nemmet · 1 year
4 for Fred for the comfort character ask?
comfort character ask meme
4 - what about their personality i like
i've mentioned this before, but fred and the evolution of his character/personality over the course of the franchise is sort of a special-interest-within-a-special-interest for me, and i'm always so happy to get to talk about it!!
i love the fact that, essentially, he's been made more and more distinct and enjoyable over the years by the writers just dialing up his enthusiasm to eleven. he's the leader of mystery inc for a reason, and that reason is he has the intense focus, planning skills and gung-ho attitude to land himself and his friends in a new mystery every week!! that and just how much he cares and believes in his friends' abilities, even when sometimes his control issues get the better of him. i love how, in the be cool episode gremlin on a plane, he realises that sometimes being in control means knowing when to hand the reins over to a member of his team more experienced in a particular skill. those little moments of growth for him are really cool to see!
continuing the point on enthusiasm, it's hilarious and so charming to see the writers' ability to take his enthusiasm and apply it to so many different things, especially in the movies. traps! summer camp! the circus! space! cheerleading! the list goes on!!! it never feels forced, it's more like you routinely meet up with your neurodivergent friend for coffee and they have a completely new hyperfixation every time that they're dying to tell you about. not having a consistent thing became his consistent thing, and i am so here for that kind of chaotic characterisation!!
aside from that, it's whole a bunch of little things that i like! how he's crazy talented with his interest in traps/mystery solving but sometimes lacks common sense and social skills. how he seems well put together but can be so very unhinged (/affectionate). how he hyperfocuses and fails to take care of himself (very relatable). how genuine and dorky and undeniably autistic he is overall. truly no one is doing it like frederick herman jones
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yukikorogashi · 4 years
💞💖💘💕 don't have to do them all if you don't want to, this just seems cute!
Positivity meme (Slowly Accepting)
Send 💞 and my muses will say something nice about your muse
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   FOR AS NERVOUS AS SHE WAS, there was no denying just how EXCITED she still was-- as she began making way up to the front of the classroom itself. Having even gone through the effort of asking for both her uncles’ feedback, when it came to both her written and oral presentation. Both-- that have certainly needed quite some reworking, as expected. Still, however, that night would prove itself to be exhausting and yet, surprisingly fun. Especially as she sat there and listened to TWO VERY DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEWS on the subject matter itself. Now rewritten and even typed out from the FAMILY TYPEWRITER itself (That she had an absolutely BALL typing on-- that was, until Uncle Hosea stepped in due to the typos she kept making). she was ready. At least, so she wanted to believe... as she looked over her entire class, and over towards her teacher then. As she straightened the essay held firmly within her very hands, Itsuki would clear her throat, straighten her back one more time, and began:
   “Ah ‘ave dreamed about the day dat ah would get ta find a place ah could call mah very own HOME. An’ yet, little did ah know dat he would come in the form of a man named ARTHUR MORGAN. A kind, an’ hardworkin’ man, WHOM ah had only gotten da chance ta meet wit’. When he had paid a visit to the ORPHANAGE-- jus’ so he could HELP OUT. An’ while he ain’t all dat-- oof, sorry-- is not much of a talker, his ACTIONS always spoke louder than words. The day we got ta meet an’ sit ta-gether at the swings, would be the beginnin’ of the BEST DAYS of mah life. As ah would soon enough, be allowed ta call this man... mah own FATHER.
    Now, as ah had mentioned earlier, mah pa-- mm, ‘cuse me-- father, is a hardworkin’ man. Who always gets up before the crack of every dawn, and works his fingers to the bone. On the ranch that he near singlehandedly takes care of. An’ despite that, mah pa still finds the time ta watch o’er me, an’ help me out wit’ mah homework, whenever need it. Every moment we get to spend ta-gether is an ADVENTURE. Even when it comes ta preparin’ DINNER, you’d ‘ave ta be there ta believe it.
  Ah love my pa, an’ uhm just so grateful ta ‘ave him in mah life. He makes me so PROUD ta be his DAUGHTER.”
   And she could only hope, that he felt the same way about her.
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   AND SO WOULD THE REALISATION strike her, so much so like a bolt of lightning shot down from the VERY HANDS OF ZEUS himself. For despite having known the other far longer than she had any other soul in these past few centuries. Kassandra was still far less inclined to openly express herself these days, when compared to how her younger self would most likely have had... so very long ago. Grimacing to herself then as she remembered her attempts. Of the words that she had dared deemed SACCHARINE, Kassandra believed then that it was perhaps for the best that she had long since grown past... such ways.
   “Something nice, you say...” It wasn’t to say that she had nothing at all to say (The complete opposite, in fact), but simply struggled to string those words together in a coherent enough manner, right then and there, “Hm, let me see...” 
   “It has been so long since I have met a man like him. A man as loyal as he. That by the Gods themselves, it almost makes the HEIREIAI’S own actually PALE in comparison.” Remembering back to the very day that he had come to her aid, Kassandra’s first impression of these lands had definitely been salvaged thanks to him. Unlike those MALAKAS to which she had been more than glad to offer a MUCH NEEDED PAY BACK to, later on. “He is a good man...” A wonderful man, A GREAT MAN, in fact. Especially to this Spartan warrior. These few simple words... to which she would continue to struggle in openly expressing, save through a soft gaze from her. Or a touch from calloused fingertips themselves.
   Drifting off for a moment with a gentle purse of her lips, Kassandra’s eyes would then wander off to where he would now stand. As a more evident smile would begin to make its way upon already thoughtful features.
   “... one who has made me smile, if not laugh, so many times now since I have arrived here...” As it became apparent that some playful rough housing had since begun to take place between him and one of the other gang members, Kassandra would snort as she continued to watch them off from the side, “... And one whom I cannot possibly imagine NOT having in my life.”
Send 💖 and my muses will say something nice about you, the mun
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   “... Naw way... is dat... is dat rea-leh ya???” Oh Goddess, just look how much they have changed since she had last met them. As Itsuki would begin to amble through the thick snow, so would a brilliant squeal would leave her as she flopped forward and threw her arms around them in greeting, “It is yoooou! Oh, Rory, it’s been AGES! It’s so good ta see ya again!!!” All too abruptly however, would she stop in her hopping (Humorously sluggish considering how much snow there was out here, but all the same as ENERGETIC as it possibly could be), and give the most POWERFUL POUT that she could muster up at them, “Hmph! Took ya long enough ta visit! Didn’ ah tell ya dat ah was gonna cook us the yummiest din-din da next time ya dropped by? ... Wait, ah didn’? ... Well then.” Wasting no more time then, so would the child begin to guide them back to her hut. With their hand held in her well-worn, but all the soft white mitten. It would offer some semblance of warmth from the cold itself, before a far greater source of heat from the fireplace greeted them from beyond the hut’s entrance drapes.
   “C’mon, sit yerself down, now! Ya need a break frum all’a dat hard work ya’ve been puttin’ in, oh, ah can tell! An’ ‘ave ya been gettin’ enough sleep?” Itsuki simply couldn’t take her eyes off them, as she began setting everything up. Grinning over to them every now and then, as she got the bowls and utensils ready. “Omgosh ah jus’... ah nearly didn’ recognise yer fer a second, y’know? But... ah know it’s ya, da moment ah took a good look at dem PEEPERS of yers! Still as purteh as da last time ah saw am, hehe! Oh-- uhm jus’ so glad ta see dat y’ve been doin’ so well fer yerself, y’know? Ah mean-- ah heard ‘bout how yer doin’ fer da sis. But, uhm so glad dat ah can finall-eh see it fer m’self! An’ jus’ tell ya how PROUD ah am of ya! Yer jus’ kickin’ so much BUTT out there, an’ it shows!”
   As she handed a large bowl of OHAW over to them, Itsuki would still continue to chatter excitedly away.
   “Ya gotta share wit’ me what ya’ve been studyin’ over thar, hehe! Please!”
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   A KNOWING SMILE would begin to grace her lips, as she acknowledged the other with the slightest nod of her head. "And so, do we finally meet... Come, sit with me.” And as she would say those words, the immortal swore that she could hear IKAROS’ near indignant squawk amidst the red cardinals, bluejays, and goldfinches that have chosen to brave the coldest of seasons itself. To which she would silently offer a half-hearted apology, and a sigh through her nose in remembrance. For it was a pity, seeing as he would have liked them. 
   “... Malaka, it amazes me just how well you are able to withstand this cold during every single year!” The statement would leave her in an almost boisterous sort of bark, one that clearly bore jest (While also most likely causing any nearby to jump). If not a desire to lighten the somewhat awkward air between them. After all, while they have known one another for quite some time now-- it would only be now, that they would be allowed to meet one another FACE-TO-FACE. And all thanks to the FATES themselves-- and of course, one other soul that couldn’t be there, right then. “I have most certainly heard a great deal about you, Rory. A shame that it is only now that we would finally have the chance to meet, no?” For their eyes would bear a striking resemblance to the FIESTY CHILD that she would hold near and dear to her heart, after all this time.
   “Now, let me see... Allow this great and powerful immortal to peer into your very soul~” Even as she would snort at her little half-joke, the woman would continue to study the other intently. Reaching out to brush some strands away from their forehead, as she continued to smile down at them. Her expression almost unreadable, before another eventually nod followed, with this one being one of the UTMOST APPROVAL, "Ah, so the tales are true.” Carrying on in her theatrics, Kassandra would sit back ever so slightly as she lifted the STAFF OF HERMES TRISMEGISTUS up to the skies themselves, “You-- Rory--bear the SOUL OF A WARRIOR. A flame that has burned and braved through much.” As she would settle her free hand back upon their shoulder, that mirthful expression was almost comforting. Once again, knowing for all that she had seen, and yet, bearing such WARMTH that she had since begun to offer to only very few, “There is so much waiting up ahead of you, Rory. So much that we are all so excited to see you accomplish... And so, accept this one piece of advice from me: Keep fighting. Promise me this, will you?”
Send 💘 and the mun will say something nice about your muse
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   I will never forget the day when Rory and I started talking about you, after watching that very first trailer that featured you, Mister Morgan. We had such high expectations, and good lord, did you blow it all COMPLETELY OUT OF THE WATER! Heh, like, you aren’t just a handsome outlaw, are you? You ended up being so, SO MUCH more than that. And I thank the lord each day that Rory chose to pick you up as a much. And do SO MUCH JUSTICE when it comes to their HEARTFELT PORTRAYAL of you. We have had so many amazing interactions together, and one of the best things I got to be blessed with over these past years was Itsuki finally getting to have such a wonderful man as her father! And of course, not only that... I see you spending some time with a certain Grecian lady~ Oh, you know the one I’m talking about ~ 😏
   You are most certainly one of the most comforting presences to see now on this site... especially when times are admittedly as rough as they are. And, I hope you know how always make Itsuki’s day, whenever you choose to comment or pop in her inbox to say hi or chastise her, hehe. I just always love seeing you around on my dash, Mister Morgan. And don’t think I forgot those sweet words you left for me on my old blog during one rough day I had. I just wish I had been able to keep a digital copy of it, truth be told. But I will most certainly never ever forget them. 
   Now, forgive me for ending this off like a typical fangirl. But we love you, YES WE DOOOOO!!! And sorry, sir. But I’m gonna have to break social distancing and give you a big ol’ hug now... And of course, thank you so much for the JELLYBEANS! c:
Send 💕 and the mun will say something nice about you, the mun
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   WHEW, I’m sorry this took awhile, but I really wanted to make sure that I got all of this done properly (Especially with ol’ Kassandra, hahaha!). But oh man, oh man... Rory, please. You know what this is going to lead to. When it comes to me gushing about you. Say something nice? ONE THING? PUH-LEASE! You are one of my bestest friends, Rory... and I get so choked up, no matter how many times I say that. I thought you were going to be one of those super cool folks that I was going to just admire from afar. But no, the Gods themselves must be smiling down upon me because we ended up talking and well, the rest is history. We have done so SO MUCH together over the years that it still amazes me to this day, tbh... During some days when we reminisce together, another memory pops up that makes us go “HOLY SHIT, OH YEAH!!!” I am just so happy that we can talk about nearly anything, you know? How we can connect on so many things, tbh. No matter what the subject is, I swear-- we always get into some long-ass conversations, and I just love that so much!!! 
   But oh, what the heck am I doing? I’m suppose to be saying nice things about YOU! And the stuff before is just cheating, so get to it, Becky! Like, Rory... you are just an amazing friend to everyone that knows you tbh. A person that everyone is so lucky to have in their corner. I know so many people feel the same way as me, and can never express their gratitude enough for all that you have done for them as a friend. You are just such a kind, patient, genuine, and empathetic person, and that is honestly so damn rare to find in people these days. Which is why I am always so grateful that I can open up to you on my worst days, and especially when you yourself are so wonderful as to reach out to me and give me a hug first... I’m such a weenie that has since started to huddle in her corner. So when I hear you from behind me, tapping gently on my shoulder the way you do... I’m so grateful, Rory. I truly am...
   And not only that, you know by now that I stan TF out of your writing, and think that you are one of the most amazing writers I have ever known! You know I enjoy tf out of every interaction I get to have with you. Ever amazing interaction we get to have between our muses. And honestly, I will always be one of your biggest fans. Who will be booing and hissing at those who are too blind to see quality when its right in front of them! You are honestly such an intelligent, hardworking and talented individual, Rory... And I can’t say that enough, tbh. If you ever wrote and published a book one day, you KNOW I’m gonna be the first one to preorder it! So you better tell me when you do... catfish? B(
   But just in case I don’t find a good Christmas or EOY meme... I hope you know much I cherish you, bud. How proud I am to bear witness to how far you have come over these past years. I am literally already vibrating here for the day you graduate too tbh. Like ohhhh, I think I need to do a video recording to YELL over just how proud I am when that day comes for you!!! Please continue to fight with all your might, okay, bud? We are all cheering you on, and ofc, I’m always here whenever you need a breather from that tough ass battle. I love you so much, and can’t wait to our next chat on Discord!!!
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The Art of Love: Chapter 13
Fandom: She Ra (2018)
Ship: Glimadora 
Summary: Glimmer finally answers Adora’s text and gets to spend some quality Mom-Daughter time with Angella because they deserve it 😤
Warnings (for this chapter): Some descriptions of anxious thoughts (please tell me if anything needs to be added)
Genre: High School AU, Angst with a Happy Ending, Rivals/Enemies to Lovers, Eventual Fluff
A/N: Updates have really slowed down on this fic simply due to the current conditions of the world but I’m very excited for the future of this fic and I appreciate your continued support through all the ups and downs 🖤🖤 Love you all 🖤✨
Ao3    The Art of Love Masterpost    Fic Masterpost    Fic Request Info
Hey I was wondering how you were? Lmao I sound like a grandma but really. You seemed kinda out of it today and I wanted to make sure you were doing alright (it’s probably cuz I kept you up working on the dumb project all night lol) so yeah just wanted to check in cuz we didn’t really get to talk today :)
The first thing that struck Glimmer about the text was the fact that Adora had written her an entire paragraph. The second thing that hit her was that the entire said paragraph was all basically to ask how she was. It was silly and overly concerned and so very Adora. Nobody else would do something so sweet and manage to make it so ridiculous at that same time.
A wave of relief washed over Glimmer. So Adora wasn’t asking about Elizabeth and hadn’t mentioned anything about Glimmer’s crush. Glimmer could remain safe in her little bubble as long as Adora stayed within her own lines of ignorance. That would only last so long, however. For all she knew, that bubble had already popped.
Glimmer realized with a start that it was quite possible that Adora was simply leading up to that point, too polite to confront her right off the bat. Just wanted to check in... we didn’t really get to talk today.
Either Adora actually was just asking her what was up, or she wanted to “talk” to her. Glimmer wasn’t sure which option was more terrifying. Given how their past conversations had gone, Glimmer had absolutely no confidence in her ability to talk to anyone, let alone to someone she was crushing on- let alone to Adora.
She chewed her lip for a second, unsure of what to do. If Adora was still clueless and she started confessing to something Adora was completely unaware of, it would be worse than Elizabeth confessing it for her.
She thought of Adora, chilling at home, probably working away on some assignment like the nerd that she was. Glimmer started giggling at the idea of Adora pausing for a moment because she got a text and it was just Glimmer screaming: YES I HAVE A MAJOR CRUSH ON YOU EVERYTHING ELIZABETH SAID WAS TRUE ALSO WOULD YOU LIKE TO RUN AWAY WITH ME AND START A SHEEP FARM IN THE NETHERLANDS???
Yeah, ok so that option was not going to happen. She should probably just play it cool, like a normal person texting their normal friend. Her brain felt the need to interject: Yeah right- “normal person,“ that’s you. The little voice continued: “Normal friend”- that’s a funny way to put it.
Suddenly another wave hit Glimmer, and this one felt like an entire brick wall crumbing on top of her. Except it was good. It felt soft and warm and made Glimmer feel like maybe, just maybe, things would be ok. The sensation spread up from her toes and erupted in her chest until it reached the very tips of her fingers. It made her stretch her legs out and reach backwards with her arms until they were fully extended because it filled her heart up so much, she couldn’t contain it all in her small form.
Because even if Glimmer wasn’t as close to Adora as she wanted, they were friends. At least, that’s where things were hopefully pointing to. Was it perfect? No. Was it everything Glimmer wanted and more? Obviously not. But was it good? God, yes. It was something Glimmer had never thought was possible; it was something she had been actively trying not to pursue out of the conviction that it would all go wrong and she would get hurt. But this didn’t hurt. Not in the slightest.
Riding on the euphoria, she typed out a quick response:
I’m good. And yeah sorry I was pretty tired today lol Weaver has destroyed my sleep schedule. Also you sound like you ACTUALLY want me to talk to you?? How absolutely scandalous???
Glimmer let her feet swing back and forth, heels kicking against the side of her mattress. Tiny little bubbles of hope kept rising up towards her head because this was almost- very, nearly maybe- a step forward. A step towards being a little more than friends with Adora. Ha, this isn’t a step towards anything. You’re not going to get anywhere with her. Getting this high off the ground just means it’ll hurt more when this cloud dissolves under your feet. Because that’s exactly what this is- you’re letting yourself rely on cotton candy daydreams and sooner or later they’re going to dissolve beneath you.
Glimmer shook the negative thoughts off and switched conversations to scroll through the memes Bow had sent her. They were undoubtedly funny but she hardly registered the images; she had other things to be happy about.
Bow was probably going to annoy her about this later but Glimmer couldn’t resist the urge to gush:
Glimmer grinned at Bow’s quick response but she knew the real reason she was smiling.
I knoooooooow. I so happy
So you still think she hates you?
Her grin faltered for a moment before returning, slightly weaker than it had been before.
BLEH why’d you have to bring that upppppp
And I don’t know? Maybe she doesn’t hate me but she doesn’t have any reason NOT to
Glimmer i love you but you can be SO DENSE sometimes
She DOES have a reason not to hate you?? Maybe it’s possible that she thinks you’re smart and funny and talented? I don’t know tho- I’m just throwing stuff out here. Also she might actually LIKE you maybe as a friend,,, maybe more ;)
Glimmer snorted at Bow’s ranting. He was sweet and a far better friend than she could ever rationalize deserving. But he was high off his own optimistic ideals.
There is definitely nothing “more” I don’t even think we’re officially friends yet. More like uuuuhh acquaintances with benefits
Glimmer immediately regretted her word choice, laughing as she buried her face in her hands.
She waited for Bow’s answer, laughing quietly at their ridiculous conversation. As the little dots marched to indicate Bow’s typing, a buzz and flag altered Glimmer that Adora had responded.
She texted back gotta go
Switching once more to her and Adora’s conversation, the first thing Glimmer found herself marveling at was her own stupidity. The giddy feeling that had been all-consuming now faded away as she reread her message. It sounded clingy and overly confident. It definitely felt worthy of the cringe the shuddered through her body and made her want to curl up in a ball. What had her euphoric-high brain been trying to do? Flirt? If so, she had desperately failed.
Still in embarrassed pain, she moved on to Adora’s message:
How many times do I have to tell you YES I want to talk to you.
But there was something in particular I wanted to talk to you about
The second part made Glimmer’s blood run cold. Adora continued typing but she didn’t dare respond, too frozen to type. All the stars that had been floating in her eyes crashed around her. So she did know. So Glimmer’s worst fears were reality. And there was nothing she could do about it now. After an eternity, Adora’s message finally jumped onto Glimmer’s screen.
It’s about this morning. Well and today. And last night. Kinda. I just feel like I might have made you uncomfortable last night, like I was being really clingy so then this morning I felt really awkward and I’m sorry if I came off as cold or anything. And then in class you seemed all tense and I was just wondering if I had crossed some lines or anything?
Glimmer could have sworn she heard a record scratch in her head, nearly getting whiplash from reading Adora’s message. The situation kept switching so quickly; as soon as she got one foot on the rug, it would be pulled out from under her and she would look down and it turn out she had been standing on raft in the middle of the ocean the entire time.
She squinted to reread the message one more time and gave a breathy laugh when she had determined she had read it correctly the first time. Adora was the one that thought she had crossed lines? It was ridiculous. It seemed so unrealistic, Glimmer nearly slipped into her original thinking of Adora. If only she hadn’t been forced to see that nuclear core that made up that crazy blonde. That would have made everything so much easier. She could just brush the whole message as a ploy to gain sympathy. But know she had to know better. Now, she had to acknowledge that Adora was being completely sincere.
Glimmer had no idea how to respond. Adora was being completely open, completely vulnerable; and it was terrifying. It was almost worse than when she was wrapped up in doubt. It was the difference between not knowing why someone was ill and knowing exactly what was wrong- all while being expected to find the solution. Except Glimmer wasn’t a doctor. She had no cure for the situation.
She forced confidence, pushing away all her question just long enough to respond.
Are you going to make a habit of sending me essays?
She immediately regretted how cold she sounded and hurriedly began trying to remedy the conversation.
I’m sorry but really you’re fine. I didn’t mind you... if I came across as stiff or weird about anything it’s just because I’m not really used to people getting that close that quickly
It wasn’t a lie. It wasn’t the complete truth either, but it was close enough for now.
oh god I’m really sorry
What no?? I just said it was fine??
Still... that really sounds like I made you uncomfortable
Glimmer let out a sigh. She never thought she’d find herself trying to convince someone she was becoming increasingly infatuated with that it was ok to be close with her. It sounded strange when she thought about, but there was something endearing about how Adora barreled her way into Glimmer’s life and was now trying tiptoe out of the china shop.
I was a little surprised that’s all. You’re all good
Really? Even after I said I would kill weaver in class today?? You didn’t think that was weird??!
No lmao again I was a bit surprised but I mostly thought it was funny
You sure about that
Yep 100%
If you were in person right now you would hear me go hmmmmmmm
Glimmer snorted quietly out of her nose; Adora made her laugh at the stupidest things. She was entirely convinced that she would never be as funny as Adora, but she hoped she could bring her at least just a little bit of happiness.
Yeah well if you were in person right now you would see me roll my eyes and yell at you to stop being dumb
A shallow pain spread across Glimmer’s chest, a coat of lead paint over her heart; milky indigo weighing her down. If only Adora’s casual jokes were a reality. If only she were face to face with Adora. If only Adora’s face was inches from her own and quickly coming closer. Glimmer’s hands ached to run through Adora’s hair and her ears cried to hear Adora’s voice. She didn’t want to look anywhere if it wasn’t into the storm of Adora’s eyes. Her throat was hoarse from emotion but she would sing if it meant she could bear witness once more to the way Adora wove melodies out of the air.
Glimmer sat up as if startled from a dream. This- this, oh no. Oh shit. This has gone much too far. You should have stopped this before it even started. How did you even let this happen?
Glimmer had know Adora was beautiful since she saw her on the first day of school. Ignoring her and twisting her into some villain had made it a simple thing to deal with, but she couldn’t ignore the iceberg once her Titanic had begun sinking. And now she was officially sunk, water far above her head and no hope of survival to be seen.
There was a sliver of Glimmer- some crazy little fraction of her mind that had to scream to be heard- that just wanted to rip the band aid off. She wanted to stop giving all the power to other people. If someone was going to tell Adora that Glimmer had hopelessly fallen for her, it might as well come from the source.
She looked down at her phone, suddenly aware that Adora had responded.
Hey I gotta go I just wanted to check that we were ok! I’m glad you don’t mind me lmao
Glimmer took a deep breath, making an attempt to gather her thoughts. It was a hopeless effort, her mind fragmented across the room. Did Adora really worry that Glimmer “minded” her? Was there in way to describe the burning that struck in her chest whenever Adora gave her one of those soft grins- that dull ache that constricted her heart and seeped through her ribs. How could she ever reassure Adora she could never be bothersome when every one of her actions struck Glimmer with wonder? How could she even attempt to say such a thing with revealing everything, admitting her mind’s greatest fear? How could she try to convince Adora of something that she couldn’t even admit to herself.
Because the answer was quite simple. She loved Adora. Deeply and painfully. But no matter how perfect Adora was, it still felt dangerous to love her. To Glimmer, it was just as good as putting a target on her back. It was like saying HEY EVERYONE!! I’M ALREADY WEIRD AND SO SO DIFFERENT FROM YOU AND NOW I’M PUTTING THAT ON DISPLAY!
Glimmer was being pulled apart. She knew she shouldn’t show her affection to Adora. But she knew just as deeply and far more truly that she loved Adora- and keeping that inside of her would break her heart.
She threw or phone and thoughts (momentarily) aside, flopping backwards on her bed. Her body bounced slightly from the force of throwing herself down and it only added to the sensation that her head was floating away. There was just too much to tackle right now. Glimmer could tell from the growing pressure on her head that if she kept picking it all apart, the pressure would quickly shift; it would tighten around her lungs, making it hard to breathe and squeezing what she couldn’t force down to pour down her face.
Glimmer took a deep breath, through her nose and out her mouth- once, twice, three times, she lost count as she focused solely on the rhythm she was creating. These past few days had been chaotic and exhausting and good part of that had been created by her. She was tired. Her brain felt heavy as gravity retook control over her head. In fact, her whole body felt heavy; she was sinking deeper into her mattress with every exhale.
When Glimmer woke up, the last hues of dusk just barely reached her window. It was obvious that the night had happily creeped onwards while she had slept. She must have been out for at least an hour.
Down the hall, she could hear voices of some TV show her mom was watching as they flickered out of the speakers.
Glimmer opened her door, peaking around the frame and looking down the hall. She could just see the top of her mother’s pastel hair above the top of the couch. In front of her, what looked like Hell’s Kitchen was playing. Glimmer was somewhat amazed that she had been able to sleep through Gordon Ramsey’s yelling.
She walked towards the living room and sat down next to Angella on the couch. She was asleep, hair mussed up in the back as she leaned up against the cushions. Glimmer felt a wave of affection wash over her. Whatever happened at school, whatever happened with Adora- hell, whatever happened within herself- she would always love her mother. Sometimes things got in the way of her remembering that.
Glimmer nudged her mom gently in the side, “Hey, wake up.”
Angella stirred, smiling as her gaze fell upon Glimmer, “Hey, dear.”
Glimmer squirmed under her mother’s softness, guilt over how she had acted earlier hitting her, “I’m really sorry. About how I treated you at dinner. I was really rude and nights like this are basically the only time we have together; I shouldn’t waste them being a brat to you.”
“You’re a teenager and we don’t exactly see eye to eye on everything- I expect this sort of thing to happen occasionally.”
“But I-“ Glimmer tried to argue but was cut off.
“But I appreciate you apologizing.”
“Mom!!” Glimmer felt like her mother should have been angrier, should have at least told her off for stomping down to her room as rudely as she had. And she had done it in response to her mom just trying her best to help. That must have hurt.
“Glimmer!!” Angella mirrored her daughter’s exasperation, “You really think I didn’t slam doors and yell and act out when I was your age? I don’t necessarily like it, but a little angsty rebellion is normal. Like I said, I expect some of this.”
“If you say so… just don’t expect to see it often,” Glimmer felt a smile tugging on the corners of her mouth. Her mom wasn’t exactly the most relaxed person but she understood Glimmer better than probably anybody else on the planet.
“Good,” Angella reached out and tucked one of Glimmer’s fluffy locks behind her ear, “I prefer when you talk to me instead of just hiding away in your room.”
“Yeah,” Glimmer laughed somewhat nervously because she totally didn’t do exactly that most of the time instead of talking to people.
“So… you want to tell me about that girl now?”
Glimmer tucked herself next to Angella’s side and turned to face the TV where Gordon Ramsey was berating a man for having rats in his kitchen, “No, not yet.”
She felt her mother shrug and smiled as Angella wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Drama could wait. And if she loved Adora? Well, she would deal with that later too.
Quick announcement that I am (FINALLY) starting a taglist for this fic, so if you are interested, please just send an ask or reply to this post <3
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ladywhitetower · 5 years
1, 4, 13, 14, 20!
Casey I can always rely on you
1. Describe yourself how you would describe a character you’re introducing
She grows up in the heat of her land, learns to love it when it shapes her.
In the frost she looks tired, weary, sick. The gods have left a mark on her, and so have her sins. Yet… in her eyes there remains laughter, and it almost feels as though every time she opens her mouth it is to sing. She will die for her love, live for it and thrive with it. This is who she has chosen to be.
4. Are there any other fic writers you admire? If so, who and why?
Besides the obvious answers: @jakkubrat, @shorter-than-her-tbr-pile, @stone-stars, @peachblossom-odyssey, @evidencetape and, of course, you, I am going to take a moment to tell you Who shaped my writing style. I wanna write the kind of fic that changes life the way their work did for me:
@umisabaku: Designation:Miracle! I have literally followed since I was 14, and that series has changed my life in so many ways. The writing is profound and layered and suspenseful and I just… am in love with all the characters and how well they are handled. This is a story that has been going on for years, and seeing all the threads connected and new, intriguing layers being added is just… I cry.
@ink-splotch: Harry Potter AUs honest to god made my brand of writing “what if’s” for stories, but the Marvel character pieces touched me so profoundly I am now in love with them, they are more important to me than canon, and they made me go Oh, okay, we’ll have all the character study here then. I have some chunks memorized, and some of the work leaves me so in awe I have forgotten to breathe. Every word is just art.
@taizi: Problem Child is literally where my writing style comes from. I reread it every once in a while, I started reading as it came out but only finished it until about a year after it was done. This is THE fic that got me to write, that got me to see how beautiful fic could be. It changed my life and am ever so grateful, I have entire paragraphs memorized. And the warmth in it, and the Natsume Yuujinchou fics, literally defined “tender” for me, and everything I write is in hopes of bringing that warm atmosphere to life. I am also 100% certain a huge part of my attachment to TMNT is thanks to Problem Child and IWWF.
@shanastoryteller: Gods and Monsters, flat out, but also the fairytale retellings. These always surprise me yet make so much sense to me, and they constantly inspire me to take another look at characters and the world that shapes them and how to twist this and that to generate an interesting story. Also, SIAT is the one ongoing HP fic I read, and boy is it beautiful. Worldbuilding queen.
@heartslogos: DC fic literally changed my life. I wrote a whole essay about fic precisely because of the writing. I will never write anything as beautiful as “the timeless quality of his grandfather’s ashes” passage from the Role Reversal au, and more recently, I find my sense of humor and suspense influenced tremendously by the Executive Assistant to the Batman fic. This is The best take on a civilian Tim.
@half-sleeping: MIRACLES!! MIRACLES LITERALLY DEFINED ME! My use of parentheses comes from this fic, the asides and the prose. I’ve read more but Miracles was my first work and boy, was it an amazing read. I love this fic to bits. it is… basically the only gender bend I like, with how beautifully handled everything is and how it’s so much about the characters and each other and I… cry. Sent a snipped to a friend once and they said “Ria, Ria that Is your writing style.”
13. Favorite fic from another author?
Problem Child, by taizi. TMNT human au that I adore to bits.
Miracles, by half-sleeping. Kuroko no basuke genderbend au.
survival is a talent, by Shana. Harry Potter. Drarry soulmate au and so much more.
A Name That Feels Like Mine, by Mikki aka umisabaku. Part of the Designation:Miracles, my favorite fic ever. Delightful side characters and gave me Huge feels.
to burn (to love), by stone-stars. Han!! Sorcerer Meltyre au, the first fic in the tag and beautifully written.
The Goblin’s Head Student Bar by @francis-spathiphyllum, beautiful and fun college au.
Moonlight at The Inn by peachblossom-oddysey! Peach is amazing! Beautifully written, left me breathless.
But really guys, there’s like 15 fics. Go read them all.
warm welcome and the common tongue of you loving me, by @chadarum! The first was written for me for my birthday (love you M!!!), and the second is just. Breathtaking.
You Want To Live (When Life Is Achingly Unfair) by the Amazing Elle (jakkubrat, we all know this). Beautiful and heart wrenching just. Ahhhh.
Just to See You Smile by Sky, shorter-than-her-tbr-pile. We love fluff. We love birthdays. Beautiful.
14. Your favorite side pairings to put in?
Don’t really have any. Always assume Cold Spell and Bouquet are together tho. My pairings largely depend on what au I’m writing.
20. 4 sentences from your work that you’re proud of
Okay okay:
From something human: (Penumbra)
“(Nimue killed and Vivian died, but, before that?
They lived.)”
From this is what faith looks like: (Inn Between)
“The whole room forgets how to breathe.
(Not the whole room, but the people who matter. For Sterling, these people are the whole room.)”
Fic ask meme!
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ivanaskye · 7 years
8+2 writing questions meme
@vardasvapors tagged me and I used doing this as a reward for dealing with airport security....
1. What are your current writing goals? Ohhh boy, okay, let’s see, I’ve got to get Šehhinah book 3 fully edited by March 9th, when I’m planning on publishing it … finishing drafting Evocation 3&4 … editing Evocation 2 … then editing the other Evocation books, obviously, once they’re drafted … outlining the series that takes place after Evocation … I think that’s as far as I have planned.  That should get me through some of the year!  Although let’s be real I probably haven’t even done cursory outlining of whatever I’ll be writing in November or whatever yet.
2. When did you first discover your love of writing? HAHAHAHAHA when DIDN’T I discover it.
Uhh ok no really … I learned how to read like really early and was always super into books.  “Book!  Book!” I apparently demanded of my mom like, all the time.  My physical ability to hold a pencil took longer to be a thing than my ability to read, and certainly longer than my ability to storytell, but there’s a whole collection of little stories I dictated to my mom as she wrote them down when I was three or four or so.  These include memorable lines such as “Yes, dear, a fire hydrant is very important” and “Buzzing! He couldn’t believe his eyes!” and “And then they drank all day and died.  This was a long time ago, when people used to do that sort of thing.”  There was also the story that ended in Pooh Bear and Piglet dying … and the one where Thomas the Tank Engine “took his medicine” and “didn’t do any bad things anymore” …
Not too long after those, there started being little things I’d write myself with pencil and paper.  For whatever reason the first that comes to mind is this song about winter (meant to be sung by Pooh Bear, obviously) which I think I wrote when I was six, that went “It’s snowing / it’s mowing / but I don’t mind // I’ve got furry furry fur to keep me warm and snuggly / because it’s winter!”  Gods, uh, I even still remember the tune for that actually.  Then again, I think I remember all the tunes of the bad songs I wrote as a kid.
Also by the way I still have basically all of this stuff.  I have like, a barely-even-started attempt at uh, a nonfiction book, bound by staples, about volcanoes … THE FREAKING FAIRY SLAVE STORY, involving a fairy enslaved by an evil witch at the age of six …
This kept ramping up in complexity until I was nine and decided that a good way to spend a three-week road trip would be to write an entire movie script.  Which I did; it was about sixty pages long once later typed up by my mom (these were the waning days before I really learned how to type), which by typical page-to-minute conversions for scripts, means it would have been about an hour long as a movie.  I did try to film it, and got partway through, but oh my Gods, that is a story for another time and this is already an essay and I’m only on the second question.
Keep in mind that on that same road trip I also attempted to start drawing several manga—most not making it past the third page—and did some Tokyo Mew Mew fanfic, and a number of other things besides …
Uhh anyway this brings us to March 9th, 2006, which is the “created on” date of my very first writing document on my computer!  It was four paragraphs long and terrible and I was a bit of a weeb, so the main character’s name was Subeteno Kakusei … there was this whole thing where like, she’d fight for Life in the daylight but switch personalities and fight for Death in the nighttime, but I got stuck and stopped writing when she asked, “and why is life bad?” and I couldn’t come up with the answer.  Uh.  Also this story itself was already a revamp of another story written on paper which had started out as a riff on Pokemon…
3. What motivates you to keep writing? UH WANTING TO REMAIN BREATHING, lmao.
No seriously though, that’s actually something I’ve said to people: “oh, yeah, I have to write every day, OR I WILL DIE.” And I mean??? I probably would?? Wtf is a not writing every day?  I mean, okay, yeah, I only started the daily thing at the beginning of 2016, but still…
Seriously though, writing makes me feel like myself, it’s kind of what I am…
4. How important is worldbuilding for your writing? VERY??? EXTREMELY??? A WHOLE BUNCH???? I absolutely 100% have to get the cosmology of a setting down before I can write in it.  It’s the most essential thing in my entire process and also the hardest.  That essential-ness is why I write secondary world stuff—I want to decide the cosmology Gods heck it!!  I get to display something, a possibility of something, that is good, where the world works in a way that feels right, where the very formation of how the world works including its magic system is supportive of people’s happiness.
The whole cosmology process requires heavy amounts of thinking and analyzing and even heavier amounts of believing in myself though, and I feel utterly exhausted after it every time.
For all the other parts of worldbuilding, I do better if I have it down ahead of time rather than expect myself to come up with stuff while drafting—because, lol, I won’t, I’ll make up a cool landscape if I give myself a minute to do it in outlining or worldbuilding but if I don’t have one when drafting, I will somehow just completely fail to come up with anything interesting at all.  But also, I like drafting way more than any other part of the writing process, so generally speaking I don’t worldbuild quite as much as I could or maybe should!
5. Pen on paper versus typing? Typing typing typing oh my Gods.
6. Favorite Author? OKAY UH … the obvious answer here is N.K Jemisin bc her most recent trilogy is perfect, and she has great subject matter AND a gorgeous writing style that’s just amazing, and, and.  But.  I don’t usually like to say someone’s my favorite unless I’m certain that the stuff they’re doing next is also going to be something I like, so I might defer Official Favorite Status to such a time as her next book is published!
In that case, the backup favorite would be Brandon Sanderson…
7. Something you do to get the creative juices flowing to write? Coffee.
But more seriously … to get the creativity flowing to write, I write.  It’s a habit.  There is no muse.  There’s no use in waiting for inspiration to strike.  You have to make it happen anyway.  You have to just keep going and believe, and believe.
(More generalizing than I would normally say, but I highkey feel this one…)
8. Do you write better at night, or first thing in the morning? Morning! This past month is the first period of time for two years where I’ve not felt like I’m dying if writing isn’t the first thing I do in the morning … if only because I trust I’ll end up doing it for three hours in the afternoon anyway.  I can pretty much write any time of day now but I’m most attuned to doing it in the morning.  With coffee…
9. How do you take your coffee/tea? Cappuccinos are very important to my lifestyle.  BY CAPPUCCINO, I specifically mean equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and foam—but the foam is mixed into the milk, it isn’t just spooned on top, so basically it’s foamy milk.  The drink should be approximately 8oz.  It includes two shots of espresso.  The most preferred types of espresso tend to be Ethiopian, but anything with a bright flavor is great (which still is very most often African beans, with Ethiopian almost always as the best!).
…So, ok, maybe I’m a little particular…
10. If you could only live with one season for the rest of your life, what would it be? I’d say summer except that in many ways nighttime is more important to me than the day and also I lived in Hawaii for the better part of 4 years and the constant heat was too much for me.  So uh.  Uhhh.
I do need a lot of sunlight though, and even more than that clear skies!  I need starlight!  And moonlight!  So any season where I can get those things, and where the temperature’s not too hot but not like horribly cold either.  (Of late, my cold tolerance has outpaced my heat tolerance, but it too has limits.)
Tagging @lcmawson, predictably.
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Potterheads: How the Harry Potter Fandom Discourse Community Makes the Series Thrive
Ever since the first Harry Potter book was released in 1997, the series has been a cultural phenomenon. Thousands of people lined up to purchase each new book and see each new movie. People dressed up for premieres, bought all different types of merchandise, I have even seen Harry Potter themed weddings. The franchise is considered “one of the most financially and culturally successful enterprises in entertainment history” (Brummitt, 2016, p. 114). Now the question is, how has Harry Potter retained, and arguably even grown, it’s fanbase over such a long amount of time? After all, the final book in the series came out ten years ago! And the last movie was six years ago. Yet, Harry Potter is still very much relevant in pop culture, as can be seen with the success of the recent stage play, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. I will argue that the discourse community surrounding the Harry Potter series - aka the “Harry Potter fandom” - has allowed the series to maintain popularity over time, even after the books and movies have all been released.
Let’s start with the obvious question: what is a fandom? Essentially, a fandom refers to the collective and active groups of superfans of any given topic. Many times these fandoms have their own names. For example, Justin Bieber’s fandom members are called Beliebers, fans of the TV show Dr. Who go by Whovians, and those in the Harry Potter fandom are Potterheads. Potterheads are an extremely large and diverse group of fans stretching all around the globe.
As is common in the fandom universe, Harry Potter fans make up their own discourse community, both in person and online. They seamlessly and potentially unintentionally incorporate unique vocabulary and phrases into otherwise common genres. This really creates their own language. Though there is a very large overlap between the “physical” and online Potterhead discourse communities, for this essay I will focus exclusively on the online discourse community. As Catherine Tosenberger (2008) writes, the online “Potter fandom is an invaluable repository of the creative and critical responses of the series’ most dedicated and engaged readers” (p. 200). This means that the fandom uses their discourse to contribute to the fandom and the series as a whole. Since the fandom is indeed active, fans contributing new material to the Harry Potter universe, whether it be fanfictions, parties, or blog posts, the fans are keeping Harry Potter relevant, even years later.
For this project, I will exclusively focus on the website Tumblr. While the fandom is active on many different websites, Tumblr is usually the “hub” of fandom activity. I will even incorporate Tumblr into my project by creating a Tumblr page specifically for my project. I will type up the background and analysis. However, the Tumblr page will be interactive for examples of the discourse community. I will “tag” different examples of genres in the discourse community directly to the page. “Built-in audiences… are linked by the ever-crucial tagging element”, and thus tagging is essential for the discourse community (Power, 2014, p. 91). I will sort posts and various blogs into categories in my blog. Some genres will include Q&As, fan fictions, memes, and photo posts. The goal of this project is to submerse the reader as much as possible into the Harry Potter discourse community on Tumblr.
Why Tumblr is the Fandom Hub
The website has gained popularity due to “its accessibility to users and the important factor of community interaction” (Yunus & Salehi, 2012, p. 388). Essentially, Tumblr is very easy to use. Community interaction involves fandoms. Blogs and posts are centered around different subjects. Typically each blog will be centered around a unique fandom or theme. Thus, it is very easy to follow and interact with blogs that are completely centered around the same fandom you are interested in. Longtime Harry Potter fandom discourse community member Jacqueline Gordon states that Tumblr “lends itself to fandom discourse” instead of other social media sites that are “geared towards self-promotion” (personal communication, 2017). Furthermore, many “Facebook and Instagram posts that focus on the Harry Potter fandom borrow content directly from Tumblr, often in the form of screenshots” (J. Gordon, personal communication, 2017). So while there are many Harry Potter posts on various websites, most of them come back to Tumblr.
How the Harry Potter Fandom Utilizes Unique Discourse
The fandom has its own unique vocabulary. It takes words that were created and only used in the Harry Potter series and incorporates them flawlessly into everyday speech. It is very hard for someone to understand discussions about Slytherins vs. Gryffindors, horcruxes, and death eaters if they are not in the fandom. Yet the Potterheads take al of these unique words and use them to discuss greater and more important topics in the fandom.
Analyzing various Harry Potter fandom posts and blogs on Tumblr, there are six main genres in the community: information, photosets, fanfictions, headcanons, Q&As, and memes. All of these genres incorporate typical discourse with unique forms of discourse found only in the fandom. This unique blend mades the posts relevant for only the discourse community as others may not be able to understand the significance of a certain post.
Informative posts contain facts both about the series and about other things in the fandom. They are typically announcements of some type. Photosets are mainly picture collages mixed with limited discourse. Any words are usually used to describe the photos. Fanfictions are fan written short and long stories based upon the Harry Potter franchise. These can be very loyal or not loyal to the book. Some may take place at Hogwarts (Harry Potter’s school) and some may take place at an ordinary “muggle” high school (muggle = non-magic person).  Headcanons are similar to fanfactions in that fans create unique content based off of the series, but these headcanons are usually short (2-5 sentences). It’s common for a headcanon to be a made up conversation between two real characters. Q&As are a feature built into Tumblr. Users can ask a blog owner a question, and when the owner response, the entire Q&A is posted to the blog. In the Harry Potter fandom, these questions usually have to do with a person asking another about their views on something. And finally memes are photos with written captions. These are usually used to entertain.
The commonality between these genres is that they all allow for a unique view and interpretation of the series. Potterheads can be very involved in all the genres. They can add in their own ideas and opinions of the series through the genres. These unique ideas blending together allow the series to grow over time. Essentially, the series grows with the audience. The more that the fandom contributes to the series over Tumblr, the greater the series becomes.
The Harry Potter fandom is its own discourse community because members communicate largely over social networking. They use vocabulary and diction that are unique to the Harry Potter series. People reading their blog posts that are outside of the fandom would not know what is trying to be communicated. Tumblr is essential to the Harry Potter discourse community as most other social media websites refer back to Tumblr. The fandom’s various genres allow for personal interaction with Harry Potter content. This allows for a constant growth in information about Harry Potter to spread, thus making the series relevant even after it has ended.
Brummitt, C. (2016). Pottermore: Transmedia Storytelling Authorship in Harry Potter. The Midwest Quarterly, 58(1), 112-132.
Power, J. L. (2014). Tumblr. Journal of Access Services, 11(2), 91-96.
Tosenberger, C. (2008). "Oh my God, the Fanfiction!": Dumbledore's Outing and the Online Harry Potter Fandom. Children's Literature Association Quarterly, 33(2), 200-206.
Yunus, M. M., & Salehi, H. (2012). Tumblr as a Medium to Improve Students' Writing Skills. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 8(1), 383-389.
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