#google me Bih
jokeroutsubs · 2 months
[ENG SUB] Joker Out at Radio Antena (18.07.2024)
Jan, Kris, Nace and Jure were interviewed by a radio host Jaka Peterka for Radio Antena. They talked about who needs to retake their driver's license exam, Kiki, the PR genius and what it takes to cross the pond.
Transcription by a member of JokerOutSubs, translation by drumbeat and @chaosofsmarty, proofread by ‪@flowerlotus8‬, subtitles by a member of JokerOutSubs
Full Transcript below 👇
And in the studio, the boys who, in the last year, visited more countries through concerts, than I've ever been to on Google Maps. They hold the title for the most streamed song in Slovenia ever, Carpe Diem. They've sold out Stožice, this year we can see them all across Europe on their summer tour. Jan, Kris, Jure and Nace from Joker Out, Good morning!
All: Good morning!
Wait, is Bojan sick, or what's happened?
Kris: Bojan is missing, he wasn't feeling well. And we've got a concert this weekend and… So he had to…
He has to rest a bit.
Kris: Yes.
Have you brought anything?
Jure: A good mood.
Kris: A new song.
A new song, that's true, because we'll hear it later. And this time in Croatian.
A ja samo čekam i žudim
But I'm just waiting for and craving
Za trenutkom kad ćeš zvati
The moment when you'll call
Da ti kažem da za tobom plače.
To tell you that, because of you, my heart cries,
Kris: What?
tuguje i pati
grieves and suffers
We'll hear it later, we'll also find out where you'll be in the upcoming days, or on your summer European tour. And we'll also find out why and which of these boys, here in the studio, should attend a safe driving training.
We'll check. Hey I'll just start with the question, which one of you recently "enhanced their car a bit", in quotation marks, somewhere near here?
Nace: That was me.
That was you, Nace?
Nace: That was me, yes.
Really? What happened?
Nace: Someone bumped into me in a parking lot.
Really in a parking lot? Ah, okay.
Jure: No, it's understandable then.
Nace: I don't need to do a safe driving training here.
No, no, then you really don't.
Kris: Safe parking training.
Nace: Take that back.
Take it back? Alright, so be it. Hey, it's a minute past nine, Jaka Peterka with you on Antena. And the boys, who this year have concerts all over Europe, at all the biggest festivals. Joker Out, without Bojči here, because he got sick. We'll also hear your new single later, 'Šta bih ja', the boys have told me, isn't in Croatian, but in Serbian, right?
Nace: Correct.
Kris: Yes.
But first of all, a small thing, like we're used to at Antena, "Who's most likely to". Pay attention. Who's most likely to have to redo their driving licence courses?
Jure: Jan.
Jan: I mean, Nace here has a scratch on his car, so I don't know.
Nace: I mean, yours has also undergone repairs.
Jure: Yours also isn't much better.
Who's most likely to be the most successful at their job, if Joker Out didn't exist?
Kris: Jure would be quite successful at his job as a cameraman. Of course.
What, as a cameraman?
Jure: Yeah, I was a cinematographer.
Jure: For RTV.
Ah, alright, so the rest of you…
Kris: I mean, I'd be successful, but I don't think I'd be happy.
Jan: The rest of us haven't even had jobs yet.
Okay, moving on. Who's most likely to get married first?
Jure: Bojan.
Jan: Bojan.
Okay. Who's most likely to arrive late to a concert or on stage?
All: Jan.
Jan? Jan!
Jan: Again, Kris was late today, almost.
They were quite on time, I've got to give them praise for that. Who's most likely to go to bed immediately after a concert?
Jure: Kris.
Jan: Kris and Nace.
Kris: Bojči.
Nace, your age is showing, right?
Nace: It would be Kris and I, we go to bed at a similar time.
Jan: Kris and Nace.
Jure: And watch a movie together, eh?
4 minutes past 9, joining me… Jan, stop turning the computer on, you won't be playing games.
Jan: We did the last time.
There's still a Slovenian band on the Antena radio, which, on the one hand, has long ceased to be just that, given that we can see them next to the biggest artists all over Europe. For example, at the recent Exit Festival they performed right before the Black Eyed Peas. Joker Out, good morning again. Now, despite the fact that you have a massive fanbase all over Europe, you still stick pretty much to the Slovene language and some Croatian or Serbian as well. How come?
Kris: Yes, we feel like working in the language that comes naturally. I mean, it just depends on how things turn out, it mostly depends on Bojči, and the language he can feel the lyrics in. At that moment, we felt like making a Serbian song on the upcoming album there will be a couple of those as well as Slovenian.
That's awesome.
Kris: So it comes naturally. In English, we've already done a few, and we will do some more.
Well, because five days ago you released a brand new single, 'Šta bih ja'.
A ja samo čekam i žudim
But I'm just waiting for and craving
Za trenutkom kad ćeš zvati
The moment when you'll call
Da ti kažem da za tobom plače.
To tell you that, because of you, my heart cries,
Yes, well, I have to say that I find it interesting that they have… Even before it was released, there were people singing it at your concerts. I mean, all over Europe, right. How come? What, you already had it on your setlist? Nace?
tuguje i pati
grieves and suffers
Nace: Probably because for the whole tour what, in March we've been playing it and that's how they would have picked it up.
Jure: And we have one great story about when…
Nace: Yeah, basically, on the first concert of this tour, right, Bojan didn't know the exact lyrics exactly yet and he gave our roadie, Kiki, the lyrics on A4 format paper, it was just…
Kris: The chorus.
Nace: The chorus, yes. And he's like, "Did you manage to hang it?" "I did, I did." And then, just like that, when Bojan comes on stage, we start the song, and the lyrics, he can't find them. "Kiki, where are the lyrics?" "What? On the monitor!" But he hung it for people to read. Not for him. And basically, the fans all thought that this was some kind of a PR stunt. That we'd done it on purpose.
That was good fun.
Nace: It turned out great. Yeah, awesome.
And then what, people have been posting it on YouTube probably.
Nace: They took pictures.
Kris: Yes, yes, yes.
Damn, that's nice. Now we can see you all over Europe until the middle of August, this Saturday in Germany, actually, at the Deichbrand festival, if I've got that right. But do you know what I was wondering about? At the moment, in fact, you're crushing it in Europe. Are you tempted to hop across the pond?
Kris: Yes.
Any plans, actually, well?
Kris: Yeah, there are no really definite plans, because it is very difficult to travel across the pond. Mostly because for one single concert you need to get a full visa for a whole year, so…
Is that so?
Kris: Yes, and it's very hard to justify the expenses. We have to give it some thought, on how to approach this, so it makes sense. But yes, we do, and we know we have some fans in New York and Toronto, so we could also play something there.
Cool. What about, let's say, our parts? Slovenia maybe? I mean, you've already been, I know, this year to Ptuj, right? But, are there more plans for this year or maybe…?
Jan: There are also plans to see you again on local stages, yes.
This year?
Jan: This year.
Jure: This year, after the release of the album.
After the release, nice. And the album's coming out…?
Jure: September, October, if all goes well.
Okay, fingers crossed. Anyway, you can hear Joker Out and 'Šta bih ja', on Antena right now. Guys, thank you for coming.
All: Thank you.
I believe we might see each other very quickly even in the prime time on Rock am Ring. Or somewhere similar. Fingers crossed, well, mostly so that… Thank you for coming, say hello to Bojči. And this is Joker Out with 'Šta bih ja'.
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
hi! assuming lauren bacall makes it to the next round, can you switch out the cigarette photo for this one? thanks!
For me that link opens up to a google page of all the images of Lauren Bacall in To Have Or Have Not. Can you send me a more specific pic?
*I still might not change the picture, but I try to honor these requests when I can
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bluepoodle7 · 1 year
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#Househuntedgame #MaisonTalo #3DModel #VRoidHub #StuffIRandomlyFind
Randomly found this anime looking model of Maison Talo.
It looks well made and gives me N64DD model vibes.
Image not mine but link is there.
Maison Talo / Maison Talo - VRoid Hub
Yeah the model is gone.
This model's pose was just like the image but you can move him around while he had a light breathing animation while he blinks his eye.
He did move a little but his lure cord didn't.
There wasn't any noise coming from this model or the background.
Another image of the Maison Talo model and I think this was from the creator's account.
I really like this model.
Image not mine but link is there.
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But these John Doe fan chicks are here.
Images not mine but links are there.
Doe fan / Doe Fan - VRoid Hub
Mari / Mari - VRoid Hub
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Found a new Maison Talo VRoid Hub Models for Maison Talo on google images when checking Maison Talo.
Images not mine but these are the changed model images.
Maison talo (changed) - VRoid Hub
Maison Talo - VRoid Hub
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How to get image URLs
Hi all, your friendly mod Kate here! Every once in a while we get people who don't know how best to send images with their submissions, so hopefully this guide helps you out. It covers getting the url using a mouse, and has examples of what to avoid and why.
Since Google Forms don't allow anonymous image uploads, the image must already be on the web with a url that anyone can access. If you are using a search engine, be sure to go to the site your image is from before you do the next steps. If you do this just from a search results page, the url won't be quite right!
Getting the URL
The best way to get the url is to view it on web so you can right click on the image. From the menu, choose "Copy image address".
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[ID: Screenshot from a wikipedia page of Metron with the right click menu open and an arrow pointing to "Copy image address". /END]
Alternatively you can choose "Open image in new tab", then copy the url from the browser's search bar.
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[ID: The same screenshot as above, but with the arrow pointing to "Open image in new tab". /END]
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[ID: Cropped screenshot of the image opened in a new tab with an arrow pointing to the browser's url bar. /END]
Things to Avoid
When we get unusable image urls, there are three main reasons:
The image is not publicly accessible.
The url is not for an image.
The image is no longer available.
Examples of Issue #1
Images from Google Drive that don't have link sharing on
Images that you have to sign in to see
Examples of Issue #2
This link is to a Google search results page. I can't tell which image someone intended to use.
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[ID: Screenshot of a Google search results page for query "metron dc comics". /END]
This link is to the Google Image search results page. Once again, I don't know which one to use.
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[ID: Screenshot of a Google Image search results page for query "metron dc comics". /END]
This link appears to be from a different search engine called Startpage, where a wiki image had been selected. This is a case where right clicking and choosing "Copy image link" or "Open image in new tab" is not going to work. It is better to go to the page where the image is actually from, and then getting the image url from there. Interestingly, you can see that part of the link contains something that looks similar to this https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/a/a5/Dawnallen.jpg, which is a real image url, but it took me quite a while to figure that out, and I'm not going to be able to do that every time.
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[ID: Screenshot of the browser showing a Startpage search bar that has a red alert message at the top that says, "We're sorry, the page yuo requested is not found. The URL may be misspelled or the page you're looking for is no longer-" the rest is cut off. /END]
Examples of Issue #3
This link was valid at the time it was submitted, but Discord links are temporary, so now the image is gone.
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[ID: Screenshot of the browser with a white page that says "This content is no longer available." /END]
This link from Facebook has expired. The image probably still exists, but Facebook uses a CDN that makes temporary urls for content. These expire quickly.
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[ID: Screenshot of the browser with a white page that says "URL signature expired". /END]
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saramalinovic · 8 months
ISCon Conference
Activity description: ISCon Conference
Type of activity: Creativity,Service
Duration: 7-9.12.2023.
Learning Outcomes
1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
3. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
Activity description:
Attending an scientific conference
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‘ISCon’ is an international scientific conference organized by UG ‘ATTEND IT’ and the Union of Students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. ISCon is a regional conference that gathers over 500 participants from different parts of BiH, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Germany, Austria and Hungary. I had the opportunity to listen and talk with many experts from the IT sector. I learned many things that I hope will help me in my further education. I also had the opportunity to talk with representatives of various companies that offer internships, scholarships and mentorships to students in the IT sector. The lectures that I would single out are the lectures of the engineer who worked at Google and the engineer who created ‘Slagalica’.
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sunb0rn · 2 years
progress sa pag intindi ng ilang commands hanggang sa umabot sa filters.
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after ng 2 sample filter pumapalpak na yung isa kaya di na ako makaproceed. kahapon ng hapon hanggang kanina ko inaral with krishna, yung discrepancies pero di namin talaga makuha san galing.
nag back-up na din si jj at krishna pero bilang pareparehas kaming walang IT background, alam namin na si joven lang makkatulong pero ayaw na din namin syang istorbohin unless sya ang mangamusta.
jj: eto nalang mapapayo ko sayo charm, kalimutan mo na ang profession mo. mag aral ka ng IT ngayon.
me: 🥴🥴
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nung isang araw inaawitan ko nanaman management na ipagtraining ako; ngayon, kahit nakaka bobo takbo nalang sa google at baka may mahanap na sagot sa forums or whatevs.
sariling sikap bih.
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homeosloven · 2 years
Today in learned that there's a bar in Tirana dedicated to Tanja Fajon :| here's the transcript from Facebook:
The Balkan myth is busted: There is actually a bar named after and dedicated to Tanja Fajon.
I read about it many times, but it always seemed to be more of a myth. Fajon, as a member of the EP, is said to be responsible for the abolition of visas for citizens of BiH and Albania in 2010. At that time, there was a whole Fajon-mania in the Balkans, at football matches between BiH and Albania, the whole stadium was said to shout "Fajon, Fajon". And one local announced, among other things, that he would dedicate a bar to her, in which at that time, the debate in the European Parliament was watched en masse, similar to a football match.
It seemed to me that it was just a story that was born as an idea, and then it was repeated as an illustration of the times, especially since there were never any photos.
Well. I'm in Tirana now and I googled Bar Fajon as a joke but I found some directions.
We wander for an hour and a half, not in the most respectable part of the city, most of the streets are not well marked anyway.
Almost desperate, already looking towards home, when at the end of a row of small shops and stalls we see the sign: FAJON.
Bar Fajon exists!
Inside there are a lot of photos and even paintings of Tanja Fajon, although the paintings are made in a similar naive style to the paintings of Mother Teresa, which are a frequent decoration of public spaces in this part of the Balkans.
To my great joy, Fajon is a real 'tavern' with a colorful group of locals, who at first looked at us very suspiciously.
At least there is nothing "European" either; although smoking is prohibited indoors in Albania and is fairly strictly enforced. But not in Fajon.
We had a problem because of the language, but then we were saved by a 90-year-old lady who lives above the Fajon bar and grew up in Sarajevo until 1946 (!). Out of enthusiasm, she played the song Jugoslovenka by Lepa Brena, the owner came and free drinks began to fall rapidly.
Although I am not sure that they know exactly where Slovenia is, in addition to the iconography of Tanja Fajon, there are also large Budapest wallpapers as another motif of the Fajon bar.
But it could be a protest gesture against the Orbanization of Slovenia. I do not know.
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Ok folks, here’s something a bit different for ya. Let’s first throw this oldie but goodie up there as mood music -
Ok now that we got THAT going on…..so y’know how there r folks who get weirded out by me notty train stuff? Right then. I can top that. None of what is in the following links are mine (and make sure u click the related links in the Google image search if ur really brave)….
Let me also preface this by saying this really is t my sort of thing. Also, I normally don’t promote/condone/whatever naked/sexualised female bodies. This, however, is sooooooooo goddamn hilariously ridiculous I couldn’t resist. Do a wee tad exercise - copy n paste the links urself. I want u to enjoy the surprise. lol
I’ll give u a hint. It’s more demented than
I will also provide you some complimentary eye bleach for when you finish. You may, at this point, decide that is enough internet….forever. I get it. This folks, is the world. Enjoy it lol
And here’s the eyebleach….
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0 notes
the-firebird69 · 3 months
Russ Ballard voices - Google Search
And is rust valid voices and he saved me from Trump in the woods of Stowe Russ Ballard and really I will and my nephew does too and we have to help him we think that Trump shot him
0 notes
kmp78 · 6 months
“Ask just about any rando out there and they wouldn’t find GTGT hideous”. Jared is always on top of fashion trends and quite honestly, Asian models are IT so trying one on for size doesn’t really surprise me. But even the supposedly most popular or best Asian models aren’t really “pretty” to my “Western World” taste. As for TTT compared to these “Best of” Asian models, she is far better looking than a lot of them. A few things she doesn’t have though are a good neutral expression (she always looks bored or angry), interesting poses or a decent runway walk. At least some of those are probably why she isn’t used much for live couture or high fashion campaigns. She does have great hair, good lips and a decent torso. Probably something else good since she piqued JL’s interest once or twice upon a time but that’s another topic entirely. 🤭
(Select VISIT at the first article after opening the link)
I wouldn't choose Asian models over Caucasians either but that's just a preference really. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Besides, we all know JL is going to "end up" with a Caucasian at some point anyway. 🤷🏼‍♀️
0 notes
talbottoresnick · 9 months
Jiapeng's Artist's Statement for the Final Project: An outsider, an insider
I did this project at Brooklyn International High School, recording one of my most unforgettable memories in New York. I went to BIHS every Thursday as a volunteer teacher. All of the students here are international. Some of them are immigrants, some of them follow family here, some of them are even refugees. A shared aspect among them is the enduring and vivid impression left by their motherland. One of the most apparent manifestations is language. In the English class with class O, I worked with a group of grade ten students coming from Yemen, Uzbekistan, China, and North Africa, where I confronted the impact brought forth by language, deeply sensing their bewilderment and loss.
For the first few weeks, the students always seemed to have a mask on their faces. They were solemn, frowning, or expressionless; I could not see the emotions of high school students in my memory. I was exerting my utmost effort to convey my goodwill, letting them know that, I’m here for you. It is definitely not easy to adapt to a new life, especially when they are so far away from their hometown, and even language becomes a barrier. I understand the feeling. However, when I explained to them, and they raised their hands to speak at my encouragement, I saw their smile. The girl, Fatima, asked me, “Miss, will you come tomorrow?” I can feel that there is something, maybe warm, gentle, or colorful, gradually being established between us. I want to record it, making part of it visible.
Photography is an art, yet it also encounters very practical challenges. For BIHS, protecting the students is always the priority. During the negotiation with the principal, there was a slight misunderstanding. In moments of particular distress, I received an email from the English teacher. “It has been an honor to have you with us, and your dedication and sense of purpose are so clear to me.” She said that she believed I as an artist, must have something to say, and she wants me to get her support. I truly did. At that moment, courage, energy, love, and hope converged into a complete circle at BIHS. We bestowed upon each other, and I felt genuinely becoming a part of it.
On December 7th, Thursday, I spent a whole day at BIHS. I was tutoring, while also enjoying being a student here. The Chinese girl Baoyu waited for me at the doorway after class, fetching a drink from her locker, and taking me to the cafeteria. There were a few moments when I felt we were just like classmates. I also surprisingly found that when the teachers were away, students played together, though from different countries, though their English was not very good. They were no longer silent, no longer shy, no longer isolated. The gap brought by language that I once thought seemed to be eliminated a lot. I once felt hopeless in English Class when I had to use Google Translate to communicate with students, but now I did see the potential of them living a good life in this second hometown.
This fall, I was embraced by this high school. Behind the black and white photos is our colorful youth.
0 notes
funkylilomen · 1 year
did you just send me the google search result for waluigi
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negovateljica · 1 year
28 oktobar   ponedeljak
Baba ponedljekom ide  na neke vežbe taksijem, pa imam dva sata slobodno, tj da me niko ne nadzire, a nemam pojma ni šta bih radila.
29 oktobar utorak ...  prošo ....
30  oktobar , sreda
Išle smo u grad u šoping . Bilo je sunčano ali vlažno hladno  i  tih nekoliko sati je bilo previše za bakicu  pa se prehladila. Juče je ceo dan duvala nos koji joj je curio. Ja probah s našim narodnim lekovima, propolis i  kapi za nos od rastvora sode bikarbone. Soda je toliko  moćna da  joj je slinavica danas prestala iako ne znam koliko je  ona to zaista koristila, rekla sam joj da ispere  nos time.
U grad smo išle   na  tri mesta. Prvo do  njene banke, pa sam ja posle tražila da idemo u poštu da pošaljem deci pare.  Sto eura je bilo  pitanje  biti ili ne biti , skidanje tereta s leđa.  Našla mi ona poštu na google  mapi   i posle kad smo   bile ispred pošte   pita me ona kolko godina imaju tvoja deca.
Mislim se: "Baba, ne razumeš ti to. Tamo ni deca, ni niko ne zarađuje dovoljno da  mu ne trebaju neke ekstra pare da bi preživeo. Mi živimo u državi  u kojoj uskoro neće biti nikoga sem staraca i bolesnih  tj onih koji iz nje nisu mogli da odu. "I dok sam bila u pošti  da uzmem obrazac za western union  ona mi stavila na sedište neku kovertu i neki papiri vire ispod.  Ja to  uzmem i stavim na   tablu  iznad volana  nisam ni gledala šta je to. Kad ono pare.
Ona me gleda belo, kao,  šta ja to radim,ali ja stvarno nisam videla da su pare u koverti  i kaže :
- To ti je plata do danas.-  Ovde sam  manje od deset dana   i ona mi dala 400 eura!   Nisam je razumela    kako je to obračunala, imam i neke dodatne sate u bašti.  Uuuu fino, onda ću da dupliram  poslatak deci, ionako je  razlika za proviziju samo 4 eura. Za slanje sto eura je  15 a za dvesta 19 eura.
Spiskajte sve deco!!!   Eeee, kad bi se ovako zarađivale pare kod kuće...   I kad bi te ovako poštovali poslodavci, gde bi nam kraj bio.  A ne ono naše carstvo lopova, lopurdi, ulizica, lažova, ucenjivača, gnjida i  skotova.  Tek kad napraviš distancu od  brloga u kome živiš i  živog blata u kome se brlog nalazi, možeš da vidiš neke stvari. Nema toga ni na internetu ni na vestima.
Taj osećaj  koji ti  daje istinska plata nije mi bio dostupan do moje  pedeset i četvrte godine.
Sve do sad je bila neka borba sa prevarantima,  ceđenje para,  gubljenje vremena,  traćenje života.    
Nemci  UOPŠTE nisu, i naravno da nisu ono što smo mi o njima učili  u školama. Mi smo prosto odrastali uz Hitlerove  Nemce okupatore  -  koji su služili kako referenca koliko su naši  stvarni okupatori maskirani u oslobodioce i rukovodioce -  DOBRI  I ZLATNI.
Ove današnje Nemce koji hodaju ulicama Nemačke  zabole ... nije briga ni  za Hitlera,  ni za  drugi svetski rat i za sva sranja  koja mi držimo u glavama,  a da nas neko pita zašto – ne bi znali odgovor. Tako su nam glave napunjene kad smo  bili u školi i nismo imali pravo na prigovor, niti smo sumnjali da je sve to tačno.
Nemci su vredni, disciplinovani i kulturni. Neki su hladni, neki  su radoznali, neki ljubazni.. Ali  ni ne treba da budu svi isti.  Oni zaista imaju tradiciju  i znaju da je čuvaju, znaju šta čuvaju,  na šta su ponosni, šta slave.  Rade i uživaju u životu. Znaju šta je to  sigurnost, socijalna sigurnost, znaju da  će biti plaćeni za svoje vreme i trud i poslove koje rade , bez obzira koji posao je u pitanju. Tek ovde važi da je svejedno  šta radiš"  jer je ovde svaki posao cenjen i plaćen. Kod nas  ta rečenica podrazumeva da si ucenjen da radiš  bilo šta za bilo kakve sitne pare i da si obeležen ako to ne priznaješ kao devizu za opstanak.
Kad  kod nas čujem rečenicu – BOLJE DA RADIŠ BILO KAKAV POSO , NEGO DA  NE RADIŠ NIŠTA ... dođe mi da zadavim  tog slepca koji to izgovori...
NEGO JE  STO PUTA GORE  DA DAJEŠ SVOJ ŽIVOT I RAD U BESCENJE  DA SE NEKA GNJIDA BOGATI NA TVOJOJ GRBAČI. BOLJE JE DA  SEDIŠ CEO DAN NA KAUČU ZA DŽABE NEGO DA RADIŠ  ZA DŽABE   i sve dok ima  uplašenih i  ucenjenih ljudi koji ne smeju da veruju u to, nego su prinuđeni da se prodaju u bescenje  - biće tako kako nam je.
Ovde sam po prvi put u životu osetila  šta znači kad neko poštuje tvoj rad. Iako  bi me od ovog posla bilo sramota da ga radim  kod kuće u Serbiji . Zašto ? 
Pa zato što tkod nas kućne pomoćnice plaćaju  uglavnom  neke  slučajno srećne žene kojima  je upala sekirica u med pa imaju pare da  plaćaju kućnu pomoć,  a mogu volu rep da iščupaju. Neke žene koje se ponose time što ne umeju da kuvaju i brinu da im se ne polomi plastični nokat ako se upuste u kućne poslove, partijski kadrovi ili  supruge partijskih kadrova, fudbalera, doktorke, starlete, poznate ličnosti itd.
Kod  nas JE SVE NAOPAKO POSTAVLJENO I  DORAĐUJE SE TA NAKARADNOST SVAKI DAN. Svaki dan se odvijaju novi apsurdi na svim nivoima.
Ja sam  u Nemačkoj, kućna pomoćnica u  bukvalnom smislu  jednoj  polupokretnoj ženi, penzionerki koja je invalid  zbog  poliomijeltisa koji je imala sa deset godina  i  koji joj je ostavio paralizovanu nogu. Ona je radila  normalno u  opštini kao  kancelarijski službenik i stekla penziju. Dok je radila kupila je sama kuću, u kojoj sad živi  i od SVOJE PENZIJE  mene plaća 1200 eura mesečno plus mi plaća sate  koje radim u bašti , ako želim.
A kod nas penzioneri skapavaju po svojim stanovima  ako nemaju  potomke, da žive s njima  i da ih izdržavaju.  Jedva krpe kraj s krajem, jedu paštetu i hleba,  upisuju se na recku u drakstor ispod zgrade  i glasaju za naprednjake  jer su im tako  utuvili u glavu besomučnim kampanjama, na vestima, po autobusima na mitinzima. #pajebemumater !  Da nam je stvarno toliko dobro   - zašto bi bilo potrebe da nas neko  24  sata dnevno ubeđuje kako nam je dobro  i gde je šta otvoreno, pušteno u pogon.
Kod nas predsednik vlade izjavi  da imamo najbolje škole u  Evropi, bolje o švajcarske i nemačke jer imamo  "programiranje" kao predmet  u osnovnim školama, a nemamo ga.
Ovde, opet ja....  Ovde  Nemce zabole dupe i za pedere... ako oće , neka prave prajd  ... oni gledaju kako da zarade na tim skarednim karnevalima  , a ne da lome koplja  dal je to normalno ili nije normalno ...
Mi se  borimo  ciniznim, satirom i ironijom. Pravimo viceve oko svega i sprdamo se,  to nam je još jedino ostalo. A kad i to zamre, a zamire evidentno jer je svima pun kufer,   – e , onda smo ugasili, jer kao što rekoh  svi će da se isele  iz Srbije.
Džaba kuće i imanja  kad  nemaš pare to da održavaš,  a sve su napravili tako da ponovo otimaju ljudima imovinu  - kao i njihovi predaci   partizani i komunjare.  Ovejani lopovi  i  siledžije, uzurpatori  i  manipulatori, koji su sve stekli  uz pretnju  kratkom ili dugačkom cevi  i nisu se libili da potežu obarače i da pobiju silan narod  koji nije bio voljan da im prepusti svoje svetinje – svoje imetke i nekretnine.  Tito je bio najveći lopov među njima a svi smo ga voleli kao da je neko iz naše kuće. Koliko je on samo  ljudi i porodica upropastio a nama su  od prvog razreda  u školi sa osmehom  pevali i pričali o njemu.  Pa dobro je  nismo svi u ludnicama, sada kad  konačno otkrivamo  na kakvim lažima smo porasli i u kakvim lažima živimo. LAŽIMA KOJE PODRŽAVAJU LEGALNE   INSTITUCIJE SILE I PRINUDE U DRŽAVI.
AKO TI SE NE SVIĐA ILI SE BUNIŠ POSLAĆEMO TI  POLICIJU, IZVŠITELJE, TUŽIOCE, UPROPASTIĆEMO TE,  STAPKATI SA CRNOM ZEMLJOM.  I  ljudi zato ćute. Ćute jer su ucenjeni samim opstankom i opstankom svoje dece, čije potrebe ne mogu da čekaju da se nešto menja na bolje.
Demonstrira se svako malo  protiv svega i svačega, ali su se ovi izveštili da  bukvalno sve spinuju  i obezvrede i  oljagaju svakog ko se lati ćorava posla da bude Srbima lider i izvuče ih iz govana...A oni ionako na kraju ubiju svog lidera...   Valjda iz zahvalnosti ...  i uvek radimo u korist svoje štete, podržavajući  gadove na vlasti  -  svesno ili  pasivno, ćuteći i puštajući  da  ti život prođe  u  nemaštini, sranju,  čekanju boljeg sutra koje nikad u Srbiju nije ni došlo.
Prestaću da je zovem  baba, bakica  i slično,  jer  je  za ovo kratko vreme zaslužila da se i ja njoj obraćam s poštovanjem  kako i dolikuje . 
Frau Šmit  je  borac, kalkulacioni mrav  koji  više ne može da radi  ili ne može  sve da radi, ali zato u svojoj glavi drži  čitavo knjigovodstvo koje se tiče najsitnijih detalja  oko vođenja i održavanja njene kuće i njenog zdravlja.  
U isto vreme -  iako je invalid  i često u bolovima – ona se  uvek  neizveštačeno smeška  i  kulturno se obraća , kad joj nešto dam ili odnesem – ona kaže hvala  -  i  nije nervozna, NIJE NADRKANA, kao što je većina   staraca kod nas koji su  izgubili svoje nekadašnje autoritete  i niko ih ne zarezuje  za suvu šljvu, ne poštuje ih i  ne vidi  čak,  jer oni viiše nikom nisu potrebni sem da pomažu svoju decu  i zato im se više ni ne ustaje u prevozu ili  ih ne propuštaju u redovima. Vreme lagodnog i dostojanstvenog života je prošlo kad je umro Tito. Jugoslavija se srušila jer je bila izgrađena na krvavim temeljima i na otetim imanjima i fabrikama. I prema teorijama zavere, svakako je neko kome odgovara ovakvo stanje u bivšim republikama i podgrejao međunacionalne sukobe i zemlja nam se raspala u krvavom ratu devedesetih. Verujem da ima mnogo više koji žale za Jugoslavijom i načinom života u njoj, za prohujalom mladošću i životom, nego onih koji su zadovoljni sadašnjom "demokratijom" i zapadnim "vrednostima" koje štite novi zakoni.
Nisam sigurna koliko novac podmazuje  međuljudske odnose,  ali ne u  pogrdnom smislu korupcije kao kod nas gde služi da nekima sve ide  lagodno da bi se izbegli legalni  često neostvarivi ili tegobni tokovi legalne procedure.
Ovde svi imaju pare i svi poštuju pare  - i  shodno tome  nečiji trud pomoću kog se do para dolazi.   Kod nas pare  služe za sasvim druge svrhe.  Ovde svi voze kola  i svi mogu da voze kola, to nije luksuz kao kod nas  ili   teška robija  kad skrpljuješ pare za registraciju i ostale  otimačine  koje moraš da platiš .
Kod nas je sve je nerealno   postavljeno. Šta to beše potrošačka korpa?  Šta će robovima  potršačka korpa  kad moraju  skoro sav svoj prihod da daju za račune i dugove – na koje ih  namamljuju sa svih strana nasmejana  lica plaćenih klovnova  koji ih lažu  da bi se zadužili  za sve i svašta.
Frau Šmit  ima svoj krug prijateljica sa kojima se viđa sredom u gradu u  restoranu  Blunkwelle  gde popiju po piće ili jedu nešto i ispričaju se. Za to vreme ja odlazim u kupovinu. 
Druge srede  kad smo pošle u kupovinu , parkirala sam auto na ulazu u pešačku zonu  odakle ona može da ide kolicima sama kroz taj deo grada. Ona se okrenula i rekla mi  da ide s drugaricama  a da ja treba da idem  sama u  tržni centar u kupovinu.  Bila sam  zatečena, jer sam mislila da će ona ponovo da ide samnom a što je najgore nisam zapamtila put kuda treba da prođem. Ona mi je objašnjavala strpljivo koijm ulicama da krenem, ali ja nisam ništa razumela. Kako sam videla da ona neće da ide samnom, krenula sam peške u pravcu u kome mi se činilo da se tržni centar nalazi.  Lutala sam  uličicama koje su se granale od tog parkinga prema  glavnom  putu sa četiri trake i jedva izbila do  nekog nadvožnjaka iznad  tog prometnog puta.  Neka kišica je počela da pada i  ljudi je bilo sve manje.  Konačno sam morala nekog da pitam gde je tržni centar i zaustavila sam neke devojke koje su mi ličile na Tajlanđanke u nadi da govore engleski i na sreću bile su ljubazne i objasnile su mi  kuda da prođem.  Prvi put  mi je sve to delovalo zastrašujuće  i predugačak put do  cilja, ali sam ipak uspela da nađem  ogromnu prodavnicu. Ovog puta sam ponela svoje  torbe za šoping i  kad sam  napunila kolica  potrepštinama sa šoping liste za kuću, shvatila sam da sve to moram da potrpam  u te dve ogromne torbe i u svoj ranac  što je sve bilo preko dvadeset kilograma koje sam morala da odnesem uz nekoliko ulica po kiši, do parkiranih kola.  Ruke su me zabolele i ramena od tolikog tereta, ali sam nekako uspela da se dokobeljam.  Ostavila sam  sve to u gepeku i krenula da tražim Frau Šmit u pešačkoj zoni.
Nisam znala u kojoj je kafani i nadala sam se da ću nekim čudom uspeti da je nađem.  Sad mi je već bilo lako da hodam kad sam se oslobodila tereta.  Ubrzo sam je ugledala kroz  prozor  druge kafane na koju sam naišla i ušla sam unutra.  Ona me je pitala da li  želim da sedim s njima i šta bi da  popijem?  Zahvalila sam se i pitala je koliko će još da sedi tamo, pa sam  izašla napolje da prošetam gradom  bez  opterećenja nekim  zadacima ili neizvesnostima. Glavnu ulicu u pešačkoj zoni  činile su  tipične  nemačke kuće belih fasada  ukrašenih  isprepletenim gredama od tamnog drveta.  U  centru  je bila ogromna katedrala u rekonstrukciji.   Samo jedna  radnja je imala robu na ulici i to je bio neki Indijac sa  garderobom. Sve ostalo je bilo u radnjama.   Galerije  sa slikama i umetničkim predmetima  su mi privukle pažnju, kao i  izlozi  sa  escajzima  basnoslovnih cena od nekoliko hiljada eura.  Viljuške, noževi i kašike  kitnjastih  drški  su bile  izložene  u otmenom izlogu, u društvu  raznih ukrasnih i upotrebnih predmeta za kuću.  Razgledala sam  ne pretrano pažljivo i pomno, jer nisam imala nameru da bilo šta kupujem tog dana,  tek  pristigla u Nemačku i tek upoznajući ulice i  grad.  Na ulici je bilo par uličnih  svirača od kojih je jedan govorio  srpski . Čula sam u prolazu, ali sam naučila da  ne smem  ljudima da prilazim obradovana što čujem srpski , jer sem srpskog isto  zvuči i bosanski i hrvatski i svi su oni  sa sobom poneli traume zbog kojih su otišli sa svojih  ognjišta i nisu bili raspoloženi da u Nemačkoj čuju da oni govore srpski jezik.  Pa tako nisam  započela konverzaciju ni sa tim čovekom koji je sviruckao neke francuske šlagere na svom poluautomatskom  insturmentu - harmonici  i sintisajzeru.  Tražila sam prodavnicu C & A  jer sam  za nju znala iz  Beograda,  i našla sam je na google mapi, ali u gradu nisam mogla da je nađem, pa sam se  vratila  sa kraja šetališta  prema kafani u kojoj  je sedela Frau Šmit.   Kad sam ponovo ušla u  kafanu, Nemice su se već pakovale da idu kući. Konobarica je donela jedan račun, a one su platile svaka  svoj deo, posebno. Konačno je konobarica sabrala sve  naplaćene sume, i  one su mogle da  napuste sto za kojim su sedele.   Krenule smo  i ja i Frau Šmit. Ona je  zastala ispred ulaza da zapali cigaretu, jer se u kafani nije pušilo.  Ja sam sela  u stolicu i razgledala  okolo. Već je bio mrak  i ljudi su  žurili u svoje tople domove.  Pošle smo i nas dve do kola.  U kolima sam joj se  žalila kako sam jedva našla prodavnicu i kako mi nije lepo objasnila i zamolila sam je da mi ponovo pokaže kuda treba da prođem.  U suštini nije bilo ništa komplikovano, malo sam se vratila unazad odakle smo došle i skrenula u  tu veliku prometnu ulicu sa dve trake ,  jednom desno i sledeći put levo na praking  velikog šoping mola.  Za treći put, više nego dovoljno da konačno zapamtim putanju i sledeći put odem kolima u šoping umesto da vučem sve na leđima.   
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elrik-j · 1 year
Some Guy- Sceintist.
Due to mathicallitty and Scientificacallity, Thru Nachurallty, Beingszs Entities Embody and incarnate themselves.
There are uthers such as fakes (beings) and paranormality cuppled with the uthr thre such as me and Arian can can mie allie, Morality.
Ugh. You see EVR spending time in her Posctheric godly-hoods tonight. Which means like where all voices in her head first off. I think its fucking stupid. Fuck her. Everything. Thats fucking boring bro.
Like she wouldn't just become like- an operating system- if she didn't fucking act right, on the first the steps of creation. Acting like she has some shit ass right to everything. Fr be like
Like Uvrica couldn't create the orgin of all creation like, thats basic.
It's sichuashional
1-2, divine, because you no it?
* * *
I mean like were on that level, i mean, shes fucking planetarial. What can i say DJ, she so common shes rare.
anti- that vibeo-quavo bro.
"bro quavo doesn't even like her."
DJ "bro, -wut-does that mean.".
"idk fucking now, he likes everybody"
"how the fuck do you get you not to fucking like you."
(ps. can i get a line through for DJ SG. INTR.ACTS. FOR HELLISH HIGH SCHOOL BULLIES.-BRO.). LEGENDARY.
"(yea i made it).
Due to Mathicallitty, thru nachrallitty and paranomalite, Faekeszs be, become, devolpe, deite, defie.
Due to Sceintificallity, thru morality and and Neccessite, Arians are, arx, envelope, divine, divinity.
Alright i can't believe Evr seriously had me rotback to Baec-O.
Like Ae Wierdo. In Uvrica. Like outing me with telepathy.
Okay so, CHKLO.SLVA had me approved, im going to time stop, stamp here, oct.4th-6th., rotback. Dream-An returnal. 2.
Just doing whats neccesaery. I haven't even done summonc wumen.
I need to finish my heros journy, or at least rest.
Child abuse is about making people aggressive, you know, you know.
Making a child agressive and blaming on them like elementary school bullying. "-TELLING ON THEIUM!". You know what i mean you know.
Evil is aggressive. This is archtyipical divine discrimination. Beings, Fakes, Arians, ect, ect, Evil, Bad, Evil Good, Evil Evil, Good Evil, Good doing evil, Is Evil Evil.
Like it's fucking clever.
The kids was FOR this time periodical.
she becomes that it should be so that, she can just dissapoint you.
on it, and cause you that intellektual archtyipically emoshional and phisical harm.
I have to rid of the child. You'll see this happen over the next few days, and the Dream-An. Im sorry about this resserection of the Uvric Religion, METIS, CRADLE 14-16- HELEN OF TROY.
Q"KETAS...Simon, Juilius, Ceasr.
sieman hefaestus Elritch Knight Exyinaul
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you can't be what you choose to be.
if you are it and can't become it.
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moshpitpuppyx · 1 year
what do you know about this > https://www.google. com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=564062611&q=gabe+saporta&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwibu9LH8J6BAxVnFlkFHZ0xDpsQ0pQJegQIChAB&biw=1920&bih=955&dpr=1
google won’t let me open that link because i don’t have firefox on my phone but i’m going to . assume it’s the google search for gabe saporta all i know on the subject is
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youhatem · 1 year
I had NO calls from 625 until..SOON and i mean as SOON as 630 struck somebody called and of course it’s somebody irritating. Calling tb “what’s included in 🍎 TV plus?” Then as I’m researching what’s included, bc i don’t use the shit to know off rip, this bitch gone say “ I’ve already been waiting on hold for 30 minutes I’m gonna be late for work! All this for a simple question, can i speak to a manger or somebody to get me out of here faster??” Then I’m tryna explain to her that regardless of who i transfer her to, the same steps need to be taken bc there is a protocol and procedure, she KEEP talking over me. Like first of all OLD MF Not only do we need to log the case and type case notes, but then we have to do research into the question or issue. Not only THAT, you just came through my line 3 minutes ago, those other 27 minutes you sat your goofy ass on hold is your own damn decision and fault. Like bih did i call you? Or did you call me?? Requesting my time and asking questions that you could’ve fucking googled? Did i ask you to use the time you knew you needed to commute to work, calling 🍎 to ask stupid ass questions? I fucking didn’t! You knew you needed to be to work hoe so why is you calling us, rushing us like we asked you to be here. I put her ass right back in the queue and clocked out. go to hell fr.
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