#gosh I've been writing for so long I hope it's not too late
vodika-vibes · 7 months
I love your writing. It always leaves me feeling hopeful.
Could you write a story where f!reader doesn't like her body.
I personally dislike my body. My breasts are small and disproportionate, then my butt is flattish. Compared to my mom and sisters I feel unlovable. Doesn't help I've never dated or had anyone interested in me and I'm going on 40.
Sorry that was long. Anyway if you could wrote something with either Fox, Wolffe or Hunter that would be lovely.
Thank you.
You're Perfect
Summary: Wolffe gets home late and finds his mesh’la curled up in bed, upset. And he decides that that’s not going to stand.
Pairing: Commander Wolffe x F!Reader
Word Count: 1027
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: That might be the sweetest compliment I've ever been giving. Making people feel hopeful. Gosh, you're so sweet. I'm sorry that you feel that way about yourself, and I hope this story helps you feel a little bit better!
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Wolffe pushes his hand through his short hair in annoyance as he irritably punches in the door code for his apartment. He loves his brothers, he does, but sometimes they are the most irritating di’kut to walk on any planet.
Not to mention, they made him late.
He was supposed to be home over an hour ago.
He had a plan. Dinner and dancing with his perfect mesh’la, something to help her get her mind off the hard week that she’s been having at work.
But no. Now it’s not going to happen. All because Sinker decided to push the Corries and got himself thrown into a holding cell.
He should have let him cool his heels there for the night.
The door slides open and Wolffe pushes into the apartment, only to pause when he notes that none of the lights are on. His gaze flickers to the coat rack, taking note that her favorite jacket and her purse are still hanging there. Not to mention all of her shoes are lined up neatly on the shoe rack.
So she is home. Yet all of the lights are off, and there’s no sound indicating that she’s listening to music or watching a show or playing any of her games-
Slowly, Wolffe sits on the bench to pull off his armor, all of his senses turned towards the apartment, searching for any hint of what’s going on. 
Something is clearly wrong.
Maybe she’s upset that he’s home later than he said he would be? If that’s the case then he’s going to beat Sinker black and blue tomorrow.
He finishes pulling off his armor, and stacks it neatly near the door, and then he heads to the gun safe, and he puts his weapons in it, before shutting and locking the door.
Only then does he head further into the apartment. 
There’s a sniffle from the bedroom, and Wolffe’s gaze snaps to the closed door. He doesn’t even bother knocking on the door, since it’s his room too, and he peers at the large lump under the blanket.
“There’s no one here but us bedbugs,” Her voice is shaky, as though she’s been crying. 
Wolffe sighs silently, she’s upset. He’s definitely going to beat Sinker black and blue tomorrow. He sits on the edge of the bed and presses his hand against her back, rubbing soothingly as he feels her trembling under his touch, “I’m sorry I’m late, mesh’la. Sinker got arrested, and-”
Slowly the blanket tugs down so she’s able to peer up at him. Her pretty eyes are rimmed with red, and he feels his heart sink. “Sinker got arrested?”
“Yeah, he picked an argument with Thorn and-” Wolffe sighs, “I’m so sorry that I’m late, I know we had plans. I should have commed…I didn’t mean to make you cry-”
She blinks at him, and then hastily wipes her eyes, though that didn’t help. “I…I’m not crying-”
“You are though.” Wolffe replies gently as he brushes a tear off her cheek.
“Oh.” She pauses, and then she leans into his touch, “Not because of you, or Sinker.”
Quickly, Wolffe reassesses the situation, and his eyes narrow, “Someone upset you to the point of tears.”
“If they upset you enough that you came home and cried, it’s obviously not.” Wolffe points out, “Come on, mesh’la. What happened?”
She ducks her head, “It’s just…” She pauses, “Someone said something and-”
“What did they say?” He prods gently.
She seems to curl in on herself, “That I’m not pretty enough to land someone who looks like you. That you’re probably only using me because I’m…I’m easy,” She spits out the word like it’s a curse, “That you don’t really love me-”
Wolffe leans in and kisses her to stop the flood of words. “Well, whoever told you that is clearly jealous of how amazing you are.”
“Let’s go over this point by point, shall we?” Wolffe interrupts, “You not being pretty enough for me is nonsense, you’re gorgeous, all of the time. About you being easy-” He makes a face, “If you were easy, mesh’la, it wouldn’t have taken me almost a year to convince you to go on a date with me.”
A flush spreads across her face, and Wolffe grins.
“That was a very long, very miserable year for me, Mesh’la. I can’t believe you spent so long running from me.”
“It made sense, at the time.” She mumbles, and Wolffe presses a light kiss to her forehead.
“As for me not loving you,” Wolffe says, “I spent a year trying to make you even look at me. Is my love for you really in doubt here?”
“I’m sorry-”
“Hey, you don’t have to apologize.” He kisses her forehead again, “I would, however, like to know who exactly made you cry.” She shoots him a look, “I just wanna talk to them. Really.”
“Right. Talk.” She scoffs, “Since when is ‘talk’ a euphemism for ‘beat them senseless’?”
“Since always.” Wolffe replies, he slips under the blanket with her and draws her into a tight hug, “But I’m much more concerned about the fact that you seem to believe them.”
“I’m not pretty, Wolffe. Not compared to some of the women that your brothers date. I’m just…bleh.”
“You’re not just bleh.” Wolffe corrects, “And the fact that I haven’t managed to convince you of this yet makes me a terrible boyfriend.” He leans in and kisses her gently. “How can I convince you to see yourself like I see you?”
“I…I don’t know.”
Slowly Wolffe kicks the blanket off the bed and rolls so that she’s laying on top of him, “I have a pretty good idea.” He teases with a wicked grin, “I know exactly how to make you see yourself like how I see you.”
She stares down at him, startled, and then a slightly flustered look crosses her face as correctly identifies the look on his face.
“Ah, you’re so cute and I love you so much.” Wolffe says with a boyish, lovesick, grin on his face. 
Somehow, she looks even more flustered, “I love you too.”
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baileypie-writes · 9 months
Hi again!! I love how you write for velvet sm and i wanted to request another velvet x fem reader, maybe where the reader becomes v&v's new assistant, and velvet slowly starts liking the reader but is in extreme denial, maybe veneer would tease her about it too? I've been wanting to request smth again for a while because i love ur hcs / fics but haven't had any ideas so i apologize if this is unspecific!! 🫶🫶
A/N ~ Sure! Hope you enjoy!
Velvet x Fem!Assistant!Reader
Fandom: Trolls 3: Band Together
Relationship: Crush
Genre: Fluff
Synopsis: Velvet doesn’t want to admit her crush on you.
Warnings: Velvet being in denial.
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You only became Velvet and Veneer’s assistant a few weeks ago, and it was already your first time being late. You silently scolded yourself as you scrambled out your front door. You prayed that your bosses wouldn’t be too upset.
“Ugh, where is she? She’s ten minutes late!” Velvet complained rather loudly. She paced back and forth, her heels clacking against the floor of their dressing room.
“I know. We just hired her as an assistant, and she’s already being late! How unprofessional.” Veneer said as he did his eyebrows.
“Maybe her alarm didn’t go off or something. She doesn’t seem like the type of person to easily get off track.” Velvet pondered.
Veneer stopped what he was doing, and turned to face her. A look of confusion was clear on his face. “Did you just defend (name)? You never defend people!” He said in pure shock.
“I’m not defending her! I’m just… trying not to blame her for something that might not be her fault.” She said, a bit flustered.
“Oh my gosh. Do you like her?” Veneer quickly suggested.
Velvet’s face turned nearly as red as her lipstick.
“Oh my gosh, you totally do! Oh, this is just great!” Veneer teased, laughing. Velvet didn’t like that one bit.
“I do not like her! I just-“ Before she could finish her sentence, you burst through the door.
“I’m here! I’m so sorry for being late!” You said, out of breath. Veneer glanced at his sister, giving her a teasing smile. If his suspicion was correct, he knew what Velvet was going to say next.
“Just… don’t let it happen again.” He was right. Instead of yelling at you, or potentially firing you like what she did with previous assistants, she let it slide. Now he knew that his sister’s got it bad for you.
“I won’t, I promise!” You assured Velvet, and immediately got to work.
It was now the end of the day, and you were exhausted. Being late really put you behind schedule, so you had to work twice as hard. You practically collapsed onto the sofa in the dressing room, and let out a big sigh.
Velvet watched, noticing your tiredness. What she didn’t notice, was how long she was looking at you.
“Does (name) have something on her face, or do you just like looking at her?” Veneer teased, yet again. Velvet nearly yelped, his sudden question scaring her out of her thoughts.
“Shut up! I just think she looks tired.” She denied, crossing her arms. Veneer raised an eyebrow, letting out a sarcastic “mhm”.
Velvet scoffed at her brother. She walked away from him, not wanting to deal with him anymore. She eyed you once again, and noticed your messy hair. Grabbing an unused brush from the vanity, she heading towards to were you were sitting. Veneer watched closely, excited to see more of his sister’s uncharacteristic behavior.
“Your hair’s a mess.” Velvet said, sitting down next to you. You opened your eyes, and once aware of your appearance, became bashful.
“Yeah, sorry. I just never got the chance to-“ You stopped mid sentence when Velvet gently grabbed your shoulders, and turned your back towards her. She proceeded to brush your hair for you. Veneer thought he would die. He found it absolutely hilarious how kind Velvet was being. He was definitely going to tease her about it later. But for now, he decided to let you guys have your moment.
He stealthily exited the room, leaving the two of you alone. You both sat in an awkward, but somehow pleasant silence. Both unaware of the clear blush dusting your faces. Velvet honestly had no idea about her feelings for you. In her mind, she was just doing you a favor. She shot down any romantic thought that appeared in her mind, determined to only think platonically like she claimed her feelings to be.
It would take a while to finally stop denying her crush on you. But with her brother’s teasing, she would eventually come to terms with her feelings. When the day comes, Veneer will be silently celebrating.
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the-words-we-sung · 10 months
Discovering Young Royals
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So now that I've lurked a bit around the Young Royals fandom I wanna try and be a bit more active ^^ It feels a bit weird to arrive so late because it seems like everything has probably already been said >< So I hope my little thoughts here and there won't just be redundant for fandom people! I've been thinking about it and I think I wanna write my thoughts, and questions and various comments about the show, probably going episode by episode! And I'll add some pretty pictures (I should learn how to make gifs :o)
For tonight though I'll just write up kind of my first thoughts and reactions while watching the show for the first time ^^
ᴥ I'm not proud of admitting it but I started watching the show because I was a bit bored, a bit sick and wanted to kind of "hate-watch" something >< I thought it would be a very elitist kind of show with insufferable royal people! Boy was I wrong...
ᴥ Wilhelm is a cutie pie and made me love the show so much, almost right from the start. His image of angry teenage prince got replaced so fast by just the reality of an anxious (soft) boy, in the span of an episode! His interaction with Simon at the end of episode 1 sealed the deal for me...
ᴥ The show is so so so well made!! It's beautiful and the music is absolutely phenomenal!! All the young actors are incredibly talented (and gosh is Edvin so very good ><) and it's just such a pleasure to watch :o
ᴥ I love love love how "real" it feels!! The actors look the good age for their characters, they look so fucking real, like I 100% believe that these characters are teenagers! I love the choice of not putting lots of make up on them and letting them keep their "real" skin. It's so freaking refreshing!! I don't really know of other shows who do that!! (Also I come from the Glee fandom so: the actors playing teenagers were definitely not looking like teenagers, they all had flawless skins and were ""perfect"" (aka in the beauty standards) looking so having skinny boys and girls with different and real-looking bodies feel so good! Maybe the difference also comes from the fact that Glee was a US show and YR is a Swedish one?)
ᴥ I feel very lucky that I was able to watch season 1 and season 2 back to back! It must have been so hard for you guys to wait for season 2 >< And I'm lucky again that season 3 will probably be there in not too long!
ᴥ August is such a well written character!! A truly interesting "villain" who makes me feel almost some sympathy at times o_o
ᴥ I have very mixed feelings and complicated thoughts about Sara...
ᴥ The chemistry between Edvin and Omar is insane.
ᴥ Yuk Marcus!
ᴥ But all the love for Felice <3
ᴥ And Omar is the prettiest human being ever. I am now officially a fan. (He gives me SO.MUCH gender envy...........)
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These were all kind of scattered thoughts going through my head while I binge-watched the show the first time!
(Also it made me want to learn Swedish so I've started doing that on Duolingo and I'm now obsessed with this language xD (But gosh, pronunciation is a nightmare...) So if any Swedish people wanna chat, I need training :p)
Gonna stop there for this freaking long-ass post and keep my rantings and chattiness for another post :D
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luvvvivii · 11 months
"i love you" — l.fl
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pairing - idol!felix x gn!reader
genre - fluff, imagine
wc - 705
warnings - not proofread (surprise surprise), a bunch of pet names used (my love, angel, dear), lmk if more
a/n - I'm back suckas!!! 😋 enjoy this small felix post whilst I start to get back into the groove of writing (also abt the writing, times next to the date is in readers time zone)
synopsis - in which your idol boyfriend sends you voice notes whilst he's away
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02.16.23 — 1:05 am
"good morning dear. actually, I think it's night for you right now? you better be asleep, alright? haha, it feels odd not being able to speak to each other how we usually would, doesn't it? but I guess this is what idol life is like? *chuckle* anyways, how was your day? did you do anything fun today? I hope you're eating good as well…I might head out for a bit with chan, so I'll talk with you later? sweet dreams angel. I love you!"
02.17.23 — 6:37 pm
"hey yn, you're asleep right? this is usually when you have your evening naps. don't be taking an all nighter again after this, though. I know you really like that show but sleep is important too you know? *chuckle*...today is day one of our concert in melbourne. I'm back in australia after so long, and I'm super excited! it's a shame I can't be here with you right now, but at least I can still update you and stuff. I can't wait to meet even more stays—oh, that's minho calling. sorry yn, got to go. I'll update you all about it after! enjoy the rest of your night, I love you."
02.18.23 — 12:53 pm
"hey dear, have you eaten yet? sorry I couldn't send any voice notes this morning, I woke up late and had to rush. day two of our concert was amazing! oh gosh, I wish you were here. hey, I don't think I told you about the dream I had last night, did I? well, we were just about to head to sydney for our tour there, and then suddenly you gave us a surprise visit! that's pretty much it, I woke up after that. haha, it seemed so real I even looked around for you whilst I was still half awake! *sigh* well, I think I'm going to go to sleep now, sorry for such a boring voice note today. have a good day, I love you angel."
02.20.23 — 3:31 pm
"yn, I'm so tired. but I can't go to sleep. *laugh* I was on my phone and got completely carried away, and now it's two am!...I think I might just start yapping about something with you, like how we always do when neither of us can sleep. that's what always helps me get tired…not that I'm saying you're boring! *chuckle* what I'm trying to say is…I just feel so at ease when I know that you're listening to me talk…let's not get depressed now, haha. how is your day going dear? doing anything fun today? make sure to send pictures, I haven't been able to see your pretty face in a while. you know, I think I might head off now, starting to feel a bit drowsy. we've got day one in sydney tomorrow, so I'll probably talk to you about it all later. goodnight my love, I love you to the moon and back."
02.21.23 — 2:01 am
"yn! it's finally day one in sydney! ah, I really wish you were here right now. you'll be cheering me on from back at home, right? I know you'll be looking for videos after the concert haha. make sure to have fun today angel! and I'll make sure to pour my heart and soul into the performances for you, like I always do. sorry for this voice note being so short, but I've got to go. I love you!"
02.22.23 — 3:19am
"sydney day 2! ah, you really don't understand how overwhelming this experience is, yn. this is absolutely crazy, but I've probably already said this a ton, right? *laugh*...you know, I hope one day we can travel to australia together, and I could show you all my favourite places to go and things to do from when I was a kid. but that's saved for the future! just wait a bit longer, my love, I'll be back home faster than you can believe. and cheer me on today as well, alright! I'll do the same for you dear. I've got to go now, an exciting concert ahead. I love you."
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©@luvvvivii all rights reserved | do not repost or translate
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koushisbabie · 6 months
UWU I HONESTLY YOUR WORK SO MUCH this is my first time on this app so I don’t really know much about it ! Thank you for putting so much effort in every post ,can I request sugawara x reader (how he would react when you keep biting your lip out of anxiety until it bleed ,cause lately I have been doing it a lot
Sorry because my English is not very good anyway HAVE A GREAT DAY ❤️❤️
Oh my gosh I am so sorry I completely forgot I got this request. Thank you for requesting a fic, and thank you for the compliment, you are so sweet T_T Comments like this give me the motivation to write more and get more creative with my ideas. In saying that, I hope your anxiety and your lip biting has gotten better <3 I don't know if you're still active on here, but I've written a small drabble (it ended up long haha) here for you! I hope you like it <3
‘Yo, Suga!’
Suga’s head appears from behind the precariously stacked wall of books on the library table. ‘Yes?’
‘Geez, isn’t that overdoing it?’ Asahi chuckles, gesturing to the books.
‘Well, I guess so,’ Suga replies, ‘but exams are only a week away.’ He shuffles aside some of the haphazardly strewn books and papers and pens, giving Asahi and Daichi space to sit down.
‘Where’s Yn?’ Daichi asks, peering around.
‘She’s around,’ Suga replies, ‘I think she went to the bathroom…’
‘I’m right here!’ Yn pops their head around the shelves. ‘I’ve been looking for this damn book for twenty minutes now.’
‘Oh yeah, looks like a long read.’
‘Can’t be helped,’ Yn says, sitting down next to Suga. ‘Tuesday’s exam is going to kick my ass if I don’t absorb this entire book.’
‘Take it easy, Yn,’ Daichi says. ‘You look a little tired, have you been sleeping alright?’
Suga glances at Daichi, then at Yn.
‘Well, yeah, kind of,’ Yn replies, nudging Suga’s arm affectionately. ‘Usually after we call.’
‘Which reminds me, I need to send you the link to this video that explains chapter eight in a bit more detail,’ Suga says absentmindedly. ‘It’s forty five minutes long but there’s some good illustrations in it that highlight how complex–’
‘You guys seem busy,’ Asahi interjects politely. ‘We should be heading off, we’ll tell the others that you’re studying this afternoon.’
‘Oh no, it’s okay,’ Yn says, glancing at their phone. ‘I actually forgot I promised I’d be home to receive a package later.’
‘You’re leaving already?’
‘Sorry,’ Yn says, ‘I’ll call you tonight, though? We can go through the last of these notes together!’
‘Yeah, sure,’ Suga replies, squeezing Yn’s hand before turning back to his notes.
Yn hesitates, before gathering their things and disappearing between the aisles of books.
An awkward silence falls between the friends, before Daichi pipes up.
‘Hey, Suga, did you see how red Yn’s lips were?’
Suga looks up from his notes, his pen paused above the paper. ‘You noticed it, too?’
‘It wasn’t subtle…’ Asahi says, quietly. ‘To be honest, I think they had been bleeding.’
‘Bleeding?’ Suga’s face fills with shock. ‘I didn’t realise it was that bad. I thought it was just sunburn.’
Daichi and Asahi share a look.
‘Okay,’ Daichi says sternly. ‘I see what’s going on. You’re too focused on your studying, you’ve neglected Yn. Maybe you should put the books away and spend some quality time with them.’
‘What do you mean?’ Suga asks, a little hurt.
‘Daichi’s right… I think Yn is really stressed. A lot of lip biting is caused by anxiety… I haven’t seen it that bad before, and I’ve known them for years.’
Suga pauses thoughtfully. ‘You’re right. The books could wait.’
‘We just mean–’
‘I have an idea,’ Suga says, grinning. ‘Thank you for slapping some sense into me.’
Yn arrives home sweating and tired, the heavy books in their bag weighing painfully on their back. They abandon the bag in the hallway and head to the bathroom, the light soft against their skin. They peer at their lips, swollen like a blossoming red rose. The urge to bite is strong, the pain satisfying momentarily distracts them from the bubbling anxiety in their belly.
Exams were only a week away but with the high percentage of worth the marks carry, anxiety had been slithering throughout the schools hallways like a giant snake stalking its prey, following students home so they could not find respite, even in their beds.
A knock at the door sounds loud and urgent.
As Yn pulls the door open, Suga almost drops the stack of books in his arms and the bags at his elbows.
‘Oh, Yn!’ Suga grins. ‘Mind if I come in?’
‘Of course,’ Yn says, bewildered. ‘Let me help you.’
In the living room, Yn places the stack of books on the coffee table, wondering how Suga could manage getting through them all with practice almost every afternoon. Despite being as passionate about volleyball as the others, he could somehow find the time to study when he really wants to.
‘So,’ Yn says, falling into the crease of the soft couch, ‘what brought you here?’
Suga glances at them, his mouth in a small frown, the creases between his brows knitted. ‘Look,’ he begins, ‘I have noticed that you’ve been a little… out of sorts, lately.’
Yn frowns, fidgeting in their lap with their fingers.
‘I don’t want you to ever feel like you’re less than beautiful, by the way!’ Suga says quickly, placing his hands on either side of Yn’s face.
Yn’s cheeks begin to flush. ‘What do you mean?’ They squeak.
Suga hesitates. ‘You’re doing it right now –’ Suga pauses, pointing at Yn’s lips, ‘you’re biting your lip too much!’
Yn swallows hard. ‘Oh. I hoped you wouldn’t notice.’
Suga smiles softly. ‘It took me a few moments to really see it.’ He hesitates. ‘I was too focused on studying, when I should have been looking out for you. I’m sorry.’
‘No, it’s okay!’ Yn blushes. ‘You’re here now! And it’s just anxiety, I mean, it’s always there, what can you do?’
‘Well…’ Suga says, turning to the coffee table. ‘I’m not sure if any of this will help, but I wanted to make up for not being one hundred percent there for you when you’re anxious.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘These are just some small gifts,’ Suga says. He opens the thick paper bags, revealing a fluffy blanket, a few lip balms, a small box of tea, a journal, and all of Yn’s favourite snacks. ‘I know it’s not much, and it can’t fix your anxieties completely, BUT I do think that tea will help, and maybe you can journal some of your worries and one of these lip balms is good for deterring lip biting, I think,’ Suga says quickly. ‘And of course, the blanket is for when it gets cooler and we can play games or something, together.’
A comfortable silence fills the room. Yn processes the gesture slowly, their eyes welling, their chest swelling with butterflies.
‘Oh no,’ Suga says, pulling Yn into a hug, pressing them to his chest. ‘I’m sorry, was it too much?’
Yn breathes in his scent, the clean soapy smell mixed with the day’s activities. Familiarity and safety is how Yn would describe Suga and his hugs, the gesture alone could deter them from the worries that plagued their mind.
‘This is too nice,’ Yn murmurs. ‘It’s just a bitten lip, why are you doing so much over that?’
‘Well, I don’t know what’s going on in the background – I’d like to,’ he says quietly. ‘I’d like to sit here and listen to you talk about what’s worrying you, if you’d let me. You never have to, if you aren't comfortable, but I’m always here.’
‘I get it now,’ Yn says, sniffling. ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t want to bother you because I know you’ve been busy too. Exam season gets us all, doesn’t it?’
Suga laughs. ‘It does, but it’s my job to also look after you.’
‘Does it bother you?’ Yn asks quietly. ‘My lips…’
‘Well, it looks a little painful,’ Suga replies. ‘I’d hate for you to endure the pain or get an infection. That’s why I picked up the lip balm specifically for healing lips,’ he says, reading the back of the lip balm.
Yn curls into the crook of Suga’s arm, peering at the lip balm. Suga takes Yn’s chin, and tilts their head upward, gently applying the lip balm to their lips. The cooling sensation spreads over their lips like a lovely cool breeze. ‘It feels pretty good so far, thank you. Thank you for this. I never expect you to do anything for me, but this has made me feel a lot better – just knowing you care. That you’re here for me. Thank you.’
Suga smiles warmly, squeezing Yn against his chest. ‘If none of this helps you feel less anxious, I’ll just have to squish the anxieties out of you!’
‘Well,’ Yn squeaks, ‘I wouldn’t mind the cuddles!’
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minkkumaz · 1 year
Ok hi wow I was supposed to ask for some sunoo hcs (as your bf) but like..I have a bnd req now too !! I was wondering if you could write smth for woonhak where he confesses to yn, right? and then yn rejects him bc of some issues she has w herself idk…but dont get me wrong she does like him! so now what is woonhak left to do ? (ofc they still end up together < 33) (like maybe it could be a mini smau..if you could but it could also just be a nice little fic or smth) this is what i was thinking abt when i saw the heartbreak girl fic you were working on 😭 i wonder what woonhak would feel after that rejection yk? how would it affect his seemingly happy and cheery personality ? (also im so sorry if this is long atp im rambling but if youre too busy a few sunoo hcs would be just fine)
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rejecting your best friend woonhak was quite literally one of the most difficult and complicated thing in your life. you loved him, but there were so many personal obstacles in the way.
PAIRING kim woonhak x fem!reader WC 0.7k TAGS adults dni. friends to lovers. slight angst. fluff. reader needs to fix herself but woonhak comes to the resue. readers problems aren't specifically mentioned. OMI NOTE oh my goshness i'm so sorry this request is very long overdue, i've been so busy. i hope this is okay though lovey.
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after he told you those special words, confessing his undying love to you and how much he cared, you didn’t know what to say. woonhak was your best friend in the entire solar system. even alien marshians couldn’t have a relationship as close as what the two of you have.
which is why it was even harder to let him down like this. it was impossible for you to give him the love he deserved when you had so much shit going on in your head. the situation made tears sting your eyes, as you had to watch his loving face drop to an unreadable expression.
this was a roadblock in your friendship, because even after you tried to get things to go back to normal, he couldn’t face you quite the same.
you figured it was about time to have a conversation with him about what has been bothering you, but it makes you sick to even think about. because even if you told him, he might not understand.
it made you feel even more selfish when jaehyun had to ask you what happened between you guys, and why woonhak hasn’t come out of his room for some time. how his normally bright and cheery demeanor was suddenly cold and distant.
this made you realize that you had to talk to him about things. to clear it up and make it right. you were sick and tired of letting him believe you weren’t also madly in love with him.
taesan snuck you into their dorms late at night, there was a soft glow from the cracks of woonhak’s door that shown down the hall. you thanked him profusely before making your way to his room and knocking on the door.
“jaehyun leave the food at the door.” he groaned out.
“woon it’s me, y/n. let me in please?” you found yourself almost begging,  hoping he’d open for you.
a short silence was interrupted by the sound of footsteps and the doorknob unlocking. you opened the door and followed in behind him. he looked tired, his eye bags more prominent and hair just slightly messier. if the thought of him ruining himself over your rejection broke your heart, this sight shattered it.
“do you need something? it’s kinda late you usually don’t come over until the day.” he mumbles.
“we need to talk about this. talk about us..” 
“there’s nothing wrong with us y/n, we’re best friends remember?” he tried to reassure you.
“that’s the problem woon, i hate seeing you like this knowing that you have feelings for me and–”
“it’s over y/n, just let it go.” he interrupts, falling backwards into the comfort of his bed. you lay next to him and stare up at the ceiling.
“i hate seeing you know you have feelings for me and i like you too, but there’s so much shit going on in my life that i don’t think you deserve to deal with that.” you exhale, feeling a weight be lifted off of your shoulders. theres a dip in the mattress when woonhak quickly gets up to lean on his arm.
“wait you like me back?”
“i might’ve loved you for longer than you’ve loved me, woon. it killed me to reject you but i knew i had to.”
“y/n.. you know how much i care about you, i’d do anything to help you.” his gaze softened at your eyes visibly starting to tear up.
“it’s so hard woon, i can’t do it by myself but you already have so much on your plate.” you sniff, wiping your eyes with your sleeve.
“you mean the most to me y/n. even if we stayed friends, i wouldn’t be able to see you hurting like this and not break my back trying to help you.” you giggled at his comment.
he took his hand to wipe the tears that fell from your face, you whispered a small ‘thank you.’
“let me take you on a date. maybe we can forget about all these hard things together? and even if things get more difficult i’m right here with you.”
“thank you.. i’m sorry i made things so hard for you. you look like shit.” you joke between stuffy nosed laughs.
“don’t forget you made me look like shit, how was i ever supposed to stop loving you?” he pouts.
“trick question, you were never supposed to stop. because i love you too.” 
“i didn’t want to make an effort to try the impossible anyways.” woonhak smiled at you, fixing the hair that clung to the wet patches on your face before kissing your tears away, “let’s feel better together, yeah?”
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yungchaeng · 2 years
can i request #3 fluff prompt with nayeon? and i don't think i've said it but i seriously love your writing!
Smile (Twice: Nayeon)
genre: fluff - word count: 1025
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As studious as you were, not even the toughest exams could get you to frequent the library as much as you did lately…but she could.
Maybe it was the furrow of her brow every time she eagerly turned a page of a book she was reading. Or perhaps you were enticed by the way she almost crawled into the book at what seemed like particularly exciting parts, and she’d adjust the specs she wore with a swift motion of her finger whenever it nearly fell down her nose.
Whatever it was, it made you hope she’d walk through the door every time you were at the library. It kept your mind clouded with thoughts of her when you tried to concentrate and made you long for just a second longer whenever she’d leave. You were so struck by her.
Today, she walked in in the morning time - earlier than usual, a pleasant surprise. She wore a simple crop top paired with some sweats, but with the way she way you were eyeing her she might as well have walked in wearing the most impressive outfit at a fashion show. You almost couldn’t keep your eyes off of her.
She walked past you over to her usual seat on the other side of the library with a new book firmly pressed to her side. Briefly, your eyes met hers and you panicked, immediately burying your head back into your book as you slapped yourself across the face mentally.
How awkward. Way to go.
It took some courage to look her way again. She seemed to have long forgotten about your little interaction as she was already staring intently into the book that captivated her almost as much as you were captivated by her.
You looked up at the person suddenly standing over you and were met with one of the teens working at the library. You recognized him from the many times you saw him stacking away books and he had even helped you find some textbooks once or twice, but never had you had casual conversation.
“Uhm…hi?” you half-asked.
“Okay, I’ll get right to the point.” He huffed. “Me and some co-workers have this bet about how long it would take you to go talk to her….and I’m kinda losing.”
You gave the boy a horrified look. Although you wanted to play dumb and ask what exactly he was talking about, you knew you’d been found out. You’d been staring at this mystery girl for way too long and you just got called out for it by a bunch of kids. What does one even say in this situation?
“So how about I give you a free coffee if you just up and talk to her?” he asked, or rather pleaded. “Please?” His determination truly made you wonder how much money this bet was truly for (and if you could get a cut of it).
However, you took this as your sign that the time was now or never. With some expert negotiation, you managed to get two free coffees from the deal. One for you, one for her.
Then, after a small peptalk from teen-aged cupid, you huffed and made your way over to the girl you’d been infatuated with for weeks. What could go wrong? Worst case scenario, you’d have two free coffees and could stay up for hours, caffeinated and replaying where it all went wrong.
Oh gosh, it was too late turn back now.
When you got to her, you tried to ignore your heart beating quicker. You were more nervous than you’d ever been in your entire life, but you tried wishing that feeling away. You shot one more glance at the librarian and he gave you a thumbs up along with an order to smile. He was most likely right, the nervous look on your face was probably not a sight to see.
“Hi.” You awkwardly coughed, but she didn’t hear you. Panicked, you looked over at the boy again, but his head was already buried in his hands as he slowly shook it from side to side.
Okay, you were on your own.
“Hey, there.” You tried again, louder this time.
Thankfully, this did catch her attention. She looked up with a questioning look and closed her book. “Hi?”
You fumbled a bit over your words when she looked at you. “I, uh…you’re probably busy, but I- uhm, I’ve seen you around and kind of wanted to get to know you…do you like coffee?” you asked, and offered her one of the coffee cups in your hands.
“I’m actually more of a tea girl…” she grimaced.
“Oh.” you raised your eyebrows, already slowly backing away and sighing at the silent rejection. “My bad, sorry-“
“Relax. I was kidding.” The girl snickered and patted the spot next to her. “I like coffee, come sit.”
“Oh, thank god.” You quickly spoke as you let out a breath you didn’t even realize you were holding. Without hesitation, you sat next to her and let out a deep sigh of relief.
“You’re funny.” She spoke. “I like you.”
And then she smiled at you. Brightly, from ear to ear. For the first time, you saw an expression other than concentration and her usual intense focus on whatever she was reading. So, you marvelled at her cute gummy smile, displaying her bunny teeth and the full extent of her adorable cheeks – and you took a second to appreciate the sight, a smile of your own having found your lips as well.
You often thought she couldn’t get any more enthralling but were very glad that she had proved you wrong about this.  
“What?” she asked when you stared, that smile still dawned on her pretty face.
“Nothing.” you chuckled and adored her. “It’s just, that’s the first time I’ve ever seen you smile…and you’re really beautiful.”
When she shyly laughed, you bit down your lip, trying to stop yourself from smiling too hard. If you weren’t smitten before, you most definitely were now and, in that moment, you vowed to yourself to make her smile for as long as she’d let you.
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sunmoonjune · 8 months
Oh my gosh I can’t believe I’m so late to the party but I finally had time to read Spring Tides and ohhhhhhh myyyy gosh!!!!
1. I’ve missed your universe so much! I’m about to reread all of ltm again because I’ve missed it so much and this was such a wonderful treat that I didn’t realize I needed!
2. Wooyoung finally got rid of the shackle! I’m so happy to see the little sunshine finally put it behind him and be free! He absolutely deserves it!
3. Man, tattooed Ateez really is my weakness I loved hearing about what tattooed they all have! I love how they’re connected to each other (or they’re not and I’m horribly wrong) like it’s so adorable and wholesome!
4. I love love LOVE Bug talking more and getting used to her voice again! The way you talk about her voice getting better and her getting used to it more made me smile so big my cheeks hurt. The sound I let out when she laughed and took her mask off wasn’t human I swear! I was so happy to see it and it’s so deserved! Bug deserves all the happiness in the world and I’m happy she has Ateez to bring her that happiness.
You have once again done such an amazing job with writing and I really hope life is treating you well! 💖💖
Also I saw your author’s note and could I please be added to the tag list? If not that’s completely fine! Thank you in advance! 💖💖💖💖
omg spooky!! it's been a while lovely I'm so glad to see your user in my inbox <33
hehe I'm so happy you liked spring tides and another look into the ltm universe! I too was missing bug and the boys so I was very excited to release it <3
yes!! woo gets rid of the shackle! this is technically a bit of a spoiler but I couldn't help but throw it into the oneshot too see how many ppl would notice OoO but it will be addressed in the future >:)
tattooed atz!! I actually had all their tattoos planned from the beginning of atz (except a few) and just... forgot to write about them tbh xD but yes!! a bunch of their tattoos are linked to each other! ESP woosan (their matching tattoos in ltm drive me and loren BONKERS I swear we talked about them for like two whole days) but every member of atz has some kind of tattoo in ltm and I'll start slipping in references to them as the story goes on xD
bug using her voice <33 I didn't want to jump straight into her using it completely because I honestly see her continuing to use the language of touch and sign more commonly than her voice since she's spent a significant portion of her life selectively mute,, but I also wanted to show that with a lot of time and healing, being able to speak was something she became more comfortable with <3 she truly does deserve the world tho omg I've never loved one of my own characters more <3 :")
I'm so so happy you liked the oneshot!! It makes my day to get asks like this so thank you so much dear <33 and I think you're already on my taglist for ltm! unless I'm mistaken (I could be its been a long time :')) ) if you didn't get tagged when spring tides came out let me know and I'll see if I messed it up!
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fallingforel · 1 year
Hi love, can I make a request for Sam where it’s the first time you’ve slept together and it’s the morning after and you wake up in his arms and it’s all really sweet and soft with lots of kisses and caresses and you’re enjoying that moment together? Thank you so much 🫶🏼
a/n of course I can love, here it is, I hope this was something you were looking for... if its not sorry. I just had major whiplash from writing the most angstiest piece i've ever written to now a fluffy piece, funny really but anyway. enough of my rambling on with the showww
PROMPT: none
WORDS: 1,488
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Sam and I had been going out for a fair few months now, taking things slow after I had been through the wringer too many times with previous relationships and sam understood that. It wasn't until the fifth date he took me on that we even kissed.
"Y/n It's lovely to see you again." sam said greeting me at the door with a bunch of flowers. peonys my favourite. he took note of that on the first one we ever went on.
"Oh my gosh that has to be the biggest sweetest smelling bunch I've ever been given, even when I left my job that was a big smelling bunch, I've ever been given like."
"yeah well, biggest sweetest smelling bunch for the biggest sweetest girl like"
"your too kind sam. I'll just put these in water and then we can go"
"Okay. I'll wait out here. Don't want to make your housemates question us."
"No need come in, there all out anyway Take a seat on the sofa."
"Thanks y/n." he says stepping inside, perching on the sofa.
"no worries" I say grabbing a vase and popping the flowers in them and a bit of water. before picking up my clutch from the kitchenside where I left it.
"lets go then shall we, don't want to make us late like"
"aye. ceemon then" he says wrapping his arm around my shoulder walking with me to the door.
walking with me to the door. "thank you sam for a great night. I think it was one of the best nights I've ever had, just like the past four other ones we've been on this month"
"aye, nee bother sweetheart I'm not that interesting. surprising we've gotten this far to be honest"
"don't be silly, you are so cool and interesting. I look forward to hear all about what you've been recording and whether you've been to the pub. that story about you helping dean with his broken leg. You are by far, Sam one of the best boys I have ever gone out with" I say leaning in to kiss him. He pulls away from me
"shit, I over thought this. sorry. I should've asked. Sor-" he cuts over my rambling by pressing his lips to mine once more deepening the kiss this time his tongue lacing over my teeth asking for entry which enters. My back hits my front door I wrap my hands round his neck my clutch bag dangling off my wrist his hands on my waist. I pull away after a few moments.
"That- wow! that was one of the best kisses I've ever had. Thank you again Sam"
"No worries darling. See you sometime soon"
"yeah. I'll message you this week letting you know when I'm working" I say hand on the handle of my front door, only opening it when he turns the corner. I step inside and screech. "Y/n? Are you okay" Gianna my housemate asks "yeah I'm okay." I say covering my mouth with my hand, doing a quieter screech this time muffled by my hand.
We had a few more dates after that, each being a little bit better than the one before. Last night however was one of the best nights I've had with sam, with anyone in a long time. It was the one where I had invited him over to stay. Introducing him to my housemates, unintentionally
"sam! you're early." I say stepping out of my house for a second, thank god it was me that answered the front door. and not gianna or alexia, they'd have a heart attack if they found out this way.
"I just couldn't wait to see you, I've been going mad this past fortnight not seeing you, darling" Sam says pulling me in which I soon reciprocate. Lips meeting. everytime we kissed it felt like we were on fire.
"I can't stay out here too long, Al and Gi will start to get suspicious." I say pulling away
"actually, did you want to meet them?"
I wanted to introduce the three of them to eachother soon, but not this soon. Oh well you know what they say. No time like the present.
"I thought you wanted to wait a bit more. at least until we were official like." Sam says, hands still resting on my hips
"Yeah, but you're hear now. so may aswell."
"okay sweetheart. whatever you feel like."
"Okay wait out here. let me speak to them first" I say shutting the door slowly and carefully.
"Gianna, Alexia. I have someone I want you to meet." I say walking into the living room,
"Y/n your scaring us. Who is it? It's not a boyfriend is it? I saw the peonys 2 months ago For goodness sake you know how the last one went" Gianna was the mother of the friendship group always caring out for me and alexia, she had taken on that role for me as soon as both of my parents stopped caring about me.
"I do not want a repeat of Henry, god he broke your heart one too many times" Alexia broke out. It only made me more anxious for how they would act towards Sam I didn't want them to hate sam making him anxious to come over. Alexia was the overbearing one always. When she was cold towards you she was cold towards you. You knew that she had that level of despise towards you.
I sigh. "It is a boyfriend. But both of you have to know that I've been seeing him for two months now. I wanted to make sure things were okay with us before I introduced you to him. I'll just go grab him"
"hes outside?" Alexia asks shock lacing her voice.
"yeah, he surprised us" I say shrugging with a smile on my face. Going to the front door grabbing sams wrist yanking him inside, lightly.
"Gi, al. Meet Sam."
"nice to meet yous." Sam says from beside me.
"nice to meet you too" Gi says.
"Nice to meet you too" Alexia says
"well... this is awkward" I say
"divvent have to be like. Ceemon. Lets play a drinking game."
"okay sam, whats your last name so I can call you by it?" Alexia asks
"Fender" he replies
"right Fender let me go get the vodka like"
cut to 4 hours later and the girls were leaving the house off to a club. where they were meeting there boyfriends.
"I'm warning ye fender, one chance."
"aye, and that one chance'll last no breaking this lasses heart for as long as I've got her like"
"okay" she replies shutting the front door.
"finally" I say replying slamming my mouth onto sams kissing him where our other kisses were slow and there was no need involved. this one was fast and filled with want and need, more like to jump each other's bones.
we both moan into the kiss stripping each other of our clothes and walking our way up to the bedroom sams backs of his knees reach my bed I push him down onto it breaking the kiss, for a second but that was the only second he needed before he was asking me "are you sure y/n? are you sure you want to do this"
"Aye sam. are yee daft, I want this more than anything. now shut up and let me on with it like"
"okay" and that was it before I was slamming my lips back into his and the night got swept away from us. spending a lot of time in eachother and in the sheets together.
I woke up to my back being tickled. I turned around to face Sam and I was completely in love. "Mornin' darlin'" He whispered "Mornin'" I said letting out a stretch and sigh at the same time "I've been doing some thinking" he says in a hush tone "Oh yeah? and whats that?" "I was wondering if you'll be me girlfriend like?" "Sam, I'd absolutely love to be your girlfriend" "Good now comin for a cuddle and a smooch?" "Yeah go on then" I scooch over and rest my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around my naked body pulling the covers up over both of our bodys and starts tickling my back again.
I lean in for a kiss and he kisses me back. Slow and sensual this time, no sense of urgency whatsoever our lips move intact with each other. It was only after a few moments I lay my head back down on his chest.
"Tired babe?" "yeah just a bit. I'm gonna take a nap right here if that's okay?" "course it is darling" he says running his hand through my hair this time having moved from my back and into my hair. And that was how we spent the rest of the morning.
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friendsdontlieokay · 1 year
Dear Will,
Gosh it feels weird to write to you when you're literally in your room, but the truth is, I've become so distant lately, I don't know if I can even talk about this face to face with you, but I want to, I really want to, and by the time you get the letter I might not be here anymore anyway so I guess it's alright, right?
Will, I think I know what is going on with you, no actually I don't think so, I know so, and I know that you know it too, but I hope that you know that whatever happens does not matter, you're my baby brother and I will always love you no matter what happens, you don't have to feel like you're all alone in this world because you're not, even if I'm not here,I'll always be here for you.
And by 'I know what is going on with you' I meant that I know that you like Mike, and to tell you the truth I kind of figured it out before even you did. I thought that maybe you'd come to me to talk this through but I was wrong, and to be honest it's not even your fault because I've been so distant lately, or stoned, as you prefer to address it, the main point is I know I've lost the right to be your brother, let alone be your friend, a long time ago, and maybe I've also ruined the safe place where we could talk to each other, I definitely have. But just so you know, I've already pre-planned and prepared everything to torment Mike if he ever dares to hurt you or El, so do warn him about that.
I am so very sorry for everything Will, I really hope and pray that you'll be able to forgive me and find a friend in me again but Will, I just want you to know that I really miss talking to you, playing stupid little games with you, pretending to be asleep with you in the middle of the night so mom couldn't catch us, sneaking out to watch movies with you, listening to the clash with you, almost blowing up the kitchen while teaching you how to bake, Will, I just miss you a lot, and I wish I could fix these but I'm afraid there's not much time left, brother.
Will, I've been chosen, by Vecna, or cursed, whatever you call it. It's been a while actually, headaches, nosebleeds and nightmares but yesterday...yesterday I saw the clock. Actually I'm kinda surprised I'm not dead yet, but since I could manage a little time, I'm writing you this letter.
Don't be mad at me, at first I did think of sharing it with you or the others but I kinda figured that we actually have way bigger problems than this, yeah I know I still could've told you, or mom, or Nancy, but to be honest, even if it seems a little funny, lately I've been feeling like a plastic bag on this earth,or a blood sucking leech to be more precise who's just getting in the way complicating things more than they actually initially already are so I might as well let Henry take me as a bait already. Will, please do not ever turn out like me, I know you will never, it's spiritually impossible to ever happen but still, please don't.
The reason I'm telling you all this is because you're still my best friend and my favorite person, and you always will be, and remember that nothing in the universe can ever change it okay?
Will, to be honest I think I'm scared, I don't know what to do, it's like I'm walking inside the darkest tunnel and even though there is light outside, there is no way out and I'm too scared to even find a way so I'm just letting death befall. Still, there is a part of me that does want to make everything okay again, to fix it but I'm afraid that's not possible, not anymore, but right now, I'm too scared to give in and too scared to let go too. So, little brother, you got to let me know, should I stay or should I go?
Love, your useless big brother Jonathan
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fluentmoviequoter · 8 months
okaaaay, first of all i just wanted to say that i've been OBSESSED with your writing and your fics about victor vale lately. it's just SO good???? just know you're changing lives out here
second of all, my request was yet another angst w victor (maybe with a fluffy ending??), but sort of inspired by the grudge by miss olivia rodrigo? i was just listening to this song rn and then this thought came to my mind all of a sudden 😭 idk if you're gonna like the idea, but if you don't, that's absolutely ok ❤️
Oh my gosh, thank you so much!! Changing lives? You're too kind. I absolutely love this idea; I don't listen to Olivia but I actually really like this song! It definitely gives Victor Vale vibes! I hope this is along the lines of what you wanted and please let me know what you think!! (PS, you said 'another' angst to fluff, did you request one of the others? If so, thank you for coming back and did you like it?)🤍
Warnings: ANGST, gets a little fluffy toward the end, spoilers for Vicious. 1.8k+ words
"The Grudge" by Olivia Rodrigo (explicit version)
Like a Grudge
The phone rings, and a rare photo of Victor smiling at you lights up the screen. Your day brightens as you answer. Summer is approaching quickly, but Victor promised to spend extra time with you on Fridays.
“Hey, Vic,” you greet, smiling at the flowers he sent you this morning.
“I’m leaving,” he interrupts, out of breath but emotionless.
“What do you mean?” you ask, sitting up.
“I have to leave. And I am never coming back.”
“You’re leaving school?”
“I’m leaving everything.”
“Why?” you whisper, remembering his promise from a few weeks ago. He said he’d be by your side through anything and protect you, hurt people before they could hurt you. And now, he’s doing the very thing he promised to protect you from.
Your world shatters around you as the call ends. Victor chooses Angie.
You sit up with a choked gasp, your sheets tangled around your legs as you wipe your hand harshly across your cheeks. Victor chose Angie like he always does. The memory of Victor betraying your trust, leaving you, and then hanging up on you still confuses you. Victor was your entire world, and he left, crushing your happiness between his fingers. Life without Victor is different than you expected, and the ghost of him haunts you every week.
The dead flowers on your desk are the only physical reminder of Victor, yet he never leaves your mind. Staring at them, you imagine Victor sleeping peacefully, unaware of the pain you’re experiencing, even years after losing him. You doubt he ever thinks about the damage that he did. Every single detail of the day Victor left you is vivid, but the slow, love-filled moments from before fade more each day. You cling to the memory of him, his voice choosing Angie, and the lack of care he ever had for you. 
You kick your sheets off as your heart rate slows, pulling your knees to your chest. Part of you, deep down, wonders what it would be like to wake up beside Victor, leaving this nightmare you call life behind. You know what you’d say. Despite what he did, you still love Victor Vale with a deep, undying love that you hold to like a grudge. As his voice fades, the nightmare returning to its waiting place in your mind, you stand from your bed, passing the flowers on your way to another day filled with distractions.
Since Victor chose Angie, his voice has been ever-present in your mind. It morphs daily; his simple answer of “Angie” becomes “I chose someone better” when you feel like you aren’t enough. Angie Knight was a part of Victor’s life, but he was yours. Or, at least, you thought he was. You had never worried about him finding someone better and leaving you, and it came out of nowhere, changing your life forever.
“What is taking you so long?” your best friend huffs, pushing your door open.
You stare at the flowers, and the pile of dead petals at the bottom of the glass directly mirrors your shattered heart.
“That boy did some damage.”
You shake your head, trying to be tough. “I don’t care. I’m completely fine.”
“Then why keep them?”
“Let’s call it a reminder of my past mistakes,” you answer, brushing past her as you struggle not to scream.
Your act that everything is fine, that you learned from the break-up and got over it quickly, is a failing façade. Under the fake walls you’ve built, you are utterly broken. The tough exterior hides the pain and tears threatening to spill over at any moment, but it doesn't make you feel any better. Victor made leaving you for Angie look easy, with no emotion in his voice as he said goodbye (though, you didn’t even get that, just "Angie"). If Victor made that look easy, you can make moving on look easy, even if it’s impossible.
Walking into the restaurant, you hope your friends celebrate the weekend without asking about your nightmares. You’ve regretted confiding that information to them since the night you called. You just didn’t want to feel alone, but the Victor-sized hole in your heart can’t be filled by gossip and perfume-coated hugs from girls who will never understand what you’re dealing with.
“How are you?” someone whispers.
You pick up your glass, taking a quick drink before raising it slightly.
“To cursed memories,” you say, deflecting from answering.
In your effort to forget him and block the memories out, Victor is the only thing on your mind. He never leaves, and for some forsaken reason, you don’t want him to.
“You should forgive him and forget him!” someone cheers.
“Then move on to the next!” your best friend adds.
Smiling, you wish you were strong enough to do that. Maybe desperation could force it, too, but you need Victor’s memory, or you’ll have nothing to live for.
The first breath you take after getting in your car is cleansing. Your friends try to cheer you up and give decent advice, but it doesn’t help. Nothing short of finding out why Victor chose Angie will cure you.
Looking at your reflection in the rearview mirror, you go return to Lockland.
“I’m leaving. Angie.”
Right now, sitting in your car, you hate Victor, and you’re prepared to argue. It happens often: arguing with a ghost in your head, in your car, and in the mirror before bed.
There are hundreds of things you could have said instead of the tear-strained “Why?” you managed. When you picture winning, you lie about cheating on Victor or tell him you won’t miss him, anything to make him feel an ounce of the pain you did.
Winning in your mind is cathartic, especially when Victor falls to his knees, clutching your hands to his chest as he begs you not to go. Fantasising about when he’s sorry is fun at the moment, but when the nightmare returns and you remember the truth, it’s like you’re back in that moment.
There should have been a sign, a clue of some sort, that Victor was unhappy with you and looking for something new, different, or better. As you try to understand why he would do all this to you, you often wonder what you did to deserve it. Could you have saved everything by being less like yourself and more like Angie? Would calling Victor and telling him you loved him a few minutes earlier have changed anything? Victor had to have been unhappy and insecure, because you know in your heart that hurt people hurt people. Had you realized how hurt he was, you would have done everything in your power to heal him, to make him invincible.
“You hurt him too,” you whisper to yourself in the mirror.
It was never intentional, but Victor Vale was easy to hurt. You weren’t always there for him, didn’t notice when he needed to talk, or, evidently, when things were too much for him. You both drew blood, but those cuts were never equal. The scrapes you left on Victor will never hold a candle to the fatal stab wounds he gave you, and they still hurt.
The flowers really need to be thrown away. Cleaning your room, you keep stopping to look at them. It’s been years, but moving on seems impossible. 
“Coming!” you yell, snapped out of your thoughts by a heavy-handed knock.
Opening the door, you freeze. You should slam it, throw the vase, do anything to keep space between you. But you can’t move.
“It’s been a while,” Victor says, his hands in the pockets of his trench coat. “I- I just needed to check on you.”
“You needed to check on me?” you repeat quietly, holding the doorknob with white knuckles as you look anywhere but at Victor’s face.
“A lot has happened, and Eli,” Victor begins, but you don’t want to hear it.
“So now I deserve your pity and care? Last I checked, I didn’t.”
“You- can I come in? For just a minute, and if you want me to leave after sixty seconds, I will.”
You clench your jaw as you step back, counting in your mind as he begins talking.
“Your flowers are dead,” he points out.
“Your flowers,” you correct.
“Mine- those are from ten years ago?”
“Yeah, apparently vitriol makes flowers live longer,” you snap. “You’re wasting your minute.”
Victor’s brows furrow as he says, “I tried to be there for you, but when everything happened-“
“You tried to be there for me? You built me up to watch me fall, Victor.”
“I was trying to protect you.”
“From what? You?”
“Yes!” Victor shouts, his hands raising and falling. “Look, everything fell apart, and I didn’t want to drag you down with me. I know that I should have gone about it better, but I was running out of time and your safety was more important than answers or explanations. That’s what I thought, at least.”
“You betrayed me for my safety. That’s an interesting approach, Victor,” you say, crossing your arms across your chest.
“You don’t believe me, I get it. But we were in Merit - for Eli - and things started looking better, and being this close? I couldn’t pass the chance to check on you.”
Victor falters slightly before saying, “Yeah. My, uh, my friends Mitch and Sydney.”
You nod, glad that he has everything but wants more.
“Well, your minute has been up for a while, so you can go.”
Trying to be tough, to be mean, you’re disappointed when the comment doesn’t come out as sharply as you intended. You haven’t looked at Victor yet because your eyes will betray your emotions. They will show that you still love him.
“I know you don’t care, I guess that’s fine,” you add, walking toward the door.
“It takes strength to forgive, but I’m not sure we’re there yet,” Victor says, cutting you off.
“You moved on, Victor,” you reply, missing the flinch at your continued use of his full name. He wants to ask what happened to ‘Vic,’ but you continue, “How is Angie?”
Glancing over your shoulder, you watch Victor’s eyes widen as he asks, “You think I left to be with Angie?”
“What else was I supposed to think?”
“I left because I killed her.”
You fall silent, a wave of memories crashing over you. The EO topic was a joke as far as you were concerned, but it explains the sudden changes in Victor and Eli and their subsequent departures. Looking up at Victor, you remain in place, unmoving and failing to find something to say.
“Why’d you keep the flowers?” he asks, cutting through the tension.
He confessed something, so you decide it’s only fair to do the same. “Even after all this, you’re still everything to me, Vic,” you whisper.
Victor's shoulders fall slightly before he looks over your shoulder to the window behind your table. Hearing a giggle, you turn quickly and see a hand retract into the bushes outside as the dead flowers turn green, blooming again.
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dragonmasterhiccup · 28 days
((I hope ur okay with asking the u the mun questions as well)
Question for hiccup — if you were put in a room with every single person you have ever met, who would you look for first?
Question for mun — what is the longest rp you have had on this blog? Why did you choose hiccup to be your muse?
"Everyone I've ever met? Since you said 'person', I'm guessing dragons aren't included? My first thought would be to find Astrid first, she'll help me find my way through who I want to see versus who I wouldn't want to see. Then again, I'd also try to find my dad, as well..."
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(((Absolutely! You can ask me or Hiccup just about anything!
Oh, gosh! The longest rp? There are a few that have been going for a long time...but, I think the longest would be with @tallestgrace. We've been writing almost daily for months, and our thread may have had a few time skips, but it's spanned about a year in their universe now!
If by longest, you mean in a different way, the thread I've had going with @oneofgodsowncreations is still going, and that was the first one I was working on when I made this blog.
So, believe it or not, I actually made this blog on a whim one Sunday morning just after waking up! My sister (the second blog mentioned above) had been asking me to make a new rp blog so we could write together again, since tumblr locked me out of my other blogs. I made a sideblog, and four months later, here we are!
Now, the reason I chose Hiccup, is mainly because I had rewatched the httyd films in late February, and watched Race to the Edge for the first time in March and I ended up binge watching it because it was so good. I've been lowkey obsessed with it since, and Hiccup seemed like the best choice because he's my favorite httyd character (Toothless too, he's just adorable)
And there you have it! :D)))
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queenofbaws · 2 months
💖🎶🐀 for Blood of the Covenant, Water of the Womb, please and thank you!! :-)
well oh my good golly gosh, don't mind if i do! ;)c hehehe
💖 What is your favorite moment in this WIP?
hmmmMMM this one's tough, because we haven't gotten to my fav part(s) yet and i don't want to spoil things, soooOOOOOOO here's what i'll say >:)
since blood of the covenant, water of the womb is TECHNICALLY the series and not just oooone lil' old fic........my favorite moment in all in the family is jack watching chris, caleb, and kaylee pop their skin for the first time; my favorite part of like wringing blood from a stone WILL involve a big family argument where too much is said by literally everyone involved*; and there may or may not be two additional (hypothetical) fics where my fav moments involve travis making the mistake of meeting his heroes(?) and a certain someone from bobby's past coming to family dinner
HYPOTHETICALLY. hypothetically. :)c
🎶 Do you have any other WIP related things, like moodboards, character portraits, playlists or similar?
I DO!!!!!! outside of the little mini-moodboards i make to promo each chapter, i have a sideblog - @hacketthouse - that's sort of like...a "living" moodboard, if you will, in that i'm always adding stuff to the queue over there! it's really just a bunch of stuff that matches the vibe i'm going for with the whole series. it's moodier/more serious stuff than the things i tag 'the hacketts' here on my main, so just don't expect the same goof-em-ups over there, hehe
i also have a spotify playlist i listen to while writing! it's very very long, there's a lot of weird choices i've made on it, but it's what gets me in the groove when i sit down for a long writing session in north kill ;)
and while i keep TELLING MYSELF i'm going to eventually make a big old edit with the whole fam-damily and the character traits i imagine they have (similar to the promo materials from the quarry), alas, my self-confidence with edits is still pretty low, so...i haven't scrounged up the courage to do that yet, but maybe one of these days!!
🐀 Name three reasons why this WIP is great at being insert genre here.
i think blood of the covenant, water of the womb is great at being a buddy comedy because heheheh nah, i HOPE blood of the covenant, water of the womb is good at being a horror series because
most of the horror isn't coming from the monsters at all, but just the deeply, deeply troubled family foundation and subsequent idea of morality they're working with, which i think is kind of the real horror of the quarry if i'm being honest
there really aren't any "good guys," or at least not traditional ones; just those who have a vague idea of what they're up against and those who most certainly DON'T
so much of these stories is inspired by my own family, and like. this BETTER be halfway decent horror, okay, because please let me get SOMETHING out of what these people have been putting me through lately 🤣🤣🤣
random wip asks!
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bradshawsbaby · 1 year
M'dear I hope you're well and I do apologize for not coming back to the ask box as often. I think there's something wrong with my brain because the brain farts are uncontrollable lately (lol).
Halloween has been on the brain alot lately, maybe it's just the changing of the seasons up here in Massachusetts and the fact that it's already October (I'm dreading winter honestly because that means I'm gonna have to help my dad put the snow tires on the car sooner than later), but I've been having some really, really cute Bob thoughts lately.
So I'm doing my teacher training in the next state over and storytelling is a really, really huge part of grades 1-8 (even beyond that and in early childhood but I'd have to write a book to explain all of that, lol) and we had to pick a story that we would tell the younger children. One of my classmates had a book that's a Halloween parody of "Goodnight Moon" but it's called "Goodnight Goon". The entire time we were reading it, all I could picture was Bob reading it to Auggie and Patrick and the younger of the two being like "Goon! Goon!" in his little baby voice.
Auggie definitely gets all excited when you put on the Peanuts holiday specials, Especially The Great Pumpkin (I've shared this around alot and I hope you don't mind). He thinks watching Linus roll that pumpkin around is the funniest thing in the world and it got even better when Bob made a Great Pumpkin marionette out of felted wool from your craft kit.
I have so many more thoughts I wanna share with you my friend, but unfortunately if I share them all at once it'll probably be too long of a blurb (lol).
Oh gosh, this is just so sweet! 🥹
I feel like Bob has the energy of a perfect Fall Husband™️. He’d so happily take you and your babies to the pumpkin patch and the apple orchard, and then he’d play with the kids in the backyard while you’re in the kitchen baking pumpkin and apple pies. Once the sun goes down, you’re all cuddled up under the blankets on the couch, watching the Peanuts holiday specials and enjoying mugs of hot apple cider.
This life when? 🥲
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c-o-t-o · 1 year
Nah holy fuck ABSOLUTELY shocked at the quality of that Denji Shower fic, I love him so so much you did him SO much justice!!! I could feel both the intensity in the shower and in the bedroom, specially at night when everyone's asleep
Listen your writing was so good on Denji I'm gonna go late to uni 😭 (worth it tho cause I wanna kiss this man so bad)
I seriously hope you keep it up, I'll try my best to support you all the way and keep the good works coming!! Seriously love it 💖💖💖 Denji deserves a couple bjs and more! (Also something tells me that fixation on his cord is gonna end up in a cameo from the Chainsaw Devil himself.... hardcore, feral sex? More likely than you think....)
Nevertheless I hope you're having a good day!!
Oh my gosh I can't begin to tell you how much this means to me! I was honestly worried that maybe my writing was going to be too long and drawn out for people. I really love writing about the little details because I feel like it makes it more immersive! I used to actually write fanfics a long time ago and stopped, so it feels really good to get back into that.
Knowing that somebody is supporting me this early on with my blog is so heartwarming and really motivating! I was having a really rough day and this already turned it around.
Well, you're in for a treat because apparently I don't know how to keep things short lol, so there are at least another two parts coming out for this! I'm so thrilled that you enjoyed it enough to reach out to me, and I hope you enjoy the rest! I've been obsessed with chainsaw man lately so there will be much more to come in the future!
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shecallsbs · 5 months
get to know the mun!
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  name — Nova!!
  pronouns — She / Her!
  preferred comms — If we know each other pretty well, or we've been mutuals for a while, I'd love to chat with you on Discord!! But the DM system on Tumblr is always a-okay too!! 💜
  name of muse — Lauren "BS" Dearest
  experience in RP — Although I've really only been RPing on Tumblr for a year or two, I've roleplayed on Discord for much longer! I'd say I have about 5 total years of experience!
  best experiences — It's not centered around any one person in particular, because I feel it with so many writers here, but ohh my gosh the feeling of stumbling onto a blog you've never seen before, reading their bio and rules, and falling in love with it immediately? It's amazing every time!! I love coming across new blogs!! 🥺💜
  pet peeves / dealbreakers — I don't have that many, I think...? I hope..? I'd say the only solid ones for me are forcing a plot another mun is uncomfortable with, or pressuring other writers into writing certain dynamics or ships!! Comfort and boundaries are a big thing I always try to respect! 💜
  muse preference — I don't have much in terms of preferences!! Writing for an oc automatically means I'm usually open to a lot of things by default, especially since other writers are being open to me and my muse- it makes for a lot of fun with branching out! If I had to say anything, I've had the most fun writing Lauren in either angst threads, or comical ones! The fluff hasn't found her yet, but it's developed her character in a way I'm really proud of!!
  plot or memes — I'm okay with either!! Memes can be really fun for throwing muses into situations I haven't thought of yet- but it's so hard to beat the fun of plotting with someone, even if it can be really nervewracking to reach out!!
  long or short replies — It can depend on what we've previously written together, or what's already in the thread!! I have an easier time with long replies of all things, because I overthink my short replies! 😂
  best time to write — Whenever the time finds me!! I'm usually so worn out by the end of the day, but my writing tends to come in really strong bursts towards the end of the day!! (Late night writing sprees are also common for me, so if you see me reply to a thread at 2 AM.. 😂)
  are you like your muse? — Yes and no!!! I tend to be overcommitted like BS is, and I'll catch mighty strong streaks of perfectionism in myself and her! But I'm also so different from her in so many ways, just like she's different from me! 💜 Some of my own experiences went into her, but Lauren's gone off and found stories of her own to be a part of!
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Tagged by: I stole this from @scrrowblue!! Thank you so much for posting it! 💜
Tagging: @pinkxknifes, @sheepfated, @gutsypink, @revived-spirit, and @/You!! 💜
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