#gorgeous amazing incredible show stopping fantastic magnificent beautiful
slytherinshua · 9 months
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Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, shit on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it. bro’s beautiful, handsome, pretty, elegant, breathtaking, gorgeous, attractive, charming, heavenly, stunning, exquisite, cute, magnificent, divine, alluring, pleasing, lovely, delightful, appealing, engaging, winsome, ravishing, gorgeous, glamorous, irresistible, bewitching, beguiling, graceful, elegant, exquisite, aesthetic, magnificent, hot, sexy, foxy, tasty, divine, beddable, pulchritudinous, dazzling, fascinating, fine, good looking, graceful, grand, splendid, superb, wonderful, sublime, statuesque, ravishing, radiant, ideal, nice, excellent, enticing, classy, admirable, fancy, angelic, beauteous, luscious, fetching, adoring, adorable, scrunkly, embellishing, flawless, perfect, personable, desirable, seductive, snazzy, striking, showstopping, glossy, eye catching, fabulous, prime, top notch, sensational, premium, tempting, magnetic, captivating, prepossessing, bright, my light, curvaceous, dollish, tantalizing, enchanting, pleasant, flamboyant, glorious, spectacular, fantastic, dandy, hunky, jaw dropping, droolable, rapturous, blissful, sumptuous, luxurious, palatial, swanky, extravagant, extraordinary out of this world, well formed and refined.
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(Don't question this.🥰🥰)
Remember don't rush yourself yeah 👀👀👀 I'm very very very excited for your 1k event. The amount of ideas for this event 👀🤞🏻
I came to this app because of enhypen and I guess your hashtags never popped out in my feeds 😞 if it wasn't because of SO MUN 🥰🥰🥰 (Dw I'm back to my So Mun era, he's my one and only) glaresatjihoon&minhyun.
You're slaying so hard (i could never 😞💔)
Everyone on this app should be reading your works cause WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY DOING IF THEY DON'T READ YOUR FICS?! If haters ever appear here, damn they probably never been loved by their parents so they throw hates 🥰
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MyPinterestaregonnabefullofjbagain 👹
so proud to be hot, sexy, foxy, tasty, divine, beddable and most of all hunky 👹😭
HEY UR BACK IN UR SO MUN ERA CONGRATULATIONS (i started watching sky castle and its currently just me being slightly confused at ppls names and giggling whenever byeonggyu is on screen)
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nsfwflint · 3 years
Set Dressing
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At long last, this piece has life. My first (and probably only) piece to ever break 10k. While I think this might be the hottest thing I've ever written, I really hope you all feel the same. Enjoy!
With an exasperated sigh, you carefully hand your camera to your assistant. A cold breeze rolls over the rooftop as you slowly walk towards the uninvited guest. You take care not to startle them too much in order to avoid any accidents. As you cautiously inch towards them, you quietly hold your breath. Suddenly, they turn to you. Their dark eyes peer into your soul before quickly flying off, leaving a single black feather fluttering to the ground. With a deep exhale, you turn back to the jankiest set you’ve ever used for a photoshoot and see one of the models’ heads follow the crow as she watches it fly off.
“Man, I hate crows.” You mutter to yourself as you walk back towards your assistant.
“Don’t crows usually fly in a flock? I don’t like that we only had a single crow, it’s creepy.” Ken shudders.
“It’s a murder of crows. They’re probably too busy fighting with cats at a dumpster somewhere.” You joke.
While your assistant looks at you with a confused stare, you hear a small chuckle nearby. Remembering why you’re up here, you turn to the reason you’re on the rooftop to begin with. Turning to the two models, you give them a friendly smile. The one with lighter brown hair smiles back at you, as the one with long black hair continues to distractedly wander around the rooftop looking at random things.
“Sorry about that girls. Ken’s not really the fun type. Let’s continue shall we.” You say, giving the girls a playful wink as Ken hands you your camera.
“We have names, you know. I’m Seungyeon and this is Bora.” The one with shoulder length hair says.
“I know you have names; I just didn’t know what they were.” You admit.
You turn back to the pair of beautiful women in front of you and resume taking pictures. This is without a doubt the most confusing photoshoot you’ve done in your entire career. With everything being thrown together at the last moment, the entire situation is just a mess. The only thing all companies involved told you was “crop tops on rooftops.” So here you are in the beginning of winter, doing a photoshoot on the top of your building only a few feet away from your rooftop apartment because you couldn’t get any other location in such short notice.
Seungyeon’s dark leather jacket does nothing to cover her lethal curves. Her delicious cleavage peeking through, you desperately wish that you were the black sports bra tightly hugging her chest. Although you’d also settle for the black mesh shorts clinging to her sculpted thighs. With a confident smile, Seungyeon brushes a strand of her shoulder length light brown hair behind her ear.
“All right, that’s good for now Seungyeon. The companies wanted you to be more on the serious side, but don’t worry. That last one was an amazing smile.” You say, making a mental note to take that shot out for yourself later.
As Seungyeon nods and walks away from the small portion you have sectioned off as the set, you think you see a faint blush creep upon her cheeks. Before you can say anything else, Bora steps confidently into the set and blows you away. The intense presence she’s showing now is wildly different than the one she had a few minutes ago wandering around like a toddler. Now she’s standing here with a fatally sexy gaze in a pure white outfit the complete opposite of Seungyeon’s. Almost as if nature is responding to Bora’s whims, a soft wind blows her long black hair as her white blazer billows behind her. A tight white crop top clings to her sizable tits for dear life as it simultaneously reveals her toned stomach. Her white pants hide her legs, but you suspect her thighs are just as delectable as Seungyeon’s.
“Fantastic. All right, now together. That’s it, pose just like that.” You say, motioning for Seungyeon to join Bora on the set.
The two women pose as you shower their bodies in a barrage of camera flashes, you can’t help but admire their incredible bodies. While their outfits accentuate their figures, the color schemes provide a stark contrast, which you suppose is the point of the shoot. As your camera hungrily tries to capture every part of the scene in front of you, you realize the two beauties are similar with how everything about them just screams sexual charisma. The air of confidence they have is so intense, it’s almost suffocating. You can feel the absolute self-assurance they have in their sexuality even through the lens. For a quick second you get distracted and wonder how many men they have wrapped around their fingers. As you begin to lose yourself in taking pictures of the beautiful women, your assistant calls your name and snaps you back to reality.
“What?” You ask crankily.
“I have to leave now. Will you be okay by yourself?”
“Oh, is it that time already?” You ask, looking at your watch. “I guess it is. Yeah, I’ll be fine. Have a good night Ken.”
Ken nods politely before gathering his stuff and leaving. You take a few more pictures before deciding that you have enough for the day. As you plug the camera’s memory card into your nearby laptop, you turn back to the women.
“All right girls. You’re done for now. I’m going to go through the photos if you want to join me, maybe tell me which ones you like and dislike.” You say as you sit down at the nearby table.
“Whose apartment is that anyway?” Bora asks, pointing at the small room nearby.
“Mine.” You reply as you scroll through the hundreds of pictures you’ve taken.
“I see.” Bora mutters thoughtfully.
“So, what do you look for when you look for which ones to send back?” Seungyeon asks, sitting down next to you.
“Well, the first thing I do is go and delete all the ones that are no good. Shots with blinking or other accidents like that. Then I go through whatever correspondence I’ve received from the company telling me what they’re aiming for and compare what I have to what they’re looking for. After that it’s all just personal preference honestly.”
“I see.” Seungyeon nods as she leans closer to you to see the screen better.
As she stares at the screen, Seungyeon puts her arm on your shoulder. You swallow nervously as you try to ignore her breast lightly pressing against your arm. Glancing out of the corner of your eye, you see her gaze focused intently on the countless pictures on the computer screen. Seungyeon turns to you, and after a moment of brief but intense eye contact, blushes and pulls away from you slightly.
“So, this photoshoot was pretty last minute. What is it for anyway, if you don’t mind my asking?” You ask, trying to distract yourself.
“It’s a teaser for our upcoming collaboration.” Bora responds absentmindedly, looking at the nearby birds again.
“Bora! That’s supposed to be a secret!” Seungyeon exclaims.
“Is it? I don’t really think so. He’ll find out sooner or later anyway. Besides, it’s not like you’re going to leak the news or anything, right oppa?” Bora says as she sits next to you, leaning forward and exposing her heavenly cleavage.
“It’s not my news to tell, so I definitely don’t plan on it. Besides, part of being a photographer in this industry is keeping secrets like this.” You answer quickly.
Feeling your face grow hot as you’re surrounded by the two beauties, you nervously glance around and suddenly realize that it’s only the three of you on the rooftop.
“Where did all your staff go? You had managers and stylists here a little bit ago.” You ask anxiously.
“Yeah. We don’t have anything else scheduled though and they were going to give us free time anyway, we just convinced them to leave early.” Seungyeon says as she takes over scrolling through the pictures.
“Ah I see.”
“Bora, I’m looking at these and they’re really good, but I think maybe we can get some better ones if we do some changes, don’t you think?” Seungyeon turns to Bora with a twinkle in her eye.
“I totally agree. We should make those changes and have our new friend take some more.” Bora nods.
“Yeah I can do that.”
You stand up and start readying your camera as the girls return towards the set.
“Are you guys going to call your stylists back or wha- “
The question comes to a screeching halt as your voice dies in your throat when you turn to see the two gorgeous women have stripped down completely. A gentle breeze caresses every delicate curve of their bodies. It must have been a cold breeze, because both sets of nipples are now puffy and erect. Blood rushes throughout your body as you stare at every part on display. Two giant racks of delectable breasts that you want to dive into, four pillowy thighs that you could die between, two beautiful pussies you’d penetrate in a heartbeat and two perfectly toned stomachs to bridge them all together. You feel your penis rapidly stiffen in your pants as your eyes wander up and down their magnificent bodies.
“I uh,” you clear your throat nervously, trying to focus your mind enough to form a coherent sentence. “I don’t think this is a good idea. We could all get into a lot of trouble for this.”
“I think it’s fine. Don’t you Seungyeon?” Bora asks with a mischievous smile.
“Absolutely. I mean it’d be crazy to say no, right? How often would a highly skilled and talented professional photographer be able to take pictures of two gorgeous women in the nude?” Seungyeon agrees playfully.
You’re sure that they could get any photographer to take photos like that of them any day of the week. You know that they’re just buttering you up to do their bidding. The problem is that it is working. Because as manipulative as it is, Seungyeon is right. While they might be able to get it done any time they want, when would be the next time that you’d be able to take pictures like that? Gulping nervously, you bring your camera up to your face and start frantically snapping pictures. You don’t know when they’ll tell you to stop so you want to capture as many as you can.
“Good boy. Now what do you say we give him the photoshoot of a lifetime?” Bora asks Seungyeon.
“I’d say that we wouldn’t be very good models if we didn’t.” Seungyeon nods thoughtfully.
The two women start posing, eagerly showing off their spectacular bodies for you. Even if you didn’t have the camera to immortalize this moment, there’s no way you’ll ever forget this. With every click of the camera, you engrain the image of every one of their immaculate curves into your brain forever. You couldn’t be more thankful as the rosy sunset begins to fall upon you, further accenting the already beautiful view. A series of never-ending flashes illuminate their perfect figures, the camera almost as hungry for their bodies as you are. Your cock is so erect that it’s starting to hurt with how hard it’s pressing against your jeans.
What starts as generic poses quickly turns even more erotic as Bora pulls Seungyeon’s body against hers. As both of their sizable chests press against each other, you desperately wish you could dive in and taste every inch of their delicious breasts. You lick your lips as you watch Bora’s hand travel down Seungyeon’s flawless skin and start squeezing her perfect ass. Your cock throbs in your pants as you capture a picture of the most intense eye contact you’ve ever seen. The eye contact between Bora and Seungyeon is so fiery and lustful that you wonder if you’d survive being on the receiving end of it. After several seconds, Bora finally breaks eye contact and turns to you.
“Make sure to capture every second.” She says with a teasing smile.
Before you can reply that you already are, Bora turns back and aggressively sticks her tongue into Seungyeon’s mouth. Soft whimpers escape from Seungyeon as Bora swirls her tongue around her mouth. Bora’s fingers slowly creep off of Seungyeon’s ass to in between Seungyeon’s thighs. Seungyeon’s moans gradually get louder as Bora starts stroking her pussy. Watching their tongues entwine and rub against each other, you desperately want to join in. As you continue taking in the scene unfolding in front of you, you can no longer stop yourself. While you somehow manage to continue taking pictures with one hand, the other slips down your waist band. Watching the two gorgeous women engage in their passionate kiss, you slowly start stroking your cock in your pants. Finally, Bora breaks away from the kiss with another moan from Seungyeon.
“It’s starting to get a little cold. Maybe we should move to a more suitable indoor location. Good thing there’s an apartment nearby, right?” Bora teases.
With no other words needing to be spoken, you quickly run over to your apartment and unlock the door. No sooner is the door open than the girls sprint inside. For a brief second, the inner professional in you wants to break down the rest of your equipment and set it up inside. Thankfully you quickly realize how much time and mood that would kill and you follow them inside. Barely inside the small space you call your living room, Bora and Seungyeon have immediately resumed their lustful kiss. Seungyeon’s hands squeeze Bora’s ass as Bora vigorously gropes Seungyeon’s tits. You quickly return to the situation you were just in, taking pictures with one hand and stroking your cock inside your pants with the other.
One of Bora’s hands slowly slides down and begins stroking Seungyeon’s pussy again. Despite already being extremely lustful, somehow their kiss gets even more intense. Their tongues swirling around each other rapidly, they slowly sink to their knees. Seungyeon yelps as Bora sticks two fingers inside her cunt. Bora slowly pulls her fingers out until just her fingertips are inside Seungyeon before pushing them back in. Between their entwining tongues and her moans, drool starts to fall from the corner of Seungyeon’s mouth.
Bora gradually speeds up her fingers as Seungyeon’s hands leave Bora’s ass and move to her arms. Seungyeon grips Bora’s shoulders roughly as fluids from her pussy drip onto Bora’s fingers. The faster Bora thrusts her fingers into Seungyeon, the more her palm loudly slaps against Seungyeon’s pussy. Seungyeon’s loud moans fill the room and you begin to wonder how soundproof your apartment is. You suddenly realize how hard you’re stroking your cock to this titillating scene and make a conscious effort to slow down.
Finally, Bora breaks the kiss one last time as she withdraws her fingers from Seungyeon’s pussy. Seeing Seungyeon’s current state arouses you in a way you’ve never felt before. It’s abundantly clear that Bora has hit all the right spots and flipped some sort of switch in Seungyeon. Her sexual confidence fading away, Seungyeon pants heavily as she tries to catch her breath. As you stare at the moaning mess that she’s become, your dick throbs violently in your hand. Bora looks over to you and gives you a mischievous smile.
“Oh my. Look at how hard he’s gotten, Seungyeon. It must be really difficult for him to focus on our pictures like that. We should help him with that.” She teases.
At the apparent thought of being able to control you, Seungyeon’s confidence returns as she and Bora slowly crawl towards you. As the two naked women make their way over to you, your dick twitches in your pants. You take your hand out of your pants just before they arrive. As soon as they reach you, Seungyeon’s confidence has fully returned and she aggressively tears your pants down. Your erect dick springs out and they both have a brief moment of astonishment before looking up at you and smiling.
“I didn’t realize you were this hard.” Seungyeon says as she stares at your shaft.
“I knew he was packing from seeing his pants during the photoshoot earlier, but I didn’t know it was this impressive either.” Bora nods.
They each bite their lips seductively as they look up into your eyes. Your dick twitches from the sexual charisma dripping off of their bodies. With a smile they both turn their attention to your throbbing erection.
Every time you think these girls have shown you heaven, they up the ante. The sight of the two beautiful women kneeling before you drives you crazy and your cock twitches in anticipation. They gently blow onto your dick and revel in your expressions. Their breathing lightly tickles your shaft as they take their time to tease you. You must have finally made a face they like because they both start licking the sides of your cock. Realizing the chance in front of you, you position the camera overhead and click the button; the bright flash illuminating the two women licking your shaft. As they pepper your dick with kisses, you place the camera down on a nearby table and let yourself get lost in the pleasure.
You let out a soft groan as Seungyeon and Bora’s tongues travel along your throbbing cock. Their soft tongues glide up and down your shaft, gripping it tightly. A trail of warm spit trails behind their tongues as Seungyeon’s head moves towards your tip and Bora’s moves toward your balls. Bora is the first to arrive as she plants soft kisses at the base of your dick before moving to your sack. You barely have time to register the sensation of her tongue rubbing against your balls before Seungyeon takes your tip into her mouth. Her soft tongue wraps around your tip, the moist cavern of her mouth constricting as she sucks on your cock. The immense pleasure catches you off guard and you stagger backwards slightly, catching your balance on the nearby table; almost knocking your camera off of it. Displeased by the difference in reactions, you can feel Bora’s lips frown against your dick as she slowly kisses and licks her way back up to your shaft.
“Oh fuck.” You grunt as you tighten your grip on the table.
As Seungyeon continues to messily slurp on your tip, Bora slides her tongue up and down the underside of your shaft. Clearly not wanting to wait for her turn, Bora lightly pushes Seungyeon aside and your tip leaves Seungyeon’s mouth with an audible pop. Bora instantly seizes the opportunity she made for herself, practically inhaling you as she takes your dick into her mouth. Seungyeon frowns, but you’re barely able to see it before Bora starts sucking so hard that your vision blurs. Her head rapidly bobs up and down, the moist walls of her mouth constricting and pressuring your dick. You can feel Bora’s warm drool drowning your dick in pleasure as Bora continues to aggressively suck and slurp on your cock.
“Holy shit Bora.” You moan as you stagger again.
“That’s not fair! I wasn’t finished with him!” Seungyeon whines as she pulls Bora off of your cock.
“Well, you were hogging the good stuff.” Bora retorts.
You’re surprised at their grade school argument when you realize what you might miss out on if they keep arguing.
“Listen, we’re all here now to have a good time. If we want this to work, we all need to work together.” You say, desperately trying to keep them from arguing.
“He’s absolutely right Seungyeon. We need to work together.” Bora nods before winking at Seungyeon.
“Exactly, let’s show him just how well we can do that.” Seungyeon smiles.
With a smug confidence, they both raise themselves slightly before they sandwich their tits around your cock. You’ve never gotten a titfuck before, but you’ve heard it is the softest thing ever. As you find yourself buried between mountains of pillowy flesh, you have to say you agree. Bora and Seungyeon smirk as you feel the warmth of their heavenly breasts slowly enveloping your shaft. The tip of your dick barely peeking out of their wondrous valleys, they slowly start rubbing their tits up and down your shaft.
You feel their stiff nipples rub against your shaft every few strokes or so as they continue squishing their breasts against your dick. The soft sensation of their silky skin pressing against your shaft slowly starts pushing you to your limits. Just when you think it couldn’t possibly feel any better, Bora gives you a seductive smile before slowly spitting onto your cock. A long strand of spit glistens as it descends onto your tip. Your tip twitches at the sight of Bora’s spit pooling into their combined cleavage. One thing that is quickly becoming apparent is that Bora is a master of the art of the tease. Everything she does is deliberate and measured, from her sultry gazes to the slow speed of her tits stroking against your penis.
Seungyeon on the other hand, doesn’t seem to care about teasing you at all. While she goes along with Bora’s slower strokes, you can tell that Seungyeon doesn’t like it. Giving you the same intense gaze as Bora, you can see in Seungyeon’s eyes that she just wants to get you off as fast as possible. Which makes you conflicted; as much as you don’t want to be teased, you still want this to last as long as possible. However, you quickly find yourself freed from idle thought as Seungyeon takes her turn to spit on your dick. Their perfect breasts find themselves slipping and stroking your cock faster than before now that it’s covered with spit.
“Fuck baby, that feels so good.” You moan under your breath.
“I know.” Bora and Seungyeon reply simultaneously before frowning at each other.
“Clearly he meant me, with how slow you’re trying to make us go.” Seungyeon says.
“I can guarantee that I’m making him feel better than you are.” Bora sneers.
“Who were you calling baby?” They ask at the same time, turning to look at you.
The only thing you manage to reply with is a blank stare. Because you honestly don’t know. While you’re afraid that it might ruin everything, your silence thankfully has the opposite effect. You can see the competitive fire in their eyes intensify and their titfuck increases to breakneck speeds. Their sizable breasts now slick from their spit, their slippery strokes quickly push you to your limit. As they squeeze their tits closer together, you lose yourself in the pleasure of their soft skin. While they’re clearly competing for some form of your affection, the only thing you’re able to think of is the heavenly ecstasy as your tip peeks through the valley of their giant breasts.
Just when you think you couldn’t possibly feel any better, the girls prove you wrong once again. As if planned, both of them lean down and start licking the tip of your dick. Their warm tongues dance around your cock, swirling and stroking around your tip. It doesn’t take long before their tongues start rubbing against each other as well as your dick. Their breasts continue to squeeze against your shaft, rapidly stroking it up and down. The spit from their mouths pours over your tip as they massage it with their tongues.
"Fuck. Fuck, just like that. You both feel so good."
As you watch their efforts to please you intensify, you wonder if your moans even register in their ears. Their pillow breasts continue to rapidly push up and down your shaft, aided by the saliva dripping into their cleavage. The warmth of their soft tongues drives you further to the edge as they dance and swirl around the tip of your dick. Bora and Seungyeon begin taking turns between sucking your cock and spitting on it. The tender flesh of their mouths drives you to an ecstasy you didn't know existed. If this is how good their breasts feel, how amazing will actual sex with them be? The thought is quickly interrupted as Seungyeon gives your dick an audible slurp before releasing your tip from her mouth with a loud pop. Their soft tits continue to aggressively push against your cock. Just when you wonder how much longer you’ll be able to endure their heavenly tits, you feel a familiar tightness in your balls as your tip begins to swell.
“I’m going to- “
Thick streams of cum erupt out of your tip before you can even finish your sentence. The orgasmic bliss is so overwhelmingly intense, your eyes close involuntarily. When you finally open your eyes again, the sight of Bora and Seungyeon is burned into your brain. As the tip of your cock peeks out of their combined cleavage, your seed is plastered onto their faces as well as the top of their heavenly tits. The intense eye contact of the girls is replaced by looks of surprise as they’re shocked by the amount of cum you unloaded onto their bodies.
“Everybody needs to clean up.” Seungyeon muses, staring at your sticky semen caking their bodies.
“One second.” You mutter before turning to the nearby table.
Your heart skips a nervous beat when you notice your camera is now halfway off the opposite edge of the table. All of your staggering and pulling on the table to keep your balance through the immense pleasure must have made your camera shake all the way across the table. Quickly getting your bearings so you don’t kill too much time, you reach over and manage to grab your camera without moving your legs. Aiming downwards, a bright light flashes quickly and the scene of two women sandwiching your dick between your tits and covered in your cum is forever immortalized. You turn and place the camera back down as you pant heavily in an attempt to recover quickly. After kindly giving you the time to take the picture, Seungyeon leans in and licks the cum off of Bora’s tits, slowly making her way up Bora’s neck. Right as Seungyeon licks the last bit off of Bora’s cheek, Bora takes her turn lapping your semen off of Seungyeon’s body.
“That’s no fair, that’s mine.” Seungyeon frowns.
“Is that so? You can have it then.”
With your cum still pooled on her tongue, Bora leans in and sticks her tongue into Seungyeon’s mouth again. As their tongues rub and circle against each other, you can see faint traces of your cum pouring from Bora’s mouth into Seungyeon’s and back. While you were worried about not being able to continue after cumming, their lustful cum swapping kiss has eased all your concerns. You’ve never wanted anything more than to fill their bodies to the absolute brink with your cum. Bora pulls away from the kiss and smirks as your cock throbs violently in their collective cleavage.
“Look at how hard he is again already. I know how much you want to fuck him, so I’ll let you have him first.” Bora chuckles.
“W-what? I don’t know what you mean.” Seungyeon stutters slightly.
“It’s written all over your face. It’s much better to just be honest.” Bora says as she slips two of her fingers back inside Seungyeon’s pussy.
Bora’s fingering is more intense than the last time, her palm loudly slapping against Seungyeon’s silky flesh. Seungyeon slinks backwards, her arms holding her up as Bora continues to thrust her fingers in and out of Seungyeon’s cunt. You slowly stroke your cock and watch as glistening juices splash out of Seungyeon’s pussy. After a few moments of nonstop intense fingering, Bora finally slides her fingers out of Seungyeon.
"Show him your ass." Bora commands.
Seungyeon immediately drops on all fours, her voluptuous ass presented to you in glorious fashion. It seems like she's compliant with every order that would bring her the sexual satisfaction she's craving right now. She turns around and stares into your eyes, silently begging you to fuck the shit out of her. Bora gives both of you another satisfied smirk as she sees the lustful eye contact between you and Seungyeon.
“See? He wants you too. Just tell him what you want, Seungyeon.” Bora teases, her voice dripping with sultry provocation.
“Please, fuck me with your hard cock. I need you to fuck me and fill me with your cum.” Seungyeon begs needily.
As you stare into her eyes, you can tell it isn’t just generic dirty talk and placating. You can see the hunger in her gaze, her body trembling as it craves your cock. Sweet juices visibly drip down her thighs as she desperately pleads for you to fuck her. Her eyes cloud with a lust so powerful you can feel it in the air. Everything about the situation told you what she was saying was true. Seungyeon didn’t just want your cock inside her, she needed it. Which is perfect, because you need to be inside her just as bad. Kneeling behind her entrance, you slowly rub your tip up and down against her wet pussy. Your tip becomes drenched with her fluids as she lets out a series of whimpering moans.
“Please stop teasing me. I need you inside me so bad. Just fuck me until I pass out.” Seungyeon pleads.
While you want to tease her all night, the fact remains that you’re craving her body as much as she’s craving yours. You slowly slide your tip inside her cunt, the intense pressure from her walls almost forces you to almost cum right away. The two of you share a pleasured exhale as you stop inserting your dick to allow both of your time to adjust. Staring into the wanton lust in her eyes, you forget the world around you. While this definitely isn’t going to be gentle love making, you still want time to get used to each other. After all, it doesn’t do anyone any good if you both cum too fast.
“That’s a good girl. See how much better it is when you’re honest?” Bora says with a mischievous smile.
Reality comes crashing back to you as Bora pushes you forward, your dick suddenly plunging into the deepest parts of Seungyeon’s pussy. Seungyeon takes you all the way to the hilt, your tip slamming against the entrance to her womb as her plump ass ripples against you. Her velvety walls devour your cock with an intense heat and it takes every fiber of your body not to cum immediately. Seungyeon lets out a deafening moan that shows she’s just as caught off guard by the sudden pleasure as you are.
“What the fuck Bora?” Seungyeon snaps as she tries to catch her breath.
“You guys need to speed it up a little. We only have tonight and I want to make sure I get my turn.” Bora replies matter-of-factly.
Before Seungyeon can protest anymore, the intoxicating heat of her cunt squeezing your dick flips a switch inside you. Initially willing to start slow in order to savor the experience, you quickly find yourself growing obsessed wtih the velvety flesh constricting your cock. Seungyeon’s eyes widen as your hips start thrusting as if they have a mind of their own. Small moans start making their way out of her mouth as you lose yourself in her body with every thrust. Your frantic slams into her cunt grow increasingly more aggressive. The tip of your dick rams into the deepest part of her velvety pussy.
“Oh fuck. That’s it, just like that. Keep fucking me just like that.” Seungyeon moans, her lustful screams filling your small apartment.
You’re thankful that she likes the way you’re fucking her, because you no longer have any control over your body. Her silky walls tighten around your cock, tightly gripping you as you pierce into the depths of her heavenly flesh. You find yourself consumed by lust, an overwhelming hunger on your skin that tells you that you need to be inside of her. The sight of her voluptuous ass cheeks heaving and rippling with every thrust only intensifies that urge even more. Seungyeon’s lustful moans pierce your ears as her ass crashes against your waist.
Seungyeon’s face quickly contorts from ecstasy, overcome by the pleasure you’re both drowning in. Her whiny moans flow endlessly, her mouth open so long she starts to drool. Losing yourselves into your mutual lust, Seungyeon starts throwing her hips back, timing her own thrusts to match your own. The sight of her ass cheeks jiggling wildly triggers something inside of you. You raise your hand and deliver a hard slap to her ass, her cheek rippling against your palm.
"Oh FUCK yes. Slap me harder daddy." Seungyeon screams.
You briefly pause your thrusts as Seungyeon turns to look at you. A second of silence passes as you stare at each other, both of you bewildered by what just came out of her mouth.
"Oh he likes that." Bora giggles.
"What? I-" You try to defend yourself as words escape you.
"Please I saw your face when she said it. Don't bother denying it." Bora teases.
While you want to deny it, you know you can't. You've never had someone call you that before, but as soon as the words escaped Seungyeon, it woke something inside of you. You do want her to call you that again, but you aren't sure how to tell her. Thankfully Seungyeon solves that problem for you.
"Hurry up and fuck my pussy daddy." Seungyeon moans.
Never one to deny the request of a beautiful woman, you immediately plunge your cock into her depths again. Your violent thrusts quickly return as the heat of her cunt radiates along your shaft. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Bora masturbating nearby. Her fingers circle her clit as she watches your dick piston away inside her friend. The sight makes your dick throb, but your focus is quickly redirected as Seungyeon throws her hips back again. Equal parts thankful and upset that Seungyeon took your focus off Bora, you decide to discipline her for it.
Raising your hand, you bring it down and aggressively slap her ass, this time harder than before. Her ass ripples delightfully against your palm. You give her ass a rough squeeze as you continue to pound away at her wet cunt. Her silky ass cheeks jiggling against your fingertips fuels your never ending lust for her even more. As Seungyeon’s whimpers and moans overload your ears, you give her ass another firm slap. Seeing that her voluptuous cheeks are beginning to grow red, you start to worry until Seungyeon moans again.
"FUCK yes. Just like that. Fucking ruin my pussy daddy." Seungyeon screams, her velvety walls gripping your shaft tighter with every slap.
You lose yourself in the heat of her velvety cunt, frantically slamming your dick away at her womb. Seungyeon’s supple ass jiggles against your palms as you continue to give her cheeks hard slaps. Slick fluids drip from her cunt as your hands repeatedly strike her ass. Her pussy clenches tighter around your shaft with every slap. Alternating which ass cheek you slap drives both of you to the brink of ecstasy.
"Do you like when I slap your ass like this?" You growl, relishing her soft skin rippling against your fingers as you strike her ass.
"Yes. It feels so good." Seungyeon moans.
"Yes what?"
"Yes daddy I do. Please keep fucking me." Seungyeon groans as she frantically throws her hips back against you.
"Why should I?" You ask in a harsh voice, somehow managing to stop your thrusts again.
“Because I've been a bad girl. I've been a bad girl and need to be punished." Seungyeon whines, squirming desperately on your dick.
"Then I guess I need to punish you." You grunt as you give her ass another rough smack.
Your aggressive pounding quickly returns as you slam your dick inside Seungyeon. Her slick walls vigorously grip your cock, lustfully tugging on your shaft with every thrust. As you piston your dick inside her cunt, you continue to meet her ass cheeks with a barrage of smacks and squeezes. Another sound catches your and you turn to see Bora again. You lock eyes with Bora as she furiously masturbates while watching you rail on Seungyeon. Bora’s fingers rapidly go in and out of her pussy as she squeezes and fondles her own tits with her free hand. Both of their moans mingle together as all of you continue your journey to ecstasy.
"Fuck her just like that. Don't stop." Bora moans as she fingers her pussy with an intense vigor.
Bora’s commands are almost hypnotic. Even if you wanted to stop, you wouldn't be able to. Her voice is so sensual and alluring that you don't think any mortal could refuse her. But thankfully you're planning on continuing what you were doing anyway. You continue relentlessly piercing your dick into Seungyeon, her silky skin crashing against your body.
"God you're so fucking good." Seungyeon gasps between moans.
"Do you like how he fucks you?" Bora asks in a tone that's half teasing, half curiosity.
"YES. He's better than anyone else I've ever fucked." Seungyeon screams as you time your thrusts with her answers.
“Talking about other partners while you’re being fucked? Aren’t you a little slut.” Bora chuckles.
“Yes, I’m a slut. I’m a dirty slut and I need to be punished.” Seungyeon moans, her walls eagerly constricting your dick.
"She said it herself. Daddy's little whore needs to be punished. Keep pounding that tight little pussy." Bora says, somehow managing a demanding tone while moaning.
Despite the fact that you definitely didn't need Bora to tell you that, you follow her orders and continue your violent thrusting into Seungyeon. Seungyeon’s perfect ass jiggles rapidly as your bodies continue to crash against each other with a frantic rhythm. As your dick penetrates into her depths, you wonder how you'll ever have satisfying sex again after this. The heat of Seungyeon’s walls pulls you back to reality.
Seungyeon’s slick warmth pulsates along your shaft. Every thrust inside feels like a dream that you never want to wake up from. Before tonight you never would have described sex as a reality altering event, but that's exactly what sex with Seungyeon is. The sensual curves of her tanned skin ripple against your animalistic thrusts, fueling the never ending hunger you've developed for Seungyeon’s body.
“God you’re so fucking tight Seungyeon. Do you like being punished like this?” You grunt, your cock aggressively slamming in and out of her tight snatch.
“Yes, you feel so good when you punish me. Please punish me daddy.” Seungyeon begs as she thrusts her hips back against you.
“You heard the girl. Hit her.” Bora orders you, failing to hide the moans in her own voice as she continues to rapidly finger herself.
As you raise your hand again, you notice that both Seungyeon’s ass cheeks and your palms are both bright red. Having a small bit of mercy, you decide to ease up. However if you're only going to do one more slap, you're going to make it a good one. You raise both hands before bringing them both down on her ass cheeks harder than you have all night. Seungyeon’s body ripples wildly against you as her arms slip. With Seungyeon now resting on her elbows, you find yourself slightly deeper than before. Seungyeon feels it too, unleashing a moan so loud her others seem like whispers.
"Oh fuck." Seungyeon screams, her lustful shrieks piercing your ears.
Your fingers dig into her silky flesh, roughly squeezing Seungyeon’s ass as you ram your dick against her womb. Her soft skin slips between the cracks of your fingers, bright red from your assault on her ass. Moans from all three of you meld into an erotic harmony that just enhances the experience even more. As your dick pierces and scrapes Seungyeon’s velvety cavern, you end up squeezing her ass so hard your knuckles turn white. With every wild thrust, her voluptuous ass ripples against your skin. While you could savor this sensation forever, your hands grab her hips so you can watch her plump ass jiggle freely. Which is exactly what it does. Her supple cheeks heave and undulate wildly as you violently pump your cock in and out of her tight cunt.
“God you’re so fucking amazing Seungyeon. You feel so incredible.” You grunt, aggressively slamming your cock inside her.
Gripping Seungyeon’s hips, you vigorously ram your dick against her womb. As you piston in her cunt, you notice her sizable tits heaving and jiggling from behind. A part of her body that you were lusting for earlier, but have uncharacteristically ignored since you started. You lick your lips at the thought of indulging yourself in her breasts. Without warning, you pull your cock out of Seungyeon’s cunt and flip her over.
"Get on your back," You growl.
Seungyeon quickly obliges, laying on her back as you dive on top of her. In the maybe thirty seconds your dick was out of her pussy, you immediately start craving the heat of her tight cavern. You aggressively slam your dick back into her depths. If you're missing the feeling of being inside Seungyeon after not even a minute, how will you ever adjust to life after tonight?
Seungyeon’s moans begin to overwhelm every other sound in the apartment again. Her giant breasts heave up and down, bouncing wildly as your tip continues to violently kiss the entrance of her womb. You take the moment to savor the sight before you. Seungyeon’s perfect sweat-glistening body crashing and rippling as you plunge your dick as deep as you possibly can inside her. Your dick starts to throb and you know you'll be reaching the end soon.
"I'm going to cum soon Seungyeon." You groan through your primal thrusts.
"Me too. Keep fucking me just like this. I want to cum all over your dick daddy." Seungyeon’s erotic screams bounce off the walls.
Seungyeon’s moans stop as Bora suddenly straddles her face. You’re so surprised by her appearance that you temporarily stop thrusting. As Seungyeon’s walls constrict and pulsate along your shaft, the only thing you can do is stare at Bora, surprised.
“Well, you guys were having all the fun and I didn’t want to be left out.” Bora shrugs as she starts grinding her pussy along Seungyeon’s mouth.
As if turned on by Bora’s cunt on her face, Seungyeon’s walls clamp around your dick. The intense pleasure reminding you why you’re here, your hips begin thrusting with a mind of their own again. Your dick hungers for the velvety grip of her walls, relentlessly pounding away at Seungyeon’s womb. The sensation of her body trembling and rippling against yours is a feeling you’ll end up craving for the rest of your life. Despite being muffled by Bora’s cunt, you can still hear Seungyeon’s moans as you aggressively pierce into her depths.
Bora’s moans raise an octave as you watch Seungyeon’s tongue attack Bora’s folds. Seungyeon’s cunt tightens as she continues to lick and nibble on every part of Bora’s pussy. Watching Bora writhe in pleasure on Seungyeon’s face intensifies your thrusts. The sight of Bora sensually running her hand through her hair in tandem with her erotic moans is one of the sexiest things you’ve seen. Seungyeon’s tongue must have hit the spot as Bora releases a pleasured squeal. Bora’s hands reach down, swatting away your own as she takes her turn to squeeze Seungyeon’s tits. Her palms cover Seungyeon’s nipples, her fingers sinking into Seungyeon’s flesh as Bora grinds and rubs her cunt into Seungyeon’s face.
Watching Bora fondle Seungyeon’s tits makes your animalistic pounding continue to achieve an ecstasy you've never felt before. Seungyeon’s body glistening with sweat as it ripples and crashes against your cock is the hottest thing you've ever laid eyes on. Every thrust makes you more addicted to Seungyeon. Every second you spend slamming your dick inside her fuels your lustful madness. Finally the most mind blowing sex you've ever had approaches its finale as your balls tense. A thought crosses your mind and you immediately meet Bora’s eyes.
"Get off of her. I want to see her face when I cum inside her." You demand.
Bora gives you a smile, apparently satisfied with your commanding tone. Lifting her cunt off of Seungyeon’s face, Bora moves to the side and watches you. Seungyeon’s relentless moans immediately return. You somehow manage to restrain yourself and stop thrusting. Seungyeon looks at you, her eyes a mixture of confusion and begging.
"Why did you stop?" Seungyeon whines.
"I want you to beg me for it."
"Please fuck me daddy. I need you to finish fucking my pussy. Hurry up and fuck the shit out of me." Seungyeon pleads.
In an ideal world, you might have been able to tease Seungyeon longer, but in reality your body quickly betrays you. No longer able to hold back your thrusts, you immediately resume pounding away at her womb. Her tight walls constrict your shaft as your dick pistons in and out of her. The velvety cavern grips and tugs your shaft. As that familiar tightness in your balls returns, you somehow manage to thrust harder than you ever have before. Your frantic slams pierce into her depths, the sounds of your bodies crashing and slapping against each other audible over Seungyeon’s moans for the first time all night.
"Beg for me to cum inside you."
"What? But I don't know-"
"Fine, I'll pull out then." You say reluctantly as you begin to withdraw your dick from her velvety walls.
Seungyeon’s eyes widen with surprise as she feels you begin to slide out of her. She instantly wraps her thick thighs around you, locking her ankles behind your back to pull you back in.
"No. No please don't. I want you to cum inside me. Please cum inside me. I need you to fill me up daddy." Seungyeon moans, begging at the top of her lungs with lustful screams.
Almost immediately after finishing her sentence, Seungyeon is struck by her own orgasm. Her body shudders violently, her hot cunt clamping around your shaft. Fluids run down your shaft as her orgasm reaches its peak. You manage to pierce into her depths with one final thrust as her orgasm rocks your body as well. The tip of your cock throbs as it slams against her womb, pouring a torrent of hot cum inside it. Your own body twitches as the last few streams of semen flood into her depths.
Both you and Seungyeon slowly recover from your orgasm. The apartment is silent apart from the heavy breathing as you both try to catch your breath. One minute passes. Then two. You don't know how long it is before you finally withdraw your cock from her cunt. Sitting on the floor with Seungyeon sprawled in front of you, you continue to take deep breaths when you suddenly feel an arm around you. Soft fingers quickly grip your shaft, giving your dick brisk strokes. Turning around, your eyes meet Bora’s as you feel her breasts pressing against your back.
"I hope you didn't forget about me. It's my turn now, and I'm nowhere near as easy as Seungyeon is. You better be ready for this." Bora says with an evil smile. If she wasn't so sexy right now, she'd be terrifying.
Despite the fact that you just had the most mind blowing sex of your life, you quickly find yourself hardening again. Soft groans escape your lips as Bora continues to tug on your dick. You have to hand it to Bora, she's an absolute master in the art of the tease. Knowing exactly when to speed up her strokes and when to come to a screeching halt. Her fingers continue their magic, skillfully building you to the point of pleasure before letting it begin to fade again.
As passionate groans escape your lips, you turn forward and look at Seungyeon again. Seungyeon lays in front of you, the only movement being her chest rising and falling from exhaustion. You look between her legs and see a thick white river slowly flowing out of her cunt. Between Bora’s masterful handjob and the sight of your cum pouring out of Seungyeon, you quickly find yourself ready for action again.
Your dick immediately misses the warmth of her hand as she spits on her palm. The warm lubrication makes an amazing handjob somehow even more incredible as Bora’s hand quickly glides up and down your shaft. She continues to alternate between fast paced strokes and her agonizingly slow pulls. Precum coats Bora’s fingers as she lightly twists her hand over your tip. Bora releases a small giggle as your dick throbs in her hand.
“If Seungyeon was awake she might be jealous of how hard you’re getting for me, you know.” Bora whispers teasingly into your ear.
“Good thing she isn’t awake then.” You groan.
“Oh ho. Maybe we should move a little so we don’t change that.” Bora whispers before playfully nibbling your ear.
Bora slowly stands up, pulling you with her with her hand never leaving your shaft.
“That’s a good boy. Over here now.” Bora whispers mischievously as she guides you across the room from behind.
You finally make it to the couch for the first time tonight when she stops you.
“This is good for now. You haven’t earned the right to sit down yet.” Bora giggles
Upon hearing that sentence, you realize she was right. Bora is definitely not going to be as easy as Seungyeon. You now understand that while you might have had control over Seungyeon, Bora is going to have complete control over you. The situation makes you shudder slightly, partially from excitement and partially from fear. Noticing your reaction, a devilish giggle makes its way past Bora’s lips as she immediately resumes her agonizing torment.
Continuing from where she left off before the move, Bora begins her rapid strokes on your cock again. Her soft breasts push against you even more, her stiff nipples poking into your back. A soft groan escapes you as her soft fingers quickly slide up and down your shaft. Bora gently blows on your ear before playfully nibbling it again. Gently pulling on your earlobe, her strokes gradually slow down again before releasing your cock entirely. She releases your ear as she brings her palm up, sensually licking her palm. Your dick twitches again as her moist grip returns on your shaft.
“Oh my. You’re throbbing an awful lot down there Mr. Photographer. Do you want to fuck me that bad?” Bora whispers, enjoying every second the hold her hellish teasing has on you.
“Yes I do.” You moan.
“Yes you do what?”
You blink a few times, perplexed by her question.
“I’m confused.” You admit.
“Well Seungyeon called you daddy, so what should you call me?” Bora asks teasingly.
Finally, it dawns on you.
“Yes I do want to fuck you that bad mommy.”
“I see. Unfortunately, you haven’t earned that yet. If you can endure this, I’ll give you your reward though.” Bora says, her happiness with the situation clearly reflected in her voice.
Her deft hand speeds up its strokes again, her wet fingers gliding up and down your shaft. The sound of her hand slapping against your waist fills the room, overpowering your shallow groans. Just when you think you might cave and blow your load, Bora’s strokes come to a screeching halt. Her fingers slowly inch their way up and down your dick, deliberate and measured to give you the perfect mix of pleasure and torture.
It doesn’t take long before Bora picks up the pace, rapidly rubbing her hand along your cock. You suddenly feel her other arm wrap around you as her fingers slowly glide up your chest. Once again, her hand slows to a crawl on your shaft. Suddenly, Bora’s fingers lightly flick one of your nipples. A surprised groan passes your lips. Apparently pleased with your reaction, Bora eagerly presses even closer against you. Your breathing quickly grows ragged from her constant change of pace.
You realize it isn’t just the change of pace that’s agonizing, it’s the change in pressure. Sometimes Bora roughly squeezes your shaft, sometimes it’s just a light slide up and down your cock. Bora has mastered the art of the tease so well, that you know this is going to be some of the best sex you’ve ever had. Her fingers continue to pinch and flick your nipples, teasing you with actions you want to do to her nipples. Picking up her speed once again, you wonder how much longer you’ll be able to hold out against her masterful handjob. Just as you fear you’re about to blow, Bora takes her hand off your cock entirely. Turning you around, she looks in your eyes with a glimmer of satisfaction.
“You didn’t cum. Good. Now we can start the real thing.” Bora smiles.
With a teasing smirk, she pushes you onto the couch. Before you even know what’s happening, Bora is immediately straddling your waist. Her pussy teasingly hovers over your cock, her moist lips lightly brushing against your tip. As much as you want to slam her down and thrust away, you know that letting Bora take control will please everyone a lot more.
“You look happy. Did you want mommy to ride you like this?” She teases
“Yes mommy I do.” You nod eagerly.
“For how long?”
“Since the second I first met you today.”
“Now, now. That’s a very naughty boy.” Bora smirks.
“Well in that case you should really punish me mommy.”
With another smile, Bora slams herself on top of you, your dick plunging into her depths. Both of you release a duet of lustful moans. While you thought Seungyeon was tight, she has nothing on Bora. Her tight walls devour your cock with such an intense heat, you have to try three times harder not to cum instantly than you did with Seungyeon. You can feel every fiber in your body clench as you struggle not to give in and explode right away. As you desperately try to control your breathing, Bora notices your condition right away once again.
“I’m impressed. Most men end up cumming right away.” Bora muses.
“Well mommy wouldn’t like that would she?” You grunt.
“No, no she wouldn’t. But I hope you’re ready. We’re going all out from the start.” Bora declares
True to her word, Bora immediately starts bouncing up and down on your dick. Her juicy thighs ripple against your own as she lustfully rides you. Your tip slams mercilessly against her womb. While Bora’s body crashes aggressively onto your cock, you can’t help but stare as her tantalizing tits bounce hypnotically. As they teasingly dance up and down in front of your face, you can’t take it anymore. Desperate to experience their taste, you lunge towards them. Before you can get there, Bora slaps her palm against your forehead and pushes you back into the couch.
“I didn’t say you could do that yet, now did I? Don’t worry if you do a good enough job, I’ll let you have your way with them.” Bora smirks.
You frown as Bora returns to her expert teasing, her wild bouncing turning into a slow grind. For extra effect, she clenches her walls around your shaft, forcing a sharp gasp out of you. Bora smirks again as she slowly pushes back and forth against your cock. While her teasing smirk kind of pisses you off, the sheer confidence of it just makes Bora that much sexier. Her grind becomes a more intense version of her handjob. Slow deliberate movements designed to build your need for pleasure without giving you any.
“That’s quite the frown. Tell you what, you can squeeze mommy’s ass. How about that?” Bora teases.
While you feel like you should say something, your need for some sort of pleasure takes precedence. Your hands immediately slap onto Bora’s ass, your fingers melting into her plump cheeks. As you fondle and squeeze her ass, she quickly returns to her aggressive thrusts on your cock. Small moans begin to leak out of Bora’s mouth. Her hot walls grip your shaft, roughly tugging on your dick with every bounce. Bora’s moans slowly begin to overpower your own as she continues to violently slam herself on your cock. You give her ass a rough slap and her cunt reacts the same way Seungyeon’s did, tightening with every smack. Not wanting to overdo it and make Bora angry, you give her another hard slap before returning to squeezing her ass.
“God you’re so good. You’re hitting all of mommy’s spots. Now I see why Seungyeon got fucked to sleep.” Bora moans, her alluring voice intoxicating your ears.
The sound of your flesh crashing against each other is barely audible as Bora’s moans escalate even more. Her violent slams onto your cock cause her whole body to ripple, her heavenly chest heaving wildly. Bora brushes her hair behind her head like she did when she was riding Seungyeon. The simple action is so amazingly erotic as it leaves her entire body on display. Alluring and sensual moans fill the air between you as you watch her body dominate your own, mesmerized by her delicious breasts. Suddenly, her aggressive bouncing comes to a stop as she plants her hands on your chest.
“Whew. Oh god. That was close. Almost got away from me there.” Bora says with a hint of satisfaction in her voice.
“I thought you were enjoying it.” You frown.
“Oh I definitely was. But I can’t have either of us cumming just yet.” Bora says with the same teasing smile she’s been giving you all night.
As Bora begins her agonizingly slow grind to edge you once again, everything suddenly makes sense. Dancing and sex are both about timing and rhythm. And the reason Bora is so good is because her body has a natural talent for both. She always knows the precise moments of when to build up and when to stop. Every single thing she does is done with the maximum amount of teasing possible. And Bora absolutely knows it. As if reading your mind, Bora smirks as she slowly pushes against your cock.
Feeling bold after her crescendo of moans, your hands slowly make their way up her seductive curves. Slowly sliding up her hips and side, savoring every moment of her silky skin before reaching her breasts. Bora looks you in the eye before giving you a small nod. That’s all the permission you need as you dive into her chest. Your fingers sink into her pillowy breasts, immediately grabbing and squeezing them as hard as you can.
“Do you like the way mommy’s tits feel?” Bora moans with a seductive smile..
“Yes I do, they’re so incredible.” You grunt as she clenches her cunt around your dick again.
“Good. Now go on. Taste them like I know you’ve been wanting to.”
One of your favorite things about tonight is getting ordered to do things you were going to do anyway. You dive into Bora’s chest the way you've been wanting to all night. Your lips immediately find her stiff nipple, eagerly taking it into your mouth.
Your tongue swirls around the fleshy nub, sucking and pulling on it. The soft skin of her tits melts in your hands as you squeeze and knead them. Your fingers quickly travel to her free nipple, pinching it as you take the other between your teeth.
"Do you like the way mommy's tits taste?" Bora smiles as she looks down at you.
Not wanting to release her breast from your mouth, pulling her nipple up and down with your teeth. Bora’s sensual moans gradually increase in pitch as she aggressively bounces on your dick. Wanting some payback for her hellish edging, you thrust upward in time with her downthrust.
"Oh God. Just like that, hit right there baby." Bora shrieks.
You smile against her breast as you can finally do what you want. Swirling your tongue around her nipple, you begin your own intense thrusts. Your tip mercilessly slams against Bora’s womb. Her ass ripples against your thighs, every thrust trying to pierce deeper than the last.
With her nipple between your teeth again, you relish the sensation of her sizeable tits heaving and bouncing against your face. As if detecting your pleasure, Bora grabs the back of your head and pushes your face against her chest even more. Pushing and pulling her nipple with your teeth, you continue to pinch her free nipple. As you continue to pull on both of her nipples, Bora’s wet pussy tightly grips your dick.
"Fuck just like this. You're making mommy feel so good." Bora moans at the top of her lungs.
You’ve never understood what people meant by a siren song until you heard Bora’s sensual moans. Each lustful and erotic note drives you deeper into ecstasy and madness. Unfortunately, you finally find yourself exhausted. While you're surprised that you’d lasted this long, you quickly push the thought aside.
With the last bit of remaining strength you have, you violently slam your dick into Bora’s depths. Every animalistic thrust you throw out causes her body to bounce harder than it has all night. Her delicious thighs and perfect ass ripple wildly as your bodies crash against each other. The taste of her stiff nipple fills your mouth as her tits heave and jiggle against your lips. Your tip twitches inside her moist cavern and you know it's time.
Bora lightly punches you in the chest as you feel her velvety walls clamp around your shaft. She erotically pulls her hair back again. You finally detach yourself from her nipples, a strand of saliva glimmers in the air before breaking. As you lock eyes with her, you can see notes of something else behind her lustful gaze.
Both of you know the end is approaching. You increase the velocity of your frantic thrusts, piercing your tip into her as deep as you can. Her velvety walls clench on your shaft, overwhelming your cock with a tightness you've never experienced. Rapidfire moans blast out of Bora as she grips your shoulders.
“OH fuck. You’re so good. I’m about to cum.” Bora screams, her alluring moans driving you to your limits as well.
“Me too. I want to cum inside you.” You groan, not even attempting to get ready to cum anywhere else.
“Go ahead, cum inside mommy. Fill me all the way up.” Bora screams, her fingernails digging into your shoulders.
With one final aggressive slam, your tip pries into her depths one more time. Bora’s hot cunt tightens so much it feels like it might rip your dick off. As both of your bodies shudder violently, Bora’s climax triggers your own. Thick streams of semen erupt from your tip, a torrential flood of cum depositing directly into her womb. After one final spurt, both orgasms slowly come to an end. As Bora gingerly lifts herself off your cock, you both look down to see a white waterfall leaking from her pussy. Both of you knowing full well the only reason you came so much is because Bora edged you to hell and back.
“Go lay down next to Seungyeon.” You gesture as you go pick up your camera one last time.
Bora smiles, immediately knowing what you want. Laying down next to Seungyeon, Bora gently nudges her mid snore.
“I’m awake. What did I miss??” Seungyeon shouts as she darts awake.
“Nothing. Just taking one last picture. Spread your legs and say cheese.” You groan, sore from the two bouts of mind shattering sex.
Without any questions, Seungyeon immediately does as she’s told. Bora quickly joins her and the camera flash illuminates your apartment for the final time tonight. You take a look at the display on your camera and smile at what will be one of your all time favorite shots. The two busty beauties posing with V signs and smiles, their legs spread to reveal obscene amounts of cum dripping from their cunts. Setting your camera down, you lay down between the girls. As you feel their soft tits pressing against both your arms, you quickly crash into a deep slumber.
You wake up again the next morning after the most eventful photoshoot of your life and you scroll through the extracurricular shots. Even though you stopped taking pictures as it started getting intense, you thankfully managed to get an amazing final shot. You smile as you stare at your favorite picture of the day, the two girls covered in your cum with your dick between your tits forever immortalized. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a small note nearby.
“Dear Mr. Photographer, thank you so much for such an incredible photoshoot. In addition to all the fantastic pictures, we also had a lot of fun. Hopefully we’ll be able to use your services again. And don’t worry, we’ll definitely be recommending your services to the other members for when they come to shoot their teasers.
- Bora and Seungyeon”
Underneath the letter, you see a second smaller note, almost hidden. After a quick glance, you realize that it’s Seungyeon leaving you her personal number and asking for dinner sometime. Considering how she secretly hid it, you chuckle as you realize that Bora probably scolded Seungyeon for wanting to leave it. It amazes you how similar yet different they are. So of course, even their responses would be different. While Seungyeon apparently wants something more, the lack of follow-up tells you that Bora is completely fine with it just being a casual hook-up. Smiling to yourself, you place the notes on your desk so you’ll always be able to see them. You briefly wonder exactly what services they’ll be recommending. But having seen pictures of all the other members, you’re excited to continue working on this project.
A/N first things first, I want to give a massive shoutout to @sinsatmidnight on tumblr for beta reading this ridiculous piece. I started writing this piece last year and after so many struggles I finished it after six months. This piece is kind of a weird mix of inspiration. Original concept was going to be something completely different. But then I saw that both had super hot pictures of croptops on buildingtops. So then the prompt became "something about croptops on rooftops" Then I decided to go with the opposite theme and use the outfit from Seungyeon's rooftop croptop and then the white outfit from the Black Or White stages as inspiration. Hence why the working title for this piece was Opposites. Also for some reason I feel like I want to clarify that I came up with this idea even before their collab video came out.
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mcmansionhell · 5 years
2018 McGingerbread Hell Competition Winners
Happy New Year, Folks! I’m pleased to announce the winners of this (past) year’s McGingerbread Hell Gingerbread House Competition!!
First off, I cannot find the words to say how much joy each and every entry to this competition has brought me. Every single one of the participants put their 100% best McMansion Hell face on and the results were charming, hilarious, and, if we’re being punny here, downright sweet. This may be the best idea this blogger has ever had. 
Second, let me say that the when I say the competition was fierce, I mean, it was fierce. So much so that I drafted the fellow judgement of two of my favorite colleagues, my literary agent Caroline Eisenmann, and fellow architecture critic/Editor of Chicago Architect Magazine Anjulie Rao to help me narrow the 43 contestants down to 8. 
Just a note: Last names of the winners have been abbreviated for privacy reasons. If you would like your full name to be published instead, please email [email protected] with your preferred name. 
We’re going to start our line up with the 5 honorable mentions in alphabetical order, after which there will be a break to take those of you scrolling through this on the dashboard to the full article where the top 3 McMansions will be revealed. 
Without further ado... 
Honorable Mention #5 : Manoir de emporte-pièce by Anya D.
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The judges were impressed by the whimsy, creativity and finely detailed execution of Anya’s house. Caroline summed it up best: “what else is a McMansion if not a bunch of smaller houses wrapped into one package?” 
Anya writes: 
Hi I'm Anya and I'm 12. I made my Gingerbread house from Gingerbread I mixed and baked myself. The house shapes came from a cookie cutter. It's held together with royal icing frosting I made. The shingles are almonds and the house off to the side is the dog house and has candy dog bones on it. The "lights" on parts of it are candy balls. I hope you like it!
Honorable Mention #4: AMAZING Custom Home with Quality Features by Sydney E.
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The judges were impressed by the house’s fine craftsmanship, attention to detail (especially the peppermint columns, the gumdrop crenellations, and the chandelier in the back) and great sense of humor. Anjulie remarked: “Love the inclusion of the nuclear family.” What really had us in stitches was Sydney’s wonderfully rich description, especially this part:
 “...You'll know you're living in the lap of luxury when you see the ENORMOUS GOLD CHANDELIER in the dining room. But it's the ROOFTOP PATIO with no discernible purpose or point of entry that will really set you apart from your neighbors. "Hey, how did you get up there?" they'll ask, but you're not telling (mysterious!). The landscaping will make you feel like you're in the countryside, in a sea of royal icing TURF GRASS (shown here, lightly dusted with coconut snow). The FOUR TREES on the property are either too far from the house to provide any shade (stately!) or extremely close to the house and actively obscuring at least one window (posh!). The entire house, the front walk, and the driveway are all bordered in royal icing ENGLISH IVY, which is definitely never going to be a problem for native plants (colonial!).”
Honorable Mention #3: Suburban Hobbit House by Jennifer K. & Cara M.
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The judges were impressed by the difficulty of execution in Jennifer and Cara’s house, especially the dome, the cleverness of using almonds as cladding, and the hilariously barren “asphalt” lawn complete with soul patch. Kate remarked: “Pretty sure I saw this exact house in Bergen County, New Jersey.”
Jennifer and Cara wrote about their house: 
Made of solid gingerbread in shape of skulls (had the pans), graham crackers, lots of icing, nuts, chocolate, a candy cane, grape tic-tacs, decorator sprinkles, butter-rum Lifesavers, fondant, Tootsie Rolls, and a loaf of rosemary bread. Round center mass house with back porch nub, two wings, a charming turret. We totally meant for it to look this way.
Honorable Mention #2: European Charme by Núria O. 
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The judges were very impressed with the fine detailing (such as the columns, balustrades, and front door), the crisp, clean execution of the design, and total commitment to the McMansion Aesthetic™ from front to rear, including the completely barren lawn. 
Núria describes the house in finely practice Realtor-ese:
Beautiful gazillion-square-feet chalet featuring lots of personality and European flair. This cozy 4-bedroom, 10-bathroom cottage is made of sturdy construction-grade tan-beige gingerbread from top to bottom. Roof plates are structurally tinted, not painted, ensuring a durable color that will last until the last crumble is eaten. Windows glazing is made of gelatine sheets coated with black-coloured blueberry jam to ensure privacy as you lounge by the bay window or enjoy the views from the beautiful faux-balcony. 
All doors are solid gum paste, with royal icing on all window frames as well as the balustrade. This home is ideal for entertaining, with its luxurious two-story entrance featuring genuine Spanish _neula_ columns with doric capitals, ornated pediment and a quaint half-tindered wall that gives true European _charme_. Utilities are housed in a lovely turret next to the service door. The garage accomodates two SUVs or six European sedan cars. The magnificent brown-sugar-paved front yard features icing plants and a signature landscaped crushed-sprinkle turf patch on cookie soil. The same type of grass was used in the large, sunny backyard which also has a patio area.
Honorable Mention #1: Existential Crisis on 34th Street by Caitlin R. 
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The judges were very impressed by the house’s clever use of different baking materials and attention to detailing, especially in the icing work. Kate was especially excited by the rounded gingerbread turret, and Anjulie loved the “Existential Crisis” detail and monumental marshmallow columns. The description had Caroline especially in stitches.
Caitlin describes the house:
This nine-bedroom mansion is made from the most exquisite of gingerbreads. Lovingly handmade from scratch, and crafted by local artisans, it's ready for your own sweet family. Grecian inspired columns impose your might on the neighborhood, while a pebble-clad tower with bay windows adds a touch of country charm. Architectural details include a 'stonework' wall and chimney, sweet dormer windows, and a luxurious back porch. A myriad of windows let light into this expanded historic house - the original building dates all the way back to 1982! Come by today, and soon you'll be calling this three-and-a-half story, Greco-Chateauesque Italian Revival Americana, 18,600 square foot mansion - home!
It all comes down to this. It was stiff competition through and through, and the judges deliberated long and hard about who the top 3 spots should go to. Each house showed tremendous ability in craftsmanship, detailing, and McMansion Engineering. Without further ado: 
Third Prize: Saccharin Sanctuary by Christa H.
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The judges were wowed by the amazing craftsmanship and attention to detail present in Christa’s house. Caroline was impressed by the use of Cinnamon Toast Crunch as shingling, Anjulie loved the jellybean stone accents, and Kate found the use of sticks of gum as fake-stucco siding to be very clever. The execution of the lawyer foyer, turret, and appropriately nonsensical rear exterior put this house in to the third place slot. 
Christa’s description, in perfect Realtorese: 
This fabulous 1.5 story house features a gorgeous columned entry, double garage, show-stopping turret, and the picture perfect back patio. Built from the finest gingerbread and white chocolate... you can be sure that this house has a superior foundation that you can trust for years to come. Jelly Beans, spear mint Lifesavers, Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Double Mint gum among other award winning materials make this house’s curb appeal unforgettable! List Price: 🍬574,900  Est Mortgage: 🍬2,240/mo Listed By: Sugar & Space Reality®️
Second Prize: The Hundred Thousand by Louisa G.
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The judges were blown away by, as they say, the sheer size of this lad. The monumentality of such a massive roof must have taken some serious gingerbread engineering, all while perfectly encapsulating McMansion Roof Culture. The engineering, clean execution, attention to detail (millions of nonpareils!!), and true, well, McMansion-ness of this house vaulted (ceiling) it into 2nd place. 
Louisa describes the house thusly: 
The Hundred Thousand has no equal. This 37-piece towering gingerbread edifice was baked and constructed over four days during the heat of an Australian summer, by an Australian and a Finn, using a Finnish gingerbread recipe. Inspired by Mt. Nub, The Hundred Thousand boasts a porcine screaming porch, eight ahoy-mateys windows, a royally-iced gable front that almost but not entirely obscures the front door, and palatial grounds landscaped with topiary sweets, all topped off with a soaring roof tiled with hundreds & thousands. 
So many hundreds & thousands were used that the builders ran out of material - causing the construction project to grind to a halt for almost ten minutes, until the Australian’s father arrived with more much-needed building supplies. The Hundred Thousand was fixed together using high-quality caramel, and is internally braced by two large gingerbread cross-panels. This fantastic abode required nearly 2kg of flour and eight eggs (provided by the Australian’s chickens) and was constructed as large as the oven would allow, measuring a whopping 40 cm across on the front facade, and nearly 30 cm high. 
And finally, (DRUMROLL PLEASE)
First Prize: Casa de McGingerHell by Beth and Tina C.
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From the moat, dome skylight, and lawyer foyer, to the rice crispy treat retaining wall, and chocolate rocks, this house, in the words of Caroline, was “truly next level.” The judges were blown away by the incredible attention to detail and clever use of different materials, specially the pretzel railing on the bridge, the marshmallow penguins, and we all freaked over those sugar glass and water elements. From the several different types of windows, bizarre massing, and three car garage, this house encapsulates the deranged opulence of McMansions in the sweetest way possible. 
Beth and Tina describe their house: 
Located centrally and literally dominating the entire living room, this McGingerMansion features over twenty handcrafted stained glass windows, a double sized garage, and three hand laid rock face walls! This gingermansion also has not one, but two incredible water features including a delightful frozen waterfall in the spacious backyard. Boasting several pre-decorated pine trees surrounding the property, this festive gingermansion showcases several dozen strands of lights and as well as a handful of charming wreaths. 
The one hundred percent genuine pretzel log deck overlooking the backyard is the perfect place to entertain friends and family alike, especially during the holiday season! Standing at just over a foot and a half tall, this truly massive gingermansion has a total composition of just over twenty pans worth of gingerbread. Call now to schedule a tour today; this gingermansion won't last long! *Disclaimer: As required of us by law, we must disclose the presence of a minor pest infestation in the form of roughly a dozen cute, but possibly rabid penguins on the property.
On behalf of the judges and McMansion Hell, we would like to thank everyone who entered the competition for their amazingly wonderful houses, and for the funding from McMansion Hell’s Patreon supporters whose generosity made running the competition and supplying the prizes possible. 
Stay tuned for this year’s new and exciting McMansion Hell features:
- The conclusion of the 50 states, starting with Virginia next week.  - A series of essays on kitsch - Looking at McMansions decade by decades - McMansions in film and media - Updates on the McMansion Hell Book
If you like this post, and want to see more like it, consider supporting me on Patreon!
There is a whole new slate of Patreon rewards, including Good House of the Week, Crowdcast streaming, and bonus essays!
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Copyright Disclaimer: All photographs are used in this post under fair use for the purposes of education, satire, and parody, consistent with 17 USC §107. Manipulated photos are considered derivative work and are Copyright © 2018 McMansion Hell. Please email [email protected] before using these images on another site. (am v chill about this)
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ocean-butch · 6 years
First of all, happy anniversary my dear💞 I know you already know this, but I love you so deeply and truly that I barely understand it myself. Don’t get me wrong, I know every single reason why you’re the one for me (and hopefully very soon you will too!), but it still blows my mind every time I think about you and feel all my love coming out at once. It is literally indescribable. Nothing compares to it! It’s no surprise that I’m very soft and romantic, so naturally I love love. But baby, I cannot tell you how thankful I am that you are the person I get to love and share my life with. You are undoubtedly the most magnificent, wonderful, marvelous, spectacular, remarkable, breathtaking, extraordinary, amazing, stunning, astonishing, impressive, fantastic, terrific, gorgeous, incredible and talented person I have ever known (and yes, I looked up synonyms). God, I am impossibly in love with you. Every little bit of my heart is yours. I can’t wait to show it to you every single day for the rest of my life. I’m crazy about you and literally everyone knows it, but what no one will ever understand is what you mean to me. I can try to explain every single way you have changed my life for the better and saved me from myself but I’d be here forever, so I’ll just say that you make the world a beautiful place. You give me so much hope and excitement and happiness, every single day I wonder how the hell I got so fucking lucky. You are everything I have ever wanted; the girl of my dreams. You are the love of my life. And I can’t wait to spend it with you. I can barely believe that I have someone like you in my life, let alone that I get to call you mine. That I’m the one you vent to, the one you’ll kiss, the one you’ll fall asleep with, the one you love. I will never stop thanking any part of the universe I can think of for giving me the privilege of being loved by you. It has been my greatest comfort for the last 2 months, and hopefully it will continue to do so for the rest of our lives. I love you with everything I am, never ever forget that. Happy anniversary, my love. @sunsate 💝
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funginerd · 7 years
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                             remember my thanksgiving list? this one is gonna be worse. yes you read right, im attempting this and i hope whoever sees this has a nice day and happy holidays. star tr.ek in more ways than i care to admit has shaped my life so to write paul and get back into the fandom felt like a fresh breeze while simultaneously it felt like coming home and i’m incredibly happy to be here again with such cool and kind folks like you all.                             basically, because german’s celebrate christmas on the 24th and we open our presents the same evening this might come as a pre-present to some of you but whatever. HAPPY HOLIDAYS, guys, under the cut is a long ass list from me to you to express just how grateful i am for you all to be here. i tried my best to include as many people as i could but of course, i sadly don't have the capacity to find kind words for all of my beauty followers but please be aware - and i might repeat myself but it doesn't make it less true - i love you all and im thankful you’re here with me.
in no particular order bc fuck me that's too much work (also wow jelly told me it was stupid to keep my conversations in tabs but tbh never really closing them really helped me here)
@infiinitepossibilities : im glad we started talking more. before i just knew you as this amazing multimuse writer who had all their muses down perfectly but now im getting to know you as an amazing person as well and that's just incredibly cool
@hcndlehim : adam, my dear boy adam. i love you. through many fandoms and over the course of many blogs we have stayed together and i can honestly say that is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. you’re such a delight to talk to and your writing has such a nice flow, so having you as my friend and writing partner for so long has just ?? made my a lot happier than you know
@culberr  / @disciipled : i have time and time again told you i love your writing and i have no idea if oyu think im kidding when i say i show it off but some of my friends can confirm i did actually send stuff to them and i do gush about our amazing writing because i cannot get enough of your style (and oyu bc i lub u). your way of telling things just has such a nice and easy flow that it makes me want to never stop reading your things and we’re lvl 5 friends so when i say i hate how much i love everything you do im not lying. you are amazing and talented and such a nice guy like im still stocked to be able to call you that and not weird you out with that. i just ?? adore you
@stamcts : some people say my aesthetic is on point but they obviously have never seen your blog bc arthur? i love every single post you make. i have seen your ic posts, they’re great and your writing is beyond amazing so ?? let it be known i adore you and im jealous of your skills to dig up cool things on the internet. and ur writing skill, fuck you for that.
@lifedeathpeacewar : leo my boi, my friend,i just cannot tell you how easily i fall in love with people who stan the same people i stan and lets be honest i think you love him more than i do but that's okay bc this way i can focus some of my love on you. im one of the people that say i love duplicates but then only follow two idk why im just that weird but i know you’re doing great with my son and i know you’re doing even  better with mark and lets be honest i already know you’re gonna be great with lucas as well bc you’re great with everything that you put your mind to and i envy you for that.
@orbinglight : i tried for your birthday already to express how much i love you but in no language the world has to offer there are enough words to really make it known just how much you really mean to me. im not as poetic as you are when it comes to praising and finding the right way to phrase things for you, so i just have to hope that you know - through all my clumsy attempts of telling you - just how near and dear to my heart you are. at this point you’re truly the person with the most beautiful soul i have ever met online or irl and i just cannot stand the thought of one day maybe not having you anymore because damn you’re gorgeous and amazing and talented and in so many ways the best thing that has happened to me on this blue hellsite
@selflessdoctor : i kinda wanna say see above bc for you too i feel all these things even though i dont always tell them as outright as i list them for artie but you’re important to me, having found you and somehow forced you into talking to me and becoming my friend was one of the best ideas i ever had and ? im so glad you let me - this odd girl you never met before - stick around and harras you. not really you know what i mean but like ?? i love you and i know i don't say that often enough but just let it be known you’re fucking perfect okay.
@turrissomnia  : three god damn blog changes and you know what ? i still love you, im still impressed by your TOS knowledge and im still absolutely adoring your portrayals. now its just even more muses you’re nailing its really cool to watch tbh.
@bellicaptivus : i honestly dont understand your fascination with strudel but im here for it and im here for your absolute magnificent portrayal of this boi so stay awesome, stay here with us and ?? don’t change bc i absolutely adore you
@adheretologic : i probably mentioned this before but you were the first disco blog i ever followed, like i think you came before adam and i still very much love seeing you on my dash
@kelpiencomplexities : i wish we knew each other better, i wish i would see your writing but man, i just love you in general idk you just are such a delight, like you introduced yourself with a pun thats always a plus in my book im just ?? very happy to have you around friend you’e really cool
@georgiov : im extremely thankful for your patience, you somehow have managed to explain the basics of SW to me without losing your mind and all that while running an amazing disco blog? you’re and im running out of positive words but like you’re the best and i love you okay
@starxbcrn : you are so iconic its unfair, like look at you having all of this creativity and talent and somehow you always come back to your golden boi, i just ?? cannot not tell you how much you inspire me and how much i love seeing you around without having to use the thesaurus
@astromed : you aesthetic: on point. your mccoy: on point. your writing: unfairly amazing. i’ll be honest i like looking at your posts, i like reading your posts, i like just having you on my dash and from the few interactions we had i know you’re a cute bean. i said it before you got recommended to me by a friend and i cannot ever regret following you
@neverarhyme : call me a nerd but i love you and im very grateful we’ve managed to stick together through me ignoring your messages and you being you for two years already but you’ve somehow become one of my best friends on this website and i don't hate you for it. in fact im time and time again amazed at how oyu handle things, at how developed ver is and how you still manage to surprise me even tho so much time ahas passed.
@theharricr : lizzie, lizzie, lizzie, you are my light sometimes, i just ? i just absolutely love you, no strings attached i love talking to you, i love watching things with you just ?? being able to call you a friend is honestly making me so happy time and time again
@jaylahofussfranklin : you’re one of the people who sometimes pop up and sometimes vanish without a trace and honestly every time you  come back to me im very happy about it. like - you’re cool, you’re one of my oldest friends here, probably the only german i want to talk to on this website and idk if i ever told you but your jaylah and your sarah are just fucking perfect.
@friendoftheood : honestly every time we talk you’re just the cutest bean and your grasp on rose is absolutely admirable. i have no idea why you think im worthy of having you follow me but im so grateful to have you around you can’t imagine
@cadetxtilly : you are honestly a bucket of sunshine and your tilly just absolutely makes me happy. she is very on point, she is very adorable and you convey every single aspect of her perfectly. your headcanons and ic posts about her just ?? make it really worth following you
@atomiism : would still 10/10 drop my man for you but real talk? when i rp’ed as ray and saw you and your blog and your writing i was ready to just completely give this boy over to you and what you have done with him since then is magical, i cannot believe someone as talented as you is here and likes me. even after so mayn months im still blown away by having met you, by knowing the face behind the brain that knows all these pretty words and can string them together like damn my darling dear you are perfect in every single way <3
@burnedlegend : you truly are a very special specimen. obv not in a bad way i mean i fucking love you but in a way that you’re so unique even though you’re sometimes a mess i can honestly say im looking forward to seeing you grow and be happy in your life bc already you have a fantastic personality and a kind soul and you’re so refreshing to talk to (when u fucking answer) idk if i have told you lately, probably not bc lets face it i suck as well, but i adore you and i value your friendship and i’ll always be here if you need me. you’re great no matter what anyone says, bc you’re you and i love that man that i have come to know over the course of this year bc he is such a passionate disaster and i wouldn’t want you to stop being you for anything in the world.
@revivedlegend : you’re an absolute dear, you have been there for me in tough times and you’ve given me so many great advice i honestly don't know what i would do without you. i know life is hard and i know people say it gets better but sometimes it doesn’t look that way? listen, you’re perfect and you deserve good things and im absolutely positive that you’ll reach great things, that life will be beautiful for you but until then im here for you and i love you with all of my heart and some that i borrowed from gabe. you are amazingly creative even if you dont see that right know but i have always loved your portrayals, your writing and your devotion to the things you love. christina you’re fantastic, okay. <3
@warsighted  : i love you, i hate your penname but i love everything else about you. listen, from the way you approach characters to the way your characterise them and the way you plot and the way you get excited about things. i love all of that. you’re incredible and so nice on top of being stupidly talented. its honestly unfair thank god you’re balancing that out with a weird penname xD
@outlawiism : how can i make this list and not say something nice about you? kinda not an option tbh bc you’re this amazing ball of positivity even when times are rough its just magical to see you on my dash and now that we talk again its just making me want to be the best version of myself so i can spread just as much positivity and make people happy and honestly? all that aside your love and devotion to peter is one of a kind, your writing is flawless and i just hope ?? one day you’re gonna archive your dreams and do the things you want and tbh you deserve cool things happening to you. so knock on wood for that!
@srenity & @courtesn : sorry im throwing you both together like this but liten, i’ve loved your inara before and im incredibly happy you’re back and now seeing the both of you play this otp out is something i hadn’t known i needed bc you’re not just beautifully on point but you’re both carrying the fandom with your fantastic writing its just making me love firefly so much more thanks to you two <3
@snowinabottle : you’re cute, your girl is cute, your blog is cute, your aesthetic is cute idk maybe you noticed, maybe you didn't but im not the best with words i just ? don't know how i should tell you but i like having you around and i like seeing you on my dash and i just like you in general okay? okay
@stellaexlacrima : im always weak for ocs even tho sometimes it takes me a while to get to know them and im sorry we didnt start talking sooner bc now that i know you i cannot believe i was so blind to your genius for so long. honestly? i love you, i loved plotting with you, i loved talking to you and im absolutely positive i will love writing with yoou no matter how slow i am. im absolutely excited for our thread, im excited for orange people and weird caves and wicked plant sutff bc i a excited to let paul have this adventure with anika
@multamusae : you are one of the people on this website who somehow manage to be very productive and as much as it sometimes makes me feel funny very often i look at your blog and im just astonished by the sheer amount of work and effort you put into everything. you are incredible, you’re so cool and your ocs give me all the life, i originally followed you for your mycroft and im still here it feels like years have passed and you’re still this amazingly talented writer from so long ago please don't ever change in that way.
@childzerozeronine : we don’t talk often enough and that is partially my fault and partially yours but let it be known im very happy that we did eventually started talking after so long of just loving artie together. nine is one of the best stranger thangs ocs i have ever seen and we both know for a while you couldn't look anywhere without them but she is amazing and i love her and i love you and im sorry im not the best chat partner
@derbefehl : we honestly have never talked but i feel very much drawn towards you for you have shown a great taste in muse, a great taste in ivan and you’re just all around ? really cool to have on my dash? i really like your writing like damn that's some good stuff you have right there
@chosemypain : i know we never talked but jelly is really loving your portrayal and honestly that’s good enough for me, you have shown great taste in show and muse and im all here for your brilliance tbh 
@espressovixen / @brokenspy : vicky my dear, im sorry im not on jayne so it might be confusing but it is i, your local disappointment: dottie. can i just take a moment and tell you: you’re probably one of my favourite writers? like idk if you can tell but i have seen so many people, i’ve seen so many different writings styles and yours is just ? outstanding to me. your love and passion for your girls is magical, your personality is so sweet and kind and i ? cannot believe how lucky i am to call you a friend, i’ve literally been in love with your writing like four blogs ago already.
@fasciinating : you are probably one of the first spocks i EVER found and honestly i can’t believe i got so lucky that you follow me back, i swear whenever i see you on my dash im just blown away by your talent and portrayal 
@methodcop : over different blogs and fandoms neither of us is in im very glad we seem to keep finding each other over and over again. you truly are one of these people that you just ?? don't feel right not having on the dash, skye you’re amazing and i love you okay? okay
@rendczvous : fish, im sorry you’re last on this list and i wasn’t sure if i should even say something but honestly i just kind of have to. you are so cute and jelly loves you so much i sorta have to be thankful that you put up with her when im not around and honestly that in itself is a feat already but then you write and its just like woah you’re not just cute but also talented and honestly i find that unfair and i would like to file a complaint
@newaldera / @sunworn / @noprodigalson (ur a cutie and i feel like i had to mention that here) / @selfsaving / @stellarumwomen / @monstrousmade / @resistancehistorian / @astradie / @chpls / @seeheroic / @livesinnarrative / @hopefired / @danversiism / @dancerdoc /  @acepilct / @starshipxcaptain / @starfleets1stmutineer / @pcrsonae / @spacemarincr / @saevio / @starjourney / @theholisticdetective / @paramounticebound / @ichorcrowncd / @abscntee / @boywonderish & @needanswers (im convinced you two are just the real deal and the hsow never ended like you two really are that good) / @boldlylogical / @aprettygooddetective / @amcrist / @enhanc / @mysticwiitch / @coneyislandcastaway / @daredbetter / @atlantisking / @164 / @zooomies / @xenobridge / @thistimefeelsnew / @chaxswalking / @hisgenius / @verycivilofyou / @five-guns-days / @interstel / @superiorambition / @thedestrcyer / @astrcphobia / @admiralsdontfly / @addsalsa / @sempitern / @heroheart / @thexjoinedxsurgeon / @xaedificare / @quietresistance / @falsepsychiic / @gcdlikc / @makeshistory / @positronicminds / @honoredsouls / @zherka / @samenkomen / @spaceforkirk / @definiibus / @captainussdiscovery / @mavxricks <3 / @ofstarrynights /  @1stofficerspock / @humanandvulcan / @nxtasidekick / @dutyandcompassion
wow. ehm happy holidays guys and im so sorry if i have missed anyone i truly tired my best.
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Click, click, click of my high heeled boots stepping across the large, empty train station at the World Trade Center. My hand was in his hand. I was wide-eyed and smiling. This, along with the hot, raw, intimate sex that we cleverly called “Fuckfest ‘19 was the highlight of my first trip to New York City. It is that moment of click, click, click that is ingrained in my memory. Just pure happiness for the first time in years, amazement at the fact that I was doing something so impulsive, and excitement about the new place I was experiencing. It was surreal, in that moment, like living in a fantastic dream. It was perfection.
47 years old and I had never been to NYC. So why not do something a little nuts and agree to go with a guy I chatted with online and met in person three, maybe four times? After 19 years of marriage and much misery, I figured why the hell not? I wanted to LIVE again and this sounded like just the thing for me.
The plan was that I would drive to Brattleboro and my guy would pick me up at the Amtrak station. I’d leave my car there, as I would take the train back the next day. We would drive down together in his car and spend one night in a hotel room together in New York City. The next day I would hop on the Amtrak train and he would go visit his friend. Short and sweet and fun!
I drove without problems to Brattleboro, but finding the station there was a nightmare! I drove around and around, finally stopping to ask a roughed up, homeless looking man where I could find it. He was very helpful. He offered to get into my car and show me...um, no thanks dude. I asked a couple more people and finally found the damn place. What a relief.
I found him and like I said, it was relief. He was standing outside of his car looking for me. I pulled up and said something along the lines of, “What the fuck? That was way more difficult than it needed to be.” He was calm and kissed me. God did he kiss me! He said, “Lets go find a place for you to park. Get in and I’ll drive.” Apparently, I couldn’t park at the station. It didn’t look like a station really. Maybe that’s why I couldn’t find it.
Found a parking garage, found the parking garage office and got my car settled finally. The real adventure was about to begin. How many hours would we be in the car together, just the two of us. We’d have to talk. We’d have to do other things than fuck. It was a real test of how we would get along. I wasn’t scared at all.
Usually when I go for a long drive, especially as a passenger, I am attentive of the world outside of the vehicle. This time, until we hit the city, I don’t remember anything but the easy conversation and frequent laughter. We talked about so much I can’t even remember what we talked about. There were no awkward silences, no uncomfortable subjects. It was smooth and natural. I liked him more and more. Fuck.
After a few hours we reached the city.  Suddenly there were lights everywhere, illuminating the dark night sky. I could feel the excitement and liveliness of the city. I think he could feel it too. He had been there before, but this first time for me was an eye opening experience. I had never thought much of visiting NYC. I love cities, Miami, Seattle, Boston. NY just seemed like it was too big and too crazy. My idea of what it would be like was much different than what I found it to be.
So, there we were in the car, driving towards the tunnel. Sitting in traffic, looking around at all the people, the lights, the cars. Listening to the uplifting and empowering music of Lizzo, music that he introduced me to. It was fitting. It was like my body knew we were getting closer to the hotel (we still had about an hour in the car to go, but that was pretty close by this time) and the building excitement of his touch was fueling the buzz of the city. I tried to touch him intimately in the car, but honestly at this point in my life I am cautious and didn’t want to cause a crash. That would be an OPSEC fail! So, I just touched him, held his hand, stroked his leg, leaned in for a quick kiss. It was everything. It was magic. It was life.
In time, we got to the hotel. It was late, but not late at all for NYC. There was plenty of time in the city that never sleeps! The hotel was in Jersey City, across the water from Manhattan. It was so beautiful all lit up. The hotel was fancy. We parked valet. The valet guy was sweet, but mistakenly referred to us as, “You and your wife.” I think I giggled and lost my breath at the same time. Married to someone who isn’t my husband? Someone who is married to someone else? Did we actually look like we belonged together? So many inappropriate questions were running through my mind. I found it funny and exciting. I have no idea how he felt about it.
We walked into the hotel and it was magnificent! It was extravagant and fancy. While he was checking in, I was leaning over a couch staring out at the skyline. I was watching the boats in the dark water, the people walking around outside of the hotel. Lit up buildings...there had to be tons of people in them. What was everyone doing? I’m here living in the moment,  I’m living. I’m feeling something. It is so much different than sitting on that shitty couch watching old western television shows. That shitty ripped couch in the messy apartment. I felt trapped, unhappy, disgusted. This was the opposite feeling. It was like being truly free. I felt like I was part of the world, part of life. It was something to live for. Something I had been missing for many, many years. Here it was right in front of me.
Well, as wonderful as the lobby was, the hotel room was even greater! I never imagined that we would have a perfect view of the New York City skyline right out of our window, but we did and it was breathtaking. We both were in awe of our luck and kept saying, “Wow, this is amazing.” It totally was. It was surreal.
So there I was, looking out the window at the view and then the touching began, the intimate, thrilling, touching of his skin to my skin, lips to lips. Right there in front of Manhattan. Exposed, but feeling free and easy. I could have cared less who saw me at that moment, enjoying life to the fullest, clothes being torn off, lips kissing every part of his body. We started on the couch. I remember sitting on his lap, just playing. That didn’t last long and we got to the bed. It was devouring time. We devoured each other in the fiery madness, the thrill of the adventure, the lust for each other. We had talked beforehand about making ourselves go out, that we couldn’t just spend all the time in bed. We did travel all this way. We had to see the city.
We got it together finally, put our clothes back on and headed out. It was still early enough to take the subway into Manhattan. I had no idea where I was going. I just followed, taking all of the brilliant scenery in. People everywhere, buzzing around doing whatever it was they do here. I honestly don’t remember the subway ride at all. I remember the station we arrived at though. It was big and empty, bright and clean. All I could hear was the clicking of my boots on the tile and the sound of the two of us talking excitedly. We didn’t know where we were going. We didn’t care. This moment felt magical and surreal, the escape I had longed for from life, even if just for a short amount of time.
We stepped out into the New York night at around 11 p.m. and all of the lights were breathtaking. By this time we were starving, so not knowing what we were doing, we just started to walk, looking for an open restaurant. The subway took us to the World Trade Center, so we walked around there a bit, but everything around it  was closed. We could only see the outside of the colorful buildings. We picked a street and walked on.
The city was huge, and by huge I mean tall! The October weather was warmer than usual and comfortable. There were many young people around, but it wasn’t crowded. The streets were clean and tidy. There was some construction work going on, but nothing was shabby. If there were homeless people, I either didn’t see them or they cleaned up well. After feeling deeply depressed for years and years, I felt like the city was breathing its life into my blood. It felt so alive and in turn, I felt alive again. I was a part of something bigger than just myself, with a wonderful sexy friend, and the feeling of falling in love...maybe with the guy, maybe with the city.
We walked on and finally found a restaurant that was open. It was on a small corner, tucked into a tall elegant building. It was a small and intimate Italian place with romantic lighting, a traditional menu, and a waiter who had a thick accent. It was perfect, just like everything else in this dream of a night. We ordered beers and shared shrimp scampi. We talked about everything and nothing, about what an amazing time we were having in this incredible place. It was bliss, but was a lot to take in and a lot to feel at such an early stage of any relationship, never mind the fact that it was an affair. Guilt...happiness...lust...fun...we knew that it would be a memory we would never forget.
After dinner, we took an Uber back to the hotel. That view of the city from our hotel room was still there, shining just for us. Our bodies lit up the fancy room until we were too tired to stay awake anymore. I tried to capture every second of it in my mind’s eye. There wasn’t an awkward or regrettable moment. I’m not sure I have ever experienced anything like it. I’m not sure that he had either.
In the morning I woke him up. The sun was rising over the skyline and my mouth was on him. The sky was a gorgeous pinky color and clear as could be. We stayed in bed until the last second that we could. Unfortunately, the night ended and the morning was here. I had to leave and he had to go visit his friend in Jersey. He brought me to the Amtrak station. We held hands as we walked around, looking for where I needed to be. There was a funny man helping people find their gates. We talked to him and laughed a ton more. I bought us coffee and it felt like we were almost a real couple for a minute. We held hands and kept our bodies close to each other. I knew neither of us was ready for it to end.
Finally, it was time for me to board my train. We kissed...oh my god that kiss! It was hot, sweet, yearning, and right out there in the open with a million people all around us. We joked that this trip ruined us for life. There was nowhere to go from this level of intensity. What could be better than this? It was funny and sad at the same time. I was walking on air though, right to my train. He smiled at me and left. It was a perfectly romantic ending to a magical trip.
**eta...this isn’t part of the story, but it kind of is. I slept for most of the train ride home. I was in a terrific mood, on cloud nine. When I got back to Brattleboro, I got off the train and walked through the city to my car. There was a busker there playing a beautiful rendition of Space Oddity by David Bowie. Why is that important you ask? Because it brought me right back down into reality. David Bowie is my ex-husband’s favorite musician and this is one of his favorite songs. Dream over!
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oosteven-universe · 5 years
Peter Cannon Thunderbolt #1
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Peter Cannon Thunderbolt #1 Dynamite Entertainment 2019 Written by Kieron Gillen Illustrated by Caspar Wijngaard Coloured by Mary Safro Lettered by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou       His level of genius is matched only by his heroics, and in humanity’s darkest hour, he’s the hero they need the most—alas, poor humanity. Peter Cannon—the man known as Thunderbolt—is only too happy to leave civilization to face its end.        I am at a loss for some kind of superlative start here worthy of Jack, Karen or any number of folks who can sass right off the bat without missing a beat and that is unusual for me as Mr. Humphries would say. This rocked my world in ways I wasn’t prepared for and the way it ends for me was startling yet intriguing. The personality that we see in Peter here is magnificently done and the characterisation all around from Kieron really puts the spotlight on the man behind the mask, one who has seen the worst the world has to offer and believes that there’s no hope for humanity’s future.        I will say that those assembled here to convince Peter to join the fight to save the world from an alien invasion are a group of characters I am not familiar with. They intrigue me though and they all seem to have familiar aspects about them as well and there is at least one, maybe two, whom I would love to see more of. Still the way that this book is structured and how it starts off brilliantly with this conversation sets the tone for the rest of the series. Kieron is unusual in that he seems to be able to write his stories in a way that is frank, stark and have this eerie realness to them that almost catches you off guard. It is also one of the many reasons why I am so drawn to his work.       Now here we are with a rag tag group of heroes who need Peter’s help to put an end to this mess happening on his doorstep. Interesting isn’t it how this random encounter taking out a city is on Peter’s doorstep? There are no coincidences no matter how hard people might want to tell you otherwise. These five people from different nations, different cultures come to be united by one man to help stop something could effect every man, woman and child on Earth. Hmm draw your own conclusions but for me I agree with Peter on this one as he explains it to Tabu.       Caspar, oy this beautiful man is as talented as he is sexy and that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Still his work at Titan has introduced me the talent this man possesses and I have also followed his work when possible. The creativity and imagination here is off the charts, from creating the aliens to the characters themselves, The Test for example is utterly fantastic and makes me want to see more of him, and the linework to detail the faces is incredible. Plus the fact that backgrounds are utilised as needed and how they manage to expand the moment and bring a size and scope to the story is mind boggling. The utilisation of page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels shows of magnificent eye for storytelling. The colour work here is utterly marvellous and how we see light sources utilised and the shadows and opportunity for colour gradation is simply divine. The looking at them through glass is so well too the slight colour dampening really works here. ​      I love Peter Cannon, I always have and it’s nice to see him here at Dynamite where I feel it’s the only place to have done him justice. The writing here is amazing and the interiors are gorgeous and if this book doesn’t leave you gob-smacked than nothing will.  
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templified · 5 years
Best Single Page WordPress Business Themes | Templified
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Best Single Page WordPress Business Themes
We’ve gathered up a bunch more of the vert best one page/single page WordPress themes for you to have a look at.  We’ve already built an even bigger collection of one page WordPress themes, which you should absolutely check out but this is simply meant to add to that comprehensive list.
The X WordPress theme is a strong and dynamic theme for WordPress, entirely capable of assisting you to craft a gorgeous and beautiful single page theme providing true effect and an out of the entire user experience. X theme is seen as the very in-demand, strong, unique and beautifully designed WordPress theme in the marketplace nowadays, yet those luminous terms cannot go far enough in communicating that which might be achievable using this lively theme. The unbelievable X theme is extremely fashionable for many different issues, let us check out several. This effective theme is completely fluid, lively and purely responsive, enables one to alter the fabulous typography readily, guarantees clean controller, is fantastic if you would like to earn single page websites and lots more amazing capacities.
You will shape gorgeous project portfolios and it is really eCommerce ready to retail exceptional products utilizing the world wide web. This ultra strong in addition to wonderful WP theme is remarkably flexible in design, allows you assign especially made background graphics or patterns and much more. The X WordPress theme provides you with an wonderful consumer experience in addition to an excellent admin experience also, since it is exceptionally designed to seem gorgeous on any apparatus and also remarkably straightforward to customize to operate exactly like you want it to seem. The X theme comes equipped with the 100% free and robust Cornerstone web-page builder and it is a convenient, user friendly, quick web page builder which makes it quite simple to design an online website that appears exactly how you want it to look in addition to provides all the numerous incredible elements you want. Assuming you chance to be a newcomer with using WordPress, this might be a really practical feature to supply, for why the layout is completely developed in the webpage builder, so you won’t have to understand how to write any code to find an attractive and productive internet enterprise.
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Oshine enables website owners to genuinely explore the options of energetic, appealing and attention-grabbing WordPress theme site construction. A number of designs work nicely for numerous functions regardless of what business or market your site signifies. Oshine can help you glow whether your interests are classic corporate, artist gallery-driven, big or small, dynamic or static or whatever in between. Powerful customization choices can construct one-page websites with ease but won’t shirk from enormous multi-page authority websites . On top of that, each component, structure, design or alternative can be contained with zero comprehension of design or code.
Begin using one of those Oshine WP theme’s pre-made demonstration pages if you would like to accelerate the process and start your website now. Or have a little more time and make totally special pages using brilliant and dynamic elements like parallax scrolling headers, different stylistically page names, multiple desktop types and much more. Everything works together to make a professionally-designed, appealing and extremely functional set of webpages. Oshine utilizes a bespoke site builder system which delivers drag and drop design creation. Multiple slider choices such as Full Screen, Carousel and Master Slider create lively characteristics which appear amazing and communicate a feeling of style to each visitor. Build confidence and draw more attention than rivals using all the Oshine WordPress theme.  For more WordPress parallax themes, check this collection out.
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Retro has that classic layout, together with a well created one page design, making this the most common retro-style WordPress theme available on the marketplace. Retro Portfolio is cross browser compatible, simple to use having a very strong control panel, and it’s extensive documentation to produce the learning curve quite simple. That is fun and convenient.
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Xiara is a purely responsive and trendy, convenient one page parallax theme. Hey, if you have it, flaunt it, right? Well, Xiara has got it. This purely responsive one page parallax theme is actually user friendly, provides a fantastic user experience and contains the sorts of alternatives which may simply make this last theme you are ever going to purchase.
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Vernum is clean and contemporary. Display off any merchandise or services that are popular using a boss appearing purely responsive one page parallax site. Vernum’s obtained parallax scrolling segments is shirts and may be a very cool feature anyone will approve of. This theme is the ideal parallax design theme for innovative designers that wish to exhibit their finest projects in a very fresh, novel method. Vernum will dazzle all your visitors with its sleek animations and animations which produce your new site act absolutely obviously. The pre-made portfolio segment is easy and structurally sound and might be just customized by using only a couple of mouse clicks. Vernum is here to remain.
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Passage is a sleek and flash WordPress theme with a huge quantity of pleasure and professionalism packaged together. Passage could be amazing to get a startup, contemporary technology organizations or perhaps design companies. Passage will impress your customers with a top of the line fashion. Passage comes right with a whole lot of wonderful features, such as a purely responsive layout, custom made history images and much more!
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Massive Dynamic
The enormous amount of features give this theme it’s name.  Massive Dynamic theme for WordPress sites steals the show as a one-page website builder using its many innovative, contemporary and strong components and attributes. The administrative backend of the theme provides even the latest non-coder the chance to construct and restructure polished and professional sites easily. Massive Dynamic comes packaged with numerous addons to assist. Visual Composer assists with designs. Revolution Slider and Master Slider enable for magnificent picture and video slideshows on any page of the website. Add to Any along with other addons all united to make one of the very user friendly interfaces around. Over 70 customized shortcodes can alter settings, add components like animated icons with only a simple copy and paste.
The fully purely responsive sites created with the Enormous Dynamic WP theme look polished and professional about any display. No recent elements of flashy site design were abandoned. AJAX animations attract interest to several components as you scroll down or use navigation buttons to learn more about the pages that are smooth. Visitors will marvel at the remarkable technology exhibited from the very aesthetically pleasing format . Content will convert easily when showcased on this impressive platform. Massive Dynamic is completely incorporated with Notification Center, which combines e-commerce options, portfolio management and new blog posts, along with also the load-time-friendly Progressive Image Loading to show what a visitor needs every moment.  Here are some more minimalist WordPress themes too.
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Create, from ThemeTrust, is a very good selection for creating an effective one page theme for WordPress. This drag and drop webpage builder lets you install one page navigation to automatically scroll to every part of the webpage, also highlighting the navigation as you scroll down the webpage. Produce is functions easily with WooCommerce and may have you up and running using a brand new online store in a couple of clicks. Produce comes bundled with Revolution slider also it supports infinite widget places, pricing tables also provides the choice for a complete width or boxed design. Your portfolio pages will look fantastic also with filtering cartoons, blot effects and Ajax loading which give off a genuinely premium appearance and feel. We adore this one as a single pager theme, but if you do need to use it like a multi page site template, Create permits you to customize every page with articles, webpages and projects each using a slightly different appearance, such as custom menus, headers, footers and much more.  For more WordPress WooCommerce themes, try this collection.
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To get a visually arresting and lively site, the Cosonix WordPress theme provides more capacities in personalization and interactivity compared to a number of other choices. Consistently dependable and technologically powerful, the pages constructed on this theme can emphasize any company’s or person’s images, video or text content regardless of what business they’re involved in. The energy behind its programming and the many functions offered for imagination won’t ever let you down. Cosonix theme provides proper structure and professionalism for all businesses such as companies, travel agencies, lawyers, medical and dental offices, but any sort of little or midsize companies may use it to good effect. Save time and energy by using its numerous attributes, unique components and customizable choices.
Even in the event that you understand no coding or improvement methods, Cosonix will help you make the ideal platform to lure consumers to purchase, phone or stop in. The pro Visual Composer plugin comes packed and completely integrated with this theme. If you don’t need to use among those professionally pre-made template designs from this box, then you can use this plugin to drag and drop widgets or website elements into position. Cosonix also includes AJAX/PHP contact type work and MailChimp mailing list handler. These attributes can allow you to get started building that all-important mailing list once you start your site.  Click through to see more video WordPress themes to enjoy.
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The Brooklyn WordPress theme enables you to create strong yet magnificent one-page websites with all the latest features and none of the sophistication that non-developers need. Sites with just a single page are incredibly popular nowadays, but they do pose a special problem for those that have a great deal of articles to be exhibited. You would like to produce a well-organize and user friendly website where guests will feel comfortable and can get all of the information or entertainment they desire. Brooklyn solves these problems by providing a very intuitive admin control panel loaded with features. There are many pre-made designs to select from, an array of customization options, and the most recent design in parallax scroll capacity.
These features and much more have produced the Brooklyn WP theme among the very well-known buys around the ThemeForest website from 2013 to 2015. Regardless of what business you’re involved in — artwork or photography, property or building, high tech or Internet advertising — you can make an internet presence with sophistication and style.
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Hestia Pro
One thing to bear in mind with this theme, unlike many of the themes in our full collection of one page WordPress themes, this one does not include a multi-page option. That’s right, this thing can only be used as a one-page theme. Now, for many of you, that might just be fine. If you are promoting something like a web application or the website that you are building is purely for informational purposes and you know that you will never need a multi-page site to go along with it or to adopt it into a multi-page website based on this content, you might be fine. And it is a high-quality theme, it should do wonders for helping to promote your content on just one single page.
But for many of you, you’re here because you want one page theme that has the adaptability to eventually be morphed into a multi-page website. For you, this theme is not going to be a perfect fit. Luckily, our collection of one page WordPress themes has many different variety of tablets. Some of them do, in fact most of them do offer multi-page variations. That means that any sort of branding that you create on your one page that you can be repurposed when you go to build a multi-page site.
In general, it’s a good idea to stick with one theme and make sure that it has all the flexibility that you need to achieve your goals. That said, sometimes you can’t see the future. Personally, I have made many different choices with this particular blog that you’re reading right now, some of them are incredibly bad ideas. Some of them, I simply didn’t know what I was doing at the time. Now, I have a handle on things. I’m certainly glad that I’ve never had to switch themes in the middle of blogging. That’s actually a joke, I have switched themes several times. It’s not fun and it’s kind of a pain in the ass to have to adapt what you have already done to a brand new but template. So, keep that in mind when you are looking at this theme. It’s not going to work for multi-page websites.
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The Nouveau WordPress theme’s innate style contrasts nicely a lot of different creative software. Together with the retina-ready caliber, fully purely responsive layout, and supreme designs and construction flexibility, it enables people from several distinct businesses or specialties to construct and attention-grabbing website easily. Nouveau is particularly amazing for innovative professionals such as musicians, photographers, graphic designers, graphic designers, and individuals in the movie, style, or design teams. All modifications, upgrades, and edits are managed on the exceptionally intuitive admin control panel which uses the superior plug-in Visual Composer for much more accessibility by individuals with no coding or development knowledge.
Begin designing your site using this particular WP theme by assigning a design to your own website. The header mode comes first, then you can move on to deciding on the navigation menu, like you in a left sidebar ideal for drawing focus on various content blocks. Nouveau includes numerous presentation pages and designs which may be loaded with an easy click. With the Visual Composer plugin, everyone can drag and drop different page elements to position. Some choices consist of video and graphic sliders, black and white design, shortcodes to enlarge your choices, a masonry post designs and arrangement, and a number of other creative tweaks and inclusions. Should you would like to offer your artwork or design from your site, the Nouveau WordPress theme integrates easily with WooCommerce, the hottest e-commerce alternative available.
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rtwlovers · 5 years
Our China Crash Course
Our adventure through China was an absolute whirlwind that covered almost 3,000 miles in 10 days. To see China in that amount of time is like taking a 10 day trip to see New York, D.C., LA, and Seattle. It was absolutely insane.
But we had a good reason for the quickness—Blakely’s family came to join us and they only had a small window. We enjoyed the company (and the upgrade in accommodations!).
We started in Hong Kong, which is a great gateway into China since it is much more connected to the outside world. Reminder: the Chinese government significantly limits news flow of its citizens, and this makes them culturally cut off from the rest of society. While Hong Kong technically falls under Chinese jurisdiction, it was a British colony until 1997 when the Brits returned it to China. Hong Kong maintains a separate political and economic system from China, but the mainland significantly influences the legislation. China continues to broker more influence, and unfortunately protests don’t make much difference despite making international news.
Blakely and Ryan arrived 2 days earlier than the rest of the group, which was best as we were VERY dusty from our time in Nepal. We stayed at the Kowloon Shangri-la Hotel, which, as could be expected, were MUCH better accommodations than our norm.
We enjoyed the hotel then headed to explore the city. Of course, a highlight for us was the spectacular architecture. As city folk we really appreciate a good skyscraper, and Hong Kong has plenty of those! Hong Kong has a gorgeous skyline, with more skyscrapers than anywhere in the world, and Victoria Harbor elevates the view further. Ryan’s favorites were the HSBC Building, International Commerce Center and Bank of China Tower. Then we went to Man Mo temple, which is dedicated to the gods of literature and war. The incense and atmosphere make it a calm and gorgeous stop.
That night, we headed to the fabulous SoHo neighborhood (not to be confused with the SoHo in NYC, this stands for South of Hollywood Road) which has one of our favorite features: escalator sidewalks. First we hit a wine and cheese bar, and then one of our favorite restaurants Little Bao. So fun, so delicious, and everything we needed.
Finally, the rest of the group arrived. We didn’t pause long before taking them on a walking tour the neighborhood. Then for dinner, we headed to the world renowned Din Tai Fung restaurant for delicious dumplings and noodles. Finally, we headed to Temple Street Night Market for a bit of chaos and shopping! Unfortunately the market is MUCH more glitz than glamor, and as many things in China, focused on the shiny quantity over quality!
The next day was a big one. We started on a tram up to Victoria Peak to see the sights,. Due to the crazy fog, the view half-way up was better. Then we took a boat tour to see the floating village of Aberdeen and the temples there. Afterwards, a little tea time at the Peninsula hotel, then cocktails while watching the harbor light show.
Next, we jetted off to Guilin and immediately went to the gorgeous Reed Flute cave. In case the natural structure isn’t enough, the gorgeous light displays make the cave even more mystical and impressive (though a few thought they were tacky and preferred the natural landscape!). In Guilin, we stayed at the beautiful Guilin Shangri-la Hotel.
Next on the itinerary was a drive out to Longji, with hiking to see the gorgeous rice paddies. Absolutely worth the hike (to say nothing of needing to work off those dumplings!), this was a trip highlight for all of us.
That night we took a light cruise around the lakes of Guilin. The Chinese LOVE a light show, and we were pretty impressed ourselves!
The next day was a highlight: A boat cruise along the Li River. This site has inspired painters and artists for centuries, and it inspired the artwork on the 50 yen note today. Blakely couldn’t resist the beauty recreated by a local artist on rice paper, which is now hanging in our house!
After the day’s craziness, we took a flight to Xian and settled into the Wyndham Grand Xian hotel, another fabulous place!
Xian attracts visitors from all over the world with the incredible Terracotta Warriors. Even with all of the hype, they do NOT disappoint. Here’s the skinny:
When the first Emperor of China Qin Shi Huang died around 210 BC, he was buried with an army he commissioned to protect him in the afterlife. There are approximately 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots, 520 horses and 150 cavalry horses. Additionally, there are officials, acrobats, strongmen and musicians. All of the statues are life sized, uniquely carved and painted, and buried in different sized pits. The largest of the pits is housed in the museum for viewing. It is INSANE to see.
Even cooler: the army is just a portion of the remains left to be discovered. Excavation is ongoing, but ground-penetrating radar detects a larger city resembling the emperor’s imperial palace and court. Next we gobbled down some delicious beef noodle soup!
The next day we had a gorgeous bike ride around Xian’s ancient city walls, which were built in the 14th Century and form one of the best-preserved fortresses in the world. After earning our treat, we had a walk through the Great Tang All Day Mall and celebrated with Popsicles and BBQ. This is a market of which we all approved!
After Xian we flew to Shanghai and got to visit the historic and beautiful Zhujiajiao village. We felt like we stepped back in time! We had a canal cruise, did a little shopping (of course) and went to see a historic mansion with traditional Chinese gardens.
Shang Hai was absolutely our favorite city in mainland China, with a gorgeous skyline and metropolitan atmosphere. As discussed, we love cities. We walked along the river and had a fabulous dinner before enjoying one of THE most bizarre and fantastic shows we’d ever seen: The Amazing Acrobats of Shanghai. We will never be able to see another acrobat show again.
The following day the boys and girls separated, and the boys took a tour of the mind blowing Shang hai port. Afterwards we all flew to our last stop (WHEW) Beijing.
The next day was a highlight and it started with Tian’anmen Square. According to our official guide it is “the largest city square in the world” (it is actually only one of the top 10) “and the spiritual heart of China, where the national flag is raised exactly at sunrise every day.” Of course, what isn’t mentioned in the paraphernalia is that this square is infamous for the horrendous massacre of protestors in 1989. Troops with automatic rifles and tanks killed hundreds of demonstrators who were trying to block the military’s advance to the square (where a student protest was happening).
Today, Tian’anmen is a heavily regulated area and indicative of Chinese policy in general. Before entry, visitors and their belongings are searched and IDs checked. Protests are strictly forbidden, and discussion of the massacre nonexistent. Furthermore, in the 70s the square held ginormous portraits of 6 dictators (including Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Joseph Stalin), but upon the death of Mao Sedong (founding father of the People’s Republic of China) the other portraits were removed and only his remains. Don’t worry, the other portraits are still brought out in a parade around the square on Labor Day and National Day.
For all its dark past, Tian’anmen Square allows entrance to one of the coolest places in China: The Forbidden City. The Forbidden City is a palace complex in Central Beijing and housed the imperial palace from 1420-1912. Now, it is a Palace Museum and provides an excellent snapshot of gorgeous Chinese architecture, artwork, and artefacts. Our personal favorite was the Hall of Clocks, a display of 200 clocks and watches from the imperial collection.
Last stop for the day, we visited the Temple of Heaven, a complex of religious buildings that was visited yearly by emperors to ensure a good harvest.
Ok. Now for the part we’ve all been waiting for. The famous symbol of China, an architectural wonder of the world, stretching 6,700 km and over 2,000 years old: The Great Wall of China.
The wall was constructed over many different dynasties to protect the ever-changing empire borders. The most extensive and modern construction occurred as recently as the 14th Century. Effectiveness of the wall varied, and our guide informed us that bribery decreased the walls success. Unfortunately, with the invention of air invasion, the wall was largely unproductive in modern era. That said, it is magnificent to see.
Though it can’t be seen from the moon (common misconception), it can be seen from space at a low orbit when the conditions are right.
Maybe one of our favorite parts was the ride down. Take a look.
To get to the wall we enjoyed the Sacred Path, which is lined with animals, mystical beasts and officials who serve the emperor in his afterlife. Sitting emperors perform rituals there for the ancestors once a year.
Our last stop in China was one of our favorites: The Summer Palace. This was an imperial summer resort of the Qing Dynasty and it has gorgeous grounds that are the recognized as the most splendid classical gardens of China. The incredible decoration on the buildings made us constantly look up, and we loved finishing our trip with such a gorgeous example of Chinese art. Our only complaint was that we visited on a holiday so we felt like all of China was there with us! One thing is for sure: China has a LOT of people!
So ended our blitz through China, and if you’re tired from reading it you can imagine how tired we were for doing it! The only answer: a blissful vacation to Bali.
0 notes
Adventures In the Land of the Vikings – Part 1
I just had to turn almost all the way back to the beginning of my stuffed journal to re-read this adventure.
In March 2017 I went on my first real solo trip, to Norway and the Faroe Islands. I’ll start with Oslo. Here is a little excerpt from my journal:
“I am well into my third month studying abroad, and our long awaited ‘winter’ break has arrived.
There is a screeching sound combined with a noise like metal springs being murdered, as the subway (above ground) pulls up to the Holmenkollen station where I am sitting. Of course, it’s going in the opposite direction from where my plans will take me. My subway should be getting here in about 15 minutes, but I don’t mind the waiting. I’ve gotten used to being okay with missing trains and subways in my time commuting from Täby to Stockholm and back in Sweden. After all, the wait now is giving me time to write this.
As the subway pulls away from me, it leaves me sitting across the tracks, a little less than 350 meters above the city of Oslo. Behind me are the sloping roads and drops offs leading down into the fjord which has a strange sunny mist playing over the whole thing. Birds are prattling on in the trees up here, and though there’s still some snow on the ground, I’ve already had to stuff my sweater in my camera bag/backpack. Spring is really coming.
I’m on my train now. It’s clean, un-crowded, and filled with sunlight. Nothing like the subways of New York underground. In my opinion, Scandinavia just keeps wining at the public transport game.
Man, it’s so sunny. To get the view of the fjord includes getting slightly roasted. Coat off.
Yesterday was the beginning of my truly solo Nordic adventure. One day in Oslo then a train-bus-boat journey of 2 days over to Bergen. Then 2 days in Bergen, and then flying off to the Faroes. …
Today, museums. Heck yeah archaeology.”
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Peek at my journal
I’d flown from Stockholm’s Arlanda Airport to Oslo and taken the airport train to the Oslo train system. From there I got to my hotel. I’ll be open about the finances of this trip. Norway is ridiculously expensive, and I was ridiculously lucky to have financial help from my parents. They treated me to the stay in the gorgeous hotel at the top of the hill looking out of the fjord, and the wonderful meal I had there. For the rest of the time in Norway, I tried to eat at not so nice places, and didn’t do much souvenir shopping… much. But it’s still definitely a trip to save up for or to put on a Christmas list. It was certainly more affordable as I was just hopping over from Sweden. I also bought the Oslo Pass which give you deals on museum tickets, transportation, and more! I found it worth it to get a day pass for my day there.
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It was just magnificent
I mean… Look at this gorgeous nordic castle of a hotel! I arrived the night before in the evening, and rose in the morning to see this place shine. I felt like possibly the luckiest college student in the world.
It was a daydream I was hesitant to leave, but there I was, as you read in my journal, at the subway station ready for a day of exploring Norwegian history.
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My view, waiting for the train.
From the subway I walked to the harbor-side and hopped on a ferryboat which brought me to the “museum island” Bygdøy across the Oslo Fjord. The main highlights of the island are: The Viking Ship Museum, Norsk Folkemuseum, Kon-Tiki Museum, Polar Ship Fram, Norwegian Maritime Museum, and the Holocaust Center. I made it to four of the six before I returned to the mainland.
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The Fram Museum
The Fram museum holds two of the world’s strongest polar vessels and a rich collection of polar exploration artifacts and stories. The Fram was the strongest wooden ship ever built in it’s day, and you can walk across its beautifully preserved decks. Around the outside of the huge room, one that reminded me of my dear Vasa Museum back in Sweden, was a huge timeline of the explorers that called this ship their home over the years. I highly recommend this place. Learn about the Northern and Southern expeditions, Nansen, Roald Amundsen, being trapped in the ice, and more. The Gjøa is the first ship that made it through the Northwest Passage, and sits in another building, also part of the museum. I could have spent hours in both. It was humbling and fascinating.
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The Fram
I was a pretty happy camper as I left one maritime exploration museum for the two more…
The Norwegian Maritime Museum and The Kon-Tiki Museum
I have always loved boats. Especially wooden ones. Especially sailing ones. But I can still never imagine being on the open, I mean really open, sea. These two museums taught me a thing or two about being humble when faced with the ocean. The Norwegian Maritime Museum walks you through hundreds of years of history and the people who really make Norway, from sailors to pirates to the women who traveled with them, and much much more (see the last circle photo below).
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The Ra
And the Kon-Tiki Museum… well it mostly taught me what a crazy bastard Thor Heyerdahl was. I kid, I kid. It gave me the upmost respect for Thor, who crossed the Pacific Ocean on the balsa raft called Kon-Tiki, in 1947. What a feat… He didn’t stop there, either, and built two more rafts (including the Ra). The museum itself is brilliantly set up, especially giving you a real feel for adventure concerning archaeology, as Heyerdahl also explored Easter Island and several other sites. Really fascinating stuff. I couldn’t recommend them more. Plus, these two are right across from each other!
  The Viking Ship Museum
Nothing really compares to walking into a museum and seeing the real-life artifacts that you’ve been learning about in class for months. Well, at least for an archaeologist. I’d spent three months already learning about viking archaeology at Stockholm Universitet, including ships, burials, art styles, and more. The Viking Ship museum (in Oslo- I’ll write about the danish one later) has it all. Well, specifically it features grave goods and ships from four main ship burials in Norway. Oseberg, Gokstad, Tune, and Borre. All these ships were used as “ocean-going vessels” before being used in burials. The ships, large and small, from these burials are magnificently preserved, as are the masterpieces of burial goods found inside them. After looking at them only in books, it was emotional and incredible to see them in person. (Actually, I had been here before, as well as the Fram museum, as a wee bitty child. It was interesting to see that I had combined aspects of each with each other in my vague memories. Nice to sort that all out again as an adult, and sad to see how much I had lost or gotten wrong in those childhood memories.)
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It was almost impossible to get the complete ship in one shot. There are special balconies in the museum made for getting all the ship in one photo.
I won’t bore you by going into details of each burial, or the artifacts I took photos of, but one amazing fact I will share is that the largest boat, the Oseberg Ship, appears to the the burial of two powerful viking women. Their burial goods include not only the massive and gorgeously decorated ship, but also three sledges, a wagon, beautiful animal shaped headposts (incredible examples of the viking art style that actually got its name from this find), five beds, six dogs, fifteen horses, two cows, and more.
Gods do I love Viking Ships…
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Hello, beautiful
Akershus Fortress
The last stop of the day before I headed back to the hotel – I had an early start on the next leg of my adventure the next day – was wandering along the harbor and exploring, and playing really, around the Akershus Fortress. I love a good castle-park-fort exploration and had far too much fun by myself; taking photos, posing with the statues that were part of an art exhibition at the time, and generally feeling like I was in another world. I’ll show the rest of the day with photos, because it was too gorgeous a place for me to describe.
Oh also, it’s free entry! – I never went inside any buildings, so not sure if those require entry fees or are even open to the public… there was so much to do outside and it felt like springtime for the first time! (You’ll see me without a sweater in a couple photos!)
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I had a fantastic time. I think I’ll have to write a post about taking photos of oneself while solo-traveling, because this was the first step of that learning curve. It was a fun first step though, and I have some great memories captured now to show for it.
I remember one moment in particular. I was taking the photo (the first in this blog post) and there was that long beautiful avenue of trees on a hill above the main cobbled walking path below, and I thought the light was just perfect. So, I set up my tripod, set off the timer, and sprinted down the avenue of trees, away from the camera, to spin around and pose in that ridiculous but joyful moment you see above. Panting and grinning, I ran back to the camera to see how it had turned out, and heard a voice call out from below.
“That was so nice!”
A young man, maybe tourist maybe local, but with a Scandinavian accent for sure, was beaming up at me, having seen my skipping gullumfing moment. Apparently it had made his day. I shouted a thanks and he gave me a thumbs up before continuing on away with his friends. That one little comment made me feel a lot better and less silly for all the other photos I had taken before that moment.
I went back to the hotel exhausted, only to go out again as I was invited to the art-opening of a popular bar in the city. But that’s a whole other story. I finally got to bed exhausted, delighted, and feeling seriously empowered, excited to continue my solo journey across Norway.
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A very happy Petra in the Fram Museum’s bathroom #noshameformirrorselfies
  A Day (of Museums and Castles) in Oslo - The first stage of my solo adventures in the land of vikings... Adventures In the Land of the Vikings - Part 1 I just had to turn almost all the way back to the beginning of my stuffed journal to re-read this adventure.
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miloxtkr928-blog · 6 years
The Most Effective of Disney World in Orlando
So you're headed to Disney Orlando ... but where to begin? Disney offers such a riches of fantastic resorts, restaurants, as well as top-drawer home entertainment experiences it could be tough to pick which dream you wish to delight. Exactly how best can you plan a check out in which every day features the finest Disney Orlando needs to offer? Below are a few ideas that could make the distinction between an average trip as well as a wonderful one:
Finest Time of Year for a Disney Getaway
If in any way feasible plan a trip to Disney during the slower periods of the year when you'll discover half-filled parks, little waiting in line, and also reduced resort rates. If you can stand the regret as well as your youngsters excel pupils, take them from college, whatever, to prevent the busiest times of the year. Otherwise, the summertime or vacations are certainly better than nothing and, with a bit of planning and also a great deal of energy, can be greater than enjoyable. These are the least hectic times of the year: the second week of January through the first week of February (staying clear of the Martin Luther King holiday weekend in January); the third week of August up until the start of October; the month of November omitting Thanksgiving weekend; the week after Thanksgiving till the week of Xmas, a special time when the parks as well as hotels are festively embellished for the vacations.
Best Deluxe Hotel in WDW in Orlando
Disney's front runner resort, The Grand Floridian, with its red-gabled roofs as well as Victorian beauty, draws inspiration from the grand Florida beach "royal residence resorts" of 19th-century America's Gilded Age. Just a brief monorail trip to the Magic Kingdom, it spreads out along the shore of the Seven Seas Shallows, offering incredible sights of Cinderella's Castle and also the Wishes fireworks present.
Ideal Home Away From Home Residential Property
Disney's Residence Away From Residence Resorts are a terrific selection for those who desire a trip with all the facilities consisting of a full cooking area, living area, as well as a bathroom for each bed room. For superior environment pick the Villas at Wild Lodge with its Bay Lake location as well as national park character or the new Beach Club Villas easily situated next door to Epcot's International Portal.
Best Resort For Accessibility to the Parks
Disney's Contemporary, Polynesian, as well as Grand Floridian Resorts provide monorail accessibility to the Magic Kingdom, Epcot, as well as the Ticket & Transportation Facility.
Ideal Hotel For Nature Lovers
Wild Lodge is Disney's remarkable depiction of a very early 1900s national park resort. In its amazing eight-story lobby are wall surfaces of ponderosa pine logs, a large 82-foot high fireplace, as well as two authentic 55-foot Pacific Northwest symbol posts. Outdoors is an awesome scene of sparkling waterfalls, hurrying creeks, looming pines, as well as Disney's own hot spring. As well as it's all only https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=Disney a boat ride far from the Magic Kingdom.
Ideal Hotel Pool
Stormalong Bay, the eye-popping cost-free form, mini-water park complex at Disney's Luxury yacht and Beach Club, is simply magnificent. Three acres of winding, watery delight, it provides sandy base swimming pools, a giant "shipwreck" water slide, a tidal whirlpool, bubbling hot tubs, a kiddie pool with its very own slide beside the coastline, as well as sufficient river to drift lazily in internal tubes to your heart's content.
Best Hotel Lounge in Disney World in Orlando
California Grill Lounge on the 15th flooring at Disney's Contemporary Resort uses unequaled views of the Magic Kingdom as well as the Seven Seas Shallows together with alcoholic drinks, sushi, and a sight of the Wishes fireworks display.
Ideal Disney Attractions For Adventure Seekers
For a shot of adrenaline head to Disney-MGM Studios, where excitement addicts beeline it to the Tower of Terror for a 13-story bungee-style plummet. Next-door is the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster that rockets from 0 to 60 miles per hour in less than 3 seconds then loops and also curls in the dark through a Hollywood evening. It's a scream happened!
Ideal Means to Invest an Evening Without the Kids
If you're a signed up guest of a Disney resort, hand over the youngsters at one of their day care centers for around $10 a hr each kid where they are provided supper along with timeless Disney flicks, arts and crafts, as well as video games. If your kid is under 4 or otherwise potty trained, call Youngster's Nite Out at 407-827-5444 for in-room childcare. After that go to among Disney's world-class restaurants. For great dining in a sensational setup combined with essentially perfect solution choose Victoria as well as Albert's at Disney's Grand Floridian Hotel. Right here you'll dine on white bed linen covered tables established with Royal Doulton china as well as crystal wine glasses to the strains of charming harp songs.
Ideal Method to Spend an Evening Far From the Parks
The enhancement of the West Side and Satisfaction Island to Disney Market produced exactly what is now called the wildly effective Downtown Disney, a combination of over 70 scene-setting dining establishments, stores, and bars. During the day it's a best trip from the parks, yet in the evening after the parks close, Midtown Disney comes active. At Disney Industry you'll discover A-plus shopping, the largest Disney Store worldwide, and the volcano-smoking Rain forest Cafe. Satisfaction Island is a nighttime capital with 8 clubs and a nighttime New Year's Eve event. Then there's the West Side, loaded with dining as well as home entertainment venues consisting of Wolfgang Puck Coffee shop, Home of Blues, Gloria Estefan's Bongos, Cirque du Soleil, and also Disney Mission.
Finest Dining Establishment For Children
Dine among collapsing falls, lavish exotic vegetation, and trickling vines while being pounded with electrical storms and also noisy Audio-Animatronic wildlife at the Rain forest Coffee shop. Or go to the Tranquil Canyon Cafe at Disney's Wilderness Lodge for an all-you-care-to-eat blow-out of rib-stickin' barbeque served piping hot in iron frying pans gone along with by a lot of hootin' and also hollerin'. Kids like the crazy show put on by the leisure activity horse-racing stewards outfitted in western outfit that can't resist making a big production from serving food, birthday events, and those unfortunate enough to leave for the restroom.
Finest Disney Hotel Restaurant
The The golden state Grill on the 15th flooring of Disney's Contemporary Resort is a precise highlight for any type of aficionado of cutting-edge food. The enormous windows provide an unsurpassable view of the Magic Kingdom as well as the Seven Seas Shallows and on several nights picture-perfect views of the Wishes fireworks show. From pristinely fresh sushi to the exceptional Brand-new American Cuisine to marvelous treats as well as the impressive California wine listing, this area has everything.
Best Amusement Park Restaurant
In Epcot's France Pavilion is Bistro de Paris, a lovely Belle Époque dining-room with an air of exclusivity. Loaded with opulent mirrors as well as crimson banquettes, its billowy white drapes framework home windows that overlook the World Showcase Lagoon. Web servers with scrumptious French accents turn out mind-blowing recipes prepared with just the best active ingredients. Later purchase a dessert of crepes prepared as well as flamed at your table while Article source lingering over cordials as well as coffee in anticipation of the nighttime Illuminations spectacle.
Ideal Means to Sight the Epcot Fireworks Discussion
Each night considerable amounts of visitors depart from the anchors of Disney's Boardwalk Inn as well as Disney's Yacht Club went to Epcot where, from a prime setting under the bridge in between the United Kingdom and France, is a view of the Illuminations fireworks magnificent that can not be defeated. Cruises are provided nighttime with your option of either a pontoon watercraft sitting 10 or a gorgeous recreation of a 1930s Chris Craft fitting 6-7 individuals. Although appointments can be made up to 90 days in breakthrough, they often sell out on the first day. Call 407-WDW-PLAY.
Best Method to Spend a Careless Afternoon
When your muscles are hurting as well as your body is yelling for remainder after days at the parks, sooth your jangled nerves at Disney's Grand Floridian Health club. Submerse yourself in deluxe with a couple of feel-good treatments ensured to revitalize as well as swiftly obtain you back on your feet and also ready for another long day of strolling. For the ultimate in romance take into consideration the Grand Charming Evening where, in a candle-lit couple's area, everyone gets an aromatherapy massage therapy.
Most importantly decrease and also delight in the magic. Stand up to need to see everything at breakneck rate. You cannot perhaps cover all of it, so believe of this as your very first journey to Disney, not your last. There will be time to get all the points you missed on the next go-round. Be spontaneous. If something captures your eye, even if it's not on your daily listing of points to do, stop and check out or else you may miss something wonderful.
0 notes
rb-abroad · 6 years
I went to London for the first time on this trip, and what an incredible city it is! I spent about a week and a half there, partly with my sis (the best!!) feat. an Else cameo (also the best!!), partly by myself. This was my first time ever traveling alone, and I really enjoyed it. Because I spoke the language and was very familiar with the culture, London was the perfect way for me to dip my toe into solo travels. Now with this under my belt, I’m itching to go somewhere solo EVEN MORE DIFFERENT, perhaps try out my Spanish? :O But now I’m getting ahead of myself... Anyway, since I spent quite a bit of time in London, I’m going to list out my highlights and favorite things to do instead of going day by day. Here it goes!
Obviously I’m going to start with this category... ok the food in London is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. You are really spoilt for choice here, but luckily I was armed with some fantastic recommendations from my pals (shoutout to Ari, Courtney, Rhys, Simon, and all the other cool people I’m forgetting to mention!). In no particular order, here are some of my absolute favorite places to eat in London:
If you’re a fan of Indian food, do yourself a favor and treat yo’self to a meal at Dishoom. The food is incredible and the decor is super cool (I went to the Shoreditch location). Try their signature House Black Daal and Dishoom IPA!
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Flat Iron
BEST. STEAK. I’VE. EVER. HAD. And so affordable! I’d be lying if I said I didn’t go twice :X Get the flat iron steak with fries (duh) and live your damn life.
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^drooling just looking @ this
Borough Market
A no-brainer! I got the scotch eggs from Scotchtails and a cream-filled donut from Bread Ahead. Sarah got some veggie Ethiopian food that was also amazing.
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Breakfast Club
Tasty 24-7 breakfast spot with a fun diner vibe! I got the traditional English breakfast but they have lots of American-style bfast options (read: pancakes, avo toast, etc. etc.).
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Monty’s Deli
Didn’t think I’d find incredible deli food in London, but I sure did! Monty’s has their own brick and mortar in Shoreditch (conveniently and dangerously located across the street from my Airbnb) and also a stand at Spitalfields market. I got the turkey sandwich and latkes and my mind was BLOWN.
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Look at that gorgeous pickle tho
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Still dreaming bout these beauties...
The Approach Tavern
Sunday roasts are a thing in England, and even though our Sunday weather was approx. 80F, we did the damn thing. If you’re in the Bethnal Green area, be sure to check out The Approach. Their roast (and salmon) was insanely delicious, they have a good beer selection, and the tavern was so cute and friendly! They had dogs, name that tune, outdoor seating... everything you could want!
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Your classic trendy, tasty, ‘Gram-able brunch spot, located in Shoreditch.
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Granger and Co
Your classic trendy, tasty, ‘Gram-able brunch spot, located in Notting Hill. Make sure to stroll around the neighborhood after - it’s so cute!
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Sonita’s at Camden Market
We know that London has some incredible Indian food, so I died and went to heaven at the Sonita’s stand at Camden market. I had 3 different curries in one lil box and I never wanted it to end. They use healthy and high-quality ingredients, so even though you are quite full afterwards, you don’t hate yourself!
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Vegan asian fusion. The pad thai was off tha chain!
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Beigel Bake
Last and most ratchet.... OMG BEIGEL BAKE. Open 24 hours and serving up pastrami bagel realness, this place is perfect for the post-pub drunchies or to bring you back to life the morning after a big night out. Cash only and cheap AF!
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It should be no surprise that booze culture in London is REAL. From craft beer to wine to one-of-a-kind cocktails, this city has it all. 
Callooh Callay
An absolutely adorable cocktail bar in Shoreditch with incredible drinks and decor. Sit at the bar and befriend the bartender :) A must-do!
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Satan’s Whiskers
Not only does this place have an awesome name, it’s also decorated with crazy taxidermy and has a super inventive cocktail menu. Great for a pre-dinner drink in Bethnal Green!
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Swanky AF cocktail bar along the Thames River Walk and inside the Mondrian Hotel. Would recommend if you’re in the area. 
Gordon’s Wine Bar
An incredible 19th-century wine bar that makes you feel like you’re drinking in a cave. So cool!!
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I did an Airbnb experience for a food and wine pairing here, and it was really fun! I ended up being the only person who signed up (lol) so I got allll this food to myself! 
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Airbnb East London Pub Crawl
On my last night, I signed up for a pub crawl through Airbnb (link HERE) and had the best time! As a solo (female) traveler, it was a great opportunity to meet other people and feel comfortable and safe going out at night. We went to so many great craft beer spots, and I’d recommend them all -  Mother Kelly’s, Redchurch Brewery, Old Street Brewery & Taproom, The King’s Arms, and Kill the Cat. 
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Of course there is more to do than just eat and drink! Here are some of my favorite things I did in London:
Shakespeare’s Globe Theater
If you are into live theater, you GOTTA see a show at the Globe. I’d recommend getting the groundlings tickets online or by lining up at the theater the day of the show (90 mins before or something like that). They are only 8 pounds a piece and you get to stand right in front of the stage! Sarah and I saw Twelfth Night together and then I went back by myself for Hamlet. They switched a lot of gender roles in both productions and that was really, really cool (Hamlet has so many great male roles and they were pretty much all played by women... yaaaaaas!). Cannot recommend this enough!
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Waitin’ in line!
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The magnificent Globe
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Second row standing for Twelfth Night!!!
The Ferryman on the West End
THE FERRYMAN WAS AMAZING. See it now. We were in the nosebleeds and still had a great time. Also, they serve ice cream in the theater during intermission - what else do you need?
Tate Modern
I LOVE the fact that the museums in London are free. They are pretty massive and intimidating and it’s not easy to get all the way through the big ones in one visit. I had a few spare hours and popped into the Tate Modern, which I loved. I saw a special exhibit about political art and then one of the permanent exhibitions. Absolutely worth a visit!
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The British Museum
Another massively daunting museum, but the sheer variety of things to see is pretty incredible. Luckily the museum guide has some suggested self-guided tours based on how much time you have to spend inside. If you go to one museum in London, this should be it.
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Thames River walk
If you want to get your steps in, take a walk along the Thames River. You can hit many iconic stops along the way, such as Big Ben, the Tate Modern, the Globe, London Bridge, Borough Market, which brings me to my next recommendation...
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The Markets!
There are sooo many amazing open-air markets in London with delicious food and unique shopping. My favorites were Borough Market, Spitalfields Market, and Camden Market, but there are many more!
Brick Lane
A super cool street and market that has many shops & thrift stores, lots of food, street art, street musicians, and CURRYYYY! Very fun to stroll around on the weekends; it’ll be packed!
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High Tea
OK technically this is a food thing, but it’s really more of an activity/experience. There are a lot of options out there for high tea, but we found a fun and cheap(ish) one at B Bakery near the West End. Super cute!
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It was so fun to wander around inside this famous, humungous department store! My favorite part of course was the food court area, but I’d also recommend the tea room for an afternoon pick-me-up.
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Just strollin’
You can’t go wrong just walking around!! 
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Selfie as you stroll ;)
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Day trip to Brighton
Brighton is super easy to get to by train for the day (just don’t be an idiot like me and try to use your Oyster Card to get there... buy a separate ticket!). Spend the day sitting on the beach, eating incredible seafood (get the mussels!!) at Regency Restaurant, strolling along the pier, getting chocolate-wasted at  Choccywoccydoodah (the place is just as wild as its name suggests), and checking out the Asian-inspired architecture and garden at the Royal Pavillon. Brighton also has a really cool performance art scene with its own fringe festival, which I would love to check out next time. 
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Just a happy lil sea creature!
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Died and went to mussel heaven
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The interior of Choccywoccydoodah... these are all completely made out of chocolate!
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Dangerous lemon cake :O
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And that’s the London wrap-up! Here’s a bonus picture of our Airbnb host’s dog Ray. She is a true queen. Ok bye!
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13 Adventurous Scuba Diving Ladies Share Their Favorite Diving Destinations
When was the last time you explored our world underwater?
To be honest, it’s been a while since I last set foot in a beach destination, let alone strapped on some fins, a mask, and stuck my head underwater. Yet when I stop and think about the fact that 71% of the Earth’s surface is water, I’m reminded that there’s so much of our planet waiting to be explored!
So why am I even talking about scuba diving?
Well, PADI recently reached out to me to help celebrate Women’s Dive Day, which falls on July 15th and is a worldwide celebration of female scuba divers and their love for the ocean. The idea behind this day is to unite divers from around the world to celebrate and honour our beloved female divers, all the while aiming to decrease the gender gap in scuba certification.
Scuba diving is still a fairly male-dominated sport, but women are steadily gaining more interest in it (as they should!). In 2014 35% of all PADI certifications were for females, and in 2016 this number rose up to 37.2%. This may not sound like a lot, but each year they’re getting a bit closer to an equal 50/50 split between male and female certifications, which is pretty cool. PADI is the world’s largest scuba diver training organisation, having issued more than 25 million certifications to passionate divers and ocean advocates across the globe, and Women’s Dive Day is just one example of how this powerful group can unite as one under a worthwhile cause.
I may not be a scuba diver myself (yet!), so instead, I thought I would reach out to some adventurous scuba diving ladies (a.k.a. real-life mermaids!) and ask them to share their favourite diving destinations around the world.
Let’s dive in!
Kristin of Camels and Chocolate
Sipadan, Borneo
Nearly a decade ago, my husband and I went on our honeymoon to Borneo for three fantastic weeks of underwater exploration. And while, of course, we tackled Sipadan—which was fabulous with its schools of nurse sharks, turtles by the dozen and torpedoes of barracuda—it was actually the cornucopia of macro life at the sites around Mataking Island and elsewhere in the Celebes Sea that really got me excited about the destination. A bonus? I got to see my first ever cuttlefish, which for a diver who primarily gets her fins wet in the Caribbean, was a dream come true!
Rika from Cubicle Throwdown
Roatan, Honduras
My favourite dive site is in Roatan, Honduras. It’s called Rockstar and is on the north side of the island, between Pristine Bay and Palmetto Bay. Rockstar has incredible topography – there are huge cracks to swim through, pinnacles, a vertical wall full of crevices and a shallow plateau teeming with colourful soft coral (a good place to spot seahorses, nudibranchs and other macro critters!).  The wall drops down past 100 feet and I have spied spotted eagle rays, sharks and moray eels all around it. There’s usually a pretty good current moving past, so there are often massive schools of creole wrasse hanging around the dropoff. The best part about Rockstar is that there’s only one dive shop near it, which means you’re almost always the only divers at the site!
Sarah of Girls That Scuba
Tiran Island, Egypt
I’ve been lucky enough to dive in a lot of destinations around the world, but I always come back to Egypt as the diving – for me – is the best in the world. I love all the dive sites in Tiran Island, Sharm el Sheik as you’ve got a great mix of corals, fish and the big stuff; I’m talking sharks, mantas and dolphins, and in the summer the water is almost HOT!
Arianwen of Beyond Blightly
Komodo, Indonesia
My favourite dive destination has to be Komodo. It’s where I did my divemasters so I know it better than any other underwater spot on the planet. There are so many reasons why it’s the best: the diversity of marine life, the challenging currents, the visibility, the calm surfaces, and the variety of dive sites all add to its charm. While many of the dive sites around Komodo require a high level of preparation and concentration, the one I loved visiting the most was Siaba Besar. Frog fish and flamboyant cuttlefish could be found in the sand, while huge octopods, numerous turtles and sting rays, and sometimes even sharks preferred the coral islands and its passing channel. This was also the perfect spot for watching the sunset from our liveaboard.
Nadine of Hey Nadine
Speyside, Tobago
Speyside is where I got PADI certified. I had done about 5 beginner dives before then and finally decided I was ready for the real deal. It is a tucked away beauty on the Atlantic coast in the Caribbean, where you dive out of a private bay and around the surrounding islands. I saw tonnes of marine life and all sorts of turtles, manta rays, eels, sharks, coral, you name it. A great mixture of beginner and advanced dive spots, plus they do night diving.
Christy of Ordinary Traveler
Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean
I received my PADI certification on the beautiful island of Bonaire in the Dutch Caribbean. I’m told I’ll never top Bonaire with its 100 foot+ visibility and thriving sea life. This island has been voted the Best Shore Dive Destination for 22 years in a row, so there’s no need for a boat!
Kia of Atlas and Boots
Daphne Island, Galapagos
Diving at Daphne Island in the Galápagos was something I’ll remember forever. At one point during the dive, I was completely surrounded by a large orb of black-striped salema fish. A sea lion burst through the wall of the orb, circled me gracefully, then darted out through the ceiling. The memory of it has a surreal quality, as if I dreamt it or saw it in a James Cameron movie. That’s what diving does though: it opens up an incredible new world.
Similan Islands, Thailand
Taking a dive liveaboard around the Similan Islands in January is a dive experience I’ll never forget. It was my first time doing a liveaboard and covering many dive sites, daily. The varied underwater terrain of the Similan Islands was exquisite, as was the variety of fish. From the large granite boulders of Elephant Head to the colourful coral and variety of fish at East of Eden or doing a night dive at Anita’s Reef (it wasn’t as scary as I thought!), there was much to explore. The Similan Islands are definitely a bucket list visit if you’re diving in Thailand.
Laurel of Monkeys and Mountains
Protea Banks, South Africa
I love diving with sharks – without a cage in South Africa. You never know who is going to show up. I was fortunate enough to dive with Oceanic Blacktips and a couple of shy Bull Sharks on several dives. Getting up close to sharks is such a privilege and gives you the opportunity to see another side of these feared creatures.
Richelle of Adventures Around Asia
Malapascua, Philippines
Diving with the thresher sharks in Malapascua is one dive I’ll definitely never forget! Rather than swimming around a reef, divers descend off the side of an underwater cliff to a small area where you kneel behind a rope. For the entirety of the drive, you watch and wait for thresher sharks to suddenly appear out of the deep. Trust me, this sight is more than worth the 4 am wake-up call!
Kristin of Be My Travel Muse
Komodo, Indonesia
Even after 150 career dives in dozens of different sites, my favourite dive site remains Komodo National Park in Indonesia. The massive schools of fish and the abundance of so many species, gorgeous corals, and especially the Manta rays, make this such an amazing place. As if that weren’t amazing enough, it was really the Mandarin fish that I saw there on a night dive coupled with the amazing stars I saw when I surfaced that put it at the top of my list. The Komodo Dragons are pretty cool, too!
Katie of Two Wandering Soles
Koh Tao, Thailand
Scuba diving has always been a dream of mine — ever since I was young and my dad told me stories of scuba diving in shipwrecks when he was a young man. Instead of following in his footsteps though and diving in the frigid lakes of Minnesota, I had my first scuba experience on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. It’s safe to say I was hooked after the first dive! Eventually, I went on to get my certification while travelling in Thailand, and I ended up staying a week longer than I expected on the island of Koh Tao (oops!) to get my advanced certification. I loved learning in Koh Tao because dive courses are super affordable, the water is warm and great for beginners. Plus, there is so much beautiful and diverse ocean life relatively close to shore! Koh Tao is a great place for beginners to get their toes wet (sorry for the pun!) and learn a lot while also experiencing epic dives. I am still such a newbie in the world of scuba, but it has been so much fun connecting with other men and women who are passionate about diving and hearing their experiences and advice. I’ve already been planning my dream scuba trips to places like Egypt and the Similan Islands in Thailand. And who knows, maybe someday I’ll even dive in those chilly Minnesota lakes in search for the wrecks my dad told me of long ago.
Alesha of Nomadasaurus
Dos Ojos, Mexico
My most memorable dive site of all time is Dos Ojos in Mexico. This cenote (a cave-like sinkhole) has two connected chambers and is filled with crystal clear fresh water. Sunbeams come in through holes in the earth giving the whole place a beautiful light. It was the most magnificent dive I have ever done, as well as the longest at 67 minutes.
If you came looking for some diving inspiration, there you have it! Now you, too, can join in the celebration. Locate a Women’s Dive Day event near you and celebrate the fearless females in your life! Check out more inspiring stories from PADI women here: http://ift.tt/2ty5I2g
Have you ever tried scuba diving? If you have, what was your favourite dive site? If you haven’t, what’s holding you back?
This post was written in collaboration with PADI to help celebrate Women’s Dive Day.
via Travel Blogs http://ift.tt/2sEP0uW
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sherryxscribbles · 7 years
Pulling into the valet parking area, already feeling out of my depth due to the sheer presence of the building before us, our luggage was taken and the car was parked as we made our way inside the reception hall. We had arrived at The Grand Hotel & Spa early for the Wedding Fair that was being held in the hotel so our room was not yet available but we were able to leave our belongings in storage whilst we attended the fair. Greeted at the top of the first floor with information about the businesses and brands present within each of the rooms, a goody bag filled with brochures and samples and a glass of prosecco, the first room packed a floral punch with decadent displays and arrangements by Dutch Nurseries and the Big Blossom Flower Company. Moving slowly around the room and stopping by to have a chat with Matthew Kitchen, a photographer with many years experience who offers more than just a service which his lovely range of personalised added extras following the big day.  Shutishuti Patisserie in the corner specialising in big, beautiful and intricately embellished cakes and canapés. The next room host to Smooch Wedding Rings, Bobcat Card Art and Ambience Venue Styling along with sophisticated setups of the tables where guests would enjoy the wedding breakfast. Opulent golden glittering runners adorned them with candelabras and glassware galore forming a magnificent centrepiece.
I can see how the grandeur of this place would make The Grand York a perfect place to hold your wedding. The ceilings are high and the wall to wall windows lighten the room beautifully. A simple elegance with a luxurious impact upon entering through the large wooden doors. For me personally, I love this ceremony set up with the LOVE LED lights, a modern twist in a majestic manner.
Ben and I were treated to Afternoon Tea at 3’o’clock however, we had finished our rounds of the wedding fair in just over an hour and headed out to see what York had to offer. After a long walk along the wall, a quick stop photo-opp at the York Minster and a ramble down the Shambles, we found ourselves passing the time in the lounge, seated in sumptuous velvet chairs with a beer in Ben’s hand and a glass of Perrier Jouet Rose Brut in mine before we were shown to our table in the restaurant.
I’d opted for the Hendrick’s Afternoon Tea and Ben stayed true to traditional and stuck with coffee and within minutes, this delightful Hendrick’s branded teapot arrived at the table complete with matching tea cups with ice and cucumber for ultimate refreshment.
Not too long after, a large silver three-tiered stand was bought over bearing sublime sweet and savoury sorts for us to enjoy. The bottom tier showcasing the sandwiches and sausage rolls, the middle tier a selection of scones with clotted cream and the top tier full of fancy finger cakes and delectable delights.
·         Yorkshire Fettle & Sunblush Tomato Tartlet – a melt in the mouth moment with two flavours that compliment each other beautifully.
·         Apple & Fennel Sausage Roll – an incredible combination and the meat was so tender it crumbled with every bite and there was a zingy hit from the sweet apple.
·         Oak Smoked Salmon Bagel with Chive Cream Cheese – the salmon was super fresh and accompanied the cream cheese perfectly.
·         Beef Pastrami, Emmental Cheese & Dill Pickle on Rye Bread – a very british take on a very american style favourite and it was very delicious.
·        Plain or Blueberry & Orange Scones with Clotted Cream & Jam – the blueberry and orange was our favourite, crisp on the outside and fluffy on the inside.
·         Kir Royale Cheesecake – a wonderfully tangy dessert with a chill to it, you can really taste the prosecco coming through with each mouthful.
·         Date Sponge with Stem Ginger Frosting and Honeycomb – this had just the right amount of ginger to give it a kick but not too overpowering and the honeycomb toned it down tremendously.
·         Choux au Coquelin with Dark Chocolate and Praline Cream – a highly indulgent little pastry with the most gorgeous tasting praline cream I have ever had.
·         Toffee Apple Cupcake – a cute little cupcake with a hidden toffee apple centre, sweet and sour all at the same time.
·         Selection of Tea & Coffee – a menu is available for you to select from.
Following afternoon tea, we were able to check in to our room, completely unaware of what to expect, Steven (who was super helpful, knowledgeable and friendly!) showed us to our room and told us all about the building and the current renovations that are happening to it. Did you know The Grand Hotel is now what used to be the HQ of North Eastern Rail and is in fact a listed building? The hotel itself has only been situated here for the past seven years having opening its big beautiful front doors on 7th May 2010 and due to its popularity, they are building an extension with another 100 rooms and a new restaurant area to accommodate the extra guests.
Arriving outside room 403, the door opened and we were able to take in the full effect of the luxor of our suite. With a large floor to ceiling wardrobe leading you into a large area to either get yourself ready or sit to work, veering around to the left, a separate lounge with a gorgeous velvet sofa laden with cushions, our huge bed for the evening to our right with a Nespresso coffee machine and a secret mini bar underneath the TV, a large bathroom with under floor heating, molten brown amenities, a glass shower and a beautiful bath just asking for all the bubbles. Steven offered us a glass of prosecco on the house; show me someone who would say no to that. When they arrived, I had to take a moment just to appreciate the sheer splendour and stateliness of The Grand.
Ben and I headed to The Spa in the evening to use the facilities and enjoyed a brief session in the gym (I’ve got a wedding dress to fit into y’know!) Into the almost mysterious low-lit haven, we took a dip in the Jacuzzi and cleared away the sins of afternoon tea in the steam room and sauna before heading back up to our suite for the best nights sleep I have had in a long while. The bed was so comfortable, I actually managed a lie in despite my strict body clock alerting me awake without alarm for the past however many years. I didn’t want to leave the confines of the almost cloud like duvet surrounding me but the waterfall shower was calling my name and sadly so was the checkout desk.
Our stay at The Grand Hotel & Spa was amazing to say the very least. There is nothing like enjoying a little bit of luxury from time and time and if you are thinking about treating yourself to a mini weekend break, this is the place. With its central location and expert advice from the concierge desk if you fancy a wander around York, every twist and turn of the building giving you a feeling of refinement, fantastic food and brilliant bubbles available at your disposal not forgetting to mention the 3 AA Rosette Restaurant, Hudson’s.
This place gives you a taste of the good life which will linger in your memories for a lifetime.
A huge thank you not only to The Grand Hotel & Spa for an impeccable stay and for the outstanding service we were provided whilst we were there but also to Adhoc PR for inviting me along and arranging it all for me. I genuinely had to sit down and take it all in for a moment – such a ‘pinch me’ moment in my blogging career. This place was beyond fantastic and comes highly recommended if you are looking for luxury.
Featured Image & Spa Image – taken from The Grand York Website
Grand by Name, Grand by Nature | The 5* Grand Hotel & Spa, York Pulling into the valet parking area, already feeling out of my depth due to the sheer presence of the building before us, our luggage was taken and the car was parked as we made our way inside the reception hall.
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