#gosh i sure hope there isnt a typo up there
doryyaaa · 7 months
Hi 👋🏻 I really loved the hwoarang x baker reader (I'm another anon, btw) & I was wondering if I could request a part 2? Like maybe they get together after a few months and reader meets Baek later on?
hwoarang bakery meetcute pt 2 is here! 🍞❤️
(read pt 1 here)
As promised, Hwoarang shows up at your bakery’s doorstep the very next day, on the same sleepless hour when your shift is just about to begin. Though the sign firmly says Closed, he knows to let himself in. From the kitchen, you hear his sauntering steps across the shop floor.
“Hey.” Hwoarang leans against the doorway, arms crossed over his chest and biceps in full view. “Excited to see me?” he asks with a devious little grin.
You smile back at him in a simple greeting, and pull a huge tray of bread pudding from the oven. “Good—you came at just the right time. I hope you’re hungry, ‘cos I might have baked too many portions.”
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Hwoarang says, and goes to join you at the worktable. That’s when you notice him lugging a plastic bag filled with an array of bottled drinks—canned coffee, bottled tea, organic juice cartons and vitamin water.
“I didn’t know what you liked to drink,” he says, “so I got a whole bunch.”
You blink down at the bounty of drinks, then look back up to Hwoarang’s expectant gaze. He’d obviously been looking forward to this just as much as you have. You wonder if that initial excitement would fade over time, if he’d grow tired of eating bread, or if the novelty of an unusual bakery experience would gradually wear out.
Sure enough, though, Hwoarang returns the next day. And the next, and the next. He comes by at least five days a week for the whole month, then keeps coming back without fail. Rarely, he’d show up later in the morning, when the shop has opened officially and the work has fully occupied you. He’d buy some dinner rolls off the shelf like a regular customer, then quietly leave your favorite drink at a corner of your workstation. Another time, he’d be missing for the whole day only to show up five minutes before closing, squeaking past the door just to catch a glimpse of your face.
Three months into your little arrangement, you happen to pass by the bakery on your day off. Rain falls in a gentle shower, soaking the street. You find Hwoarang sitting hunched at the storefront, listless under the rain.
Looking closer, you spot the fresh bruise on his cheek, and the small cut by the corner of his lip. He has a mean glare to his face, like a stray that could bite at any time.
You kneel close in front of him, holding the umbrella over your heads. With your free hand, you slowly cup his cheek, tilting his head upwards to see better. His eyes close from your soft touch.
“It was a stupid fight. Wasn’t even worth shit. I still won though,” Hwoarang mutters hoarsely.
“I know you did. You’re strong.”
At that, he finally cracks a tiny smile. “Nothing fazes you at all, huh?”
“Nope,” you say, never missing a beat.
“Not even the scary delinquent who comes over to steal bread every day?”
“Hey, you pay up, don’t you?” Because the tip jar was always full to the brim ever since Hwoarang started coming by. You smooth out the front of his dobok, your fingers gliding over the sculpted muscle underneath.
“My house isn’t too far from here,” you say, hand over his beating heart. “How about you come over and get yourself cleaned up? It’d be terrible if you caught a cold in this rain.”
“Yeah.” Hwoarang puts his own large hand over yours, his eyes opening to you with a new intensity, hot and smoldering like a fire. “Yeah. That’d be nice.”
In another month, Hwoarang starts walking the short distance with you from home to the bakery. Under the dim streetlight, he pulls up the shutters to the store and carries the huge flour bags in for you. In the kitchen, he steals a kiss from you afterwards, pulling you in close by the waist and savoring the taste of your lips, while your hands slide up his nape, fingers in his hair, and his tongue presses into your mouth—
The shop bell rings as the front door swings open.
Hwoarang grumbles as he releases you. You instantly miss the heat of his embrace, but you’re not too disappointed. Today’s a special occasion, after all.
Today, you prepare fresh-baked pastries, sandwiches, and coffee for three people, instead of two.
“Hello there.” Baek Doo-san appears at the doorway, led by Hwoarang. “Thank you for the generous invite,” Baek says with a tip of his hat. “It’s good to finally meet you.”
“The pleasure is mine,” you respond in kind. “Please, have a seat.”
Baek accepts gratefully, and you all sit around the worktable in the quiet hour, Hwoarang at your side, and Baek across from you. It is peaceful, for the most part, until Baek begins his teasing.
“So this is why you’ve been in such a good mood,” he says, coffee mug in hand. “I can’t believe someone could actually rein in that bad attitude of yours. I haven’t ever seen you this well-behaved in years!”
Hwoarang attempts to kick Baek under the table. Baek swiftly dodges with a chuckle.
“I’m a good boy, aren’t I?” Hwoarang turns to you, winking devilishly. You almost kiss him right then and there. You reach up to pick a crumb from his chin.
“So when’s the wedding?” Baek asks.
Hwoarang flushes and nearly chokes. You burst into laughter, combining forces with Baek to tease Hwoarang into oblivion. The lively energy fills the room, and Hwoarang ends up laughing along with you. Under the table, you feel his hand wrap around yours, fingers intertwined.
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violetnotez · 4 years
Hi! Ummm. I’ve had a bit of a difficult day. I was hanging out with my family friend’s daughter (7 y/o). Everything was going great, until she asked about my skin (I was in a bathing suit, so I showed more skin than usual). I have a really severe case of dermatillomania that’s affected me for around 5 years now, and it’s a huge source of embarrassment for me. I have trouble looking people in the eyes at times because of my face, and I don’t wear tank tops, because it shows off my shoulders (1/2)
As I said, I’m having a tough time coping, so I was wondering if maybe you could write something where Shinsou/Deku/Tama/Shouto’s s/o (pick your favs) has dermatillomania? And maybe Shiggy as well, but like, as an older brother?? I know he has it too, and it’s the first depiction I’ve seen of it in popular media, so he’s kinda special to me. 😌 Don’t feel like you have to, just looking for some support, and you’re such a wholesome person, so. 🙈 I love you so much!!! Many thanks - 📸 anon
Hey babe! Im so sorry your feeling under the weather, you are so so strong, really. Im really honored you came to me, and I tried to get this out as fast as I could! I tried to gear it to your situation, but also to anyone that has skin conditions that feel insecure about them <3 I hope these make you feel better!!!!!
(also i didnt proofread as well as I usually do, so sorry for typos!!!)
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If your ever feeling down, Shinsou’s the type of boyfriend to make cuddle you and make you giggle
And by giggle, make you so flustered you wont remember what you were even feeling down about
Lots of pet name- mostly “babe” and “kitten”, CAUSE CMON ITS CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
“Cmon kitten, can you give me a smile? Just one-you know how much I love them”
Once you tell him your feeling down about your skin, he is just gonna give you the most nonchalant smile as he cuddles your body into his chest
“I dont see anything wrong with your skin...honestly, I see everything right about it”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚
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Okay-this baby, as smart as he is, didnt realize what your condition was at first
Honestly just thought it was your quirk
But once he realizes its an actual condition, that your insecure about, THIS BOY IS GONNA BE SOOOO SUPPORTIVE
Also is just going to be so empathetic towards you
“Gosh I didnt realize you were going through all that-your so amazingly strong, dont ever forget it!”
Will of course research it and take notes about it- anything revolving you he will immediately research it, hope you know that
He will pick up all your little mannerisms- if your hand are fidgeting, he will immediately hand you a little stress reliever ball to get ylur mind off of it or even do thing like play video games or do some training
In public if he notices you getting shy around others, he’ll give you an encouraging smile
“Here”- he will give you his hand, and then pull you closer to him so you know he is right there beside you
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚
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As socially awkward as he is, he would HATE to see you uncomfortable in public
He understands the struggle you are going through, always feeling stressed out around others and if they are judging or staring, but he’ll try to help you overcome it as best he can
Honestly tho Tamaki cuddles are really just him hugging you really realllyyyyyy soft
This boy may be blushy but he will just shower you in affection and affirmations
“You know your beautiful, right?”
Just so so sooooooo incredibly sweet about all your insecurities
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚
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Shoto is NOT shallow-like at all
And by shallow I mean he isnt geared tawrds appearances-but character and perosnality
So when you tell him about your insecurities, hes immediately just so confused
“What do you mean you feel self-conscious? To me, you look absolutely fine,”
But he will understand how you feel once you explain it him- after all, he has his own skin issues too
In public he is just the sweetest little bean verrrrr
Like very protective and makes sure you feel safe
If he ver spots soemone staring at you/you feeling uncomfrotable, he’s immediately gonna kick into Protective Boyfriend Mode
Will grab your hand gently and pull you close to him, his walk going a little faster to get you out of the uncomfy situation
“Just follow me dear- youre going to be fine”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚
Bonus: Shiggy!
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If anybody so much as gives you a wierd stare uhhhhhh
they dead
But honestly Shigaraki would probably be protective of you, like a little sister!
He gives good advice, that is just worded very very wrong
“The hell you worried about others opinions? Theyre all just little pieces of trash anyway”
SHiggy we get your angsty but you cant call society ALL trash some of us are decentttttttt
If you tell him about feeling insecure, he will instantly get defensive for you and creepy
“Huh. so somebody’s been bothering you? Oh dont worry, Ill take care of it-”
He is like a ticking time bomb with tooooo much power and time PLS CONTROL HIM
After he’s done making death threats, he will listen to your insecurities and honestly probably feel empathy for the first time in a while
He gets what your going through, and it pains him to see someone he actually cares for go through something that he is bothered with too
After your down spilling your emotions, he will give you a thoughtful look and the smallest grin
“Word of advice- people will judge you at some point, you cant control that. So control what you do and give them shit for ever thinking less of you.”
Very um-honest adivce!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚
Again, I really hope this helped you some and Im sorry for this post being so late! I hope your feeling better babe! <3
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