#got around playing va11halla
flowtus143 · 6 months
VA-11 Hall-A Fan Fiction: Bedtime Story
Some #va11halla fan fiction I wrote a while back. Don’t know what to do with it, so I’ll post it here. Hope you enjoy!
After re-establishing their sisterly bond, Jill and Gaby have been spending a lot of time together. They both wish to support each other through the grieving process and, in the long term, play a larger role in each other’s lives. Jill thought it would be great for Gaby to meet some of her friends and invited Alma and Dorothy to hang out them at her apartment. Alma was excited at the idea of hanging out with Jill and meeting Gaby for a second time and arrived early. The three are chatting the night away when the doorbell rings. Jill answers the door…
???: “And the crowd goes WILD!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!”
???: “And she haven't even taken off her shoes yet!!”
J: Oh, hey Dorothy. Glad you could make it.
J: You can leave you shoes at the door, with the others.
A: Dorothy! Hey girl!
D: Party’s here!!! Hey honey, hey Alma! Hey, uh, umm…
G: …
J: Right, you two haven’t met before. Gaby, this is Dorothy. She a regular at Valhalla and-
J: Relax. Anyway, Dorothy’s a regular and a really good friend of mine.
A&D: Aww, Jill!!
J: S-shut up. Dorothy, this is Gaby. She's my ex’s little sister…and kinda like my little sister too.
G: ...nice to meet you.
D: Hey, Gaby! Nice to meet you, too!
D: Oh, and I'm sorry for you loss. Jill and Dana told me about your sister a few week ago.
G: …it's okay.
G: I mean, it's not okay. I'm doing the best I can, but it's been hard. It goes without saying but…I miss Lenore.
G: Reconnecting with Jill has been really great for processing my sister's passing.
J: …
J: …yeah, same for me.
A: Wow, you were right, Jill. She is really smart, especially for someone so young.
J: Yep. Always has been. She got it from her sister.
A: Don't you mean sisters? 
J: … *blush*
D: Well, I'm glad both of you guys are starting to feel better! Gaby, let me know if I can do anything for you! I'll be more than happy to help!
J: I don't think she'll be needing your kind of help.
D: Hey!
G: What’s that supposed to mean?
A: …really, Jill?
D: I wouldn't offer that kind of help to a minor anyway!
J: Gaby, forget I said anything.
G: Umm, what kind of help?
D: The kind that…makes lonely people feel a little less lonely!
J: Just forget about it, Gaby.
G: …
G: So, you're a prostitute?
J: …dammit.
A: Like you said, smart girl.
D: W-well, yeah. But I wasn't offering those services to you! Really!!
D: I just wanted you to know that I'm here to support you!
G: …thanks. I'll keep that in mind.
A: Jill!! Time for you to offer drinks!
J: We’re not at the bar.
A: But we are guests in your home. Soooooo…
D: I'll take a beer!
J: …fine.
A: Same, since that's all you have around here.
G: Umm…I'll have some water, or…?
J: We're all having water since there's an underaged person hanging out with us.
J: (That was a one-time thing, Gaby.)
G: (Oh, okay…)
J: Four bottles of water, coming right up.
G: Thanks Jill!
D: Thanks, honey!
A: Yeah, thanks Juli-
J: Finish that sentence and I'll make you wear that water.
D: Booby hacker…dripping wet…
???: (Yeah, throw it on her. Maybe she'll take her top off. Don't you want to see her body in all its curvy glory?)
J: (…is that…?)
D: Yes, I'd love to…
J: Huh!?
A: Haha okay, okay, Ms. Stingray. I would tell you to calm down, but I know my presence, my aura, is flustering.
J: You wish. More like frustrating.
D: Honey, I've never seen you get so bothered before! You're always so calm and cool.
G: She was the same way with Lenore. Nobody could get under Jill’s skin the same way Lenore could.
A: Do I remind you of your ex? Does that mean…
J: Alright, enough…
A: Oh, sorry…thanks for the water Jill…
J: My pleasure.
A: …hug?
J: I’m okay. You’re fine, Alma.
D: Group hug on Jill! Sandwich her with love!
J: No, really. I'm fine. Next subject.
G: What do you want to talk about?
D: OH, I KNOW!!!
D: So, I have an INCREDIBLY story to tell you all!
J: Is it a story from work?
D: Yes!
A: A different type of bedtime story, huh?
J: Pfffft.
G: …
D: There's lots of rope involved too!
J: Well, tell us after Gaby goes to sleep.
G: No need to wait, I'll excuse myself. I don't think I want to hear that kind of story anyway.
J: No, don't leave. We want you to hang out, too.
G: It's fine. I'll just go to your room with Fore for the next 30 or so minutes.
“F”: But I want to hear the story too!
G: …
A: ...
D: …
J: …
“F”: …
G: …we’ll be back soon.
J: …
A: Soooo…about that rope story…
D: *ahem*
D: Saturday, January 7th.
D: A lone woman leaves a bar to meet with a peculiar client. 
D: It was a blistering cold walk through the streets of downtown Glitch City. The flickering lights of overdue MegaChristmas decorations and the hum of the neon signs were the woman's only companions.
D: She receives a call. It's the client.
D: “Hey! I'm heading towar-”
D: The client interrupts the woman before she could even finish her sentence. So rude!
???: “Be discreet. I don't want anyone seeing us meet.”
A: Oooooh, meeting with a big shot?
J: Can you get to the point?
D: But I wanted to add some drama and flair to the story!
A: Jill isn't the type to enjoy foreplay.
J: Nonsense. I play with Fore all the time.
A: And you talk for him too, apparently.
J: …
A: Sorry, Jill! As long as we're friends, you'll never live that down!
D: Skipping ahead a bit, we arrive at his place. It's quite fancy. Maybe a bit gaudy too. Huge bottles of alcohol, giant television screens, massive Texas king-sized bed.
J: Texas? I thought king-sized was the biggest.
D: I did too until I saw his bed. But that's not the most interesting part. He had ropes and harnesses fastened to these giant frames.
A: Listen, I've had my fair share of experiences with shady guys in shady places. But this is severe red flag territory. Weren't you scared? I would've got THE FUCK outta there.
D: I was a little tense, but considering who he was made me feel a little more relaxed. Plus, finger guns.
A: Right…who was he?
D: I don't kiss and tell!
A: Jill, you ask her. Maybe she'll tell you.
J: I already know who it is, I think.
A: Ugh, fine.
D: Back to the story. I was like…
D: “Umm…what are the ropes and stuff for?”
???: “For you, of course. Rope bondage. And you're the bunny.”
D: “I-I don’t think I’d make a good ‘bunny.’ I'm not into overly submissive types of play.”
???: “Don't worry about it. We’re not fucking, if that makes you feel better.”
D: My heart was really starting to race at this point. I’ve never shot anyone before, but there’s a first time for everything.
D: “…then, what are we doing?”
???: *sigh* “Everybody has a price. Here's my offer.”
???: “I’ll explain everything I want and I’ll give you an extra 25% on top of your normal rate. Willing to hear me out?”
D: “Sure…”
???: “Smart choice. Ever heard of shibari?”
D: “No…what's that?”
J: Shibari? Interesting, I've seen it before. It's the Japanese art of rope bondage. The rope is beautifully wrapped around a person's body and-
D: Jill! This is my story!
A: Neeeeeerd!
J: …please continue, Dorothy.
???: “I want to use these ropes and harnesses to bound you, pose you, and suspend you in midair. I want to take pictures too.”
???: “Here are some photos of my other work.”
D: “Wow, this is beautiful!”
???: “You can do that, can’t ya? We can get some really good shots with those extra flexible Lilim limbs. So, you in or out?”
D: “In!”
D: At first, I was terrified. I was completely naked and submitting myself entirely to a stranger.
D: But he was shockingly good at applying bondage so, my fears melted away pretty quickly. It didn't hurt at all!
A: Did you get some good photos out of it?
D: Yes! We did four different poses and got dozens of good shots. I'll show you if you don't mind seeing me naked.
A: Ehh, I don't mind. That was an interesting story, Dorothy!
D: Thanks!
J: Yeah, I was half expecting the story to be “this guy had a really weird dick.”
D: Well, that's not interesting at all! That's just my average Tuesday.
D: But yeah! That's my story! The end!
A: *clap*
J: Okay, Gaby, you can come back now!
G: Okay!
G: Shibari sounds really cool.
G: …
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dusty-cakerie · 2 years
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Jill taking her smoke break (that’s not one of the talking vending machines dw)
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theredtrails · 3 years
Another day, another indie and queer video game recommendation! Other recs have been tagged under "game recs'" if you need inspiration.
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I realize VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action is more popular than other games I've already talked about, but I finally got around to play it after meaning to for quite a while.
Va11halla is a cyberpunk-inspired bartender simulation video game developed by Venezuelan studio Sukeban Games in which you play as Jill, an aloof but kind bartender whose job is to "mix drinks and save lives". Mixing drinks is the core gameplay here, as there is no dialogue options or anything like that, but fulfilling orders and knowing your regulars' preferences will heavily influence the plot.
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More info under the cut~
I've played Va11halla during the holidays and it was the perfect occasion as the game takes place over that same period of time! Being isolated because of Covid, it really felt like spending time and chilling with friends and that was 200% what I needed. The soundtrack is AMAZING and I've been listening to it non stop ever since.
Va11halla understands that the future is capitalist, controlled by corporations and police, but also queer. I generally enjoy cyberpunk settings but am often disappointed by them, because lots of them focus on ultra violence and pretty neon lights, missing completely the mark on what makes cyberpunk interesting and political in the first place. Fortunately, Va11halla's writers have a deep understanding of cyberpunk and created a traditional yet refreshing take on the genre.
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Despite wearing its themes on its sleeves, it's not too heavy-handed and most of the ideological discussions are led through dialogue. Characters are at the heart of the game, all of them interesting and quirky in their own way, and each of them bring their own perspective as events enfold.
If you love chill vibes, cute dogs as well as deep and meaningful conversations ranging from redemption, family, love to sex work, I can't recommend this game enough!
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