#gossio blog
notafunkiller · 1 month
Why would anyone lie about S A and why is the first instinct of people not to believe the victim? Even if you are wrong for believing the victim, and it's fake... it's more disturbing to immediately assume the celeb you do not even know is an angel. You do not have to accuse, but you can not defend them.
I am disappointed in so many people, rsp young people and a seb fan account for the way they immediately went to defend her. If it was a woman would it be the same?
That Twitter account deleted the tweet...
I am not a shipper or a non-shipper. I honestly do not care about their personal lives and I do not want to be for real in this fandom bc seeiously... they act as if it's a cult.
I also saw ASB tlaking abiut you multiple times and it's really weird. I never saw you talking about other blogs and you actually share all types of asks.
I do not see you as a person who would simply hate on annabelle bc you are actually giving reasons why you do not like her - they are ignoring. What it's funny is how I see your tweets defending her from them and their constant sexualization.
The whole point is: why us as a society tend to attack thebsupposed victims first?
The fact women defended men like woody allen and acted with him after everything still makes me sick.
Sorry for the long message.
P.S. I saw that you do not want to be associated with this fandom (I hope seb's only bc you are always welcome in bucky's) anymore in a way and I get it. It's a circus and a cult.
Have a good day/evening/night!
Thank you for understanding my intentions in general. Idk why ASB talks about me tbh and I do not think I wanna know what they say
That's my point too: I'd rather side with a victim first and if it's a lie or something like this, I'd rather apologize for being naive than not believe in someone who shared their trauma experience online. Men, especially, tend to bury this, and women are not believed.
I would react like this when it comes to any public person, not just her. I do not hate Annabelle at all. It's her choice to live her life the way she wants, but I find her problematic so I am allowed to think and say this.
Annabelle should, though, be treated with respect!
Some people think I made this blog for gossio, but I had this for years. This is a blog mostly for movies, books, actors, characters and writing, of course. If someone asks me things, I'll answer. I contemplated deleted ny accounts multiple times and starting over because being associated like this sucks.
Hope you're well🌼
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imagine the player sending in asks.do you think they read gossio blogs? Hope they never read fandics about themselves especially the graphic one. Just more ego boost for fuckboys who probably suck in bed. Cause random chick will never tell you what to do differen than a girl in a commited reltionship. Also i can see thm beeing selfish specially in randon hook ups
no doubt
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nostuntmanneeded · 3 years
I can see why some people bought the latest bait but personally, the fact that it wasn't a B&W picture is not enough reason for me, I mean firstly, how can you explain the B&W interactions then? That can't be coincidence and also we know they have a habit of stalking gossio blogs, many of us we're already expectng that they're gonna switch up the tactic by the time he interacted with the 2nd B&W picture because that was the 4th time it had happen, letting it happen for the 5th time would just nail the theory right on the head, people caught on to it easily, so it was bound to happen. Also I read an interesting theory from the comments saying that it was probably their way of saying "it's not over, we're still 'together'" since everytime she travels to another country there are always break up rumours, it happened the first time she went back to Spain, and it also happened the last time she went to Tulum. Hence, a B&W picture prompting a like and comment on her very first post upon arriving, just like with the colored picture, it's her first IG post that isn't a story since she came back. They we're probably saying "yep it's still happening" or damage control for the kissing story.
I agree with this!
I feel like it was a combination of their teams catching onto people noticing their strategy, and damage control for the kissing story and breakup rumors from going home.
Nonetheless, the interaction was pretty predictable and can tie into every bit of the PR narrative, just like everything else that's happened in this relationship thus far.
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frapedoypoli · 7 years
Σύμφωνα με το gossio-tv.gr, η Βαρβάρα Λάρμου, την οποία απολαύσαμε στην πετυχημένη σειρά Μπρούσκο και υποδύονταν μία δυναμική γυναίκα, μία Κρητικιά, κάνει διακοπές αυτό το διάστημα. Η Βαρβάρα βρίσκεται σε κάποιο νησί και φορτίζει τις μπαταρίες της. Η ηθοποιός η οποία έχει κορμί λαμπάδα ανέβηκε σε ένα δέντρο φορώντας το μπικίνι της και μόλις την δείτε θα πάθετε πλάκα!
Πηγή: http://ift.tt/2u48Wwl http://ift.tt/2u3fPy1
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ombrasgossip · 8 years
Look at all the new pawns for Ombra. Who do you think will crumble first? 
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