#goop and rei
cowboy-robooty · 9 months
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doodle of goop in her work uniform lol (goop belongs to @gussygoou)
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usericantdot · 15 days
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gussygoo · 1 year
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Comic one
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wishywashy-14 · 1 year
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Some hlvrai doodles (but there’s a clear bias)
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michi-chelle · 6 months
in the span of a few hours rei won a moneymatch, won a deathmatch, had a fistfight with towa, had two emotionally heavy conversations, had like two mental breakdowns, and to top it all off lost his virginity? boy’s a fuckin machine lmaoooo
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onmyitouch · 4 months
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Soft rock
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i think its fun to think about different groups teaming up in the BI as the Collector is tearing it tf up! also gustholomule reunion, i am manifesting it for ep 2. pls just a snippet dana pls. also the last pic have the most handsome raine and darius drawing i've ever done in my LIFE. as always, captions below, sorry for my handwriting etc. etc. <3
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(Directed towards Eda and Raine) *Argument about wanting to keep each other safe* (Pointing to Lilith, and Darius & Hooty) ↓ Stuck in the same cave ↓ Hooty: *Sob* --- Perry: Ugh. Alador: Did you have to let Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dumb in with us? --- Collector: Hey. Uh. You Good? King: We should go... (↓ Belos returning to goop...) --- Collector: You seeing this King? They're all like little ants! King: Yeah... ants... --- Page 2
Matt: AUGUSTUS!! YOU'RE ALIVE!! Gus: Matt? Matt: YOU ARE IN SO MUCH FUCKING TROUBLE. I'D CLOBBER YOU IF I WASN'T SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU ALIVE!! Gus: O-OKAY?! Gus: It's so nice to see you too, Matty! Steve: We were looking for you for months! Matt: Actually, fuck you. Go back to wherever you fucked off to, Porter. Gus: Missed me that much? Dude. --- Page 3
Steve: Hi boss! Alador: Deamonne. Perry: THE OWL LADY?!
Hooty: Looks like the gangs back together! ♡ Harvey: Boss? Gilbert: Uh, has anyone seen our kids? Darius: Blight! Raine: EDA! Eda: LITTLE PERRY PORTER! IS THAT YOU? Lilith: Hi Steve! --- Vee: Miss Eda? Camila: ¡Ay, cálmate Rey! ¡No quiero dejarte a caer! King: Ha ha okay Camila! Luz: You know you guys look alike! Raine: Ha Ha Ha Hunter: Ugh. Let's just go!
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canmom · 21 days
games games'd recently
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Solar Ash: the second game by the people who made Hyper Light Drifter. My feelings about it largely align with the reviews: gorgeous aesthetic if not quite as personally a vibe as HLD, the skating flows really nicely, the 'track down all the collectable things' structure was a little frustrating at times but I got used to it, the Shadow of the Colossus-like boss battles were a lot of fun when they worked.
It's a game about a decaying world full of people trapped in cycles of facing their last, worst moments. Most of the people you meet are some kind of animal people - cat people, fungus people, snail space imperialists - and the tone varies between darkly comedic and Meditating Severely On Death. The tone often swings a little pulpy.
So, ultimately - spoilers! - it turns out to be a time loop (something they pretty heavily foreshadow). Your player character Rei is one half of a split being who, after failing to save her world, has been resetting time and time again. The character 'Echo' who you encounter after every boss fight, with a white theme in contrast to your character's black motifs, is the other half of you - the half that isn't convinced to keep trying over and over again to save your planet and is pretty mad at Rei for prolonging this whole miserable existence.
In the true ending finale sequence, Rei finally concedes and turns into a big monster, and you play as Echo (who conveniently controls the exact same as Rei) to pull out the big spikes impaling her, metaphorically allowing her to reconcile with you and allow the world to move on with the other characters .
So like, big old trauma flashback metaphor I guess? The character's inner world is reflected in a big expansive scifi.
The thing that intrigues me most about this game is the tech art. For example, take the cyan goop you surf along in various levels. It looks like it's made of metaballs, and I kind of wonder if they are doing some clever stuff with meshing, or if they're rendering with signed distance fields, or what... in any case, it leads to some very cool level design where you can skate over all surfaces of the blobby space matter, and there is no consistent 'down' direction.
I went looking for how they did this and I ended up finding a half-hour talk from the lead technical artist, which doesn't really address the cyan goop, but does talk about integrating Houdini procedural simulations into the game using Unreal...
He talks mostly about the process of authoring the game's 'islands' (using a procedural editor tool that runs Houdini to generate the geometry), but does casually mention the clouds becoming 'really cool SDF clouds' in game, so I guess I called it! Really cool that that can run real time without being too expensive. I am definitely curious about how they handled raymarching so many metaballs (assuming they used raymarching, but that is the standard way to render SDFs).
It's kind of crazy that Heart Machine could go from a Game Maker game (even one with fantastic art direction) to a game as ambitious as this one. In practice though... running all over the bosses is cool but with the amount of camera hinting (necessary at the speed you're moving) it kind of feels like a series of QTEs, just figuring out where the next node is and trying to avoid jumping in the black goop, and if you screw up, you have to try again from the start. They're really cool sequences, but from a gameplay perspective, more like a rhythm game than anything.
This game didn't quite hit the same level of 'wow vibes' of HLD for me - I liked the atmosphere of HLD, the quiet and haunted world, the Nausicaa-like monsters. But I definitely enjoyed my time with it, and it's crazy inspiring on a tech art level.
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The Thaumaturge: This is the latest game from 11 Bit Studios, of Frostpunk and This War of Mine fame. It's a fascinating concept: an RPG set in Warsaw at the turn of the 20th century, a world of boiling-over social tensions, in which you play essentially a wizard who summons invisible demons salutors to reveal secrets and manipulate people. Your father (also a wizard, you hated him) died mysteriously and now you're back at the family home to try to investigate.
I haven't finished this game yet (nowhere near, it's a big game), but I wanted to briefly comment!
In the first ten minutes of this game, you go to meet Rasputin. From that point I was already pretty much sold.
After sorting out some peasant-y business in what is essentially the tutorial area, you travel to Warsaw where the bulk of the game takes place, currently ruled by the Russian empire. Pretty much as soon as you get off the train, you run into Tsar Nicholas giving a speech, and get caught up in a tense standoff between the Russian cops and Polish workers. I ended up in prison lmao
This is the type of RPG that does have a combat system, and finds some... kinda awkward reasons to get Wiktor Szulski into fights now and again, but it's a pretty intriguing design oriented mostly around applying and exploiting status effects. But really, I'm here for the story, and the period setting. Although 11Bit are not a Polish studio, the game has the option of full voice acting in Polish, which is really sick - apparently they put some effort into giving it period language as well. And even though this is an occult story about wizard business, there's clearly a huge amount of love for the historical setting - there's a bunch of mini sidequests that just take you to look at landmarks and get a little bit of xp from it.
Wiktor is a fun protagonist to inhabit, and the game encourages you towards spicier dialogue options with its system of Flaws - essentially, each salutor is associated with a point of characterisation, such as pride, and if you feed that flaw by picking prideful dialogue options when they're offered, that will apparently make your salutor more powerful. It is certainly reminiscent of Disco Elysium's design with the thoughts as characters, but it's got enough of its own flavour to not feel derivative.
I will surely have much more to say about The Thaumaturge as I progress through it, but honestly, just wanted to shine a light on this game because it's fascinating. This kind of RPG doesn't come along often enough.
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Neon White: Only just started on this one. It's exactly what everyone says: an addicting game designed to ease you into speedrunning. I have two friends on Steam who have played it and both of their times are very tight and several seconds faster than what I'm able to do lol.
Everyone also says the plot is a bit ehh and well... they're right. Strangely the tone reminded me most of all of the anime Mahou Shoujo Magical Destroyers: oddly casual, and despite the weebcore vibes, the character archetypes are more American - bubbly psycho girl, femme fatale, frat bro. It's very much aiming for humour, and generally it's not terrible, but the hit rate there is kinda mixed. I'm actually a bit surprised by it - given the aesthetic with the hannya masks everywhere, I was kinda expecting something way more chuuni, but it's quite laid back so far.
But none of that matters really because it's a speedrunning game, it's not about the story! The controls are tight as hell, the levels are elegantly designed to steer you towards picking up on shortcuts with a compelling learning curve, and restarting is incredibly easy. So far I've grabbed Ace medals on every level I've played, but there's a huge amount of room for improvement still. Definitely reminiscent of doing time trials in Mirror's Edge back in the day. Definitely gonna play this more.
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nitewrighter · 2 months
How do the fankids rank in their ability to cook?
In general, the watchpoint kids are better than cooking than the Talon kids, because the watchpoint kids are in this funky communal situation where pretty much everyone has to work in the mess hall at one point or another. But they do end up developing different specialties and favorite things to cook!
Rei has a lot of her dad's proclivities for comfort food with seasoning informed by his travels--Yaki-Onigiri stuffed with lentil curry, ramen piled high with aaaaallll the fixings, that kind of stuff. But she also has probably a higher tolerance than most for her mom's low-effort health foods like overnight oats and muesli.
Jaime was stuck eating gluten-free hypoallergenic goop with Vishkar, and during the time he spent homeless, he became dependent on the day-old bread being thrown out by a Gibraltar bakery, so his chief passion in the kitchen is crusty sourdough bread. It's like... the only thing he has in common with Widowmaker aside from both being snipers. They're the bread team.
Samir is probably the least-cooking oriented. He has a great palate, but he's more likely to be working on logistical stuff than have mess hall duty. Still, he's got like... 3 sheet pan dinner go-to's that are basically impossible to mess up, and you can bet he'll be at his laptop while the food's in the oven.
One-eye be damned, my boy Rajeev can work a grill.
Marti can cook some basic no-frills dishes for a crowd, but what she really likes cooking are desserts. Her favorites are flans and cheesecakes with fruity coulis. She likes the pretty drizzles :).
Akasha is a little too self conscious to really go the whole nine yards with cooking, but she is the prep and Mise en Place queen. You need something chopped? She's your girl. You want your spice blend all measured out and tiny-whisked? She's on it. Just... please, for the love of god, give her a recipe. Don't ask her to improvise.
The ironic thing about Aedan is that he probably cooked the most out of all the Talon kids, and he's the one who ended up defecting. He's probably the most improvisational out of the whole bunch, tastes as he goes and is very good at figuring out what to add when and what the dish needs, and he was also heavily influenced by the Middle Eastern seasonings of Oasis.
Faustine never really cooks for herself, she's got chefs for that, but she's also not a depression meal kind of person. She can put together pretty cheeseboards for herself and of course her pantry is stocked with lots of bougie noshables and fresh produce. She's not a cook, she's a grazer.
Andrea will look you in the eye while eating a completely raw unseasoned block of firm tofu.
Seye does cook for himself, but he really cooks more for function than enjoyment, which is a shame, because I feel like Doomfist does take the time to luxuriate with food and drink in a "It's good to be the king" kind of way, but Seye is fighting for his life literally every minute of the day, so he has no chill and is obsessed with macros. Like, yeah, dude, putting oatmeal in your morning protein shake will give you the carbs to fuel your workout but is it really worth the grittiness? And you're having roasted chicken breast with just some berbere seasoning and lemon juice over brown rice and wilted kale again? When was the last time you had thighs??? You're going to make me cry.
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jester-creates · 2 years
More Experiment au stuff
I have got a lot more thoughts on this au so buckle up!
So first of all I thought that Atticus and Oliver shouldn't have all the fun of being hybrids, so I decided to add more to the bunch. There's Arven who gets to also be a ditto hybrid but he is somehow half shiny. He doesn't remember or know about that however due to extreme repression. His subconscious keeps him stable until the memories start coming back.
 Then there's Rei and Akari. In this au they are siblings with Rei being 15 and Akari being ten when their arc starts, being a bit younger when they were brought to the Experiment. They get to go to Hisui together.
Rei is made into a Honchkrow hybrid. His hair is now black naturally and his eyes are red. He has the wings attached to his back and is capable of flight if he learns how to.
Akari was made into an Eevee hybrid. She has the ears and tail. Her eyes are brown and her hair is now naturally brown but at the tips it is her original hair color. She also has the fur growth around the neck that Eevees have
 Then there is Hop. He is made into a Corviknight hybrid. Besides the wings he also has Corviknight eyes and his hair has a bit more of a blackish color to it. He can also learn how to fly. Yes Leon is royally pissed off when he learns that Hop was taken.
 I may still add a few more on this side of the Experiment au but there are also 3 major characters who were involved in experimenting on the above people.
The first of which is Colress. In this au he is not of sound mind, he is absolutely insane. He got it in his head that he needed to play Arceus and create hybrids. He somehow got a bunch a bunch scientists together to do this.
Two of them were Sada and Turo. I’m going to say that this was either before they got into time travel or something. They are not the best of parents, especially because they let their kid get gooped. They are also the ones who blew the whistle on the whole experiment thing, however. If you were to ask them it would be because they recognized the error of their ways. The real answer is that they got fed up with being the only scientists there who actually wrote down their research and the surgical processes and they were fed up with it.
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usericantdot · 16 days
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the mysterious hairs
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gussygoo · 1 year
hey look at my goop and rei
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toshi-flakes · 1 year
wowza anon, 10/10
How long has this been in my inbox???? Sorry rei
Goop goop gunk slime goo sludge
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rainystorm404 · 1 year
Hi rei
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bykalopsia · 6 months
project g4 movie notes
good ass movie
admittedly a bit of a feminism #fail that risa got access to g4 by seducing omuro and that ozawa yelled at her for how she dressed. L
otherwise the premise of someone with no care for human life outside of its usefulness for the creation of biological weaponry ties in really well with the ongoing moral quandary over whether or not the agito powers are something humanity should have
sayaka and rei were also great loved them. sad they're gone forever now (it is my fault for getting attached to a movie character but also they need to stop putting great characters only in movies and specials bc why are kunieda and sayaka some of my favorites of the whole show orz)
i got to see hongo my buddy hongo i missed him (it was his actor cameoing but still, i need to get back to 71 kr at some point)
gills is such a freak of nature......... the goop that came out of his arm was maybe a bit more unsettling than it would have been if it was regular ass blood. now i have to question why gills is made of Goop
the piano scenes were so good also...... shouichi and mana....... family forever.............. ouggggggggggggggghhhhhh also i just love listening to piano
there are logic holes i can poke into the plot if i wanted to (ie why would The Unit In Charge Of Dealing With Unknowns not be notified of the facility where superhumans are being kept as a massive security risk (bc i checked and that part does take place after hojo figures out superhumans are being targeted arggggggggghhhhhh) but ultimately it's whatever.
also it's intensely funny how much more effective unknowns are when they actually attack in groups. though these ones didn't particularly have any qualms about killing random ass people which is probably no-good for Prettyboy Jesus
lastly mana getting a prophetic vision of shouichi getting his shit wrecked at the end and just going "hm. no. that won't happen." is so.... dfhfjhsdf
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project-catgirlpillar · 7 months
The only good Part of Evangelion is in one of the reboots (forgot which one) rei spends some time Just chilling with a bunch of Farmers learning how to be a Bit more human. And then they Cut that short by unceremoniously making her explode into orange goop
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