cigarette smoke, he doubts he’ll be successful in doing that.
“Speak of the devil,” you mumble, watching closely for your dad’s next move.
Matt’s surprised you’re not rushing to leave, you actually look calm now, almost like you’re hoping your dad will be seated one booth over. For the first time in your relationship he senses an ulterior motive behind your actions and he doesn’t know whether to be scared or turned on.
He remembers the good girl you were, the girl who always arrived to class on time, the girl who would never be caught skipping school and he wonders where this sudden rebellious nature came from. But now he gets it, this is a game to you, you want your dad to catch you skipping school with the ‘bad boy,’ you want to make your dad so upset his face turns red. Matt doesn’t know what to think about that, but if this is the game then he’d happily play along, he’d do anything for his girl.
The restaurant host sits your dad a few booths down and he situates himself in the seat directly facing you, if he looks your way at the right angle he’d easily see you. But he’s too occupied in conversation with the waitress to notice anything, ordering his food before pulling out a book.
“Here’s your food, Miss Y/n,” the waitress says with a smile, placing plates of food on the table. The waitress learned your name from all the years your family visited the restaurant, and although you appreciated the effort, you wanted to slap a hand against her mouth for giving you away. Matt’s eyes go wide, she said it really loud, did your dad hear?
“Thank you,” you reply quickly with a tight lipped smile, trying to shoo her away as fast as possible. You look back towards your dad’s booth, fully expecting him to still be turning pages in his book, but his eyes are locked on you. He’s seething, you can practically see the smoke coming from his ears.
You waited for him to get up from the booth and walk over to your table, but instead he pulls out his wallet and throws a bill on the table, grabbing his stuff and walking out. The waitress watches in confusion, and so do you. What the hell was he doing?
Matt senses the movement, straining his neck to watch your dad walk out. He suddenly becomes nervous because even though he wanted to help you piss off your parents, he also wanted to be the boyfriend parents welcomed with open arms despite his appearance.
When you finish eating, you’re walking out of the restaurant intently searching for your dad. He was sure to be lurking around the parking lot somewhere. You’re holding Matt’s hand, walking slowly to his car.
“Y/n! Where do you think you’re going?!” your dad’s voice booms from the other side of the parking lot. He waited outside until you and Matt finished your meal, not wanting to make a scene in his favorite restaurant.
You watch as he slams the car door closed, storming over to you and Matt with an unreadable expression on his face. “Is this what I send you to school for? So you can skip with.. with this?! What will people think? What will the church think? The pastors daughter off fornicating with a- with a delinquent,” your dad motions up and down Matt’s body, clearly displeased with his appearance and attire. It makes you so mad, but you don’t even get the chance to respond because your dad won’t stop talking, “You’re coming home with me right now. Say goodbye to your phone, cheerleading, and this boy because you’re never seeing them again!”
He attempts to grab your arm, but you pull away. “Y/n. Do not make this any more difficult than it already is. Let’s go!”
“No.” Your reply is short and curt, but it’s stern enough to appall your father.
“No? No?! Who do you think you are?! You’re nothing but a stupid little girl, now get in the car.” He reaches for you again, this time managing to pinch your skin slightly. “Ow, stop,” you exclaim, pushing him away from you slightly. Matt protectively moves you behind him in one quick swoop, using his body to prevent your dad from touching you again.
“Get out of the way, this is between me and my daughter.”
“Not happening,” Matt replies, towering over your dad.
“This is what you want, Y/n? A stupid hippie? He reeks of cigarettes and has tattoos, didn’t I teach you better?!” Matt is fuming at this point, your dad was the most disrespectful person he’d ever met. “Dad, just go. I’m not choosing you over Matt,” you reply, trying to stand your ground, but sounding so weak and small.
“I’m not asking you to choose me, I’m asking you to choose God. But if you want to choose this boy, then go ahead, but don’t come knocking on my door when he gets you pregnant and leaves you,” he yells. Was he kicking you out?
“What?” you ask, stepping out from behind Matt.
“You heard me, girl. Don’t bother coming home unless it’s without him.”
Without another word your dad is walking back to his car and pulling out of the parking lot, driving away and leaving you with nothing but the dust. You watch with teary eyes as his car disappears into the horizon, you never meant for it to end like this. All you wanted was a little freedom, but your rebellious actions have warranted a consequence you never anticipated.
“Hey, hey. It’s gonna be okay,” Matt whispers, bringing you in for a warm hug. He��s patting your hair as you bury your face in his chest, allowing the tears to flow. “What am I supposed to do? Where am I supposed to go?” you hiccup, wrapping your arms around Matt’s torso in an attempt to feel him closer.
“You can stay at my house,” he replies and he means it, he’d do anything for you. In retrospect he should’ve seen this coming from the moment he realized you were trying to piss off your parents, but he’s too far gone now to turn back. Matt’s too in love with you at this point for his own good, the only thing he can think to do is protect you.
“Are you sure?” you feel like a helpless little mouse again, except this time Matt feels like a security blanket instead of a potential threat.
“I’m sure.” Matt places a loving kiss on your lips before kissing your forehead and pulling you into him again.
Whatever happened, you and Matt were going to get through it together. After all, Matt decided to play your game.
Shwoop here you go luv u honey bunches thank you for the request. I hope you enjoy!!
Also, I had never heard this song before but it’s def going on my playlist now & I will be searching for those tiktok edits hehehe
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bonefall · 6 months
would whitewater end up getting dark forested for her support of mudclaw, her hypocrisy, and her neglect?
There's a VERY high chance of it. She's almost certainly damned unless someone defended her VERY well (which is unlikely)
When StarClan makes a ruling, they aren't neccesarily deciding if you are Guilty or Innocent. They're determining if you are worthy of their ranks. You have to prove you belong in Heaven, NOT that you're not bad enough for Hell.
For most warriors this is a very simple yes, and no trial is required... but if you so much as OFFEND StarClan with your bad vibes, they might damn you just for that. Whitewater has a really bad reputation for everything she's done.
The Queen’s Rights actually work "legally" on the assumption that judgement is outsourced to StarClan, because mortals (Oakstar) can't be trusted to be impartial on this specifically. The birth of kittens cannot be used as evidence of codebreaking behavior... on the mortal plane.
StarClan was ALREADY going to give her a review just based on her affair with Mudclaw. If it ended on the Great Journey like they initially planned and she invoked QR with her Ba-less litter, there wouldn't even be a trial.
But that's not how this story goes. She was a ShadowClan cat involved in Mudclaw's rebellion, because she wanted to support him.
SHE might have only done that because she wanted to avoid ThunderClan "putting their paws in another Clan's business" or some other excuse, but StarClan says
"L + Ratio + Supported your baby daddy's coup + Set the peat on fire + What were YOU doing putting your paws in another Clan's business"
StarClan didn't even accept MUDCLAW'S explaination. They didn't even accept VIXENLEAP'S excuse, just some Thistle Law-loving RiverClan warrior who joined because Hawkyfrosty asked her to. They were always going to give Whitewater a hard time for this.
Whitewater might have been able to wrack up some goodgirl points by being a very loyal ShadowClan warrior..... and she did, a little.
But she kept her head down. No spectacular feats of redemption. Just tried to live quiet. That doesn't incur a lot of favor.
And then, the part you've been waiting for... how she treated Owlkit. Theyyyy didn't like that.
If she was sooo unattached to her mate, why did his smiting BOTHER her so much, hm?
She might have won favor for doing something very noble and giving the kittens to the bereaved Torear, but she KEPT Owlkit. Any love she had that influenced that choice drained away
and she didn't do the "right thing" for him by asking for help. She just did the bare minimum at best, and hid her abuse at worst.
Unfortunately though, the neglect and emotional abuse did not earn as much ire on their own as you're hoping. StarClan is (and was) full of much worse abusers. Hillrunner, for example.
Most of StarClan's condemnation would be based around Mudclaw's Rebellion... but they've been waiting a LONG time to process the surviving non-WindClan rebels. So... she's probably doomed.
Unfortunately I cannot imagine she takes it well. She completely ignores that Owlclaw was just a footnote in her condemnation, and uses it to confirm everything she ever believed.
"That kitten WAS meant to die that night. I should have dragged that child out into the storm with the rest of its cursed siblings. I've been shoved into the spot where Owlclaw should be!"
Hmm... maybe I should axe her shortly before the Great Battle, and actually have HER be the one who attacks Owlclaw's kittens. It would be pretty horrifying if she was the one who killed Weaselkit, her own grandchild.
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Model AU Masterlist
And My Heart's Skipping Like the Oceans in Your Eyes (ao3) - motherfuxing luke/ashton, michael/calum T, 7k
Summary: But I was so fucking wrong.
Because when Calum calls out one particular name, this beautiful, amazing name, everything fades away.
The music video, the other models, the band.
Because a tall, extremely attractive boy steps forward at the name, "Luke Hemmings," and fuck I was so damn wrong.
Art Affair (ao3) - Hoodie, orphan_account michael/ashton E, 3k
Summary: "Why the fuck would you want me for a model?"
"Because you are exactly what I would want. A rebel but you have class and you aren't like everyone else. I would really love to paint you."
Awkward Is The New Cute (ao3) - ashsparagus calum/ashton N/R, 3k
Summary: Ashton's awkward, Calum's in love, Luke sets them up, and Michael isn't in this one.
be your teenage dream tonight (ao3) - burningthefutures luke/ashton E, 8k
Summary: Ashton, a photographer living in NYC, finds himself entranced when he sets his eyes on Luke Hemmings, a famous model, at a party.
death do us part (ao3) - aliciaxadrienne luke/ashton M, 8k
Summary: He reinvents himself every day because he loves Luke so much, wants to fit in so badly, that he becomes a whole different person compared to who he was when they first met.
In His Natural State (ao3) - Born_to_Riot calum/ashton, michael/luke T, 2k
Summary: The newest photographer for GoodGirls Magazine, Ashton Irwin, arrives at his first day of work only to find out that his first assignment is to do a photoshoot of Calum Hood, the hottest male model in the industry. The first thing his mind flickers to after he finds out is that poster of the model that he may or may not have pinned up on his wall.
Jumping before the Gunshot has Gone Off (ao3) - tigerlily_sunshine michael/luke, calum/ashton, luke/louis E, 128k
Summary: (In which Michael’s hated Luke since they met, and Luke’s hated him back—except, somehow, they can’t stop having sex with one another. To make matters worse, Luke is dumb enough to go and fall in love with the man who hates him.)
Paint Me (ao3) - cornflowerblue (daydadahlias) luke/ashton E, 17k
Summary: “Holy shit, hold on a minute,” Calum says, “is that who we’re supposed to be drawing?”
“I can’t draw him,” Michael gawks, “I’m not a Goddamn renaissance painter.”
Or, the one where Luke is an art student practicing realism for a month and Ashton is the nude model in his portrait class.
Small Talk (ao3) - FayeHunter michael/luke T, 2k 
Summary: Michael runs into Luke at a Fashion Week party. He’s not expecting the model to flirt with him.
you're ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece (ao3) - punchinginadream luke/ashton N/R, 2k
Summary: In a room full of art, Ashton would still be staring at Luke.
or, Luke is Ashton's muse and his model.
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lucky-rebel-com · 6 years
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Neu und schick - MADEMOISELLE YEYE Kleid... bei uns im Shop! . . #luckyrebel #rebel #moonlight #rostock #ktv #einkaufen #shopping #mode #fashion #yeye #mademoieselleyeye #kleid #dress #vintage #retro #rockabilly #goodgirl #kauflokal #localdealer (hier: Moonlight & Lucky Rebel) https://www.instagram.com/luckyrebel.de/p/Btxxv9Bgqxb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=j2d73zi87mys
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rwood2477 · 4 years
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Dear LeBron James,
You don’t speak for me and my boys.
I’m a father of four brown boys. It is my responsibility as a father to protect and serve them. There is no need for police in my home because as the father, I’m the authority in my home.
Police are needed where fathers and law and order are absent. When there is no father to protect and serve children, police have to move into that community to protect and serve.
Where there is no father or authority in the home or neighborhood, young men rebel. This is why police are having a hard time gaining compliance with fatherless boys on the side of the road. They refuse to sit down, be quiet, and comply. Why? Because the police are the first men to tell them NO and assert their authority. These boys have spent years under no ones authority. This is the main problem.
So please don’t speak for me and my boys. Me and my boys are not terrified of the police because we respect the police and accept their authority. That’s because they first had to respect me as their father and accept my authority. Actually one of them wants to be a police officer. You Lebron are trying to destroy that dream by painting police officers in a negative light when most a good guys.
We are terrified of the black men that kill each other in their black neighborhoods everyday. We are afraid of the black men that threaten us and call us cūns and uncle toms for desiring to live a peacefull and successful life. We are aware of the fact that 93% of all black homicides are by black men. (Bureau of Justice Statistics)
If you really want to help fatherless boys like yourself, stop using fear tactics and guilt trips. Help promote legislation like “EQUAL SHARED PARENTING” that helps divorced dads and single dads have more time with their children without paying more child support.
Help get legislation passed to make child support more fair and equal. Fund programs like my former #GoodGuys #GoodGirls Program (killed by ObamaCare) that helped young black youth save sex until marriage, learn their history, learn to respect police, develop work ethic and accomplish their goals.( https://youtu.be/1ZxCe3JXp3M ).
Stop blaming the police and help build better fathers. Stop saying police need more training and train more dads and young black boys on the the rule of law and police protocols.
Remember, there are millions of black and brown boys out here that are not being killed by police. They are alive and doing quite well. How? We obey the law. Comply with police and if the police does something wrong or unethical, they live to fight in court and not the side of the road.
Patrick D. Hampton
@The Patrick Perspective
@The Patriot Post
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Masterlist Post
I’m writing again, for now 😅 requests are open, do your worst babes!
*** means its some filth 
Black Panther
~Erik Killmonger~
Dustiest Corner in Harlem Part II  *Part III*
Just Take the Ring (oneshot)
* More Than Talk (Oneshot)
Tell Me (oneshot)
Holding Erik (drabble)
* Erik x Bi Black Girlfriend (headcannon)
* Hell of a Feeling (one shot)  
~King T’Challa~
* The King’s Endgame
~Lord M’Baku~
* To Tame the Wild (oneshot) 
~All BP Cast Included~
Black Panther Greek Life (headcanon) 
* Black Panther Thirst Challenge 
The Bear
~Carmen and Sydney~
*Eyes On Me (oneshot) *this that new shit*
Rebel Ridge
Coming soon
Coming soon
Last of Us
Coming soon
Stranger Things
Coming soon
Good Girls
Coming soon
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sheenaaranas · 4 years
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Bentley is on the hunt for those Rebels! Do you see them?!? 🤣🔔🐶 #hailstate #GTHOM #eggbowl2020 #goodgirl . @msbentleybullybigger (at Austin, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIJZzKVhDCI/?igshid=1auqgcv0q6zfl
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theadoptionoption · 4 years
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Dear LeBron James, You don’t speak for me and my boys. I’m a father of four brown boys. It is my responsibility as a father to protect and serve them. There is no need for police in my home because as the father, I’m the authority in my home. Police are needed where fathers and law and order are absent. When there is no father to protect and serve children, police have to move into that community to protect and serve. Where there is no father or authority in the home or neighborhood, young men rebel. This is why police are having a hard time gaining compliance with fatherless boys on the side of the road. They refuse to sit down, be quiet, and comply. Why? Because the police are the first men to tell them NO and assert their authority. These boys have spent years under no ones authority. This is the main problem. #AcceptingAuthority So please don’t speak for me and my boys. Me and my boys are not terrified of the police because we respect the police and accept their authority. That’s because they first had to respect me as their father and accept my authority. Actually one of them wants to be a police officer. You Lebron are trying to destroy that dream by painting police officers in a negative light when most a good guys. We are terrified of the black men that kill each other in their black neighborhoods everyday. We are afraid of the black men that threaten us and call us cūns and uncle toms for desiring to live a peacefull and successful life. We are aware of the fact that 93% of all black homicides are by black men. (Bureau of Justice Statistics) If you really want to help fatherless boys like yourself, stop using fear tactics and guilt trips. Help promote legislation like “EQUAL SHARED PARENTING” that helps divorced dads and single dads have more time with their children without paying more child support. Help get legislation passed to make child support more fair and equal. Fund programs like my former #GoodGuys #GoodGirls Program (killed by ObamaCare) that helped young black youth save sex until marriage, learn their history, learn to respect police, develop work ethic and accomplish their goals.( https://youtu.be/1ZxCe3JXp3M ). Stop https://www.instagram.com/p/CEiZMwwh2PD/?igshid=7lnmv87c6fgv
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#Headies2019 : Check Out Full List Of Winners
#Headies2019 : Check Out Full List Of Winners
Crayon Buju Barry Jhay WINNER Oxlade
Adekunle Gold- Ire Patoranking- Heal the World Brymo- Olarewaju Teni- Uyo Meyo WINNER Burna Boy-Ye
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GoodGirl LA – ‘Bless me’ Waje – ‘Udue’ Teni – ‘UyoMeyo’ WINNER Tems – ‘Mr Rebel’ Falana – ‘Repeat’
Tay Iwar – ‘Utero’ Johnny Drille – ‘Finding Efe’ Nonso…
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report47 · 5 years
#The13thHeadies: Full list of nominees
On September 24, 2019, Nigeria’s biggest and most prestigious music award show, The Headies, opened its doors to receive entries for its 13th music award with this year’s edition themed ‘The Power of A Dream’.   The year in review was announced as January 2018 and June 2019. The award show is scheduled to hold October 19th, 2019.  Running for over a decade, the 13th Headies award will feature 29 unique categories in recognition of Africa’s finest artiste.   The last edition saw Nigeria’s sensational artiste, Olamide, with the highest number of nominations (10). He was closely followed by Tuface (7), Wizkid (6), Davido (4), and Clarence Peters (4).   THE 13TH HEADIES NOMINEES LIST Year In Review: January 2018 – June 2019 BEST RECORDING OF THE YEAR A non-voting category for the best recording (that meets the judges’ requirements of excellence; songwriting, production, rendition) by an artiste or group in the year under review. Adekunle Gold – Ire Heal D World – Patoranking Olanrewaju – Brymo UyoMeyo – Teni Ye – Burna Boy   BEST POP SINGLE A category for the best pop single in year under review (by single individual or group). ‘Ye’ – Burna Boy ‘Wetin We Gain’ – Victor AD ‘Fake Love’ –Starboy ft Duncan Mighty, Wizkid ‘Case’ – Teni ‘Jealous’ –Fireboy DML ‘Baby’ – Joeboy   PRODUCER OF THE YEAR An individual responsible for producing the most acclaimed song or album in the year under review. Phantom – ‘Ye’ by Burna Boy Ozedikus – ‘Dumebi’ by Rema Spellz – ‘Askamaya’ by Teni Killertunes – ‘Fake Love’ by Starboy ft Duncan Mighty and Wizkid Kel-P Vibes – ‘Killing Dem’ by Burna Boy ft Zlatan   BEST RAP ALBUM A non-voting category for the best album by a rap artiste or group in year under review. ‘Moral Instruction’ – Falz ‘Crown’ – AQ and Loose Kaynon ‘A Study On Self Worth: YxngDxnzl’ – M.I Abaga ‘Clone Wars, Vol. IV (These Buhari Times)’ – Show Dem Camp BEST R&B/POP ALBUM A category for the best r&b/pop album in the year under review (by single individual or group). ‘rare.’ – Odunsi(The Engine) ‘Outside’ – Burna Boy ‘No Bad Songz’ – Kizz Daniel ‘Mayor of Lagos’ – Mayorkun ‘About 30’ – Adekunle Gold   BEST MUSIC VIDEO A voting category for the best conceptualist, best directed and most exciting video in the year under review. This award goes to the video director. ‘Dangote’(BurnaBoy) – Clarence Peters ‘Available’(Patoranking) – Clarence Peters ‘Ire’(Adekunle Gold) – Aje Films ‘Talk’ (Falz) – Prodigeezy ‘Jaiye’(Ladipoe) – 88 Factor   BEST R&B SINGLE A category for the best r&b single in the year under review (by a single individual or group). ‘Tipsy’ – Odunsi ft. RAYE ‘Serenade’ – Funbi ‘UyoMeyo’ – Teni ‘Wishes and Butterflies’ – Wurld ‘Gimme Love’ – Seyi Shay ft. Runtown   BEST COLLABO A voting category for the best r&b, pop or hip-hop collaborative track (including cameos). ‘Like’ – Reekado Banks Ft. Tiwa Savage, Fiokee ‘One Ticket’ Kiss Daniel ft. Davido ‘Fake Love’ – Starboy ft Duncan Mighty, Wizkid ‘Killin’ Dem – Burna Boy Ft. Zlatan ‘Amaka’ – 2baba Ft. Peruzzi   BEST RAP SINGLE A voting category for a single (released on-air) recording of a rap song. ‘Talk’ – Falz ‘We Don’t Do That Over Here’ – Hotyce ‘40ft Container’ – Illbliss ft. Olamide ‘Sacrifice’ – Payper Corleone Ft. Alpha Ojini ‘Gang Gang’ – AQ and Loose Kaynon   BEST VOCAL PERFORMANCE(MALE) A non-voting category for the single male artiste with the most outstanding vocal performance on a single song or album. Tay Iwar – ‘Utero’ Johnny Drille – ‘Finding Efe’ Nonso Bassey – ‘411’ Funbi – ‘Serenade’ Wurld – ‘Wishes & Butterfly’   BEST VOCAL PERFORMANCE (FEMALE) A non-voting category for the single female artiste with most outstanding vocal performances on a single song or album. GoodGirl LA – ‘Bless me’ Waje – ‘Udue’ Teni – ‘UyoMeyo’ Tems – ‘Mr Rebel’ Falana – ‘Repeat’   NEXT RATED This category is a voting category for the most promising act in the year under review. Rema Joeboy Fireboy DML Victor AD Lyta Zlatan   HIP HOP WORLD REVELATION A voting category for the best new artiste with a debut album adjudged to be outstanding in terms of artistic quality and impact within the year under review. Odunsi Mayorkun Wurld Humblesmith   LYRICIST ON THE ROLL A non-voting category for the rap artiste with the best lyrical depth and performance on a single song or album. YCEE – ‘Balance’ Boogey – ‘Implode’ Paybac – ‘Implode’ Ghost–‘Crown’ Tec–‘Crown’ AQ –‘Crown’   BEST STREET-HOP ARTISTE A voting category for the artiste whose songs are inspired by the streets. Such song should captain lingua, which may also be originated by the artiste and popular on the street. Erigga – ‘Motivation’ ChinkoEkun – ‘Able God’ Zlatan – ‘Leg Work’ Barry Jhay –‘Aiye’ Lyta–‘Time’   BEST ‘ALTERNATIVE’ SONG A voting category for the artiste whose songs reflect any form or style of music which falls outside the mainstream of recent or past popular musical trends. ‘Cash’ – Lady Donli ‘Mr Rebel’ – Tems ‘Finding Efe’– Johnny Drille ‘Heya’–Brymo ‘Ire’ – Adekunle Gold   ALBUM OF THE YEAR A voting category for the best album (solo or group) in year under review, that meets judges’ requirements of excellence (songwriting, production, rendition and impact). ‘About 30’ – Adekunle Gold ‘Outside’ – Burna Boy ‘Moral Instruction’–Falz ‘No Bad Songz’ – Kizz Daniel   ARTISTE OF THE YEAR Most critically and commercially adjudged artiste in the year under review. Overall most successful artiste in the year under review. Burna Boy Wizkid Davido Tiwa Savage Falz   SONG OF THE YEAR A voting category for the most popular song in the year under review. ‘Ye’ – Burna Boy ‘Dumebi’ – Rema ‘Wetin We Gain’ – Victor AD ‘Fake Love’ – Starboy ft Duncan Mighty, Wizkid ‘Case’ – Teni ‘Leg work’- Zlatan ‘Baby’ – Joeboy ‘Jealous’ – Fireboy DML   AFRICAN ARTISTE RECOGNITION A non-Nigerian award category for an individual African artiste or group with the most outstanding achievement, impact and infiltration into the Nigerian music scene in the year under review. Master KG – Skeleton Moves(SOUTH AFRICA) Afro B – Drogba (Joanna)(IVORY COAST) Sauti Sol – Melanin (KENYA) King Promise – CCTV (GHANA) DJ Maphoriza – iWalk Ye Phara (SOUTH AFRICA)   HEADIES’ VIEWER’S CHOICE A voting category to award the fan’s favourite artiste with the most digital tractions (downloads, views, streams) in the year under review. MrEazi Burna Boy Teni Fireboy DML Rema Joe Boy Wizkid Davido   BEST PERFORMER A non-voting category for the artistes whose stagecraft, showmanship and performance routines are exceptionally conceptualized and executed in the year under review with consideration of live performances. Falz Tiwa Savage Brymo Yemi Alade Adekunle Gold   ROOKIE OF THE YEAR: A voting category for the rookie of the year who has had a successful year musically, with the absence of an album in the year under review. Crayon Buju Barry Jhay Oxlade   SPECIAL RECOGNITION Paul Okoye (Upfront & Personal)
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sayingspoint-blog · 5 years
“The rebel girl in me will never die.” —Unknown
#badgirl #Quotes #sayings #badgirlquotes #goodgirl #women #girl https://sayingspoint.com/bad-girl-sayings/
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bossladykei · 6 years
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Just started book two of the “The Sunday Lunchers” by Julia Keanini. I was so confused at first when I started this book because I didn’t know what the girl name was because it wasn’t mentioned in the description. It was brought up in chapter two. #currentlyreading #currentread #bookstagram #bookstoread #currentlyread #juliakeanini #juliakeaninibooks #thegoodgirlandtherebel #goodgirl #rebel #highschool #youngadultbooks #youngadult #books #teensbooks #yadultbooks #yaadult #thesundaylunchers #booktwo #booksseries #seriesbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/BsURnMgD_3j/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1c1dma0uppdve
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loudspeaker · 5 years
ROOKIE OF THE YEAR: Crayon Buju Barry Jhay #WINNER Oxlade
BEST RECORDING OF THE YEAR Adekunle Gold- Ire Patoranking- Heal the World Brymo- Olarewaju Teni- Uyo Meyo – #WINNER Burna Boy-Ye
BEST VOCAL PERFORMANCE (FEMALE) GoodGirl LA – ‘Bless me’ Waje – ‘Udue’ Teni – ‘UyoMeyo’ – #WINNER Tems – ‘Mr Rebel’ Falana – ‘Repeat’
BEST VOCAL PERFORMANCE (MALE) Tay Iwar – ‘Utero’ Johnny Drille – ‘Finding Efe’ Nons…
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irockng · 5 years
Headies 2019: Headies Awards 2019 half winning list – (Live Update)
Headies 2019: Headies Awards 2019 half winning list – (Live Update)
Stay tuned check out half winning list out
BEST VOCAL PERFORMANCE (FEMALE) A non-voting category for the single female artiste with most outstanding vocal performances on a single song or album.
GoodGirl LA – ‘Bless me’ Waje – ‘Udue’ Teni – ‘Uyo Meyo’ (WINNER) Tems – ‘Mr Rebel’ Falana – ‘Repeat’
BEST VOCAL PERFORMANCE(MALE) A non-voting category for the single male artiste with the most…
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anyonkyusako · 7 years
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Myself For You (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/uME4pOEz4K After circumstances forced Afina, a young teenage girl, to move from the small town of Arcturia to the big city of Capellion, she finally found a sense of security again. However, when she realized that her past was quickly catching up to her, things around her started breaking apart, all due to a stupid decision that she instantly regretted. A s…
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