#gosh I love Demeter art
theamityelf · 4 months
ignore this if you’ve already said something like this, but do you have any headcannons on Danganronpa characters with Percy Jackson godly parents.
Oooh, so like the inverse of my PJO Danganronpa AU! I haven't done that yet. I'm torn between just giving a straightforward, in-a-vacuum answer for this, and fully migrating the characters into the Percy Jackson universe and letting that inform my answer. I'm doing the latter now, but you can send another ask if you want "in a vacuum". Also, I might have a different answer if I think about it longer.
Makoto- I think I want him to be a mortal, for this. I think I want it to be a Rachel situation, where he accidentally ends up involved in a quest with some of the demigods, and then he gains godly powers of some kind as a reward or consequence of helping them. I see him interning for a god, after everything is over. Maybe he's an operator for Iris. Very humble beginnings, is what I'm saying. It's wild that he keeps having a pivotal role in saving the world, and showing up in prophecies, and being approached by the gods themselves. He's not innately powerful; they just think he's neat. If I had to give him a godly parent, though, it'd probably be Hestia. Even as a mortal, I might say he has the blessing of Hestia...which is a thing I just made up, btw. If Hestia has any equivalent for Artemis's Hunters, he's one. Just a person who hangs out with Hestia and doing hero stuff with the blessings of Hestia. Instead of Artemis's values of wilderness, archery, etc., he champions Hestia's values of home, hearth, family, and safety. I feel like he's been offered immortality but turned it down. (Side option: he's a satyr. Not what I'm going with, but it's an option.)
Sayaka- My first thought is Apollo, for the arts and music, but I'm also feeling her as an Aphrodite kid who can charmspeak. Yeah, I think Aphrodite for her. Her skills as a singer and dancer are her own.
Leon- Oh gosh. Gotta be Apollo, I guess. Baseball = archery. He does both. And he thinks he can tap into his dad's musical gifts without any respect for them, which is why he fails.
Mukuro- Ares. And she has the same mortal mother as Junko. (An argument could be made for Athena, but I'm going with Ares.)
Junko- I like Dionysus's association with madness and frivolity, for her, and I do want to go with a god or goddess who very much isn't about what Junko is about, just to keep from letting her unique vibe be lost to some hand-wave about godly inheritance. I don't want to go with one of the scary-sounding ones. (Plus, if this were taking place in Camp Half-Blood, which I doubt it actually is, being the daughter of the camp director would allow her to avoid scrutiny in a lot of ways.) That's my in-a-vacuum answer. But...I think the not-in-a-vacuum answer has to be Apollo. First of all, he's Apollo in both Greek and Roman form; she has access to both "camps" in a way many don't. Second of all, I like the idea that she has a twisted version of Apollo's gifts. The gift of prophecy is the tedium of foresight. The gift of sunrise is the curse of waking– the inevitable end of comfort. The gift of art is a deadly creativity. No one thinks to pay that much attention to another Apollo kid; Apollo has lots of kids! But she's secretly very dangerous.
Chihiro- Ooh! Ooh! Hecate. Besides being the goddess of magic, she's also the goddess of crossroads, which fits Chihiro's personality and talent. (Like, imagine a computer program as a set of crossroads. Each branch of an if statement, etc.) Also, it would be cool if Chihiro can do magic.
Mondo- That has to be Hermes, right? He looks like an Ares kid, but travel and outcasts are way more in Hermes' domain. Mondo would love to have winged shoes.
Taka- For some reason I'm really getting Demeter vibes. If pressed to defend it, I can imagine someone wondering how someone so "uptight" could have a nature goddess as a mom, since nature is so chaotic, and Taka responding that animals are chaotic, but argiculture and crops are very orderly and precise. There is a right and wrong time to sow anything, a right and wrong time to reap anything. Oh, I think I'm getting Demeter from his "staple food source" line. That's it.
Hifumi- Another Apollo.
Celeste- So many ways to go about this. First of all, do I want one she would be proud of and lean into, or one she would be embarrassed by and overcompensate for? Right away, I'm feeling Dionysus for her. I even said in one of my "Kamukura Wrangler AU" posts that her eyes are wine-colored, and her self-indulgence just seems so great for Dionysus. But Nike would also be a cool one, both for her Ultimate and for how much she would hate being associated with the sports shoe brand. I can imagine a gag where Celeste proudly says "I am a daughter of Nike," and Aoi cheerfully replies, "Oooh, I love Nike's!" Celeste would be so annoyed. I genuinely can't choose; they're both so great.
Sakura- I'm not feeling Ares at all. I can see Athena, but...Sakura's strength isn't really for war. She works hard and strives for excellence, but she's a practitioner of martial arts for their own sake, not to exert them over people outside the constraints of sanctioned contest. I'm not feeling a war god for her. If I were going to put her anywhere, she'd be partway between the strategy/wisdom aspect of Athena (so, more Minerva) and the arts aspect of Apollo. I think what I'll say is that she's a daughter of Deimos, god of fear and dread, which manifests in the way others react to her. The effect wears off if someone takes the time to try to feel anything for her but fear, but a lot of people don't. She herself is very peaceable and kind, and she values her friendship with anyone who doesn't fear her.
Aoi- I think Nike makes maybe the most sense, but I'm going to give her Poseidon because I want to. Despite being able to breathe underwater, she usually holds her breath while swimming, because she likes to. She finds the challenge thrilling. If she's breathing underwater, it's usually for social reasons like talking to fish or sea nymphs. And having her intelligence underestimated is very Percy Jackson of her.
Byakuya- Oh, I'm torn. My first thought was Hades, specifically because he would be insufferable if he was a child of the Big Three (though Pluto would be more apt, because riches), but in keeping with his mortal family's whole deal, and my aim for the THH group to all be in the Greek pantheon, I think Athena is the fit for him. His father is still a Togami; Byakuya was given to his father by Athena, born from her head. That's part of his justification for his inflated sense of his own competency. Not only is he the Togami heir; he's also a son of Athena. Imagine canon Byakuya if his mother was also a goddess. He's going to be insufferable, and I'm fine with that.
Kyoko- She...So the thing is, she...She said she can hear the footsteps of the god of death, and...Once again, I'm tempted to say Hades, or perhaps Thanatos. I'll go a different way with it, though; I feel like making her dad a god feels too close to outsourcing her feelings of abandonment from Jin onto the inherent premise of the Percy Jackson universe, and I don't want to do that. Jin has to just be a mortal absentee father. (Although daughter-of-the-god-of-death Kyoko would be so, so cool in a vacuum. And her gloves could be partially because her touch can kill. AHHH!) I'm going to say Nyx. Goddess of night. Helpful for a detective (like, she can probably see in the dark and stuff), but not fully making her detective skills a direct byproduct of her godly parentage. Plus, Nyx is the mother of Thanatos, meaning her hearing the footsteps of the god of death can still be relevant. The real question is how Jin had a kid with night itself.
Toko- It's either gonna be Apollo or Aphrodite, and I'm going with Aphrodite. Toko would have a field day with "What? You've never seen such an ugly daughter of Aphrodite?!" But also exposure therapy for her deep resentment of attractive people. They're her siblings, and they care about her and defend her, even if she's kind of sour.
Hiro- Gotta be Apollo. He's great at random day-to-day prophecy.
Hajime- I'm thinking he's also a mortal who something supernatural happened to. Maybe he was chosen as the Oracle of Delphi, or maybe he was abducted and given trace amounts of ambrosia until something weird happened to him (to create Izuru). Maybe both. Whatever the case, the answer is none, lol. I'm feeling "bored Oracle" for him.
Imposter- Um, Janus. God of beginnings, gates/doorways/transitions, time, duality, and endings. Initially, I said this because Janus is depicted with two faces and that seemed fitting for an imposter, but I think the focus on choices and transitions also suits someone whose sense of self is so fluid.
Teruteru- I think it's gotta be Bacchus for him.
Mahiru- I wish I could give her Iris, but I want this cast (except Hajime) to be Roman! So I'll say Minerva.
Peko- Bellona. Same/similar backstory with Fuyuhiko, though; she's just a demigod who got abandoned and left with a well-known family of demigods.
Hiyoko- I'm giving her Apollo for now, but I'm open to changing that.
Ibuki- Discordia, goddess of discord and troublemaking. (As you can see, I like giving the most dangerous people benign ones and vice versa.) Ibuki likes noise, she values her own uniqueness, and just generally I think this one works for her.
Mikan- Gotta be Apollo, for the healing. This means she and Hiyoko would be half-siblings, which certainly paints their relationship in an interesting way.
Nekomaru- You know what? I'll give him Jupiter. His eyebrows are lightning, and I never give him attention in my other AUs, so he can have Jupiter.
Gundham- I am feeling Diana for him. Yes, I know, but still. It's cool. The wilderness, the moon, it all just suits his vibe so well. The impact this would have on his backstory is manageable. Everything said to be the case about his mother can just be about a human step-mother.
Nagito- I kind of want to make him the Octavian equivalent. Like, a legacy of Apollo who serves as the Roman augur. Parallels with Hajime being the Oracle on the Greek side. He has a unique relationship with Fortuna that parallels Makoto's unique relationship with Hestia.
Chiaki- Going with Somnus, god of sleep. She has the ability to make others tired, but she chooses not to use it like that. Mostly, she exercises her power over herself so that she can power nap frequently and stay up all night playing video games.
Akane- I feel complicated feelings about saying this, but I really think Venus for her. The reason I feel complicated about it is that it feels too close to giving the people who mistreated her in her life a magical excuse, but I feel like even ignoring that whole aspect of her backstory, she doesn't read to me as a daughter of a war god or goddess; she reads as a passionately emotional person who is inured to hardship/loss and values strength as a result of the environment in which she was brought up.
Fuyuhiko- I'm going to say he's a distant legacy of Pluto and a direct son of Minerva. This would make him half-siblings with Mahiru.
Sonia- Daughter of Pluto. It would be cool if she could summon gems and precious metals. And she would also enjoy speaking with the dead.
Kazuichi- Gotta be Vulcan.
Kaede- I almost didn't go with Apollo just because I said it so many times, but then I remembered that moment in Chapter 6 where the in-universe lore suddenly decided that Kaede had a twin, just to service a bait-and-switch about her being another Junko, and with that in mind, her also being a daughter of Apollo is just more of a connection to Junko.
Shuichi- I am feeling Nemesis for Shuichi. Goddess of retribution, evening the scales. It fits his kind of...simple? Way of viewing the world, where punitive justice isn't something that he enjoys, but rather something that he finds inevitable.
Rantaro- Hermes, certainly. The travel aspect, the social aspect.
Ryoma- He's a Nike, I think. He is burdened by victory and excellence.
Kirumi- If anyone gets Hera or Juno, it would be her. I think I will say Vesta, though. The Roman form of Hestia. She is less blessed by Vesta than burdened with the compulsion to satisfy everyone.
Angie- Ooooh, despite the obvious connections between Apollo and art, I'm feeling Morpheus for her: she knows everyone's dreams. Her art skills are just a separate thing where she practiced and got good at a genuine hobby of hers. Her demigod abilities are her insights into the minds, wants, and fears of others. Also, I'm going to say she has frequent waking dreams and waking nightmares, because it feels right for her whole vibe.
Tenko- I wanted to go Athena or Bellona, but I think I'm actually feeling Mars for her. She probably becomes a Huntress of Artemis, or works under Circe.
Korekiyo- I checked to make sure the Muses count as goddesses, and it seems they do. Therefore, I'm going with Clio, Muse of history.
Miu- Gotta go Hephaestus.
Gonta- I feel like it's got to be either Apollo or Athena for him. I'll say Athena, since his devotion to a particular study reads as an Athena kid trait to me.
Kokichi- There is a part of me that really wants to say Hermes. But I think I'll say Dionysus. Dionysus is the god of wine, parties, madness, chaos, and the theater. I think a lot of that energy is what Kokichi both thrives on and languishes in– especially theater.
Kaito- Is Astraios too obvious? He's getting Astraios. He feels drawn to the stars, and I don't think he loses anything if that feeling becomes supernatural.
Maki- Okay, she'll be a daughter of Thanatos. But she lies about it at first. And she can kill someone with a touch, but only if she chooses to, so touching her is an act of trust. (Cue sentimental moment where one of her friends, probably Kaito, touches her arm or something and she's surprised.)
Himiko- I kind of want to be subversive and not say Hecate, but I will actually give her Hecate. She would be really proud of it.
Kiibo- Well, he's a robot. Maybe an automaton made by a child of Hephaestus or Vulcan.
Tsumugi- She gets Janus, too.
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gorjee-art · 6 months
God I love ur art so much I just wanna squeeze it to bits- but anywho- what's your inspiration behind ur designs? By the way the lamb is posed i just- really think of aztec art for some reason, but they're all so cool GRAAAAH
Oh my gosh thank you!! That's so lovely to hear, you've made my day! As for the inspiration of the bishops and lamb, they're a cacophony of a multitude of things. Ancient Egyptian mythology, Ancient Greek mythology, Aztec mythology, The Divine Comedy, and EVEN the bible. Since the cult of the lamb is just drowning in symbology I wanted to really coat it in things that make the bishops look like GODS. Leshy was inspired by Dionysus (whoever guessed that in the tags you were absolutely correct), Heket was inspired by Demeter, Kallamar was inspired by Seth and various mythological sea creatures, and Shamura (you'd be surprised) by The Art of War, not a specific god, but rather philosophers, particularly Miyamoto Musashi who was quite the ruthless samurai turned that retired into a philosopher and painter. Narinder and Lamb are interesting though cause they were inspired by the bible. Narinder was specifically inspired by Moses and their need to correct their past ways and Sisyphus in their long journey of atoning for their sin. Lamb is inspired by a multitude of saints, Saint George and Saint David specifically with of course a healthy dose of death symbology and omens.
Almost everyone in the Cotl fandom views Lamb in a universally similar way, cutely evil or morally grey. To that I say...I don't blame you! The content is dark and grim and Lamb does it all with a smile, but I can't help but think of moments where Lamb...cries, or is scared, even enraged! When your entire kind is seemingly wiped out and you are now dead, a god gives you a promise of abilities to return back to your realm as...better, powerful, with the power to bring back the dead. What else do you really have to lose? A mortal becoming what is essentially a force of nature is so deliciously tragic and must be explored. You are no longer the helpless sack of flesh and bone that was shivering at the sight of your family perishing, you are now death, that can decide to reverse that fate, to right the wrong of your cowardice. Much like a...specific cat trying to right the wrongs of their arrogance.
My muse just-- goes nuts for this stuff, and I'm having a blast just shoving my love of myth and tale into this very silly game.
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prxckedradiolove · 5 months
hai i just wanted to say i rlly love ur art :33 ur dinahboose stuff is SO CUTE <3333 and the way you draw cats is so beautiful it reminds me of vintage dolls
you don’t know how much this means to me thank you so much 🤍😭
Now that you mention my cats stuff I wanna draw Demeter again 🥰 I haven’t drawn her in forever and I wanna update the design I had for her ✨I can’t wait for the summer I’ll be able to draw more frequently then!!!
Anyway thank you so much for this ask it made my day 🥺 💕
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botanicalcanopus · 10 days
hit me with a big shot
assign aspects to the big 12/13 of the olympians
Okay so lots of stuff list the main 11 with either Hestia or Dionysus as #12, I'll do them & include Hades cause it feels incomplete without him. So it'll go: Deity: Aspect-Reasons
Zeus: Rage/Breath- First I gave Zeus the Rage aspect due to his love of smiting shit at the slightest inconvenience or boredom, but Rage also deals with lies/false truths and delusions and my gosh did this dude constantly lie to HIS WIFE on countless accounts but also his love of tricking people for laughs and/or sex. Breath is due to his relation to wind and storms, as well as Breath heroic aspects/his kids having heroic aspects.
Hera: Blood- Hera only gets one in my mind, as she is always paired with Blood in my head. Her pettiness and messy relationships aside, her main responsibilities being related to marriage or overseeing Olympian matters often makes her a matronly lead. That and her whole deal is the relations between people, married or not.
Poseidon: Void/Breath- Fish boy here gets a fun combo of Void or Breath. Void is due to the ocean being less explored than space, and it being practically endless if you're in the middle of it. Plus, things we don't think about usually go to the ocean, either as illegal dumping or just as processes we forget about. Breath is like Zeus, with children having heroic legacies and being closely related to wind and air .
Demeter: Life/Doom- Demeter is pretty easy. She's the seasons and growth. Plants and growth and all that jazz are obvious Life traits. Doom is the other aspect related to her due to everything eventually dies and part of her lore is her leaving the surface to visit her daughter so everything dies for winter.
Apollo: Hope/Light/Space/Time- The man, the myth, the absolute fucking legend here. 4 fucking aspects can be given to this fucker without thinking. So Hope goes more abstract here, and kinda holds a place with Light and Space. Light being literal here but also the inspiration for the art and media that comes with it. It can also be the metaphorical Light at the end of the tunnel, giving you Hope to keep going. Time can be used due to the use of the sun to determine and tell what Time it is and tell when your day is over. Time is also the more masculine leaning aspect between Time and Space, which wouldn't you know it, he's the male twin.
Artemis: Space/Time/Heart/Void- The female twin, however, has the aspect of Space due to her high fem energy. The sun is seen as warm, the moon is associated with cold, water, and ice which is both a physical and metaphorical form of Space. Space is also cyclical and the moon has phases. Like the sun, there are lunar calendars, and can be used to keep track. Water is also something that slowly erodes most things, bringing Time's destructive element. Now the moon is also used to represent the aspect of emotions and the inner self, which is represented by Heart. It can also be associated with Void due to the moon only getting half the attention the sun does and a planet can have multiple moons but the system usually only has one star.
Ares: Doom/Rage/Blood- Okay so Ares is war and willpower. Surprise that he is literally the aspects seen during war. Doom is kinda obvi with the literal death and result of conquest. Rage can be literal here but also the grandeur of who is "right" and who's "wrong" can be skewed due to multiple reasons. Blood is once again obvi but Blood relates to interpersonal relationships, bonds, and leadership.
Athena: Mind/Light- Shocker, Athena is a Mind/Light player, who would have guessed. Mind is obvious due to her whole deal with knowledge, but she is also deity of wartime planning and schematics. Which fighting involves odds and luck, so the knowledge and luck combo lends itself to her possible Light aspect.
Hephaestus: Time/Void- It takes time to forge something and Time being associated with heat and lava, Hephaestus really doesn't have much going on in the Time aspect. Though he is known to bide his Time and set traps. Mainly here due to canon. Void is due to him being outcast by Zeus and Hera from Olympus and being forgotten about when compared to his siblings.
Aphrodite: Heart- Heart is an obvi sign of love and beauty, but also deals again with the inner self and how we see and present ourselves. Not much to the imagination here, as she is the deity of beauty and associated with love and lust.
Hermes: Breath/Mind- Hermes is a messenger who flies about on the winds with his winged sandals. All this windy, bird-related iconography is pretty Breath coded and his messages are known to appear at times of crises like heroes do to declare something from the deities who will impact mortals lives. Due to his godhood also being over commerce, trade, and their workers he is also labeled as a deity of logistics, obvi Mind related in these terms. -#12 is tied between Hestia and Dionysus-
Hestia: Hope/Life/Heart- Hestia is the deity of home and hearth. She is typically associated with the warm feelings of comfort and knowing you are home, which is a feeling I associate with Hope. I also would put Life as a possibility due to home being the place where Life flourishes and growth is seen best (either marks/damage from kids, adding extra rooms to grow your house/growing family, or literal gardens). Heart is a bit more abstract here, but you tend to decorate your house with aspects of yourself and there is the saying "home is where the heart is"
Dionysus: Heart/Rage- All that inner self stuff I've stated in all the other Heart deities. Rage is his main one due to his abilities of madness, drunken state, and all the delusions and lies that can come about from it. Pretty obvi choices here. -Bonus-
Hades: Doom/Void- I cannot be more obvious here. Literal death and obscurity here. Poor dude.
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daughterofzagreus · 4 years
Assigning Zodiac Signs to Greek Gods
Zeus - Sagittarius 
*sigh*, my sign. During Sag season too, LMAO.
Sag is ruled by Jupiter, which is Zeus's Roman counterpart. And it's fitting. It's the planet of expansion and good luck which relates to Zeus. He was the only one of his siblings who wasn't swallowed by his father, which makes him pretty lucky to me. Zeus is a cheating fuckboy, with a love for chasing tail that is the root cause for about 90% of all the issues and conflicts in ancient Greek mythology...that's a pretty typical Sag male move. It's no secret that Sags can be hoes (I say this with love🤗). According to the myths, Zeus was actually a pretty fun, jovial guy who loved a good party, singing, dancing and some drink (the word "jovial" comes from his Roman name Jove/Jupiter). He's impulsive and has a bad temper when angered, though. All fairly Sag tendencies.
Poseidon - Pisces
Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the Roman counterpart to Poseidon. It makes sense that the god of the Sea would be a water sign. Uncle Sy was an emotional MESS in Greek mythology, he's been described as emotionally unstable, temperamental and moody. I'm sorry Pisces but (as someone with a Pisces mother) I can definitely see it. He was quite a hoe too, so I don't know if it's just a mutable sign thing (In which case, welcome to the Hoe club, Pisces👏🏾). His moods and emotions change like the tides (like Pisces), so he's either in a very good mood or a very bad one. Apparently he was quite the sweetheart when in a good mood, as well. Although, man gets a lot of good PR from the Percy Jackson series😒.
Hades - Scorpio
Obvious Scorpio is obvious💀. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, which is the planet of death and rebirth. Makes sense, as Hades rules over the underworld. Pluto is also Hades's Roman counterpart. Hades isn't technically an Olympian because he doesn't stay in Olympus, his kingdom is in the underworld. I think that's significant because Scorpios like to keep to themselves. The stereotype of Scorpio is that they're morbid, secretive and mysterious. Into the macabre. Kind of like an intellectual brooding, which all fits for Hades. He's not an unfair guy, though. Likely, more on the misunderstood side. I think the fact that only a few people (like his wife Persephone) understand him shows that he doesn't open up or get vulnerable easily or with just anyone. A very Scorpio trait.
Hestia - Cancer
We don't know much about Hestia's personality. She's demure, simple and rules over the hearth and home. Cancers tend to be family oriented. If not, they do have a significant relationship with their home (be that their actual house, or their hometown. Wherever "home" and the family is). The hearth is the centre of the household. It keeps the home warm and provides a place for the whole family to gather around to commune or just feel safe. So, I think that's fitting.
Hera - Virgo
Oh gosh, I can't help comparing her and Zeus's relationship to Jay-Z and Beyonce 😔. Bless her heart, that Sag man has her looking a fool. A complete fool 🤡. Anywho, Hera is beautiful and a perfectionist. Very regal, and strives to maintain perfection. Besides being the queen, Hera is also the goddess of motherhood, monogamy, family marriage, home and protector of all married, so I imagine that she's quite conservative and that (despite the fact that her family is a hot, hot mess) she likes to present the image of the perfect family, kind of like a first lady. She just brings to mind the type of wealthy lady-of-the-manor Virgo woman who runs a tight ship (i.e.: the house/the estate).
Demeter - Cancer 
I was debating on whether or not to make sis a Pisces. But, Cancer is linked to the mother and maternal instincts, which I think is fitting. Cancer is a very maternal sign (at least, there's a lot of significance with Cancer and its relationship to motherhood). The most famous myth involving Demeter is about her daughter Persephone being kidnapped by Hades, and how that affected her emotionally. Demeter is described as being very maternal, protective and kind and embodying a very specific type of love, the "mother's love". One the flip side though, she's also quite OVER-protective. She really does embody some of the more negative traits of Cancer as well such as smothering and being a bit over-bearing with her love. She also strikes me as the type to be emotionally manipulative and play the melodramatic "after all I've done for you, how could you be so cruel to your own mother😭" and "so what are you going to say at my funeral now that you've killed me😔" victim card that overbearing mothers like to use so much. But she doesn't play when it comes to her babies and loved ones.
Ares - Aries
Obvious Aries is obvious😠. Do I even need to say anything? Aries is ruled by Mars, which is Ares's Roman counter part. The planet Mars symbolizes raw masculine energy (you get words like "martial arts" from that), and so does Ares. Both Aries the sign and Ares the god are loud, quite aggressive, and they like conflict (they find it quite funny, and they can move on from it pretty quick, it doesn't really distress them). There's also the passion and explosive temper. Ares is also brave, strong and straight forward. He's also incredibly protective of those he loves. According to Greek mythology, the first murder was committed by Ares when he killed a man who raped (or tried to rape) his daughter, so don't fuck with an Aries's loved ones.
Athena - Capricorn
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. In astrology, the moon (which rules Cancer - Capricorn's opposite compliment) is The Mother. It's soft, maternal and nurturing. Saturn is The Father. It's the planet of obstacles and boundaries and is a very harsh, stern planet. Success will come, but only after learning some very hard lessons. If the moon is like a emotional parent that coddles and nurtures their child (Cancer), then Saturn is that strict, tough parent that teaches their child (Capricorn) from day dot that the world is going to be cruel and unfair, and so they want to break you to make you stronger and prepare you for the world. That's what I get from Athena. Athena was born fully grown and fully clothed (in battle gear, at that). She literally came into the world with her guard up. She's the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy (among other things), so she's very pragmatic and somewhat cold (not cruel, but just realistic). She's Zeus's favourite child, which links to her ruling planet being The Father. She's kind of like the embodiment of the woman who works in a male dominated field (which, she does) so she has to work harder, adopt more masculine traits and develop a harder exterior in order to survive and thrive. She's not the most emotional or vulnerable person either, and it's noteworthy that she never had a childhood (again, she was born fully grown), so she's never had any of the innocence and naivete.
Artemis - Cancer
With the twins (Artemis and Apollo), Apollo is the sun while Artemis is the moon. Since Cancer is ruled by the moon, it makes sense that Artemis would be a Cancerian. This is the third time I'm bringing up Cancer being maternal, but here we are. Artemis has a close relationship with her mother (she killed this one woman's 7 daughters, because said woman was talking smack about her mother), but Artemis also acts as a foster mother for a lot of different people. She's nurturing, compassionate and protective. Artemis is the protector of young women, and women in childbirth (right after she was born, she helped her mother deliver her twin brother, Apollo). She has a group of huntresses (which any girl is allowed to join, so long as they forgo marriage) and she basically becomes like an adoptive mother towards them (she also, in general, likes to take in strays. She’s goddess of moon and hunting so she spends more time in the wild and at night, whereas Apollo spends more time in civilization in the daytime).
Apollo - Leo
Obvious leo is obvious 🦁. Leo's ruling planet is the sun, and is symbolized by a lion with a ~fabulous~ golden main. Apollo is the sun god (among other things). He drives the sun chariot every day and is always described as having long blond (or ✨golden✨) locks, a golden tan, and is just ridiculously bright and golden overall. Hence his other name being "Phoebos Apollo" (Phoebus meaning “bright”). Leo rules the 5th house, which is basically the house of having fun and being yourself, which matches Apollo. He's one of the more active and fun personalities. He's an over achiever (God of music, poetry, prophecy, archery, young men) and is considered to be the most beautiful male god on Olympus. Like most Leos, humility is not his greatest strength, to say the least. He's dramatic, loves attention and likes to stand out and be the sun (around which everything revolves), like a leo, too.
Hephaestus - Taurus
I really don't know why, and I'm exhausted from writing so much for everyone else. I really don't know which sign to put him in, but Taurus seems to match him. Mainly because he's patient and calm. He's a kind(er) soul who just minds his business and does his work. I know Taurus gets a bad rap for being "lazy", but Taurus actually are quite hard workers. They just like to work on their own terms, and usually the more "slow and steady" type (but still hard work with results). Tauruses also love beautiful things, and Hephaestus is an amazing craftsman who's created the most beautiful jewelry that's ever been made. Taurus is also a very possessive sign that is easily prone to jealousy when it comes to their romantic partner. This is exactly how Hephaestus is when it comes to his wife, Aphrodite (who frequently cheats, since she never wanted to marry him in the first place). The fact that Haphaestus STILL loves her and tries his best to prove himself to her an impress her by making all that jewelery for her (even though it's clear that she just doesn't love him, and the relationship won't ever be what he wants) is something a Taurus would do, as they are solid, committed people. Once they've decided they want to make a relationship work, they're fully committed to it. He does have a temper, but it's generally a long fuse, and he seems to function by the law of "don't start none, won't be none". Very Taurus. They mind their business and they don't start mess...but they will end it. The Taurus fuse is very long, but once it goes off...
Aphrodite - Libra
Obvious Libra is obvious😘. Libra is ruled by Venus, the Roman counterpart of Aphrodite. As the goddess of love and beauty, I don't think it's all that surprising to have Aphrodite be a Libras. Libras could flirt for their nation. They're also a bit vain, like Aphrodite, and they can be people pleasers. But, it's well intentioned. Libras are the scale because they like balance and harmony, and they generally don't care for discord or unpleasantries. Aphrodite is the mother of the goddess Harmonia (goddess of harmony) as well. The vanity also comes from their artistic love of beauty, as libra a generally a very creative sign. If the libra themselves isn't creative, they at least appreciate creativity and art.
Hermes - Gemini
Obvious Gemini is obvious. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which is the Roman counterpart to Hermes. Gemini are multifaceted which makes sense for Hermes as he does a lot of different things. Kind of like a jack of all trades but master of none kind of deal. Hermes is one of the smartest gods in a witty, inventive and humorous way. He was Zeus's second favourite child and his favourite son, and has a more trickster vibe to him. A bit of a scam artist. Hermes is also the god of travelers and thieves. Man just has a way of charming people into liking him, which is a very Gemini trait. As the messenger for the gods, Hermes is also the god of communication (probably a bit of a gossip)...and lord knows Gemini's can talk your ear off. Hermes has a pair of sandles with wings to help with his messenger duties, so he's very fast and is all over the place, since he was so much to do and is always on the go (Gemini rules the 3rd house which is the house of, among other things, short distance travel).
Dionysus - Aquarius
The laid back stoner of the group. And a cult leader. He not only invented wine, but was also the god of substance use, ecstasy and madness. I find it hard to describe Dionysus just like I find it hard to describe Aquarius. I know that traits, but they're just too complex to be able to describe in a single sentence.​ Like Aquarius, Dionysus and his cult originally was a place where marginalized people could feel free. Sticking it to the man and whatnot, which goes with the activism and revolution that comes with Aquarius, along with the idea of paradise.
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Cats for the ship ask! (yes, all of them. XD I want to know all of your opinions!)
(i did all the “general” ship ones!)
what is your absolute favorite ship?
Tuggoffelees, Demestrap, Casslonzo, Platoria! And obviously all my OC ships, both mine and my mutuals’!
what ship do you hate most?
I don’t hate these ships, but anything with kittens x adults is a no-no for me, as well as anything Mungoteazer, Demelurina, Cassomile, or Coricomile.
what was your first ship, and what fandom is it from?
My first ship in this fandom was probably Demestrap? I didn’t start really shipping Tuggoffelees until I had read a few fics and had been able to watch some videos of different productions!
explain why do/don’t ship [pairing]
Tuggoffelees- i love their dynamic, and the amount of interpretation this pairing gets within the fandom is incredible!
Demestrap- i just... both of them are wonderful, and honestly the 1998 production has my favorite version of Demestrap, just because we get to see all their background moments!
Casslonzo- they’re gorgeous, slinky, and i can 100% imagine them only being soft with each other. 
Platoria- I LOVE SHY PLATO BEING CAREFUL AROUND VICTORIA DURING THE JELLICLE BALL!!! The 2016 revival has my favorite version of them, especially since they get their own moments during the group dance during the Ball.
I don’t ship pairings like Demeter/Bombalurina, Mungojerrie/Rumpleteazer, or Cassandra/Tantomile because I see them as family. One of my biggest hcs is that Demeter and Bombalurina are sisters, Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer are twins, and that Cassandra is Tantomile’s aunt, so those ships for me are a no-no (I’ve got a whole Jellicle family tree on my blog, so anyone that I hc as related on that tree is a no-no for shipping for me personally)
how did you start shipping [pairing]?
I started shipping Demestrap because I just thought their interactions were absolutely wonderful, and I really just loved seeing all the content about them. Same with Tuggoffelees after finding some videos of different productions!
is there a ship that you used to ship, but don’t anymore?
I don’t think there is? Victeazer might be one, but it’s not that I don’t ship it anymore, I just don’t write anything for it.
what’s a ship you like that most people don’t?
2019 Tuggoffelees. I don’t think that it’s that people don’t like it, but it’s more so that Mistoria and Mistoriastraps are the more popular ships from that movie. But I love looking into that ship, because they’ve got such an interesting dynamic, and the idea that they’d be ex-boyfriends is probably my favorite hc!!
what’s a ship you hate that most people like?
Again, there’s not hate here, but Demelurina is a ship that I can never get into. The art that people draw for this ship is absolutely stunning, and I’ve stumbled across a few fics that are really well-written, but because of my own hcs, I just can’t get myself to enjoy the gorgeous content about them.
what is the most underrated ship, in your opinion?
2019 Tantojerrie. I wrote like 3 shorts for it and never wrote anything again, but that ship still lives in my head and there are days I can’t stop thinking about them.
what is the most overrated ship, in your opinion?
I don’t think there’s an overrated ship, honestly! 
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lilysevans · 6 years
hey cienna!! i think it's great that you're doing this, it's such a cute idea! 🌻 +✨ and one thing i'm grateful for is that i'm able to have an opportunity to go to college early! i hope you have a wonderful day!
hii alex! yes i love doing these sort of things and that’s awesome! good luck with your studies 🌸
✨blog aesthetic
element: water / earth / fire / air
sky: dawn / moon / stars / rain / dusk
gemstone: diamond / sapphire / emerald / ruby / amethyst / rose quartz
season: summer / autumn / winter / spring
subject: art / poetry / music / literature / mythology / history / astronomy
mythological creature: fairy / angel / mermaid / nymph / siren / unicorn
goddess: athena / aphrodite / artemis / demeter / hera / hestia
city: london / paris / new york city / rome / istanbul / sydney / tokyo
sound: rain / ocean waves / natural silence of the woods / cracking fire / bustling city
🌻blog compliment: gosh, where do i begin? well, first i absolutely adore your mobile theme wow it’s so stunning and simple and your icon ??? gorgeous. i love your about page too and your eye for such lovely content is brilliant. i’m in love with everything you post and i’m so happy i’m following you ♡
join my blog aesthetics?
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bluegatorade-fr · 6 years
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@nevvermorefr your dragons are all so pretty!! it was hard to choose only ten. morrigan she's so pretty! her apparel is perfect, it matches with every color on her, and her familiar goes just as well. the bio coding is lovely and i love the art! im not the biggest fan of seraph but she rocks it! kojin you have a real eye for genes!! crackle can be hard to work with but kojin looks great! it looks like lava, especially with all of the apparel, and a fitting familiar! awesome!! neptune how is she only wearing 3 pieces of apparel and an accent? she looks awesome! i rlly like how the limited apparel shows off her colors and accent. the darker green glimmer adds nice color to the blue!! demeter so pretty!! i love how the silks match with the tert it works so well! also the cat fits super well in with the rest of the dragon, sometimes it can look forced (does that make sense?) but it looks super nice here! neophyte blue!!! i lOVE how much her eyes stand out !! it's very nice contrast. i love how the silks are a more calm blue while her colors are more bright and intense. you seem to like silks a lot!! i love silks and you always manage to make it look very well done olm oh my gosh!! i haven't seen the viper set work so well on a dragon before, i mean like, it matches perfectly. once again i love the contrast between the blue and the red!! heini she is ROCKING that accent!! the nymph matches very well with her! you have a great eye for these things! aharon he is glowing!! the cryface under his apparel makes it look like he's glowing!! love it!! cryface can be very busy looking but you've handled that well!!! mirkwood the healers set can be hard to work with but with this boy it works very well! the shadow emblem adds some nice color! i like how the wings are left visible so you can see the starry look! polyhymia im pretty sure this is my dream dragon. he's so pretty! i love the little story in his bio. he could steal my lunch ANY day. his apparel stands out very nice again his colors and genes! very nice!
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sojohns · 6 years
yeah i saw you now have an astro sideblog! do you want me to write asks for you there from now on? ^^ and i have started reading your recs, the shortest one though because i read them while commuting and so far rainy days, that was plain adorable *o* (where did my angst loving heart go though?) but weekend is coming up so longer ones can come soon too! (1/5)
wow you read yoonkook too damn! it’s really so rare. my fave authors for them are xiajin, darling, bellamees but my angsty soulmate and slow burn-loving heart would rec i know i’ll fall in love with you baby by witheredleaf if you haven’t read it yet. and i guess you’ll be able to read my writing once i’m revealed *shy shy shy* (2/5)
i’m so glad you liked my question because i loved your answer very much! i could imagine it so well. cozy and fun *-* with eunwoo we would probably end up in a bookstore or a cozy, art café just for the feeling and talk about books and music and our interests. then maybe we would grab bubble tea and take a walk on the riverbank. i would wanna take pics of him with the scenery gosh. and cooking together is on my list too! but i would trust him in the kitchen. (3/5)
i think it would also be fun to watch an ep of one of his kdramas while listening to his commentaries (and maybe seeing him being shy bc of certain scenes) ^^ ooooh such a good question. i actually thought about it quite some and my pairings are the following: myungjun-dionysos (because of knowing how to have fun and ofc music), eunwoo-athena/aphrodité (because of his wittiness and beauty i couldn’t choose), (4/5)
sanha-hermes (at first i wanted apollo but decided against it because hermes seems to be a very joyful spirit to me), moonbin-eros (because of that lookTM he gives), rocky-apollo (because of music and arts ofc but isac and archer!rocky decided this one for me) and jinwoo-demeter (because of harvest and growth which both require the kind of patience he has) what about your ideas? // asa
no sending messages on this blog is good!!! oh i love reading while im commuting too!! lmao ur angsty heart was melted by the fluff :)) let me know what you think of them!!
yoonkook really is so rare and ill def check out your recs!! im interested to see your writing style!!! 
gosh your day with eunwoo sounds so cute!! and plas i would love to hear the running commentary on my id is gangnam beauty with him or really any show, he has a calming voice!!!
oof your picks are so interesting!!! i actually agree with all your picks tbh,especially myungjun and eunwoo!!! tbh i was gunna pic ares for rocky but apollo is honestly such a better pick!!! i also thought of the greek muses and i picked a muse for each of the boys too!! https://kmhoodys.tumblr.com/post/182561209562/astro-as-the-muses-of-greek-mythology
man i really love greek mythology!!! 
now a random q to you: which member of astro do you think you are most similar to? 
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Demestrap and tuggofless
What made you ship it?
- oh gosh... all the art, the fanfiction, and mainly just seeing pictures and clips of the actors who play Demeter and Munkustrap being ridiculously adorable together!
What are your favorite things about the ship?
- They’re the Ultimate Mom and Dad duo, they are literally just the the cutest, and whenever I see them interacting on stage I want to cry because they’re so sweet, and I completely blame Michael and Aeva for making me fall in love with Demestrap.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
- I don’t think so? If I had to say one, it’d probably be the same one I put down for the Alonzostrap ask, where I said that I see Munk as being with both Alonzo and Dem romantically, and Dem and Alonzo are platonic partners. But again, I don’t know how unpopular that is. 
What made you ship it?
- John and Jacob!!! Also Tyler and Ricky. Their portrayals of the boys are honestly the entire reason that I fell in love with Tuggoffelees, and I just can’t get over how much I love them. Their interactions, the way that Tugger sings Misto’s song... my hear is just so full
What are your favorite things about the ship?
- Tugger being a very supportive boyfriend during Misto’s song, Misto being a pleasantly exasperated boyfriend during Tugger’s song, the two of them dancing together during their songs, the gifs (I don’t know who made them) of Tugger checking up on Misto at moments during the Ball.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
- I mean, the one major one would probably be that there’s a surplus of stories written about them! I’ll be the first to admit that pretty much all of my stories for this fandom include Tuggoffelees to an extent, but I think there should absolutely be other ships that get to take the spotlight!
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