#goodnight coolsville ohio
nemmet · 11 months
4 for Fred for the comfort character ask?
comfort character ask meme
4 - what about their personality i like
i've mentioned this before, but fred and the evolution of his character/personality over the course of the franchise is sort of a special-interest-within-a-special-interest for me, and i'm always so happy to get to talk about it!!
i love the fact that, essentially, he's been made more and more distinct and enjoyable over the years by the writers just dialing up his enthusiasm to eleven. he's the leader of mystery inc for a reason, and that reason is he has the intense focus, planning skills and gung-ho attitude to land himself and his friends in a new mystery every week!! that and just how much he cares and believes in his friends' abilities, even when sometimes his control issues get the better of him. i love how, in the be cool episode gremlin on a plane, he realises that sometimes being in control means knowing when to hand the reins over to a member of his team more experienced in a particular skill. those little moments of growth for him are really cool to see!
continuing the point on enthusiasm, it's hilarious and so charming to see the writers' ability to take his enthusiasm and apply it to so many different things, especially in the movies. traps! summer camp! the circus! space! cheerleading! the list goes on!!! it never feels forced, it's more like you routinely meet up with your neurodivergent friend for coffee and they have a completely new hyperfixation every time that they're dying to tell you about. not having a consistent thing became his consistent thing, and i am so here for that kind of chaotic characterisation!!
aside from that, it's whole a bunch of little things that i like! how he's crazy talented with his interest in traps/mystery solving but sometimes lacks common sense and social skills. how he seems well put together but can be so very unhinged (/affectionate). how he hyperfocuses and fails to take care of himself (very relatable). how genuine and dorky and undeniably autistic he is overall. truly no one is doing it like frederick herman jones
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scooby-art-by-tyne · 3 years
Is Scooby-Doos erie pointe lake monster based of the loveland frogman cryptid?
A article, esaay (?) By tyne.
Yeah, probably. The evidence adds up.
So the other day my freind was telling me about cryptids and spiritual beings from different beliefs and religions that were SOMEWHAT near us. (Ontario canada).
He was mostly talking about the Wendigo as that is a part of his belief system as he is indigenous and from southern ontario. But he was also talking about how mothman is super cool and his favorite. Then he sent me a map of cryptids and spiritual monsters in north america.
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I was looking at them. And i noticed the frogman. I quickly became excited as i love frogs, so i googled him. The loveland ohio frogman,
My brain went "ayooo he looks like the guy from scooby doo curse of the lake monster"
(Scooby-Doo! Curse of the Lake Monster 2010)
Then my brain went,,,, "wait isnt coolsville in ohio?"
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Sure enough it is.
Now with saying that, thats odd. Are they the same/similar creatures? Is scooby doo's erie point lake monster based of him?
Yeah probably.
Heres more possible proof.
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Hes a humanoid frog from ohio. At roughly a human height.
The real Loveland frog is about 4 feet. But the erie pointe monster is probably 6-7 feet. As they are extremely tall (my friends say 6'10" - 7')
So above the average human height, way above the loveland frog height but definitely still probably based off of the loveland frog. As realisticly, the scooby doo frog is supposed to be old man in a suit sized. And the suit is probably pretty big. And the later monster is just magic frog from the witch, so its any height.
In conclusion it isnt much but its generally around the same monster and its highly likely it was based off the loveland frog, id never know as i did not work on this scooby doo movie, or any. Nor do i know anyone who has. But my best guess is he was based off him. Ohio, roughly human size. Good enough for me.
Goodnight. ❤️
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nemmet · 10 months
thinking about be cool scooby doo fred on this delightful evening. he's afraid of widths. he gets emotional over a drumkit. he knows how to apply eyeliner perfectly. he's a sleep deprived, paranoid, manic danger to himself and others. he becomes enemies with a goat. his shoulders are so tense that they can break a chair. he goes to jail twice. where on earth did he get the funds to give the mystery machine all those high-tech upgrades. he hired a guy to make his epiphanies look more dramatic. the exterior of his house is an affront to god. he cannot take care of himself to save his life. he is a middle aged dad stuck in the body of an eighteen year old. he has childhood trauma related to halloween. he accidentally parked his van on a space shuttle. he is consistently aggravated by daphne’s commitment to the bit. he really needs to let go of those tiny red shorts. he's a court jester. he represents the order to his criminal father's chaos. he has control issues stemming from this but tries to overcome them for the sake of the gang and always apologises when he goes too far and knows that even when they wind him up it isn't a threat because he loves and trusts them so much and they care about him in turn even before he fully opens up to them about his childhood and—
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nemmet · 8 months
ok ok ok i know you def headcanon fred autistic too (besides mystery inc which is canon lol) so you were the first person i could think to say this to after reading your posts sooo
i bet !!!! he was autistic coded the whole time and the creators themselves just did not know what they were doing!!!
before autism had a name and well known rep and stuff, before people really knew what it was, higher functioning autistics were just “quirky” or whatever. and say, if you were making a tv show or book, you wanted to take inspiration from real life. and you gave one of your characters traits you’d seen in those quirky individuals. you didn’t know what it was nor did anyone else, it was just a personality trait you gave them based off of what you’d observed !
neither the creator nor viewers would know that person was autistic. it was just mimicking traits you’d seen irl. and that’s why i strongly believe fred is autistic coded whether they planned it or not, even — almost especially — in a time where autism wasn’t well known !!!! that’s an argument given a lot from what i’ve seen, that an old cartoon wouldn’t purposely have an autistic character. but they would and they have. they just don’t know that’s what it’s called. it’s just a part of life, which people forget. buddy’s just undiagnosed lol /hj
autism is everywhere mwahaha >:)
anyways sorry for rant and quite possibly stating the obvious 😭😭
the way my face lit up when i saw this in my inbox!!! always so happy to talk about autistic fred :)
autistic coding absolutely happens in cases where the writer doesn't intend it, and early versions of fred very well could be one!! a lot of his "quirky" moments in the older shows come from the odd scene where he does something so bizarre and spontaneous that it flips his well-put-together exterior on its head, like running down the joker & penguin in a rolling tire. this source of comedy from his character very much continues into his later incarnations, just in a way that seems more thoughtful/purposeful. like, at first glance he seems to be a very average, simple, good-looking boy!! but then he opens his mouth and he's a lame grandpa who will tell you about the history of nets regardless of whether or not you're listening, and impulsively start cheerleading routines to raise his friends' spirits.
and all of that just feels like such an autism thing, or at least one i can relate my own personality and experiences to. i love the idea that the writers of pre-mystery inc versions of fred may have taken character inspiration from similarly undiagnosed or unrecognised neurodivergent people in a time when those traits were merely considered "quirkiness". the idea that he's undiagnosed up until mystery inc is so canon to me now.
and to top it all off, yeah fred can be the butt of the joke sometimes, but he's still always a character we feel endeared to and want to root for! his strengths are unconventional and concentrated in specific areas, but he's highly competent and caring while also feeling human in his moments of awkwardness and insecurity!! and that's why i think he's such a great autistic character in both coding and canon, and why it makes me happy to see people celebrate this about him.
your ask was such a lovely thing to read and respond to, thank you! and thank you if you're still here and have read nem's ramble number 1000000 about autistic fred. goodnight coolsville ohio
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