#gosh i feel awkward
mellpenscorner · 7 months
Jane Austen: and here we have the love interest. He might have some issues, but once you get to know him, he's a great guy. Good looking, heart of gold, the works.
Charlotte Brontë: get ready for the weirdest man you have ever met.
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fate-defiant · 1 year
Duck hits different when you're no longer thirteen and in the throes of navigating friendships for the very first time and defining yourself by your social ineptitude.
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carrie-tate · 4 months
Sooo, people
Does someone want to see my (tword) drawing with my oc and tintin 👀 ?
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quietlyblooms · 1 month
someone explain to me why going to a new place for a new activity gives me such anxiety that i switch outfits multiple times and take several hours to get ready vs the maybe one hour it usually takes me. why does my brain do this to me and how do i make it stop 😭
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queenofbaws · 4 days
Hi Queenie!! How are you? I hope better!💚
May I ask something with Ashley and his friend Andrew? I'm so curious about this friendship!! =D
"Here," she said, and somehow his brain registered that before it could make sense of what she'd set down in front of him, "I don't know if this makes us even, I mean you did let me copy like, a lot of your notes, but I thought it was, y'know, a start anyway."
'Uh, thanks:' that's what Andrew meant to say, the words he was already shaping with his mouth, the conscious equivalent of an automatic email reply...when he saw the sticker on the side of the cup. What actually came out of his mouth was, "You remembered my order?," bewildered, shocked, stunned, insert additional adjectives here.
"Yeeeah...?" Ashley began, meeting his confusion with her own; her hand had been on the back of the chair beside his as if preparing to pull it out, but now it paused, uncertain, the situation having clearly gotten away from her (from both of them, really).
The silence stretched on for...it was impossible to say how long, really, just that it was too long, and so he scrambled to fill it, managing a tight smile and a tighter laugh as he explained, "Just not used to people paying attention when I talk, I guess...this is, uh, thanks."
Across the classroom, Taylor raised her hand, the suddenness of her voice making them both jump as she called, "Hey John - any chance I could get some extra credit for not barfing all over the floor, watching these two discover what it means to be social?"
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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faggotwalkwithme · 3 months
i ummmm i think i’m hanging out in a hotel room with some actors? an actor who is famous here?? maybe????
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samrut · 1 year
Over here once again worrying over a tumblr mutual, I haven't seen active for a while.
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slimeciclecock · 10 months
thinking back to the conversation charlie and mariana had during purgatory where the qsmp members might plan another get-together at the end of the year and a lot of them would love for mariana to come ....
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age-of-moonknight · 2 years
Hey, what do you think about Greer x Marc? Do you think they would fair up well as a couple or they should stay as just very good friends?
Eeeeeeeh, I guess in the grand scheme of comic book relationships, they wouldn't be the most outlandish couple out there, but personally, I feel like they've both grown a lot as individuals and are no longer quite as close as they were during their time together on the West Coast Avengers. I guess now would be a good time to mention that, while I'm not usually one for shipping, I am a sucker for good platonic relationships, so personally, I'm very fond of how Mr. MacKay has chosen to depict Marc and Greer as two people who used to be very close for a brief moment in time and are now reconnecting in a no less special or caring way. Personality-wise, I'm sure some writer somewhere could make it work maybe???? But -- again, personally speaking -- I can't help but think that where Marc currently stands, he's still wrestling with his "isolation = protecting those you care about" mentality, so he may not be in the best place right now for a romantic relationship in general???? (We'll see where he's at in, like, another year hahaha) And while I'm far from as knowledgeable on Greer's character as I am on Marc's, she always seems fundamentally very self-assured, whereas Marc's whole deal is the tension between viscerally knowing himself and cycling through different masks (and by that, I mean just how Marc himself interacts with the world himself, in addition to his complicated history with Steven and Jake), so idk, where their relationship might work for a while, there might be deeper, fundamental differences in how they approach life???? A bit of a sanguine vs melancholic dichotomy to be pithy about it.
So yeah, I think it's definitely not a horrible idea; I personally just think they've both moved on from their shared romance and are currently enjoying their very capable friendship and professional relationship, but that's firmly imo hahaha
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
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i am thinking about chiyo avoiding yuzu bc she has no stinkin' clue how to handle the situation and she's just?? this woman is a stranger to her and yet someone who, in another universe, would be one of the people she's closest to. she should be able to spill her guts to this lady, lean on her like a daughter does, but that's just not how chiyo's mind works -- and would anyone's? but she feels guilty bc she can't give yuzu that connection just like that. what if she never can? she shouldn't feel responsible bc relationships take work on both sides, but she knows how difficult she can be. she hates that she can't just embrace this situation like someone else might.
the thing is, though, yuzu doesn't expect them to be instantly thick as thieves. she's not sure if she could do that either, considering everything. but she'd be stupid to not take the chance to know the person her own daughter could have been, no matter the differences there may be. even if it takes work, even if it's awkward and uncomfortable at times, she wants to know chiyo. she doesn't have to be her mother so long as she can just know her.
it takes a bit of time for them to get on the same page, so!! y'all should definitely let me write threads concerning this situation and help these two connect properly <3
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anniviech · 2 years
Help appreciated 🙏
So, err... I've been considering offering some art commissions (despite my pressure worries around it) for a while, since, frankly speaking, I'm pretty broke and could use the extra money. 😅
However, in order to do that, I'd have to renew the annual license for the art software on my tablet, which ran out in June. 💦 (It's the only art app that fulfills my needs and doesn't keep crashing on me midst more elaborate works 🥲 Or shove full screen ads into my face.)
So... I'd kinda need some help with that. *scratches cheek awkwardly* I was thinking, maybe some of you would be willing to buy me a 'coffee' at Ko-fi? 🙈
If you do and drop a character in the comment field, I'd try to doodle a rough and quick (head) sketch of them in thanks! 💜 (The (ad-)free alternative app I've got should be able to handle that at least without crashing 😂)
Thank you to anyone who might consider helping out! 🙏💖
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lyoshaland · 2 years
i feel ill actually
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altruistic-meme · 2 years
why do i have to be so Awkward.
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world-of-thoughts · 4 months
Chers vous chimériques,
J'avais oublié à quel point il est dur de se conditionner à écrire régulièrement. Non pas que je n'aime pas ça, au contraire, j'en ai toujours envie. Mais les emplois du temps à la capitale se remplissent comme les poches des corrompus, et je vois filer les jours sans pouvoir sortir ma plume.
J'en viens à regretter mes années solitaires et inondées de temps libre, où, bien sûr, je ne prenais aucunement le temps d'écrire. Quelle existence paradoxale.
Cela étant dit, un deuxième chapitre s'est greffé au premier ! Il va me falloir du temps pour accepter que rien n'est parfait, c'est aussi ça qui est beau, je le sais. N'hésitez pas à partager vos pensées.
Ataraxie à tous,
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confusedsiewmai · 4 months
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lightninginapuddle · 10 months
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